These YouTubers Are "Dying"

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So guys we did it we copyed leon lush's video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JamPottery πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

every one down vote this so pyro gets pissed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This comment was made by pyro downvote gang

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NormalEU4player πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

so guys we did it we bullied a quarter of a million grown men

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StrangeUse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The other brother suffers from Ligma.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jayked22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

in the pool of videos hating on these human specimen pyro jumps in

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brofu05 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cue the saxophone memes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IonicFalcon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

so guys we did it we gave away two brand new iPhones if you remember to like, share and subscribe!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dalledayul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm going to game end them myself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/splater46 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Okay... Gamer glasses: ON I think we can all admit, there's quite a lot of clickbait on YouTube. (including this channel) For example: fake giveaways; *Rage inducing prepubescent wastoid voice* WaNnA jOIn My FrEe GifTcArD gIvAwAy? *Obnoxious ding* SuBsCrIbE To My ChAnNeL NO UNACCEPTABLE pranks gone wrong, which is one of my personal favorites; *balding man bullying poor child* Stay in school right and Morgz prettending he's trapped in a room for 24 hours. [OMG I GOT TRAPPED ON A MIENCRAFT BOX 24/7 GONE WRONG!!] *Epic gamer action irl* But nothing has come close to what these two guys have tried to pull off. Welcome to XtremeGamez, a channel run by my brothers Thomas and John Smith Now, whenever there's a garbage trend, like for example fidget spinners or πŸ†Žortnite, you usually have two groups of people: people that ignore the annoying trend or people that go out of their way to criticise it in a YouTube video. Xtreme Gamez are the people that created the trend in the first place. They have such amazing videos like: IFYOUVEACTUALLYBEENSITTINGINYOURSEATJUSTLIKETHISTHATISACTUALLYWRONG! [NO I SIT LIKE THAT U STUIPD!] and COUNTLESS fidget spinners videos. I LOVE fidget spinners, can we please get a like for fidget spinners πŸ‘πŸ‘ Now, I do have to give Xtreme Gamez credit because they have some of the BEST, and ENTHRALLING YouTube intros I've ever seen on the site. GuYs In 2020 SPoNGeMaN MiGHt ACtuaLLy Look LiKE this In The AnIMAtiON I don't even know what to do anymore *maybe jump off a cliff* Can't be bothered to translate this garbage, prolly something involving scamming kids out of their vbucks I WANT TO DIE! S T O P I T Now, a YouTube intro, to grab the viewers attention usually needs to be concise and to the point. XtremeGamez subvert this expectation by speaking in native spider tongue for the majority of the video. Now I've given context to the channel, but the reason I'm making a video on them today is because they uploaded a video titled: Now a lot of people are annoyed by this video because it's deceptive clickbait, BUT IM MORE ANNOYED THE FACT THEY SPELT "WERE" WRONG COMON MAN *the incredible Hulk 6 leak footage* fake sigh I do wanna give 'em props, only one of the brothers began with a deep sigh. We're making progress with serious YouTube videos! shrek 20 leaked ending lmoa lmao Now to be fair, John has just stated he has kidney disease, which is a serious and incredibly life-threatening thing. I'm not trying to damper down on that. BUT the title says wher'e dying, meaning they're BOTH dying. So if he has kidney disease, which is definitely life-threatening and serious, why are we here just to suffer what does the other brother suffer from? seriously thanos car is a funny meme more lying for money so they can buy v-bucks HUGE GIVEAWAY pyro dying in the background Right, can we please put this into perspective? This is literally their and how are they gonna do a send off???? WITH A GIVEAWAY Imagine Markiplier being hospitalized in his bed, and then he says at the end of the video: E Allyougottadoishitthesubscribebuttonhitthenotificationbelllikethevideoandcommentthatyousubscribed SMASHALIKEONTHEVIDEO fortnite scammer gets scammed Now, one thing that REALLY confuses me me right now; this is the video where they're quitting YouTube, they're too ill, they can't go on, they're leaving. I understand that. So why are you trying to inflate your channel with a giveaway by asking people to like, subscribe and turn on notifications? It's a bit contradicting. I don't think I would ask people to subscribe to my channel on the video that I'm actually quitting the site. GET THE BEANS So guys we did it we hit a quarter of a million subscribers more lies that i'm not subtitling Im a 20 year old kid and i'm a 9 year old man??????? EPIC MUSIC I kNoW wE'lL gEt BeTtEr AnD i KnOw We'Ll HeAl So RiGhT nOw ClOsE yOur EyEs And pray for rat boy *Pyro praying to the minecraft gods so he can get a minecraft gf* *Dear Notch plz give me my minecraft gf PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU Why would anyone want to pray for you to make videos again? All you do is make fidget spinner videos XD HAHAHHA Now, you think that would be it, they'd be back to their regular clickbait garbage. BUT another video came out, and they somehow managed to 1up themselves on the level of deceptive clickbait! fake sobbing GUYS YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS MY UNCLE KIDNAPPED ME DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN *Now this is a EPIC gamer moment *Johnny has been caught eating sugar four times now* So, Johnny has four weeks to live. What have you done so far to remember his name? You made a fully monetized video on it; you're doing a GIVEAWAY on the video; we asked you guys right now we're selling my soul on ebay yee haw *slaps knee* That's what he would have wanted when he's gone and in the afterlife. He'll be smiling down on me and saying: 'Thank you, Tommy, for making a monetized video'. Is this like a prank now? A prank in 20- Like, I remembered in the summer of like 2015-2016, pranks were like social experiments and just harassing people in public. Now it's literally pretending that your life is coming to a close to emotionally manipulate people for views. So to remember his brother, who will definitely 100% die in four weeks, he sings a really nice song and also shows all the happy, fun times they had, emotionally manipulating and clickbaiting kids. FORTNITEFORTNITEWHATSTHEPOINTOFBUIlDINGFORTSYOURGOINGNIGHTNIGHT JOHNWICKCOMINGWITHTHEVBUCKS ASKMOMMYFORTHEVISA FORTNITEFORTNITE epic saxophone in the background Likewesaidiamsansfromundertale Now notice how it's gone from WERE DYING OMG To WE'RE QUITTING YOUTUBE IF DR. BERGMAN CAN'T HEAL US It's nice how they're slowly transitioning from WE"RE DEFINITELY 100 PERCENT DYING Pyro after listening to XO TOUR LIFE To a we might *Free v-bucks for Halloween* So then they travel to the doctor's office And we have two SHOCKING conclusions. 1) It's not even an official doctor, its a alternative medicine. And 2) the doctor is actually a YouTuber himself. If you have genuine bone or muscle tension or problems, chiropractor will definitely be for you, but I don't see the correlation between kidneys and chiropractic *Fill this part out here, here and here for free fidget spinners* So then the two handsome boys walk in, (no homo) fill out a questionnaire of their symptoms and they're actually dense enough to show us their symptoms, so we can see how much they contradict themselves. So just to hammer in that one of the brothers' problems is just vertigo and nothing else, he actually wrote it as the main symptom on the sheet, and put it as the discomfort rating of 10. *Oh dear i shot the dog again* GUYS I COUGHED YESTERDAY I AM LITERALLY DYING BUT FIRST I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW IM DOING AN IPHONE X GIVEAWAY Just the guy on the top right, like- the way his back's deformed. Now they sit down and start talking about their symptoms to the doctor, and its really apparent they're trying to push this alternative medicine agenda. For example, for the first minute alone, they start talking how vaccinations are bad for you. Yeah I mean they cause inflammatory responses and they probably make you a bit ill, but let me- lemme lay down a simple question: would you rather have inflammation, for a short period of time from a vaccination, or would you rather have or would you rather have rubella, or would you rather have rubella, polio, or would you rather have rubella, polio, smallpox? You know, just pick one, I wont judge. So know you're probably wondering, how is this doctor the top of his field, a master of medicine, gonna cure these two boys of stage 5 vertigo and kidney disease? Just snap all their bones in different places I don't know lmao Y E E T Oh my god very gentle Did he say 'very gentle'? dead EPIC MUSIC NUMBER 50 ft. Lil Yachty Vro those are the worst shoes I've ever seen in my entire life. YOU BOY ARE CLAPPED HERE COMES HULK HOGAN WITH THE RKO HAHAHAHAH So after the procedure, sounds of papyrus are let free and the video just abruptly ends. *I'm going to scam little kids into thinking I've got v-bucks but its really just a virus have a good day* Now I thought that would have been the end of the saga; the two brothers, they feel quite ill, vague about their symptoms, go to a chiropractor and then they turn into literal skeletons. But, boys and girls, there is another entry to the saga: *So it was all a dream* That's it! They admitted it! Video's over! Thanks for watching guys! Like, Subscribe and smash the notification button I wish the video ended there, but of course, they had to get it over ten minutes. Now this video is meant to rabaul anyone hating on them and proving them it's legit, so they gotta be sincere and concise. What do they have in the tags? HAHAHA Blah Blah Blah i ain't subtitling this OH MY GOD OH MY GOD thank you so much XtremeGamez for forgiving me for making a video on you thank you so much *Starts crying* So then they do this really weird thing where they try to prove that they're sick by showing all the tablets they're taking. And then, for some reason, they try and demonstrate how to take a tablet in case you've never took one before. *I tAkE tHesE EvErY sInGle DaY. nOw iF yOu WaNt To KnOw WhY. mAkE sUrE yOu WaTcH tHiS ViDeO ALl ThE wAy ThRoUgHt AnD i'Ll TelL yOu WhY AlL tHeSe TaBlEtS nEeD tO bE tAkEn DaIlY* *Hiccups* *HAHA* Did you just clickbait you taking your medication? FIND OUT HOW I TAKE MY MEDS WATCH TILL THE END OF THE VIDEO FOR SOME SECRET TIPS *Drugs* *Sad music so that you'll be sad* *Hit that chug jug* Now this man is a pussy, a complete beta male! You don't take medication like that, you take it like this! *Chugs a slurp* *i never get knocked i'm a fortnite champion im better then ninja* * try to 1v1 me ill destroy you kid* *Ill mess you up mate you don't understand* I don't think it's the fact you've both got ill at the same time that people find hard to believe. It's more the fact that for multiple videos clickbaiting that you're dying, it's probably that. *But now that i've gotten my 1,000,000 wins i can evolve to my next stage of evolution...FORTNITE GOD* OH MY GOD YES THE GIVEAWAY ITS JUST WHAT I WANTED I DONT CARE THAT THEY DIDN'T DISPROVE OR RABLUD ANY POINTS MADE TO THEM BUT THEY'RE STILL DOING THE GIVEAWAY THIS iS SO EPIC Im so happy they're still doing the giveaway im full of life right now its like i've five with a chiropractor I'm gonna keep checking up on these boys because they're gonna upload another stellar video soon hopefully responding to me I hope you enjoyed the smash that subscribe button,turn on notifications for my giveaway to find my lost father NoW If YoU cAn SuBsCrIbE SMAASSH ThE nOtIfIcAAtIoN AnD LiKe In tWo sECoNdS Can I have V-bucks Mum Take a look I'm invisible to the kids and thier V-bucks AYE DOE, BITE THAT AYE DOE, AYE DOE, AYE DOE, BITE THAT FEEDS THE GANK MOVE BITERS EAT THE GANK MOVE, FUCK WITH ME AYE DOE, BITE THAT AYE DOE, AYE DOE, AYE DOE, BITE THAT FEEDS THE GANK MOVE BITERS EAT THE GANK MOVE, FUCK WITH ME AYE DOE, BITE THAT AYE DOE, AYE DOE, AYE DOE, BITE THAT FEEDS THE GANK MOVE BITERS EAT THE GANK MOVE, FUCK WITH ME AYE DOE, BITE THAT AYE DOE, AYE DOE, AYE DOE, BITE THAT FEEDS THE GANK MOVE BITERS EAT THE GANK MOVE, FUCK WITH ME AYE DOE, BITE THAT AYE DOE, AYE DOE, AYE DOE, BITE THAT FEEDS THE GANK MOVE BITERS EAT THE GANK MOVE, FUCK WITH ME
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,774,782
Rating: 4.955996 out of 5
Keywords: Xtremegamez, fake, extremegamez pranks, prank, lying, nerf, extremegamez fortnite, response, these youtubers must be stopped, pyro, pyrocynical, youtube, parody, satire, cringe
Id: OK4Vo4alI5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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