CHRISTMAS MIRACLE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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wow what a start that's one time it's been an awesome one toe who the heels knows what else we're gonna find hey good looking hey come here often because we have been here often as a matter of fact this is day three in a row working on the seven i'll do three provisions seven units that we bought this is the last one it's a ten by ten we got it for 120 and honestly it's the most promising of the whole bunch you ready to take a peek yeah are you sure turn her up because i'm not sure you're ready i'm so excited this one's the best one we saved the best one for last okay now i'm going to tell you exactly why i bid i saw this in the pictures now no i don't want it but anytime there's horror items for whatever reason horror people pay a lot of money for horror so this has horror written all over in it and then you see all the crates uh-huh i figured for sure there has to be collectibles in here and there's boxes oh my goodness original playstation original playstation residence okay the original playstation is coming back with a vengeance george look at this we can use these we'll use these to feed the chickens little feed pans okay we'll use those to feed the chickens i think they'll love it they'll love it oh yeah they'll love it they'll love it for sure oh my goodness look at this here you know what i can't get it yet i can't get it yet all right what were you grabbing at the nerf nerf gun look at this look at this oh man george george look at this oh wow look at this oh my goodness look at this here i'm gonna i'm gonna pull we brought some empties over here i like the maryland okay there's marilyn monroe okay oh wow holy cow check it out okay this tote is awesome brand new star wars right there check that out awesome brand new harley quinn dc comics brand new oh this unit is oh there's a total long here already paid for the unit look at here this tote will absolutely pay for the unit batman the end game there's the joker dc comics oh my goodness look at under here this is an incredible start okay is that will smith this is suicide squad that's will smith right there nice man this is awesome okay we've got pokemon cards we'll look at those in a second oh this whole unit is like this there's more star wars wow what what an awesome start already all right these came with happy meals uh-huh i got to be gentle and they're in there nice in there all right these are all collectible happy meal toys i have to take these gloves off i can't do this precision work with these bulky gloves i'll allow it you're allowed now you are allowing when and when i don't wear gloves uh-huh take control much i approve okay i approve pocahontas we've got we've got return of jafar i'm sure it's in there the first one was toy story obviously in there woody bambi oh look at this my nephew dressed up as woody for halloween look at that there's avengers oh nice is that the black widow that is the black widow oh man george what a start what a star just came early in this tote look at this alice in wonderland in there all right now we're getting the funko pops oh nice red ranger that is the red ranger that's that's uh power rangers uh-huh in the box oh my goodness what's this okay that's um probably some kind of dvd player or something i'm gonna sit down side over here let's see what we have in here we've got we got a lizard that's cool we got gi joe check that out gi joe nice i bet you they're originals too let me see nope i don't think these ones are originals okay still cool still really oh my my my mind look at this we got money in a bottle we've got icp insane clown posse you know as well as i do insane clown posse that is a cult following and they pay out the yin yang for those items if we find more insane clown posse we are going to be worth a lot right this whole unit is going to pay for everything i mean this this tote right here might pay for everything i think we paid for the seven units total i think we were around four just over four hundred dollars there's marvel a couple marvel captain america these are going to make good lots here is oh look at this there's there's bane there's it's all batman there's the penguin and oh there's the joker you know who would go crazy for this stuff right now batman forever rob with second sense would go crazy yes right now this is okay mr p bobby peabody isn't in we'll set the case aside in case we find it later look at this now i got sword armor not sure why i would want the sword arm but oh it lights up and makes noises it does it does okay what else what else oh star wars star war don't you didn't see that you didn't see that look at this look at that there's more marvel there's nintendo there's street fighter nano metal figures wow wow i wish it was packaged a little bit better oh my goodness we're going to get in transformers off we find if we find original transformers and if we find original pokemon cards pokemon cards are going for thousands right now um i see hot wheels too okay there's something there all right what is this uh versace versace whether that's good or not it's full it's in there and it's full nice so that could be if it's a high dollar we share with you a lot it's a high dollar perfume it'll sell absolutely look at this there's a batman something oh rob would go crazy what is that a mask batman bandana batman ninja star this is a batman this is some type of basket a pail there's batman everything okay okay so we got batman there's there's harley quinn or joker i think it's harley quinn though this is amazing okay the batman cape i gotta be careful look at all of this oh my goodness i see more mcdonald's cups come on please be original now what year should we be looking for for those well this is 2008 we want to look 80s 80s and this is not original but still 2008 this is gonna have value there's pieces missing we're gonna look for those pieces look at this batman car look at this hot wheels batman car look at this hot wheels batman batman nice hot wheels batman there's stewie funko pop stewie oh man we jeez dc now the joker you know who would go crazy for this well we already told you well someone other than rob yeah you are yeah right now that's pretty much that's who would go crazy for it uh spiderman is missing an arm here that's amputee spider-man amputee spider-man here is the joker here is another another batman forever donald's cup batman forever there's the joker we've got iron man iron man there's darth vader an action figure a lot you real you really think you're gonna be or would you separate them or would you separate them by superhero wolverine okay here's robin here's lego robin that's cool and lego catwoman jeez this is just the beginning this is just the beginning okay pretty sure that's pokemon not positive though all right let's see what we have here we got mario we've got that's the same clown posse look at that that's wicked this is money here's another insane clown posse yeah any you you know what the skull the skull told it all that's there was money in here that's good profiling so batman forever cup right there there's mr freeze he was he was awesome in the cartoon that's what we have here we've got some kind of dinosaur okay made out of wood yep some kind of dyno made out of wood there's some kind of princess are you getting are you getting bored with this one yet no this is actually oh pez this is original and this is original [Music] and oh my goodness look at that there is another chewbacca in the star wars oh that's cool love it okay look at this check this out there's darth vader these must be pens as well um i'm not sure who that is off the off the top of my head geez we barely even touched this thing yet what do you think this is some type of poster sith it's got to be it's a star wars poster it's pretty pretty destroyed so i'm going to set it aside over here captain america there you go joker right there oh you know what you're supposed to do pull it over your head and your eyes and then your eyes go through there there's another batman joker look at this it's a batman piggy bank cool how's the stopper it's because nobody can stop the batman okay another joker another batman another batman right no star wars excuse me star wars darth vader hot wheels oh my goodness star wars star wars starting off pretty strong in this unit uh you think this is the one we wanted the other ones we just bought because they were all here and we needed stuff like toilet paper roll dispenser the incredibles here's the car this is the one we profiled and we wanted oh man that's money number 23. jordan's old jersey jordan what size is that this it's during the heyday 97.98 this is a this is bank this is bank uh the size is i can't tell the size it's probably a 2x it's big and it's bigger in profit man i knew it i knew this one and we saved it to last there's another batman bank this is just one tote they're star wars 10. darth vader mailbox tin it is your destiny oh there's a chicken rubber chicken all right let's see here's more star wars luke skywalker what is the year on these ones these are [Music] these are should be back here 2015. okay 2015 still in the package uh we got all kinds of oh i think we have a we might have a chewy head down here oh my goodness matching his it's an elf it's out so you got two darth vader masks and then that's under on no it's an actual plushy or is it um it's the elf nice alien life they still have the tag on it right back here alf alien life form 86 and remember toys from the 80s are so hot right yes they are so so hot oh my god 80s okay we got another star wars this is just man man is that a i don't even know it's not a coin bank it goes there's a top to something i don't know wow lego i see it's got to be star wars because i see lightsabers here set that aside we've got green lantern we've got stormtrooper we got man look at all these pokemon cards too okay we got bat vision okay spider-man oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we have not find your found your favorite in so long and yet here you go swords and it is it's a heavy one you know what that means there's gonna be so much good stuff in this unit we're gonna have to take our time here batman darth vader jeez what a great start oh do you see do you see do you see that was hidden under that star wars bag now you just go ahead i can see there i'll have goodness wow chewbacca jabba that's so cool i wish we had the ghostbuster ones but beggars can't beat choosers right wait i'm not begging i bought this i'm not begging i brought this here's a here's a batman there's a batman action figure right there still in the box he's still in there another storm trooper we had a lot of work to do in here careful careful careful oh look there is a ghostbuster check that out we found once we found one ghost if you can find a good collection if we find ghostbusters original ghostbusters in here best move ever okay check this out more star wars star wars star wars with batman holding on to star wars little mini batman star wars puzzle with something like someone bought the entire star wars section everything everything george you know what happens every time i see you i want to get my lightsaber out and fight now with lightsabers depending on which color who it was all depends on the value so some of these can sell for well over a hundred so you gotta you just gotta figure out which one you got yeah and this one works okay so got the stormtrooper gun man oh man okay you're seeing all this right yeah these might be micro machines hot wheels 2014 if they're micro machines they're worth 22. all right i'm gonna put the card over there there is look at that lightsaber lightsaber keychain how do you release it how do you release it you see it releases right there somehow okay i don't know how though all right i'll worry about that later okay batman with the bat ball oh my goodness are you seeing this uh this is teenage mutant ninja turtles oh cool that's a good sign joe dirt [Laughter] that's one of my favorite movies you don't have favorites it's one of them where they got this for a dollar what's the year on this see if we can find a year flea market is so huge in this area oh yeah and it never stops year round so we could we would never have to buy anything again and we would never run out of stuff i don't see a year on this one either that's oh muppets in space wow okay if we have original pokemons which we very well could and those go back to the 80s also yeah then we're in some big big money obviously insane clown posse right there all right let's see what we got as far as dates 2017 let's go back some here pokemon are hot right now hot the last the most expensive car just sold for 200 and some thousand dollars by a youtuber right yeah youtuber there is that is 2014 all right we're going the right direction [Music] set those down people are freaking out right now that i just slapped those down 2015 2017 okay 2015 2013 wow what a start that's one time it's been an awesome one-toe who the heels knows what else we're gonna find it's getting better it's already getting better george look at this show them real quick over here you see this that is the trunk that is the biggest trunk i think i have ever seen in a storage unit and that was a surprise and you didn't see that one didn't see that in the pictures and look i i moved two chairs out of the way so we could get inside there there's another trunk back there oh wow and you think that's cool check this out first before we check it out what's in this box number one school for tutoring number two food stamp app finish it up that's that's the story that's the story of almost every unit they get behind financially i don't know why they don't sell what they have i don't know why i don't know if it's just because of lack of initiative i don't know if it's lack of knowledge know-how but there is thousands and thousands of dollars in this unit check this out i just found more look at all these comics look at all these comics now i did see this in the photos and i knew i knew for sure that there were comics in here check this out chains of chaos they all have the dust protector all of them and there's gonna be some i'm sure that are worth quite a bit of money now we could we could potentially even auction these off so very very cool all the whoops i'm trying to get that one to go these mostly look like they're from image so there are some really cool ones in here let's set those down chains of chaos you see you see any in here that you know of image kind of did the um the more risque you know per se uh definitely a little bit more on the uh adult side even though comics i don't know if you would call comics children's entertainment when they're really i mean they're pretty much adult oriented anyway but these go ninja high school these definitely go towards more the adult uh the mature yeah we'll say that we'll say that they are more busty i mean that's probably the best way to say it here is lady death here is out of the vortex out of somebody like donald the vortex out of the vortex is that wwe it might be wwe that one's priced if i'm seeing that correctly 117 dollars and 92 cents wow or is it is it january 17 1992 could be that too you think i like the first guess yeah the first guess was much better there's the undertaker yeah ww look it was when it was wwf yeah that's got to be worth no wwf undertaker wwf oh this is money this is money this is money this is money oh yeah steve austin still called steve austin the i don't know what that is it's very um oh look at that steve austin okay wwf again wwf we got wwf more w oh man this is this is an 80 kids dream come true in here this is definitely mankind wwf we're going to find ghostbusters we're going to find sega genesis we're gonna find nintendo we we're gonna find all the cool stuff that everybody wants right now look at this more undertaker oh my goodness oh my there's more there is a lot more we we hit and we hit good we hit good every other unit every other unit here we just bid because it was here and we we needed household stuff this is the unit we bid to make money on and it is not it is not letting us down look at that wwf more wwf mankind preview that looks like a duplicate duplicate duplicate duplicate duplicate i hope that one's worth a lot because he's got a lot of them or her i don't know duplicate duplicate duplicate okay more duplicates a lot of that one a lot a lot of that one okay that's the same one same one got the protector oh here we go mankind swff more of those wwf w maybe undertaker wwf maybe he had a comic store for all we know yeah undertaker undertaker undertaker steve austin mankind oh man if this is what's in the front of the unit i imagine just taking the trunks what's in the trunk what do you think's in the trunk i don't know hopefully a bunch of good stuff profit i can tell you that already there's stuff everywhere look at that big bang theory trivia um i want to get this dresser out of here okay let's just check the top real quick a penny box box box this looks like all clothing we'll have to look through for vintage finished clothing um t-shirts let's move this did you see sonic up there yeah okay here's what i want to look at there you go baby there you go xbox all right so what i want to do let's look at this i want to pull this table out of here too because i'm going to need to rearrange okay and um get some more room look at that die cast geez there you go chevy impala i love it i love it uh just makes me wonder what's in that trunk i can't believe it all right let's um look at this coming down here let's let's check this out really quick we've got old bottles old sprite fonta don't you want to oh george yes you know how much that one's worth right now a lot of these are going for m64 and power rangers if we that might be what's in the trunk if it's a whole collection of n64 jeremy would be in heaven the reason being is because video games paid for his edumacation my entire college education paid in full by just selling money so video games hold a special place in his heart insane clown and posse uh posse right there and looks like uh well you can you pretty much figure that one out pretty much figure that one out that's uh kind of crazy look at this collector glasses these are usually by mcdonald's or burger king might have been one of them there's two more pocahontas and pocahontas isn't that um isn't that what they used to call you they used to be my nickname in high school yeah with a little variation okay it looks like it's uh wait there's another game right there oh nice eye oh it's pokemon it's pokemon stadium no way holy cow are you happy yeah this is this is a great unit in florida and i see more pokemon cards first alert okay here's corn burned there's another pez dispenser see what year that card is 2014 more pez let's see if no candy personal pictures is this insane clown of clown posse and then event little boy praying conflicted in the soul i would say there's harley-davidson lighter oh nice that's an easy 30. 40 lighter there's another one zippo yes both zippo actually that one's probably even more both zippo there there you go there's easy there's an easy 50 75 maybe even 100 right there in my hand we have to check them to make sure but remember we always try and give you the lower price than what we would actually sell it for here is remember they love batman so there's the joker card that's that's actually that's pretty impressive right there let's look at you know what let me move this stuff out let me move this stuff out and we'll get some room we're able to do a little bit more elbow room making george even found a little letter a little letter that said please please don't break up with me for being a beep beep beep beep beep beep beep for being a jack wagon apparently somebody broke up with somebody and everything went in here so oh well all right here we go so she dumped him and all of his stuff apparently is here and they were married divorced so we don't know where he is now but another laptop we do have his laptop until inside toshiba we got to make sure we look for the actual cord although we probably have well we have a bunch of toshiba cords in ohio we have nothing here in florida right all right let's take a look at this box and i've still got my eye on that giant trunk we got nerd rage fallout but no funko play well that doesn't mean it's not in here though we got super mario and she says she doesn't sing look at that batman all right and i bet you the same colors not i mean batman colors not same yep batman nice sweet and are you seeing this are you seeing this all right are you looking at that ps4 i was paul and diary of a wimpy kid that's a good movie but do you know how to ride one of those things i'm about to find out i found my first hoverboard ever i i i owe it all to batman do you know how to ride one of these things uh no i attempted to and almost fell right on my teeth can't be that can't be that hard i got one for my son one year for christmas yeah and he was able to get on it no problem he's got really good balance i got on there and almost face planted you and i are a bit of a mess aren't we and we got a dvd player you know what incredible start absolutely incredible start we're gonna have to clean this mess up so that we can get another video and get to that trunk so make sure you stay tuned for the next [Music] episode [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 52,205
Rating: 4.9392848 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: R9gg39pAkJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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