FOUND HIDDEN MONEY / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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oh look at this look at that we've got glamour line nickel and silver let's hope for big money oh we got joe camel we got joe cam oh we actually do that's why i really wanted to see i want to see if the facility was actually doing crazy things but look at this i no longer think this is a staged facility no facility is going to go out of their way to put moth balls in a storage unit to try and keep the mice away so we got a good one now it's time to dig in and find out what the heels we found got more boxes probably with collectibles more here look at just here look at just here people old perfection oh my goodness it's brain warp if anybody knows anything about brain warp this is a hundred dollar electronic game right there and this is the kind of unit we just love absolutely finding [Music] there's some orange bags here there's a whole box of orange bags i kind of kind of want to see what's going on with them and it's heavy too okay let's look here if it's what i think it is it is oh my goodness oh my goodness we're going to have hundreds of dollars oh wow wow wow wow brand new tags on this is probably i have to look it up on ebay this is probably a 50 plush right there brand new get a brand new plastic bag for these put these in a new bag let's see what we have here we've got more oh yes we have more we do have more wait christian are you seeing what i'm seeing so i can't these are these are cat slippers these are wearing slippers on your feet of a cat okay that's a little freaky yeah brand new we want to seal those up for sure and what do we have here this has got to be look look at this avon sing along praying teddy battery is dead what else do we have okay we got all kinds of crazy stuff pet metal tags more playing card oh coca-cola playing cards that's worth money right there oh this is the perfect man have you ever seen this [Music] the ball game really isn't that important i'd rather spend time with you let's just cuddle tonight you might need this christian here you hold on to that that'll teach you how to be the perfect man okay all right all right since i've already failed you can be the perfect man where i've failed this box is actually pretty awesome and what do we have here what do we have in here i'm guessing collectible plate pie pan brand new pie pan look we got new stuff everywhere there's a it's better than the bug is this an old cavs bag maybe look at this raggedy ann and andy that's worth money but there was a mouse in here there definitely was a mouse in here did some damage but even then where things that weren't damaged still look good let's take another peek here okay we know i am collectibles it's what we've been finding in all these boxes oh yes another score another score look at this i wish it was ricky bobby but it's mark martin again mark martin this mark martin that we even have the [Music] hop and bopping turkey oh my goodness okay there is there's a train behind us that's what there is this is just like being at the warehouse now we're away at home the original connect four with a winnie the pooh stuck to it i actually want to see if this dvd vcr all-in-one is in here if it is with the remote that's an easy 100 to 150 to get to it i'm gonna have to move some paintings so there you go patience there's that one there some older paintings we're gonna have to look them up they are beautiful that's a nice one oh my goodness look at this one guys we didn't see that did we look look at that look here's the information on the back here close up of that this is worth money incredible all right we're almost down to the box we just got to get to the special k oh that box is going to be good okay let's see let's see what's in it okay i wish i had a knife here if we push down far enough do you think the vcr is in here i don't i think there's a train behind us but there is a train we're used to that at the warehouse this one's a little bit closer than usually the one at the warehouse oh man brand new and brand new oh i love it oh just guys this just keeps getting better and better let's see i think that is a original 13 colonies flag there let's see we'll go ahead put that one in let's grab this one really quick okay okay and bam bam bam bam here's what i could see just from peeking right there a simon clean that up 2.0 that one's actually worth some money there look at all the bugs we do have to do some cleanup work on this yeah oh what is that a super mini pen this is a pen maybe okay and we've got we've got that i'm thinking this one this one right here it's heavy it's duct taped and i bet you there are tons of collectible cars toys games you name it hopefully hopefully no more mini pens i'm just throwing that out there i'm hoping no more mini pens okay here we go and here's the first thing i see right there die cast rebel mellow yellow number 42 that's money look at this mickey mouse that's money needs cleaned but it's money oh this is going to be great okay oh look at this we've got more keychains pooh nascar keychains are high collectibility we've got more minifigures oh that looks like goof troop that looks like goof troop that's money anybody know what that is nope nope pokes whatever pokes is i'm not sure what pokes is might be for that that mini pen that we found all right mark martin yeah that's the viagra maybe that's where the mini pen came from i don't know okay this is just a barrel of stuff this is the easiest way to say it there's another personal phone pager pal i wonder if these are worth anything we're definitely gonna have oh look at look at here's the nintendo keychain remember we found it i was like hey we found the package there it is nice and this could be gold that's a precious memory that is that could be gold that rocket we also that could be that's probably not gold okay put that back in see what else is down in here what did he use oh corroded battery okay there is something patient see if you can figure out what's in there off screen okay we gotta hook it rug oh my goodness look at this look at that e.t hook it craft right there that's going to be worth money okay she just found it it is a clock winnie the pooh right there and somebody made some freaky deaky art oh my goodness definitely freaky dkr look at this more keychains there's a lot of keychain collection right there i own hell my boss gave it to me uh heaven doesn't want me and hails is afraid i'll take over yeah okay i'm sure there's more cool stuff in here like like that like a diploma pretty cool all right and that let's pick another box let's see what's in here let's grab a tote too okay all right here we go grabbing the 27 piece clear glass punch set and this red tote let's see what's in here first if that's in there we got a beautiful oh my goodness it's brand new it is brand stinking new i mean we need to clean the box up it's been in storage but that'll resell really well there you go patience oh by the way for anybody who goes oh why is jeremy making patience load the trailer that's her job if she didn't want to do it she wouldn't accepted the job so here we go i love it i love it when all the females they go how dare jeremy and christian make patients load the trailer uh patients how does it make you feel when people say that you shouldn't be loading the trailer you're not the you should not or you could or you wouldn't or what do you think about that i just think that's dumb all right that's what's with the job all right chinese checkers michigan rummy and dietables whatever a diablo is let's find out okay okay diables i'll hand those off to you we've got more viagra apparently can't have enough in this unit a little rubber made let's see what's in here let's go we got scrunchies we got key chains we gotta be careful because we might find another mini pen okay and looks like we got some books oh look at this we just found jewelry it's like they were making all their own beads and jewelry definitely making all their own look at all that actually there's some leather straps there's some good money there that'll that'll resell really well we're going for more we got another box here but check this out check this out i have this on the table this stuff is this is all brand new stuff now the mice touched the box there we're gonna clean this all up here's a brand new look at that brand new sleeping bag right there ozark trail so patience you can grab those let's dig into this box and it's already looking incredible this is always a fun one for the kids right there but the money i have a feeling there's money oh mice got in here for sure mice got in and tore these pillows up these were number six mark martin pillows let's throw those aside once we clean this up though there's another die cast right there and we got more racing down here as well time to get to another dell box these have been let's get all the vintage mouse droppings off of there see if i can break them through the tape okay there's the tape and oh my goodness look at that mini super soaker this is an actually collectible uh keychain as well so this actually works and then okay we've got the player's edge those are darts i almost set those aside do we have vintage tees i bet you we do uh this is religious tea jesus loves you jesus that's vintage two thousand some years ago okay uh here patience i'm gonna hand that off to you okay and what is this look at that purse some serious shag there we got some avon let's take a peek not bad not bad but i think the real money in this box oh my goodness is gonna be probably in all the purses there's a purse there's a purse anything in here yes there is there sure is okay we got lighters look at this what could this be over the hill all these are over the hill balloons okay and then we've got whatever this is oh come on we already know what it's going to be right we know we already know we already know it's all going to be well and large large print crosswords as well you never have enough crosswords when you're watching your nascar in every unit we tell you you're always going to find three things you're going to find drugs you're going to find adult toys or you're going to find adult reading material for articles we just found the adult reading material for articles that's not gonna do anything for us but underneath check this out you see this crop all right i don't know what gallon crock this is what i do know all right patients just said it's a five gallon crock what i do know is we can get roughly a hundred dollars potentially for this five gallon crock and that's no crock the new yorker for ten people let's find out what's inside it might be new year uh new year celebration kit maybe yeah looks like it all right well as soon as 2020 gets out of here we'll all be doing better bring on 2021 new year new channel who does all right let's see what we have here we have we have we got money i can tell you that i'm still struggling still struggling let's see what's inside the magic pebble yes yes yes yes yes oh yes i love it those are awesome these are incredible finds we got one more of these dell boxes oh and it sounds awesome it sounds it sounds like more resale money okay oh it's looking good it is looking good it's looking really good oh yeah all right i think we definitely have some collectibles in here look at that we've got some stuffed animals right here we got brand new hats nascar number six wyoming wu there we go that's what those w's were for that we were finding let's see what's in here let's see what we got we got more romance novels we can set those aside we really don't need to dig at those too much all right there you go patience thank you let's see i'm trying to find trying to find the money there we go another beanie mountain gorilla it's not actually a beanie we've got another avon this unit has just been awesome it really has oh look at that christmas necklace and christmas earrings christmas lights that's really cool you guys smell the perfume right now a little okay all right let's see come on where's our money at where's our money gray flannel flannel that's that is that's that's french grey flannel it's got to be worth something got to be worth something great fennel now here's here's the crazy thing a lot of people don't understand this up here christian people don't understand this but taking perfume bottles like this even if you find perfume bottles in uh in goodwill thrift stores anything like that reselling those bottles you'll make you can make hundreds you literally can make hundreds you get the right things such as maybe this is the right thing maybe not but you always want to check always do your ebay checks okay let's see what else we have in oh there's something in here for sure okay we got maps we haven't found any collectible money yet have we yeah with all the carnival cruise stuff i would have thought we would have found collectible money we got maps carnival cruises and purse let's see what we have in here huh a little green bow is this sandy yep that's sandy spongebob's girlfriend i don't know about you guys i want to find another box another tote see what's in here oh it's pretty oh it's an ornament look at that we got a couple big totes that are in the back we always say the most expensive and the best stuff is in the back let's take a look and i like what i'm seeing already are you seeing this this is that's ohio state right is that ohio state is that is that ohio state come on tell me it's ohio state it's not it's our kansas oh man that hurts but look at this here's another afghan a quilted afghan that's worth money there's probably all kinds of money in here as far as blankets that's our kansas that hurts that hurts bad wait wait look at this here okay okay tell me who this is tell me give me good news give me good news who is it mark martin no are you serious i mean let's well it's number nine maybe maybe it's number six and i had it upside down okay it was okay okay so let's uh let's take a peek here real quick and like i said the most expensive things in the back i want to get in this tote it says clothes i don't think there's clothes in here before i do though look at this we're un burying other cool stuff too check this out the old electronic toys like this the old dog like there's a dog but here's another is that a cat there's a cat this stuff is worth money i mean there's more stuff in here what's that humbug all right there's more stuff in here i'm not going to look at it right now patients go ahead take that let's look in here she's got it and what do you know what's that says i say ricky martin no ryan newman okay i thought i was live in la vida loco there look at that post-it notes that's got to be five dollars worth of post-it notes right there we got beautiful wild and wonder you know what i know i've said this and shared this before but i like turtles all right um look look there's harley davidson maybe these are for harley glasses if we can find the actual sunglasses that'd be incredible okay craft stuff and what is that oh i know what this is thunder fire okay little little motorized cars you see that there that's the antenna the little rc's and then your remote controls right there these are really cool those are really cool there's probably some other beautiful things hidden inside here too such as there being a new sheriff in town when the landowner of the warehouse shows up i'm just gonna right over my youtube i'm gonna be like bam new sheriff in town we're working this one down to the nitty gritty check this out we found another toad look at that when we're all done you know what we're gonna do christian what are we doing we're gonna go get something to eat because we don't smoke so i was like so let's see there's another box but these wooden boxes are people collect them they love them so that pretty cool there we go smells so good that's what the wood smells good it all smells good okay oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at that that's railroad collectible right there they put it on a railroad spike that's awesome that looks like pewter okay and i'm not talking about the pewter box i'm talking about the metal things to go things to do places whatever i can't even read upside down okay there's a poo jigsaw little thing there and come on more collectibles of course more collectibles train and santa how can you go wrong there we've got the calculators we've got yes i would have never thought mark but you know what it is it is it is mark actually right now i'm so sorry i've seen the mark and viagra they want another unit this is too much it's too much it's way too much okay let's see oh these are usually little jewelry boxes not too much there we got some that we got the camera there okay here we go that's how this works you go and then when it and then the egg closes up on it making some kind of noise okay mark martin would have never guessed it but there's mark again would have never guessed it would be a christian i would not have oh boom oh it's a good game right there okay is like uno but it's with a boom i see it which is why it's called boom okay i think we might have oh yes yes yes yes we got silver we have silver okay let's move this we finally found some collectible money all right come on down over here okay these will get out of the way we finally found some collectible money all right 1964 and before the silver that is silver this is a 1940 nickel not silver but they probably thought it was awesome this is a silver dime we've got hopefully we have the 1943 wheat pennies okay we've got as far as i can tell another silver dime another silver dime i actually can't see but i'm guessing and there is a silver quarter right there 1962. let's find out if these are the coveted 1943s what year is that 36 maybe 36 86 can't be 86 what year is that and they say i can't see i think that one says 52. 52 yeah our search continues more good stuff check this out look at that we've got an american tail do you guys know about that no like five volt fiber goes west look at that with your lunch box you always want you always want the thermos with it too i think that actually goes there so that's some money right there fiber goes west it is cool stuff she just she's just my bed look there's another one guys there's another one okay this one's made by aladdin oh yes but it's oh it's my little pony and the sticker it actually it got hot and it moved oh no we're gonna have to heat it up with a hair dryer and move it back all right go ahead you can take these patients go ahead with okay this is brand new more brand new this is actually like a little a little cooler on wheels so that's brand new this stuff was obviously obviously stored for a long time with all the bugs and all the dirt mickey mouse that's money right there vintage mickey that's money see what else we have in here we've got oh yeah there we go we got harley davidson is it single okay look at this see this right here it's single stitch if it had two stitches if you had two lines going across it would be more contemporary this is vintage this is actually worth some money let's see it's a small it's a small this could be worth oh we got to find out a date on this this potentially some harley-davidson old shirts are worth thousands and look at this look at that you got a quilt patch quilt that's worth money too this could be another hundred bucks right there there's all kinds of great stuff in here look at this this is the tic tac throw made by mark's toys okay you can find the original old marks that's worth money the original old marks check this out if that's not cool i don't know what is vintage coca-cola sold everywhere general store mercantile bank that is that's pretty amazing and we've got all kinds of whoa whoops we got all kinds of christmas decorations still in the box brand new stored i wish it were cleaner but we'll spend some time cleaning it up that's a really cool thing there you even have things such as this look we've got vintage vintage books still in the box they were shipped in absolutely incredible here we go finding more stuff looks like we're stamping it up we're almost out of the unit believe it or not okay look at this look at that we've got glamour line nickel and silver let's hope for big money oh we got joe camel we got joe campbell oh we actually do we have money let's see how much there is we did we just found money we found a dollar okay so that's a dollar back always a good bonus okay what else do we have stamps we got stamp pads there's a grimmy that is it's an actual air freshener if we found money there i'm sure once we do a thorough sort we're gonna find money in other places in these units oh i'm seeing some good stuff down here guys what is this it is a clown it's creepy i think that's an emma kelly it is a 1978. not sure wooded not an emic oh my goodness okay i know what i know what we're looking at i know what we're looking at this is money i know what we're looking at yes okay oh this is awesome this is great all right i'm not gonna pull everything out just go ahead and peek in here christian oh look at that there's a pin there so this is the antique these are the budweiser horses and we'll pull it out later there's the barrels of beer there is the cast iron driver for the cart they have the whole cart the barrels go up in here this is this is an easy couple hundred bucks right here actually this pays for the unit this antique here definitely pays for the unit and it's all down in here oh this is awesome this is awesome i have another one of these at the warehouse for you guys to sell on ebay all right be very careful with that one we're gonna get into another box here and that's the box for the money okay here we go business delivery critical let's find out what we have we have it's appropriate look at that we've got more and more and more and more and yes we even have this is so crazy look at that even more this unit has been absolutely and totally epic [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 94,434
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: zavOBpX9YwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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