MOST WANTED Honus Wagner BASEBALL CARD I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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we saw right there the coveted Most Wanted baseball card in all of history magic about to happen it's the old rock and roll versus the new contemporary patience so we have the whole kiss unit the $90 kiss unit is out of the trailer we had to pull it all on the trailer because there's another there's another auction tomorrow in Parma so let's have a little competition what do you say there patients all right how about me versus you and again I'll win because I always do because Christian I'm gonna leave Christian out of this because I don't want Christian putting values on anything this is the competition the person who finds the most kiss items the most kiss items wins deal you found it [Music] no peeking no you can't just peek through every single toe every single box that's nice I see some soon open here some what some Snoop Dogg ah doesn't count for anything wait wait but is it in there is it in there no no no uh-uh there's no kiss sucking that's because you're a loser you are a loser um that's actually those are the arrests mug shots oh you might have to okay there you go there you go these are just the substitute I don't know this is good this has to be the worst box you've ever picked I know Howard the Duck what you don't know what Howard the Duck is no you know all of this old school music what's your favorite old school song I don't know I got a lot and you don't know Howard the Duck no Donald that's kiss is it kiss it is look kiss okay that counts that count it's full of sand in a shell okay that counts so she's got one one kiss item flowers that is fake wait that's actually that's gonna go in our West Virginia Mountaineers West Virginia a lot that is a huge shot glass oh no that one really go in our West Virginia a lot as well oh my goodness and there's like a piece of table in there you have aconite she just saw somebody she played baseball with there's a connive sabra way it's a sabe that's it you got one I got one come winnin no while the camera was off the judge Christian who I tried to remove from this entire competition says no she got to because there is a mr. speed kiss tribute band and the kiss cup fine I'll give her two points also check this out we believe this is the old rock band Jackyl and they all signed this bar stool probably and then the bar stool was cut out with all their autographs now I found other Jackyl items in here as well but that's not what I'm looking for I'm looking for kiss my turn is up let's see it's probably gonna be right down oh it's heavy it's heavy here oh you know what this is gonna be amazing I already know it's gonna be amazing okay I'm feeling it already oh there's the 49ers not what I'm looking for actually actually all right we've got a Budweiser mug there oh by the way the 49ers mug was broken if you don't see the crack okay okay so one of the baseball cards that we found the other day three million dollar baseball card actually we should probably honestly so many people told us about it so we should probably before we go any further maybe we should take a look at that card and see if it's real or not actually yeah let's go grab it right there baseball collectors trading cards okay now we opened it like this see without all these rookie cards in here we got the Cleveland Indians and then once we turn the pages all the sudden we saw right there the coveted Most Wanted baseball card from all of history we just found it in this collection there it is should I touch it should I pull it out yeah all right let's see what we got I'm a little I'm a little concerned about the oil on my hands all right what's the black right there so baseball series 150 subjects reprint oh no it's a reprint so close we almost had a three million dollar baseball card maybe we'll find the real one in here you never know we could there are a ton of cards I'm hoping kiss cards because we found kiss cards ac/dc cards if I can get some kiss cards in here every single one of those cards would be worth a single point right Christian yeah see okay all right we've got the Grand Canyon beautiful but not everybody on the count of three ready 1 2 3 Oh okay let's see here come on I've gotta have some kiss stuff there's hardly dancing probably not it's got to all be in here mathematics story of the Alamo okay all right it's all in here here it is big money yeah that's the wastewater plant that we're right next to here we batter the treadle plant is right down there - all right you guys ready yeah right next that's funny because the waste water plant literally is right next door to the all right here we go I thought I opened his upside right okay hold a second okay all right so we've got a million model cars man and not not a single kiss car in there let me guess you put it up there and you give her a clue that there's kiss stuff no actually I don't think I've already found kiss Christmas ornaments and they were worth 20 bucks apiece Oh actually more than that oh you are getting you're getting Christmas puppies all over everything makes you feel like I'm touching a caterpillar and you know what a calop it always turns into oh boy these are all my Christmas lights Chris doesn't count us kiss so points no points at all there could be kiss stuff down on the bottom you check-in no good check for money that was flat okay this is actually going really well this is what we do with glitter in this business all glitter out no bloody empty all the socks are empty everything there's some schizos take those don't want to walk no kiss right okay oh this is actually pretty cool this is a brass it's a heron it's a brass piece these are actually worth money here that's not a really nice piece that's worth money but it doesn't count for anything dad there's chess piece still still enough for you nothing hey but you want to know the good news I'm still waiting to to zero that's the good news what you in for he's trying to give me a little kiss maybe a big kiss maybe name that movie in the comments below name that movie do you know the movie for money here actually can I put this one back I don't want it anymore it's like dang it yeah I'm not worried at all I might actually oh I may have some kiss hats if I have some kiss hats let's see what I have let's see what I have what's that one Hollywood that's the old ex-girlfriends name okay she said make everybody call her Hollywood because she felt like that's where she belonged yeah it was weird okay still a couple videos of wither on the on the old youtubes there okay and yep come on we need some kiss all that we might get some we might get some okay Indians although this looks all sports-related Cowboys hunting NASCAR all right come on come on and I'm getting all sports limited edition Nolan Ryan baseball dude loved kiss and love sports yeah it's in there it's actually in there there is the Nolan Ryan limited edition baseball right there okay there you go so there's the Nolan Ryan baseball so that is in there while it's cool it doesn't make me any points and neither does this pinnacle ninety-eight can makes me no points whatsoever I'd say bless you if we weren't in the competition but we are in a competition so oh cool there's another can there collectors can okay see Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland TV guides so oh we've got tops $13.99 major league baseball card series one see what's in there wait wait it's a CD look no way we it's a certificate authenticity what is it it is a CD it is oh wait no it's a CD case with a rookie card special collector's edition with the certificate of authenticity on the back but the case is cracked it's gotta be worth something it's got to be worth something but it's not what we're looking for nor is this can this can or this can for a tool and a brave okay here we go here we go it's gonna be in here I'm feeling you see that right there look at that come on kiss malice this models kiss models kiss models here we get a little shorter yeah I gotta say my tiptoes all right let's see oh that's a model base okay two years on the paper guessing a year no 1999 July 20th 1999 was today the 21st none of us here we go here we go here we go models fun right there look at that and come on come on Bea just pick nope Epiphone Doritos pick all right not a bad find except clean it Indians checkers brand new with the hats oh cool and the is gonna be kiss I know this is gonna be pissed when I flip this over are you ready mm-hmm was a good box that's kiss something right no no no are you sure Oh kiss kiss that's the point I'm losing three two one three two one will you get don't worry about it why are you always trying to cramp my style with the judging I said I didn't even put prices on it this time Kristen and you're still trying to help her out we're just trying to take some free ones this is so rigged plus is rigged because you're always trying to make sure she wins instead of me what do you like as you are witty that's coal this is 100% real cold this is a yep that's all cold this is the real deal right there that's why have you ever felt cold no like I got a plastic I could only feel it I got plastic hole my stock Otis that's a real pole that's the real deal all right that could be worth something I don't know that's one that was pretty gone up mice got it so unfortunately no money there no I got it Wow struggling huh so this is your that is a drill and you still regardless oh it was naughty stuff the naughty stuff is always in the nightstand oh here we go hunting knife seven and a half inches not the biggest it could be bigger size doesn't matter not in there not in there not whenever we get a shelf we always want to check underneath and see if anybody tape anything nope here we go here I'm on the board got a little too excited look I'm on the board Christian what does that say okay so whether he knifed it in or I don't care that counts okay it looks like you might have knifed it right in there is there anything come on let me see that's all paperwork we're gonna see what's inside here all right sports all right I'll be kissed stuff because stuff does Zach hell as kiss stuff that's two points and now three points I'm getting three points right four points five point five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 go on 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 are you keeping track of these points here Christian it seems like you are 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 countless individuals will just go this one at 48 I don't want to beat her too bad 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 you see that piece of paper ripped right there 59 countin it 60 61 62 63 64 65 we'll just go 65 66 67 68 and 69 I'll tell you what let's just stop there there's so many good things in here I mean I don't want to beat her that bad but let's just here's what we'll do you know what this Sunday this Sunday George will auction off this entire kiss scrapbook on the live auction nine p.m. Eastern Standard Time I'm winning I think that's only one so it's all in the same item it's one fine that once trapped in there for me yeah oh this actually this could do it this looks interesting either just envelopes joint I'll take that oh you've got a little bit more than just cards of cards that's the old scores yeah Wow could be kissing there there's an open tax too yeah there are you guys are weird mustache everybody had a weird mustache back time really did you do I look like the kind of guy who could run as fast I think you'd look like Mario oh just find a yo-yo yeah yeah the real pro yo-yo would nice we gotta forget him yo-yoing up on top of a wheel yeah what is this it's a collection of presidents United States I tried it it's apparently says Denver Guam I don't know what this is New York its information bottle on the back most important thing is it has nothing to do with kiss so it does is that things are covered in the newspaper no I agree with you oh that's 911 yeah Wow balance me right now he was not born this is gross and sticky that's just cardboard you a Megan anyway there's no kiss helping me I don't like that is what there's a wallet a wallet and nothing at it oh my goodness I had this coin it's my wallet yeah you got nothing I'm back in it alright so this was some of the cooler stuff that we found in that box the locomotive stamps super cool yeah and then there's this Hollywood thing pull and then there's this coin that says it's a mint collection football thing of 1997 limited-edition and then there is also this diamond ring can you see it you and then look how did you miss how did you miss that oh no it is 10 karat gold it is gold plated though so not that great and then not look boom kiss before that's for I got a big I got I gotta bring it back somehow so I've got apparently one point after I had a ton for maybe can I do peaking is that is that legitimate that's fine alright we go here we go with the money for the win oh holy holy cards so so many things both are at their sports cards there are a ton of sports cards I'm gonna take my gloves off buddy freaking out you can't touch them look he's actually pricing out his cards see that they're for everybody who says hey you got to wear your gloves to protect you look I already got cut right there love didn't protect me from bleeding there now did it so we'll set that aside here's a 500 factory-sealed unsearched cards they look like it to all the old kirby puckett look at that turbidity 8286 okay so there's more cards that I bet you there's gonna be kissed cards in here for all the cardi holics which there are a bunch of them man this one this one we need to get some of these out of the binder a little bit of everything there's the old puzzles I think we can find and think we can find that three-point all of these ones are the pogs those are the old pogs you think we can find three million or I'd be happy with just a million dollar card what do you guys think yeah we all right we find it bonuses for you guys I give you a million dollars what was that last week you both got a million bonus oh you guys you guys still like one home okay more cards more cards I just need some kiss story of my life just need some kiss okay more cards that's the 80s and 90s baseball training cards $500 short meant more cards okay I picked apparently the wrong box what's this Grady Sizemore pretty pretty destroyed though and then we're just gonna say more cards yeah more cards so basically for those who are keeping count at home patience has four I have a whole lot more my towel I surrender I surrender you don't want this oh maybe you do no no you don't want that you want these socks i lucky son actually I wear these with my sandals perfect needles all about that might have not been the box messed up is there any kiss a screwdriver you know what I'm thinking I'm thinking because you tried to put the final dagger in me with another pod you should you should officially lose for this no horrible choice who is it I don't know what I can't read tails hmm [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 30,184
Rating: 4.9004765 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, self storage
Id: 68JYiG2kLnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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