Largest Abandoned Storage Unit EVER PURCHASED! What the Hales challenge! GOLD, models & more found!

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put this on a truck chat man we got so much more to go through no way what is this oh [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he has a treasure chest look at it salone is awesome the skulls oh man do we have some treasure in here some bounty what do you think josh you see yeah everything he's seen so far he's saying yeah i'm saying hails yeah one two [Music] there's the id here's my test exempt sheet assuming this guy was here for a while so i'm assuming this guy was here for a while oh yeah how long do you run for you know what happened to him lost his job oh man that sucks you didn't say if the buyer was interested to give you his number it was anything that was no good that he might be able to buy off you yeah give me his number it's entirely up to you i'll take it and then decide from there yeah yeah that's my favorite glad you kept in contact at least you just couldn't do anything he thought he was gonna be able to make it and let's then this one i need a signature right there yeah like why the heck would this guy give up all that stuff it's a huge unit uh question i'm in such a big unit okay i have a couple extra days to get out of there can't really do much more um you have to be out by friday i already have people waiting for the unit because that size is such a demand i can't hold it for a long time okay what happens if i rented it oh you could run it yeah fortunate rent you're looking at that unit goes for 419. 419. in your parades and that would give you a whole month then i just didn't know if you could approach it to the end of this month yeah i might be able to give you like 25 off promotion about 300 roughly cool i might do that i'll probably end up doing that but let me see i mean you'll be here tomorrow i can tell you tomorrow all right hey i haven't even looked at the unit yet so you know what i'm saying i don't even know how much is going on yeah i haven't even opened the door yet so it's hard to say anything i just know it's a 15 by 40. yeah i know you guys don't have many of those most ears are probably ten by tens and five by ten i have three of them and those ones have been in there for years yeah that's the thing no one ever gives them up when they go on they feel i have like a list of people that hey if one opens hey youtube viewers how are we doing today robert zaba auctioneer extraordinaire here and if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for you need to subscribe because guess what i just bought one hails of a unit out here manor ohio and i need a little bit of help so i called everyone's favorite person in mr jeremy hales i think i might be the one that needs the help right i called you to help me but anyways we gotta handle the unit here and uh this you called me to help you with this hey you're a strong guy i could have just went right through and ran the door i'm joking yeah i'm joking the unit i bought is outside let's go take a look no mr hales there's the unit right there holy second sense that's right buddy whoa take a look at this unit it is a 15 by 40. you could drive a semi truck through unbelievable i never thought i would say this to another man but it's huge yes and i know you love size and wow and guess what the best thing is all right this unit is huge it's a 15 by 40 and i know mr hales size matters biggest unit i've ever seen in my life this unit is so huge it costs over 400 a month to rent this unit what the hells so wow guess what i got another surprise for you i'm nothing this isn't enough already no there's okay two doors two doors right and i'm going to challenge you to pick a door and whoever gets the most profitable side wins deal awesome all right mr hales one last question which side are you going to pick paper rock scissors one two three i picked that side i picked the other one i picked the other one all right then let's see who wins all right we saw jeremy's side that he picked so i got this side this is going to be epic this is going to be absolutely amazing i picked the wrong side i picked the wrong side look at that unbelievable oh my goodness look at that the pilots are in the plane pilot pilot pilot with the big oh the motors oh man pilot do you see the motors see all these motors right it goes down there right there but look it wow rob you are so lucky i didn't see this online he's in the hospital with george that's my story and i'm sticking to it awesomeness treasure he has a treasure chest he has a treasure chest look at it two of them i hope there's a treasure chest on my side i hope so too all right i got a challenge going on with what the hails so you can find the most epic things i'm not even gonna count all these unbelievable airplanes in the sky let's see what we can find something you don't need to take a ladder on this whole shelf here is loaded with stuff i can't even see what's on the bottom here it's all blocked off this is a 15 by 40 unit ladies and gentlemen the largest single unit i ever bought ever okay it's so big these planes look small but they're huge wait till we take those down but hey i got magic mike over here today we're gonna start right over here you can see basically what's in here but let's go right through it real quick okay vhs tapes all nothing also wood this is for planes we got some pink cloth here purple cloth oh man it doesn't load a vhs tapes okay we got a couple dvds here dennis the menace blue dark hillbillies right here chats grab a tote we're gonna start putting this up and totes anything that's sellable you got the paparazzi magic mike we got silent shane we got george we got jeremy this unit is so huge we need everybody on board so the stuff that's gonna sell we're gonna put it over there vhs tapes used no money a whole bunch more we always got to check to make sure they didn't put anything in there that is crazy or anything so we got all that garbage we got amos and andy oh man this thing oh everyone needs one of these vhs recorder rewinder amateur home video volume 43 uh oh weren't you in this one magic mike no you sure nope all right was it me it wasn't him we just gotta check you just never know it was another magic mike oh look at this thing so it's like a little tiny dremel but you can change the voltage and make it slower and faster very cool i'm seeing money cartoons look at all this back to the baton these are mine hey that's all i end up this is the first stuff it's not the greatest stuff but hey oh what's this these old ones are going for money look at this might be the cord we might have to bring more totes you can always use one of these all this is going to be garbage oh man more v or d man so we got this box right here let's take a look think it's in there do you think so oh it does look like part of it's in there there's definitely pieces in here i don't know if it's for this one or not but it could be one of these hanging up there you see anything that looks like that that one kind of looks like it looks like that would be too big for this box trout you throw it on the truck oh we got half the boxes here perfect jewelry box it's empty this is all brand new stuff but underneath here now the question is this in the box richer petty model this is new in the box this is money oh yeah this is what i was hoping for when i bought this unit the gentleman had big bottle planes up in the sky i saw this one box only when i saw if he has this model he probably has more oh man who knows i'm so excited let's keep looking man we've already found a few cool things i can't wait to keep going let's go right through this pile here and oh oh nice oh look at this that's a good sign that's a good sign oh look man if i have there might be a bows in here now could be weapons who knows we gotta keep looking man that's a good good fine that's money right there nice little axe tools right here we got a clamp this is garbage we need to get this out of the way to get back to this we got plexiglass here oh man look at this this whole thing let's see what's inside here well i can't the doors go the other way okay there's something for a model plane right here this is like a body section these are the wings let's go to this thing you see that nice wait you see this here's the other one this thing it probably goes to that plane right there that's the wings for the plane oh if he has the wings for see right there the marines dream these are the wings see the match these are the wings that means he probably has the engine he has the engine we're talking about big money oh man i'm so excited so excited found some awesome stuff so far got to keep going through this stuff there's a bunch of these uh dirty pillows we should go have a pillow look at fight what do you think could be in here oh man look at this old box what is this what is this a balancing lipo charger i don't know what this is interesting [Applause] it's gotta be money though what is this oh man oh pills pills pills pills oh my gosh this whole thing's just loaded with pills today we didn't find this for any toothless hurt mike i could have gave you some food see what's in this one more pills chapstick we got pills everywhere pal what's inside this bag these are jewel cases these have a little bit of money working out garbage well this stamped and packed in what do you guys think so far so good yep looks like all paperwork and photos let's go through that more in the shop plastic painting tray oh what do we got here whoa those are what beat headphones how much are these properties damn nice oh man oh nice whew let's see what else we got in here that's a good sign guys right you know you got money stuff i figured that the guy would spend over 400 a month per unit buying model planes like that he probably had a good job and made some money these are just for average tapes you're looking for the old tape they're actually selling nowadays miami vice oh that's what i feel like like i'm robbing this place unbelievable so the tapes will come out miami vice has got to come out put this on the truck man we got so much more to go through oh my god whoa what's this no [Music] you wish hails what's up now oh yeah you wish hail marty you wish hills we're gonna have a pillow fight in a minute hails hey check this out hail man brand new american helmet right there probably fifty dollar bill and we're just in this first few feet we're finding all kind of stuff worth money oh i'm so excited well i can't wait to see what else we can find keep watching we got more digging to go it's over there oh yeah we're getting close to the first one i like it something good coming up all right all right everybody man such an epic i don't even know what he's finding on that side i know this side we're finding money money money if we find money in the front i guarantee you there's money in the back and that's why i always buy units if i see money i know there's other stuff worth money so we're gonna keep going here headphones is in here so let's see if there's anything else in charge it looks like everything else might be garbage in here that's how it works there's no rhyme there's no reason but then you gotta check underneath this box there could be stuff like i said right underneath it and there we go we got a couple tools thank you there's so much piled on top of it so let's go this way oh i thought it was a jewelry box but it's a photo album a little [Applause] afterwards you can have some of this emoji maybe you'll be all right oh look at there's more little plain this is wings for a plane let's put those to the side oh it's all broken what's inside of here this is stuff four planes right here there's all these fossil wood pieces is that a plane underneath there though [Applause] [Music] no it's just the top of the box it looks like a box that's loaded with paper and you're going to get garbage when you buy a unit this big ladies and gentlemen you just don't know [Applause] oh yeah i think it's brand new motion sensor light right there in the box brand new never used so little things like this they add up i have an auction company ladies and gentlemen i can sell anything so i have to put this in a tool box from a household off to any art i'm just going to sell five dollars here ten dollars here that's for a car that's it for a car it's a mold look at that dude if there's cars like that in here oh man it's gonna be awesome big money oh i'm so excited look back there mike look two more planes both with motors on them two more uh what do you think chachi man let's just keep going through i gotta move some of the stuff out our way but we can get back that way found so much epic stuff so far it's been great and we're not even 5'3 then and let's take a look at this bag looks like some dvd family videos we don't want those some new batteries uh rechargeables oh it's not in there it's a cool fixed camera ah something was in there but it's empty now but hey when you start finding stuff like this oh yeah looks like there's garbage let's see what's in here paints yep we've got paints for model airplanes let's say all painting stuff so we're gonna find lots of that kind of stuff [Applause] i was looking for stuff like this brand new sealed models easy sell [Applause] we got paint brushes science magnets experiments [Applause] it looks like more stuff to paint with double edged little razors this is all for except for planes popping stuff what's this all markers and pens so it's like all supplies art supply stuff this thing's heavy it says oh uh all dvds looks like they're all burnt ones probably garbage unfortunately oh i forgot what the hails pointed out earlier little treasure chest right here there's another treasure chest let's take a look this is pretty cool actually it's metal what's this a little brass belt buckle oh hundred dollars one of you guys can get this for your pay today are you guys laughing you don't want this hundred dollars it's a stamp oh no no it's a money clip you can put all that money in there hopefully all the money i make from this unit i'll need that money clip all right look at this bad boy oh that is just the box alone is awesome the skulls oh man do we have some treasure in here some bounty what do you think josh you see yeah everything he's seen so far he's saying yeah i'm saying hails yeah one two three oh there's stuff in here man there's money right off the top we got some rings let's take a look take a look underneath ah look at some bling bling right there look at that watch oh man hopefully something like this is gold [Applause] all kind of paperwork oh look at want to go on a cruise shot so i don't see anything really else i'm gonna put this back like this okay now we got another watch steel back whitten hour some quarters or not silver so you always gotta look for silver oh look at these oh look at that nice oh man look at this there's a pen right here this could be sterling there's another pin it says pat this must go to this oh this is the part of the lock for the treasure chest here's another ring bam bam so this one here uh it looks like it's just fake it looks like a little ship on here but this one we're going to look for a mark inside oh right there right there all hails yeah oh look at that's a 10 carat look at this one let's take a look inside oh right there i don't you guys probably won't be able to see it oh almost it's 14 karat and this one's real heavy compared to this ring chachi come here chassis is a human scale by the way feel this one all right oh man well i still got two locked though so and i guess i don't have to pay chachi for the week so hopefully that ring was less and gold than what chachi makes in the week so but man oh thanks chad he's back so look at all this man we got gold gold gold unbelievable fine in the treasure chest how could it be a bunch better unit than that and look it we haven't even gone through that and you don't even know what the hails found so go to his channel take a look at what the hails if you haven't subscribed yet subscribe so many great things epic unit epic buys you never know we're gonna find next keep watching
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 16,786
Rating: 4.9515991 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Zjaba Auctioneer Extraordinaire from 2nd Cents Auctions, Jeremy and George from What the Hales Hale$, Largest Biggest Huge Storage unit Locker ever purchased bought, Abandoned Storage unit Locker Unboxing video great Finds hidden treasures, Models planes cars toys new old stock vintage antique, Unboxing challenge episode 1
Id: bg9TAJsUtMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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