TheViper vs Persian Douche 2020

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four years ago or almost four years ago I uploaded a video which to this day is one of my better performing videos on YouTube it was called the Viper versed Persian douche strategy 287 thousand views I would have never expected on such a crazy strategy and back then this strategy was all about dropping the town centre on the opponent and making them freak out since then this strategy has become more and more frequent more and more common and more deadly because players have learned how to follow it up so if you're watching this right now I'd recommend that you watch the first edition because a lot of the things that I'm going to address is going to compare to 2016 version do strategy and 2020 Persian do strategy and we have the best player of the world the Viper I use here in the green playing at the Japanese against vivvy and guys is the exact same scenario we have a Chinese player who's Persians Persian town centers have double the HP and then we have Viper playing as the Japanese I think I couldn't have drawn it up any better when they saw this I couldn't believe it I actually had to go back and check yeah Viper was Japanese four years ago and yes it was a Chinese opponent doing this so vivvy or fat dragon he's very well known player one of the best in China and very very good at making things messy and what he will do in this game is he's gonna delete this starting TC at some point he's going to rebuild it and build it next to the Vipers TC yeah it's it's a weird strategy than you garrison when you shoot arrows but if you've been around the community over the last year or two you're probably very well aware of what the strategy is because the players like Rubin stock players like you pay and many more all right so good thing about having Japanese is Japanese are very flexible civilizations so funny enough it is one of the best civilizations to face up against this type of strategy because you're it's likely you're going to have to rebuild lumber camps and mills and those are all very cheap you save that wood savings is very nice and then you have all options available to you you have faster attacking infantry you have archers you have scouts and knights and everything that you would want japanese do have so well we wait for the incoming TC a person's start with fifty more wood and fifty more food and vivvy has four on the would already have believe he sends a fifth to so it's gonna come just remember that this strategy is not so much about the KD it is about making it so your opponent cannot create Vil's while you can so know it sounds ridiculous because at some point this player is going to have to delete their town center and that's a period in time where they don't have a town center to create the villagers and create economy but if it's deadly enough then viper might be in a position where he can't create villagers for a long enough period where there's a big big bill difference I'm gonna break it all down for you but we can compare what happens in 2016 to what have happened in 2020 and see how the biker will deal with it now granted this is just rated games you're not gonna see this strategy used in tournaments by players other than Rubin stock or you pay most likely but this is this is a school I'm looking forward to it Viper brings in his born L and he'll be good we'll have a lot of eco as far as the map goes Viper has a really nice school back here in fact both of these goals are quite safe if this was gonna play out and a similar are starting in a normal way I'd expect to see Viper to have the wall potential and the wood lines and gold's all three Gold's being on the back is just as good as it gets however the map is also quite good for vivvy or the fat dragons as I may call him and here he comes so he's sending villagers forward let's go to Vipers point of view and Viper has not seen this yet I'm to dump the dome just another day' playing some rated games i'm japanese we're gonna go fuel age go archers go man-at-arms that's a Vipers thinking don't do them to them to them to them now if you scout this there are some ways you can try and counter it in 2016 viper spotted it and what viper tried to do with build a bunch of houses and if you watch it he built a bunch of houses to block the town center foundation which is quite large and still opponent found a spot alright and I spoke to Rubens talk about it because people in the YouTube comments are like well you can stop it by building palisade walls he says it never works only makes the defender look like a fool and so basically apparently you need to get so many areas covered that there believe it or not is always an area you can find so here comes Viper he sees the villagers now he's thinking uh-oh what is this that TC is actually not close enough so Vivi's like um I don't want to just lose the game right here he deletes it viper tries to block it and viper can't block it had an opportunity but yeah at home vivy has deleted his town center and he's now building one on Vipers face now there's two very important things to bring up here first Viper was going for a strategy which would require a lot of food it but which was man-at-arms and also Viper will not have berries and he put 500 food into the feudal age so bill counts are actually even right now just because Vipers TC while it's not the lead it has been idle research in feudal age vivy Garrison's is TC and viper has to adapt now I don't think you can go into this with mindset of let's still make man-at-arms it's a lot of food you don't have anything on food right now so what Viper did in 2016 is what Viper is going to try and do he's going to try and get archers out let's see how this goes now the the level of play has risen so much over the years there's the archery range for Vipers and vipers thinking alright alright alright let's let's wall in this town center let's keep him here so he can't leave and check this out now you'll notice that there's a villager here for vivvy and what Vivi's trying to do as he sends a villager this direction what Vivi's trying to do is collect enough stone so he can build another town center if need be after the delete early he's down to 85 stone so we'll need 15 more stone to be able to build another TC if he wants to do this a Viper is gonna try a little whoop whoop little quick wall and that's one villager that's been trapped this is something that players have been doing more more recently and meanwhile we have vivvy doing the same thing over here and vipre goes whoop walls in another forward villager ridiculous so far very very different from what you saw in 2016 when this happened but look at the bill counts vipre doesn't have food to create villagers he just lost a voter he's quick to walled a third which he just click while the third villager in but still vivvy at home has food and he's actually walled in so he's protected and he's curry still creating bills like we can't do that right now it's a Viper's down to 22 bills and this is where the strategy is different in 2020 it's not so much about killing the TC it's about making it so you can create villagers but your opponent to Knox that's why having that town center right on the berries was perfect the Viper does have a few archers out here it'll take time to kill the villagers and of course these villagers are kind of trapped a very me me start to this game but this is gonna get so crazy trust me it only gets crazier you look at a score you're thinking well my present a good position but a viper can't field enough archers it could be quite bad for him all right well the town centers down for Viper what's VB gonna do he has full HP villagers he has food income he can create new villagers labor cannot so he's actually thinking of Bill rushing and he wants to wall in the archery range now there's actually a straggler tree there that straggler tree will need to be chopped so building can go up there but if you walls in the archery range then there will the archers won't be much of an issue will they that tree was chopped and palisaded so the villager could move back we have amazing micro meanwhile vipers quick long and repairing over here can you tell things are a little bit crazier now again if you haven't watched that original video it's probably too late but I would go back and watch it might don't listen to the commentary though the commentary was awful I was just new okay I think I streamed that for a hundred people back then and that was a huge deal for me it's crazy how how many people were watching Age 2 now and I love it but VIPRE down to 21 bills he is my crowing his archers well this archers kind of trapped in there between the gates and I guess that again the theory is as Vipers rebuilding as TC Annie's my coming quite well All Things Considered vivy might lose a few villagers but he can continue to create more he actually has a 12 Vil lead these villagers are going on a walk these villagers going on a walk and update on this Viper will I guess continue to to quikwall villagers over there but he can't he can't make many more archers right now which is a concern and there's a weak one for Viper he will save her oh my goodness less lag nowadays and players are faster than ever so this this is a bit of a pickle for Viper but he does have a new TC he's also starting to build farms so for the first time in a long time he can think about having some type of food income me he's killed enough units where I'm sure he's feeling okay and he's in feud late while his opponent it's not but if he knew it was 32 villagers against 20 he would not be too pleased a Viper again a great job at saving this villager from going down and not many players in the world who could do that are you are you okay I mean I tried to compliment the guy I really did okay maybe maybe it just got too crazy for him there for a moment this focused on some other area the map so now is it 19 still no food income that means no fletching I mean snow new villagers and he loses an archer to these villagers here now man this is ridiculous he has three villagers forward I guess that were chasing Vivi's bills he also has his scout which is on full HP like that I don't know if you forgot about it I guess he did but that Scout could help out so much and he's building a tower here and another tower here too so again the flexibility of Japanese to be able to build all these mining camps and lumber camps and quite helpful Seviper he hasn't built many yet but notice how many vivvy has on food he is 23 on food 23 now he's not gonna have near as many in a moment because he'll have to abandon a farm or two and all this all these berries but his food income will mean that he can click up to feudal age like were still at 19 villagers so there hasn't haven't been many times where I've seen Viper face up against his strategy but at this stage of 2016 version Viper had counter-attack with archers and he had he had was pretty much winning the game because the thought process behind the build was different back then back then it was dropped the TC shoot the opponents down there was no a macro aspect to it there was no eco behind it and so players would just get stuck here but that's not really the case right now I mean yes these villagers are stuck but Viper doesn't have a lot he doesn't have enough and here come strong villagers to build a gate again 5% a situation where he actually can't add any more archers so what's his Viper do he has an archer here he knows that Vivi's walled any no there knows that there has to be villagers here mm-hmm is also sending one of his builders and he's walking back around with his archers and bivy tried to gate so the archers couldn't get through that didn't work now Vipers building a gate so the villagers can't run it so far it's worked and Vipers thinking I've got this I've got this up yet oh yeah there's a hole there that maybe just deletes his gate Mike builds another gate there's another hole and Viper still trying he's still he's still chugging and Viper gets it and so these villagers get trapped finally Viper succeeds there and the Scout is helping out here an awful lot like to see him pull it back don't lose it well I mean I guess he's gonna keep it alive anyways as the villagers try and make a run for it there they go and it's still 32 villagers verse 21 now so Viper is making more Vil's I guess the villagers can they hop into the tower over the wall yeah they're there long jumpers I think Divi also just double clicked all of his build by accident ridiculous fight for losses an archer underneath the town center Vipers counter-attacking and like okay this let's play / quick bosses villagers this is as good as sign as any that players are just a little bit quicker now and that the meta can be Messier and the ability to adapt is higher than ever just like for have a blacksmith okay there it is he needs fletching if he gets fletching villagers are gonna bow and Viper sending these two archers to chase these villagers down because he knows they went that direction ah there were these farmers over here bringing in food income if you're wondering about the food eco but you'll notice Vipers slowly starting to expand as eco just a little bit with some farms that Archer will get shot down I guess he can produce units out of the range but he didn't set a gather point I'm not sure what happened there but he should be able to get some archers out of there and then these villagers I don't know where they were going I guess they were on gold vivvy they're running back and Vipers still slowly breaking through this house and so it's eight on food versus four on food and it could get a whole lot worse here for Vivian a moment a good recognition from Viper to realize he sent villagers elsewhere around the map this is a large map if this is LOI lo legend game players probably wouldn't look actually Vivi's as garrison does TC to shoot the range down so now boy piper can't use that archery range because well it's dead and maybe he's been on stone somewhere I don't even know where he's been oh yeah he's done bit on stone over here with these wheat villagers he's sending these villagers back to home base where there's a tower and a wood line and now he's going to batter down Vipers tower batter down another viper tower and i guess realizing the viper doesn't have his archers here start tower rushing 39 villagers verse 27 now we have vivvy who's in the lead making skirmishers are trying to to defend from those archers the Vipers now building a counter tower viper will and has broken through here just to find that there's already a tower prepared 40 population against 34 population good recognition for Viper though with this defense I like how he's pulled his bills pulled the boys will end up taking this tower down are you stressed because I'm a bit stressed I'm also impressed because both players have played so unbelievably well for vivvy to do this against Viper and be winning in population is something else the Viper needs that food income he sees the deer he'll take the deer cheap mil for Japanese helping out Viper has stone income he has wooden come he has golden coming his food at him so he has he has everything imagine if he didn't have his stone and gold here though imagine if it was forward I've noticed quite a few times at pit he's getting a house like you see this she's pop caps I think that's just that's what you can expect from really messy games both players build towers and the skirmishers I don't know where they will go but for now they're actually needed over here there's not many archers for Vipers just defending with towers now Vipers making a stable and if he has enough on food he could make Scouts I think he could probably produce a few but 12 them are sorry 11 on food isn't too much but just one or two are needed for the amount of scurbs that if he has unfortunately in Age of Empires 2 de there's no in-game chats yet I hope it comes I've been begging for it for 7 months now but there was a signal there so knowing Vivienne Viper they're probably talking smack and having a good time here they honestly playing this way against Viper the there's you can't lose right because it's a troll strategy even though it's a really good strategy it is still a troll strategy so if viper ends up getting the win just like our whatever well no i didn't play a standard i didn't go scouts and disturbs and the archers and the knights whatever you know and then if you beat him then you can rub it in his face so I think vivvy he knows very well how good viper is and this is a strategy he's beating MBL with vivvy was actually the one who started that crawl strategy for all my consistent listeners and Watchers who listeners I guess you do listen to the viper towers behind this wood line Vivi's just built another one has the stone to tower here and I think it's necessary but it's still very much focused over on this side that Viper Scouts went down here in an attack of the mining camp now so vivvy should know that Viper has Scouts that's a bit dangerous now for him because vivvy doesn't have access to gold so it's not like he can add archers and here he defends scurbs our defense with the scurbs rather but Viper Scouts are gonna go that direction and those skirmishers could just get mopped up so Viper now has more food e-coat because of this left-hand side because of the mill because of the deer he has more food economy and he's been defending really well with the towers there's so many weak villagers in Viper's town it's impressive how many he's been able to keep alive Viper even fighting with his villagers against the scourge and he's he summons the wolves or the wolf and all this could hurt Fibby big time he is placing a tower thankfully but losing these skirmishers is gonna hurt it lose this one they'll probably lose these as well the Viper is actually in a position to build the tower on the other side of the wood line on the left side hopefully it's Viper who's getting attacked by the wolves and Oh get it yo that was hilarious like I I briefly looked at this game before I didn't look at all the details and oh my god that was great the tower just sniped poor Ville he was like I have hope and then uh sniped man that was crazy well vivy losing villagers Labor's catching up in the Ville count and he has a whole lot more math control definitely taking the resources that he would want to take and a lot less idle time and Viper and see it now 500 food two hundred golds he has weathered the storm though there's still plenty more to come crazy crazy crazy stuff here but I think Viper this is almost like a standard game now where he has eco he's he set the pace of the game and he is it's all responding from vivvy hmm vivy really wanted to take this goal he's on stone anymore right so he's he's actually out of this stone over here used all of it and because of that he couldn't build a tower in his gold which i think is gonna hurt him big time the viper still saving food imagine if he would make a night or two viper down here will make another range baby has all of his farming eco right next to Piper will be attacking from in the castle age so he's got to find something more viper loses those Scouts that was sloppy but he was probably taking his time to do some other things there's a lot to do a lot on the agenda and he's on his way to Castle age crazy now I'd like to see this multiple times like I would like to see how with the different map Jen if Viper doesn't have a back gold and stone how big of a difference it makes granted you know Viper might not have gone to the back of his base if there's no gold there right and you know that it always depends it you really can't say because all games play out differently but as Viper nears Castle age and vivvy is still pretty far away looks to me like he's not gonna have anything to deal with Knights I know that Viper in the past years back it says you should never die to a TC drop but he came pretty damn close here and and granite he went for the weird Vil quick walls and you know I think both players did not play this as they would in a torment but I've seen it enough times over the past year to truly believe that this is a viable strategy it is viable in competitive team games and it is viable in torment qualifications and it has worked in torment qualifications and even tournament so like I I refuse to believe and I know this strategy seems like control strategy but refuse to believe it is only a troll strategy I think it's a strategy that is a legit strategy and can maybe be used in situations where you even up against the Viper or someone who's stronger than you a Viper hits castle age and he has the res to get crossbow and vodka no I think this is where that nail will be placed firmly in the coffin because vivvy who's hoping to reach castle age himself will lose access to his farms and Viper wins again against the strat but that was a close game that was a close game it's no more TC drop small counter attack and the TC dropper dies no like this this was was GG only because Viper was able to expand to the outer edge here you know YouTube I just had I just had a thought you know how in the beginning I said it was Persians against Japanese I actually I didn't even double-check that that's how bad it was I was so confident that it ended up being Persians first Japanese again here I didn't even fact check myself and how bad would that be I can I do that real quick I hope I can do that real quickly just one sec one sec this is gonna pull this up on my phone Pro streamer the viper vers version do strategy mute the audio so I don't have to listen to myself and it well okay okay whoo all right we're in the clear it was Persians first Japanese way back when so YouTube I want your thoughts on the strategy and I don't want oh well give me whatever thought you have in the comments of course I read through them but is this a legitimate strategy or is it a meme or is it a mix of both I am going for option number three I think it's a mix of both it's always gonna be a bit mean but it works and it works well there's the food count there's the wood count and there's the stone gold count it really was the stone and gold that brought Viper back do you think about what Viper had to do in this game he had to fight with villagers he had two quick wall he had to build his own towers he had to go forward with villagers he had to go forward with Scouts he had to go forward with archers it's not like he had to do one or two things like in the past he had to do a lot this is the moment where that Persian TC job works because Viper clicked up the feudal he then was out of food and this is where that Vil lead came in unfortunately for vivvy he wasn't able to make that Vil lead really do anything for him I think perhaps he should have played more defensive at home in that little area because VIPRE at one point was only attacking with the weak Scout and Archer and villager maybe he should have prepped more towers there prep towers on gold possibly because in other games I've seen players go to cast late right after arriving to futile I loved it though I loved it whether Viper would have won or lost there I was impressive and I hope you guys enjoyed I'm gonna recommend the video that I already talked about and is in the description at just in case you guys wanted to rewatch it back then three and a half years ago I forget if I was in my headset phase where I was using a twenty dollar headset to cast or if I was speaking into the back of my current microphone but for about a year and a half until someone told me because I had faced came on stream I was speaking into the back of my microphone not to mention that you know I was well I was getting into the whole casting vibrate so it's just odd just hate listening to those old videos man but I'll recommend it anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and I will continue to hunt down some amazing content for you over the next couple weeks I'll see you guys soon and enjoy you okay actually one more thing hinge on that video is a comment for me and it says thanks for 6000 subs and thanks for being awesome everyone Wow I actually got chills the last time I casted the Viper verse the Persian douche 6,000 subs on YouTube and we're at what 202 now you guys are amazing thank you holy you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 160,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheViper, vs, Persian, Douche, 2020, T90, T90Official, Commentary, AoE2, Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2, Messy, WTF, OMG, Really, Unreal, Impressive, Funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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