The Legend of WALL

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ladies and gents hello and welcome to the legend of wall over the past few weeks and past few months have been receiving a few emails here a few emails there with screenshots of this player at a noobish level walling the opponent in yeah that's right and so I finally figured out a way to get his games I was waiting to look at his arena games because the only games who could find were the non arena games and on those other games he goes for this funky strategy which I may show you in the future where he builds a barracks at the start and the guy's such a meme er he accidentally built a barracks at the start of this game when that wasn't even his strategy and you start with stone walls so I decided to show the stream the game I'd never seen that Brina game before and because I'm so much of a meme er I'd actually just rickrolled people 5 minutes prior and for whatever reason it muted the first two minutes of the commentary so this is the official intro I'm gonna hop you right into this arena game you're really gonna enjoy this one blue doesn't have a lumber camp because he can't afford it because he built a barracks yeah he's just a low rated player what I was going to do was I was going to go offline I was going to watch the game see if it was satisfactory for YouTube and then cast it but this is I'm okay with his being different speed this can be cool cuz now there's like you guys get to see you get to hear my reactions when I see things for the first time with some of these guys alright well red seems decent can someone look up the rating of can someone look him up I know wall is 953 and according to his profile he's from Australia so it actually makes sense why so many people from Asia messaged me about this wall player because the time zones hmm Jenna to dota 2 - he's 10:30 okay he seems good he just pushed a deer maybe I have too high of standards but wall literally built a barracks and did nothing with it so far so you know standards change from Player to Player Britten's is a solid pick for this this map is normally just about fast castle fast castle and booming so I would normally avoid watching this map for LOI lo play and here comes the bore Mikey says people push deer 900 yeah but when I've seen it players don't have but honestly except for being afk this this this eco does not look like it's a 900 Evo player ok now we had Oh UK just got house alright alright alright nevermind I take it back he just got house really badly now the deers running back it happens I guess and I couldn't have time to that comment any better 900 e low pushing deer though and F seeing off it is pretty I don't know like there's got to be some other things going wrong there normally I could be wrong I've seen a lot I can guarantee I've seen more 900 evil games and you guys have let's put it that way but you even the small things he split up the berry villagers on each side he split up the lumberjack villagers in each side I don't know maybe I'm just being too judgmental of a person ok ok do you see this he's going to stone guys he's going to stone yeah this looks more like it that mill this looks like some low evil legend stuff let's go he's going to stone super early to that's a lot to wall arena generations have been really weird recently this is this is twice as much as you would normally need the wall normally the wood line would extend to here and then the gold would be out here is he gonna go fast futile into full stone wall blue score is hired because he is scouting he is scouting whereas red wait he scout oh my god he scouted the wall points is he going fast futile for stone wall huh oh he's gonna drop off the food wait what's he trying to build here I think he oh my god so from what I've heard the legend is he will commit everything into stonewalling noobs in he's a noob himself hit it like if this happens to you you should just go three Town Center boom be way better with economy and then just bust down the wall but again the legend is this apparently works and if he's Portuguese I don't know maybe he goes for Vittorio's or something he's oh my goodness okay so he's sending for villagers this way he's sending two villagers this way he's gonna try and Stonewall the guy in this is hilarious and Red's Scout is coming forward I think red spotted something Casey's the bills what's funny is if red tries to attack that yeah he's gonna he's gonna attack that lose HP on his Scout and now blue could actually pull his Scout over and destroy a red scout and the red might not know all I hope that happens if blue notices I hope that happens it'd be so much funnier if red never knows about it Oh because once futile comes in only blue might actually make it inside oh okay now you're stuck in there let's see blue should fight that red should not fight that okay he's got he's got a microwave scallop so much for red not seeing this oh my goodness dude oh my goodness this guy's such a legend this guy is such a legend holy cow okay so he needs to place more stone walls but here he comes look at Reds perspective the scouts dead he can never leave his base if these walls go up now look at blues economy it's not great he's not creating Vil's he didn't get eco upgrades again he's a noob he is a big new but I I've seen so many of his games and he always goes for wacky stuff like he to give you an idea of how lucky he tends to play his other wacky strategy which is building an instant barracks was so ingrained into his mind he did it at the start I actually looked at my FaceCam to make eye contact with you guys to get that point across but it all had my face came on that's also good cuz I've actually I don't have a shirt right now but anyway so blue is gonna wall him in now I don't know to what extent because I've not seen this game before however when I saw a screenshot he had four tiles of stone walls and then he put maghen ELLs behind so like the guys were trying to go for Rams and he just went from a canals behind kind of like fat slob would almost except he's playing he's playing fat slob on arena so red blacksmith market he's on stone he could go fast castle and actually what might be a really good idea for red is go fast castle and drop your castle on the walls okay blue is adding some economy at home still no eco upgrades which is quite bad sending a massive amount of voters over to Barry's I you know the Eco is just not well balanced for what you would want it to be but he is committing to this strat it's a lot of stone holy cow okay red it's gonna shower okay so you know what I don't I don't hate it because blue actually he made the mistake of going for double layers when he doesn't have a full one layer here what will blue do against this red is house walling again that that was pretty quick that was pretty nifty well will I am be able to beat this he should all right wait a second is there I can't really tell I wish it was like roller coaster tycoon where you could switch perspective is there a hole there okay she dies this is just game over right right or is is blue gonna wall back further that was a really smart play to make the tower okay here comes the Scout red reacts immediately again I feel like red is better than he is but maybe it's a compliment he's gonna he's gonna enjoy to hear later on like better than he's rated that is I can't tell if there is a one tile gap there or not oh my all my all my goodness dude he's gonna this is this is so much stone he's gonna wall around it now I mean I guess you've got to do it you've got to do it red could see that - just more walls a new TC again Eco should be so good I think the approach now I wouldn't even gone for the tower but if you don't go for the tower then he gets a layer two of walls there I would have probably gone 3 TC boom 40 sees a 900 player going for TC boom actually he doesn't have the food to keep all the town centers on but whatever and then you could drop a castle here and just petard ram whatever someone said this is high IQ legends if you want to call it that I guess oh my god if he somehow wins this game though apparently he's winning games like this hey red just seems to be too smart of a player to brainfart and lose to this but let's see how he's able to to produce as eco mediate farms he doesn't have eco upgrades which which hurts that would upgrade now come on now maybe red should make seeds here I wonder how much how much he's thought about this doesn't seem too worried anymore he'll know that he'll have the eco leads he could have a bill lead of 2030 villagers in a moment who are you blue he wins games like this apparently he's now making a tower and he's on his way to Castle H alright he's on his way he is on his way all 40 C's are pumping out bills how many games does how do you guys know I'm curious on this player I didn't do my research on the opponent he's playing really well for 900 but then again he doesn't like many people are good at booming SimCity booming but if there's aggression then they might not know what to do right 63 games okay cool alright pretty solid then I think we're definitely talking about a 900 eagle player who is really good solid game mechanics yeah as TCS aren't pumping at all times I would like to see him get his wood upgrades that's quite bad alright alright alright oh he's ten thirty ela my bad okay it's 954 wall I think okay what will blue do will he try and boom behind this so he's he's obviously done this before it'd be kind of funny if he got all the relics took them to his base and then just got a built University got fortified wall continued to make layers of walls of course because I think you need more than two I think you need like four or five you're putting castles worth of stone into these walls yeah and then I guess from there yeah I don't know seeds workshops yeah okay so he will make maghen ELLs behind you're gonna need that as well and more we'll all my goodness this is amazing guys I am so happy he might lose but he's such a legend for it he's such a legend for it he's gonna make more actually he could just he could just extent yeah just extend this just extended further and he's making the University for fortified wall he is like that slob of arena I've had people over the years say whoa doesn't through and through will someone in and I would always give this smart out here well not smart out if you respond but like didn't know what all response of well it's because it's just way too much eco to sink into walls it doesn't work but what I failed to realize is that a lot can work at lower low and I'm not saying it's gonna work it's 68 villagers against 43 and the booming continues for will very very nice eco balanced everything about this is is actually near perfect especially forty one thousand elope layer only thing I'd say is you probably should Castle here because he's still making stone walls out there so I would just make a castle here or somewhere all right he's getting attacked by a crocodile that's really not that important I just have nothing else to talk about because one person thinking walls and the other person is making economy the economy for wall is all 1tc even like the mining camps are kind of questionable you know just some small things here no eco upgrades whatsoever no lumber upgrades no farm upgrades and a wheelbarrow nothing and now he has a mag Annelle here and he's gonna make an outpost so he can see what's up this is amazing you okay you know what red can do actually red could just get on enter and cut out of the trees I don't know if he'll think of it but one way to beat this strategy is just research on etre and chop through the trees I think blue might have faced that once or twice because he's placing outpost on the sides yeah he's still stonewalling he's gonna mine all that gold he can I'd really does anyone else really want to see him get relics I want to see him get the relics he probably doesn't have the APM for that but I feel like if you get all five relics and you keep your opponent penned inside the walls eventually especially his portuguese you'll be in a nice position okay took that tower out red can now go in at least with his resources I hear University that's one of his buildings he also has the siege workshop so he can officially click to the Imperial age why is he building an extra layer of house walls here is that just a good spot for it or something that's a little bit peculiar like I would normally say this is good but not when Blue has mag and L here and not when blues obviously not going on the offensive okay I like the gate from blue I believe that he will try and get that relic because he placed that because he wants to get access to that little area okay there's a castle for red now blue can see that you can see everything the red is building another castle I like this castle it's very close to the walls you can now make seats you can now make Rams to bust through and blue is on his way to the Imperial aide what he just went so he went fast futile full stone walls to Castle aged four fortified walls now he's going fast in harana jure for certainly for Victoria this guy does not have good eco he's going to make vitória I can feel it and Victoria will give him resources and Victoria will give him stone okay red still really wants houses in a dangerous area I don't really understand it but live your life live your dream red has not only double the econom Burres but he has like triple the upgrades okay lots of gates and blue is now making more stone walls this direction the gates are kind of confusing to me these are like pockets where he might put ballmart cannons later it makes me sad he's not getting relics right now he's getting more stone okay that's that's true 3 times 0 is not triple that is a very good point it is not triple the upgrades so will he get chemistry and bomber tower first thing interesting okay very complex gate and wall system he has here and he's making siege workshops I think he must know chemistry exists wait for it what if he does first thing chemistry I will lose it chemistry okay nothing yet Vittoria nothing yet chemistry oh oh I could see it happening I could see it being possible what is red doing poor red if this if he loses this game there were gonna be thousands of YouTube comments like oh if I was red it would have honored your cut I would have gone Rams earlier you know like I always feel bad for the person in Reds position because they don't like when you comment or when you watch you don't realize how players feel in the moment and so I do feel a bit bad for him because if he loses this eye I could see him feeling so ashamed so red let me just say I love you alright I love you chat loves you some of them do anyways and thank you for trying to get out how people would here with Rams and trebs remember this is a like a louis elope lair okay bomb or cannons on the way okay so blue is making palmer cans his strategy is to snipe the siege beyond the walls I think that's also why he's made these little pockets of space look look at all the gates he's made pocket for a bomb our cannon pocket for a bomb our cannon pocket pocket pocket pocket pocket pocket pocket all pockets for bomb our cannons and does he have a fitori he's going for vitória eco just in case you're new Vittorio's cost 250 goal 250 stone and they give you a trickle of all resources but they do take up 20 population space he's making more walls behind now red should probably make a longbow should probably try and stop this actually but the castles gonna help so he's okay what unique unit was I in my previous life probably a cataphract because it looks like I have potential but I could never really get the full upgrades and I just ended up dying early okay all right we have Magon ELLs and we have Rams over here there's a bombard cannon salute red red is breaking through red is breaking through he's getting closer on both sides there's no there's there's maggin else here and wall realizes it's a great time to get the very first one upgrade he's building more walls red really needs to make sure he's sniping the villagers who are walling okay bombard cannons are not great against chapter amps until you get like three or four of them but it should do enough to eventually take these out and obviously auditors they don't do that much against buildings they're more so against units so they're the villager dies I wait not yet how did that happen Oh was that micro or was that just luck oh no Reds actually clicking the wall okay Oh guys it's working it's actually working we found fat what if this is fat slob what if that's all plays de ok red is using trebs he knows the situation he's trying to use his trebs against the bombard cannons and just want to double-check the eco for blue which it won Victoria it's like a ton of idle time his lumber camp looks it's like a I don't know it's a lumber party over there barely has upgrades but he's just trying his best to keep red out this reminds me have you guys ever heard of the Age of Empires 2 scenario called wall builders there's actually this classic scenario and in the scenario you have seven people try and build stone walls to survive as someone tries to push with military Stu is he really Susy thank you thank you thank you thank you chat that's not enough height for Susy a hundred gifted subs York you are as ridiculous as the man that is on our screen building fortified walls instead of economy thank you Susie very much salute him chat and I don't know what to say except for let's let's please continue this madness it is no reddit this point is probably frozen up like he doesn't know what to do whole week we will eat do you see this do you see this he's doing an attack round I actually I'm so into this that I'd pointed with my left hand my non mouse hand at the screen as if you guys can actually see me join with me at home and point at your phone or screen please all right if you have headphones on and you're amongst other people just to own it okay there we go the trees are now being cut so red realizes that he can't break through the walls so easily and he will will hopefully try and break through now this is something that with town Patrol which blue research a long time ago he should be able to see the wall of Wall Street thank you thank you for the five dollars and thank you thank you death 1xx for the twitch prime this is amazing I'm so glad I'm doing this live on stream and I'm seeing it for the first time instead of having looked ahead of time this is something that red could have used earlier using long hose it's a bit of a shame he didn't make more but he's it's think it's clicked for him mentally now that he can do this and I don't know if it's gonna click for blue wait did he spot this or is he making the bomb mark in for something else because the auditor is cutting through now rent doesn't really have military to send out yet oh wait here comes some bomber cans okay Wow Reds really close red is really really close okay the longbows are taking out maghen ELLs but they're also dying to the Megan ELLs and blues not blues not focusing Reds about to cut through breads about to cut through Howell disco he doesn't have any military except bombard cannons this is oh okay I don't think he is our arquebus or our becauce or whatever that is and it's gonna make blue eyes and reds they're low level so red doesn't really have the ability to micro all that well and we're seeing that as he loses his long bows okay panic time panic time just extended the walls extend the walls to the crocodile make him cut more wood get the on udders for oh wait a second wait a second all Reds thinking he needs stables Cavaliers that would work like have Scouts but there's no longbows here at the moment and blues gonna quick wall oh he made a gate denied again oh man it was so close and here Reds still trying and actually those are gold miners and don't ask me why the mag Annelle is doing nothing but he's he's continuing to try his best to defend here right now now you could actually fine-tune this strategy quite a bit and make that more victorious he could have more futur EAA's he only has so is 75 actual population so he could make three more and is getting the res for it but I think he's so focused okay well red will learn his lesson I think red should know this time that were the next time he gets through if he gets through that he needs to have army as a follow up I could see now what probably happened there where he thought all right let's cut through and then blue spotted it and now he's like we'll shoot now blue is gonna look for it Vittorio's really are there at much slower than actual economy so it's not a great thing to rely on normally when you're at a high level at a low level you can kind of justify using it especially when you don't have wheelbarrow or any of your farm upgrades Yuriko looks like this so the other basically the the best part about vitória is that you can outlast regular eco so at this point there's no gold miners for red and he doesn't have any relics so if he just continues to wall red will never have gold but it'll take forever because red could still sell food and wood for gold at the market vrg sees blue could have gone out to my gold guys blue could have blue could have got the wheelbarrow upgrade blue could have done a lot but the point is is that he's a noob player who does this because he's probably not good if he does the other things did I see red make a siege tower oh god he's desperate now wait a second whoo-whoo-whoo wait a second that's next lever right there he could actually siege Tower I think right here he could siege Tower longbows over yeah yeah put long bows in there no he tried to put the light Kevin it doesn't work sorry pal I think we just witnessed him try and put a horse inside of the tower all right I think he's shifting focus back onto this side if you don't know the next lever meme this from hidden Cup don't stress it we have the emo okay wait blue just deleted all he wants more forward walls this sneaky sneaky guy wait a second mistake oh the gate oh don't damage your own gate oh god he's got a watch he's gonna kill his own gate watch watch Oh close okay the bombard cannons are wait where is red just distracting the bombard cans with them yo that's not cool that's actually quite smart just patrol them and then try and break through here there's a one tile gap here but blue realizes and he's about to build more walls okay red at this point I think if he if you were to siege tower over longbows use the traps on this part of the wall he could actually break through and we know this but we also know that he's he's not a high level player now I wish blue would build a castle and get archivist because then his ballmart cannons would be affected by ballistics and and with that he would not be missing so many shots it's so easy to judge what someone should or should not do but I feel like when you're in Reds position you first off you feel humiliated like you this is this is what happens this is probably what happened emotionally for him he started off he's like I'm gonna beat this new then he gets to 3tc he's like ah this is easy then he gets to MP's like ah I've got this then he sees fortified wall and he's like wait a second if I actually lose this this could be bad then he sees the bombard cannons and then he's like oh I'm losing this then then he's like oh I have an idea he cuts out and then it gets denied again at this point you begin to worry he went from the most confident cocky player - am I actually going to lose this oh there's a castle now for blue he's getting guilts to sell the woody has or something I don't even know how many fitori owes does he have now 2 that's it 3 sorry I can't see you apparently relics would be extremely helpful relics would be extremely helpful I'm not sure how to title this like this is going to YouTube right feel like if I want just pure viewership I say the fat slob of normally found the new fat slob or something if I want pure viewership right however we have to respect the fact that this man or woman or robot or piece of wall who's playing this video game named himself wall you know like I can't just have him ride on the coattails of fat slob good popularity I think he needs his own video right or at least like we have maybe combine the two so people have an idea of what's happening ok he has his castle now blue I don't know if blues even looking at his bombard cannons ok nevermind I lied he is red Oh Reds a mic micro got oh oh ouch ok alright he tried he tried he didn't really need to get that close now he gets elite longbow he does this so frequently that I receive emails about it from multiple people with screenshots like hey you need to find this guy this is not a one-off thing this guy gets home from work or school or dance class or whatever he does with his life yo he's gonna cut to the edge of the map and wall that so red can never leave red will need to get in up freakin UFO and and contact aliens to sail around the earth here and then land on the other side that is so next lever and now our cue bus is on the way so the bombard cannons won't miss I love this guy red just feels so hopeless right now I just know it I just know it and blues getting wheelbarrow what it's lime for wheelbarrow he's like all right yeah I guess I should probably get the relics or whatever he's mining stone over 50 tiles here Idol villagers everywhere doesn't matter doesn't fricking matter 950 ehlo just live in life like he pleases this is amazing this is amazing now if he was up against the seed Ram sieve I think you would struggle I kept being up against Britain's is quite nice here because Britons do not have seed Ram I think any seed rim sip could probably bust down these walls pretty quickly I also do you guys think red gave up too easily on the whole Ram thing maybe he did I don't know I feel like he just kind of he needs to really commit to something right now but instead he's like mom these strangers are flexing on me yeah you know he's just not sure what to do right now okay well bombard cannons should take out the the trouble I think he's reached the point though where there's enough bomber cannons that making capped Rams or even trying the longbow strategy wouldn't work too well because the bomb our cannons will have 13 range and the longbows will have 12 so and now the long bows are excuse me the bomber cannons they won't miss and geg I assume there was a GG maybe red said GG respects this game happened yesterday this is an active player this is not a player who wait what what's no did he drop what don't listen hold on a second hold on a second don't don't look at that red resigned he was really overwhelmed okay he was really overwhelmed by the strategy what an amazing win by blue definitely not a drop this is an active player and this player played this game over the last 24 hours alright guys so thank you for watching the legend of wall I want to hear your thoughts on this strategy in the comments because this is actually pretty decent I obviously have higher levels there's ways you could punish it and poor red was freaking out more than anything but he does this all the time I actually spoke to wall he said sorry mate that I dropped there I'm from Australia and I have a really bad connection I looked at his account he has about 10% drops so that's probably what happened near the end there but my goodness what a strategy thanks for watching everyone
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 858,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Legend, of, WALL, Fatslob, Arena, Portuguese, Britons, Masterpiece, Mastapiece, Legendary, Snippy, Blue Coffee, Low Elo Legends, Noob, Noobie, Beginner, Review, T90, T90Official, Commentary, Kitboga, Welyn
Id: X5ecZEs2Y0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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