TheMax vs Yo! Vikings vs Japanese on Kilimanjaro

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everything looks gorgeous all right uh now i think they're probably a couple minutes ahead of me i could speed up but i'm going to cast this like it's normal speed and then maybe for the next one we'll speed up so we can go back to back with max and yo games but as i just said i was really excited today to cast some ranked games to to just break down some 1v1s that might not be as part of a show match might not be as part of a tournament something that i really used to enjoy uh as much as i love age of empires 2 and i love being try hard and i love all these different things about this game and the amount of content i put out i really do like variety uh and i believe rated games many times can give a lot of good variety so we have mr yo and mr yo is playing as the japanese and then in the blue we have the max max is playing as the vikings two solid sieves for this uh and sieves that are you know there's pros and cons to either one some tips are a little bit uh one save is a little bit stronger in one situation one saves stronger than another so as far as their military options go what tends to happen with both these sieves is they'll start with infantry and transition that into archers and skirmishers uh japanese do have bloodlines on their scouts so they have an option to to be a bit stronger in that area but the norm is definitely to go man at arms on this map and i think we could see that from mr yo who's japanese and we'll get the faster attacking man at arms and also max who is um vikings and has higher hp mana arms it's interesting clash there and then the vikings get free wheelbarrow i'd say in feudal age onwards is when they begin to really get strong i'd say the dark age is i mean you could argue the dark age for japanese is the best in the game uh having cheap mining camps cheap mills and cheap lumber camps gives them a lot of flexibility and mr yo is actually going to diversify his wood eco on a map which is really difficult uh when it comes to wood these acacia trees are tough uh but i like that he's just invested into two lumber camps which cost the same as a max's lumber camp that he built at home um so in terms of starting resources you have one elephant you have normal amount of goats and then you have your berries and then two shore fish so i'd be very surprised if max and yo don't take advantage of this uh having the shore fish next to each other is very nice i'd say about 50 of the time one player is going to get two shore fish next to each other and the other player is going to get a short fish here and a short fish like i don't know over here or yeah it's just gonna be separated so it's actually quite nice uh from max however what's weird is i don't think you can build on this so he'd have to build the mill here i could be wrong but um yeah that's just one of the many it's an additional awkward thing about the map how you can't build on some of the terrain makes it so difficult but for high level players it can be very fun to watch look at this this is the perfect this is the perfect game to show you the amazing flexibility of the japanese because with any other civilization the wood would be more awkward and then the shore fish situation be more awkward but yo has built two mills and two lumber cams cost the exact same as max who was built one lumber camp and one mill that's beautiful now i could build another mill i love this this is so cool to see from mr yell hey all of his economy is going to be so much more uh so much more fluid so much more efficient because of this i remember it was the norm back in i want to say 2015 for a lot of the chinese high level players when picking japanese to build two lumber camps at the start and even build two mills in some situations like one mill on deer one mill on berry it's really early there are ostrich rounds so there's three ostrich there i believe you guys saw max pushing in some of his in fact he pushed in all three for food just want to see if max sees the short fish he does i'd be very surprised if we don't see barracks for both players barracks there and uh barracks there for mr yo yeah yeah mr yo um they'll be going fermented arms and archers definitely yeah this is a treat too because we see the flexibility of the japanese also we don't see the max play in ranked games too much deserve our love and support they are struggling after all mechanical unicorn thank you now i don't know who it was but i've had quite a few comments on my youtube channel people saying t90 can you cast more max games and the issue is he just doesn't play a lot of ranked 1v1s so while he has played in a lot of tournaments and he became very very well known i mean he was well known before hidden cup 2 but hidden cup 2's performance really made him stand out to a lot of people this is the first time i have casted a ranked 1v1 from the max in probably months i can't even tell you the last time i hope mr yo builds a mill out here just so he'll have built four mills in dark gauge but might be a bit excessive because he's going to want the wood for an archer range you don't want to go too crazy with it look at mr yo scouting he's arriving to max's base yeah this this game this stream is sponsored by miller lite okay look at the mini map do you see how there's that x there if you scale your enemy barracks and you select it this is actually for all military buildings and there's a gather point set you can see the gather point in the mini-map so i can guarantee you yo scout of the barracks clicked the barracks and then saw that the gather point was set forward for max and unfortunately ran into the militia but it was really important that he would know where max's militia would be so higher hp militia soon to be man at arms and then it's up against the faster attacking would be four-man minute arms for yo however this is such a good start for max hitting feudal age faster just because of the deer pushing is so good it weakens that scout and it forces mr yo to try and um actually mr yo decided not to make the fourth one okay but it definitely puts mr yo in a defensive position he's actually going to go immediately into two ranges which is very uncommon oh okay okay he's going for a blacksmith that way he could maybe afford fast fletching now if you get fast fletching that means you can't get double bit axe you see how he clicked double bit axe and then he thought twice about it fast fetching is not very common i'll tell you guys that much normally it's all about the economy upgrades so the mid game economy for vikings because a free wheelbarrow is better than japanese however because of mr yo's dark age investment that's a really poor micro from yo i have to say this this is so good for the max look at this having the scout here oh it's perfect see if what mysterio can do here but because of the dark age investment into the lumber camps and mills it's actually uh quite nice for you in a lot of ways he's got to be really careful here though and this is exactly what the max would have wanted eco is protected one archer coming forward and if he sits that archer behind the palisade walls and which i've now been over chopped and that villager's not going to be able to repair like that now that that is a full hp scout which can kill a single archer so yo can't this is this at a high level this could be gg and news flash this is a high level that villager goes down this archer's gonna go down this filter should die as long as max focuses on him or not i i expected at least two villagers to die there and i expected mr yo to maybe lose more or at least lose hp but uh max i think like in these moments is when the players at home focusing on their eco and that's exactly what he's doing right now so he will have fletching in a moment and yo is having a stable what's interesting about him adding the stable he's showing the stable he's not hiding the stable back here so he's going to show the max what's up i think we're going to see a lot of few late aggression in this game fletching will be faster for you and uh these infantry units are quite weak so i think max is probably going to toss them in to try and get some some reward he can get a kill it'd be beautiful mr yo just runs around actually and he's fine yeah he's fine uh no bid axe yet really think he's got to get that biddex upgrade and he's completely finished with the ostrich there i don't know if he's going to have the amount of farms he needs to get heavy scalp production going but um looks like he's able to do it so far sends this very weak scout which he's had forward i don't know if he's scouting with it or auto scouting looks like he's sending it forward like even at my level i might auto scout that but like at the tippity top players will still try and scout with it i just don't have faith in my ability to to not lose that sometimes i'll just send the other scouts forward all right max making archers so you have archers in there it's great against the scouts however if there's skirms with armor it can be very difficult for those archers so max is actually opting to go for some towers which i think is a good move and he has his own stable yeah so he's going to have range students of his own and he's going to have scouts i think max has just got to be patient here he's got to get his his uh army to a safe position this is not what i would consider safe but he's getting there towards the tower [Music] yeah so if you compare the armies while yo's skirmisher archer armies good against the archers of max having skirmishers in there does leave you a lot more vulnerable to scouts so i would prefer to have max's position as far as the armies go however the positioning of the armies is very important uh yo being forward now gives him an opportunity to do so much at home [Music] notice how the players won't even they're not even attempting to go for crazy walls and max is over here trying to scout what joe's up to and you spotted that with the full hp scout i was going to chase that down so now if you're in yoast position it it's kind of hard to know what to do you see the score so you know the eco is good okay now you see your enemy has scouts you also see that there's something in this range you just don't know how much i think the clear thing after scouting that is you've got to back up he's got to get double bit axe though double bed axe is such an important eco upgrade and if you don't get it at this stage of the game i believe he might have just forgotten because he skipped vidax so he could get fletching and armor real early fletching's 100 food bid x is 100 food makes sense what a close game here just remember vikings free wheelbarrow that's a huge upgrade and on kilimanjaro it's all about wood control normally so he does have the tower there both players are going to need to push up this hill notice how joe is not doing that though he's taking that back area what i do like about joe's current position is that he's making max show himself so he's in a position where he can run away and now he's just thinking well if i run back to my base and play defensive he could arrive to an area of my base i don't have locked down and protected right now so the best thing i can do is to attack this archery range and force max to fight me force max to come out and there is the max with five scouts that will have scale barting armor so that's an upgrade that yo is going to get remember yo does get bloodlines which is additional hp on the scouts and max as a great job from him actually he looped around to the hill and now bloodlines is on the way so this is the the big thing as far as military goes that separates the civilizations both get our blessed both good lead skirm uh but when it comes to stable units vikings do not get bloodlines however max has full hp scouts so it's still very much going to depend on micro as i say that yo miss micros i think yo could be in big trouble here max has he has full hp scouts he has a lot of archers mixed in there to look at the scout numbers first remember bloodlines was in that's expensive and i don't think it's going to matter at all and if there's scouts remaining for max max will clear up the skirms in the ends he didn't focus down those archers i think that was a mistake and he will lose the scout and okay you know what it was quite even after all uh yo did have to invest into the bloodlines upgrade he's going to stone similar to what max has done and now these uh archers have got to get out of here okay and actually mr yo makes a different decision and i i see this a lot i think he did this because he knew he would lose units as he was trying to flee i don't like it though i don't like how max decided to go in here he's losing archers anyways and uh yeah that was that was a bad move for max i think it was better to try and run away there wait for a scouter too sure but uh definitely don't want your archers around there okay castle h on the way for the max i think he'll be happy with with how everything went except for that instance right there and he's gonna go for three ranges so this is probably gonna be full crossbow production he does know there's some skirms out there but there's not many there's mainly archers for yo i wonder what yo is going to do now if yo is thinking about like taking advantage of his stables and the possibility there it's going to be really awkward for him because he's not going to be able to make any of those units until he's in castle age and max is going to be in cass lakes faster with more momentum i love how just the small things max is going to come in here with two scouts the scouts could easily snipe villagers also max has one on stone he doesn't need more than one on stone he just needs enough stone to bring in a few towers here there and for an eventual tc so max has calculated this so well with his eco but mr yo is defending very well even confident enough to fight with villagers now he remembers bid axe all right max best thing he can do is keep yo inside of his base for as long as possible and also if max sees this scout receives forging because he will be clicking the scout to check upgrades he'll know that it might be a second stable for you and that is going to be the case so what yo wants to do is elite skirmish knights something that makes a lot of sense if you have the few late skirms masked he does not have that right now that's going to be quite a few archers and now hand cart comes in vikings are such a sick civilization i don't know if max is aware of what joe's going for what he's committing for just yet but he's certainly got to take the initiative here okay the other thing about going japanese nights i've talked about it before i remember when they got bloodlines everyone was like well well they get bloodlines now that was a weak point and um well yeah i'm not gonna i have a lot of opinions on that subject it really bothered me back then because i i still didn't feel like japanese really improved that much just getting bloodlines because in the imperial age while they get cavalier they don't get played barney armor which makes him really bad whereas you look at max and he's making a unit that works for him long term he has all that momentum um so joe's got to make his army choice count oh god oh god man yeah i mean he just canceled the crossbow upgrades screw it whatever but yeah joe's gotta make whatever he commits to count it's gonna be knights i'd love to have max's position right now what's a good way to secure wood on this map other than tc's uh towers yeah you can if you get to the corners that's where there's flat ground so you could go here for a tc on wood um i mean there's gold there as well right but that's where you're going to want to expand with tcs kind of like what yo is doing but the downside of that is you give up the all-important middle yo has elite skirm with armor uh and bodkin that's not cheap but uh again i think he's he's missing out on eco upgrades it's all about eco with vikings there's a tc for max max has been on one tc and uh he did get the ballistics upgrade he has a lot of units here that's very difficult for crossbows to fight skirmishers with full armor and full attack but that is only if the skirm numbers are there so i think in this instance first off it's very easy for max to make a single knight but i think max with the hill and ballistics we'll choose to fight this one yo is just going to hope he can catch this army out sorry guys the people who are arriving to the stream i'm very focused on this game i said i was very hyped for uh to get back to the casting ranked games again and it's just it's just a fine mix of high level play and uh and casual at the same time i guess you could say i don't know i'm just really in the mood for this right now notice me t90 what would make you think this is the best of five you've been here since the start of the stream i explained it i mean that'd be cool i guess it's literally my point everything doesn't have to be a best of five best of this best of that prize pool this prize pulled that and i'm enjoying it right now uh so i wonder how this is going to work out chain parting is going to be in i think this is going to be good for max it goes and kill the skirm i i guess i would have shot finished off the skirmisher first but you notice how crossbows with ballistics in this mass devastating all right again you have more crossbows coming in for the max playing very clean right now and if your opponent does not have many knights remaining and they're they're relying on skirmishers against your crossbows it's where you start adding magnels this is beautiful play from max i've loved this game so far i had the dark age to the feudal age the pros and cons of going for various units but yo is falling behind big time like the eco numbers says joe's ahead but how much does that matter when he doesn't have it as good of an uh economy in terms of upgrades and how much does that matter when he doesn't have momentum i'm not saying knights was a bad move in this situation i think he felt like he had to do it because of what happened in feudal age but knights with japanese very much an overrated move in my opinion at least at the highest level only makes a lot of sense of your opponents committing to a lot of skirmishers and then the stables are going to go down here as well just to check max's eco two tcs probably thinking about a forward castle at this rate oh no that's actually yo that has the stone oh is yo gonna go for some crazy like he feels like he's dead right is he gonna go for some crazy counts or castle drop what if he defends with siege and go oh my god oh my god okay so can max stop this this is brilliant from yo because if he keeps doing what he's doing at home he's gonna lose if he goes forward to drop a castle on this hill he could win it still has to deal with all of this of course uh that tc probably won't stay up for very long if it even goes up max has to abandon the all-important hill on kilimanjaro i like it that was a yolo play from yo uh tc denied it 96 percent thanks dale okay so there's there's two different approaches here first off as i've already explained knights you've got to make it work but also knights cost food and gold very expensive whereas making crossbow saves you food and max has had more on food anyways so i think max after seeing this forward castle is going to immediately shift into wanting to go to the imperial age and upgrading these units uh drop his own castle here or here or somewhere defensive in front of his res make trebuchets and then trap the castle down and then win yo can't allow that to happen and i guarantee you that no yo knows that that's going to happen it's it's something vikings are extremely good at with our eco so yo has got to start first off he's got to take a good engagement against this which is going to be so tough oh wait a second it might not be so tough if he's able to take out the magnets but i think he's also got to do more here and he looks like he wants to go guard tower with japanese all right one magnel goes down the other one will stand uh good hits for yo so far imp is on the way for max it might even be better for max to just run with this army oh you know what this actually this could be really good for yo this is comeback time here i think these crossbars are all gonna be chased down but but what does yo do over here i think he's got a raid with knights okay as i say that as max moves away it's very possible for him to maybe have a knight or two come this direction and clear up the skirm so joe's got to track that while also okay dropping another castle this also could be yo trying to buy himself time uh oh oh no yo yeah yo uh this is a risk he doesn't have military here i think this castle will be denied max actually falls back to his tc he's going to kill quite a few nights but he's losing those crossbows two yolo from yo high t90 i want this to be a best-of-five because i want more max games force them to keep playing force them they're not our circus monkeys to do what we want what do you think pro players are notice me t90 dance monkey dance that's come on now i hope they play more we'll see maybe if uh maybe i mean yo is going to play more max i'm not sure how active he's he's been max is actually hiding the crossbows inside that tc how much military does he have right now 16 it's not there's still a lot that joe is going to have to deal with to survive here but it wouldn't be totally unheard of for yo to be able to defend this he's got a t oh wow i don't know how he could fit a tcu over there oh god no another one another one and this is where the army is of course yo is gonna send everything he can to try and finish this because he knows how important max's gold eco is to him i think max could just hop out the left side of the tc right now if he wants to try and stop that joe's got to just send the rest of the bills the tc is denying the castle and there will be more army on this left side for max we have to pay attention to that's four nights bracers just completed i think max could still deny that easily but he's got to deal with this as yo has built one guard tower he's gonna build another one i'm sure and max will actually abandon this wow yo is holding on i how many people with the show of ones kind of felt like he was dead despite the counter how many people felt like it was going to be too tough for him against the arms i did if i could type a one in the chat right now i would mystery yo is just so beastly when it comes to towers and now he has three tc's his eco is untouched and he could just build a guard tower here guard tower here really what you're going to need to see from max is he's building tc's in this back corner is he's going to need some siege we'll take this castle out but yo still buying himself so much time then he might need rams he might need a lot and max comes over this way to stop this guard tower uh something he should do a yo might lose all of these villagers if he doesn't react one bill down two bills down three and then four so many doubt buildings so many doubt towers and now villagers being lost for max the longer this game goes i yo just needs to get his wood upgrades man needs to get his wood upgrades but the longer this game goes the worse the viking eco looks because all that uh yo needs to do to have even eco is get handcart right so if he gets handcart biddox their eco is gonna be even the fact that vikings got all those free eco upgrades is not really a huge deal let's talk about gold max doesn't see this gold that is really unfortunate he does not see that gold somehow uh does see this gold so we can take that obviously knows about this one yo is on it has gold and stone over on this side too 33 on food versus 31 on food but 30 30 plus on food when you're making archers and skirms is decent and we're gonna see yo stop making nights and and switch into ranged units very very alert stuff from both players that max knows exactly where he needs to go for resources to expand yo knows exactly where max might expand and now yo is on the way up have to stay very impressive for mr yo it is still gonna be difficult because there's quite a few trebs out for yo or for max excuse me to clear up the towers and also capped ram now so there could be a big ram push on the left side possibly max knows how important that hill is going to be and max isn't even trying for a big push right now because he realizes that yo is going to be able to stabilize and hold instead what max is looking to do is get as much map control as possible as this goes towards him really nice stuff all right so if you if someone's making skirms to counter you with some civilizations the best thing to do if you don't have the food eco to go berserk for example is just make your own skirms to match it yes you could say and with other civilizations you can make light calf but too expensive for crappy upgrades i think with vikings probably also want to save the food for cdram berserks could be good not so good if japanese go samurai so that'll be fun to watch uh yo back over here actually sent in to samurai i don't know if that was intentional or was but yo is fighting with castle age upgrades so a max now will build another castle this one forward and on the hill what are we looking at with relics one to one with relics oh that's so unfortunate that max can't see that gold he doesn't have huge gold problems but still i i'm just surprised that mr yo held on this long very impressed with that especially because he doesn't have bit axe does have uh hand cart now max's military numbers are gonna be tough to deal with though he has 63 military a yo i i think he didn't realize how much military max was going to have here because if he knew i think this would have been an awful fight for him to take he's actually going for onager right now at a high level onager is a desperation move i think you feel like you have a 10 chance if you go for onager because players are so good at microing around or away from monitors supplies for max supplies so i think he wants to go champion instead of berserks uh a certain long time subscriber of mine not gonna say any names here but huge berserk fan uh was upset last month about the fact that vikings have supplies because he feels like no one will ever go for berserks because that because it makes the the champion switch a much better play well certainly a max isn't going to be upset about that because it helps him right now great eco great military you've just got to use it max japanese are just extremely good at stalling the games out and and going for auditors a great way to stall the game out as well hmm now if max snags this relic that'd be nice he's got this one here you gotta assume that eventually his villagers are gonna chop this tree and then maybe he will spot the golds hey here's anazer this will be the first time that max will see onager though i don't think he's aware of this if he was aware he'd be paying close attention and he'll look to pack up that trap a trap that he might save it's gonna be very close um i think the tread will go down and now uh not really a panic cat no you could consider this a panic castle he just does not want yo to get into the back of that eco yo is on the way to do that and i think that castle is going to go up just well calculated from the max as he's pushing the other side oh this is dangerous for yo the knights as i said do nothing for japanese in the imperial age that tc is going down there's farm space here the relics could be taken the castle could go down and this is all before max adds champions what a game yeah and now max just has to hold this side which i'm sure he's able to do and just decimate the other side and like i said honors once you know they're there pro players can use our blessed against them beautiful micro from the max hank as much as i love the fact that you always been able to hold on here and i'm very impressed by it i think i i don't see how he can win this game right now max is playing too good i'm going to gift you a short shirt sponsored by a korean pop band 8k pop cocktail what thank you castle crashes to the grounds uh that also houses mr yo so he's got to add some houses now onager and skirmisher is very very slow the champion switch as if it's even needed here is probably going to win the game because the second fully upgraded champions arrive here skirmishers don't stand a chance and then i think yo uh realizes well i'm dead for now he's thinking he could maybe add like cap with skirms which is a good move champion completely counters that i like how max doesn't hesitate either he's taking his good old time because he knows he's got the control on the other sides or even trapped this down i'm sure and here here it comes now yo could land a big attack rounds just seeing that though is going to be so disappointing to him oh god yeah okay max will lose those shreds that's one treb came in clutch there didn't it yeah look what these champions can do more hp and mr yo calls the gg that was a quality game my friends that was so cool vikings are just it's so crazy because if you played the game many many years ago or you just looked at the tech tree you would think vikings are not going to be as dominant on land as they could be on water but vikings are a top five landsat in my opinion now there's some situations where they're not like black forest 1v1 sorry fatsod truly they're not uh but on open lands maps their economy is amazing and that combined with early bonuses with the man at arms combined with c dram and champion all these things play out quite nicely in 1v1 and then if you're up against the civ which can make strong calf like let's say frank's vikings versus frank's is a fun match up you get chieftains now and uh chieftains gives you additional attack your infantry additional attack versus calf so you have the answers to archers you have the answers to cav the only thing you wouldn't really have an answer to with vikings is heavy heavy siege which i guess if like health can give them problems uh but yeah i mean max played this perfectly i really loved how he was able to expand his eco and i loved how we saw kind of the downside i suppose of losing the first fight because max could do whatever he wanted after that and then also i think we saw the downside of going into japanese nights it's situational it depends like everything but um yo probably only did it because he had already invested so heavily into the stable units and he lost his ranged units had he not lost the ranged units maybe he would have stuck with range even kd max had 30 more military and you look at the economy max had more food more wood more stone and more gold collected it wasn't that crazy uh the gold certainly made a difference but i think that this gold count was only higher for max because of the lead that he gained himself if that makes sense more of the map was explored by the max it was a faster futile faster castle faster imp for the max he was just slightly better with every statistic really enjoy your youtube had two relics and then could have stolen two from yo uh once that monastery was destroyed it would have been four to one there uh guys max doesn't play rated games a lot but he's a beast i hope he's gonna play more i know notice me t90 once more too i do as well i just um i also there's something about rated games which are
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 70,180
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Vikings, vs, Japanese, Yo, MrYo, TheMax, China, Finland, 2v2 World Cup, Kilimanjaro, Aggressive, Intense, Competitive, 1v1, Arabia, Best In The World, T90, T90Official, AoE2, Age of Empires 2, AoE2 Definitive Edition
Id: LX4z6tm-b6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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