The Uno Game That ALMOST Ended The Podcast | Trash Taste Stream #18

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the moment you open the yogurt cap he knows it's like and then he's like so i opened the yogurt and started swishing around trying to make the yogurt noises and he finally came out [Music] welcome to trust taste after job why are we just making loud noises why is that the thing i don't know games i got to exert my energy somehow well that's it that's gone this is like what what we do to hype ourselves up before every recording the only difference is it just gets cut out right like because viewers don't get to see like the the four or five minutes of us going oh can you hear me ashley i don't know i don't yeah i do this at home like a normal person i don't do it i don't come to the studio and start screaming yeah yeah i scream like a weirdo at home in front of people i just sometimes live i don't know you don't do it in front of people but you certainly talk about it in front of people yeah that's okay still weird okay you need the mirror in the bathroom by yourself listen that that works i don't want to be hyped up looking at some random people did you try it no i didn't think so no because i'm not weird connor's going to win thank you i believe people people are um trying to predict already who's going to win i guess i mean is there like a tactic to uno yes how people there is a mathematically correct way to play oh are we playing mathematics the correct way to play it but you cannot forbid anyone on this [ __ ] couch who knows how to do it you count cards oh thank you the hunty man for the 69 gifts not the 69 gift stuffs for the five sip gift subs you're welcome that's my old account right there yeah there's a mathematical formula to play it i'm sure but you know as to if anyone knows how to do it no yeah to explain we're going to be playing uno there's not good that's not really a long explanation if you don't know what oona is um who the [ __ ] are you how how have you not played who's not whose man is this who knows a great family game you might play with your family if you want to end up hating them um it's a good friendship ender yeah we'll explain the rules again very quickly before we start it's a really easy game to understand though so if you don't know anything about uno i guarantee within 10 minutes you'll know how to play uno luckily they kind of designed it so that it was super super easy super easy to understand yeah it is baby game but uh we're not just going to be playing uno we're going to be doing a different variant of winner there's lots of different versions of uno uh yeah what's this is there a lot of variations of you know i didn't know this yeah [ __ ] with me i'll show you is that is there a is there a dress i i don't know if there's a trace but i'll show you that dose is a real game dose they made a sequel to uno the uno how do you improve upon uno it's already the perfect game have you found it yeah look see it does it's a real game that looks so weird what's the difference between uh uno and dos you have to on the second to last card you have to say dos okay how is dos different from muno you put down two cards at once in dose there are two piles face up between players that you can match the cards from your hands to instead of matching both colors and numbers like in uno you can just match numbers so it's basically it's like uno but instead of one place to throw the cards down there's two places you can throw this they just seem stupid yeah it's just over complicated uno someone says does nuts thank you chet uh i appreciate that one fish of that one of course of course someone said that i was toast [ __ ] me have you ever played dose what's dose play on dose nuts so what other variations are there aside from well there's different rules right so there's a lot of house rules yeah yeah like even the uno the game is settings like some some people don't like stacking or stacking like plus if you put down like times two some people say that you can't add another one to do times four yeah that's so fun yeah the fun of cutting down at times too is that you might be able to [ __ ] someone over the other one the other house rule that uh i think my family used to do is say for example if you had two like eight yellows then you could put both of them down at the same time two yellows if it's like a complete duplicate of like number and color then yeah and then you can put them both down at the same time okay so it's like a quick method to get rid of multiple yeah yeah yeah i've heard of that that's like that's like a house rule it seems like it feels like you know the free parking rule in monopoly where no one actually knows what the official rules are everyone just has their own official rules and they just don't know any other rule oh this is the seven to zero rule i've heard of this one cause i see it on the uno settings i don't know what it is oh yeah so seven is where you switch uh your hands with i think whoever you choose and then zero is when you everyone switches hands with the person next to them that's the 7-0 rule there's the jumping rule i've heard that one too so like if you put down a seven and joey has a seven i think he can jump in and then put down a seven as well yeah and okay skips the person yeah yeah yeah seven zero we can try it at some point we'll we'll we'll try a different way we'll do lots of different house rules i reckon that could be fun we'll try it we'll try it yeah and uh as well we're gonna play a few games and uh maybe melina is gonna join us later i'm gonna play some muno with us oh we're not just playing uno ladies and gentlemen uno attack look at this thing show the box show the show the japanese box art yeah here it is that's the tagline that's awesome yeah sounds like a stand name or something or like a [ __ ] [ __ ] special attack if you guys don't know uno attack uh it's basically uno but with more fun and more danger what the [ __ ] is that so you know normally an uno if you can't pick up a card you have to if so if you can't place a card you just pick up cards until you can go yeah an uno attack you press the button once and then if if uh if you're unlucky cards will uh spit out yeah so like you put like the whole deck into here yeah and then every time you press a button it makes this sound yeah so uh and then it randomizes when the cards come out and how many cards you get it's so fun so it stacks basically yeah um thank you very much enzyme man for another ten games yeah but basically it just adds a randomizer to uno so when you press the button you might get zero cards um and that stacks on to uh the next person as if uno wasn't already an rng-dependent game they're just like let's add more rngs it's uno but gotcha precisely that's exactly what i need this is where you don't want a temple for the first time in your life i'm promising you you do not want a tenfold also i wanna one we wanted to show yeah this out oh yeah this isn't official merch or anything like that uh someone sent this in for us yeah someone made like a batch of like 12 or 15 of these yeah 12. some custom-made trash taste glasses looks good if you can see it on camera yeah i don't know i don't know is it in focus i don't know what the name is you don't want to show that right you don't want on camera actually we can just use the overhead cam because we've got an overhead cab now have we turned it on all right it's not on right now oh there you go all right there we go does it reset or is it like doing what look at that look at that thank you wendy we can finally we can we can finally play board games and we're testing things glasses yeah oh is auto focus on auto focus oh damn damn okay okay all right very nice damn so now you guys will actually be able to see what we're playing instead of just from over there yeah you'll actually get to see the the cards but finally we have a camera where we want to show something off and we can focus on it instead of being like uh guys is is this is can you see this can you see this one pixel all the way over here is it is in focus are we focused cheers to wendy thank you for saying these glasses sir let's put our drinks in boys thank you very much wendy uh let's hope we don't spill any uh beer today with this uno cards flying everywhere all right from such a height yeah what about i did i did want to shout out uh we did also uh have normal uno with a one piece we have one piece uno cards uh that makes it more not not that changes the rule in any way what uh like this doesn't make it so like the one do you have to like shout out like the move of a character every time you throw it down or like oh just uh one game you know last like 20 years and uh it's it's you you start a game and it just like it's still ongoing to this day the first one piece you know game is like still on going to this thing [Laughter] opportunity by the marketing department come on come on come on come on that's that that is missed opportunity um unfortunately we're not gonna be playing these because we tried to uh find a way to integrate it with the unu attack deck uh but they both have different kinds of cards so uh we couldn't find a way to integrate um the one piece you know like unfortunately as much as i wanted to because uh i know you did not it gives me more of an opportunity it gives me more of an opportunity to play one piece to talk about one talk about one piece yeah you're right should we uh should we explain the basic rules of uno then please all right so first of all [ __ ] come here you come here all right there we go so um can we show you on the overhead camera can they see this they sure can all right so you look you have colors right you guys know what colors are rip colorblind people in the chat that are watching the stream uh if you get a times two you just have to press the button twice it goes like and they might spit out like that i don't know if you guys can hear that they both they can't hear the audio uh they can okay pog all right so look we have two two ones here if gone if the top of the deck is a one you can put down another one but now if it's this blue one we can only put down blues or ones or there's some wild cards in here which uh there's probably some here right yeah there's a couple of blank wild cards yeah explain those there's also um we have the uh skip card which allows you to skip the next person's turn and in this deck there's a special one which is uh discard all of your cards of said color because you tend to get a lot of cards yeah this would be broken this card would be broken in normal uno but with uno attack because you get so many cards um this is this is like this is like the uh balance update yeah they they patched their own game uh and added that card uh so you're not like so even if you have twenty two you're not throwing out like 20 green cards yeah you're not allowed to win with uh this co the the the um the wild card and discarding all your cards we also have this card oh yeah this card too uh this one uh allows you to choose the color and then let's see the official name for that is wow then you have to make somebody uh press the button twice of your choosing yeah so the regular two times is the the next person so i've got so if god puts it down then conor has to press it twice but if connor pushes this but but if conor puts down the atakutaku card uh then he can choose between either ghan or me yeah yeah so or whoever the fourth person uh if melinda yeah or if mailing decides to join us see like okay so the thing i like about uno attack is that i think it makes you actually makes the game faster even though you get more cards yeah i agree like like what sometimes my one problem with you know as a game is that some games just last forever right especially if you're playing with like more than three people yeah like i remember i did a nuno game with like eight people once and it i think one game took like two hours eight people yeah holy two hours well it felt like two hours holy [ __ ] i think it's because we were all drinking as well so half the time someone was just like wait whose turn is this should we uh should we jump into it then gentlemen yeah let's just let's just jump into seven cards right so seven cards uh deal for us also we should have this pointing towards us because otherwise we're gonna be running over there to get all cards i mean you're probably gonna have to press the button for me that's fine i don't mind pressing it for you i'll get immense enjoyment out of making you press or you can just leave it over why are you dealing that anti-clockwise that doesn't matter no no it doesn't matter okay in the meantime while you're doing that let me read out some donors because i saw a couple of big ones uh let's see marco o2 with the 20 thank you uh i just wanna say to gaunt that since he hasn't watched all of ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ze th gr grid man was lacking something for example the main cast dino xenon fixes pretty much every issue that i had with grid man and there are thick thighs no that's all i needed to know uh monkey magic 220 with the ten dollars thank you love you guys and what you do from australia let's go uh let's do that put it up can you can i still see the the uh attack thing from there uh fallout wolf with the five dollars the loser okay wait what the [ __ ] the fallout wolf with five dollars it says the loser has to use the american health care system for a month i don't think i don't think we have a choice i don't think that's something we can like opt into unfortunately okay appreciate the uh the offer but uh no thank you that doesn't really sound like a forfeit before the game starts should we show all our cards to the camera we close our eyes and then we'll show cards right all right go everyone uh oh we don't do we have a starting card by the way oh no but we can do it we can press the button oh yeah yes there we go perfect okay maybe not times two well it doesn't matter i mean okay all right all right you guys ready you guys ready okay let's get all our hands in uh okay everyone everyone close their eyes okay so it's okay mine's in frame now i'm gonna oh we're gonna do it like this yeah yeah yeah oh okay okay hold on hold on don't look further away further away these are our these are our hands remember them well this way these this isn't going to matter because we're going to get given like [ __ ] [ __ ] 50 cards after this all right all right all right all right okay all right uh who's going first uh gone delt so are we going this way actually is this right this is i'll go first okay yeah um oh we should turn the chat off now that we've shown for now just for now i see a lot of afghans that's good for me wow wow got a demon like that chad go do me like um okay i mean i'll start with a nice four interesting i've already starting to psychoanalyze you with just that uh this light is making the colors a little funky yeah right the purple light my green is a brown and now what can i play down you can play down a plus this but of a different color okay so i can do this oh god oh no oh no oh god i can't okay one yeah the other rule by the way is that if you get cards spat out at you then they skip a turn and it's the next person so now it's my turn yeah so connor doesn't get it wait no right now would i get a turn no i don't think so right no no because that's my times two and i wouldn't get it yeah yeah yeah yeah gone yeah do it again what i'm seeing why they said rip gaunt now i'm thinking joe you should have some of your own medicine oh [ __ ] sake oh you got five but you've got to get rid of the red i saw that that's riff oh i mean that would help if i had reds oh okay hold on let me sort out my [ __ ] card are you guys who like sort out your cards i've literally got that meme of like like something or play 20. i think we're all getting there right now drop 25. i have the hands of my god the heart of my country let's just keep this going let's just keep this going let's just keep this going i didn't plan for this circumstance oh [Laughter] fear my please do uh what is it a two um i don't i'll stick on green i don't have any greens i only have browns they'll turn into green when you put it down was that six yeah all right that is the number let's change it up i'm feeling a little blue okay all right all right wait so are we doing the rule where you can put two of the same no okay no we won't do that next time yeah we can add that on next time we can add house rules next time well uh let me just let me just what the [ __ ] oh my god i've seen where all these cards were how many did you just put down four i put down like four cards oh also also uh are we doing the raw where like say for example if the skip is the very top one then does that come into play or no yeah i guess so yeah yeah not unless it's like a times two as in like it's just like that's the card if it's times two it doesn't take effect but oh okay gotcha gotcha all right okay all right bam oh and you've got to get rid of all reds too so that's that's bad yeah that's bad news that's bad well both of you to assume i have any reds you probably have all reds over there no draws so far oh yeah nice nice uh casual quite a while now quite a while if you turn the chat back on yeah turn the shot back i know but oh they can't see it really oh we can zoom in yeah yeah oh [ __ ] okay swap cams yeah you can swap cams for now actually we have the other camera right there yeah yeah more full screen much better all right all right uh oh i changed the color yeah uh two let me guess red um what i'm gonna i'm gonna change it to red joey okay oh well i mean oh you you're telling me to yeah i thought you were just telling me i was like oh thank you yes i'll take two cards that's fine red yeah okay wait isn't it me no because you just you just put down a card you just put down that card yeah it's my turn okay yeah so it doesn't make like this stone doesn't like change the two okay okay okay okay now he can discard all the reps your turn that's all you have i told you i don't have any words oh oh oh really jerry oh really oh really there you go reverse reverse it back to you he's just one all right oh you still have something he hasn't yet yeah oh he has another one the mad lad well now we know what you got a little bit yeah uh so that's my turn right yeah and it's uno reverse right so i'm gonna do uh yellow well he doesn't have uno yet he's still got multiple cards oh oh yellow yellow right yeah go again do it again do it again do it again no are you serious let's go for the third time are you serious come on come on guys come on come on keep it please keep it yellow please keep it yellow please i beg i mean this works too oh i get that okay sorry uh go for it oh my god gone blue and tap it twice oh you oh my god oh my god dude next person dude the catching gods are like on my slide right now so wait does that say how can i all keep going no it skips me because i have to pick up all right uh yeah no wait do you know cause we didn't we wouldn't skip normally right what does it say i don't think you'd skip nothing no no you wouldn't skip because it's just like are you because if it was because i showed you joey right yeah joey wouldn't have to skip his yes it's your turn again okay oh yeah fake press no we can hear the visual press uh the audio press when you hear it when you press it so we can hear it there's no way we can like fake the presence we we know it's not fake all right uh blue right oh no that's the number i was like gave me a heart attack for a second there joey you can't do that joe you can't do that you can't just call out uno but that's what it is i know spanish um okay sure i can't win with a wild card right we're not allowing that no all right uno and green oh my god you have to change the color dude it's not gr he has a green i can cover you for one turn oh no he's gonna skip you can cover me for one time i can cover you for one time okay [Music] connor press it twice can't press it twice oh red red red red bread oh my god this you better not have this number oh [Applause] and show the last card to the chat okay that's good idea all right uh [ __ ] oh okay wait oh my turn now yeah yeah oh you went right yeah [ __ ] all right i'm good okay i've managed to escape two turns all right switch the camera they're saying why what's the what's the camera right now oh okay okay but they can see it normally right i'd say switch to the main camera when it's getting tense but the the table cam when it's getting tense probably right yeah is that what you guys want you just want to see our ugly faces oh i see icic uh my turn yes yeah i'm back to five cards getting that getting up there getting up there the last look we've played a few games of uno attack before and it didn't actually last this long i don't know it was this is actually the longest game we've played so far yeah we definitely got uh we definitely got lucky i guess when we press it you can full screen right that would make more sense right ugly faces please i got your trip ugly faces it's time to press the button oh [ __ ] say all right guys i just had to get seven uno uno oh my god you know i don't have all right all right wait wait wait close close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes turn off the chat as well close your eyes all right all right they saw it yeah they saw it all right well i can't do anything you can't do anything i'm gonna bet he doesn't have anything so or we could just you want to be safe we could you don't have anything at all i don't have i don't have anything to change the call off that's what you're asking i don't think he has another blue you don't have a blue eye though oh [ __ ] sorry jerry oh uno reverse that's okay i got you oh [ __ ] what if he has a green joe just change the color oh [ __ ] i forgot he didn't draw yeah [Laughter] thanks joey thank you drew thank you thank you very much what are the odds that he has a blue what do you reckon sorry well he if he hasn't drawn he doesn't have a blue oh sorry green sorry uh it's approximately 30 percent i believe that's how i believe it's one in three right you've been counting your cards it's one in three i definitely i can barely count my own cards i don't think gant has a a green either i'm gonna even though you might have [ __ ] us up jerry oh oh please for the love of god keep on creating yeah keep it on green keep it hungry no dude i have another five good good nice nice oh that's not too bad all right turn chat back on for now then because now you know no one zoo node okay red well he might have a red yeah but i'm close only got three that's fine it's it's like the build up right it's like you're so close to you know and then suddenly you just have like a like i got a hand full of cards again leave your oh turn off chat look at that beautiful cord ready okay okay okay what do you go for blue oh wait wait wait he waits his turn right oh didn't you i just i just oh you picked up right green are you serious [ __ ] keep it on green please i'm begging you all right all right there you go oh come on baby do it again come on come on baby come on baby yeah yeah hey how long did we play for last time because i swear it was like five minutes last time yeah it's like 10 minutes max [ __ ] how many times you skipped me i'm gonna do all the skips come on okay okay all right i thought that's another skit are you serious that's the first time it's impressed [Laughter] now let me try [Laughter] instant calm instant [ __ ] my life okay uh i'm gonna go red all right yeah yeah sure don't skip me huh you sure you don't want to skip me i'm good luckily i have the discard all red and i have four beautiful reds okay okay seven okay how many cards you've got in your hands now then like three or four three yeah all right well i guess i'll just uh skip you again connor i'll skip you again i actually should have said two or three less going to pick up i know you just discarded your reds unless you have the times four joey uh i wanna say uh yellow please so if i hypothetically speaking if i press this four times and i don't get any cars i can play right what if i i also call oona wait are you are you serious close close close your eyes close your eyes all right okay all right all right all right i'm sharing chat okay i'm sharing chat too okay and hi chat please all right i good all right oh my god it is it is on you joey it is on you i'll show you watch anime or draw 25. [ __ ] what do i do okay actually uh before we do i know this is to build more tension we're actually running really low on cards and i think there's like three left yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you shuffle and restart god you're a good shot can you shuffle yeah yeah yeah yeah can you shuffle yeah i killed it because i got to think about this for a second joey needs to turn the thing i need to somehow avoid gan and connor at the same time god damn it all right let's we'll just give you some little bit of information do you have definitely doesn't have a yellow because you just use discard all yellows that's true so as long as i can go past gone but what's to say you don't have a i could have a yellow you don't know that i uh yeah yeah i'm just thinking about this here for a second shuffle it a lot because obviously a lot of the cards what are you gonna do okay hold on there's multiple ways i can play this how are you going how are you going to handle this joey you're going to change color keep it on yellow to [ __ ] over god because like if god doesn't have a yellow right then that leaves red blue and green but if you have this out but if you have red red blue or green then i literally have a one in two chance the god doesn't have yellows right yeah so either one in three channels but he could press and nothing happened and then i'd just be in the same [ __ ] position again yeah yeah so i just have to pray that both of you don't have a job that was a good chance for that i mean all right what's what's what's your play joey what's your play what's your play monster cardo oh oh [ __ ] all right all right you want to load the deck in because probably going to have to draw unless unless joey somehow picks the exact card that god has left can he do it will he and then the top number is the one yeah the top number yeah the only way god can win now is if he hit the top yeah all right it's fully loaded and ready to go for god's draw one i have a one in nine chance yeah unless i do this i don't think it works like that though i think well no it means if it can only play a yellow or a skip card yeah yeah is that how it is yeah yeah so that doesn't take enough phase yeah don't try and get out of this button press no doesn't have the yellows we need to get him to pick up cards play it joey play it play it play it to yellow you can play it to yellow again if you have the thing what do you mean if you have a wild card you're just [ __ ] yourself you're just [ __ ] yourself put down the card joey you swear to god if god has this i'm gonna oh my he this lucky okay god keep it on green yeah keep it on green all right [Music] all right what are the two cards you're discarding it doesn't have skip okay oh thank you oh no he got a draw thingy [ __ ] the game continues okay put chat back on i also don't have anything me too let's go why me what is it on i did these giga brain plays and i get punished for it all right connor skip okay all right joey and uh compilation all right uh connors no no no no you gotta skip bro oh [ __ ] he's got rooney though [ __ ] he's got another skipper rooney nice i'm gonna get skipped next turn all right here you go just [ __ ] skip me go here you go you get the skip corner get the skip you give me the scoop how many cards do you have it doesn't matter how many cards i have it does i i don't need to tell you that information i'm not required to double i mean either way i'm [ __ ] uh put it on green please green okay oh i was just being gentle with it your turn gone um he's only got two cards lifted um does he have how many greens does god have left probably not many um can we keep it on green and joey why me he has two cards left because he knows he wants me to pick up cards joey i want i want you all right connor does god have a green i don't know does he have a green i'd i'd change it just in case okay what should we change it to not green red did you know by the way in this case you just have to press the button until you pick up oh my god [ __ ] me i'm so dead okay uh red hmm red so it's you he didn't uno he didn't understand i'm so [ __ ] salty i could have won that ah oh so you had a red the whole time yeah see i did that earlier but it didn't work that would have been like a giga brain move to be like i've done that a few times all right uh you literally saved the game it's red yeah well you have to change the color right oh wait no i guess it doesn't matter wait do you remember what the two cards he picked up was i only remember the times four yeah i do uh it was a yellow okay because he's got two cards left he's got the times four and the yellow so he's gonna do the times four change it to yellow he's not allowed to win with the yellow so he's also win with the times four yeah so he has to use the time for now yeah and [ __ ] me over yeah go on corner um let's change it to you have a yellow green okay and corner press four okay uh you also didn't uno gone so you have to press it huh you also didn't uno [Laughter] at which point you are you put the card down okay i do i okay i thought okay here's what i thought the here's what i thought i thought you play down the card you should you say it i would just say at the moment you're just leaving your hand but your hands just say you want me to go first okay connor press it four times and then god presses on until the cards come out one two three four oh [ __ ] wait no it doesn't have to pick up until cars come out if it's does it if it's oono because normal uno is you have to pick up six cars so you go back to seven are you serious yeah no yeah that's the rules foreign if you get caught not saying uno you have to pick up seven yes yes no yes no no no what are the rules for uno that's how it's mostly no is that is that a house rule i think that's a house rule i've i've never heard of like not saying there's only two some people are saying it's draw five what the [ __ ] there's too many house rules everyone's saying only two so should we agree that press twice then press twice then press twice oh okay so you press the ones already okay bear in mind gartner's charged this up it's been four charges now not like this not like this i'm so [ __ ] salty okay all right so from now on we can agree that i'm so salty i could have won this game already if you get caught not saying you know you have to press the button twice all right so we agree we say uno right away yeah before you even let go okay that's so funny because for me like the rules that i play is that you can say you know any time before the other person puts their card down right so that's that's what i thought it was you put the card down no the before the next person puts that card that's like that's like the time limit you have to say uno but then when would we be able to catch you for uno no no yeah because yeah that's that's how it works so like when you play the game yeah you know when the moment you press your card down you have to press the uno button yeah in between my turn yeah yeah so i there's that in the game moment the moment your card has gone down you have to say in the game you have to press uno before you even throw the card no you you press it down and then it pops up so before the next person puts that card you have that window to say uno or someone else can call you out that's the whole point of running yeah okay what was the color uh green green okay wait was it yellow no oh okay no you said green green i swear you said yellow you could say it before okay you could say as you play the card right yeah so i when i did it when i was at uno i said uno before i even put the card down yeah as i'm putting it down yeah i like half the chat saying gun is right and half the chat is saying no gantt is wrong this is the great thing about games this is this is like this is like house rules to a team yeah thank you very much very helpful so it's uh uh it's right before oh you can press it before you put it down as well okay got it got it all right all right what's what are we discussing right now i remember when you're holding two if you're gonna play one right yeah i think so it doesn't matter it doesn't matter either way just [ __ ] say it yeah all right this one i would just say it as you're putting it down didn't call it the four times card yeah i did i picked up four i pressed it four times all right um okay oh [ __ ] i feel like i can't get out of this number of cards i'm clearly not playing uno to its mathematical uh mathematical strategic way discard all of your reds connor three reds in total read them wheat boys damn all right big place big place only big plays here big place oh massive massive massive plays massive plays game of plays oh [ __ ] oh god god's getting so [ __ ] lucky with these prizes oh my god i can't escape you hey you got the government of blue though that's good connor i'm sorry oh [ __ ] so press it twice connor press it twice you're not allowed only i'm allowed to uno oh let's go does he have a red though is the question huh does he have a red oh show them i got to show them oh yeah ready yep you got it can i look now yep does he have a red is the question um the possibility is limitless to fall driver times two i do not [ __ ] are you one of the power like can you can you change your car huh can you change it i can no i can't change i can't change it i literally cannot do anything you can't do anything i can only skip you that's not a strat joey that's not a strap i'm not going to do that because i don't want to be responsible for this loss good luck you boys should have remembered that i just immediately used to discard all my reds so of course i don't have any oh didn't even think about that all right and then i'll skip gone [ __ ] you know all right what color are we on we're on red we're on a red skip right now this should be over by now this this game this game has been elongated so long how long we been playing 35 minutes yellow yeah the world's longest uno game i swear to god back to you connor thank you thank you back to you well it's your turn [Music] um this man's on a different planet right now oh for [ __ ] time's too joke time no he doesn't have to do the times too because he's not discard all things oh okay it doesn't take long i still can't do it oh my god you got so many oh you jerry you're being [ __ ] so hard oh no okay thank god wait why did you press it twice because i did times two that was my first press no you don't have to we just said you don't have to do it because it wasn't taken effect right uh well oh yeah right yeah for no reason for no reason yeah i just made him i just made the game more interesting all right uh let's go i'll show you how it's done four cards just like that in my turn yep this is big unfortunately please please please please please keep it on keep it on keep it on blue joe keep going god keep it on board what are you talking about joey discarded all my boys so we'll go green uno oh you're not many colors they're gone that's looking a little low yeah yeah oh no but he has a times two though does he yeah he yeah of course he does otherwise he's contemplating it don't do this joke he's gonna win you know you know times four right all right pressure and then we'll show our cards all right all right i just want this game to end so i actually have a chance of winning it's your turn oh right it is [ __ ] this sucks yes yes i won i won it took me three chances to win i threw the game and i brought it back and then i threw it again and then i brought it back again god i literally had no chance i did uno once i was punished for it and then my average was like 22 for the remainder of the game oh my god i've never seen such bigger plot hammer yeah cause it's not a wild card this is not a wild card as long as it's not a wild card it's fine i don't see why you can't yeah should we get our melinin let's get we've been playing for like sure let's go let's get let's get mailing in melane come here are we sure what if you're too good that's fine that's fine i'm okay with that are you good at shuffling the shots no the cards the cards what the [ __ ] you want i was working i wasn't thinking excuse me you know you know this is a very uh momentous occasion because the first time we're actually using this mic is the first first guest on after dark really yeah yeah i mean think about it that hasn't been anyone here though oh yeah but you're technically the first because like it feels weird sitting on this pillow oh we don't have like the wall you can make the wall yeah oh no okay yeah so you can take this one i mean it's not like i don't want to sit like really you want to be like wow no but like what if you start feeling the heat like i mean no no when you sit too close to someone you start feeling the warmth of their legs you know you don't even have to touch to feel it like this i don't know does that make sense okay yeah yeah what yo indeed chat chat is like saying what officer it's been a long day uh maybe uh turn merlin's mic up just a little bit smalling talks a lot more quieter than us we're loud youtubers so goddamn loud what happened who spilled the drink he didn't smell much he spotted time he just knocked it over it was empty he was on she uh graced everyone with your ass there joey and then do that yeah what's wrong no he just spilled all over it not there no i mean like here you can try it just shuffle them shuffle them shuffle them this is like the mahjong way of shuffling man that you don't gamble actually i won 100 bucks yesterday wow uh the lottery no no i'm serious i bought a scratch card during my lunch break why what made you do it because i felt lucky i guess you were right you want 100 bucks too yeah yeah and then then my husband was like oh don't don't buy it no one wins and i'm like statistically you won't win generally hello and welcome back to these fresh tastes you know we got mail in she's uh melin's doing her shuffling joey do we have any donors we're also doing you can't win with the discard all cards can you not not if you're discarding more than one like if you're discarding more than just the card i think that's kind of fun though yeah but that's kind of like if you could have seven and then we might have shuffled it [ __ ] that's literally like well that's that'll be like exodia you know i kind of like that though i like that rule can we not play that one let's just make it as crazy as possible what's the jump in rule exactly the jump in rule wait we can do the seven overall if you want well when you play seven everyone change cards no when you play a seven the person who put down the seven gets to also shall we shall we shall we make up shall we make up a rule zero is everyone has to change yeah yeah shall we make up a rule for this one as well press it six times press six you have to write it down yeah we have white board mark okay so chat we have like a blank card where we could make up a rule what should we do what should the made up rule what should the made-up rule be i'm going to google the seven in the meantime uh we got a 22 donation here on daddy orca it's my birthday today here's a donation with the same value as of my age today do you boys have any advice for me in this new age of mine from your personal experiences when you guys were 22 years old keep saying awesome as always loves and hugs oh happy birthday daddy orca i don't know what was i doing at 22 it's playing corpse party everyone says draw 25. i think that's a bit excessive that's a big success we can't choose how many we get take a card from somebody why why would you why would you i mean we make it fun everyone has to press twice okay okay everyone has to press twice okay in what order except the person who played it yeah yeah so in the so if god puts it down then connor presses twice then mailing press twice okay yeah let's do that let's do that that sounds fun yeah that's fun that's like a kind of exodia like everyone gets [ __ ] right hand we can do the swap hands card uh is that is that removable i guess we'll find out like since it's a whiteboard so the seven zero rule playing uh seven allows you to swap hands with another player and playing a zero forces all players to take their hands and pass it down in the order yeah should we do that then yeah seven zero seven zero is really fun that sounds fun [ __ ] it let's try yeah watch one piece so seven so if i put down a seven then i have to swap hands with either you connor or melee seven you get to choose yeah you get to choose but you have to at least one person so you have to play it strategically yeah so i mean you might have 15 cards gant has one and you do seven and then you can swap with gun yeah five should we play that next round okay okay so we can add something like everything and then zero is everyone has to that's fine that's fine it's fine don't worry and then and then zero is everyone has to pass it down the line so god gives it to conor gonna give it to mainly male and gives to me i give it to god complicating you feeling you feeling lucky mainly you feeling lucky today are you feeling lucky today are you also there's no way of avoiding this unless you also have the other one right yeah what do you mean like you can only avoid pressing it twice with that card if you have the other one oh yeah yeah press it down then everyone has to do four dude that'll be [ __ ] that'll be insane rng if that was the case should we allow jump in for that then like if god can't god plays that card but it's not your way are we doing jumping rule you wanna do jumping the rules each time jumping gets really confusing though really okay seven seven seven why are you giving it to just one pause you should do it separate to the shuffling maybe yeah you should do it one person at a time doesn't matter now it doesn't matter no jumping all right people don't jump yeah don't do yeah let's not do jumping because that gets confusing four seven what's the prediction will melane win i will win what's the prediction what's the rating what's the percentage oh i'm seeing near one third oh you can see where do you see the results oh okay well i won the other day and then my first poker game yeah i won also wait one million wow so wow so uh a lot of people believe in you oh really yeah a lot of people think you can win wow thank you all right thank you i don't cheat either they're just being nice uh did you show all the cards again sure i don't think it actually matters yeah i don't think it matters you guys have good eye contact though you know did you not hear about that story about that youtuber who got docs because like of the reflection in her eyeball no that was the other title oh i don't know i'm sorry how would that work with the v2 so say so have their real eyes youtubers are real okay avatar i confuse youtubers with idols even though even they're the same thing even though they will take even though they're kind of the same thing all right uh so i guess since gant won you you can go first connor oh okay got one so i can't got one so we're going this way yeah we're not going to show because it doesn't matter so the losers can go so wait are we doing so wait are we doing 7-0 for this no next i [ __ ] up laughter there you go joey there you go great start thanks for watching you're welcome i'm going to sue you oh [ __ ] off guard there you go connor there you go good start good start you don't have it for me oh yeah you're good you're all done early all right oh no oh this earlier yeah or that time we played no both how many cards do you already have joey jordan 21 what is that what is that you know that i watch them you know the headache meanwhile it's like migraines headaches and it's like playing uno it's like the other one where it covers your whole head yeah your time it's you it's me again yeah if you have another skip i swear to [ __ ] god just give him again skipper i would actually sue you like lawsuit one million skip skip skip skip if you have it skip whoa the purple lighting makes the colors different right i was like does this color exist you know it's not only going to be you it'll be oh my gosh does anyone have it does anyone have it i don't [ __ ] how does someone already have it all right so we made us a custom rule if they put those who just joined everyone has to press the button twice except for maylin except for melee yes it got so you said merlin yeah i said meleen which one is it i already explained this before to you guys though in vietnamese my name is melin but in english it's maylene it's like your parents call you gigger right all right all right joey i'm gonna this i'm not you i'm i'm i am predicting watch god's not gonna get i am predicting the gotcha gods are on my side i'm going to get this zero [Laughter] all right uh you get to pick a color and it's your turn any color any color you want what is this the squiggly thingy okay wait squiggly thingy like the like a reverse called no reverse yeah you know why am i playing why am i here why am i here joey with the dyrus experience i just want to play uno 25 you are rich watch anime withdrawal 25 and i did not watch anime uh let's change it to green discard all cards oh yeah he's got the disguise finally and i'm gonna leave it on a you know meleen i don't know if you want to bounce off this but you don't have to do it but you can use it to [ __ ] joey yeah so if you have a times two you can do it to [ __ ] me over which i feel like it should be really unfortunately i i don't have oh good do you have a green no i have no greens or times two all right well luckily oh my god green's just your color today isn't it yeah two cards get [ __ ] this machine is racist [Laughter] oh joey why are you going to play the race card why are you going to do that finally the only thing i have left i can [ __ ] over melee oh thank you just a little bit more do your cards get sticky now the cards are a bit sticky what are you doing to the cards sweating oh it's that's some nice seasoning you got that card there go on oh my god i'm collecting dna you have no blue oh my god oh [ __ ] i don't know 13 13 yeah those are rookie numbers joey let's pop those numbers up gotta go like gotta pump those numbers up joey that's yeah you you joey you there's a lot of bullying going on no [ __ ] it's a lot of bullying imagine he wins the redemption it just means yourself and uh change it to rhett oh my god okay okay finally finally wait what color red yeah red red so my turn number one oh no it's called but i don't have anything okay it's called we need to ban the word uno until someone actually has uno all right thank you thank you again fantastic all right uh let's just go one one right only the big plays two different only the big plays there's plenty more where that came from trust me oh my god i was wrong how is melanie not drawing anything yet uh what color have you drawn anything yet no she hasn't she's literally pressed like five times and hasn't drawn once what is this [ __ ] false it wasn't a false uno i said that the number one is called um i did it in the last round as well so oh okay okay people trying to get me to get [ __ ] [ __ ] you chad uh green green green how many times have you pressed that i don't know and i don't have green so let's see if the uno are you sexist draw if yes [Laughter] sex is confirmed wait so what were the house rules we added again oh my god how many how many times the only rule we had it was the draw two card right yeah yeah yeah yeah what about the discard one oh yeah and the discard all the scholarships joey have you got zodia in your hands joey have you got exotic in your have hands all the parts uh whose turn is it oh it's yours oh right right right well um okay cool guys are just staying on green on purpose because you know yes yes we we want you to draw melon we want you to draw yeah i really want you to draw me like really bad times for marlene the other times four no you must all right what should do nothing and i will change it to yellow oh ladies and gentlemen he's not one it's time to play l's theme no [ __ ] way no no no oh no what this is why we don't put this ruler what what the [ __ ] bruh one hit ko it's like a very protagonist thing i i knew there was a chance it could happen i just didn't want to play it i could have played it the redemption arc is real is that a scoreboard so we were moving that rule now come back office let's remove that you know what i didn't think it would happen in the first [ __ ] round this is this is out of the last time we played a practice game like uh last week and i think half of the games ended with that yeah yeah but it's too strong yeah you know what let's get rid of that yeah all right all right i'll take that dog but no no more for now there's a reason yeah i'll i'll take guys i'll take that but we're stopping that now we stopped that now let's they've banned exotic for a reason all right should we do the 7-0 rule next as well uh can someone who's good at shuffling shuffle these did you just say i wasn't good at shuffling basically no no i didn't you did i just didn't i didn't want to make you work twice that's overtime right you don't need another mahjong you didn't say uno oh oh you didn't say uno so you didn't win i didn't have to because i put it all down at once right yeah maybe i guess if you have one card left yeah yeah well let's just let's just get rid of that let's see well we're getting rid of that because that's [ __ ] uh but we do have however that's not [ __ ] is a donation from filth lobster for 60 nan dollars very nice hopefully i get docs by the reflection of this nice donation thank you is there a reflection where are you on this donation sweating sweating sweat it's hot in here it is getting hot you know it's making me heated you wanna maybe turn off the heater maybe it is a bit warm i think i just turned the heater off earlier upstairs because earlier it was it was cold downstairs yeah because you guys are on fire all right so that god you sound like a mom okay so this time around i mean you are our mom but you know um so this time around no more [ __ ] exodia roll uh i'll put a card in the middle uh put those underneath as well so it like cycles the cards um and uh we're implementing 7-0 so to just again explains if someone puts down a seven they have to exchange hands with a person of their choice if they put down a zero then we all have to switch to zero is there a zero in this game but yeah what is this here yeah what is it i just realized oh there's no zeros in this one in the regular one there's zeros i guess we're doing seven only then seven only yeah so what's what's zero how many zeros are there i mean normal normal uno has a zero card guys there's no zeros in this deck i we're not kidding what about did we not see a zero what about one make it one okay what about what about seven one seven one like you know seven one sorry so repeat what happens when it's one that's like my kd ratio i'm scared uh seven one one every brazilian track crying right now so one is everyone has to switch into whichever direction it's going yeah so if if it's going in this way so it's like the reversing thingy except no except we all switch hands oh that's horrible yeah so if the if it's going this way then you give me your cards i like the few football fans in the chat that actually got my reference the person no one here got it no one here [ __ ] got it why did you say a joke i was like seven seven one brazilians and chat crying right now but nobody here watches football stuff is it the world cup all right uh yeah so we'll do that so seven is you switch hands with a person of your choice and one is everyone switches hands sounds good to me it's weird that they say hands so is who's you won you once why is it weird that they say like what if where did it come from you're switching your actual hand is what like it came from right you know are you climbing no i guess because it's in in your hand so yeah maybe i don't know i don't think about these things i just play the game too much is yeah so now i give it to god are you [ __ ] serious yeah i have an amazing hand i hate wait i thought how do we how do we do it are we doing that well maylene have fun with all my cards thank you wait so that's so bad for me because i just put down the card and i gave connor a hand with one less card in it yeah so the tactics you put it down so the tactic is you have to get rid of all your good ones first and then you put down the ones oh okay well rip meleen gets my really good [ __ ] cards oh this is this was much better than what i had all right so where's the [ __ ] hand you gave me maybe it was tactics but if you have a seven you can you can take it back oh yeah also you should strategically put down your sevens right yeah you can say for example if you have a really good hand you put down a seven yeah obviously yeah yeah but if you have two sevens then you the other person can just put it down again and get back you know what i remember when uno was a simple game this is simple this is simple this is not a hole go on really too much for my brain to handle it's not that hard this is a card game for children [Music] uh just so you guys know melian has more wild cards than that oh why would you say that just so you guys because it used to be his hands i know i'm allowed to say what i want yeah all right there's no rules about that all right about that two mainly all right okay green okay okay yeah do it just do it all right just do it oh my god what what no i want to jump in i don't have it no no no no no i don't i don't yeah that's right yeah that's right i will remember this melon every time with that all right i'm gonna do a quick draw you ready for this ready okay okay oh i think that only registered as one person yeah it was two it was two it was two it was two yeah going to [ __ ] just stop me congratulations you played yourself your time mainly oh what color by the way um i guess we're about to find out whatever whatever you put down yellow go on then oh yeah yeah perfect which one do you want on top the drawer all the other two okay okay what if another person had the drug a brain player check out the big brain you're a small [ __ ] i'm not gonna we got a three down what happened um nice skip we are playing uno that's what happens skipper don't skip me oh you're just salty from that cooking thing bringing back old wounds huh which i'd like to say i think i judge fairly now i have a chance to say that what can you say about understanding mainland stuff yes how about we us [Music] allowing that i don't think that's a rule is that a rule is that a rule yeah you just swap and then you swap again because no no because because the thing is god is forced to switch no matter what no no if he gets this hand yeah yeah okay yeah so either way god's [ __ ] yeah so now it's cornerstone ah what no con isn't forced to swallow why i'm not supposed to swallow yeah because you have another servant no that's my lean seven which you just gave to god no no he is if he had if he has to put down a seven no matter what he has to swap out uh well it might be his last card right now now that tactic's over that's the only thing you can do like my tactics ruins now discard you know what why what did i do to you oh not you [Laughter] just went in for blood there i wish you could just see her face hold on i thought it was well she looked at god dead in the eyes while [ __ ] me over it's like that's like that's like looking at her phone you're looking at your phone right in my heart that's a lot of cards i just i just love like the [ __ ] [ __ ] look of death she gave me actually she put that down she was like green i was like the luigi deaths did all right all right connor ah okay here's my here's what i'm gonna do right yeah well let's say if god magically doesn't have to pick up two cards this term because i'm gonna be playing a two-card press-up thing right yeah that's what i'm gonna be playing i'm gonna then uh put it on uh blue everyone presses two now if gone has only one blue at the end of this turns the seven seems to swap his one card with someone so that would be really fun what right so press two everyone lean first i wonder how many cars i'm gonna get this time oh that wasn't bad all right okay so keep it on blue yeah and then gone we'll have to play the seven what's your turn uh no i just played it's my lanes no everyone pressed twice so now it's your turn no i think that's just like they just don't they uh oh is that how it goes yeah what color blue keep it on blue keep it on blue [ __ ] on over [Music] all right hold on let me just oh my god jerry what all right so how does the seven rule work again you have to so when you put it down you have to swap a hand with somebody if you're choosing i'm guessing you want someone with the least cards you might want to hide your cards you're not allowed to skip anywhere if you can play you have to go at least we're playing that rule now i have one very thick card i only have three oh oh you know actually it doesn't matter because you guys know what my card is yeah we know it's seven blue well no if he finishes on this this though then he just wins oh yeah yeah so you guys know what my card is so you guys you guys know what my like like know what my card is uh i can't change this yeah oh no you can change it oh it's it's yours you can change it though right look how many cards you have i just discard all my balls though i mean i have a lot of other numbers if it's a number then most likely did you press uh no it's my turn yeah yeah i don't i can play a card but i can't change the color wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are we allowed to discuss tactics between people so so we should change the colors yeah are we are we is this allowed are we are we allowed to discuss like what cards everyone has is that a ruler you know but we switched hands yes yes yes yes yes i don't see why not right what numbers you got chad okay do you have do you mind any chance number six go fish you don't no i do okay okay then do you have a sex what do you have because you don't it doesn't it doesn't matter i can i can do something that will [ __ ] with that okay okay i like collusion collusion is great okay it's not like we're bullying someone we're just trying to stop the person from winning at all costs oh okay i thought you said you couldn't change it i can i swear to god we were panicking because joey's like i can't change it guys no okay i'll change the color i'll change it to yellow okay well i also can't go now yeah boy [ __ ] no one has yellows all right doesn't have yellow so please don't let's try it let's try this again let's try this again he's going to dodge again how can you make this up let's try it again okay oh god that protagonist power could only protect you for so long you know i'm i'm not really feeling i'm not really feeling lucky with this hand we change uh i mean i'm fine with that oh we are okay sure yes we're going this way this way oh you've a lot of cards it's way less cost thank god originally your hand technically and i blame this um oh my god this [ __ ] handgun i mean better than my one but jesus is all right if you haven't if you have another one don't do another one why not because i don't want your hand do it do it i don't even remember if i have another one oh there's oh my god oh this is lighter awesome finally i'm at the advantage oh this hand sucks yo yo both both hands suck pretty bad i guess everyone had [ __ ] hands everyone has [ __ ] everyone had [ __ ] hands in their own way all right so connoisseur yeah my turn um what color is it red uh no no no no right there scarred all how many reds do i have there's quite a few from what i remember oh my god discard all and i only have three actually so i'll skip and i'll skip so so who's turn is it now it's your turn but you can only play a red or a skip or a wild card all right well i know connor doesn't have any breaks [ __ ] you damn so cruel ah all right let's change it off right hey just keep pressing am i the joey now because i got his hands yeah yeah yeah that's my hand that's not bad if that was me that would have been like six yeah all right oh that actually helped me thank you um well well then joey i know some of the cards that you have jerry yeah i don't remember it yeah i remember he has he has he he has a a hard time playing his hands right now i guess uh connor i want my hands i want my hand back i had nothing why do you not want this this is decent no it's not which direction is it going mine yep this one's not bad all right look pick up some more connor come on it's going this way yeah yeah [Laughter] oh my god really wow melanie you should get him to draw more oh damn it why why stop how does it feel [Laughter] [Music] green emotional damage oh [ __ ] oh my god oh oh oh you got a lot of good stuff oh i did i did i did i did it you should probably drop a one if you have the chance or seven yeah definitely yeah definitely yeah you want to do that no no he's just saying that to make to make you want his cards it's male 1 stone is it um what is that draw 25 how many do i actually have two four six eight ten twelve four sixteen nine i have seventeen here's the least cards by the way isn't it oh god i suck at these rules uh you get to choose who presses twice con okay why are we [ __ ] me oh oh okay very lucky what color uh yellow yellow i got plenty where that came from what can i say thank you ashley thank you very much oh my god that's three charged now i think yeah you charged i'm actually more of a fan i'm a fan of green two [Music] [Laughter] because i have one of those oh [Applause] after a certain point the note just doesn't get yeah that got as high as the note would go did it go on all right melin it's you don't do it don't do it too seven is you switch with one person of your choice one is everyone goes how many cards how many do you have gone doesn't have that many take he has like three cards yeah i'm not kidding he has like three yeah trust us show his show i don't have to do [ __ ] yeah this is uh you can go over there physically you wanna try do you wanna you wanna try me do you wanna try if you have a seven i'd go with gone like look at me you don't want me and you don't want connor he just draws literally got like the whole entire deck oh but it looks so thick it's not he doesn't have that much he's only drawing lawns i think you have less than me melon really yeah all right guard you little [ __ ] biscuit did you is it oh oh it's about the same actually we just swapped we actually got about the same all right my favorite child treatment it's not very punishment let's bring this down a notch okay yeah bring it to yellow okay yellow okay i actually quite liked my hands all right it's pretty good hand there really yeah you look at it you look look at your hand yeah i know i know i know i know i i will happily have you take that hand why is there so many [Laughter] yeah i literally forgot that seven did that it was full of sevens and ones yeah yeah it's such a [ __ ] let's change it to blue blue and who do you want to press those release cards me connor one of the pickup guards i wanted to actually give you this head oh god all right all right [ __ ] my life three yeah cd no oh okay discard all blue oh jesus oh my god nice okay oh oh oh it's getting serious only three it's getting tense here it's getting tired do you want to shuffle this red red i don't know if i like the seven one rule it's uh no i like it because it means it's super [ __ ] hard to play around it's super hard to follow as well what are we on is it me yeah okay discard all reds oh [ __ ] oh he's got a lot oh my god how many have you got he's got he's got two no yeah he's got i i put a two on top yeah he's got two left okay okay are we playing the rule if like you have you have to play a card if you have something yeah yeah you have to play it so if you only have you have to play so you can't like voluntarily skip no no no no okay some owners let you do that but that's no fun yeah god it's too late it's too late it's too late are you serious melinda i didn't see it i thought it was like quite a stack i literally just said he has two cards left i have the worst memory all right what what color what color green oh joey no oh not like this god i hate you so we have a card we have to play it yeah is it a one yes take it take it off my hands take the stop oh not no no oh no no no i had an amazing hand all right who's turn it's go it's connor's turn call it's done i don't know i can't even go i don't understand the rules so well so i don't know which one's even better uh what rule don't you understand you have to play if you can go you have to go yeah okay uh oh no you didn't say oh no no no no so you have to press the button twice what you have to say uno before the card goes down a bit yeah someone calls you out oh turnips oh turnips yeah okay i'm trying to remember what maylene's lost [Laughter] i really i really wish you would have said it i really wish you were oh my god i thought it was big bro let me oh my god okay i really wish meleen would have just said christ god what is this hand oh my god joey this was your hand yeah how many cards i told you joey's got the whole library oh my god it doesn't matter which hand that goes into yeah that's forever just like average 15 that's so [ __ ] you can't escape are we ever going to get get a winner for this game how long has this game gonna be going on for i [ __ ] hope so dude a long time it has been a while go on 30 30 one game that's fine holy [ __ ] it's an intense game the win will be sweet on this have we been live an hour 40 minutes already [ __ ] out 25 minutes for a game how long is like a normal game of you know can we can we google can we google what the uh the average the average length of a gamer i have none oh go on oh my god it's all right it's content i've no i'm not even been playing the game right now i'm just i'm just i'm just sitting here about damn time that's a lot yeah that's all the cards no no that was not in the fact maybe we should aim it a little bit away the average time for you know it's not seven and a half hours yellow yeah the average that might be the average time for like a 50 man uno that's uh okay let's uh are you there we go oh wow how many sevens are there they're left in circulation i'm trying to remember how many sevens there are left in circulation i mean we might uh okay let's change it to green will you [ __ ] stop gone this is a harassment okay wait connor doesn't have reds or greens yes okay okay okay no i did okay [ __ ] detective conan over here figuring out the hardest case [Music] does anyone have it [ __ ] you now anyone want to jump in no all right all right come on gotcha gods come on i'm i'm begging i'm gonna reset it for you so oh i could have [ __ ] oh you said it for me right so maybe oh yeah thank you yeah yellow i guess oh yellow all right thank you uh you know what you could have gone no i just think oh my god oh my [ __ ] gods god go first that's four charges go on melee all right nice nice nice i dealt at least some some level of damage uh let's go with red let's go with red yes oh [ __ ] me there we go what damage to everybody done just like that look at all of these cards right not a single rant seven hour game goodness what was going on we should have done this for like a 24 hour stream right yeah right 24-hour uh that would've been intense as [ __ ] gosh any color any colors this is what monopoly feels like to me it's just it's just one game that's uh no it keeps going okay yeah and they don't have red and then i have to do red if you have a red or if you have a wild i have a one what is the longest game of uno you guys have played what oh what i don't know jerry gets to pick now i get to pick four how many cards are you allowed elaine has the least by the way by like a mile why why you can't have a lot well joe joe pick me pick me pick me oh no he's gonna [ __ ] someone pick me pick me pick me please please please all right guys all right all right go all right go on go on maitland oh my god oh my god there's a car then six presses six pressures i think you don't have two of those do you mainly no i don't go for it six times then oh my god the devastation one two three four five six no no no one of them didn't do an audio queue yeah he did no no it didn't i didn't hear it this time one more there you go okay all right good job that was that was the combo play man that was a combo player right there what is it fatality is that anyone with less than like 10 cards yellow how do we keep getting more cards if like if the entire day if the entire day gets shared by all four of us is that just like the end of the game okay uh what's the next it's yellow yellow and uh well meleen went first right yeah i think she all stacked because i played the last card well those remember we didn't count this as uh like a turn-affecting card oh then it's dead it's me though all right wow just a normal turn for once feels like we're starting again we're not even starting it we're starting from like minus i like the animated bang bang bang [Music] all right uh who's time mailing yeah it's melin's turn go on so many bangs in the chat is that your emote god yeah that's nice or all the yellows what do you want to start because i needed more cards you know i'm just go i'm just going to play i'm just going to play this because i don't think it actually matters right now it really did matter yeah but yours is a little lighter than mine thank god oh mine's definitely heavier but i think i thought you have a right yeah did they get all of the discard oh but this is oh no this is such a bad hand though i don't think many skips did you have um yeah i can't even go you're right all these cars that's a real bra moment that is a real bra moment right there all right everyone did the watch animal draw 25 yeah right through 25. go on do it oh god oh my god this is the only way we can get rid of these [ __ ] ones should we just make a gentleman's agreement just to play all the ones that we can i don't have anything what a [ __ ] hand all right let's just let's just let's just give connor some more shall we let's just let's just give color some more four times could also reverse the effect on you that would be so funny but it's like skip cards like no yeah you just activate my trap card all right next game we should do that remove this seven [ __ ] reverse can reverse everything all right oh oh nice four i put down at times [Laughter] he was like oh okay i'm fine he wasn't fine oh great thank you love it okay um um [Music] i thought uno was a fast game no it's not what yeah since when i don't know uno was never a fast game i thought it was fair i thought i thought you know was meant to be a fast game yeah you got you get off the deck you got a [ __ ] deck right there or maybe it's like the first like if that puts down then like anyone can put it down um [ __ ] my life man how have we got all these cards and we're struggling to put these cards down oh [ __ ] you now oh one more there you go that was a lot uh what color are we on are we gonna have any cards reverses [Music] all right i'm going to discard all my greens i just need to like sort out my greens for a second now look like you're struggling over there i have like one of everything but one's sevens and uh what else like that's all the greens i have what it tastes like all right uh oh god what should i do we're just going to turn this into a 24 hour stream oh i think he's going to like oh yeah go on your turn i must no [ __ ] connor has all the skips all the skills because i got it i got the hand oh you got the skip hand yeah who has less than 10 cards here okay joey now we know who to swap with anime it's youtube that's [ __ ] right now yeah joey's you know it's put down oh okay oh it's me it's me yeah all around me are familiar faces [Music] and i was even sad upon her you can't go i can't now i can [ __ ] over melee with all the power i have in my hand oh [ __ ] thank you thank you god [ __ ] damn it man come on god damn okay so let's think about this what's the possible strategy you could do yeah yeah it's your turn going this way now imagine if we had more than four people playing this game this would be like it would never end this would have this would never end at all you might as well just play one piece [ __ ] what should i do guess i'll do this oh yeah yero hero i'm yarrow i am though give me give me your hand melon give me give me a hand come on come on come here give it give it it's okay you can if you want but sure right yeah okay all right call us soon all right all right let's [ __ ] over marlene now times two maybe what she ever times two oh god no please she doesn't she doesn't i don't i'll say i'll save you the time may then you don't have a times two oh there's no cards left is it already yeah that had nothing to do with it because it didn't it didn't spit you're lucky oh my god this deck is getting smaller yes it's actually getting smaller you know it was a short game oh no no it's not a short game are we literally gonna go for the longest uno game make sure to shuffle it because the discard ones stack all the colors yeah yeah really sharp uh so we'll wait until we have to i think i think um you know normally yeah huh can you go again what is it nine is isn't a compliment when you say oh they're so stacked or it's stacked yes this is not a good stack this is skip okay oh my god we're playing a normal game oh my god uh melee's not allowed to play again okay can someone una reverse it again please i have more stuff to do i'm so salty no no no i i can't play i gotta wait for the camera right that gets off the longest you know game was 170 hours no way were they actually like trying to win though yeah they had to have been like stalling right like we're actually trying to win this yeah yeah i'm trying to win uno movie trash chase edition if meline loses she she should apologize for the cooking comments if i win let me just tell you all games there's not much to talk about when someone [ __ ] up on like you know because this is like the simplest uh this is the simplest game we can think of and we wanted to test the overhead camera before we committed to playing a more intricate board game yeah then you know go on mainly conor winning keck w that is not funny yeah i win things occasionally i'm the entire game boy i am the winner i'm the one who wins what does a blank one mean again uh wait blind not that i have it or anything that was the third card yeah yeah but we decided not to no no it's they're all the same rules yeah so it's the you put it down and everyone has to press twice yeah if it's blank yeah okay okay anyone have it anyone have it anyone have it no no no you have it no i don't i don't okay don't go on then uh it's me first right yes this way okay all right here we go oh all right come on don't give it to me don't give it to me don't give it to me come on i gotta [ __ ] the most my turn right oh bruh someone didn't shuffle this i did you did not i got all the same color uh yeah i also got two of the same card which i remember when they were played you have to really really i got six of the same color he got six of the same color hit twice unless you have the same no you're right there's just so many i just why did you have to say that but i don't have it okay okay thank god oh my god all right i think uh you know what i'm i'm can i bring up something okay how about we say [ __ ] the 7-1 rule so that we can actually [ __ ] finish this game because i i agree how many we have i agree wait why is that slowing down the game because it's clearly because people keep switching decks before being able to finish it so we're literally so when we get close we get switched to more cards and then which [ __ ] over the other player and then it just keeps reverse it just keeps going we've been on this game for 40 minutes now i want to go home i say we just [ __ ] continue all right we'll finish with this rule we need to finish with pull it pull it pull it into place keep going let's [ __ ] it we're doing it live keep going let chad decide so it's meaner because we're going this way right we've started now we should finish color right yeah i i chose uh uh everyone has the same color yellow yellow not that it matters we start with rules we finish with rules that's how we do [ __ ] around here i want to go home i just i just want to finish the game i don't see my kids in 36 hours i told my kids i was getting cigarettes my dad told me he went to play a game of uno and he never came back i think he's still playing right now they say 170 hours that's let's change it to blue no one else have one no one else wanna all right well no you have to have one well luckily i have one maylene you're so salty if you have another one you can stack it a real pile i have to be careful you know there's just so many oh my god okay i just thought he doesn't have it four times oh that's not good nothing uh what color connor i'm gonna say uh crisp yellow uh is it me or maylene it's melin yeah because you're next okay after conor yeah so it's yellow yes yep democracy oh you just said i thought you had it i think okay connor [Music] [Laughter] never gonna end does he have another one no there's only three in the pack i'm sure there is i'm pretty sure there's only three in the pack this guy just met at the game what he's like um actually there's only three i've been card counting okay that's illegal or something no it's not legal oh i mean in vegas it is no it's not illegal they just they just don't want you to do it you just get beaten up that's all remember i've seen 21. yeah what number uh sorry what color huh green green okay so joey okay oh god uh why are you licking my hand joey i'm trying i'm trying to be tactical here i just joey do we want to end the game right now i do want to we want to end the game right now in the game with my dub raymond what about raymond he doesn't count cards he just just let's let's just let's just give it to connor let's just give it a go let's give it a go i've got to have one let's give it to connor [ __ ] four times oh that was so close that was so close oh my god ah so it's smelling okay what yeah get rid of everything yeah yes yes all your blues i mean i'm sure you have a lot i'll do it oh [ __ ] is our battery out of battery do we have another one why is it not charging it was charging the thing is this charge is so slow oh wait what do we do then you switch a camera uh i don't think we have another camera you just put the middle camera for that for now yeah it's not going to look as clean yeah but i mean it's better than nothing right yeah we want to continue we can't end it like that what time is it no no no no just have the camera pointed like this one just change this the middle camera just move it forward yeah yeah put it look how many cards i have this is insane i just want this to be hopeful i want this to be over seven rules still works yeah maybe it's a sign for it to be over point it down uh naby can you look at the camera for ashley just just look at the camera angle are you are you oh you're on the thing and showing them as well yeah yeah can they see it yeah is it clear mr p bun buns thing for the 10 subs you can move it no you can't zoom on that you have to move forward just watch they can move it way further yeah yeah how much can can they see the can they see it okay you can always stretch the thing in is that all right okay all right well we're going to be on middle camp for a while all right very professional oh god looks like he has a nice small stack of room well you sound like a pervert [Laughter] it's not my my fault holy [ __ ] that's still not as big as mine yeah and strategically i didn't get i only got rid of the useful blues so that you would be stuck with the blues all right melanin you want to hand that over to me there you go give it back [ __ ] give it back joey give it back why oh it's so thick this is not a nice little dude that was like a fire like now i got now i've just like gotten rid of all the sevens oh god i got rid of all right well you actually didn't die [ __ ] how many got that um that's definitely the least right there all right enjoy it's my turn yeah give it to me [Laughter] what is going on it's [Music] come on [Music] oh my god what's happening i've got the cards again oh my god yeah and again [Music] please please there's a one in there as well you're gonna do the one there's one's in here too we're just slowly going to get rid of this hand that's what we're literally doing right now we're just getting rid of cards in this hand oh my god hold on is there another one please tell me yeah oh yeah there it is thank god it's gonna be like a 15-minute game are we just gonna get rid of all the ones are we doing it let's just get rid of all the ones we agree well i mean it's god's turn now do i have any ones left do i have any ones left you can't do this to me you can't do this to me no i'm stuck with this hand i'm stuck with this hand go on then everyone press it twice wait it's michael put it down don't do that come on oh now that he has that well now we know reverse reverse your skin reverse reverse oh my god no one has yellows um is it yours we skipped we're not reversed yeah um i just skip go on oh god oh thank god i think it's just good to give up on the idea of winning what yeah you got it back then so that this camera can actually see gone if you can zoom it i pretty much i thought it wasn't a zoom lens no no don't move it back that's why yeah just not too just to stop blocking the cameras oh yeah yeah oh they can't see anything uh is that charged maybe a little bit now it's not going to be charged like there's no point turning on when it's pointed on oh scuff stream scoffed oh no they can look at my feet yeah and then what this is the start to your feet and wikileaks know thought about selling fee pictures once because it's a good living what made you say no could you repeat that why would you choose now to say that i would and this isn't the podcast anymore we can't say mood uncut that admits she wants to sell feet in front of 10 000 people when i was in college sorry let me rephrase that not sell feed soul feed picks selling feet would be psychopaths that's gonna be like damn keeps plus treating you that badly is the boss she's like i could sell your feed picture that's harassed please don't we will sue yeah yeah just cut it back and forth i guess until something yeah when something interesting happens all right uh it's maylene's turn okay all right all right okay who's going i've completely forgotten so it's joey's joey jerry i skipped and i pressed and i didn't get anything oh oh [ __ ] my life oh my god um oh this is a good stack yeah yeah good the good stuff yeah the good stack of course of course definitely definitely oh my god what i will win oh my god okay i'm getting couple tunnels trying to hold this all right uh oh my god okay i really have no cards to play you don't have any yellows oh my god what was that holy [ __ ] prayers you said you didn't have any cards yeah now you got some cards right there yeah all right go on your turn hold on i'm trying to go 360. what is it this is yellow yeah all right i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go all the way around with these with this hand oh my god oh finally call of duty nice oh my god really [Music] you're turning up forgive me what's happening has anyone called out i had this can i can i add that actually what i didn't discard it oh okay well i guess you'll turn them oh you can't do that why can't i discard it all i just didn't do it well you didn't do that like you didn't put it down it's not going to change what i do this turn because i have nothing i'd do that that's fine just go for it okay it doesn't make a lick of difference you have half the deck in your hand uh yellow oh it does make a difference i've literally gone 360 with my cards he's got like i've got like 20 cards it's not going to make a difference has anyone called out uno wants this game i could have but i didn't because i did i forgot about that rule but yeah yeah she did um why am i seeing a lot of nice camera angle why what's the angle unless you have a discard all mainly no oh you have five cards oh god no one has a discard all oh my god joey you've already got some yellows now though okay i have one one yellow oh two yellows i've got a and i'm going to put it on a discard so it's red you ever read this cuddle oh my god it feels good when you get when we get a combo of more than like five cards being put down yeah right do i have a discard at all hold on [ __ ] i can't see what i'm doing okay uh level three hype let's go is this like purgatory right now no i think i think this is just hell yeah i'm just trying to escape i want to escape this hell right now this hell do they do they make people like guantanamo players you have to play a card if you have it yeah you have to play it but you don't know what i have you probably have a one or a seven i mean we just say it's good okay fine fine it's good sportsmanship okay why are you complaining mainly you got the best stack now oh my god is it my turn talk to me is it mine no it's this way right right i said who's so jerry's turn oh great is it marilyn's turn no it's your turn please please please throw one on my lean all right no don't throw one on you've got two cards left times two if you have another time and you definitely have one yeah that it doesn't look like it but that one's the best hand that one is the best hand it does it has everything to save you you also got oh i forgot what color that last card it's green it's green it's green no i could have i can't do anything green stay blue stay blue stay blue stay blue there's no other cards in there is it empty yeah we need to refill it i'm gonna shuffle i'm gonna suppress it oh let me go home please shuffle this i didn't know uno gives depression oh my god oh my god dude it's like that one time we played uno at that like onsen place for like five hours and gone can't go so yeah that game took so long we just like every time a card caller came out we just started [ __ ] shouting like stands that were the same magicians yeah we were like and then someone saw zanna green is like we didn't really have one for blue though or yellow moody blues we had oh we had midi blues we didn't have yellow though right yellow was a golden experience experience that was fun doesn't have blue yeah so i guess we should keep it on blue it was fun chad until you had to do it for five hours no no he doesn't even remember doesn't matter it doesn't matter i know it's i know you don't have a melon oh thank god rip the uno dream all right uh let's see what do we got here all right um let's put it on green green it's on green yeah yeah oh and my misery gone i'm trying okay can you stack can you stack can you stack stack it's all right it's only two cards uh what color green oh no no no red red red what what joey that was a mistake [Music] this came back to end yeah oh lord what would i have done without it look blue blue then there you go that's blue yeah and can't turn right no it's your turn because we went this way because that you know reversed oh and then she put that down yeah yeah yeah yeah blue oh no that's not what i can do some blue are you sure are you sure you want it because i mean you don't know are you sure about that is it my channel no it's mine what is this mailing what is this no just despite it just hit it twice real quick for me please tell me the times too i can [ __ ] over god i can [ __ ] over gone unless you can stack can you change a two times into four times no by adding a times two no you can only add a times two fudge oh my god end my suffering [Music] i want to go home i haven't seen my kids in 36 hours we're so close that's that's that's the thing man that's the closest and he has like 15 cars oh god please somebody has this somebody hasn't hold on let me check let me check no no no no no nobody has it because melin has two are you serious i'm serious i'm serious it's my turn first yeah oh my god take it oh i need to oh this is going to be more oh that was not a devastating yeah yeah all right i have them all so don't worry green i have that funny enough all right the amount of that i've heard so many [Music] oh let's go yo remember when uh this was the winning remember when i had like remember one hand remember when this was the uno hand this was the uno hand what color may lean it doesn't matter i have one just tell me okay uh all right oh god jesus christ oh whose turn is it god hurry up what is it red okay how many people are watching us right now guys i think you have something better to do right now no they want to watch the world's longest uno cards oh that's true i would i would be there for that as well you're right you're right you put on all the reds yeah all right [Music] [Laughter] oh okay look at that face and i think i'll [ __ ] over malin again and then i can go next once yep why [Laughter] what have i done to you i thought i was the second favorite child after god i've been skipped so many times oh my god uh what is what is the color uh the yellow the yellow the yellow yellow is it my turn or is it [Music] all right green green sorry jesus how many cards do you have half the deck apparently combo hell yeah that's a combo that's a combo right there yeah is your hand pretty good now just defined pretty good i actually don't think it is uh red okay i'm glad you didn't say green i literally just discarded all my greens all right let's get on in gamers let's end this game end my suffering god give me a call are they good cards yes oh i just did the biggest brain play that actually worked oh i'm gonna nut so is it you wanna hit my l moment well this is my l moment right so i had a seven and a one that was yellow right and i knew that gone if i gave him the hand full of yellows when i moved it on a yellow he would immediately play the discard all yellows which means he then got rid of his one but luckily i haven't won the hero so now i can have my cards back [Music] but why would you do that oh [ __ ] [Laughter] this is why the villain never explains their plan this is literally the villain explaining that if you actually look closely at my cards i have the least cards now big brain plan actually just worked out melee has more cards than me actually you won't believe what i just did she was a [ __ ] [ __ ] sick all right uh let's put it on blue all right god damn it oh damn it all right all right here we go that was a bra moment dude i went through all that trouble i'm so sad you know you can uh you can pick up some more cards and i change it to red [Laughter] oh my god i'm so close yellow the red right now oh [ __ ] oh my lord i just picked up like the devil oh what a [ __ ] hand i would just like to let you all know because you're gonna see it either way yeah i just picked up three ones oh no no we're about to have a lot of fun with that first let's do this oh come on come on all right here we go no this way right yes turn it's your turn by the way you have to you have to play it by the way you have you have to play it oh my god wait wait wait let me let me this might actually be gigabrt this actually might be gigabrain play by me no way no uh we all have to change again uno yeah and then you i don't think you can play your turn but we all know what amelia has oh thank god that gigaframe play working out for you i thought it was one more one and i would have done it oh we're about to run out low on cards can you shuffle yeah never ending it's gonna end we are so close we've gotten closer than ever actually most of our hands i feel like this is the end it's a nice stack i guess it's my turn okay sorry oh nothing in it it's out of cards so we have to wait okay let's just carry on willing my turn uh um uh yeah your turn no i have to press you guys are like oh come on and play i'm like okay 15 minutes oh it's been two hours oh my god this is going to be the most legendary game of uno at this point all right joey your turn well no she has to press in all the time right oh i guess yeah sure all right you might have just charged it for yourself oh my god you guys did not shuffle this okay thank god pick up four can i do another times two oh you actually my god oh you gotta discard old blues too yeah yeah oh wow yeah they're really yellow and blue they combo together nicely uh and now it's uh all combo the people in chat who are just going to be able to witness this this game ending it's going to be a legendary moment ludon is going to [ __ ] hate us when we send him this video she's like you did what for how many hours we're all we are getting close yeah we're getting close i'm not just don't [ __ ] us over please joey i'm i beg you let's see oh uh and then if i have yellow i can play it yeah [Laughter] [ __ ] kid oh wait yeah i should have [ __ ] oh thank you [Applause] oh thank god they were stupid they could have won i was i was just like he's called out and you guys are just swapping between each other i thought now i finally know how willing wallace feels [Applause] and i was just like guys it's on yellow he's obviously he's obviously got a yellow and you guys are just playing [ __ ] playing swapping cars between each other i think i just nodded i was like surprised i was like he knew there was a seven in the back i didn't check the back of the car i didn't i didn't even care i was like please just someone win jesus and after all of that we tied with one game each [Laughter] one game to me one game to god one game to connor it's a tie he didn't win anything joey did nobody wins did connor really win that game or did we all lose no i definitely won i get to go home dude [Music] that was the price what would have been our price okay now now that we're here now that we're here okay okay so obviously obviously this is the first time that you've been on camera since uh the cooking special so you have some choice words about uh the uh about the judging that you wanted to explain that uh wasn't put on camera then you didn't say on camera so wow i actually made each of your dishes at home like twice well garnish i made three times because i [ __ ] up twice it was very hard it was hard it was it was hard but it was hard consider that really as much yeah yeah i don't i don't consider how hard it is to make when i do yeah i consider like oh could they have fixed this with the time that was available you go connor could have fixed it with the time you had but you were so busy like oh i want to be like i want to present it second and the bottom no i wasn't you can't complain or like talk like a lot about something that's so simple like what else could i say about 100 clips chef coach gave me a nine thank you he clearly thinks it was great of course yeah but he also gave me a gun a ten so yeah i mean when i made it yeah when you made it it was nice oh well well i love it so the domino's pizza was great when i had it somewhere else not at domino's like it was it was good but also i was counting on the other judges to like push you down yeah he explained to you why it was super oily because yeah because because you said his was undercooked as well right yeah that was the big thing the undercut i did i don't know maybe edit it out [Laughter] favorite childhood all right guys god is my favorite child favorite children i treat everyone the same okay that's what every mom says that's what every mom said males don't need moms would any would any sibling in the chat would like to confirm do do your parents treat you equally right that's what happens right you're my favorite child too i treat my cats equally they're like my kids because they don't it's just because they don't uh they don't they don't talk to it's called meow talk and then like it'll say oh alien i think you've gone too far no no you're too far gone at this point they talk they talk to you it's silent that's what someone on lsd would say they even tell you they love you according to the app if art can if you have the app yeah can i meow into it right now no it doesn't work i tried does it not i don't only catch it live let's test it with your phone let's test this that's just maybe maybe your impression was just bad man let's see what it says that i say yeah let's see what do you think this is google translate all right transl translate this to cats it just comes out like meowth mainly crazy cat lady crazy cat lady she is crazy cat lady i want to try this she talks to a cat let me try i want to be now into it let me know yeah maybe that maybe this the impression needs to be like yeah but let me yeah yeah maybe the impression needs to be like spot on if it works it works right what do we get the va to do it yeah let me try it i'm doing a pretty good cat we gotta get like uchi the shoe who does like an amazing cat yeah she does she does do animations get her to speak into it what's it called oh okay meowth all right all right here you have to update it it's it's got an updated vocabulary yeah it's got the cat slang the meow the meow oh it's translate or anything okay okay i'll i'll hold it hold on except oh okay i just wanted to like feel like google translate where like you know how you can like press it so that you can hear how it's pronounced yeah yeah it's like hello wait hold on you're not using it right what cat dog pa it was [Laughter] wait what what is it neighborhood wait can i try oh no saying that it's a neighborhood no that's oh you have to recognize your voice so you registered the voice oh okay because i have there's differences okay so connor's the neighborhood have you ever heard a cat before yeah they definitely don't sound like that i just want to know what people who have just tuned into the stream what they're thinking leo is it registering all right can i try can i try it we all got to do cat impressions hold on [Music] that's very close i love you is that what you were saying yeah definitely because like i always look at my cat and then wow that actually worked holy [ __ ] well i actually worked did i heard a noise you gave a random sentence well i didn't register for you okay try it again and think something okay think joey the cat whisperer i'm the cat whisperer all right you got it you got it oh oh there's nobody saying no one [Music] uh i guess i said a [ __ ] swear word because it's blurred out like mine did that too what is that oh it doesn't know what i said i guess i mean i was thinking [ __ ] you mainly so that's probably correct [Music] what is this treat [Music] and this is why we're never going to get sponsored by them so you get the idea so what it's awesome so what have your cats said to you malin all kinds of things like oh i want to see you or like help or not help come here come here i am embarrassing myself i was looking for my cat the other day right or wait tell me the story again so i just keep yelling while you tell your story okay okay uh it was like 4 a.m and i could hear my cat meowing for help and then i went downstairs and i was like where where is he so i kept calling his name and then i i was like wait where is this and i put my ear to the wall and the cat was in the wall like in the wall like maybe upstairs i don't know how he got in the wall so to get him out i took the yogurt out because he loves yogurt right and so like the moment you open the yogurt cap he knows it's like and then he's like so i opened the yogurt start swishing it around trying to make the yogurt noises and he finally came out so i was i was i was saying when malen when merlin told this story it sounded like a scene from always sunny like it was like like it sounded like it sounded like a scene from always sunny because there's it sounded like something charlie said or something right was like i said i woke up and then there was a cat in the wall so what i did is i got the yogurt and i went i put it in against the wall i put it against you i saw this and i said i swear yeah it was my husband and i were getting yogurt it's like uh hey let me put my uh it's like uh let me try let me try it's like that meme right it's just mean where it goes they're playing they're playing xbox and they're like oh hold on i put my cat on the mic and he goes meow meow meow i love you it didn't work wow because you're a huge fake fake cat kissing how do cats kiss how do cats hiss [ __ ] cat's like it's just 30 minutes of cat noise you're literally somehow those last five minutes felt longer than the entire you know game that we just played [Music] that was this week's uh trash taste after dark where you get to watch uh four people suffer with you know uh and then and do cat impressions and try to do a become a cat whisperer i did it once well i didn't just like [Laughter] may lead on again she's going to get herself cancelled next time jesus christ oh thanks for watching guys uh ashley what are we doing next week uh next week next week quiz next week so if you'd like to see us embarrass ourselves with that because all the other quizzes did absolutely spectacularly as you guys should know then uh please go check that out and uh we will try and fix this overhead camera situation by next year so that doesn't happen again this was luckily i mean it worked out for like luckily luckily this was an uno game so we could switch cameras and people could follow along but uh and it lasted for the majority of the stream which is good yeah just uh we gotta prepare but uh yeah if you if you missed any part of this stream uh then make sure to go over to our after dark channel on youtube trash this off the dark to watch the full vod and uh we stream every day on tuesday jst every day on tuesday every week every tuesday tuesday yeah subscribe and uh have a great week guys yeah who do we want to read is anyone online um i'll have a look as well if if this has proved anything i got to improve my cat impressions victor's on should we [ __ ] scare the [ __ ] out of me i think my my mind is like skipping sure let's do victor again yeah let's do victor so we're gonna go raid victor frame of travel good friend of ours last week too right yeah we've rated him last guy great guy he's just always streaming at this time and uh uh be nice guys yeah very nice please support him he's a great guy yeah and uh yeah this is fun streaming next week where we don't do cat impressions yeah uh but i guess in the meantime uh bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Trash Taste After Dark
Views: 2,345,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, Taste, Streams, Twitch, The Anime Man, Gigguk, CDawgVA, uno, attack, challenge, meilyne, podcast
Id: ma1BwqXPhOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 12sec (9432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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