The YouTuber Life is CURSED | Trash Taste #41

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Joey and Grant's shirts that is (+ the bonus hoodie). No shade to Connor, he often has the best drip.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/noxnoctum 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dunno. But since its korean maybe when they went to korea they got it? Ive seen people wear it before but dunno where its sold :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FISHIESR4LIFE 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
- The thing about this like frail Asian kid wearing a beanie walking around. You look like a fucking cancer patient. (Joey laughing) So I was like, "I'm tired of this, I wanna change my style." - Right? - Lemme get there, right? So I went for the skinhead look, (chuckle) I looked like a complete... (laughs and claps) I look like I just came out of prison, right? (bright upbeat music) Hello and welcome to another episode of the Trash Taste podcast. I am your host for today, Garnt that is a real name I can assure you. (Joey laughing) And I'm joined today, with my cohost Connor and Joey. - The ones with the real names - Real actual names. - The actual real names. - The actual real names. - Me, the wisest man on earth. ( Joey laughing) - So by the time this comes out, this would have been very old by now but we haven't really got a chance to have, had a real debrief on our cycling special. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Because we filmed an outro and that turned out to be 26 minutes or something like that. And we were just like, people gone - originally. - Yeah. Originally people, we were like people don't wanna hear us talk about a special day they've just seen. - Yeah, by the way, If you haven't watched the cycling special, - Yes. - You should go and do that before we're gonna talk. we talking about that video. - Yes. - So if you wanna watch that link down below or top - On screen now. But I think the biggest thing, I mean obviously the reaction for that has been absolutely, - I'd say awesome. - Awesome. But what I found funny was, how seriously people took when it came to discussing who won and who lost and who cheated. - Yeah. - In that cycling special. - There was, I've never seen like our subreddit turn into like just the most like, "No you" - Top of like thread - It was a fucking free for all for a good period of time there. (Connor laughs) - It was like fucking team Garnt and Joey versus team Connor battle is this like-- - Is this how the twilight fans I'm wearing the prime? - Yeah. - Yeah I mean I get it you know, they they're invested - They invested - I appreciate it, you know - Which is a good sign, which is a good sign. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah but I mean okay, I think I'm very like, I'm very fake salty, like I'm always like, fake angry. - I think we are all fake salty and fake angry. (Joey laughs) - But like in real life as well I'll get like, I'll start like getting like, I'll sound like loud I'm like, "Yo this is fucked up" and then I'll be like, "oh you really count like no, no, not really. ( Joey laughs) Am just like ,I just like getting annoyed about things in a way that isn't like, - Right. - Twittering. - That's very British of you. (joey and Connor laughing) - Yeah yeah yeah British, very British. Am so like I can't believe this! Oh my God really like, no. I don't wanna do this shit - Like no. - I mean like , you know, the cheating. I was like at the moment, I'm sure when I found out you cheated I was like, "motherfuckers." and then I probably just thought through like alright well. - Yeah yeah. - But then obviously, 'cause there's also clips said like me talking about it on my live stream, but obviously like I play up the saltiness cause I it's good to showmanship, you know. It is. Its fun. - Yeah. But it's unfortunate that like a large majority in the internet doesn't understand sarcasm. - Dude that was so I, there was like an all subreddit people discussing. - Yeah. - Who cheated, who really won, who is the real winners? - Who done it? (laughing) - And I there's just one comment, I can't remember what it was called but they were like big man Connor Cahoot thinks he's a real winner, real chad huh. Connor's friends, cheaters when he cheated, and he was getting so angry about it and I was like what the fuck? (laughing) - And it was so funny seeing how like, the fact that there were so many people who are infinitely more saltier then we are like, we didn't give a shit like - What its like now it's like to us, it's we make the video, we film it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If someone cheats you know, and it makes for good content then its make for good content. - Yeah yeah yeah - I mean originally I remember going on a cycling special I think I, this got cut out the video but I remember telling Connor. Yeah I'm gonna do the whole thing because (chuckles) you know I, - Its pretty wild time. - Even if I don't, when I'll feel good if I do the whole thing. - Yeah. - And then so the fourth challenge happened and then Joey suggested the cheating and I just thought to myself that would make for a really funny segment, if we can actually cheat. - That's exactly what it was it's like yeah sure, you know saying that "oh I wanted to take a fucking free car ride" like you know, - I'd be lying if I say I didn't want that. - Yeah. - But ultimately I was like, no, no, no let's do this because it will make for great content and it did. - It's not about the race it was about the friendship. (laughing) - It was about the friends we lost along the way (chuckles) which is apparently each other. (laughing) - True true. - No, because like I feel like, you know there's a difference between obviously none of it was scripted, which we don't script what happens on the specials, but we all still, you know, we all we do still have that voice in the back of our head that says this is going to be content. - Yeah. - People are gonna watch this for entertainment and-- - Cause let's be real like, you know there was a part of me that was like, you know, I'm sure there will be some level of entertainment factor if hypothetically all three of us with no excellence whatsoever... - Yeah. - Completed everything from start to finish. But, you know, it's the little bits of unexpected drama that makes for an interesting-- - Its the drama, its the banter, I feel like that's what makes for the interesting video. - Yeah. - And I feel like part of this discussion. It's like we laugh at it because we know we didn't take it seriously but I'm glad people were that invested in our contents. (Joey laughing) - Yeah man. - To really go balls deep to really like break down the levels of cheating. - Yeah yeah. - And like okay I had like I swear some people could make a spreadsheet of like every little thing that we do. - Such that-- - No its like thesis papers. (laughing) - It's like the dream cheating thing. (laughing) - Yeah yeah. - People gonna start hiring like astrophysicists who cheated technically I though I got that. - It was a one in seven trillion chance that Garnts chain would break at that very moment. (laughing) - There was one call and I was like why didn't Garnt just put the chain back on? I did think that, was like did Garnt, why didn't Garnt just put the chain back on? - Actually this wasn't, there's a lot of my, you know, trying to fix the chain did get caught up but it was like completely lodged in there. - Yeah yeah. - So like, the reason you were waiting so long for us was because I was like trying to unlodge this fucking chain. - Yeah. - And then like I got it back on and then it came off again immediately and I was trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with my bike. So I had this like half an hour to 45 minutes, where I realized that I had gone the entire cycle without first gear. So the reason that the reason the chain came off was because when I went to the highest gear. - It just slipped off. - It just slipped off. And... - Yeah, these bikes were very cheap. - Yeah and like I realized why I was suffering so much now on the fucking hills was because., (laughing) - You were in second gear. - You were in second gear the entire way. - I was in second gear the entire way. - I also love though how like there was so many comments even on the video being like, "oh man this seats are too low, the bikes are too small." It's like look, that was the biggest bikes they had there. - Those were the biggest bikes and I think I did adjust my seats to be the highest it could be. - To the highest. (laughing) - Because these people are designed for Japanese people - Yeah. - Yeah. - Because we didn't buy the bikes there were the rental bikes from the locaL bikes place there - We had to fly it to the other side of the country. - And so we couldn't bring bikes with us - These bikes were definitely not suited for six foot foreigners that's for sure. (laughing) - Speak for yourself Joey. Five foot gang over here. - But even for your size it was small. - It was just maybe okay for me. - Yeah. - But I'm really pushing it. - Yeah yeah yeah. - Like it was... - Yeah 'cause I remember I put my seat all the way to the top I was like. - Yeah. - Oh no this is the highest it goes I'm gonna fucking die. - Okay we're pretty fucking dumb, right? - Yeah. - We're not that dumb. - Yeah. - But I saw comments that were also like, "did they ever use any gears?" I'm like bro you know, you would know if we didn't change gear. Cause Garnt would not be moving up any of these hills. - Yeah yeah. - You think Garnt could pedal at six gear up a hill, are you kidding me? - I was already suffering enough on second gear let alone fucking sixth. - Like some people pretend like it was the first time we ever saw a bicycle with gears like that day. It's like, "what are these things?" (laughing) Lets just leave it alone. - I didn't realize until I saw the footage actually, how much of a clown I looked with like, this fucking mini bike. - You do look like a fucking clown. (laughing) You did look like a clown. - With one massive legs, just like peddling along. - You're basically like one of those like the kid bikes, they're like young and they're like sitting. (laughing) by the feet are going like over here, like that's what you look like. - You're like kneeing yourself in the rib cage every time. (laughing) - I was. - Oh man - Bad dude squalts every time. - Oh man I'm glad people enjoyed it but man, just it's not that serious guys. - Yeah. - It was just a little bit of fun. - I mean there was a lot of like fluff that got cut out, shout out to Mood On, for editing that and going through. Jesus! How much footage did we have? - A hundred hours footage Joey. - Like a hundred hours between us. Cause it was like we had the six Go Pros. - It was like one terabyte of footage. (laughing) - We had six Go Pro's, four, so two Go Pros between each of us and then also the Handy cams and whatever. - The drone. - The GoPro in the camera. The GoPro in the carrier as well which is, that's why it took so long. We filmed that in October, that's why the production took so long. For our next special we probably won't like scale up until we have like a super super big idea maybe try something a bit smaller, you know. - Yeah. - For our next project. - I feel like at this rate it's just gonna get like bigger and it's gonna turn into like a mist a beast tale Dante. - Yeah. Yeah. - If we don't scale back a little bit... - I mean cause we the ones mainly arranging this as well so we have to come up with all the equipment we needed to figure everything out, and so like it's quite a lot to do it for all of us. - Yeah, like I kind of realized this when we were doing the thing and then Connors tire popped, and every comment was just like, "wow, I can't believe they didn't plan for like a spare tire or something like that." And yeah in hindsight, it sounds fucking stupid, doesn't it? (laughing) But you have to understand that most of our planning went into how the fuck are we going to power six Go Pros. - Yeah. - On our bicycle when we have one car and none of us near each other. - Yeah yeah yeah. - So we were trying to figure out the logistics of trying to get this films and that's where... - The last thing we're expecting was a pop tire. - Yeah yeah. - Yeah these bikes were like extra heavy cause we had like duct tape the shit out of stuff to it like that was like portable batteries. - Yeah. - Strapped to these bikes. - Its like a brick - Just to like keep the Go Pros on. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And also Go Pros as such the fickle things are amazing when they work but the moment like there's any heat they just stop working. - Yeah. - yeah. Because we realized this during the drifting special. - Yeah. - Because people look at this content and think, that they don't see the fucking effort and logistics that goes into this. Cause I didn't think about this, until I had to go out and film it. - Yeah they just think, "Oh just buy some cameras and attach it and turn it on." - So with the drifting special a lot of Connor's footage just got lost. - Yeah. - Cause like, it's a shame. Cause like, the one when I was doing like the sick donuts. - Yeah. - Like all of that footage was lost 'cause the GoPro just overheated in like five minutes. - Its 900 degrees inside the car. - Yeah because it's an oven in that thing and mine turned off, luckily yours guys work. - Yeah. - And mine kept dying in the second half. - Yeah. - Yeah it's just sucked cause like all you get to see as an outside shot it doesn't even look like I'm in the car doing that fucking the thing and you missed all like me getting hype screaming. - Spoiler it was a stunt dog. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Exactly, like that's what it looks like. It could look like a stunt dog I so said like that's my drift, that's mine. - Like I recently watched this horror movie with Sidney, I don't remember the name it's a Korean horror movie right? - Yeah. - But the premise of this horror movie, is that there's this company who basically does live stream content, right? And so this company hires a bunch of people from the public to live stream going into this like haunted asylum. - Right. - And you know live streaming there experiences there. And, (clears throat) so I was watching this movie and they had this like jank set up with some Go Pros that were apparently like live streaming to this base camp that was like a literal camp. - Yeah. - That they had set up outside this mental asylum Right? - Yeah. - And when I was watching this, I couldn't get invested in the movie cause I felt like that guy doing like, "YouTuber reacts to YouTuber movies," Right? And all I could see in the back of my head was they these Go Pros don't even have any spare cameras, (laughing) fucking lie there they were like live streaming for five hours or something like that. - Two out of 10 not realistic. - Yeah yeah there's no way that would work. - Yeah. - Also, how are they getting signals in this mental asylum. There's no way the stream would be this clean, while they were streaming, quite inside of it. - Inside 5G twitch backpacks. - Exactly. ( Joey laughing) - Where are they, they didn't even have the fucking 5G Twitch backpacks. Like this is fake movie, two out of 10. (laughing) - Oh my God, I mean I like to do something like that but like just, you know, the the fucking effort it would take to just try and organize the technicalities behind that just sounds like a nightmare in and of itself. - Yeah, I mean to me twitch like IRL streamers, they're just built different I don't know like... - I don't have the duo man. - I think you have to be another level of like masochist. - Yeah. - I think to me it seems like why would you wanna just be embarrassed in public? - Yeah yeah. - Like constantly. - Yeah. - But I don't mind doing it for a video every now and then. - Yeah but like having it constantly on, 'cause at least in a video when you're out there filming, when you're out and about they're filming, at least you can like edit it so it's the most interesting things that happened on the day. But if it's an IRL stream, you see everything. - Yeah. - And it's just especially when you're not even in the safety of your own home either you're out there in public people can see you, people can judge you. And to me that's just a level of like, that's the dystopian future that I don't want in my life I don't know. - Yeah. - Not to... - Oh go on. - Oh just saying like not to mention like in Japan especially where people already fucking way too wary about filming and pumping. - Yeah. - Right. - So I don't know how you can just like rock up to an Izakaya full of people and just be like, yeah I'm just gonna put this camera here and just start talking about our dream. - Yeah I don't know I couldn't do that either I don't know I haven't tried it. but like I don't know how I would get over that mental barrier, of just going into around restaurants, like having the phone in front of me and just talking to the phone. - Am too British I can't do that. - Yeah. - The thought of going into just a place and doing that is like, what! - Well just like on the street as well, I don't get like J Vagus for instance, can like just be walking on the streets by themselves. - Yeah. - Just have a camera like this and being like, alright guys so we're gonna go to blah blah-blah-blah and just have people staring at you the entire time. - Yeah I've done that and it looks like a fucking hostage video, I'm like fucking talking down to the camera like-- - Yeah like I would go like, I would go like this. - Yo what's going on people - But some people just like yep, hello? - Hello. - The giant selfie stick out, yo this is everyone in EK Bokuto right now check it out. Like, I don't know I mean to me, it's like, and I watch some of these IRL streams, so I'm quite interested in it myself and I think like oh maybe I could do it sometime. But then when I watch it I'm like okay cool they did like one cool thing in the day. And the rest of it, like a lot of the time they were just being like sitting there asking that child like what's you just want to do? What's you just want to do? what should we do guys? And it's like alright. And then everybody get what the appeal was cause most of the time real life is pretty fucking boring. - Yeah. - It was kind like traveling or waiting. - Yeah exactly. - I think though, - What's the fun. - In this day and age, I feel it's a type of content that is like really sold after all. - Maybe right now I can understand that, but before that I'm like why would you wanna watch someone just kind of like wait and sit around all day and maybe do something interesting for one hour. - Because its like you'll really there. - I get it in COVID times though. - Isn't this some kind of like black mirror as, (laughing) okay that we're getting oh no like. I don't wanna have a day myself I'm gonna watch someone else have a day and I'm gonna give them money. - It's like, it's literally that fucking meme image of you know that kids sitting in front of the poster and being like every podcast they like. (laughing) - Yeah. Yeah. - Its like really what that is. - The meme just keeps getting posted on WhatsApp right. - That's literally what that is. - Cause like for me like I feel awkward, if I have a hands-free sets and I'm just in public and I'm on the phone. - Yeah. - Yeah yeah. - Like sometimes, I'd have a hands-free set and I have the phone up to my face to look like I'm talking on the phone. - Yeah yeah. I do exactly the same. - As opposed , as opposed to just talking to myself I dunno. - Yeah cause the other day I had to go by like some like eyelashes for Rocky. - Right. - So I went to like the local local pharmacy. - Yeah the local pharmacy and I was like fuck I don't know which one she wants. So, I tried to like take some pictures and send it being like yeah pick out which one it is. And she just fucking calls me and he's like, just show me. (laughing) - So I had to like, flip the camera. - Bitch show me. - And I'm just doing this, (laughing) while talking on a hands-free set. And these all women are looking at me like what the fuck is this guy doing? ( Garnt laughing) - They pretty understood during the eyelashes. - Just like filming eyelashes and being like which one. (laughing) - I don't know why I find like only IRL content is where it feels little black mirrorly to me, a little weird I don't know why. Like no other type of content - yeah. makes me feel in that weird kind of, this is like no other content makes you feel like this is too far. Like IRL, just something about it sometimes I'm watching it I'm like. Why is this weird? - Well because I, I feel that like, If you stream in like say a studio like this, right. There's like a performative side to it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's almost like a stage or like a setup for all. - Yeah like there is literal sets that's we perform in like this. - Yeah - Yeah yeah. - But sitting down for like three hours at an Izakaya wall like having a casual beer, that's a little too realistic. - Do you know is well like I saw a lot of them like a lot of them get like drunk a lot of the time and that's like the audience loves that. - Oh yeah. - They love it when they get drunk 'cause they're like, Oh they could fuck up, they could say stuff like. - Yeah, yeah. - So the audience constantly eggs them into drinking even more. - Yeah people are drink and people are like waiting for the next like string fail. - And this is, and I'm like fuck that's a horrible relationship to have with your viewers. Where they just wanna see you fucking, fuck everything up. - Its probably why like most. - Yeah. I mean, I feel like even though, even though you're it's an IRL stream, you know, when we're streaming we do have this performative side to us that we just talked about. - Yeah. - That we feel like we wanna be, well want something interesting to happen or we at least want an interesting conversation to happen. So I feel like it's a very, I dunno like unhealthy kind of like relationship to have with your viewers at that point because you have your best interests is for something to happen. So you are in this performative side and I've talked to a few IRL streamers who have done things on their streams, which they probably wouldn't have done if you know, nobody is watching. - Right. Yeah. - Yeah, you defiantly like fake confidence. - Yeah. Yeah. - In the stream watching you. - Exactly. - I mean, isn't that way like the whole generalization of like, you know, fun bases of IRL stream is being like supper... - Pretty fucking toxic. - Toxic yeah. Like I know a couple of viral streams in Japan as well. And you know, they're all lovely people. - [Garnt] Yeah. - You know, off stream. - But I think it's because of the fact that they have this really toxic and you know quite aggressive type of audience that loves to egg them on. - [Garnt] Yeah. - To make them do stupid shit or, you know, fail in some way that they kind of get dragged into that. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And they, you know, hate to say it. A lot of them on-stream turn into a bit of an asshole. But that's also because you know, you have thousands sometimes tens of thousands of people being like, "Yeah do this thing that makes you look like an asshole" for our entertainment. - Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - It's kind of unfortunate, its like you know, if you're being an asshole, you know that your audience is enjoying it and the acting you want and you can, you can almost get lost in the fact that, "No, I don't think I'm being an asshole. I think I being entertaining." - Yeah. - Right, right. I think so. - But then, you know, you see them when you talk to one-on-one you realize Oh, they're actually quite normal. - They nothing like, they are on the screen. - They nothing like this. They're really nice most of time. - I don't know. Yeah, maybe I'm overgeneralizing. I don't know. I haven't met many, but the ones I have met a very different how they act on strings. - Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I only really know like a few who will like exactly the same, but I feel it's a rare breed. - Yeah. - Yeah. But, I feel, I completely review with like IRL stream content being the black mirror kind of content as opposed to any other stream kind of content in my opinion. And I'm not sure why maybe it's because it's you it literally is like kind of like a slice of life. - [Conner] Yeah. - Where it's, it feels a bit too intimate. - I feel especially when it's those IRL strings where it's like it's not the camera pointing at the person but it's like shot in POV. - [Garnt] Yeah. Yeah. - Like that shit especially is like, Whoa. (Joey chuckles) - It's weird. It's just, it just makes you think like where's he gonna go from here? - Yeah. - Like what's the next step? Cause there's gonna be a next step. And like, I'm just. - It's only going to one up itself. - Yeah. Yeah. which is why I'm like, I wonder where it's gonna go. Like, it's just like, it's really interesting. - Streaming my wife's pregnancy. - Kind of scary. - Obviously, I could see that happening. - You know what you mean? - Streaming my child's birth. - Yeah. (Joey and Garnt laughing) Streaming my child's conception. - Dad reacts to childbirth. - It's like, there's fucking... - Oh there it is. (Joey laughing loudly) - There's families on YouTube that have like more kids cause more kids is more click bait, if I can say its click bait. - Its more content. - Oh my God. I just got reminded of that video. You found the other day Connor about the the What's up, what's in your bum challenge. (laughing loudly) - Yeah actually, I follow like Justin Wang on Twitter I don't know if you follow Justin Wang? - Yeah. Yeah. - These man fucking... - He loves retweeting the most kush shit ever. - This man fucking retweets and posts the kush shit. And I thought this has got to be a troll. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But there's literally a series on YouTube with people being like, "is that a dildo or a dick in my ass?" (Garnt and Joey laughing loudly) on YouTube. No joke. This isn't a joke. I know it's disgusting. And like I watched it. Cause I was like, this can't be right. - I thought it was just meme. - Yeah. I though this is like, - I thought it was a meme. This is like no way this on YouTube. This was like the canned Goku Pete AIDS meme. that we thought that. we thought was just a Photoshop. - Yeah. And then you go in and you have a look and they're like literally he's fucking doing it. And I'm like, "this is on YouTube. What the fuck? What is this?" And then they're just like, he, "oh yeah, I think that's your Dick." ( Garnt and Joey laughing) And it's like, "What is happening? What world are we in? This is insane." - Yeah. It's just like that moment of disbelief where you just you can't quite believe that this is this kind of content has just, we've gotten to the point where we can post something like this on YouTube. And it's just, it's not even a meme like before. - We went to fucking like equals three to this shit. What the fuck happened? What happened? Who came up with the genre? It's a genre. More than one people is doing it. - Is it an actual genre? - More than one person has done this challenge. - It's like a dead ass just like YouTube challenge. Like pass It on. Tag the next creator who's gonna do on you once on my bum challenge. - And before someone was like, " Oh dude, cause it was like, Oh, people are gonna be like, bro, cause you're saying, cause it's like dudes doing it, no. - If it was fucking women and guys doing it too. - Yeah. - [Garnt] No. - Its fucking weird. - [Garnt] It doesn't matter. - why is it on YouTube? - I think what killed me was just, how straight they were playing it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - There wasn't any irony. No, there wasn't. There was zero irony. There was zero like sarcasm and what they were doing they were just like, "Oh I think it's your Dick. But I don't, I can't trust my bumps anymore." Yeah. - Listen, please don't watch this. It is literally what I.. - It is the most curse, one of the most cursed videos. - Its so fucking cursed. - Another we went from like, you know, reaching into a box to see what it is to just like, let's replace the box, - Yeah remember fine - but with the anus. Remember when fine bros or TV shows like, is it jelly or a spider? (laughing loudly) - Is it a Dick? - Is it my dildo or my Dick? I'll never tell. - I can't wait for the next step. Which is like, which operation are we performing on you? Is it a for vasectomy or a colonoscopy? You tell me. And he's like, "Oh, okay. I think I'm being like, my penis is being surgically removed." What is happening? The fuck? How, can YouTube crack down on dump shit? And just leave this up. This is insane. I couldn't believe it. - Is it the mouth? - I was... - Oh or a vagina, sponsored by Tenga. (laughing) - I was... - Like where did we go from here? (laughing) - Yeah like, so you did the video where you reviewed sex toys. - Yeah. - But we didn't actually like... - Yeah, its not like you're under the table, you're like, "Oh, this is fantastic. This is rather lubricas. - Yeah, its not like, I went up to Garnts like, is it a tango? Or is it my mouth? (laughing loudly) I'll never tell. - I feel like there's a clear line. - Yeah. - In which shouldn't be crossed. - Honestly like when, so yeah. For those of you who don't know, Joey did a video where we review Sangha products. - Great video, check it out. - Great video, great video, great video. I found it funny cause Joey didn't really tell me what we were doing until the day of filming. - Yeah. - So in the back of my mind, I was just like, "Is Joey just gonna make me like go behind a curtain." And just like, fuck this shit. Am like, what am I doing today? I like how possible we got in this shit? (indistinct chattering) Cause Joey was just like, yo, you want to go test out some tangles? And I'm just like, yeah, sure. In what capacity are we testing them out Joey? - Just boys hanging out. - Just boys hanging out. Just another night with the bros. You know. - Another cold one one with the boys. (laughing) - Fucking jokes. - That's a great video. - We didn't do that by the way. - Yeah, - I just can't believe that video got made, like that had to be like filmed edited at no point in the process. People think is this too much? - No, the thing, it wasn't just a one part series. - It was multiple. - It's a multiple part series. And it obviously did really well because everyone just can't believe. - Obviously it did pretty well Cause who's not gonna fucking click on that. When you see that. - It's actually... Like it's so absurd you're gonna be like, what is this? This can't be real. Oh my God, it's real. Don't watch it. Don't. - Please, please. Please do not, - but it exists. - Do not watch this. - I've never felt dirty. Just looking up at YouTube typing something into my YouTube search history. - I did watch a little bit of adult... - I did too. - I did too. - And it was fucking hilarious. Like I just found a really, - Yeah you'd be great on porn hub. Great. Funny jokes. Funny, funny. - It feels in porn hub, Fantastic meme, fan-tastic meme. On YouTube, you're just like, how are they getting away with this? - Yeah, how's the law beyond me? - What is so, what is okay, moving out of this? - Please. - Like what is, what is some of the most curse you have seen on YouTube? I'm actually curious now because I know, - That's probably the, honestly the most courseily I've seen. - It's pretty cursed. - Its pretty fucking up there. - I mean that, that is definitely up there. But. - I mean, if I told you like classic, like coast content like... - You guys ever watched, you have watched like pizza time? - No. - No. - You haven't seen that one? - No, what's that? - It's this video from like, Oh, I don't even know when it's made but it's basically these like a bunch of dudes like you watch teenage mutant Ninja turtles, right? Yeah. You know how they're like obsessed with pizza. - Yeah. - So it's basically like a shit post on that but it's basically this like explaining it. It's so weird, but it's basically just like a bunch of dudes dressed up in Ninja, turtle cosplay. And then they like whip out their like fake dicks and like jerk off onto this like pizza. (laughing) - What? - Have you not seen it? - No. - This is on... - This is on YouTube? Fuck YouTube. (laughs) Well, I gotta know, are they Australian? - No. - American? - I've no idea. No, the video was silent. That's the most coolest thing about it. - What? - Yeah. - What? - The entire video is silent and it's easily the most. I don't even remember where, - Choose your own sound track. - Yeah, I don't even remember when I fucking saw it. but like it was one of those like, you know fucking course content that made his rounds. Like, you know, it's like fun spin and that kind of shit. Right. But it was on YouTube instead of its own dedicated website. - feel like I already have intention - Don't look it up by the way, please don't look it up. - Don't see it as often as the way it used to be. I don't know. It used to be like kind of a like bonding experience and you'd watch cursed content. But now it doesn't feel that much. Now just things like, I feel like everyone thinks you're fucking weird if you watch that shit. - I mean, it's, it's kind of true. (laughing loudly) That doesn't matter if you do it on your own or do it as a group. It's still weird. - Yeah. I mean, it's it's, I mean, I remember when YouTube went through the point where pretty much you can you can say anything was a prank and just like, and just get away with it. - Fuck the prank thing. - Like just, just just physically assault someone and call it a prank. - The fuck was his name? No, Sam pepper. - Oh God. - Remember that guy? - Yeah. What was it? He used to be an IRR streamer. He did a prank where he did like - Yeah. He killed his best friend. Yeah. - Wait, what? - Remember that? Have you seen that one? - So he did a prank where he would kidnapped one of his, two of his friends. - Right. - And then he would pretend to kill one of them in front of the other friend. And it was a prank - And I was like just a prank. - Are you serious? This is thing. Yeah serious. - This is a huge deal. Yeah. Huge. People, people were honest also about it. - Apparently so, that's, - That's pretty fucked up. - And it's like, in the video, like you just see this like, this dude like in a fucking like bag over his head just like getting fake shot. Right. - What? - And, and the guy, this is a black mirror episode. There's no way this is real. - And the other friend is like strapped to the chair, breaking down, crying. And he's like just a prank bro. - He just thought his best friend got murdered. So of course, naturally your natural response is to freak the fuck out. - Just mentally scared my best friend for life. Just the prank bro. What? - Honestly, it was fucked. - Reminds me of that, like the recent news that broke where someone actually got shot or got murdered in America or something because they were filming like a prank video. Right. - Oh that's right - And they were like approach. I think they were like fake mugging people. - Yeah. That was it. - Really? - Yeah. There was, I can't remember the exact details of the story but that was his kid or something who like was just pretending to mug people or like yeah. - How do you pretend to mug someone? I don't know. - I just go up to the knife play the YouTube brought to you through duh. - Am taking, - Make it louder on the speaker. - I'm taking your money. (laughing loudly) - There's a guy on the back ground like... - I mean you know, I think that's unfortunately more than one body in. And now when it comes to YouTube pranks gone wrong or whatever. - Wait, wait. So what happened to the guy getting like pranked? - Well he went up to some guy and the guy fucking pulled a gun and shot him cause he was trying to mug him. - Oh my God. I mean really. So I mean, it was self-defense. I mean he's fucking right, what's going to happen? - I mean, it's just, to me, it seems so you're literally in America, everyone has a gun. - I mean, it's not even just in America in any fucking country, what can you expect? - Any country you just pull a fucking knife out, other than just getting beat the fuck out, I'd be like, oh forgive me, am not doing it. - This episode is sponsored by Ritual. - We deserve to know, what we're putting in our bodies and why? - You're right. Rituals, clean vegan-friendly multivitamin is formulated with high quality nutrients in bio available forms your body can actually use. - Damn! - Boys. Do you know what you won't find? - What? - Okay? 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Back to the show - Speaking of our souls online and people acting like assholes online. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Going back to the cycling special. So we've we've I mean, we've it's funny how we've talked about like online privacy. So, so much on this podcast. - Yeah. We've we've talked about it a lot and sometimes I feel like we're beating a dead horse because we're just like yeah. You know we have a lot of crazy stories. - Yeah. - So it, it kind of surprises me when there are still some people out there despite how many times we've talked about it. Will do some, not pretty, not cool stuff. Yeah. I mean, so if if you haven't been following my Twitter, so yeah. Someone tried to leak some monk photos that I had which were private on my mom's Facebook and know, I mean, I, I said this I said this on my Twitter longer, but you know, I I purposely didn't release it because you know, it's I'm fine people knowing that I was a monk meaning that aspect just, you know meaning the knowledge or whatever. But I was just like, I kept that part private because you know, there are like quite intimate photos. It's like a religious ceremony. So I didn't, I didn't want that part of my life. - Cause when you were in initially told the story. I remember after it, you're like, yeah, boys I don't wanna share a photo. - I'm pretty sure he said it on the clip. - Did you? - Like I'm pretty sure on the clip. We were like, I think one of us said like, Oh we'll put the pictures and then go was like, no I don't wanna put the pictures. - Yeah. I think I might've said that. - Maybe its been awhile. - Its been a while. I remember it being like you didn't wanna share the pictures. - Sure, I understand. And it's, you know, it's become a meme. I'm completely fine with, you know being the monk has become a meme, but yeah, someone someone literally stalked my mum's Facebook, which you know, it's, there's, there's there's a difference between, you know if I fucked up and you know, I there's some part of my private life that, you know I forgot to private, you know send an move, but you know, as a public figure you can expect that people are gonna try and dig into your past something like that. - Which is fact in and of itself. - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's we, you know, we can talk about that fact that we kind of slipped that but you kind of do have to expect that but it just felt dirty that someone tried to stalk my family especially like my close family. - That's actually fucked. - Yeah. And like, these are really old pictures as well. So they would have had to go back years and years worth of like, my mom's pictures died. She had creepy to think someone's just scrolling. - How bored are they? - I don't know. And, and like, all this, all this for a meme. (laughs) It's like, I'm like all this for like a single meme. - Well, the person knew that they were being scummy as well. They even like self admitted that they was like scummy. - Yeah. I know this is a scummy low. It's like, no, because I, I feel like, you know, we, I mean we literally talked about this last week where, you know the barrier of privacy between reality and what's entertainment is like slowly slowly drifting apart and slowly being erased. And I don't know, it feels weird, funny experiencing that for myself and being in the crossfire. - Yeah. Sucks. I mean, I had to like tell my parents. I was like, you know cause luckily my parents, you know, they're mega boomers. So they, they think that Facebook is the play you can always have, but yeah so they never signed up to it. But I still have to tell them like, listen if anyone asks you questions about me or like anything private about me and try to get anything just tell them like, okay, don't answer it. Just tell them to ask me. Like, if, even if it's like you know, Like someone claiming to be like a government agency which like, I think somebody, I can't remember who called them up. And asked somehow got my parents' number or something and like tryna ask them questions about me. And I was like, don't, don't answer anything. Yeah. You know, if the police want me, the police will find me. - Right. I mean, it's not like don't parents, don't anyone who claims to be anything don't fucking tell them anything. It's sad that you have to do that. Right. I like the thought, I think it's just really sad that I would rather be harassed like a hundred times personally than my parents be harassed once. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean I just couldn't - Cause they got nothing to do with it. Why then ask them to get involved. Right. - It's hard enough raising me as it was. Right. Like the way I learnt. - The little shit that you are. - The fuck that I was. I don't wanna have to give them extra work after they're trynna enjoy retirement. You know? So - It it's, it's been kind of funny seeing the transition between like my, my parents leaves cause my parents were like really technologically illiterate and I've had to basically teach them everything. But it's been funny seeing the transition between them like not understanding social media at all and just like not using it at all. And then transitioning that to like transitioning that to most of my family now use Facebook. But remember when Facebook was just like a cool kids thing and like the parents, parents didn't get it. - My parents still, they still take it that way. (laughing) - They still think it that way. - Yeah. Cause it was really funny. Cause I remember one day, cause I, you know, I've, you know we are all grown up on the internet and especially I've been doing YouTube and social media for like a long time. But one day my mom phones me up and this, this was this was when I had stopped using Facebook by this point. And I'd like, most of my online life has gone to Twitter because that's my job and everything. But my parents had just started really getting into Facebook and you know, being, being that, being that parents who, you know, tag, tag you in everything comment on people's photos, you know, properly involved. - Yeah. Yeah. And I remember she phones me up one day and she goes, "Garnt, someone left a mean comment, on one of my photos. What do I do?" I'm just like, "what'd you mean mom? What, what'd you mean? What do you do?" And she's like, "ah, I don't know what to do. It makes me feel sad. I kind of want to reply." And I'm just like, mom do not. (laughing) Do not do this. Do not reply right now. Do not get involved at this. - That's the one thing you should not do. - It was just funny because, because like years ago she's like, she's like, you know, just, just ignore all the mean comments online. It just don't worry about it. As you know, as the parents do, because you know, as as someone, as, as a parent watching a kid does the social media and do YouTube, you just don't get it. You see comments. You're just like, these comments don't mean anything. Right. But it was funny seeing seeing my parents who had never been into social media go through the same cycle that we had to go out. We had to go through being like, what what is a mean comment? Why are people commenting mean things on me? This doesn't make sense. You know what? I'm gonna reply. I'm gonna give the trolls everything they want. - At least your mom wasn't like, "do you know the number to the cyber police? (laughing loudly) I need to report a crime." (laughing loudly) Like my mom's like, my mom's really smart about it. Like, cause she's been using do you know about this website called Mixi? I don't think it's an annual brand anymore but basically it's like, it's really old web. It's basically like the old Japanese version of like my space or like Facebook and stuff like that. I don't even think it's around anymore. Basically. My mom's been like using that. So like she's had a pretty good understanding of like you know, privacy can be very easily leaked on the internet if you not careful. So like, my mom has openly told me, she's like, yeah I follow you on Twitter and Instagram but you'll never know which account is mine. - Fuck that. (laughing loudly) That's some death note shit. She's like, (Garnt laughing) - Like she just uses like a completely separate name and like doesn't use any photos and stuff like that. And I'm like, I'm glad that, you know, she understands that you know, if she used her real face a name , that could lead to a whole lot of problems. Meanwhile, my dad is like, you know fucking openly comments on my videos and being like - That's my son. (laughing loudly) That's my boy. - No, I remember one time. He's like, did you see the comment on my latest on your latest video? And I'm like, no, I get, I get thousands of comments every day. And he's like, Oh, okay. I'll, I'll send you a screenshot. (laughing loudly) And it's like, and he's like, "Oh you might've it because I don't use my name on it." But instead he didn't use his name on it. Right. It's like a completely different username. But I knew immediately it was my dad because the comment starts with, "Hey son" (laughing loudly) - That was pretty good. (laughing loudly) - "Hey son, I really liked this video. The editing was done really well." (laughing loudly) He's like, "you'll never know it was me." I was like, "Yeah. Yeah. Sure dad." - That's so fucking wholesome. That's so fucking wholesome. - Yeah but the problem is that like, when I was still using Facebook back in the day, like, you know, again like my mom would use a completely like separate name. Right? So like, you know, it was fine or whatever. But my dad would not only use his real name but would also comment on every fucking thing I posted always starting with, Hey son. (laughing loudly) - So like, - Hey guys, Joey's dad here. - And so like, I had to like and so like one day he came in being like really upset at me being like, "Why'd you block me on Facebook son?" I'm like, "cause you keep fucking, stop commenting. Stop opening a comment with, Hey son." (laughing loudly) - Your dad sounds like such a fun guy. - He's a great guy. Don't get me wrong. But like I had to, I had to literally block him on every social media. Just because, he kept fucking doing that. And now the only, - The number one harasser. - Yeah. And now the only way I can get in contact with my dad is, get this through email. - Email. (Garnt laughs) - You don't have like a number or something? - No. Okay I have his number, but like, you know, obviously because it's international, costs a bit of money, right? And so I was like, Hey dad, you should start a line account. Cause everyone in Japan has line. Everyone in my family has line. Right. It's like, if you guys don't know, LINE is like, you know, Facebook messages. It's just a messaging app that we use in Japan a lot. So I was like, you should start LINE. And he's like, "Oh, I don't wanna start another social media son." And I'm like, "dad, it's not a social media. This is just a messaging app." And he's like," all right. All right, fine. I'll do it." And so I added him and I messaged him and I was like three months later he came back being like, " hey what's up son?" So I was just like, I was like, all right I guess I'm just sticking to email now with my dad if my dad ever needs anything I'll just be like, just email me. - It's urgent. I've got to email him right now. - Urgent. "Hey son." (laughing loudly) - Now every one of your comments on everyone of your views is gonna sound like, "Hey son." - I mean, that's good. - I love the Tenderloin. - No. I guess that's good then. Cause then now we'll truly won't know which one my dad is. (laughing lodl;y) The comments section is all going to be my dad. - He's going to have to try and find something like a new phrase to go with. - Hey boy, Hey boy. I love you, dad. I'm just joshing. Well, were we talking about internet privacy? - I guess internet privacy. I mean, I don't know, like I've, I've never I guess this is the first wake up call for me that I've had to really think about my internet privacy. It took me way too long to make my Facebook, my Facebook privates. That was, that should have been the first stage. But, I think the problem with internet like celebrities or whatever nowadays is that there's a difference between say it's, you know, someone who's signed to a big film or someone gets picked up by music label like old school celebrities who there was this system by which they got picked up and they knew they were going to be famous. But the problem is anyone can be famous now. Anyone can have their privacy leaks and you know not really think about the consequences of really going through their entire past and just making it private or making it not public because we were, we were teenagers. We don't remember every sites that we signed up to. Oh my God. Like, I dunno how many, one of my like old forum like old anime forum profile pictures are still like public or whatever, you know? Cause I signed up to a lot of sites back then because I was a teenager. But I it's, it's something that you don't really think about when you don't make content on the internet because you don't no one really expects to be famous. Well, no one really expects to have an audience or anything like that. - [Connor] Yeah. - And I feel like I, I do wonder if like the newer generation is gonna think about this when whenever they do anything or if we're just gonna continue to be stupid kids. That don't really think about anything. - I wouldn't like to, for it to be the first option, if I'm being honest, just cause like you know, again, it's like, I think that whole prenotion of like, yeah, you know, you, you should expect your privacy to be, you know, hacked and slashed. - Because, - people shouldn't be that that weirds me out. - It's like, what is it about suddenly being, you know quote unquote famous, you know regardless of how you view, you know, fame to be where it's suddenly like, Oh, well, you know, you you have a presence on the internet that you share openly with a large audience. So that means that you know, you don't have a privacy. If it's on the internet, it's not private anymore. - It's literally like the same argument as like old school paparazzi. Have you ever seen any fucking interviews with like any paparazzo photographer? It's the most, - They're all assholes. - Yeah. It's the most like you would see these people openly being assholes and they're just, they're proud of it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - They're fucking proud of it. Like I think I remember the last one I saw was I think, Anthony's like sitting down with a paparazzi . - Yeah. I saw that one. - Literally everyone he interviewed was just the biggest classy asshole. - yeah. Because, you know, they do the whole bullsihit of like, "Oh, if I don't do it someone else is gonna get it." And it's like, how about none of you fucking do it? And then it sucks. Cause like I think, And I'm sending people again who are watching this are like super chill. Don't think like that way. All it takes that 1% just to make your life hell. - Yeah. - Like, and that's unfortunate. Right? Cause you know, I don't, I don't have any resentment to mine, like audience or anything like that. It's super fucking nice. - Exactly. - Its just a shame that some people are just like I'm a fucking ruin this man's life. - Yeah. - It's a shame that, you know you have to change your behavior for literally 1% of the people watching you and you know, that most most of everyone that you interact with is just going to be a generally nice cool person. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And then it just sucks that there's that small percentage that unfortunately it's that small percentage that ruins it for everyone. And it's I guess I guess that's just the world in general, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. But you know, we'd be living in a Utopia if everyone was being honest in, - Flying cars - With lying cars by now, that's not the case. Some of us are still walking on the ground. So yeah. - A bit sad. - A bit sad. - I was, I was watching this video they're there and it was like some blues clues,. - Blue squats? Trust me. This is really okay. Sorry. Did you watch Blue's clues when you're growing up? - Of course what's blues clues. All right. - What? - So, blues clues is TV show and it was basically this guy, who was like talking to the camera, kind of like Dora styling. This is where it started this kind of style. And maybe he didn't know, but I'm definitely popularized - Yeah popularized. - Where they would be like a, a task. And there was this, you know, a notebook and they'd have to do extra amount of tasks. It was a really good show actually. - And there was a dog called Blue. - Yeah. - Okay. - And so the dog would help Steve? - Steve yeah. - Steve find all the clues. Right. And yeah. So I always wondered, I was like, why did you stop doing it? Cause if you, if you watch the show he basically swaps halfway through the show with another actor. I thought, "Oh, that's weird. Why, why did that happen?" So turns out that he was losing his hair and that he didn't want to like go bold on like TV. Right. Right. - Okay. - So, and then I was like fuck! That hit me. I was like, oh my God, fuck! Cause like, I mean okay, there's like tons of comments about it. And it's like, it's frustrating. Cause like, I don't really give a anymore. Like I've gotten over it. But like, unfortunately my dad did not give me a lucky dice roll with my genetics and I am going bald eventually. It's gonna happen. And obviously it's been happening a little bit and it's so frustrating that people will like go to other videos and be like Connor. Yeah. "Did you know you're balding?" and I'm like, - Pointing it out - And it's so frustrating. Cause the thing that bothers me is that like, again like I fully accepted that it's happening. I know people are gonna be like, have you tried doing this? Have you tried fucking doing voodoo? And it's like, yes. - Try doing voodoo. - Cause people are always like, Hey, just try it. - Cause people are always like, Hey man, just take these drugs, do these things. It's like, honestly like done all that, tried all that. - Yeah. - Unfortunately, like I can't do surgery either. So whatever. And so I just kind of got to the point where I was like all right, I think I've tried enough things where I'm like this fucking sucks. Yeah. But can't really do much about it. Right. Yeah. And so I kind of got over it, but it's really frustrating. Like I said, when people go to other videos and be like bro, you're balding. And it's like, yeah. Like, like I I'm, I am aware, but it's frustrating that sometimes I have to like edit videos differently. Cause it's like, all right. If I don't edit this part out, people are gonna comment about this instead of the fucking video. - And only comment about that - Yeah. Its like, I just wanna focus on the video. And it's so frustrating that feel the need to point it out. Cause it's like why? Right. - Yeah. I mean, I, I know exactly how you feel because I too have not been too luckiest with my gene pool. So, like literally, - Joey I envy you, perfect hair. - So Joey, like pretty much everyone on my dad's side, who's a male. - Same with same. Yeah. It's kinda sucks. - I Mean it's something that I knew was always going to happen. - We don't think its gonna happen. - I mean like as, as like when you're when you're a teenager, you're just like, Oh it's like, I'm, I'm, I'm the exception. (laughing) - Cause your hair like, when you're like 18, your hair's like, - Its lash. - Fuck man, my hair is so thick. - Thick as fuck and like you think I'm the exception. And I remember, you know, I've seen like my entire family on my dad's side. Everyone's bold, so I asked my dad, I've seen like pictures of my dad when he was young and he had hair down to here, man. - He's bad. - Yeah. He was - Oh he had drip. (laughing) - But yeah, I, yeah, he had a, he had a lushest of hair and I saw what it looks like now. And I'm just like, 'so dad, when did you start losing your hair?" Just out of curiosity. So just so I can take a look and take a look at my own hair and he goes, "I guess, late 20, 30 year old." And I asked this when I was 28, I was like, "Fuck dad, why the hell you did not tell me earlier, for fuck sake." - This is like, I can't, I had a, I had a feeling It's probably gonna happen to me. But like, I didn't like quite know. But then I realized, okay my older brother is like 10 years older than me. He's going bald. And I was like, Oh shit! Am starting to sweat a little bit. - See the prior example. Yeah. - And I like, you know what? I totally get why kids think it's funny to like mock hair lines because you just think like its never gonna happen to me. Yeah. I've got hair. My hair is fucking luscious right now. That's never gonna happen. But it does. Oh yeah. What is it like fucking two out of three, especially if you're whining. I think two out of three men get like some signs of hair loss or what happened. But I remember like I thought, okay, if it happens to me at 30, no biggie by then I'll probably be chilling out. I'll be settling down when I was like 21 or like 20 I started to notice just a little bit it's getting a little bit thin and I'm like, what's going on there huh? Am gonna put time out to that. - So, even when I was like 20, I started like trying to do things to like help it and just, you know, doing those, like, you know taking it all the fucking FDA approved, all that bullshit. - Yeah. - Yeah. But unfortunately for some people it is purely just genetics. You just fucked. Yeah. You just like some people that helps and like you know, you do a lot of research, you look into it some guys you might be in a place where maybe the building you're living in is like really bad case of like damp or something. Its fucking with like your hair or stuff. - Right. - So some people who, you know, their living condition is the reason why they are losing their hair. But yeah, no, unfortunately as much as I wished I could do something about it it was just kinda like whatever. And it's it's yeah. I guess the, the main reason why I just thought fuck it. I'll just talk about it. Cause it's like, I've gotten to the point now where I just don't really give a anyway. - It's it's like, it's not gonna stop. I feel like if we just say something especially with the audience, right? Like it's going to come into being like, Oh this is the inside meme, but okay. I'll add onto it for the millionth time. - Yeah Cause you know, It's like unfortunately, it's just kind of a thing of like, you know. It's just something that I can't really do anything about. And unfortunate people are gonna see it. Cause I'm not like I'm not unfortunately am not gonna, - You're not gonna wear a hat every day. - Just me statically in front of the camera. In my head. - You can't go anything further than like a 90 degree angle. Otherwise that's a red zone. - It was like so when I dyed my hair blonde, it wasn't that bad. Cause my scalp is like white. So it didn't look that bad. But it's when it stops scale Brown and certain lighting, especially studio lighting fucking reflects that shit where it doesn't look too bad. If you look at me like normally in like video where the lighting is washed out it looks fucking awful. And it's like, I see it on video. I'm like, fuck! Its that bad? I check it. I'm like, Oh, it's not too bad. Yeah. But I'm pretty much at peace with it. And I'll pretty shave it at some point. Cause I kind of want to see how it looked. - Yeah. I reckon you good. You have you, have you lucked out though in that regards? Because the one thing no, no, no. Like the one thing is like, you know, like the fact that you've already accepted that you're probably gonna go bold and then you probably get to go to whatever. But the at least the good thing is is that you can grow a beard. Yeah. There was nothing weirder than a dude who is bald and has a clear face. - Bro, why are you pointing my boy, Johnny Shim, man. Come on, man. Let's go. The biggest Dick in the unit. - Yeah, sure. And you know, and that's why he looked like, you know I can't say that in front of Johnny shims right. Cause he probably smack the dick across my face. But like, you know, at least like, you know a beard on a bald guy usually nine times out of 10, it looks fucking great. - Yeah. True, true. Your card is fine. - Dude. I appreciate you trying to gas me up here Jay. Yeah. - But like, it's weird because like, you know, you you said like, you know, I'm jealous of you Joey but like I actually had the opposite because like, - I have too much hair. - Too much hair, what a problem guys. (laughing loudly) - No, hear, Cause like your entire dad's side. Right? - Like, I think my dad was born like fucking 20. - Yeah. See, my mom's side is exactly the same. Cause my granddad went bald at like 24. So for the longest time in my like early twenties, my mom and my sister would just egg me on being like, when you gonna get that hair? You better enjoy that hair while you still have it on your head boy. - All that hairline's receding a bit. - I would like. I remember when I was like 18 I asked my granddad being like how old were you when you like started to fall? And he was like, Oh, like, like 23. And I was like, I was like five years. . But you know, obviously I at that point I was like, look, if I go to bald, fuck it. I'll just accept it. You know? Like I rather just like shave it all off, then like leave it half-assed or I, so I'm just like, fuck it. - The more I thought about it and the more cause I I can't actually get any surgery, even though I wanted to cause like a blood condition the more I thought about, I was like, do I, do I really want to just fucking desperately cling onto this? Like at the end of the day, I was like I don't really think I give that much for a fuck where I think I need my hair to function. Like I think I'll still be fine without it. - That's the thing. Right? It's like people like, I don't understand why people are so, - Well people make it seem like, if you lose your hair, its gone because it's like a bold person, right? I sleep. So I'm a full hair, I sleep. Balding free real estate for bullying. - Come over. - Come over its where its happening. - Yeah. I don't know. Cause people, I feel like people just wanna have like at least some comments out there. I feel like, then need to have like a one-up on you. They don't feel like they can mock you in some way. - But they keep mentioning it like, if you lose your hair, you're not funny anymore. - Since when was making fun of like certain to do like genetics. Its like a fucking slam dunk to me, I was like, - It's like you know, you take the piece out someone's look. No, no, no too far, balding oh free real estate. (laughing loudly) Like he gets the same thing When you taking a piece someone was born with like I do notice like as, you know as someone who went through the phase of, you know like just accepting that they were balding, you know you do go through that five stages. - First few, I think year or two where it's happening. You're like, no, I can, I could reverse this. I can, I can reverse this. - The five stages of balding group. I think you do, right? - The five stages of acceptance. First is like, what's the word am looking for? - Denial. - Denial. First you like no,no,no - And I'm sure this conversation where he hits quite close to home to a lot of our viewers because all audiences mainly dudes. Yeah. If it is happening to you, don't give a fuck, man. Just whatever. just whatever. - I mean, you can do whatever you want. - Its not like society fucking rejects you. - Because you are bald. - I, you know, I feel like, you know, some people are you know, I, I, for one, I have been bald before and I, I do, I do want it man. But I do like my hair and you know, I am putting in steps to you know, I, I don't expect to this forever, but I would like to elongate it for as long as I can. You know, I'm still, I'm, self-aware enough to know that you know, once it's past the point it's gone but at least right now, when I still have this hair I'm gonna be like, okay, you know I'm gonna lose this eventually, but I am gonna try and do my best at this point to just keep it. And I don't think there's anything particularly wrong about it. There's no, there's nothing particularly wrong with either direction that you go to. I think it's more just, you know, I, some, some people, I you know, I like the feeling of having hair. I like the feeling. I like the feeling of, you know washing your hair. And my God. Especially fucking one thing that nobody tells you about being bald, right? - It's getting old, right. - It's fucking cold. - Okay. You're either cold. Or if you're in a hot humid country like Thailand, mosquitoes, it's free real estate. There's an extra surface area for the mosquitoes. Just go fucking mental. - I do it just like a park. Its like, oh shit! - I won't lie, I do you like the idea of being able to optimize my bathing experience, which is like, - Your bathing time is like cut by half. - Am like, when you get out, bro you're immediately dry. That sounds amazing. You know how, like in a hurry, I am. - Single wipe. - Yeah. - And also like ,do you use the, I mean, shampoo is irrelevant, right? - Yeah yeah. Shampoo is irrelevant. - You save so much money. - Dude what the fuck? - You know I hate like organic fucking shampoo that isn't like full of like sulfates assumptions. Cap it. I mean Yeah. As well, I did have this thought. I was like, you know what? It's like, I don't know if this is creepy or what to some people but I think it's kind of cool that like, my whole adult life is like captured in like YouTube. Like you can see like my whole, like, there'll be like, - You can see the progress. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, like 19 year old me that's like spots and like fucking pepperoni face. And then in like 10 years, you'll see me like, - Its the glow. - Actually, I think, I think it's kind of like, I dunno. I think it's kind of fascinating that I can have like a, you know as cringy as it might be. I can have like a backlog that I can - Cause what I, what I find interesting right. Is, you know, I don't know what it was like for your parents but my parents were like pretty old right now. So there's not too many photos of when they were younger and like my age especially. So, you know, I'd see photos here and there and you're just like, damn! That's what you looks like, like, okay. But for you, you know, when we have kids we have like our entire life just like documented but that's, that's true for most people, like, even above like being YouTube was you got Facebook photos going back to like, my, my kid will definitely know my entire life up to like university. I'm like, there are some uni photos where I'm just like, damn son or daughter. I don't know if I wanna go through this. - I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. I lost a lot of my photos pre 18, like on Facebook. I post most of them. - Yeah. - Because I hated how I looked in them. So I was like fuck it. I mean, no one likes having those. - Yeah, but, and I thought, should I keep them? And I was like, no, I'm getting rid of them. So I actually, I've lost a lot of them. I pretty much have, like, I would say an average amount of like that anyone would have someone who took photos. Right? Yeah. But I think it's cool as an adult I can make the choice to be like, I'm fine with having most of my like adult life essentially be documented. I think that's kind of cool. I mean, whether my future kids think so. - Yeah He's like, - That's up to them. - I'm I'm sorry for any future kid who goes through my Twitter timeline, God, I'm so fucking sorry. - Am sure Twitter at some point, we'll do like a big purge of life. - You think so? I don't think so. - How can you store all that shit? - The sponsor of today's episode is EJAimestore. - What is EJ stand for Garnt? - I've never said this before but EJAnime store stands for Entertainment Japan. - Whoa! I didn't know that. - And if you don't know what EJAnime store is, it is cut ACOs official online anime merch store that specializes in delivering the newest and most exclusive official anime merch to overseas fans directly from Japan such as these that are on the table right now. Look at them. What do we got today Connor? - Wow. I'm glad you asked Garnt. We have the Connor super mega minion Yunyun. What's the hell is a Yunyun? - That's a Yunyun. (Garnt laughs loudly) - The mega man and Yunyun light novel Chinese style dress versions inspired by a set of illustrations created specifically by the corner, super light, novel illustrator crony Mishima to celebrate union's character birthday the Calico, a special set each include a rubber desk mat for illustrations that inspired these figures as an exclusive bonus. - I love Connor super Garnt but what else do we have? - Well, for the cultured individuals out there . - That's me. - We have the redo of healer, Freya and such lighter novel versions. - I can't actually believe that they may figure it out. - I'm surprised. I'm actually shocked that they've made figurines of this and they good. - EJAnime still brings you the two main heroines of the show that has gotten a lot of attention this season. - Yeah, definitely has gotten a lot of attention this season. Let's be sure, let's be real. Enjoy these cultural representations of Freya and Setsuna that included additional exchangeable face parts and were inspired by a set of new original illustrations created by the original light novel illustrator shell combo. The category special sets each includes a fabric poster of the illustrations that inspired these figures as an exclusive bonus - Guys but we can't forget the bang dream girl band party. Roselia Yukina Minato Pajama version. - Go check out all of these items on EJANIMESTORE.COM while they're still available or click the link in the description. And if you haven't already follow them on Facebook and Twitter @ejanimestore. So you don't miss any of their giveaways and limited time offers. - Thank you, EJAnime store for sponsoring this episode. Back to the show. - Yeah, I think they can because I mean that just means like that YouTube, you know all the YouTube videos in the world have a finite shelf life and basically every media and every big website in the world has a finite shelf life. Right? Yeah. Surely. So I dunno. I like, like you said, when it comes to online media, I kind of act like a hoarder right? (chuckles) Like I don't know what I can look back. Yeah, exactly. I don't know what I could look back in, in a few years and be like, yeah, I tweeted that back in 2008 or two. I couldn't remember when I started my Twitter, man. It's been, it's been a while. - Didn't even know that Twitter was that old honestly. Yeah. Because I have, I have this thing on, I don't know if you have it. I think you do right where, like I have this thing on my Twitter where like, if the tweet is older than two months, then it automatically delete. - I think that might set like two years just cause like every time I look back at myself two years, I'm like, fuck I was crunchy. - Yeah. Yeah. I'm like that six months ago. So I'm just like... - I didn't look. I like the ability to look back and be like, man, I was fucking cringy. I like the ability to look back and go, man what the fuck was, this was this anime zone hairstyle? What the fuck man. - I got that on YouTube. - That's what YouTube channel is for. - For Twitch clips, you know, all that shit. That's what that's for you. - I already have like one website to like remind me of how cringey I used to be. I want like multiple websites to remind me how cringey I used to be. - I wanna know what cringey thoughts I had. So, you know, that's, that's not just pictures. I want everything. I don't wanna go back to like my personal Facebook and big go back to like 2010 and being like, Oh God, why the fuck did I tweet shit out like that? Or message shit out like that. - No, cause going back to the bald conversation. Yeah. And like rock rocking and style and everything like that. So I remember I had to, I had to go through this exact process when I finished being a monk and I was just, I was just bald, right? - And we talked about before, how, you know you can't, you can't really, it's hard to rock a bald style when you don't have a beard or anything. I feel like it's especially hard as an Asian as well. So like initially all I did was just like wear, like wear a beanie. And the thing, the thing about this like frail Asian kid wearing a beanie walking, right. You look like a cancer patient. Like that's, that's, you know, that's, that's, that's kind of like what I look like On the outside. So I was like, I'm tired Of this. You know, I want at least change my style. - Right. - So I was thinking, well, what can I possibly do? And the only other style I can think of is like, what what do you think of when you think, you know, bald head shaved? - You think you kinda, you kinda think of like somebody who just like a delinquent, right? - Someone's like a skinhead. - You like, it's like a skinhead, right? So I tried to go for that look and I have a picture actually. I dug this up during the break. Let me see if I can get it. But yeah, I went for, I went for the skinhead look. And for the first, for the first and only time in my life. I looked like a complete, - Whoa! - I look like I just came out of prison. - You look like Asian Jason Statham. (laughing loudly) - That's fucking awesome. - I kinda love that. - Yeah. - That's dope. That was dope as fuck. - If I saw someone walking the streets. - Its Garnt. - I have never felt like it. It's the glasses and the scarf. - Okay. This is the first and only time in my life where I felt dangerous. - Right. I would, I would be like, I'll be walking down - Move away from me. - Because I was living in China at this time, right? And so I would be walking down the streets and sometimes if it, if it was it was dark, I could see like groups of girls or groups of anyone just like subtly cross the road. Whenever I was, I was okay. And this, this one time. So I was with some friends there and it took me like to this local bar who's run by this like frail, you know, you know one of the old Asian ladies who run this local bar. And so we walk in and she dead ass looks at me and I could see her have like a mini a mini fucking heart attack. She's like, "What?" And then she goes to my mate and goes, "I'm sorry, we're closed right now." And my mates, like, no, I I've been here quite often. I, you know, I know this place is open as she did. I says to him, I'm just not looking for trouble right now. - Garnt is the kind of guy who you would say am not looking for trouble. - I mean look, I don't blame you, man. Like if I, if I was that frail old lady I feel like I would I would look at that and be like, Oh, that's Chinese mafia. - Were you wearing the sunglasses? And the scarf as well? - I was wearing the scarf. - Yeah. That's Chinese mafia dude. Am not dealing with that shit. - Yeah. The scarf says like, it's Louie, but I mean, you know, I kill as well you know. - The scarf says I'm hiding tasks. That's what that say. You don't wanna see the tasks I have underneath. - Yeah. Looking like this it felt like you know, that meme with that guy in the party being like they don't know him a fair load on me. - I don't know. I kill people. (laughing loudly) - It's like the big coat as well. It's like, yeah, I might be concealing a weapon but I'll never say. - This is honestly the first time I ever like tried wearing a leather jacket and I'm just like, "Tom, you know what?" - Actually you look good in leather jacket. - I love leather jacket. - Is that why you wear leather jackets a lot nowadays. - Ever since this is where it started. - Actually looks good on you. - The only one I know where it's like, damn, he fucking kills a leather jacket. up who will like, Oh, you know, I want to I want to get back into like the whole like eighties like street wear spirit and you know the punk spirit and like wear a leather jacket. And it just, it looks so lame. - Some people do look like they're just wearing the dad's clothes. Jackets. - Yeah. I tried to once and I was like, nah, it's not for me. - Yeah. For me, the one piece of clothing I find really hard to rock is a good suit. I dunno. I dunno what it is about a suit, right? - I love wearing suits. I know you love wearing. You use every opportunity you can to just rock up when you were jojo suit. - Going to the grocery store, suit up - Suit up. - Why not? Suits is so fun to wear, man. It is really fun. - You feel like you commend a presence when you're wearing your suit. You know, like when I, when I leave my house around the Jojo suit, like, like, you know like I go on the train, I'm like, yeah, I'm wearing it. - Cause like, for me, I like, I can rock a suit but it really needs to be tailor-made. Cause like anything else, if most like my entire life if I just buy like this stormy too, you know, it feels it just feels like, and where my dad's clothes, I I look like five years younger and I, and that's not a good it's not a good five years younger than it looks I'm back to being a teenager or something like that. - Yeah. I don't know. Especially as well here, if you were anything other than the standard businessman suit here, which is like what? The Navy - Like the Navy blue, white t-shirt on today. - It's like nobody made it, it's like dark Navy. Like they all wear the same goddamn suit. So when I, you know, when I whip out my little light burgundy, what color is it like beige? The Jojo beige suit. Stands out so fucking much. Am like, yeah bitch! - Like I forget. Sometimes you have, you bought two jojo suits because you only wear that one. - Yeah, cause the other one, it's like way more formal. So it's a little harder to wear it. Like on just kind of like not super serious things. - Yeah have got the other one, the, the butcher ADI one, the Navy blue like kind of double standard. - It's also like a crossover. And I feel like the crossover is like more mafia or like super serious. Whereas the German one, cause it's just like super chill. It's like Bay, beige is not a serious color. No people who wear beige don't do serious things but you look good, look good - Explain serious thing. - Like you see someone wearing this suit. - Like people, mafia men can wear beige. - Here's the Giordano suit. Here's the Bruichladdich suit, right? The Butchuaratty suit looks like you've you are killing people. You're trading in stocks that can't be bought by public citizens. You know, the journal one looks like, you know, like like you have fun times. You go out for nice meals, you know, it's, you know it's a different kind of atmosphere. - I go to the gold bar every now and then it's a different kind of atmosphere that it gives off. - Right. - It's like wearing a three piece. You can't just casually wear a three piece. - You look so good in the three-piece because I did something, you know, I like how men's fashion no matter how, how much time has passed. Right. A suit and a three-piece just always looks good. It's just something that is timeless. And I don't know what it is. They've just like, we, we optimize how good guys could look like hundreds of years ago. And then it just hasn't changed since then. - Yeah. The standard has always been the same. - I don't really spend much money on clothes but obviously suits quite expensive. And then you only bought, bought a suit Will know that. - Like a nice suit. Yeah. Like a nice suit right? Like, yeah. You can go to prime Mark and get the $20 here or whatever. And it doesn't look bad. Actually. It doesn't. I remember I was telling, like I was talking about on on Twitch, I was talking about the Jojo suits I'm bringing out new Jojo suits. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to buy them all. And they were like, Powerful ones right? Yeah. And then like the like 500 bucks each. And I'm like, listen guys for a suit 500 bucks is not that much. Especially if you can go in there and get they tailored a little bit to you like this, come on. Come on, these suits are fucking gold - Especially as an adult as well. Like that's just gonna to last. - Yeah bro. You think I'm only ever wearing those job Jojo suits now - Like one time thing - Never wearing. I'm never wearing any other suits ever. I'm in a pretty well, but I mean I'm gonna get my money's worth, right? And also the nice things that luxurious man you gotta like, you know, a good suit. You can't cheap out. If you go to a job interview wearing a cheap-ass suit come on, come on. I mean, - You go to a job interview wearing Jojo suit? - Bro they're like, - Instant application. - Presents has been commended you know. You walk in right. - This boy is serious and he's beige. - Nevermind. He's got a Jojo suit. - He's got a beige suit on he's. He's good. - I mean that's the thing about the suit, is that it's one of, it's one of the few things that you really can't cheap out on them. You can try it. I mean like, you know, you can go to places like get a pretty cheap suit in somewhere like Thailand. That's like tailor made and everything like that. But if you don't have that luxury of buying of going to a place where it can be made for cheap then a cheap suit really shows like most like no - When you wear it as well, what's a good suit. You feel like damn, I'm powerful. It comes off in the aura that you give off. It's like some Hunter, Hunter, Nan stuff, right? People feel your presence. When you, when you're in a good suit people know you are in a good suit. They feel it in the way I'm telling you, man, it's not bullshit. That's what, that's what I do. - When I go buy a suit, I'm just like, excuse me. It's the aura tailor. - Honestly. It's an option though. - You know it's to tailor-made when they're asking questions you're like, what the fuck you talking about? They're like, they're asking you stuff. Like, how would you like this or that? And I'm like I've never been asked that question in my life. What is that? Doesn't they show you like, I don't care. What do you think? You're the tailor you tell me? It's like - Would you like two centimeters or three centimeters off your coffee? I don't know. - Yeah. Like when they ask like do you want the leg rolled up at the bottom of the steps? And I'm like, I don't know. - She didn't tell me what looks good. I literally have no, what do you tell me? - Cause I remember like the first time I wore a suit was for like my high school prom or something like that. - I think that was the first time for like everybody. - That's when you get like the prime marks. - Yeah. Yeah. - I'm going to find you a good suit. Cause you're not gonna get me any value out of that little shit. - Yeah. - Yeah. And everyone, everyone does look like they're wearing their dads suit. (laughing) I think it's possible. - Its like lets go dads. (laughing) - Its like the oversized suits. Oh God. - It looks so unnatural. - The good old days where just... (chuckles) - Why is it that every like 16 year old who goes to like the first prom in a suit just looks like, they're just like, - Cause you not comfortable in it. - Yeah. But like, it's, it's so funny. How like every photo of ever seen either off myself or of my friends, or just complete random strangers out their proms, they all look like the T-posing. You know what I mean? (laughing) they are like, they all like there's a standing like, yes, we are at a prom. (laughing) - A suit it's like 50% the suit, 50% how comfortable you feel wearing these. - Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Can you embody what a suit is? You know, you can't just put on a suit and be like, I guess I'm, I guess I'm kinda like attractive now. No. You've got to believe that when you put that suit on, - Yeah. - I'm hot. - [Garnt] Yeah. - You got to give off that aura. You got to have faith. - But like, okay, there's always, this there's always like every time I wear a suit, right. There's always this countdown of like when am I going to take this jacket off? Cause inevitably when you go to like any celebrations or something, you're gonna get too hot on that side. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Of course. - Of course. - And I feel like, you know, if you're gonna take pictures or do anything get it right at the beginning of the nights. - Yeah. - Because there's nothing more messy than like just the suit that, you know has just been battered and damage. And like you can tell it's not the suit itself. It's the tie, right? - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. - Its like at the beginning you're like, you got your buttoned up right to the top button. (Joey gasping for air) Your tie is tight. You look fucking suave. - [Conner] Yeah. - Five hours in, God, you're a sweaty mess. That Tie has taken a beating. It's like, it's like halfway down your chest. - Yeah. (Joey laughs) - One thing, Japan is like advanced technology and is like that business shirts are like next level. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like I've, I don't know how they've done it. But Japan is like, optimize the fuck out of like, shirts. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like business shirt. - Of course they have. Cause everyone, - Everyone's wearing. - Everyone wearing. - Every person here is a salary man. - Yeah. I mean, I put this thing on at first, and it was a little pricey. I thought, you know, I mean, I guess, you know, from buying a nice suit, I buy a nice shirt. - Even. I it's always an after thought cause I always think if it's wide, who gives a fuck? Then I put this thing on, and I'm like, Whoa, it breathes, is stretches It looks clean. It washes super-easy. - Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And I'm like, Whoa, I've never like appreciated a shirt until Japan. - I remember, I remember I saw an ad, for like last summer. - Yeah. - When it was like, you know that fucking heat wave. - It doesn't matter if it's like 40 degrees or it's four degrees. People are wearing a suit. - The materials feels amazing. - But I remember I saw an ad, which dead are said, like this this business shoulder has self cooling technology. (Garnt laughing loudly) - I get it - Cooling technology. Like it's a, it's a piece of cotton. - Some of them like have like a stretchiness to it that makes it like, feel really like air rated. I don't know what it is. Okay. If you come to Japan, right. And you like your, your shirts. Yeah. Dead ass, you know, bringing my animate figures get some Japanese shirts go to like perfect suit factory here. And just go and put, get go and get some biceps, self cooling. They legit. They good. I feel like whenever Japan - Like advertisers as new fancy technology is though it's it's it's hit or miss because sometimes you get good things like the heat tech here the Heat tech when you go to Uniqlo and it's winter, those are fucking great. - The cool shirts, yeah. - The cool shirts are obviously great. I remember though recently, like Uniqlo also released the, they, you know, this was deep during the pandemic. It was debriefing during quarantine and they released like their own Arizona masks or something like that. That was meant, that was meant to like be more breathable fabric or something like that. And, and it, it got so high that it's sold out on the first day immediately, people were queuing up to buy these masks. And I think about three months into it, I was at Uniqlo and miraculously. They were just back on sale day. They just come back into stock. So I was like, you know what, I'm gonna give this a try because this has been sold out. And I'm tired of my, you know, of like of my masks. So let's, let's, let's see how breathable this is. And it literally, it literally felt like you'd just worn like, you know, one of those like anime knickers. Anime masks. - Just like underwear. - It literally just felt like you had underwear in your face. And it was a fucking lie. This thing was this thing, this thing felt like he was going to give me asthma. It was not breathable at all. - We have a lot of fats they're here and his fat fad technology wasn't there - Like the, a necklace or something was meant to prevent. - Literally I see some people wearing it's called virus out. Like literally just like a necklace and everyone's wearing. - Yeah. Hockey made like an entire video about like a bunch of like Corona virus, scam items. And one of them was that it's like, it's like this fucking lucky charm looking thing where it's like, "Go away virus." It was literally that energy. - It's just like, it's just it's just a car air freshener around your neck. - I'd rather you not care than have that and be like I care. Yeah. Cause, cause like at least you not pretending at that point. - Yeah. - The fact that they're like I saw a bunch of people who like, like especially like older, like women, you know, always believe in that for some reason who would like wear that and be like, Oh, I don't have to wear a mask anymore. I'm I'm fully protected with this. You know? - I mean, it's the same reason anti-vaccine and stuff like exists. Right? Because this kind of, you know, if if you have a small, small enough group who trade in like trade information within that group, then they're just gonna stop leaving the wall to sometimes. And you know, it's a lot of like the image globally is that a lot of people, a lot of this is confined to America, but you know, it's all over. It's all over the world. Like it is all over the place as stupidity is not confined by one type of like nationality or just the big difference is like it seems in America, it's just more documented and its more widespread. - That's unfortunate. Cause like, I mean like, like you said like the stupid, I do agree. They are stupid, but it's been like proven, right? If you keep calling them stupid it like makes them believe in it more. Yeah. You're like, you're like, you're a conspiracy. You're like - Are you working with the government? You're one of them. But also at the same time - I don't wanna sit there and humor stupid ideas. - Yeah. So it's like, yeah, I don't know. I don't, I don't really talk about it. I don't really get involved with it. Cause I'm just like, I feel like it's a lose, lose. These people should know about. Yeah. You know, I just like to think that, you know, like for example, if my mum one day got into something like that that I'd like to be able to think that I could maybe talk her out of it. Like mom. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. The PG tips is not poisoned. - You can drink the tea mom. (joy laughs) I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead. You know, just give me a fake. It's unfortunate. - Wasn't it like the England in England? What? Like the 5G towers caused. - That was embarrassing or whatever. Whatever it was, yeah. - That was like huge in the UK. The people would like burning down these towers. It's embarrassing. You like, these are like I live in the same country with these people. I went to the same schools as these people who burned down fucking 5G towers. - So that fact of like, you know, you should you shouldn't like when, when footwear wireless like Bluetooth headphones first came out for your phone be like, people should use those because if you if you're on the phone like this, then the signal actually - I remember that. Yeah. I remember that. And there were people, at least in Australia, like when I was growing up, there were like, people dead ass being like, "shit, I have to go buy some Bluetooth headphones. You know, I don't wanna get a tumor in my brain from all these phone calls I'm taking." I'm like, "what are you on?" - I think one of the most interesting things I've like, I've seen happen recently that's happened right in front of my eyes is the fucking toilet paper shortage. Right? Like, like I think back to that and like, - Why does that feel like 10 years ago? - I know. I think back to that, unlike our kids are gonna be reading about this or like, they're gonna see like isn't it, they're going to see the Israeli historian video like 20 years in the future and, and be thinking like my generation, whenever this stupid, it's like I'm just imagining like, you know, 20 years from now like our kids, right. Will be like in fucking history class like modern history being like class. All right so class today we're gonna be talking about the 2020 great toilet paper shortage. Like it's the same as the crank depression - Blew my mind. How in Japan, it happened as well. I'm like, we literally have, yeah. - It blew my mind. What do you guys clean your ass with? - It blew my mind. That happened worldwide. It was literally like a idea that spread worldwide. Even though like nobody, nobody knew where it came from. It's the family in Australia. Not proud of it but like, like the thing is nobody like another countries really knew that it came from Australia cause they were just like, Oh, toilet paper. I must buy. I don't know why, but everyone else is buying toilet people. Therefore I must buy a toilet paper. - It didn't occur to people that maybe like, you know if everyone just keeps using toilet paper at the same rate that we've all been using it it'll continue to be the same. Right. - Cause I don't know why. Cause he was out of every household necessity that you think would happen that you think people would need an apocalypse food, water, I sleep. Toilet paper. I wake. This is the real shit. - So what do people think that like if you got COVID you also got irritable bowel syndrome. I'm like , - In my mind as well, I'm like do I really want to be an who just goes and like takes everything in the shop. I'm like, I mean, I'll take like a little bit of like pasta a little bit of canned goods, like enough. - Yeah. Like we, like, we stepped up, but we didn't like be like, can I have everything on that shelf from there to there? No, we, we, we, we only stocked up just because there was a literal shortage and there was a literal point where I had trouble wiping my ass because there wasn't, there was no toilet paper. - The day gang rise up. - I was gonna clean my ass by the end of the day, but I wasn't gonna step out with a wet ass like fuck that shit. - I just jiggle a little shake because it was the one piece of like everyday household equipment. They, you know, you can understand so, you know? Okay. I understand if there would be a shorter dish soap I can understand hand sanitizer. Of course. I understand why there would be food and water - Food and water. There wasn't any - I'm like, do you know how easy it is to live off like rice or pasta? Like you don't need much of that. - But there was even a shortage of like pasta as well. Like I remember. Yeah. I remember, I remember the video of, I think it was in Italy that there was like all of those supermarkets and the old guy was like getting pissed off cause there was no pasta in the supermarket. And he was like," people weren't this obsessed during world war two. We had more pasta in world war two than we do now, what the fuck is going on?" - I guess the problem is is that like everyone's telling each other yeah. You should panic. Like in real time. Right? Spread it out. It's like, Oh my God. I don't know. I had a bunch of cop ramen and I was like, I'm pretty. I think I'm good. I'll see what happens. Like I'm pretty sure the stores aren't just gonna shut. - I like there would be an exact point where I would like start panicking. And that exact point is if I found out the company was closed. Cause like, I, I feel like, Hey, if the company closes you're going through some real shit. - That is when I truly woke. Are we really going through an apocalypse. Okay. I wake now. Am fucked. - Like America, that like waffle house. And like you can judge on like the disaster based on where the wasp waffle house is open or closed. It's like, it's an actual like study like thing where like, even when there's like hurricanes waffle house in America is still open. - Wow. Seriously? Yes. You should look it up. - Its really interesting. - I like, I think, I don't know. We didn't know which of big natural disaster it was. I think it must have Katrina or something else. It was still open. - Cause they're all equipment like generators. Right? Why? In case of disaster - The like one of the only things that like will try their best to stay open. Unless like, you know the disaster is so bad when waffle house in America... - It's like damn, my roof just got blown off could kill for some waffles. - Like windows and shit are broken. I think they'd still continue to be open. Like I'll let you in. I I'm not, I'm not sure exactly. It could be checking out my ass but this is as far as been there. - Yeah. Cause I I think what's this entire situation has made me realize is I remember like, Oh, before, before 2020 watching like old school zombie movies and something like that. And you'd think to yourself, man, they made the they made the people really stupid in this zombie movie. This would never happen in real life. And now I look back and I'm like, - Oh its definitely gonna happen. - I'm like they didn't make them stupid enough. Jesus Christ. - People that like rounds up people and feeds them to the zombies because they think it'll probably appease the zombie or something. Some shit like that. - Yeah. I look at something like dead rising and I'm like, well this is unrealistic. There's still things inside all of the stores to pay for. It's still what the there? Isn't a subgroup of people praising the zombie what's going on. - I, I am curious for every like zombie story and like every like every kind of like apocalyptic story like would like how if 2020 would have changed, like how cliches and tropes - You get a million boring movies about this current pandemic. And - Can you make an exciting movie about the pandemic? I mean, they tried to do with 2012. Right. They made one like in 2006 or seven were like - Oh it was pandemic. Right. That was - Pandemic. There's like a few movies. They're like, they're like worryingly close to like what happened? - Yeah. That was the, that was the one that went viral. I think I saw it last year. Whereas I was like crazy. Like - In the movie there was like a pandemic. That was like completely obviously named something completely differently than the years before. And, and I think it'd go viral because people found it on Netflix and started watching it. And the dead, the plot is that there was a virus that was started in China through bats. Really? Yeah. And people like - Some chef had it and they shook hands with a businesswoman - And then spread to America. Like half of America died. I think it was mad thing. - Fucking mad thing. I love you right here. - People are like, Oh my God, this is almost scarily similar to what's actually happening right now. - Probably smarter because people probably acted much a lot smarter in that movie. - No, no, no, no. - In that movie as well they were just like instantly die for some reason. Matt Damon and his kid I think. - Were immune. - Were immune, because of course Matt Damon. I'm pretty sure if that happened. Matt Damon and Tom cruise be fucking immune to anything. - Yeah. Matt, Matt Dame. I think Matt, the, in the movie Matt Damon was like, I quarantine, nevermind. I'm immune now. (laughing loudly) He laid like dead. I stayed inside of a room for two weeks. And then the doctor was like guess you're immune now was a pretty good movie. If you've watched it. - I've just seen clips of it online - Contagion. That's pretty good. It's pretty fun watching it now being like, yeah that's fine. - It must be, it must be weird watching it during the pandemic and seeing being like, this is a this is uncomfortably close to what's happening now. - It makes you realize how lucky we got that. It could have been way worse. Like it could have just immediately killed people. - Yeah. Yeah. Cause I think, you know, we, we've obviously gone through a really harsh period right now, but I feel like humanity really just got like, we got the best warning. So this was, this was the best warning sign that we could have gotten. And I say this, obviously knowing that, you know, it's it's a tragedy how many people have died, but get the, the scary thing is that it could have been so much worse than it was. And this was, this was kind of like the worst case scenario for how easily transmittable this virus could have been. But in terms of like, in terms of like its actual effect it could have been a lot worse. And I say this with the awful results we've gotten so far. - And it's just, it's just scary to think that, you know if this had happened, you know, 50, a hundred years prior, how much? Probably much, much, much worse it could have been. You know - It's weird because like, I I've been thinking about this a lot because it's, it's been like a full year now, since, since I remember thinking, Oh this is gonna, this is gonna last a few months. Yeah. - There's this quarantine thing, right? This is a, this is a little, this is a, I came together. It's like, woo, woo bunk up for like two months. And then, you know we'll be able to go outside and enjoy the summer. - The joke was like, Oh, anime nuts ha I've found I was born for this. And then I kind of realized pretty soon that there's a big difference between choosing to stay home and being forced to stay home. I don't know what it is but there's a big fucking difference. - I saw a tweet that was like, man are people going to judge people who have a time readapting to social situations. - Right. And I was like, "what? What do you mean? - What do you mean readapting ? - Like people who have been like living in the house for too long alone they were like, I hope we don't get judged. - What they're suddenly gonna go outside and being like how do I interact with you? I thought it was a little odd. What do you think they were like? - [Meilyne] I agree. - You agree? - You agree Meilyne? - [Meilyne] I'm worried. - You're worried - You're worried. (laughing loudly) - Why? You're the fucking socialite. - [Meilyne] With you... (laughing loudly) - You guys aint people. I've been in the joint for too long man. I do not have to re acclimate to society. - Just like, you know when you see shit like that on Twitter It was just read something like it was like, they made it out. Like it was way more serious and like a big issue than it was. And I'm like, bro, it's literally talking to people. Yeah. - What do you, what do you how is this not second nature to you? - You know, struggled to socialize, but acting as if like your life has just been flipped upside down and it's going to take so much readjusting like you'd like to get over this. I'm like, bro - It's not like you're trying to learn a language that you stopped learning after work. - Maybe shouldn't take, I don't know. It could be a shitty take. I, I was just like, what am I done? - Well, you're obviously not part of that. Right. There's a hashtag rolling - I know am quite extroverted. And I obviously can't sympathize 100% with introvert problems. He, he XD hashtag. But like, you know, I mean, to me, I was like it kind of seemed like they were trying to make it. Like, I don't know. Cause sometimes Twitter does this where it's like guys, guys, I have a problem, guys. I need to tell you about my problem guys. Please come on. - I, I believe that I believe that's called first world problems where it's like, the woe is me. - Well, I don't know. Like I can, I can kind of understand. But at the same time how is it gonna be diff like how are you gonna how is that much different from what you were like before? Like what's normal. That's what I mean. It's like, no one's going to force you to go outside after the pandemic. If anything, people are probably about just go back to being, we'll just go back to the situation with people who are choosing to be inside rather than taking a flight, going on a plane. - Its like, If you will, if you loved being inside before the pandemic you're probably still going to be inside after the pandemic. Let's be real. No, it's like the police aren't gonna come and be like all right, you've been in this room for too long. All right. Get the fuck out. You gotta, you gotta - He's missed your mouth. It's been there. - I don't know. Do you think there are going to be any big changes once this pandemic safe? Or are we just going to be like, huh? That was a funny thing that happened last year, right? I mean like in terms of Japan, like, you know because we're already such a bomb, Japan, we're going to stop wearing masks. Now. Why? Because before, you know, it was still a socially accepted norm for people to wear masks, but not everyone wore masks. And now I feel like now it's going to be so deeply ingrained in the culture that I feel like 90 to 80% of people are just going to be permanently masks. - Oh yeah, of course. I mean, you know, like people already wear masks see you like, you know, during especially this time of year where like, you know hay fever because you know that kind of stuff. And then, you know you have like the influenza season in like November where people are getting sick all the time everyone's wearing a mask and it's like is your face a little bit cold, wear a mask? - Do you know what I'm hoping? And I think it's gonna happen and I'm happy for it. People are gonna take care of the hygiene during conventions. That's good. (laughing) - That's a total order. I am hopeful that a global pandemic will make nerds care more about that hygiene during a big social gathering. I, I might, I might be too hopeful for this. I might be judged for this. - I feel, you know what? I feel if anything it's gonna be like, listen, we were all not gonna get each other sick. Now. We've all, we've all gotten the shot. And I've been, I've been forced to use hand sanitizer and bathe and wash my hands for fuck far too long. I am gonna go on a bathing strike. - I think I'd like to just see the like the alcohol stay in front. - Yeah. Hand sanitizer. I think if more people would just especially at conventions where you are shaking hands with so many fucking people and you know, you know maybe wearing more masks in convention does that's not exactly a bad thing because con flu is just an accepted part. That is an accepted part of every convention you go, you go to, right? - Well, it's more like say here's the one thing I've never understood about con-flu, right? Like whenever you catch a cold, right. It's usually from someone. Yeah. Who's the fucker who's going to a con with a cold? - Because I mean, I got it, right? Like if, if they booked it, yeah. You've, already paid them off. - You've already paid money. You've booked your hotel. Get a cough. - But the least you can do is like, try and stay as hygienic as possible. - Which is why can we, can we change this please? - That's what am hoping. I'm hoping that I go to the next convention or maybe like, not just the next one. Cause obviously the next one is going to be affected. But maybe in like three years time we still got the same etiquette of, you know if you know, maybe wearing masks, isn't such a bad thing. - Wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, people having hand sanitizers just like easily readily available. Like if I'm just like, Oh shit, does anyone have any hand sanitizer? And like three people around me just be like, yeah bro, I got your back. I think that's the positive change. Maybe, you know, maybe the smell can change but that's fascist hopeful thing. - Can we make those ones that like wet your hand to oblivion illegal? You know the ones when you get it and it's just like oil has been dropped on your hand. That shit should be illegal. - Where it's like way too sticky. But it's like sticky. - It's it's like, feels like it's been hydrated to like 1000%. Like its fucking weird. Like why do they keep buying this shit? Stop making them. - That's the potent, dude. - Is it really though? - Yeah. - I like the feeling of that one cause your hands feel clean because it's like - 10 in a tango one time and now he wants - Listen, don't knock it till you try it, bro. Fingering and tenure. - Because like, sometimes you get like you go to a restaurant here and they're like, please please sign inside your hands. And they give you like this, they spray it. Like the tiniest spray on you mentally like make this tiny spray last, like like cover your entire, your Palm before you can stretch it out. And I'm just like, you know that picture where it's like the door that's being held by the Cheetos and like the SWAT team breaking down the door. That's what I feel is like, when you think of like that piddly little spray on you and you're like, okay I can see this does nothing but you're just doing it because it's like regulations. - Oh my hand been feel like I've just like dunked it in like a VAT of oil. Like that's what it feels like sometimes. - I like the feeling of like, like it's one it covers your hands and you can feel it evaporates. So you get like a little tingly cooling sensation. - I rather them go overboard with the hand sanitizer than under board. - Like I feel, I feel like it's clean otherwise it is. It's like fucking sudden.. - I know there is my hands on the cleanest sanitize. That's the point of hand sanitizing. It fucking sanitizes your hand. - That's 0. 1% of germs is clinging on for dear life on my hands right now. - I just prefer to use like soap, I don't know. I like the - Phrase. You can't soap your hands. - You kind of like a restaurant. You can just be like, all right, spray a little bit on that. I'm gonna go to the toilet and clean my hands. - What? - What? - So much more effort. - Yeah but I like that is the least optimize thing. Yeah. Coming from a man who optimizes everything in his life - Aren't inherently an optimized experiences so much. - Imagine the cue to the toilet. If that, if that was just norm, not everyone could be large brained like myself, you know. - shut up. Just shut up. - What you have to do is buy this gel. It sanitize your hands. - More like a strips your skin. I don't know why. You know what I mean? - We gas up a Domus apparently it is my weekend. I love it when I could feel my bone. Yeah. Cause some people know, some people some people just have like really sweaty hands and it feels like, you know, that spray that spray does nothing. Some people need that sweater. Your hands. No, not my hands. My hands are like, it's the one that you handshake at a con it's it's the moisture. It's the moist. He fell to the moist hand for some reason. The moist hand always cold as fuck. (laughing loudly) It's like you feel the moistness you're literally a cold, wet fish. That's all it feels like. That's what, - it feels like grabbing like a dead fish. Right. And going to a supermarket and like seeing one of those fish in the fish section, just grabbing it. That's what it feels like. It is gross. And you can never shake that feeling off after it's like off your hand. - Apologies to anyone who has cold wet hands, but - Cold hands. - Yeah. A sham to shaking their fish at home and shaking their fish home. - How can we talking about finding Nemo and? - Yeah. I mean, I would like to see that from future columns, but I mean, it's really it's just a matter, when is the future? - I have no interest in going to digital conventions. I couldn't think of a more boring thing. - It's just sad to me. Like they got to keep, they gotta do it. But to me, to me, it doesn't, it doesn't make me feel happy that they're doing digital dimension. It just makes me feel sad . - Unless I'm staying in a scuffed hotel room, that's fucked up from every all everyone's shit. Like it's just not the same. - Yeah. Its kinda the same as like virtual concerts. Like well, that 411 was pretty cool with like Travis Scott did a whole thing for it though. That's like a different experience different experience with like someone on zoom just dancing in front of the webcam being like, you know. Hmm. - Did you see the one that post Malone did for Pokemon? No. Yeah. Post-mortem so like Pokemon just recently announced, Oh well pastor 25th anniversary this year and post the Pokemon the official Pokemon YouTube channel did a virtual concert with post melon and it is weird. It is weird as fuck. - Did Pokemon reach out to post Malone or was that what it was like? It was like, literally like, think of, think of like the Travis Scott, the least family friendly kind of image you could go for that I expect from Nintendo. It was this clip on Twitter that went viral where like one of the lyrics to like post Malone song. Like obviously, you know, like a lot of your songs you know, he swears and writes, so they censored it. But I guess they forgot to send to this one line where he was like it was just the sex though. The sex though me, while this Lucia flying in the test and learn rapping, it was like, yeah. So like he, they had like the, the virtual model of post Malone, but again, it's like an, a Pokemon way. Not even it's like, I don't know. He was kind of halfway between a Pokemon model and just like a regular 3D model. Okay. And it was really fucking weird and especially weird because like, when you think of Pokemon and you think of modern pop stars post Malone is not the first person you think. - No. Right. - And yet he, yeah it was really weird just being like at the end of the concert, he's like, thank you, Pokemon fans. I love Pokemon. - How did I not see that? - I'm surprised you guys didn't see it - Its like Kanye West going on the Disney channel like all these bitches. (laughing loudly) - You're such a fucking whore, I love it. Thank you Disney. - Like sometimes you just see news nowadays and like you can't tell if it's real when you use or just a meme anymore. Like the real news is the meme. Nowadays. Sometimes like post Malone and Pokemon. - I mean, I like post Malone, but it was just a very strange like, I dunno if I enjoy the very odd comment combo especially, especially coming from Nintendo as well. One of was tightening. I mean, it was, it was good. Like if you're a post Malone or pear fan, then it was like cool. I don't know about like Pokemon fans, but I mean I saw it was like pretty positively received. So I mean good on postmark - Pokemon, AMV to post Malone's music. I don't even know Like it wasn't a long concert either. It was maybe about You know, like 15, 20 minutes. Maybe like he played, you know, he maybe did like three or four songs - So where could you watch this? It was on Twitter. It's on the poker. It's on the official Pokemon YouTube channel. Like if you look up post Malone, Pokemon concert, it'll come up. - Yeah. I just want to be in my room, attending an event. - There's just something about the energy of having a crowd there That's just that, that you need that energy. It's, it's something that you can't kind of like sadder than a virtual mosh pit. That sounds so depressing. Oh my God. I'm just imagine what's the virtual MOSFET. It's just Twitch chat going insane. Right? That's a virtual Marsh. It's like, it's the same. I love Twitch chat. - I love interacting and I love streaming but the second about it, when it was supposed to be live. Yeah. In-person when it goes to Twitch it's just feels weird or weird. I don't even know why I'm like conventions. I just think aren't experience you inherently just cannot experience. - I mean, you go to convention for the people for the atmosphere. Otherwise everyone would be going on their discord servers and talking about animating cringey. - Right? Exactly. You go to be cringing and person meet other cringy people. It was like the whole reason why you go to like concerts. All right. It's like, it's it's of course to see whoever you're seeing live, but it's also to fucking see it with people. - There's something different about seeing, you know seeing a bland live as opposed with other people as opposed to seeing it, you know, listening to the album or seeing music videos on my that. There's just, there's just an energy you can't capture if you're watching it through a screen. And I mean, that's, that's why I get why people have to do virtual events and everything but I'm kind of, I'm kind of, I just want to attend I miss concerts. I miss crowds. And I never thought I would miss crowds. Cause like, I hate crowds so much, but like even like it's not just even being there in a crowd, but just seeing an event and just hearing that crowd scream there's just something special. There's just something that brings the hype to it. Like I get that. I get that like the most recent, like the most recent event I can think of is a league of legends worlds. Right. Normally I'm like super, super hype for worlds. Cause as you would be for any other sporting events but there was just something about seeing this game play that just didn't have the crowd role behind it. That just made it feel like you were just watching a Thailand one stream or something like that. - Like watching an online tournament. Yeah. I remember the players, they were saying as well. They were like, yeah, it's not the same without a crowd. Yeah, of course you get a win. You know, when the crowd - When someone makes a amazing play and you hear the roar, there's just something special about that. That even though I'm not there in person. Cause I've, I've been to, you know, I've been there in person and the energy there is fucking incredible. But even just capturing a bit of that energy and putting like, just hearing that crowd scream it's it's, it's it's something that can't be replicated. And like I know, and I the I think it was China that tried adding like that tried the cans laughter effect where they, they, they added fake crowds attacks. Yeah. So what to the legal legends. Yeah. Yeah. I think so. I heard like, someone's probably going to fact check and call me out on this, but I think I heard that. And that just sound... - I wouldn't be surprised - That sounds even worse ,if they did that. - Just the Friends fucking like soundtrack starts playing. A sound base just comes in like (chuckles) - Yeah. Because like, I remember like you know, cause February just passed and like I love watching like the swimmer and the Sumo season is like during the winter. Yeah. So just finished, but like, of course because it's a pandemic, you can't have people in the tiny, you know, stadium watching the Summa. So like, yeah. It was really sad to see this like massive Sumo stadium only having maybe like four people in it. And it's just like, and you know obviously after every wind, right. Usually the crowd, you know like claps or like cheers or something. But instead it's like, someone does this like Epic win and like three people are clapping. It just sounds like a cow just feels like the zero stakes. - Yeah. If you can't hear anyone. - Yeah. It was really interesting because the swimmer they were all wearing masks before they got on stage. It it's just funny seeing them like, all right, we have we have these precautions, they take their masks off they step up and immediately just put that faces together. And I'm like, yes. - Yeah. I don't know. I don't know about this. socially distanced. (laughing loudly) I don't give a shit. Yeah. I'm just like, you know, you pick one. - Yeah. - It is funny how crowds can play into sporting event hype because I, so I've been recommended a lot of, like since we did the chess tournament, I've been like rec been recommended way more chess clips and been watching my chest streamers like Hikaru and everything like that. And there's just like, there's just something about the image of had about chess before that was boring. And I feel a big part of that was just how bored everyone looks in any big chess crowds. Right? It's like, it's like people playing a chess till one, during a coughing, coughing events and whatever, whatever, what I realized. I like one thing I've realized about how we could like have the the image could be easily changed was always recommended this other events, like clips of this other event where it's just a bunch of grandmasters who went, who are just like shooting shooting shit and having fun. And they weren't like having team tournament's and just like, and like trash talking each other. And I'm just like, dude, this seems like legit fun events. And this, this could have easily changed the image of chess which I think it's great. Now that the image of chess is being like slightly changed. - I no, no, not everyone will agree with you Garnt there. - I mean, that's, that's my opinion as a filthy casual chest player. - GM tweeted out being like, man it's such a shame that chess is going in this direction. - Yeah. - And then everyone was just like not serious direction because know chess is a lot of history behind it. And there's a lot of people who are like, it's, it's you know, it's, it's big brain, it's intelligent and it's being watered down for these common folk. You know? - I mean, you are, you are like an ex you know you've played chess for your country but how do you feel about it? - I mean, it doesn't really seem like you had that like purist view on it. - Cause like I hated it because like when I was doing it, it was a bunch of, you know, 60 year old white men who would just be in charge of everything and they talked about it. Like, you were like the night's God. Yeah. Culture like that. Yeah. Cause they, you know, it was taken very seriously in the UK and the history behind it is like very long and you know, whatnot. But you know, I don't give a fuck. I mean, you know, if, if, if the sports you know, wants to have more funding and be more popular, I think it's a good thing people get into chess. I mean, yeah it's a good game. I think that it's, you know, one of the, probably the bad better games your kid can get into. - Yeah. I mean, it's kind of evolved to get with the times. Right. And pure always. Yeah. Yeah. - You know, unfortunately chess is probably on its own, a bit boring. Yeah. Let's be honest. Right? Like I play it. I could say that, but I think, you know, adding these tournaments that don't really take away anything from the pro scene, you know, if it gets yeah. You know, if you look at chess viewership on Twitch you know, outside of like Polk champs and stuff like that the big chest dreamers viewership has grown a lot. - How many street, how many viewers does he carry again? - 25k. - And it's, it's fucking great because before you literally could not make money play like playing chess. - So many big chest streamers now. Yeah. And it's really Epic, Epic wine. Its pretty epic That like, you know, there's room for like many chess streams to make a living off this and stream it and you know, and it makes sense. Right? Like, - It's really taught me how important images in regards to like a sports and stuff like that. Because you have to, you know, there's, there's, there's you know, you've got to respect the legacy and the history and stuff like that, but you get to a point where it's a modernized, it needs to modernize. And these catch up with the times and I've it's great because I've gotten way more into chess simply because it just, it just looks fun. It looks way more fun. - Yeah. I mean, there's like, like stuff like, you know everyone thinks of sports, like rules don't change. Yeah. Like rules, like secret but like stuff like basketball I'm pretty sure that the NBA changes the rules have changed the rules a few times based on what makes us more fun viewing experiences. Yeah. So it begs the question is like what's more important the sport or the audience? Yeah. And so I think chess is at that crossroads where there's obviously people who have been training their whole life to be pros and whatnot. And obviously, yeah, it sucks that maybe your sport is a little less serious but on the other hand you have way more opportunities, way more money, you know way more chance to have a platform and do whatever you want and be on the sidelines being salty about it. You're probably going to be the one left behind. - Yeah. It's, it's, it's a balance at the end of the day. Right. You can't go too far in either direction. - I feel, I, I feel that like I remember when he carried got signed up for TSM and I was just like, Holy shit, this is cool. This is a park. That is a like, like just, just like imagine, imagine if we had a chess tournament where people showed up in like e-sports gowns and e-sports shots and stuff like that, that would be pretty high for my opinion. But obviously I'm a filthy casual don't play. I don't play chess out of anything, but just casually. So that's, that's just my opinion. - I totally forgot. I played in chess tournament. Like last week. I totally forgot. I did that. Yeah. It was fine. I mean, I had like one hour sleep, so it's pretty brutal. And I had to film, like I have to go to somebody's phone. - I mean, you say that but you're like, no, knowing your schedule. I kind of like, I was like kind of you are you're a Dick to apex back then. Yeah. Still kind of did it to yourself. - Oh I did. I just, you don't you just say yes to something and you're like, you don't really think about like how it will actually fit into your schedule. It's just sounds cool. - Until it happens. - Yeah. So I got invited to Twitch Rivals, which was like, they wanted to do like a chess tournament where you get padded like a GM or something and they tell you which piece to move and you have to choose which of that piece. If they say pawn, you choose which of the eight Pawns to move. Right. And so it's pretty fun. I mean, yeah. I haven't played chess since our tournament. Yeah. So I was pretty rusty and I'll see, not having much sleep. And so, yeah. But it was good fun. I like doing it. It's fun. I like playing chess, but it's really annoying how like there's some comments as well that like bro Cornell wasn't it kind of in play for? Like when he was a kid, that's a lie. He says now. And I'm like, bro, if you didn't play for like seven years and you played now, I bet you probably wouldn't be out of that. - You haven't heard of a gap? - Yeah. And also I think I'm pretty like the same level or pretty better as a child than I am now. Yeah. We had to say - I mean, it's the same logic. It's like all you want the quadratic equation during school and you can't do it now. You didn't learn it. Yeah. - It's also like, people think like, you know how good do you think that like 12 11 year olds are at this game? I mean, there's some exceptions of amazing - There was so many Magnus castles right? Yeah. - And I was like, bro, I was like the worst on my team. Just sneaked in. - Like I remember when I was talking about, you know, my my masters and I was like, explain to you. I couldn't remember what equation I was talking about. It was second order differential equations. I remember that now. And I kind of says, is it integral you're thinking of? And I guess I was like, yeah I guess I was thinking integer. - I should know too as well cause I also have it in engineering department. And there was so many comments like, Garnts wouldn't have written , Garnt didn't pass his masters. Couldn't even remember that. Jesus Christ. - If you don't use something, surprisingly you forget it. - Yeah. - Yeah. You'll have to understand that. A lot of times during this podcast a lot of us are just brain dead. We're just, we're just chatting. It's just like that. - You know, it's the whole vibe of the show where we just talk, we don't really plan anything. None of the topics ever planned beforehand, we just we just kind of shoot the shit. - We didn't plan to go into the monsters topics of engineering. - I'm sure, If I applied for an engineering job, I'm more qualified than someone who is like, hasn't got the degree but might be studying that thing. He probably knows more than me at this current time. But because I haven't done anything for like three years. Fuck I don't know. - I mean, you - Forget, you forget it, forgot everything. - I finally understand it at the time but that's the thing I feel like now I finally understand how like my parents felt when I would like go to them and being like, can you help me with this math equation? It's like, you, you finished school. Right? You've done this before. And my parents were like, I don't know how to do this. I'm like, what do you mean? You don't know how you did this in school? - I think, I can't even remember like having passed my master's in engineering. I probably can't remember how to do basic trigonometry now. - Dude if someone came with like some 10 year old came up to me and was like can you help me solve this long division equation? I'd be like fuck. I don't know how the fuck to do this. - I'd probably research real quick. Am sure I can get the answer to you. - Let me Google it real quick. Like I totally get that now. - Yeah, because I remember as a kid, you're just like, "how can you not know this? You're an adult. You know, everything you learned this before." - You know how see the fucking like Facebook quizzes that pop up, they're like you know, it'd be like different tanks of water. It'll be like, which one will fill up first. But that was like, literally like part of my fluids exam. We had stuff like that. And I'm like, back in the day I'm sure I can answer that too. But right now I got no fucking idea because I don't remember what the fuck it was all about. All right. Well, I guess we have nothing else to talk about today, boys. So handed off to you, the host Garnt. - Or we just, we just, (laughing) - I can't remember how we ended up. - I'm satisfied. - I've seen enough Trash Taste time. Am satisfied. - To the patreons. - I've talked enough. I'm satisfied. Hello patreons. Thank you for being a patreon. Here are all your names. - You guys are beautiful, amazing. - Look at all your beautiful faces. - Hey, if you'd like to support us go over to Also follow us on Twitter, The subreddit and let's do us on Spotify if your head, our face. - I just feel like Joey does it so much better than either of us, because he's just like ingrained that into, up into his head. - I literally just like mentally. I just like press a button on a place. - I just choose not to. - I mean, Joey does it for me every time and I'm just laying and I just, just let, just let Joey don't do it. - Hey man don't fix something that isn't broken, you know? - Yes. Do everything that Joey says. And did, you mentioned that we have a Twitch channel as well? - Oh yeah. We haven't mentioned that. We have a third channel now. - Oh yeah. Trash Taste After Dark. It used to be unofficial. And now it's official. I know that confused a lot of people. - It's, it's very, it's very confusing because there are some channels out there that aren't official and there are some channels out there that are official. I mean, we were like, let's set the record straight. We have three channels. We have this one that you're currently on. We have Trash Taste Highlights and we have Trash Taste After Dark. Anything else is unofficial. - Where we will be uploading our Twitch stream. Basically after dark is literally just a VOD of outage, Twitch streams. - You know, there might be other like, you know bullshit content as well. But for the time being all of the Twitch Fords. Oh yeah, by the way, follow us on Twitter as well. At Trash Taste podcast, we'll be doing like semi-regular string. I don't fucking know. I don't know. We have some stream ideas, no promises, but it's just there. - Just follow us there - Anyway. That's it. Connor has been very tied today. - No, I was good the first hour. And then I'm just like, bro hit me. - This is, this is how I've seen you for the past week. Kinda of has been addicted to apex for like the past month. And every time I see him, he doesn't just do himself. Every time I see him, he he just comes in and be like, guys I was streaming till like 4:00 a.m. - I wasn't streaming yesterday. I'm just tired. (laughing loudly) - Most of the time he doesn't even stream. He just plays and I'm just like fine. - Anyway, that's it from us. So we'll see you guys next time. - [All Three] Bye. (bright upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,291,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: ESTvga3alco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 32sec (6812 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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