FOUND GUNS / ANTIQUE FIREARMS / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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hi i i can't breathe right now and i have a feeling after you see what's inside here you're going to struggle a little bit too this unit is so huge so big i'm frankly exhausted thankfully it's not just us it's second sense as well rob my boy the auctioneer extraordinaire is here with his entire team they're loading as they go through this 15 by 40 unit you want to see what the hails we find make sure you subscribe and hit that notifications bell yeah you're going to let me go through your unit yes but you got to choose which side you've never seen it so you have no clue this side or the other side man you're trying to beat it was on our side look at this you got an antique worthington double barrel shotgun beauty beautiful look at that oh man everywhere i look there's profit okay let's just grab a box let's grab a box if you haven't seen the past two videos you've got to go check them out checking them out all right george give me a guess what do you think's in here oh let's see it's a fedex box i don't see anything labeled all right i can't wait for your guess oh my goodness nice they're all in here there's a monogram models oh they're all models they're all in here check that out george all brand new look at oh my goodness i love it rob got this unit for seventeen hundred dollars plus the ten percent buyer's premium you're looking at roughly nineteen hundred dollars he's gotta make profit though he's got five four or five employees here right now and he's letting us work for free that's a bonus but the biggest bonus is all of this stuff just the collectibility look at this there's a mustang i know there's viewers out there who are going to want to get their hands on some of this stuff because they're all going up for auction these are all it'll all be up for auction but not on arsenal not on not on what the hails since we don't own this this is all second sense rob was just kind enough to actually let us come and see what's in here and he invited us to film as well he he specifically said he said this unit is too epic not to share with the world and so we wanted to be able to share with you he knows that you and him both have the same taste he knows if i would have found this that i would have bid a whole lot more than what he got it for he knows that would have been your max bid uh my minimum bid on this unit would have been five grand minimum and i would have kept going absolutely would have kept going look at this oh my goodness look at this and this stuff is all collectibility so this stuff doesn't lose value it typically goes up in value check it out the older it gets out these models man just like me the older i get the less hair less hair that's that's what we're going to say the less hair i have shelby cobra this is so cool there's the thunderbolt ah this is my kind of unit i love it i absolutely love it it's weird though because the older you get the less hair you have on your head so i'm on my back how come you're not losing hair on your back sasquatch the money just keeps raining down like a firestorm of airplanes look at this here's another one in the box there you go there check that out the p47d thunder bolt right there absolutely is there a price yep 80 bucks now that's just for the model that's not for the engine the engines are what are worth the most in these types of situations you always want that engine so we've got to find the engine we found one on our side already i don't know if rob has found any or not so let's not rub it in if he doesn't all right let's see look at this this is just like a big grocery bag all right it's a lawn leaf one of those uh yard waste bags i can promise you there is not yard waste in here you're not oh my oh my oh my oh cellophane sealed cellophane look at this look at this monogram [ __ ] racer right there collector card inside oh yeah all factory seals oh they are all factory sealed i can't believe it rob has just scored a huge collector card inside collector card inside collector card inside collector card inside all sealed but wait for more yard waste but wait more yard ways for the city to come and grab this entire this entire bag is filled of midterms erasers you want to see them there you go look at that all stinking brand new right there that one's not sealed but you can at least see what's inside oh brand new look at that the whole bag the whole bag i can't believe it george just look at this the whole bag of yard waste oh wow is that not crazy rob i'll give you five dollars for this yard waste just say yes for yard waste yes so you don't have to haul this garbage [Laughter] you know what giant boxes mean usually giant profit but rob was actually over here eyeing this box with the pink tape so i was thinking remove just a few things oh that might be a box loaded with uh things for the pew pew that you found earlier i guess we're gonna find out aren't they oh it's heavy it's heavy and i don't know what it is some type of trap there's the hole i don't know okay that one's got me perplexed so oh you know what it is this place to sit down while i bring out the giant box okay we have a giant oh man oh man oh man oh man can you use christmas believe it or not we're not even in july sparrow or december and this is the best part they are all brand new wow these these are the units model kits for days these are the units that we dream of this reminds me of the mannequin unit the mannequin unit was a good unit i honestly think this one is better there's another remodel kit that was in there um i was able to sell for 220 a piece bank just so much money okay this one got crushed a little bit but even with the crushed box we can still sell it even though it won't be us selling it it can still be sold baba black sheep somebody's gonna want it for parts somebody's gonna want it for something now this one i got a feeling the gb racer the r1 racer right there there's that so we can get the box back on that look at this it just keeps going on and on there's so much money there's so much money in this unit look at that and again if those that don't remember the original owner was paying over 400 a month for 15 by 40. that's huge and he's rented for several years you know in ohio 400 a month for a space that's premium high dollar now we understand other places california you're like oh that's a five by five listen this is ohio this is living is much better that's why people move to ohio because you become rich like that all right so there is another model cost of living is so different over here in the midwest and that's why you build business over here look at that beautiful look at that look at the dust look at it they're brand new in the box again i can show that to you and the dust means they bought it and nothing happened with it which is amazing oh check this check this out a lindenburg lindenberg is another great one look at all the dust lindenburg is another great company this is just this is just amazing there's a british spitfire there's another spitfire mk2 okay amt is another good company right there you see amt and amt is actually erdl a lot of people know ertl you know the name ertl from toys and other things but amt is another good old model company so this guy he got the good models for sure and he liked he liked the wartime planes a lot of the things that we see were wartime and he had he has a lot of wartime collectibles check that out the delta draft u.s air force want to take a peek okay just take a peek not a week all in there this is just this box right here okay this box you pay for the unit if if i had to guess i mean i haven't looked them all up that's the same that's why ebay is so important we look everything up on sold items on ebay but this box here one box in a storage unit like this like george said could pay for the entire unit if i were to give a low estimate look at this oh my goodness if i were to give a low estimate i would say 500 worth in this box that's a low estimate it's all in there oh my goodness this thing is so awesome i love this kind of stuff rob myself conkey uh andrew all of us guys uh we all end up we all end up going after the same stuff and the reality is is we're chasing our childhood we're chasing our memories of fun and this is just so much stinking fun we chased it down today we actually found it looks all in there boxes a little tore up decreases the value a little bit look at all that dust those are dust look they're not even dust bunnies the dust dust dragon this the dust is a dust it's actually a dust lobster right there see it's coming at you all right but that's the cool part because you know it was untouched it's brand new in the box this is just this is what we dream of how many times have you watched what the hails and you've heard myself or you've heard myself and rob we go this is why we do it this is what we dream of here in little ohio another huge score minecraft i've never heard of the actual minecraft models brand new oh my goodness i love it and oh oh look at this one he's got a ship he's got the uss new jersey that's a monogram another huge dust bunny oh bob just found something good rob found something good but i seriously doubt it's as good as what we're looking at right now here's some excitement oh look at this one george's oh you know he heard that look at this one george look at that look at that oh man brand new i don't even think he flinched get excited again oh my gosh oh he's gonna make he's gonna make so much money he's still not flinching oh there he goes now now you look now we got it we've been shouting for like three minutes straight up over here oh you don't even know what the hells we just found that's awesome rob's a little bit no brother i see a little wooden box that i want to take that's on his side so i'd like that to go towards what we think so what i'm gonna do we'll let today be your first crack it open so what we're looking at what we were trying to get over here is another model airplane is it in there yeah it's in there i got it i got it okay that's the box you wanted i saw it and it looked expensive okay do you want a look is it a cigar box yeah i'm starting a cigar box lot oh so anyways like i was saying i might get in trouble for that like i was saying there's all kinds of profit in here oh i just found the drugstore look at this look at all the all the drugs oh this guy was a walking farmer yeah definitely definitely a pharmacy check this out let's put that over there let's look right here see what we have i just think this guy was probably a walking genius honestly what do we have hobby lobby flying models high flight look he has everything actually marked with post-it notes i mean he knew exactly that's funny they used a female to sell airplanes uh i guess whatever beauty whatever flies your whatever flies your plane whatever yeah i can't think of anything that rhymes with playing whatever drains you're playing i don't know oh check this out look at this model airplane news 1966. look at that wow look at 1966 wow there's got to be some money right there in collectible magazines there's just there's totes everywhere i mean this that's that's mine guy right there you see the real man you know you got a real man when you got a german you know what i'm saying because you use barbara saul no just because i'm a real man oh smell me smell me you'll know see now you know now you know okay there's just stuff everywhere oh check this out george look at this look at this this is an old vintage camera another vintage camera how cool definitely collected cameras definitely was a camera collector and that's a huge area of collectibility this is a jiffy can you look in there this is a jiffy kodak a 620. i've never seen jiffy with the kodak before that looks like 50s right over there let's see if we can find anything else cool oh george george look at this some yarn no no no no no no no no look at this look at this check that out what is it this is an elgin this is an elgin this is probably has a little bit of value might have a lot of that oh my goodness look at that keychain i think it's cuter than pewter you know what i mean there's a chevy old chevy there's a vacuum cleaner what is that it's a vacuum cleaner there's a gauge and a gemini they're not they're showing their ankles [Laughter] i just put my eye on another box it's kind of like hovering over the line of each side so he's supposed to have that side i'm supposed to have this side is it line stepping it's line stepping so it's definitely harder he's preoccupied right there no it's michael jackson michael jackson you can't see this check this out look at this i just found this so nice brand new but that's not even what i saw check this out george look at this old rc cars here's the tops that you would put on the rc's okay and then check this out this everybody controls drones now on their phone this is where the power was all the cool kids look how long my antenna is [Music] there is the rc this this is the original stuff right here oh nice but check that out do you see that down there do you know what that is what is it this right here you don't know what that is that's why i was asking you i thought i was hoping you would know because you know everything i thought you knew this stuff i just thought for sure a handle to something see there's a little button there it takes a little spring and does a little something what do you think what do you think it does was that black [Laughter] we're so deep and dark into this unit now again biggest unit we've ever seen george had to turn the flash on so when you see things flying by that's just dust it's not dead people he's still alive for all you or believers let's move this one right out of the way we're gonna use that as our table and oh george george check it out more remotes look hi baby i think there's a pill for that in all reality i really i think we can fix that with a pill all right check this one out here's another one okay there's a there's charger two chargers it's gotta have some kind of collectibility let's see what we got here [Applause] you know what this means right if there's this one for all the coins that we found no not for our coins this guy has coin after coin after coin if you have all these rolls you usually have a ton of coinage as well it's got to be in here somewhere okay here is here's some fuel for the airplanes oh nice yeah we're going to set that aside we don't want to set that off on accident look at this man man oh man oh man this is what george should be filming on right now [Music] there's there's all kinds of collectibility vintage cameras old vintage cameras people love to collect that stuff let's see they're trying to hide it because airplane plans check this out check this out [ __ ] racer another racer these are all plans well maybe these are plans for the [ __ ] racer okay set those aside all right let's set that over oh there's there's an elgin alarm clock footwear box of wood look at this look at this something cowboy something billy okay we'll have to figure some of that stuff is gonna be here somewhere right it'll be here somewhere set that over and then let's take a peek over here oh that's a heavy one that's what she said okay and oh man all of a sudden all of a sudden we are not finding what we are hoping to be finding cockpit okay we might have to cross over into rob's side i think that's what we're gonna do i didn't have to go to his side check this out i found some more boxes check that out all kinds of vintage vhs yeah which vhs is making a good comeback people people want the old days and vhs players and machines those are worth anywhere from 50 to it could be 200 on ebay check this out oh look at that more vintage rc check that out george look at that wow this one's still in the box that one's brand new in the box still how cool and then it looks like he started he started or he crashed or it could be a bunch of stuff but there's money there's money here there are planes or the remains of the car he beat there are that could be two there are automobiles there are there's everything wait till you see what i'm sitting on he definitely he collected war items as well okay so we have found some other war items is that rent money i can't show this to you i can't show it to you okay that one is not family friendly so can't show that to you are you going jeremy how do you know just put it up against my head johnny carson i actually taught johnny carson how to do that and um oh look at this plus she had your lasik surgery so you can hammer bill george if we buy this if we buy this from second sense we can finally iron them nothing nothing don't let him go give it to you don't let look at that we found the remotes we have totes remote the remote we got vintage mickey here she probably danced or something we got a sports an animated vintage mickey there's another remote there's a propeller oh that one looks legit that one is serious glue another remote another remote these are all the planes if you take a peek over there look up at the ceiling those are the remotes to all the planes remotes are goats hi i i can't breathe right now and i have a feeling after you see what's inside here you're gonna struggle a little bit too do you need another break i think the first thing we need to do is get rob over here roberto rob rapido man rob rob i definitely picked the right side you think so hey once you go right you know what george you always go right you went right you know that right this i thought i went left okay now i just moved this after i completely and totally freaked out this was right over here rob right here in the middle it is in a drug mart bag and i almost passed out from hyperventilating i'm excited okay oh are you ready no okay tell me what do you think's in here i'm going to say i pete i'm gonna say a gun i flipped out already i flipped out already i'm seeing a gun but i'm not done was it another pew pew all right all right here we go rob are you ready all right here we go i got some things to hand you oh wow wow that ain't it buddy wow that ain't it that ain't it rob rob rob rob that ain't it rob that ain't it oh my goodness why didn't i not buy this unit rob that ain't it rob oh rob oh man oh rob rob there's not more rob that ain't anymore rob that ain't it in a drug mart bag in the middle of this unit oh my goodness i can't believe it i cannot believe it wow that is how you buy a unit and that is how you make profit and if you want to get your hands on these guns i'm pretty sure rob isn't going to let you buy him he's probably going to keep him baby [Music] wow [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 25,174
Rating: 4.9369087 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 7skdPJ0TPqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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