THIS BIGGEST STORAGE UNIT EVER / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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he was looking at this case but hold a second before we get to the look at this george oh my goodness oh man it's in here it's in here i'm here in mentor ohio rob my buddy from second sense you can see him on youtube as well he told me he had a hails of a unit probably the greatest unit in all of the state of ohio said he needed some help it looks a little small to me and we all know on what the hails size matters rob hey what's going on jeremy this is the one this uh this ain't the one this isn't the one no not this little unit i dig in the hails of a unit it is kind of small 15 by 40. it is that is a small unit that is the biggest unit i ever bought i've never even bought a 15 by 40. we've got to go see this where is it actually straight across let's go outside this one can't be inside it's too big no jeremy the unit is right here that thing is huge can we even put our arms across the whole thing no holy cow social distancing yes social distancing right there right it's also distancing there's two doors for this unit two doors even two doors this has to be the biggest one ever yeah and guess what i'm gonna challenge you you can pick this side or the other side and whoever finds the most profitable stuff floor level wait i get to choose a door you're going to let me go through your unit yes but you got to choose which side you've never seen it so you have no clue this side or the other side deal i choose the other side [Music] rob gave me this side he gave me first choice to see if i could find more profit than he could find on the other side remember head over to second sense if you want to see what's on the other side but right now i just want to see what's inside here completely holy cow dude you see what's in the back no what do you see i know it's dark don't worry i've got the old light okay you ready all right here we go whoa wow airplanes hanging from the ceiling check that out if they were paying 400 a month and they have a massive amount of airplanes hanging from the ceiling who the hell's knows how much money is in here unfortunately those planes are over on rob's channel you're gonna have to be over there to see on his side i gotta look at the competition rob went to the bathroom oh lee hails this is the side you didn't got to be kidding me look look he has a treasure chest there's another treasure chest do you see wow do you actually see the pilots look at this look at this here is a radio control mustang point oh my goodness i better not touch it that's on his side hey hey what are you doing over here hey look more airflow you're all right you're all right wow i'm glad they opened the bathroom for you yeah you picked the better side rob we better get them more than ready to dig in let's see if we can find some massive profit remember somebody paid 400 plus dollars a month to store all these incredible things there's got to be things of value in here let's just take a peek here's some things that i see first okay all right now obviously we've got the beautiful craftsman look at this we've got the craftsman tool chest a lot of times there's a rosary a lot of times guys will actually hide they'll hide well they'll hide their pew pews inside the actual toolbox so there's no doubt there's value here in the toolbox we've got the toolbox on our end that's pretty epic rob's got some cool stuff but look look look we got we got nails we got vise clamps hobby battery that's for the planes probably because i think if we can find an antique oh oh yes this look at that okay so this is one of the things that makes the plane so valuable it's the actual motor and we just found one of the motors so rob's got the massive airplanes but we got what makes it go so that's pretty epic right there i don't think this guy was actually using this toolbox for construction or remodeling i think this chest was for working on his planes let's let's peek in here really quick oh it definitely was because look at this here's all of his model paints right there and then what's this what is that oh look at this we already found it we already found it it didn't take us any time at all remember there's always three things you find and we found it already so he was he was actually using the toolbox for planes um trains and all kinds of other things in here as well and spy games that's what he was using it for in our world today you can't have enough lysol but who the hell wants lysol when they claim there's some kind of coin shortage i don't know if they know what we know but there doesn't seem to be a coin shortage in any storage unit that we find now this one is obviously robbed let's see let's take a peek here and i think he's got enough copper yeah i think he's got enough copper in there i might have to look through every single one of these to see if there's a 1943 hemi copper but before look at this george there's an old chevy 67. it's so perfect working door oh my goodness it's so awesome working door i bet the back goes up as well let's set that aside over here because actually i'm going to set it right there oh i get it now you look at all the spray paint why does he have all the spray paint oh we hear excitement we hear excitement on the other end all right well let's let's up that excitement with this i don't know what it is but it looks epic here we go here we go all right rob was just over there screaming he obviously got a good start but he don't have this yeah yes don't tell robin what is it an umbrella oh looks like it's just a number it's a mary poppins umbrella he spray painted an umbrella i actually have no idea no idea why you would do this okay but it is cool it's probably part of his experiment it was a cool box something maybe you put an umbrella on a plane i don't know remember we're looking for the most profit now one of the coolest things i found i found his mail and guess what his name is george is it george no it's jerome or jeremy check this out i was just pilfering through and look what i found more money look at this you want me to see if there's any quarters for the coin bushes make it rain oh like this ready oh wait wait wait wait wait is that silver what year is that oh that's the 64 not silver i don't see a single quarter in here you know why because there's not a coin shortage in america there's a quarter shortage because you've won them all holy oh wait there's a quarter look at all of that the goals to find the most profit i think honestly i think we're on top right now i think that umbrella definitely put us in the lead the umbrella and the coins crazy thing is is most people put the most expensive thing in the back what's the back when you have two doors i have no idea so let's just becomes the center of the unit here let's look let's look at this okay this says kok or no koko i'm just curious because a lot of times expensive things get put in bags koko i do have my gloves on oh man what kind of patch is that do you know i don't know either but there's probably oh my goodness do you see what that is don't don't get too close on it okay you see what it is though right in the eyes i can't believe we just found that okay so that is we're just going to call that a world war ii patch okay that is huge money that is huge oh what do we have here so we got a world war ii patch and we've got dvd players what's this we got dvd players and yeah it's safe to look digital tuner for a second there i was wondering if it was going to be safe or not but it is safe okay i'm guessing based on what we found in other places may not be the safest to look but you do have the day the earth stood still let's look here check this out here's a nike box nike is always good this could be money oh my goodness do you see what this is an extra vintage mini puppet a marionette dial but that's not what i was looking at look at this this is where the money is at yeah take that rod take that rod what's up now oh yeah we picked the better money toilet paper toilet paper why'd you throw it that was like the prize i got a little oh i got a little too excited with that money check this out this is a mini marionette dial disney is huge obviously and this is probably worth a pretty penny off the top of my head i have no clue how much but it's probably worth a little more than the toilet paper are you seeing what i see down here there's like a toy chest do you see that oh nice boys yeah i love a good chest as well no doubt about toy chest that's what i was talking about so here we go look at that the age of the biplane check that out boys and their toys all right i'm gonna set that aside all right i gotta get in here i gotta figure out what's in there i'm gonna have to move some stuff around okay okay set that over there should we even look at this sure come on you just wanna get straight to the chest oh this is heavy okay you can peek in this only because it's so heavy what is that okay 50 years creative pen techniques all right that's a bunch of books not saying there's not money in books now what i'm looking for this yeah this is what i'm looking for right here okay here we go [Music] here we go i like i like it already is that a nascar duffel bag it is it looks like it look at this this is all the pieces and parts oh my goodness was he ever a hobbyist with airplanes and models this is everything for airplanes and models let's just take a peek here this is for solder no that's all his tape labeled soldering have you seen my baseballs what's this okay i'm not sure what that is but there's another bag under here let's peek okay you ready oh this might oh it's ohio state now it's osu and there's another bag under this one okay here we go here we go see i'm gonna have to come out here okay let's see what we can find here let's see oh my goodness look at that from the grill that's gonna be definitely worth it that's to be worth something duffel bags alone are worth money okay andrew osborne i don't know who that is okay not uh not anything spectacular in there you know why because they save the best all the expensive stuff at the bottom in the bottom under here that's why always always they always hide it in the hardest to get places because because look at that the helicopters the helichopters because what is this what more tools for his uh graphite graphite i think he was definitely an engineer as well look at all the yeah airplane models airplane models engineering i mean this guy this guy was awesome and i'm not saying that just because his name is jeremy actually yeah yeah i kind of want to know what's in the file cabinets don't you and look he marked it orange okay let's see newspaper articles of my interest making a movie in cleveland he might have been making a movie in cleveland about this first haircut in 1947. is there a hair in the envelope do you really want to know yeah people save that stuff [Applause] oh why do you want me to i don't you don't want to see this okay you know how much your hair is falling out right now the average person loses a thousand hairs a day well since i met you 5 000 a day do you hear that yeah let's see smell it drink it get you first you first ladies first right yes always always i'm not rude rosemary barbs babies can't rosemary babies um some stuff here golden age of sports cars oh that's good if he's into sports cars too let's look down what here these oh my goodness look at this everything is categorized now we know exactly what's going to be in here there's a ring free contest country airport planes are those pictures he took look at this here's his model planes oh nice there's his model planes flying oh my goodness look at this look at this look at he liked the raceway too oh there's going to be so much rc airplanes there's rc air oh my god oh my goodness oh my goodness wow all right so now it's all documented can you there's gonna be military in here there's gonna be oh check that out there's gonna be that's worth money just a picture there there's no there's no way rob can lose on this unit none whatsoever i mean he can lose if we find more profit than him on this side but on the unit overall he's gonna make some serious bank after what we just found i can't wait to get in boxes look there's boxes here do you see the labels there george let me show some light you see that bam aircraft those aircraft what's that one say that one says flying lessons okay we'll look in there in just a little bit thanks for helping me out you know i can't read that's true all right let's take a look here and see what we got okay hammer hill in three hammer mill i thought you can't read [Music] yes look at this guys monogram is a great great company for me they're in there of course they're in there this guy was meticulous he was see this is what you want you want units when you find people who actually take pictures of everything they own and they label it meticulous like me like george will tell you i'm ridiculously meticulous i have a binder for everything look at this the models are all in there you are very organized for a male am i the most organized male you've ever met in life yes you are am i the most professional male you've ever met in your life um that's debatable am i the most weird male you've ever met absolutely yeah well you're the most weird female so oh look at this remember that's why we uh are so attracted to each other do you remember when you bought the jag yes look at that it's a lindenburg oh it's all in look at that okay all right oh man this is so cool check these models out okay there's a falcon i know exactly who's going to be interested in this stuff if conkey's flipping life adventures just cocky i forget whether it's flipping life or adventures but it's both it's it's everything it used to be flipping life now it's flipping it there it's all in there there's another one uh if conkey sees these he's going to go crazy look there's another one there's another one he he will be conquefied you think there's more models in those other hammer mill boxes i think i think we're gonna check i think we're gonna check like immediately like we have to let's do it let's do it right now okay let's pull one down it's heavy it's heavy woody hammer hill hammer hill here we go oh now you can't read again three two it's all the paints for the models that's money right there look at all these apple crates just filled with all kinds of stuff like there there could be so many cool things look at that airflex mitsubishi it's a zero right there i mean who knows just the parts and pieces just the parts and pieces i mean rob could have rob could have his entire purchase right here newport pecans plans oh plans oh my goodness i'm gonna choke on my own excitement um these are the plans for his actual look scratch a plane the newport 17. these are the plans for his plane wow okay that's going to come in handy ah george george george remember when rob remember when rob had the planes over on his side yeah guess what we have they're worth nothing unless they have his planes are worthless in regards to profit unless he has the remote hey rob you ready to declare me the winner [Laughter] you got nothing without these nothing big big money but oh wait wait look what i just found george look look oh you're not gonna believe it look at this look at this more money quarters a box of quarters is there any silver when i'm talking about big money look at that i just found more and more and more and no doubt there's gonna be a ton more we haven't dug real deep yet this thing is so huge but i thought we should at least let's take a peek here there's something in there for sure check george check this out look at this you got all kinds of old flying postcards like this you got all kinds of airplane airplane memorabilia oh here's oh my goodness look at this oh wow what's the date this is going to be it's going to be 40s war is over dayton ohio 1981 this is world war one this is world war one 1918 you have got to be kidding me holy cow that's world war one okay shane shane take this take this straight to rob don't let that get bent up or anything oh wow we might have just won it right there all right check this out this one says flying lessons budweiser 200 posters contest ideas contest photos pictures okay not sure what that is extra from samples oh george what's your favorite what what what well uh i love him there my bff what is this no way is this what it is it's what i think it is oh my goodness check this out metals and pins okay there's one here's an air metal look at this bare metal wow wow wow wow wow okay rob is definitely going to want to get his hands on this what's this one i don't know what that one is do you know what that metal is oh neither it's pretty look at this i wonder what year they are okay wait wait there's more down here no no is that more of that or is it more of elvis actually oh that's a hunk of hunk of burning love that's what that is look at this are you reading that come on come on come on over to the table we found this table in here this is the pictures maybe we'll actually find some stuff that matches oh man collectible hot wheels nice nice i mean where is the calculations when you need them look at that there's another one i know cocky would be here if you could check these old models out oh my goodness this whole it is it's old slot cars check that out this is that would go in the groove and the electric would go right in there through the through the brushes this is the motor is in there oh my goodness we're blowing him away i don't even know everything he found i mean he obviously has amazing airplanes hanging from the ceiling but check out that die cast there's a feyari right there and biari or ferrari you want me to say doll because i will i'll say it doll there it is here's one in the case okay that's pretty very cool this is an old it's an old slot car i don't want to break it okay this is an old slot car as well right here guys that's the slot car heinz this is going to be a slot car look at that look at that that's a heinz slot car it has has some issues this is going to be it does need a little tlc this is for cleaning your boot up right there probably needs a little tlc as well how cool is this box check out this car there's another slot car we are definitely finding some serious money there's another slot car this is amazing i should have bought this unit you see you see how he bends the rules dude this is not your half oh not your half i thought your oh your 20 foot is over there over there let's see he was looking at he was looking at this case but hold a second before we get to the look at this george oh my goodness oh man it's in here it's in here look at this it was 249.99 it's now you've got it for 150 not so we'll just say 150 it's in here i can feel it in here watch watch watch it's such a beauty oh nice oh man look at that can you see it oh this unit is got to be the greatest the best unit i think i've ever seen myself or rob buy in ohio and by far it is the biggest better thing vintage harley oh you know what yes it matters all right rob what was your best item uh three golden rings you found gold that's right buddy yeah but you know what i found what the engines to your airplanes and the remotes ah but you know gold gold is going good right now over 2 000 an ounce but we need to know who do you think won make sure you head over to second sense see what rob [Laughter] i'm found on all the great deals make sure you tell us down in the comments who you think won [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 57,923
Rating: 4.9427505 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: -CucXiJVIVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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