WE ARE DYING (ft. Abroad in Japan) | Trash Taste #84

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(horn blowing) - How do you put on a hoodie like a boomer? I don't how you've managed to find a way to do it. It's a fucking hoodie. (sound effect pops) - You haven't worn a hoodie before, Chris? (Garnt laughs) - Oh my God, Chris in a hoodie just looks like that fucking, "Hello, fellow kids." (all laughing) (moderate music) Hello, everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste podcast. I'm your host for today, Joey, and I'm with the boys, as per usual, and we have a familiar face. What's that? What was that? (Garnt chuckling) - Do you wanna say that again? (all laughing) - This is like the biggest podcast in the world. (Garnt and Joey laughs) People moving the set around while we're filming. You'd never get this on the Abroad in Japan studio, 'cause there's nobody in there. There's nobody in there. - Do you want to introduce yourself to our audience, Chris? - It's your boy, Chris, innit? - Your boy. (chuckling) - Your boy. (Garnt and Connor laughs) It's your boy. Am I cool now? 'Cause I say, "Your boy." Like Joey. - You sound like a grime rapper. - Yeah, how you doing, guys? Good to see you all. - Welcome back. - Good to see you as well. - For the fourth time. - Good to see you. - The fourth time, the fourth one, the big one. - The big one? - The big one. - How you guys doing? - Yeah, doing all right. - Prepare yourself for another episode of Chris tries not to get canceled. So. - Yeah, yeah. (Chris and Joey laughs) - [Chris] Got two hours. - I wonder what we're gonna have to cut from this episode. (Connor and Joey laughs) - Everything to play for. I'm in a good mood though. I was recently in Japan Times. I was described as affable. - (chuckling) What? - Right, affable. - Affable, in what sense? - Thinking of rebranding to Affable in Japan. (Joey chuckles) But I'm not just affable in name, I'm affable (chuckling) in nature. I don't even know what affable, what does it mean, affable? - What's the definition of affable? - It's somebody who's approachable. - Affable. - Affable, approachable, relatable. - Why not just say approachable? - Approachable in Japan. - You're like a male Karen. - Well, I'm affable, and I've bought Christmas presents. It's a little bit late. - Oh, yeah. - Chris, it's February. - It's February, Chris. - What are you doing bringing Christmas presents? - Well, you didn't invite me in a while. - It's definitely not the 21st of December, we're filming this in. - I've been camping out the front, this studio, for a whole month, waiting to be allowed in. (Joey laughs) Not my fault. Anyway, here we go. - My God. Did you wrap those presents yourself? - Oh, you wrapped them up. - Oh, my God, you actually wrapped them up. - I am affable. (all laughing) - What an affable move. - Who's got what? What's this one? - You're the one that wrapped it up. - I've forgotten which one's which. - You'd be the worst fucking Santa ever. (Joey and Garnt chuckles) You're just at the kids' house, like, "Fuck, uh." - [Joey] "Well, one of them is yours." - Oh, there's Garnt, that's you. - Oh, thank you very much. - Let me guess. - Animation, that's you. - That's me. - Animation. - Animation, it says animation. (chuckling) - I have a feeling like I might know what yours is, Garnt. - Concede, okay. There you go. - Oh, my, oh my, oh my God, Chris. - And before we open these presents, where's my present? - Oh yeah, we actually have a gift for you. - We have a gift for you. - We have a gift, yeah. - What is it? Some sort of insulting artwork of me look like a fucking bowling ball again? - This is Trash Taste merch. - No, we want you to confirm your victory for most drip in the Trash Taste awards this year. So we got you some drip, Chris. (chuckling) - Thank you very much, guys. Trash Taste merchandise. - Try it on, Chris. - Oh thank you so much. (all laughing) - [Connor] Try it on, Chris. - [Garnt] Yeah, you should try it on, Chris. - I'll try it on a little bit later on in the show. - Oh yeah, yeah. - It's the first present. - Will it actually fit? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think so. - It's a large size. - It's big size. - [Garnt] It's big size. - How dare you make some assumptions? - You'll have some drip now for once. - Well, open your presents then, let's get this outta the way. - Should we do it one at a time or just go all together? - Well, let's start with Joey, yeah. - Start with Joey. - Okay. - All right. - So I asked the man. - Why is this so heavy? - I asked the man at the toy store, what all the kids want this Christmas. (Joey and Connor laughs) And this was what he said, yeah. - Oh well, you picked all right, 'cause I've always wanted this. - There you go. - It's the Mario kart. - Yeah. - Go kart. (hands clapping) - Affable, yeah. - [Connor] Okay, that's actually decent. - [Garnt] That's actually a pretty decent present. - That's the one- - Oh and you got batteries. - And I got batteries. - Oh my God. - That's the first time where batteries are included, thank God. - Affable, innit? Affable. - Is this the one that I played around in your studio? - No, it's not as expensive as that one. (Connor and Joey laughs) That's cheap. - It's the cheap, shit one. - But you can drive that around and drive Aki mental. - Hell yeah. - Driving it around the apartment. Yeah. - That's such a cool toy. - Yeah, hell yeah. Aw thanks, Chris, appreciate that. - Good friends. - Let me see, let me see what I got. - Garnt. So this is a shared present with you and Sydney. I know you've got your new place and I figured- - Ooh, thank you very much. - I thought that was a bottle of wine. - [Joey] Yeah, I thought that was a bottle of wine. - I honestly thought this was a bottle of wine. - [Chris] I think Garnt's got enough wine. - You brought a yakitori set, thank you. - [Chris] You can enjoy that with your wine. - Thank you very much. - [Chris] And cook some yakitori. - This will be perfect in our new kitchen. - You look like you're really forcing yourself to say that. - (laughing) No, no, no. - This will be a, yeah. - Genuinely we've been looking for kitchen appliances, 'cause we are experimenting with a lot of cooking. So. - Oh nice. (wrapping paper rustles) And Connor. Don't worry, it's not- - Why's it so heavy? - [Chris] It's not a bomb, don't worry. (wrapping paper rustles) - [Joey] Oh look. (Connor laughs) Oh it's a poker set. - It's a poker set. - Poker set. - This is for you, Chris. - [Joey] So you can- - Connors like, "When I come to your house, I can take all your money." (Joey laughs) - It's good though. - Well, I did beat you at poker recently. - For legal reasons we need to say we don't obviously bet money on poker. (Joey laughs) - Yeah it's illegal. - No, definitely not. - 'Cause gambling is illegal. - It's fucking heavy. What are these chips made of? Rocks? - [Chris] Maybe next time you could beat me at poker. Now you can practice at home. (Garnt chuckles) - I'll defeat you next time. - Wait, he beat you at poker? - No, I beat him. - Okay, yeah. - He needs to practice. - I beat him as well, I beat him as well. - Destroyed him, he's rubbish. - This is what happened, right, we were getting it, the night was going on long, I'd already collected all the money. (Chris grunts) And I'm like, "Fine, let's just all or nothing, let's come on, the night's over." (Garnt chuckles) And then Chris won, and then here now he won't let me forget it. (Joey chuckles) - That's not what happened. We went for two hours, it was 11 o'clock, PM, 11 PM when we started. - [Connor] Yeah. - And Connor was winning for the first hour, and he's like, "What time does this place close? What time does it open?" It was until one. He's like, "Well, we'll stay all night, we'll play." (Joey chuckles) - No, it was not. - And he did really well, he was doing really well to be fair. He annihilated this poor Japanese man. - [Connor] Twice. - Twice and he bought back in sheepishly, got annihilated again. Connor was like, "Oh, looks to me. What's that? I'm just too good." (all laughing) He was sipping his cocktail, like, "See what I'm saying. See what I'm saying." And then I was biding my time, I'd done quite badly and Connor was like, "Come on, Chris, you gotta step up your game, mate." - [Joey] I know I think- - I generally thought Chris didn't know how to play poker for the first hour, just didn't do anything. - And then I had a good hand, I think it was like ace, king. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And I was like- - That's a good hand. - And I was putting some chips, and Connor's like, "All in." I was like, "Cool." And Connor was like, "Aw, aw, aw, ro." (Joey laughs) - [Connor] I went exactly like that. (Joey and Garnt laughs) - And then I went, "What have you got?" He went, "Nothing." And then he lost. He kind of decimated his pile, and he's like, "We should probably go home now then. What do I say? What is it? What time does this place close?" - This also wasn't for money. There's some, but there's a lot of places in Japan where you can just gamble, for fake money. (Joey chuckles) Which you can't buy anything with. - So monopoly. (Chris and Connor laughs) - It's for show. - [Garnt] So monopoly money then? - Yeah monopoly money. - I didn't know that, the time, I thought we could get money, we couldn't get money. - I thought you could get drinks or something with it, but you can't get anything. - [Joey] Like drink vouchers and stuff right? - Yeah but I think, no, you couldn't get anything. - Oh fuck. - 'Cause I think even drink vouchers is not allowed, yeah. - Okay. - Really, yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause there's a big poker scene weirdly in Japan. - Really? - There is a bunch of poker places in Shinjuku, around the area. Tons of different areas. - Well, I mean, there was talks of opening that casino in Yokohama all right, recently. And then the Yokohama government was like, "No, actually." (all chuckling) "We need room for Pachinko machines." - I think it would be good for Japan to get casinos. - I think so, yeah. - Yeah. - So they can realize how shit Pachinko is. (Joey laughs) - Yeah. - Get rid of these noisy fucking places. - [Joey] It's the worst. - Bro, the day they introduce casinos in Japan is the day Gacha dies. (Chris laughs) - [Joey] Yeah. Or it levels up. - Or it levels up. - Depending on how you do it, yeah. - All the playing cards won't be your traditional king. - (chuckling) Yeah. - It'll be like anime waifus on it. (Joey chuckles) - Be like vice Schwartz cards. (all laughing) - It's like, "Wonder what you mean, you can win this thing called money in chance machines. That doesn't make sense." - [Chris] No, that doesn't make sense. - I'd like to imagine that all the poker tables are just themed after the Yu-Gi-Oh arm things. (Joey laughs) It's like, "Hit me dealer." (Joey speaks Japanese) (Joey and Garnt laughs) Goes on the thing. - I would play poker if I was keeping one of those, that'd be sick. - Bro, you don't win money, you win life points. - [Joey] Yeah, life points. - How amazing is that? - [Joey] You could exchange life points for money. (Connor makes a chiming sound) (all laughing) - So much hypocrisy in Japan with that. Hypocrisy. - So I don't understand how there can be a big poker scene in Japan if you can't win money. I just- - Well, I didn't know that before I played. I thought we're gonna walk out here billionaires. (Joey laughs) And the guy was like, "You've won, well done." And he gave me some monopoly money. I was like, "Can I get a drink with this?" He's like, "No, you can't do anything, get out, it's 1 AM." - It's like you've won 1 million Zimbabwe dollars. (Joey and Chris laughs) You are now a millionaire. - Please share. - It's like 50 USD. (Garnt and Joey laughs) - I was pretty disappointed, but I beat Connor and that was enough. - [Connor] That was enough for Chris to go. - Well, now, the one that you guys went to, which is the same one that we went to. - I did take you there afterwards. - Yeah, you get monopoly, it's like a block, right? Like a plastic block you get that you can exchange back to play another round of poker. - Yeah. - [Garnt] Right. So you win- - So it's a scam. - Yeah. (chuckling) (Garnt and Joey laughs) - So what you win is just the chance to compete again. - Yeah, yeah. It's like a play for free pass, basically. (all laughing) - So do you have to pay to play in the place? - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. - [Joey] You have to buy in. - We paid like 40 bucks to play thinking that maybe we could get a drink or something. We didn't really, I mean, to be fair, it's on us for not knowing. But yeah, no, you can just play again in future, if you happen to go back to the same bar in the exact same place, and you remember to bring your piece of paper that says you had money. - Which I did. - [Connor] Chris is- - I used it to beat Joey. - Yeah. - [Connor] They probably go in there for expecting someone to come back. - We started playing poker, and he was like three times as many chips as me. (Garnt laughs) - It's 'cause it was- - At the beginning. - It was like four Japanese men's all entire earnings that I'd gotten then given to Chris. (all laughing) - So you can't even exchange it for prizes. or anything like that? - Nothing. - At least the Pachinko, you can exchange it for prizes. - Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Right? Surely. - Yeah, surely if you could do Pachinko, there must be some weird work around where you can, you could if you wanted to, but maybe it's not worth it. - [Chris] Well, that's what I saw. - But I think the Pachinko one typically is in another building. Right? - It is yeah. - To cash out. - You cash in your balls, and then conveniently just around the corner there's someone that wants to buy your balls. And that sounds really wrong, and I regret saying that now. (all laughing) And he'll buy your balls. - Purchase your balls. - He'll be like, "What a coincidence I want those balls, here's $500." - I actually need ball bearings, funny enough. I've been starting my own factory. Yeah, Pachinko is a strange thing. - [Chris] I hate Pachinko. - I feel like it's such a blight on the countryside as well. - [Chris] Oh yeah. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Every countryside in Japan is just depressed, there's nothing, the business is dying, except for the palace of Pachinko though. It looks like it's like the Montecarlo Casino in the middle of the rice field. It's ridiculous. - Yeah, well, that's the thing. It's like, you know that a area in Inaka is really fucking booming when it comes economically, because there's the Pachinko parlor in the middle, and then all the businesses surround the Pachinko. - [Connor] It is really sad. - I've got like, brag, I've got the number one video on Pachinko, right? (Garnt chuckles) - Yeah. - And you watch it, and you just don't understand why people play Pachinko. I made it and I just don't get it. - Can you play Pachinko? I mean that- (Joey laughs) - We played it on my video. - Well, we played it. And I gotta say- - I gotta say like- - it's pretty fucking boring. - I didn't really play it. I've never felt like an IRL autoplay game until I played Pachinko. - Yeah, exactly. - You turn a knob and that's it. Is that game play? Does that count as game play? - It's like the subtle wrist movement. - [Garnt] Oh, it plays itself, it's brilliant. - In the video though, I did, I had Natsuki and he was like, "I'm a professional, I speak professional player." I was like, "Really?" And we gave him, I think, like a 1000 balls, and we had to see how many he could get in half an hour. And to be fair to him, he did get like 4,000. - Oh wow then. - And he claimed that he had a strategy. (Joey laughs) Just luck as the strategy. - Luck, luck. - It's a 91 degree angle. (Joey laughs) Not a 90 degree angle. - [Chris] It was bollocks. - I'm sure there is, but why is like, you just get wrist cRamenps after 10 minutes of playing? It's awful. (Garnt laughs) - [Joey] I don't get it, man. - It's not fun. I do not understand the fascination. I feel like, 'cause it's the only form of gambling they have, so it just works. - Oh, Gacha. - That's not gambling, you don't win money. (Garnt chuckles) - Well, you don't win money in Pachinko either, right? - You do. - Yeah, you win prizes. - You win prizes? - No, you win money. - No, you can't win money in Pachinko. - You can't win money. - [Connor] Don't you get money? - No. - You can exchange the balls for money, can't you? - No, you can't. Yeah, you can only it exchange for prizes. Otherwise, it becomes illegal gambling. - Really? - Yeah. - Yep. - That's how they get around that. - That's how they get around it. - Pachinko isn't technically gambling, because you can't win money, you just win prizes. Which you can then exchange for money. - Is that true? - Yeah, you can win prizes. - Can we fact search this? I'm near certain you can get money. - You win prizes which you then exchange for money. - I know in the building itself you can exchange for prizes. But I know if you want money, you have to go to the other building. - [Joey] Right. - I'm near certain. - Yeah. - So you can, in the building itself, you can get like a bag of crisps for 10 balls. But if you wanna change the balls for money, you go to the other building. - I always thought it was, you get the balls, you exchange 'em for prizes, and then you go to another building, and you can exchange the prizes for money. - [Connor] No. - I thought that was the work around. - No, I'm near certain it's money. Can we fact check this please? - The debate of Pachinko. - Well, because- - Either way there is some legal loophole. - [Joey] Yeah, there's a legal loophole. - That is getting taken advantage of here. - Because if- - [Announcer] So it is illegal to play Pachinko for money in Japan. But there are loopholes around Japan's street gambling laws, some stemming from the belief that the Japanese, okay. (chuckling) Once in a while, you have the- - You can get money from Pachinko, it is- - Oh, no, no, you can get money from Pachinko - Yeah, you can, but it's not a direct transfer. - [Announcer] It's not a direct transfer. - That's the loophole. - Yeah. (Connor and Garnt chuckles) - It's illegal to win prizes directly from the game, but so that's where the prize comes in. - Yeah but you can get money. - Oh no, you can get money. - Yes. But it's a loophole. - You said you couldn't get money. What do you wanna- - No, no, no, you can't get money directly from the machine. - You can't officially get money, right. - I know, that's not what I was arguing. I said, "You can get money from it. You just go to the building outside." - [Joey] But that's where the loophole comes in, right? - Yeah, that was never in contention. - So, though, basically, if they bring in a casino- - Cut that bit out of the video. (all laughing) - [Connor] That is stupid. - So basically if they bring a casino to Japan, they have to do the same thing, unless they change the laws. It's like you win blackjack and you win a Teddy bear. - Places have changed the laws before, it's not beyond comprehension, I think. - This is Japan, Connor. (Joey laughs) - [Announcer] Basically, you get the amount of, for example, the receipt that says that this is the amount that you get for a certain token. So this token, you can't exchange it for money within the city. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see. It's for money, people aren't playing for toys. Why'd you think people would spend their whole life? - I never said that. - I know people who don't play for toys, I know that there is a way to get money, but I know that it's very much in the gray area for like- - That's why everyone's playing it. (Garnt chuckles) No one's playing it for a fucking plushy for nine hours. - Of course. (all laughing) - You never know some people might. (all laughing) - Go to fucking E-Bay. - I mean, there are people who play crane games, right? So it's pretty much the same thing. - Can't understand those people. - Well, actually, you guys have all done the crane game on YouTube, yeah. - Don't let me talk about that bloody crane game bollocks. - I hate crane game. - Yeah, how much did you waste, Chris? - I think, how much is it? $500. - Yeah and you got nothing. - You might as just burn that for fun. I'd have more fun just setting it on fire. (Garnt laughs) Than wasting my time trying to catch that fucking monkey. - This is a good transition into what you think about crane game. - Shit, awful, hate it, never again. - I don't, 'cause I recently did it as well on Connor's channel, and I asked Connor. I was like, "So how much stuff did Chris win?" And he's like, "Oh a bag of chips." And I was like, "What?" - No, I won at least two bags. - Did he have arms? - [Garnt] Oh yeah. - He won two bags of chips and he won a knockoff kettle. (Joey laughs) - And the reason was, I didn't cheat like Connor, I didn't ask the staff, "I'm sorry, could I have some help?" That was Connor and he's like- - That's what you're supposed to do. - That's boring, I learned to play it by the rule book. - Well, look what happened. - I'm a man of honor, I play by the rules, I don't need help. - They're not playing by honor. Why should you? - [Joey] Yeah. - To be fair, I did win though and the woman, I was like, "Can I get my crisps out?" And she had to remove it from the machine, and she went, "Yeah, yeah, sure." And then she just put it back on the shelf. (Garnt and Connor laughing) And I was staring at her. "Are you taking me for a mug. What's going on? Give my crisps." And a supervisor had to come over, "And be like, sorry, sorry, he is a winner, give him his chips." - (chuckling) He's a winner. - I watched the footage back, and it's quite funny. 'Cause there was a big sign on the machine that said if it gets stuck, where Chris has got stuck, that you win the prize and then you just put it back. - Bastards. (Garnt and Connor chuckling) It was awful, there was nothing fun about it. Nothing about it. - It's fun up to the first prize you win, and then you just kind of feel like a monkey pressing buttons afterwards. - And I was trying to get a monkey. curious George or something, wasn't it? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Curious. - Don't tell me you forgot. - I can't believe you just gave up on that. - The machine took my money as well. (Joey laughs) So not only did my prize get put back on the shelf, even though I'd won it fairly. I put in a $100, just went up in smoke. I had to get a woman over to try and get the money out, and while she was doing that, I was still trying to catch fucking curious George above her. She was digging through the machine, trying to get my money out like a Indiana Jones excavation. It was shit, I hate crane games. I hate everyone that plays crane games, I especially hate Connor for making me do it. Never, ever again, ever. Ever. - It was a good arcade though. That Sendai one was my favorite one, I think. - [Chris] Biggest in Japan. - I know, yeah. - Did it have the best prizes? - [Joey] No. - I genuinely think the prizes were, maybe the Taita one has the best ones. - Yeah. - I won the Ramenen maker. - The shit kettle. - And it's just a kettle. (Joey laughing) - It's a rebranded kettle. It's like infringing on copyright. - It's kettle where you put boiling water, and then you just put your noodles in, and they're like, "Ramenen kettle." - So it's just a cup. - Just like a bowl of shit. - But it's got like a budget knockoff of the Nissin cup noodle one. - [Chris] It does, doesn't it? - I mean, honestly the favorite prize that I got was my fucking home Ramenen like TyRamenen. - Oh really? - It's the Ramenen. That was my favorite prize. - That's pretty cool. - [Joey] Oh shit. - It's cool just seeing the variation of different machines that they have. There was one that was like a balance board, in the one that we wanted. - Oh yeah, there was. - Was a balance board for a crane game. So you move around with your feet to choose where the crane. It's awful. - [Joey] Oh that's pretty cool. - No, it's awful. - [Joey] Is it? - 'Cause you can't control it to save your life. - [Joey] Oh right. - You just cheat and get on the floor and move it. - I can't think of any cool one. I won Aloe hand cream for like 200 yen. - [Garnt] Aloe hand cream. (Joey laughing) - I used one of the small ones and I was like, "I put in 200 yen and I got this Aloe hand cream." I was like, "Cool." - Isn't there a better way to spend $500, Connor? - [Connor] Yeah, of course. - Yeah, of course there is. - I'm not doing it for a smart financial decision. I'm doing it for content. - It's content. - [Chris] Content. - 'Cause people like seeing you fail, Chris. - [Chris] Yeah, that's true. - To be fair, you crying at curious George for 20 minutes was a cathartic experience. - They love seeing you get tortured. - I think my blood pressure went up that day. (all laughing) At one point I was in a machine being like, "Fucking piece of shit." And I looked around, there's like a little kid just watching me. (all laughing) I was like, "Oh." (Chris speaks Japanese) - It came out so good, 'cause I felt it was probably my strongest performance as well. And I was absolutely murdering all these machines. - But at that- - And the dichotomy of Chris, just struggling for his life to get a bag of crisps. - At that point, you've done how many crane game machines? Like three, four. - You're a natural born entertainer, Chris. - You'd say that but the one that I did with Joey was by far the most difficult. - Oh really? - Oh, the Shinjuko one was fucking so hard. - It was tough, it was tough, it was tough. It was tough cranes. - Although, I still got more than Chris. - Would you say that there is an actual technique to crane games, now that you've done it like for- - I figured out a technique. - There is, there is. - Okay, here's the thing, I think, some machines, the level of difficulty isn't decided by the crane, it's the size of the item they put in. - [Joey] Yeah, right. - There's some things that, like boxes, some of the figure boxes, right? They're just too big, where they're just, no matter where you push them, they're gonna fall in, and once they fall into like a- - [Joey] Like a dent. - It's like you can't get it out. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And so it's kind of, it's cool. - You gotta reset it. Otherwise it's not gonna work. - And that's when you gotta call the staff and be like, (speaking Japanese) Help me. - And displace it sort of, gradually pick it up and nudge it slightly towards the edge. - You are. Again some boxes are so big, and so are not good at moving that they'll just naturally just fall into that the moment you start moving them, and they just hope you'd just give up. - Yeah, I remember in my episode, I asked the staff lady, I was like, "Is there like a technique of any kind with any of these?" And she's like, "Oh, people who are really good at it just figure out the physics." - Figure out the physics. - And I'm like, "Cool, I have to be a physicist to figure this shit out. Amazing." - You can maybe make a profit from it if you're really good, but it's just not worth it. (Garnt chuckles) Like why would you do that? - Yeah, I remember when I asked for advice in my video. So the guy on the crane, he tells me, "Oh, you gotta get it in this position." Which was like the position you do to like, before it flips over. - [Joey] Right, right, right. - So he easily gets it into that position. And then he's just like, "Okay, so what you do after you get it in this position." Then he opens the box and takes his hands out, and he goes, "You just flip it over and it goes in the hole." I'm just like, "Brilliant. All I need to do is fucking just have a pair of keys, and push it over with my hands. Why didn't you tell me before? What an easy technique." (all laughing) - I just got PTSD just thinking about this. - I thought Chris was just playing it up for the camera. - [Chris] No, yeah. - But he was genuinely furious after the video. (Joey laughs) He was just angry. - There's something about exchanging that amount of money and just getting nothing, nothing in return except stress. - I got a bunch of stuff. - You didn't, no, you didn't. What you got was worthless. - I got value. I got maybe, at best 200 quid worth of stuff. (helicopter buzzing) - That's why I only play rhythm games when I go to arcades, 'cause you get the experience you pay for. - Massive helicopter. - [Connor] AC30 going about. - Come to take Connor away. (Joey and Connor laughs) Finally, back to Wales. (Connor laughs) Crane game, yeah, crane game. (all laughing) - A giant crane game. - Drop him in the sea of Wales, that's a place I just made up. - Those videos come out way more fun than they are to shoot, that's for sure. - It was like, what? Four hour shoot? - Yeah it's a rough shoot. - It was just not fun. - It was for the first hour and a half, I thought, I was like, "Oh this might be a decent video." (Chris laughs) And then the rest of the video, it's like you just run out energy. I'm just like, "What do I say about this? What do I say? Pushing the same button for the thousandth time." - The videos kind of really fun. Really nice and easy to watch. - What did you win? Rem or something, wasn't it? (all laughing) - You remembered her name? - R-E-M. - R-E-M. - R-E-M. - Favorite band. - One of my favorite clips- - Shiny, happy people. - One of my favorite clips of all time is when he's getting confused about Rem and Ramen, and then I explained to him that Ramen is her sister. - So what? Ramen? - Ramen is her sister. - Ramen is like a beast, like a sheep, like a sheep. (all laughing) - Like a male sheep. - Like a sheep or something, innit? - You see a Ramen and you're like, "That's a beast." (Joey laughs) - Do we have a Rem? - No, we don't, actually. - Do not. - Wait, you never bought a Rem? - No, we don't have her. - [Announcer] No, no, it's- - We don't have a Ramen. - Why are they called Rem and Ramen? Why not like something else? - Bill and Ted. - Bill and Ted. - But are they from Japan? Rem? (Joey laughs) - No, they're fantasy characters. - Ramen? - They're from like, fuck, who knows? - Who made this up? Where are they from? - Do you know any twins in real life? - No. - 'Cause the only twins I know in real life, the names are Hammy and Sammy. - What? - Are you serious? - I swear to God, I swear to God. - I don't know any twins that have rhyming names. - Yeah, I don't have any either, rhyming names. - What's the story of Rem and Ramen? - Oh Rick and Roberto as well. I guess that makes more sense. - Rick and Roberto? - I guess makes more sense than Hammy and Sammy. - [Joey] (chuckling) Hammy and Sammy. - So we know, yeah, we know stories. - What's the story? - What is Rem and Ramen about? Where's the who? - That's not the name of show. (all laughing) - Rem and Ramen. I mean, is it a Japanese- - Rem and Ramen's excellent adventures. - It's a Japanese visual novel and they got turned into anime. - Light novel. - Oh yeah, light novel, sorry. And got made into an anime, and Rem and Ramen are- - It's called Re:Zero. - They're two maids and they're demons, and they're very enjoyable characters. - Why do you like it so much? (all laughing) - It's a good show. - Why is it a good show? - I like the characters. - Why? What do they do that make you think, "Yes?" - They're very caring for the main character. (Connor and Garnt laughs) - It's like a son getting in trouble by his dad. - I feel like I'm asking reasonable questions here. What's the attraction to the show? - It's hard 'cause you didn't watch the show, 'cause there's a few scenes with a specific character, and Rem is just very endearing, more so than most anime characters. - She affable? - Very affable in fact, yes. - Not as affable as you, Chris. - Not as affable as you, obviously. - Japan hashtag. - She gets rejected and it's really sad, 'cause she pours her heart out. - Wow, spoilers. (chuckling) - (chuckling) Spoilers. - Everyone knows that now. Everyone knows that. - I gotta go, and watch it now. Where can I watch it? - I don't know. - [Joey] Online. - Online. - Legally online. - Legally, legally. - Legally online. - Always legal. Great. - Go and watch it, let me know what you think. - All right. I'll watch at least one episode. - Chris would not enjoy Re:Zero. - People would pay good money to watch you actually watch. - (chuckling) Actually, yeah. - People would pay an exorbitant amount of money. - You need to do a show where you commentate over an episode. - 'Cause you watching non-Satoshi Kon anime would be hilarious actually. (Joey laughs) - It's not perfect, believe me. To be fair I re-watched, you see, it's like low hanging fruit. I watched Akira again for the first time in years the other day. That was a beautiful film. I forgot how amazing, I mean, I know Akira's brilliant- - Right behind you. - Yeah. - I was feeling emotional watching it. I was like, "Yes." - He's feeling emotional. - "This is perfection." This is like what everything should be. - It's so good. - Yeah, it's amazing. - So fucking good. - The animation is fucking incredible. - And that's where I need to, I'm thinking sort of to become like the Anime Man. (Joey laughs) I wanna get into anime a bit. - I mean, it's free real estate right now. - There's a gap in the market now. - Yeah, there's a gap in the market right now. - So why don't you watch anime anymore? (all laughing) - Don't go into this. - That's a good question, that's a good question. - Wait, you're the Anime Man. - I don't wanna go into this, man. - What- - We've been into this before. - So it's like you don't watch it as much now? - Yeah, pretty much. - So I could be the new Anime Man? - Please. - All right. - Please. - Fucking open a beer to watch this. (Chris laughs) - Yeah, I'll crack open an Australian cider that Chris brought. - We cracking 'em open now? All right. - Chris brought some Australian Three Oaks, he brought some Three Oaks cider. (cans clicking) - It tastes just like home, gents, tastes like home. (cans clicking) - These are actually pretty good. They're better on top, but. - Seeing a good job changing subjects. Isn't it? - Cheers, boys. (Chris laughs) - All right, cheers. (chuckling) - Don't worry Chris, I'll get you into anime. (Chris laughs) These two are posers. (Joey laughs) I'm the real anime fan. - [Chris] Who's the most Anime Man here? - The anime that he'll recommend you will bore you to death. - [Joey] Yeah. Well, they're all reincarnation stories. - You'll need a fucking flow chart to figure out what's going on. (Garnt laughing) - So you know, I did watch your anime review video. I think it must have been like two or three weeks ago where you sort of had your line up of things you recommended watching. That was quite interesting 'cause I was like, "Oh you know, I wanna learn about anime." - Yeah, I mean, I make them- - Garnt's the man. (all laughing) - I can't take you seriously when you say that. (all laughing) - I'm not joking. - He was like, "I wanna learn about anime." - "I wanna learn about anime." - It's like hearing my- - My dad is telling me that. - Yeah, it's like my dad is like- - "Oh, I wanna learn about this Minecraft thing you're doing." (all chuckling) - "There's this thing called animation." - "But I heard about these things called let's plays." - Garnt is like the good one and I wanna hear his thoughts. (all laughing) He's the voice of reason and credibility. - Garnt is the good one. - I'm the good one. - He's the voice of reason. And I thought if I wanna learn about anime. - Well, I mean you're already into anime, right? You like Satoshi Kon and Akira. - Yeah, I love them. - That's anime. - But I mean just by watching four films doesn't make me into anime. - But there's a lot of shows that are like that in the same vein. (Connor wails) That I reckon you get into. - Ghost in the Shell. - [Garnt] I mean there's no one that can replace- - Low hanging fruit again. - Yeah, I'm not saying it's exactly the same or better, but it's kind of in the same thing. - [Garnt] The same vibes. - Yeah, it's the same vibe, yeah. - But I feel like I've neglected anime. The reason I don't watch anime, just 'cause growing up, I didn't know anyone that watched it. And there was no sort of way- - Would you say you had like a bad connotation as well to watch anime? To be honest. - A little bit certainly in the UK. I think it's seen as like a very geeky losery thing. - I think everywhere back then, it was like that. - I don't think that's fair at all. - I mean, it's a lot different now. Like we've said multiple times, I think when we were growing up, like our age group, you'd get bullied for watching anime. - Oh fuck yeah. - But nowadays kids- (Chris chuckles) - Bullied for breathing. (all laughing) - Nowadays kids get bullied for not watching anime. For not watching certain anime. - And I don't think that's good. - It's the popular kids who are watching now. - All the popular kids are like, "I love Naruto." - Soon as you talk about something you like, filmography. - Bully. (Garnt laughs) - Oh yeah but no, I do want investigate a bit further. - Investigate. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Investigate. You're saying this as if you're like- - I want to dip my toes into this anime business. What do you recommend? Based on what I know and like. Like Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Satoshi Kon. Feed that into- - Wait, have you seen Ghost in the Shell? - Yes, of course. - [Connor] You're like the iceberg meme. - What, the movie? - Not the live action. - Oh no, that's shit. - [Connor] This is literally that tall iceberg. - Don't talk about talk about that silly film. - I think he's watching the best of the best. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If you're a degenerate, the deeper you go down. - I think you- (Joey laughs) - Yeah, well, that's how you get someone into anime. I think you'd really enjoy Baccano. - Baccano. - Baccano's good. - That's like a good entry level TV series. - What happens? - Okay, so it's kind of hard to explain. - Like one sentence. - All right, it's kinda like a Quentin Tarantino, Guy Ritchie film turned into an anime. - That's good. That's a good synopsis. Good little line to get me in. (Garnt chuckles) - I say anything Narita Ryogo makes is kinda like that. Like Durara is also the same. - That was a much more exciting description than what he said about Rem and Ramen and Rom. (Garnt and Joey laughs) - Well, no, no, I don't think you'll like Re:Zero. - [Garnt] No. - I have a suspicion you might not like Re:Zero. - [Garnt] You're not gonna like Re:Zero. - You're not gonna like Re:Zero. - The story, she is enduring. Oh brilliant, I don't want endearing, I want Tarantino. - They're not even the main characters, that's the funniest thing. - Oh really? - Yeah. - Who's the main character? - Su-. - Rom? - Rom. (laughs) - Rom. (laughs) - That is actually a character in Re:Zero. (all laughing) - That is a character. - That is an actual character. - I can predict anime. I know anime without watching it. - Yeah, he's the old guy who- - Oh yeah. - He's the old guy. - Is he endearing? - Kinda. - He's kind of affable, yeah. - Kinda. - (chuckling) Affable. - Affable, affable, affable. - That's the word of this podcast, affable. - What other anime Chris might enjoy? - I was thinking, maybe, something like Red Line, you might like. (Chris snickers) - What films do you like? - Animation, yeah, but. - Oh something, sci-fi, gritty, a bit of something dark, something sort of neo-noir. - Psycho-pass. - [Joey] Psycho-pass. - Oh, yeah. Cowboy Bebop too, maybe. - Yeah. - (chuckling) That's the first one I thought about. - Everyone says I would like Cowboy Bebop. - I think you'd like Cowboy Bebop. - Should I watch it on Netflix? - No, no, no, no, no, no. (all laughing) - So, okay, so there's two versions of Cowboy Bebop on Netflix. Go for the anime's version. (all laughing) - Did it get canceled? - [Connor] (chuckling) It did. - Yeah, season two got canceled, yeah. - That's sad, innit? Sad, sad that happens. - Yeah, I think you'll really like Cowboy Bebop and- - [Connor] Yeah, Psycho-Pass, I think you'd actually enjoy. - Psycho-Pass, I think you'd like Psycho-Pass. - Psycho-Pass? - Yeah, Psycho-Pass. - It's a dystopian future where you're rated based on your mental health score. - Sounds like real life, Connor. (chuckling) (Joey, Garnt and Connor laughs) Dystopian future, that's now. - Well, no, it's like there's an all-knowing algorithm that knows your mental health stability, and if you are like psychotic, it just kills you. - Right. - Yeah. So it's kind of like- - That's pretty fucked up. - [Garnt] Yeah, of course. - It's a fucked up show. - [Garnt] That's the whole point of it. - That's pretty exciting. - And of course, who's gonna do the killing, but these enforcers, and it's a pretty harsh story where you follow with these enforcers having to basically just murder people, and it's really fucking priceless. - Yeah, it's really good. - Sounds like my kinda thing. - It's really good actually, now that I think about it. - They have this gun, right, they have this gun and you point it at the person, and the gun scans what their mental health is, and if their mental health- - [Joey] It quantifies their mental health. - Yeah, the gun goes from just stun gun to just obliterating a person to their atoms based on how bad their mental health is. - What's the gun called again? It's annihilator or something. - [Garnt] Dominator. - Dominator, that's it. - Is this like a feature where the dislike button was never hidden then? (all laughing) 'Cause now it's gone, my mental health is so much better on YouTube. But that's a cool premise. - Yeah, it's a very cool premise. - [Connor] You should watch it. - Oh I'll watch it, yeah. Psycho-Pass. - Psycho-Pass. - Psycho-Pass. - I actually think you'd enjoy that actually. - 'Cause If you're a psycho you pass. (Connor and Garnt laughing) Is that? - I think it's more the opposite. If you're a psycho, you don't pass. - So it's Psycho Die. - Psycho Die. (laughing) - [Joey] Psycho Die. - Feel really old and out of the times now. Help me get in. - You should start titling anime, Psycho Die, Ramen and Rem. - Yeah, Rem and Ramen. - Rem and Ramen. - All right. I'll get into it, I'll check it out. - You'll probably enjoy it more than new Matrix that you were talking about. - I feel like, yeah, you are just more into general films, right? And cinematography. - Perhaps. - And staying up with the news and stuff like that. - But I think a lot of the best cinematography comes out of anime films. Just watching Akira, the other day, I was like, "Holy shit, the cinematography on this is brilliant. The best of the best, 10 out 10." So I kinda wanna go down the anime rabbit hole. - [Garnt] Yeah, I mean like do you- - Explore a bit more. - Do you still look at films the same way now? Or do you focus more on cinematography, and just the general filmmaking craft? - I still think I do look at cinematography a lot, but I still think story's really important. Like I just watched the Matrix Four, Resurrections. And it was all right, it's very meta, kinda comments on itself a lot, and I'd recommend watching it, but there's no sort of replay value. I ask myself, if a film is good, I wanna rewatch it, and if I don't wanna rewatch it. I can't even say rewatch it. If I don't wanna rewatch it then it's not overly great. - Right, right. - I think you'd like One Punch Man, weirdly enough. - One Punch Man. - I think you'd like it. - I don't know. - I think you'd like it. - Really? - I think so. - I think anyone can enjoy One Punch Man. - [Connor] I think you'd find it amusing. - Yeah? - And to be fair, the cinematography is insane. - But I think, there'll come a point where he'll watch One Punch Man, and be like, "Oh this joke again." - I mean I think you'd enjoy it. I don't think it'd be your most favorite anime. - It's no Satoshi Kon. - It's no Satoshi Kon. - It's no Satoshi Kon. - There is no Satoshi Kon. - What did you say? What did you fucking say? (Connor laughs) I ought to stick you in a crane game machine head first. - It's good popcorn entertainment. - Yeah, popcorn. - 'Cause I remember this weekend, I finally saw Dune, not in cinemas, unfortunately. - [Chris] Oh no. - So I didn't feel the sub woofers. - You didn't feel the voice. - Even- - That film needs to be watched in the cinema. - Even watching it on my TV, I felt like it was getting bass out of the TV that just didn't exist, man. (Joey laughs) Like, I dunno how it was possible. - [Joey] Like a sub woofer was corned. - That crappy $300 TV, I know, 'cause you have the same one. That would not do it justice. - I watched that at IMAX, I nearly cried, my ears were bleeding. (Joey laughs) Like, "Brr." Like Hans Zimmer but that was pretty good. - But my God, the cinematography in that was fucking insane. - [Chris] Oh for one. - Dune one is good if Dune two comes out, and if it's good. - [Chris] It is coming out. - [Joey] Oh yeah, yeah. - But I mean is it gonna be good? The Dune one was amazing if Dune two is good. - 'Cause it was weird, 'cause it didn't feel like I was watching a movie, it felt like I was watching a HBO TV series, something like that, it did. When it ended, it felt like it was an end of an episode rather than just an end of a movie. But it wasn't necessarily bad. - I didn't really like the ending, and I hate, oh, I don't know if it spoils it, but just by saying the last line, the film, where she's like, "This is just the beginning." (Garnt and Joey laughs) I was like, "No, don't say that." That's like, "There's a storm coming." That sort of shit line you see in so many films. - I mean, to be fair, it is based off a sixties book. - (chuckling) Yeah. - You have to take that into consideration. - But other than that. - Seven, eight outta 10, I feel it deserves it. - How much? - Seven, eight outta 10, I feel. - Maybe a 8.5. - I'd give it like an eight or a nine. 'Cause the story just picks up from there as well. Like if you've read the books, but, yes, I'm looking forward to it. - It was just like my kind of story where it just set up the world really well. - It did, yeah. - I was more interested. Like I watched the film, and then I just went on a binge of just lore explanation videos. 'Cause I'm just like there are so many interesting aspects of this world that they just kind of didn't have time to explore. - Frank Colbert was not stupid, I don't know how he did it. - Well, it's like how old's the book now? Like fucking- - First book was 1964. - [Connor] My God. - Can I spoil one thing in it? Could we do a spoiler warning? - Okay, sure, spoiler warning. - Spoiler. One thing I really didn't like about the film is that they had this really, so again, spoilers. Please watch Dune. Please, if you haven't. (Joey chuckles) Especially like a really impactful scene where he kills someone for the first time. - [Joey] Yeah, that was very good. - But then it's supposed to be a really big deal, but they just bring it up at one second before he kills someone for the first time. They're like, "By the way, he's never killed anyone." Starts stabbing a man to death and it's like, "Oh, don't really think that was that difficult." - [Chris] It's, yes, bit anti climatic, yeah. - I wish they'd built it up from the start, other than that, it's the only gripe I had with it. - Well, it's a strange film, 'cause the big set pieces happens halfway through rather than at the end. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - And I felt a little bit, I'm all for changing up the sort of story, and doing something a little bit original, but I felt like payoff at the ending was like, "Oh." - Well, I don't think you'd think it needed a big set piece. That wasn't the highlight for me. 'Cause actually I was so immersed in the world that when it went to the big set piece, I was like, "Can we just go back to small shit?" Like I just- - Oh yeah, no, I'd love that, the political aspect is really cool. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, it was. - One of those films that I was bored for the first 40 minutes, and then after I'd kind of sat through all the good stuff, I was like, "Actually now I want more of this start boring stuff." - [Joey] (chuckling) More talking. - But I wonder that's why when you're making it, is it hard to see it from a perspective of someone who doesn't know anything about the lore of Dune? How do you do it when you already know so much about it, and how good the lore is? And how do you explain it in a way that's engaging? Because I do think, I don't know if you were, but I was bored for the first 40 minutes. Just waiting for something to happen. - I wasn't. - No, I wasn't. - I don't know, maybe I'm- - Well, it was pretty engrossing. - Yeah, yeah. - It kind of reminded me of, gonna mention it again, Joey, Arcane, where the first two episodes, nothing really, technically happens. - Oh I want Chris to watch that, actually. He'd love it. - What's that about? - Oh, you should- - Summarize that in a line. (Garnt laughs) - If you go to that side, I'm truly alone. - Have we gone a week without mentioning it? - No, I actually wanna- - I legitimately want someone to make one of those things where it's like, "It's been blank days since Arcane was mentioned." (Garnt laughs) And just rip it off every week. - You gotta watch it, it's amazing. - Amazing, amazing, shit. - I haven't seen it. - He hasn't seen it. - Oh yeah, yeah. Amazing. - Wasn't it like one of the top shows of IMDB? - [Chris] What's it about? What's it about? - How would you explain it Garnt? You're clearly better at this. - It's about League of Legends. - In one sentence. - League of Legends. - Again. - One sentence. There's no way I can just describe in one sentence. - League of Legends. - You have to. - It's just a very engrossing world that's kind of like- - [Joey] Just say what it is, it's League of Legends. - It's League of Legends. - It's based off of the game, sort of, not really though. - No. (Joey laughs) - [Connor] No, no, no. I know, I know, I know, I know. - Raid of Shadows again. (Joey laughs) - It's not, it's not. Just give it a watch, give it a chance, the animation is insane. - How would you describe Dune in a sentence? Outta curiosity. - [Announcer] The shit. (all laughing) - Very good. - Imagine Star Wars but good. - [Announcer] Whoa. (all laughing) (Joey and Chris celebrates) - I love Star Wars, but there's only two films in the series that are good. The first one, the second one that came out 1977, 1980. - Oh wait. - And then everything else- - So episode four and five. - Yeah. - When you say first and the second, I thought you meant episode one and two. (Chris chuckles) - I was like, "Crap, dude, Jesus Christ, dude." - I love the first and second film, all the prequel memes. - Oh, yeah, they're pretty good prequel. - Prequel memes are the best memes of all- - The third one's all right, but yeah, Dune is like, imagine Star Wars but good. - I actually agree with you. I- - Like the characters- - am really not a fan of Star Wars at all. - You know what the best thing about Star Wars was? The Lego games. That was the best thing about Star Wars. (Joey chuckles) - To be fair, they were pretty good. - They were fucking amazing games. Dude, they were so good. - I haven't played all of them, but the first one was so good. - Dude, I remember I had the act, I think it was four to six movies. It was the trilogy, and that was my only experience for the movies for the first 10 years of my life. (Joey laughs) And I used to fucking love it. I just loved getting those fucking Lego pieces. - I think the only thing I liked about episode one was the pod racing scene. - Go, go. - [Connor] Now this is pod racing. - That's the worst bit. - What? - No, no. - The lightsaber scene, the lightsaber. - Oh the fight, yeah. With Darth Maul. - Darth Maul. - Oh yeah, the Darth Maul scene, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Darth Maul was like the best villain. - Yeah, Darth Maul was the best villain, you're right, you're right. - I feel like this is the series of shit takes. (Joey laughs) - Let's just stop, let's just stop talking about Star Wars, we clearly don't know our shit. - And as from a normie perspective, I thought it was all right. - I think the problem was I did like Star Wars a lot, but then the new films came out, and destroyed everything and it was- - I haven't seen any of the new ones. - It's so fucking boring. - I watched Rogue One. I watched Rogue One. That was- - Rogue One's all right. - Yeah, I quite like Rogue One. - 'Cause that sort of, I mean, if you're a fan of the original Star Wars film, ties in nicely. I didn't care about the characters when they died. I was like. (chuckling) (Joey and announcer laughs) Darth Vader's in it, so it's good, innit it? There's some cool scenes in it that call back to the original, and I like that. But the new film's just shit. Oh, the characters- - I thought the first film had potential and then it just lacked coherent direction, I thought. - Well, they just sort of made up as they went along. - Yeah, that's what it felt like. - What's that Chinese whisper game where you write a line, fold it and move it on? It was like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Do like Ryan Johnson? I love Ryan Johnson, but no, there was no coherent strategy. It failed. - It was never gonna please what the fans wanted. They had such lofty expectations. - True. - Well, it's just funny as well. - They back pedaled, didn't they? On the last one, they were like, "Just do whatever the fans want." And it was just really, really bad. - That's cause nothing was set up. Everything was set up, Ryan Johnson tore it down, did his own thing, and then they were like, "No, no." - That would've worked though if they'd had another follow up to that, maybe. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - But it wasn't. It was like. - I think, definitely, the second film depended on the third film following on from what he had set up. But obviously- - I mean, it was just telling that, I remember how much hype there was for episode seven. Like it was fucking everywhere. - Well, episode seven was pretty well received. People loved it. - Yeah. - Well, of course- - But then every subsequent film was just less, and less talk about it, right. - And then eight, everyone was like, "Oh no." "Oh no." (Joey chuckles) - And I didn't hear anything about nine. - That's because- - What happened to number eight? - Because they set up eight so badly. - All right, yeah. - Oh yeah, Carrie Fisher, she flew in, didn't she? - And then it gutted John Boyega's character. - Princess Leia flew through space. - What? (chuckling) - They gutted John Boyega's character. - I thought you were gonna say, "Oh Carrie Fisher, she passed the away." (Joey laughs) - I was like, "What?" - Princess Leia, Princess Leia. I forgot the characters name. Flew through space, it was a bit weird and- - In a spaceship or? - And then they're at a point where- - The worst bit? - The spaceship went to light speed, and it just fucking kamikazed it's way through another Death Star, or something. - Do you like it when they- - And it wasn't a Death Star, I don't know what the name of the ship is. - Make it Destroyer. - Destroyer. (chuckling) - Death Star. (Garnt and Joey laughing) - I could feel the Star Wars fans just perk up when I said Death Star there. - But the worst bit was the opening, like five minutes, I knew it was fucked. 'Cause there's a scene, I dunno if you've seen it, but there's a, your mum joke in it. - Are you serious? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's like, the main villain's there and he's like, "Destroy the planet." And this guy's like, "Got a message for your mum." (Joey and Garnt laughing) I'm not even fucking making this up. Go and watch it. And I was like, "No." - Is that episode seven? - They tried to get that Marvelesque humor, and shove it into Star Wars and it just ruined everything. - It's those insipid one liners. - And it's like, "I've got a message for your mum." I'm not even making this up. (Joey laughs) I could have written that in the script, and it's just so bad. (Chris wails) - What do you think about them using actors that have passed away? They're just putting them in the films. - As long as it's done tastefully, I don't mind it. - Something weird about it, isn't there? - When you die, I'm gonna use you. - Fuck. (Joey laughs) - CGI Cdawg. - Even if they're like, "Yeah, keep using me." I think it is just strange. - I mean, I feel like it depends on the manner that it's done. There's a difference between putting in our beloved character in their beloved franchise, again, as like a cameo or something. And then there's using a dead man's Twitter to promote an NFT. - Oh my God. - Oh God. - That's you know- - I just feel like Disney is not the company you want being in charge of when dead people can keep being in films. (Connor laughs) I feel like Disney's gonna be like, "No, Harrison Ford hasn't died yet." (Joey and Garnt laughs) "He's gonna keep-" - [Joey] Still alive and well, look at him. - "We have a signed note that says he wants to keep being in Star Wars infinitely." (Connor laughs) - [Joey] It's got a signature on it. - "We have the estate of Harrison Ford agreeing that we want to keep him being Han Solo for life." - You can tell immediately though, when it's done in a milking manner though. And like- - [Connor] I don't know. - I feel most fans immediately can recognize. They're like, "Yeah, that's not a cash grab." - It worked in Rogue One, I think. With Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia for just a brief moment. - I just don't want it to become a common thing that is used very often. - Yeah. - Just feel like it'll get a little weird. - When have you seen it and thought, no, this is not good? - It's not that I've seen it and it's not good. I'm like, "Oh no, people are gonna take this too far at some point." Just make the whole film with a man who's dead, because their estate signed, said sure. And it's like. - [Chris] It will happen. - I know it will. - But it's soon. - That's why it's kinda. (wailing) - I mean, the music industry's already fucking there. Like with all these fucking posthumus albums that are just horrible. - How would you feel though? Like, you know, 10, 15 years if you die and then you're the Connor- - (chuckling) Only 10, 15. - I don't know. (Joey laughs) His cholesterol's pretty bad. (all laughing) As we've seen. - You know, the Connor estate's like, "We want to keep Connor's-" - I don't know. - "Connor would've loved to been in more videos in crane games." - Something- - [Chris] "Join him in." - There's something sad about art when you just have to bring people back from the dead to keep making it. You know what I mean? - Mm. - Why can't we just- - Just get a new you? - Have art just continue to blossom with new generations. - How I felt about The Matrix Four. (chuckling) But- - But obviously it's when corporations know that they can keep, you know, 'cause they're already trying to rehash much as they can. The last thing I want is that they can get the rights to people's likeness and then just start reproducing film with them. - But then I don't think I'll be commercially successful. I think if someone does go all the way, then no one's going to fucking watch it. Right? - Or they'll be just ridiculed off the industry. - I feel like we've said that about so many things in our life and here we are. And you know, I dunno, I feel, I dunno. - I would like to grasp hope and think that, you know- - [Garnt] Grasp. - [Connor] I dunno. - Grasp at the hope that maybe people have a sense- - I agree in some ways, but then NFTs exist. (Chris laughs) - That's true. - There's not enough hope. - Yeah, you're right. - You got a lot of people. - We are living in a dystopian future. - You're correct in that sense. Once everyone becomes NFT bros, that's it. - I mean, yeah, look what they did to fucking Stan Lee. What was that? What was that? - I thought it was a parody account at first. - [Chris] Who posted it on his account? His family or something or? - Someone with access, I guess. - So if go you back into Stan Lee's Twitter, this isn't the first thing that, that Twitter account has promoted. So obviously someone got him to sign some fucking documents before he passed away. Just giving them rights to basically everything. - Yeah, 'cause you can control some of the stake. So you can be in control of everything, basically. And it's pretty- - Yeah, it's pretty fucked. - Distasteful. - It's pretty fucked. You know? What's next? Like Stanley deep fakes? (Joey laughs) Where he promotes the newest crypto coin or something. - Where he's at your local con? (Joey and Garnt laughs) Jesus Christ. - Yeah, it is getting very, very black mirror esque, you know. This is some shit you'd see in a black mirror episode, except it's unfortunately happening in real life. - I mean, I think in our lifetime there'll be technology where they could go through every video we've made, and create an avatar, digital avatar of us that looks, and sounds like us, has the same- - [Garnt] Deep fakes. - Already have a- - Yeah, but have a full AI, sort of, synthesized version of say Connor, right. So you send AI to watch every CdawgVA con, God forbid. (Joey laughs) And listen to all the podcasts. You can get his voice, you can get his mannerisms, his personality and create a sort of AI Cdawg. - Have you been playing? Have you not heard the Garnt AI voice? - What? What? It exists already? (Connor chuckling) - I haven't even heard that before. - You haven't heard it? - No, no. - Oh my God. - We're already there. (Garnt laughs) 20 years ahead of schedule. - The future is now, Chris, the future is now. - The future. (chuckling) That's the title of the podcast episode. (Garnt laughs) The future is now, we're all fucked. - Chris thought he was making a- (Joey chuckling) - A futuresque. - A futuristic-like video, or he was just making a segue. (Garnt and Joey laughs) - God damn it. - What do you want Garnt to say? - I love Chris Broad. - Oh God, don't do that. - Let me just sign up. I'll just fucking sign up. - You have to sign up? Oh wow. - What is this website then? - I dunno what the ethical requirements are to use Garnt's voice and synthesize it. - Did you give permission for this? - I did not give any permission. - Oh my God. (Garnt and Joey laughs) That was dark as fuck. - Well, there's hours and hours and hours of audio from us. - Wait, are you guys on there? - I'm not. - Why am I on there? (Chris laughs) - Wait, am I on there? - No. - Okay. Just Garnt. (laughing) - Why specifically me? - I'm pretty worried. - You have the least amount of videos out of all three of us. - We've all talked an equal amount on Trash Taste. What's going on? - So if we murder Garnt now, we can have Garnt on the phone instead. (chuckling) (Garnt laughs) - Isn't that impressive? - Just in front of the mic. - Just put up cardboard cutout of Garnt. - Trash Taste discontinued. - Yeah. - It's like, no. - There he is. - A blow up. (laughing) A blow up doll with just a phone strapped to it with Garnt's face on it. (Joey laughs) - That's terrifying, isn't it? - The year is 2030, all of Trash Taste episodes are now auto generated. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - You like boning shit? What the fuck? (all laughing) - But aye, but aye. (all laughing) - Yeah, 'cause one of my videos, I made like a AI system that could auto generate some anime, and light novel titles and it got to the point where- - Pretty spot on. - It's scarily accurate. - These boys couldn't tell the difference. - Like Psycho-Pass? - [Garnt] Huh? (chuckling) Yeah. - Something like that, right? - Something like that, yeah. - Something like that. - And now they've released newer updated AI that cannot only make titles, but actually write a full on writing prompt, write a first chapter of a story. - [Chris] That's pretty- - It's all getting pretty insane. - [Chris] Jesus. - And- - I'm trying to get it working. - Where's his voice? As promised. - The fucking sign-up, Jesus Christ. - Why Garnt? Why only Garnt? (chuckling) - Are you offended that you're not on it, Joey? - No, I'm just wondering who else is on there. - Why not me? - Who else is on there? - There's quite a lot of YouTubers on here. - Really? - Yeah. - I bet I'm not there. - You've made it, Garnt. - Let's have a look. - I don't have to- - You're AI now. - I don't have to record an anime review again in my life. (Chris, Joey and Garnt laughs) - No, no, no, the- - The Garnt AI can link up with the script AI, and just make a video. - [Garnt] Yeah, exactly. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Let's put this on. - Should do a phone call to Sydney, and see if she can determine the difference. (moderate music) - Hold on, it's synthesizing. - Okay. (Joey and Garnt laughing) Synthesizing. - No, I can't say what I typed. - Oh God. - Connor's like, "It's a, it's a progRamen I wrote." (Joey laughs) - Oh it's made it, here we go. - All right. - I love Chris Abroad in a man. (Garnt laughs) - (chuckling) Wait, what did you say? - I heard what he said. - What he say? - It doesn't need to be repeated. - I love Chris Abroad in a man. (Joey laughs) - I love Chris Abroad- - I love pizza bread. - I love Chris Abroad in a man. (all laughing) Cringe, cringe. - I love Chris Abroad in Japan. - [Chris] I'm subscribing. (Garnt laughing) - The first voice is, "I love Chris." That bit sounded Garnt, actually. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The, "I love Chris." - Other than that it went like- - I love Chris Abroad in a man. (Connor laughs) - Abroad in a man. - I hear, "I love Chris, a bread in a man." - Yeah. (all chuckling) - That's interesting. - [Garnt] That is interesting. - The future's luckily a bit further away than I thought, suck it. - Well, it also depends on how much reference they have. 'Cause they have a SpongeBob voice that I swear to God is like a hundred percent accurate. - [Joey] Really? - Yeah. - [Joey] Jesus. - They have Chill's as well, it's really spot on. (Joey laughs) Your favorite. - Not really hard, is it? - "Number 10, Burger King, foot lettuce." (Chris chuckles) - "The last thing you want in your Burger King burger." (Joey chuckles) - "They went too far." (Joey and Announcer chuckles) Fucking hell. - I hope I'm back on that channel. - One day we'll have to do something scarefest. - It's the biggest honor when Chill says your YouTube channel, man. - I think that fucking shipyard we go to is scary enough. - [Chris] Shipyard? - It was awful. - Oh was it? - Awful. - [Chris] Shipyard. - Shipyard. - A branch touched Connor's leg and he's like, "It's a snake, I swear." (Joey and announcer laughs) And then he runs off. - Something ran over my leg. - You can watch the video, slow it down, you see it's a twig. And he's like, "Oh gosh, there's a snake or something." - You can't see it's a fucking twig. - It's a twig. - You weren't even pointing at my foot. - It's a twig. Twig. - Chris just wants me to be a little bitch. - And then there's the spiders, "Oh, I'm gonna die." (Joey chuckles) - That spider was big. - Spider, awful. (Joey laughs) - That spider was big. - Were you allowed to film there? (Connor laughs) - It's kind like public access, you just walk through it, yeah. - There's no sign that says, "No." - You know, if there's a no entry sign you always obey them. - There's a lot of them that say no entry. - [Garnt] Right, right. - Don't go in there. We did actually go to one that was like, "No entry." So be careful. - It says, "Don't enter." But it doesn't say, "Don't film." (Joey and Chris laughing) That's the Pachinko loophole, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Garnt laughs) - I figured if there's no sign saying you can't go in, and it's publicly accessible, I mean. - There was no walls or anything. We didn't climb a fence. - No, it was literally just like you're on a road, there's like, patch of grass, you just walk into the grass and you there. So Chris, it's been a good year for you, you'd say. - Somebody- - You made a lot of videos. - Well, somebody sent me message being like, "On the Trash Taste podcast at start of the year, your new year's resolution was do something crazy and wacky, and you got the studio and you met Ken Watanabe. - Yeah, that's pretty crazy, wacky. - I'm pretty happy with how the years have got wacky. - Got wacky weekends. - We made wacky weekends, I was gonna say. I thought that's what you- - You have it in the name. - I was like, "Wow, we're left to high and dry, though." - Yeah. - Everyone's like, "When you doing something with Garnt?" And so that's my- - When are we doing something, Chris? - 2022. - New year's resolution, 2022. - 2022, man, 2022. - I wanna do a six part travel series with Garnt called Taken for Garnted. (all laughing) And. (chuckling) (hands clapping) - Have you been writing these jokes? Just writing them all down? - No, I'm just a genius. - Prepared that three months ago. - He's been waiting to say that, I can tell. - I want abuse Garnt through physical activity. (laughing) (Joey and Garnt laughs) I wanna climb Krakatoa with Garnt, I wanna go to- - [Garnt] Krakatoa. - Just do it crazy, like, yeah. - Chris abusing my body, taking me to Wanko soba. (Chris laughs) - Wanko soba. - He got the video demonetized. - It's awful. - Wanko soba. - What horrible- - That doesn't sound like a dish, it sounds like something you do every night. (Chris chuckles) - An awful experience, that's what. - Wanko soba. (laughing) - Is that how it's pronounced? Or is that just how- - No, it's just him butchering their language. - It's wank soba. - There's still wank in there. It's wank, it is wank. - 'Cause we went to a bar with Jan the other day, and he goes, "Chris just made me wank soba." And I'm just like, "Shit, sober? What's going on?" - It was shit. (Garnt laughing) No, it's all right, we loved, we loved it. It was good, just too much. But I was like, "Why do I have to ruin my body for your fucking channel, Chris? How about we ruin my body for my channel?" - I did. - Oh yeah. - You put me on a stupid ferry. - He ruined his mind for you getting curious George? - Yeah, on the crane game. - Curious George, PTSD, high blood pressure. And then like I did a ferry. He was like, "Oh there's a a ferry, it's really good." We're the ferry, shit. (Joey laughs) And I got really seasick. And I had to lie down the entire shoot, otherwise, when I stood up, I was like, "Blur." - He was in a horrible mood. - At least my videos, they're fun. - Oh yeah, yeah. Going to an abandoned shipyard at 1:00 AM, freezing cold. - Who wouldn't wanna do that? - That sounds fun. - Do you wanna go to an abandoned shipyard? - Fuck yeah, that sounds fun. - Yeah, super fun. Taken for Garnted, coming soon. - How long did it take you to think of the name, Wacky weekends? Where'd that come from? - That was like the- - Where'd that come from? - I said it as a joke. I was like- - You couldn't think of a better one. - We do something wacky on a weekend, Wacky weekend. - Probably around the same time as it took the Anime Man to be formed. (all laughing) As in five seconds. - Nothing else worked though, that was snappy. - Yeah. Wonder weekends first. - Wicked weekend. - Chris and Connor. - I think Wacky weekend kinda works. - The Chris and Connor show. - Chris and Connor Abroad in Japan. - Chris nearly fucking killed me on the bridge as well. That bridge was so dangerous. That was actually so dangerous. - Yeah, that was pretty ropey. - Fun? This poor kid nearly died on that bridge. - Went to that, the worst hotel in Japan, I still actually- - Oh God. - I think that is the worst thing I've done this year. And I've done a lot of horrible shit. But the sets over an active volcano. - It's a volcano. - This hotel we went to, I still can't get the smell of that room out my head. - I wish you were there, 'cause you should have seen the three hours of Chris just being like, "We got a stay, haven't we?" And I'm like, "No." - If you watch the video, you can see our eyes go red over the period of the shoot. The air is just filled with 48 kinds of mold. - It's mold. Are you asthmatic like me, right? - Yeah, yeah. (laughing) - I'm amazed I made it outta that room alive. I was like. (Chris gasping) Towards the end. - We filmed, right, and I was like, you know, obviously we'd already paid for the room, but it was such a state where I was like, "We should get another cheap hotel that isn't bad. 'Cause why stay here?" And Chris was just like, "I think we should stay here." I'm like, "For what reason, Chris?" - Content. - Well, even though I was dying, there's something still awkward about going down to a hotel after two hours and be like, "Oh we gotta go now, bye." - And it's not that Chris was worried about the content. We already got the content, we filmed the room. He just didn't want to go and confront the staff that we were checking out. - [Joey] Oh right. - And I was like, "I'll fucking do it." He's like, "No, we can't do that, it's rude, it's rude." - Man of honor. That's respectful. - And I'm like, "All their clientele here are checking out after one hour. Why do you think that is?" - [Joey] That's true, yeah. - All coming and going. - Well, I discovered that night we did, we actually checked. - Sure it wasn't the mold that was in the air? (Garnt and Chris laughs) - There was blood on the wall as well. - Oh God. - There was blood on the wall. - Though under the bed right- - One giant blood stain on his mattress. - They hadn't hooved it around the bed, they just hooved it under the bed. And if you lifted the beds in the videos- - [Connor] Massive piles of dust, massive layers. Like the last layers- - How's this still in operation? - I think, I dunno. - It's a money laundering something I think. And then we tried to check into another hotel and in Japan we discovered that it's really hard to check into a hotel past sort of 11, 12 PM. - The hour of our hotels. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And the staff were really angry at this nice hotel we tried to get in. They were like, "What do you want?" We're like, "A room for the night." They're like, "No, we can't do it." And then they were just being really dicks about it. - Yeah, we were like, "Can we have a room with two beds?" And they were like, "No, we don't have one." Then we're like, "How about two rooms with one bed?" And they were like, "Okay, yes." - That's, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it was like, "All right, well, I guess we won't pay you then, I guess." It was really strange. I understand, it's probably inconvenience, but what? - [Joey] Definitely. - I mean you're in the service industry. - Yeah. - Literally. - The person- - Can't wait for Japan, really. - Person at the one star hotel was more affable than the people at the four star hotel. And that's the irony. The person was actually quite nice. Affable. - They were like, "Oh my God, people actually stay here." (Chris laughs) - Oh my God, money. - "What the fuck?" - A customer. - It was a really sketchy area as well. Very seedy. - Well, you don't have a hotel like that in a fucking uptown area. Do you? - Yeah. (Joey laughs) - But it's so hard to talk about this without sounding like a fucking snob, but it was really just awful. It was so bad. - Well, I mean, it's the worst hotel, right? - [Connor] Yeah. - Of course. You're not gonna be like, "Yeah, it was lovely, it was accomadatable. - It was the worst hotel. - There's always someone like that in the comments though, it's like, "You got a roof over your head, it's more than most." And it's like, "Fuck off, mate." This roof over my head's gonna kill me in one hour. (Chris laughing) Fuck off. (all laughing) - It's the first time being in a hotel room, and actively worried about my physical health. That's quite a weird sensation to- - I was googling, "How many types of mold are there?" And I was going around the room spotting 'em all, things like that. - If there's mold in the room, you should probably leave as soon as possible. But the kicker was when Connnor pulled the blanket back, and it was just a big patch of blood on my bed. - What happened? - And I was like, "Oh it's time to go." You can't sleep in a pool of blood. - It looked like either somebody was stabbed, and they were bleeding on the bed or- - [Joey] Or someone missed the time of month. - I think, yeah. Looks like that. - [Joey] Yikes. - It was- - [Joey] Either way, no thank you. - Yeah, I would also get out. - Taken for Garnted. Are you ready? (Garnt laughs) - Did I find that hotel? Did I find that hotel or did you find it? - [Chris] Huh? - Did I find that hotel or did you find it? - I can't remember. - 'Cause I remember, I found a ton of other ones. - Tried to wipe it from my head like a neutralizer from Men in Black. I want it out. (Joey laughs) The only evidence is that video. I don't wanna remember that. - 'Cause we found a ton of hotels in Shikoku that looked really bad. - [Chris] Bleak. - Really, really rough hotels. - But- - Because I think no one stays there. - No. - But I wanna see some Trash Taste specials next year where you guys go in those sort of places. (Connor laughs) - Why those places? We gotta do exciting things, Chris, come on. - People wanna see torture, pain. - There's more interesting ways to- - Trash Taste Guantanamo. (all laughing) Torture. - I'll watch that. - A loser gets waterboarded. (all laughing) - I'd love to watch. I had a massage recently at hotel and I dunno. (all laughing) - Quite a segue. - There is a saying it's a segue, right. And. (chuckling) (all laughing) It was my birthday early this year, and I went for a massage. You said, waterboarded, right? They put a tea towel over my face. They put a tea towel in my face, then covered me in tea. (all laughing) And it was like, "This is waterboarding, isn't it?" - The numbers, what do they mean, Chris? - There's this towel on my face, and it was liquid pouring down. (Chris murmuring) (Connor and Joey laughs) And then she was like. (speaking Japanese) I'm like. (murmuring) (Joey laughs) (Chris murmuring) - The room number. What's the room number? (all laughing) - It's horrific. - My God. - Just be careful you get a massage in Japan. - Jesus. - What kind of massage was this? - Oh God, I- - It was a tea massage. - [Garnt] Tea massage. - Tea massage. - They cover you in blankets then just poor tea over you. (Joey laughs) And I was like, "Oh, therapy innit?" - Turn into a teabag. - It was fucking awful. - I had the most awkward massage experience ever. I went and I just wanted to go too, and it was included in the hotel and I thought, "Oh, why not? I've never gone for massage before. Why not? What could go wrong?" So, I'm face down on this massage table, it's already quite awkward. She's really sheepish about everything, and struggling to explain to me to take off my shirt and whatnot. I'm like, "Oh, okay, yeah, I got it." I lie down and I'm like chilling. And then I hear she's just preparing oils and stuff. And then just smashing, like glass breaking. - What? - And then I'm awkwardly like, "What's going on?" And then she's trying to stealthily pick up this glass as if she hadn't broke it. Like I hadn't realized. - Oh my God, crap. - And I could just hear her every now and then, I could just hear a little. (tongue clicking) (Garnt and Joey laughs) I'm just like, "It's okay, just get the fucking broom, it's already too late." (Garnt and Joey laughs) - I thought you were gonna say you got a glass massage, or something. - [Garnt] I was like- - Shatters a bottle over your head. - It doesn't seem outside the realms of possibility given what I've experienced. - It was so awkward. Just 40 minutes of this poor woman trying to pick up this glass. (Joey laughs) And I'm like, "Just go at it, I don't give a shit. The ambiance is already ruined." - Do you want a massage in Japan, Garnt? - I am not a fan of massages at all, but that's because I'm used to Thai massages where it's like they just beat the shit outta you. - Yeah, not a fan. That was my first time, and I don't think I want another one. - Yeah. - I don't mind massages, but I'm usually not that stiff. (Chris laughs) So I don't really need a massage. (Garnt laughs) - Well, okay. (all laughing) - You know, we're trying to talk it out. Maybe I do need a massage then. (all laughing) I need a different kinda massage. - Oh good, God. - The Anime Man. - When you get your haircut here, sometimes they just start massaging you, it's really fucking weird. I'm like, "It's okay, I didn't pay for that." - 'Cause I'm like tend in my head, I laugh. They're like, I'm like. (chuckling) (all laughing) I'm like. (chuckling) - What? - And the guy's like. (speak Japanese) 'Cause I'm like tend in my head. I dunno, it's weird, I laugh at that when they massage me in the head. - Japanese services are beyond extra. You do need a massage where you're getting your haircut. It's just- - The weirdest ones is when they're shampooing you, and then they start massaging your head. - Yeah. - [Joey] You ever got those? - I love that. - I like that. - Natsuki did that to me once, I just felt really uncomfortable. (all laughing) 'Cause Natsuki has a beauty salon, right, and I was like, "Natsuki, this is a bit weird." And he's like, "Don't think that." (Chris grunts) - 'Cause you don't see him as the kind of guy that's stroking your head. (all laughing) - No. - He's good at it though. - He's good at it. - He's good at stroking one's head. (all laughing) - I think the weirdest place I got a massage, 'cause I was staying in this high class hotel in Thailand. And of course they wanna make it seem like, they have service people everywhere, so of course, in some hotels they have people in the toilet to hand out towels, right. - (chuckling) Oh no. - Hand out towels and just freshen up, if you need to freshen up. So I'm going to this toilet and the guy asked me if I want a towel. And I say, "No, no, it's okay." So I go up and go to the urinal, and I hear some footsteps. I was like, "What's going on? Is there someone else about?" And then I feel two hands on my shoulder. (Connor and Chris chuckles) Mid-stream, as I'm pissing. (laughing) (all laughing) And I'm just like. And it's just the most awkward piss I've had in my life. - Oh my God. - At this point, it's just like I'm struggling to get it out now. - Stage fright. - Because I have someone massaging my shoulders. 'Cause I'm trying to piss in this urinal, right. - Man, you must have saw how stiff you. (chuckling) (all laughing) - Oh, you're a bit stiff there, buddy. (Garnt laughing) - And so we finish and I go up to the sink to wash my hands and I look at him and he's expecting a tip from the- - Oh my God. - Which one? - Huh? - Which one? (Connor and Garnt laughing) - I think you already gave him a tip. (Connor and Garnt laughing) - It's probably the most awkward tip I've given in my life. - That's awful. - 'Cause I'm just like, "I really don't want to give you this tip." - I can just imagine you just slowly turning around, and just the Jojo behind the shoulder. (Garnt laughs) - That's horrific. I think I'd rather have water boarding with tea. (Garnt and Joey laughs) than have urinal, piss massage. (Garnt laughing) That awful. - That must be on the top 10 list of places you don't want to be massaged in. (Garnt laughing) Pissing in a urinal. That's gotta be up there, that's gotta be up there. - Abandoned shipyard. - I already don't like it when people talk to me when I'm standing in front of a urinal, let alone getting massaged. (Garnt laughs) Christ. - Wow. - Any other places you've been massaged, Chris? - I think that's it, yeah. Let's never speak of massages again. (Joey laughs) - By the way, congrats on getting verified by the way. I don't think you were verified last time. (hands clapping) - Oh that's beyond getting a studio, beyond Ken Watanabe. - No, no, no, you got Twitter verified, you got Twitter verified. - That was a real gold star. (chuckling) - You got verified before Trash Taste. - Yes. - Yeah, so you technically won the bet. - It turned I'd been inputting it wrong the entire time. - [Garnt] I fucking knew it. - You're supposed to be like, "Are you an influencer? Yes, blah blah, Abroad in Japan." - How are you applying? - I was like, "Film director, yeah." (all laughing) - Was like, "Are you Quentin Tarantino? Yeah." And I've been doing it wrong, and I did it right the one time, it was done in one minute. - (laughing) Film director. - You're in. - [Joey] Film director. - Got a bit too big for my boots. It wasn't very affable. - Did they ask you like something on IMDB or something? How did they define that? - It was something like that, yeah, and I was just doing it right. So I made Natsuki the movie. (all laughing) That's a movie? - Have you heard of Wacky weekends? That's on the same level as Spielberg. (Chris and Joey chuckling) - But you know, I've doing it wrong. So I was glad, I was happy. - What was the highlight of your year, Chris? - Oh fuck, I don't know. There's lots of cool things. Oh, too much volcano. Yeah. - Oh yeah. We talked about that last time as well. - Top 14, I choose it, probably that. And then- - Why'd you say top 14? Just say it was fourteenth, Chris. - [Chris] Top 14. - [Joey] Top 14? - Just say top 50 then. - How much did it make? It made a whopping. How much do you think it made? (Joey chuckles) - Top 14, $20,000. - No. - I'll tell you, I tell you how much it made. - I already know. - $15,000. - It made $2,000. (chuckling) We split it three ways. - Let's go music industry hype. - And that's- - A top 14 iTune song mix. - It was like two and a half thousand. - No wonder you came onto title A. (Chris laughs) - Is that how you found the budget to build your new studio? - That is it, the money went towards that. (Garnt laughs) - He said he would split it, but we never saw the money. (Garnt and Joey laughs) - I gave you a trip Hokkaido. (Garnt laughs) - He invited me to the studio, he was like, "Here's the law, too much volcano money right here, thank you." - Well, I mean, yeah, it's been a good year. The studio's good and the Ken Watanabe thing, they're supposed to get a Ken Watanabe documentary out in December, but it's just really hard to edit it. I'm really embarrassed watching it back, 'cause I- - Why? - I completely crumbled as an interviewer. I was gonna try and speak Japanese to him. And then my mind just went when I, 'cause it's just weird, you're sitting here, it's Ken Watanabe, he's got a coffee, I've got a coffee. I'm like, "So then Ken, oh God." And also, I didn't sleep the night before I met him, I didn't sleep at all. - 'Cause you were nervous? - Yeah, I was fucking nervous. - Well, yeah, I don't blame you. - I was like, "Ken Watanabe." - I think anyone would be. - I was nervous as hell and I didn't sleep at all. And so I was like, "Ken." (mumbling) Just rubbish. (Joey laughs) My performance, I wasn't happy with it. - Would you say you were starstruck? - A little bit but not, he's just a normal guy. He was in Last Samurai and Inception. - (laughing) Just a normal dude, Last Samurai, yeah. - He's a normal guy and also like the best actor in Japan, but a normal guy. (Joey laughs) But it was just weird, it's just so trippy, I was just sitting there with Ken Watanabe, it was really weird. - I just like how you just called him a normal guy in Last Samurai. - He's not a normal guy, he's- - It's that other normal guy, Tom. - The only Oscar nominated Japanese actor. - That Tom guy's a pretty normal guy as well. - Yeah that was Tom, but he's a nice bloke, nice bloke. - I mean, I don't blame you. I think anyone will be fucking starstruck. - Think he spoiled Inception for me though. Told me- - [Connor] You told me about this. - He was like- - You haven't seen Inception? - Yeah, I've seen it. You know, there's a spinner that keeps on going. - Oh yeah. - It's up for interpretation, the endings. - And he's like, "Oh, it just keeps on spinning after he's in the dream world." I was like, "Ken, you've just ruined Inception for me." - Oh no, he's in the real world. Michael Caine actually ruined it, I think. Because I believe that- - Ken said he was in the fake world. (Garnt laughs) And he was like, "It was in the script but it was-" - What's real? - It was in the script or something. - No, I think they actually broke it down. I think Leonardo DiCaprio wears a ring or something in the real world. Or that's how you distinguished between dream world, and the real world. I think he wears a ring or there's a piece of item on him that makes it distinguished between real world, and the dream world. And in the last scene he is in the real world. - Would it be a large stretch to say that both Michael Caine, and Ken Watanabe may possibly be speculating. - It's possible. Ken was pretty adamant. - We have different spoilers for everyone. - Adamant. - Yeah, yeah. Maybe they're playing to be like, "I'll say it's real, you say it's fake." - As much as that is compelling. I think if he said it's in the script, he said that, I'm pretty inclined to- - I don't think it was in the script. I think Nolan told them individually. So maybe he just told them different things. - What I did know- - Yeah, maybe. He was like, "It's real, no, it's actually not." (Garnt and Joey laughing) - In the documentary I did at the end, I had this scene where I'm like, "Ken, I wanna have a spinner and pretend like I dunno, if I'm in the real world or not, 'cause I'm interviewing Kim Watanabe or something." And apparently he was like, "Yeah, sure." He's really good at the spinner. And he said in Inception, every time they needed a spinner, he would just come out and be the one that did it, 'cause he was like the best at spinning it. So it's a little fact about Ken Watanabe. - He's great at spinning. (Chris chuckles) - [Connor] Spinning man. - You've been in the Last Samurai, spinning guy. - Normal spinning man in Last Samurai. - That's what makes him normal, right? - He can spin shit. - I was intimidated until he got his spinner out, and started spinning it. - Like, "Oh, well, thank God, he's just a normal guy." (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Crumble in front of the spinner. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - It was bad. - I guess, 'cause in Japanese culture, they have the koma. - They do yeah. - It's like the spinners. - [Connor] I think you're very harsh on yourself as well. - I am pretty harsh on myself. - [Connor] Yeah, you- - It's quite a serious documentary, yeah. Hasn't come out yet but- - I need to see it for myself if it's actually crumbly Chris, or if it's just you being harsh on yourself. - Well, I'm gonna use CGI to make me look good. (Joey laughs) And be the best. - We need a- - We need a Chris AI. - Need a Chris AI. - Voice synthesizer. - "Well, hello there, Ken, how are you doing?" And have like some weird synthesized version of me. - Just autotune yourself. - I'm still editing it to make me look good and not shit. - Did you film that- - That's what we normally do in editing. - You filmed that like a couple months ago, right? - I filmed it October, in November. - Yeah. - I met him twice, yeah. - How long is it gonna be? - 25 Minutes maybe. Yeah. - And it might be out by the time this episode's out, maybe. - Yeah. - Maybe, maybe. (chuckling) - Yeah. It was good, I went for dinner with him, and lots of people and this man at this restaurant just came up to him, and Ken, the whole premise of the documentary, he's worked to help sort of recover this town called Kesennuma that got destroyed by the tsunami. And he's got a cafe there, and he's done a lot of great stuff for it, but we're just out for dinner and this man just comes up and he's like, "Oh Ken-San." (Chris speaks Japanese) Thank you for the. (chuckling) I dunno why but it's funny. He's like, "Thank you for the trumpets." (all laughing) It turned out Ken had really generously donated like a thousand trumpets to the town. - A thousand? There's probably more kids that are in the town. It's not a thousand. - It might be. - Why trumpets? - 'Cause he plays the trumpet. And he was like, "Get everyone a trumpet." So this man just coming to say- - "I like trumpets." - And he's like- - [Connor] I feel like you've misremembered this story. - No, "He's like, Ken, thank you." - Get yourself a trumpet, everyone. Everyone get yourself a trumpet." - Why? Because I like trumpets. - "Thank you for the trumpet, thank you for the trumpets, Ken." And he's like, "Don't worry about the trumpets." What are you gonna do for the people of Wales? - I just this- - Get 'em all in Gwent. - I just have this image of Ken Watanabe going to this village, which has decimated by a tsunami. (chuckling) And he just goes, "You know what you need? Here's a thousand trumpets." - [Joey] "You need a trumpet." - To help the restoration efforts, you know. - But he's done an incredible job there, to be fair. - [Connor] I'm excited to- - And I think that was really nice. A lot of celebrities, they get involved just for the sake of it for PR, but he's actually befriended everyone there. And it's a really powerful story. - Man in Last Samurai, top spinner, trumpet dealer. What isn't he? - When are you donating- - [Chris] Yeah, what are we doing for Wales? - A thousand shitty cosplays to your village. - What would you donate to the people. The people of Anglesea. - Sausage rolls for everyone. (Garnt laughs) - A thousand sausage rolls. - A million sausage rolls. - [Chris] "Thank you for the sausage rolls, Connor." (all laughing) - They'll come to me and be like, "Thank you, Connor, for feeding my children." In front of Chris. I'll pay someone to come up and do it. When I'm in Wales, I'll organize it. I'll have someone to come up- - Just get the entire town to be in it. - Keep coming up to me and be like, "Thank you, Connor, thank you". And Chris will be like, "What's up?" I'll be like, "Don't worry about it." - What would you donate, Chris? - What I donate? - Yeah. - Nothing but chicken, probably. (Garnt laughs) Bucket of chicken. - That's probably why there's a shortage right now. - Chicken buckets for everyone. - Cholesterol of Ken's is gonna go through the roof. (Garnt and Chris laughing) - Yeah that's it. - I gotta piss. - All right. (scene whooshes) - This episode is sponsored by Bokksu. - Do you know what time of view it is? It's time for some loving. Valentine's day is upon us. And do you know what will please your beloved partner, this Valentine? - My undivided attention and maybe a box of chocolates. - No, I'm so offended that you would even insist that it's not Bokksu because it is Bokksu. - [Joey] Bokksu makes such a perfect and memorable gift for anyone in your life who appreciates Japanese snacks, and culture. Especially during a time where people aren't able to travel as easily as they would like, because this season we've got a couple of sweet, and delicious treats for you to try out. - [Garnt] Make your beloved ones as happy as a plum this Valentine's day with these homemade Ummi Sake candies. This candy is flavored with plum sake for an elegant sweet treat. - Next we have the Tsukisamu Anpan chocolate. (Joey gasps) Here's a fun fact, gentlemen. Anpan is a sweet roll that's filled with bean paste. This Anpan gets an upgrade with the addition of rich chocolate. - Oh you'll be Jonesing. And lastly, we have these Hokohoko purple yams. This purplelicious pastry is called Manju, and the bun is made with pie crust, and the filling gets an extra dose of flavor and color from these mildly sweet purple yams. - That's what I'm talking about. - Get all these lovely treats with Bokksu, and use our code Trash Taste 10, and the link in the description to get 10% off your subscription. What are you waiting for? Get yourself and your special loved one, a Bokksu box, this Valentine's day. - Back to the show. (scene whooshes) - While Joey was away for a piss, Chris revealed that he also doesn't know the difference between a trumpet or a trombone. - I mean, I know difference. I just can't remember if it was a trumpet or trombone. - 'Cause Ken could have donated trombones. - [Joey] A thousand. (chuckling) - To the village and Chris can't actually remember. - You'd have to watch the documentary, out and Abroad Japan to find the mystery will be solved. - How do you not know the difference? - I just can't remember what it was. - The long one is a trombone. - Yeah, we all know that. - Garnt doesn't know that. - We all know the trombone, trumpet. (Joey laughs) - We all know the difference. - Affable, affable. - Affable. - When all fails, just say you're affable. - Affable. - Just say affable, affable. - Did you get a free subscription to the Japan times with your article? - No. - How you gonna read it? (all laughing) - That's the problem innit? You can read the article, you have to just sign up, it's free. - I tried reading it and I was like, "I'm not signing up-" - You're the worst. Don't want you reading it. Don't you read my article. - I wanna hear about this so-called affable man I've yet to meet. - The affable Chris mused as he leaned back on his Ramenen shop. (Joey and Chris laughs) - So affable. - [Garnt] Oh my fucking God. - But it's been a good year, innit it? - Yeah. What I wanna know is why do you feel like you had to one up our studio and build your own, Chris? - I'll admit when I came here, I was like, "I want a space now." I've always wanted a space where I can- - This is what made you do it. - Yeah, I was like, "I've gotta one up those bastards." (Joey and Garnt laughs) "There might be three of them in a team of 48 people, but I'm gonna one up them by myself, in a room with a massively expensive set, brilliant." - I think you did one up us though, to be fair. - You definitely did. - Pewdiepie called me a son of a bitch, 'cause he was jealous. (announcer laughs) Someone sent me a clip and Pewdiepie's like, "Motherfucking Abroad in Japan, the studio is growing." I was pretty happy about that. (Garnt and Joey laughing) I was pretty smug about that, I was quite happy. No, certainly when I came here I was like, "I don't know why I haven't got a space yet." I've always put unnecessary shit on myself. (all laughing) Not literally, shut up. I- (Connor laughs) - I hate sitting across from him, 'cause his eye line's always fucking there, but- - He's always finding a weak spot. - But I edited all Abroad in Japan videos by myself on a MacBook up until last year. - What? - I didn't use a desktop with a screen. - That sounds horrible. - I literally torture myself doing Abroad. - Yeah, why would you do that? - Do you even have two screens? - No, it's the MacBook. So I only got an iMac like last year and a proper screen to edit on and it's sort of 10 years, almost 10 years in now. It makes sense to have a space. And honestly the most I've used it for is just having meetings with people, and people come over. It's better than just like, "Oh, come on over to my apartment, watch out for the sock draw, and the used FamilyMart wrappers. Watch out." It's nice to have a space where I can actually sit, and just create and do things. - I guess, to be fair though, 80% of your content is also outside as well. So. - But that was because I had no space to film it. Abroad in Japan was born just me in an apartment complaining about how much I hate going outside. - We had the 12 days of Christmas. - Christmas, clever, innit? (Garnt snickering) - Done well. - What are you snickering at my clever title? - So clever. - Really clever. - Really clever that you came up that there was the word Chris in Christmas. - Christmas, genius. - He's like, "I finally figured it out." - Only I could have thought that up but yeah, it's just cool to have a space to create, and have somewhere like that Ramenen shop, that's just sort of, bit of my imagination for years to have that sort of imaginary things, imaginary set translated to real life. This kind of crazy thing. And I've had some actual serious film companies message me about doing something in there. - Oh sick. - From Hollywood, like, "We wanna film some stuff in there." - Oh wow. - [Garnt] Shit, okay. - So it'll be interesting to see what happens going forward. - How long did that take to make? What was the entire process around that? - So the guy came in and I was like, "I want a Ramenen shop there and a street there." And he went, "Oh." He got a tape measure, pulled out an iPad, just went. (lips swooshing) And just was like, "This?" I was like. (fingers click) That's it. (Garnt and Joey laughs) But the man knew what he was doing, he was really good. It was a company called GuNi, I think. And they built sets for Alice in Borderland, and a pair of Netflix shows. - [Garnt] How'd you find them? - Just through a friend. He knew them, he worked with them. And then they went away, a design, they sent me the CGI, what it looked like. And I was like, "Do that, yeah, that, go." And then they built it, took about three weeks to build it in a warehouse in Shiba where they built Disneyland rides. - Oh wow. - They sent me footage of men crafting lights, and woodwork and neon lights and shit. And I was like, "Wow, this is pretty intense." And then took three days to build it in the studio. And I wasn't there that time. I think I was on Wacky weekend with you or something when I was doing it. And I came back to Sendai and I met the team, and they were all just dead. (Joey laughs) They hated me. 'Cause usually they build sets for film and TV. And my (chuckling) studio is in a decrepit building from the sixties. It's filled with asbestos. There's cracks over the wall, the building's coming down. And they're shifting this equipment through an elevator and stuff and they looked dead. And I was like, "Well done, everyone." They were like, "Yeah, get me out of here." But yeah, wasn't cheap, obviously. But it's kind of like a, I mean a lot of people sort of ask me, "How much did it cost?" How much did it cost?" But I don't want to say. (Garnt laughs) 'Cause everyone, that will be the thing everyone thinks of, right. Always be consumed by that. And yeah, it's expensive. But I could have spent that- - Hire professionals who do it for Disney, it's best of the best, right? Of course it looks like it. - It shows, yeah. - It definitely shows. - I'll say it was in the tens of thousands. - Oh yeah, of course. - Pretty obvious. - Yeah, of course. - Surely the amount of electronics in that place is. - Yeah ,the electronics alone were almost half the cost, I think. The most expensive thing was the crafting, the woodwork and everything. - Well, yeah, they got the counter built. 'Cause I remember I saw the space before you had it in there. I thought you were telling me there's gonna be this set here. I was like, "No, can't be." - That's why you were so shock when you saw it, right? - I was like, yeah. I was like, "You're taking the piss, you can't fit a set in here, it's like a fucking bedroom." You can't put anything in there. - They did a great job with the space. - They really like- - It's insane how much they utilized the space. - They knew exactly what they were doing, I'll say that much. - And yeah, it's a good investment in myself for Abroad in Japan and yeah. - 'Cause you've been doing more content on your second channel. - Yeah, yeah. - It's Christmas. - Yeah, it's Christmas, it was definitely worth it. (all chuckling) - Chris, I remember when you told me about that early on, you were like, "I'm gonna upload daily for 12 days." I was like, "Good luck with that." - I almost got there, almost got there. - How was it doing the consistent content back to back? - It reminded me why I don't do consistent content. (Garnt and Joey laughs) - [Connor] Yeah, you don't have time to think. Do you? - You don't. I got a comment that really annoyed me. I don't get triggered that often. - No, I got a comment. - Yes you do. - [Chris] Yeah sure. (all laughing) 'Cause I've been putting all these 12 days of Christmas on my second channel 'cause- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Hello, everyone's got a second channel now. It's cool innit? And (chuckling) the race is on. Who's now the biggest second channel? But someone's like, "He's just rehashing old videos." 'Cause I think I did a video with you. We just talked about things that we don't like about Japan and- - [Connor] It was the overrated things. - Yeah, and I did a deal realtro about how we nearly died, and just sitting down having a chat. And I was like, "Come on, mate." - Just casual content. - Spent the entire fucking year on horseback, or a plane or a train or a ferry doing these videos. Can I just sit in a room and talk about something for five minutes? Let me just chill, let me just sit in a room. So. - That's the point of the second channel. - Yeah, that's the whole point of a second channel. - We have a second channel. - Exactly. - Technically our third channel, 'cause I guess Trash Taste's our second channel. - There was like a really cute tweet, that was from a verified account, and I was tagged to it for some reason. And they were like, "Chris, for some reason, I can't seem to find these videos on your channel." (Chris laughs) And they didn't realize that he had a second channel. And I was just like, "Oh, that's so cute." (all chuckling) I don't know why. - And then I closed Twitter. (laughing) - I was like, "That's cute." - Told them nothing. - That's the only wholesome thing I've ever read on Twitter. (Joey laughs) - It was wholesome. I was like, "I just thought Chris was in one place." - But it's nice to have second channel, as I'm sure you guys have found. It's nice to just chill out. 'Cause the pressure you can put yourself on with the first channel is- - Yeah. - Yeah. - Sometimes you just have an idea for content, and you're like, "I can't put this on my first channel." - Sure, yeah. - Yeah, exactly. This is way- - Monkey tier list, isn't it? - No, that's main channel content, like Joey going through his health card score. - Yeah, I went through my health card score on my second channel. - Why'd you do that? - But bro, come on and say a break, it would be like, "Yeah, so everything's great, cholesterol's dreadful." - That's basically what I say. (laughing) - Yeah, I mean, I got basically A's and Be's in everything. And then urine came up and I got a C, three. And I was just like, "How do I fuck up in Europe?" - [Joey] How do I control my piss? - Obviously, I'm not being massaged enough while I'm urinating, 'cause something's going on with the process, man. - Did you have bad blood last year? Has it gone up to A now? - It's a B now. - Oh, okay. - But what's wrong with your urine? What you do? - I have no idea. - It's like acidic, I guess. - Drinking too much wine. (Garnt laughs) - Too much green tea actually. - What was your results, Chris? - I haven't done a test. (Connor and Garnt laughs) - Let's get your results, Chris. - I really need to get it. - Starting poking fun at who's cholesterol- - Yeah, exactly. - Have a look at- - We all know, I'm gonna win. - Yeah. - "I'm gonna win." (laughing) - I'm gonna have the best score. (Garnt laughs) - It's like golf, bro, it's like golf, Chris. You want a lower score. - I don't really wanna test. (Connor laughs) - Not enough high cholesterol if you don't test it. - If I don't know. - When I was a teacher, the first three years they'd do it every year. Right? After my second year it was really bad, 'cause I'd smoked a lot and I drank a lot, the time. The doctor fell off his seat when he saw. (Connor and announcer laughing) Makes your cholesterol look healthy. (Connor laughs) He was like, "Whoa." And then gone and fell off the chair like Humpty fucking Dumpty. (Garnt and Joey laughs) (chuckling) It was awful. And I had to spend the next year just eating a leaf with chicken. - [Garnt] (chuckling) He's taking one leaf. - (laughing) One leaf. - Got like a lady bug slowly working through it. - But it works, it works. Yeah, oatmeal and despair. (Joey laughs) But no, no, my cholesterol now must be horrific. (Connor laughs) I'm worried about it. - (chuckling) Why am I laughing? (Connor laughs) - [Chris] Laughing at my imminent demise. - I understand 'cause I have a similar situation. - You gonna get tested then? Or are you just gonna put that off? - Too busy? - I don't really know how to get tested. I don't have a big company backing me. Do I just walk in and be put something in my arm? "Go, it's done." - I think you just go into, yeah, you can just book it. You can get a full standard health checkup. - We can make a content out of that. That's a- - That's a second channel, that's a second channel video right there. - That's a narrative right there. - "Rehashing old content." (Garnt laughs) Did you do the thing where you have to drink barium, and they have the radioactive liquid thing? - No. - I think that's if you have stomach issues, or when you're older, I think they do that. But at probably, what is it? At 40 if you get a colonoscopy. (Chris wails) Have to get a colonoscopy. (Chris wails) A poor business, man. - Yeah. - I had the one, endoscopy. I was worse than the hotel room we stayed in. And that was the worst thing I've ever had, endoscopy. - Were you awake for that? - Yeah. - Oh God. - I went to the worst doctor ever and I thought it would be like a little thin piece of string, right. (Joey laughs) And it's a cable like that thing. - Oh. - And he's like, "This will numb your throat." It didn't. (Joey laughs) And I was like. (wailing) This doctor was really bad, so bad that it's closed now. (Joey laughs) I think it must have failed the health exam. - Oh my God. Sendai, somewhere. They did the endoscopy, they did like a broom cupboard. - [Connor] No. - And I was next to the room where everyone's waiting, and I was like. (hurling) Just gagging for about 25 minutes over and over. - You sure you went to a doctor? - Well. - Might have just been some dude's house. - It got fucking closed down. 'Cause I don't think it passed the test. - Just some dude in a lab coat. - And worst of all, they had a screen in front of me, like a 42 inch plasma screen of my here. (Joey laughs) - No, oh my God. - And I didn't look at it once. 'Cause I was like, "No, no, no." He was like, "Look, look, you're fraught." And I was like, "Fuck off." (all laughing) And then they printed it out and they pulled it out, and it's just, oh God, it's horrible. You have to wear a mouthpiece and they feed it through. It's like torture. It's up there with tea, water boarding. (Joey chuckles) But like- - Sounds like a scene out of Saw or something. You just wake up, you just got the mouse piece on. - That's honestly in my mind. - You have to escape the endoscopy. (Garnt laughs) - The worst bit, the worst bit you called out. And. - I feel sick hearing. - There was a poster to print out five photos and after 2:30 I ran out paper and the images were not stored anywhere. So they lost and I saw the guy exasperated and like the nurse they're like, and he looked at me like, we ran out of pitch and I was like. - Is this is how he spoke? - He spoke in English. Oh right. And like he sort of insinuated that we should probably do it again. - Oh my God. - And I like, no, no we're good. We're fine. Don't worry. No cancer. We're good. And like, fucking know, Jesus. - What did you just shut him for. - I got really bad, like stomach acids, like three. Well, I discovered it basically. I was really stressed for a long period of time. - Okay. - Really bad stomach acid and the stomach ulcer. I think this was off. This was, I dunno when this was, I think this was stuff I'd started are going YouTube full time. Do YouTube. Yeah. It's great. And I was really stressed and burnt out and some of my stomachs just acid it around. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So they did that and yeah fuck it was, it was probably like the top three worst experience ever got a really bad. - COVID test done. Not one place. And I was like, great, what are we doing it? They were like, "Oh, just come here. Follow us." Just like the emergency stairway. Like outside the fire escape. You did the same thing. - Oh, that place the year. - They did in the fire escape. - Yeah. - What? And then he was like, all right, open your mouth. And I'm like, "Oh, so I was like, why are we doing it outside?" He's like, "Oh, 'cause it's ventilated the office. Isn't ventilated. 'Cause if you have COVID we don't get it. And I'm like, "Feel like it could have been a better solution to this just out in like overlooking." Like Rappongi just watching like everyone walk by while I'm getting something shoved down my throat. God's. - Awful. - Jesus. As for the place we went to before flying out to England. Right? - Yeah. It's weird. - Yeah. - But that experience is why I'm like, "Oh, I don't think I need the doctor again." - I've heard really good and just really bad about Japan. I felt like," Oh yeah it's alright." - I think endoscopy is the worst thing you could do in Japan. - Sounds like. - I'm sure you, the topic con what have you done that's bad. - The ear thing is pretty bad. - Oh fuck. - Well the ear cleaning search. - You'll do it for fun. It's horrible. - How is horrible. - 'Cause you know, I don't clean my ears. - You don't? - No. - That's gross. It's awful - No, most doctors recommend not to put anything in your ear. - Oh really? - Nothing should ever be going in your ear. - If you're watering it and. - If you're watering, it would come out. You get a smack shooting, put cotton buds in your ear. Even on the package top. - Oh the cotton buds say, they say cotton buds are the worst. - Yeah. Cotton buds are the worst. Like do ears not get itchy? - No. - I get my ears get itchy. Why? - My ears get really itchy. - They get itchy is. - No. So you know, this guy goes in and starts scraping the fucking ear drums and stuff. He goes so deep. - Yeah. - But people love it on YouTube. For some reason. It's like people absolutely love the videos. - It's like people popping videos. - Yeah. - It's that same genre. - I helped Charla film her video. 'Cause she did it once I think made loads of views and she's like, "Everyone loves this. I'm gonna do it again." - Yeah. - Wanna film it? I was like, yeah, sure. I went along and you get like a live feed. - Yeah. It's awful. - On a big screen. - He was saying there. - Always with live feeds on a big screen. - Inch plasma screen TV. And you the optimal angle that you can't look away. - It's like watching June, it was so I was like nearly gagging while watch I had to like look away. - Dude, I had to stop him at one point and be like, I gotta go and I need to go and sit on the toilet. I was just like, I was like lying on this toilet bowl. Just like, (groaning) nd then. - Was that from him going into your ear or from the footage? - Both. Both. So like just seeing, seeing the footage combined with like, it was really painful. - Yeah, yeah. - I don't ever touch my ears. - Yeah. - I don't put anything in. - It's super sensitive. - it's super sensitive. - Yeah. - Obviously people who clean their rose all the time, it's not a big deal. You know, you can do it, but I haven't done it and this guy's going ham on me. He's good at what he does, boss, man knows how to do it. Don't get me wrong. But holy fuck, I was not ready. And then he was like, "No, we're not done yet." When he's got a deep clean. And then he starts going deeper and it really feels like he's like really inside. Like I would of put anything even quite close. - Scratching your eardrum. Right, yeah. - Really far to a point where I was genuinely concerned. And you know, some doctors are like, "Yeah, it's a load of shit. This whole air cleaning started, you know, doesn't do anything and it's dangerous. 'Cause you pop ear crumbs and stuff." It was yeah, it was genuinely like I wouldn't do it again. - Yeah, actually. - Well, 'cause it wasn't my idea. It was Canada wanted the, and I was like, yeah, whatever. Sure. I mean, it sounds disgusting, but they didn't find anything. - Did they find anything? How much did they clean? - Oh, like a ship time. - Did they find anything like. - A society in his ear? - It was like after a flooded pass and the sewage system has been cleaned out. It was like the red sea partying in my ears. Like it was, you finally see in there, but I mean, you know, it was not fun. - 'Cause I actually bought one of those ear picker things with the camera at the end of it. - Yeah. - And you can. - Sydney bought one as well. - Yeah. You can like, you can connect it on your phone to see it. - Yeah. No, I remember. - 'Cause I clean my ears pretty often. - What's wrong with people. - I remember one time, a few years ago actually now, so me and Sydney went swimming once in a pool, right? - Yeah. - And so one time we went swimming and we went out and she had some water stuck in her ears and normally you just shake it out. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. Shake it out. So this water just would not get out of her ears. So it was stuck in there and I was just like, "Just lay like that. Just lay like that. It's fine. It's fine." - Yeah. - And it just pass. And so this water just what didn't come out. - I don't know where this is going. - Yeah. So I stayed in there for like days to the point where her ears started hurting 'cause I guessed that. - It could be an infection. - Yeah. It got near infection. - So you get like an ear infection. So we actually had to go to the doctor, right? So we took her to the doctor and the doctor tries cleaning her ears and they can't like, for some reason they can't get this liquid out. Right? - Yeah. - So. - It makes me feel disgusting even hearing this. - Yeah. So, what they had to do was they had to, they put this solution in, right. This, some kind of solution, which like softens the ear. They wax or something like that. - Yeah. Yeah. - So they put this solution in and left in for like a good few minutes, right? I didn't know what I was expecting because I didn't know how, I didn't know what was blocking her canal this bad. And so they put this, they put the liquid in, drain it and then they get like this mini kind of vacuum kind of thing. Just like vacuum out, kind of clean the air. Right? - Yeah. Yeah. All right. So I just remember, right? I just remember Sydney lying down and the nurse just like vacuuming her ear out. Right? Just waiting for something to come out and then out plops this ball of black ear wax. Like you could hear the splat on the ground like, this wasn't ear wax. This was like a Lovecraftian nightmare creature man. - Like the thing. - Yeah. It was like the thing, I swear to God, like I was not expecting that, right? - Holy shit. - Not even the nurse was 'cause like this, this ball just drops out of her ear. - Yeah. - And me and a nurse are just looking at this ball, like eyes wide open and nurse just like takes it. And Cindy's like, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And she's like, "What's happened," but like, I'm just like, "Cindy, you do not want, see what just came out your ear." It was massive. I didn't know ear wax to get that big. - 'Cause I've had that before as well. 'Cause I have like really naturally very tough ear wax. Like it's like very dry. - Ear wax, top trumps in air. - Yeah. It's like, naturally really, really dry. - They smell yeast. - Mine's like naturally really dry. So if I don't clean it out consistently then it hardens and turns into like rock form. And then that's when you get like the whole water stuck in your ear, ear infection. I feel like I used to get. - Ear of like, if you start doing it, it just starts happening. And then you like. - I used to get ear infections all the time as a kid. 'Cause I had just like rock hard ear infection. - Yeah. I've never had an ear infection all of my life. - I mean once when a bumblebee went of my ear and stung in my ear. - Oh Jesus Christ. - That triggered an infection. - Yeah. - This is horrible. - How was that? How to get in there? - I was like six running around small field, having fun. They just went. - That was the last time Chris had fun ever. - After that, the last the laughter died. - You found a camera. It was all over. - I can't even do it yourself fucking ear cleaning. - Disgusting that. - Yeah. It's like doing yourself, colonoscopy. - It's a thing. - You're next. - Do it and up. - Get it in there. - 'Cause it's like, apparently it's like a thing that Japanese couples do. They clean each other's ears and stuff. It's. - You say colonoscopy? - All right, honey bend over. - You laugh but there's probably a couple or two out there that do it. - Yeah. No, my mom used to clean my ears all the time when I was little. - That's probably why you were getting like ear infectious. 'Cause she started the cycle of cleaning. - You not supposed to go in there though? Yeah. - Yeah. You're not supposed to put anything in there. Like it's I dunno why, but Japan's obsessed of being clean. So that's probably why. - I love the Trash Taste podcast. You learn about the important things. Ear hygiene, top of the list. Who needs anime anymore? - I just put. - No more animates. Just ear cleaning. - Dou you have ear infection going on? - Huh? - Do you ever ear infection? - No. - I don't know I had one. - Yeah. I used to get them all the time. It was horrible. - Yeah.I mean. - I feel like the wax is like a natural barrier of sorts. - No. It is. It is. - It's. - No body. - I thought it was a natural. - I mean, it's there for a reason. Right? Like dust and shit getting in. But there are sometimes when there is just a big buildup of wax and it just gets like, it really gets itchy sometimes. - Yeah. Be days. - I mean yeah. Like doctors have them. - Maybe I do an Amber. - You just say one of the toilet. - Just line up, just get a bottle, get a bottle. And just. - God. Well we just said about 5G. Do you see that thing in the knees recently with the 5G necklace? You this. - What? No. - So people that are going 5G, they can get a necklace. That's supposed to like stop the waves of 5G hitting you. - Can't be serious. - It turns out this necklace is radioactive. It's got a fucking Plutonium in it. And so the sheer irony that people are trying to, you know, get rid of the dangerous 5G and they wearing this necklace. - Like be Hulk. - Yeah. - Is like caseinogen. And it's like. - My God. - Are you off your rockers? It's quite a new story. - It's kind like the COVID necklaces that Japan was selling one necklace. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. So, apparently they were selling these necklaces. - Viruses be gone. - Yeah. - Oh my God. - That gave everyone who wore them like a protective shield. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. On the packaging. There's like this happy woman and there's just like this dome shape, like shield around her. Like, yes you're free of all the viruses. - What's in it? - Oh, I don't know. - Plutonium. - Uranium 45, 255. That's. - Something radioactive. - I'm bit of few places where all the staff are wearing them. I'm assuming like the companies like you have to wear these. - Yeah, yeah. To serve our customers. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - No. I mean. - It's like a ship. - I remember when I went back home to see my mom, some of our family members had sent them, their necklaces as well. I was like, "Mom, you know, this is bullshit," right? You know he can't have a necklace that just prevents viruses. That's not how viruses work. - Yeah. The virus rocks. I'm like, oh he's got it on. - Jesus. - Gotta say the Harry Potter spell or something. It's like virus be gone, you know, no. - Somebody more useful in the shield than doing though. At least it can block anything that old in dun? - Oh, well I mean to a degree. - Oh one in June. - Fucking was paper. It didn't do anything. They just turned it on. What? Just waste energy. - No, that's why they didn't have guns in dune, right? - Yeah. - That's that's the whole point. That's the whole law. That's. - They still got shot. They pretty sure someone got exploded. - There's no guns in there. - James Bond. No time to die. - It's time to die. - It's time die. - It's time to die. - It's time to die. - Yeah. What do you think of it? Sorry. Rabbi, man, like what was the point of him being in the room? - Worst villain ever. Really. So shit. You're not seen it. You're not a bond man. You're bond man, gum. - Gosh, doesn't go to the cinemas in Japan. - You don't. I mean, I don't go to the cinemas in general, unless there's a film I really, really, really wanna see. - Yeah. - Like psycho pass, like psycho. - Lazy? Lazy movie? - You know, if. - There is psychopath movie. - If a Kira was in cinemas, I'd go see a Kira. - Ah fuck, yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause I haven't seen in cinemas and I think that's, it's one film that you would appreciate way more on the big screen. - Yeah. - Like Doom. - Yeah. - Why didn't you go watch it in cinemas? I don't understand. - I just. - Cinemas for like three months. - Yeah. - Yeah. And I dunno, I actually would. I actually was just like, "Oh, is this still in cinemas?" Like last week Googled, it wasn't so I was like, fuck it. I guess I'll just watch. I dunno. - Just go watch it. - Sometimes I just get lazy, you know, because. - For three months. - Huh? Yeah. Yeah. When's the last time you watch China make corner. - Ah, recently. - Yeah. - Roken doesn't count. - Rocken, I watched Rocken. - That doesn't count. - Who says? - That's not doesn't count. That's not. - When was the last time you watched AADE that you went paid to watch. - Arcane. Jojo, Jojo. Yeah. Jojo. Arcane, Jojo, and Arcane. - You know, sometimes you just have something that's not on the top approach, your priority list. And then you just slips and then you miss your opportunity unfortunately. - Yeah. I've said a billion times, but I just like the theater experience, the right way to enjoy movie. - I mean the Matrix might have been a bit me, but the, you know, in the cinema IMAX, it was the first time cinema Matrix movie in a cinema. 'Cause when it came out 1999, I was nine. - Yeah. - And so it was pretty cool watching like a matrix movie, the way it was supposed to be sort of saying the IMAX was incredible. - What, are you a Marvel guy at all? - Yeah. I wanna see the new Spiderman. I absolutely love Spiderman too. One of my favorites, probably my favorite comic. - Which Spiderman too? - Oh. - The original one? - The original one. - Okay, okay. - Alfred Melina. - Yeah. - The cracker. What's so much. I watched dark waters last week. - What's that? - Exactly. - Where'd you find time to watch all these films? - Yeah. - Don't just get an evening, you should go. I'll stream afterwards. It's like. - Are you spiderman? - When it comes out, for some reason, Japan, it comes up like three weeks after the rest of the world. - Yeah. - Exactly. The matrix came out here like before anywhere else. 'Cause there's like a scene in Japan. Maybe that's why, but like every film in Japan comes out so late. - It's so annoying. - It's either too early or too late. - Yeah. Because by the. - Too early, too, too early, can't be too early. - By the time it comes out, the spoiler lift is going to be gone on like online, right? - Yeah, yeah. - 'Cause there's a two week spoiler period where no one's allowed to spoil it. And by the time that's gone, the film still hasn't come out in Japan. So I'm probably gonna know what happens in it before I even go see the film. - Yeah, I haven't read anything about it. - I know. - Spiderman luckily. Don't fucking say anything. - Give me. - It's fall inception. What's next? - Give me, Ken did that, not me. Give me $50 and I won't tell you what happened. - How about you fuck off. - Black movie. Blackmail. Spoiler blackmail. - Spoiler blackmail. - Yeah. I watch a lot of, I watch a good amount of the Western releases in Japan. Say I don't even like, look what it's about. I just go up and just watch it sometimes to pour rates of success. I'd say this was a good movie. Just Mark Ruffo being like for like two hours. It's pretty good. - Sounds amazing. - What is the film about. - Mark Ruffo. - So Mark Ruffo go. - It's like Mark Ruffo just like being a Japanese, but no it's about how like DuPont, a chemical company just poisoned everyone in the world. Basically. - Sick? - Yeah. - Sounds like a run. - And how like they did it for like four years and Mark Ruffo has like the lawyer that finds out and like sues thumb and stuff. - Oh, so it's based off of a true story. - Yeah. It's like still ongoing as well. - Oh wow. - Yeah. - It film or the. - Oh the real life case. - Yeah. - It's like poisoned, like everyone in the world. - Oh wow. What the book? - Yeah. Everyone's been poisoned by this one chemical that they were dumping. - Ah. - Yeah. It's pretty sketchy there. Now it's like one of the UNS like priorities. It's like ban this chemical. It's pretty good movie though. It's pretty good. - Really? You're really selling. - It's a really paranoid to drink any water. - Really, so else on. Thank you. - I dunno. - It's just nothing a brief can fix for, right? - Yeah. Nothing. An activated charcoal can fix. No, it's fine. It's a good movie Mark Ruffo we he's right? I think he's not like the best actor on earth, but. - He's just kind of okay in every film. - He's pretty. Yeah he's pretty good. I don't. - He's not like he's amazing. - I've never compelled by his performances. - Yeah. I've seen him in. That's not Marvel collateral, Tom cruise. - Yeah he's. - He plays like an underwhelming detective. He meets a. - He's really good at playing like a wimpy character. - Yeah. - Which I dunno. - Mark Ruffo's agent. He's got a role already. He's he's too cool that character. - 'Cause he's kind of like a pushover it in the film, but it kind of plays to his strengths 'cause then he kind of gets over it and it develops character. - Character development. - Yeah. - Poor old Mark Ruffo he's watching this in a room in LA. He's probably like fuck. - Hey, Hey, he's a billionaire. Doesn't mean my billionaire doesn't mean my sympathy. Yeah. 'Cause the, I noticed when the movie starts, it's like a film by Mark Ruffo a corp or something. It's like it's his movie company Mark. - Oh, is it? - Yeah. So it's his movie. It's always so funny about that. I don't know why just having a, an actor star in their own film. I'm always like. - well we gonna get a con kaon movie. - What? What's it gonna be about what? Me doing a crane game two hours. - Uncut. - The quest for curious George. - Yeah. The director's cut. - Thought I would I make a film with that? I have no interest in making a film on, though. - If I gave you a hundred million, what would you make? - More crane game in the air. - The biggest crane game. - I spent a hundred thousand dollars. - I make the shittest squid game possible for 3 million. - What constitutes Mr. Beast man. - $3 million, just like money laundering, $3 million. Just like a cardboard set. I would've been actually, in some ways I think I would. That would've been almost as funny were anyway. Just cardboard version of squid game. - Yeah. Someone must have done that. - Probably. Did you see those, that one hamster channel? They got like a lot of shit. - Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah. - Like made squid game. The hamster hamster, squid game, like making these hamsters drop from like massives. - Oh my God. - And there was like spikes and stuff. - Jesus. - It was awful. - I watched the video and it was like, it's honestly not that bad. Like. - I dunno, there was some bits where I was like, yeah, that, that hamster could have been impaled. - But if, what if the hamsters were just CGD in? - Yeah. - What if the AI. - Cancer AI. - Cancer AI. - Unfortunately one of them was voiced by gum and C your equivalent. - Unfortunately I think there's one thing that you cannot even remotely try and get away with. And that is anything with you. It comes close to abusing animals. - Yeah. - It's like the one thing that you just can't get away with. - I mean, right, for a so. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I think that's that hamster video was just a bit oof, but yes. - Yeah. There'll definitely better ways to do what I feel. - Yeah. - But it's a bit, it's a shame as well. 'Cause that channel, like I've been, 'cause that channel comes with my recommended all the time. 'cause he like makes little miniature like on sends and like massage poles and like little sets for his hamster, like kind of play around and. Yeah. There's like a little mini waterboarding scene as well. - Supporting your hamster. - Yeah. But it's like, it's really cute. And it's like, you know, and then for some reason he was just like, "Yeah, I'm just gonna make them fight to the dead." - He would make hamsters drop right from like here onto the floor. It's not deadly, but it's like, why would you make. - It's not deadly, but I'm sure you know, one bad fall and it could hurt. - Hands on hearts. - It's cool. Like hamster, squid game. - Yeah. - Hamster. If you look up hamster. - Squid game, squid game. - God, I think it's a Hamster. - I'm done with squid game. It was is right TV show. But let's never speak. - Chris would've done it better, Chris would've done it better. - Octopus game, it's a squid game. It's good. It's good. Yeah. It's good. - What would you change about it?. - Don't wanna hear about it ever again. It's been done a lot, right? You know, we've. - It has been done a lot. - Squid game and yeah's, that's never. - You think it about too popular. - I think, I just you know, I get a bit annoyed with things that everyone obsesses over. I remember. Well, I remember when I was here when frozen came out. Right? - Yeah. - And you might been here, but like, it was like, everyone got so obsessed with. - Every fucking store you go is let it go. And I'm like, I think you are the ones that let it go. - Let it go. That song was like every day, like 400 times. - Oh my God, - I wanna kill someone. And I felt like that about squid game a little bit. Oh it was a good show. It was good. I enjoy it a lot. But like when you just hear about something, you bombarded by something so much. - Japan's so good at that though. It's like when there's like one like viral, like song that's high in the chart's like, you know, any song, any, it could be anything it's just like every second store is blasting it. - My favorite thing is when Japanese stores play obscenely inappropriate songs in English. In like a children's day kirk, they don't know what any of the words mean. It's play like rap. That's like super like fucked. - Yeah. I remember I went to this toy story and Sheia once they were playing rap, like loud on the speakers, I was like, ah. - They were playing wap in one of the supermarkets I go to as well. - And it was like the uncensored motion as well. I was like, "Whoa." I'm like, it's like, there's like all these toys everywhere. And I'm just like. - Kind hewing about it. - Other, a family restaurant. They're playing 50 cents in the club. I was like eating like a ham sandwich or something. Eating the in the club's like little bird like. - Chris came in, put the song on Chris. - You love the song. - The song that defines me in the club sounds right. - Oh, sorry. - Just that. Eating like some sandwiches listening to that. - That's so good. - A family restaurant. - Oh my God. - Chill in here. Sorry. I was kidding. - Why do it so loudly? - I dunno. - Put your clothes on in silence. Trying figure he's pushing my. (Indistinct) - Put your drip on Chris. Come on, put your drip on. - You want. - No, no, no. - No. - Put the drip on Chris. - Put the drip on Chris. - Put the drip on. Put it on. - Want to walk off set. - No, - I thought putting it on over there. - It's a hoodie you can't wear with a raw skin. - Raw skin. - Raw skin. - Raw skin. - Exposed skin. - That's my next YouTube. - Can't have those oily body oils all over. - Raw skin. - Knock all your figure cheek, figurines off the shelf. - Yeah. Of those $1,000. - $1,000. Which one was the most expensive? - Probably the AER one. That was actually a $1,000. - That's justified that once. Not the other ONES. - I guess we bought that one Chris. - Joey. - Actually Joey did buy it as well. - Joe bought the kids. - I bought the other Kira. - What is that? - Where is the other Kira? - The other room. - Oh. Okay. - How do you put on a hoodie like a boomer. I dunno how you managed to find a way to do. - How the fuck do you put it on them, like. - It's a fucking hoodie. You do never wear hoodies. Wait, actually. - I've never seen Chris on a hoodie. - Yeah, no I've seen you wear a hoodie. - Swamp monster. Coming out. All right - We ever worn a hoodie for Chris. - Oh my God. Chris on a hoodie just looks like that. Like hello fellow kids. We need to give you a skateboard now. - Oh my God. - One of the kids now. - Should have worn the cap that you wore in the, the previous episode. - Look good. - Good. Good. - How you feel? - You got the drip now Chris, sheep in it. - Fuck off. That's premium material there Chris. - How much is it? - That's an embroidery right there. - $88. - It's a good material. Right? Trash Chas. - Cut that out. That's right. - It just looks so weird. - Way to, for something, right? Yeah. - I mean it's a large size. - This is a size TV. - Yeah. It's a large size size. - Let's not beat around the bush here. - I wear large. - A doodle D I think, you know, I'm at least a medium. - In what universe? COPI if I'm it. In what universe are you medium? - I might be big mouth, but I could still fit into a. - Is that what the health test has? - Some fucking COPI if I've heard it. - So what are your goals for 2022? What we gonna expect from trash to, because here's special. The pew pine, Mr. Beast on finally. - The wall fucking opens up. - Yeah. - I love to have pus on and people from outside Japan, as much as we want you on for like a fifth time cruise. - Japan announced, dunno. - When Japan finally opens up I'm never coming on here. I'll buy on the window. - Guys. I'm sorry. Feelings coming on this week. I'll come back next week. - I didn't even how to get here. I got on a taxi. I was late. I got on a taxi, yeah. And I put the address in for the studio and it just does not compute on Google for every reason. - Really? - So I put in the dress for somewhere nearby. Like it was a Domino's pizza. - I like Domino's pizza. - Such a dickhead, going from take station. So a Dominos in like. - Take me to the Domino. - Texture was like car. I was like, yeah, it's here the Dominos. And he is like, oh, what car? Pizza's car? Like, love bit of pizza. - I love pizza. - Pizzas be awkward. - When you helping fill my next special Chris. - What's that? - Whenever there is a special. What I'm waiting on your special. What? Well, it'll be out by the it's one. You'd like cook some food or something. - Yeah, yeah. - Well that's been out.. - That's already out by the time. - Oh yeah. - It I've been out. - What about the fighting one? - Fighting scraped. Kendall, Kendall scraped. - Kendall. I love Kendall. - I love Kendall. Yeah. - Kendall. - This is the man. This is the man who has traveled all of Japan. - I love Kendall. - Have traveled all of Japan. - I love Kendall. - Kendall with the trumpets. - The Trump bow. Trombone or Ken day. - For new crack of terror. - The trombone of Kendall. - I am affable. - Oh my God. - What about you Chris? - Oh my God. - You working on anything else big? - No. - I mean, where'd you go out from go Ken Wabi right? - There's nothing, is there? Yeah. So my friend who, who can get me like anyone to interview, he's like, who do you wanna interview? - Anyone. - I dunno guy, I don't go. You can probably like get me, anyone bring me anyone. And I just don't have any idea. I don't really like, I don't, there's no one I actually wanna interview, you know. - Prince Andrew? - He's out there. Interesting. Kind of much worse than the last interview. (indistinct) And welcome bet you were like, I love that interview. I dunno. And the problem is, the comment I get a lot, is like production quality is so good. Production quality, I don't really production qualities, I don't really care about that. He's killer. It's important ever standard. - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - But or not if it's a Jerry Vlock. - I think you've just done it. - It's a second channel, but. - I think you've just done it so much that you, I think you just subconsciously put it together really well. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I don't think you are like this mastermind that everyone thinks you literally just turn up, but you make the most of every situation. I think you're pretty good at filming on the spot. - Maybe. Yeah, yeah. - You just have an eye for it. - And whereas I would give after the two takes and be like, fuck it. Chris is like, we'll everyone fuck off and make us do like four more takes. 'Cause Chris is not happy with it. Like Stanley this whole director, all freezing, dying, hungry. And Chris's like, nah. - I need this drone shot. - The people go on. - You'd be my film. - That's the film. - Something very bad. It would be something really bad. - Chris would be, I'm predicting this, right? Chris would be like, I want to be my movie. What would be? So be the racist white man or something. That's what he would do. - No acting required. - Guys should do his best to make me just basically be lean out the Capar from Jen. That's like. - You know, where's the script, it's like. - So up and be yourself. - I feel like Chris would try and sabotage at me to the best of his ability. - I would do that. I would do that. - He would be like, oh your ch your character is gluctus. You have to eat this entire Wang sober. It's like, oh my gosh. - I dunno. Yeah, honestly, I dunno what to do this year though. I would like to do outside Japan a little bit. - Yeah. - Get out there. - Well, I haven't left a, in like two years. - Just not film as well. - I haven't left Japan in two years plus now. - Yeah. - And Japan as a country, you need to get out of at least once a year. 'Cause it's like one big fucking library. And you have to sort of be very careful with your manners and you've gotta be, you know, switched on all times thinking about how you're affecting other people and yeah. It wears you down and yeah, you do need to get out once a year and it's been pretty tough not going back or doing anything. I haven't left the shores of Japan for two years now. - When was the last time you like filmed a video in like outside of Japan? Like in the UK or wherever. - I think I've only done it like once. - I wasn't asking the movie. - Oh, and that, yeah. That was it. - Yeah. - That was it. - I see the movie. You had one other movie, right? - Yeah. Yeah. - Or one other video other. - Yeah, but I, yeah. I just need to go out for a bit. I was, yeah. I was planning to go back for Christmas like you guys were. And yeah, yeah. - That didn't go well. - Yeah, it didn't go too well. And yeah. So. - Anyway, you wanna film aside from cracker tour? - I do wanna see that. Can we climb cracker tour, does that think? - I thought I am. - I think to a certain point, you can. - Can we, why. - I'll be doing the drain. Don't I? - You can climb that. - I'll be doing the drain. - I'll do the drain. I'll do the drain time. - But I do wanna do take for granted and I know place, we can Bungee jump and give my perfect jump. Do you wanna. - Thank God you are there. Thank God. - You want a Bungee jump? - Thank God. - I'm gonna film it. - You gonna do with me Chris. - I'm gonna hold the camera on. - That sounds fun. I wanna do that. - Fun to do Bungee jump. - Yeah, that sounds fun. - Fucking know. - I would like to. - I think I'd be scary than doing a sky dive. - I'd I would rather sky dive. - I won't do sky dive. - I wanna sky dive. - Well wacky weekend. Don't we? - Why are we not doing it? Why do you. - Well, I'm not doing it. - Yeah. Y'all do it. - Oh right. We'll film that or straps would go place serious. - Then we can do it with gone. - Well, I'll take both of you. - Yeah, fuck it. - Yeah fuck it let's do it. - If you want. - I'm all right, man. - You Joey doesn't even like. - Would do Bungee jump? - Oh yeah. - Oh hell yeah then. - I skydive as well. I want sky dive. When's a trash skydiving. - I wouldn't mind skydiving honestly, but I think Bungee jumping, I would not wanna do there's something like, like there's something scary about an awkward hype. You know what I mean? Like, whereas like, 'cause like for me, skydiving is like, you are so high up where height doesn't matter anymore. - I've heard so many funny stories about Bungee jumping and like really sketchy countries. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's like a do do something. - People do die doing it. - Yeah. - I was in art school last year girl did it and the rope just wasn't tied. - Exactly. - I've imagined this. - Let's be honest. The one country you probably wanna Bungee jump in with confidence, it is probably Japan. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The man is like, "I made this rope by hand. It's all handcrafted or something." - Passed down from generation to generation. - Yeah. It would be like the most imaculate Bungee cord existence. - Yeah. Yeah. - Like nest needs to study it or something. - Yeah. - I bet. It's amazing. - Yeah. - That's 'cause that's everything is in Japan. - Yeah. - Nothing can be subpar. Everything has to be like the best thing on earth. - Exactly. - That's the video, Chris. There you go. - What's the health and safety regulations in Japan? - Imaculate. - Because. Okay. Okay. Here's. - Over the top. - Here's the thing it's like it's either one or the other. 'Cause sometimes it's like imaculate you are not going to go to this place unless everyone's signed off on it. And then you have like drifting where you can turn up without fucking driver's license and go on the course. I'm just like, so where does the line start? - I feel like rules are made when people do dumb shit and accidents happen. - Yeah. - I feel like in some sense, Japan doesn't have as many rules because they're just so conscious about. - Yeah. - Stuff like that. - Mm. - Yeah. - Like I think like everyone is just extremely clean here. So I imagine their health rules probably aren't as strict on like I imagine maybe. - I think maybe. - 'Cause they're so lean in general. - Yeah. I think though, like in Japan, because Japanese people just like love to follow the rules and are really good at following the rules. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So it's like just have like a baseline rule set and then most places will be like, oh you're not gonna do anything like weird and stupid to like, you know, try and test those limits, all right? 'Cause everyone's gonna follow the rules. - You're drifting is fun though. - Yeah. Whereas with drifting, no like do you have a license? No. All right you can still drive. - Actually I didn't drift that day. I know I'd have been sick like you were. - I wanna see you drift. - When I was in the back of it. Just for that like. - Few minutes. Yeah, yeah. - It's way different when you're driving it. I think. - Yeah. When you're in the back, you get way sick man. - It was really fun. I really wanna do it again. - Yeah. I want to. - That was fun. Yeah. - One day I'll buy a new tyre. - I like to see you with like the drift king drifting you around. - Yeah. - I would like to. - Drifting. - My life has hasn't flashed before my eyes before, but they definitely did during that drifting. - Yeah. - That drifting episode. - Mum was insane. - Yeah. - I don't even know. Wanna know how to learn, how to do that shit. - IRP. - This episode is sponsored by Manscaped. - Cheers to 2022 and resolutions. You can actually keep. How about having clean and shiny balls all year round. Our sponsor at Manscaped are here to save your balls this year and make the ball drop into 2022 the cleanest and sexiest ever. Set your first new year's resolution with good intentions and join the 4 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped. With our exclusive offer go to Manscaped.com and use code TrashTaste for Trump sent off plus free shipping. - It's new year, new me with the global leaders in below waste grooming. This year take your package to the next level with the performance package 4.0 and brand new ultra premium body wash. - Inside the performance package 4.0 you'll find the signature lawn mower 4.0. This electric trimmer is designed to trim hair on loose skin. The advanced skin safe technology reduces cuts and knicks on your delicate nuts. It also comes equipped with a 4,000 K LED spotlight that will shine a light to the promise land 2022 looks to be. - So what are you waiting for? Get 20% off and free shipping by using code TrashTaste @mansskip.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping @Manscaped.com using code TrashTaste. It's a new year, no pubes in 2022 with Manscaped. - Thank you for sponsoring D's nuts. - Fuck sake Joey. - Fuck to the new episode. - Speaking of Rank cyber Chris, I know another YouTube creator you are very fond of, Nikocado Avocado. Right? - Nik Avocado. - Nikocado Avocado. - I see the guy that eats everything. - Yeah and cries. Yeah. - The bang thing. - What's the story behind him? I mean, I'm not as good as you are. Like you are like switched on. - I don't really know. - Yeah. It's YouTube . - In the YouTuber, law. - Yes. Him with the crew in it. And I'm like fuck off. - I watched the four hour video about him, that explained all his history and I can't tell you anything about it. - Oh, the right opinion video. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And he was basically a guy just was getting views doing mark bang fat and then kind of just. - But he used to be like a health con like vegan. - Yeah. - He used to be super thin. - Super thin, super healthy. Used to promote like healthy eating. - Oh, that's quite interesting character. - Yeah. - What the fuck. - And then he did one mock bang saw how big it got and then just spiral. - Oh sad. - Yeah. - That's really sad. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And it's, I think it's gotten to the point now where he is definitely playing a character. - Yeah, he's playing it up. - Yeah. - He's completely like. - But he's also very. - But he's also eating the food. - But he's also killing himself. - It's method acting. - Yeah. - To. - Method acting. - To the end degree. - I feel about eating fried chicken. - I remember when Daniel Day Lewis was eating all the fried chicken and the character. - Oh man. That's sad though. Isn't it? - Yeah. But Mark Banks in general are like the saddest earth. - Maybe I'll do it. - What you gonna do? We basically did that. - That's a (Indistinct). - That's you did already, right? Ramen as well. - This is something. - Avocado, man. - But I feel like a one off you're like, right. - What's his name? - Nikocado Avocado. - Nick avocado.? Yeah. Nikocado. - Nick Avocado.. - Yeah. Why is he called that? - I don't know. - Ask him. - Where's do I ask him? - I feel like mug band. - Bring him here. Bring him on in. - Probably watch this clip. He watches all the clips about him. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And reacts to them. - He's probably gonna react to this. - Put your health first mate. Don't get cholesterol like him, sort it out. - I think I might, I don't wanna, you know, assume, but I think he might have higher cholesterol than me. - Oh really? - What? But, so he was health conscious when he just got rid of it. He just was like, no. - 'Cause he didn't get views. - He didn't get views. Yeah. - So money was more important. - Money and drama got. - Yeah. He basically chased the money and dRamena, like train and. - Yeah. - So yeah, him eating unhealthy and dRamena got him more views, which in turn got in more money. So it was like a. - Endless spiral. - Was a spiral. - Yeah. I mean. - This is the feature of YouTube though, isn't it? - No. - Just punishing yourself. for views. - I mean, I've done that plenty of times. I think like a Mark Bang every now and then is like, all right, whatever. You're not putting your health at risk, but when you're like, here's my daily mark bang of. - Yeah. - Fifteen hundred chicken nuggets. It's just like, maybe this is a slight period. - If you're doing like a Matt Stoney where it's like, you know, eat a Gargan amount of food once a month, but also work out vigorously in meal, that's fine. - So he does what he does right, that study. - Well, but I think he, I think a lot of the professional leaders, they eat that at large amount of food. And then the days off, they pretty much don't eat much they eat very, very like precise diet. - So there's a science. There's an. - Yeah, yeah. - It's like if you eat 7,000 calories, you've gotta figure out how you can get that out of your diet. - Yeah. - Or you can have the lack of calories. - Yeah. - I think he messaged me once. 'Cause he did the Monster Ramen challenge in bar. That we did. - Oh, okay. - He completely nailed. In a way that I could only dream of. - Yeah. - But I didn't realize that he's actually quite good about it. - He's like one of the like best in the world. - If an avocado man, just everyday. - Yeah. - Fuck off that shit. - Stop calling him avocado, man. - I remember I just picked like an avocado. - What? - Nick Avocado. - I think that's, I don't even think he can eat as much as Maston. Like Mastons is like insane. - Yeah. - That's sounds like it's just like inhuman. - But like he's also like trained professionally, I guess, to the point of where he knows what he's doing. - Is he trained professionally? - Well, I mean, well. - I mean he competes like professionally. - He's the king at it. Like no one beats him. - Yeah. - I think there's like a few other people who are pro, as good as him. I mean, he's got a lot of the records. - I think most of the stuff. - He probably knows what he's doing. - I think the reason why he doesn't upload as frequently is not just for health reasons. But I think it's also because he's like doing like professional eating competitions, like. - Wow. Wow. - I mean, I'm guessing it's still not healthy what he's doing. - No, I used to me a video of him just eating like a hundred slice of cheese. - Oh, that was so gross. - That looks this. I wanted to throw up just watching that video. - Once he is had his first endoscopy, he'll think very carefully about feed fighting strap strategy. - I'm sure that man has like the best healthcare that money can buy. - I think he'll just eat the camera. Won't he? - It goes well, what happened to that guy who did a man versus food? - Oh, Adam something. - I was gonna say Adam Levine. And I was like, no, that's. - That's more fine. - I always thought that if Chris was American, that's how he lit like. - Man, versus food. - Just me with better teeth and the better jawline and just everything better. - Where's the family Mar chicken challenge. - A hundred pieces of family Mar chicken. - Oh, imagine Levine after family Mar chicken. - Animal Levy's not his name. - After a bucket of chicken. - I mean, it's just depressing. Isn't it? I feel like there's only so much you can do before. You're just like, "I don't like this anymore. I'm just hurting myself. I'm just in pain." - Did you not feel like that after you did your cup noodle challenge? - Yeah. I felt awful. That's why I only do it like once every month. - That's after I one cup noodle, I feel like you insulting. - I'm not eating it all am I? I'm taking one bite of it. - Yeah. But collectively you probably ate about five or six cups. - Yeah. - Six old cup. - A brave man. You're an idiot. - Full of sodium. - Yeah. Too much sodium, so too much sodium. Why? Again, it's one of those things like you're not doing it often. So whatever really mean cholesterol still high, but you know. - Are you gonna do more? I tried X, Y, Z videos or I tried everything. - It's just not that much to do. It's interesting. - You kinda covered did. - It was pretty rubbish. It was just like, that's pretty, they all looked the same, but. - Then it was also, 'cause I just moved in and like everything was a mess and we couldn't get any of the camera set up or line. - Yeah. You filming me con's apartment. And like he had had no curtains. - Yeah. We had the curtains had the. - To block out the sun. He used a like 20 boxes and a blap doll. Something like his collection of dodgy videotapes to. - He loved mother's nose, breast. - Mother, nose, breast. The masterpiece of our time. - You couldn't stop giggling when he saw it, he was like, what? Why is mother nose breast. - He did actually watch. She should have. - Why is mother nose, breast John. - It's his favorite shot. - It's wonderful. - He used these tapes to block out like the sun. - Yeah. It somewhat works. - Porn eclipse, like block out the sun. But I was also. - Solar eclipse of porn. It was, yeah, it did not work well. And the Chris, they all were just so shit. There's nothing interesting about. - If you had been to the UK, it would've been really good. Not too much west chips. - Not like the US chips. - It just really showed how depressing crisps are Japan. - Yeah. What did somebody messaged me in the week and said, Chris, your friends with the Trash Taste lad. I was like, oh yeah. And of course I am. And they're like you, next time we see him tell to stop going so hard on America. What have you done? I think it was you as well is like, particularly in calor what have you said about America? That's made everyone angry. - We said a lot of stuff about America. - We said a lot more than they've said about the UK quite frankly. - What's your opinion of America Chris? - So right now. I mean, I don't, it's silly to make sweeping generalizations about the entire country. - Yeah. - But if we were to do that. - It's not like I'm actually like generalizing the entire population. It's just for joke. - Well, I think in the UK, we are like a little bit snobby towards Americans. - Of course we are, of course. - We're like in a car, every garage, chicken, every pots. - Towards everyone. Let's be honest. - We invented the rocket engine. We got televisions and that. - It's like. - We are a little bit envious. Cause we had pie and then it was gum and then America had a bigger and better economy and everything. - Oh you could be worse. - Do you do you know what I think, do you know what I think like British people hate about Americans is that they look happy. You know. - That's true. That's true. - You know, I think Americans hate what they can't have. - That's exactly it. That's exactly it. - Happiness. - You look at American culture and everyone's freedom and everyone's so optimistic and happy and like patriotic and we are here just being like country in it. Why they so happy? No, no. Aren't we happy? - That makes sense. What we should learn from Americans is good to like how have dreams and be optimistic. We don't have that in the UK. I remember like, you know, I used to work in office and I'd be like, I wanna start a business. They were like, fuck off and get me my tea, little prick. And I was okay. And like just having a dream in the UK, you just can't do that. You know what? Shut up and make the tea. - It's like, that is the. - Sit down Chris. Get me my fucking tea, like is horrible. The UK's horrible. - Could that possibly be a generalization as well? - I do miss a part. - Imaginably Chris being scolded is the funniest thing in. - British people, miserable in it. - We are miserable. - I remember when Elon Musk came to the castle where I worked, right? My boss was really up type bitch of a woman. And she's like, really, really like, she's like really posh. Like when you work at a prestigious place, you get like really posh people. And I look, she was like, "There's billionaire coming here called Elon Musk or something started a company worth 300 million bonds rubbish." And I was like, "Yeah, he's made a company called Tesla and Space X." RA was, it might wanna talk to him. I was like, "He's pretty big deal." Like she was like, really looked down at him, just being why I just being American. There's nothing else. - Not an American. - American. - This woman I could, this person I work with. just hated him. 'Cause he was like American. And he came with like lots of Silicon investors and. - All right. - Half of people. - I had a new picture idea to them. - I've got an idea for business. - That must be like the fringiest thing you could possibly do. - Yeah. And then they all just ha ha. - I just didn't wanna talk to him. And they like, let me deal with him. And I'd like, give him the birthday cake 'cause she didn't want it. She's like 50. - Weird. - Why? - I dunno. - Maybe she had a Tesla car it with or something. - Odd, didn't it. - I don't wanna hear about him. - It was very odd, very odd. But you know, we're talking to gum before we came on about how like if you go to a nice restaurant in Japan, you just, you don't feel judged. It's nice. - No. - You go to a nice restaurant in the UK, like Michelin star. - Yeah. - You will feel like nothing. You'll feel like. - You sure you'll feel outta place there. - The class structure in the UK is pretty powerful still. And you know, if you go in a nice restaurant, you often they'll be like, "Oh, what are you doing here?" Especially when you turn up dress like me. They're like, "Oh gosh, what are you doing here?" - Yeah. - The toilets are not here. So it's just. - They don't really care where you're from in Japan. But I feel like it does for a bit in the UK. They're like, "Where did you grow up?" And it's like. - It's just fascinating coming from a country that doesn't have that, that like what, like how does, like, where does it stop? How do you distinguish between who is in the same class as you? - And dress. - 1000 years of history and money. It was. - 'Cause there's like so much old money there. Right? - Yeah. - It gets inherited down and they get brought up. Like own circle or own environment. - It just sounds like racism within the same race. - I mean it's called classism, right? - Yeah. - There's literal name for it. Right? - Yeah, yeah. - You said somebody made fun of you for your clothes you wear or something. - So, yeah. I went to this fancy restaurant in the UK and someone laughed at us for wearing, you know, wearing like Unichlo and H and M clothes. - Disgusting. - What? Disgusting. - Who laughed at you? - Huh? - Which, what person was this? - Or like a waiter or. - No, no, just someone sitting at a table. We got looks for, you know, having like smart business, casual clothes. - Yeah. - But obviously none of it was like main brand. - Actually I turn up in my prime mark jacket. - I was always of the mindset of like the real rich people. Like actual, rich didn't feel the need to dress smart. They just turned up and like pajamas to restaurants. - That's like American rich, right? Where people have new money. In the UK there's old money. Right? - Yeah. - Passed down. - It's like name value to the money. - I feel really out my depth of the London when I gotta go back. - Me too. - At this place like. - That's why I just buy anything on one of the menu at McDonald's that's the real wealth. - That's the flex. - That's the real power. - Do you guys want some nuggets? I suppose I would buy another 20. - Get 20 piece cent. - I'm gonna ask an extra sauce. - It's Bougie. But the 20 nuggets. - But the restaurants are shit in London. It's like London five, our hotels for a joke. Like it's like, it looks like my grandma's bedroom. It's like, it's old and quaint. It's been around for hundreds of years. And it's like, yeah. That's why my grandma still has the bed. It's shit. It's like this fucking awful. Like, you know, you see these rooms, they have like a 12 inch screen from like the 1980s. They have these bed sheets that look like, they're just therapied. - Yeah. - This Oak cabinet that looks like it's been around longer than like the entirety of London. It's like piece of shit. And you pay like 400 pounds a night. - Yeah. - You get nothing. - I mean, I feel Japan kind of has that as well with some of their Johans as well. - I thought that until I stayed in some of the London hotels, and then I'd forgotten how, how overpriced London, the service industry is in the UK. 'Cause for what you get in like the price you pay for, like, you can stay in some like five star hotels or whatever, and you are paying like four, five times the price you would in Japan. And it would be like half the size of the room with no service. It doesn't even come with toothbrushes. Like it doesn't even come with toothbrushes, which I think is like the bare minimum. - I remember that. - Yeah. - 'Cause in Japan, any, even the worst hotel in the world, I went to. - Take it to environmental reasons, right? - We we got toothbrush, right? - I wouldn't use it. - It was Canton like molds and every disease. - But it was there. - And cut. - But mold in blood in this room. But at least it came with a toothbrush. - Exactly. Right? - I think the UK doesn't do it for like environmental waste. - Yeah. Yeah. Environmental waste. - Which also just suddenly lines up very nicely for these hotels because they don't have to buy toothbrushes. - Very true. - Yeah. - Where are the five stars coming from in that case? Just from the main value. - I can't understand how they get five stars sometimes. 'Cause I think it must be location half the time. So like a lot of these five star hotels are in amazing locations. - Yeah. - But the hotels are dreadful, really bad. Don't go in a five star hotel in London. Just go to like a premier in or some shit. - Yeah. Airbnb maybe. - Airbnb is like way better. You get way you better in London than yeah. In England in general. Like pretty much every hotel I've stayed in in England is like, not the greatest. - Did I tell you the time I got locked inside Airbnb in England. I used to use Airbnb a lot. And then I stayed in Bath once for a holiday, really nice town city called Bath. And it was in like an attic. It's like Quasimodo up there. But like, I, yeah, the door wouldn't open. The door wouldn't open from the inside. So I woke up that morning. I was like, I'm gonna go for a jog around Bath. And you went to the door. It just, it just wouldn't open. I was like, what the fuck? And I, there was no way I could open it. I rang up the guy. I was like, "Hey man, I can't get up the apartment, this kind of weird." This isn't ever happened in the history of ever. And it was, "Oh, it happens sometimes. You sure it won't open?" I was like, no, I was like, can you come and sort out? It was like, well, I'm in Bristol at the moment, which is about an hour now. I was like, if there's a fire, I'm fucked. And like, and I had to wait like an hour for someone to come and like open the door and let me out of the apartment. Someone knocked inside. And that put me off there the Airbnb in the UK. - Yeah. The one. - Did you leave a bad review? - I think I did. I was like, got locked in the room. - That was bad as it get. - That is pretty bad. - That's the only thing that I sometimes don't like about Airbnb is that there's some weird unpredictable, just nature's to the. - Well, I did it in Osakso once and the owner was like, "Just say, you're our friends. Just say, you know, just say your friends with Takashi." I was like, "Yeah, all right." - It's weird. Isn't it? - If someone that bumps into you in the corner, like yeah. Tekes someone chy this you. - So, you know, if you're logging around like expensive equipment, I wouldn't go to Airbnb. - Right. Yeah, yeah. - I just don't trust it. Like if I have my top camera, stuff like that. Yeah. You've known insurance. You've no safety, you know? And if it's, if someone else also has the keys, it's a bit worrying. - Yeah. - Obviously the hotel has, you know, people keys as well, but you can at least there's some level of safety there and there's cameras everywhere. - Yeah. Hotels have cameras. - So it's, you know, it depends. If I was just traveling with me somewhere on my own, didn't ring my laptop, an angle. I would staying there at Airbnb. - And I tried to last week when we were trying to make a video. We went to this real expensive hotel room, a $12,000 hotel room. And I wanted to contrast that with something bad, like a bad hotel room or cheap Airbnb. I'm trying to book three, separate Airbnb in Tokyo. And they're all like, oh, it's open these few days. I booked it. And three times in a row I got rejected. They were like, "No, we're full that day." And I got really angry at this point about that. I dunno if it's 'cause, you know, I'm not Japanese. A lot of people said afterwards that they always book under a Japanese name and. And I was quite disappointed about that. I was like, "Oh, maybe it's 'cause of the new Omni variant." And so they're being a bit wary 'cause I'm foreign, but. - Stopped fuck up though. That's pretty susceptible - Classic Japanese xenophobia over there. - Well. There's been some nasty instances of that since COVID, you know, it certainly times I've felt like a second class citizen in Japan 'cause you during COVID right. - You know, before I would never have accused Japan of you know that level of discrimination, but yeah COVID has really kind of brought out a weird side of Japan. There's a bit uncomfortable. - It's a lot of people are spoken to sort of tainted their long term future here. - Yeah. Really, really good article about how like all these travel restrictions have really like tainted how a lot of people view Japan. - Unfortunately. - How they've just kind of just completely fucked over foreigners who had jobs, residencies here. - Yeah. - Like really students absolutely fucked over a ton of people and now they just put them back and said, they're gonna keep them going again right after they released them. It's really fucked.. - It is bad. Yeah. - Well. I remember like you got so bad that the American embassy even made a tweet. - Right? - Didn't it? Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Jesus. - Well, the tweet was sent, like we've been informed that Japanese police are randomly stopping foreigners and searching them. - Oh yeah. I had that the other day. - Yeah Joey had it. - Oh yeah. You had that. - The day after that. - You were searched. - The day after the tweet, the day after the tweet, I was at the nearby like train station and I was about to go into the train thing and then a cop just like stopped me. He was like, "Oh (foreign language)" and it was like only, and I'm like, yeah, I'm dejavu. And he was like, oh we doing fucking dijervu. (indistinct chatters) - No. Nice. - And then he was like, no, like I'll give this cop credit. He was nice about the whole thing. But he was like, yeah, so we've heard about this case that's been and going around where people are picking up credit cards of people and using them without their permission. So I need you to like open your wallet and I need to see some identification and I need to see the names on your credit cards. - I doubt that. - And at first I was like, "What the fuck is this like scam shit." - That sounds like the most bullshit story. - And so I. - You said the wallet inspector at the. - Yeah, no. So for the first time ever, I was like, "Can I see your identification please?" Cause I wasn't too sure. Right? - Yeah. Yeah. - I was like, I need to make sure this guy's a cop. So I was like, can I see your identification? And he looked at me like, "What do you mean? I'm obviously dressed up as a cop" and I'm like, "No, no, no. I need to see like your badge." He showed me his badge. I was like, okay, looks fine. Gave HIM the wallet. He saw my Japanese name on my credit card. - Yeah. - And he was like, "Oh, (speaking in Japanese)." And I was like, yes. Immediately gives me back my wallet. And he was like, oh, those over this have a good day. - Sorry. I thought you were fine. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So basically, yeah, he saw my Japanese name was like, "Fuck you're Japanese. Whoops my bad. Here's your wallet back, have a good day." And just went off. And then I stopped and just kind of hit away to just see if he would stop anyone else, for like five minutes he didn't stop anyone else. He was just walking around. Probably waiting for the next foreigner. So I was like, God, what if it'd been con it'd been shot? - Yeah. - 'Cause just tased on the spot. - My credit written off. You know, it's also really annoying about, I guess just cops and security people in Japan is that you cannot tell the difference by looking from a security guard, a cop in Japan, they all dress the same. All the building, like managers stuff also dressed like military forces. Why? - Really. Because like every mall I've been to the security guard is like an 80 year old dude. - Really? - Yeah. - Dude. - And I'm like, what are you guarding? - You going to some buildings and the security are dressed like they're gonna war. And it's like. - Where are you going? - I dunno, just everywhere I go. They're all dressed in like these military outfits. It's so weird. - Maybe I like the embassies and show. - No. I've never been to embassy in Japan. - All the security guard I've seen are like, "Yeah. All decrepit." - Yeah. They're like 60, 70 year old dudes with like the blue hats. And they're like. - Where the hell do you go? - Yeah. - The person getting dodgy massaging. - It's like two places. Japanese businessmen retired like, taxi driver and taxi drivers. Right? That's what I thought. - Yeah, something hat can put people's to lives in danger. - I look at these like 70 year old, like security guards and I'm like, okay, let's say hypothetically. I like, you know, well, no steal some shit, what are you gonna do? - What the security guards in Japan do they are there to call the police. - Yeah. Basically. - Probably they do. - Yeah. - They're actually gonna hate you. I've never seen a security guard. - Just act like a civilian. Right? - I mean, you know, or you got, they call up the group of 15 cops coming around you. - No, but it was shocking 'cause I'd never been stopped by like a cop before. - No, I've never been stopped like that. - That was the first time ever. - You've never been stopped? - I've never been stopped for 10. - That was the first time ever. - I've been stopped twice. - Have you? - What the fuck am serious? - I dunno. You did look a bit sort of dodgy though. - Yeah. - What, how the fuck do I look dodgy. - I look at you and I think that man needs to be arrested. And he's done some shit. Throw the key away. Get outta it. When did you presumably or something? - One at a. - One at the old studio, right? - One at the old studio. - Yeah. - Police came in. - Stop this recording. - Is there a Mr. Goon in here. - The old studio and one at like around like Amachi at that area. - What did you, what have you done? What'd you do? - Nothing. What did I do? Like I pissed on the floor. - Now. - No, I was walking and I was, again, I was the only. - You were alone. - Yeah, I was. I saw a bunch of dudes walk past and this dude just perked up when he saw me, and just like came over to me and just stopped me and that's for my like ID and all that. And I was like. - what did he do? - Nothing I gave you. I was like, what do you want? I can clearly see that he was a police officer. And I was like, all right, well, I guess I'll show it to you. And I was just bantering and staffing him told me about his favorite games and it was weird. I was telling him that my train was leaving in two minutes and he, he came, he hired up. - It's interesting 'cause that experience sounds really wrong. Right? The whole sort of, he just stops you grab nothing. 'Cause you'll just look like that and, but then he was nice. So it was kinda like really trying to reconcile the nicest. - He was nice. You know, if I don't understand why he, I wish that there was an explanation, even if he tried to explain to me, I wouldn't have understood anyway, but it didn't really seem like he tried to explain why he was stopping me. He just stopped me and was like ID please. - Well, I mean he gave me an explanation and just sounded like a scam. - Oh. The dude straight up was like ID, ID card. He just wanted my residence card. And I was like one, you assume my resident card, which I do, but maybe I didn't. - Maybe. And that's the important point. You always need to carry a residence card if you live in Japan. If you get caught without it, you can get fined like a hundred thousand Yen. - Yeah. Like when we have, can send our residence card off to get renewed for our visa, which you know, before happened to be like every six months, because we couldn't get a visa beyond six months, that like few weeks in between us waiting to get. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - Residence card. That was just like. - Use your passport or something. - No. 'Cause we had to send off our passport as well. - Oh Jesus. - So the only thing we had was. - A little bit of paper saying. - Yeah. Yeah. This is this document that says that, there's not even like a document. It's an email that says, "Oh, they've sent it off and they're getting it renewed." And I dunno how friendly the cops would be if I just open up this email. - They're pretty, they'd be pretty understanding. I think they're just, yeah. I don't know. I think. - It's just that first hurdle they have to get over. I don't have an ID card. So every time I'm like, I don't have a ZY card. I'm like ready to like write the ticket. Like you don't have a ZD card. No, I have to explain. Yeah. - $10,000 go. - Yeah. - I don't really get too offended about it. It's a bit annoying, but I wish they would just tell me why they're doing it. - Random stop and search, you know? - Yeah. Random. Random. Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. Random. - Yeah. Because like I've never seen a cop do that with a Japanese person. Like I don't. - The only time I've ever seen cop talking to Japanese. - Until me, but I don't look Japanese. So. - Literally I've ever seen cops talking to Japanese people are like, when someone's shouting or there's been a car accident, that's only time I've ever seen it. - Yeah. Like when there's an actual. - I dunno if I'm just being biased, I could totally be being like anecdotal evidence here being completely biased. - I mean, that's usually what it is. Like when there's an actual problem, then the cops get involved. But when it's just a white guy walking down the streets apparently it's like, oh I do part time. - It's never happened to me. And the police I've met have been always very nice and friendly. - Yeah. Yeah. Like I said, like. - They're all nice. They're all nice. Yeah. Which is a good thing. - I told the guy I wanted to get my train in two minutes and he kind of hurried up. - Yeah. - That's good. I was like, need to get that one. And he was like, oh, see my sense. And. - I got stopped for speeding once. I was getting like four kilometers brow over the limit. And it was one of the ways situations where I just saw. - I was going four kilometers per hour, that's speeding. - And they were stopping everyone. They were just stopping all the cars. 'Cause everyone just in the countryside goes over the limit a little bit. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay the speed limit is so low. - It's very low here. They apologize to pulling me over that, "Oh my God. We're so sorry. We're so sorry. We know this is ridiculous." - We're so sorry to inform you that you're breaking the law. - They kind of knew that it was a bit petty and I sort of, they could be doing something. - They give you points. - Yeah. I got a few points I think. - For that. - For four kilometers. - Pay like some money. - Oh my gosh. - Jesus. - How mean? - Might've been seven kilometers. - Why are they pulling you over. - A hundred and fifteen. I mean a lot of people do go like 110 on the like 70 or 80 miles. - Yeah. 'Cause the highways like 80. - Yeah. So the mass power is like, what? 50 maximum? - Yeah. - 50 mass per hour on the highways. You're not getting anywhere 50 miles an hour. - That's true yeah. - But I get, it's a small country, but you know, people gotta go. - Well, you know. - What about the UK. It's not a small country. Right? - That's why like, you know, you're not surprised when you're seeing like, would just be like cars, tons of them. Just get like 110. - Yeah, yeah. - For all of them do it. None of them follow the rules. But apparently I was told, I dunno if this is true, it's the person in front who gets the blame. If everyone's like speeding behind. - The leader. - Yeah. Whoever. 'Cause the leader is clearly the one. - The inside guy. - Influence them. I dunno how true that is. I imagine if like 20 people are speeding, they can't stop every car. - Yeah. Gotta set an example. Right? - Piece of. That's what I mean. If you, I've noticed that whenever like one car goes in in the front, all the other cars just go back in. They don't wanna be the one in the front. - Yeah. That could be true. - It makes sense. - Yeah. - Dunno if it could be complete hysterical. - It makes sense. But. - I know. - I realize I've been looking at the wrong camera the entire time, looking at this one instead of that one. - My God. - You've been on this show four times now, Chris. - Oh my God. - That could end the day, Chris looking the wrong camera. - Chris looking at the wrong camera the whole episode. Thank you, Chris. - Thank you, Chris. Mood on just punch in 400% digital. - That be fun, Chris? - Yeah. Always a blast. - Only your fourth time here you can't look at the right camera. Maybe fifth time. Yeah. Maybe fifth time. - Yeah. Fifth time is the time. - Time's the direct cinematography. - But at least I am affable. And that is the main takeaway from this episode. Thank you for having me on board. - You know, who else is affable? Our patrons. - On screen right now? - We're on the screen right now. - Of course. - Absolutely. - Oh, I love that name. Yeah. - That one's really good well actually. Well, me focus on Christmas. - Yeah. Love David. - Hey moon. That has to put David there now. - Thank you for having me on. I hope to see you again. Please let me back. You. - You will be back. - Comet, go Bungee jumping Chris, Bungee jumping. That's gonna be a lot of fun. - Into a river? Let's get done. Well, take it for granted. - I'll go take it for granted. - If we don't. - It's in good me river. - If we die, we at least get it in eight K. - You'll be CGI in future episodes. Your states, they will have C do con CGI. - Conna AI. - I don't permit this at all. - I permit. - But Hey, if you'd like to be affable and support the show, then make sure to go up to our Patreon on patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow on Twitter, send this to was on the sore. And he paid our face, listens to us on Spotify. - Subscribe to Bungee band.. - Subscribe Bungee band. - You know this guy already. - Yeah. - Can you share your socials, Chris? - Yep. Chris Abroad channel. It's the new - Oh yeah. The Second channel. - That's the new up and coming place to be. - Subscribe to his second channel. - That's the main channel now. - It's amazing. - Bang episode. Thanks yourself for joining us. - Bye. (soft music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 4,059,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: bQyhBfnhIDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 28sec (8728 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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