AoE2 Pro vs Noobs! "This Is Not Supposed To Happen"

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which game is the game of blue coffee vs mbl ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Alexnu789 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello YouTube hello Age of Empires 2 fans and welcome to an exciting Age of Empires to game we have MDL one of the best players in the world in this one on a map called Budapest and it's an eight-player sudden-death game yes it is not asked often sorry you have an age of empires to pro against the noobs or against people from the community in such ridiculous settings but MBL he's been he's been playing some community games recently you know in the past he joined one of my community games one that I do on Fridays on my twitch stream and he had a bit of trouble with the little guy named blue coffee I had the pleasure of meeting MBL in person many times and the last time I spoke to him about blue coffee and I think he said something about like him not liking that guy uh and if you haven't seen that video I guess you'll have to check out the legends playlist I have but anyway let's let's not let's not talk too much about other things let's introduce the players and talk about the settings again this map is called Budapest and you start with two town centres and it is very very complicated you can already see a few of the players here discussing exactly how this works MBL is playing as the portuguese in a yellow though in the green we have vom Labov he is playing as the Japanese in the red we have Katz Katz is playing as the Italians in the arms we have Turks four-valve in the teal we have Selleck I'm playing as the Magyars in the purple we have epic Kuro playing as the Huns which is a very good suit for this in the gray we have Odette Odette is playing as the Britons and then in the blue we have a racer racer is playing as they Saracens so sudden death normally means that if you lose your town center you are defeated so it's a bit like regicide games where you have a king and if you lose your King you're dead in this sudden-death game mode if you lose your town center you are dead however since there are two TCS on Budapest you have to lose both your town centers so it's not quite as cutthroat but I really like these settings because you have MBL who's obviously way better than everyone here he's top five in the world II and then he's playing verse just regular people so if it was a straight-up fight if there were no sudden death settings if there was no ex neeki way that you could kill em BL you would have no chance but fortunately for these seven other players they will have an opportunity possibly to talk a little bit more about what Budapest is we've already discussed how you have two town centres which normally means the game goes on or speeds up pretty quickly as the economies are going to be stronger there's a lot of gold and there's a lot of stone to be found so as far as I know yeah this is not a diplomacy game so there's there will be no alliances formed and that shouldn't be an issue I don't think players if they're dominant at least will run out of gold because there's quite simply gold everywhere on this map and there's also water so if you would like to you could dock and you could fish I mean there's pigs everywhere there's there's Forge bushes this is a pretty good map hmm when it comes to collecting these sources I you start with two Scouts and MBL has to be careful not to lose one of his Scouts one of the best players in the world by the way it just ran his Scout into his opponent's town center and I don't think that green is going to be very happy about the fact that he's next to her neighbors to NBL yeah at least I wouldn't be because well that's we've already said MDL is very strong so I'd like to take this opportunity to take advantage of the fact that I have people listening from all around the world and everyone has different interests and things they're in too and things to do for work so there's a good chance that there's someone out there you might be able to give me some input on this so and this is not totally related to Age of Empires - so I guess I apologize if this is not something that you wanted to hear but I wanted to I am planning on taking a trip with my brother at some point this year just to get away you know life gets crazy and I used to fish all the time so I used to fly fish and mainly I'd fish in different streams and I haven't done it in a long time I was looking to to possibly go on some type of a fly-fishing journey with my brother whether that's with a guide or or maybe a bit of fishing by ourselves and since I'm not really familiar with fly fishing and and all that anymore I don't know where in the United States would be a good location I don't know what time of year would be best so if you are out there listening on YouTube and you happen to have any input or experiences or know someone who had a good experience whatever if you could just put it in the comments that'd be great you know if you happen to be part of my discord you could shoot me a message as well with any input I I told my brother that I might as well take advantage of the fact that I have thousands of people listening there's got to be some people out there who might be able to give me some advice so thank you for that guys in advance so it's interesting as I look around the maps you can definitely tell with the dark ages the differences in skill levels like some people are walling up which normally indicate like if their walls are placed smart that normally indicates they're a bit more experienced like Udet here I've known her for a while she's she has some nice walls so nice early walling smart play also you can look at the villa count and efficient ship count now the cool thing about this map is while you're on your way to feudal age you still have one town center producing villagers so MBL is on the way to feudal age at around the same time as many other players here but he has way more villagers and he also has the fish and that is now the second Scout for green to go down I think he lost his first guy in the beginning and so MBL has one Scout remaining green just he is zero so the thing about MBL the thing about most pros in these community games is they just simply don't realize how how conniving people can be and how creative people will be with their strategies so when I look at green and when I look at blue here I really want these guys to think of out-of-the-box strategies you don't want to try and be a pro in a straight-up fight what you would want to do is try and sneak around with some petard sir rams or trebuchet x' or something so you know as this game goes on no I don't know what all the strategies are going to be for some of the players here but I that's the mindset that they have to have and I think that's a mindset that I'd like more people to adopt as we do the community games pretty frequently on my twitch channel and of course all the best stuff goes to YouTube it's it's probably my most popular consistent content on the channel and I think that a lot of people get maybe a bit flustered if they're behind or weaker and they just like kind of freeze up and they don't know what to do but I think the play is to try and be very sneaky and if more people are sneaky then they could maybe get results from that so all eyes on MVL here as he is on his way to castle age and he's Portuguese so he has lots of villagers on stone this tells me he wants to go for working guns or as I've been calling them recently piano cannons so the story of how that name came to be was one day I was spectating a game a random game between some two high-level players and so I wasn't streaming I wasn't making YouTube content I think I was just did I don't know why I I just got on and I wanted to watch some games you know that that's my life so anyway I was watching this game and there were these two people in the spectator chat typing to each other and you have the ability to do that and one guy that they were foreign so they didn't speak the best English and the one guy kept calling the the unit that working on unit at piano Cannon and I was cracking up and I feel like that's a much better name so if I say working gun or piano cannon in this game and that is that is why green you know being aggressive here to Archer Manges he is not on his way to Castle age which would be a concern but he's trying to be aggressive verse MPL nice early tower but MBL he's walled up nicely he only needed to build tower and something tells me that green is going to be in trouble here because if MBL builds a castle and starts making those wonderful piano cannons they can be really hard to stop organ guns are no joke and green will not be in the castle age which is a concern so MBL places his castle here guys the castle will go up it will kill Green's Tower and also MBL is defending a bit on water there's a lot to focus on on this map so MBL's done a great job here I'm probably not doing the best job but fortunately I'm not streaming this so no one can call me blind just don't do that in the YouTube comments please elsewhere I mean most of my focus is gonna be on MDL throughout this game because he is going to give us a lot of action but we have to look at what's going on elsewhere Wow okay so Val has made some light CAV Turks get the free like cab upgrade on their Scouts and then red is on the left to him stone walling up which is probably smart as orange is building a tower it's he'll definitely got hurt by the light cap though I mean his look at his castle age time it would be at 20 minutes the only person that will be later than him to castle age will be green so maybe teal was one of our more lower rated players here the others Purple's not fighting as far as I can see a big concern I'm noticing with some of the players are not creating more villagers as someone like MBL is always going to be creating fill and BL see he created another build see it for the most part always creating new villagers that is the number one tip I can give you if you don't know any build orders doesn't matter just make sure you have the food and come to continue to create more villagers so you can get more resources and NBL even has the fishing ships on top of his 64 villagers but Odette is doing a great job of debt has 60 villagers building a castle here to secure her gold again the walls have been very well placed however saying that blue is making some nights and these are just palisade walls so I think that racers gonna race his way in here oh this could be tough for Odette can she quit eraser racer racer Odette's gonna quick while can she do it uh what racer would know man the knight was standing on top of the palisade Foundation ition it never happens maybe your dad asks nicely Oh No Oh dead Oh God okay you know this should have been the result earlier so this is fine now Odette was just being kind by all right listen you deserved it earlier I didn't expect you to be a nice guy so yeah this is a bit hectic now for Odette and these Knights have some decent upgrades to just a few spearmen and not going to save her so this hurts her and this also does slow down racers possibly you know because he's he's investing a lot of resources into the attack so what I like to say is they're cancelling each other out they're weakening themselves at the kuroh we haven't seen a lot from him this guy's on the way to the imperial age right now so keep an eye on him and MBL as I expected he has battering rams and piano cannons and he is pressuring one of greens to TCS poor green man he will be in the castle age soon at least but he needs to stop his tea seats from going down and I think perhaps you should go for some siege in the next stage oh no but MBL's building another castle here and he's even sending villagers forward to repair the rams something Nai would do yeah so this is not very good for mr. Avon Lib Vonn Labov is having some problems a back over to Odette Odette her vill count has dropped way down to 51 she does have the pikemen upgrade l so that that's gonna help her and I think she's plugged the gap finally but damaged on there and that that puts racer as one of the favorites in my eyes because his Vil counts nice as well as eco looks decent 65 now unfortunately for him he is next door to NBL which probably puts him lower on the pecking order but anyway back to green I think greens gonna be the first one to die here guys he's lost one of his two town centers he's making a few maghen ELLs but his population is bad and MBL's out for blood he is a crazy economy 82 villagers plus the fishing ships plus the fact that he's creating out of two castles now and you know he's just he's he's going to take all of greens resources so again he won't need trade I think he can take all this gold if he's able to finish green off so you guys might be thinking I'm 23 minutes and you guys might be thinking okay how much of this game is T 90 seen I've only seen clips so this is not scripted well yeah but only it's only partially scripted because I only know one or two things that happened just happens to be fantastic things that happened so it's a bit like I saw an advertisement for a movie you know they show the best parts anyway right poor green man I think the end is near for him MBL folks is down all the Macan ELLs the TC is going to go down and if you've never seen a sudden-death game before you'll see exactly what happens he is instantly defeated and that is one out of seven players that MBL will try and kill in this game red could be next cats has we haven't seen a lot from him I think red and orange or even yeah I think they think they might fight I guess Reds castles have pushed Orange off of a lot of his goal stone and so just not happy about that he'll rub that back he'll just want to go back over to him because remember he struggled earlier he he's not doing a whole lot here he's not doing a whole lot taking his good old time purple I see a few nights and they will be Cavalier for purple and he is looking to break into Till's base to get some rating down there and then I would predict that Odette and racer are gonna have the fight of the century because her debt will not be happy about her failed quick ball earlier she is on the way to the Imperial agent so is racer they are very very close a racer has the lead with the economy but Odette does have Britain's and can snipe from range maybe go for the warwolf trebuchet is that Britain's half so the point is is compared to MBL everyone else is doing ok MBL is doing fantastic a guy is also on the way to the Imperial age his to caste and so you could easily build a third and look at the resources you can take I've never done this for my community games I've never done this map but now that I think about it and now that I look at this I feel like this is a really good map because the concern in community games sometimes is that the player who is most aggressive is putting tons of resources into trying to get kills and then they eventually run out and then the person who wasn't fighting the entire game will kill him because they saved resources well here when you're being aggressive you're gaining resources which I like it's it's it's definitely difficult to start on this map though so it's not the most welcoming for lower rated players but maybe for my community games on Fridays we will work this in I imagine one of my one of my longtime regular viewers named Ian Browns helm is out there loving this right now as Till's getting attacked he'll really doesn't seem to be in the best position he's losing castles on the left and there's Cavaliers on the right I'll tell you this small story here so basically long time you were on twitch named Ian Browntown who I had the pleasure of meeting in person has always always made this joke about Budapest and called it Budapest very mature I know well anyway the guy like as I said watched my channel for a long time and there's an angel imparts to meet up where I happened to meet him and he gave me a picture of Budapest only the word Budapest was photoshopped well not Photoshop add it on top of Budapest and then he wrote me a nice little message and the message had nothing to do with bootys it was like basically to thank me for everything that I've done to influence his life with creating content and is like one of the sweetest things honestly that anyone's ever done for me like it's so cool to hear the impact Mabel to have when people's lives so I always remember that and despite despite how much that meant to me I haven't done a lot of Budapest so here you go and you got your shout out and you got your Budapest racers in trouble racers in trouble Oded is on the right-hand side of debts taking down castles with trebs that TC is not far away MBL is here with working guns and these organ guns are going to destroy the town centre I think it'll only take four volleys that's three I'm sorry my math is off but yeah that was five total volleys I guess and racer he didn't account for MBL I suppose he he focused on Odette he probably regrets that now he probably wishes he would have gone for MBL when MBL wasn't focused on what was going on MBL he'll lose a few units but he'll kill the auditors he'll kill the TC and that will be the second person that our pro player will kill racer calls the gg so meanwhile we have elite well Natalie sorry just Maggie our HUS our rating from from teal oh I'm sorry Oh orange is just resigned okay aren't she's just resigned I guess he didn't feel like he had a good opportunity to come back and I kind of agree with him because red had been pushing on the left and teal had been pushing on the right but yeah that was actually solid defense from teal because he had to defend from purple and then he also had to defend from orange because arms was trapping him so I think what happened was when bo was killing people on the other side of this map he used his magyar hussars to kill the trebs just to delay magyar hussars they have a bonus for siege so when they get to elite in the Imperial age they are absolutely insane force trebuchet Zoar for MCing ELLs or any form of seats I would even include working guns actually if MBL makes his way over there but it's just weird to me a teal he has a hundred ten population and that puts him in third place on the score right has 135 population that puts him in second place so it's pretty crazy there's a skill difference between all these players is pretty wild if that's if that's how the score lays out you know mm-hmm and MBL there's no sign of stopping from him no sign of stopping whatsoever going for the piano cannons making some not so sweet music out of debts walls Britons are actually a fantastic sieve to counter the piano cannons if you go for elite longbows and tell the deers it can be very nice and old Odette's attacking purple so a debt is conflicted she she feels like she needs to go back but she would like to finish all purple and I think Odette would do that as well if MDL does leave cuz longbowman with halberdiers with trebuchet is would do the job the T sees are very close yeah okay that's not happy about this now Odette is not happy to see MDL here and this might leave purple live for a little while but purple just doesn't seem to have resources doesn't seem to have anything purple is merely surviving now this might be Reds opportunity to make a push but as I say that MDL has another group of the working guns over here so I take that back red says cheats it feels like it when you play versus a player that's so much better than you I'm sure because quite honestly MBL hasn't been troubled at all he is 140 kills 33 deaths he's losing units to the castle and it is still his KD is fine it doesn't really bother him to separate groups of armies the guy to his right is dead the guy to his left is dead if there was a a meta game to sudden death there's meta game to these these Styles or not these style sorry these matches then MBL would have the style for it this would be perfect but one thing to remember people who playing community games the lower rated players they cannot be underestimated MBL's score is crazy I'm sure he's confident I'm sure he feels like this is just a matter of time for him but he has to remember that all that his opponents need to do his kill as T sees now has he Stonewall this TC no because he's MDL he's one of the best players in the world has he built bombard towers around this TC no he's MBL he's one of the best players in the world just keep that in mind Odette has lost one of her two town centers and she is doing a really good job of holding this I mean considering the circumstances but she was attacked by blue she was trying to kill purple then NBL came in but she does not have the population to hold against MDL and so this is making me think about teal this is making me think about red red red has the resources it doesn't seem like he really has the I just doesn't seem like he has it all together right now and MDL is pushing it out now red has skirmishers against bombard cancer MBL's mixing in the bomber kids this is not gonna work I think that it's actually really tough for Italians if we're being honest I think that they would need their own bombard cannons they would need well Kondo T arrows would fare pretty well because condo tears are our answer gun powder he is trying to delight now with some towers but but I think MBL will continue his Bush maybe this gives Odette some time to breathe I don't know but but you have teal over here and this guy Wow look at his resources I was wondering why his score was so high well he sure he's late to the Imperial age but my goodness does he have an economy 7,000 gold [Music] this is kind of similar to what I'd said could happen where one player hasn't fought all that much in the banking of resources he's also not making any cold units he's just making elite matter house are which do not cost gold after their unique tech I think the unique tech is maybe 200 cou 200 gold it's not not expensive NBL just costs 300 kills so he has three times the amount of kills his teal and there's no end in sight for that working guns and bombard cannons are so expensive and is so ridiculously expensive but he doesn't care he is map control he's the confidence and he's making these things and I love Portuguese bombard kids you don't see them often because they're so expensive but with their unique tech Portuguese and their bomber kids are affected by ballistics which means that you can't dodge them they hit every time is like a heat-seeking missile I feel like all that red is doing is delaying his death and so this is where my point from earlier comes in urine red shoes MBL's killing you from two different angles you know he's one of the best players in the world I think the strat here has to be sneak make some trebuchet 'z and just hope for the best roll around this way if he were to do that he would he would actually be successful with him imagine if he would have used that goal than what he had to make trebuchet a while ago instead of these Genoese crossbow and skirmishers which are dying roll them around you or make bomb or cannons push them around technically they're pushed walk on by pull the just pass and move and kill MBL's tc's he could do it but he doesn't have the confidence you know he doesn't have the confidence and so I think he's frozen and he's focused on just keeping himself alive that's not the strategy that is going to to get him to have any chance in this game it's pretty much destiny him to death he's no chance we continues to do this the teal is actually over a Purple's base remember purple tried to attack him earlier and this could be the end of purple I don't think there's any cure to epic heroes situation yeah and he's calling the gg and these elite maguro stars they killed the TCS pretty quickly so Tila has been going with the hit-and-run tactics he did so against aren't earlier forcing orange to resign and now he just finished off purple so purple is out of the game that leaves us with MBL teal red and grey there's four people left and red has already lost one TC and oops I'm sorry I don't know why my mouse does that it's really weird he's probably gonna lose this TC no sneak as far as I can see just continuing the same old strategy choice which has put him in this awful position the thing is I understand it right red is a perfect example of what not to do though and I think in time as these games happen more and more especially if I can get pros to join my community games those are normally pretty hyped for people and people will learn right when I first started doing the community games a few years ago the sense of urgency and the sense of creativity I guess that players had was not even close to what we have nowadays I feel like the more times they see people try things the more people will try it on their own so this is just another example cats you played really well men you had the resources just don't try and fight head-to-head against MBL be sneaky MBL probably feels like an absolute beast everyone he tax dies that's pretty much what has happened everyone he has attacked has died except for Oh death yet but that's simply because red was the focus and now we have three people I don't have a lot of faith in Odette she has rebounded well but I don't think her economies there and I think that MBL since he's closer to her and has already tried to attack her thank MBL's gonna go for her next so a debt needs to go for something the same thing I said that red should have done you know you don't you don't see what we see but try and look delete some walls kill someone blues buildings and run around MBL is collecting resources everywhere he can find them sure he can see everything but what he react to us nice I'm not so sure okay here comes steel tea was here now now we talked about this guy a few times with his hit run strategies remember I said the elite magyar hussars are counter to siege you don't see this often because normally players are going to have halberdiers in front of their organs but the Magnar hussars destroy the organs organ guns are Incred incredible costly that bombard canons are incredibly costly the treads are incredibly costly and MPL dips down below 160 population for the first time in a long long time until has said a few times now he says Odette where is MBL now a debt actually has less scouting Intel than teal does so teal just needs to scout go for the Jets passing moment and MBL actually signals the actually signals steals base and says Here I am so it's possible to at least defend if you're using these elite Magor hussars again I think that MBL is filled with confidence he is not going to make callebs I think he'll continue with the piano cannons the teal needs to scout I like this from Geo now he was fortunate that purple was in a vulnerable position but now you have a debt looping around to attack him so maybe he needs to go back to defend now he is researching Audigier and seems to me like teal is aware that MBL's is planning a push here Odette is showing what the elite longboats can do versus your gun so guys this is pretty nuts 11 range right now will be 12 range after the unique tech finishes she miss you enough no no there it is 12 range only 8 range for the organ guns so she's doing a good job to dance and say outside the range of the cannons thank teal can easily kill the trebuchet though he's repairing his castle a few Maggie are hustlers going over and yet the shrubs are gonna die so this is the point and we're getting closer to where people are going to have to go for it people are going to have to take some risks and teal who's a 1400 player by the way while MBL is hit to k7 before the 1400 player one of the lowest rated players in this game actually he's doing exactly what I said he recognizes that even with 13,000 gold he could possibly kill MBO if he goes for the TC snipe he's not going for an out and out battle he doesn't carry he wants the TC snipe and this is what I want to see this is what I called for this is the type of thing that should be rewarded in my opinion and he finds one TC okay he finds one TC now MBL is aware of this MBL he's pulling his organ guns back the elite Magor hussars are strong versus your guns but they're not bad strong force buildings this is gonna hurt em BL oh he's currently engaged in a battle verse of death so it's almost the perfect time for teal as well while a debt is still alive this would be the moment to try and hit and beyond it's gonna be difficult for dildo in his position because he has to run directly through all of em Beals castles and towers and MBL will likely not be surprised by it but that's what you need to do right there that's what excites me it's not really Odette's fault I don't think she can try and surprise MDL since she's the focus she could have tried so earlier but she's been under a lot of pressure if she had to kill purple and she had to kill blue based off the kills she's been the second most active player in this game means she's actually been way more active than teal has simply because of her neighbors but teal is playing the objective right it's playing the objective and he has 80 elite Maggie are hustlers now it does kind of bother me when players do this now he is 15,000 gold so I mean Hallinan would probably make sense here paladin's are much stronger than the elite mag girl huh czars you could at least mix the mag girl hustlers in with paladins if you wanted that bonus for siege it that'd be fine but you could go with the the CAV archers as well the mag girls have maegor's have so many options but the most important thing beyond the composition is the way he's playing the game notice how every time you look at MDL he's moving with units every time like others you'll see units sitting there as they're they're massing or whatever they're doing right and bi was constantly in control and he's constantly collecting gold now he got a little bit of a warning he got a sign of what could possibly come in the near future when Steele ran into his base earlier and what did he do he just went back to farming around the TC did he stone while at No why because he's MBL he doesn't need stone walls when now he sees steel going for it again so this guy is gonna be a real pest MBL's at 200 out 200 population so you'd actually need to lose units on the front to get reinforcements at home and uh there's actually not a lot here from Odette so a debt won't kill much oh wow the gates remember yo what a play man okay he has a few working guns here he's built some gates to give himself a little bit of time and well he's Bill Gates eing it Bank Odette is going to die she's repairing MBL shoot it a BL did he think that he killed it mal MBL earth dam BL I'm fairly certain he thought he killed it the town center went down to 50 HP or something always lost one of his t seas to this guy's he's lost one of his t seas to teal the hit-and-run tactic is working so mal could go down here it's gonna be very very close now he did research masonry which is an important tech gives him a little bit more HP on his buildings and I think he's just going to hold on meanwhile he has to focus back on the debt and a debt got here with a lot of military I guess it wasn't available at the time maybe she was thinking about going to teal so we'll MBL be able to finish off this TC he's kind of falling apart here teal seems cool in calm he says are you nervous and a debts laughing because she's losing all our logos and can't seem to micro them and she's also out of resources and that will vn for her I just looked back here MBL has tons of organ guns now and if Odette dies it will be a 1v1 between the 1400 player and one of the best players in the world so let's backtrack MBL killed green he killed red he killed blue he killed gray he did not kill orange he just simply didn't have an opportunity he died quickly and he did not kill purple so there's only two people that have died that he has not killed and now there is teal who has shown that he knows that he needs to snipe he needs to play the objective but now MBL's focus will be on him and while the elite mad girl hustlers are very strong in fights against that working outs that they can kill a lot of them MBL has endless goals from all the people he's killed he's gonna have gold for the whole game even if this is a five-hour game so so yes teal is going to kill the Orkin guns but MBL can make enough of them to continue his push and all mdl needs to do is kill these castles which is a lot of castles kill these castles and kill the TCS it's actually 9 castles for teals so certainly gonna take em BL sometime but as we could see in that fight there I'm BL still going to kill them should MBL make halberdiers yes is MBL worried probably not should MBL be worried yes he should be buddy's here and there's a lot of bomber cannons so he could melt the castles and he's even building more siege workshops 72 military for MBL 82 for teal and guys I like to remind you again of what I've said multiple times during this cast teal has to play the objective he cannot he cannot win against MBL in one big fight he has to play the objective and I think he needs to be even sneakier now I don't I don't think it's realistic for him to try and run in with the elite Magor hussar his NBL will see it the whole way and there's no surprising him this time so even if he gets there MVL will probably have reinforcements he needs to do something else well we'll have to see I mean it's a long journey for him to go through Reds base I think that would be difficult but I think that's got to be the play or maybe go along the north side it'll take some time and he will need to play like a boss to hold from dying in the meantime but that's the only way I see him winning this game and I would still like to see some Kivar Japan some range here would be sweet to have the the Magyar hussars with the cab archers behind would be outstanding he is twenty thousand gold but he's sticking with this I suppose okay did you hear that [Music] this is what I'm talking about people this is why this is on YouTube transport ships so imagine the journey and that's in the journey even if this fails you have to commend the guy for having the balls to go for it you have to transport here and then build more docks and transport arounds and then loop the whole way around to hit MBL's TC that is going to take a lifetime but he's gonna try it and that's all I ever asked for just just put in your best effort my friends put in your best effort and for a 1400 player teals playing really good actually he seems like he's pretty active with his army the big thing that tells me how experienced someone is is how how quickly they're able to reproduce units just sometimes you just forget at lower levels he has to be careful with where he sends his batard because yeah he's going to attempt to snipe Mu Alpha tardes but you know other than that actually I'll see them I'm not sure if MBL spotted them or not but other than that he's doing a good job okay MBL has researched fortified wall so he's wised up a little bit I think he's realized all right the only way T wins is if he goes for crazy snipe it's kind of weird how there's that random Cal there that guy's probably confused but but anyway so and BL is going to Stonewall his one remaining TC so we're talking TC count it o om VLC's petard z' so he's got to know that Teela's is thinking about this night for sure but in terms of TC count MBL has won and teal does have two so honestly I feel like this is the wrong side to try this strat on teal has the right idea oh maybe he doesn't realize there's water down here hold on what's what's going on here did we just look at this area at the right time maybe he's thinking about it as we're thinking about it yeah yeah yeah okay so we whole talk here instead this makes a little bit more sense because he just needs to take one trip and then walk around and he already has scouting on this side a little bit of scouting MBL continues his push 1111 kills he has like 20 bombard cannons the castles have 6,000 HP because they have all the HP upgrades but it won't matter with this many bombard Kings this is nuts he hasn't created a single trashing of this game it's been all gold units and the most expensive units he could make ridiculous truly ridiculous and he's fighting against a unit which is supposed to counter siege outstanding stuff teal is scouting with this transport I suppose as you doing anything with these now these guys are all just sitting here idle so teal he has the right idea but he's struggling now and his Town Center's are very close to this so he needs to pick it up his heart is probably beating like crazy he's actually running low on food at the moment and he's trying to sneak in with auditors and MBL Snipes and immediately every time he sees non-injured he kills it so it's taking time for MDL but he's getting there he knows the TCS have to be beyond the castle's every auditors getting sniped what are you doing till you got to pick it up dude you got to pick it up it has to happen to him you're you're running out of gas he's running out of food it wouldn't surprise me if he starts buying the food for the leet magyar house ours because he has the gold he hasn't been using it anyway I think he needs to make trebs he needs to make RAM she needs to make the she needs to make everything he can let's look at MBL's fog of work MBL you can see an awful lot here so it'll be hard for him to be surprised but I think the weakness that these pro players have is that they're not as aware or like their their mind is programmed to look for things that you would see in competitive play not necessarily any sneaky transports okay that petard just killed that deer that was unnecessary violence against wildlife but I'm still rooting for you to you he has a lot of petard here guys [Music] MBL has killed only one castle it took a long time to kill that castle because she's a confident guy now he is he is mixing in the spears now so he's making a little bit of trash maybe he realizes this is taking way too long this is the beautiful moment that we've all been waiting for if MBL gets to halvah deer to organ guns to bombard cannons he went easy right it's so easy no chance for teal if teal doesn't try a sniping attempt he's dead but he's doing it he's trying it he's taking a risk and he will drop off his petard here in a moment it's almost hard for me to speak because this is so hype one town center is here one town center is here MBL has almost 20 bomber kids and 60 piano cannons and the castles are melting now guys look at MBL's point of view so he's focused on the fight every Castle is creating these working guns there it is there it is what's MBL doing he's focused fully on the engagement he knows there's a TC here he's killing everything the pikemen switches on the way the castles are melting I don't think teal can hold it home much longer but he has a dream guys he has a dream mvl he is one layer of walls that's it there's this little teal dot in the mini-map but he's not paying attention to it he doesn't feel like he has to pay attention to it he's been dominating the entire game 1400 kills 550 deaths he sees a TC now for all he knows this might be the final TC and now I think he's about to easy has to realize this surely oh he sees it he sees it he's trying to wall but you only need like six or seven petard to kill the town centre look at this MDL every time a wall goes down he places another one he's dead it's not enough man it's not enough he'll took the risk he took the risk and killed MV l MV l had 198 population at the end of that game he had so much gold he was about to kill tilt eo-stca i say that he'll maybe had another two minutes and then he was dead like the timing on that could not have been better i think if he would have gone a bit earlier and BL might have noticed it but haven't yet figured out he doesn't have the time i'm gonna kill him so i don't know if that was planned or not from teal but my goodness so take some risks guys and if you're a pro player out there this is what you have to look out for in these community games so i saw this clip because I was watching MBL stream on Twitch and I said to myself that I was gonna go get some some videos done after MBL finished his game because you know I watch videos and streams like everybody else I'm addicted to this game and I mean I was only watching FDLE's point of view and from what I could tell em Bo was gonna win this game I didn't see any of the earlier parts I just saw the ending but I kept feeling like this left area on the mini-map could be MBL's weak spot and just the fact that MBO wouldn't look for that would be his weak spot and I saw it I saw the teal on the mini-map and I started getting really excited and in the chat all I said was oh em gee when when I saw it I didn't want to spoil it I didn't want to ruin teals moment teal got his kill immediately after because this was not played on a rated ladder or anything I couldn't access a recorded game said hey MBL can you send me this recorded game and he didn't want to send it to me so teal was happy to send it to me so thank you very much for sending me the recorded game a youtube is very thankful I'm sure so let's look to the achievements and then the end of this video is actually going to be MBL's reaction to the snipe MDL is is trying to win these sudden-death games man and he's he constantly keeps getting sniped and perhaps he's just not playing as he's not playing as a regular person as much as he needs to 1,400 kills I can't wait to look at the economy look at that 54,000 gold the guy had way more kills than everyone he had 54,000 gold all he made was a working gun sand bomber cannons with the exception in the last few minutes where he fit made a few half upgraded pikes imagine how you would feel if you lost a game like that I love and be all man and guys I'm gonna leave you with his reaction here how's it bear with me let me just bring this up and get everything sorted I figured so we could get this to youtube as quick as possible I would just play the clip from his stream if you want to check out his stream at his twitch TV / MBL aoc and i'll put that in the description but yeah this is going to be the end of the video guys for what was a fantastic game and a thanks for watching no this was not supposed to happen oh no my god this is the only thing that could break me
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 555,915
Rating: 4.8923602 out of 5
Keywords: wtf, how, nostalgia, AoE2, Forest Nothing, Blue Coffee, Snippy, MbL, TheViper, Spirit Of The Law, Spirit, Of, The, Law, Most Annoying Strategy, Age Of Empires, AoE4, Kitboga, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing
Id: u6_Gh7CWqaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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