DRUG ADDICTS ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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oh it's heavy it's really heavy oh oh my goodness oh my goodness wait george do you want to tell them what we just found out we just found the name the whole name look at that um this is the exact same owner that per we purchased the other one for 125 and we didn't know it we're back here in sunny florida where we bought two units one for 125 and then the second one for five hundred would we buy everything 525 i think maybe possibly now this one this one's much larger than the first one let's take that out let's open this military military written that definitely caught our eyes when we were bidding don't know what the hells we're gonna find today here we are back on the storage auction trail climate controlled right here in gainesville we bought this unit because we came to florida with nothing right so we're taking on the challenge of finding on the channel for the ranch via storage unit so it would be too easy to just go out and buy it we wanted the challenge garbage garbage garbage but under the garbage this is what i saw okay now i'm hoping and i'm hoping like hail so the value in this unit is we need this stuff yes before we dig into this one come over here i want to show you the unit from yesterday okay this is the realism all of this all of this is the garbage from 125 unit all of this is scrapped in the middle and all of this is what we're going to try and use so that's the reality a huge part of the volume is garbage hopefully we don't get any garbage in this one check this out all right we obviously we saw military we saw tv we now hopefully the wii is in here if it's strong enough the withstand the weight of the tv we should be doing really really well but there was something i wanted even more than all of that let's move the tv i'm hoping like crazy see this here george you see this i'm ho oh no the couch smoking i hope the couch okay i paid 500 and i don't remember what it was whatever it was because i was hoping these couches would be good and i don't know i don't know i tell you what let's dig in let's see if we can find anything of value see if we can get to the couches we've got this bag you see this bag right here that's mostly just garbage that's never a good sign when the doors open that a garbage bag just what it typically means is somebody had to get out of their home they were evicted really quick really fast you go well jeremy why'd you bid on it because i want a couch for the house the camper is too small it's too packed i need something i can just crash on so i'm hoping i'm really hoping that i did a smart move and bought this unit let's check in here let's see what we have in here we've got shoes and if we've got the right shoes we're looking at money look at those nikes 11 and a half conditions those are pretty good condition oh we got old vans down here so shoes can be big money especially if we get old jordans you can see they had pets now that's one of the things we always tell you don't buy units where they have pets if you're going to resell not that we don't like pets obviously we have all of our own but because the resale value drastically goes down old adidas we've got look at this here here's some uh well i thought i just saw some with a tag there's one with a tag not nothing big there but box of shoes nothing great to write home about doesn't mean we can't sell it wait these might these might be perfect for going in the creek and looking for fossils might not for sure okay uh let's get this chair out of the way that well that is good for oh i would say roasting wieners and marshmallows and but again that's not what we're about behind you with cushioning on it i could definitely use one for when i'm working really high really nice that's a little high for you don't you think i'm gonna have to pull bolt you up there did you forget my workstation is high okay let's see what's in here i'm gonna set that shade aside now you guys know us well enough if there's anything that we can restore if we can find this person we will try and restorage the love especially since they were military but it looks like oh look at this george look at this right here oh man it is heavy oh it's heavy it's really heavy oh oh my goodness oh my goodness holy are you kidding what kind is it it's a rolex i didn't see it goodness oh my goodness see if that's real genuine swiss made holy cow we might have 10 grand right here we might have 10 000 right here oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man holy cow this would be the first rolex that we found yes yes okay okay set that aside don't let anybody know what we just found they'll start going crazy and now you're thinking why would a person who rents a storage unit lose their storage unit knowing that a rolex is in there why the hails do the any of these people do anything that they would do we will never know ever as much as we try to understand we will never know come on that's a pretty good first first glance there at a bag um you see in these side pockets see nail trimmers that's gross oh there you go a little something for the ladies and and some of the fellas all right okay so all right let's let's set that let's set that aside okay that in the pocket we better we better protect that okay and we didn't even see what's in here yet or in here or in here or in any of this stuff okay let's pull this out let's pull this out right here do you want to put it on this chair nope nope i want to go right down here what are we looking at clothing we figured there would be clothing in here if we're lucky some of there you go right there boo boos boo boos for you by you okay you know what that means george there might be some epic old school yeah are you ready to rock graphic tees in here okay there could be a lot of big money in there not gonna spend the time looking for it in there because that's not really what i bought it for let's check here i mean we started with a rolex can only get better from here right okay let's see conference some kind of conference oh my goodness laptop bag somebody's gonna get arrested for disturbing the peace dead joke okay gotta be something here huh more junk oh something's definitely in here another rolex cell phone all right so there's an old school cell phone nothing in there okay let's load that over there still got the rolex in my pocket uh i don't i don't want to touch this yet i'm going to set it over here because i like to be surprised all right let's take a peek here unfortunately you know i did see this too and i was hoping there was a microwave because we don't have a microwave at the house and guess what guess what george is in there i am almost almost positive that it is yes stainless steel microwave bam wait that's not a microwave we could use the noodle it's a wolfgang puck pressure oven this is a pressure oven this isn't a microwave like an old-school air fryer i don't know kitchen tech wolfgang puck pressure oven all right we could still use it whatever you say i can definitely put it to use what are you gonna use it for to make stuff in it what kind of stuff food what kind of food stuff that you eat what kind of you stir not telling me what are you making this kind of thing okay let's grab look at this huge thing any idea what that is [Applause] that is a stinking old projection tv it's half the size of the unit oh my goodness dinosaur tvs that thing is oh man this thing is so heavy i just saw ammo that's filled with ammo for real okay i was gonna say let's get in here but careful all right i'm going up is it what do you see i definitely see stuff it's not exactly what i thought it was not the animal stuff something threw me off okay let's see oh man there are a ton of boxes a ton there there's a lot of boxes back here like a lot just how matrix smooth that jump was very swift let's check this out all right what do we have in here oh we got our first wallet we got you in the morning with your dragon breath that's you in the morning with your you're just like that all the time i woke up like that yeah you did every single morning okay we got a dart board oh george look at this yeah there is this is another rolex timex expedition some cool stuff here what is this with that playing cards cool that's cool okay gamo all right so that's for a pellet gun so we know at least got probably a pellet rifle in here we've got let's see we got a walgreens card we got a bunch of florida gator stuff u of f u of f there is a florida gator right there wait what does he do he does something i just lost a piece see how there's a piece back here he does something i'm not sure what though this has been nutcracker type maybe gator maybe okay let's uh set that aside that's that's a pretty good box yeah let's uh let's grab this one let's see what's in here we've got a giant jar put it on your head what if it won't come off what if it slips on but it won't come off why they call you dear me jeremy how about you put it on your head it won't go on mine it won't go on mine you're gonna have to put it on yours okay one more box say we did one more box and then we'll get this stuff that we've seen so far loaded up interesting what is this florida gators today home florida gators major pops and pans look at that florida gator shot glasses on another rolex another rolex come on one more rolex we've got what is this that's as far as it goes really all right we've got stuff all right dremel tools this is a a drill master dremel tool that's what it is all right let's load this up get ourselves some room and look at some more stuff this is where i thought i saw the ammo but i i don't think so now but i definitely think there's money in here like who wouldn't who wouldn't pay for this hat right here all right we got a little bit of oh by the way george do you want to tell them what we just found out we just found the name the whole name mailing address um this is the exact same owner that per we purchased the other one for 125 and we didn't know it so common owner which is good if we're missing anything we'll be all set ready to roll but i also think we're gonna find we found paraphernalia in the other one and i think we're gonna well there's paraphernalia right there remainder you see how it double doubled it up check that out that's a cool die right there pamela lynn debbie vaughn they'll be all over that there's an old yo-yo now this is an old yo-yo we're going to have to look this up but old yo-yos can go for a lot of money it looks like it was being used as an ashtray unfortunately unfortunately okay we do have some rice in here too there's the there's the bible always in every unit and we have in here lots hardware i have a feeling this actually might be whoa i'm falling over my back is not doing here we go again here we go again all right i might as well just yep common owner and let's see what we have sentiments bam nothing probably the stash was in there shaping another rolex what was this one paul jackson that's a paul jackson never heard of that look here's another is that another i don't know what kind that is but this is gonna be calculator there's another bong and another and this is going to be jimi hendrix that's the grinder excuse me bob marley yeah it's all in there it's definitely all in there some lighters that watch might be worth something that actually might be worth something well we'll have to look we'll have to look a lot of this up obviously but um we don't have time to look it all up right now let's check out some of these totes and then you know what we could do we can try and build uh a table out of these totes so that back isn't killing me as much as it already is all right there's the bubba keg not the bubba q although that would make george happy the bubba k i mean i'm not seeing anything but pots and pans yeah kitchen stuff not too thrilled about kitchen stuff i'm gonna set that right there let's see what's over here oh yeah come on what was what boy yeah what does that mean you know i threw my back out and now you're asking okay here we go look at that right there look at that florida gators florida gators right there oh man retro bugs bunny nice says single stitch double stitch doesn't matter graphic tees are hot hot hot right now okay app on app off all right so we definitely we got clothing here and a lot of these teas the t-shirts are gonna be worth something oh look at that look at that george right there is that boston bruins we should look just really what we're looking for in the clothing is any hidden firearms but i'm gonna set that yeah or anything else i'm gonna set that right there as a table and pull out some more boxes okay pull this one out here see what we got we've got paperwork i'd really oh nutcracker but bump ching nutcracker let's see what's in here another dad joke koreas those are free of charge people free of charge all day every day this is one of those yard lights okay so this was the outdoor stuff and we're gonna set that aside let's see what's over here that projection tv is scaring me right now bad back i'm just going to call my pros at lowe's we'll get it champions this is the hats this is the hats look at that there we go oh something's hidden in here george something is hidden in here and this is why we check look at that right there the classic 76 version now you may think this is silly but during a pandemic and the shutdown these bad boys were going for hundreds of dollars as people were trying to learn how to cut their hair from home my hair just looks like i cut it myself at home but there is there is money in clippers look at all this florida gator stuff but if if we weren't florida gator fans before we we have enough to set us up for um for life now as far as fandom let's see what else there are a ton of boxes in this unit oh man here we go more totes totes my goats right there if if we have the remote the combo if we have the remote we're looking at 150 if not more and boom we got it there it is we have the remote george we got more than a remote in here we have well more than a remote look at this more playing cards sweet the elks veterans we already shared military and then there's some cool stuff in here seabourn george jeremy you seen what i see uh no no no no no don't look don't look that's don't don't don't you should you should read this and and take heed adults okay so we do have a tablet in here it's an lg with a pen i'm going to set that right here so we can figure out what's in there now i see some other stuff in here too oh the hidden usb drive right there 2.4 gigs okay i'm gonna set that over here as well and then let's see what else we have it okay these are oakley's the the case are oakleys if they're genuine oakleys we could be looking at a couple hundred dollars and they are boom bam real oakleys nice all right that is money i'm gonna set that aside too you know what i'm thinking now i'm thinking the rolex might be real i mean we obviously have to spend the time to actually find out but why would he keep high dollar oakleys in here look at this night lights we could use those for what you want me to just plug them into random trees on the property okay and look at that more lights more night lights you just flip them on okay so george is scared of the dark we have night lights now for the dark and this might be the thing that's actually worth the most amount of money okay i'm not feeling too much weight to it if this was a high-end concord it's a quartz if this was real metal high-end we could be looking at thousands but it's not look at that got an indian artifact there and look there's something else in here too across made out of nails okay all right there's more remotes there's more cool stuff there is actually a lot of cool stuff in here that's uh that's a really good tote let me grab everything is everywhere right now let me grab one more just for fun how about what do you think this one because that's what i'm thinking all right let's take a look look at that george we've got uv light we both know what this was for right based on the other unit all right so he was growing and then we've got a fan we've got shower head we got an iron we got everything but the kitchen sink but i have a feeling it's gonna be in here i really want to know what's in here but i can wait i'm patient i'm going to pull this out first so that we have a tail oh look at this oh my goodness oh this is looking good hello all right this is looking really good here we go more balloons oh my goodness oh my goodness you know what's gonna just be easiest just pull it out like this all right just bring me the garbage bag size matters all right enough said there gabe what is this made in china original what are those tattoos or stickers they're all individually baggied you tell me what are they don't touch it without gloves george sorry what are you thinking sorry remember the movie 22 jump street no what about 21 drops no all right bag let's see what we have here we've got another wallet okay we definitely got a wallet thing we got crown royal nothing in there and uh we better open the bag just check nothing nothing okay so salomon oh what do we have here look at this okay that's an old wallet leather wallet and we've got okay i see silver i see stamps as well batteries there's forever stamps we'll use those look at oh my goodness look at all the baggies look at all the baggies and the tweezers obviously along with the baggies it's a package deal right okay more tweezers more tweezers more tweezers there we go there we have some ammo right there right here we have silver that's absolutely a silver dime and then what about that nickel in the corner well more what i want to know is what what drug has the devil on the package devil's lettuce okay and we've got more over here okay so you got two penny this could be a 1943 it is a what's the year there that is 1918. and here is the razor used for cutting right there okay now some of you right now are going you don't know nothing you how dare you say that well we can say it because we already looked up the person's history in the background we already know they got busted for drugs and we've done oh check that out i was just going to throw this book away and you always have to check and we've done this enough to know all of the signs yeah we know all of the signs sweet more stamps we've done this so much we can tell you almost immediately if there's gonna be anything in here or not here's a foreign coin right there nice kind of cool there and then the gentleman's whiskey all right let's see what else is in here this is this is just the beginning oh oh oh i found some more some more balloons george digital camera bunny love right there some bunnies that's always fun and it's that sterling silver it's marked it is marked michael 925 yes sterling all right so that's good all right let's see what else we have here we've got a couple other beautiful beautiful balloons here mint chocolate chocolate strawberry balloons those are nice we've got another um well you know exactly what that is there's there is no guessing on that one you see any hoagies with them hoagies and grinders hoagies and grinders navy bean navy bean meatloaf sandwich sloppy joes slime sloppy you're not going to sing with me i don't know that song really you make it up you don't know that song oh there you go there's yours the green one 420 it's always 420 somewhere what does that mean you were not that pure sorry yeah and then there's another one right there i am is this legal in florida or illegal no florida's not illegal holy cow television [Applause] starting to feel good from smell-o-vision dude dude my back feels so good i got like a brand new bag dude okay all right usually they hide stuff in here too oh george oh nice hold a second don't show these look at this nice gift card two gift cards sweet nice okay i'm gonna set those over there there's another little bong bong bong [Music] well i think that's more that's another drug on there holy cow save on fuel and what do you think he's hiding in here definitely not m m's not m m's okay is it gold might be we'll have to take a look at it okay that was drawer number one and that's not even a thorough source that's just drawer number one i'm going to set that over here and then drawer number two oh boy here we go george here we go all right yep drawer number two here we go something's hidden in here something's in here is it crown royal something's hidden in here more creme royal bags okay this is like this is like the nesting dolls that never ends and then there's a smaller one okay i think there is more handkerchiefs i'm not going to worry about that got some cologne there uh barely legal latinas i'm not sure what that is let's see some belts here some belts yeah all right let's see what this is man oh george don't look down don't look down okay yeah just found it pound all right found a huge stash and it ain't of cash but i did find the dial soap too and then not only that something else what's this valentine's day this was underneath something's in here oh my goodness what is it another watch that one is charms charms i don't know i've never heard of that all right i'm gonna let's set that up here with the latinos latinas i know you're barely legal but you keep an eye on the watch okay and all right uh we just pulled this thing out of there right okay you know what let's just i want to get all of this in the in the trailer let's just get it in the trailer there's more to come [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 159,395
Rating: 4.7918487 out of 5
Id: YL92Su379x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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