lele Pons Must Be Stopped

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Hey you furry ass lesbian where’s Petscop 2

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/SavageChickenZ9 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

the last lele pons video got claimed, why make a second one when you know it would get claimed too? and why not a petscop video?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Freakin_Magic 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

He makes another video on the same exact topic as before, but won’t make petscop 2

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/AKIWIWITHAFACE 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

play undertale with Fortnite music

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Coolter2 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Make petscop 2

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/rebelrob73 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

finish Half Life

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SlenderSmurf 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

I don't get if saying the 25th is on a friday is a funny meme because I don't understand it.

Anyone know?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SuperNiceJohn 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hi papa

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Jonthatkid 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/inkintamusi 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
Eleven months it's been 11 months since my original video on Lele Pons and I thought... "let's visit her channel, and just... see what little shenanigans she's gotten up to." [intense ape like screeching] [real human laughter] "🅱 A Z I N G A" "eeEeEEEEEEeEEeeEE" [Canned Laughter] When I made the original video on Lele, I was quite a chunky boy. (you still are) Unfortunately now, I've gone from three chins to just two. (This is beyond science) I lost the weight, mainly due to my pure love for Lele hoping that, if I toned up lost some body fat... She would, fall in love with me. Instead of Lele, falling in love with me... (Why do you think she would love you you are making a hate video about her you dumbo) and sending me an email, saying how much she wants to marry me she got her network to claim the video. (my family needs to eat stop it) So, I-I made absolutely no revenue from it. :( "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" I'm going to attempt to make a followup video on Lele to make the revenue back that she stole from me. (That female dog) Now, a YouTuber can change a lot in 11 months, I for example, I used to make terrible content and now I make terrible content, but keep baiting a better video will come out, and it never will. (petscop 2 will never come out get over it ) Lele's content, somehow, has not changed. (but is still somehow better than yours) She still seems to have this method of comedy, where if something is loud, (modern comedy be like) and there's a lot of different noises in many different directions It is comedy! (haha i get it) In a modern sense, Comedy (from the Greek: κωμῳδία, kōmōidía) refers to any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, television, film, stand-up comedy, or any other medium of entertainment. The origins of the term are found in Ancient Greece. In the Athenian democracy, the public opinion of voters was influenced by the political satire performed by the comic poets at the theaters. The theatrical genre of Greek comedy can be described as a dramatic performance which pits two groups or societies against each other in an amusing agon or conflict. Northrop Frye depicted these two opposing sides as a "Society of Youth" and a "Society of the Old." A revised view characterizes the essential agon of comedy as a struggle between a relatively powerless youth and the societal conventions that pose obstacles to his hopes. In this struggle, the youth is understood to be constrained by his lack of social authority, and is left with little choice but to take recourse in ruses which engender very dramatic irony which provokes laughter what the hell!1!! were u making out with (idfk his name) in the hallway!11!!!! Y👏r👏 u👏calling👏me👏ugly👏in👏here👏and👏disrespecting👏me👏in👏my👏doorway!1!1! r👏u👏kidding👏me👏whut👏r👏u👏clapping👏at👏me👏for👏u👏know👏i👏hate👏when👏you👏do👏d👏i👏s B👏E👏C👏A👏U👏S👏E👏I👏L👏I👏K👏E👏I👏T WHAT👏DOES👏THAT👏HAVE👏TO👏DO👏WITH👏ANYTHING BECUASE👏WE👏TALK👏LIKE👏THIS👏 WH👏-notices LELE WHAT[👏boom👏]ARE[👏boom👏]YOU[👏boom👏]DOIN[👏boom👏]HERE Yeah, guys, if we have a lot of noises, [loud "funny" noises] in the video, a lot of random (dinging 4 days) funny noises, the video is funny. Now a bit of lore for those uninformed, Lele puns was originally a Vine creator (wow like i never knew) that descended onto YouTube after Vine got shut down. the Viners basically had two choices. Make half decent content and survive on the site (the way of the pyro), or make terrible, unfunny content. (the way of the Lele) But somehow be more successful, because you get put in the Trending tab, (AKA Auschwitz wait, he put gulag whatever.) now Lele's ego seems to have only... expanded in the recent months. She's still the protagonist of every single video no👏exception👏 [claps while saying]. ["Comedy"] uh, im on a mission, Ok? im on a mission education is the mission (nerd) oh... no.. you gotta take the test.. *burp* y a e s (owo) I walk into a teacher's room I say I have important business in the middle of a test. He just let's me go off, and- See... see what I did there? I'm trying to keep monetization on this video. Don't mess it up for me. (who's stopping me) Lele also has this problem of making the antagonists in her videos... someone who's deemed "not attractive." (aka pryo) ⁽ʲᵏ ˡᵒˡ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵐᵃᵈ⁾ ); For example, this large man here. You could have gotten so many better villains; Count Frolo. The talking piano from, uh, Beauty and the Beast the straight to VHS sequel. But no! Someone who's fat. I👏do👏- I👏do👏get👏it,👏I👏do👏get👏it. g-aH(oW)! death [and Lele puns broke her back and could never make videos again] ey yo im Lele and i broke my back but its all good i still can make vids Lele, where r u goin? A-SHSHSHSH ok, bai r'nt u gonna finish the class?/?? ok (logs off roblox) i just Now one thing that Lele does not understand, is h u m a n c o m e d y. She-she has no comprehension of it whatsoever. She'll have many jokes, and skits, throughout her video. And they'll fall flat. Most of the time, you won't even know it was a joke, you thought it was leading up to a joke but the joke's already happened. oh no, im late. SORRYIMLATE where's everybody else? scue me o! sorri [haha lol funny meme] See guys. Get it. Because she was the first person in the class, and she is now the l a s t person to enter the classroom. 👏This👏is👏epic👏 Can I please get a life (like). I know all of you are theorizing, that you know, Zuckerberg is a reptile. Lele, she was actually the alien from destroy all humans. Trying to learn about us, so she can annihilate us. (area 51 plays) "Silhouette, I presume." "You don't look like a general" "You don't look like a little green man." [oooooooh roasted] [bird noises] "That fire might have just been set by rowdy teenagers." *Comedic prowess* his shirt's off (no shit sherlock) Oh My God Yes Lele! *UwU* Thank you, for pointing the joke out! I was gonna sit there and break down how unfunny it was that the teacher was doing something that they don't normally do. But nope. There's nothing more to say. [watch me whip] Let's move on. This semester, we will be covering 6 books. [lol autism] [actual real laughter] 🔥h a v e n t y o u h e a r d o f p l a g e r i s m🔥 w h o r e a d s [intense hitman 2 ost] ᵗ ʰ ᵃ ᵗ ᵍ ᵘ ʸ ᵈ ᵒ ᵉ ˢ ᵐ ʸ ᵉ ˢ ˢ ᵃ ʸ ˢ winky wink tf T-that was the joke by the way. I skimmed through the footage thinking it was the start of something... and it would be like a reoccurring gag Like that great show Family Man. Or American Father. n o p e. That was it. You were meant to laugh at that, like my videos. Also, I'd would love to give a shoutout to Lele, for recycling footage throughout the video. because there's no such thing as a retake I did have to take a look at the comments, to hear thoughts of reason (wait, what) for example [roblox game end] The amount of likes... painful. And a followup. I-I don't know whatever you trying to say Uganda Knuckles or the emoji that wasn't recognized by the Browser. I'm more concerned with the fact that he has ugandan knuckles as his profile picture in november. It's the equivalent of asking for the Skull Tropper in 🆎ortnite in the middle of April. (Epic gamer approaches) Pro Hacking skills (Wow get me some free V Bucks) If you want further proof that Lele is just so like distant from human society... She uploaded this video about... uh... a hacker. It is lElE puns. So take everything with a pinch of salt. Or a minecart of salt. THERE YOU GO! I got a Minecraft reference, now I get to put it in the tags and get more views. (I will destroy that like button) [oh, so the intense ape like screeching carries through the family] just get away frum me i dont want anything to do with u wu t? O M A I G A W D becuase i got hacked!!1!! i know katherine we all got hacked (dumb bish) the whole class did. "the house is probably hacked" thats your boyfriend right there That's what any elite hacker would do, put their own face and identity, on the item they hacked. it does make sense. Forget anonymity, just post your face. There is- this thing called the FBI. But I'm pretty sure it's a work of fiction (Like pyro's charisma) What I do like I'll just point this out. This individual here. somehow playing the PS4 without even touching the thumbpads. (Wow he is a epic gamer) He's p r e t e n d i n g to touch the thumb pad! [screeching] [oof] Oh sorry. (wait is that my waifu) [snake death sound] They bought c_o_r_y into this. How did, you dragged him through the dirt. You took him from white house and now he's is in a Lele puns skit. YOU HAVE 48 HOURS TO RELEASE CORY FROM THE SCRAT HOUSE. Or I swear to the gods (demonitization imminent) I will game- I can't point it at the camera cuz then I get no ads. I'll game end you. I-I think i can point the sword I think that's ad friendly. [pyro's father is actually still in prison] now, play some muzik good muzik i promise [good music plays] what the hell is he saying ***KATHRYN*** [screeching continues] [roasted] *petscop 3 confirmed* woa careful paid actor #32 If you say a bad word, YouTube is gonna end our contract and we're not get in the Trending Tab anymore Say g a m e e n d Game end is a lovely, wholesome meme that I would use with any first degree assassination. I was looking around for more Lele videos. I found this one where they go to someone's house for trick or treating. And there's like a magician there. It sounds like it was wrote by a 9 year old. Which is... I mean it probably was. (Next rise of the apes leaked footage) Als-- I would like to say, I'm really happy that Lele has returned the thud sound effect that all Instagram comedians use. I love that noise! It's great because no matter how small the situation is, that sound effect adds DIRE CONSEQUENCES. (bruh sound effect #69) pyro stop STOP *whack* OOOOOUH :O les go LESGO LES GO That's the end of the skit. Uh, you're probably wondering about the character's sister, being tied up in an unknown location. That never went anywhere. She's probably starving, dehydrated, but who cares. (She has been G A M E E N D E D) Because it's lElE puns, please like the video. PLEASE, we need to get back on the Trending tab, it is our lifeline. Anyways guys, if you enjoyed the video, please subscribe. Subscribe, subscribble. Hit that BIG RED BUTTON. Unless you're colorblind, just keep pressing the screen randomly until something happens. Tomorrow, I'm gonna be starting my Lets Play series on Lele puns mobile game titled... (Rethinks about life and how he should get a car) Hey guys, just a look down on the merch, I know a lot of you been asking, "Where's the merch, where can I buy it?" Basically the minute I'm with fan-fiber and the end of December this year. I'm leaving them forever- so, any merch that im selling at the minute, its timed exclusive once its gone its gone (its been game ended forever deal with it) I've got this brand new design here! looks quite fabulous! available as a T shirt, pullover, and hoodie! E X C L U S I V E design! also you can get it as a mug! its quite thicc Drinking children's tears out of we are also down to the last couple hundred of the... T O P H A T S and once these are gone. T H E Y A R E G O N E F O R E V E R . they will not be restocked! now I know that black boi friday is coming up so if you use the magical discount key code BF2018 between the 25th and the 27th of no nut November its Friday til sunday all of your orders will be 15% CAPS OFF Isn"T ThaT juSt EpiC (ThAtS sO ePiC) ( all the 9 year olds go buy) so ye. uuhhhh E X C L U S I VE(who cares) bery B E X C L U S I V E buy it now uhh gone forever and we burn all of it! I T S G O Ne "bored"walk by your mom *who cares*
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,351,757
Rating: 4.9590645 out of 5
Keywords: lele pons, lele pons vines, instagram, vine, instagram comedian, new low, must be stopped, pyrocynical, sketch, comedy, cringe, roast
Id: 3ymxo-L3QOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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