SO MUCH MONEY I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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here we go I got this I got this I got this and bought this unit with Rob a second sense for $1000 we went in 50/50 we saw things nobody else could see there's been so much profit so much gold so many collectible toys we're getting back in it again because Rob and I have been having a little competition and he's kind of been kicking my backside so let's open her up I've got coffee coming in today cocky I need an official judge that actually isn't partial to somebody so we've got conky's flipping a venture and then we've got Rob with second sense Rob here's the deal all right here's what I think we do I pick a box you pick a box I pick a box you pick a box I pick a box you pick a box and then konkey at the end of it all you declare me the winner I don't know about that [Music] I'm thinking go for the kill right from the get-go ice cream ice cream but that's not what I'm going for them actually I'm and I'm gonna oh that's probably that's probably filled with all kinds of good stuff that one there we go Robin Mac box down here it is it's an eMac if this is an original Apple this is an original Apple like all the way back in the garden I mean we're looking at some historic vintage stuff here all right okay you see that they're eMac weight that probably wouldn't be an apple with it all right see what we got Oh 13 years of dust the get-go not only passes look at this Lionel Rail scope 199 original price cellophane packaging plastic oh my goodness I love it Rob found this in the last video on his channel check out 2nd sense look at that so we're together those definitely go together all right cocky what are you thinking just in that piece right there this all right 350 right there passing it off look at that but it gets better people it gets even better oh man the the train items that we've found brand-new and sealed look at this line out rotary radar antenna you think it's in here I guess it's in here you think it's in the packaging Hales yes it's all in there like brand-new coffee what do you think right there come on man come on treat me nice because I've got another right here this car this is the New York Central this car originally sold $9.00 right there right there look the plastic it's beautiful absolutely beautiful kaki what do you think well you figure there's got to be somebody out there to wish they bought it for $99 after that what anything else probably looking at a couple hundred dollars please yeah there's another couple hundred right there remember we only paid a thousand for this unit this box alone just peak down here again George this box alone every box almost in this place pays for the unit look at oh look at this one right here there is check that out that is the pickup truck that goes on the tracks or is that just put it right on the back look at little things on the front okay yep it would right on the tracks there they bought it for $48 there's the price tag how stinking cool how cool what do you think clunk you gotta figure that 48 bucks was what 13 years ago a long time ago or even earlier than that hit yeah they didn't just buy it and put in storage yeah well that's gonna be a good cocky I'm just curious who's gonna win oh my goodness oh oh oh it's the engine it is the engine in the box I cannot believe it I can't believe it cocky I'm scared you can take it out oh my goodness yes it's heavy I might never been hockey I'm scared to even take it on ice all I want to go I don't want to go any further check is now oh my gosh six four maybe it's absolutely beautiful number oh it's a four eight four Wow does it even have been out of the box oh I'm sure it's been out of the box but wow alright what we looking at come on come on sweet talking I can't imagine this any less into winter books that's probably easy 200 easy and that's without even trying you know what I'm not trying to win here but it's just something I end up doing all the time it's like George at the coin pushers you just put in a quarter and then BAM that's what comes out holy cow look at that conky Wow this thing is heavy you have V that's what that's that's WebMoney weighs pretty big-time heavy what do you think that's gotta be another 200 that's easy oh my goodness this is easy money I know I may be off here but this is easy money this is such easy money and a lot of people say that we make this look easy this isn't an easy business to be successful in as a matter of fact there are a lot of people out there that claim they're the best and yet they fail all the time if you do it right you'll make money like crazy this is how you do it right oh my goodness punky look at this one they paid a hundred and seventy dollars for this one hundred and seventy dollars look at that I bet you that's four look at that yep that's for that engine we just for the engine 170 what they paid for that got the little sugar oh my goodness I love it I love it well I love it Rob how you feeling right now no pressure no pressure here's the nice thing your no pressure even if I lose I win because I get half of it so hey I can't go cry too much remember Rob was second sense is the only person I've ever actually gone in halfsies in on a unit now I've attempted to go halfsies with Lee before with konkey but we didn't win the unit but Rob's the only one I've actually ever done this with before Rob owns his own auction house so it's really easy because a lot of people go well how do you go halfsies with somebody because the question always is who gets what well he's got an auction house you just sell it all you split the profit at the end this is Brandon I don't think this one's ever been out it's a tanker you see that one there I don't think I can even get it out no no I don't I don't I don't want to try yeah I just I just okay we'll do it Sunoco Sunoco nice so you got train and gas memorabilia there see the little one the little windings around the brake look yeah the other two that's electric that opens that up this isn't some common cheap this isn't cheap toy cars they were serious serious collectors aren't passing that one off this stuff is the good stuff by the way remember you have an opportunity to bid on all of this all of it this is gonna be at second sense or we might even have it on the what the Hales Sunday night auctions this caboose here they paid Pennsylvania caboose they paid $35 for it back in the day $35 for that one I found the price tag same things got the electronic electronic releases we swim the thing off so cool we'll see little boy they're so cool what do you think that that's got a bit so gonna be undergoing I don't care if they paid 35 bucks for this we're gonna be it's its money there's no doubt of it it's money there we go there we go I'm gonna hand it off there's the price tag in the back there but but wait there's more and we've got another look at that is so pretty so pretty oh my goodness is so they're all in really amazing condition we're looking they paid $45 for that one back in the day and you're probably cocky what you saying how many people would you take a $50 bill in their pocket right now yeah exactly run away with us that's gotta be another yeah easy easy look at how pretty that is all right we'll set that inside there okay we got a few more things in here Oh check out that train clock that's four o'clock and look at this we've got some line out oh that's empty the street lamps are in there that's the only empty box but we do have check that out we got the little we got the little train station waiting station and we got another we got another cart right there Rob they're in no way inhales you're gonna win this competition find out what's in the next box it's been unbelievable so far even has track down there Jeremy got to pick the first box and he has a slight advantage small advantage with it a little bit of couple trains in there you know pray a couple hundred dollars maybe what can you say thousands okay told thousand maybe but hey I'm happy I'm still smiling even though I'm losing I'm winning so but he never specified any rules so look at this piece of luggage right here oh we do that anything that you do love luggage and we'll give this luggage right here I mean look at that inches of dust that's always a good sign you know no one's been inside oh don't worry bag let's happy don't hurry why should I call you dude he's about to get surgery anyways yeah just turn me up they can fix your how much is uh how much is a Roma suitcase work come on come here our suitcase expert I don't think Roma suitcases are worth much per se but if there's something in it oh man hold on everyone's gotta check it they're right inside the front okay no nothing I just wanna make sure okay we're going in it's not everything good it's better than one suitcase two suitcases yeah now we're talking about some money things can't be worth much why it's Oh Oh brand-new whatever slow bag all right it's way too heavy just do another suitcase and there's something new there's I think they just want any furnace hackings it was so valuable that they had to put it in dual suitcases because they knew one day I'd be facing mister hale's and this challenge that's smart that's smart of them oh come on come on come on well if I got to compare it to the trains you found the walk that's a bonus come on big money big money big money good things come to those who wait let's say this is where the real stuff no this is where it's hidden something in here is very interesting with shagadelic very shaken le so who knows what's in here but I just I feel money vintage something ominous I got a model what the hell - oh man unbelievable first let's start look at those vintage goodness it's got that vintage smell Yelland what is it it is a Christmas oh man I think this is actually Jeremy when you can have this when you okay well funny story I actually if you seen Back to the Future III that was based on my true life real real story and so there was a Duran that I well you know the gigawatts it's hard to explain it's just here it's here just yes and that's how he knew this is gonna be it max now you're going back to the past it's my baby blanket that's my baby blanket oh my don't smell like you yeah like poop yes that is my baby blanket and here's the other one oh thank you thank you I knew it was here because I went back to the future now that's where I kept my expensive that was the heavy in here that's funky be a judge that's my LP collection that is mine that's my very expensive LP collection let's see what's in here the best and lastly a challenge you know it it was a yeah [Music] what's better ways to show an Elvis for Lionel trains come on you got Gomer pile I think they're both equally the other way Homer Oh remember can remember my LP collection oh there's more this is more than okay it's a whole collection I think of Elvis newspaper we've sold all those newspapers got a whole collection here man 45 in there we got Elvis right there what is it which songs the only thing I gotta say Jeremy uh-oh something else in here oh there's a bunch of police that were that this was worth it Oh Alice I'm assuming yep Elvis Elvis Elvis you're imagine just open it up and tell Arthur toothpaste I was gonna pelvis this is money he might be a little bit ahead but not by much talky how much ahead am i as much as I love old all this stuff and been really really great luggage oh don't worry there's more to go let's see what else we can find I'm beating him but everybody always puts the best most expensive stuff in the back corner so I'm coming all the way to the back I'm gonna move some boxes I want the box down the bottom the bottom in the back that's what I want it's dirty its dusty you know what I'm getting too old for this forget the back corner my back hurts I'm just gonna take this one right here look at all the dirt and dust there all right come on listen we're gonna Oh careful careful I shouldn't be wearing sandals here we go I got this I got this I got this and you say more money more money more money more money all right here we go here we go again all right these are beautiful beautiful things yes it's a clock check that out look at that okay I'm gonna hand that off there and then why no airplane how much you think that's worth conky mm it could be 15 20 bucks easy Limited Edition edition limited edition and the bosses in here so you get the Box in it and the propeller actually works you can see they're flying no all right you ready we better not we better not rob go on all right we've got yeah we've got all kinds of stuff here I think that probably gives us okay so some of these train pieces down here go on these stands for sure so you can look right here you can see what train pieces we have boom boom boom little bum bum okay we've got we've got Greyhound bus that is a coin Bank right there set it aside and then we've got that little pin car right there check that out Tonka that's a cool car that is really cool then we've got the Santa Fe engine right there doing a solid piece that is a solid piece these are actually it's Avon they're models to go on these stands so these stands right here boom like that so these are these aren't actually to go on the track these are to go on the stand and then this is probably gonna be another Avon yep another Avon right there and then there's the Pennsylvania right there that's an Avon piece as well we'll set it aside then we've got that one there that one is Avon now we don't have any perfume or any Cologne or anything in these these are just decorative pieces very very cool although I've got bookends Japan that's money right there made in Japan what is coffee what do you think this is that is this is this is a kaleidoscope look you see mm-hmm a little bit that's a kaleidoscope that is really cool and then if that's not cool enough there's an hourglass and it's raisins you know what that reminds me of the amount of money that I beating Rob with with this cookie how much money this box what do you think you uh you're not done thought you're true that is true I'm not done still got a couple lion l-train mugs right there and then there'd be careful huh and there's a Niagara Falls a because about Niagara Falls when we got trains now cocky what are we looking at of money in this box couple hundred bucks easy easy couple hundred bucks BAM take that Rob well this box right here and has a heart on it and I'm hoping start with this one first this was a little bigger have I to help you thanks trying to help you I don't know he's gonna try to help or hurt me he doesn't like to lose weight gentlemen but this box right here it could be you think that's the winning bomb your downfall well also says right there pizza oh good we got more long I admit it you're back in it Chicken Soup for the Soul for the solo for the woman's soul song hear you wink alright let's get going we got Trey yes write down something there alright write down how much money I'm gonna make right here lying out platform train station is it in there and that one illuminates to look at this the mobile to the lion oh very nice man fifty bucks just for these people how about this piece add with it look at that nice tractor-trailer oh man I just see brand-new stuff money adding up where's that pad I got it I got it got you I got look at the operating hand car brand-new unbelievable that's amazing conky another one and Wow and another one McConkey was saying $50 50 50 50 50 he's running out of hands he doesn't mean my hand it is so I mean it's only solid yet it solved this or our switcher right conky there's a guy in there yeah oh look yeah when you switch the car the guy switches yeah pushes that doesn't have to hook up to a car don't push a car up the tracks it's got to be powered there's got to be a that's very cool oh my goodness I've never seen this goes on the track it's a truck that look it goes right on the track rides the trash if you don't want to drive your shrink drive your truck today oh man mistake unbelievable what is this almost a brand-new Chetan brother track right yeah yep that's track that's brand new in the box it is in between I know you guys stick it here in this brand-new new trainers money they paid 15 bucks for that piece of track unbelievable and we got the barrel shed we got a Watertown ice we found the bottle the water carries cool the whistling freight shed all I know once again all in there everything looks like it's in mint condition except for the boxes might have a little Gammage and everything but they have the original box and we all know in this business it's all about condition condition condition look at the box on this beautiful beautiful piece vintage and they say you have to go out west to get the good units here we are in Ohio let's see how many we bought that goes on profit profit margin when you're an Ohio bayan profit margin goes up because on the west coast they pay more money we take a page for this and califor is eat Engram probably something risen probably owe me pocket all the money power/lock nice full brand new set we found the most important part for me all you found the transmitter Network I've never seen them what look good I've never seen a Hot Wheels blimp have you seen the black boy I've never seen the black one I've seen a lot of the blimps I never seen the black one and this one in the playset people who just collect playsets would want that too so you got the blimp port they paid $5 I'm sure it's worth now we can actually play with the Train this is there we go out now we can cruise around it's a minimum of 50 bucks but the next video you can watch us build a train set don't tease the viewers now oh they're gonna be like build that train suck people you can see all of us with our little hats on going around this is what your train whistle this old box another one I think it's more trash so cocky drive what do you what do you think this box is worth calling on anything else this little tiny according to my calculations a minimum of 500 bucks so we have money money money unbelievable collector and this I forget where are me I'm still winning that's where we're at I found a tote that pokes my goats and Rob my back hurts I'm gonna need some help I'm I'm suggesting I'm suggesting a little friendly partnership we we just Anakin here we just go ahead we do this one together King can you help me can you help me with this oh my goodness look at this oh man alive probably I'm guessing 60s were we at where we at 69 so it's probably 1970 here so that's probably 1970 what do you got over there Rob yeah yeah we're just gonna split the side split the side don't cross in his cards don't just this right there brookie over here that's a day Justin and perky the year cut everyone wonders Dave justice oh man look at this everything bag heed this is incredible with this oh you got you got the plastic protectors even okay there's Buffalo I think he has them all split up based on the teams on believe this is amazing oh there's so much good stuff is this Cracker Jack baseball cards I'm nice okay I've got this is Don Russ I know that I'm gonna guess 93 am i right nope 91 91 there okay that definitely looks 90s on the Don Rossi so the the 90s Don Russ isn't gonna be worth that much unless we get a rare car two rookies something in there but this is this his side is the one that's making money no way Scott Hamilton oh you gotta be kidding believe I found this on Jeremy's site I believe in 1992 all these pinnacle cars so we just have to see who are the big parts from that year and so you got any money oh no it's not just old newspaper there's something hidden under here there's something big hidden under yeah there's something hidden oh man okay okay okay here we go all right we've got newspaper Brown oak Kosar Manson we're lost Bernie enough or not hurt when we lost Bernie okay so I got well we've got 1993 there we've got 93 there we're just gonna say 93 look at this he was hiding something under here I'm dropping cards everywhere dropping it like it's hot and it's raining money all right you ready here we go more cards our favorites Cleveland Indians guys look at this this is gonna be I bet this is gonna be all Indians spanning the years this is gonna be amazing oh look at this look at this we've got the old Indians oh man I think that's yep that's tops come on these this this stuff has been in storage so look at this I got dingleberries on my front not just my back I got a my beard I got in my front there's more more oh I love it I love it look at all this okay now we got the older cards so we're going through nice and then we got the old Beckett guides yup we got some Cleveland Browns even look at that we got Cleveland Browns in here that's bad pretty cool that's pretty cool anything else over there Rob take a look right here sessile feel their cards move on David Justice I mean goes on and on and on and then book more old football cards where unbelievable ladies and gentlemen and you could tell they're collectors all these look at they're in plastic casings each of these cases probably costs 20 cents 50 cents apiece I mean you go and they so they spend money they take good time yeah so you know they're good you know they're collectors and who knows how much money is in there this tote could be worth $500 it can be worth $5,000 let's ask the official judge conky what do you think towed as a whole what's it what are you calculations conky Wow you know if all these cards are just Commons the tow could still be worth 500 bucks if there's one in there that is special or something that I mean who knows I got given the answer so in other words what conky is trying to tell all of you viewers I finally won [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 52,156
Rating: 4.9101844 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, self storage
Id: svOmE4ICPjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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