HE WAS LIVING IN THE STORAGE UNIT / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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here's the heater he was plugged in here on the heater so we've got drugs living in the unit [Music] here we are back on the storage auction trail climate controlled right here in gainesville there are 10 units there are supposed to be 18 but the law of the writer redemption applies so if somebody comes in pays their back built they redeem all of their items they get everything back that's a good thing so we're down to 10 maybe we'll even be able to restore the love today who the hell's knows let's hit them george we got this one for a hundred and twenty-five dollars this lock right there cylinder lock let's open her up let's see what we got inside look look we got we've got one of the workers checking in say hello first time how often do you guys have auctions uh once every month once every month we will be back we will be a regular look at this this is exactly what i needed i needed i needed this is for car this is your arm rest i'm going to put this in the truck yeah arm rested all right it doesn't really match but okay complete and total garbage but look at all these buckets that's not what we were actually going for george look at this it's an old timer right on the top i didn't even see that i didn't even see that you should put that in a knife lot yes you know definitely a collectible right there just in case we have to cut it oh here's another one in case we have to cut into anything yeah hold on to that i'll keep these in my pocket and we'll see if i can not lose them okay okay so this is what i saw all right i want to show you why i actually bid 125 it was because of this right here you see that that is the grossest moldiest bread i've ever seen and i was thinking what would be better spend 125 dollars for a food fight and throw it at people see nice catch bruh 125 food pipe right there moldy bread no that's not why we bought it okay so we bought it now these are some of the things some of the signs that i saw when i was actually bidding i want to be clear we did not buy this unit to resell it we bought this unit because we came to florida with nothing right so we're taking on the challenge of trying on the challenge for the ranch via storage unit so it would be too easy to just go out and buy it we wanted garbage garbage garbage but under the garbage this is what i saw okay now i'm hoping and i'm hoping like hail so the value in this unit is we need this stuff yes so here's another dolly we bought two brand new trailers coming to florida does it have air in the tires this one is low you see that right there yeah that one's low this is a this is a more quality dolly than the other one we just need to we need to inflate so in the storage unit life you definitely need dollies and dollies i always have a dolly in each trailer just like when we're up in ohio i always have dollies in the trailers it's plus we had dollies in the warehouse tons of dollars in the warehouse look at this george you need it this is the other thing that i saw they were running power they were running swing around here looking interesting they were running power you see that right there and boom let there be light there we go now there wasn't only one dolly there was two dollies so i thought well george you can never have enough dollies i just dropped that rope on your head i thought george could use this in the house back in or we'll use it in the warehouse that we're gonna build yeah and then that way that way she can move totes around a lot easier yep yep now i saw something else do you see this case right here i was wondering what the hails could be in that case oh look at this there's the bong all right so there's paraphernalia um i gotta feel him we're going to find definitely not an o light but the other thing that i did see and i knew immediately we'd have our money you see you see this back here no jokes this time i'm serious all right we've got a eight inch drill press right here and so we don't have we don't have any tools we have nothing so this is good for us to have tools at the actual ranch now there's something else can you crush things under the drill press crush things i'm going to drill things and i'm going to drill press things that's what i'm going to do with that drill press another thing that we could definitely use for us this is going to be garbage this is going to be garbage we're just going to check are they hiding anything i won't even screw around with this though vast majority of this is going to be garbage but there's some little surprises back here look at that ryobi not the best okay the question is do you think it'll start will it start do you think it will start let's see um uh the cranky thingamajig is hanging and there you go people there's the technical term the cranky thingamajig so that's probably junk too uh i can fix that but i'm not saying that i'm going to probably not going to but here is some hidden gems back here and we got lots to look through this one looks incredible yes definitely can use that let's pull this out we don't see the hose so here we got the rigid shop vac we want to look inside see if they were hiding anything there's the home okay now we already found paraphernalia so we're going to be looking at everything to see you know are they hiding something somewhere else as well but this well we can test it let's just test it there's power there is power there's power let's test it right now let's see you got the power button in three two so i've been asking for a shop back you have mm-hmm all right so if i were to resell this shop vac this chop vac i would probably put 50 on that would be my guess but again i didn't look it up yet uh you probably can buy this one new for 99. so that that's a bonus we'll just hold on to that now look at this i didn't even see this was in here you know what i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to do a little bit of adjusting all right let's give you some elf room we'll be right back you're gonna give me elbow room you wanna brb when have you i don't even know what that means when have you ever given me elbow room never never why is not why why would you take elbow room now i bet you there's stuff in there okay let's move this for a second right next to the bread and here we go okay here we go i didn't see this now it's not in the best condition but there you got a 2700 175 cc power washer now in ohio which we are not in ohio the thing that you have to be aware of is water it's going to freeze during the winter this is florida even though we had i think we had a 28 27 degree night the other night it's not enough overnight just to freeze the pump on these so what happens is the pumps freeze i bet you i bet you this will start up for us we're not going to try right now but we'll mess around with that one okay look at this george here we go here we go i might make a little bit of a mess i didn't see this and i was thinking by the way are these porta potties yeah these are these are for the ranch this is so you can use the bathroom and not complain about iron smelling water um so the one thing i did see was the yard cart nice had i known we were coming to florida and this yard cart was gonna be in here i would have never spent 40 some thousand dollars on a tractor i would have just been like all right we got the yard cart we could use a yard cart for the chicken they'll enjoy joy rides i have a better idea we swept away the competition look at that that's a lid man not sure what a lid man is so not only do you always need a dolly in all of your trailers but you also need broom so that you can broom sweep your lockers you know how we always tell everybody check the boots people hide hand guns and pistols in the boots uh-huh there's a flask is there anything in it let's see let's check the other boot and yeah we've found expensive watches money they'll stick money down money um all right let's do this let's see what's in here yeah let's see what's in here oh george finally we can get clean clothes finally and we'll get that we'll get that iron right out of the water right i'm very sensitive to detergent so i can only stick with gain okay let's see what we have in here oh oh my goodness after i just bought a shower head but we can't use the shower at the actual ranch because the drain is clogged well we can use it you just swim and shower at the same time just wanna vary while you shower very very many things that um we have to deal with look at that there's playing cards all right now here we go this could be money right here if this do you know what version ipod this is first edition if this is the first edition we're looking at hundreds of dollars remember we paid 125. and happy look at that it is almost valentine's day it's right around [Laughter] all right we're just taking a peek let's see dear baby baby baby baby baby you are my boo boo bear i love you munch bunches and munches i love you i love you i love you we will be together soon well it did say my boo bear oh it did say boo bear so we were we're there on the boo bear all right let's see what's down here so i think this was a male's unit not not a nail unit but a male's unit that starter fluid we need that absolutely need starter fluid we've got [Music] more decking screws these are decking screws and this is aircraft cable this is 7 16 aircraft actually that's aluminum that is not aircraft cable that's aluminum but look at that this i think this might be pewter church you see that little christmas putting the candle out oh yeah boom just like that and there's another knife look at that there is another one stainless you know what going in the pocket just in case just in case i need one now we did buy two units here we got another one for 525 i think some pills and let's see what's up in here oh oh what we just found the stash we just found the stash you ready remember we tell you every single storage unit number one adult items toys number two porn three drugs here we go here we go all right uh looks like we got a little mix of everything here so we'll just set that aside oh yeah right next to the bongs from the money he might have been rolling with this you see him rolling yeah he definitely ripped there's two one dollar bills there okay so there you go we just found money in the uh in the unit i'm gonna set that aside i gotta be really careful here because fentanyl anything else remember we're always wearing gloves we love to goof around and to joke around but you always should actually be safe um safety first y'all i can't get that open let me see if i have a knife do you really need a knife we can see right through the container nothing oh there we go actually i'm gonna keep all of these too i need all of these at home okay let's count the bongs one bong okay two bongs three bombs oh that's a fancy one that's a bedazzled one three bongs okay uh there we have a giant master lock hopefully find the key you guys know how much we're excited when we find keys because we need locks all the time uh empty liquor bottles and just more really just more junk but i mean honestly all of this is money for me because i have nothing i have no tools i just started to create the shop at the ranch so one of the bays in the pole barn is becoming the shop just started and so this is actually this is good again we didn't buy it for resale we bought it because we actually need this stuff it's getting weirder and it's getting grosser as a matter of fact it smells so bad right now what's it smell like george smells like pee and poo he had a coke can right here of urine right here right here the urine was right there i went and i dumped it out and now urine smells everywhere we also found the trash bag filled with poo we didn't show it to you here's the heater you just want to see it he was plugged in here on the heater so we've got drugs living in the unit we got all kinds of crazy stuff let's kind of let's see if we can go from the back and you know i think we're gonna oh you know what this was probably his travel bag for living in here let's look at a couple things first okay look at that trash bags oh yeah which we need all the time always we always take trash bags with us in the trailers when we go to the storage unit auctions uh we got styrofoam plates which we do need don't need for the chicken all right we need those two bonus okay let's see what we have here let's check we got a baseball it looks like there is an autograph on there let's see what this is there's another little tube here i'm gonna bring them out to you okay there's like three of them back here okay you ready sterilite but i doubt that they're actually sterile but they are light okay that looks like that's a grout finished sponge rags we actually we can use oh you know what drywall he was doing drywall there's your fiberglass joint tape right there so he was wetting down the drywall living in here doing dry side hustle well i think there's a little bit of a side hustle of everything so far it looks like paint we don't have any paint we need paint we need we need orange striping paint for sure we got a bunch of tickets bus passes bus passes could be could be the whole road let's see what's in this one this one's the heaviest and we've got more paint more paint high performance wheel spray right there ideal for metal or plastic rust-oleum stops rust long-lasting finish all right interesting so we got hands of everything i still want to know what's in here but we're not to that point yet okay let's let's check this really quick by the way this is where he was sleeping right there actually we got a huge unit we got another huge unit here so i might be taking a nap in this chair before that next one because i my back is not looking forward to it but i am looking forward to is that clothing it's all clothing all right extra crusty uh this one's pretty crusty if anybody was wondering he weared he wore a combination boxers and briefs uh that's going on what's going on boxers and bruce on that stinky okay stinky man butt let's uh look at this i got two sprayers which this one looks almost brand new here so we got there's 20 bucks there's 40 there you go there's 40 bucks right there if we were to sell them i don't know what i'm going to do [Applause] george what did i literally just buy we just bought um five gallon fuel tanks fuel containers and what did we just find we just found four all right well okay let me move let me move all this out of the way okay we think's hidden in here there's a bag okay let me move this all out of the way then we'll figure out what's inside there i know i said we're gonna see what's in that bag george look what i found military issued sustainment pouch and it is it is full that's what do you think is in there uh if you are holding it right now and you are feeling the tip of what i'm folding you would know exactly what's in there that's gonna be something but before we get there or should we guess no before we get there before we get there let's peek here even though i got my eye on that up there okay uh again definitely living out of here this was probably his pack that he would take back and forth wherever he was going we have found pictures we have found a name and uh we won't be sharing that but let's see what we have in here we've got we got a rechargeable uh deck there we got a nice pink flashlight because you're my flashlight light light me are you singing to me i was singing are you saying to the flashlight i'm singing to the phone oh okay okay oh my goodness what do we have here george george bags and bags and bags george what is that you tell me what is it what is that is that what i think it is is that what i think it is what's it smell like yep it is it's tea exactly what i thought it was okay um special herbal tea and i didn't spell anything special in there but now i'm kind of worried about just jamming my hand down in here which i seem to still be doing regardless dump it all out it's too big of a mess i'm the one that has to clean it all up easy for you to say i have to clean it up all right let's set that aside let's see what's over here oh what do we okay we got a little something under there my goodness there's a little something everywhere in here isn't there just in case you ever need a nozzle or something for your for your hose there it is some more rusty tools most of this is just going to be scrapped to us it's garbage but we know george or something in here fine fun stuff there is something in here there is something in here they always hide the best stuff the contraband stuff in the crown room in our experience we've always found fun stuff right on road let's see what it is it is soldering iron all right wait wait there's something else and solder all right so that's what was in that crown royal bag not this time no looks like a bunch of tools here there's a level pro laser level we've got some cutting disc we did i think there's a grinder but we haven't seen it yet uh putty you know putty putty knife there some screws actually i was just thinking i need some one one and a quarter one and a half inch screws and boom there they are so that's kind of nice smaller level that's kind of nice and you never have enough tape measures hopefully these snips again if these snips if these snips are actually good which we could probably take the rust off of those that's a 50 pair of snips right there maybe maybe you know i haven't priced those in a while they might have gone down in price for all i know uh you got got a little tourney thing here for paint let's see what we have in here what do you think oh there you go supply stuff fishing supplies got a whiff of urine i tinkle one little bit i got excited got a little tinkle just like a dog and now now all of a sudden george can smell everything okay so that doesn't tell us what's in here though let's see what's in here what do we got we've got an ash tray definitely brass definitely brass sandpaper a connive all right some more crazy stuff let's find out george that right there i want to know right now i still want to know what's in this case okay right now i want to know what's in here more than anything okay come on come on oh charge look at this look at this george more connives than we could ever dream of one canife two canives three canives four canives five canives this is probably even a knife in here we will never ever beat without a knife again look at that you see that that's worcester brush guess where that's made worcester ohio with a urine uh i did get a whiff of urine george just was going through this bag and she found a hidden zipper and boom just like that what do we say balloons uh look at all these colorful balloons from health healthstreet.org let's see what kind of balloons do we have today we've got oh that's a balloon we've never ever found before that that is the first female balloon we have ever found in a storage unit that's a first right there right here on what the heels you just saw it that's a first that's pretty epic upon further investigation there was a cocaine charge right george yep okay so let's see what we have here we got another bag here cocaine charge on the previous owner okay yeah not not on george not on me not the chicken there we go we got some ammo let's hopefully we find the daisy rifle let's see we've got moisturizing bag you have to check everything you never know what's hidden in anything because people hide things in the stream there could be money there could be anything anything lubricating oil that's always good that probably goes with the balloons don't you think yep yeah oh yes it is in there and it's a colt check that out check that out all right so it's got a laser sight yeah yes okay so this is a colt now this has a laser sight it's got a co2 cartridge the whole deal again not a real firearm firearm this is a co2 bb gun but this is a high-end one right here so what you're gonna have you see the colt right there and then the co2 goes right in here should we check it we might as well check don't you think sure all right let's be safe all right let's be safe um wait don't you need the co2 cartridge or it's already in there no cartridge i can't shoot it nothing so it's a dud until we can put a cartridge all right i got to get cartridges which we can't get until we actually find in a unit but boom right there might be one in that bag a cartridge yeah well there might be a partridge in a pear tree but i don't know about a cartridge uh he was rolling his own junk and [Music] there's paraphernalia baggies okay um i'm just you know what i'm thrilled i'm thrilled right there now it's not what i typically want to find but this is something like that pay for the unit uh this won't be 125 but this one is pro this is a higher end this cold defender you're probably looking anywhere depending on who your buyer is you're probably looking from 75 to 100 for that right they're right now this is where all the youtube trolls go you over inflated the price hey if you can't sell that's not my problem that's your problem i sell just fine okay um we've got some other stuff up here there's inflatable mattress i'm going to set that aside this pays for the unit right there you know what that is copper that's copper no actually you know this is this like that cooler necklace and the more my neck stretches the higher the necklace gets that's what that is right there but it is or something better our water smell like copper than like iron right okay and we are working all those that are concerned about our water smelling like iron we are working towards it not oh there you go we are working towards it but you gotta remember down south in florida things move very slowly there you go you know what that is right yeah there's a seed usually we find names those are some huge baking trays there it is we already looked in here [Music] we don't know what's in this tote though okay it says zenith this is going to be [Music] computer this such computer uh this is sandpaper blossom george where do you keep your sandpaper in my zenith case duh yeah exactly who wouldn't this says rick's computer do you think it's a mac i don't know let's open it up ah there's his speakers you've got that look on your face i can't believe it were you right i i mean you did get lasik surgery so what do you see through it's not a computer definitely it's not a computer mislabeled completely mislabeled completely and i can't believe it it's a completely and totally mislabeled tote it's all for painting painting painting and more painting i even think that might even be for painting for for all i know all in all 125 it's pretty good buy [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 85,922
Rating: 4.9246988 out of 5
Id: Cwgjru0IyJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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