The World of Shane Dawson

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👍ī¸Ž︎ 22 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/_tO_ 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 09 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Bully kids thats the only reason I'm subscribed to you

👍ī¸Ž︎ 17 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/Subject0042 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 09 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Damn, Shane seems like he's taken a major video genre/focus change within the last several years. He hasn't even uploaded to his original channel in a year and the amount of videos he has uploaded to it since 2014 pales dramatically to the rate he was doing before.

I'm curious, how deep did his videos get into Jake's apparent resounding lack of empathy? I remember having a discussion with a number of people on the sub last year about the topic of Jake and psychological issues, talking about incidents such as the loud and destructive parties held at the Team 10 house and mocking their aggrieved neighbours, not even attempting to hide that he was cheating on his girlfriend multiple times in their house and getting it on within earshot of her a number of times, and that's not even getting into the subject of his myriad of pranks and vlogs - deriving a fair amount of enjoyment from harrassing other people (evidently this video shows that he still likes to frighten people with his car horn for no reason) and showing disrespect for property a number of times (not sure how common that was, but there was that one clip from an older Pyro video showing Jake driving over a carpark's garden edge to get back into the road and I'm not quite sure about the legal status about that sort of turn into a major street), the wild house parties and disturbing the peace aside.

Honestly, I don't get what Jake's deal is. Is it all an act? Is he geniunely this...I don't know, is narcissistic the appropriate term? He definitely seems like he's not incapable of empathy and I might need to expand my knowledge of any manipulative traits he has.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 9 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/notwiththeflames 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 10 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

good vid, Fred Flintstone

👍ī¸Ž︎ 4 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/bettazg28 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 10 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies


👍ī¸Ž︎ 4 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/Peeo0pa 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 10 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Hey @TeamYouTube ban jake paul off the site cheers x

👍ī¸Ž︎ 7 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/LukaCrush3r96 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 09 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

I can't afford both Gucci Slides and a Car. Smash like.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 3 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/ChinaBoiLads 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 09 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

pyro has 18 upvotes lmao

👍ī¸Ž︎ 3 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/shorty___ 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 10 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Song at 1:25?

👍ī¸Ž︎ 2 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/exileruz 📅ī¸Ž︎ Oct 10 2018 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies
[playing stock sound] [click] [click] [click] [click] [thud] [click] [thud] [click] [click] [Kati] They need a lot of attention, they want everybody to like them. [Kati] They need a lot of attention, they want everybody to like them. [thud] [Kati] They need a lot of attention, they want everybody to like them. [Kati] They need a lot of attention, they want everybody to like them. [thud] [Kati] They need a lot of attention, they want everybody to like them. [Kati] They need a lot of attention, they want everybody to like them. They want to control everything everybody else, so they tend to be really manipulative, [thud] They want to control everything everybody else, so they tend to be really manipulative, They want to control everything everybody else, so they tend to be really manipulative, as well. [thud] They want to control everything everybody else, so they tend to be really manipulative, as well. They want to control everything everybody else, so they tend to be really manipulative, as well. [click] [Walmart] I dOnt kNoOoOooO. [Awkward noise] [Pyro] The world of Shane Dawson! Now, if you're a hardcore YouTuber like me, you'll know that Shane Dawson has recently released, an eight part series on Jake Paul. The series itself, is meant to take a deeper look into Jake Paul's psyche, his family; everything surrounding him and the person that is Jake Paul. Shane is most famous for meeting and interviewing people, me myself, I'm too much of a coward to go outdoors, so I'll talk smack about people in my bedroom. But Shane's series has gone on a bit of controversy, for example, in one of the episodes, he sits there with a therapist, theorizing that Jake Paul could be a sociopath. And, if you didn't know the traits of a sociopath, about 90% of them are interchangeable with... everyone on the planet. [Crysis 2 - Main Theme playing on the background] [Logan] Motivating factor, is to reach the next next next level. [Crysis 2 - Main Theme playing on the background] [Crysis 2 - Main Theme playing on the background] [Kayle] One thing I need to talk about, they have no empathy. [Shane] Well, but they don't have emotion, so like, they wouldn't cry. [Kayle] They might if, they thought it made them fit in early, and they also were impulsive, so failure to plan ahead. [Pyro] And this basically turned everyone into an Internet therapist saying, ''OH! You don't like waiting in line for the new iPhone?'' īŧ‡īŧ‡īŧŗīŧ¯īŧŖīŧŠīŧ¯īŧ°īŧĄīŧ´īŧ¨īŧīŧ‡īŧ‡ Now Shane did actually make an apology. I'm sorry for those- (laughs) who are offended. Oh, Shane! Now that, Shane, is the best YouTuber apology. ''I'm not sorry, I'm just sorry you feel that way.'' He also made a Snapchat saying he dramatized the whole topic, mainly because, if he didn't, no one would have watched it. [Shane] But the reason I made it scary and creepy, [sigh] was so people would watch it! Because if I made it... like a standard video, where I just sat there, I was like, ''oh interesting,'' ''they don't feel. Okay, next topic.'' people wouldn't care. [Pyro] I do feel from here, a lot of people need to use hyperbole, just to get around on the site, but again, you're sat in a room for 50 minutes, talking about Jake Paul possibly being a sociopath, even though, you've never met the guy in person prior. Now, I was gonna do a WHOLE video, breaking down the series so far, but, UNFORTUNATELY, your favorite Swede, PewDiePie, [Felix] PEWDIEPIE! UNFORTUNATELY, your favorite Swede, PewDiePie, stole the topic from me again. Round of applause to PewDiePie! PewDiePie steals a video from me: it's a meme. I steal a video from him: [mental breakdown] I know this video is dedicated to Shane but I'd like to call out PewDiePie, I helped him create his TikTok video, because I am actually the TikTok CEO, and what does he do? He doesn't give me a shout-out! he instead steals my glasses. [Loud nigra scream] he instead steals my glasses. The main problem with the 8 part series so far is: we've had four parts and there's been no interview with Jake, nothing at all. but thankfully now we have part 5 and it has Jake Paul. He's trying to see if Jake Paul's a sociopath and.. I personally.... don't think that Jake Paul's a sociopath. Do you think that Jake Paul is a sociopath? probably yeah, probably Ah, Trisha Paytas. The voice of reason. I'm so happy to have her in the opening of this video Trisha Paytas, if you didn't know is a Youtuber known for eating and uh eating. And also crying as well. *generic sad music* And also crying as well. "Caught you staring" (read on the packet) [Pyro laughs] One thing you'll notice about Shane's series, is how overproduced everything is. *stupid thud again* Everything needs a sound effect. Everything need to be wrong. Everything is the inception trailer lol To be fair, I have to give him credit, like it's four minutes in and I haven't lost my hearing yet so, it's definitely an improvement from the first couple episodes. Shane: First we've gotta figure our plan. Kati: Yeah *read from screen* Ignore that she bought a random book, "how to diagnose a sociopath" Shane: Do we just keep going? Kati: I think we just keep going. Just remember that like such a- like a very very small percentage of them even have any violence tendencies at all. Jake Paul, non-violent tendencies. Pick one. but those will kind of give us an idea if they crave being... really like risking the engaging in risky behavior? right. um and they tend to be, this was interesting they tend to be the ones that like, they tell us like oh you always follow the rules. Come on just have a good time like you're so uptight So possible traits of a sociopath are people that take risks and people that convincing Again like I said earlier the traits of a sociopath are pretty interchangeable with like.... any human ever Oh, I'm gonna have sparkling water instead of still war because I'm a risk-taker. S O C I O P A T H I'm sorry, sparkling water? Did you say sociopath water?! It was interesting that even though they say that sociopaths don't care about other people, they do have some kind of level of like... understanding of emotionality they like, try to... pander to you to make you feel bad for them because pity... is a really powerful.... *weird noise* Pity! *weird noises 2* AEH! See like any Youtuber make an apology video ever? God's sake... Is that Louis bag? That's... convincing! He's convincing me! Wait! *surprised Pyro noise* Is that a Diet Coke? Pity! Pity! He's trying to make me feel pi-- Alright, I'll stop alright? It's a..... it's a good meme. Right, so this is like, the first time we're like, finally meeting It's really weird. After like years of knowing about each other I know. After years of me talking smack about you. Hiiiiiii Nice to meet you! How are you? Did you guys just get here? I wonder if Erica and Jake know at all that Shane literally two videos ago was talking smack about their relationship in the back of a car So this is his girlfriend, right? Erika, I know that. Yeah, "Jerika" is there. That has to be fake. Like that, is the most fake.. relationship Right? Shane does this amazing thing where multiple times in the video, he sneaks off into a secret part of Jake Paul's house Pretends he's going to the toilet. Where he actually has a secret meeting I wish my house was that big where random people could have meetings in my bathroom Put 'em in your room. You have gucci slides? Sorry. That's my merch. Don't know why Shane's acting hyped over gucci slides, like... it's very obvious that Shane is a multi-millionaire at this point He's doing these sponsorships with every single video that he's probably getting upwards of 50 to 100 thousand from Maybe all along... Shane Dawson was the sociopath and he's the one with conviction and pity. Also, make sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell. I know my mom's hot. I'm the coolest 15 year old in the world Honestly, I don't care about Shane Dawson I don't care about Jake Paul I want a documentary on Justin Roberts If you don't know who Justin Roberts is, he's a world-famous member of Team 10. The lyrics he makes in these music videos are... absolutely mind-blowing. Justin, you mad man. Most rappers flex about how they made it into wealth You're flexing about how you were born into wealth. So you had to put in no effort whatsoever Don't go to court because they probably think you're 11. How did this eleven year old get behind the wheel of a car? This is basically... the gym is here. Yeah I'm saying like these are some of my best friends from Ohio Disgusting. Jake Paul having a gym in his own house? Disgusting. Honestly, if you want to be a real man, you are your own gym as you can tell by my massive *dies laughing* Wish I had a chef. Also wish I had a dad that wasn't in prison *I can't really understand what he's saying* and like make it like better and like it's uh, It's like a.. it's like a challenge, you know? I love how Jake's giving this really big speech on how he needs to better himself, challenge himself, make better content every day But it really boils down to how am I gonna make random pedestrian's lives even more miserable Are you ever scared of getting hurt? Mmm... not really. Ah... I dunno. Oh my god, risk-taker. He's a risk taker! I too take risks when I subscribe to YouTube channels without hitting the bell. So can you guys show me your room? Yeah let's go. C'mon Erika. Let's go. *Pyro snorts like a fucking pig* C'mon Erika, let's go upstairs! Let's go upstairs, Erika, c'mon! Feel sorry for Jake, cause he's clearly like so uncomfortable during this interview. I'm just amazed that Shane Dawson of all people makes you feel uncomfortable He's the human equivalent of a gummy bear No no, we built this. Uh, no bro, I... I love fish. I watched Finding Nemo! I have a tap in my bathroom because I love water Okay... So... a lot of people think you guys are fake... But.. I-- HMMMMMMMMMMM I wonder where that came from Shane? I wonder??? HmMmM? *I already subtitled this so fuck you* If you wanna see a fake relationship, you should just see Morgz. The amount of amazing prank videos that he does with his girlfriend morgz being weird lol I'd say like everyone who's left is just like.. has used us. Yeah. I don't think they realize that they like use us, but... Yeah, we're gonna keep it vague and not say who ditched us But we're gonna exclusively show clips of the Martinez twins Cause you guys did a tour, right? With the new.. squad? Yeah Yeah * Bad Jake Paul music plays* I wish my fan base was that old. Wait, what's Jake Paul 2? Uh, I had like.. I had a second account, but... I gave it to my friend because... Oh my god, Jake broke tos! You are not allowed to give someone else your YouTube channel @TeamYoutube, please! Shut down Jake Paul's account. (yes please) I honestly.. I save a lot of it, but.... I like the cars How many cars do you have? I have like... ten probably. Yeah. Ten cars... I wish I had one car. You know, no I'm not.. I'm not gonna say it Last time I said I don't have a car, you will meme me for like a week straight, alright? We're moving on. Oh my god, oh my god! What are you guys doing? *more epic loud thuds* Didn't even hurt. No. Haha, imagine being from a country where you have to have health insurance Hey, excuse me doctor, I have a cough. Oh some cough medicine, five grand? Yeah, that.. that makes sense. *haha wow pyro that was a pretty lit epic joke not gonna lie 10/10* Cars, and like, throwing money, and like... I'm the best, PewDiePie's next, like in my head, I was like... funny. I love our Shane's making an example of Jake Paul's music videos and he shows the one shot of him in the supermarket You're dancing in a fucking superstore! Like this cans of baked beans and tuna here. There's nothing to celebrate about You fucking Muppet! I'm getting a lot of hate right now. The vibe of like where I'm from I think that carried over a little bit, yeah and like YouTube and like becoming successful, but... Before I just didn't give a shit, like I just did whatever Jake Paul talking about family values while holding an assault rifle at his girlfriend Jake Paul everyone, a man of values, a family man! What... motivates you, what's like your main driving thing, like why do you do this? Pyro: Money. To me, like I love to just create... Pyro : Money. Guys, Jake Paul is not a sociopath! It only took us five videos in an eight part series AnD ThAt'S WhAt ThIS iS ALL aBoUt Jake: "So this is like the steroid golf cart." Shane: "Okay" Jake: "I'm forcing you to do it" WoAh. Convincing! Forcing someone to do it in a joking way, that's convincing! Wow, oh my god, goals! Ignore the fact I talked smack about you two videos ago Shane: "So this is his girlfriend right, Erika" Shane: "That has to be fake" Shane: "Like that is the most fake relationship" "Pyro Leave Shane alone" And guys this is actually so sad because Shane gets in the car with Jake Paul and he dies SHane: "Oh My FuCKINg GOd" Shane: "it makes everything make sense" So Shane's debating on whether to put particular footage in the video thinking it's too personal I mean I found it a bit stupid to even ask that because Jake even said in the beginning of the video in the beginning of the series Everything's fine. No limits. It's almost like he's debating whether to put it in or not to bait for the next episode Oh, oh, we're nearly at the end of the video! Now it all makes sense Anyway, that's my take on the Shane Dawson episode. I think it's good It's great that they finally met Jake. Only took five videos Hopefully in future videos, they'll be able to ask him more kind of deeper things. I'll kind of write this episode off as Just meeting him. So you've got to keep it fairly surface level like you can't meet someone and be like Where were you on July 2nd? Hopefully Shane will do an entire documentary series on me, the rise and fall of MLG. Thanks for watching guys, if you enjoyed please subscribe Hit that bell, hit that like button, add to your favorites, donate Just give me your house and your debit card. PLeAse Maybe after that I can afford gucci sliders like Jake Paul Shane: "YoU HaVe GucCI sLidEs??" Like and subscribe you sociopaths. Please [Amazing Music] [God returns to earth]
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,041,928
Rating: 4.934123 out of 5
Keywords: shane dawson, shane, dawson, documentary, journalism, investigative journalism, comedy, pewdiepie, SATIRE, betterhelp, better help, shane dawson tv, pyro, pyrocynical, the world of shane dawson, jake paul, jake, paul, logan paul, logan, the world of jake paul
Id: uK5rDdiqims
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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