RECORD BREAKING AUCTION I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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management came to me and said they have one more unit they forgot to actually put in the auction how long has this one been set and unlocked for years this one has been sitting for all of you in the storage unit business and in the game it's a ton of fun but it's also seasonal it has ups and downs based on values and right now this is tax return season really kind of crazy as far as pricing because all the sudden a bunch of people have a bunch of money in their pockets and let's face it it's burning holes right you're not that person you're gonna bid wisely and you're gonna make money we're not gamblers only the house wins in gambling you're a business individual and you make wise business decisions and you're gonna have the opportunity here yet again today as we look at these units going up for auction in Akron I need you to let me know in the comments down below did it sell for higher than the price that I place on the actual video after you see the unit or lower based on the price I show after you see the unit we've got to refine our skills so that were the best business individuals out there we got to make some money [Music] today's auction is an absolute auction it is cash only there's a 10% buyer's premium added to the hammer price and a $50 refundable deposit so if you buy unit 400 that's 110 plus 50 you'll pay a hundred and 60 cash you'll have till Sunday to clean the unit out Sunday 4:00 p.m. you have to take everything off the premises doesn't have to be broom swept but it does need to be cleaned out we have three units down here we have a level up topic Guardian and we will pay everything up at Guardian I got my new O light in the mail just in time for this auction I've been giving all my storage unit friends all my Oh lights so I've got my new pro warrior in the mail can't wait to use it in this auction and then it also came with the rechargeable keychain light now o light is doing a special I usually let you know about this when it comes up in case you want to get one of these because these things are so incredible on the 13th I'll actually put a link in the description and the comments for you if you want to get one during their flash sale and it will only be on the 13th for the flash sale to get a deep discount the weather is warming up here in Ohio and there are a ton of people out it's crazy there are a ton of people it's Wednesday two o'clock most people have real jobs other people they watch YouTube and they learn to do this for a living first units light it up household Christmas ornaments books oh there's a flat-screen right there you see that flat screen hidden in there [Music] we're gonna put 5 by 10 it's got all kinds of stuff in there and remember let me see your hands he's gonna give me $100 girl to get me going whooping a hundred four hundred but I don't know about 50 anybody give me 50 put a 50 put a peppy $20 one time anybody tuning you got 20 no 25 I got 20 25 better now 25 now 30 30 35 35 40 I got 40 45 45 got 50 I got 50 and 60 60 and 70 seven huge group two this wouldn't sell all day 35 down to 80 okay this is people warning next time last call sold $75 bidder number 34 bidder number 34 $75 where are we going Dennis down here they go there's a huge crowd this unit was actually up for bid the last time we were here at auction it it was a no sale so let's see what happens now that it's tax time so I'm guessing since it's tax time this unit's probably gonna sell for a crazy price [Music] it's got all kinds of stuff who's gonna give me $100 oughta get me going yeah there's $100 did disturb probably newbie 110 yeah 105 bout 110 110 120 120 130 130 140 140 140 150 150 150 160 160 170 170 one more time 170 170 180 175 I got 170 I need 175 anybody last call so $170 better $70 last time last time it went up for auction it didn't so [Music] looks like somebody might have bought I might you know what this might be this might be old stadium seats here I love trunks but it's on this side no lock some interesting stuff here we got there's the O light vintage electronics Armani yeah yeah there's the other pieces right there the seats are over to the right those are those with Cleveland Brown stadium seats we were right Jesse just found the other part down below it's actually some good stuff in here [Music] but 10 by 15 who's gonna give me $1,000 bill anybody give me a thousand how about 750 750 we starting at 500 how about 5:45 sorry there $500 55 25 anybody 5 times more than worth it I think once say DMC concern 550 550 550 850 900 right 75 150 fair warning let's go Wow sold $850 bidder number 29 will give you a few minutes to get there with the crowds darkroom [Music] okay unit 14 18 it's a 5x5 don't let size bother you none honey you don't like that who's gonna give me one hundred dollar bill hundred three hundred four hundred how about $50 one time look give me a fifty anybody fifteen fifty fifty twenty five three to sell twenty five thirty now 35 35 40 40 40 one more time forty and forty forty five forty five fifty fifty and sixty six sixty and seventy seventy and eighty eighty eighty and ninety I got 90 100 I got ninety here how about a five one time ninety-five no 100 I got 100 110 I got 100 need 110 anybody else fair warning it sold hundred dollar bill better number 32 better number 32 yeah we got some appliances there's a stove a fridge two fridges now you can turn those in you can turn those in for the you know the energy savings thing and your utility companies would give you $50 for that one and $50 for that one so we immediately can see $100 somebody already offered 75 there's $100 oh yeah that's right this month March they went up to 75 so there's a hundred and fifty dollars guaranteed in here everything else after that is profit [Music] Amen all kinds of electronics and stop who's gonna give me a hundred-dollar bill to get me going I got 100 125 I got 125 not 150 150 225 to 75 to charity money it is definitely one time and there Laurita someone selling appliances they'll do your warning got 300 325 last call sold $300 bidder number one bidder number one I'm curious by tax time how much this will go for a chair see the court or the court could be a light could be a light how much do you think this one goes hunter bucks okay 10:23 it's bad gun it's got a couple things in it I don't know what it is [Music] I got 10 now 15 15 now 20 20 and 25 25 now 30 I got 30 35 35 40 I got 40 45 45 now 50 I got 50 and 60 60 and 70 70 70 No oh man we were doing so good I got 60 neat 65 anybody else got 60 neat 65 last call 65 now 70 70 75 you started it oh man anybody else sold 70 dollar bill better number 16 70 on six this is normally a $1 unit where we going John and the way we go around this corner okay that definitely looks like solid furniture so that right there here let's just some light on it that right there I would so easily for $200 and there's a grandfather clock we can't see what kind it is though in the appliances what's in the box there's the other other yeah and there's another $200 furniture hmm this one's gonna go kind of high today I love this flashlight [Music] can i under need 125 do it the hard way give me 110 once heading on 120 150 now 175 175 200 225 225 225 got 200 me 225 anybody in 225 now 250 Brickley sure I got 200 225 anybody at all sure 225 250 somebody 250 275 got 250 in the back knee 275 are we done sold $250 bidder number 24 number done or a great buy for today but I don't do furnace I'm not sure where look for collectibles for eBay inside the building and then come back out we're going inside remember inside units typically not always but typically you want to think that they're better because people are paying extra money to be inside hopefully we find a good one in here I see I see pet hair up on the couch so there's pet hair getting in trouble outside [Music] thank you that's a what a nine by ten get all kinds of bucks they tell me all kinds of shrink-wrap stuff must be good who's gonna give me $100 got me going I got 109 125 I got 100 125 125 now 150 150 175 175 200 I got 200 250 250 300 300 275 300 300 325 I'm back in 325 350 I got 325 here need 350 350 375 375 I got 350 here need 375 better net 375 now 400 I got 450 425 will do third way 425 450 Cup fortunately hey it might work I got 425 need 450 anybody else got 425 need 450 last call 450 475 475 500 Oh got him for 35 year at 500 got 425 need 500 anybody else fair warning last call sold 475 bidder number 22 bidder number 22 where are we going 631 other side we'll get there one way or another all right this is conky's flippin Adventures unit right here this is his unit just got his name all over it look he's all over it with the old light I gave him and I'm gonna help him out this is definitely this is his unit he's looking alright I just heard kaki say it's a Saab he's all over it this will be his [Music] the 10 by 18 Mikey tools area game base on I got 100 need 125 125 150 150 135 now 200 I got 250 and 300 275 275 now 300 300 325 325 350 350 375 375 400 400 you're out 400 400 now 425 425 450 I got 425 here need 450 got 425 beat 50 last call sold $425 bidder number 1 616 I don't think sounds interesting that one's been there for a while the ceilings falling down on it paint might be dry [Music] who's gonna give me 50 it's good to go everybody give me a $50 bill hey but it's 50 been 50 how about 25 bit of 25 $10 and take it away I got 10 now 15 I got 10 need 15 better net 15 now 20 20 and 30 30 and 40 40 I got 30 here about 35 one time 35 now 40 40 and 45 45 now 50 I got 45 here to eat 50 anybody else this might be the cheapest phone number done 5 55 and 60 60 and 70 70 roll back and take a look up 80 and 90 I got 900 I got 100 110 120 how about 15 115 115 now 120 nope you're out you sure okay I got 115 need 120 anybody else fair warning it's $115 bidder number 19 bidder number 19 there's a AC system that's an AC system isn't it [Music] oh no you don't like that who's gonna give me a $50 bill to get me going I got 59 fixes - I got 50 now 60 better hat sixty and seventy seventy and eighty star 80 90 $110 unit of their time this is what time Saturn's do to people one two what answer this in this hall [Music] this coming Saturday the 14th just down the hill Merriman Valley if you don't want to go to Merriman Valley there's some in Paintsville Haynesville Paintsville yeah Paintsville Roberto like storage and Paintsville just nuts so story nine and two places take care of him you've taken care of me I appreciate it uh Turia that's inside then we got one more to go unit number Chester drawers and a tree here to like daddy's gonna give me ten bucks who's gonna give me a ten dollar bill who's gonna ten for the table about five five anybody at five hey thank you I got five got seven a half full I got five now seven a half anybody else it's all five dollar bill bidder number two and I got the Oh light and I don't know it looks dirty [Music] suite number 30 2017 couch stop who's gonna give me 100 oh go for it whooping 100 bit hundred but how about 50 anybody give me a $50 bill turn to cell 25 anybody at 25 I got 25 now 30 I got 25 meet 30 better net 30 and 35 30 35 40 I got 40 and 45 45 now 50 50 50 and 60 60 and 70 get 60 here neat 71 back in I got 60 neat 65 65 now 70 70 and 75 75 now 80 I got 80 and 90 I got 80 here need 90 anybody else 90 and 100 I got a hundred 110 110 110 110 110 now 120 I got 120 130 you're out 25 one time leave I got 120 need 125 anybody else I can't believe the price Oh $125 bidder number 34 34 last unit today most of us are just in shock this one's indoors again we're headed back inside this one actually doesn't look too bad there wasn't all Christmas it is all Christmas light bulb it looks like shoes looks like shoes it's a five by nine what's in it I have no idea good stop who's gonna give me a $10 bill to get me going I got 10 now 15 15 now 20 20 and 30 30 30 30 30 25 I got 20 here need law reason how about 25 25 now 30 which is serious a lot of people are walking away it's the last unit they were interested they're loading up in their view anybody else are we done it's all $65 better number management came to me and said they have one more unit they forgot to actually put in the auction how long has this one been setting unlock four years this one has been sitting untouched they have not been in it it was not in the auction they forgot and and she says I might not want it can you open it or should I open it I don't I don't know if I'm allowed oh I can see it's been sitting for four years yeah would you would you be upset with me if I said I pass this one this one I'm gonna pass on yeah you might want to ask the Amish if they want it they might want it yeah they might want it yeah [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 30,499
Rating: 4.8882236 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: iH6uv1T_1NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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