Morgz needs to be removed from youtube

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Love when his mom actually pretended to eat shit. Lol.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Labrom 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

My reaction to Morgz (as Filthy Frank said): "You need to stop everything! What are you doing with your life? Look at you, sitting in front of your computer, with Cheetos crumbs al over your fucking shirt! You're dirt to me! You're disgusting! You're fucking sick! You're nothing, but dirt! Fuck you! Fuck you! You're fucking sick...fucking END IT ALL!"

I hate Morgz. But I really love Pyrocynical so much!

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/maxkatzur 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is not very epic Morgz what the hell

Doesn't even shout ZA WARUDO when pausing shake my smh

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Jesterchunk 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

buy my merch

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Bkgrime 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Morgz has something I like to call autism.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/swanigga 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yes daddy Pyro

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hi pyro

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Milk_________ 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

now this is epic

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cool360toe 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

why my peepee hard?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Idleronse 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
There's a lot of bad trends on YouTube. You have Baby Shark, Johnny Johnny yes papa, people playing Resident Evil 2 on assist mode. Seriously, what is wrong with you? I bet you ALT+F4'd as soon as Mr. X showed up. Just click off my video, coward. But now there's this new trend and it has somehow outdone all previous trends in the amount of toxic waste it produces. And in my eyes, it's a Category 5 natural disaster. This is of course, T H E P A U S E C H A L L E N G E The guy that perpetuated this human cruelty is "Morgz." How old is Morgz again? I've got to look this up. 17. I technically can't wish death on someone until they're a legal adult. "I bet you won't your burn your Gucci hoodie." *Sad piano music begins to play* By the way guys, I have exclusive merch. It dropped a couple days ago, it's all made and packaged by ourselves, There is no middleman. And every single purchase gets a, *M W A H* *mini explosion* a kiss from me. We also have our own unique labels on each garment. Can you see it? Can you see it there? Yeah, I bet- I bet you can't do that RedBubble. So, please go down to the link in the description to cop yourself some merch. We funded it ourselves, if you don't buy it, I'm gonna go broke, okay? I'm gonna be homeless for two reasons: 1) the merch 2) Belle Delphine Still gotta play Minecraft with her. "Got something that might interest ya." *Hehehehehe* Also, side quest. PewDiePie, I noticed as soon as my Belle Delphine video came out, you changed the title to copy mine. Guys, it's obvious. We have terrified Felix with our recent sub growth. "I don't ever cheat." "S T O P" And I feel by the end of the month, we could easily overtake him. At the moment he's only 84 million subscribers ahead of us. Subscribe today to join the Bro Army. I promise I'll never say the n-word in PUBG. Now, back to the PAUSE CHALLENGE!!!! I want to start off with a Morgz video, Mainly because he's the impact site and he's usually patient zero for these horrible fads. "Martin, PAUSE!" "He's been outside all day!" Look at all those mid-roll ads. He put more mid-roll ads on that video, then I did with Petscop, an hour and a half video. Did you like? Did you like that Petscop reference? You're not getting a second one anymore. You don't deserve it. If we overtake PewDiePie, I will make Petscop 2 - there you go. That's something for you all to, *Vietnam flashbacks* go off on. "Today, we're going be doing the, the PAUSE... challenge." So this is the main fighting force of Morgz's terrorist cell You have his girlfriend, who he takes advantage of in multiple videos. Morgz's mum, who is in an internal conflict with WillNE, and she's actually going to overtake me really soon. She's going to overtake me in subscribers and there is Legitimately nothing I can do also you've got a bald man. Bald man is just there to get the money I think. "And the winner gets $10,000!" 10k? Is that it I mean like 10,000 is life-changing money, but it's pretty obvious you're wearing more than 10k on your body right now. That 10k doesn't go to the fans? It just goes to one of the family members who will probably just give it right back to you? Oh! 🙂 That's fair! ALSO Bonus mission: Take a shot every single time you hear Morgz use the inception thud sound effect That was the first two minutes of the video by the way, there's probably about 700 throughout the entire thing It's like Morgz is terrified that his incredibly mature audience will click off the video if they don't hear a really loud noise every 15 nanoseconds And for those that think Morgz has a mature viewer base Let's take a look at the YouTube comment section! It's like you're sweating your comment all day. Yep, 12 who cares? My fans are 13, they're more mature. Morgan, it's not just any old shirt. It's your brand new Blackout MGZ merch! "Oh my gosh!" Not as good as limited-edition Pyro merch, I mean come on. The designs are good! Link in description come on! So as you can tell the entire premise of the video: He pauses people, it mildly inconveniences them, and you somehow do not click off the video in the first five seconds. If you're 11, this is like a rollercoaster of emotions. This is like Romeo and Juliet stage play right in your living room. Two monitor setup: one monitor Morgz, second monitor Ninja playing Fortnite. "Morg, no why would you do that?!" He's got 20 mid-rolls in this video, I think you'll be fine Now there is one reason I wanted to show you this video apart from it being the impact site for the trend: Morgz's mom dies! Morgz's mom: NO! NO! NO! Morgz: PAUSE! Pyro: YES YES! HNNNNNN! SO HAPPY! YES! Never thought this moment would come to be where I'm laughing. I love how he repeated it multiple times as well like it was a Call of Duty killcam, "Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time! And all we're left is Morgz laughing at his mother's carcass. Now I was gonna spend the rest of the video reacting, but it's the same shit over and over, so I wanna look at the imitators. Now it's amazing how mediocre that Morgz video was, but the imitators... OH, they've go- If you want something bland, C minus... They- they got you there. "This is a good one!" "Say stop, otherwise it's gonna spill! "PAUSE, Daren!" "Door is closing." Oh no, the elevator's gonna move without him. That means he'll have to wait for the elevator to... come back to him! What a- what a twist!11!1 It really does make you think like what the fuck is the point in making good content on YouTube. "Guys, we are doing the pause challenge!" "Pause." "Pause!" "Pause." "Heh! Do you see that?" "Yeah, pause." "He's still out there paused!" "Pyro why don't you quit commentary and just make long-form game analysis all the time?" THIS is why. Literally this is why. "Pause. Bye, [Ju?]" "Pause." "Pause." "Pause." I love how this channel copied most of Morgz's situations in his Pause Challenge, but made it even less interesting. Oh no, he's outside!1!1 That's- that's so quirky and random! L0Le Guys, I'm gonna pause in the corner of my room. Isn't this fun and so random? Please buy my merch. Now I was gonna end the video here, I- Has it hit ten-? I don't even care anymore Morgz uploaded ANOTHER Pause Challenge video and this one is really good. You know, why? "Pause!" *mom game ended* 🎉 YES, SHE GOT [???] 🎉 There's only two deaths that bring me pure happiness: Lord Gwyn and Morgz's mom. Team YouTube, I- it's a joke, okay? Don't- don't take away my ads again. "You're gonna be playing with us." "PAUSE!" "Stop what you're doing now and watch this video until the end. You're paused and you can't move!" "Anyway, anyway, we're getting off topic. I'm gonna win!" "No, I'm gonna win!" "You wish, jellyfish!" "You wish-" "Woah woah woah woah woah woah! This is a PG channel." Morgz claiming he's PG?! D I S G U S T I N G My YouTube About section clearly states I was family friendly FIRST. I put PG in my About section before you! Seriously though, I was- I was the first family-friendly channel. Right, I was gonna end the video here, but then I discovered some even worse stuff that Morgz gets onto in these videos, and uhh... the video didn't hit ten minutes either. "Is he actually taking selfies in the mirror?" *sigh* "PAUSE!" NOOOOOOOOO!!1! Not one of his iPhones that he gives like five away every video!11!! NOOOOOOOOO!!11 There's also a skit that involves Morgz shaving off his uhh mustache... "mustache" "That was gonna be my twin brother, Borg!" "No, Morgan. You don't have a twin brother, but what you do have" "is this silly little..." "mustache that I think needs to come off." "I'm not gonna touch it, but THIS is." "You can't shave my mustache! It took me seventeen years to grow!" Seventeen years? Seventeen years? It's like three individual hairs on your upper lip. What do you mean seventeen years to grow? Look I get that he's seventeen, alright, but you go hard or go home just... shave it off. "NOT MY MUSTACHE!" I'd like to remind you again that Morgz is a adult channel where there are adult and mature viewers as shown by the mature content featured on the channel. I'm all kind of Morgz'd out now guys. I think I'm gonna end the video here. Thank you all for watching. Like I said, PewDiePie: terrified of us. If you could subscribe we'd have a much higher chance of overtaking him and his... Just kick his fat chin off the website. Please, God. If you enjoyed the video, Just fuck off outside and tell someone you like the video. Don't like the video. You go outside and scream out loud that you like the video. Yeah? Do it. Don't do it.
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 5,913,770
Rating: 4.9403791 out of 5
Keywords: morgz, morgz mum, morgz fortnite, morgz pause, morgz challenges, mogz mum pause, pause challenge, morgz pause challenge, morgz challenges 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, pyro, pyrocynical, satire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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