Epic Infantry Battle! Japanese vs Goths

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if you like infantry you'll like this video uh we have two high-level players two top ten top 16 depending on where you look at it players and we have two of the fan favorite infantry sieves uh doubts the legend from serbia is here playing as the goths and then we have hoy who is accm he's playing on this account and he is playing as the japanese and if i were to rank infantry civilizations in terms of how frequently they were picked and popularity i think that japanese would be number one and goths would be number two or goss would be number one and japanese would be number two i i'm not sure these guys are at least in the top five of fan favorite infantry sieves uh goths for their epic spam and their cheap infantry and then japanese for the faster attacking infantry and then also a japanese for the elite samurai which let's face it is just disgusting and we'll see some of that maybe in this game uh the map is for lakes and on this map japanese excel way more than ghats do because japanese have so many bonuses suited for any map that has water just the cheaper mining camps lumber camps and mills means that there's wood savings in the dark age which can lead to a faster dock and then additional fishing ships for the japanese then japanese fishing ships have armor japanese fishing ships just are more efficient overall if that's the way you want to go for goths the problem with them is that well i call them the most imbalanced civilization in aoe 2 for a reason it just doesn't it's such a weird one balance wise because they either destroy everything in post-imperial or they die early because they don't have any bonuses they don't have cheaper lumber camps and mills they don't have any anything that stands out about them eco-wise the only thing nowadays is the fact that loom does research instantly and even that over the last year has changed a lot because they made it so um i mean got the devs are at least working on them because at one point it was that loom was free and then too many people were sending villagers forward to be annoying um and it now it's loom is researched instantly uh previously it was that oh yeah they gave them a crazy discount in dark age blah blah blah so the devs are trying to find some way to find a middle ground with goths but it's just the nature of the civilization i think it's always how it will be and i'm okay with that too because when i'm casting or playing as goths it's always the thought of okay we have to make it to this stage if i have a chance with goths i have to make it to mid-castle age and i have to to be in it i can be behind by five or ten villagers but it can't be any more than that can't have any massive mistakes whereas other sibs with massive mistakes can sometimes come back from it so you'll see pond focus throughout this game for the food income accm went underneath dallas dc and doubt never garrison and i think accm i think he's laughing at that right now because dalton garrison to shoot his scout that's pretty funny anyways uh accm with his dock already he'll have a fishing ship out in just a moment and the second one's already on his way and the total economy is here at the top it is this bottom area and you can see doubt just slightly ahead with the fishing ship actually that's what you want to pay attention to as we're watching the game and also see how much is on food how much is on gold how much is on stone so this lake aspect makes me prefer japanese over goths even more than if this was arabia it gives japanese an additional edge because they're better at competing on water but it doesn't mean that doubt can't sneak a villager down here at some point doc starts stealing some ponds and there are four pawns they called it four lakes when they added this to the ranked queue i imagine because they didn't want to tread on the toes of whoever created the map cross originally but competitively this map has been called cross for a long time and then the de devs just called it four lakes again i believe it's because they didn't want anyone being like well we made it you know so they just made their own version that's the same thing and uh if you lose three or four villagers just to put this in perspective how important the fish is here let's say uh doubt goes fermented arms and he kills three villagers on this woodline well if he has if he loses water then accm would be ahead because accm will clear out more than three fishing ships most likely so i mean fishing ships also are so much more valuable than a villager early because it's 75 wood investment but that fishing ship can collect all of this it's not like a farm where you get a limited amount of food and then you have to refresh so doubt on the way to futile age and same with accm doubt adding the barracks and this is the start to a fun filled infantry battle i used to think this was how the game was played i thought champions looked cool i thought teutonic knights looked cool and jaguar warriors and our bellest was very inexciting or unexciting and exciting unexciting for me i never made those units you see a lot of our blessed and competitive play you see a lot of paladins now i love paladins but anyways my point is is that uh it's pretty freaking sweet to have a game with so much infantry now if doubt starts to switch into infantry too early uh the japanese do also get arbolese with full upgrades endowed with a massive mistake here what are you doing dude yeah i don't i honestly don't know what he was thinking here i don't know why he would move out and and send one militia out like okay free kill for you and so dallot now has a real uphill battle on his hands because it's japanese man at arms and there's four of them and japanese man in arms attack faster so it was gonna be four to four and even then you'd prefer to have japanese but now with four verse three and doubt a civ that cannot stonewall has the house wall and palisade wall everywhere to keep these units out update on the pond situation we do have a villager going this way so eccm wants to expand that fishing eco he also has walled to the edge here so he can safely fish this pond at the same time so all the wood you're getting instead of adding farms right now you're going for fishing ships adele has not chosen to go to another pond yet but he is using the discount that goths have on their militia to make more now and so it's five verse four and good good start to this fight for doubt honestly i think ac sam will be very happy with the scout kill if he gets it he does get it yeah i mean doubt doubt now has four-minute arms remaining accm will hopefully have some walls up at home or some archers now he's actually adding more manned arms let's go no more we're done with that meta of three and done into archers people wanted infantry we get infantry here six men at arms and here comes dell and that i think that accm is only expecting the four that he had seen at delt's base and not six archer range and blacksmith for accm this is accm's point of view he sees the units he quick walls the units well played he is fishing over here he is fishing over here but doubt seems to have more eco working for him i think it's just more overall fishing ships maybe accm went to that second dock a little too early that's still 150 wood ooh doubt thinking about docking here accm sending a villager this way at the same time but he's probably distracted with this right now my guess is doubt either walls in his villager so he can safely get the dock up or he attacks accm's villager the smarter move would just be let your dot go up and deal with hccm's villagers afterwards now over here accm on doubts berries and this was not something doubt was expecting is a smart move from accm as he kills two villagers and pulls those villagers off of berries and that evens things up a little bit and certainly the eco for doubt seems to be more harassed right now and it's not quite as balanced as you would want eccm has barry villagers he has gold villagers he has wood villagers doubt has wood villagers and gold villagers he does not have berry villagers but pretty sick stuff here i mean this is so high level right players microing in so many different situations can't wait till hidden cup four comes in march because this will be one of the maps that we will have of course it'll have some some changes made you know it won't be the same as everything we've seen before oh no way doubt sent a man at arm up here an accm has to try and get the stock up that's a 90 it might be a doubt doc bale's the quick wall quick wall oop no way it's 93 that's huge and at the same time when accm was trying to do that he lost an archer to the man at arms so doubt i mean he doesn't have near as much food banked up he clears this up too i'm gonna switch this over to uh this part of the overlay so you see the total where's the total kd there you go there's the total kd yeah doubt doesn't have as many resources banked up right now but thankfully for him he's gonna be able to fish in the north and keep that protected for now but also fishing at home and so both players have two pawns but the macro from accm is just insane he's on two ranges right now he's on his way to castle age doubt has 100 food while he has more on food i think he invested more into food he made skirmishers which is food he got fletching which is food he made a lot of man at arms and while it's discounted it's still food can doubt survive can he hold on if accm gets to crossbow while goths are able to counter that at some point look at this hero man at arm this hero has already denied one dock might even deny a second but um shoot what was i saying oh yeah so yeah goths with husk girls can counter crossbow but you need to be encased late you need to have a castle so it's why i say goths are so imbalanced because you you're good if you get to a certain spot otherwise you might just get smashed really it really looks like accm does not want to let dow take this pond i mean it is a way to get a lead in this map to pressure the ponds but maybe he's not expecting doubt it's going to be so late to castle i think if he were to just pressure out space with crossbow that would be in big trouble adele does have more economy working for him and actually let's take a look here doubt has 12 really 12 fishing ships here seven fishing ships here verse 8 and well it's a total of 15. so doubt just added more in the way of fish now people have asked me many many times how much uh how many fishing ships you should add per lake and i always say 8 to 12. and of course i always say it depends it depends because if the pond isn't secure or if you don't need as much food you might not need to add as many fishing ships so in this case i think 12 is the maximum you'd want for this if you add too many eventually this will run out and it'll hurt you and then i would always push over to another area a doubt with skirmishers over here acc i'm trying to do a lot right now and maybe that's hurting him because he has two groups of armies and he's also macroing at home i can't even show you everything he's doing right now but he tosses away that army and all because he wants to get a daca but he has not been able to do that just yet now in here he snipes two villagers from dallas make that three villagers from down and doubt was adding another barracks and another villager goes down so lots of veal picks here and this is the castle age advantage if accm had that whole group i think doubt would be dead about still somehow in this because of the fishing ships so in many ways i said that japanese i prefer japanese over goths much more on this map and that's definitely the case but doubt with goths has been taking advantage of the fish more than accm has been able to this is so cool to see only a few crossbows but getting as much value as possible buying as much time as possible why so he can send in the next wave and there's also a knight here now so a night with no upgrades that will be useful against any skirms this must be must be so stressful if you're doubt right now and accm was able to get a dock up here mike goes in and takes out a man at arm anyone else stressed out this is ridiculous uh villagers still dying on the berries but i i set it in dark age as another bill goes down here doubt still has a chance because overall the eco numbers are pretty close and that's because of the fishing ships so if he holds this pond and this pond continues to freely fish which definitely will be the case it would be almost even when it comes to economy goths always have a chance all right uh doubt i mean this is such a doubt thing man to have that gap there he could have made a gate so his villagers could go through but no whatever i lose a villager who cares he's got plenty of elite skirms right now he does have some stone but he's not mining it yet let's get an update on accm situation accm with two town centers and he went to the second town center right away because i noticed his stone go down and he placed it on the stone so you can see how much stone he has so he's definitely aware as he goes for the third town center more villagers pumping for both players to get more and more economy to make more military um but he has doubt defense up here that was a juicy demo accm is definitely aware the fact that this will go towards uh infantry spam which is why he's on stone already now accm's military were very effective if you look at the numbers in fact let's look at the eco killed lost at here wow look at that the doubt has killed three eco and lost 15 and it's i mean he is behind now but he's not as behind as you would be on a standard land map but the point i wanted to get to here is that even though accm was able to kill so much eco it still has not felt all that good for him in the middle of the map and i think that's because maybe it's because he lost so much military to trade vs he lost two batches of crossbowmen he lost some knights so sometimes if you go for eco kills it's not always a good thing because that counter attack from the enemy will be very strong all right so he's got some knights in here with some upgrades and he's got some crossbow and he really wants to get this castle up and down has long swordsmen and skirmishers and he has so much more military 30 military verse 10. doesn't have the best army though to fight underneath a town center so it feels like eventually this castle is going to go up also truthfully knights in numbers there's only four of them here but knights and numbers very good against longsword and skirmishers so yeah delta tried to deny the castle that was such good thinking from accm the fact that he went to stone first with that second dc it was amazing here if he did not have a castle up there he could have been in trouble if doubt mixed in some siege now he's just using the crossbows against the long swords and the knights against the skirms and i think doubt this is normally the theme when you watch scott's play i think he's going to lose these long swords and lose a lot more in this game because goths never need a positive kd to win it's so cheap for them they can just spam endlessly the kd is normally when goths win it's normally a negative kd which is one of the wildest things of course there are plenty of games where they they kill more early and the game ends but more often than not a high level when goths win it's because they have a negative kd and they're just tossing bodies to the floor doubts uh raiding the gold with long swords hype and he's also losing long swords in the middle tonight and there's some samurai out now as well that's pretty good for doubt because he's killed villagers and he also has not had to worry about his own eco at least protecting it in quite a while so what has delpin up to three tcs mixing in some farms now makes sense because you'll need to have some farming eco once the fishing runs out here kind of looks like these villagers could go down yep looks like it indeed and this is perfect for doubt just continue to raid and keep accm at home now guys this entire time they've also been fighting on water as if you needed to be more impressed with what high-level players are able to do accm has really been committing to this northern corner he might need that gold later on like if he doesn't find some reward for this he might end up regretting investing this much gold but also doubt has 12 fishing ships he takes that out and then dallas way behind even though there's only let's say a thousand food left i'd still say it's worth it just all the pans doubt has let's check the farmers here he's got uh 15 farmers he's now adding fish traps against the 10 farm so doubts been faster to the fish trapping oh wow oh no accm i think he misclicked them but yeah doubt's been faster than fish trapping faster the farms faster the food income eccm is just sending a demo over here let's see how many kills he can get here hello hello hello oh god don't tell me he's obviously distracted no what i think he put the demo on no attack stance or defensive stance because sometimes they don't listen to your commands but you also have to command them oh man acc i'm falling behind with some small things here it'd end up being big things at the end of the day not checking his idols not seeing those fishing ships aren't working still focused on this little pond relentless pressure man crossbows samurai and knights were over here what's downed up to again doubts on four tc's and he went for the approach that's better economically which is delay the castle whereas accm had to have so many of his early villagers on stone to get this castle so the rest of his eco isn't quite as good that runs in for raid it's quick walled out accm doing the right thing to stonewall very smart against goths and doubt needs to deal with this uh crossbowmen and knights i don't think they have uh the longest future the brightest future ahead of them maybe they'll take a good fight here it seems like they still could but eventually accm needs to think about the samurai that's right samurai they a beast against most other infantry units they have a bonus against unique units that's very nice but also japanese infantry attacks faster every age that combined with the fact that japanese as doubt will clear this up that combined with the fact that japanese get full blacksmith texts whereas goths lack the final armor technology which is a big one it definitely makes me think saccm oh didn't have horoscope the whole time i look back at that but um but yeah japanese samurai just are better in every fight the difference is just the cost and so i'll go to the tech tree once that was in him we can talk about the cost but um the cost is heavily discounted for goth champions so while it's weaker both in attack speed and attack and armor and all the stats pretty much you can span them really fast with perfusion it's almost instant production and that's that's what it ends up being at the end of the day is just can you spam enough of them to make up for the fact that they're weaker units overall so it basically gives you it makes the fact that you're worse off in some way okay which is why i think low eagle players pick it not to uh not to make you guys feel defensive here or feel attacked but like if you don't need to have better stats when you forget blacksmith upgrades yeah pick goths i mean goths make it so that's not a big deal i mean even now the long swordsman should get shredded by these samurai but especially in imp especially if elite comes in so we have one two three castles for accm i think the big thing is to make his base unraidable because well goths can afford to send champions almost like stables where you build them on the side of the base and just stream them into the eco goths can afford to do that with the fact that they can produce from barracks whereas accm has to produce from castles he's only got three of them right now elite samurai is on the way if doubt were to take out both docks then accm's fishing ships would not be very useful that dock stays up uh i noticed that doubt has so much more food income and has consistently i mean it's 59 55 right now but look at what doubt has banked up he is ready he is ready he's just been more mindful of farming upgrades and farms and he's been more mindful of fish traps and the fish in general he he added a bit more i'd say he added 20 to 25 more throughout this whole game so the bar you want to pay attention to is right here that that's military number okay so if we see a massive engagement with samurai against two-handed swordsmen i'm going to zoom in more now at this stage of the game pay attention to that number because if it's even doubt's in trouble but if doubt has more like 20 to 30 more he can maybe hold elite samurai 80 hp 12 base attack with attack upgrades and armor upgrades coming in that was 60 hp 12 base attack two-handed swordsman and lacks that final armor upgrade champion is on the way but watch how quickly his barracks produce after perfusion i mean he's up to 210 pop already and that's the thing with gods the fact they also get 210 max population which makes that span potential so much brighter for them and doubt using two-handed swordsmen against the freaking castle here but i think he's gonna toss away these units it's not an intentional toss but nope accm will just defend barely takes an engagement over here doubt still with more overall population doubt with 30 more military that's something he needs to maintain and yeah guys we have we have the ultimate infantry showdown here the japanese samurai the goth champions doubts reinforcements flooding in the samurai are stronger and even numbers somehow accm is going to have to to break out eco because while it is cheaper down of course eco ultimately funds all this i think if it continues like this doubt is just going to flood flood flood flood flood flood here hccm will run out of gold without units barely cost any gold and then that will win 23 military for 63. accm did just make another castle and he secured himself some more stone so he's going to be able to produce them faster now and the kd is at the bottom right and you can see how poor the fights go for doubt and maybe doubt should have mixed in some trebuchets there i'm not sure he really felt like the champion spam would do it but he's losing so many units 28 on gold for accm so still has gold income i like this move just to lure doubt away with some units and doubt even attacking this castle i mean the champions are no joke against buildings they're honestly no joke against the castles i would get murder holes if i were accm but how long can doubt afford to spam there is a gold over here and doubt spotted that and raided that and we'll probably try and lock that down he's also building barracks on the side like i said dropping the barracks here dropping the barracks here so we can raid uh he's about to get rated though this is crazy doubt still has uh four tiles of gold there that he hasn't started to mine that combined with this gold if he's able to take it we'll see if he does that means doubt has quite a bit of gold and doubt also has two relics accm has two relics in there oh the other one's over here relics give a trickle of gold so will doubt regret wasting so many champions i think accm's raids have distracted delt this is something that that he had to pay attention to this is something that he has to pay attention to and this has given hccm time to get the samurai number high enough i say high enough it's 45-45 if all the military units would be at the same spot right now eccm would just destroy so doubt's got to shift click up some champions you can see he has 15 barracks producing versus the four castles from accm producing the samurai i think that a lot of people will will oh wow good raid here from doubt a lot of people will be thinking what if japanese go for another unit like let's say hand cannons i actually forget if japanese get hand kittens i'm pretty sure they do though you never see it and while hand cannons are supposed to be a counselor to infantry i think there's so many things so many reasons why i wouldn't suggest them and the big thing is the gold cost samurai if i'm not wrong is 20 or 25 gold hand cannon is 50 gold and so for a 30 hp unit that's not mobile that barely moves for it to cost that much gold i i just don't know if it's quite strong enough certainly at a high level like the goths also get access to hand cannons and imagine what delt's life would be like if he had 20 of those things trying to chase down the samurai the samurai are just too fast so the high level or on open maps i guess when people can run around that's where i'd say no to hand cannons doubt with a trebuchet two trebuchets here to take out this castle no can do just yet without attacking the um the docks i mean this would be huge that's that's 15 so or so fishing ships that wouldn't be working if he takes those out samurai still running around doubt coming in with another wave um without still protecting that trebuchet very hectic game here 48 minutes in and no sign that this is going to end anytime soon with both players having similar economies it's just that story of doubt having 20 to 30 more military but each engagement seems a little bit worse for him look how strong the samurai are that was amazing they they were already so weak from taking out town centers what a sick engagement there that doubt gets a castle up on this side and doubts trebuchet was sniped by accm well done accm to hold but you can't just hold against cops you've got to kill because doubt has a lot of gold remaining and he can last the distance let's talk gold income for accm he's got 16 on gold the 16 are right here and doubt can just set his way point and then cue up a few champions and raid that gold at any time i'm not seeing any other gold spots for him oh not really i mean this gold here i don't know if that was supposed to be accms or what but that really is gonna be important i think if accm does not take that gold he'll probably lose the game because if ac sam can't take this goal it's unlikely he'll be able to comfortably take this goal but we'll see 70 military four doubt or 69 nice make that 74. and again accm realizing the struggle and fighting straight up when dal can reinforce constantly so he will run in and try and raid again out with 28 on gold it almost feels like he got additional gold tiles here i i mean he's so much gold i think he has extra gold secured like maybe this is a neutral and this is a neutral we'll have to look after this you guys can't remind me because i'm not streaming this but he's so much gold income i i need to look at the map again my guess would be that doubt has two of the neutrals and that this one is one of the starting goals for accm but i could be wrong on that big grade here for accm if doubt's not careful that will lose a dozen villagers hello there they go they're finally attacking and out uh thinking that maybe a forward castle would protect his trev big engagement that is going to be a doubt castle these samurai should wreck here now granted doubt's going to have the reinforcements but look at the samurai go 600 kills for accm 350 deaths the castle is denied at 79 that treb should go down but accm is out of gold he's not out of gold he's been raided on gold so he's trying to queue up units he can't queue he'll probably sell some food or sell some wood right now so never mind i think doubt whose face is on the side of this unfinished castle because of his reputation he'll finish his castle he'll come forward with the trap and he'll try and take this one out you know the gold has done it for doubt 80 military versus 25 the only way you get gold now if you're accm is by selling food and that only co goes so far and he calls the gg i'm surprised actually i thought he was gonna play that on a bit longer okay i lied i take it back i'm not surprised this castle would go down this castle would go down maybe this one stays up he could save one of the three and then this is the only safe castle he'd have after that yeah that would be brutal okay let's look at the statistics and this is uncommon for me but i actually want to look at the map after the fact um 635 kills 366 deaths hccm still somehow lost that game and you look at the gold collected again this is mind-blowing to me accm had more gold collected the food count was a couple hundred off the wood count doubt had a 500 wood lead or 5 000 excuse me accm had more stone but there was very little in it when it comes to gold both players did a great job at exploring the map gout still just had so much gold remaining and i think this bring has to bring us back to the fact that well two things accm did spend a lot of gold trying to win a pond which he never was able to win but also goth infantry is so much cheaper also accm made crossbowman cost gold he also made knights knights cost gold doubt made a lead skirm and long swords elite skirm do not cost gold and long swords cost a very little bit of gold but still i want to look at the map um excuse my crazy recorded games here uh spoiler spoilers spoilers spoilers this one okay so let's just pause and look at this and this will be our outro to the video so it looks like gal has a slight advantage with gold position slight i mean you have you have to play the game you have to lock it down but main gold four tile gold let's just say these are doubts and then we'll say that these two golds are accms right because they're pretty close to them so these are guarantees the two golds that accm is going to need jockey for is way out here and over here the goals we talked about and then doubts this one seems a bit easier for him to wall in and then this one as well so i feel like this gold and this gold it feels more accessible for doubt but then again if the game plays out differently and accm focuses on doubts gold then it could be a completely different game so it came down to doubts gold control and how cheap the goth infantry units are but my goodness what a game guys if you enjoyed this game tell me what you think and because this was an infantry battle which is so rare i want your not your ideas but just your general thoughts on something you'd like to see more of with uploads because i as i work on youtube only casts i look at your requests and using this as an example infantry v infantry is really cool but yet very rare so if you think of something that that does occasionally happen at the high level whether that's a sieve or a unit whatever it may be leave your suggestion in the comment leave a like on the video if you can and i will off to record more youtube only content have a great day youtube we'll see you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 201,850
Rating: 4.9520898 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, games, twitch, age, of, empires, aoe, aoe2, aoe2de, aoe2 de, definitive edition, infantry, unique, unit, goths, goth, japan, japanese, huskarl, husky carl, samurai, sammy, champion, swordsman, swordsmen
Id: EVdts-bxRo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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