So You Want To Play Vikings

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hey what's going on guys and welcome back to the video so today we're back with another so you want to play and we're gonna be tackling the Viking civilization today you guys commented in my last video you guys want to see Vikings on land Maps and that's what I'm gonna try and do today I'll bag the water maps I get a quick hi YouTube in the chat two shots over here they're excited and hopefully you guys are on YouTube as well so top into the tech tree and see what Vikings has to offer so Vikings is classified if I can justify the tier Vikings Vikings alright Viking is classified as an infantry and naval civilization and well you know they have a lot of bonuses for water but that doesn't mean they're not a good land civilization and yes I've actually requested that I play you know Vikings on the land so let's go through the divorces so infantry naval sieve warships cost minus 50% funeral minus 15% castle and minus 20 and imperial age you get a discount on the warships the infantry is plus ten percent hit points in feudal age and that goes all the way to 15% castle and twenty percent in the Imperial age so the infantry has more health but if fully upgraded the Vikings champion will have 84 health in the late game which is quite solid 14 extra and this is their big bonus this is why they're actually able to keep up on land Maps or this is the main reason they get the wheelbarrow and hand card for free you guys don't know what these upgrades are they're amazing upgrades that boost your economy most notably your farming eco and they can be used just at the town centre now why this is such a big bonus is because not only do you get these free and kickin in from the start of caste or feudal and then castle you also save the resources on upgrading them and also you save the time that takes in the TC to actually get these so this bonus is probably one of the best single bonuses in the game in my opinion at least the single best eco bonus in the game I'd say definitely top three up there with maybe a sticks and mines but yeah this is really solid and yeah what probably the main reason Vikings able to be a top tier sieve across all a lot of different settings the unique unit is gonna be the berserker which is infantry and then it also has the longboat which is a worship we'll get to those limits a little bit later unit X is chieftains infantry deal bonus damage the cavalry very important very important that's why paladin's is really not that big a deal if you're Vikings I Berserker gang gives the berserks the unique unit regenerates faster Oh regenerate faster wait so the server's regenerate normally really I don't think so wait I think Trisha has to help me out here do berserks generates normally they do okay okay pro player by the way okay sorry about that pro player by the way I just got confirmation from the twitch chat aka you know they connected alright the technical team and they are there saying that we regenerate normally this makes the regenerate faster okay I knew that team bonus Doc's cost minus 15% but so it okay just look at this take a look at the tech tree here and I gotta slow down my speech cuz I'm stuttering too much okay alright alright so we have our blessed and at least skipper sure they're archery range is quite solid but they're missing hand cannon and heavy cave archers so it's quite solid for only these two how units there was the rest are pretty obsolete the infantry is stacked accepted missing halberd you but that's okay because you have the chieftain text to the pikemen are quite strong plus they also have more HP Squires artisan all that good stuff their stables lacking they have cavalier and light cab and they're actually missing some more upgrades on these you'll see in the blacksmith later so cavalry is lacking you're gonna make it husbandry and you don't even get a bloodline so Viking cavalry is actually quite a weak moving over to their siege here their siege is quite solid I mean you have C drab on your heavy scorpion you're missing siege on urgent and bomber cannon bomber Canada is probably the big one that comes up often but senior ensure doesn't really come up that often especially in one of you once the blacksmith is stacked unless or accept the plate barring armor so the cavalry is quite weak but you'll see the infantry usually plays the role of cavalry as like a front flying melee units and most notably the berserk actually plays the that role okay for their their dog they have fully upgraded talk except ship rights and actually missing the entire fire yellow line so that's quite bad but to make up for it they have the longboat and elite long boats basically think of this like a true canoe on the water it fires multiple arrows it also moves faster than a galleon so it's actually quite good in that regard as well however it does cost more than a galleon it costs 20 n extra woods and 20 extra gold on paper however you do get a discount we obviously the biking discount here at the top okay we've another University most notably they get siege engineers they don't get barber tower the rest is pretty whatever okay then berserk here though they're berserk is a infantry unit that moves slightly faster than champion a little bit faster than champion but other thing a little bit slower than Eagle worse it's a little bit in between those two units and it's really high attack and has two armor when it's believed as well has to base melee armor which makes it really strong against other melee units so in my opinion berserk think of it like a counter to other infantry and infantry that counters other infantry I accept maybe like Teutonic Knights those like things to have a lot of armor but for the most parts are really good a half rating units half countering other infantry units in my opinion and it's also quite good against cavalry as well once you get the chieftain stack so it's nice it's a nice unique units there monks are pretty whatever a pretty subpar actually only having block printing I'm missing sanctity and redemption and then their eco obviously with real bow and hand cards they have a solid eco but they also get good late-game text as well with that one alright so now that we've talked about what they have to offer in the tech tree let's talk about what maps are good at now it goes without saying that Vikings are good on most pure water maps so the only time Vikings are not good on water maps is when not having fire Kelly is actually a big deal however on most water maps that's usually not that big a deal and you can eat so back to Castle age and you know take over from there Vikings are right up there with Italians in my opinion on most these water maps as the two strongest sibs but they're also really good on land with the freewheel born hand cards their biggest downside is that they're lacking cavalry and lacking the Barbican and those are the biggest two week or two biggest weaknesses for the Vikings in my opinion but most of those come into the late game so open line maps are gonna be great on maps like arena they could still be good on because they have a really good boom but they don't have the best late-game composition ever so it's not the most powerful so have to keep that in mind so with that in mind let's go ahead and take a look at what maps gonna been it has been requested that I wanted you know you guys have to see Vikings on a land map so I'm gonna try and do my best to get that for you Arabia they're great on content though they're great on I'm gonna ban it though just cuz you want to do land maps are we not there solid on if you make use of the free one hand coach can get a really fast and then push from there we'll dip it they're fine on again land map open a lot of aggression pass alleged and should be good a hill forts maybe the lack of cavalry and help for its lack of mobility might hurt them but I still think you can get by on that so I'm gonna keep it open mic around am I always bad Kilimanjaro maybe a little bit too aggressive early game but I think you can still make it work with Viking so I'm gonna keep them open for now I'll keep this open for now mountain pass yeah Vikings yet nothing special here and then Bolg on this is a water map book an abandoned so again normally continental and ball gowns they're fine on I'm gonna ban it just to bring you guys a land map so let's go ahead and queue here and see what Twitter chat questions are there please any Viking questions in the chat go for it now it's Q&A time mr. Cobra shagged where's who wins Jaguars win the fight mazurkas move faster I had a count of Britons with Vikings drab and skirmishers your best friend his FC deserves to lose jet strategy not really most of time no belong both counter fire ships yes very heavily do berserks oh sorry already losing the questions here do berserks get any bonus damage against cavalry without chieftains I believe no what's the best way to respond to script and caster with Vikings manga Nels probably you can also do nights and early castle as well it's not about not a big deal as long as don't overcommit tonight's but nervous could they receive I think you can maybe like take off the free hat cart and just give them free wheelbarrow that was suggested earlier today that seems kind of good um Vikings lack of mid game ability a big deal if so how do you get around it it's a big deal but most time you get around it by just you know playing on the defensive walling up your base and waiting still Impa so you can move up from there you like the series Vikings on Amazon yes it's quite good actually my Viking combinations are the best berserk skirm or our Blessed RAM or you know pikemen Ram that kind of stuff is really good [Music] but are your best opening options on land rush fast castles really good I probably your best your your go-to strategy better-armed opening is also solid you have a few options usually I'd avoid Scouts although you can use Scouts into archers like a few Scouts well up into archers that is also not too bad either how's the mattress Franks I think Vikings should probably win you just play with a lot of cost was and pikes and castle of crossbows and then going to our Blessed Pike and a purely a church chieftain it's really solid to counter Frank's mmm how do you open a few doors should Vikings men arms is a best friend biking or goth infantry um I like I mean I guess goth spams faster and have better overall but fighting berserks will usually destroy Goths we've played another match on water after or you keep it only one game only one game as always let's count to the Vikings you need a safe that can keep up with the economy and has known are going to be better late game so stuff like maybe Mayans comes to mind you keep up with the Eco and have a solid late-game although that's even a really hard matchup as well it's just I think Vikings has no real counter they just have Sims that can keep up some what's like Britain's can probably keep up a little bit that's vikings countess to manga die siege well at that point see that's the pollen lace game you don't really have a lot of good answers to manga die siege my advice would probably be you play a lot of squirming pike and then try to raid him a lot all over and try to put the pressure but yeah you don't really have a good answer to that late-game if he gets there you have to win early versus a respite versus mongrels hmm what would you do Vikings was Chinese I mean if I'm the Viking player I did she just fed up with fossils in Castle age and then an imperial aged I probably do something like open are blessed and then go into some sort of like our blessed seed Ram with Pike something like that verse Chinese it's not too bad I'd also consider honor durs because Chinese are lacking siege engineers and bomber cannon that's opening dress fast castle men arms answers a couple of times now how do you counter berserkers any any heavy cab Archer or Archer unit like our blaster heavy cabbage or manga dye counters and really well other than that's maybe some heavy siege you cannot quite well as well with SIF counters Vikings in water wrap pour the yeast with the caravels is really good against Vikings Pano's longboats better echo a sixer Vikings I think Vikings overall but I think it depends on the game as well hard to say they're hard to say maybe about even and maybe but even [Music] who is favored to win in a Viking his rematch Vikings thought sir Vikings Vikings any big tails late game when cats get to like water weight or siege may be enough to move berserkers can do really well against that as well so it depends I think that's kind of even elsewhere spikings elect him long was better than gallons and fire damage power it's about even NZ our bike is decent team games on land Maps yes on the flank they're amazing on Pocket - not that great there ok let's counter to Vikings like I said you want Sims that can keep up with your eco something like Britain's Aztec mayans can be ok but there's not really any good matchups because Vikings are just so powerful the moments okay there's you a couple more questions here and then I'll hop into the array be game ah on mountain passes biking sous-vide is how do I deal with TC douching Duchenne back [Music] I understand if I want to go see Gemma resurrection imp depends what you're up against if you need a infants unit or in the seed units that's basically my best advice there and bike if Viking should play defensive Castle age how would they play how they defend it a siege mode push guard towers guard tower crossbow defense and then you just push out with our bus and like in imp I scroller berserk berserk wins not good for Vikings content so is good but the person who dropped the comments recommended or was asking for Vikings on a land map and actually got bikers Arabia in fqa guys let's go hop into the game here and that should be quite good YouTube oh this is against Oh cow okay I'm gonna start off as normal but our standard openings YouTube listen don't forget to comment down below but if you want to see next week and let me know if you have any feedback for the series and let me know if you're enjoying the series so far and I want to see more of it we still got plenty of sips to go guys are still enjoying the series I'll definitely keep it up keep bringing you guys the content so Vikings vs. Chinese quite an interesting matchup actually and not something that's easy you know Chinese is one of those Sims that can't keep up with Viking Eco however it's still a skill matchup I think because Vikings asked some things in might be in the Chinese don't and vice-versa so I think it's not you can go either way like I said Vikings have no bad matchup so you can always do something so and this is why I'd recommend them as you know a sip declined yellow because is there's no bad match for them and there's no game or you're like like I just couldn't win always we're gonna win because of that good eco at least on most land Maps okay so just starting off my sky to my map here as usual now good openings are minute arms stretch FC directions teasers is the best one actually if you can pull that off it's something I'd recommend their arms comes to - well if you guys want to know where I get my strategies or you know what kind of shredders that use what kind of builders I used I have them available to my subscribers in my discord all these links to both my twitch channel and my disco channel in the description of the YouTube video so free for you to check it out and have to make a house Yanks how can I only make one house that's so weird how did I only make one house okay interesting well hair is trolling already I feel like there's a feel and every single one of these videos so it's okay I'll get loom I want to do anyways that was that was all plan all plans okay if anyone was asking when to get lumen darkish get it on your house easy okay anyway speaking of builders don't follow mine basically is the bottom line here all right let's get my mill here soon I like my zebras are close to my mill all right a fourth on let's go to the fourth tier I might opened rush opened rush versus Chinese that plays out do dance okay perfect all right cool and then next up it's gonna be the berries and I haven't my dear closer just quite nice with feudal age good open men armed sources bike versus Chinese as well you have a few options there yeah okay okay [Music] it's that going actually I need a house now it's not good house again don't want to get house twice in the same game so once you just got my map usually a good indication of if you've scouted your map properly is that you have all three of your gold scouted and both your stone scouted as you can see I have both of those and of course all your sheep your deer and your book and your boars all those important early game stuff as well okay so this is looking pretty good I grabbed my second floor my friends sit around nice little trick here with the Rhino bring that in quite nicely and then use it CC yeah speed up the process and save some a screen your bills it's quite nice actually you might as well do it most of the time if you're actually good at doing it but it could actually result in you losing your boar so be careful don't overuse that's okay so my plan is obviously the drush so I'm gonna need to get a house now and then my barracks down might even be good to get a house elsewhere so I can just drop my bag straight away here a little bit faster with the brush there it is and I'm also gonna need to take ten gold I'm gonna do it right away as well oh he saw my barracks here oh my bags have all this in yeah terrific stuff getting that 10 golden taking that very awesome yeah if you have another weathered rush is it's basically just a Dark Age Russian sort of stands for and it consists of three militia and your initial Scouts the goal of it is to you know harass your opponent and buy yourself some time to wall up at home and and play them there I'm not gonna go for a dress shop see because my front is quite open so I'm not gonna rush into feudal age play today I'm gonna make use of the time and actually well up half my map as well like this bottom half this is secured myself at least one side of myself I guess we're just gonna secure one side here perfect I'm gonna make three militia here and I'm actually a move out this year before he sees me okay I'm trying get him to not see me here yeah trying to not see me he's he obviously the guy was a good player he knows exactly what's coming he saw my early barracks he seemed to be preparing for the drush and him to probably defend it so he's going for a second here okay yeah so he's gonna be pretty ready for the drush because obviously scattered it and he knows what's coming so I think for me right now my plan is to go to the dress after that go for fast feudal age and then play it with some arrangements Archer scrim from there I start to his okay I dig a house for like a second and had to do early loom they're not the best but something I could easily recover from them easily recover from I think so we find yeah I also don't really know where I can hit him I said you said I mean you have here's a forward gold though so that could be quite good we place the hit there other that's just gonna be probably cats in this Phil I'm looking at about 27 pop pretty standard building here 27 28 pop I'll also make you soon my dear here as well that's the plan get a drink you okay normally the answer that's questions here maybe I should do that while I wait here it'll be 5 mils in TC to hit the bore it once or twice it's for bills four bills for based on the CC and hit the TC or hit the board three times the new gun trick yeah best timing for pause I know it's pretty unfortunate they like the Viking series yes I do yes I do although I got kind of weird near the end I don't like it I don't really like the later seasons first two seasons are amazing have flat time no faster I think that randomness at the time should be higher though I think or like maybe like within my two seconds instead of like within four or five seconds now there should be less than a tree less random but not fixed I've been my god the food to clean up the futile AGI yeah I'm gonna cancel this one and then drop my berries and just then drop my food uh the sheep and I'm should have exactly around 500 all right that's before it nothing enough twists shot the cancer that's and I should have enough once this bill comes out and oh five foot off there we go cool I forgot my dress now awesome stuff the dress into futile age is actually one of the hardest builds to get in my opinion it down pat looking for a place to hit him now go around this forest I guess already a futile age check I watch out here it's a very fabulous for Chinese Leonard's oh okay okay yeah a lot of bills under the tea see if he's actually going restrict our trip yeah is he I called it he's gonna archers so behind this now I can go for skirmishers so this is actually quite good this is why it's rushing is so good in high yellow or in actually most levels it's because you get to do a little bit of early game damage and then you get to respond to what your opponent's doing nicely fits your name ooh that's that I lost my initial Scouts if it wasn't eco pizza yeah that's quite bad actually last night is called for no reason there thank traffic villager orbiting idle yeah I'm idling his village buying time which is good and active to go for range and go for skirmishers so like not only do I get a fine art of aggression how does it get to respond to what he's doing a bit later on Eric heads in the scouts more than the villagers tank at this field I think I can get her actually all right well some damage for sure got some damage for sure all right so cool like I said decent damage and I get the response I'm gonna go with Archer sighs some subscribers behind this and I'm probably going to okay let's see if I can do anything here okay that's quite good do that and then that so blacksmith fletching and there's some skirmishers would be really good though once I have some scrimmage down the field who's Archer rush will do absolutely nothing I had the chance to kill ability and quite get one but overall I bought myself some time and I make was quite smoother as she was running bills back and forth so yeah it's a pretty solid trade here right hit him boom look at that now he knows I want to go skirmishers that's the only downside there but it's worth it to kill the scouts the vent him from just Auto scouting everywhere yeah the only bad part is that have all my goals forward that's actually really bad one two and third gold is also forward so you don't even find a way to defend that easily here that's good armor nobody wanting but I don't have to hold for clutching to an open Harmer wait a bit with mushrooms I can try and run in there yeah not yes hide a little bit I need my armor on screams for I can actually fight this what take it armor I should be able to fight with like before the wall here make sure we stay safe yeah he's just gonna run here not much you can really do I'm going on to thing olds you might go for some scouts now to count on my skirmishers I'm missing fletching here I do have the armor I just have to micro this for me at that second range now alright now when fletching comes in I'll be completely fine here Army's getting too scary kappa alright 6th skirmish can take this arm hello idols yeah so that's quite good for me in castle age I can actually transition now because I can predict that he'll actually want to go for scouts or Knights to counter my screams so I could actually transition that completely into crossbow Castle age that's something I could do and again it's just all about like trying to react and yeah there it is he's gonna go for the stable I'm then gonna go for crossbow and it's always trying to react to what your opponent's most likely gonna do or what it is doing may I be splitting in the hitting of scout is a good way to get more damaged by the way the fish splits they're further from the scout and they get better hits on even adding a spear to defend this HP hey my Panther Claw archers didn't quite work outs and forced to defend with skirm still so I'm gonna continue doing scrum to defend them that's what it takes and you're baiting him a little bit but well I gave up that spear play 3 archers and I worth it yeah and again I'm looking at transition to archers right when I can I'll have to make a stop it screams first ok so I think I took the traits their overall I took your trades knocking not gonna transition you cross for me I'm also gonna get a good bloom on I'm gonna get TC there I'll believe that mining lumber camp and go for tea there and yeah 52 arches so I don't actually care about these terms I'm not gonna upgrade them I want to actually trade as much as possible risk his arches now I don't even care if I lose all my scams or not I'm by me okay so this is quite good I think all my eco present I remember I get free wheelbarrow on free hand cart now it's like insane that's the tech or the advantage I got just from doing nothing it's just that's why it's so good like that's what my keys are so good it's because you get so much advantage for doing nothing just for playing the game basically hey okay arches well position here actually good traits for him here okay so now I'm gonna need a diversity for ballistics playing it possible now you can't get a lead spear in this position if you wanted to firstly I want to save the resources on them on it so I'm not gonna get it but it would be it wouldn't be a mistake if you did get it cuz you have quite a few screams already on the field I'm casted just so much faster in here and that's probably because of the free wheelbarrow let's be honest and he's gained its castle edge so I continue moving here and I go back chances are the correct decision is to go back I already have a village here okay but think about the situation I already have a building on my opponent I can't lose if I don't die right now this is my most vulnerable window why is it most vulnerable because I invested all my resources into room into my economy 3tc is so I actually have to defend right now I can't move up at this current moment I move on now I risk losing if I stay back and wait for him to attack me this can be very little chances to lose because again at my Congress just hope for our head so I'm thinking is okay I need to defend the next three minutes and then I wasn't game I promise you and it's just because I have such a superior economy right now not only a Viking player but I also got or cheese oh no faster okay all the defense of options happening I'm patrolling at home have a manga no or siege worship on the fronts and I'm just waiting waiting waiting to see what he does and sure enough he's attacked me why is he attacking me obviously he knows she needs to damage and she doesn't do damage she loses so I'm even getting ready to do guard tower defensively yeah I don't think it's gonna come to that waterfall check it check scripture here there's definitely an argument for these games ooh a lot of nice day he's playing very aggressive now oh but he wasted his army let's get a monastery now again more defensive options these nights are kind of a no man's land their continued walling this set up nice cute micro from here readygo from the background night a continued attack grounding him just kind of keeping my bed remember the plan here I don't care two attacking me I just I'm stalling I'm basically parking the bus right now and might not be the best way to play might be the most fun but you just kind of have to withhold that in situ attack because if you attack now I risk losing the game and if I just stay back very low chances to lose it now I'm playing on either markets back in the Gold's all right back in the gold but I'm good now I'll make a monk to heal and just chillin I got all day here I don't mind well not all day cuz spike you still have the best late game but I have five minutes I have five minutes here so this is quite good this is quite good I'm coming out one man you know I have guard tower defense if I need it becomes forward siege I have multi offense if I need I have so many options to defend castle defense whatever I need really but you know I'd love to get a castle up here in fact you know what let's see what he has right here on the sill that's two defensive castle in here that's two defensive castle and what the heal but I'm not gonna get it not yet at least looks like he just had some okay I see shop and Knights okay I'm gonna I'm gonna play our blessed him and I'm clicking up right now and I put our blessing imp does I see a lot of nice from him and and there's not any much you can really do with those nights once I get to image up to imp now I've got a calf so defensively very safe very sturdy and there it is right when he pushes ever gotta Castle hating my scrims are for crossbows why they don't give a up these firms these crosses are pretty valuable trams didn't get trade there you go so now thumb ring bull on cross post been you know what we can actually expand on the right side the left side there is areas expanding he's not up to him we are that's why scores close here how else would be very far ahead we have a lot of the crossbows now wow he lost a lot to that TC for no reason this walled up yeah it's just like there's not much you can really do it so oppressive attacks me I just run back doesn't have a lipstick or thumb ring on his crossbow and everybody's taking it's gonna be a bad fight why cuz he's gonna have to dive and I'm just under my TC here basically basically diving under TT seas now but even if he kills him Hills well he lost all his army he's pretty screwed still and yep I have to micro here though ngg so they ended with a doubt castle but and a little bit of micro but the idea remains the same okay the idea remains the same we have two top steps here and why our Viking so strong because Vikings have such good eco that they can do whatever they want basically and as soon as you get to like in purely it's like early imp with your free hand cards you're you're either you're easily able to go through fasting barbless or faster or blessed and then start securing the hills with casters and stuff obviously not ava has Michael I guess I played I've been during this game for years but I'm also playing a stuck out who's been playing this game for years as well and who's also you know top players so you know think of it like if you're playing Vikings was a player you're a level you can have and just by default an advantage with your eco they'll just play defensive or the right times play aggressive at other times and if you know your power spikes which are like when you hit Castle age anyone here in pure Lich that's know how you want to try to win the game to the Vikings pretty much okay so hopefully guys enjoyed this game and this video again just to quickly recap I'd stayed defensive in Castle age why because I knew that bike that Vikings have will have the fast ramp and I knew that I had 3tc already while he was just reaching castle so I just stayed offensive until I got imp and I told you guys if I don't die the next five minutes or three minutes I win and that's exactly what happened like it's not even it's not even a win that's like oh I barely won that I feel good it's like nah game is completely over for not like for no reason I just basically won because I had Vikings so it's a very strong step right now very good to climb dealer with highly recommend you guys pick it up and try you know try to play with the best best you can best you guys can and it's great online maps great on water maps in it's just overall really really strong at the moment so take care guys on Twitter chat get a by youtuber I guess just to hi YouTube whatever whatever you want to do hi median 20 years or something I'll go through the stats so that's gonna be it for me to take care guys and make sure to comment down below what's if you guys don't see next week I'm going purely off your guys in the comments on you take care and bye for now okay you filthy twist chatters hello now what what is up
Channel: Hera - Age of Empires 2
Views: 57,828
Rating: 4.9554415 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, aoe2, hera, guide, best, civ overview, how to, daut, aoe2 DE, age, empires, tierlist, age of empires, tatoh, theviper, Definitive Edition, t90official, build order, spirit of the law, So you want to play, coaching
Id: itktbkpAIwY
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Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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