Tfue just ended his career

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I'm sure I'm gonna have a [ __ ] ton of hate on this video I mean your massive probably all this drama between TQ and phase I am in deep with both parties for example faze clan I used to mock them constantly in my montage parody videos about four years ago and T few I know T few very well because he was in a mr. beast video literally I didn't even know who he was until then based a fortnight skin off him no one's made that joke before now chief used a very big boy he's got about 10 million subscribers and his cover photo is the default Jonesy flipping you off with the Thanos gauntlet go to quick Edo are going on social blade he's not doing too bad II have one day where he lost some subs subscribers recently as well and I wish morgues mum would do the same I really wish you would [ __ ] animate major what's the latest thing morgues mom has uploaded Paranormal Activity spin-off I wouldn't be surprised if morgue his family go into that but anyways T few is in some piping-hot tsys because she's actually trying to sue phase I just really want to watch a montage parody now you know the best thing is about this video people always say to me wow 14 million views I've made no money off of this video as soon as it came up we got claim also I like this I like how when they walk over the triangle it just disappears like had no concept of what masking was this is what Albert Einstein watched before writing the Bible two months ago to Kayla people are still watching this video man there's so many bad things you could be watching anyways TP wants to sue face why because the face logo is too big on his web cam apparently he wants to sue phase for a aggressive contract oh let's take a look one of the world's top professional eSports players as soon as gaming organization for allegedly restraining his business opportunities and taking up to 80 8% holy [ __ ] after this happened phase banks wasn't happy and he became the public rep to shut down TQ I wonder where your boss is hiding actually going on Twitter and using clips of teeth you saying he keeps all the money himself I keep all my earnings yeah and half of the money I win [ __ ] charity money look I like dirt Rago tournament winnings yeah apparently as well though any brand deals he does face do take a cup whether he found them himself or face actually offer them to it did I just say TV you imagine having sponsors ever have you been on the parasitical Channel I don't think we've got a sponsor for about four or five months phase all I'm saying right pick me up okay because I know you tried to pick up leafy all those years ago phase leafy now it's time to face pyro I'm terrible at video games the only game out she play right now is Dark Souls but we'll bring a primacy to Dark Souls I promise apparently the contractors well pushed him to live with fellow young celebs in their LA home oh no guys I'm gonna mansion with millions if I had money I would move to LA in a heartbeat at now I wouldn't but most importantly phase allegedly pushed 'if you to drink underage what's this a video of chief you drinking underage on his own there's snow up here yo guys I don't really drink but I am having one beer and as well face banks showing more proof of teeth you drinking underage he went to a party at your current girlfriend's house before you were 21 he will do chugged an antelope of alcohol and you were trashed in the video and you were 20 years old at the time TV wants to leave phase from being forced to drink underage despite the fact that in his own time he drinks underage guys this is just cringe people that drink underage Oh cringe you're so claimed in the sooo that apparently phase forced him to do public stunts taking him out of his comfort zone so the fact of the matter is you have earned a grand total of get ready for drumroll please - ah $60,000 from t4 that $60,000 came from two brand deals that we brought turner that we took 20% of so that is an 80 percent split - Turner and then the rest the 20 goes to face class so that took 60 K from two brand deals and they take 20% so that be 30km brand deal so T few would have got a hundred and 50 K per brand deal bro we don't do a brand new york oh now they only got 60 k of t fuse money and hear me out 60 k that I would love 60 K that's a life-changing money at me watching a daytime TV game show the people there the contestants they wish they could live with 60 K that's probably a fraction of TV Zack we talking about twitch subscriptions YouTube ad revenue other sponsorships also not to include the prize winnings as well which is one a fair amount o now 20% people say it's high but I think that's pretty normal for a brand deal like when a network comes to me and offers me a brand deal they usually take a 20 percent finder's fee we have collected zero percent of his prize winnings we have collected zero on YouTube we have collected zero on twitch his subs his Adam nothing it's okay banks you can get like my a drive in you I won't generate as much as T few and half my videos are demonetized but come on bro we can we can work something out also that claim earlier about T few being forced to do stunts in public banks mentions that as well encouraged to do stunts and as a result he was injured like homie what's Turner we all know you're a [ __ ] sicko did he say sick homos and the first thing you did when you came to LA the very first thing you did was you brought us all up to the reservoir and you jumped off of the Hollywood reservoir if anyone was pressuring anybody into doing that it was you pressuring Tommy his brother gwit into doing a damn if you don't jump you got to jump with one of us her manipulation lying I'll tolerate but peer pressure Keith you this is God speaking you have 15 seconds to surrender your channel to me or face banks will be the least of your concerns I was doing great he's getting five six seven million views a video you know I'm saying I tweeted out a stream bottom up to whatever blasted stream I obviously expressed serious interest in the kid I liked the kid a lot we get along like me and him we get along on a personal level we laugh together we've cracked jokes we know things about each other that nobody else knows very personal very very personal and I would never want the world to know about and he would never want the world to know about that's a connection that we have a true of almost family bond I'd already know why banks had to bring though prior no personal stuff about you great question stuff obviously I've never tell the world never drives you but I want the world to know that I know personal stuff about you well it's like in the best case scenario you jerking yourself off about how well you know each other and the worst case it's like a subtle threat I don't get it cloak or tea foo would never dispute this this is just the facts this is true but I contacted clove and I told him listen cloak you're the captain of the team I would never normally suggest for you to play with someone or reviewed a team with somebody you're the captain I trust your judgment I trust your call I want you to have the roster that you want in close response to that was something along the lines of I know who he is we're not interested we have this person this person this person this person in mind we don't want to play with T foo again I pushed him yo just play with him just please scrim with him and he did the rest is simply history they played together and they [ __ ] crushed him I think he gave you a platform but at the same time people already knew who TPP was he didn't make T few because I'd be a [ __ ] thing to say but then a big whoopsie apparently the actual contract teeth you sign got leaked it was leaked by a company called big blast I'm saying their name because if this turns out to be BS you can go and Sue them nothing I'll link the whole contract in the description it's garbage the technical mumbo-jumbo this is the most important part here you can see there the percentages T few takes compared to phase and the amount phase takes for a laugh stuff is pretty terrifying now I don't really understand is that the prize tournaments the parents fees brand deals they're all different to what's being said bank said phase took twenty percent of the brand deals despite the fact that the values are swapped over phase apparently takes eighty percent when T few when he gets twenty and the prize tournaments where apparently T few keeps all the money faze clan still take twenty percent of the winnings now it sounds like what they've got going on at the minute is kind of like a trust-based thing like this that's the written agreement by thinking about verbal agreement that TP you can keep so much money to himself but obviously a verbal agreement that's great but it means jackal if you have an actual contract sitting in front of you and I think that's what teef he's worried about obviously T foo was locked in verbally with us at this point and we had his contract ready we gave him his contract that weekend and he knowingly willingly was excited ecstatic to sign this contract in there join faze clan so he did in that contract that same contract as the contract that he is under to this day there's a three-year term I don't know exactly what all the splits look like yeah I don't think you remembered the the numbers of the contract for a reason I have this kid's name tattooed on my [ __ ] leg like imagine how dumb I feel right now you know it's cooler than a teepee toe IRA cynical merge it's so cool look at this new design guys it's great I love it it's so comfortable actually sleeping it I haven't showered at three month off yours link down in the description limited quantity available and guys parasitical merch it's not ethically made it made now when this are I called t fuse and happy because while being with face he can't really pursue other offers he can he can go out and get his own brand deal but then I assume phase are just gonna joint twenty percent this actually reminds me so much of me getting at machinima again I want to say face clan of machinima I'm not the same thing I'm talking about just getting into a contract and then trying to get out of it and how difficult is and I'm pretty sure faze clan have at least one human there are just a fleet of robots like machinima when I try to get out a machinima I spent months just begging basically at a brick walks no one was replying this situation here it could be faced being greedy and opportunistic or it could be teef you being greedy and opportunistic but at the end of the day you always need to read what you sign I've read a lot of contracts and pretty much all of them there were dudes really over needing lis complicated to confuse you to the point you don't really know what you're signing up to but you still sign anyway you should always read a legal contract with a legal adviser just someone who can give more insight because they sit down they've read all these contracts so they know exactly how its worded and how it can trick you into losing more than what you gain but then guys teeth you uploaded a response video yo what is up guys I'm gonna keep this via really short and to the point what does everyone do this like can we get one video where a youtuber doesn't do a deep side where I sweat even PewDiePie to the deeps on his series video all the stuff about the gambling the stunts the drinking I told my lawyer I did not want that in there and he will do exactly just that he will take it out so that is it no worries that is out of my way yeah that's no worries it wasn't me it was the lawyer the lawyer that I hired and paid for to defend me it wasn't me it was my lawyer there is no lawyer on earth it would go ahead and defend you and say things without getting your consent unless the lawyer you hired likes to do like Joker ASMR any spare time this is about me in this contract this contract that I signed when I didn't know any better I'm an idiot I'd never signed in the first place this three-year con ever my life is so hard this contract basically allows face at any point in 2-3 years to just [ __ ] take all my heart earnings and all my hard work and just strip it over 49% over 79% these what is in this contract is insane and that's not even the worst part stop the mean maybe he just has a breathing problem I mean again the way he's talking it does seem like TV you have signed a written contract and agreement he's not really happy with that and Faisel offered like a non verbal agreement but by the sound of it he's kind of worried that phase can just go back on their promise at any minute which they can't legally because a verbal agreement is never as good as a written one what I'm trying to do here is just serve justice to the eSports community this sounds very noble but if you haven't gathered already T few is not an honest hard-working man with a low income he's a multi-millionaire in his early 20s and like most rich people he just wants more money also does no one see the irony of this a guy complaining how hard it is for him while he's filming in the Hollywood Hills now guys are you ready for the biggest meme of 2019 and say this is [ __ ] this is not right this is not cool this is [ __ ] [ __ ] this is [ __ ] [ __ ] you could literally put that clip over any unfair death in a video game ever this is [ __ ] this is not right this is not cool this is [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't disclose what is within this contract but faze clan please release the contract for the public to see I don't really get this because the contract has already been leaked and people can read it online just give me permission to show these people the truth show the [ __ ] contract phase release the [ __ ] contract everybody hashtag release the [ __ ] contract release the contract base release the contract or we're gonna have problems release the contract maybe that was a fake contract that got leaked and T if you wants the legit one to be shown to everyone but I do think though T few and banks are missing out a lot of information whether that's on purpose or not I'm not sure but you know face pirates please make it happen come on man please if you don't pick up me you could pick up a very good friend of mine he's called a fortnight ninja I do think we need to wait for a legit contract to be shown because this big hit one it could be legit but you know there's a lot of clickbait articles anyways guys thank you for watching be sure to join the bro army subscribe down below like the video tell your wife your lover my name has been signore Hague and you've been watching [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,752,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tfue, tfue leaves faze, tfue vs ninja, faze contract, tfue contract, faze banks, banks, brother banks, faze banks contract, pyrocynical, satire, meme
Id: j3Va9RmIYaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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