Norway vs China | 2v2 World Cup Grand Finals & Interview

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and everything running smoothly dave best of seven incoming the grand finals of the 2v2 world cup of 2020. um mbl did spill something on his keyboard and was just using a hairdryer to fix that so okay the pc was a bit slow he's good to go uh before i do the proper intro i just want to say thanks to everyone who's watching this uh microsoft they are supporting this game massively right now uh with de and then all these tournaments but this isn't coming from microsoft's mouth of course microsoft would not have done that de would not exist if it wasn't for everyone watching on youtube and on twitch and uh so you all made this happen all right uh thank you very much and it's not just this year it's been many years the ogs who are in chat have been here uh since the low viewer day so thank you um for supporting me and supporting the whole team robo's been doing tremendous job tarzan t west helping out with silver league all the co-casters i've been able to bring in and of course microsoft with the prize point all the subs out there who who chipped in by subscribing to the stream but that's out of the way viper's in the blue he's playing as the hunt mbl is in the green playing as the mayans and then mr yo in the red dave playing franks and then we have licks the yolo player from china playing ethiopians we see kind of a classic civ comp from team norway here huns and mayans you take us back you were talking about five years ago we might have seen something like this in a 2v2 arabia now with a best of seven like normally in the best of five we wouldn't see huns here um we would usually see another like maybe lithuanians or berbers or whatnot so what do you think about that that sieve selection for um for viper i i think it's nice because hunts are a solid paladin sieve but they're not the best they're maybe fourth or fifth or sixth something like that but mayans are top tier archers if it's kind of similar to what we're seeing on the other side i mean maybe it's even stronger for china if you think about it because frank's one of the best sieves in this spot and then ethiopians also wanted the best sieve in the archer role licks take viper's color or is that the predetermined colors determine colors yeah okay okay okay it was messing with my mind dude i kept looking at licks and thinking that it was viper i'm so used to seeing them in yellow it would be confusing i guess yo loves his red and so it would be confusing as well to have china with with blue and green but yeah that's that's how we're how we have it right now and what is mbl doing he's sending a villager forward game one and he's not even gus remember we saw this in king of the desert how annoying he could be with a laming villager yeah we're gonna see it again in this 2v2 world cup he you know he's going to run right into the ostrich for mr yo so he could potentially lame those and there's stone there and gold he can uh he can wall up to so this is something that is allowed i want to clarify the rules you cannot steal elephants with your scout in this tournament you can steal sheep all that's fine but if you want to sacrifice a villager and send it forward you can you could do this you're welcome it's risky no it's so risky it's weak already from the lion and yo sees that it's weak he's signaling it to his allies so maybe licks is gonna come over with his scout um dave i'd say back away from the mic just a little bit i know dave just got a new pc setup recently um i think that's probably it but yeah the elephants coming in dave i don't know if nbl goes home but it doesn't feel like it was that worth it to take out the ostrich and have that idol time walking across the whole map is that better now yes no i think it's i think it's better now i think you were uh too close to the mic at times so when you get really excited it would uh clip a little bit so we're good i will endeavor to keep the mic away from my mouth it's like the more exciting it gets the more you lean in though so it's kind of tough and nvl is just going to wall in the gold what a way to start off the finals yo did spot that but there's also not much yo can do except pull his own villager with his scout to fight that he doesn't see the gold though so he doesn't know his main goal is getting mauled in you good yeah yo it's going to be in a difficult position here no access to the main goal his other gold is forward his ostrich have been taken how does he even access gold at this point well he that's going to be a surprise to him but if the plan was to go 20 pop scouts he's going to get 20 pop skeleton and mbl he's just now adding a barracks dave i don't really know it's certainly not going to be a dress for him i think nbl might actually struggle against early scout numbers meanwhile on the other side licks something he's known for and is extremely good at is going for fast fetal into archers this is super quick and viper's probably going for scouts for his team and is actually going to be behind the time of yo so expect china to be up to the next age a bit faster i feel like ethiopians is the only sib you can do this with too with archers yeah because you can pull so many hills off of food you don't need it if you're getting plus 100 and plus 100. and viper's map i don't know if you uh have noticed but viper's map is not good like he's got that back gold but his line options are very limited and then look at where all of his stones his berries and his secondary is it's all forward and that's against licks which is never a good player to have forward resources against so he might have some problems here just solidifying his position okay so yo one thing people may might not know about yo uh he streams he doesn't stream on twitch he streams in a chinese website but he he casts games from tournaments after he plays so he played yesterday and then watched all the games from norway and something that mbl did was he made a very late drush and he sent it over to the archer player and nbl said in the interview when we asked him about it he says i like to drush the archer player this is such an mbl thing to do super late walls super late drush but yo knows that's coming so licks should be able to prep some defense for that i think viper could really be in harm's way if licks and yo double viper because mbl will still be in dark age yeah and dreshing the archer player here like normally you want to dress the archer player because it's slow right yeah like archers are so slow to get out but with ethiopians licks going up on 20 pop by the time you get there there's going to be archers on the field to counter your dress now the big thing is how much do you keep at home if you keep three arches at home for three militia that's a win for norway so you probably want to push out and pressure viper with your first wave and now like now mvl who's who i guess realizes that yo is waiting for him is going the other way with his drush which i don't think is going to be good at all because yo could see that have walls up and have scouts so this is an awkward start for mbl in norway yeah what's nbl gonna do with that kill the ostrich oh wait they're already dead they're already dead oh that's funny discovered his main gold was lame by the way and he's just walling to it he's going to make it part of his wall maybe okay like your walls become mine that type of a deal and yosh is tracking the militia but i think this is good for mbl i think these scouts should come forward soon then again licks could possibly win a little 1v1 if he has spearman with his archers dave and that's what he's going to work towards i think and be able to steal in dark age on his way to feudal now and that's i mean it's looking decent for mbl he's fully walled his base i mean we don't even have to mention that at this point mbl's always going to be fully welled yeah um but he's made it happen once again and this is the kind of the position you want him in right you want him untouched you want him with a drush on the field and you want him going up to castle age where you can apply pressure yep now if that happens if he's not contributing anything to military then viper's in a position where he could be doubled but it's a good start for viper because it's only one spearman he does have some very weak scouts but yeah he's kept them alive and got value out of that dave yeah and there goes like all the speed that licks had with that archer rush uh getting up faster than maybe other civilizations could he just threw it all away because there goes the army now you have no advantage yeah you could have pushed the berries if you had to spearman he needed to have that there still will be more coming though dave uh or is there actually licks only on two archers about to be four i guess joe's coming over but overall i think norway after it didn't look great we'll be kind of okay with this yo is uh making his way through those walls around his main goal he'll get there eventually yeah but he's walled out his secondary and it's just you're just left thinking like how are you ever gonna produce knights if you're gonna be mining from maybe one or two tiles only especially if mbl can go up to castle age mbl he will click up to castle age now and with mayans there's no way you're stopping crossbow so it it really comes down to the feudal age pressure putting viper behind and viper recognizing that after taking a good fight already dave he's getting armor so he wants like two people all on his own yeah and he's staying home too it's just fantastic recognition from viper nbl's telling him i'm fully walled viper's looking at his map he's hun so he can't incorporate houses as part of his wall he's playing completely open he's over producing military and keeping it in defense he knows he's going to be 2v1 he's only 54 food left on that bush viper will save all the villagers and i think with one or two more scouts you could definitely consider this defend this yeah yeah i like that tower as well how he's towered uh it's not perfect to protect the wood line but it does protect part of the wood line and also the gold well he knows that all he has to do is stay alive emblem's gonna be ahead of both of them regardless so he can invest in a tower like that he can invest in more scouts as long as he stays alive and doesn't get his base completely wiped yeah so he's not pulling any punches here producing a lot the tower paying off there it's looking good for norway as mbl's untouched and viper could take a fight right now if you wanted to viper can clear up both of these armies with the upgrades that he has like yo does us frank so he doesn't get bloodlines he does have 54 hp but he doesn't have armor he doesn't have the extra attack viper is gonna have fully upgraded uh feudal scouts in a bit i would imagine oh no he's going for a market all right market for the viper he's getting bloodlines now still hasn't taken the fight and is he's got idols on the wood line and also lost a villager there so this is the downside of building one tower in both areas of your woodline are you surprised viper didn't engage against this yet um no i mean it's viper style right you wait until you know you can win the fight you don't take it on like a 50 50 chance unless you absolutely have to and look he's he's waiting until they separate now yellow is completely separate from yo and yo has to head back and now viper can take a favorable engagement look at yo expecting the crossbows he is already on stone dave so he could build towers but nbl's here nbl will just walk right by this is huge for norway i'm wondering like do you walk by here or do you sit under there i guess you walk by because yo doesn't have anything yeah that was so good now look at all the farms that are idle yo is on the way to castle age but that's not something you wanted you figured with some house walling he could bind stone he could mine gold and he could have towers everywhere and now he cannot take his wood at all what a play from mbl that all stems from the fact that nbl knows yo is not on his gold too like he knows gold position so he knows he has to pressure over here doesn't even have to worry about the left side of the map we've seen so many games where viper's been doubled and then mbl just booms it out this would be another one for norway uh there's some potential for viper to bring his scouts into yo too i mean viper has nowhere else to go i can't use the scouts against licks right now who's adding three ranges as he's halfway to castle age this is so like so many problems caused by just five crossbows yeah from nbl it's such a small army and it's completely disrupting yo zico yo has to bring his scouts back to deal with that and he could do so but already on the way yeah and viper scouts are better than yo scouts good fight for viper i don't know if he was waiting to see what yo was up to actually yo could have used those scouts against uh mbl's new crossbow so maybe that's why blaiper was being so patient there good defensive gates and walls here from yo uh i think licks is gonna need to send some help this way keep in mind viper is going to be the latest to castle age and china are really good at coming back from these types of situations viper though his eco is looking pretty steady like 38 villagers he's adding a couple more stables he's gonna go looks like three stable night production wow pretty much untouched after the early damage and it wasn't a lot of damage dave he only lost one villager and now you have yo with the potential to make knights uh woodline is towered now that's a good tower from yo i didn't see he was building that yeah he put that down really early you can tell that yo just knows exactly what areas of his economy needs to um solidify and look on the other side of the map licks is sneaking in the wiper's face now oh god like so many other teams in this tournament would have died already to norway but in china they have the ability to stay alive oh this could be so bad for viper oh my goodness one just one he reacts nicely yeah should be more than one reaction i'm surprised it's not more than one can viper is he gonna be able to make enough knights to clear this dave it looks like he'll be able to but everything that mbl had has been cleaned up and joe's on the wood line and now he has to run oh viper and yo is the licks excuse me as the master of going yolo and i think he has ballistics already with three ranges queued up with archers viper went from being in a good spot dave to an awful position yep he had two over chops on that woodline and he did not notice the second he only noticed the first one very unfortunate for him especially with triple stable production that he wanted to happen he's actually getting a light cap for his uh his scouts coming back so he may actually be able to clear this up with just his own army oh god he he he lost so much more than joe did uh but mbl is in that free boom situation 50 villagers for him and mayan cheap archers lick's on his own now because yo just a bit late to this party and yo does not have armor yet i think both teams engage but this should be better for i don't know it's excellent micro from from licks here yeah like he was out outmanned and outgunned in that fight he got all the value that he could yo just kind of peeking his head in now he's gonna go back again so it's gonna swing in favor of norway but like you said viper lost so much more than yo he was playing open um and he had at the beginning of the game he had his army back in defense but when he went forward you know teams like chyna can just take advantage of that and punish you really really hard for that licks adding the fourth range now he's actually gone to a second tc it's common misconception we talk i think we appreciate the yellowness from licks and how all in he goes but he can play standard as well and he'll have almost full upgrades on these crossbows with so many producing and mbl also on three ranges also just not going to the third tc so has that vel lead but uh it's almost like mbl is clearly the strongest player in this game with the strongest position right now and then it's two and three is china and then there's viper after those big losses and he's still playing open that's the problem for him right he needs military home and defense because at any point um if china feels safe at home licks can move over to viper's base again and do exactly the same thing those still can't take that main goal i think at this point that has been more than worth it for mbl you've sent that villager forward that's a tough thing to counter yo still doesn't have chain barging armor he did use his scout to look to see where the norwegians were and he's doing it with another one so he knows that they're over here and now norway choosing to run away this is a high quality game dave i thought when they were in the middle of joe's base and viper scouts were coming over i was thinking oh this is a quick wash yeah in norway but licks you know manages to bail his team made out and that's what these uh that's what this chinese team is so good at doing their teamwork is is off the charts but mbl with more crossbows i think the only problem for norway is they're expecting china to try and come up this hill and china says no no we're not going to take the fight where you want it we're going to immediately shift and while there's potential for the norwegians to go kill yo they have to say viper so viper building a town center on the gold just now looking to get three they have the numbers but will piper have eco in just a moment this is crazy i i feel like this is the correct decision from viper though not to wall here in this position you just can't get a safe wall probably won't even why even bother yeah why even bother well it's it comes down to mbl really and mbl still hasn't been hit i think that's the same hole as earlier but the tc is nicely timed the big thing is the army numbers for mbl somehow china need to find a way to engage against that before mbl gets to imperial you need to buy a lot of time and this is how you can control fights while having a fewer units you just have to push out and make the move and maybe mbl and viper will be regretting not moving out or maybe they'll feel very comfortable right now as they feel they've had this army trapped it is trapped however china could waste a lot of their time back here and build up eco behind it viper is still behind oh nbl losing some crossbows a nice little area to find to keep those alive though how is that a thing how is your positioning i guess yo is only putting a second tc down so viper technically viper is ahead in eco now it's true and the light caver it's a bit deceiving when you look at the numbers you think viper doesn't have any knights but like ever pretty beastly in this spot there's 12 of them with the upgrades and norway just goes for the full surrounds mbl has too many crossbows right baby oh wait they never they never win that fight but not at his base dave not his base and there's still that hole mbl hasn't been reacting because he's microing and if china run in there with knights nbl he's won one fight but he's losing elsewhere yeah and there's holes into the farming eco in the middle too and yo is just applying so much pressure losing that force like that in defense from mbl right away wow not what you needed and it's gonna take him so much time to get back over to his base china is so good at shifting focus dave they did exactly that they knew they were going to lose that fight in the middle so throughout that time they created more military and pressured mbl when he was focused elsewhere and while mbl is good at keeping villagers alive this puts him behind the ville count of licks who uh is not close to clicking up to imp nbl has still just done so that's going to be a good boost for mbl but licks the numbers the production from him and the eco behind it is amazing i think now they shift to viper i think now with the rest of your force you either go all in to kill mbl or you shift everything over to viper because mbl's probably sending everything back home well i think you know that viper is not fully walled so you could justify raiding not even a full shift just like five or six nights from yo true or a couple groups of knights to go into viper zico and pull him back a little bit right now they're going to solidify their position on this hill in front of nbl's base if mbl is 17 on food it's not a lot but if he can get our blessed it's mayans he's fine he can get our blessed even just bracer makes such a big difference right and here's the shift so it's knights and crossbows it i think china needs to buy time until licks is an imp and the only way to do that is keep mbl at viper's base at all times viper just sent nbl food that's great communication move i mean i was low on food he's viper sent him some but viper's losing bills on the farms that's this is what i was talking about just some raids yeah i wonder if yo will choose to take out the tc or if we'll choose to spread out the knights that's a big clear up there for china but still not against what they need to kill dave mbl big white speaking of big clear-ups yeah there goes lix's army on that hill and nbl is going to be a steamroller here in imp if he gets a castle if he gets obsidian arrows tristan he won't even need siege to back him up it's not the first time we've seen viper who's on the brink of dying just placed a castle in now the gates from viper oh the town center the castle everything this is one way to deal with an army that's huge he's still taking losses dave but it's on mbl now to win the game for norway bracer and arboles barely coming in but those upgrades normally win games in this spot and china hold on yo now with six stables and going up to the imperial age oh my god so they've given your time to get back into this game dude and that's very very dangerous and credit to licks for uh for you know distracting and giving his teammate time yeah to boom up his economy that's just both teams have been making the right calls uh nbl does not have a castle so we won't see obsidian arrows but still our players may take he's making money right now uh yeah okay but he's really struggling against the knights it's actually going to be denied by three nights from yo until he can get some more arbless back there you know i feel like that castle might not even go up if licks arrives with these numbers because he can micro down low numbers of arbs that nba will be patrolling forward plus you have some knights raiding the other areas unless you have a ram from yo there's a lot going on at mbl's base yeah yo is keeping up the production as he's going into imperial h and he's even looping knights around behind those exposed golds there from nbl so yes mbl has that force that seems unkillable but yeah will be an imp soon and mpl is just attacking houses as he's trying to defend his eco incredible game dave and i can i can honestly say after watching this entire tournament i feel like the only team that would have not died to norway by now is china yep they really understand the uh necessity of applying pressure in the 2v2 situation they've vipered 72 villes yo at 80. uh i feel like both players are receiving some sling both carry players if you call yo it's gonna get hit again for the 15 000 time yes game and mbl now switching over to yo it's important that yo does not research cavalier in a forward stable because buildings will start to melt and it's important he masses but there he is on viper's woodline good reaction from viper dave which he's done a lot this game oh dude nbl's got obsidian errors and he's gonna walk right into yo's base there's only 37 though if yo gets cavalier with armor with 17 20 some cavalier might be able to clear that yo was there a watchtower there i feel like there was a watchtower there it was at one point i i still honestly this this tech disgust me i know i know viewers are like woohoo it's fun but no it's completely broken we have a 30 000 tournament and arboles are taking out buildings faster than and siege does but viper's still having to deal with licks licks is not done and i'm waiting for yo can you get an engage on the hill no hill dave upgrades come in that's a lot of arms from mbl uh it's it's a tough one to call right i think yo probably clears it up that's the case viper's gonna have bigger problems because viper does not have military licks his military it's only mbl who's propping up norway currently and he's losing this fight still though he's got so many around the map he just can't push with them currently and viper oh geez losing more villagers and licks is still pushing into viper's base what we're just in game can't lock this area of the map down licks is is so aggressive and he's so good at just getting value for his units like he'll toss archers under a tc he'll lose a few but he's gonna take three or four villagers exactly every single time paladin on the way for mr yo paladin is on the way arvales have carried games in this tournament but mr yo says no no paladin's still the best unit in the game let's go and he's going to send it all over to viper and well mbl might need or feel the need to push dave he also has to say viper because viper will straight up die to paladin i don't even think if he goes over there to save viper as you say i think he might get caught out in the middle and destroyed true our blitz do so poorly against paladin unless you have like 50 of them is making nights now and his ville counts pretty good considering the spot he's in he's a 94 but i don't think that will it's like he's in a constant state of rebooming he'll lose villagers he'll add more villagers and then that cycle repeats he's not gonna like it when all these cavs upgrade to paladin there are some weak cavalier in there to be fair so he could have a chance if he engages early if he bites his time but it's gonna be really really tough to deal with it i think letting viper dies the play if you're norway because mbl if he were to come save viper it would be a losing battle then i think he has to push yo and he still has 53 military dave look at this and the stables are there for yo mbl could still do this well i mean one thing that yo is really good at is the raids and you can see him in even in the back of mbl's base he's going to take out a whole bunch more villagers and he's going to just build up his paladin numbers until he has enough to try and deal with these herbalists but that's so many herbalists from mbl he needs stables and he needs eco he's only at 100 villagers and he's about to lose a bunch and i i don't know if this fight is great for you but maybe it's a fight to hold the position he engages with the paladins oh god nbl's losing 20 villagers in the back of his base yeah nbl losing the villagers and also i mean joe's in three different places he's defending himself he's killing viper as licks is also here to help and he's raiding mbl yo is just a beast and maybe this is enough paladins yeah it is he's got he's got five stables in production there he's got the ones running down the hill to cut off the production from mbl he's even got a manganal coming from behind yesterday and he's still raiding in the back of mbl's base killed all of the villagers back there absolutely insane the quality these teams have brought us in game one i'm so pleased with this and yo wants to drop a castle in mbo's ranges that would make things awkward when when's viper get in the game dave what what can viper do at this point is he just can he change anything or is he just kind of dead i think like you can't even sling the mayan player right no what are they going to make more harmless i mean licks has been slinging yo this whole time yep yeah and that's how you has the production but it's it's a tough question i mean does viper just produce more knights and castle age and hope to help his teammate out yeah i think the answer is he's kind of done what he could it was on mbl to kill and they'll hold from yo and licks wow i'm seriously impressed i thought just what you thought the game was over yeah i thought it was over dude i was about to say like while this game's over let's go to game number two unbelievable it when licks the time window for licks and early futile was so important and when viper engaged against that spearman and three archers and killed that that's enough right there to feel like mbl is going to ease his way to castle age and viper's not going to be pressured enough and then yo couldn't take his main goal he full walled his base but that did not include where he was taking golden stone how on earth did yo and licks make that happen that is just disgusting i feel like that doesn't happen if viper is any other sieve too that only happens because a viper was huns like he would have housewalled the area that licks went in yeah he would have called the front but with huns it's just it's harder to get those walls down right like you have to create huge stretches of palisades and it just wasn't something viper was interested in doing early in the game and he got really punished for it um if you look at the resources sent viper was sending resources to mbl licks was able to somehow have the eco to send 4 500 resources over to you that could have made a big difference there dave because i don't think you would have otherwise got the paladin which made all the difference but 256 kills for the king of china 113 units lost and we move on to norway's home map i think that's the first time in this tournament they have lost game one they haven't lost many games they lost two to spain but yeah um so norway have team acropolis valley in scandinavia and we're gonna put a heavy focus on these civilizations and we don't know what the map is yet but the way our civ draft is situated here is if you won with a civilization there's a crown over it like china have you lost with a civilization there's a a skull over it and then the snipe image is because those civilizations were sniped out after all the sieves were picked and before the games were played so it's a little bit complicated that this is a new system for you this is to prevent mirror match-ups and it really gives you a heavy focus on strategy dave because you have to think far in advance it's just a whole lot of sieves yup it's it's like i said there's only one missing sip from the draft so you're really like five heading your way through this whole process if you're these teams and that's you know it's a big part of the preparation too um guessing which ones will be available and which ones uh your opposing team is going to want to pick twitch chat you guys are the real whiz kids here um it was spain who had team acropolis as a home map yesterday right i just want to make sure oh my god celenti thank 50 gifted subs you're nuts thank you so what sorry he's going to give you 50 subs the least you could do is say his name correctly that's that's one of my biggest that's one of my worst strengths biggest biggest flaws sorry i can't even speak now um it's gonna be scandinavia but something to think about dave is that team acropolis was picked by spain yesterday and then norway were able to defend on that so it's it's funny to me that they picked it for themselves here look at these sieves dave we have 90 seconds uh celent lee you're a beast and thank you hecky thank you as well again one dollar from every sub goes into the prize pool and uh closing in on 20k chat let's go italians and persians against celts and mongols dave is this not just clearly better for china i think it might depend on like where they generate on the map true if it's if it's uh you know sometimes you get one lake area to yourself for the team i think that would be worse for worse for italian persian i think if you're italian persian you're hoping that you're gonna get the one player on each side so you can really pressure water good point dave uh persian's fantastic at doing that italian's fantastic at doing that in scandinavia while there is a lot of hunt for mongols to take advantage of the the focus is on water early so if licks and yo have their way this is going to post stimp that way celts can be on uh halberdier and siegram and then yo can be on elite mangady and sea john azure almost unkillable and then if viper and mbl have a chance here they need to be aggressive in feudal age and prevent the chinese players from making that great wall can i just say you you were thanking all these subs you didn't thank a 51 month subscriber earlier hey thanks dave for the 51 months i do recall seeing that actually oh man hey i mean you you didn't gift 50 subs but you subbed 51 so that's better it's the same thing yeah it's exact same thing all right so in terms of positions dave sorry guys i have to just quickly fix this um we have viper very close to the water the water to the back side of his base and then it's the same for mbl it's a little bit wonky though because if you look over where licks is gonna be mbl could easily send a villager down here to dock the enemy side weird and then yo i guess uh sorry i got the colors wrong we have yo and yellow now so that's thank you for that china um but they've switched the colors uh yo might need to pay attention to water and then licks could also be sneaky himself against viper's water god youtube's gonna have an aneurysm dude i hate this i'm 100 like when players choose colors or change colors yeah i 100 uh understand that because you get into a rhythm with all the colors but it's fine hopefully they just won't switch back i don't know who this favors dave but again focus for norway will be stopping the wall off which can happen pretty easily between these massive wood lines look at the left side of yours base just some palisades where there's three deer are and he's fully walled on the left i'm looking at uh viper's base right now and that is rough that front area oh it's odd yeah if if and once again he's up against licks yeah like i said before it's just not a player you want to be up against when you have uh exposed resources and those golds are sitting right underneath that hill so viper's gonna have to figure out a way to lock that down i'm gonna be looking to see where they go with their dock villagers because i feel like mbl might go to the other pond i think you might be calling it right now dave unless he's gonna drop a house there but villager running forward just also noticing that china they're lurking around yo and lakes working together with their scouts that nbl already lost a goat to that a bit of revenge i guess for yo to steal some resources from mbl after the resources were walled in now important thing to bring up about the map so age of empires has for years mbl don't lose your scout or viper don't lose your scout that's oh there's not many villagers in there he's gonna you know wander around a little bit get out of dodge and he's gonna be fine okay um the viper does need to care about his villagers and that's sloppy from him but go ahead he likes to licks and yo looking around at viper didn't quit wallace villager okay quick wall this doc villager she's safe for the time being but licks and you're on the hunt yep i forgot loom already though so i think mbl probably told viper that this was happening with loom viper should be okay but real quick back to the maps obviously this does not look very good as licks is coming forward with a veil whoa is licks what is the plan here for licks probably vipers the worst uh probably the players aren't that far away yeah they take it what so you all in my gold i'm gonna just shoot your board this is something oh he's just going to shoot it right beside the base he's not even going to bother with taking it back i think he might have been able to get it back to his base with his scout blocking when you have three at home though you probably don't need to do that yeah uh what's fascinating is we don't see a dock yet for licks and mbl also is not docked i guess because they're far enough away from the water where it doesn't feel worth it i think licks is gonna dock uh vipers like and viper's actually house man what there's some inconsistencies here with viper's place so far well i feel like he's he's got a barracks on his frickin face dude yeah that's part of the problem for sure um all right so just clarify some things i'm trying to go over rules here as people are freaking out so you're allowed to kill villagers at or not villagers but hunt with a villager uh as we saw mbl do to china in game one so that is legal uh first person i saw it do was actually viper viper did that in the group stage but what in the it's got a dual purpose like it it cuts off that gold it lames it kind of and it gives you a production building there's a doc from mbl in the south and again that game plan would be to win water for his team so that's huge for norway there's a dock in the north though for licks okay this is this is a wild game dave because neither team will have water secured and then i don't think either team's gonna have walls up um i have to say i don't know if i've ever seen a tournament where viper has been teamed up on this heavily it happened all the semi-finals and it's now happening here in the final so how fast is licks going to be up to the next stage that's what i'm wondering because he like you said he doesn't have fish he's only using the hunt and the sheep and viper actually stealing as well and he's got a dock in the north so like what's the purpose of the dock if you're gonna be up so much later than your opponent is he's sitting at 115 food right now he's making finishing ships in the north what you could still fish it this time but a viper spots that look at viper he checked that shoreline and now he's going to check is he going to spot this villa tristan the ville is moving over to mbl now links is such dude links is just he's a guy so annoying he's going to play against but he's you're right he is a god i talked to yo uh last night as nbl will lose a villager to this most likely maybe not um [Music] super annoying though uh anyways i spoke to you and yo said you think licks is playing his best age of empires ever well he's been housed for a minute and a half all right oh my god legit you weren't even exaggerating he was at 25 when i last looked dude legit house for a minute and a half well honestly if nbl's in feudal to make even one fire galley it could be good yo is making defensive fire galleys though oh because he spotted the dock wow so well played and did viper spot the dock from licks he did wow these teams are firing on all cylinders this is incredible this is just licks in a nutshell all you have to do is take a screenshot of this villager and these three militias inside of mbl's fully walled base well asked brazil about that uh yesterday licks was able to use a villager on one hp after walling it in and this villager whose full hp will be walled in oh god mbl doing a good job at keeping villas alive but how many fills had to be pulled to attack this he's still in dark age man he's still in dark age he doesn't care yeah he's gonna lose his fish now though i think yeah i think it should care um another barracks why bro no he's trolling dude like what in the what is the name he's keeping that phil alive deletes the doc he says who cares i want my villager does some people see the barracks mvl does see the barracks this is wild i just i have so many questions like why is adding so many farms when he's literally got 10 deer in the back he's two well there's probably a lot of focus he's got two barracks to worry about now so yeah he's probably really focused but he's kind of in that forever huang territory where he needs to continue to make militia and he's gonna do just that villagers even gonna fight mbl's trying to wall this out this is crazy man but i think norway should have a big lead because of the water situation if nbl's able to push and yo patrolling to the south but miss patrolling he could lose his fishing ships to mbl yeah they just passed each other right there in the middle he's gonna notice that all too late as soon as the fire ships show up and lick says dude licks is still bit look at the amount of weak villagers in mbl's economy he's got to be super careful with this micro he's he would be at a disadvantage on water i feel and he actually just ate a massive demo shot so licks yo needs to keep his fish alive what's viper up to right now winning water and fish booming i think there's oh like half of mbl's villagers are less than half hp yeah it's just if he could make it to feudal somehow you know it would be amazing because then man at arm's in one single tower or even man-at-arms archer in here this is the counter to mbl apparently just get in to his walls and then the fully walled base means nothing and you know licks could open the door for yo who has three scouts wandering around viper space is completely closed right realize that i mean if licks manages to punch a wall in the or a hole in these walls from mbl yeah suddenly yo could uh join the party and licks is walling in the gold villagers from mbl so they can't go that direction again it'd be sick if they're any range but i think norway will be happy with the fact i mean mbl is clearly not going to be happy right but i think viper will be happy with the fact that licks is investing so much because licks does not have a dock viper's just been adding fishing ships with italians and viper's going to be on crossbow pretty soon so we'll have a dark age player and a castle age player in the same team game and i think mbl has done a fantastic job and will probably see mbl come over to help him out soon i think licks is thinking about going up to the the future he's he stopped militia production for the time being i like how he has a random militia he forgot about next to viper's mill yep but it's not a big deal because he has seven others this is just licks things uh yo is also clicked up and i guess if yo makes knights viper's crossbows might be threatened so that's something to think about and then another thing i'm gonna clear up the fish from mbl yeah that whole side to himself although viper's sending a villager over dude oh what a play away from viper that's fantastic oh man because not only will he be able to compete on land for his team he'll be able to compete on water i'm really curious where viper sends the crossbows because if he has to get them over to mbl's base there's potential that licks will have time to wall up and then go for the famed huang rush in castle uh he's gonna be adding in magnels you know if licks upgrades these demanded arms there's gonna be six minute arms in uh in mbl's economy it's worth trying to place the defensive tower here for militia will will licks actually get a villager mbl's been so good saving them so far yeah oh my goodness he's not even going to get one but also licks has done a good job not i'm going to they're from here but he hasn't lost many militia to the town center and all these engagements have been so close to that so yeah he moves around the ville's still alive that's paul that we saw in the semi-finals and here comes viper yeah don't upgrade these just go straight up to castle if you're licks well he doesn't know okay now he knows about the archers he can see it with the house line of sight oh can the villager survive he survived so much i think so far look he's doubling back the other way oh he dodged i mean this is kind of a non-factor right now the big thing is gonna be as he's still being annoying licks is the most annoying and impressive player in the game right now this is ridiculous and has been has been for years too yeah this style is very very unique to him and it puts so much pressure on the opponents and it gives you time to do his thing and joe's thing is 3tc right now with fish oh wow viper had a sneaky stable and yo actually spotted that and will kill vipersville oh willie piper cannot quick wallet off yeah but i like the fact that viper has 13 fishing ships his food eco is amazing he's going to add town centers he does have crossbows now to head forward to yo um licks we're going to see a forward villager at some point yeah there are two he's gonna go for a huang rush he's gonna try and pressure viper and that way we don't need to talk about yo much yo being mongols could maybe boom and get into manga die in late game you should probably upgrade uh war galley just to get the better fire ships and push this back from viper i mean that fish is so valuable on that side right important to note if you've been following the tournament somewhat and you've seen players send resources to an ally you cannot sling from feudal very important balance change because otherwise it would happen all the time and so mbl cannot send resources to viper until he's in castle he is remaining competitive on water though dave especially because yo has some weak ones not the best demo for mbl but also not the worst fight to take yeah if you if you was committed to taking back this water i'd really love them oh my god i would love to see him get that upgraded licks is placing two docks i was watching those villagers he was running into the line of sight from the houses from viper and then like doubling back he was looking for somewhere safe to go and viper can actually spot one of those and viper's not much you can really do unless you have a galley he's just reacted now kind of a tough spot for viper because he thought his fishing ships would be safe licks didn't even have a dock to research the war galley upgrade when he got to castle so one of those has to research that i bet you these villagers still will make a siege workshop if they have the time as viper is now pressuring licks a yo has nothing right now except for booming dave so is water and boom for mr yo i think he needs to bring in some support in the way of knights the villagers will not have the time by the way a viper intercepts those and they're gonna go back he's also harassing the woodline from licks but good recognition licks pulls away right at the moment he shows up and only loses one villager if mbl continues to pressure yo on water and viper defends norway's water while also pressuring licks this is exactly where norway would want to be they wanted to lead before post imp i don't think it's ideal that viper is not able to do huge damage to yo but still okay there he is with crossbows and viper seemingly is going to defend on water so it's not it's not working out for china all this harassment it feels like they've just fallen behind in eco because licks hasn't had fishing ships the entire game yo needs to lock down some stone too viper's looping around his base joe's trying to get a siege workshop up but there is another army of crossbows coming yo knows he needs the siege piper with a slight mistake didn't know the town center was there i'm sure that loses a few crossbows to the tc fire but now we'll just sit there and yeah joe's going full defense till impact seems but i think licks could be in trouble if it gets there then again licks adding siege currently and might have that target of taking viper's hill away from him yeah licks managed to take down a few fishing ships from viper as well he was just targeting his fires on the fishing chips not even bothering with the military classic lick style yup you know just be annoying as possible and get put your teammate in a great position i think norway will love their spot now that mbl's docks will soon upgrade to war galley something yo still has not done and if viper can make some knights with his crossbows he can definitely clear up this little push that's starting on the front of his base he's gonna have to clear it up early though because this can fester yeah it's like this is like an open wound right like it's not a big deal at first but it can become a problem as soon as the numbers uh get up there especially in the hands of a player like licks viper realizing this though and i think we should see some siege from him um well knight's work until monks okay castle there we go oh very defensive castle so he's not actually he's only got one tile in the back doesn't really secure the goal all that much either siege could still range villagers but i think the problem is licks is so far behind an eco and if he had three or four monks he'd be fine he doesn't have that viper's gonna pull some knights in there soon and we'll see what magic he can do because technically monks and magnels counter everything but it's all about numbers all about positioning oh good recognition from viper relocates to the gold in the north so he will have accidents to produce and he'll probably secure that area with some walls too so really really good heads up play from viper there viper could imp in a moment dave it's no joke the fish boom with italians and it's his ability to continue to add them has been really impressive i love how nbl even walled in the barracks from licks in his base he's like no no no he would probably go for men at arms so [Music] that was actually a quality attack round there from licks to take out that knight otherwise he could have lost more the viper's knight goes down even though there was no monk there and now there's the monk on the way here comes the next knight that night is also kind of weak though what kind of position is joe in right now though he's got 83 villagers he's on to stone i mean he's got four tc's tristan he's got 84 villes he'll be behind to the imperial age but if licks continues to be a pest you never know but i think viper's going to switch all together oh never mind i thought we'd maybe see condo tierros life are still thinking of our bless something mangudai are really good against if you can get the upgrades you might mix in a few um condos just for the cg right yeah it makes in like four or five it's not a big investment you already have the barracks licks is making spearman from the barracks underneath the castle currently to give you an idea of how wacky he is uh he's actually cueing spearman from that barracks and i surprised to see they're all making it if i were in viper and mbl's position obviously viper has to be concerned about licks and has to deal with that but i i mean if you're them you haven't seen much from yo recently and that must make you pretty nervous yeah like what state is his economy in how many manga does he have or how many castles does he already have yep lake's big reaction here is viper goes in leiper has 25 military but that's deceiving because a lot of it's on water and you're kidding me that's a good night from viper guys i'm so sorry about this i've reported the bug my statistics are crashed so the game's going to run for us but my statistics and the scores crashed i'm sorry that this has to happen in front of so many but actually two minutes before we're about to get twitch front page which is pretty hype but we'll have to deal with it uh and i think lakes is doing what he set out to do here dave press your viper as much as possible give your time and viper needs to get lakes away from him and licks didn't just pressure viper remember he pressured mbl a whole lot like it for so much idle time from the meal at the beginning of the game so mbl's been behind because of that he lost water because of that against yo early oh that might have been right now but yeah the micro from lex was really nice that said viper should easily use arbalest against the magnels yo still hasn't clicked up are you surprised dave or did he i guess on your screen he might have yeah he's at uh 53 okay all right dave will keep us updated in all those texts and as for how many castles he has he's gonna have two and one is going to be right next to mbl's base that's pretty sick so he wants to kill mbl and maybe what that will do is take away from viper's potential attack against licks uh does lex have a magnet oh man viper noticed that just in time oh but he looked into it that was a good attack round for licks that was a fantastic attack round from licks anticipating the split all right wow and this you know what licks is never gonna win this fight straight up he's all he's gonna do is delay yep and that's exactly what he needs to do because what do persians really do against mongols especially when mongols are um up to imp faster and already have two castles to produce manganese viper has units but he's not able to push with them he's just running into random buildings that licks placed in dark age and feudal age and mbl's probably like team where's my team you're right dave i don't know if he's able to do that much except boom and hope for that viper saves him for now but can you tell me the bill count for mbl i imagine it's close to 100 and he might even be in the bill count is one i'll just say it's 100 just to give you the the credit you know it's 100 for ambi it's actually 103 but it's pretty close and we got 120 for yo and yo is now clearing up the villagers that were making the stables yep to the south and emil is going to have a gigantic pain train coming towards him and i don't think viper can help much from this position he could potentially deny that castle yeah but he can't push past the castle viper needs to get siege so again a reminder viper's in imp joe's an imp is mbl on the way dave nbl is 35 of the way to imperial age and licks probably is not at all it would be my guess viper's actually getting pavice pavise pavis i think for his arbalest but once again like he can't push through that castle position and there's gonna be three castles there in between his base and mbos if you're new to the game uh i call mbl the cockroach of aoe and i call him the cockroach of away because he never dies and so he's got this constant reboom going he only has so much space but he's really good at this so i think viper having time is great he just needs to do something with that time to threaten yo that way mbl can and expand and maybe get into the game and yo is gonna find his way through this really annoying gap in the wood line he can either go right to viper's economy or he can go left into the back of mbl's economy and he's pushing nbl's main tc as well thankfully for mbl that is not the mtc yeah okay so he's lost one town center he'll lose the next actually i think yo spotted he spotted the castle because nbl's castle has been attacking licks's houses from dark age so he's now going to try and trap down that castle which is a wise move because that's really what's going to keep mbl from uh from holding against those mangudai and important to note as well licks is slinging mr yo okay wow okay that makes sense and uh maybe some crazy texts could be possible then for mongols like sieger on top of the capped ram but viper with a treb dave not placing the castle yet he is threatening that trio of castles from yo that's a big big thing for norway yeah yo i think yo has to defend this first one because if you let the first one go down for free suddenly the other two are way more exposed and you lose the production building as well so he's going to head over with the magneti and take out this treb does mbl have stables working he's got some knights i see okay that's good but he doesn't have that many units he only has five himself or for himself viper does clear up the manga die and that's a good move uh norway looking to be in a better position now i'm still really nervous about this position for mr yo on mbl though that's a lot of mangady and that's a lot of castles to produce magneti and viper with only arbalest is just going to be slow in defense of his ally can you tell me what the team score is looking like right now team score is 6 900 nice for china and 6 500 for norway all right so slight score ramps are in on the castle from maybe all that thing's going down that's dead it's it's definitely going down there's no counter here there's no military here there's no defense at all if vipers are blessed they're too slow they're out of position he is taking castles oh wow that's cute hog champ for the elephant twitch chat pog champ for almost 20 000 viewers welcome uh but yo just needs to continue this push do you think onager is something that yo could consider doing if he continues getting the sling from licks potentially yeah uh but i think right now for mr yo you're banking on the fact that you have mobility right you don't have to take the straight up fight against viper you can keep poking and prodding in different areas i think at the moment you probably want to focus on getting licks to onager yeah get licks into the game a viper packing up the siege at the perfect time he does have genoese crossbow genoese crossbow have a counter against cavs that does include the manga dye and there's oniger actually yo cutting through the trees viper has to be very careful now and yo is paying tribute now to licks so they've kind of they kind of counted a little bit yo sending a bit of food over and licks his resources and he's got 1300 food 1500 gold in the bank and he's on the way to the imperial age he's already 72 percent there dave i so badly want licks to use this barracks because the walls are going down now i so badly want him to make healthy ears there i'll let you know if he does i mean i can see that much i just can't see if it's cute viper is going to lose all his cros his arboles in mbl space big cleanup elite manga die against the arbs easy win for the manga diva dave what at least's base the manganal is getting value from rapist armless i was more worried about the other side because viper's taking out yo's castles currently and y'all goes 2-2 with the siege rams to take out trebs i might get them oh my god he got all three he got all three dave and mbl still falling further and further behind it back into his base he does have cavalier though yo has 35 magdai here and if there's one thing we learned from hidden cup it's that mangadai are still better against genoa's crossbow also uh in the hands of mr yo it's a little different i think with one or two monitors then suddenly viper needs really good bombard cannon micro which he has but actually the sea drams more than anything that will be tough for the viper and rip to a bombard cannon just like that these units are nuts and here come the drill on it i mean it was a good split to get out of there for viper it really looked like it was going to be worse but still viper unable to push the castles yeah great micro there from viper to save the army i i thought everything was going down there i did too yeah he doesn't he likes to be on the other end of the highlights he doesn't like to be at the negative side those highlights but dave that castle is a goner the jenny's crossbowmen are gonna die uh licks he hasn't done anything in imp yet but he's going to and it's looking like china are in the lead until mbl can maybe show up with his cav i love the play to just send the siege rams in there he realized his viper has nothing to do with them yeah and nbl's been so squeezed back into that base and now if you're viper and mbl i mean mbl has managed to stay alive here he has a big force of cavalier now he still has 93 villagers somehow yeah you said cockroach of aoe but licks is suddenly back in the game and if he looks at the honor of his own licks is pushing on the right hand side if he goes if he pushes viper but also contributes some helmeteers with yo it just doesn't feel killable and this actually comes back largely to the preparation as viper gets rocked by some of these onagers oh but this could be a big swing paladin is coming in very very close for mbl these are about to change that's why he's been so patient that and the fact he was pushed back into his base so not not that many manga died dave and paladin is in so i think viper will hold that hill yo attempting to get some good attack grounds and setting up beside his traps that's actually you know you're going to lose the trebs yeah so that's a great place to start with the mega dye yeah that was a much better fight really good fight and viper hold licks now probably the best siege halp civ in the game he does have alba deer mbl's here with paladin snipes and onager um yo probably needs to continue to focus on mbl because there's so many exposed goals nbl's taking gold with 25 bills there yo just built a siege workshop with 20 some pills viper is also trading on the water with trade cogs they don't have the they don't have the speed upgrade yet but that's that's that i think it's great because they they are denying the trade from the enemy kind of sort of kind of um and the one to also well we'll talk about that date but that is gonna be some gold income for them which is greatly needed right now as mbl gets pushed off viper's gonna have to solely focus on licks pretty soon here well he's held another castle stays up from the viper what a hold from norway dave this is incredible but they're like trade are not going to be enough mbl has two piles of almost depleted gold in the back viper's got no gold access now yeah that hill he's had the hill he's had the gold there but no has dijon insurance oh god i'll see you later fight for no fight for well he gets value at least but bumper cameras to look at if you're viper and nbl there's so much to focus on and licks auditor cuts himself a path they hit this extra gold and is dropping a castle there there's so little control for norway genoese crossbowmen and paladin against only mangadai on the left still feels like joe could easily pop out of siege on injury though and be in a good spot here yeah and you always got a whole whack of mangudai right now he's got 40 mangani in a ball that's so tough to deal with and mbl i mean like i said he just doesn't have the gold to continuously produce paladin so he doesn't want to lose this army he doesn't want to dive that ball of mangudai dave good time to remind people this is the home map for norway they chose this map china came out with good sieves drafted and wild wacky only china a possible strategies viper at risk of losing his side nbl risk of losing his side i know our stats are frozen here and i'm sorry for that that will change for the next game but i i just don't see how norway stops this long term they they don't i mean your viper's gonna spend all day killing one kilt siege ram and there's albs and onager's to follow it up and mbl's desperately every single time embryo goes forward he's trying to trap these manga die from mr yo clear them up mr yo is on top of his game and he won't let himself get in that position the pointy boys taking out the bombard cannons now italians just cannot fight in this spot no they didn't take a big enough lead early and it is officially at post-imp now where persians italians seem to struggle so much uh mongols i mean mbl's doing a good job but mongols should be better off if they have the golds and i hear the gg for some reason we can't see it and china wow go up 2-0 all because licks is just the most annoying player ever think about everything that he did in dark age we were talking like he's gonna be dark age against the crossbow castle h player you know but mbl had 10 villagers constantly chasing that force inside of his base like somehow managed to sneak in there he'd like lame the gold from viper early he lame the boar from viper early distracted him and meanwhile all yo needed to do was win on water initially and then boom up into mangaday we say all he needed to do like it was super easy but i mean in china yeah i mean china already were investing into some trade yo was about every little small thing you need to do was happening here yo was gonna castle the shoreline just so uh the water presence wasn't an issue for the enemy he had a mining camp heading there i mean mr yo historically in 1v1s over the last six months has had the better of viper china looking very good against norway but dave this is an excellent way to start off the finals because if it was 2-0 norway everyone would say ah this is going to be a sweep norway is going to destroy they've got the best team this is over but now that you have china up 2-0 i fully believe that norway can come back and we have ourselves crazy series but i'm i have to question picking italians here um because italians would be useful on team islands which is a a home map for china and i have to question allowing mongols i mean i suppose it was picked super early for china but the sieves just looked and felt better there for china well i think i think the gameplay or game plan for norway was we'll secure both sides um both water areas and we'll wall up at home unfortunately for them licks snuck into the wall from mbl and just it just messed up the entire game plan yeah licks is that's been the key for him for so so long to to be a pest and give your time and and that was the perfect spot jim of the north can we get some nicest in chat thank you for the 69 gifted subs you are incredible um and should we have another game to talk about uh dave how does norway turn this around before we even see the map with their gameplay well i've seen the map so oh okay what what is the map then and then their second home map of this series which is team acropolis okay and it looks like viper and mbl are gonna opt for burmese and indians and then on the other side we're going to have yo and licks going for humans and berbers so wow likely camel aaron bye versus what knight camel archer potentially so i i mean i'm interested for this because we haven't seen a ton of team of crop but if you have berbers and you get camel archers out that might be one of the units that can actually deal with the air and buy yep yep they counter them pretty well at the same time indians seem to counter cumin paladins pretty well too so this is a really even civ match up and the strategies could be completely different we'll find out they have launched everybody and let's keep this going here 2v2 world cup game number three between norway and china uh scores surprisingly 2-0 in favor of the chinese so and the blue we have viper he's playing burmese and the green we have mbl he's indians yo is sticking with yellow okay um so he's cummins and then licks will be berbers in the red and dave the theme has really been uh early 2v1 situations for china and making the most of it yep and a lot of like especially last game a lot of distractions from alex he's just giving your time that's that's the game plan for them in team acropolis i think the 2v1 situations are going to be a bit less because they're so close to each other um but we'll see if licks opts for some more early pressure similar to last game i i feel like it's maybe not an option because it's such a long distance but with berbervilles you never know i think because the map gen will see extremely passive play from at least one player sometimes on team acropolis you cannot wall to the edge of the map and it's a circular mountain or hill uh here you can wall to the edge of the map which makes it pretty easy to team wall so the expectation for norway is viper will want aaron bye and so i feel viper is going to wall to the edge go fast castle mbl's indians he could easily make a few scouts to try and deny walls and still get up to castle age at a good time so that's what i think there and then we might have a similar thing where well actually hold on i'm not sure but licks could go into fast castle camel archers and then i guess yo just maybe second tc with cumins i i think that's the play with cumins i can't see picking them for any other reason i mean you're going to be probably fully walled on this um team area on top so if you have that opportunity and you're safe to put down that second tc i think you you have to capitalize on the sieves bonus where do you build the second town center you could try and get it on this i don't know i think that's a good ad i think it's good to go down okay all right you see because you're going to be so far behind right you know the enemy is going to be in castle before you and they're going to have potential to push that area and it just it just creates a giant target for your enemies to attack right reminder for those i've been doing this a lot throughout this tournament so you guys are probably sick of it by now but uh mr yo and licks were in the finals in 2018 and they lost to finland who they actually ended up beating in the quarterfinals this tournament so they're no stranger of the big stage no stranger the finals and yo just staying at home for now dave so we have a lot of time to wait and see what happens but i kind of like how this is developing because it could be great for either team viper just i saw i was on his point of view and he just signaled the uh tc spots from licks and yo he can't see anything yeah so he sees relics oh yeah he sees it yeah yeah i guess so i think also if you look at the map scripts a few times before you load up you could figure out that the relics are distributed on the sides of the bases so uh yeah that's probably viper saying i think he's there viper weakens the boar with his town center and yesterday i don't know if you caught it dave licks accidentally killed his rhino with his town center and still ended up winning the game just like this licks things yeah ditto but it's so easy to find the enemy if you find the elevation there's no real risk you're going to run into that town center viper moved forward to confirm and honestly viper should probably get his scout home because if he's going fast castle the enemies will be in futile faster than him and that uh wait a second he's getting loom oh no he's just getting loom to wall oh yeah his scout needs to get out of there before the faster and stronger attack scouts come in from the enemy i feel like viper might go up and get equal upgrades hmm or he just or he goes scouts here because he's making a barracks already is he viper's making a barracks yeah my ba oh oh yep barracks oh yeah i'm definitely caught up to speed here dave we're good uh good to know and yeah at barracks and getting loom this looks like it could be man-at-arm timing maybe but like what are you gonna have to fight up hills with the minute arms and like find an opening when teams are usually already walled i think there's a beauty though in switching it up if you've been predictable yeah or if you feel as though your strategy is just predictable not even what happened before and so that and the fact that yo might try and get a second tc up i don't know there's some potential because meanwhile licks is walling licks is definitely not going for fast castle but man at arms would be the best way to break through villagers for it arms tower he's gonna licks licks okay well he forgot to go to gold which is a big problem he's super late to gold dave so he can't even make his third militia and he won't be able to research men at arms that is not great he'll find a way he'll find a way he'll find a way the walls china are well known for finding a way to get walls up and that will happen and i guess licks might be considering scouts here as yo booms and dave do you see where joe's headed yeah i was gonna say do you remember that time that i said you shouldn't put a tc down there well yo is uh is gonna go put a tc down there and mbl's looking for it too mbl's still in dark age so he's going fast castle and that means his scout will go down if yo spots that which yo should oh he's worried about the wolf no he's not worried about the wolf yet nbl scout will go down viper with the forward archer range anadarm's on the way he only has two of them doesn't feel like it's that worth it and now you have a stable for licks as he will add scout so it's viper's turn to delay so mbl can carry similar to what licks did in that previous game do you want if you're in viper's position though do you want to shift over to the human player at some point i mean the humans you want to try and disrupt that 2tc boom right honestly the only thing i'd say that you would want to do is maybe take them off food like berries but there's not much you can do about cumins nowadays so it's okay to press your licks and if you but what could work well here and this is what spain tried against norway yesterday if you break down the team wall nbl can send camels in here in castle age and that can be really strong so that might be the idea but licks is a pretty good tower player himself and oh viper sending archers into the tower that's an idea obviously giving extra arrows for less units within the tower i'd love to see some spearmen from him coming forward too because the lakes does have that stable yeah on the front there and mbl is actually signaling he signaled the tc from yo and then he signaled uh the open spot as well in the base yeah viper probably can run through there yo is beginning to wall up expect yo to have a pretty big bill lead as his two tc's are pumping uh that right there i guess yo didn't really know how bad it was over here he just lost his scout to viper but so far so good with lix's tower defense really good actually look at this that one gets weak hop it into the tower this one gets weak hop it into the tower and now viper bales nbl's about to click up [Music] licks just needs another defensive tower here he's waiting to see a viper places one yo has to be careful not to over chop these wood lines and there we have oh okay defensive tower from licks so let's talk about positives for viper situation uh his eco should be looking pretty good when he eventually gets the cast leads the downside is he's going to take some time to get there uh he's also on stone to make towers so he'll be on stone naturally so when it comes time to get to the air by it should should be a comfortable spot for him to be and i'd say the downside is he's making a lot of units that don't translate that well into the rest of the game like archers and at arms this does not this is not a thing for him in the mid game at all well on the plus side i mean he's kind of protecting his alley as well right like lakes made those scouts and he has to keep them at home to deal with this and he has to keep running around in circles and that's time that gives it gives mbl to boom up his eco they know the human player is not going to do anything but produce fills so emil didn't even have to wall oh he didn't have to spend any of that time the wall wow yo even checking this i mean i don't know how he's paying attention to all the right things at the right time but experience paying off here and nbl defending a villager for her too dude siege workshop i think dave he might go full on one tc magnel rams camels if he's going forward with a villager it makes sense there'd be siege and don't tell me oh licks he did not spot that he had the potential to snipe it so close well i think he's kind of busy now that uh viper is also pressuring yo here he's gonna have to keep his scouts over there and they won't notice the forward siege from nbl if this was a 1v1 every player in the universe would be looking for a forward siege from mbl but it is a 2v2 and viper is kind of distracting now viper's going to bring his force over and be able to supplement the uh the manganese from mbl dave with his army if nbl chooses the left town center there's nowhere to run for yo and the magnels will be doing hill bonus damage but dave why not put the tc at the bottom of it i mean we're seeing now why that might be a real downside and mbl i think he could do it man i really think he could camels can't be countered right now yes yo has 46 villagers but magnels can change that and he was also idled by viper so viper being elix as you said and keeping both the chinese players on the back foot yeah it's such a turnaround isn't it the viper's playing the licks roll yeah and licks is just spending all his time dealing with it he is on nbl's woodland now though oh boy oh boy i mean it's not the worst but he doesn't have extra town centers to add more bills and he and viper have to worry about this now so yo losing two villagers on the berries to the manganell licks over there with some villas but the big thing is that yo will get pushed on the left town center there's scavengers it's gonna be camels archers men at arms towers a siege workshop in between that you're right he has nowhere to run you can't even go for a defensive tower against magnels in the current meta which is what has made that push so strong because feudal age towers only have 700 hp there's just no chance so that's ill bonus magnel that i think norway are in the perfect position to get their win yep this will negate the human eco bonus right here if you wipe up all these villagers suddenly yo has no village at all and he's in feudal age and he's under pressure unless he's going up to russell h now yeah unless you can hold and get on to nice uh this sounds nice left area i don't think but would it not make sense to get licks on full scouts and just try and take out the siege for now uh i don't think so because there's the camel's there there's pikeman there like if you fail at taking out the siege and there's bills here to repair if you fail at taking that out suddenly you're you know a couple more minutes behind to castle age look at viper with the archers burmese archers ladies and gents not the best archers in the game but they do something here who needs that wood so he can repair and he's just repositioning repairing repairing dude like what does he even do in the next stage i don't know this is desperation here for mr yellen look at how viper spaced out his archers fantastic play from him cutting off that entire wood line and nbl's just waiting it always behind the hunt for these bills he was gonna buy some wood here dave he's running out of wood to repair he's actually not repairing which is also an issue you can't run is he just giving it up well i mean licks is coming back with the scouts kind of distracting emile's not really noticing an attack brown is about to come in here it's a slaughter oh man yo is trying to save what he can but say goodbye to the ville lead oh geez that is that's all of yo's advantage in this game just gone in a couple seconds and now he's down to the lowest ville count with humans oh man i just i just hiccuped there i'm i'm like i'm losing my mind this is so much fun to watch i utilize hour two for licks that's gonna just get shredded by manganos so many teams with gg in this spot china's like no no we still have bills we can do this we'll try play what though is yoloing a castle at the front i mean which goes up even here are not hi i think kipcheck camel archer is actually pretty decent in this spot against aaron bye and camel but economically things are certainly looking bad nor do i need to win this you don't kill that many villagers and get away with throwing this if you want to win the finals you have to take advantage of this now and look at dave look at licks on the right you know what he's gonna do well i mean he's got to that's the that's the joy of watching players like yo and licks they know at the point in the game where they need to do something crazy and this is crazy everyone say shh where's he gonna put it though there's nowhere to put it he's not sure because he doesn't have scouts he's actually running in here blind dude he doesn't have any scouting he has no scouting and he's still just hoping probably hoping that viper is gonna i don't know maybe he wants the map control there but that's funny so i guess kipcheck defense at home for china and then camel archers forward something that norway will not be aware of and i think viper yesterday said the struggle with playing lakes is that even though you're expecting a surprise it somehow still surprises you it wasn't quite like that and i think we'll see that what is what does china do if uh mbl shifts his push over to lix's base there's obviously a defensive castle yo but if emil shifts over to licks yeah it could be a big problem for him i mean it's really why defensive castles are a thing tape so these types of pushes won't work anymore uh but i guess yo is just gonna do his best to use kip checks against it and mbl is really good at booming and magnetomicron so mbl 55 bills viper 46 norway with the lead there and forward camel archer lumber can't play from lakes emil will never let these skipjacks get anywhere close to these manganals he's going to be on the ball seven range for the manganese six range for the kipchaks and the kipcheck player also has to worry about the camels that are really strong yeah also just the fact you want to counter-attack because mbl will be in a position to boom so it sucks this oh look at viper in the back of elixir's base archers coming in clutch archer's coming in clutch back of lakes bay oh they're back of licks base hello did he kill much or did they all just die well i mean idle time he killed a couple of villagers but like burmese archers yeah you're not gonna get much more value out of them get rid of them licks is being very patient but there's also not many areas he can hit from viper viper will have just as many air buy i think camel archers become the stronger unit when you get ballistics and thumb ring and especially an amp uh in castle age aaron by feel way stronger and that also the burmese eco with the free lumber camp upgrades helping viper a lot and viper saved all four they're running through mbl's base he took the long way around he saved all four of those villagers that he sent forward earlier yeah i'm just so no losses for him i'm looking for looking at the eco setup everything's looking good yo does come forward dave's he's actually left his teammate kind of alone it's it's worth the risk i'd say yeah yeah i'm gonna have to and yo is going to re-tc that area on the left and bl does have a ram over there so female notices he's moving it right now does that mean you'll see this i don't think he does he just looked at that area of his screen and now the camel archers are on viper stone how does licks get away with this four villagers down we'll be five villagers down that's a lot that's a lot of bills yeah very china with the ramp he's going is he actually oh if he gets that dave that would be so sick yo doesn't have any military to deal with that ammo archers have run in but camels and air by are here and ultimately it should be easy cleanup for norway but viper wouldn't have wanted to take those losses and okay ram getting checked on the back of mbl's base dude he's killed four villain five six oh this back yeah 74 vills for mbl still looking horrible for licks and yell but military working out dave i think nbl should like dive the economy of licks with those camels to be honest he's going to bring him back and try and wipe up this army but i i think like you see all this stuff forward look at mvl and viper i have no idea there's a castle here they're just like what why is there a castle here they never thought they needed to pay that close attention to that area viper's over on the left side supporting the one ram from nbl too yeah villagers still alive hiding behind that yeah way to go dave that's on you that's on you i didn't mean to with micro from licks mbl's still 82 villagers but he's losing some so it seems like there's a lot to do for mbl he almost has so many villagers that there's there's constant threat of losing some but i still like norway's position dave i have to say though china really giving it their all when they seem or have seemed dead for a bit and a good fight there for mbl and viper on vipers hill yeah and mbl's on his fifth tc now so he's gonna start booming up and the chinese players are really gonna struggle to get their economies rolling licks with the forward town center and castle viper will just castle there if viper or mbl go in they can take out this forward base and that castle so easily so for china they they need to continue to kill and i see now viper researching coinage so viper probably wants to sling mbl his resources to get mbl up to the imperial age but dave do you see what yo is planning on next to mpl's tc's and he's got the kipchaks in the area to support that as well well they're kind of leaving the area they're in the area they they're close enough i guess yeah mbo has like 30 villagers here dude that is a castle right there for mr yo it's going up and mbl uh is not anywhere close to clicking lots of camels and a big ball of aaron by coming over yo has to be very careful with this castle will it go up will it go up will there be a dog they're in the area dave but they're not close enough and there's not enough of them norway say not today not anymore they deny that castle and that needed to happen for you yeah there's no way yo was ever getting that up with the kipchaks even standing there in support yeah i think viper would always micro those fills down and the kick jacks have to run away from the camels hit and run hit and run hit and run you cannot stay and defend your villagers uh vembio had the stone i'm sure he could just build his own castle there look at licks on the other side picking off viper's villagers how annoying is this guy yeah but viper viper has more tc's than licks he can just out produce yep and nobody likes guys and you know camel archers are not the same as aaron bye they can't take out buildings so licks is gonna have to constantly run away from the tc fire the castle fire someone said it was just a distraction a 12 villager distraction there's been a lot of that from yo today uh the castle's not going up though and he's gotta cut his losses i think and delete that to get some stone back licks is imping huh what is yo what okay yo check and see if he's slinging him okay viper just sent his resources over to mbl so that's not a big surprise he did not sling him so licks probably bought his way up um well he's losing a ton of camel archers now he would need to have elite camel archer bracer chemistry but dave while there's a lot of castles to push viper's not going to have the luxury of making trebs so suppose yeah but i can just run in with the camels yeah yeah yeah yeah girl h2 right you're right you just run in he's got so many camels and you know kip checks do decent damage output against camels but camel archers against indian camels not the greatest mbl has 130 of his own villagers and he's receiving resources from viper uh they're they're you're right there's just seems like there's no way to push this hill and no real way to finish off norway's very strong economy and at some point nbl's gonna send like little groups of five to ten camels into the economy from the chinese and they're not gonna have anything to deal with it yep he's actually sending his main force over to try and clear up these kick jacks it's interesting how in this game norway chose a very offensive strategy so they could then be defensive instead of previous games they were maybe a bit more defensive like mbl going through fc uh some of the walls and whatnot and then they ended up struggling against the aggression so maybe that's the overall game plan norway can use be offensive first then fall back with the lead viper's going up to him he's at 20 percent and licks has to fight uphill against this castle so viper could potentially hold it until the point where he can get some trebs out of his zone two castles licks place that castle right next to vipers actually helps viper a little bit uh viper with so many castles going up though he knows this is now a trebor they'll also see the team score and know how many villagers they've killed to know that this is all in from china okay mbl has had enough of chase and kip checks and he's just gonna run into the economy for mr yo and this is what i was talking about yeah he's gonna get into that gold into that one line and it's gonna be really tough for the chinese it's an area they can see pretty easily too because viper oh and viper is taking up tc from licks and licks just doesn't care licks doesn't know viper's like look at this mbl look what i'm doing licks didn't even react and okay now we have the gg that's so typical for them to play on but i love the fighting spirit yo lost so much it was so well played from norway to take out the tc the way they did but uh that's what you want in finals you want to play on until there's absolutely no chance and that's part of that you know that versatility i was talking about earlier before the match started viper going for a manic arms tower push like that yeah it's not a thing that we see from him very often especially in tournament games like really not a strategy we see from him that often and he made it work and nbl because he had the freedom to be open at his base and build up his eco and go fc he was able to uh to cover up from in in early castle age well you probably opened up the opportunity for mbl to do that because yo had to pull so many villagers to make defensive towers good point um something we see from team china all the time and i think that viper and mbl also thrived on the fact that the expectation was that viper would never do that and that he would go fast castle yep all right uh 70 units killed there for mbl and there's the overall eco indian villagers are cheap indians just feel so strong there more food more wood more gold good carry from him and only possible because of his teammates work so dave now we go on to china's home maps and two in particular china have seemed unstoppable on over the past couple years and the first one's nomad the other one that comes to mind is team islands though chaos pit is also wacky and chaos puts in there it's going to be crazy all three of these maps i hope we see i hope we see all three of them this has been an amazing set so far i'm so pleased with this i was a bit worried after the third place match not being as as competitive as i wanted but if you like high level age and you want a good conclusion to the tournament this is it guys and we'll have the next home map soon uh i'll actually do a quick restart here on my ends dave but let's just assume it's nomad because it's probably what china will go for okay i see in the lobby browser right now they have nomad loaded up as the map hasn't started yet but uh we will see that and i think from the chinese perspective we'll probably see little do you go lithuanians um okay so you have lithuanians is a tricky one because you might also want lithuanians on so many people japanese here that's a potential too i don't know any means maybe japanese is probably a team island pick um i could see something like vietnamese lithuanians working really well but it's less down to what works well and it's more down to saving civilizations for future maps to everyone who's debating it's weird that they pick nomad and then they would have these civilizations left over because there's nothing other than lithuanians there's nothing that just screams no mad to me maybe we'll see koreans here for the chinese maybe licks goes koreans and just is super annoying with the tower that's that's a very licks thing to do i mean one thing i'm still confused on as far as civs go italians probably one of the best island civilizations persian's one of the best civilizations for nomad and then in scandinavia norway used both of those sieves and then they'll probably pick they'll probably pick mali i think malians are probably the best for nomad and then maybe spanish maybe mali and spanish malians on water and then spanish with konks that seems like a really good combo that's honestly top tier that is as good as you would want for nomads so yeah good point now we might go into this even though it's a home map for china with norway having the better civilizations but i like vietnamese a lot dave because maybe okay let's hear this so vietnamese koreans now one of the big problems with tower rushes and nomads is you don't know where your opponent is vietnamese will tell you exactly where their pcs are yeah but does licks need a tower bonus uh i think all licks needs to know is where you're at i don't think alex needs any bonuses i'm just bringing up possibilities you know right that's fair that's that's fair this is what we're here for to talk it through uh well we'll have our answer here everybody uh thank you kate man he says samurai be like where is my sword oh here it is where's my sword oh here it is yeah that's what he's doing there on your screen i noticed that last week hey there we go there we go there we go dave you called it koreans let's go all right so spanish they're just sick if they can go fast castle and that can decide games when norway lost to spain in the semi it was because norway was not able to punish and threaten the spanish player early so licks goes koreans and so is maybe thinking about towering and denying all that stone from spanish lithuanians for yo is amazing you start with so much food so you can chop wood to then fish earlier and and that's even before we get started on the skirms the knights and the monks but is this a must-win for norway dave i think you know what i i would say it was a must-win if they were playing like team islands but they're playing nomad and you just kind of expect to lose nomad against the against this team you know yeah that's one way of looking at it i feel like they can they can deal on chaos pit and team islands but nomad is just another level of crazy that you can't go into this game thinking it's a must win yo told me yesterday we have strategies prepared so i don't know if that means that korean's lithuanians has been a practice strat but he said that they'd not had to reveal their best strategies so i don't know maybe maybe berbers and cumin's was their strategy and that just that just lost them a game but i think mali and spanish are so good and so are yo and licks that norway need to tie it up here if they want to win the finals um if they go 3-1 down you've got to imagine that yo and licks are gonna get at least one win from the remaining games okay here we go nomad game number what is this game number four now in this set norway is down two to one and they have i would say they have the better nomantives definitely with um oh malians in spanish but look at what's happening on the right tristan already mbl is you know he's teasing the deer and the wood which is great but licks has a hill advantage over him with his tc okay and he's got a second villager there earlier before we freak out too much there's one restart per best of seven also that dock for yo is a little interesting um so there's one restart per best of seven and that's because map gens can be so wild in age in the past it was like two or three per best of seven but we said no screw that we'll only give them one i think with that tc spot if nbl even figures out over the next four minutes situation which he might you got to consider a restart here yeah especially against lithuanian sorry that was yo not licks yeah that's yo keep getting the colors mixed up emil's gonna find that with this villager now and we'll see if he calls it here it's actually not an admin read it's only an admin re if the tc's range each other so admins would call the restart of the tcs range each other but i don't think they do even though it's just out of range so you have until the four minute mark which is a lot on nomad uh we'll see dave norway are known for saving them just in case it gets really tough so i don't know yo is super lucky that he's lithuanians here because he tc'd a woodline and mbl has all the control over the food and yo doesn't see all he sees is two deer he doesn't see any of those boars he sees one extra turkey now yep this is why mbl also just got housed pretty badly so i think everything feels like this might be some type of a re at least if they're thinking i don't know if nbl's sharing all this information with viper right but i'm sure he is you know mbl now in a really high pitched voice he's sharing this information well we have 15 seconds we don't see in-game chat but if the game ends we'll know it's re mbl oh god and i don't know who he lost the villager dude yeah he but but wait a second joe resigned first i'll have to hear word from robo on who called the restart but i think both teams might have been considering the idea there so one of them did call the re uh the wise move would be to wait till 3 59 to say it someone did it you know what it might have been yo i think so yeah because he all he had was two turkeys yeah i mean it was rough for both yeah like i'm looking at mbl's tc and like at the last second there he lost a villager i think that was before the rec yeah maybe he saw it and he said forget about it because i don't know but i think what's nice about that restart is it's not like both teams weren't great or one team was in a great position and the other was in an awful position i think it was evenly awkward uh robos shoot me a pm so we know actually he'll probably stay in the group uh china called the re and they've already started again so completely different map gen with same sieves that's really unfortunate for norway yep now watch it happen again uh dc's need to go up right away on nomad that's extremely important so there's nothing stopping that from happening again but is this not why china likes nomad dave it's their first home map pick because their best skill is adapting to the chaos yep all right it'd be a real admin decision if right at four minutes which is the latest time you could say it both teams said it what do you go alphabetical there you get like host priority on the appearance of the text yeah seriously all right so we're back in uh this this map gen is different dave because it's heavily land locked on one side which becomes a factor and no tc's yet for the players no dock positions none of that uh it looks like mbl is gonna be safe his tc is going up here i see viper he's on the other side and actually the teams are kind of split up here guess yo is more towards the middle and then you have licks far far away with koreans yeah i think if you're i mean licks has a nice tc spot on gold stone and wood with some food options near but i think if you're in china's position you would want licks closer i'm assuming that he's gonna go for some tower rush strategy but he could surprise us and go for war wagons or maybe just turtle ships you never know i think because you get a discount on um on your navy if i'm not wrong i think that you get a discount on all of your units that cost wood so it's a wood discount on fire galleys is what i'm talking about you could have lakes go water roll and then castle age you could go for guard towers because that upgrade's free so you don't have to go yolo feudal what are you talking about wood discount there's a wood discount for who korea koreans on their on their military oh yeah that's oh yeah yeah you knew that yeah god man all these patches dude they're adding new stuff to the game i can't even keep up anymore i won't bring up the fact that that's been the case for i think ever since the e came out but are you serious yeah oh my god that's how often i play koreans in your defense type of one in twitch chat if you didn't know that yeah um and then also i think that koreans are underrated because no one ever thinks about that no one ever talks about that so that's that's that's hype dude it's hype because it suits them right their arboles cost wood their their navy costs wood uh but anyways dave i'm looking at the ville counts which is the big thing viper off to oh watch him call her re because he just got housed yeah maybe honestly that was china's re oh god you're right what if norway calls her yeah well they're screwed then that's a that's a rough start look licks down to five eco just because his the production of his tc and his dock was halted due to getting pop capped pop capped on nomad is uh can i say it's a no no or is that too bad of a joke to make yeah it is a no-no you really want to keep your houses rolling and it's a it's a map you'll find yourself pop capped on quite a bit because you're producing the tc and the dock at the same time right it's not too bad though uh yo and viper off to a good start with their bonuses and now we have to pay very close attention to if they spot each other dave because the turkeys are out and about scouting go scouting with this one mbl he hasn't spotted anything just yet and then viper well i don't know where his villager came from it looks like no one has spotted the enemy yet and also his villager was just bugged out there but he's fixed it good stuff viper yeah yo is on the hunt for the enemy he's looking he just passed a turkey from viper just passed a turkey from yo what's up jim i'm just yelling alex is signaling the north of the map so he must be saying like he's probably scouted the south yeah he scouted quite a bit of the south yeah so he probably just assumes with the information he's getting from yo that they're up there at the north somehow now dock positions are huge and you have licks who is definitely behind and this could mean later the feudal age which is massive on nomad he's docked that right side he's very close to the viper then you swing that around you have mbl in the west and then you have yo so it's kind of china norway norway china they could in theory uh sandwich the norwegians on water if they both choose to go for that but that's really uncommon yo just found a meal and mbl like if there's one player in this game that could be really threatened by a tower rush here it's probably mbl look at his stone placement gold placement his one wood line there there's not many areas to run for him what a pro lore here from yo no loom pulled it from all the way over here blocking with the turkey he only took two hits from that board and brought it all the way to his base that's an experienced nomad player right there uh just the small things that pros do with such confidence when the pressure's on mbl found licks now he just signaled that for viper okay so they're getting a map awareness here and they're starting to figure out where their opponents are and also viper located the dock from licks so that it's interesting because viper normally wouldn't play the water roll he just wants to fast castle safely we'll see what happens no one's clicked up yet dave but it should be coming shortly before the players going fast futile what is yo doing with this lumberjack over near mbl he knows he's there is he going to lane like the stone or is he just exploring i think he's just exploring isn't it a korean team bonus that your villagers have more line of sight yes or is it i didn't know if it was a team bonus or just a korean bonus so that really helps and he's just gonna place a house there for now i think yeah that's that's a team bonus you're asking me all these bonus korean questions dude no it's it's just a uh it's just a regular bonus it's not a team bonus really i need to see a villager from licks now yeah it's just it's just a difference okay regular bonus you're messing you're messing with my mind now dude i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm not trying to i promise it's because i'm i'm also confused pretty late up times dave isn't it possible to click up around 25 pop on this map i guess we have uh it's possible usually you're higher than that unless you're going for like uh yolo strategy okay mbl up but malian saves a lot on his dock so he can afford to do this and wait a second he thought about placing a mining camp there on stone so is he not going only on water [Music] i think a signal from mbl he's saying there's a crossing here uh i love how much that much vision the turkeys give viper will be the last in feudal dave but good position for him is still exposed on that stone that he went to i don't even know it's in the middle of the map whoa holy you're not kidding that's the only stone that he felt he i don't think he found the one oh he did find the one to the right but i guess he doesn't want to go for that because he knows yo is over there somewhere we have these barracks oh my god they're they're hugging uh barracks v barracks over here i don't know if you guys knew this but you get a hill bonus against the enemy barracks you can out barracks the barracks and i guess mbl knew that licks was down here but he didn't know that yo was this close so this is awkward uh it's got to be skelton for both of them and maybe mbl tempted to tower that wood line which is why he wanted villagers on stone a moment ago and there he goes tower and stable tower scouts is a really strong combination on nomad um because you have those fishing chips to give you the food eco right you don't have to place the farms so you can actually produce the scouts as you're placing the towers and yo is going to have some difficulty with this one but he's uh he sees it yeah they just got the futile so we could just now make a counter tower i don't think mbl's is gonna go up there is it it's gonna be close i don't think so i think you're spot on he can also arrange that with the pc so he can just kill the tower right away i think nbl will be fine he has to pull the villagers but now can't make a defensive tower if need be and it's not even worth committing yeah mbo just run away get out of here i love that wall that joe put down on the right side though completely shuts off mbl from wandering around this way and like the scope from going to the right licks did the same dave pretty sick stuff i think viper's in trouble on water licks did this before and you were thinking twitch chat when i was casting in a group stage he's just making galleys because galleys will snipe the fishing ships a bit faster i think it's better to be honest like you can run around with the mobility with the galleys like if you're not planning on committing to water yeah a few galleys is probably better than a couple fire ships because they just take so long to kill fishing ships yeah you didn't go for multiple docks so you're right he's not committing uh i don't like it because you give up your own fish but he wants to go to the castle yo has made scouts umbreol quick walls well played mbl that was beautiful and unfortunately for viper his stone is right there and yo is gonna find it there's the market for viper there's the stone for viper that's extremely exposed like i was talking about before viper's going to try and quick wall his villagers crazy stuff and here comes yo immediate reaction dave he wants to take viper off of stone it's a good call but viper could still have fishing ships and viper could probably buy a couple hundred stones so having 500 in the bank right now is not the end of the world see what that galley is doing for licks it's still over there yeah it got away the first time and he's already killed two more fishing this is so annoying i i hope i never have to play him i love watching him but two fires should easily take care of this and he's so sneaky man and yo is actually towering the stone for viper now suddenly viper the spanish player who wants to get into conquistadors doesn't have access we'll have no stone for now right he's still got that gold mbl still has some some units to support i think whoever makes the most scouts here i will be in a fine position because they could snipe all these exposed bills joe's got exposed villagers on the golds and and now the deer as yo realizes he's exposed mbl's just passing that's super unfortunate uh had the potential and now very little potential to do damage after that quick gate galley's coming back no way it's still there it keeps retreating it to the this is what i'm talking about galleys are so good at this just raiding fishing ships dave lick's coming forward licks has enough stone to drop a castle and mbl is very close by he's going to walk right through that gate where will the castle be at there's a spearman from mbl mbl could be notified of this early no he's going around the other way castle isn't going to be on the way can he see that oh he just got vision of that but he didn't signal because he's focused with his army and his forward villagers he's gonna play i hope he doesn't place the tower there oh he's gonna place a tower there but not against koreans and this is the second straight series mbl is on the villagers for mr yo and monsieur has to go back yo wants to support his ally in that castle placement but mbl's being so annoying there yeah also the forward spearman for mbl very helpful yo will probably get away at castle's going up nbl has some real concerns and war wagons could come out meanwhile does viper have a castle yet he doesn't have a castle yet nope no and yo completely pushed viper off that stone he took out the tower with his own villagers and he's gonna outpost around and figure out where viper is taking resources where he might be taking more stone by the way the fishing ships still working for licks in this little inlet and the galley's still there the galley's still there and viper even has a turtle ship now he's making whatever he can to kill that stupid galley viper also was seven stone away from making a castle he was 6 43 he had to buy the extra 100 and now he's gonna go out and place a castle in the middle of the map not ideal for him there's an outpost there viper's quick walling can you make a tower that's a good castle if it goes up it's a risky one though well done viper you know what i think licks should do right now you know what i would do in elixir situation wait a second castle raid on nbl that turtle ship was not vipers it just dawned on me it took me a second i'm sorry everyone like how did viper make a turtle ship did he convert it oh man nbl's in big trouble guard tower now on his wood line and he might even need to relocate yeah like if licks made he's making a siege workshop i guess he doesn't have the food eco for it but i would love to see batards in this situation just to take out the tc and kill everything but i guess more wagons and siege are enough and extra towers as well and wow this looks good for the chinese it does i mean yo's position is also going to be awkward soon because viper can make honks but viper doesn't he's not even mining gold right now dave all the gold's either been towered or has been spotted and he might find it soon mbl is just running away as the war wagons will chase him down and i i'd say that the one thing norway can do is keep making use of the scouts and get these conchs in the mix right now mbl picks off a ville and the clonks are coming out so there's potential maybe to even swing over to lix's eco licks is adding a second town center now but not a lot at home emil ran right into the house from mr yo and licks has cartography and he knows there's villagers over here oh boy so he might actually send his wagons over half of nbl's economy is just open save the galley we open the galley it's back it's going to mvl's fishing ships you've got to be kidding me like it happens so frequently with licks it's not luck it's just how he plays unbelievable to watch and mbl's sent some bills to the left some more villas going to the right now still has plenty of scouts but not many open spots over at the enemy's bases and not you know not even close to going up to castle age either for him and he's gonna lose his fishing ships to this stupid galley over here so there goes your food eco and oh man yo has found the villagers from nbl on the left side and he signaled it for licks and licks is coming in here now with war wagons to clear this up i i genuinely feel bad for mbl they should have banned nomad and now yo is villager rushing the towers from mamiel on his base and nbl's gonna lose those four villagers so so three things happening to him at once losing fishing ships to the galley and soon the turtle ship the towers how good is this strategy this has to be the strat that yo was talking about yesterday when he said we have strats prepared because we have not seen koreans work on nomad or even be picked on nomad up to this point yeah it's really strong and you know koreans not a bad nomad civ in and of themselves because of that line of sight at the beginning too right yeah you can find a spot really really easily mbl's he's getting closer to lakes town centers and there's still scouts here from yo who's still in feudal himself dave but we haven't seen viper's conquistadors do too much and licks is just gonna pull bills emile is just running dude he's over here taking deer has to drop a lumber camp oh boy this seems over ah well i i'm not so sure because nbl's still doing damage with his scouts he just sniped some filters from yo it's not like joe's position is good and viper's right next to him and viper has stone but it does it does feel like why is looks chasing with these villagers that mbl has no chance certainly why is lick sending these villagers why is he chasing when there's scouts there why is he making the tower i think he just spotted that viper's coming in yeah his immediate reaction to viper coming in was drop a tower there just in case and okay now he deletes the tower when it's at 75 and we'll drop a town center okay licks you do you the problem for norway here is that even if they kill mr yo they're gonna spend so much time killing this one base from him yeah and china's gonna have control over 80 of the map norway is gonna be stuck in this tiny little area up here and china is also going to have water control as well so they can range it from the the shoreline also it feels like war wagons are a great answer to conquistadors and this is before this is a patch of go guys so if you play age of empires 2d today uh the armor upgrades come in for free look at yo with these villagers sneaky behind viper's base not even buffed koreans it doesn't matter and into the tower yo's villagers go he's so annoying that we we say licks is annoying but if you get yo with villagers in the back of your base he can be extremely annoying as well and he's keeping them alive for as long as possible and that's conch numbers that viper can't send into the economy from china i'd like to see more of this from licks he's about to get the ball rolling with guard towers dave guard towers to deny resources he's on top of viper's town center viper's done a heck of a job he's 63 pops somehow yeah but can he defend from guard tower magnel and war wagon maybe a few monks maybe a few missionaries he did get one conversion there you know the missionary or conversion luck wasn't there for viper yesterday don't convert the low one there you go viper convert those high hp ones and i'm seeing signals from yo he's saying look over here mbl's gotta be over there he's nowhere else hunt him down love the ram edition from licks that's really smart it's just gonna force the issue right viper has to engage against that and licks can pick off any army that is out of place and repair it bring it just bring it back easy that's so funny viper has to micro his town center arrows against the villager i say ram down that monastery for now uh what's yo's eco situation finally yo clicks up it felt like he should have done that faster but he's been very focused on hunting down mbl and also nbl's been raiding him still uh mbl's position actually on the way to castle they did not ram down that town center and he'll make it dave yeah 37 villagers for him if it wasn't for the lack of space i would say that this is kind of winnable for norway it's gonna be it's gonna be a tough slog gonna be a very tough slog viper has to take a whole bunch of really great fights and mbl has to get his economy back into the game without being hit somehow look at yo stables archer ranges he's just building buildings right between piper's eco and mbl zico so i think yo is is allowing licks to boom while he's towering and yo is now going to be a pest night soon maybe elite skirms that's probably why he has the ranges and viper sees that but viper also needs to deal with the wagons fast conversions though hey maybe not a fight that licks wants to take here i was talking about viper taking good fights licks just lost all of his war wagon numbers for free basically dude he's he was repairing the rams with his villagers right underneath the town center the only time i've seen that is against the barbarian ai i don't know if i've ever seen a human do that in this situation against conks like that and viper's dropping a castle there and mbl's gating it up norway can do this those all of those buildings are useless now dave pointage for mbl so whatever resources he does get he'll send towards viper viper will have two castles to make conquistadors is this winnable for norway it's gonna i keep saying this it's gonna be tough licks is equal on villager numbers now with viper yeah viper just has to make it happen like everything rides on him but we say you know viper's denying all those military buildings and i look at the right side of viper's base and there's three yellow villagers walking in he's going to make more over in this area and kind of pinch viper into that middle look at yo for a second look at the scouting for china they see everything they know that the enemy's not on the other side they have that map advantage but viper also being aware that the villagers went that way dave he's hunting them down he is looking but he's got some other problems to deal with at the same time how does viper ever push this back like in time yeah yeah but like look at look at the left side of the map like licks has siege workshops wagons guard towers over there it's just time it's going to take so much time for viper to push it back yeah and that gives time to yo to boom up in this huge expansive area to the south and beale's only behind yo at 10 villagers and the conquistadors feel strong enough to take out war wagons but just this constant pressure from licks i'd say if if you was in lakes position china 100 win because yo of yo's ability to boom while pressuring yeah but licks isn't doing quite as good a job three villagers queued out of one there's four tc's the other ones are idle and that's the rate michael from viper war wagons are not taking the best trades here against the conchs i mean they're delaying them a little bit and they've given the rams time to take out the tcs as licks comes forward with another guard tower in the middle i like the towers it's just the eco is really important if you're investing into towers that can just get castled down this becomes a problem and i think especially because viper will be on three castles and receiving resources from mbl this is getting more and more winnable for norway as long as viper can get his foodie co-op he only has 14 on food that is not enough for him not even close and there's latest wandering around his base too mr yo maybe that's a hard process just raid and don't worry about anything else yo could potentially if he gets a maybe gets a sling from licks could go up to imp and start trapping those castles down for viper i mean viper has to spend food cost on conquistadors right yo doesn't really have that necessity so maybe he could get the resources here at what point does gold become a problem for norway i'm not seeing much over there i think it's already a problem to be honest i mean they've only got one patch each lake said 106 pop still refusing to quit a two villager castle between these towers they just want to hold that map control 30 on food viper's got 25 so he's up in his farming number and the latest will die to the conquistadors but he's also spending a lot of food something licks is not doing mbl let's see some water pressure here just a few ships from the chinese up along the north side of the map and just keep pressuring them just keep pushing them into a smaller and smaller space yeah that's a good point but i think game plan has certainly worked out for china to get to this position uh mbl 53 villagers yo 72 licks 105 viper 70. constantly looking for positives for the norwegians we're down 2-1 already i'm with you dave though i think the lack of gold is a problem get viper to imp and that's maybe your only chance but he continues to make honks because he needs to and he's making another castle wow desperately trying to secure this stone and gold in the middle funny enough that won't do it because of the new castle from lakes i think the guard towers might get shot down but that new castle will still deny space so crazy how many unique units we've seen in this tournament you know wagons is so slow as bad as lixx's trades have been here with the war wagons he's doing the job that he needs to do which is just delay yep delay a viper as long as possible make him have to constantly produce conquistadors throughout the castle age so he can't go up to imperial h but i'm saying that and he is on the way but so is licks they're both up at the exact same time too that's crazy yeah almost we have to look at the statistics it looks like viper is a split second faster uh nbl's full screen is nba going on the left side of the map another group of villagers he knows the gold is there that's worth the risk though because there's no like towers or outposts over there taking that gold could change the game you already think you're going to lose that will all go to viper and we're talking about trebs and conquistadors and war wagons soon uh which do you prefer dave oh my god yo on the right side sorry conchs are more mobile so i'd rather have honks but like with this map position mobility doesn't really give you much does it it's a good point especially with the walls that china have on that right side you're going to be fighting over the same area there's already been so much blood spilled over this middle area and it's gonna continue that way for the rest of the game also mining camp was somehow spotted and maybe a unit was over there so that's something that is kind of rough to spot if you do have mbl as green on your screen but something that should easily be dealt with by yo with a single knight uh get ready for trebs we have one two three castles we've got one two three i mean there's castles everywhere viper i think has one more in this area he actually has no wood dave his he has 24 wood yup and where is he gonna take it there's like one completely safe wood line in his face i think no one's still running around with those latest bumper right now has 18 conchs chasing these latest around his base damn i am just mesmerized by this plate viper's receiving sling malians and spanish one of the best comps one of the best combos that you can have on nomad look at okay look at piper's castle position he's got three up the gut alex is like okay i can't push that so i'm just gonna walk around with my castles i'm gonna surround you and viper's getting supremacy what the hell oh my god is he really gonna fight with villagers that that's just for defense right i don't think fighting with villagers would change it supremacy makes the spanish villagers very very tanky uh spanish also acquisition or inquisition nobody expects it um does it get sappers that's the key yeah sappers if he attacks buildings right i think it's just for defense and he's hoping for the best with the trebor the thing is he also has a shortage of stone available he has a shortage of everything but stone's the big one if he wants to and maybe it's worth it for viper to take out that trap he'll get one ah really he will dave yo is on the way to imp he hasn't needed to do much except raid with a few latest he's got 53 farms he's he could go for anything really paladin is probably on the cards not making much right now look at the ville counts from the norwegians yeah too low 73 for viper 64 for mbl a.d for vipers it's not the worst right he's traded pretty easily but he's trying to lame the gold on the left side of uh of joe and lix's base he's got a monk over there yeah he's doing whatever he can to get gold for viper and viper with a big fight he's using the villagers and he's cleared up two castles here dave the villagers are actually tanking the war wagon fire viper is giving norway a fighting chance who would have thought you're gonna send villagers forward as a meat shield and then have conquistadors behind very strong play from viper lick has four trips of his own though and he's gonna start taking out the traps from viper he's already taken out two castles the villagers are gonna take out that bombard cannon what what value who knew the people were up here yeah the people are rising up but the gg's called anyways i think they know now that yo is an imp that trouble is coming and norway have maybe felt for a while that they were outmatched the score's three to one and again i'd like to reiterate that viper and mbl had a fantastic draft for nomad not that lithuanians and koreans are bad but if you've watched this tournament it's been either persian spanish or persians burmese or mali and spanish malians burmese it's the top top picks and norway had that right there dave what do we have to say about how china played this their first home map and probably their best map what was the key i think china's communication was amazing just looking at their signals and like where they were prioritizing their pushes yeah it was really really well coordinated i also think viper made a a bit of a mistake going for that stone in the middle of the map when he had stone on the right side that he's taking right now and i checked his point of view he could see that ah so he it was very risky and as soon as he got pushed off of that he was delayed from the conquistadors for like what four or five minutes quite a long time yeah and it it hurt him a lot and yeah i mean but what can you say yo and licks are amazing on this map and they they proved it yeah seriously i was checking to see if that galley was still around because i think that really started it all off viper who is getting threatened by towers and scouts then had to deal with the galley couldn't track it down then it became a turtle ship and massive little fish boom for yo down here in the south this entire time so um map gen certainly has it plays a role in nomad and we did see a restart for china after that wacky little start the first time they tried this no restarts for norway they probably felt like they were in a good spot with the sieves and didn't expect koreans to be that strong all right so i'm actually going to be i'm going to breeze through these statistics um dave if you could talk to the viewers about the upcoming map um i need to take a quick break and i'll be right back guys if norway don't win here they are getting second place and then china will be champions yeah go ahead can i take a break we'll take break turns okay i take break you take break how's that sound okay that's fine all right all right so it looks like the next map that's going to be coming up is valley what's up chap by the way i get to talk to you without my what do we call them like uh babysitter minder i don't know parental figure no that would be weird he's younger than me what up boys and girls thanks for coming out hey we we got 21 000 people uh i know 1990 said his goal was 25 000. we need 4 000 more um there's 21 000 people here i assume [Music] that most of you are in contact with your mom and your dad and your family so maybe get them on the stream maybe get some friends tuning in it would help a lot you know 2020 has been an amazing year for us we cracked the 20 000 viewer barrier for the fir first time ever in january of the of this year and then we have 55 000 during hidden cup um and we've had some other milestones along the way so it'd be beautiful to cap this year off with a 25k i think that would be fantastic are you calling the moms i i said contact your family members [Music] because of that one person who got really upset because you said call your moms yeah family members all of them that's that's more than just the moms all right well yeah thanks chad i imagine dave said something along the lines of this is amazing so uh thank you guys it means a lot and i think i have to restart my game but i think we have the next game and it has to be on valley that's the only map that norway have left yep it is on valley and we're looking at magyar's tatars for joe and licks and we're looking at saracens malay for viper and mvl oh very interesting sieve combo saracens malay huh that's funky that's really funky because typically you'd want to have a night civ and an archer civ if it goes late dave how sick would it be to see harbors from malay in the middle because you can dock in the middle of this map i mean if we're seeing if we're seeing harbors which one is malay though malay is mbl okay it's not viper yeah we're gonna see harbors no fish traps i like maybe they learned something though from the cara valley strat from the russians yeah we learned that water pressure is actually decent here well before we hop in i thank you jiva and badata for all the gifted subs to the stream uh i pay the iron price with no message donated thirty dollars to the stream thank you uh bakshi also donated twenty five so six twenty eight two ninety salute appreciate it uh al hadim as sharknado thank you for the primes and uh chat in norway come back i think chad has actually split pretty 50 50 on this opinion but let's see can they do it seems pretty 50 50 dave i i think they've definitely got a chance there i mean this is their final home map they obviously had this in mind these are weird sieve selections yeah so they had to have this planned out before um and maybe we'll see maybe we'll see like i don't know archer's camels it just seems weird if it's weird though it's either they didn't have the draft completely thought through and they made a mistake or they have a really good strategy that they have not shown yet norway is not necessarily known for hiding strats and saving them uh but i'm really hoping that's the case for them viper playing as the saracens anything can happen with this crazy sieve teamed up with mbl playing as the malay and then yo is in the yellow yo is playing magyar's uh he forgot to pick uh oh we have malay and magyar that's perfect and then licks is tatars you know it also could be we're getting to the point of the draft where the non-ideal civilizations come out dave because all those goods have been picked after four games already but like this combo if you're if you're talking about non-ideal civilizations the teams will know when they're picking sieves for previous games yeah what they want for the next maps right so norway would be like in a in a standard conversation they would be like okay we want a cavs and we want an archer sub for valley because that's just how you play yeah this tells me they have something planned yeah now just reacting i guess tatars in this instance go archers so it's a sieve that has been picked i know spain was doing it a lot uh they benefit from three thumb free thumb ring excuse me and castleage which is beastly but no are blessed so there's definitely a point where i feel against saracens or malay as they both get our blessed that chinese could struggle do you think mbl just goes naked fc here he's done it very mbl thing to do with malay he was walling with ten villagers last time i saw him on this map but currently well it was really early last time we'll see but i do notice that this scout is waiting around mbl's woodline and he's pretty much been waiting for yo to arrive and mbl he's on to his tricks he knows the deal look at viper's walls really early as well hmm oh my behind by chance no oh i am okay all right that makes sense okay okay yep this is making more sense yeah early walls with a sieve that can be extremely greedy dave i'm all caught up i'm sorry these live games throw me off and i didn't realize how far behind i was because there's no indicator well you're talking about greedy sibs we got two on one team saracens and malay yeah like you can get really really greedy with both of these i think this might be naked fc as we call it uh no military fast castle and i think licks and yo well do you think it benefits licks in your style to try and pressure that or just sit back and accept it i think they are when they're in the driver's seat it's when they're they're pressuring their opponents okay i feel like they're much more comfortable if they're behind on villagers in the middle of their opponent's base than if they're like behind walls and maybe equal on eco now what if you're harassing the enemy's eco but behind their walls does looks like that yeah i think yeah licks would take that one for sure okay too bad we've never seen that um but good job from viper here you could have easily lost a villager while walling earlier and quick walled it now is adding a racks and this looks like very fast archers for him and licks is actually adding militia this seems to be drush fast castle something viper will not have scouted very fast archer well it's not the fastest archer build ever for viper i'm being honest with sarah since he's sending none to gold not yet but i think he has done the right thing to wall off these hills these hills are going to be brutal against tatars there's always hills in the front of players bases i say always as licks has most of his to the left side but the josh hasn't arrived yet dave and it's vipers so you'd expect that viper can get some gates and quick walls and the militia might not even break through but a c reaction time from viper quick wall quick wall house wall yep viper's doing a good job here still will have to worry about the wood line but alex is looking to do here is buy time he's not looking to kill it would be a bonus yeah viper can shut this down though i think if he if he gets more villagers under his tc anyway because licks can run right through there with only two villes under there but if he walls yeah he's walling his woodline in he's walling his berries in a little bit now so i just picked up on what mbl's doing and it's really fascinating and something you would rarely see on a map like this he's going for a build that you would see sometimes on arena oh wait he co-operate no it's going stable dude do you see this on arena i mean not really no i've seen this very much on an arena well it's it's an interesting one because viper's trying to wall up and if he's not walled up then joe can send in scouts the viper's really under pressure right now and mbl even has his scout here to help the viper as now joe arrives with one scout and another one will be on the way so i guess he needs to offer viper some more support and that's the logic yeah i was kind of thinking along the same lines as you like go up quick with the malay get the eco upgrades and then uh but then again that's greed that we've seen from norway before and it doesn't pay off against you and licks when you give them the advantage but good little fight there viper and yo lose the scout viper will take that and i don't think there's a hole here on the front so viper can comfortably defend from the militia with the archer and the spearman it'll take time but he'll defend and i'm just waiting for the market and viper's actually adding that market on the back side of his base and even letting mbl out that's cute that's nice yeah not bad i guess the chinese players are not aware that the villagers there they assume it's fully wait a second scouts find each other as he goes checking but yeah market means the stone will be sold lots of food will be purchased and viper will go for a six at castle time just wonder how many scouts does zembiel produce here like three because he's fully walled his ally is fully walled it's just gonna set you back the more scouts you produce like how much damage are you realistically going to do yeah i think this is a solid number there's no threat now that yo is going to pressure viper so i think you stop now that said yo it's not completely walled yet so a good play for yo might be to assume viper is walled and send his scouts home it would be a poor decision for mbl to send the scouts to licks in this spot i think uh licks will soon be clicking up to the next age oh yo might actually find that villager no viper's hiding him so he's just gonna let him in casually okay wall behind and you're good to go i feel like that's such a viper thing to delete delete a hole go to the other side and whoop right back over without the enemy spotting it well licks just did it so felix just did it what sorry at his face i was you were literally saying i think that's such a viper thing you explained it all and then i watched licks do exactly the same with the blacksmith that's funny i don't like mbl's decision to send his scouts all the way to licks had he clicked over to joe's base yo would not have had the walls down these are some greedy walls but then again dave what civ do you not want to rely on palisade walls against that's seriously serene yep and licks is actually the first person up to the castle age even with that saracen archer build i guess um you know viper just spent so much time walling yep that he's gonna be behind and licks is gonna be there probably what a minute faster than him more than that the dangerous thing about saracens is early castle because they can get there fast but dave lifer went two archer ranges against someone going drushfc would it not make more sense to just go one range and then you can be in castle age faster and then add the second range while you're on your way up i don't know it kind of feels like he wants that mass and this is telling me that maybe he's gonna do the old you know 2013 china strat against china where you full wall you delete a wall you run around and then you try and sneak in and to do that you're going to need a mass you're going to need at least like 10 12 archers to punch through the walls all right this eco will not last viper long term he also needs to mask because he needs to deal with fast castle crossbows so it probably knows that he'll be encased behind licks licks only has four military but i see a villager from lakes this is okay just for a gate licks needs to have some really good micro on the other side yo still hasn't clicked up and mbl is on the way with malay yeah emile's going to get there around the same time actually ahead of viper you're just so broken with that uh this is perfect i think everyone who's enjoyed the legend of the liar video on youtube is going to love this mbl is going to go for cheap elephants three stables and he's going to all in towards one side and viper's going to accompany him with saracen crossbows i i don't see how china stops this that's a lot man they need to buy time because they would get shredded by that comp god you just like you hope for good conversions and that your monks aren't sniped by the crossbows from the saracen player and then maybe add in some scorpions it's it's a really tough combo to stop but what can give them time because these are all in is pressuring yeah and that's what they're doing right now china unfortunately for him though viper has many more archers slots and licks no fletching yet though so fletching has to come in also doesn't have the resources yet for bodkin i like to see licks take the hill so you could do a hill bonus against the house but pick off archer's licks piper runs away box formation that's cute waiting for you this is a great triple stable build by mbl unfortunately he doesn't have enough to produce from two stables let alone three these things are so slow i'm really curious how this is gonna go because one of the rare times you see high elephant commitment from malay in competitive play but viper just needs a meat shield dave and then he can kill everything and he has the meat shield now these big chunguses are going across the map and viper says let's go yep he's getting ballistics too he's gonna have a gigantic mass of crossbows elephants in front soaking up the damage and it's going to be rough for licks it's going to be extremely rough yeah i think you go for high-risk buildings now maybe a siege workshop and a monastery you know there's no guarantee you'll get a big shot but if you do it's great uh a tower for licks i don't know about that one is he's trying to delay this force from hitting his gold which is very much forward yo we'll have magyar knights so plus two attack on that licks needs to delay as much as possible lots of crossbows being created right now actually well done from lakes he did not lose that main force and he now has the tower up but viper can shred towers i think with these crossbows yeah viper has ballistics here too so it's going to be able to take good engagements against those crossbows opted to run away maybe his teammate mbl at some point nbl's going to have enough elves where they can just push in regardless of what joe is doing or what licks is doing and i think we're getting closer to that point in time you can't justify doing this with any other sieve malay elephants are very cheap and they're very cheap but they lack the second and third armor upgrades so there's enough crossbows with micro these things are so slow that they can just go take out that tc like literally honestly i think they should do it what a confidence boost that would be as well i guess joe's doing his best to to remain a threat on the backside ranges might be the smarter play dave if there's no archer ranges for licks you can't make crossbow i meant to pick maggard this is crazy uh here comes in yo big fight dave if they take out viper's crossbows they can deal with this and they take the hill yeah ambio mbl is out of position it's so tough to fight with them because they're so god and yo loops around and for free they wipe up viper's entire army that was a fantastic engagement from the chinese players and the elephants are so slow they can't even getting close to this yeah great defense licks with the tower and the delay and then yo buying buying his time biting his time oh it was perfect and now mbl's elephants can't even get back home they're dead to be honest i think like the mistake there from from norway was they weren't pressuring somewhere they were waiting to take a fight straight up instead of going with elephants you have to you have to press the issue force you have to on the tower on that palisade gate yeah they force china to take an awkward fight against you don't fight them in the open because china will utilize that mobility of the knights you can see yo doing it again running right through elephants are useless into the crossbows old quote from mbl i can't run through the elephants except he has the elephants now it's funny how we have knights on crossbows elephants on crossbows but mobility matters so much uh yo losing a lot there dave but look let's look at the economies mbl has 58 villagers so it hasn't quite been all in yolo ellie see he might be able to switch out of this i don't know what you switch into though because knights certainly are much worse i guess they're more mobile um over elix's side it's not like licks has this booming economy he's full on one tc it looks like he's saracens so viper can switch on to some solid eco you never know but i see for the first time china looking to dictate the pace of the fights in castle age as they head towards i'm not sure yet to be honest but they need to pick a target soon and make nora react the problem for them is that if these elephants ever get into their base they're gonna have nothing to clear it up yeah because all their army is forward and look emil can push this whole crossbar on me back with just a couple elephants and i think norway i think norway should push man i think so too but it's a tough decision because if you do that then say goodbye to mbl's villager leaders yo just runs around eel quick walling gatewalling crossbows here yeah maybe they can surround this force now that licks is on his own dave but micro from viper also good micro from licks thumb ring really helping in this spot now licks need alex is actually focused firing down the crossbows i don't think it was perfect micro but it was good and also great job from nbl not to lose more yep and bl has done really well setting up his economy behind this and now alex is losing yeah and suddenly there's like 20 elephants it is like they're looking for something to hit so he still has the highest military count but that was a poor fight for him i think the first few fights that worked very good for china uh they they stuck to a recipe of use the knights and crossbows against only the crossbows and forget about the elephants so they have to do more of that and they cannot separate themselves as they did there yeah they're trying and nbl doing a better job of blocking yo is on three tc's so yo was 63 villagers now he's definitely in a position to carry the team and viper trying to reinforce with crossbows could get massively called out as he wants to go to that gold that was a good play from viper to pull his villagers back right away and then split the crossbows up to not get his reinforcements killed by the knights and now licks and yo can't do any damage so nbl after all of that nbl lost what four or five villagers in his base yeah it was hard for me to keep track a lot of idle time but they still need to push i think because of joe's economy guitars on the hill dave uh mbl spreading the elephants out licks using half the group against elephants i don't think this fight's all that good for lips and those crossbars all those crossbows yeah oh my god you don't want to get close to these elephants oh and he's still sending reinforcements forward okay i guess he'll save a bit more than we thought what a weird fight man when's the last time have we ever seen this actually i don't know on a super high level maybe a couple times but like people ask on a regular basis like why don't you go for elephants for civs like khmer or malay or whatnot that are going into nights it's because of the mobility yeah which is so slow and it's so hard for you to you know help out your teammate as we saw with mbl in three or four of those fights yo was just running around him going for the archers from viper forward monastery from yo he's gonna make monks to convert some elephants and he's probably told licks just defend but see if norway uh let's see if they force the issue this time dave because there's ranges here you can take out i think the gold should be your target not the wood lines they're going to the same area as they did last time just pressure something this time don't hang out in the open and force china to engage against you mbl's house walling a lot which is impressive and yeah i think they can force the issue here it's two armies verse one mixed with a lot of crossbows in the queue only 53 villagers he even has a lower veil count than viper currently mbl's trying to defend against knights with elephants at home that's rough that's frustrating look at licks licks has to leave the base with his lumberjacks there and we haven't talked about in a while but these are saracen archers so they can shred buildings if they need to it's almost better for licks if he loses five lumberjacks instead of losing his ranges and his crossbows i think he'd prefer to lose bills over army here because yo has so much eco and can make so many nights still raiding mbl it's just non-stop he is kind of dragging this army over to yo and i don't know if yo is gonna appreciate that at the end of the day he's going to be like yo wait wait why'd you bring him over here at one point yo deleted most of his palisade walls in that one side you see that he just shift deleted them i don't need them i've got t-shirts you can also see the push that yo is making in the middle i'm waiting for it wow the smush coming in against the elephant player siege monk push for those uninitiated uh monks to convert the elephants rams to take out the stables and viper would need to send some support with crossbows will he have crossbows after a big fight here dave so these elephants have seen the world but that's a lot of nights a lot of crossbows from china if they clear this it's looking very good for china to win the finals this is all before that push comes in on mbl and i think nbl's score is just inflated because of the amount of elephants but there's no damage at norway's outputting to china once again they fought in the open and they lost because yo could just focus on the crossbows of viper and there's nothing mpl can do he's just too slow yeah hundred villagers for yo viper's on the way to him though what yep how many does he yeah they can still inches oh they can easily still win five ranges with saracens on the way to imp and he's got how many crop like 30 crossbows and three farms three farms which is stupid uh yo is clicked up kind of reminds me of game one of them look at joe's forward there's elephants surrounding it it's not gonna be there for very much longer that's for sure you know dave is it worth it investing into 100 gold monks against elephants that are this cheap you could argue it's not worth it yeah you could make that argument i think it still is though okay also do you think that they expect viper to be all the way to in right now china probably not i mean yo is on the way to imp as well yeah he's going to be making um cavalier paladins good clear up for viper licks just wants to kill as much as possible so i think they do realize that viper's clicked up why was like sending forward villagers there i was hoping it was for a doc to go for demos but i highly doubt that uh now big thing for yo and and for licks because those are blessed are gonna be deadly is can they buy time by threatening mbl if mbl is saying viper save me then viper can never pressure but the mistake that norway made earlier was not pressuring dave i think they need to allow mbl to get 2v1 for a bit yeah luckily for mbl though and luckily for norway their player that's going to remain in castle age for a while will have units that can still be effective against imperial age units true whereas licks like his crossbows if he's fighting up against arbalist or if he's fighting against um you know like battle elephant it's they're not going to do that much damage also right call for viper viper getting the upgrades he'll go over towards yo who is the player that norway need to worry about mbl just cockroach it up and defend uh you have to otherwise norway are not going to continue in this series here's the viper dave uh he's missing that tc there all that gold man there's so much gold he could hit suppose you could take out stables too that does help but it's not really getting an eco lead he's he's on he's on the clock too because at some point yo is gonna get the armor upgrade he's going to get cavalier and he's going to start producing from all six of these that's the cavalier table viper i i feel like viper's gonna pick this stable oh no it does take a long time but how sick would it be to take out the cavalier stable i think he might actually i guess you could take out all three let's see piper's going to take them out regardless which one does he target does he go after eco here does he go after villes oh he just walks right past it he knew if only he knew and licks is actually tripping or tripping tripping you know sometimes what do you why not anyway what we used to write tribute tripping in the game chat when i was younger so that's why big fight dave big fight oh man that's 34 of these units stacked on one tire that got a weak cavalier in there i had your cavalier too and you know what sucks about this is that you can have the army numbers but you can't have the positioning and now viper is pushing forward towards legs licks is going to need some real help and mbl with the elephants in the middle viper still has 18 herbalists in that little point crazy it's and you can't engage i it actually tilts me as a caster because i think we've all been there and here comes elephants stampeding through norway are not done but neither is licks how he showed up here of all places i'm not sure but he he can't defend himself currently as viper has arbs all over him good moment for viper lake's not paying attention yeah it catches all those reinforcements off guard only loses an arborist for the trouble and mbl is all over the stables from yo and he's going to go all in castle age dave he's also mixing in pikeman where's the paladin's table uh right next to the castle so he chose the correct one there um how many paladins is enough paladin is the question now is it enough to save the tcs that are about to get nuked paladin takes so long to research it's halfway but i think you could actually take this fight before paladin but it's not ideal no i don't think you're ever winning against the elephants like you'd have to just run in kill the arbalest and then run away you're not winning against both though both of those armies look what viper's doing putting norway giving norway a chance he's got split groups he's also defending at home against licks he's also pushing he's got four separate armies i guess it's nice when you don't have to worry about your eco too much but it's actually licks who's down to 35 villagers dave if paladin doesn't do it china are not winning this game the viper viper is doing so much at lex's base and meanwhile his and nbl's economies have been safe yeah the last little while viper's at 76 villagers mbl's at 100 villagers too wow it really did not look good after that first engagement but norway have stayed in it the the excellent resolve from mbl to stay alive in the 2v1 situations and the power of saracens from viper but the power of paladin we'll see it right now aladdin coming in elephants like i said before still an effective unit against imperial age units so staying in castle age producing them they're going to win the fight against the paladins here big time i mean the castle goes up it might be close i think a concern currently for mbl and viper is that they're not walt so paladins could wreck their ecos um but yo doesn't really have the best eco to continue to make paladins and licks doesn't have a lot of villagers so licks can't send that much over this is reboom territory for china and then i think you just you just prep for the incoming wave and here is that incoming wave dave crossbows and paladins from yellow legs yeah but there's still elephants in the back of yo's base from mbl like the slowest raid ever you have to deal with that slowest raid ever but look at viper's arm numbers dave does he have the eco for this he's only at 19. this game is turning a little bit he has no one on gold without gold what do you do as saracens and yo he's all right he's still making paladins and yo has 24 of them mbl is on the way to the imperial age yeah and he's cueing up a bunch of pikemen now it's just whether viper can survive this yeah viper and maybe even mbl if the paladins go going that way i like the castle position for yo in the middle viper's adding two more archer ranges even though he he okay has nine on gold now somewhere oh to the right i guess well and he's still hitting the economy from licks yeah i mean he's he's everywhere this is super messy it's not going to be perfect for anyone at this stage uh the paladinos i was just talking about yo sending over to clear it out of lakes base but can we appreciate how licks is still contributing right now at 50 pop he's doing a ton of damage with just crossbow and how mbl is contributing with castle age elephants still yeah he's in the economy from yo being very annoying he's clearing up those uh crossbows from licks and viper space man how did licks get all the way back there i mean the viper just didn't have the arms this will get cleared up but licks will stay here for a while uh it all comes down to if you can can win this on his own now dave and i see him adding his own pikeman uh i guess to match the halberdier upgrade for mbl paladins are just expensive but they are the better unit they're more mobile and if you has control of them anything can happen but long term it still feels like on paper norway should be able to win this game and take it to game six yo still hasn't dealt with these elephants in his base yeah i guess the castle will help out also viper's still chasing down crossbows look look at licks viper even microing this as well these players are unreal oh boy viper with a quick wall on that tc dave against the paladins as the paladins come in oh boy do you remember game one between canada and spain and how hera held on for ages with magyar hussar yep yo is researching the unique text so he can make mag your hussars that do not cost gold and he could spam these things like crazy there's real potential because there's no mobility for the norwegians and licks gold did you see viper dancing with the bills there trying not to get hit yeah by the crossbows from lakes alexis did 40 pop bro he's at 40 pop oh not even though yeah oh that's unfortunate i mean it's so funny how he continues to push yo we'll have to save him there's some paladins going over to do this now if china win this game i mean they've had some crazy games in this series right but it'd have to be so impressive with 275 pop being the collective population in norway well look at look at mbl zico and look at emil's queue now and uh credit to him tech switching right away yeah into albania as soon as he got into imperial malay do not get cdram but it feels like with just capturing half it's an easy trap down they're going they're going to licks again bro we'll get the town center up but we'll see if it stays up not a trep down excuse me a ram down there uh here come the raids with the magyar hustler not elite yet but will be shortly i think licks needs to add town centers in the north you know just just forget about it at this point you're never gonna let the man breathe like just let him breathe viper's like lifer's like no bad dog stay down like he will not allow he will not allow licks to get back into this game he knows what licks can do if licks is in the game so he just continues to pressure oh god but now mvl with a great tech switch like we said dave good castle positions for norway it's looking rough and i think china have just run out of opportunities to win yeah there's the elite niger hussar and oh wait nope they're dead and we all just cleared them up and he's clearing up the castles as well even garrisoning with salvador's in them which is a great play against maguire hassar and the gigi's called norway pull out the stuffs with saracens malay it was looking rough there but ultimately they just needed a snowball push dave it didn't really come in castle h it just came in early imp well they needed that one that was a must-win game for sure otherwise they lose the set there so well played by norway and what a strategy right malay saracen elephants and crossbows and that that's got to be planned that has got to be down to some preparation um and you said that in dark age it's not as if they just had these sieves remaining or you wouldn't think so and they they got the win with the malay elephants that's pretty sick in and of itself now to sum this up before we go to the next game we're definitely in a mental state where we constantly want more so let's just back up a bit um i'm just going to try no treads i'm just going to try and ignore what's happening in my tuition currently because it's very distracting um what could you and licks have done differently because they had a tremendous first fight in castle it's a tough ask right it's it's a tough ask and maybe that speaks more to the strategy of viper and mbl because they lost that fight so convincingly yeah i mean mbl and viper it turned out being a case where viper's eco which is normally pretty all in and sketch was better than licks so maybe it was enough of a threat even where licks just said viper won't have farming eco he won't have tc's i won't um yeah we'll have to see you know this is the last bit we'll see of the 2v2 world cup at least the main event maybe that strategy will become more meta in the future but more gold collected for viper and way more food collected for mbl and that was a guy going with cheap elephants so impressive stuff i will only be on china home maps from here on out though can can i have a break yeah go you can go take your break that's fine nice the way you said it is like you're expecting me to say no go ahead sorry um all right dave's taking his break this is a good time well guys you're unreal um 23 000 people watching which is just sick but father trey is gifting 100 subs thank you for that uh that's also 100 more dollars to the prize pool but that's a lot of people who have the emotes now uh croco immediately before that gifted 50 which is just as insane thank you croco uh wow all right let's prep okay let's talk about this can norway mount the comeback can they do it it's only getting crazier from here team islands and chaos pit are the remaining home maps how sick would it be if we get team islands next and then norway win and the all deciding game in the final would be on chaos bit which is the wackiest map we have that would be probably a dream scenario for a tournament like this but team island is is similar to nomad where the chinese players play very very good on it davies thank you for the twitch prime text thank you for the twitch prime thank you for the twitch primes chat i'll tell you this right now after the finals we'll of course do interviews there will be a massive announcement since everyone's hyped i figured i'd just tack on to some of that hype all right let's talk expectations if it's team islands japanese certainly a sieve you'll want to see okay actually let's do this in reverse if it's let's talk about chaos pit civilizations honestly i feel like i mean incase is a sure thing for china incas bulgarians maybe or incas vietnamese i just don't know what you do on islands right now if you're china you definitely go japanese but according to yo it doesn't matter what water sieve you have as long as you win land and that's what licks will be doing could you go vietnamese on team islands so you know where the players are located because that's something you would never be able to do that's pretty sick actually i i don't know i just tried to talk through i'm supposed to spread wisdom but i had absolutely no wisdom there i'm sorry if i confused you but uh portuguese is definitely going to be the water pick for norway and then i think they go tootins and byzantines on chaos but if they get there but then again no maybe you go portuguese tootin's here on team islands wait wait wait wait wait it's chaos pit china are not going for islands they're going for chaos pit wow oh and i i didn't see that vikings was still available there for norway okay so if it's chaos pit putin's byzantines 100 97.1 percent because aztecs have been used before but i think tootin's byzantines make sense they also expect the inca rush from china guys i haven't been a fan of the inca ville rush almost the entire time uh i've been watching it in this tournament i mean it's a fun strat to watch i just don't think it's highly successful against good teams if that is what china's going for and norway are so good with defense it's not out of the question that we could see norway tie it up with a win here and take it to game seven islands that's true it's licks that's true it is licks but just things to consider uh wow will we see farm sling i don't think teams really practiced that i talked about it in that youtube video right i think that combining tunes with khmer not on chaos pit but in some situations can be nuts watch t90 be proven wrong if anyone's going to prove me wrong about the ink of ill rush on chaos bit it would be licks licks is his level is over 9 000 if villagers are fighting and towers are going up all right i'm spamming you with possibilities because i can't see i'm back oh and you're back okay and they have just launched i speculated a ton dave um chat before we get in and wow okay aztecs it is what in the i was not expecting this at all can we get some some hypes and smiley faces going for everyone who showed up today can i just say there was i saw a name in chat okay tx iron and i recognized that name and i went back and i looked yeah and it's a guy he got third in the 2001 tournament for age of empires and he's in chat yeah we've got some we've got some old schoolers coming back to the game here which is always great to see it's pretty freaking cool man nice eye 60 seconds viper has two tins which is definitely not a meme it's very good sieve on this because of the cheap farms and the ability to to town center drop actually if you want to and then aztecs for mbl and it is slavs which i don't like as much as tootin's on this map dave against incas where we're expecting towers and villes fighting no gold in the middle on chaos pit so you need to make units that don't cost gold that can be questionable for incas because they need gold and for aztecs the reason i like tootins over slabs is because slabs are really good when they get a bunch of farms out games can end before that on chaos pits so tootins have a guarantee of getting to more farms which makes the early game a bit more smooth i i'm sure you already mentioned it but norway also banned goths in anticipation of chaos pit i didn't mention that but it was on my list of things to mention uh they they knew that goths would be strong on this licks with incas is just a nightmare but so is tattoo and in the semis tattoo wasn't able to do it for his team because of the defense from mbl and viper probably their best trait norway need a win it's been a perfect grand final so far thank you guys for joining and let's get to it players are very close together viper playing tootin's in blue mbl playing aztecs in green it licks playing incas in red yo playing slavs in the yellow and dave villagers will probably come out it's very wise to send villagers forward to shoot the enemy deer if you can find them uh it gets messy yeah and scouting is going to be so important here you want to know where your opponents are taking wood and you want to know where their resources are quickly viper's opting to push first instead of uh laming yeah and it looks like the chinese players yeah licks is going forward with this eagle right away and so is yo yeah and mbl might do the same it's actually it's kind of unlucky if you have your deer forward because that's closer to the enemy bills but at the same time when they shoot the deer to kill it if they go to lame the deer runs closer to your town center and i've actually seen that a few times uh look at lix's deer for example if mbl wants to shoot that after first shot it runs forward three tiles and then it's pretty close to the tc licks is already sending a villager forward yup no fighting in dark age there's no bonus for that as incas uh incas do get blacksmith upgrades or the infantry blacksmith upgrades apply to their villagers excuse me he says thank you very much he'll point that down that's some food rotting and welcome to chaos pit god i'm like i get in these situations all the time i've we've cast so many finals but when you're in the sixth game like this and it's so tense i get nervous for the players you see what i mean look at yo he didn't even get loom yo is hoping to shoot the deer but it goes closer to viper's base it's not the worst i guess viper still might want to take that but yeah okay china both coming out here mbl getting loom so he can fight this off but dave i'm with you man um it's because the level's so high and these guys are able to execute despite all the pressure that might come in an ambient is perfectly comfortable if you've ever watched nbl play he's perfectly comfortable pulling bills in villa fighting yeah that's what he does he might be the best player in the game at it he's he's disgusting with it it's kind of funny because it's the same with licks if you try and vill fight licks licks it's like oh free kills let's go so um i'd say we see less of that from licks he oh as he walls in his villager next to the berries and that's another thing to talk about dave you get two groups of berry bushes and mbl's other ones pretty far forward those could be walled in nba will try and wall in the ville and lick says see ya i'm out of here i'm gonna finish what what i started and i'm gonna head over to your other wood line in your stone maybe roll that in i just imagine mbl's villagers are just groaning like ugh this guy so annoying get away from me i want to go to work let me do my job overall though things haven't been that crazy viper actually chose to mill the deer there and his berry bushes are pretty safe and he's just now placing his lumber camp on the outer ring you see joe has done so already licks he wants to stay in the ring he wants to stay in the pit so he's just lumber camped there mbl also chopping his way out to where more gold and stone well the only gold is on the map emil sending a villager out to that stone too i think he knows he knows that licks is over there yep stone being walled in see what licks can do and he's healed up his eagle enough where he can take this fight oh sick that's really well played then or just block see if licks can save this bill he did it uh quick wall yeah he's got it oh he doesn't have it uh now he hasn't got it he's honestly viperesque with that he's really good he did that in crunch time in the semi-finals on islands where otherwise they would have lost the game but what if the village just gets trapped in there i think licks just deletes a wall and runs out to the right and then maybe walls again if nothing else forcing some frustration on nbl's side but i think that villagers should die he can block yeah well played mbl there's no way that's saved now just give up on him and prep for feudal age of your licks well played by unveil very well played yeah and good walling from viper really worried about that backwood line i'm sure in the very position so he's walling from the right side to the middle but yo who probably wants to go scouts is going to be in feudal age first so expect him to take a lead over viper with the scouts but we'll really see you have to walk a long way to make that second lumber camp so sometimes you don't even make that uh he hasn't walled as much as viper i think viper is playing more on the safe side and then licks on the way up what about mbl see mbl's adding a barracks which is fascinating because since aztecs start with 150 gold you're actually able to go for uh some militia and maybe some man at arms but you don't compete with the towers you don't compete late now though to do that i think men at arms is probably the play if he's going for it or just spearman spam if we know mbl yep well you don't really have options without gold skirmishers and spearman you can't make scouts with aztecs that's why i haven't liked incas because they don't have long-term military momentum but i guess if you're up against aztecs it's the same and be a pretty late dave not as late as he would have wanted to be and he's not focus chopping at his lumber camp look at that in a second yo gets the lead in the scout war viper pulls villes and that's actually pretty close 29 hp for both not focus shopping yeah he's just letting him chop wherever and if he can't get out with aztecs that could be brutal okay so he is going for the militia here okay um he's gonna run out of gold he'll need to make a market to get some extra gold if he wants to produce some more he could amanda arms is a hundred food and forty gold so he could still in theory make the third one and then get mad at arms yeah three but now what do you really what do you really do with that right and licks is coming forward now already oh my god nine nine villagers is crazy the blacksmith is going up at home so he'll get armor at least nine villagers against three-man at arms the villagers should win with good micro especially with yo backing him up with some scouts of his own oh god that's powerful it's an awful tower that's in range of the tc that's the worst tower you can place how many towers have you placed man how do you how do you not know that by now oh god maybe he didn't know the tc was there and he loses the villager very sloppy from him and this is all before the armor upgrades come in viper does have viper yeah i was just about to say that viper is tootin so he can garrison more villagers in the tower though he should be able to shoot enemy towers down man in arms in for mbl licks has armor but now fighting with the villes messy stuff chaotic stuff and the fight goes down it is chaos pit so oddly fitting that we have all this going on in between the two bases of the norwegians [Music] but notice how quickly that tower gets shot down and you have the presence from the man at arms licks has so many weak villagers dave it's just a matter of time until norway is able to kill some of these but then again yo with the support three scouts viper pulling ville always pulling the boys pulling the boys and the girls coming forward they know how weak these villagers are yeah they're probably communicating and saying like oh so many of them are below half hp let's just send villagers out to fight is it worth it though is it worth it the tower goes up which means vip uh not the best garrison there from lakes but viper will have to batter this down i think licks should have fought with phyllis earlier now he's fighting with wounded units and you have to micro them they don't auto attack yeah spearman and spearman from viper too and that tower really needs to take out the spearmint i think in a little bit licks is going to be below 20 bills unless you can somehow keep this up oh viper just lost a couple villagers oh he could lose and he's gonna have to go back and i think licks will actually save this tower position for the time being well you've got a this is so wacky man this is so wacky i guess you're delaying viper while yosan touched and yo hasn't been threatened at all which is kind of the game on this tower he walled her in but she's gonna die he has one final villager walled in against that tower but yo is still producing scouts and yo is still sending support over here dave viper doesn't have stone income he's not taking stone in the front he can't make more towers you're right this is it's working out for china here i'd say also if mbl can't contribute in the next stage it could be rough he's adding an archery range now but still okay he is through he just is not on gold uh hopefully no holes in the wall for mbl their tournament life is on the line and the viper i think should have gone to that stone early i guess it's really close to yo but when you're prepping for defensive towers as that villager goes down i'm surprised i guess you just want to you want to prevent the towers from getting onto your farms right so right at the current moment it's not an issue but it will be an issue in a second here as lakes comes forward with another tower and he's going to deny what four farms for the farms they are cheap with tootins which is super nice but also what i'm concerned about for viper is these towers continue to go this way if he wants to get to the outer ring he's gonna be running into tower fire so that's not so good but he's doing a right move to relocate these farms and yo has not been able to threaten mbl with the scouts i think joe needs to go back over to viper viper doesn't have much right now yeah good defense from mbl just constantly producing spearman we see that from him all the time and then i think the goal here is to get mbl to castle age now get mbl to castle age get him onto some monks i think the scouts should dive in here you just dive right past that and it's huge yep there's only two spearmen there from viper you can run around those maybe try and find something to hit from him or just engage with the spearman forging's in dave so he has the extra attack and i think licks is just looking for that next spot to tower and viper now house walling it's so crucial he gets this he does get it down and he'll get it down on the other side as well but that's lix's opportunity tower that area will he okay nice quick walls from viper mbl's keeping an eye on those villagers right now don't forget about the fact that mbl's untouched mbl 400 food mining gold in the outer ring already setting up already setting up stone walls on the outer ring for mbl all right so that's smart to make sure that yo can't swoop in with the scouts but dave yosh just clicked up it was clicked up and i'm surprised that licks is not continuing to tower i think that he should continue to do that oh he's going to mbl okay that's the solution just go to mbl it would be such a licks move there to just run in past the tc with those bills but he opts for the safer tower on the palisade wall nbl's forced to react with the tower of his own and this is what i'm talking about emil is not afraid to fight villanville even against incas you do have mbl forced to build counter towers so he can't town center he's forced to do so much here and actually i think this should be better for licks i mean certainly denying the farms is enough but he has three inca villagers with attack upgrades on a tower i'm looking around sending everything old like he's sending all the bills forward to take out this position from licks dave all he needs to do is delay both norwegians and then yo will carry the championship home for china all links his job is right now is making life hell for mbl and viper and he's accomplishing this great houses for mbl do you see those houses in defense preventing licks from coming in with more villagers to support his army and bl still has a tower there doing damage as well in the end it will be one tower versus one tower mbl's villagers are not armored he has not clicked up dave he only has five on food he might not even have the buildings he just cannot click up because of the constant pressure and now yosen castle and this is what you were talking about licks give your teammate yo time to get in a good position and he's in a fantastic position right now viper is not threatening him at all and even has scouts on the outside bill's passing where are those scouts dave oh yeah viper isn't walled yet oh this could be very bad for viper indeed armor on the scouts and forging on them too this is over light cap coming in this this has to be over right if viper doesn't have a miraculous quick wall on the gold even if he has a miraculous quick one in the gold it feels like yo is just gonna kill everything and licks is cutting off mbl's tc from the rest of his eco i don't know what nbl does here really except get some support but he can't get support because viper fell so far behind viper's gold is dead yeah it loses three bills there's some quick walling but we'll end up losing five in total viper actually oh my god he actually walled in sorry he walled in a light cav on the right side of the map i would look at that i mean as he did that he lost five villagers if they were winning it'd be super impressive but mbl who's 20 of the way to castle just dying that's the such a viper thing though yeah the gold miners will go down he can't stay behind palisade walls forever dave this looks like the end of team norway i think it is coming into this tournament yo and lakes they they can be doubted they're still gonna get to tournament finals they're so good and the gg's called what an amazing performance from yo and lakes almost i'd say about most of the games except for maybe one or two it felt like the preparation was better dave not necessarily gameplay because both teams are so good but the strategies that they went for maybe exception of the team acropolis game felt better than norway's strategies and mbl and viper they they had an amazing tournament as well they breezed through the groups they played fantastic in the quarters they beat spain who it was determined as the third best team in the world in the bronze match um earlier well yesterday sorry with 4-2 and i i'm running out of words to describe you on licks because they've been doing this for freaking years man so sick and it feels like you know a lot of the time licks maybe a player's hit and miss but he was definitely all hit today licks brought his a game and he enabled his ally yo to boom behind on a lot of these victories and just steamroll from that point i mean what what a fantastic showing the teamwork is off the charts for these two and you know if we have another 2v2 tournament coming up they're definitely the favorites heading into that yeah now i didn't want to say this because had china lost today it would have been uh well it would have been focused on something other than the games and maybe it's incorrect to say it now but yo messaged me at like 11 pm my time he's like hey quick question for you um i know the finals are supposed to be after the third place match but is it possible we can do earlier and i was like sorry yo um unfortunately the times are scheduled weeks in advance so i couldn't really do much for him and he said oh okay i'm okay with with playing at this time because i think it's 5 a.m right now in china he's like i'm okay with playing at this time because i normally do but licks might be a little tired he didn't look well maybe he was he wanted he looked like he wanted to finish the set off that's pretty impressive but wow what a what a performance but guys uh one thing i have to say about lightburn mbl and i'm actually going to see as we bring johan here for the interview in a second if maybe viper and mbl want to hop in they might not want to they don't have to of course it wasn't part of the plan but uh for all their dominance mbl and viper and norway they're extremely humble in victory and defeat so uh props to yo and lake stave i had so much fun what was the best game of the final can we even choose one i don't even know it seems like they were all they were all good yeah game one was sick scandinavia was sick there were some fast games like this was just excellent strategy and they made it look so easy uh the one that the win that norway had on team acropolis was the same and that was interesting i valley was sick yeah they were all so good very happy with that all right guys um let me find out what the game plan is as far as interviews go and before you head away yeah chat because i know i see the viewer numbers dropping but before you head away there is an announcement if correct me if i'm wrong but i believe there's an announcement at the end of the stream correct there is so yeah thank you thank you dave it's it's the type of announcement that only those who stay deserve to hear so if a few people leave it's their fault for not knowing about it but yeah just don't let's not speculate too much i'm going to give the option to vipre and mbl to join if they want to of course the plan is to get mr yo in here guys we're gonna have a quick break i'm gonna play this video for the final time uh this is this has been reworked for the final weekend so we might as well get our money's worth as we get the players in all right um it'll be two to three minutes before we have that winners interview [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you're just melting this tc it's the mtc 91 92 it goes down the villagers will [Music] follow [Music] [Music] [Music] there's so much energy in chat right now we want the interviews why are you playing this video this video is amazing ah everyone is just so hyped up mods good luck with that um okay so the plan is to have the uh captain of china mr yo join us for an interview in just a second and if you heard the interview yesterday licks does not speak english very much at all so he is going to he's not going to be able to be here yo will speak on his behalf and then um i haven't got confirmation yet but i did invite norway to join as well if they wanted to they of course this they don't have to i see mbl's in one of my voice rooms so maybe mbo wants to join um if nbl if you're listening to stream feel free to join up by the way i think robo can tell you but yo has not arrived yet so i'm i'm back in uh oh nbl hello man hi how's it going uh yo should be joining and there he is mr yo how's it going hi hi can you hear me i i can hear you can you hear me yes yes okay awesome um well congratulations yo how does it feel i'm happy really happy and it's always always good to have a champion yeah champion yeah well um this will be this will be a bit of a different style interview because we have uh yo here for his team and then mbo and viper as well um i'm gonna go through and we're just gonna start off and talk through the games i think to get both teams perspectives because there were so many really good games um mr um yes it was an awkward spot for you with your gold game one can you talk me through your mindset when you saw that mbl had a forward villager at your base killing your ostrich and walling in your main gold uh i didn't know he was going to war my mango at the end i i just thought he went straight home after killing my ears so i was kind of surprised and it really did a good damage to my wall plan i i have to take the outside outside coat yeah it was just risky it was really smart smart move by him i think okay and mbl was that another one of your strats where you just thought hey this is a good idea or was it something you guys thought where spontaneous yeah i wanted to maybe find an elephant to kill yeah then i couldn't find any elephant just found some cute little ostrich kill them and then like i was thinking like i sent a villager for it i need to do some little more damage than this and then i found his main goal then yeah i also like pretended like i sent the villager away so okay so it was intentional sneaky yeah nice yeah uh viper you had a rough time in that game but what do you think overall kind of because it was so close uh turned the tide towards china i think the biggest issue was that we ended up with our strong player was range units and their strong player was cavalry and so they had all the mobility as well yeah and then lixon is uh really good at being annoying with what he has and always making what he has count and then yo obviously uh playing real well with the cavalry raiding and active all the time so i think the biggest difference there was mobility in the end okay yo did you guys think you were dead at one point in that game because it was really close no we did not think we are dead but we knew we were we were really behind at some point but we were never going to give up all right cool uh behind in arabia it was honestly super close i i i feel like it what viper said was just the mobility right it was 50 50. the arbs had their time window and the cavalier also had their time window it was it was amazing yeah i think licks did a great job in that game because you did a lot of damage to yo when you were in early with the crossbows and then viper came over with the scouts and licks managed to sneak into viper's eco into that very sneaky yeah understatement i think all right uh game two god i forget already oh with scandinavia i want to start with norway um team islands was potentially on the cards nomad was potentially on the cards and he did have good nomad sieves uh what was the game plan viper with italians persians when you pretty much know they're going to have mongols on the enemy side well both the italians and persians are really good hybrid sieves so we were kind of hoping that there would be water on the sides so we could play like one to one sort of on water and then also play uh like you know hybrid style yeah unfortunately water again was behind us so we just kind of had to improvise and uh i think we were in a really good spot there but i think nbl had bad luck with like one tile gap and then it all kind of yeah i threw that game for us so but still i mean like the way it looks always is so annoying with everything he does yeah like he i did have an awkward hill there with both my goals forward but still lux has to do what he has to do and he makes it so hard to actually like you don't get any smooth games ever when you're netflix and that's that's something it does really well um yeah i mean with games but i'm sorry viper go ahead no i just said well you'll get smooth games but we don't yo does does little talk a lot is he like oh i'm in his walls i'm making a barracks does he tell you or is he just like yeah yeah yeah he's talking a lot yeah by the way i have been in the voice chat with me so if you have any question you can just ask me oh um wow i wasn't expecting this well i don't know ask lix how it felt to have a barracks within mbl's walls okay let me ask him yeah fair enough i'm i'm curious what he has to say anyhow [Laughter] i know i know mvl's gonna have i really want to hear mbl's thoughts on that but we'll wait don't ask him i was like bitching the whole game that's annoying afterwards yeah you're just building yourself down and i was like like this little villager running around everywhere live militia i love how you walled it in later too it's done yes i was so close because of the i was so close with walling as well which is so much more annoying i get it trust me dave and i get it just fun to be on the other side so i think in anger i sent my whole town to chase that you know like i was so angry just trying to kill it then i couldn't kill it even with my whole town so okay it's really important that he get to get inside and build and build a hole so you can protect my attention like economy so i can go go trust uh let's rush like go water yeah with mbl yeah all right so i was kind of hoping that licks would be like it was really fun to annoy mbl and only say that but that's that's the professional response from licks so i like it uh it really i mean sieves definitely matter a bit but i think otherwise norway would have had big advantages in castle age uh dave i don't know if you had any of your questions about that game that was pretty crazy nope okay uh game three i don't think it's so important for licks to get into my hole but yeah yeah okay game three yeah continue mbl just for your sake i think we'll move on from that game yeah he's not over um and it was team acropolis and what viper what were you expecting from china at this point because you already played quite a few games it's easier to guess what civilizations might be chosen there yeah i mean we were sure they have seen our game from yesterday and we were expecting them to use berbers there we weren't sure how they would approach it though but we figured that indians should be a good counter to both cubans and berbers i mean they picked what we thought they would pick so mbl could just go camels and then i would put some pressure to try and slow them down a little bit give them a smooth ride and then eventually i would be able to transition to iran by anyway and then i can just play a bigger ramba and sling some food as well if necessary and yeah i mean it kind of played out exactly how we wanted it to okay cool um yo was it a surprise that norway played that differently than how they did against spain yesterday yeah it was definitely a big surprise from wiper actually our original plan was lakes go fast castle like really fast selling stone and when he sees wiper going forward he just stop stop that strategy and then go normal normal fast castle yeah i think and i should not have made my tc down the hill you know i should just make it in my base that way i could have saved many wheels yeah you lost you have tears if i do like that you lost a lot of villagers and you continued to fight on what chances do you think you had at that point i mean you were you made it active but uh it was a tough final you don't don't really wanna kill my fast yeah okay awesome mbl do you think he would have been successful with the the camel magnel push if the tc was up on that hill instead of at the bottom there i think so but it makes it easier to have the hill bonus yeah that's for sure and potentially couldn't kill that many villagers because he had to run oh i got so many good shots with those mango nails i probably felt good after game two to be able to yeah do that it did feel good yep okay um dave feel free to hop in here at any time yeah going into uh the next game nomad yo you guys picked uh you picked maybe an unorthodox civilization there the koreans what was your what was your thought process with koreans in nomad um korean is always strong you know that if you play enough no man you will know that but i mean everyone thinks it's uh it's a shitty series but it's really not and looks good at it but they're using korean so we don't think we are really happy on the 6th is that you think high level players underrate too or just just like casters like us oh just ask mbl what does they think yo is coming up with the savage birds today what is going on it doesn't matter what cbr as long as i get a castle on my feudal tc i'm dead anyway oh boy okay well um was it geez that game was so messy i almost said viper what do you think made the difference there for you guys because obviously you got to conks and you're able to get to a lot of them but it wasn't the easiest ride to get there i suppose i think just really unfortunate map spawn it was golden stone was so far for me and it was just really hard to i had i found a stone on the right side later but that already sent everything to the left side before yeah and even then i have the stone with gold as well who's still on the left side so i think nomad games for me and mbl so far we've had really bad luck with with the spawns and then obviously playing against johan licks who are masters of nomad they're going to punish us to the fullest with that yeah i think that's fair to say that's that's no matter right i just lack experience in normal in general and that's why i can't like i i normally can't find a good team play for that map i i think that the chinese team is really good at like coordinating things in nomad and i have no clue what's going on that's pretty much it i just try to play the meta all the time and and take it from there so nomad is probably something i should get more experience in okay yeah that's fair stop saying arabia when we're playing team games all the time but i hate norman i need more experience on nomad i hate nomad in in the nomad game yo was your was your plan to go into scouts no no i was going to fast castle then i just saw nbl make embarrass right in front of my face okay then the panic then go scouts mbl did you know that yo was there when you made the berries no no i was like i knew emily um yo ask if flix is still there um see the thing is as a caster i i ask questions that have obvious responses which is making this weird but ask him uh the thought process about opening up with the galley and how he enjoyed killing fishing ships with that ask him about ask him about the galley ask him about the single galley and nomad it might not even be a big deal for him but it was for us so okay yeah the thing is it's like licks is just gonna say there were fishing ships there so i tried to kill fishing ships i think we might get a doubt response but i'm curious he he did a lot of damage there it's fine dude every single player interview ever the casters look like idiots so we're we're just setting the bar ah there we go okay would you living up the expectations on viper do we always look like you sound like it is as well oh all right all right it's it's fine i gave you the opportunity to make the joke dude every interview we come into we get roasted so we can fire some back okay he killed a lot of fishing ship from viper and he feel like wiper is really slow okay so just wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second does that mean he thinks viper's a slow player or he just was slow to react slow to react okay all right there's the difference there uh that makes sense uh viper you you saw that galley did you assume with the patrol that it was cleared out or or i guess there was a lot going on at that time i knew it was there but i i was about to be done fishing there anyway so okay more trying to kill kilix's fish as well but fair enough yeah i mean i couldn't the goal was so awkward i didn't have gold to do anything until late in the game so couldn't really fight back okay i'm really excited about the next game um tell me about malay saracens i don't know if this comes down to something pre-planned or just civilizations you had remaining on the draft because malay was pretty late a viper was that something you guys had talked about or just decided on doing when you saw the sieves there it was excellent okay we didn't have enough cavalry sims so we kind of just made malay play and scouts into elephants and went full fulham in castleage okay um it was pretty sick uh yo did you guys think that that was dangerous uh you took a really good fight when the army was in lix's base and it looked good from there but then they turned it around yeah mdr has a good economy and keep making these elephants and it's so annoying it's impossible to buy them yeah but we should have just i don't know i shouldn't use my use my knights to go with licks and instead i should just try to raid right there economy that could okay i think is that the first time you've seen you faced up against elephants in that type of a scenario because i know obviously malaya made elephants in 1v1s in some situations but in 2v2 i think it's a first for me no actually it's not first for me because i have seen finland players do that a lot but i haven't seen like this for a long time i think okay all right even the breath don't use elephant this much all right cool um and then i mean that game was wild viper were you guys worried at some stage after that fight and you lost your crossbows or did you still feel like the power spike potential was going to give you an opportunity uh we obviously would have liked that fight to go better yeah you didn't feel over the moon after that but at the same time we knew that emil had a little bit of eco ice i'm still saracens so we knew there was always a chance and uh it got a little bit scary there when yo got to imp but uh i think i found a good spot there to trade okay and then when mbl's elephants came it all kind of just worked out for us but yeah it was definitely dicey early cast legend potentially early imp as well okay awesome why is your chest playing your mouth because robo told me that you were using a hair dryer before the games do you do we want to talk about that what happened uh well i spilled water on my mousepad and i got a hairdryer blew the mouse pad dry okay i was worried that i was really worried that you spilled water on your keyboard and it wasn't working and we had to delay or something so no no it's fine viper just left discord meanwhile wait a second you stayed in discord with your mic on but you were using the hairdresser yeah he doesn't even mute himself well i would leave discord too mbl mute your mic damn all right that's that's funny um all right so then what ended up being the final game uh was on chaos pit and i think you kind of knew what was coming norway uh yo how how confident are you you kind of talked about it yesterday when you have licks with incas well licks with ink is just unstoppable i think yeah and we we were struggling which man we should pick because we still have team islands and we see the shift and lake said he can he can use inca in the chaos speed then we decide to go that map okay because he's really good at it yeah um i i i feel like we should ask a question about this because the reason you were able to carry in that game was because of him but i can't really think of anything well if you notice i forgot to click up to cassage that's something uh well i noticed you had the rez and then a lot of bad things happened and then i noticed you still hadn't clicked so you just straight up from the whole fight the whole fight i thought i was up ah and then uh i realized it wasn't but uh it didn't really matter you all was too far ahead it was really insane by licks to go like 20 wheels forward to my base when i was in touch and suddenly just go all in there that was a very good move and i think that the biggest difference there was kind of like them having access to incas because incas is so tough to stop on chaos bit i mean it's not like they win uh without like they kill themselves basically but they they're really good uh taking down two players or delays yeah delaying two players yeah i guess if you compared to how tattoo played in the semi-finals against you guys tattoo kind of went forward and focused more on towers but then stopped and licks just said whatever i'll send everything and committed they build towers all around viper and then they build towers all around me so like if you have a circle of towers around the tc then you can't farm around it you have to yeah it's a struggle okay um well yeah guys uh norway thanks for stopping in here um i enjoyed watching you guys so much we had so many great games whether it was in the early group stage for the memes with viper making 100 million are blessed um or the really competitive games there's no doubt after watching both teams today that you two are the the top teams in the world um there are more teams in the world that are top because we are not really a team in viper we are more country people you know yeah that's what i mean but yeah yeah so but it was pleasure playing with viper he's he's a really great player and i had fun i really liked the tournament and congrats to to china i'm sorry i couldn't perform well today but i think we had a good run after all but yeah um nbl i have a question for you before i let you go okay um obviously you would have wanted to win here right but when de first came out in november for the first couple months your game was just dropping like crazy right you couldn't get into a rhythm a few tournaments happened and i feel like you didn't feel like you're playing your best and it was just a struggle to to get in sync with de and then king of the desert granted there were some factors there you had a good showing to make it to the final and then here you guys made it to the final here of course you want to win finals but do you feel like you as a player are much better now on de than you were say i don't know i feel fine i do feel fine now it's uh it's more small things like daily shape and stuff that determines okay how good i play but i feel i feel good it's not not that bad i feel like it can take on anyone but i definitely don't feel like i can be the best player in the world but if if i feel like i can push maybe to a tournament win or turn on final i can push it as much as possible but uh okay i still think the the compensation competition has never been higher i think like you saw all these good teams how close they were so yeah it's kind of like me and viper could probably win china on a different day and then they can it could win us it just completely depends on strategies and how we feel okay and preparation but yeah all credits to china for winning today this is when it matters so yeah really felt it but i'm happy with where we got definitely of course would like to win and make my viper proud and make norway proud but uh not not this time china is probably the proudest country today i'm proud of you that was a good speech all right well um thanks guys uh viper i i would ask the same for you before i let you go i suppose uh obviously wanting to win here but would you agree with mbl that the competition is just higher than ever when it comes to team games and also 1v1s probably yeah that makes sense with the with the landscape of the age of empires right now so it adds up right and um yeah well i feel like this tournament probably norway and china were step above the others yeah but um yeah like if there was another tournament one month from now we could easily be out in the a round of eight all of a sudden yes yeah it's the level is that high cool and it's also event after event after event so a lot of consistency needed cool um yo congrats again man thank you for for hopping in here you guys looked really good um i'm i feel like you watching all the games paid off and preparation paid off and um tell licks that uh he he's definitely earned a lot of fans because there's a lot of new people watching and i think most of those new people see you all the time but licks definitely earned some fans so okay yeah i want to ask you also also want to say hi to you oh well hi link i want to ask you about about your year too yo because obviously you've had some really good performances you won red bull um you've had some really good placements and then finally you win 2v2 world cup how does the year 2020 feel to you in terms of like age of empires in terms of your performance is this the best you've ever had yes i feel so complete yeah i have a champion in one one now i have a champion in team games i mean two weeks will count as team dance night yeah yeah that's that's awesome it's great to hear um well guys there's going to be plenty more events uh kind of have a bit of an announcement here in a second so uh i think some of you guys might know about that but thank you very much i'm pumped for you guys going forward you guys are tremendous players uh you guys want more than i like to play so no no no no no i will i got something shut up and show you the dogs emblem don't make me kick you man okay okay thank you yo thank you mvl thank you viper you guys are all great congratulations guys congratulations amazing performance thanks thanks thank you thanks guys see you guys see you yep later bye um dave massive props to norway there for hopping in here after losing they of course wanted to win and they showed all the class in the world with the can we just you burned me so hard and i was the only person i want to say i was the one guy saying they're gonna pick koreans on nomad yeah and then i asked him about it a curse of the caster that's so funny he's like maybe maybe you should play more nomad the way he said it it was he had a bit of a tude bro i know i know that's that's the risk you take being a caster though when you ask obvious questions like that that it's just it's funny to me it's funny to me because you love nomad and have played so much more nomad than probably any other caster in the scene and then jose made that joke to you so awesome well um dave it was a pleasure we've been here many many times the final was so sick we don't always have our day but i feel like we had a pretty solid day as far as casting is concerned and the the games delivered it was a beauty and what a phenomenal like what a phenomenal showing from china i feel like we didn't yo seemed kind of tired there so we didn't really ask him that many questions um but like it was just amazing the performance they put together licks and him just the pressure they put on norway they made norway look uh like a team that wasn't the favorite coming into the tournament yeah and i think yeah and it was probably slight favorite because of how dominant china been but it's just it's just the mbl viper effect they're so good in 1v1s you see them and the question was always are they going to be as together as yo and licks and the answer's no licks just compliments you so well i don't know if anyone has the clip but yo was like he's my he's he's my perfect partner yesterday it was so sweet man he he loves playing with me feels yeah all right well um dave i've got to kick you out because i have to talk to the stream about this thank you again bro yeah and don't forget chat there's a big announcement coming up but don't forget silver league is still going on for world cup v2 um and it will probably be cast more often so make sure you tune in and catch that keep your stick on the ice it was fun see you later guys salutes and chat for dave use the dave emo if you can thanks to dave um i i love casting with dave man it's it's i'm really thankful to be able to just chill out with one of my best friends at cast games and that's essentially what dave and i do so we have a love for the game maybe not a love for each other as strong as licks and yo but maybe close i don't know um
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 550,728
Rating: 4.875495 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 2v2 World Cup, World Cup, AOE, AOE2, Wow, T90Official, T90, Crazy Games, Insane, aoe2, age of empires, aoe2de, Nomad, Arabia, 2v2, Acropolis, Team Acropolis, Chaos Pit, Pit, Scandanavia, Norway, Norwegian, Spain, Spanish, TheViper, Viper, MbL, MbLAOC, Valley, Chaos, MbL2, Mr Yo, Yo, Lyx, Mr_Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 9sec (13449 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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