Fatslob's Patient Opponent

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ladies and gents welcome back it's that time again for fatslob to play his usual 1v1 black forest you know there's a lot of craziness going on in the world nowadays there's a lot that's changing for better and for worse and there's just a small part of me which is so comforted by the fact that bath bomb is still doing his thing 20 years after this account was made still playing black forest still playing 1v1 still playing vikings he's not updated to the definitive edition he hasn't changed anything about what he likes to do for nearly 20 years and uh you guys have been along with me throughout his whole journey um well not his whole journey of course because i uploaded the very first fatsoff game a few years ago and he's been doing this for much longer but i feel like you guys might be like me where you love a fat sob game every now and then and believe it or not there's actually many different unique games that we see despite the settings being the same so this is another one i have done my research to find a good one for you and i hope you guys are gonna enjoy this one like you did the previous ones uh so a little bit of backstory here because i i assume that many people watching this are watching fat slob for the second third fourth maybe fifth time but maybe someone's brand new fat slob he plays 1v1 classic balanced vikings because he likes time and he likes time so much in fact that he sends three villagers his starting three villagers not to collect resources at the start but no forward to build palisade walls does he need to have two villagers building the palisade walls after he has three tiles already um no he doesn't he could send that one villager home to collect resources and be a little bit more efficient but there are things more important than efficiency i think comfort goes a long way for fat slobs so um yeah we'll be talking about this man it's so interesting to look at um the old capture age program so this is not only classic graphics the non-definitive edition graphics look at the pixels oh yeah look at it oh yeah um not only is it not definitive i guess but uh we got captured so there's actually some really cool things here you have the populations at the bottom left uh you have many statistics that we'll toggle through available that uh we don't even have on definitive edition yet uh rumors are there might be a cool casting tool coming to d e you know the capture age team is working hard so now how long has it been since i have casted a fat slop game you guys have seen the title already and you've seen the thumbnail so you might have an idea of what to expect because sometimes players will go heavy aggro sometimes players will be very passive sometimes players are very chatty with fat slob this individual i think knows fatsob and understands how he likes to play yeah we'll have a lot of time uh things i want to talk to you guys a little bit about if you're going to be hanging with me here and uh it's just been you know a wild couple years man um the fat slob has been like i get emotional thinking about it because fat slob has been a large part of my channel uh and my community you know just being able to talk about this guy reference this guy and the one thing i loved and still love sorry about age of empires 2 is how you can enjoy this game i'd say 99 percent of people don't even enjoy the game similar to fats love with online play like so many people love single players so many people have memories playing with family members and friends just playing against the ai many people just like it for the historical aspect i mean forgetting about multiplayer this game is so unique and it's really why this game has been able to stand the test of time is because of how many ways you can enjoy it i think fatsov is like there are people who like the multiplayer aspect and the competitive aspect and so they watch fatsob thinking wow this is silly like why why would he do this why would he do that let's keep watching this guy he's a little bit funky and then there's a lot of others out there who are like well you know what i kind of understand some of the things that he does i don't care that it's not right that's pretty cool and then you know i i don't know what angle you're looking at uh you at what angle you take when you look at bat stop games but certainly for me it's there's a sense of mystery about it and it's just amazing how consistent it is every time with the small things okay so let's let's talk i never know like what order i should go about discussing things when we have such a long black forest game on our hands remember that um you cannot honor your cut through trees with this balance so you cannot get to the imperial age you get oniger and chop through trees that's not the case back then um you would have to use trebuchets to go through the trees or you'd have to ram down the walls or attack the walls which fred is already doing with the scout at the moment the ville count on my little overlay you can find that at the bottom left the red is four villagers ahead right now you can actually see the before game chat and that is at the top left there a shove says multi-queue the multi-cue um is not default on voobly and what that means is you can let's say you double click five barracks and then set a gather point you can just shift click to produce units equally throughout all buildings so multicue is now standard on de it's not back in the day and fat stop actually said okay so he actually enabled multi cue which is interesting and um you can see fat slop did speak he said click in and siv's vikings and then that was it and then they started no good luck have fun from either of them he just said click in saves vikings which is in the description of his games at all times by the way so you're not going to get away with playing fast up without being vikings i think there was one time like way back in the day where fat swap it was actually soon after my first upload um a fat slop and he picked chinese and i remember it was because there were a few people it's a bit of a shame but thankfully it died down after people realized that fatsob would try and wall and he was so good with that uh people started bill rushing with their own bills against him so he was like okay chinese start with six villagers i can send six ford instead of three but no i'd say most times and you guys if you've followed fatsop with me over the years uh will know this most times that's gets out there early or if if someone does feel rushed him he actually would just like resign and be like okay i'm gonna play somebody else or play a new game got no time to waste he's got plenty of time to waste so don't waste his time in wasting time that's not a waste of time if he's having fun with it you'll notice uh the age ups and texts at the top right might be a bit different for you guys and fatsop has so much time already right he's got palisade walls he doesn't need to send two villagers to stonewall but he does it anyways and this is just the thing about fat love which i i find so interesting like do you need to wall with two villagers right now the age of empires try hard in me thinks that villagers should be collecting resources but that solves like no no i just don't feel right if i don't have those walls going up a little bit faster now we don't have small trees on i imagine fat slop doesn't play with small trees but i have no clue crazy to see how big these trees are man it looks so realistic my immersion is off the charts uh this red player here you see the resources at the bottom left a closing in on 800 food and 200 gold to go castle to the market the blacksmith is already up now i have never seen the red player play before shub and uh you know what's interesting is how shub is collecting the forward gold and the forward stone and saving the main resources for later uh my brother who's quite a noob did that against me in a recent upload um and he he basically said that he takes the resources out uh to in because you want to take the risky resources first in case you're attacked then you can take the safe resources and like the age of empires has been a full-time thing for me for almost four years like sorry uh for three years actually in two weeks i don't know where i got four years from and it's been like a non-stop thing for me for maybe five now and um you know that's something that just hasn't dawned on me since i was like eight is that logic and it like it kind of makes sense i mean competitively you'd probably say it's better to sorry i'm getting distracted by this villager and i'll bring that up in a second but it's probably better to use the closer resources to then make units to secure the further resources but all right whatever floats your boat it's cool to see uh someone up against fat slob using that because that's definitely not gonna fight this is what red can see like wait a second what yeah i mean i guess that sub could but actually delete his walls and attack right now like he could have i don't know stables prepped he's on his way to cass league finally and he could go crazy with knights and just completely surprise the opposition that would be so funny man like that's something that fatsob has in his arsenal maybe use some day because everyone expects him to do this 300 iq plays from fat slob to play with walls for 20 years to then surprise people oh man that would just make my that would make my week now make my month maybe even year i don't know all right well update on everything here uh red is going for tc so red is gonna boom red was the higher rated player i believe yep higher rated players so higher rated than fat slob that's love's rating hasn't really gone it anywhere over the years batsop loves his little uh landing pad for his villagers he always leaves a little gap for the south of his tc and i remember being confused by that because he'd create new bills and they'd show up there and people in the youtube comments said that they'd do the same thing because they don't like using the idle villager hotkey all the time they like to be able to see everything and if the villagers on top of a farm it's hard to notice it so he's also changed his gather point from his tc to his wood line so it's interesting how sometimes like have villagers here i i don't know the logic there maybe it's just sometimes he's uh thinking about doing something in the near future and he wants a new villager to do that task you can tell fatsob's experience because he's now stonewalling behind here just in case red were to ever chop through those trees and red does have an echo lead right now he got a lot of his eco attacks as well um you can see at the bottom right a bit small but he has bosol and also has the farm upgrade of course vikings get wheelbarrow and hand card for free so biking eco incredible another town center now for shop they'll soon be on four tc's five tc's actually he's gonna have a crazy eco at least with bill numbers maybe he should chop this sheep free i love how how far in i can zoom look at that doesn't that oh yeah put that on a christmas card looks like a christmasy sheep yeah it agrees now this is classic look that sub's doing it i gotta be careful it's really late my girlfriend might be asleep look at this okay now hold on i'm gonna pay attention to where fat sub wants to send the bills in my eyes there's no reason to ever do this just have have the uh tc gather point set in a resource that the villagers work but okay he has them on the little landing pad he's done this for years man does not change okay where are they going now are they gonna do a task other than farm maybe okay we're gonna build a tc and a university so they're just they're builders of something new okay let's try and catch on to that theme is something new a task that is not being done already like building a university building town centers then he'll use those bills or not because now that one's chopping a tree by the way 70 villagers or 69 nice for sub and 42 69 420 okay i'm i'm not 12. um but yeah fat slob he's he's doing his thing all right now he is building farms with his i don't you know what i'm gonna let him do his thing and talk about some other things if that's okay with you guys actually i think fat slob's gonna get fortified right normally he gets fortified wall around this time the university would make sense then all right so you're probably thinking t90 the title of this video clearly says that's solving fat song or embracing the fat flop or something along this line where is that because red hasn't even walled and you're spot-on all right it is true that the title implies that red would be walling as well he's not doing that but just wait and see if he's actually interested in being aggressive here or if maybe he understands that that's what fat love wants fatsob oftentimes just waits waits it out and the opposition will push in and get tired they'll get overconfident because of the faster imperial agent upgrades and try and break through and that's that's a wet dream for the fat slop all right uh 51 villagers for fatsoff 94 for red we've seen this before that sub rarely gets a big lead with eco but he uh tends to somehow amp faster almost every time this is the uh the classic black forest map gen so you do have to look at neutral golds and relics so there's five relics on every map the fad flop has one available here that sub has one coming in here and then you have three four behind the tree and then uh five is over here in the right corner where there's actually a neutral gold that's a three tyler there will be two three tile golds on each map a fat slob has the other one so i'd say advantage fat sub when it comes to the extra gold here um that's an extra 2200 gold but then advantage red but what am i talking about no just advantage fatlove in general right so both have two relics unfortunately for ready has to chop through but i'm sure that will happen and then maybe it will be a race to the right corner remember this is played on explored okay so as you zoom out here uh 100 of the map is explored you'll be able to see if there's resources there and fatsob loves to treb cut towards them and now he's getting fortified wall and this is red pov that's got way more eco and the potential to do damage in him and we'll see what he does all right so um i wanted to talk about a few things here um i always use my fat slob games as an opportunity to kind of connect with you guys on a more personal level because it's so chill and relaxed and it's also not all the time i think if i were to try and connect with you guys and yeah with you guys in a personal level every upload that might be a little bit too much both for me and for you right um and also what's cool about it is i think a lot of you well i know based on analytics that a lot of you like your fat slob games every couple months but you might not necessarily watch every single video i i totally understand that that's how youtube works and you know you've probably got other tastes and interests and um might not want an age of empires upload every single day it's my job i see it as a duty to give you that option but if you don't want to that's completely fine but for fats people tend to show up and it's so cool it's like um it's like i'm checking up on you guys in this weird overly wholesome weird way you know and i just hope you guys right now are doing okay um i know it's a really weird time in our world uh wherever you're from because of this whole covert thing and um there's a lot of uncertainty and i just i want you guys to to know that like in the event things are really tough for you or just have been weird or different and it's been struggled to adapt don't get too frustrated with yourself uh because it's it's like that for most people right i feel like um people need to hear that other people have problems too and that life is life for others um you know you might only hear the good things or see the good things uh the things that people want you to see and that sometimes can get you mentally even if you're not even thinking about it too much you might just feel kind of alone up there and so you're not all right and if you're ever like really struggling you know reach out to someone in my community or myself and uh we'll see what we can do but yeah i i look at fat slob and fat sob is a reminder that life goes on and fatsoff is also a reminder to me that there's nothing wrong with enjoying the simple things in life you know and sometimes we we might lose sight of that so i don't know that was some weird i'm not not an inspirational speaker by any means um but i i just kind of had that on my heart because for me it's been a really weird nine months um and i know for others that might be the case as well so it's cool to like you know going back to a fat slob game is it's just like returning to the same old which feels good you know do you see you see what red's up to guys he's walling the left side and he's got siege workshops he's not pushing you look at fat slob he realizes he has time the bad slop can see uh the deal over here in fact he was able to destroy that outpost from red if that's normally not in any huge rush also if that sub loves to build his castles in the back that way they're not within treb range of the enemy but red did the same thing how many times have we seen players against fat slob build their castles here build their castles here and they might they might learn their lesson after losing a castle or two but that's still a castle or two down it's about to have five thousand gold has a massive score lead doesn't seem all that interested in pushing with rams this is what many people do no what's he doing he's making trips he's sending them backwards so i'd say one of the most difficult things when you're a player who's skilled and has resources and the tech is just waiting it out in this situation most times in age of empires you should find some benefit to getting the resources faster getting to the tech faster and then you know you can push you can find some advantages you can get map control you can get kills and overwhelm the opposition fat slob with the settings that he chooses and the settings you agree to play when you join his game room he doesn't give you that option and so i have i've uploaded a lot of fat stop games and more often than not someone is knocking on fatsob's door padlock's like no you can't come in the party's not till next week so hey the party's not what i say it is it's a surprise party red loses that outpost and this is actually the first time we'll see red show any real threat he really interested in pushing here i don't think so look he clearly knows the fat slob meta he made one ram and now he's queuing up scorpions behind this i um i could have done my research and i could have looked through to see maybe these guys played before but i'll tell you one thing either shub is like you guys out there and he watches these videos or he has watched these videos or he at least has seen fast sub games that or you know maybe he has a fantastic understanding on how the meta should play out but seriously he's even using trebs to chop through to the relic knowing this will go late game maybe pikeman's the one thing that that's up wouldn't do himself but i don't think he's actually interested in over committing here against these walls update on fatsob's situation of course he's going to have the onagers and he's he's already prepped with upgrades already has siege engineers and we have not seen a kill yet in this game we're 44 minutes in no kills uh that scout could be the first thing to go down but the auditors are still just a little bit out of range the fat slob he shouldn't worry about that it is fat slob so it's probably really going to bother him as he is currently using trebs to get to this gold which in all fairness was kind of glitched in or plugged into the woodline so another thing as far as like feelsiness goes and one of those little talks i like to have with you guys um i just want to say to the people out there who do show up from time to time to watch these videos thanks um the bat slob series has been so good for me emotionally uh but also so good for my channel to to get the community where it is today and it's it there is something to it why i would love for people to watch every single video i understand that's not how the world works and there is something to having having content that keeps people coming back every now and then um so it's it's quite cool uh to see many faces in the comments uh or even just like the the analytics the numbers of people who are returning uh every once in a while to the channel it's it's i like a lot and so thanks if you guys have played any role in uh watching why just why did gaia say doofy i'm big fan oh oh so i logged in here i'm never on voobly nowadays and i think anything it says guy is saying is someone messaging me on google goofy i don't know why this person is calling me doofy but i'll have to respond to them later i actually before casting this your work is pretty awesome again hold on let me just verify that that's the case is that a message from somebody that's someone else oh yep there's a message right here thanks lord your work is even more awesome smiley face anyways i can't continue to to uh talk because got a game to cast but before this somebody messaged me and said um 2v1 me no no you play against me and my friends and if you win we sub to you and if you lose you sub to us like wow what a deal unfortunately didn't have time because i had to ask some games but that's cool like the age of empires community is so wholesome man i mean you know there's always a few bad eggs bad apples and every community but i i'm just back to what i'm saying a moment ago i'm so blessed from just the people interact with in the game uh to the youtube comments and twitch streams it's so awesome and what else is really cool is i feel like we when i was when this community was very small um people were always trying to come up with ways to make age a big esport or a bigger scene and so they're like you got to do this because league of legends is doing that you got to do that because cs go you've got to do that because super smash and everyone you know coming from a good place really wanted to take aid to the next level as far as the community goes and they kept trying to mold age of empires around other communities but here we sit in 2020 and we've just done our own thing guys we've got force nothing rocking we've got low evil legends rocking we've got good tournaments unique tournaments just a wide variety of styles of players and and viewers from all over the world and i'm just like really happy with the state of age of empire so um anyways i think i'm getting two fields let's talk about the situation here that slop has not been attacked much by red it was one ram which didn't even go down that ram is still back here right he's just chilling he's waiting for fatso he's kind of fat slobbing the fat slob in terms of playing the the waiting game but uh you have that slob cutting towards this corner because he knows the three-tailed gold is there and he also knows about the [Music] relic this guy probably has no clue that he's going to be in a youtube video um but lord christensen i think your name was thanks for being awesome now fat fatsob tends to make berserks onagers scorpions trebs he rarely even makes rams it's normally just trebs onagers scorpions berserks four units it's been a while since i've watched a fat love game the whole way through i'm pretty sure that's it uh a lot of people do try and utilize their high food and wood counts against fat top and wow red's actually trying to undercut the trees that's interesting that tells me that maybe he does play the newer balance as well because yeah that doesn't work not in this balance yeah red uh the reason i'm bringing this up is because he does have archery ranges but i assume make skirmishers and or arbolest he also is getting upgrades for his cav um hopefully it's not cavalier that's a waste of gold but light cav i've seen fatsob chew up tons of trash units before and i've also seen him die to a lot of spam so it really does depend man i um i just love how similar the styles are right now the red is realizing the importance of the corner gold and relic and then fatsob does as well so they're on their way uh no sign that there's actually going to be an attack yet but uh there is a scout here maybe we'll get lucky and there will be a kill um zero kills zero death so far also very little conversation i like how red has this monastery up against the edge of the map there's something pretty about that make this into a thumbnail for a video you know this would get a lot of clicks right here i don't know like it's not going to be in the thumbnail because fatsob has a theme but did i tell you guys that fatsoff messaged me and said why are all my videos with obama on the thumbnail um yeah so about that you know when i made the legend of fat slot video i never expected it to get what is it at now six hundred thousand seven hundred thousand views i never expected that uh and i just i told my um thumbnail artist who i just started using at that time i told her uh let's just have like a laughing face with the walls behind because it's so ridiculous and just so happened to be you know a picture of obama laughing and uh you know then it got popular and then for the second one i said okay let's just stick to the theme and that's what we've done and i guess fatsub was curious it was like uh i i don't we're not gonna get into politics here or anything but he's just like why why obama hey listen fatsaab uh why do you have a landing pad for your villagers you know some things just feel right i didn't say that to him in fact i've only had a small discussion with him two or three times he's quite an interesting fellow he doesn't talk a lot to players in game um like i remember he wrote on my wall and said i'm watching your stream now which is not a normal way to communicate with someone unveilably normally you send them a message so i didn't see he wrote my wallet three weeks later i don't know like what i would like to believe is that fatsob is like 65 years old doesn't really understand a lot of technology but did get addicted to playing age of empires it would make sense that fazlab's a bit on the older side because he has not upgraded uh to new balances or new versions of the game and still does the same exact thing but then again i'm 27 years old and had pretty much only played age of empires 2 for the last seven i've only played age of empires two for the last seven years and i've been doing it both casting and playing for five um when i worked full time ah that's the other thing i wanted to bring up with you guys before the big battle but anyways when i worked full time it was like 40 to 50 hours of work and then 20 to 30 hours of casting and recording and then uh now that it's a full-time thing for me it's uh probably like 40 to 50 hours i don't know it's just non-stop age for me so i shouldn't be judging someone who doesn't change because i should be looking in the mirror okay so total military numbers what are we looking at here i'm not too used to this oh yeah okay so at the top wait a second that's q okay so what's being cubed is at the top left um and then the military they have oh yeah bottom right okay so 32 scorpions for fatsob six berserks one monk one scout 13 traps 10 owners 20 trebs for red two onagers one ram and then some pikeman some scorpions monk scout okay and fatsob's definitely winning the race to the gold over here say that though if red continues to trip which fatsop's kind of slowed down with doing oh never mind i feel like this is watching the tour de france we'll find out who the winner is in about five hours um yeah if red makes it through to this little pocket of space i think it wouldn't be too far off you might even trebor over this wood line because they would see each other there by the way not dissing the tour de france uh by any means i um my dad actually grew up in france well sorry let me backtrack he grew up in the states and then his parents moved to france uh when he was in i think second third fourth race over a couple years so he learned french lived over there uh also loved bike riding so naturally fell in love with the tour de france and everything so me growing up i used to watch that with my dad and it's it's one of those things i don't know where you guys are at in life but for me like i don't live at home anymore and i also live out of state so i i miss my family and it's like one of those things you can always reconnect with your parents with so my dad and i were just talking about that recently i think the tour de france ended a few weeks ago that's something along those lines one two three four five castles in a line for red did not make the mistake to try and attack fat slob did not make this mistake to build forward castles has four gates over here in case fatsoft tries to cut through and then both players making that journey to the golds i suppose let's say fatsop makes it through to mine the gold and red continues his journey red could just tribe the mining camp and the villagers hmm this is so peaceful what town center up here that's i can't really say that's needed right now when you already have 129 bills maybe it's because the town you can drop off wood at the town center and farms you can drop off the tc i don't know maybe because it looks cool not a lot else to talk about right now before this calm becomes a storm you know maybe one thing i could bring up is the fact that um in well i don't know when i'm uploading this i'm recording this on the 5th of october i want to say that this is going to be uploaded around the 10th um or 11th but i uh actually went full time trying to pull up the exact date but it was mid-october of 2017 which was such a huge leap for me just think about it on paper right 20 year old game now 21 years old um and it's streaming and content creating is by no means a stable thing um and so everyone that everyone around me um who was really close to me was very scared like if they either said it or they didn't say it at the time like my my parents were like don't do it for this reason this reason this reason this reason and truthfully i did it the safest way possible right like you think about what do you want to do before you quit your job to go for something else you don't want to make sure you have a little bit of money saved up so you don't um you know you don't do it in a risky way i you know spoke to people where it worked you know just to like keep my foot in the door like hey if this doesn't work out like you know what are your thoughts on having me black blah blah blah blah and uh but still it was just such a scary surreal thing for me and i just like my where i felt i would be comfortable like i definitely had ideas of obviously income but just viewership and where would t90 feel comfortable so he wasn't stressing all the time month to month um which by the way is like an impossible thing for me to avoid regardless but i'll get to that in a second um so i had those numbers and like expectations like this is where i'd want to get if if it gets to this or that i have to get back to work blah blah and guys we've surpassed that so long ago like the amount of viewership coming into the channel is such a blessing man um i think i think it's made me more comfortable be myself the fact that there are enough people watching nowadays where you know i don't have to to necessarily worry about pleasing others uh but i can just do my thing in the way i think it's best for age of empires my content so as fatsof gets the relic there he goes he's going in towards the gold um i don't know i'm just really thankful so i guess thank you guys for being a part of that and i know well i don't know about your lives and what things are like for you guys what you do for work school yada yada but i'm sure you guys would probably relate to how crazy a thought that is uh still mind blowing every day and i'll be real um i never have any guarantee that this is gonna last much longer um realistically i can think i could you know hopefully it can hold on to you guys for a couple years a couple years more before i go back to selling lemonade sports games which wasn't my full-time thing but i did that for years ice cold lemonade yeah um but yeah anyways so i have no clue so i just take every month as every month as it comes and do my best and that's just like fat slop not really um i think he'll he'll be able to continue this forever he's done it for 20 years but uh he's got the gold guys oh he doesn't have the gold banked up we're gonna shift back over to the game now because i think fat slob might have just arrived at a moment where he feels comfortable so sorry for all the sappiness i can't avoid it there's nothing else for me to talk about okay there's been zero kills but um yeah you look at the resources fat stops got a ton of wood so does red ton of food so does red on a gold red has more i think after locking down that third relic and also mining this extra gold red was very slow to that you might now be thinking maybe i'll shift forward to the fighting stage of the game that's up doesn't reboom he does not reboom if he gets attacked economically you're not going to see them adding more villagers seeding more farms no this is this is a game split up into two parts and if i was streaming this right now i'd say type of one if you're like this i think a lot of people would type a one you guys don't like to get rushed a lot of you like to make eco and then when it's time for the fight you fight if you didn't bring in enough resources then so be it you know you should have done a better job earlier but the multitasking thing that's no fun you can't appreciate the fights if you're worried about six different things that's why they're both pop capped here and they're both just waiting the fat slop's clearing out the trees at the moment he knows that the fight's gonna happen actually see's red has a scout there oh whoa did you just see that did you see how much stone red bought for seven and a half thousand gold he bought 3 500 stone also very cute little uh gate eco over here i don't really i mean it looks amazing but i don't really understand why he's making gates around his farms like this he really wants castles apparently let's see if he can use the gold that he has right because because they're not going to be very good if he this gold or gold units that is okay fat slop started to delete some of his walls this is red but the scout is there the scout should notice this but who knows if fred is paying attention to that because i don't even know what he's been doing he could have been afk here he goes out in those trees that's up one hour and 20 minutes into the game instead of red attacking him red is waiting for fat slop and what does fatsop do gets the first kill of the game he takes out a trebuchet with 20 volleys from his trebuchet he also destroys the first building of the game so that that starts war okay red is obviously not afk he was obviously not walking his dog or doing his laundry he was paying attention and he is well aware now oh it's on it's game time against fatsoff i think a player that he understands and a player that he came prepared for youtube help me out is it what's the reasoning behind red's town centers and walls is it just because it looks cool and it's satisfying definitely having sim city vibes to this he deleted farms and is adding tc's i mean i i like the creativity it's very unique how he's headed to the lead farms to make this work for himself also probably not the time to be working on that at all you see fatsob selling wood at the market for gold that's something that both players could be doing they could be selling wood and also food not going to get that much in return but every little bit helps all right so i want you to remember and it's very important i want you to remember that red has not really he has not tried to attack fatsof right he had one ram and they backed up with it so it's red's choice to sit back okay just want to make that clear that will become important near the end of this game it's red's choice to sit back he could have tried to attack fat slot um he did not do so now fatsob is doing the old palisade thing it's not a feature it's a bug um he's invested wood into placing palisade walls so he's placed it and anytime enemy units go over that you can see what unit is there it's it's like free vision uh you can only place the palisades if there's not units there at the time so you couldn't just place palisades over the buildings or the trebs currently because it would it would uh be red when you try and place it but if you find a moment where there's not things in the battlefield you can actually go for this and it is really only applicable in fast love games all right what's he try oh boom play of the game that sloth just snipes the light cap with his traps this means war all right which trebuchet has it been oh my god yo guys okay look at this two raises for this trip look at the stats it's fired 122 times what is that real did it that can't be anyways it says that this trebuchet got both kills that's why i'm freaking out wait does it though yeah two kills wait no that's raises oh i see and i love capture age wait which one's kills then maybe it doesn't show it for trebs interesting okay so you see the skull there so that'll show up on something like the berserk it'll say this program actually tracks how many kills an individual unit has or a group so if i double click these trebs it says i guess yeah okay it says kills one raises two it would prioritize tracking raises for the traps but anyways um there's only half a million wood left on the map so players better hurry it up and fatsoft he's like fool these walls were not to protect me from you these walls were to protect you from me and he now deletes the walls um red does not even have an outpost here i don't think he's too concerned he's still doing this red is still deleting stuff over here and getting these gates up and you know he's using all the stone that he bought he didn't make extra castles with that all right here comes fat slob with his berserks and it's party time boys and girls you got the castle fire there hey there's tons of castles firing xerx might take out a trip or maybe yeah okay they get one maybe two two and that's it and that's a lot of berserk's down for fafsa but you'll notice he has a lot more in the way of resources now pay attention because red has been waiting for fatsoff pay attention they've similar compositions bathsob gets he gets kind of a bad rep as a camper and many people relate camping to being a noob okay now micro is a skill if fatso gets to choose when to take the fights how is he going to be able to combat in a similar similar fight similar situation so he moves in with the honors in front he tempts the enemy to take out the auditors and the scorpions are now behind and this is a bathtub in a nutshell like your infantry units are not going to be able to engage this and then the tramps are doing their thing with their 17 range so like overall that was a really interesting fight red you waited for this this is your choice you've been playing this little gate game back here gate builders or something but he's still doing it he's still doing it i need youtube to help me out when i watched through some of this game i didn't realize that earlier that he was doing all that main thing for me was that red he chose to sit back and wait for fat slop so in that way i called it fat slobbing fat saw 13 trebs for shrub and fat stops got more than that i think um 15. sorry if it looks like the game's slowing down i there is something with this program because i haven't optimized it where that does happen but look again at red's point of view how are you going to engage against those trebuchets he's gonna have to go they will monitor himself he doesn't have the queue and that's trips using the trebuchet hacks i guess and he's getting some good hits of the classic fire animation the crumbling animation it's beautiful um waiting to see what red's plan is going to be and he's got berserk street up that's for sure just volley after bali after volley after volley after folly with these trebuchets that's not confident enough to push forward all right this is what fat slob can see he knows the berserks are there that's what red can see now he sees the traps he's tempted he's like i can do this i can do this right no you can't do it that's actually repositioned the honors are behind the trip now yeah those scorpions they smell the desserts as you might expect bath slob our black forest lord and savior he's done the same thing for 20 years the shrub expected it waited for it and right now he's he's fine when it comes to population he's not so fine when it comes to position i think he's realizing that he needs to sell resources for gold he's beginning to do that in the top left you know the choke point really helps fat flop but it hurts if red goes for quite a few monitors here that's uh takes out a treb it has the onager there fatsob won't be happy to see that but he pulls back the scorpions and he dodges to the left as well i mean that is good micro that is quality micro from fatsop not something you might expect if you think that this guy plays his way and waits for others to arrive and then the scorpions are still there man it's a thing of beauty and it's just you almost can't believe it's working against you i think when you're in red's position because you have you would see yourself with a better player based on how fast you were aging up and how long you're waiting you can see the panic setting in he's like oh wait wait a second he's selling everything at the market i think while he's doing that his scorpions are on attack stance that they're moving in accidentally i would love to see fatsoft make long coats or cannon galleys in this pond um i've never seen him make a dock before so i kind of doubt it he's moving forward now again i think red mentally he's losing the plot here a few monitors could flatten the scorpions if he found off his head he's been much more attentive with his honors as the proper reinforcements coming in way ahead in the trap numbers now if i were him i would want to take out the seat workshop first because red does now have an auditor inside that workshop and if i'm red i would probably make a few more in case this goes down all right it was decent for red but still not enough there's still too many scorpions there it's just so freaking messy at the moment this is what red can see now so you know he um i guess he's forgotten about those shrubs over there long ago he's got his castles in position thankfully for ready he had his castle's in safe positions but that's pretty close to taking some out you made your bed shoved you could have tried to push bats off gotta lie in that bed now he probably knows pushing pass off is dangerous this looks fast once like i'm more skilled than this player i've got more skill than this player so i'll wait for him to come to me probably what was going through his mind still does have decent population but he's losing gold units he's gonna lose this castle now we're seeing the last of the berserks for red we're we're seeing him sell wood to get more gold and he's trying to make onagers but as he makes the monitor he'll lose the auditor and as he loses a siege workshop he tries to create a new one oh my goodness juicy shot and this is where the panic does not help because you're just not able to keep up with the pace of the game and if you need to micro it's hard to do that because you're worried about making new siege workshops and now he's actually going to queue up skirmishers now this is the panic swarm send everything send it all we've got the light cap we've got the skirmishers padding that kd for fat club you know it's bad when you're using skirmishers against siege weapons the villagers are even hopping in [Music] i think this is where you start making trash units in this situation that's all full berserker just win the game you know the siege is obviously needed and very helpful especially while but heavy scorpions are going to hold and beserks if they were to spread out i wouldn't just win this game also provide a bit of a meat shield in the front red lost another castle he is panicking and making houses um yeah you can see he's making more houses for population space he's got so many likes have shoot up oh it's dying i cap after he's not giving up not yet anyways he had a game plan he's seen the videos he thought he understood fat flop by the way these strips 20 logan stats here they've got quite a few kills quite a few raises what about the scorpion 40 kills in this game he's still maintaining 60 plus military now that he's built from her house so props to him there i think we're just waiting for fat slob to pick up the pace with the berserks i think he uh put off the gasket again the traps are just taken out unit those are ridiculous i remember what i said oh hey look the sheep forgot about that guy remember what i said about fred's decision i read deciding against being aggressive we can make arguments for that right and we'll talk about that soon keep that in mind as red solely realizes not only is he gonna lose this game not only did he get outstarted like he just wasted two hours of his day it's it's so rare with normal hbo games that the dot you played but you'll notice he doesn't have a lot cute anymore i mean he could queue like after days i suppose every time there's the siege workshop fat slob takes it out and red says gg boring game [Music] boring game okay so this is not the first time and it will not be the last time that someone has said something like that to fat slop after encountering his strategies i think it's a little bit understandable it's still hilarious but it's a little bit understandable if you don't realize what's about to happen you join to play fat slob and you try and attack and then he sits back with oniger treb defense and sports that attack there i think it's understandable to be like boring game you know like this is dumb this is campy you're so passive this is supposed to be a game of war i mean you still chose to play the settings it says in the game room sieves vikings you know you don't have to play but i remember when i first played fatsob my reaction was wow really i can't believe this is happening that was many many years ago so um which by the way that game i i wish i could have it um because the first time i played fatsob was in 2015 and uh back then i while i had a channel it just begun like i didn't know i'd ever make content with fatsob so unfortunately that game never see the light of day but anywho here red didn't try and attack he he was waiting for fat swap you tried to use fat fob strategy against him you didn't even attack bro you can't say boring game it was probably just because he was frustrated you know um and i think it's fair he wasn't disrespectful he just vented a little bit um i've seen people say some pretty bad things when they get upset in video games that certainly is it's not bad but that was funny to me that was just like the cherry on top to have him say boring game after trying to play with fat slobs rules and fatsob continues to play guys now he doesn't play quite as frequently nowadays uh i don't i don't know anything about the guy i don't know if he has a job i don't know if he's got a family you know he's probably got some obligations other than just age of empires so he has played about 15 to 25 matches in the last 30 days so he's still on like every other day or every day just playing one game or so there was a time where he was playing and this was just within the last year where he was playing like 10 matches a day uh or no i'm sorry that's an exaggeration more like three or four and they're really long matches so he's still playing age of empires there's still people fighting against him and there's still people surprised at his strategies many people are aware of it i've seen some of the in-game chats i've of course gone through many of these games to determine which one's best for you guys but yeah fatsop is still around uh in this crazy crazy time there's still one thing that's very much the same and that is the fat slobber uh 500 sorry this is so tiny that's also what he said but 591 units killed and uh yeah i wish i could expand this somehow 591 to 201 kd you look at the total resources collected i think the big thing here was just how red used his gold he bought stone he bought a lot of stone i think it was seven and a half thousand worth of stone so he was only behind by about three four thousand gold but he also you got to take the stone out of the equation he didn't even use the stone he's just hoarding the stone um that could have been much better for him then it would have been more competitive in these fights i think i didn't think too closely about that one um you look at the relic gold obviously that one extra relic health fats but i think the extra gold too went a long way for him and then there's the beautiful beautiful timeline um you know a lot of military near the end and you can clearly see how red struggled to re-pop and how fatso very rarely dipped in population with military um i'm not just saying it because i want people to like fats love fat loves micro actually pretty freaking good it's actually pretty freaking good it's not easy to control infantry and onager and scorpion and trips it's probably one of the clunkiest army compositions available and he makes it count and might have a lot to do with the fact he forces the fight in the choke point so youtube um thank you for being a part of another fat slop game thank you for being a part of the age of empires community and this community i'm very thankful for you guys watching these videos and i'm very glad that i can have just a small place in your life whether that's making jokes on a stream every now and then with low evil legend uploads on youtube or fat stop games uh i will make sure to continue with fast solve games and uh we'll space them out every now and then just to keep it special all right uh so have a nice day youtube thank you very much for watching uh leave a like on the video if you want to see more from fat slob and the two big takeaways the two big things i want to hear from you what was red doing with the stone gates like what's the logic there do you think it's just because it looks cool can you guys relate to that and the other one is do you think that fat slob is getting you think he's getting better nowadays or do you think it's still the same old um his rating has fluctuated quite a bit i would say if you guys are down and you actually think he's improved what i could maybe do is i could go back to the um other fat sub uploads from over the years and just compare some statistics from certain periods of the game so like the castle age time we could see is fats up getting faster are the times different uh the eco numbers the total resources collected over a two-hour game did he collect more resources those types of things i don't know i personally feel like it has improved a little bit at least since day one uh when that first upload was out many years ago so thanks for watching guys i will see you soon
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 243,330
Rating: 4.8905234 out of 5
Keywords: Fatslob's, Patient, Opponent, Fatslob, Legend of Fatslob, Continues, Blue Coffee, Snippy, Wow, WTF, Legendary, Noob, Beginner, Black Forest, Vikings, T(0, T90, T90Official, Welyn, Kitboga, aoe2, age of empires, age of empires 2, useless tag
Id: gSLSlDg6W2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 24sec (3684 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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