Wide Putin vs Max Buffed Germany Challenge (HOI4)

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welcome to a completely normal arts of iron for campaign or totally nothing is different from usual they'll be playing as the Soviet Union and - just to make things interesting we will give Germany quite a decent buff maybe just a little buff and Italy they can they can get a little buff - maybe a little less for Germany just so this isn't nano ok we can give them the full buff they get the full bot Japan they can get a little buff just to make sure they don't do terrible ok that's probably fair since they're the AI they need a helping hand you know haha but yes we're led by wait a second is that wide ooh and that's my man wide poo and not Stalin today we're led just by white poop and it's very very blessed why Putin vs. max buff Germany and Italy let's see what happens today can we survive or will they defeat us because they're max buffs start build in some industry it'll be nice we'll have everything covered we'll start researching our heavy tanks because heavy tank Russia all the way maybe we can be meta let's just let this research slot to you know sit here for a while ok so we'll change the research here to basic machine tools cancel that and then we have this boost that we can transfer over to this and then there's only 22 days left perfect everybody loves some metagaming huh am i right we can now go on to war economy soon we'll have enough political power to go into free trade - Spanish a civil war time to win big war for the Republicans they become our puppets now in law raises stunts maybe before I'm pretty sure that's new too long resistance though wow they really allow you to have big names for your spy agencies ok so we have our planes and tanks in the south the planes will get air superiority and do a little bit of cast damage and now our tanks will grind in these hill tiles to get hill fighter because the two traits we need at least we probably want engineer too but we at least want Panzer leader and he'll fire and then we also get adaptable because we have winter specialists so you know let's start the who in the wide Putin a loyalist propaganda machine is such a bad a perfect we got Panzer leader so we can get Panzer expert now all we need is he'll fighter and then he can turn into an amazing general and we've started our journey into mobile warfare I know mobile warfare Soviet Union kind of meme but whatever I just want to make some nice tanks you know okay and we encircled Italian volunteers and at least one German tank contends of nationalist veins divisions so that's that's a decent bit of progress that's not just our traits because whoever wins the Spanish Civil War doesn't matter too much all that matters is I get Hill Fighter and maybe engineer too okay we got another encirclement that includes Portuguese volunteers - it looks like we're losing but we still should be able to win the Nationalists get to a point when you encircle enough of their divisions that they just fall apart we also got to the 100% research boost to heavy tanks so we'll start researching heavy tanks soon also so we can have these tanks ready to start producing them as soon as possible four wide Putin's great army and we made an encirclement here and we made an encirclement tier this is very good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect Spanish Civil War victory and now we can send divisions over to China well we could have sent them over sooner but I was just waiting you know and Spain becomes a puppet to their price of victory they might try to repel I don't know if they always try to rebel or if they only do when you occupy them I can't remember for sure and we will strategic bomb right here try to destroy the Japanese port oh it looks like we already damaged at one level oh I repaired it oh it's damaged again usually if it's a player they might not notice it and then get have their game ruined but the AI will probably prioritize rebuilding it but we could attrition the Japanese army quite a bit I have tons of different volunteers since - every arena in China unfortunately my divisions going to Qingdao didn't get there fast enough because you can send two volunteers to every China I still haven't even done it - a few I don't know if it's necessary we can only really do so much I have my tanks my really good veteran tanks here so they could maybe do something ok wide Putin just walked into eastern Poland that the Germans gave to us honoring the fact China um didn't end up going so well volunteers can only do so much it seems and I think the Palestine mod is causing some issues with the map because sometimes when i zoom in in certain places in China the game crashes so I'm just gonna try to not look at China as much anymore just cuz the crashing okay I fixed the problem we just had to fix the map and put things back to where they belong it must have been something with that mod that was crashing it that's the only thing I could have thought of because I don't think why'd Putin would crash the game that's just not something he would do but yeah crisis averted for now just had to disable that mod and it's a miracle that the game actually loaded even with a different map okay and time to go after Finland my tanks aren't ready usually my tanks would be ready by the time I go after Finland but there's really no need for tanks it's just for the general guy but it doesn't really matter we're a little behind on supplies too and Spain wants independence and since we didn't occupy anything since we were being nice we really have no way to stop them so yeah sure you you can be independent I fell just trade with the Allies for steel instead and focus on my own Steel might even go off a free trade too just so I can finish building up my economy and not waste all my factories because why dude he's he's got work to do still okay it's begun let's see how successful or how much of a failure this is I've never fought against Max buffet I ever in any game for any reason our divisions all have anti-air in them try to hold here and by Kiev other than that we're just staying behind the Stalin line and I'll keep making new infantry divisions to make backup lines too we'll see how bad or good it goes though I feel like this could maybe do well okay and the first battle not going so well but these are very bad divisions they are just 20 widths with nothing so they're kind of just throw away divisions things here are going pretty good our defenders are very nice we have two types of defenders the no arty defenders which are just 40 widths with two anti-air and then we have the arty defenders which have two artillery in them also see how good or bad this goes it looks like we're holding Kiev with the bad units these are level seven fourths this tile is a really optimal tile that the AI always tries to get they've bombed the forts unfortunately I'm going to not try to depend too much on the forts but I don't know things might go badly I'll watch attentively over here too because I'm interested at how well I can hold this area since Romania and like Italy has divisions over here we probably can survive I would guess Expeditionary Force from Mongolia will take that and put it up here because this is going to be pretty bad up here in the north that's the one problem with annexing all of Finland is this northern area is really bad everything is holding them that I'm pretty happy to be holding against Max buck Germany of course it's still August so I shouldn't be bragging about only holding till August but this is nice of course it's all red air an air force but it's a really bad hair force no no and they're breaking this oh no I thought this is last longer oh yeah that low infantry equipments probably causing some problems too [Music] [Music] okay we had to tactically retreat from the Baltics here our lines kind of got destroyed it was no good when they encircle the heavy here y ou know the fact that Kiev hasn't fallen is pretty blessed - usually I can hold on to this and not Kiev but I guess max buffet I has different plans or something that I'll redeploy most my tanks to the north because besides this one tile everything is going well besides that we lost this so they've lost 1.1 million to us Romania has lost a hundred thousand so about 1.2 million we've lost 400,000 which is good trading especially considering where the Soviet Union okay this is finally pretty good they're not really winning any battles besides this one in this one and I don't think they can win here they don't have any tanks up here or anything they have to be losing supply or getting weak or something at least right oh no they actually lost all of Africa hopefully the Allies try to d-day or something maybe well this is interesting having yellow air here is kind of surprising I guess so the Allies are they using their Air Force to fight the Allies somewhere because they have an amazing Air Force that I'd never be able to beat wow I've missed coldest saying everything's fine so many times but finally looks like everything's fine for the most part now wait Spain capitulated what what happened wait oh wait a second I didn't even notice hmm hmm allies invading max buffed axis this is good this is good I guess that's what happens when they lose four million men to the Soviet Union in a year well finally whoa finally they stopped they're giving us a break all of our infantry can entrench meanwhile we can gather our tanks together and finally do something maybe even take back the Baltics it must be some of this weirdness in Spain and the d-day and all that combining the Allies are losing all the rubber and Japan hates us so we can't really buy rubber from them maybe we could improve relation that's my only guests we're also may be getting an encirclement ear to Leningrad stands yes yes it does barely I do not think we need the river line anymore the Allies d-day might fail but it's quite the good distraction [Music] [Music] Germany just decrypted my cipher but that reminds me I think I have Romania cipher yes we need it now more than ever [Music] now that was intense I almost lost that at Circle meant but we got it and with that that should end things for the Romanians B we could even do a little funny naval invasion to finish them off I keep forgetting that mines are even a part of this game that's a lot of mines in this ocean um why are there so many mines here what do they what here's another place where we don't have a river line to attack over so we should be able to get a nice little encirclement over here [Music] [Music] [Music] um that's a pretty big encirclement they got some divisions out but not very many it doesn't look like they have too many divisions in general just looking at this line like what happens they destroy d-day pretty much and then all their divisions disappear after they destroy d-day I don't get it I guess onward [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there it is right there max both Germany and Max buffed Italy defeated by white Putin himself or the Soviet Union too bad that other mod kind of broke for sake of time I won't finish them off but at this point there's really nothing they can do anyway I hope you enjoyed kind of a different video more vanilla like thing but anyway see you all next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: DShakey
Views: 20,437
Rating: 4.9381642 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, dshakey, hoi4 wide putin, hoi4 putin, hoi iv, hoi4 soviet union, hearts of iron 4 soviet union, strategy games, video game, grand strategy
Id: kkoDD6-IYzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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