The Worst Things You Can Do in Japan | Trash Taste #49

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- That's why we won't have a Meilyne cam. 'Cause it's just Meilyne just. (computer keys rattling) - Also, I don't think people want to hear some of this stuff you have to say, Meilyne. - I don't want to hear some of the stuff. - I'm glad these microphones are super condensed and don't pick up everything. - People don't know what they're asking for. We'd have to cut so much shit if Meilyne starts opening her mouth. - And they're not getting it. Also Meilyne's just a fucking normal employee. (all laughing) We're not just shoving a camera in her face. (upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Trash Taste podcast. I am boss man one and I'm here with boss man two and three. Here to get the dub. - Ay. We are not the boys anymore, we are boss men. - We are the boss men. (all laughing) Why did we not call our podcast that? Welcome to the boss man podcast. - Oh God. (Joey laughs) - No, no. - Every week is a dub. (laughing) - How are you boys doing? - Good, good. - I'm tired as all hell because- - You're in the middle of moving right now, aren't you? - Well, by the time this comes out, I would have finished moving, yes. - Yeah. - But yeah, like literally tomorrow is the moving day for me. So I have been just scrambling for the past week. Just like cleaning. You don't realize how much stuff you have in your house until you start cleaning your house. - It's always like that, right? Because I remember whenever I would move, like you start packing stuff up and you think to yourself, "It's gonna take a day at most." - [Joey] Yeah! - And you pack up like all the main stuff in like a day. And you're like, "Oh, I'm 90% of the way packed." And then for some reason, all the little shit that just gets left over, that takes like two days. - Like let me introduce myself. - Because you own like I feel like 50% of the items you own, you never use, think about, but you think you need them. - Yeah. - Yeah. You also never see them either because they're either put in a closet or kind of out of sight somewhere, right? - Like when you have a colander, you need a colander, but you don't really think about it until you start using it or (indistinct) you're like, "What the fuck do I do with this?" - We have this like shaved ice machine that I think Meilyne got it for us. But we had it for like the last summer because Meilyne was like, "Oh, I wanna like come to your guys' place. And the girls can have a kind of girls day and we can just make shaved ice or whatever." Never used it. (Joey chuckles) - [Meilyne] Once! - Okay, we used it once and it's just this huge brick of a thing that's just like sitting in the kitchen. I'm like, "Why is this here?" (laughing) - There's always that one drawer in every kitchen, right? That is just the unused appliance drawer, right, where it's just these appliances that people give you as gifts or that you think is gonna be cool when you host like that dinner party that never happens, and then there's just these like random appliances that just get put into this drawer and you forget you even have. - Exactly, but we have like- - Like knives and forks. (all laughing) I use my hands. They're amazing. - Yeah, but I got this kind of cleaning service thing because okay, one thing, we're immediately gonna go into this one thing I hate about Japan. Throwing away trash, right? And especially the big trash, right? 'Cause like in Australia- - It's us. - Yeah. I'll just pick myself up. But 'cause I don't know about in the UK, but in Australia we have like this thing, I think it happens once every two or three months, it's called like council cleanup day. So basically what we do is we take huge appliances, like couches, beds, drawers, all that kind of stuff and we literally just throw it out in front of the street, like just onto the street. - As you do. - And basically you throw it out. People can kind of walk around and just grab stuff if they want. Like if they think, "Oh, you know, I can- - This happens every two to three months? - It's like every two to three months or something. - How have I never seen this? - Really? - Have you seen this? - In Australia, yeah, it happens. I don't know if maybe that's just like the area that I grew up in? - Yeah, in the UK I don't think there's enough space to just throw you stuff- - Oh, I thought you were talking about Japan for a second. - No, no, no, not in Japan, in Australia, in Australia we have that where we just throw stuff out and then big garbage truck basically comes and collects all the stuff that doesn't get picked up after like a week I think. - Right. - Japan doesn't work like that, so we had to throw away our bed, which is a queen size bed, a couch, and couple of tables and a sofa and stuff like that. A lot of big stuff. But like you can't just throw it out with the rest of the trash. Either you have to go to your like local council and be like, "I want to throw this stuff away." And they give you these like tickets that you have to pay for. - [Garnt] Yeah. - To basically be like, "All right, I'm throwing this out on this day and then you throw it out onto the street. - And you have to book it and tell them- - You have to book it. - And you have to tell them the exact measurements of the thing so they can plan out the truck. - Or, what I've found out, is you can just, there's just services out there that you can just call up and be like, "I want to throw all this crap away." How much is it to get rid of?" - Yeah. - Yeah. - Little more expensive than the whole council thing, but so much easier. - Oh, I can imagine it is. - I mean, it's not the price to me. It's like we talked about last week, it's just getting the paperwork done. - [Joey] Yeah. - That, like fucking I'm scared of. - Yeah, exactly. And like I'm not even finished with the fucking paperwork, dude, 'cause we'll have to do more after we move. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause Japan is just like a never-ending sea of paperwork. (Garnt laughs) But like, I was like okay, I'm getting rid of this giant bed, I'm getting rid of this couch, this table, all these like big appliances. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And I'm like, okay, well these are the big things gone. So, you know, maybe like 30% of my belongings probably gone. It was more like 3%. (all laughing) - I feel like in like your bedroom or office there's so many little things that you just never think about-- - Especially my office- - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - And my office has so many little things, I'm just like I'm... Well, first of all, I'm looking forward to the moving company coming in and seeing like all of like my FAKKU skateboards and shit like that. Just being like, whoa! - They'll be like, "Yo, is that a rem, 1/8th scale? - Like, "Damn, son!" - You're just like giving them a tour of your house. Being like, "Yeah, so this is the JoJo section- - My free office tour. (all laughing) No, actually, to be fair, when the moving guy first came in to check to see what we had, he walked into my office and he was like, "Whoa!" (all laughing) - Otaku's dream, man. - He was like, "Wow," Jesus, this guy's got a fucking collection!" - I had like the opposite happen where like I only use my tatami room to film in- - [Joey] Hmm. - And I only use it, so I have a big tatami room that I normally do the cosplay videos in. and I'm really bad, so I never clean them up after, I just leave the cosplays there until I do the next video and then I clean it up. And then one time, they didn't tell me they were doing this, but there was like a, they were checking the fire alarms in the building. And I was like, "Yeah, sure, come in, come in." And he's going around my house. He goes into my office, you know, he looks and he's like, "Oh." I'm like, "Yeah, I like JoJo." He just looked at me like I was a fucking weirdo. And I was like, "All right, thanks buddy." (all laughing) And then as he went to my tatami room, I was like, "Oh, shit, I just remembered that all my shit was in there." And so I go into check that he's there and this man is just standing in the middle of like my cosplay everywhere. The stuff reeked. Just holding up something to the fire alarm, just looking like, "Look down, don't look, don't look, don't look at anything." (Garnt and Joey laughing) And then after this guy left really awkwardly, an hour later, someone else came along from the same company in the building and did the exact same thing. And I was like, "Wait, why am I being checked twice?" - Oh, was he like a spot-man? - I don't know, I was- - "Just gonna make sure my friend got it right." You know? - He's like, "Yo, I heard there's free cosplay. Where's it at?" And then I had the exact same interaction again, where I was like, "Oh yeah, sorry about the mess in this room." - By the way, I like JoJo. - By the way, I also like JoJo. (Joey and Garnt laugh) "Oh, really, huh?" Fucking weirdo. - Yeah. But luckily as I said, I'm pretty sure I mentioned in the previous podcast episode, but like we've got a service where they just do all the packing for us. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - My God, I can not imagine if I had to do that all myself. - God, I just kind of realized what I'm gonna have to go through when we move, because my room's gonna be fine, but then I got Sydney's room. (laughing) Which the amounts of fucking fucked-up shit in Sydney's room... - Whoa, be careful that's the pussy of the- - Yeah. (all laughing) That was expensive! - So I remember this one time we had to get our doorbell fixed, right? - [Joey] Hmm. - So we thought our house was pretty clean. Basically, whenever someone needs to come in to check our house at all, we just make sure Sydney's room is just fucking locked off. (Joey laughs) It's like a quarantine section, you know. - You gotta put up like a- - Like Chernobyl. He's like, "You can't go in there. There's an inclusion zone." - You gotta put up like the R18 curtains straight to the doorway, right? It's like, "Only adults allowed." - You put the fucking biohazard sign on the door just to make sure no one gets in, right? - That's radioactive. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So how we learned our lesson was we had our doorbell fixed and of course Sydney's room was like cordoned off, but we forget that sometimes Sydney just has shit lying about the house, right? And I guess we've just become so desensitized to some of the stuff she reviews. - Right. - My fiance reviews, a lot of lewd stuff. That's her channel. So we just had like a bunch of figures that were just left in the living room with just like their tits out, right? (Joey laughs) - Living room material. - As you do. - What living room would be complete without- - Oh, I see you've see my decor. - Oh, that's the "Mother Knows Breast," size real scale, you know. - So this guy just comes in, right? And the doorbell's like right next to the kitchen. And also we have a shelf right next to the kitchen, which just has two lewd, completely naked figures just right next to where the doorbell is. - Right! - He takes a look, looks at the figures, looks at Sydney and just doesn't make contact with Sydney ever again. (laughing) - Has he got Hentai hair? - Yeah. - Like Hentai hair, his hair's covering his eyes? - Just sweating. (Garnt laughs) - Yeah, and that was probably the longest fucking hour he had to like enjoy of his life when he was just fixing the doorbell. - I love how he immediately looked at Sydney. You wouldn't think that like, you'd look at like Garnt, right? Being like this mother fucker right here. Just like leaving his lewd shit out. No, immediately went to Sydney. - He's like, "God, I wish that was me. I wish my wife would let me put my dirty figures in the living room." - Yeah, it's the one time, whenever someone comes round and I'm just like, "Yo, these lewd stuff, that's not me guys, guys, that's not me. It's just my partner." - You just like silently point at Sydney. - No, no, seriously, seriously. It's my partner this time. (laughing) - Yeah, I mean, I had to like, 'cause I have quite a few doujins and stuff like that in my bookshelf as well. So I was like, I'll pack these away before I... 'Cause I'm with these guys for a couple of days. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - I don't want an awkward experience for a couple of days as they like sift through my doujins being like, "So what's the fragile stuff and what's not the fragile stuff," but yeah. So because of that, I have just been so incredibly busy. I haven't been able to like sit down and like playing any games. I mean, Pokemon Snap came out like a few days ago. Haven't been able to like download that shit at all. - You're not ahead on videos anymore, are you? which is just like, I heard that about Joey and I'm just like, ""What what is going on?" - Dude, I think this comes out end of May, right, but it's like the slowest month I've ever had, like I think my next video is not coming out for like 12 days or something, I'm like, "Fuck,"- - Oh my God. - My career is over dude. I used to upload daily. - It's just like the signs of the apocalypse is happening. - Yeah, right? - The fucking sky's falling and Joey's not ahead on video. - [Joey] Exactly. - That's how I know at the end is coming. - I'm so not ahead, that I'm falling behind. Fallen and I can't get up. - Yeah, I missed an upload as well and it like killed me. I apologized on my YouTube page and people were like, "You don't have to apologize." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm like, no. I'm like, no I do, I do. No, I'm not apologizing for you. I'm apologizing to me. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Because that's the thing, right? It's like 12 days to the average YouTube viewer is like whatever. There's no difference between seven days between videos and like two weeks between upload. - Yeah. - But to the person who makes it, it's like, "Oh, no." - Yeah, yeah, it's everything. It's all I think about, these damn videos. - You know, this is the first time in my career where I've been ahead on videos so I'm just like damn, I have some free time. - Look at us! - Look at us! (all laughing) - 2021, he turns the tables! - Garnt uploads more than Joey or Connor? What? Oh my god. - Not yet, maybe one day- - Maybe one day. - I'll be back, I'll be back, don't worry. - Let's play a game then. Come on. Let's do it. (Joey laughs) Wait until Garnt discovers Five Nights at Freddy's, guys. - Yeah. - It's game over. - So yeah, I mean, now that fucking lockdown's been happening again- - Hmm. - I guess we can pull a- - For the 17th time or whatever time it is. - For the 17th time. I don't know, locked down in Japan has been weird, right? - It's a roller coaster, it goes like, the cases go up, they announce a shitty lockdown that's like two more rules added. - Hmm. - And then they go, "Okay the case is good now." And then they go back up again when they let go of restrictions and then this happened like the what, the fourth time now? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So we're just doing the same shit over and over again. - But this locked down is the shortest ever, it's only two weeks or something? - Yeah, I think they- - What's gonna change in two weeks? - What's the point? - I think they literally just wanted to be like, "Oh, Golden Week's happening? Let's have it not happen." - Can you explain what Golden Week is to the viewers who don't know? - Yeah, so Golden Week is this week during the first week of May, as we're recording this, we're in the middle of it right now where it's basically just a bunch of public holidays back to back to back to back to back. - Hmm. - So I think, yeah, so basically people just get a week off. - Do you know how I remember Golden Week? - Hmm? - It was the one week of the year aside from like New Years where Mangakas would take a break from their weekly manga schedule. So I'm just like, oh, "One Piece" is on break? What the fuck's Golden Week? - Oda's like, "Thank God, finally!" - Everything's on fire like, I didn't get "One Piece" this week? (Garnt chuckles) - That's the only reason I knew of Golden Week before moving to Japan. - Yeah, exactly. Well because I think, Japan needs Golden Week because Japan's one of the few countries that works on Christmas. - Hmm. - You know? Like Christmas is just like, I think everywhere else, Christmas is like a public holiday or at least in Australia. - Christian world. - Well, yeah, like in Australia, it's the second half of December until maybe the first week of January, like three weeks, it's just full on holiday. - Fucking Christmas here's is just Valentine's Day 2.0. - Yeah, basically. - It is. - It really is. - Who gives a shit? - Yeah, but that was just like, "Oh, I don't have a partner, finna work." (Garnt chuckles) - It's either you're on a date or you are working on something. - Yeah, exactly. So I guess like, you know, to Japan, they need Golden Week because it's the one time where they're almost forced to take the week off because otherwise they get, I mean, you know, people still are just like, "No, fuck it, it's still working week for me. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - My whole favorite thing of all the Japanese Government's lockdowns is that they did during the whole pandemic, the government thought of this amazing idea called go-to travel, (Joey cackles) which is just like- - Oh yeah, that was a thing! - This is just the funniest- - Oh, yeah! - This is the funniest fucking thing. So Japanese Government, they were losing a lot of money obviously from tourism that they weren't getting. So in the middle of like the pandemic, this is like months ago, this is before, this is last year. - This was during the first lockdown, wasn't it? - Yeah, yeah. They were like, "Guys, we're losing too much money in our travel economy. We need to put some money back into it. What we're going to do is, guys, we're gonna give you 30% off everything and we're gonna pay you money to go travel. We'll give you 200 bucks to spend, depending on how much you spend." - Yeah, you get coupons at your destination. - Yeah, yeah. - They were like, "Oh yes, so like it's a lockdown." But also if you travel, 30% discount!" - Hey! - Hey! - "Here's some money to spend, go treat yourself, king, but don't leave the house thought, but don't leave." And then they realized it was a colossal mistake. Like a month later, when the cases went up a fuck ton because everyone's of course, everyone's gonna travel! - Exactly, you're paying me to travel and you don't want me to travel. - Yeah, like if you went to a five-star hotel that's like a thousand bucks, it would go down to like 600 and then you'd be given 300 bucks to spend and it's like who isn't gonna do that? Like if you have disposable income, anyone is gonna do that. - That's like dangling a carrot in front of a horse and telling the horse not to run, right? (Connor chuckles) Like don't, don't! - I'm finna, I'm finna try and be responsible here but you Japanese government making me act up. I want, you know? I was like, well shit, I'm going to Hokkaido. See ya, guys. - Of course everyone abused the out fuck out of that system, right? - Yeah, because I-- - Everyone went traveling. - Yeah, because it was like, why wouldn't I? - I went to like four different places. I was like- - Oh my God! - I'm obviously not, 'cause literally everybody is going. Right? So it's like what's the point? What's the point of not going? - It was the most confusing period ever, because they were like, "Don't travel, but please travel, please, please travel, we need it for the economy." - And then they shut it down, like after- - Yeah, like a month. - A month, yeah. - Of course, it was a colossal mistake. (laughing) - I went to Hokkaido cause I was like, "Fuck, yeah!" I didn't interact with anyone- - I mean, I think all three of us went to Hokkaido at different times, right? - Exactly. Why the fuck wouldn't I? - I went way after and it was because you guys kept talking about Hokkaido, and I was like, "Okay, I think it's my time to go to Hokkaido as well." Waited for lockdown to end and I was just like, "Damn, they weren't joking around. Fucking Hokkaido slaps, man!" - [Joey] Exactly, exactly. - It's like middle of fucking nowhere, no-one's there, it's like great, it's peaceful. - [Joey] Yeah, it's fantastic. - But it was just the dumbest thing ever because if they just kept, like this is the whole thing that the Japanese government are doing where they just kind of haven't really committed to anything. - Yeah. - They haven't really told you not to do anything. They've been very wishy-washy. - I think that's the thing. Every restriction they've given, it seems very half-assed from my perspective. It's not been like, we've never been fully open, but we've also never been fully closed either. - Yeah, like they've never said you can't travel around. The worst thing- - Oh, if anything, they reward you for it. - Yeah, yeah yeah. - And then they also said like, "Oh yeah, restaurants, please close at eight," you know? Like suddenly for some reason, people are just gonna magically stop getting infected before eight? - Yeah. - Right. - I mean, this new lockdown, they were like, "Restaurants can't serve alcohol anymore," right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - And I'm just like, so I'm still allowed to go to the restaurant? - Yeah, yeah. - But I just can't drink beer? - It's generous to even call it like half-measures. It's like- - Like a quarter-measure. - A one-tenth measure is what they do. And, you know, I don't know. I don't really care about the whole politics at all, but I wish they would just decide what they want to do. - Well that's the problem, isn't it? Is that unlike a lot of countries, the Japanese, Japanese law, they can't force establishments to close down. - Yeah. - Like a lot of other countries. And so they're like, "Okay, so we can't force you to close down, but we advise you to not serve alcohol, to close after eight," but there's also from what I heard, there's like a penalty for establishments that don't follow those rules. - You get a fine. - If you make a fuck-ton of money, the restaurants that make so much money were like, "Oh, we'll just pay the bill." - The penalty is so low that there are a lot of restaurants out there, especially in like inner Tokyo that are just like, "We'll pay for the penalty, fuck it." - Some of like the biggest restaurants I think just pay the fine. - Yeah, they just pay the fine. but they make more off of the money that they make. - Yeah. Right. - Yeah. Then also the biggest that was not even the fine, it was like, "We'll put you on a list of companies that stayed open." (Garnt chuckles) And obviously to a lot of Japanese people that's like pretty like, fuck, we're gonna be on a list? - Yeah. - Fuck. But then for some of them, they were like, "I don't fucking give a shit about a list." - It's like getting on the naughty list on Santa's- - Yeah, Yeah. - It's like, "Oh, no." - It's so, so dumb, so dumb. - That's the thing, this would have been, at least in Japan- - Well, 'cause Australia and New Zealand, like totally locked down. - Yeah. - New Zealand were like, "No." - Yeah, no. - No one could do anything. - Australia locked down for like nine months, like fully. And people couldn't go outside for more than an hour a day. And like all restaurants were closed, all that kind of stuff. And then when in Sydney, at least, we got one case and the entire city went into lock down for like a month. Meanwhile, Japan is like, "1,000 cases? Don't drink at restaurants." (all laughing) It's like, cool, thanks. - Yeah, but I mean, it'll be interesting to see what happens in this next year because every other country seems to be getting their vaccines and we are still like, we're probably not gonna be able to get our vaccines this year if we stay in Japan. - Right. - It's looking more and more likely. - Well, I mean, you know, there's like, I know of a few of my American friends who are here, who are probably just gonna like bite the bullet and just go back to America sometime this year to just go get the vaccine. - Yeah. - Everyone in like my age in America is already getting it. - Yeah, exactly. - In the UK as well, right? - Yeah, UK as well. - Yeah. - It's like being a kid again, when they always got the games before you. It's like fuck, man, why you all getting the good shit? What the fuck? - It's reversed now. Japan is the last one to get it out. - Exactly. - It's like Japan was always the first. Now, you're the last. - I feel like I've been lied to. - Like are you guys gonna do it? - Yeah, I'm probably gonna do it. - I mean, I don't blame you. I'd fucking do it. If I was an American or from the UK, I would absolutely do it. - It's twofold for me, right? Because I want to- - I want go back to the UK. - I want to go back to UK to visit my friends. - I want beans and toast God damn it! - You know, it's been like, I think this is longest I've been from like seeing my family, seeing my friends. - Yeah, same. - Same, yeah. - So I'm just like, that and the vaccine, if I can get everything done in one trip, then yeah, I'm gonna take like a month and a half off Japan and just go do the things that I need to do for my health. And also catch up to all the things like- - Beans and toast, just wanna have it. I just wanna have some beans and fucking toast. - Fuck my friends, just beans and toast. - Right, there's no Heinz beans here. What the fuck am I supposed to do? - That's so fucking depressing man. - Yeah. (all laughing) - I legitimately miss beans and toast. - I'm sorry- - I crave it. - I don't think there's a more depressing sight than just beans on toast by itself. I'm sorry. As a Brit- - Listen, baked beans tastes good. - As a Brit, like seeing the sight of just like beans on toast as like a fucking breakfast, dinner, whatever. - It's fantastic. - See, I feel that way, nut like two or three times a year, I just wake up and I'm like, fuck, I could go for some beans right now. - Baked beans- - Beaked beans, like Heinz baked beans I'm like ah. - Great source of protein as well. You know? Like what's not to like? - It's like fuck me up. - Beans are magical, they're fucking fantastic. - Make me fart like a mother fucker, but still good. - Who cares? Who cares? I like that. It feels like you're being cleansed. - It's like detox. (laughing) But like, that's the problem, right? It's like, at least you guys and like all my American friends have a choice to do that, right? Go back, doubly like get a vaccine- - I just saw like Australia apparently made it illegal to return if you're from India, right? - Oh really? - Yeah. - Like illegal, like you could go to prison if you return. - That makes sense. - It's just like what? - Yeah. - Well that's the problem, right? Is that like, I can't do the same for Australia because we're in no rush to get the vaccine because no one's had COVID for the past four months. So like, not even my grandma, who's like 92 this year has gotten it yet. It's like maybe- - You guys are isolated as fuck. It's hard enough to get in your country as it is. - Exactly. Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, it makes sense, right? But like, you know, that's why Australia has done so well and same with New Zealand, but still. - That's why if like the whole world goes through like the fucking apocalypse, Australia is just gonna be there fucking chilling. - Australia and New Zealand are gonna be like the two remaining countries. - Exactly, right? - Nothing goes in, nothing comes out. - Man, seeing the whole like the whole Joe Rogan controversy about all the like vaccines and stuff. It's so frustrating that like, it's literally been the only thing anyone can talk about for the past like year and a half is COVID and all this shit. But it's also like, you can't talk about because everyone's fucking turned it into a political thing. - Yeah. Yeah. - Where it's just like, I just wanna eat baked beans. - I just don't want to die. - I just don't want to be ill and I don't want to get other people ill. - Yeah and it sucks that it's become like a thing, like even now talking about it, I feel like, fuck, there's probably gonna to be some fucking assholes in the comments who are like annoyed about it, I was talking about it and shit. - I just want to kiss my homie's good night, man. - Exactly. - Come on, man. Let me kiss my homies. Fucking hell. - Yeah. Yeah. I just wanna eat some fucking baked beans, watch "Cars 2" in the theater, you know? - Well, I mean, wasn't it like the UK recently, I think like couple of days ago? Just had their first mask-less concert? It was like 5,000 people at a concert or something and none of them were wearing masks because they were all vaccinated. - I'm not sure about, Meilyne, can you like play fact checker? - I'm pretty sure I saw that this morning, but like, I'm not surprised either because the UK has been, I mean the US and UK have been so fucking good with their vaccines. - I loved how in the UK where they literally were like, "Okay guys, I think you can maybe go out for drinks now." Literally like the first day, London was like rammed. (all laughing) - Of course. - Of course it would be. - And they were like, "We've been waiting like 10 years for this, we're gonna go get a pint with Jerry." It's like, oh my God. - Exactly. - I can't quite imagine how Wetherspoons was going to be like, as soon as they opened up. - Oh my God. - God, I do miss a good Wetherspoons actually. - The government could tell, like if Britain had to fight in like another war, you know, and the government was like, "Please fight, please fight for us." And they'd be like, "Nah, nah." They're like, "Pubs will be open if you fight." They'll be like, "Where are we fighting? Where are we fighting?" I don't know what it is about pubs and British people but like it turns them into something like ferocious. Like when pubs come into the equation, they become like different people that like, they suddenly become more passionate. - Yeah. I feel like people in Britain weren't taking like the pandemic seriously until pubs started closing down. And that's like the- - It's the end of the world! (all laughing) - They're like I sleep. I can't go to school or work, whatever. Pubs are closed? What the fuck!? What the fuck!? - This is a political agenda. How dare they close the pubs! - That's the exact moment it got political. (all laughing) - Yeah, the pubs closed down. I can't believe these politicians have done this. Oh my God. - [Meilyne] It was supposedly the first almost normal concert. - Yeah. The first almost normal concert, yeah. - Okay, damn, okay. - If I know British people though we fucking lie about anything to get into events and stuff. - That's true. - They'd be like, "Yeah, I've got a vaccine. Of course, I've got a vaccine." - Yeah. Oh my arm hurts. Ooh. - Tell me if the Pendulum weren't playing (all laughing) I know British people. Come on, that's a fucking lie. There's no way. - Come on. - There's no fucking way. - The amount of clubs with like 16 and 17 year olds with fake IDs, come on. People are faking the passports vaccines. - Oh, 100%. - Vaccine passports or whatever. - Like the fucking bouncers give a fuck. - Yeah. - Are you kidding me? - True, true. - You could hand a fucking McDonald's like 10 coffee card at them as an ID, they'd let you fucking in the club in the UK. Get out of here. - To be fair though, if any country is probably going to do like a fully normal concert first, it's gonna be the US or the UK with how they're going. - Yeah, I mean. - Whether they should. - Yeah, when they should is a different question but- - I mean, from what I've heard from like third party information, from all my mates back there up, it's the one thing that we've been doing well about the pandemic, which is the vaccine response. Right? - Right. - Which it kind of makes sense. - Yeah, we just fucking bought them all up. Fuck you other countries. - We used that first world country money. Give us that shit. - It's pretty tragic though. It's just like US/UK bought them all and then no one else gets it. - Exactly. - What the fuck? It's pretty tragic really. - Yeah. - 'Cause you get it from the insiders there, like, "Yeah, we're doing great." And then you get over to- (all laughing) Yeah, of course you are. - How's the rest of the world doing? - Ah, fuck 'em. That's their attitude, right? It's pretty tragic. - True, true. - It is what it is I guess. - Money talks. - Exactly. Exactly. - What do you guys been doing in the meantime? You guys been traveling around? You've been doing anything interesting before the lockdown? - Well, before lockdown for a minute we could travel in the little bits that we could. We recently just went camping which was- - I know, I couldn't come. I had plans I did really far in advance and I was like, wait, shit, I wanted to come camping with the boys. - Yeah, so Garnt, me, and like four of our friends went camping in the mountains of- - Yeah, it was my first experience camping in Japan and definitely was a very different experience. If you've never been camping before, I recommend you go camping in Japan 'cause it is like (indistinct) baby mode camping, right? - Yeah, it really is. - You roughly described it to me, but you're saying there's like electricity, there's- - Okay, okay. So let me tell you about this. Right? So I've only been camping I think once or twice else in my life, okay? - So wait, okay, I have one question. Did you get like a lot? - What's that? - Like a square? - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. We had to book it. - We had to book a lot. So my only other experience camping has been just like in the middle of the fucking fields. Like I went on like a trip in Colorado where we just like rode horses for eight hours. And we camped literally in the middle of like the woods in Colorado. That was what I thought- - That sounds fucking fantastic. - It was fucking great. I thought it was gonna be something similar. So I'm not that experienced in camping. So I asked the boys, "So what should I be bringing?" Right? And so they gave me the usual sleeping bags, tents, warm clothes and everything, and also like a power bank to charge your phone. So I came in with the expectations of I need to buy a big fucking power bank, 'cause we're not gonna have any power there, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. We were camping for like two days. This episode is sponsored by Bokksu. - Boys, get those disgusting American chips out of here because this episode is sponsored by Bokksu! An authentic Japanese snack box subscription that sends you small delicious treats from Japan. - This month, Bokksu is kicking off summer with a tropical travels themed box. These snacks bring you flavors from down south in Kyushu and Okinawa with exotic flavors like native citrus and local seasonings. Now, if that doesn't sound fancy, I don't know what does. What do we got in the box, Garnt? - Well, let me tell you. We've got Shima Togarashi rice crackers and peanuts. Marui Chinsuko Kabosu Nuts Sable Cookie. And more! - Perfect pronunciation. (laughing) - Fuck. Nailed it! - But guys wait, there's more! This month snack tea pairing is Higa Granny's Sanpin Cha Jasmine Tea. These aren't like their competitors box who partners with Japanese artisanal makers to bring you authentic flavors. - We said it before and we're gonna say it again. This is cross cultural pollination like never before. So use our link and code trashtaste10 in the description to get 10% off your own Bokksu now. Repeat customers get a theme box every month. Back to the episode. - So a friend had a, he has this thing called like the Omnicharge. I can't remember the full name, but it looked like a battle station. I remember he- - It's not that big. It's kind of like this. - Yeah. Yeah. But like it was way bigger than any of the portable charges I've ever seen. And also like what sold me was that it had it's own plug, so you can plug like- - Power outlet. - Like an AC adapter. - Yeah, so you can plug like power adapter to it, right? So I was like I want something like that for a camping trip. Right? - Yeah. - So I asked, "Oh, what's this thing called?" So he says, "It's the Omnicharger." So I Google it on Amazon and unfortunately they're not selling on Amazon anymore. So I go to like the first link that's recommended for like that search. And here's the thing about Amazon, is that you see a charger, right? There's nothing to like quantify how big this charger is. Right? - Just from the image. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, there's dimensions but you might not look at them. - Sometimes it's like buried in a wall of text. - Yeah, it's buried in wall of text so I just see this block, right? - And I'm just like, it's probably around the same, I mean, it's recommended from me searching the Omnicharger so it's probably about the same size, right? - Fucking A. - It's probably around the same size. Thinking back, like being like an electronic and ex electronic and electrical engineer, I've got a master's, I should have seen like the amount of like charge it holds. But I didn't look at the amount of charge it holds. I was just like on like fucking autopilot mode. I'm just like, okay, that looks good. Buy that, okay. So I wait a few days from all my camping equipment that I bought, and this fucking massive package, like- - I wish you brought it with you today. - I wish I did. I wish I did. This massive package gets delivered to my door and I'm all right. Everything's like boxed up so I don't know what everything is. So the first thing I pick up, it's fucking heavy. It's this fucking brick and my first thought was, oh no, have I bought like a sleeping bag that's just like 10 times heavier than I need it? - Right, right. - And so I start unboxing it and I see this fucking brick just in my hands, right? (laughing) And I'm just like, what the fuck is this? I don't remember buying anything this heavy. - Yeah. - Turn it around and it's the fucking charger. And I'm like, no way. - How big is it? - This must be a mistake. - I think I have a photo of it. - So Joey has a photo. It's on screen right now. The photo of this brick that I got. I turn it around. I look at like the appliances that it can power. And it's just like, okay, so this can power phones. It can, you know, charge tablets. And then it says you can charge laptops. It can power a fucking mini-fridge. (all laughing) - Okay, okay. - And I'm just like, it can power a mini fridge, a microwave and I'm just like, oh shit, what the fuck have I bought? - This thing he bought it literally is like, oh, I found it. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - So this is like a fucking brick that I bought. - That's like two routers strapped together. - Yeah, yeah. And I'm just like, what the fuck- - It's like a Mac mini. - I don't know what I'm going to be able to do with this 'cause like I can't take that on a plane 'cause like if I take on a plane, the TSA probably thinks I'm gonna bomb the fucking plane. - You'll get fucking arrested on that plane. - Like I'm probably gonna put on the fucking ISIS list if I take this on a plane. Jesus Christ. So I can't even, so I'm just thinking to myself, All right, guys, I've made a mistake. But it's okay because at least I can use it on this camping trip. So like I lug this massive fucking brick in my suitcase or in my bag, sorry, which is probably like by itself, the heaviest single object in my bag for a camping trip. And so we get to this campsite and you know, we get a lot and we start unpacking everything and I see this metal box, right? I see this metal box. And I was just like, "What the fuck is that metal box?" My first thought was, oh, it's probably like a safe they provided, right? 'Cause I hear about some American campsites having like bear safes or something so I was thinking, oh, it might be a safe or something. And so I was like, "Nabi, what's that?" And he's just like, "Just wait, Garnt. Let me show you." He opens it up and it's a fucking power outlet. (all laughing) - Two power outlets are sticking out like that, I'm just like. - Ah yes, camping with my power outlet. - And I'm just like, "So wait, there's literally no fucking reason for me to buy this fucking brick and lug this around. I can't take it anywhere, can't take it on the plane. and apparently it's useless for a camping trip. What the fuck do I need this for? - Literally, I looked at that thing and I'm like, "That's what people use for like emergencies." When like your house is flooded and you have no electricity and like this is the thing that like powers your house for like a month. - I'm just thinking if Japan Sinks ever happens, I'm fucking sorted, man. - You are like the top of the hierarchy. Like people could be fighting- - You could power like a flood light. - No, because I remember the first night he like charged his phone. Well, he was like, "Might as well use this fucking thing I bought" So he charged his phone, right? It was like a 100%. Next morning, phone is fully charged. 97%. He used 3% of his charge to power his phone. I'm like this thing could last you like literally like two months. - Yeah. I literally- - It's insane. - I literally bought it just so I could recharge my phone during the duration of this camping trip. - Doesn't it have like it's own ventilation, like fan inside of it? - Yeah, yeah, I knew it was like fucking way too overkill when I opened it up, it had a vent that had like a fan. - He turned it on and it literally started going (buzzing). (all laughing) - Well, yeah so, 3% to power the fucking fan probably. 1% but he charged his fucking phone. - It was so funny. Yeah, but like I've been camping quite a bit in Australia. Like my dad and I used to go camping all the fucking time. - I don't want to fucking camp with a power outlet. What the fuck? - Yeah, exactly. But like I realized, okay, Japan does not know how to go camping because like it really is baby mode on (indistinct). - So we had like some relatively small tents, right? - Did you have neighbors? - Yeah. We had neighbors. - Oh my God. - Yeah. That's that's the thing that really put me off. - But it was one lot apart so there was social distancing. (laughing) - It was one lot apart, it was social distancing. - Are you kidding me? I bet he could fucking hear you fart. - Probably. One thing I learned about a tent is that it's just not noise proof at all. - No. - You can hear fucking everything. Literally, I remember we were sleeping and I could hear like the other tent fucking farting in the background. And I'm just. "Okay, who was that? Was that you Nabi?" Okay. Whatever. But like some of these tents that these people bought, they weren't fucking tents. So some of our neighbors, right? One lot's like two lots down from us. They start unpacking this tent, right? And then this tent has fucking compartments, right? And then not only that, I remember walking past, they had an entrance, right? They had an entrance that had lights on the entrance. Okay? - Like fairy lights. - And this tent had like two fucking bedrooms, a living room. - Oh, my parents had a tent like that. - Yeah. - Is that even a tent, though? - Yeah, it's like family tent. - It's just a pop-up apartment. - Yeah, but it's like a family tent. - I'm just like this isn't a tent, this is a 2LDK. - Bro, those tents are a fucking nightmare to set up. - Yeah. - They're a pain in the ass. - Well, but that's the thing, right? It's like I get it if it was a family, but this was a couple. - This was a couple. - Yeah, that's ridiculous. Well, it's 'cause you're a Japanese couple so naturally, you're not gonna in the same bed. - Exactly. - Of course. - I was getting to that because this like this tent had carpet, had shelves and I'm just like, might as well just bring a fucking caravan at this point. - I mean, we'd take that but we stayed for like three weeks. - That makes sense if it's three weeks. - They stayed for a single night and like okay- - A single night? - Yeah, a single night. - Yeah, a single night. They came with us and then left the same day. - So here's the premium Japanese couple experience that I saw, all right? So we walked past this tent, right? And of course this Japanese couple, you know, obviously very intimate Japanese couple to be going on a camping trip by themselves together. - Very intimate. - Very intimate. So the peak Japanese couple experience was seeing the guy next to his car on a fucking gamer chair or something and then seeing the girl on the other side of this massive tent on a hammock, both of them by themselves, not interacting, premium Japanese couple experience. - I mean, isn't that love? Knowing when to ignore each other. - Yeah, that's love. - No, I mean, I say it's a premium Japanese couple experience because the amount of times like we've gone to like onsens or ryokans or something and like it's just like us, the boys, and we're just surrounded by Japanese couples. - They don't talk to each other. - Not talking to each other. - They don't talk to each other. - Just not interacting with each other. - Couples that social distance together, stay together, you know? They're just social distancing, you know? But like one part I couldn't fucking believe was with wood-fire, right? So you had to like go to, well, I mean, they have the option to go to like the reception, quote unquote, where you could buy pre-cut wood-fire. - Yeah. That's normally how it is. - [Joey] All right. Yeah. - 'Cause they don't want you to just fucking picking shit up around the area and burning it. - Right, but like the thing is- - I mean, that's we did. - That's what we did. Because each bundle was like 500 yen. Maybe for like a bundle about- - I mean, it wasn't about the price. - It wasn't about the price because like this wood, because it's like pre-cut and clean and dry, this thing burns through like so fucking quickly and I'm like we're here for the entire day. We want this fire to keep going the entire day, right? This thing is not gonna last us the entire day. So I just said, fuck it. And I just like went out into the bush and just grabbed some wood and our friend Nabi had a hatchet and I'm like, "Give me that shit," Just fucking started like deforesting this fucking forest. - Fucking die, (indistinct) forest. - No, no, no, we wouldn't deforest the forest. They were already like- - Bits of dead trees on the ground. - Bits of dead trees on the ground that we just cut up. - I didn't cut down any trees. (all laughing) - Joey just starts his fucking Animal Crossing this fucking campsite. - To emphasize, we didn't cut up any trees. We just cut off some branches that had fallen down, - Yeah, we cut the logs into like sizeable pieces. - Yeah and brought them to our campsite because that to me is the camping experience, right? We're out in the wilderness with like- - You're like out here in like a fucking swimming pool treating it like Bear Grylls. (laughing) - Well, that's the thing it's like, - We wanted to make the most of it. - We wanted to make the most of it, because otherwise we would've had to spend like a hundred bucks for firewood. I'm like, fuck that. - No, no, it's not about the 100 bucks of firewood, because it's just- - It's not about the money, Joey! It's about the experience! - It's about the experience! - Exactly! The most amount of fun going out into the bush, picking up some like dead trees and just bringing it back and just chopping the shit out of it. That was the most fun. - I'd be so fucking bored if I turned up and it's like I got like 10 neighbors, I've got a power outlet. - Yeah. - Fuck man. - And it's like, pre-packaged. - Here you go. Here's all the things you need. Go have fun. - All fucking micro-transactions with your camping experience, man. Probably like bring your food if you want. I know some camping trips actually bring you meat, and a grill, if you want to have food for that. - I'm like just stay at a hotel. - The best part about camping, right, is when you all turn up, right, and then you're one mate is like, "Boys, I brought bacon." And everyone's like, "Yes. Let's go! - Exactly. - He brought fucking perishable foods. What an idiot, but it works. I mean, and in the UK, there's a little place you can just kinda ask them, you're like "Hey, can I camp on your land?" They were like, "Yeah, sure." - Yeah. - Yeah. - Stuff like that. There's a lot of places where you can camp- - I mean, in Australia there's designated camping areas, but like it's first come, first serve. If it's full, then fuck off somewhere else. - Is there a place like that in Japan or is it all regulated camping? - It's all regulated. - Ah, fuck. - Yeah. - I mean, it was fine for the experience it was, but I definitely prefer the camping experience I had in other countries because it just kind of didn't feel like camping, you know? - I mean, there was that other couple next to us that brought a fucking TV. - Oh yeah! (laughing) - Honestly, I'd do it. I'd do it too. - And they're like playing Smash Bros or whatever the fuck it was. I'm like, just like, why are you even camping, dude? - I mean, if you've got a fucking plug, why not bring the 50 inch TV? - I guess so. - I guess so. - Why not bring the 50 incher, bro? - Yeah, I guess so. It's ridiculous. I was like, you think that these guys have been like permanently living there with how much shit they have. - I mean, truthfully, I tend to bring like, 'cause you can get those like really shitty like 19 inch battery powered monitors. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - You can bring that. You can bring a Switch. - The thing is, because I've had a pretty fucking stressful week because of the whole move thing. So it's just so nice to just sit down and look at a fire for 12 hours and literally drink and talk about nothing. It was the best fucking experience I had. - That is the best part of it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Wait, who set up the tents? - We all did. - We all did. - We all did, yeah. - Did you really, did you all? Did you really? - Yeah, we all did, we all did. - Really, 'cause most of the time it's "we all did" and it's like I watched the other guy do it. - Our tents really weren't that complicated. - Really? - 'Cause our tent literally just like a triangle. One of one of those fucking pyramid tents. - It wasn't fucking inflatable apartment - It wasn't a two bedroom apartment. - I was like 15 I had the ones where you like, you fucking throw it in the air and it psh. - Yeah, like Nabi had one of those as well. - Pain in the ass to fold up though. - Yeah. - Yeah. Ours was a bit more complicated and we still somehow fucked it up because, so our tent was like, it's like not pre, I mean, it kinda is pre-built but we kind of have to like strengthen the supports, the support beams that it comes with, right? - Yeah. - Support beams. - What they are called, the structure? - Poles. - Yeah, the poles, yeah. The bone structure. - I don't fucking know what it was. - Poles, it's just fucking poles. - It wasn't a pole 'cause it was like part of the tent, right? So this tent came with like support beams that like supported the structure, right? - It's all just fucking poles. - It's baby mode, tent mode. - Baby mode, tent mode. We literally didn't have to do anything. We just had to like fucking, well, we thought we didn't have to do anything, right? Because it all kind of like unfolded and we like put it up. All we had to do was like put the pegs down. We thought great, job done. We didn't know it was job done because when we were trying to sleep, when me and Joey were trying to sleep, it just kept caving in, right? (Connor laughing) - Because it was also windy as fuck. - It was a windy ass- - It was insanely windy. - It was a windy ass night so like every like fucking hour, I'd get woken up by this tent just caving in and I just have to like bring the support pole up again. I'm just like oh, for fucks sake. - [Joey] It was horrible. - And I could hear Joey was like having trouble sleeping as well. - I did not sleep at all that night. - And it was only when we were packing up that we took the cover off. And I was just like, at the top of the support beam, there was this label that said, "Push." I was like, oh, why does this label say push? And I push it down and I just hear click. - And everything is like solid as fuck. - It's like Transformers, everything just clicked into place. - I just hear this click and I was like, "What was that click?" And then I tried to like push in the support beam- - Did you not like read like the manual or anything? - No, no. - Clearly, we should have. (laughing) - I mean, it was a tent. - I'll just give it a quick like gaze over. - I'm not used to tents like that. I'm used to the ones that you have to like kind of connect all the poles together and do it yourself, right? So I was like, oh cool. - Who bought the tents? - Oh, Nabi did. - Oh, okay. - So I was like, oh, I've never seen this kind of tent, but it seems easy enough. It literally just pops out. - Some reason whenever you fucking do your friend's tent, it's like the biggest piece of shit ever. It's like your tent pristine, brand new. While your friend's tent is literally like falling apart. The poles don't fucking connect, they're rusty as fuck. It's like what did you do to this tent? How did you put it in this bad condition? - I don't know. - I don't know, I always had that. - Yeah, but like that night it was so fucking windy. I mean, the day before it was so fucking raining that we were just like we're not camping out there. It's like a torrential thunderstorm out there. - Yeah. - So we're just gonna fucking, we just went to like a nearby dyokon, but the next day though, when we actually went camping, it was fucking great. - Yeah. It was a great experience. - I remember Aki the next day, Aki was like, "So what did you guys talk about?" And I just sat there and was like- - It doesn't matter what you talked about. - Fuck, what did I talk about? - What's talked about in camping, stays in camping. - Exactly. - Yeah, exactly. - Don't ask us that. - And it was clearly so unimportant that it didn't even retain in my memory. All I remember is, ooh, a fire burn. That's all I remember from that camping trip. - Your caveman instincts come out. - I remember trying to start a fire for like a full hour. 'Cause Nabi bought these flints and I'm just like, "Guys, guys, we've got a power outlet right there." - He's like in a Bear Grylls- - Just get a fucking outlet. - And Endo, the entire time was standing there with a blowtorch and he's just like, "Ready when you are, Garnt." - Why does he have a blow torch? Why does he have a blow torch? You making fucking creme brulee on the campsite? What's going on? - So there's just me like huddled around this fucking moss trying to set that on fire. And like, I try setting like so many, like I try like getting some YouTube tutorials out. I tried this for like a full fucking hour. - It just fucking torrential rained the day before so all the wood's gonna be wet and shit. - And meanwhile I'm just like sitting there in my gamer chair just playing FireStarter. Come on, you got it, you got it, mate. - Oh my God. - I just wanted to play Bear Grylls, man, I'm sorry. - It was almost scary how enthusiastic Garnt was to start a fire. He was just like, you know like, because like we got there. - You make it sound like I'm a fucking casual arsonist. - You are, Garnt, you are. - We got there, right? And we're like all right, let's figure out what we're going to do. Are we gonna set up a tent? You know, blah, blah, blah. All right, everybody help get all the stuff out. And Garnt's just kind of standing there like, "I just can't wait to start a fire." That's how people become arsonists. - Come on, come on, come on. Let's not pretend that the start of a camping trip is always when you are able to stop first start a fire. - No, of course. - That's how you know the camping trip has begun, right? - I knew from how enthusiastic you were, - Garnt's like in the car lighting stuff on fire. - I knew from how enthusiastic Garnt was to start the fire, I was like, if I let this man start a fire, he's not gonna do anything else. He's gonna stay next to that fire, fueling that for bitch for like 12 hours. - 'Cause who the fuck enjoys building a tent? Like nobody actually enjoys building a tent. It's fiddly as fuck. Half the time you're trying to figure out how the instruction manuals work. Because the like- - You mean the instruction manual we didn't read? - Exactly. Right. 'Cause it's a fucking pain in the ass. You try and figure out like, somehow they've picked the images that make it like the least legible and like the least understandable to like figure out how to build this tent. - Man, it sounds like you took the monkey brain on the trip. I didn't need to come. There was already monkey brain there. - Garnt was very monkey brain around that fire. Like he was like (panting). I feed it more. - I was single-handedly fueling that fire for like 12 hours. This fire went on for like 12 hours and I was the one like fueling it every time. - I didn't have to do anything. I'm just like Garnt's assistant right here, just like fueling it. - We need to look for like an actual place where we can camp, like legit camp. - Legit camp. I don't know if we'll be able to find that. - No power outlets. - I don't know if we'll be able to find that in Japan. - I'm sure we can find it. - What was your camping experience like in England? - In England, I didn't go much in England. I went around France mainly. A lot of the time in France though, like it was like campsites like that. - Who'd you camp with? - My family for the most part, but then obviously, 'cause we're in Wales, so it's really easy to just camp for a weekend. And normally you were just like in a farmer's land in like some fucking random field. - Oh, like land that someone owns. - Yeah. - Oh. - 'Cause they'd always know someone. You could just be like, oh, can we camp? And maybe it'd be like a tenner a night because they didn't really want anything, they were just like, "Don't just leave a mess. Just clean everything up." - Oh, 'cause you can't do that in Australia. It needs to be in like national reserve. - No, you can do whatever you want on the land. And normally you're right next to woods and stuff so obviously there's no power outlets or anything and probably a decent walk away from the car that you came in. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So yeah, it was just good fun though. I mean, you just normally just set up the tent. If you can get fire going, go ahead, but it might be raining a fuck ton and you might have to start drinking beers in the tent, like four of you squished in this tent like, "How you guys doing? All right, nice. Someone wanna boil the kettle? We'll get some pot noodles going." Whatever you do. We did like a Duke of Edinburgh as well. We did that. - Oh yeah. - That was good fun as well. - Yeah, because in Japan, you can't even like put a fire on the ground. - Yeah, you need to buy like a fire pit. - Well, 'cause sometimes in some places you have to clean it up yourself and it was easier to just bring something that you could wrap like all the ash in. - Right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Which is like, I think we did that a few times. 'Cause if you have to clean it up, sometimes it's an absolute pain in the ass getting rid of all this ash. - Well, because in Australia all you did was just dig a hole. And then once you were done with the ash, you just fill up that hole again. - I mean, it's good for the land but I mean, sometimes you can't do that in some places. - [Joey] Ah, true, true, true. - Yeah. I mean, it's whatever. I just kinda like, it was never more than like two nights. It was always like a night. Put the tent up. Kind of get drunk. - Yeah. - Eat a lot of bacon in the morning, bacon sandwiches. Then just fuck off. - Yeah, two nights I feel is like the optimal camping time. - Yeah, I'd say so. Two nights is about right before- - It depends, 'cause you need something to do the second day because the first night, you're setting up, you're having a few drinks. What do you do during the whole second day before you start drinking? You can't immediately like start drinking beers at like 11. - I mean, that's what we did. - That's kind of what we did. - I mean, I guess you can, but then there's someone like driving, right? Oh, I don't know. I mean, I kind of want to do something. I don't know. - Yeah, well that's when you can bring the TV and connect it to the power outlet. It's like who's got the Switch? - Well, 'cause if you go camping with British people, you know, and there's like four of you, like a 24 pack, sorry, I smashed so much there, a 24 pack won't last more than a night of beers, you know what I mean? - That's true. Yeah. - So it's like how much beer are you bringing along for this thing, right? You can't do day drinking. You need like 40 beers at least for that whole experience. But I mean, that's why I like doing something. That's why like- - Well, I mean, we brought like a pack of cards and like, you know, that kind of stuff. I mean, we never cracked them opened. (Connor laughing) - We just left them there for like decoration. - I was just having too much fucking fun with the fire. (all laughing) - He's like way too enthusiastic about the fire. - Was this fire burning like 24/7? - Yeah. Well not 24/7. - It was burning or like a good like 14 hours. - Jesus Christ, God, you monkey. - Because we fucking adventured out and got all the wood. Right? - That was half the fun. - So what did you do the second day? You said you slept in the tent the first night. - No, no, no, we didn't sleep in a tent the first night because we got there like super, super early on the second day because- - The first day it was raining like crazy. - Yeah, the first day we missed the day of camping. So we did what anyone do and just had a nice day at an onsen and slept with a nice roof over our heads. And then we just went there the second day and we just basically stayed there all day. - Yeah, We got there like 9:00 a.m. or something. Like super early in the morning so it was like a full, full day. - Because I was in the area near you and the storm was fucking brutal. - Oh yeah. I mean, the storm in Tokyo was brutal as well. - Yeah. - Was it? I don't know. I was kayaking and then I was on like the ocean kayaking and then the guy who was with us was like, "Oh, there's a storm coming." And I was like, "Yeah, I can fucking hear it." Like (imitating rumbling) like rumbling everywhere. - Yeah. - And then suddenly I'm just like kayaking, just chilling, you know, nice weather. And then suddenly out of nowhere, like torrential rains starts pouring down, just will not stop. It's fucking freezing as well, man. It was like, I literally felt like I was at the "Shawshank Redemption" when he's crawling through the tunnel of shit with the rain, it was like that bad. And I'm like I feel like I'm crawling through the shit trying to get back to shore because I'm freezing right now. And I'm fucking like, "Ah!" Wish I was camping instead at that point. But it was really good fuck kayaking until that started. - Oh, yeah. - Good fun. - God, I haven't been kayaking, I've never been kayaking in the ocean I don't think. I've been kayaking on like rivers and lakes and stuff like that, but I don't think I've ever been kayaking in the ocean. - It's good fun, it's chill. - It seems a lot scarier. - Nah. - Something about the ocean just scares me. You know? (Connor laughing) No, I mean, the ocean is just scary, right? It's a scary place. - Normally, a lot of these things, you know, unless you own your own kayak and stuff, you can't just go and do it. If you're renting, there's normally always a guy that comes with you. - Oh yeah. - To make sure you don't fucking drown. - But if it's a lake, like you know, fucking whatever. - 'Cause I was like in a group with a bunch of Japanese people and like one of them just like capsized. I'm like, how the fuck did you manage that? - Probably did it on purpose. - He just flipped his boat and was just like in the middle of the ocean. I'm like, how the fuck's he gonna get back here? (all laughing) He got back in somehow, but my God, that man must have been freezing. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - And I had like my phone on me as well. I was like, I'm not capsizing. - Yeah, fuck that. - You put your phone on you on a kayaking trip in the middle of the ocean. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I sent you a picture of the snake. - Oh, that was on the ocean. - So I was like going, we were kayaking past like rocks and I was doing this kind of thing where you could kayak around like rocks and like you go through like caves and stuff, kayaking. And there was just this like fucking snake just chilling, like some kind of like, this is like the entrance to death. And I was like fuck, let me me get a quick 4k pic of that. Whipped out my phone and started taking pics. - (indistinct) in 4k. - Yeah. (laughing) For the fucking snake. Yeah. It was good fun. But yeah, I wish I could go camping with you guys. - Well, I mean, yeah, we definitely want to go. I mean, Garnt and I still have all the stuff with us so we definitely want to do that again. - You gonna get a driving license now, Garnt? - Yeah, honestly, this camping trip single-handedly convinced me to get a driving license 'cause just like the drive to this camp site was fucking beautiful. We were driving up these mountains. - The weather was perfect. - Dude, the moment you leave Tokyo, the views get like insane. - Yeah, 100%. - So it's like you always want to drive in Japan 'cause you're like, I can't wait to see the views. All of the service stations are amazing. Like the food you can get at the service stations here are insane. Like when you stop at the service stations in the UK, I don't know about America, like on like motorways or what are they called in the US? - Highways. - Highways. You know, when you stop at them to break, it's like what? Like McDonald's, KFC, it's like I don't wanna stop. When you stop in Japan, it's like you can get like- - Oh, the services areas, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You get like ramen, curry, sushi, all like fresh as fuck. And it's so good and it's like, well, of course I want to stop because I want to get my coffee- - The one we stopped at had like a full on like fucking, it was like a mall. - Yeah, it was nuts. - At the service area. - And you get really good fucking food. - 'Cause like sushi, ramen, all that, that's just fast food here, right? - It's crazy. It's such good quality as well. I'm out here at night and there's like a Yoshinoya at the service station. I'm like, it's 10:00 a.m. I'm gonna have a Yoshinoya beef roll, let's go. - Yeah, the one we stopped at had like a like fucking Starbucks and like- - Oh, yeah. - It had like a whole, it was like almost like an anime shop. wasn't it? That was selling like anime goods randomly. - Oh, yeah, yeah, they were selling like "Initial D" merch. - Ah man, it's so good. You stop, you get that fat meal, you grab that coffee, you start playing the music on the car, just literally driving with the Mount Fuji view, clear as day. Fuck you, Chris. It's great. You can't beat it. - Yeah, we got an insane view of Fuji during the day, yeah. - 'Cause that's the thing about Japan, right? Like everything here is so aesthetic. I mean, like even looking at Mount Fuji, right? You look at Mount Fuji and I'm just like, man, God really pat himself on the back when he made that, man. Like Jesus Christ, like Mount Fuji- - He's like my finest work. - Mount Fuji, like you talk about Mount Everest or whatever, being like the highest mountains or something. Fuji is like the most photogenic mountain. - It is the most picturesque mountain. 100%. - It's like the best spot as well. - Yeah. - It's so good, man. And then like everyone's so nice driving on the expressways and stuff here and like the roads, like it's so chill. - It's pretty hard to find like an asshole driver in Japan. - Yeah. Everyone's so nice. I was like, no, no, you go ahead. Everyone's really nice. You know? It's super chill driving. It's like driving easy mode and you get like all the best, it's just great. - Everything's baby mode here, man. - So now Garnt, you've got to go through the hell of getting your license changed- - Yeah, that's the thing, like I didn't have a reason to drive or to want to drive and now I do. - And the quicker you get it as well you can get rid of those rookie things that they have on- - Rookie things? - Oh, like the stickers. - Yeah, for the first year when you get your license, even though you've driven in other countries, you have to get these rookie stickers on your front and back. - It's like a provisional kind of sticker. - Yeah, I don't like it. (Garnt laughing) It was a pain having to remember them all the time, bringing them along with you. You're like, "Oh, sorry, gotta bring my stickers. I gotta put them on." Sorry I interrupted you, you were saying. - I can't remember what I was saying, but I guess the only thing I remember is like, I am not looking forward to doing more paperwork, which is what I'm gonna be doing a lot of this year. - Japan is like the never in cesspool of paperwork. - Get the paperwork done when it's not stressful. So that when you- - That doesn't happen. - No, no. - That's a trick question. - If you got shit happening, you're busy, the last thing you want to do is lose a day. Like if you have the time to lose a day, do it now when you can, right? Like that's why I did it. - Bold of you to assume that we just have a day to lose. - I don't have a day, but I had a day where like, it wasn't that bad if I lost it 'cause like you know, when I eventually move at the end of the year, you know, it's gonna be fucking hell. - Yeah. - And I'm not gonna want to lose a day. (Joey laughing) - It's gonna be more than a day, trust me. - Get it now, Garnt. - It's not about losing a day. It's about losing a day to paperwork. - It's never gonna be good so just fucking do it. - I know, I mean, it's just finding, it's not even the motivation, but just like every time I wake up, I'm just like maybe today's a day and today's never the day. - There's like a Denny's near the place as well so you should be fine. There's like a Coco's diner. - Yeah, exactly. This episode is sponsored by Gamer Supps. - One word, gamers. Two words, Gamer Supps. (laughing) Four words, Gamer Supps waifu cups. That's right. - Let's go. - Bars! (laughing) - Gamer Supps is a healthier and more cost-effective alternative to soda or sugary drinks. Every waifu cups, as you could see here we and the boys are rocking our waifu cups, comes with a free sample of Gamer Supps. That's right here, holding it in Garnt's hand. Designed to be the perfect gaming drink and it'll help you stay awake for an anime binge because I can't stay awake without my Gamer Supps injected in my veins. (Garnt screaming) - And gentlemen, here's the best part. If you guys support us, then you never know. We might get our own flavor of Gamer Supps down the road. - Hell yeah. - Let us know what flavor we should make if we get the chance. As you gentlemen will now see, I've added my Gamer Supps to my gamer drink and now the boobs will take the color as I'm being told. And it looks delightful. - The Gamer Supps taste great, are much healthier than energy drinks, only cost 35 cents per serving, but they're going fast. - What are you waiting for? Get your Gamer Supps. Come on. What are you waiting for? Get your waifu cups. What are you doing? Come on! - That's right! What are you waiting for? Buy some waifu cups, buy some waifu shirts and buy some waifu candy at and use code trashtaste. - The more you buy, the quicker you can get your waifu, so what are you waiting for? Go get your Gamer Supps waifu cups, bars. - I'll see you guys at the checkout. - Back to the episode. - Speaking of leisurely activities, you guys went snowboarding- - Ages ago. - Ages ago, yeah, yeah. - I don't think we talked about that on the podcast yet. - I don't think we have, no, it was my- - 'Cause I couldn't go to that one. - Yeah. It was my very first experience snowboarding. - Hmm. How was that? - It was, so obviously I went before, like we remembered that the reason I wanted to try out snowboarding was purely because of SSX Tricky and Snowboard Kids on the N64, but yeah, had the choice between going snowboarding and going skiing and I'm just like 100% snowboarding. - I want that SSX Tricky. - Because everyone told me that it's like way harder to start snowboarding. Like beginners find it easier to ski, but it's like harder to master, whereas snowboarding is harder to get into, but it's easier to master from what I've heard. - Roughly. - I think that's true. Yeah. - Yeah, and I guess like, so my first experience snowboarding was that, it was okay, I didn't realize how much I took for granted friction in my life. Okay. (laughing) - How so, Garnt, how so? - How so? - Like I remember the first time, so we got all dressed up. I put on all the kits and everything. Put on the snowboards on like one shoe or one foot or however you lock yourself in. And then, so my first mission was to walk from where I put my snowboard on to the ski lift. And I remember trying to take my first step, immediately slip, and I was just like, this is a bit of a challenge, innit? (all laughing) Wait, so you're telling me I'm gonna have to go down a fucking hill when I can't even take a single step? - Because it's the type of movement you'd never do otherwise, right? - It's so unnatural. Right? And so I fucking waddled my way over to the ski lift. - Did you have your snowboard on or is it like you're carrying your snowboard. - No, I had my snowboard on, - I think you had the one boot in, right? - [Connor] Oh, you had the one boot in? - Yeah, I had the one boot in 'cause we walked over to like- - Kind of hobbling like that. - Yeah, we walked over to the beginner ski lift and I was with Sydney and Meilyne, and Meilyne's partner and- - Meilyne wasn't having a good time either. - Yeah, Meilyne wasn't having a good time either. So only one of us knew how to snowboard. And so only one of us was like showing us how it was done. And Meilyne knows how to ski, but this was her first time trying to snowboard either as well. So at least I hadn't like a fellow novice with me, right? (all laughing) - I'm not the only one. And so we walked all over to this ski lift. Right? And so to go through the gates, we have to like scan ourselves in, right? And like the problem with having this big snowboard on you is that once I start like taking a step, sometimes I don't know how to stop, right? (Connor laughing) So there was this fucking kid in front of me, right? There was this kid, fucking pro snowboarder, like easily goes through the gate. I like go through the gate, take my first step and I swear to God, I almost fall on this kid. (laughing) - You almost took a kid out? - Yeah, I almost took out this fucking five year old in front of me. - Frankly, had it coming. Had it coming. - Luckily Mackey just like grabbed me before I fell on this kid. I was like... At this point I hadn't even got onto the ski lift. And so- - That's the first step. - That's the first step. - Yeah, 'cause I think I was on my way and I was texting, "How's it going? How's it going?" He's like, "It's hard. It's really hard." - It's hard. - It's fucking hard. - It's really... - [Meilyne] And I just saw your head, wee. - Wait, when was that? - [Meilyne] When you went down by yourself. - Oh yeah. I tumbled a lot of times. We'll get to that. - It's really difficult to fall face first with skis. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause how the fuck are you gonna do that? Snowboarding's very easy. - Oh yeah. Yeah. It's almost guaranteed you're gonna fall face first on a snowboard. - Carry on, carry on, tell us about your story. - Okay, so, I waddle my way to the ski lift. And I've never, obviously this is my first time on a ski lift. I've never like, I don't know what the right technique is or like how to like, (Joey laughing) 'cause you don't think about this thing, right? You think, walking, easy. One foot forward, next foot forward. It was like I was a baby trying to figure out how to walk again. So it's taking like all of my mental energy just to figure out how to stay on two feet and then so the person tells me to like go to this point here where the ski lift is going to go and like take you up. And I'm just thinking, this is like, I've never like panicked before trying to figure out how to waddle literally one meter forward. - Yeah, it was pretty bit mean of him to make you get on a fucking ski lift first thing. You should've just gone, like walked up the hill a little bit and just tried to go down. - Or at least get on the ski lift holding your snowboard, right? - Yeah. - Can you do that? - Yeah, you can do that. - Yes, you can do that. Yeah, but clearly no one told you that you could do that. - Maybe (indistinct) was like nah, trial by fire will be the option I think. - Okay, yeah, I literally didn't know that was an option. - Normally, yeah, you are suppose to, with beginners on snowboard, what you make them do is you just kind of make them walk up a hill, like a very, very, like not steep hill. And just kind of make them like go down straight, like horizontal or perpendicular, sorry, to the slope. But that was very much, wow. Okay. - Mike is like fuck that, on the ski lift right now. - So I was kinda like a animal looking over the edge being like, okay, gotta go, gotta go. No, don't want to go. Okay, let's go now. And so I'm like, I say a waddle, this was like me trying to fucking ice skate over to like one meter ahead of me and just stay still enough for the ski lift to like lift my butt up and go up. So managed to do that luckily without any big massive incidents- - But then comes the next step. - But then. (all laughing) - How do you get down? - How do you get off it? - I was having a great time. I was like, okay, you know what, this fucking slaps. Look at this view. Look at this, like I'm having a great fucking time. It's like being on a rollercoaster. You know, when you're going up, and you're just enjoying the view, it's peaceful. I'm just like, okay, I can get into snowboarding. - I can get into snowboarding. - I can get into snowboarding This is pretty cool. And then I see where the exit is and it gets closer and closer and then it slowly dawns on me. - How do I get off? - I need to get off this. - How do I exit this seat that I'm currently sitting on right now? And I see the kid in front of me gets off no problem at all. And I'm just like, oh, that looks easy. That looks easy. I just, you know, I just use the momentum that the seat is carrying me through and I just get off and just slide off, right? And I'm just like, cool. I'm like shadow boxing, right? 'Cause I'm just like visualizing this in my head. I'm just like, how hard can this possibly be? - Right. - Like how hard can this possibly be? - This is like Garnt in the shower, psyching yourself up. - I was literally psyching myself up. And I was just like, sure, I can do that. Like if a five-year-old kid can do it, then I can do it. And so literally the first thing that happens is the lift goes up, it starts slowing down. I'm like brilliant. I'm not even gonna need to do this at full speed. It's going up like- - They're gonna launch you off. - I had no idea. Right? I thought you just had to use the momentum to ski off. I had no fucking clue. But honestly I think I would have preferred that because now I had zero momentum and I'm just like, shit, how do I position my feet? Right? And by the time I get to the point where I need to get off, I hadn't figured out how I was gonna do this. So literally the first thing that happens is I put both feet down. I literally tried to- - Horizontal? - Huh? - Horizontal? - Like that? - Yeah. Like that. (laughing) So I was just like, I was like, okay. - First mistake. - I was like okay, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put both feet down, twist and they put one of my foot- - Oh no. - On the snowboard and just lightly and just breezily just like slide down. So that, so obviously that didn't work out. First, what I did was I put first two feet down, stood up immediate face plant. (all laughing) - Yeah, because there's this thing behind you that's pushing you forward so you're just gonna go boop. - Yeah, you gotta like shimmy to the side like this, - Yeah, you gotta shimmy like that and then kind of go down like that. - It would be nice if someone was there to teach me how it's done. - I would not have done that to you, Garnt, if I was there. I would have told you how to have done it. - But, the thing is, here's the thing, right? We apparently went on the beginner slope, right? (all laughing) - The biggest lie. - Yeah. There was no way that this was the fucking beginning slope. And we found out afterwards on the second day, 'cause me and Meilyne, we weren't having a great time trying to get down this beginner slope and apparently we found on the next day that there was a slope that was dedicated to like people's first time trying snowboarding. No, we didn't go on that one. We went on the fucking beginner slope, which was people who had already been experienced enough to go down hills. - Right, right. - And so it was me Meilyne, Sydney, and Mackey at the top of this hill. Mackey just fucking bolts it down already. Right? - Yeah. - He was screaming at us. "You guys are cowards!" (all laughing) - Yo, that guy was really fucking funny. He was getting like legitimately frustrated they were like bad. - Yeah. - Just get good, just get good. - He was like, "What do you mean? Just go down, just go down. Just go straight. It's not hard." (laughing) - And a Mackey goes down first and tries to like go the rest of us into going down. I'm just like, you know what guys? I'm just gonna go. I'm gonna do a pro gamer move and I'm just gonna go down. Immediately start tumbling fucking down. (all laughing) Like I must have like front flipped five fucking times going down- - Sounds like fucking "Looney Tunes." (all laughing) - And I'm just like, ah, damn, in my mind, I thought snow is gonna cushion the fall. And I'm just like, man, this hurts way more than I thought it was going to do. - It does cushion but like 30%. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because all of the snow that you're snowboarding on has been like plowed so it's compacted. - Like jumping off your bed onto a very flat pillow. It's like it'll cushion you, but to what extent? - I'm just like, I had this image in my mind that it's just like oh- - I'm just gonna tumble in! - It's just like falling on clouds. And I remember, because of that, like when I first went down, I did not hold back as well. I just like fucking went as fast as I can not realizing that- - Jesus Christ. - Not realizing that I didn't know how to break. (laughing) And so quickly I kind of, before I learned how to break, I quickly realized that the easiest way to break was just the fall down. - Oh yeah, yeah. I mean, that's what they teach you at first, right? Is like to fall down probably. - There's a reason why like if you start young, particularly in skiing and snowboarding, you're going to be really fucking like, you're gonna be so much better than somebody who learned later on just because like when you're a kid you're fearless. - Yeah, exactly. - Kids don't fucking know danger. - No. - When I was a kid, I was going way too fast and I would just go straight down 'cause I was fucking stupid and that's what like, I was just like, this is fun. I love going like 100 miles per hour. This is a good idea. - Yeah. - That's how people die. - There's no danger here. But when you're an adult it's a little harder, like yeah, because you fall over once and you're like, holy shit, this hurts! - Yeah, I'm not doing that again. Fuck that! - And so Meilyne and Sydney see me fucking tumbling down this hill. And then I look up and Mackey's like, "All right, your turn now." And they're just like, "No. No, I don't think I will." And so they start like getting on their butts and just like- - Sliding down. - And just like slowly sliding down and Mackey's like, "No, come on guys, come on, get up! - Just be good! Not just slide. - Obviously 'cause I learned young and I was very fortunate, very lucky, very privileged to be able to learn how to ski and snowboard at a young age. The one thing that kind of like, I don't mind doing it because I'd rather go with my friends than not but like it does suck having to wait like 30, 40 minutes. You go down a slope, it takes you 30 seconds, you gotta wait 40 minutes for your friends to come down. And then you're like, "Right. Let's go on the beginner one, again. Let's do it again." - So Meilyne and Sydney are literally psyching themselves up on this hill for like a good, like 40 minutes to an hour. Right, Meilyne? They were on this beginner hill. - It's like this. - Oh, okay. 'Cause I was imaging like. - No, no, it was like that like that, - Oh fuck off, no it wasn't. - It was like that. - It might have felt like that, but it was probably like that. - Okay, al I knew was that I stood up for a second and I started going way faster than I was comfortable with. (Joey laughing) - That's called a hill. (all laughing) - Yeah, 'cause at the ski resort we were at, one of the, like the black diamond, one of them was like only 30 degrees. - Oh, that's not even that bad. - Yeah, it wasn't, which is like. - Which is like that. - It's like nothing. - So realistically, it was probably like five degrees. - It was, okay, I get it. Because you can go pretty fast. - It feels like, especially when you're not used to that. - When you can see the bottom, it looks way worse than it is. - Yeah, 100%, 100%. - Anyway, go on. - I don't know, man. (Joey laughing) - Well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. - It was the first time for you so I get it. - The beginning of the hill was like quite steep, but then you go around to the middle part, which is the actual, which I feel was the actual beginner slope, right? 'Cause this hill obviously wasn't even in like, what's the word I'm looking for? - Altitude? - Slope. - Slope angle. - Gradient, gradient. That's it, it wasn't equal in gradient. So the best part to learn on this beginner hill was like right in like the middle of this course. - Oh, is this the part where he went like in like around like that, like did like a loop de loop. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the best part to learn was actually in the middle part, which is how I learned how to like control my speed- - And turn? - Yeah, and turn because going down this hill for the first time I had two speeds, it was go and tumble. (guys laughing) That was the two speeds that I had. So, while waiting for Sydney and Meilyne went on YouTube and started like looking at some tutorials. - How to snowboard. - On the slope. - Yeah, on the slope of how to snowboard. - I wanted to be that guy who like slides past you and I'm just like, what's this guy doing? Oh, oh. (laughing) - Yeah, because the thing about Mackey is that he's a good snowboarder, but I don't think he knows how to explain how to snowboard. 'Cause I was asking Mackey , "Mackey , What's the like the right technique?" - Yeah, he's very much like, "Oh, just do it. - [Joey] Just go, just go. - He's very much, "Oh you just go like this and like this, and then you just..." You know that clip of like that Australian surfer or not Australia, but just that surfer who's just like, and it goes (imitates engine roaring), (Joey speaking indistinctly) Yeah, that's kind of why I heard, when Mackey was trying to explain to me how to snowboard. It was just like, "Oh, you just go like this and then you turn like this and then you control your speed like this." And I'm just like, "Mackey , you're just like showing me like different angles here. This means nothing to me" - It sucks 'cause it's like you have to learn to like put your body in the place where your body doesn't want to naturally be. - Right, because you have to put all your weight in your front foot, which means you're gonna be leaning into the hill. - Yeah, you lean into it which you don't wanna do. - Just naturally, you don't do that. - Yeah, and then you gotta like throw your body from side to side with your back leg and it's like- - It is a weird move. - If you haven't done it before, it feels really unnatural, like initially 'cause it's like whoa. - Yeah, and that's why the first time, like after you finished the next day, oh, you fucking feel that because you're using all these muscles you've never used before. - Yeah, we actually had the snowboarding trip for like two days, but I could only go one day. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause the second day you're fucked, right? - Oh, I had never felt more fucked in my life. - [Joey] Yeah, I feel that, yeah. - On this like beginner slope, I don't know which fucking sick fuck decided to do this, but I was like, that's funny, but also my God. On this beginner slope, right? It's like this very narrow kind of like a hill going down, like winding. Right? - Yeah. - And at the bottom of this wind, the exit to it someone had put poles like a big X, but it was open, right? So you could go on it, but the only way that you could avoid these poles was to jump over them in the middle. - Or go under them, right? - Or go under them, which you weren't gonna do 'cause the gap to jump over was like this, which isn't much, but when you're a beginner or even if you're experienced- - Your board is not coming off the snow. - It's hard to get, if you're not experienced doing any kind of jump on a snowboard, lifting your board up for a considerable amount of time is unnatural and hard to do. - They're heavy as well. - Yeah, it's heavy. It's like this, right? So there's no way you'll get, maybe like this, right? - Yeah, it was like that. - Off the ground. And so I was like, all right, "Just jump over it, Garnt." So I went, I jumped over it and my board like just clipped it a little bit. And I was like, oh shit. I turn around, Garnt fucking jumps, just fucking jumps. (all laughing) Face plants. And I was like I knew it was gonna happen, but it was funny. - This late in the day. When I was like, I was like starting- - He was getting the hang of it. - I was like starting to get the feel of this right? And you know, I went with the philosophy of just like, I'm just gonna fall down and hopefully I'll learn something new every time I fall down. - Trial by fire, right? - Yeah. Like there's only so many ways you can fall down before you figure out a way to not fall down, right? - Of course. - And so I remember seeing, like I remember seeing these crosses in the middle of like this course that I was going down with Connor. And I was like, I fell down before and I was like, "Connor, what do we do? Why do they have these here?" - What is this? - Yeah, what is this? - And they're like, "I don't know. Just fucking jump over or go under it, right?" - Just jump over. (laughing) - 'Cause like there were two options. You can either like jump over it or you can like crouch super low and just go under it. Right? - Yeah. - It was it's like, you couldn't really crouch under. - Yeah. - You'd have to like lift them up and stop. I don't know why they were there. No one explained why they were there. that they shouldn't have been there, I'm not really sure. - I guess someone just forgot to put it away. - I think so, it was pretty weird, but I was like sick, free jump test. Let's do it. - So I was like, by the time me and Connor were going down, I was getting confident with myself. I was like going a bit faster than I was before. You know, just limit testing myself. And just as I did like this fucking sick turn, I was like, "Fuck yes." - It was a pretty good turn, it was a good turn. - Yeah, I did I think the first clean turn of my trip down front. - Going front to like back. - Yeah, and like I heard Connor being like, "Oh dude, fuck yeah, that was clean." I was like, "Fuck yeah." And then I see this X coming up, this pole coming up and I'm just like, "All right, pro gamer time. I'm gonna attempt a pro gamer move. - Let me unlock 100% of my brain right now. - Yeah, I saw Connor do it and I just had to, I saw Connor do it and I was just like you know that scene in the "Matrix" where Morpheus just goes back to Neo and is just like, "All you need to do is believe." (all laughing) It's the jump test. And I'm just like, "Oh, okay, Morpheus. I can do this." - Yeah. - Then I get close, like immediately realize I've jumped way too late. (laughing) - He just jumped into it. - Instead of like even jumping over it. I just fucking jumped straight into it. - Just face-planted, it was so good. 'Cause I was basically just following Garnt with my face backwards, he must've been so creeped out. I was just like going backwards down the slope like this watching him. Just checking, make sure what he was doing. And then actually watched him go into it. It was so fucking funny. - Oh, man. - I got Mackey back. I took Mackey down like this slope that was ridiculous. I was like, oh, 'cause they all stopped and Meilyne quit. And I was like, "All right, Mackey , let's go down." - For the record, Meilyne and Sydney quit 'cause they're weak. - [Meilyne] You were the first one to quit. - No! Meilyne, no I wasn't! - Meilyne came back the second day and was like, "I'm returning, guys." It was like "Lord of the Rings." He came back finally. Meilyne did like one slope and was like, "I'm done, guys." And then left. - No, 'cause Meilyne, she also had the choice to snowboard or ski, right? And after about like one attempt going down this beginning of slope on the snowboard, she quits and just tries skiing again. - And then quit 'cause she was shit at it. - 'Cause she couldn't do it. (all laughing) Skiing is easy, right guys? - She was like, "I know how to do it." Couldn't do it. (all laughing) - [Meilyne] I just don't have the strength. (all laughing) - Oh, yeah, that's what they say, that's what they all say. - So you couldn't do it. - If only you had the skis that first time around. - Yeah. - It's like, yeah, I can do it. - Yeah, easy. - I'm just holding back. - Yeah. I didn't wanna show off, you know? - Yeah. And then Meilyne came back the next day and was like guys, 'cause she only did like two slopes on the first day. She was like, "All right, I'm gonna come back and do snowboarding again. I'm ready to try it. I can do it. Did like one thing and then gave up. But at least she did try again a second time. - Yeah, yeah. - So I was impressed. - I did try again the second day actually because I remember so I went like all out on the first day. Right? 'Cause I remember I didn't- - You were fucked. - I was fucked. I didn't realize how tired I was because we went down the slope like a bunch of times. I was there all day. - Yeah. - Took a lot of tumbles on the first day. - As you do. - And I was so ready for the second day 'cause I'm just like, by the end of the first day, I was just at the point when I was getting the hang of it, right? - Yeah, yeah. - So I was like, fuck yes, day two. Let's go. I opened my eyes on day two and I felt like I fucking got punched by Mike Tyson or something like that, right? Like I didn't realize that the thing that hurt the most was my neck. - Oh yeah. - 'Cause you've been hitting your neck a bunch. - Yeah, yeah. - From the whiplash probably. - Yeah, I didn't realize that whiplash was a thing when you tumble that much but now I know that whiplash is definitely a thing. - You should have got a helmet as well. They didn't give you one. - Oh, you weren't wearing helmets? - They didn't give him one for some reason. - Oh. that's fucking dangerous. Jesus Christ. - They didn't give us helmets I don't think. - Yeah, when I saw them without helmets, I was like, this is a terrible idea. (all laughing) I could go a whole day without a helmet, but like if I was doing like hard stuff, I would be very like, I would not go down the hard ones that I went down. - I mean, if I went again, 'cause last time I went snowboarding was like fuck, like six years ago, I would definitely get a helmet just 'cause like my body's not used to it. - I didn't really give a shit 'cause I was with these guys on like the green slopes and blue slopes and I was like, ah, fuck it, it's fine. But then like if I went down, like I took- - If you went down to like a black diamond- - Well, yeah, so I took Mackey down a black diamond. I was like, oh, okay. So everyone had left and then it was Mackey was the one calling them a coward. And I was like, "All right, it's time. Let's go and it's going to do a real one." And there's a double black diamond, which I wanted to do. - [Joey] To clarify like black diamond is like the hardest type of course. - [Connor] It's just like double black diamond was just like the most extreme. - Yeah. - And I couldn't convince him to do that 'cause I think he was like, "Oh, no, I'm good, but I'm not like that." I was like, all right, okay. - I love how something about snowboarding just just turns every guy into a dude bro. You know what I mean? Like I can just imagine like when Garnt did that clean turn and Connor was like, "Yo!" (all laughing) - I was proud. - Like what is it about it that turns you into a lad? - Because you want your boys to enjoy it so that you can come back again. You know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah. - Like when I'm bringing my friends, my biggest worry is that they will hate it from falling over too much and they don't want to do it again. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Because then I'm like I can't bring my friends again. Like, we can't go to the Alps. You know? We can't go to Italy, drink espressos, then hit the slopes. Have a few bevies in Germany and hit the alps. You know? That's what I want to do. So and then I was like, "Yeah, it's just the boys now. Its just me and Mackey. I'm gonna take him down a black." And so I found one that, he definitely didn't want to do it. I was like, "Come on, let's do it. Come on. I'll be fine. I'll be fine." - Knowing Mackey he can't say no, right? - He was like, "Ah." He's like, "I wanted to do a harder slope, but like not this hard." I'm like, "Oh, it'll be fine, it'll be fine. - Yeah, yeah. - Literally like this slope, you can't see the bottom of it. Like you can't see over it until you start going down. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's like that steep. - Yeah. - And then when I started going on it, I was like, "Oh, I think this is closed." (laughing) Because it hadn't been treated at all. It was like all ice, it was all steep ice, like crevices. And like it was so steep that when you'd go off a little bit, you would just fall and hit like a crevice, ice. It took all my fucking energy to get down this thing without falling over. - Yeah, that's fucking terrifying. - I was absolutely exhausted. I don't really get tired when I go on like blue or red ones 'cause I don't really have to use that much work. I can kind of be lazy, but on the really tough ones, the amount you're turning, you have to constantly turn and throw your body where the board is like, no, no, no, we can't turn on this, it's too steep. - Yeah. - You have to force it otherwise you're going too fast. So I'm like knackered and then I look up and I see Mackie just, he gets up, fucking like falls over, gets up, falls over, gets up, falls over. I was like, "Oh my God, Meilyne's gonna fucking kill me." - [Meilyne] I was lucky you didn't have the GPS on. - Yeah, Meilyne thought I liked killed him. She was like, "Oh my God, oh my God. Connor's gonna kill him." - Yeah, 'cause that was on the second day, right? - Yeah, second day. - Yeah, 'cause like we went our separate ways on the second day because I woke up, felt like everything was aching. Everything felt like shit. But I was just like, no, I'ma gonna still go. - You're still pumped, right? - I'm still pumped because I really, really wanted a second day. So I was like, oh, easily, fight through the pain. What? It is just a bit of muscle ache, right? You can get through a bit of muscle ache. So these guys go off to like a completely different course. - Yeah, there's like two sides of the mountain. - Yeah, there was like two sides of the mountain so these guys go on a completely different course and I'm just like, great. I'll just be left to my own devices and by the end of this day, I'm going to conquer this beginner hill. Right? Because I felt like- - Lift too. (Garnt laughing) - So Sydney had given up by then and everyone else was on this other hill. And on the second day it was actually like almost empty compared to the first day 'cause the first day was like, I think like, it was like a Sunday, wasn't it? Or like a Saturday? - Yeah, it must've been. - It was like a public holiday I think. And the second day wasn't a public holiday so like the slopes were like almost empty. - It was like perfect conditions as well, there's like a shit ton of snow and it was perfectly clear. Sun was out. It was like, perfect. - Nice, nice. - So that was good. - So I get up to the beginners slope on the second day, everything aching as fuck. And I'm just like, it's fine. All I need to do is like tumble once and I'll just like fight through the pain and you know, get it over with. So like I go down, right? I start going down this beginner hill, get further than I did yesterday- - [Joey] That's good. - I gotten more used to it and then I tumble and I was like, all right. I'm like, you know, I expect this, but like I tumbled and I landed with my head like downhill. So like I was like downhill like this. - Yeah. - Right? And then I quickly realized, oh, how do I get up? (Joey laughing) Right? Cause my neck, my neck muscles were not working at that point so I could not lift my neck to go like that. I was not only like, I was lifting it not only like, you know, even when I was like perfectly flat, it was hard enough to lift my neck up. No, I was going against the hill as well, to lift my neck up. So I quickly realized I couldn't lift my neck up. And I quickly realized how heavy my gear that I was wearing was. - Yeah, 'cause what I would do is just, if I'm face down, I just bring my board, I do like a flip back. - You can do a flip, but you can also kind of just like around turn your body around like shimmy your way around. - If you wanna be faster, you can just fucking throw your legs and just stamp it into the snow. - Yeah, I did not have enough ab strength at that time to like lift my board up, that's how much like how much like my everything was achy. - Yeah, of course. - This episode of Trash Taste sponsored by Manscaped. - Father's Day is just around the corner and you probably need a gift for a hairy dad. Make your dad proud this year and get him and yourself the Manscaped Lawn Mower 4.0. You heard that right, Joey. The Lawn Mower 4.0. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code trash taste at - Every time I go into an onsen here in Japan, I look around at all of these men and think damn, they're hairy as hell. (all laughing) They need some Manscaped in their lives. - Particularly, the 4.0 Lawn Mower. - Manscaped is the only men's brand dedicated to below the waist grooming and just launched their Lawn Mower 4.0. Their fourth-generation trimmer features a cutting edge ceramic blade to reduce grooming accidents thanks to the advanced skin safe TM technology. - The new wireless charging system uses electromagnetic induction, which helps the battery length last longer. - [Connor] Manscaped also has the Weed Wacker and nose and ear hair trimmer. It's the best nose hair trimmer on the market and the perfect gift for your pops. - Hey son, I want Manscaped for Father's Day. Thank you very much. - Glad to know, dad, that you can get Manscaped and you can get 20% off plus free shipping with the code trash taste at - Don't forget that you came from your dad's balls. This is on script, everyone. - I was the best load my dad ever shot. (laughing) - Back to the fucking video. I kind of realized quickly I was in a little bit of a pickle because I didn't know how I was going to get up with all this heavy gear. So what I tried doing is just like slowly shimming, what was I- - Shimming. - Shimming my body to be like horizontal or something where I could get up. That took ages. I must've been there for like 40 minutes, right? - No one helped you? - No, no, no, that's the point. I was there for like a good 20 minutes. And I'd gotten around like I'd say about 20 degrees. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - If I saw someone upside down, I would go over and be like, "Yo, you good? Homie, you good?" - So after about 20 degrees, like someone skis down and says, "Are you okay? Do you need any help?" And I'm just like (panting) "No, I'm okay. I think I got this." (laughing) So he goes, "Okay." And he offers me a hand and so I get up and I, you know, he helps me sit back up and so I sit back up and he goes back over and I'm like, okay, I got this. I try shimming a bit more, slip, like my body slips a bit and I'm like back on my back. Right? (Joey laughing) And I had never known how it felt to be like, you know, when you see like a tortoise on their back. - Yeah.. - And they can't get back up. That's exactly how I felt. (all laughing) - One with nature, man. - And so I find after another 20 minutes, I finally get to the point where my feet is like I'm feet first downhill and I'm just like fuck this. I take off the snowboard and I walk. I walked the rest of the way down. I am not going through that experience again. - I will do whatever it takes to not take the board off. I'm like, I will do- - Honestly, that's what I thought, but I'm just like, it took me literally 40 minutes. - I just hate admitting defeat and taking my board off. - There's nothing sadder than just like walking down while everyone's just (imitates swooshing) past you, right? - Yeah. - It was a depressing day. - But if you have to do it, you have to do it. - It's crazy like everyone snowboards in Japan. It's really weird. In Europe, everyone skies. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, Japan.... Yeah, for some reason- - And no one was helmets. - No. - No one wears helmets. - It's scary. - Yeah. - And the rental place didn't even offer it. - No, that's I- - It's like an option you have to ask for. - It's nuts and I was like, "You don't offer helmets?" - 'Cause I got like the rental pack, which was apparently like the all-inclusive pack. And they just, yeah. - Clearly not all inclusive, is it? - I mean, like a beginner, you know, even like professionals wear helmets, you know what I mean? - Exactly. - You never know what could happen, right? 'Cause fucking, what was it? Michael Schumacher fell and hit a rock, didn't he? And then he's in a vegetative state now I think. - [Joey] Is he? - And he was a really experienced skier. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he just hit a rock. - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. - I guess nobody told me and I wish I... (Connor laughing) - I turned up and I'm like, "Oh God, they don't have helmets." (Garnt laughing) - Scary. - I mean, I wish I had worn a helmet so I could go the second day without feeling like- - It would help with your neck as well, because you wouldn't be like- - Yeah, I wouldn't be like fucking. - Would it or would it just be like extra weight on your head? You're like, "Oh, God!" - No, 'cause I feel like that extra distance you go that the helmet cushions. - Oh, that's true, that's true. - Definitely helps. - Yeah, that's true. - Also though, dude, skiing and then being able to get like a fat ramen or a curry, oh damn, that's good. - Oh yeah, like that onsen you go to after a full day of snowboarding is the best fucking feeling. It is the best sleep you'll have. - Onsen in this place, was just like a view of just like the ski slopes. - Yeah, it was like an outdoor onsen where you just viewed the mountains. - And they like refurbished it all as well. - Yeah, yeah, you could feel like the snow coming down. Take me back, man. Take me back. - Well, hopefully I'll be able to join you guys this year. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Dude, I want to ski so God damn much this season because I haven't done nearly as much as I wanted to when I came here. - Yeah. Fucking dude, again, like I haven't gone snowboarding or skiing in like five years. - Yeah and it's suppose to be like some of the best skiing in the world in Japan. - Yeah. - Yeah. Some of the slopes I walked on is fucking insane. - I would just want an experience where I'm not on my ass for literally 90% of the day. That would be a cool experience for me, man. - Right, also just after you're all like sore, you know, you all go the onsen then you go for the meal and you get a bunch of beers. Oh, it's so good, dude. - Yeah. - The after ski beer or snowboarding is just like. - Yeah, 100%. - Yeah. - Like how long did it take you to learn snowboarding? - So I always did skiing's 'cause my parents took me. They do like the whole package holidays. I fucking hated skiing, because you'd ski in like groups with like, we'd go to like Bulgaria where it's like dirt cheap to like do it and you'd have to be in a group of other families. And I didn't really enjoy it 'cause I was like the rebellious kid so I wanted to do my own thing, but you have to like go and like follow along and so I'd say it took me like, before I got like good enough to go on any slope skiing, it was like three weeks. And then I taught myself how to snowboard. - Yeah, because once you've gotten the grasp of skiing, it's very easy to kind of, because you're already used to the lack of friction- - Yeah, it was still really difficult. - It's still hard, it's still hard. - 'Cause it like didn't make sense in my head. - Nothing can prepare you for just how snowboarding works, because it really goes against everything your mind has trained you for. - I mean, especially the difference between like skiing and snowboarding, right? 'Cause like in skiing it's like, if you're facing down the hill, then you're gonna go and if you're not, then you've stopped. It's the literal opposite with snowboarding, right? You need to be facing the side to go and this way you stop. - But you know, the thing that made me want to change really badly was that I, I'm sure anyone who skis will know this, that the shoes are just fucking awful. - [Joey] Ugh, the worst, the worst. Concrete blocks on your feet. - You know, 'cause we were doing like, I'm really very grateful that my parents took me on these like, they were like the cheapest skiing holidays you could get so we often stayed really, really far away from the places and you'd have to put your ski shoes on- - Yeah. Kind of look like clown shoes. - Yeah, so you put these shoes on like 10 minutes before you'd like, 10 minute walk from the bus. So you have to walk. I'm like 13 with my skis. I'm not that strong yet. Walking 10 minutes with my skis in these horrible things, click, clop, click, and then have to wait on the bus for 20 minutes and you have to walk another like five minutes and it's just like, I hated it. And then I was like, you know what? I hate these shoes so god damn much. It's so painful wearing them. Everything about these suck. - They absolutely destroy your ankles. - Yeah, and then I was like, I don't care what it takes. I'm gonna learn to snowboard for those God, 'cause you just get boots. - Yeah, the first time I was snowboarding boots, I was like, "I can walk normally!" - When you're at the restaurant, you know, you see these people with their trays like clopping with their skis with their food on it, and I'm like move out the way. Chad snowboarder boots here. - Runs past! - Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, don't mind me, just getting a beer, I'll take that, thank you very much. Its like you just get so much more freedom and it's so much chiller, like I don't know. You haven't got poles to carry, and so that's why I wanted to learn it. I fucking sucked. First three days, I just kept falling over. - [Joey] Oh yeah, same. - Me and my little brother did it at the same time and my little brother sprained his ankle like first day. And I was like, no, I'm determined. I'd say snowboarding the first week that I did it, I was pretty shit. I could go down a black slope by the end, but I was doing it really badly. I was just like going like this, you know, really slowly, but like I went down it. And then I'd say it took me like maybe two or three more weeks before I felt like I was actually doing it good. - Hmm. - Yeah, I was self taught. - Yeah. I mean it's just about like, you know, just getting your body used to those weird movements that- - Yeah and going fast, speed. - Yeah. But also it's just like just, you just have to commit to some of these. Like you just have to be like, I know this is not what I'm supposed to do, but I have to do this. - Yeah. - And it's scary, dude. Like leaning forward on a hill, like you're not built for that. Your brain's not built to do that. - Your brain's not built to be like, you know this thing you're going down fast? You gotta lean forward. - Yeah. - Into the danger. - Yeah, I always felt when I was skiing, when you go fast, when you're skiing, I almost feel like it's like safer than going slower. - Yeah, weirdly- - It felt safer because like the way that, I don't know how it worked, but when I was going snowboarding, when I started getting speed, it did not feel like secure at all. It's wobbling and anything that hits the board underneath, you feel it a fuck ton when you're going really fast. It is fucking terrifying. - Yeah. - And if you tumble when you're going like really fast. Oh my God. You're just fucking tumbling all over the place. Yeah, it's like some "Looney Tunes" shit. - And also like tumbling with just these massive things on your feet, it never feels natural, you know? It's like having two concrete bricks, just like glued to your feet. - It's like the green army man, right? (all laughing) - Just kind of learn, just of like do this and then hopefully you fall good. Just don't put your hands out. That's the hardest part is learning. When you fall naturally, you want to put your hands out, but that's when you sprain your ankles, not ankles, your wrists. - Your wrists. - You can get like the wrist guards, but they don't help that much. - I mean, what I got taught, 'cause I got taught by like a professional snowboarder. and he said like, "When you fall, like you have to fall with your fists, 'cause If you fall like this it goes back." - Just don't do that. - He did that and broke both of his wrists at the same time. So he's like, "Don't do that, that shit hurts. I can tell you firsthand." - I just put my arms like that. - Yeah, you just fucking do this then you're good. - Yeah. Just don't fall. - Just get good, right? - Why would I fall? - No, literally what I found from snowboarding is that it's literally the get good of sports, right? (Garnt and Joey laughing) - If you're being taught by Mackey, yeah. - Just don't be a pussy and just get good. - I mean like when I started getting used to it, there was nothing that could prepare my mind like, you know, I watch YouTube. When I watched the YouTube tutorials, I tried to follow what they were saying, but nothing could really prepare me for just like getting the feel of the snowboard 'cause it's like you've got to shut off a part of your brain and relearn another skill set when you're like snowboarding and stuff. - Yeah and also like just while you're putting pressure on your toes and your, like the exact point, can determine so much on how you're steering. You get so much more controlled once you realize like, okay, if I just have faith, I put pressure here, it'll turn where I want it to. But you kind of got to like not panic to learn that. - Yeah, panicking is what fucks you up the most. - Yeah. - It's good though. I mean, if you ever get the chance to go, go, but obviously- - Honestly, yeah. - I feel like it is a very privileged sport. (laughing) - It is. Yeah. We've been talking about a lot of privileged activities, haven't we? Like kayaking and snowboarding. I remember when I was at the ski resort and I phoned my mom said to tell her that I was like snowboarding and she was like, "Oh, you rich now, are you?" (all laughing) 'Cause to me, like snowboarding and skiing has always been like the rich man's sport. It's always been like the white man's sport, you know? - White man's sport. (laughing) - Fuck, fuck. - That's how I was raised up to like view snowboarding and skiing because you know, when I go on holiday, you know, I visit back home and everything, but I go to like a nice cheap beach or whatever in Thailand or whatever. Snowboarding and skiing, like the only reason I'd never gone before was because there seems to be like so many steps and so much equipment that you need in order just to go down a slope. It's kind of like golfing, you know? - Yeah, I was about to say, there's two types of rich white man sports. It's you either go skiing and snowboarding or you play golf. - Well, I think I saw something I don't know if this is true at all, but I saw something and it was like, it was like based on like sports or accidents in general, what percentage of them were white people. And it was like the whitest accident you can have is on a fucking jet ski. (Garnt laughing) - I can't remember where it was. It was like 99.5% of accidents on jet skis were white people. - White people. - And then the next one was skiing and snowboarding. - Yeah, of course. - It had like 97 or something. - There's nothing more white than a jet ski. - I was gonna say when you put it like that, yeah, I don't think there is anything whiter than owning a jet ski. (all laughing) I mean, it's the whitest thing. - Have you ever been on a jet ski? - No. - Have you thought about going on a jet ski? - I'd like to. - I'd like to. - Who the fuck owns a jet ski? - I don't know. - I don't live in like Florida or shit like that. - I've been on a jet ski. It's fun as fuck. - Really? - Yeah, because I mean, in Thailand, obviously with the beach and everything, there's some services where you can rent out a jet ski for like a half an hour or whatever. I mean, it's basically just a motorbike on water. - Do you jump off it? - Huh? (all laughing) - Do you do a sick trick? (all laughing) - SSX on a jet ski. - You do any flips? - Whoa! (all laughing) - No, I mean, it's just a lot of fun. I could see how people get injured on that though. You go pretty fast and you think that it's water so it doesn't hurt. - Water's like hitting concrete. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. - Yeah. You think. - You think that falling off at full speed, it doesn't hurt, but it fucking hurts. - [Joey] Yeah. - But it's a lot of fucking fun. I mean, I haven't done much on it. I mean, I've only had like half an hour on a jet ski on a beach in Thailand once, but that's pretty much it. - I feel like that's all I need. I'd be like, "You know what? Now I'm done." - Yeah. I've fulfilled the white man experience. (all laughing) - I'll tell you that this like ski resort that we stayed at, it was like, its theme, like its theme was like, it was very like inspired by I guess like American culture. (Connor laughing) - That sounds so bizarre. A Japanese ski result inspired by Americans. - By American culture. - Yeah, it's really weird. It was like kind of what I imagined, what I imagine a ferry would be like. You know, it had a lot of different, a lot of different things. - 1950s carnival style, I'd say. - Yeah. - Oh weird, in Japan? - In Japan. - Whereabouts did you guys go? - Hokkaido. - Hokkaido. - Oh, Hokkaido. - But there was some areas of this hotel that were like totally normal, chill, but there's a big area that was like kid's theme park. - Yeah. - Carnival theme. It was really weird. It was really fucking bizarre. - So they had like these animatronics, animals. - Oh, like some Chuck E. Cheese shit. - Yeah, exactly like that. Like some Chuck E. Cheese shit, right? But I don't know when they had bought these animantronics. But I don't know when they had bought these animantronics. because we were just, me and Sydney were just sitting there and they play these like songs, right? They'd have these like animatronic concerts, like in this like children's area where you can buy fucking burgers and fries. It was like an eating area. - It was full on Chuck E. Cheese. What the fuck? - Yeah. Basically. And these poor employees had to listen to these fucking things sing all day. - Yeah and so, me and Sydney were just enjoying like a nice burger and everything like that. Other than this fucking animatronic dog or something just starts bigging up the Confederacy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What? - Yeah and I was just like, me and Sydney had to double-take to be like, did we just hear that correctly? Like what is going on right now? - Yeah, 'cause I walked past them and I was like doing my own thing, I'm like why they're wearing Confederate soldier uniforms? - Oh my God. - Dead ass. - Jesus Christ. - So after we heard that, we took like a closer look at these animatronics, right? To be like what is going on? When did they buy these and where did they buy these from? And we saw one of the bears was, it was very, let's say not very tasteful. - 1920s black cartoon character. - Oh no. - Yes, yes. - Oh no. - The lips were like massive, you know? And it had the stereotypical cartoon black man accent with like 1920s, you know? Like the whole, like I don't even... It's literally if you go and watch a Disney cartoon from the 1920s with a black person with that like kind of like stereotypical accent they gave them and character, it was just that. And it's like, oh no, oh no, oh no. - Oh no. Why? Why? Why? You can't make that shit up. - These poor Japanese tourists are just like, "Ah, American culture. Yeah!" Kids are jut like running around being like, "Mama, what's the Confederacy?" - Oh my God. (Garnt laughing) - Oh yes, Meilyne's got a fucking video. - Can you show it to Joey? - Nothing weirder than that thing standing next to Miku. - Yeah. (laughing) - Like is that a Miku scene? - [Meilyne] It was but I... - What is this? Oh no. Oh no! Oh, that is ugly. - It was a really good resort though. It's really cheap, good onsen. - It was a really good resort. - Really good resort but- - Despite that, fantastic. - Jesus Christ. Oh. - It is one of those things you're like, "This is great. What is going on here?" - Why is this a thing? Why is this here? - Yeah. - It's like you have your 90 year old aunt who has that one piece of memorabilia where you're like, "Auntie, you should probably throw that away." - You should probably not talk about that. - Yeah. You should probably get rid of that I think. - Yeah. I mean, to give them the benefit of the doubt I don't think that anyone there knew. - Yeah, they don't know. - But it's the matter of like, you know, when tourism comes back in, right? - Oh, it's been there for decades. - Well, clearly. Yeah. How has no tourists come up and been like, "You know what that is, right? That's probably not a good idea." - Yeah, I wanted to think of like, you know, because obviously in the past five, six years, it's been a very hot topic. - Yeah. - And it's only now where we've really started to be like, we should probably get rid of all that shit. - Yeah, it's not a good idea. - So I wonder through, I wonder, has anyone send them an email, letting them know like, "Hey, love the animatronics. They're great. They're really great." - "The dog is cute but." - "Maybe we should kind of change up the theme a little bit. We got a bunch of Miku's probably lying around. We could probably reservice them." - That picture of the Miku next to the dog. I was like, that is some cursed shit right there. That looked photoshopped. - I fucking.... I didn't want to like swear off this place. I thought it was, you know, I'm sure, you know? - There had to be a reason behind it, right? - It was a nice place and I really did feel like they were just like ignorant, you know what I mean? - Yeah, I mean, it kind of felt like they had just like brought some memorabilia from America, they didn't know what they were buying. - Well, I mean this is Hokkaido, right? A lot of the fucking ski resorts are in the middle of nowhere. - Yeah, it's in the middle of fucking nowhere. They have no idea about anything like what's going on. - It makes sense but it's still not good. - It was just super fucking weird because you walk into this- - Yeah, it was really bizarre. - You walk into this- - It's the last thing you expected to see in the middle of fucking nowhere in Japan. - Yeah. - Because we had to like, we got to go on a coach that lasted about two, three hours in the middle of fucking Hokkaido, right? So we were going in the middle of nowhere and we walk in and it's just like old American memorabilia everywhere. It was so fucking bizarre. - It was massive as well. The hotel part was really fancy as well. So like the entrance to this hotel was like marble, like pure marble with like pillars and it's like what the fuck? It's so fancy you can get a helicopter from the airport to the hotel. - Fucking hell. - Yeah. - But then they just had this whole thing that's like... And then also, I mean, completely unrelated, but I was really offended when I bought a, what was it, advertised as a coffee. And I paid $3 for it. And I'm like okay, it's not the most expensive coffee, but I was like, all right, fine, paid $3 for it. I literally dead I saw this woman put a fucking shitty pod into a machine and then click coffee. I'm like, "I don't want it anymore. - Was it a Nespresso? - Was it a Nespresso at least? - It wasn't even an Nespresso. It was some budget version of Nespresso. I was like what is this? - I can't believe it. - You know, if it's a Nespresso, maybe I'd pay $3 for it. - Not even a Nespresso. - Yeah, that's like the bare minimum. If you're charging for a coffee, you know, I'm not expecting much. But like if you're gonna put the pod in fucking front of me, like literally just get the pod in front of me, boom. - Right in front of my coffee. Really? - Really? I was like I don't wanna drink this shit. Get this acid water out of my face. I don't want to... Connor showing his privilege clearly here. - Yeah, yeah. If it's a pod, get it out of my face. - I've become spoiled on coffee to the point where I just can't like drink the shit stuff anymore. Like instant coffee, the thought of drinking that now like the one in the tubs. - The Nescafe ones. - Oh fuck, dude, fuck. Oh, Jesus Christ. I'm showing my privilege. I don't even care, dude. If showing my privilege means I don't have to drink that again, gladly. - Look at you, not drinking instant coffee, going snowboarding. The true rich white man experience. - It's not privileged, it's called fucking taking care of myself, not putting that fucking dirt water acid into my body. If you're still drinking instant coffee, I get it. If you're desperate, I always have it in the cupboard. If I'm desperate, I have nothing else, I'll do it. But if that's your like, "Can't wait for my morning cup of coffee." Puts acid in the hot water. No, don't do that. You're worth more than that. Don't enable these companies to sell this garbage shit that they call coffee, it's not coffee. Rant over. (Garnt laughing) - Ted Talk. - Would you drink it? - No, I don't drink it. - Back me up here, boys. What the fuck!? - I mean, you kind saying what I thinking. - Yeah, the stage is all yours, man. - Let the white man, fucking... - Yeah, let the privileged white man who just came back from snowboarding say it. - I just didn't come back! It's fucking May! Where am I gonna snowboard!? (Joey laughing) - Oh my God. - No, 'cause like the worst part of like staying in a hotel, right? Is just knowing that you're gonna have to like drink that shitty instant three-in-one coffee. - You mean that shitty coffee that you have at the ryokan as well? At camping? - Oh God. Don't remind me, man. - So there's this coffee machine in the ryokan, right? - Okay. Hold up though. The fact that there's a coffee machine in a ryokan,, is already.... There's normally no coffee to be found in these places - Yeah, usually there isn't, right? So all of us, when we walked in, we saw that and the guy was like, "Yeah, so for people who are staying, you get free coffee at the coffee machine." And everyone's like, "Perfect. That's great. Tomorrow morning's going to be fantastic." Walk up and my first red flag was, it was like "Free coffee." And I was like- - No, no, make me pay, please make me pay. - There is nothing scarier than something that's for free. - 'Cause I was going to be like- - Tea, (indistinct) that's fine. - Yeah. I was like it's a machine that serves coffee and you press the button and you could hear beans grinding. So I'm just like, surely, surely there must be some quality to this if I can hear something whirring in the machine, it's not just a pod or something like that. So I get this coffee, I drink it and I'm just like, man, I'd never thought I would ask for a refund for a free coffee, but I'm kind of considering it now. - How was it so bad though if it's like grounded coffee if there's beans- - I mean, I don't know if it was grounded coffee. They're might've just been like beans just whirling in a container. - I'm pretty sure they just grounded dirt and they sold it as coffee 'cause that's what it fucking tasted like. - I'm pretty sure those were rocks that were being ground up like from the dirt that they dug up. - It's like how some vacuums have like speakers in them to have like sounds play when you pick up stuff. Like to make it sound more- - Yeah. - It was not fresh coffee. It was a lie. - If it was beans, those beans have been there since those animatronics have been there. - Once you grind the beans, they go bad like within like, oh God, I don't know how long. Maybe like a few weeks. - Well, clearly the people at the hotel didn't know. They're like, well, I mean, once they're in the machine, they're good to go, aren't they? - Yeah, beans, they get pretty bad pretty quickly. - [Joey] Yeah. - That's why it's just like grind them when you drink them. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But clearly they didn't think about that though. Like, well, there you go. Unlimited supply of coffee right here for you fine people staying at our hotel. - Honestly, I will happily be called privileged for just wanting good coffee. I'll take it. I'll take it. 'Cause I remember like- - The most acceptable form of privilege. - I was like, okay, so if I'm privileged, fine, I'm not a peasant then. As long as I'm not a peasant, fine, fine. - 'Cause like I remember like I've grown up my entire life on instant coffee. Like my childhood was my parents like drinking instant coffee with powdered Coffee Mates, right? And that was just my entire life. I remember, like after I finished university, I had my first job, you know, I tried try getting a coffee machine for the first time. And I remember the first thing my mum and dad said to me, was like, "Oh, you don't need a coffee machine. We got fucking Nescafe right here. Just it's cheap." - It's so easy. - "It's easy, grind it up." - Mother, I respect myself and I'm not putting that dirt in my body. - So one year I buy them for like, I think it was, I can't remember if it was Christmas or one of their birthdays, buy them a coffee machine, right? I'm just like, "Mum, Dad, try this. Just try it. Just give it a try." - Just give it a go. - And now every few weeks or something, they're just like, "Son, we need more pods., Son, where do we buy the pods?" (laughing) - It is so much better. It's like night and day how much better it is. - Yeah. - It's a lot more expensive obviously. - That's what I'm looking forward to in my new place 'cause my old place, I didn't have enough space for a Nespresso machine, right? So I'm like, fuck the curtains, fuck the couches, fuck the beds, Nespresso machine. That is the first thing on my list right now. - I said this on the live stream, bro. I could lose my house and I'm like, "Can I keep the coffee machine at least though?" - If my house catches on fire, I'm taking the Nespresso machine. - What do you save, your gaming PC, all your life's work? Nah, I'm grabbing the coffee machine. (Garnt and Joey laughing) At least I can watch my house burn down with a nice cup of coffee. - With a nice cup of coffee. - With a nice tasting espresso. You know what I mean? Fuck me. - Oh my God. - Honestly, I wish we did bring a coffee machine on camping. Fuck the TV. - Yeah, I mean that's what the power outlet was for, right? - If you got a power outlet, why would you not bring... Fucking plug it in. - I think that's what the power outlet was for honestly. - Plug it into Garnt's fucking monstrosity of a generator and bring an espresso machine with you. Bring the milk frother too. (all laughing) - And bring the milk, put it in a mini fridge, connect the mini fridge to your thing as well. - I can just imagine, dude. I step out of my tent, I'm like ah. And I hear like (buzzing) and I look over at someone else's camping lot and I see them with an espresso machine. I'd be like, you fucking 10,000 IQ mother fuck. I hate you so much right now. And then he fucking froths the milk and I'm like, "God damn it!" - God, I wish that was me. - Bringing a TV, weak shit. Bringing your own espresso machine and milk frother, that's big brain, bro. - That is big brain. - Really the big brain stuff. - The thing about camping, I don't know why, but like most food you cook on camping, it tastes good, right? - There's something about the camping cook that gives you the taste to it. - There's something about just cooking something on an open fire that just makes it be like, your caveman brain just activates ad you're just like, "This tastes good." - Bacon on campfire is like next level. - Any meat on campfire is like legendary. - The only thing that is just never translated is coffee. Coffee, like camping coffee is just like the most, okay. - Literally the headset meme of the guy ripping it off, campfire coffee. I'm like. (sighs) - Yeah, because let's be honest. Camping is basically just homeless simulator for like a few days, right? - I don't know about that. - It's like privileged homeless simulator. (all laughing) - Have you guys ever seen a homeless person before? - It's like homeless simulator with a savings account. - Ah, trying to get us speed run canceled over here. (all laughing) - What, by the homeless community? (laughing) - No, I mean, you're basically going homeless for a few days in the middle of the field. Right? - I mean, you got a tent, you have a fucking power outlet. Name one homeless person with a power outlet, Garnt. - Well, I'm not saying in Japan. - Yeah, not in Japan. - I'm just saying normally. Like have you seen... - I don't think homeless people are like, "You know what? I'm homeless, I'm gonna retreat to the mountains." They don't do that. That's not what they fucking do because they don't have a fucking tent 'cause they're homeless. (all laughing) - Oh my God. - That's Skid Row. - I mean, this is getting a bit off topic, but I mean, yeah, I've seen some homeless people have tents. Do they not have tents? - They do. (laughing) They do and it depends where you are though. I mean, Skid Row, everyone has a fucking tent. - Yeah, they're all camping. - Exactly. - They're not fucking... (all laughing) Trash Taste canceled. - I'm just joking. I'm just joking. - We apologize if any of these jokes are very tasteless, which they probably are. - They probably are, it's all right. - But no. What was I saying? - Garnt's homeless simulator. - It was homeless simulator. Like there's nothing that has made me just like feel more like... (laughing) - Are you gonna say you feel grateful? - I feel grateful that I have a roof over my head. - You are so fucking white right now. - I feel grateful that I have a roof over my head and that I have a coffee machine. - I spent one day in the outdoors with a tent with a power outlet. (Joey grunting) And I'm so grateful that I have all this. - It wasn't a tent. It wasn't a power outlet. It was the coffee, which was what I was trying to say. (Joey laughing) - So if you want to feel grateful for your coffee machine, go camping. - If I said that, that would come off as 10 times more privileged than if Garnt said it. - Oh, come on! You've said something like that before anyway. - I'm pretty sure he said something five minutes ago that was like that. - And so what? I don't care. I'm tired of pretending to be a peasant, frankly. It's never what I aim to be. I remember when I was younger, the moment I realized I was like, this peasant life isn't for me. I was like 10 years old. (laughing) - 10 years old!? - I don't fucking know, I don't know. Arbitrary age of young age. - Yeah, right. - We went on a plane somewhere and I was like- - Wow, already privileged, you get to go on a plane. - That's not fucking, oh, come on. It's like fucking Ryanair, it's hardly a fucking privilege. - You ever been on the EasyJet, Joey? (Joey laughing) That's the furthest thing from privilege. - It was like a layover or something. And then so this was like a, it was a flight that was going to like Australia, but it stopped in where we were going to, Amsterdam, so it's like a two hour flight. But I remember we were sitting in an economy and I was like, "Mum, what did they get to go in the really, really cool looking one? They get to lie down." They were like, "Oh, 'cause that's really expensive." And I was like, "Why don't you pay for it?" They're like, "We can't afford it." And I'm like, "what do you mean you can't afford it?" - Just get a good bank account. - I was like, "You guys have a job. Right?" And they're like, "Yeah, we can't afford it. It's too expensive." I'm like, "Oh, well." - If you were my kid, I would've slapped you over the head. - No, I was just asking, I was like, "How much is it? I don't know how much it is. How does it work? 'Cause I'm young as fuck, don't know how much it costs. I have no notion of this before. - [Joey] Right. - I'm like, "Well, how much is it?" (all laughing) - How much and why can't you afford it? - I'm like, "What? So you're telling me that those people over there have enough money for it? Nah, that's not right. If they can get it, I can get it. Fuck that." That was like my mindset. That's how I've always been in life. I'm like, if someone else can have it, I can have it, why can't I have it? Why not? Why not? If they get it, why don't I? I'm a person too. - I don't know, did you think like that as a kid? - I don't know. I always thought if someone else could do it, I could do it. - When I was like 10 all I thought it was like, "Thank you father for buying me a packet of Mentos." - No, no, I was grateful, but I would always wonder, you never wondered why those other people who had like all this stuff- - I wondered but I was like, well, the fact that we're not there right now means that they're different. Right? - Why? They're the same as us. They just got lucky. Fuck that! That's what they want you to believe, they want you to believe they have like 10,000 IQ, we earned this, fuck off, no they didn't. They got fucking lucky. Fuck off, no you didn't. You made a few good decisions, you made an air conditioning company, good for you. - How to get privileged? Just get lucky. (laughing) - There's a lot of luck involved. - I mean, there is. - It is mostly luck. - 90% of the people in that first class fucking born into wealth, bro. It's bullshit. - That is true, that is true. - It's not fair. It's the same rich people giving each other their kids money. I'm like, fuck that! I deserve that! Why don't I deserve that? - I'm gonna have some of that. - What's wrong with having that mindset of being like, if they can do it, why can't I get it? - I mean, there nothing wrong with having that mindset. - There's nothing wrong with having that mindset. It's just funny that you were having that mindset like at age 10. - Literally. Yeah, like from a young age. - You were just trying to be a pro gamer. - From a young age, - I always was like, I just wondered like, why, why can't- - Why aren't my parents mid-maxing life right now? - I just always thought if someone else could do something, always from a young age, if they could do it, I could do it. - No, that's great. That's a great mentality to have. When it's talking about, you know, like privilege. - Well it's because money's like a taboo subject, right? You can't say that you want to get a lot of it. I mean, I always just think that like- - That's bullshit. Like everyone wants to have a lot of money. - Yeah, of course. - I mean- - But no one wants to admit that, right? - People don't want to admit that they're like... I mean, people are always like, "If I had that," but they're never like, "I'm gonna go for it," because it's embarrassing admitting to your friends. being like, "I'm gonna be a millionaire. I'm gonna go for that shit." Right? 'Cause it sounds, you're like all right, all right. - Yeah, all right. - All right, go back to Walmart. Shut the fuck, you know what I mean? It's like, nah, dude, fuck that. Let people try if they want to. Man, let 'em fuck up. - Absolutely. - If you're gonna go bankrupt, do it before 30 so you can at least like fix your shit, you know? Like what was that? I saw a thing that was like most people the most impactful years in your life are like 40 years old. Like the people who do the important things or the CEOs of the company, all that stuff. It's when you're 40. So just fuck up. Try and do a bunch of shit. - Yeah. Exactly. - Honestly. - Go for gold when you're like 20, why the fuck not? - Take some risks while you're young. - Yeah, honestly like what I try to tell people is like, especially those in their mid 20s, 'cause I feel like everyone hits the mid 20s, like 23, 24 where they realize, oh, I'm just gonna be working for the rest of my life. You know? And everyone gets their first job, you get excited getting your first job, you're like, "Damn, I'm actually getting paid for once. I'm not a peasant anymore." Because let's be honest, being a student is- - That's what the system wants you to think. - [Joey] Exactly. - Being a student is just like, man, you've just gotten used to living like a peasant, right? - Right, right. It's like yes, this is normal. - Yeah, you're just like, I remember like somewhere in my mid 20s when I just realized, man, how the fuck did I just live off cup ramen for a good like five years of my life? That's not normal. And I've just like internalized that to be like, dude, dude, Night out versus cup ramen. Night out anytime. - Yeah. - Of course, of course. Got to get your priorities right, but then you realize, wow, I have a job with a disposable income. I can have like a decent living. And that's what you would hope that most people would have if they went through university, if they got an education. It's a lot harder now. - Oh yeah, absolutely. - I was lucky enough to get even my first job after I graduated from uni, which a lot of people have a hard time doing now. But I will say if you are able to be in a position where you can give yourself a safety net, then by all means, fuck up in your 20s, because your 20s are the best point where you can fuck up in life and still it not be the end of the world. - Yeah, you still have enough time to recoup, right? And like, you know, get back to ground zero. - Yeah. That's what I was just like, I was like fuck it. Yeah. I'll try YouTubing. It's probably a terrible idea to lose two or three years of my possible long engineering career to this. But I was like fuck it. I'm gonna try it. Like why wouldn't I try it? Like it'd be stupid for me not to try it. - Yeah. Go for gold. But I mean, it does get to a point where, 'cause I mean- - I mean, if I went down the engineering path, I'm sure you too, you know, eventually in your 40s, you'd probably have a very cushy wage. You'd be very well off. - You'd be very comfortable, yeah. - You'd have a very nice, you know, you'd be able to afford very fine things in life when you become a chartered engineer. The pay you get is very good. - Yeah. - And when you work in certain places where the engineering gets more difficult or whatever, like you can start getting nutty money. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But I was just like, yeah, fuck that. I'd rather take 20K a year doing something that I like that also has the chance to make way more down the line. And that's what I was always like though. I always thought why settle? I would rather risk losing it all trying to make a million dollars and then just settle for like, you know? - [Joey] A comfortable amount, right? Yeah. - Because to me it's like, you know, I can do that at any point in my life. I can settle down and do things smartly. - Yeah, because you never know with our career, right? Like it could start happening tomorrow for all we know. - Like if you become the biggest fucking YouTuber on the planet next week, dude, you're set for life. You know what I mean? So it's like, but I don't even think of it like that. It's not like how I see YouTube anyway, but I would just rather risk and do something that's kind of like oh, could lose it all, hehe, XD. (all laughing) Could just become homeless tomorrow. Fuck. - Better start camping. - Yeah, right? Better start getting good at camping. But like, I mean I'd rather try it like yeah, fuck it, why not? - Yeah, of course. - I mean, I think it's important to like recognize that some people are just not in the position to be able to try. - That's true, yeah. I was very lucky that I built up the savings and I also had a really good family that set me up to allow me to do that, you know? - [Joey] Yeah, exactly, exactly. - Because like I will say this right now. Like I was never brought up, like my family weren't in the best of financial positions at all, but like I was lucky enough to have a mom and dad who work their fucking asses off to like get me through and give me a better opportunity than they ever had. And that's why like right now I'm trying to like, most of everything I earn I like spend on them. I spend more on them than I do on me because I feel like it's my way of like paying back the opportunity that they gave me. - Such a good boy. - Yeah, I mean- (all laughing) - Such a good son. - I mean dude, like yeah, I mean, my parents like, especially my dad, he came up from like fucking poverty almost in fucking Thailand and somehow found his way to England and worked his fucking ass off, had a much harder life than I ever went through. So of course, I'm like fucking, dad- - Isn't that fucking bad ass though? Like he had a dream, move to England, and then his son's like engineering degree and now he talks about anime titties, but- (all laughing) That part of the story- - That was not what I was expecting. - That part of the story, he doesn't tell that at his family gatherings. - Nah, he's fucking proud now, man. - He's like, yeah, (Garnt laughing) Like that's such bad ass, dude. - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - Because I feel like, you know, it's a fallacy where you think money solves every problem that you have. Money does not solve- - It makes like significantly easier. - Yeah. - And it sounds so privileged when you say that, but like, no, as someone who hasn't been poor in her life, money doesn't solve every problem, but there is a point in your life where money is 90% of your problems, right? - Right. - And once- - Yeah, when money is your problem, you don't really have time to think about anything other than money. - Yeah, exactly and like my mentality when I was a kid was just, I just want to get by and be like comfortable, you know? - Same, same, same. - I feel like that was my big driving force to like really try to be successful and to take risks is just 'cause I was just tired of just not knowing what my life situation would be five years down the line. It's just like, how the fuck am I gonna take care of my parents when they get old? That was a big fucking thing for me. - There was definitely a time when I was like 16 to like 18 where I thought I really love video games. I don't really care what job I get. I just want to be able to play games after work. That's what I genuinely I thought I wanted for like a few years. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then when I went to university, it like very much kicked in. I was like, I don't think I can do an eight hour job a day I hate. - No. - I think I can't do that. - I did a three month internship to know that I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. - Yeah, I mean, more power to people who love that line of work. - Yeah. - I was jealous. At the time I was so jealous of the people that loved my course and what we were doing because I felt like they were just so OP with school. They like got through it, they got all the good opportunities because they enjoyed it. Like I just didn't enjoy it, I couldn't try, 'cause I just didn't care. - No, I have so much respect for people who can go to their nine to five job and be like, "Yeah, this is fine. - At the time when I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, I was so jealous. I was like, fuck man. I wish I knew what the fuck I was doing. - Yeah, right? - You know? And I'm sure for every person like, you know, I got very lucky and I found something that I loved and that just luckily makes money somehow. My mom disbelieves that it did for a very long time but someone it makes money. - I think all parents did - Yeah. - Somehow it makes money, right? And you know, I'm sure for every one of me that got very lucky, there was probably 10 people who've never really found what they liked and just had to like kind of just be like, "All right, well I gotta get a job. I can't do nothing all my life." - Yeah, exactly. - It sucks. - I think one thing I've realized more as I've grown older is that as a kid we were sold this idea that there's only really one way your career path can go, right? It's like education, university, you get a job to do with your degree and your career progresses from there. And that's like, I had that mentality for like the longest time of my life. And now like the older I've gotten, the more people I've met who have had like the weirdest fucking career paths. - I mean, Ladybeard. - Yeah, yeah. - We've had a lot of those people on the podcast. - I feel like in the entertainment industry, you do meet the people who kind of are just bouncing from things to things. - They're just try to figure out what they want, right? - Just trying to enjoy life. - Not even in entertainment, just like living in Japan as well. Like meeting like teachers who have like found opportunities just randomly, like sometimes, like what I'm trying to say is that as a kid, I was, you know, we got put this pressure on that by the time you go to university or by the time you finish high school, you need to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. - I wish they didn't fucking tell me that lie. - Yeah, that's bullshit. That is 100% bullshit. - That is the biggest lie of the fucking world. I feel, especially when you're a young adult, the biggest lie of the fucking world is thinking that once you start a career path, that you're gonna have to stick on this for like the majority of your life and that's such a fucking lie. And like another big lie is thinking that you need to go to fucking university or college to have to have a decent career. That's also a fucking lie. There are so many different career paths that are available to you that is not just higher education, because as an Asian, I was taught that if I don't do higher education, I'm a fucking failure. - If I don't get that A, I failed as an Asian. - I'm not even talking about being a YouTuber 'cause obviously we are very lucky to be able to be YouTubers. - Absolutely. - Yeah. - I'm not even talking about like, oh, we're YouTubers. That's a different career path I found. No, I've met like so many other people who have like just found random jobs. I mean, fucking Meilyne found her fucking job through Craigslist. (Joey laughing) - It is about just trying and looking and just being at the right place at the right time and making sure you take every opportunity that comes your way. - Exactly. - Like I just say yes to everything. - Yeah. - Yeah. You miss every opportunity you don't take. - Yeah, man. - Yeah. - And if you, which is in the UK, which is something that I just did read and enjoy. It was like the culture of you go to work, you go to the pub and that's it. Like you never try and do any self improvement. You never try and like look for any other opportunities. Like looking for another job is like, oh wow, what's wrong with you? - Yeah. And like there are so many opportunities out there for different jobs that you like never even thought about until it's just on your lap. Like have we ever talked about Kenny before? Like your friend? - No, I haven't talked about Kenny. - What he's doing? - Oh yeah. Kenny's my friend who's lives in Niigata. And he's a crazy guy. He's great. I love him. He's amazing. He's so funny. He's really, really rich. - He is a proper lad, he is. - And he's up in Niigata in the middle of Japan and he's half Japanese, half Welsh, and he's just a fake priest and I think I've spoken on it before that my friend's a fake priest. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - But like he teaches English and then he's also a fake priest and that's just what he likes doing. But he also just doesn't really care about being in one place for too long. He's like, I'll just kind of go wherever- - Just a wanderer. - He literally just goes places and he's like, "All right, what's going on? Let's figure it out. Let's try and get a job here." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He just doesn't give a fuck. - I have a friend who is similar to that who lives here. - I couldn't do that. But he's bad ass, he just turns up and does what he wants, it's great. And he's always super happy and super optimistic and I'm like, "Are you British? Are you really? You grew up in the UK, right? How are you this optimistic?" - It's the Japanese side that's kicking. - Yeah, he just turns up. He's like, "Yeah, what's going on?" Always has a good time, talks to anyone he meets. It's just like, yeah. - I feel people like that are usually like the most optimistic people in the planet, right? Because I have a friend like that who was like, he's an animator for an anime studio here. He did like the, I met him through like the Pop Team Epic stuff. But like he also just like goes out. He's just like, "I'm just gonna go on a road trip for a month and just like try and make some money along the way and just see what happens." And he comes back with all these like insane stories of just like him on the road and being like, "Yeah, I just like walked into this like random cafe, got a job for like two days and then got some money and used that for fuel just to go to the next place." I'm like that's so fucking cool because I can never fucking do that. I could not bring myself to just be like, I don't know where I'm gonna be tomorrow. - Yeah. - I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. I couldn't do that myself. - Yeah, I couldn't do that either. I need like some, like at least a little bit of a plan. - I need some kind of direction. Yeah, yeah, - I like plans. I like plans. - I like plans. - I used to like spreadsheet all my like spending in university, like to the penny and I would have like a prediction of my spending coming up and what I was allowed to spend and literally everything in a spreadsheet. And then when I started like, my YouTube start giving me some money in university, I was like, "Oh my God, this is amazing." I was like, "I don't need the spreadsheet anymore. Fuck this." Why am I like spending hours a week updating this fucking spreadsheet? It doesn't fucking matter anyway 'cause I'm not gonna spend that much. - Yeah. - It doesn't fucking matter. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - Yeah and like to go off what we were saying. I'm not saying like there's no place for higher education and university or everything- - I'm still glad I went. - Yeah, I mean, I'm still glad I went but what I'm saying is like don't feel the pressure to need to go just because you don't know what you want to do with your life. That's the big thing. Right? 'Cause it's such bullshit that by the time you hit 18, it's just the expectation where it's just like you need to know what you're doing now. Your birthday has ticked over. You are now an adult. You need to know everything now. - There are 30 year olds out there, 40 year olds who don't know what the fuck they want to do. - Yeah. - The guy who like founded McDonald's was like 40 years old. - Yeah, right. - Yeah, it's like I don't really feel too bad about it. You know, like I said earlier, the most productive years of your life are like 40 years old. So as far as I'm concerned, you're just fucking up until you get to the point where you can like actually do shit. - Yeah. Exactly. - Yeah. You're just fucking up enough until you found out a way to not fuck up, right? - Build the foundation of the character you want to be, you know? - It all goes back to the snowboarding, right? Like just tumble a couple of times until you learn how to not tumble. - Damn, what a good ending. - Wow. - Cue credits. - Get good, get good in life. - Well, with that amazing segue, thank you, Joey. Let's check out the patrons. Look at them. - Wow. - They're beautiful. - Wow, look at all these lovely patrons. - Beautiful patrons. None of these are peasants. - None of these are peasants. They all own Nespresso machines. - None of them are homeless, right? (Joey laughing) Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully. - Hopefully. - I'm getting out of here before we get canceled. See ya. - But hey, if you'd like to support the show, then make sure to go to Also follow us on Twitter. Send us your memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our faces, listen to us on Spotify. - Bye! - Where the fuck did Connor go? - [Connor] I'm leaving before I get canceled. (Garnt and Joey laughing) - It's too late, Connor, it's too late. - It's too late. - We're all canceled. - All right, well, thanks for watching. I've been boss man one with boss man two and no longer here, boss man three and we'll see you guys in the next episode. Bye! - Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,583,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 7vIbh4yLxtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 8sec (7988 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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