TheMax vs Hera! $1000 AoE2 Showmatch! feat TheViper cocast!

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welcome everyone to game number one in a best-of-seven show match for $1,000 between the Max and Hera just for the sake of my YouTube audience I have Viper Co casting with me and sorry if you don't want to see my face I do that during 24 hour streams I've Viper it's it's it's free pick of civilizations and Aztec word probably no surprise right but the can they repeat soups so free free pick no repeat game one is Arabia okay ah and then game seven if we get there is also Rabia alright sounds cool sounds good alright well here we have in the blue the max uh who Viper and I had the pleasure of meeting and then also Hera and we met recently in Manchester which is why we're both sick but Aztec war pretty open maps for both players I personally I slightly favor a charismatic is I think is what lines are more secured but I don't know if you agree or disagree on that Viper i heavily favor Harris map yeah yeah the would because of the gold pretty much yeah look at the goals of the max they're all super exposed on a hill kind of yeah if he doesn't blow it up he'll then he's gonna be in big trouble yep both players played in hidden Cup two and max ended up facing you in the finals and then Hara lost to the fat dragon in round one I think Hera certainly had the skill to be many the players and hidden Cup - but Vivi's kind of kind of the worst player to face up against Hera yeah I think there's maybe has a number for some reason I'm not sure why it has to be some place to otherwise yeah but I don't know it's a I think he's deep in herre now two or three times in a row in the tournament so yeah I think players who are very good with Fords and towers give Harrison problems like tatto and vivvy that those are the two that come to mind alright it does make this so do you remember in Manchester we talked about how you would guess the winner of each game in five minutes yes all right go ahead Hera's already won we can vote the next game okay perfect now it's gonna be really depressing if you get every single game right that's what I'm hoping for man yeah just ruin my career yeah is it best-of-seven or old seven games playing its best of seven okay yeah well that one three our Oasis game in ECL I left the studio because I thought the game was over I got back to my hotel and then Swami had come back and then I went to bed thinking it was over then and that there was another comeback in that one so yeah I actually I mean I went over there because I was feeling nothing too great yeah but I closed the stream after Game three because I saw the Sims for the fourth game which was step yes and exactly okay no chance for a 400-meter but I won't go through our final finale so who I'm big stuff I'm not jealous of the casters or the players but um so a bit of lamenting attention to Max's base I think max just pushed three deer so he'll be fine but Harris snags the Sheep it will likely be a man at arm opening so let me ask you this Piper because obviously it's it's a mirror matchup man-at-arms is the norm with the opening how if what determines how quickly you add that range because sometimes players will opt for farms some players will opt for a very early archery range yes so it depends yes of course that's my answer it depends on what come on man I could hear Debbie back there by the way she's like of course it depends I mean it very much depends on how the like if you look at her right now yeah he's map is sort of very safe in a couple of like in 30 seconds this map is gonna be super safe yeah max did like the sheep by the way so in his case a range isn't like super necessary to drop immediately like as a follow up if he say he loses two minute arms for a range isn't gonna be that crucial for him yeah but if you look at the Max's map if you lose this the men arms war oh all right if the Hara was trying to get in the the Eagle micro nerd yeah so if you try to if you like if max looses the men arms were like yeah loses all his men arms and there's two or three left era a follow-up range for him very quickly it would be kind of not necessarily it could also add some in arms to fend it off but yeah it would be super annoying to deal with if he actually like looses his whole an early man's army because his map is so open and vulnerable from every angle yeah I think the big thing is as both eagles are fighting at the same time this would be very close if the big thing is how the first engagement goes if you have more men at arms I think you can get away with maybe adding the farms first yeah it depends a lot on how you want to follow up as well like if you want to have the better economy or if you want to get the unit's out on the map yeah yeah it makes sense well Harris coming forward he did kill Max's eagle some max is unaware of where the units are max is running forward now this is where Max's map could really hurt him he also didn't Scout Hera much as well right so hair is fully Walt Max didn't scout that now he is he has his villagers walled in on the gold and building the archery range but but Hera could catch him out possibly to be fair Herod barely scouted max yes he's kind of walking into darkness and about the town center he sees it immediately though but I like Harold's movement here he knew kind of I think he knew where max this mission would going yeah kind of avoided them because he knows he's safe at home so it makes sense for him to just avoid and try to attack max where we can and it's gonna pay off notices about the hit the berries yes sir max runs away I would expect a quick ball here yet there we go and he has to bring his men-at-arms back I did add the archery range nice and early so I'll have an archer and he added an additional man-at-arms so I mean this is Hera is sitting pretty behind all this right because the the wall off and the fact that max didn't have any defensive military yeah Harrah's looking like super smooth though you can see her on this town soon as well yes about six farms already up yeah max is done at his farms as well but I think Harold's gonna like it's gonna be a super smooth game from in prayer on from here on because yeah show me a game right now he's choosing where to fight at the moment and that's not gonna change for the next couple of minutes yeah exactly that what you'll see from Pro players is when they realize they're outmatched on the frontal just buy time in fact in the the recent ECL game sort of did a great job of that in the to be to just buying dealt time in the one game where they long about here hair is doing the same thing so just run away and even even sacrifice that one man at arm and yeah this is good stuff very good stuff yeah this is all dealing the max as well next has to send his artisan Houston at home now while Hera can just slowly like he's making arches as well but he's doing a blacksmith before a second range so that's also a economy sort of focused yep she's not going heavy on the military yet yeah I think Hera really likes man-at-arms into one one range blacksmith and Castle I don't know if you have a preference on that I know it all depends but Hera does that an awful lot okay well I don't I mean like is it I have to say I'm gonna send it depends a lot yeah yeah of course it always does so yeah like it depends like in Max's situation I definitely would add a second range before my blacksmith yeah because you need an arm account to be able to control the game pretty much because his map like let's be honest it's real bad it's really bad cold ways yeah yeah so he needs that armor to to be able to control the game well Harris situation I really see why he had the blacksmith first and just playing it safe and calm at home his economy is looking very much better than like a lot better than Max's as well at the moment so yeah especially given how the men and arms opening played out as well it's a very smooth than the straightforward game from here at the moment do you think I'm just comparing the farming numbers and whatnot also with capture age I know you don't have it up there's a way to see the food amounts per minute so Harrah's is 270 and Max is at 200 okay but Hera I might may be getting a little bit too aggressive right now but do you think that Eagles are possible for either player at this stage and makes sense to go into crossbow but that could be more dangerous as castle age goes on I think with the opening here I don't think it makes sense to go Eagles for Herod doesn't for sure because yeah that's four minutes alive but it could be a transition forecast place but I don't see anyone doing it yeah I think the reason here as well as being active at his office right now is because he saw that the archers of the max didn't have such him so he feels like he can okay I can just run around and do some cost mile time damage some units here and there yeah he's doing a great job of that right now max is still just sitting at home is making towers taking stone as well because he doesn't feel safe you can see how it's welding off the bottom part of its members yeah yeah just a really a real tricky game to play for the max because he's never gonna be able to feel comfortable or safe at his base well he what he really needed was just to scout earlier and to win that first engagement the fact that Hera had those that three or four minutes to himself at Max's base was huge granted max probably wouldn't have been able to do all that much damage at Harrah's base because of the wall off on this left side but I think that it hurt max so much that he didn't have any type of momentum and he gave her all that time yeah for sure and you can look at the food councilor and know as well Garrus clicking up while the max is still I mean max has to cut some not cut corners he has to not cut corners pretty much Hera could cut corners and max yeah I could see his investor I'm not a mining camp on the stone that's a hundred wood that could have been farms could have been an archery range could have been more units so he's not guys have to take these extra precautions to feel safe and although that's that also digs in on your economy yeah and and for her it's been the easiest game of his life so far yeah he's playing his dream right now yeah exactly this is exactly what you want and I I think the one criticism I've had of hair in the past is that he can almost be a little bit too active with his army at times and like there's initial three archers for example but he ran away from the tower he used them when Max didn't have fletching and then he quickly ran back so he's not been wasteful at all was pretty solid yeah I mean being too active I wouldn't ever say that's a negative thing but I guess active in the was yeah to two balls he maybe yeah yeah that's definite yeah yeah but he's played very well so far max is doing what it like this can actually really snowball II already max only has seven arches there and Hera can really fight this even uphill yeah as long as Hera doesn't make any big mistakes oh holy castle aged faster it's kind of felt like this is just a matter of time after the clean build that hair has had so Harris playing super safe now he doesn't want to dive in yet either because I think he expects to be up to casters faster as well so he's just playing super safe right now maxed is only a one range Sebastian Wyse Hara is always been out producing there as well this is looking really really rough for max at the moment yeah and and O'Hara's are the second barracks I guess he's in a position to to possibly mix in something else because he'll be so far ahead but I wasn't really expecting that I was expecting crossbow bodkin maybe ballistics and then T sees kind of like the age of conquerors meta yeah the second barracks is strange to me as well I don't really see the reason for it right now because when you have these army numbers as well yeah those aren't gonna be effective until you have the 10 15 of them yes so yeah it's very strange for me but he's diving in right now on the left side who had to straight towards Max's wood and this can already be my prediction coming true man yeah I mean max didn't back the map didn't do us any favors I don't think it was the boldest of predictions I think if the players would have been in different positions you probably would have just gone with the map but scale man what else can i what else can i analyze from yeah exactly the same matchup but its Aztecs and yeah there's not much else right I'd have to be one heck of a comeback for max now I think his hair is playing so safe sniping bills and he's not diving in he's just taking damage wherever he can and this is absolutely the right approach right now that's good work this is a little bit too like he doesn't have to fight between tower town center yes arm is live with calm confidence here now yeah well the Eagles are here Eagles won't contribute all that much to the fights just yet I do have the first armored upgrade but once their Eagle warriors and get chainmail that's when they're really useful but Hera hair is doing everything right he's not diving in he realizes he has a big lead will extend that lead the longer he stays here you're very good at this just just keeping it an army alive and and then macron behind you know the one one of the first things I've heard I heard after I started watching some Starcraft 2 was if you're ahead like get further ahead yeah what the statement was it makes so much sense right yeah why why try to go for kill you can just get further ahead and be in an even better position well I think I think that's probably I don't know how long ago you heard that or four really changed that you played but that's pretty much how you do it in Age of Empires 2 and you play like you'll take small advantages that add up to a win it's very rarely like you very rarely go super all-in it's just just a bunch of small wins kind of what hair is doing right now I'm not I don't agree with this decision you shouldn't have chased army there the town center was there up for grabs you could have just used the Eagles too so now two crossbows and then killed all the villagers building a town center that's true a little bit of a Miss play from here there but still I mean he's denigrates about ten village lead instead of doing one TC though so seems like I was all English play in that regard yeah no Maxwell against Taft Oh even at the ecl finals it was a game where tattoo and lower economy and full all in MX looked like it was super behind but somehow I was able to boom and just slowly climbed his way back into the game yeah I think this is oh sorry I guess that's what he's like aiming for right now as well yeah I mean and Harris almost giving him more of a way back into it right if Hara would have gone for crossbows and ballistics and then T C's he would have a bigger eco lead he probably would have done a similar amount of damage he still if this steam workshop goes up it's trouble for max but I think that Harrah's decision to go for the two barracks has slowed down as eco and it's possibly max his way back into the game though he's still very far behind yeah that's the thing Harris putting himself in a position now where he has to do damage yes he's not just behind this he doesn't an extra Townsend of course if he kills 15 villagers it's all fine all worth it yeah but he's putting himself in a spot where if he doesn't do the necessary damage now he might suddenly be like equal and economy yeah I've been behind yep well that siege workshops gonna be tough for max to deal with I imagine he should probably make a few always making man-at-arms longswords okay well it makes sense because Harris crossbow numbers are very low now if you even managed to trade those off which is the owner yeah exactly then suddenly those long swords are gonna be very very effective and era didn't even try and run away with them Wow depends on the mango right with a good attack rounds and enough Eagles that still be very good hair is hair Zico is still so much stronger yeah for sure I mean Haris stealing an amazing spot yeah it's no question about that it's almost one of those if you're in Max's shoes and he do end up losing this game you say okay well I was destined to lose that game after a feudal age but I did very well and and Hera didn't kill me off as fast as he should've so maybe it it almost gives you some confidence going into Game two and three could be yeah I mean yeah of course you feel I mean but you're still gonna feel like okay I just there was no chance for here yeah it's not a good feeling either way okay if you died soul it's not a good thing either I would say but I mean he's listening it's playing gold now he doesn't really have access to any gold anymore yeah very yeah yeah feels over now it's very easy for a caster to say oh just put a positive spin on losing you know but then then when you're in the game it's it's very different yeah I think if you look at Harris economy as well of course is spending all the gold but he has a lot of farms he can just idle like stop Eagle production for two minutes and he's gonna be up to him as well yeah 1tc play it Sam axe is continuing to try now but it's it's over 30 villagers for him he has more idols than Hera dozen Hera has 56 villagers yeah Game two will be one of the home maps for max if the game actually ends he's he's on three TCS so he's trying to boom and hold somehow probably just loose constantly losing one military one which were there yeah the count isn't through the growing he's trying to like make use of what he can with the crossbows that's kinda what he has but yeah yeah he's realizing it's over in calling it alright so Vipers prediction was correct the boldest prediction ever scores one zero for Hera now they chose home Maps and I believe it was a crop Alice and hideout for max so that will be one of those two maps will be the next game and now I imagine that you will probably be able to give us some insight on the civilizations more insight than I'd be able to provide because you've you're very good at saving sips not using your best saves in Game one into and making sure that in the future games you'll be good yeah I think I tend to do that quite a lot but I would say like for example doing NEC I kind of spent all my goods is immediately there so that yeah was kind of a different formula there and it almost came back in with me but because Dad was meeting making quite a comeback in NEC too but yeah um so hidden pick no repeat right so what which was the Memex head again so I know his home maps were cropping in hideout yeah no okay so I guess we're going for hideout right now yes it should I know okay it should be hideout yeah and if that's the case I think sibs like Spanish Mayans I've even seen Celts sometimes you go man at arm forward with Celts what do you think yeah but that's usually I mean Aztecs is a popular choice as well yeah and can do well in against a sticks I think though we're gonna seem as a severe Mayans of course very likely yeah I wouldn't say sticks is possible as well I think harab most likely a stick miles but I think max might throw in a curveball there and might pick something else okay Spanish maybe something like that I don't know but like safest choice is usually our Aztecs Mayans etc here yeah well mines would be a strong pick because it's not a sea of you necessarily want for the other maps that will come up Harrah's one home map is Cup which is the the special map from hidden cup to and then the other one is El Dorado I expect El Dorado might be just a Chinese war to be honest yeah most likely yeah if it's the Eldorado with its there water outside now there's no water on the outside it's the one without that yeah Chinese should definitely be the goal to sue there okay yes I think I think either a Meza war or like you said max would be the type of player to maybe switch it up but thanks Mayans war is probably my guess and there's been some real classic games on this man I remember way back I'm curious if you remember this I think I was just watching youtube videos it was Aztecs versus Mayans it was you against mister yo I think you were Aztecs and yo was Mayans and I think at some point you ended up going for Jaguar warriors I remember that game I know I played see John I think yes he's Andhra Eagles yes yep dude knows before atlatl squirms as well yep check this out check this out check out this is yeah Incas god that's so strange well hey that's so mind gaming yeah it's really sick a Hara expected the Mayans oh I have to update the score on my stream sorry guys so he expected the Mayans and I guess I don't know if max was expecting the counter pick but this is Superman Jamie that's the thing we have no idea if my academics actually expected him to go counter Mayans and yeah countered that again I mean incus is good to hear either way even if you run up against - or Aztecs you still have a fighting chance yep but yeah I mean if this was intentional that he expected goth to counter mine stand this is really clever but max yeah and then save mines for later on you know what's interesting I saw Hara doing practice matches versus MBL last night he was playing NBL on Cup MBO chose Franks and Hara chose Mayans which I thought was kind of Baku my handsome cup yeah because I didn't Oh lame all max is stealing the war how are we looking to restarts in this game there I mean there's one restart per best-of-seven I believe so this would be a of you of the Goths so you have no eco bonus and Incas should be favored both economically and and well pretty much until imp I'd say you know you have sleepers exactly what else does both have yeah like that's that's still it's it's not ideal for got to that stage but it's probably their best opportunity the best time but anyways back to my point it was weird how he chose Mayans because I don't recall anyone else choosing Mayans for that during the tournament yeah no mine seems like a very strange pick from for Cup was it yeah it could've been random sibs okay Cup is them up with the water in the middle right yes like a little bit here and there okay yeah yeah that's yeah mines there if that's a intentional pick that's super strange to me yeah it's just a thought because I know that his other home map is Cup and he didn't choose Mayans here but knows inherit he has not called re you know what I think I realized okay this sieve mashup is kind of messy like skewed anyway yeah so why waste the restart here if next match sure he might have AB or extra but the service won't change right so I think it makes sense to not call restart no matter what how to opening is yeah that's a good point so we'll see man hideouts like it's it's like arena in the sense that there's walls except it's just palisade walls so the option to go forward in towers is there a player's share would line the paper we're gonna have to get to know each other actually it actually starts cuz I mean Dave normally finds a random bird or something so it's five minutes need to predict the winner oh yeah Harris farm his hair was doing the what was that he did a farm outside of his base I think if he did a farm outside of his base he's scouting for his boar yeah he doesn't even know that his boar is lamed he probably doesn't know yeah I didn't realize yeah he's placing the farm there for scouting yeah he doesn't know yeah I predict max to win this game okay we're just gonna see just how big like so far the sieve mismatches and the map mismatches have been pretty insane I came one max had the better Matt or sorry worse map so you went with the hair choice and then here max he definitely has the better sieve Hera he could have looked brilliant you know tatto looks brilliant when he does he's counter picks he's done it quite a few times in the past but he kind of looked dumb when you picked Goths and you you end up not counseling your opponent's Civ well no it was hidden cook one word and BL picked Goff to come don't even don't even bring that up man that still makes me so upset to this day like masterpiece or disaster piece right yeah exactly I was I remember because we knew it was we all thought it was you at MBL hmm and I believe that was a best-of-seven right I think the final score was 4 - yeah and MBL had so many good saves available and he chose Goths on Arabia if it was hideout it would make a lot more sense because you have so much space between each other but you you chose Mayans went forward to lamed him and finished him off real early yeah um I'm not okay so both are going up to fuel age very fast like it's a futile age came play pretty much yeah other up x max descending 4 inches forward so he's definitely looking to apply some pressures I expect ours made my norms yeah the archers and I think Harold with us as well that okay he knows he got Lane de Boer he knows he's behind economically economically so it's very likely that max will put on pressure so we did follow up with a faster fuel is himself the question is just what can you will do he does have a safe map tow safe cold safe stones they would obviously yeah look forward himself this one I did not expect he also did not see Max's villagers Max did spot Harrah's barracks but he did not see a flag on the barracks he also is not seeing the villagers now so this this could get really interesting and this could be quite good for Hera because he's already creating the militia whereas max is going for the forward barracks yeah Harris making look I always like to golf to delay the men arms until I'm foolish because the javelin right Hara is going for the earlier once told me making them all in darkish and for this situation is gonna be very good because obviously is gonna have the numbers very fast but if Max's does a fast blacksmith hair and a fast always Google range okay yeah a lot of people lately have been playing the Inca with full upgrades on the militia and yep also using villagers to fight a lot then yeah yeah I've experimented a lot with the build actually because I have to face Noboru like I spoke to him a few days like Greg when I came back and he said he'll play me so I have actually been experimenting with the build order it's almost impossible to go for three men at arms and all the four builders with the blacksmith you tell captive that it's well it's tough right you can make three-minute arms but if you do four and send like more than four or five bills its rough for me anyways but this yeah back to the actual game that this is quite good for hair I think that the forward barracks its I just don't really get it right it's better to make the barracks at home so you can start the the militia production and now Hera has the cheap men-at-arms he's working on walling up the range and he's all over the max the problem is that when max has two arches out he's also doing their own stuff great I mean yeah yeah max should send this off again but other great start was great for Hera yep I don't know if Milan's follow-up now is gonna be the way for her to go we probably needs to add a range and some squirms and but obviously we're looking really good from Hera for her compared to her the opening ones you know what I find interesting about hideout is Max's position is extremely important because in the event that he can no longer attack Hera or that Herod is going to threaten him he can just wall this and then he has all the time in the world and this is an important side as well right because of all those extra Gold's that are out there you can see now Max's he's not gonna apply more pressure yeah Hera has already made of money cameron stone so he's like preparing to defend yeah but max is just gonna fall back now probably economic follows and just make some arches and i would say there's a good good choice but max oversees down four villages now which is quite a lot for this edge of the game but if you just transition stratocasters now and makes this a prolonged game and then should be a good spot as well yeah and Hera could have possibly overreacted a bit going to the stone because he was expecting towers good on him to go off of stone and go to wooden other resources after realizing there will be no towers I'm surprised hair is making artisanal scrum stone like his he's on a pressure mouse that hopefully makes sense would be to get out to three squirms yeah and then section and then then switching to Archer said you want to follow with arches yeah he does have a way better food equal though looking at the farm count of course max has villages on deer but farming is the way to go at this stage in the game after of course the deer are still good but yeah farming is how you judge how good the economy is at the moment yeah he's income and they build their farms faster come on good nose yeah yeah I'm not sure how Max's plan to follow this up he's sending three villagers thank you oh yeah it's going to Stonewall the whole thing yes so you're tells to yeah sorry we're not used to cast them together say this happens um oh good but to send three villagers forward after you just sent three villagers back is a bit weird ah definitely yeah those three votes could have just welded off themselves yeah one Ville could have stayed and placed a stone wall and it would have been up by now Mack still has a way bigger Armand and Hera and Harris being kind of Amenia stretching max is doing it right now but still I think that arm is very easily lost at this stage it's our position as well as the afferent escape very good for the mix yet maybe back to the early forms for Hera he gained the economy but now he's losing military yeah that hair will lose all of us man-at-arms max will have quite a few archers I guess this is where it's good that Hera's stone and gold is protected and not against the palace eight walls yeah see max immediately as well after it took that engagement okay he's like okay maybe I'm not done making army yeah immediately so he's now probably considering making more units and maybe applying more pressure as well and there's a villager on the other side and she will wall there so this is the the hole this is one of the biggest strategies on hideout I know with Mayans you tend to see sometimes rush fast castle in the plumes but man and armed tower civilizations are very good on this because you gain the position yeah this is like max against the dream situation from now he's able to apply some pressure while being untouched at home yep one untouched so he can move freely while trying to put some pressure and hair I will never know like what's gonna be enough to defend he will always have to be thinking what doesn't need more army does he need more men goons just need more this that so it's it's not unlikely that Hera might take enough stone to get a castle up and do house calls obviously that's a huge investment and yeah that might suddenly force her into a situation where he has to go all in Catholic so the decisions they make from now on is converter interesting and and this this will be tough fight for max to take it to them it does have the walls up but with the skirmishers in there can be difficult good Mike leg without the archers yeah yeah just picking up the scary units so to say yeah from now on like those officers don't matter for Mex anyway he's done well Hera can't do anything to him yeah kills every single Archer loses his archers and both players are on the way to Castle eight yeah Hera he almost the safe approach is to make military to get that castle up but then max could just go for TC or 3 TC boom right yeah and so either way it feels like Hera is is damned if he does damned if he doesn't almost because of Max's safe position and even early HUS girls if they were to get through might not be all that successful because max is incus and he can make the slingers that's exactly the point the second max sees a castle drop on the stone walls or something you can also just don't look wickley behind and add to T ranges and he should have enough units to the thing that could work though would be full house call with Magna no support stringers are very weak against C Tunis Magnus corpse whatever okay so with the production time this thing is also their fire rate isn't that high so if Hera gets that snowball going and this thing this might not be as good of a camera so you might anticipate ya specially with the range being forward you take out the range max has to build more at home maybe max will over invest into economy and not be prepared for them yeah exactly I like what max is doing here though he's like he's leaving a villager inside of purpose on the bottom side so he might do some sneaky stuff but he might be spotted here and not sure if he was watching that he was in vision yeah it looks like I was not paying attention so max has a successful he's a successful sneak yeah that's a mouthful isn't it so this kind of reminds me of max and hidden Cup actually at the time I didn't know who he was but he did a similar thing walled up snuck villagers through he made a monastery and a siege workshop now he was Aztecs so it was easier to justify the the monks but we'll see it's kind of weird like what what does he get out of this it's not like a sneak building would accomplish that much unless it's deciding the relics yeah I don't know if he's making a monster and C's were shot by the topside okay I guess it's okay because they're safe behind the walls and you can use them to defend yeah what's the purpose of this I'll post I guess he just wants vision yeah but like he's still fine is still safe it's not like he's taking damage right now would you have gone immediate three TCS in Max's position instead of adding the the immediate MA Vissarion seed workshop very very likely yeah that's kind of what I expect and and I think you would have done the exact same as Harry here balance out your eco so you have the castle and two new TCS I really like Harry's economy now this is pretty strong yeah look economy-wise is looking great now yeah I would even add probably a fourth TC before I added the castle as well but I mean the castle actually is gonna be perfect timing I think custom England's about to come in I mean he sees the castle so he knows it's there yeah max is kind of like doing a little bit of everything right now yeah a bit strange he's strange but I think like this can be the max sometimes you know he can play a bit out of the box oh he wants to wall here with this bill interesting he really wants to map control yeah it's not a bad idea and I'm in a relic that's well on the left side so potentially max is gonna end up with for at least four relics here yeah which is great for the long game so I think max is very much thinking long term right now yeah has four Eagles with forging and maghen l and we'll have a month join in on the party soon now Hera is kind of blind to all of this he doesn't know what's going on he doesn't know the monasteries there he doesn't know the monks are out doesn't know the siege is out does not know he's being walled in on the other side either they might find out in a second I mean he said yeah he probably will find out now obviously but the Eagle oh he seized even immunity though falou system on Kara's gonna be really unfortunate but I think he should oh okay to safety yeah this villager is not gonna be able to well now but this is also now Hera will know that this ability inside there yeah he's not gonna stop looking until he found it hit time time to to wall her in right there only the monk there who convert that's that's a good point but hair is conflicted now because he really wants the relic now i think i think that husband are you serious huskarla line-of-sight is awful i always forget about this well he could I'm tracking yes his own fault best tech in the game Wow but the monk is still coming down you should see it now look dude dude this is such this just reminds me okay first off both monks from max just got picked off which is really bad and look at these buildings he's thinking about placing in the corner of of Harris base on the left so weird Auctions and barracks yeah it's very strange and it's so good yeah it's very random I mean he's sneaking the relic as well yeah so he's still looking good on that part obviously here I got the bottom relic which potentially could be walled off earlier but max still looking like he's gonna have four relics oh he dr. I don't I wouldn't even show that relic at this point I'll show that monk I was there now it's been loosed a monk there was a mistake by max instead just forget about all we didn't even get the conversion Wow I think what make sense let's just try to stay out of range so the house calls and goes straight home just house a lot amongst common soil but I think this isn't one barracks it's and it's so random I know and when most pros place buildings there's an order to it but it just feels like he doesn't care but he did this exact thing in a lot of the games he played verse you as well in the finals do you remember the the gold rush game it was Malians verse yes they have slabs right yeah so random I remember him building buildings everywhere Harris reaction is to siege bookshops to find really strange well you will click up now yeah but I don't know if he needs two of them unless he's considering like early fall board cannon or something I guess he just wants a lot of manga notes to comment Max is looking like it wants to go all in cast their share but so I'm not sure how much the fifth is gonna have he's doing mongst more Eagles sliders a little bit of everything it's a very very strange game play must say he's towering Harris woodland as well from the middle yeah and a second layer of storm on the right side this is like it's doing everything it's so strange he even knows the monk is there so he'll place more stone walls on the side I mean at least he seems to recognize that Hera might be up but I really like I really feel like immediate 3tc boom would have would leave him even with Hera with economy and then he could get to imp and get to the slingers but he's not thinking like that he's going for something different what I'm curious about now is how do actually stingers do against Castellanos because I don't think I've ever seen that much so I'm not sure how he might be able to trade well enough that he's yeah and I'm stay alive I mean he still has the stone walls on the side so only way for her to get through is to break them or cut pedometers he does have Redemption so he can convert the mag Annelle yeah that's also a really good foresight by max he knows that a counter Chris thing is right now it's the Megan oh oh oh my goodness P oh my god that's exactly what max needed Oh any micros away Oh No yeah I don't see how fragile those things are so weak Ian's back you know that's a really slow as well yeah yeah your armor so they died to 1-shot Maxima Tim know though super strange game but it's o in Hera could have converted the veil on the right side if you got that literature up there to drop barracks on that side that would have been so important for him yeah max cannot let that happen and there is a relic there for max so it will be for if he sees that I believe he knows it's there oh he doesn't know what's there okay castle for Hera on the stone wall yeah I'm curious what Terra's approach is gonna be to counter the slingers is it gonna be on assure is he gonna be spork bomber cannon maybe hand cannons Audigier yeah it's the choice that's really good as well because he can also cut through the forest in the middle of them I like this choice remember you said max was gonna win yeah you are you think that choice no play like this oh yeah for how he's playing yeah yep okay okay well it would be okay yeah Harrah's position is pretty decent or one relic isn't the worst almost killed his own Megan else it's gonna convert an Oldham anga no where is he oh my god oh my god that would be the the dowel of all doubt castles there yeah wow he actually had been the Youkilis in the newsroom Harrah's getting all the good trades here yeah now Andres completed so if he wants he can just cut around the walls Elite Plus girls on the way and Max is scrambling up some archery ranges and his base but he'll have no mobility slingers are so slow and there's no choke point once hair gets past the walls so the HUS girls can do dances around him yeah biggest issue from max escuela he doesn't have ballistics so we still haven't extra scene slingers connect yeah at the house cause it's yeah it's doing a castle now it's quite a desperate castle oh my god oh my god that that scared me actually holy cow really important thing as well now is Harrah's under control of the monastery would this be relics yeah yeah that's a good point they should get that castle up now I don't think Hera can push in past the the castle from max max still needs his upgrades as you said but he's he's Castle dairy secure he's also raiding Hera a little bit but that and that won't bother got Scots can spam the house girls to clean that up see max he still has he always has one villager lying around the corner somewhere yeah I mean Lance there's what we were just a little bit of periscope yeah if this game carries on for 30 40 minutes then that foolish you might sudden become super important [Music] yeah it's exciting but it's also not something you should necessarily have yeah that's kind of a max thing but that just stems from these other weird decisions from earlier late now all these slingers are just sitting in the corner like they're not contributing anything right now there's ballistics and plus cost about to break the pallasite old man look how fast he died Wow okay slingers are still pretty good but again colleges they die in one shop so he has to be really covered the question now is how does max counted oranges as my trade clothes well I guess so yeah nine range yeah yeah he got blocked pretty sick already he just got it so so with a block printing I think he could do that but I think the issue is Goths have so much more mobility it's still not easy to use just slingers and mugs because it's so slow but because he has that I'm still hopeful population-wise is not looking too bad yes the villages needs yeah tech he needs so but not just about getting units out and not taking terrible trades yeah but the max lose those relics that's huge that means hair will have for he really never expected Hera to get through he figured the stone walls be enough but Harrah's boom was so much better that was also like a weird max didn't have to do that weird to barracks to ahsha range now you think right if he just went in that he's in three four minutes earlier and then yep he has the wall still yes the relic still he has the late game still right now he put himself in a position where I mean he still has a really good fighting chance to get me wrong still a lot of gold as well left in his base that he actually had scouted yet oh my god yeah the gold took two golds to the north and then Harrah's taking one which max also is unaware of mm-hmm and these slingers are in the left corner but they're kind of trapped here I expect to see a big shot soon with a tonnage err I like this hair starting to add ramps as well now so let's see this oh good choice good shots micro so far okay I guess it doesn't have the upgrade where my best thing is don't have minimum ranging yeah that's true Andy and slang I think it's called yeah exactly so yeah what else let's get him talk because yeah those thing is dying two shots they get two shot why they let us close look at Max's farms on the right man is he a bit rusty okay there we go he's filling in the gaps at a castle and the hill was really peculiar I feel like a castle more to the right of this I guess to the north of his main base I guess be the gold was there would be much better that is such a weird Castle he sees a hill anything yeah I don't understand Mad Max has been confusing both of us yeah that is so strange Paras switching the Cavalier I guess I like it because he asked he can't afford it so he's making all the stables at home though I guess women better to have him closer to the base of the max but well really have any counters ready for this well he's cutting through right so the Cavalier could run right in true true max is just building tower after tower after tower on that wood line just can't push out the he realizes that anytime he tries to push Hera Hera will have the options to counter him max keeps doing mock up because as well so I guess they became micro perfectly like 40 months time cover there's not a problem yeah kind of unlikely got skid plate boarding right yes okay are you think yeah you're 80% sure that's pretty much we're on that I took a check I think they do no they do not they don't no they don't okay I mean the only thing that I know is it's very uncommon to ever transition in the cavalier as Goths so yes yeah this is one of the few situations where that's always doing come u k-- max is actually preparing for this DC stable somewhere i don't think you've seen any sign of stables or whatsoever so this is really good yeah for starter prediction by max he's almost maxed out yeah yeah so yeah oh and still not like no of course hair is looking an amazing position he should not lose this game but yeah once Incas get full army up and running that army is really hard to counter oh my god Hera has a TC in the North now where the gold is max does see there there's a gold for him and he might see that extra TC but this is going to be such a tough fight for him to take but with mumps as you said you know monks could change a lot here oh nice move from era to delete that yeah courier season nears chain the armor is now getting old a prison needs this is a harem might be spending too much time here yeah may be doing too much he's trying to cut at the same time oh my god max converted the Audigier that was cutting through and it turned into manga no yeah that bug hasn't been fixed yet yeah I forget what causes that really good but I am max as well okay he has two months by the wood line and he has outpost and our towers and vision so he will all see that see that coming so we can always convert the look at the score now it's just 1,000 difference it was almost three thousand just two minutes yeah well these are some very strong options right these are the options where incas should beat Goths but I think max lost the position and he lost the relics those are huge things Hera had both the extra Gold's uh or has both the extra gold still and four relics that's not that wasn't in the game plan that's not what max wanted for sure I mean her eyes put like certainly like taking control of the positioning just another kathlynn he'll know but now cavaliers coming in but max already has over twenty comics so yeah discovery switch is also just like few minutes too late if this was happening five minutes ago max would've been overrun but ya know those come here don't really have too much to say here so so let me ask you this Viper obviously this is a kind of a complicated fight for Hera to justify taking but because of his position I really feel like he should try and distract max use his mobility a bit more and he's doing that now this is good yeah he's doing a good job now like spreading out the husk off but obviously with those gates a great case by max dosa Huskers are actually trapped now so that's the end portal goes dead but again this does open the room for Cavaliers room in max is heating up is August temperatures they all probably gonna die here on swingers are not that strong where's cavalier there's a lot of them for Hera one desire great for Hera on the right side Hera is fighting with the come like commutes with his husk also yeah thing is this he's getting gave great trades everywhere now Wow that was perfect he's killed every single trebuchet he also could get a strong surround on the slingers that's not what max wanted max should have sent the slingers to chase the husk girls Wow and now 180 pop for Hera 150 for Max and Max will lose his castle he doesn't have the relics ouch does a great move by Hera obviously max should have split his arm a difference there he I think he had the army to defend this he just did completely in this actual moment and of course when you're 40 how Scott's coming in the right side Cavalier and Hospice on the left side Krebs it's really hard to actually manage everything perfectly yeah you want something as quickly as possible I think since cameos were faster he probably sent them for that reason but now now hair just can't make the mistake he made earlier and he needs to put his foot on the gas not wait push kill these buildings this is the moment to end the game for here right now and he's also still banking a lot of resources you can definitely like non-stop produce now he's adding three more stables in the face of Max and he's certainly going to kill right now yeah tons of gold tons of food for relics I just don't see it especially because Hera has that the civilization which can span faster than then Incas or any Civ really yeah Hera has to be careful here though like now ha max has messed an army that can actually defend this so if air just keeps like sending in units non-stop yeah just got her pointed into Max's base he's just gonna sudden stop trading awfully and I mean already max has almost the same military count yeah what is this not heavy scorpion here for Hara yeah I mean I think it's hard for him to justify with this pop space but I think like 10 heavy scorpions would really help against slingers and cameos yeah heavy smokers always good in that regard I mean is not come here so yeah no I think halogen was the right show scorpions would have you could maybe just have adding it now yeah that's what I meant yeah like maybe mix it a few place but I don't know if he has to take on me to just the place right now yeah I mean max is fighting back Wow crazy man the auditors have been focused down the bomb board hands are exposed if max is able to get a few months out he could convert them for himself and all of a sudden all these not looking very good for Hera yeah he's sending in like one that one unit at a time yeah and that's not the way to do this he needs to mess army and take effective trades like not now he's sending in five Huskers at a time and that's just not a positive way for the trade up moment I think his eco is off because he has 4,000 wood and he has no food I know he's queueing up a lot of food units but I think if Hera were to build some more farms with those Lumberjacks then he could produce a bit more yeah yeah he has over 60 farmers yeah so maybe it's just goth problems yeah but he should I mean yeah it makes sense add maybe 1020 more farmers instead of workers but now this is max Max's problem kini is the gold and harass full control access to those villages over there luckily those villagers have a lot of armors they don't don't died that fast but he needs to take control that maxis yeah and not to mention on the other side hair is looking to spam from there so I'll all benefit of the map control they a max threw away that map control the only reason hair is able to do this is because of the map he gains in early my hair is now maxed out again so it's looking really promise is right in the right side max has no golden comb and all of them X's units cost cold so yeah yeah it really feels like it's just a matter of time max is doing a great job holding on I think what max has shown us is just how strong incas can be in him against Goths if it would have been 50/50 on the relics 50/50 on the extra goal it's 50/50 in the position Incas would be so much stronger but his castle age play is what put him behind and life has been awkward for him ever since it's really weird yeah yeah I don't understand the decision from max to do that heavy cast age yes strange casters play like I'm sure that he regrets now as well he knew that he could just brought this to me earlier she had the Rolex he had the max control he didn't have to do the that was an amazing fight for Maxie Cammy looks are insane man they are insane look at the KD oh man it will be tough for her to finish this off max shouldn't have gold to produce them though that's the thing he only has two castles as well only one nearby the fight yeah he's getting a little mix now look at the score again he's getting so close again setting pikemen as well nah I mean max still has 120 vote if he can produce here yeah and maybe could sell maybe maybe if pair is buying a little bit of food he could sell kozelka the excess food sell some the excess would Herod trying to ram the castle on the right said with two hero cap rams yes we're working on worth it Wow Kimmy hooks are nuts I very I I think I've only seen this type of a flight two or three times with Tammy Oaks versus girls but they're pretty beastly but as you said it's always the lack of resources for max it doesn't have the res and it doesn't have enough castles to produce the commutes yep yeah Harold just needs to trade effectively enough yeah that he can computer I mean max is can only make pikemen up in which could easily justify going champions I don't know how much more champions would would do against cameos but at that time Canon Hankin knew this would have been the one for Harold to go here yeah he has the ranges there so yeah it doesn't have chemistry though that's the issue agus you know what was interesting so recently at the land a lot of us would be in the back room we had a casters and players tent and so you know we're all watching the games and the players kept asking like what's the score difference what's the score difference like how much is the team's score difference hey all of a.m. in particular kept asking about the squirrel a I know that it's important I know people look to it I was surprised at just how much you guys look at it hey you even brought that up in our commentary a few times like immediately after Max's good flight you're like old with the school yeah but yeah but in Decatur yeah well I would say in what in team games more so than one to one yeah team game if there's a 500 difference in score in team game then it's looking rough already yeah kind of both post-imperial but then yeah my Kassadin keeps with arrow slits I did Sierra slits earlier I just didn't think it would really be that important yeah he's raiding with chemi Oaks and Pike's he built one barracks and he's spamming infantry units like this reminds me so much of max from hidden Cup I mean the decisions leading up to all this really really weak and unlike the max but the sneaked buildings man this is ridiculous yeah it's cute but right now it's looking very diet yeah yes zero gold I mean he can keep selling resources forever of course but he's never gonna get the his mission papers will be too dry here a complete hell gold but Hera can still mine a lot of gold and you asked for relics right yep so how max needs to survive god knows how long and then also be able to find a way to combat for relics whenever all the gold is gone man this is gonna be a rough stream for me cuz cuz I'm what are we three hours in and already I'm like max reside like I'm getting tired resigned so we can get the next game and be re-energized he has he has the composition to stay alive for a long time I just don't think he is in a position where he can actually win agree and me here's more pop now than okay nevermind up anymore yeah he did for a second but Hank when he kills Harrah's villagers it just gives hair a more pop space for military as well me but Hera doesn't have it he doesn't have a ton of food if I mean and half is for me but what's in that bottom right corner yeah if max can keep disturbing that I mean it hairstyles eighty farmers but if max can keep disturbing hair C code and that's also one way to slowly make a comeback oh my god these cameos are chewing up the hustlers this is crazy and that one range is so good yeah yeah it's like this would be the one of the biggest throws for Hera but it's it's only possible for max because I think is it's can we still training on the top I mean a big tail as well or is that max cannot afford how about here even yeah through Heitmann it might be worth it for him to just actually stop Niki commutes and get that healthier food yeah yeah Alvin Sturm even then no okay I think I think since the Kami Oaks are much stronger then a pike they would hold their own against huskarla so they have held their own against house girls but I think if it was just help and skirm hare would either make an immediate switch into champions or HUS girls would do just fine through the Hara is he has zero gold in his bank yeah barely units queued up what is going on here I think it's the farm problem he's so good still and he's making I think he's making way too many hustler here I don't really stand the hussar this amount of hustler anyway yeah now like that that fight doesn't make it this is look at the score man oh my god did you message them did you say throw this so my prediction will be correct so I predicted this when I view the map and analyze I thought this could happen yeah I'm sure I'm sure that you predicted everything even even the extra barracks in the South Viper is Hara gonna throw this like I'm still very hesitant to say it's possible that Hara could lose this game but this these two villagers in the South could spam enough pikemen into this eco it could give hara problems how many times can you say that you're watching a game where we've got our training inefficiently like unit cost inefficiently would it like there I mean it's like every game well like oh you mean oh you mean with cost yeah yeah I had like I was talking straight KD yeah you're right yeah like he's like he's making us start an 80 food per hussar and the hustlers are useless yes army does nothing it's only understand this there's maybe three skirmishers and then the rest is pike in cameo max has more score and population than hair right oh my god the thing is can max push back all these castles though it seems impossible but what he could do is hold this area for a while and then fight in this south max cell to the golden um him it's like a thousand gold there this is insane this should not be happening oh my god why is Hera he's playing this like he's Huns halberdiers upgrade is coming in I'm sure max as well we'll start thinking about siege Ram yeah and once this cool trash war see sham is a pretty good unit yeah well that's that's what you do at this stage of the game is use all of your gold for the seed Rams maybe a few kami Oaks here there but my goodness this is insane you know what I think Hera did a big mistake as well I think it was overconfident on the game and if you see his castle positioning yes forecasts are in the same spot on the left side yeah his the right side is completely exposed imagine there's a castle in the middle of those farms yeah this damage is never happening Wow and and Max is making scurbs there to counter the hand cannons still I mean Hera has a lot of sperms now which actually complicate things for the max but I think max could just match that with his own scurbs and keep sending some cameo sword with couriers cameo fierce armors not bad at six p or summer yeah stair is the thing though hair has full relics he could start mixing in Lebanon as your hair and there yeah and a non jitter is gonna start getting more and more effective just emo son but we've said that let in five different ways over the last 30 minutes oh yeah this would be better for her in this way this way this way but it's just not happening he's not winning the game he has the population lead again and he seems to at least be addressing that a raid is the beginning in the south but he won't clean that up and but while he is pushing a little bit against max I'm just still waiting for Hera to finally find an answer to finally finish this guy off yeah I mean it's looking great for Hera yeah but max made a tower now on this goal and let's keep with eros this as well I mean that's also helping a lot but yeah it's making more and better better than trades right now so he's doing a good job now with the usage of his units those the skirmish indefinitely gonna help out a lot he has a bomber cannon as well on the way yep so I don't see max holding on to his gold for very long yeah Hera is so far ahead at the 45th 50th minute that even though he's lacked with execution he's fine or should be fine right sure it should be fine I think that's we need to put the word shoot in there oh my god did you see max sent that one villager he tried to send it to the other corner and place it there yes yeah and it died too huh sir he just clicked it there randomly in hopes that it would get there that's hilarious single have someone village here in the bottom corner yeah I could try and do something with now there's suddenly a lot of comics on the field again it's like 2530 come use some feeling in and they're quite thank you to the in scripts yeah now this is where max could could use some siege right yeah if max manages to get C drom out on the field as well I can't believe what I'm seeing but this curves do one damage every shop two are coming to hear me oh yeah because when they have seven attack right seven attacked with six peers yeah so max can keep getting some sort of golden comment great economy which he has he can mix in ten come news here twenty communes there in cycles right you'll have to wait ten minutes every time it does it but yeah every time it does it it gets like solar push going so Max's next step is now to figure out how to break buildings how to actually take a position and Seagram is the way to go they're all the gold is gone by the way except for the relics all those extra golds well now it's starting out all the gold I guess max still has some but all those extra golds hair has already chewed through and he still hasn't been able to use that to kill you know what we might be looking at her in the long run would might be an issue I was thinking about that as well because max might cut through and start raiding that area yeah and I mean max has more mass control regarding wood at the moment so of course this is an hour away an hour and a half or two hours away but well okay flavor likely given how the game is playing you're not using caps rage right no can you see how many Farms hair has queued up not cute up or Celia already a day farmers 1989 can you check his mail to see how many farms only eight seven eight okay so he has eight hundred would and his his army on the Front's getting chewed out dude that that would control could be coming sooner than you think because max has he's very close to the wood line and center he's rating in the South hair is only chopping wood in one area that's right next to the southern raid max needs to add siege I don't understand why he's not mixing Lucy's room do you think it's just lack of gold oh because it's the Kami Oaks that help him win the fights and if he makes if he tries to make Rams as well to be tough no I think it's just that he's like okay still just holding on he knows that he is waiting on the bottom side so he's just trying to hold on the top yeah and wait at the bottom but I mean he needs to make progress at some point yeah and RAM like he needs something to be able to take back a position to get rid of buildings to get control of an area and see films especially when there's just so many girl yeah seizure are so amazingly good and have twenty thirty come use running next to feisty shrimp that whole area gets wiped so fast yeah I think see dream in the South would be useful as well hey just to clean up those buildings take the position kill the TC I really think max should focus his raids on the bottom a little bit more towards to would Lana para yeah that would suddenly hurt her a lot I think yeah and coming you thin bottom said as well no and that's something Hera doesn't know an answer to and more barracks now hey more barracks I see them place they don't know where the villager is dude this is crazy it this is ridiculous one hour and twenty minutes in hair is still floating somewhat he's still floating food both players are at 200 population we thought this game was over well I thought the game was over lost us all hair and get that position on the left exactly a long long time ago you see the next thing in Eagleton the bottom side is max now and those seagulls as well they have nine pierce armor yeah they don't rise easily at all and he's on the wood line now and on the farms Hera is kind of falling apart a little bit he's definitely falling apart and I believe that max has the mental edge because max should have been dead a long time ago Hera he realizes that he's throwing from a very strong position on real Max has taught me a little bit too far on top Nalu is wasting a lot of commutes yeah I can't say wasting but he's fighting under CASL downhill that's not how you want to spend you from you very freshest goal business right now Wow this production is insane Max is out producing Hera Hera has 60 hustlers queued up 60 hustlers khuddam why hustlers isn't the unit he needs just make your own elves at least ray but even house just like all that food is been losing as far as you can sell half of it yeah make champions or huskar's or whatnot seeks my service but Max is coming through the middle as well now it's chopped through and the he's making a trebuchet there's house oh my god max has played this post-imperial game really really well yeah his castle age was what's quite honestly bad you know like it was really really bad yeah but but his play has been insane yeah I've been really with this buff own decision making wise positioning picking his battles rating it's been really tough phone link hair is dead the only thing he's making is villagers hussars and he has to skirmish judo whereas max is making a few cameos here they're skirmishers and full help unless Harris somehow changes his composition I I don't see he's gonna well for him heroes economy it's like going down it's like about to fall be below him the villagers yeah and he cannot produce units huh stars are really expensive with food too so it's not like he'll have food to go into husks carl's or champions yeah I don't like how star sure it's a nice view to have to do some raiding here and there yeah it's not supposed to be your main army composition all seconds player that has full helps of full commutes yeah nice balls play next oh wow micro nerd move oh and the house are in there as well see now max as well he realizes okay the top spot not important anymore yeah Hara have you who's there I'll push completely where the game matters right this is insane the elves are going to the to the additional farm spots I think Hera after this wave of huh stars his population will be 150 he doesn't have eco he can't produce you know the only has 44 farms right now and he has a teen idol still trying to lose Newcastle now wow just a football right now being down four to one relics as well look at these bills from max up against the edge of the map such a max move the thing is they have their inca villages they don't die to a single score yeah we keep running and they'll keep building the barracks is wow yeah Hera he's adding more farms Viper but I guess he has some safe farm space on the left but the fact that he doesn't have those farms right now is hurting him because max has the eco he's pushing his killing Lumberjacks Hera's not missing a few oranges again but I'm afraid it's a little bit too late too late and goes on just it's just gonna die right away Wow I think Hera had like so many possible compositions to go for it can do Hank Anders on Jersey gaming systems corpse you could anything but her sorry that don't make sense cuz Incas yeah I could have said oh yeah I could have said VIPRE what's the worst thing Hera could do here if I would have been like by hussar skirm and then that's exactly what Herod but like I said it's not a bad unit here it just he's using it as his main or composition that's not it can't be the main army against Incas Hera is making like 20 Huskers now on the top side I'm not sure it's gonna take out that university it's very crucial at this point of the game he's also sending all the scams back to Tokyo coming back now yeah I don't know what Hera is trying to do here he's trying to recover an ally right he's trying to stabilize his eco recover but I think max has gained so much momentum and he is such a better composition these TCS will eventually die and and eventually it will be all blue in the center and Hera will just have that northern side we're not gonna zoom though reforming on the left side so he's a common isn't all gone yeah he still has to in a population it's not he's not dead enough he just needs to really start like focusing and concentrating on the way he takes his fights yeah make good job with the repairs and the auditors actually keep those alive and he's queuing up in real aughts of units but I still feel as though while max now is is not taking the best fight if he had all the students together would have been better max is kind of running a little bit out of steam really and he's getting raided by Hutt's girls and Harry's made some Hut's girls he's killing these buildings the counter come back man oh my god and you know what changed it HUS girls like all of a sudden we see us girls and HUS girls are doing things on both sides but they're gonna run into twenty commutes now oh wait or are they oh boy oh boy just kind of good ugly is that a Patrol okay there we go yeah that's him this is we're one hour and thirty minutes in and this is a best-of-seven thank god we're not doing all seven games played that would be way off schedule might happen anyway yeah it's true okay max is now switching okay he's realizing okay I'm not trading efficiently through the middle anymore yeah time to clean the top side since sending his trebuchet is there now is sending his communiques yes over 40 cumbersome as well yeah so maybe that was the the long-term logic okay reacted just insane make Hara address the center just so he could finally kill these castles and get the monastery by the way true monster is there with all three relics and yeah again he has full control of the bottom now Hera can't and safely farmed or take wood from the pool area and I mean where's Hera taking wood right now he has a few woodlands in left side but that's not gonna last forever all the wood in the middle is is vulnerable as well okay yeah max realized ya wouldn't long term that would they always have that one hunter long-term wood is looking like it can be a big big problem for her long-term told as well if he loses those relics the Kami oaks are just mopping up everything goodness Wow I think I think this is where hair is really feeling it he only has 14 house hours queued up and he has 200 food and 200 wood all the equal rating has caught up to him yeah his economy's all like scraped pin moans like using everything he has and at the moment it's nothing like it's enough Wow one castle goes down the ranges we'll start going down the next castle will go down this feels over now this feels over I think if max takes the castles out we already said that this is where Hera has his few Lumberjacks they would die and maybe the center there could be a bit of a push but hair only has skirmishers he can't push the towers he also has like 30 villagers about 25 others in the top side as well so yeah that's a big big part of this economy as well right now well how hair is producing all the wrong things he's desperate to kill the traps and he can't do it because the Kami oaks and helps are protecting them and the GG he sticks with the hustler as well for sole I mean the hustler it's a fine addition to yours like raiding may be a Taksim Square but they can't be like 80% of your main army it can't be hustlers that was a mix of a big throw from Hera and a sick comeback from Max for sure it was really really well played by Max as well I mean look at her now the middle is open and he came on stone wall either as goth right so he's no way to like actually secure an area he has 40 skirmishes just sitting in his base waiting because he cannot leave that space yes he leaves suddenly that's basically float again just really really really well played my max here yeah we we had a lot of time to talk about it but there are a few things I think first off Heron needed to push faster when he had his advantage yes before the Kami Oaks mass before they were released the other thing is I think he was a bit overconfident maybe making the house ours was because of overconfidence also he built his castles all on the left-hand side had he castled the right-hand side though he can't wall that would have prevented max from raiding like he did but one hour and 34 minutes later that was unexpected I thought that game was over it right when Hera hit imp honestly right when he had Ali huskarla I thought it was gg yeah it was looking really good for her then I think all Sahara I mean the cavalier switch it's so much gold investment right that could have been hand Canaris could manometers could have been a unit that actually contributes the cavalier they did a good job because they did a good fight there at the start berlin cat in peril age but still the cavalier probably not worth the investment yep but you know the most important part here in this game oh god your prediction is some on I forgot about that actually the game was so long that was the most important part okay so 1400 kills for max go through the achievements Wow Hera had 20,000 more food I wonder what that was put into more stone and 6,000 more gold I really felt like Hera I think if he went huskarla champion he would have won but I could be wrong I mean it's a champion yes but in this add something range behind skirmishes not a terrible choice but with the Cameo so you need something that is a little bit more hard-hitting yes Hank here's imagine he has 14 killed nurse max can never get on top of those he doesn't have any army that can actually get on top of those because with the production rate of a goth he will always have meat shield in front of 40 Hank owners and those Hank owners don't die either yeah so they're like an investment once pretty much of course this new white lose some hair in there but it's like a one-time investment and then you just pump meat shield and I don't see how max from the position he was in in early Imperial age I don't see how he could have fended off a hand killing their auditor and then champion or her skull push do you remember the two Rams on the right hand side Hera just sent them in he broke through the walls if they click to Rams if he had stables on the right hand side at that time broke through the walls and set in 20 hussars as you said many times that would be the way to use the huh stars just raid yeah but to use 60 huh stars in the main fight against Cammy Oaks and helps is just I mean there's people my chat who even know not to do that but anyway I mean even we could see it so I think about the cast positions as well max did are completely random it's not completely random but it's like a cast that don't really make to mercy yeah that point in a game yeah right side but long-term it did protect the whole right area sort of and also that far-off section of is farming there was a woodland there so that castle actually contributes to some way Hera made four castles in the same spot where one castle or two castles does the same job it's so isn't it so much fun to be a caster because we're always right no because we we already know what's happened right it had he won the game does four castles wouldn't have even been a talking point but captain yeah it's really cool to be captain hindsight then yes exactly tell them everything that's wrong and such that was in the game you don't get the chance to view the whole map and think like this it's only possible from a cast of perspective yeah well Game three is coming up this will be Harrah's home epic he has are we gonna seek up we are gonna seek up let's go Oh Japanese war oh interesting I wasn't expecting a Japanese work and I can talk through this get into the game awesome yes here we are everyone so welcome Viper's currently streaming this as well so hello to all Vipers viewers and then hello hello to to everyone who's here for my 24 hour stream today thanks again to Ducks to legless Alex to Oracle for putting up the thousand dollars to the show match and thanks Piper for hanging out I know you're sick so it's you sound more so than I am so alright so this was one of the new maps for hidden cup - I don't believe that this is a map that Hera played during the tournament because he lost in round one but you did play this you actually played this against the max didn't you in the finals yeah I mean this is map you said Hera and and be able to play this the other day right they might have just played in that pack no I was talking about if I said Cup then I meant to say bag before okay sorry yeah okay then it yeah I don't know then ever probably just playing around with a map pack but of course this is a map if you practice it and play it it makes sense to pick it but like I don't know if this is a map I would see hara practicing or picking yeah i know his kind of changes approach a little bit lately I mean since I started streaming etc I think he's been becoming more of a hybrid player like of course it's still primarily a land player but I think he's way better on hybrid Maps and he used to be so I'm not completely surprised to see him actually pick sort of a hybrid type of map yeah I think that he he understood his weakness in a sense because everyone has always seen him as an Arabia player funny enough I think before hidden cup two he said to me I'm worse on Arabia than I am at and random maps now and I was surprised he said that and then he he lost through what was a 3-1 vivvy but yeah I agree I think that he's been he's been focusing more on preparation and strategy instead of just using his speed and agility for Arabia and whatnot yeah I think him streaming as well that's made him like analyze more and like self reflect more on massively of games and everything so I think that also contributes to him sort of also like becoming a little bit of a more mature special yeah I also think he has a lot more time at the moment as well because time is a big thing if you don't have time a lot of players just want to load up and play for a few hours and play Arabia but he's been he's had some time recently so so this map is one of my favorite maps I still don't think there's a defined metaphor and I'm really really curious as to why they chose Japanese obviously there's fish in the center but there's also and fibia stew rain so if someone were to go for men at arms or Scouts or whatever they could kill the fishing ships and then also the fishing ships and the Navy cannot cross over to the other side of the pond so both players are docking the center now but Viper there's only I want to say there's only a thousand food now there's less than a thousand food in the center because the salmon only have 225 that's why I think Japanese is an interesting approach because it's not like fish doesn't matter near as much on this map as it does on some other ones yeah but the finger on this map is I think I mean from when I played it a thing sure I thought arms opening is the way to go here okay so Japanese make a lot of sense because you can afford a dock in four barracks you can afford everything you need pretty much yeah and of course your fiction ship last longer as well yeah that's that's a good point right it's not so much just the fishing ships but it's the flexibility that you have with Japanese exactly good point and I mean you don't have to like no one is gonna go here three dock fire ship right it's not a water map yeah people want to do like a little bit of water maybe it just to try and see if you can get the water control and take the fish but you're gonna make lamb thickness you're gonna try to fight on land you're not gonna win this water by win this game by having control of middle water yeah so Japanese is perfect pick or or like a mixed playstyle or a little bit of water a little bit of land and considering that everything is cheaper lumber camps mining camps mill and also you of time you are no region maybe a bit of bias there like sure a lot of people think okay Vikings well long boats but long boats aren't that great against more galas they're good as fires yet my keys don't have to play long boats you can play war galleys just go fast watching with galleys yeah yeah you're gonna have cheaper war guys you're gonna be in a better spot compared to most other ships so Vikings aren't that bad all right I mean in a straight up water map like Baltic or what's that called the arena map where your board in the middle Pines arena water yeah make sense makes it okay well we'll see man yeah on those types of maps Viking can't make fire ships till you are in a big weakness there but on Islands know you can always find a way well that will come Game four I think so it might be the game after this actually Sephora so you always have to keep that in mind when you're picking sibs the Builder in Dark Age was almost identical for both players but now it's a bit different Mac's built the barracks nice and early and he's sending the militia around Soho Command at arms and Hera I think we'll go for a fast range maybe yeah yeah fast range and I guess Harrah's taking thinking about getting water control as well he did three efficient ship my son wanted to but obviously now the fish isn't gonna be equated more yeah I'm surprised hair is not already making a fire ship because I mean he's taking the extra gold so you can make arches and fire ships but right now Oh any quick wall can Hera notice this in time they can trap it with do Palisades how sad does that make you but all the metals man that's three dead villagers he has to delete lumber camp honestly no no yeah it's Japanese men at arms you can't do this okay I mean he trapped them Congrats masterpiece oh man you know the victory oh you might she might shop the three freemen seven would be good he saw it he sighed oh what a disaster though man and and now max has made a fire galley that was all because of the lack of scouting max max had a little bit more HP on his Scouts O'Hara was running away and he did not scout the barracks and he did not scout the units coming in that's huge and Max also got the five ship out first and ya gonna have a water lead as well now everything this opening has been really really good for me yeah Wow oh I'm so gonna die but I mean you get three villagers and idle time and that's that's worth it yeah yeah three villagers keep your fishing ships alive while hair will lose his now what's interesting about this is hair has gone to range which in my opinion is is almost too aggressive because his economy is already behind but um but anyways as he starts to send archers out across the map max has this section of water so he could use demos or fires to keep the archers away so that's why water is important not necessarily for a big fish boom but for the map control oh you as well we forgot to do a prediction man ah I think max will wait no this doesn't count I think it's an admin loss yeah I would have guessed max anyway because I think max is better on hybrid maps like this yeah like regardless of what I would have guessed my seems legit easy to say easy to say now yeah exactly but I mean if you look at it as well now Harris economy he has two ranges right he's producing from one yeah he's adding now he started posting from second one so like his economy is gonna be stretched so thin while max has more of a smooth development max this wallet completely walled soon he's there's a whole unit but it's a weak Scout so oh it's a weak villager as well if he runs back no it's good good call good job in Mexico noticed it um yeah Harrell doesn't like inheres well he can't go straight to max he always has to circumvent the wall yeah but Harris not giving up water he's adding fire shapes is that in a demo ship so water is not definitely not over all it's not selling done on the water much on the water yet yeah another thing you could do of course is is possibly dock the left side there's definitely more fish over there that's a pretty big investment though to make the dock and efficient ships I think at this point it almost even makes sense to just make fish traps to like don't make a second or con artists I just add one or two fish traps if you have control over this water really interesting do you remember who won the game between you and Max and the hidden cup two finalists on this and that was max yeah that was when I forget what game that was oh that was game number four because he was up to uh yeah he was he went up 3-1 I was freaking out man I was I was freaking out that game was I was so like frustrated after that game was I felt like I played so poorly yeah it was not definitely not at the timeouts yeah you took like five ten minutes took a breather yeah by the way how's Debbie doing is she sick as well yeah well Hara is finding kind of tough time to do damage you can't do anything but I do like the fact that he seems to have quite a bit of farmers Max's farms are horse-collar farms so they've been better and also Harris he's pressuring on water but this is a risky game because the server's now coming in if this was the mango shells Cup where water is nerve this move makes sense but he's kind of just waiting wasting the important units right now yeah yeah now now if he makes a demo it could be pretty sweet but that could be stuck could be for either of them yeah MMX realist as well he there's no point need for him to take the risk and like stay in the water yeah he has to counter units as well and he's economy's looking very good he's come to wheelbarrow and then probably kick straight to Castle age question then is follow-up to that is he gonna make crossbow leadscrew Knights maybe even yeah I think for max it might make a little bit more sense to stick with skirm like skirm water whereas i think hair up he looks up Knights would definitely be helpful to pick off those skirmishers yeah I mean is range though it's kind of taking back water control like this yeah although I don't think max is gonna be too concerned with that he only has to fix his ship there so losing that it's not the end of the world for him it's can try and repair this but ashes are coming through in middle as well I don't understand max doing a counter-attack with skirts skirts don't do damage - yeah - villager stability that's kind of weird yeah it's very strange where will Harrah's are true archers be when this demo comes a Viper this could be really interesting here is going the wrong way as well here comes a demo I'll Papua demos is horrible yea yea it was contractor was right so we're gonna be having sort of similar cat sessions I mean those screams are gonna cost mile time seconds yeah anyway you're not gonna kill any villagers well there so there's a weak one on the berries but you're right it's it's kind of weird how he didn't have those at home but he ends up judging it correctly and being okay cuz Hara has to come back his hair I'm missing why isn't he okay he's on his way up now I mean a hair can't okay max doesn't have armor if max had armor look he's gonna get it in actually perfect timing for zombies kicking with that armor he can actually even probably win this fight yeah if you might correctly do you do you remember when we played and you're like we had the armor discussion do you remember that yeah for some reason I never just thought about stuff I just like would watch games and think wow this is the Norfolk look at that arm yeah yeah so no armor Hara loses woman Archer yeah so the the scurbs have what is it three pierce armor without armor and then you get padded Archer armor it makes it four archers to five damage so it's just one damage it hit I mean I think as well now her only has a torches left right now yeah and Max is doing bloodlines he's about to do a knight switch if there was eight more crossbows there tonight's I'm gonna trade so much worse yeah but now with the lower arch in number certainly that nights which can be super deadly you know I think another big reason to make Knights is because they're more mobile it's risky to send archers across in this map because they're slow and demos and fires can snag them but Knights can be quite strong but you know what I like about this is how I obviously Hera had an awful start but he was able to hold control in the center and he's still in the game yeah it's definitely done a good job after that very shaky start yeah who is our cheese max is gonna find his archers here oh that's really important those arches well hair is going bodkin arrow war galley not crossbo that's really strange paradise station for me there's fish on the water anymore why does he need to prioritize water so much might be just for that control now he doesn't have anything at home so we'll need quick walls possibly at monastery the town center the town center I guess you saw the nice coming yeah yeah yeah I think honestly this could be pretty good for Hera as long as his crossbows get to Max's space to do some damage but it's awkward we tell the T C's go up he knows he can't get in Lenexa space so you have to Alec and there's idle time for Hera Oh another town center and Max is probably not gonna go there but yeah okay they are forging right now they don't have forging but Bill's dead this is what max wants with these nights just cost chaos and while he's adding constants at his own base yeah Max is completely fine even losing these nights just as long as he picks off a couple of villagers yeah almost similar to Game one in feudal age where hair I made the man-at-arms and then ran around and bought himself time max is doing the same thing here in Castle age with Knights and while Hera might have 3t sees the efficiencies way off he had a dozen villagers inside that TC I think this is where the one big risk for max now is if he'd can't pressure hair anymore because of the TCS and Hera takes control of water so I think eventually once your eco said I think that's where a second and third dock could start coming up for both players yeah I mean what's good for her hair is he did war galley and he asked Balkan as well for his crossbow so yeah I switched to actually add to start adding some workouts that has range yep can suddenly on the table right and then it can actually take out most at front buildings for max here and that's like it's not the end of the world from ex but still super annoying to lose say 10 10 12 houses the arocs table archery range yeah another thing that that's interesting to bring up is how the compositions will look going towards the Imperial Age I like Harrah's composition more an imp because he gets our blessing bracer whereas Max's Knights are not going to be all that successful in the Imperial ages Japanese cavalier a quite week without that final armor upgrade yeah I mean max is not going to stable to cover there this is just a castle age play yeah another make us which terrain students in imperial nation for sure and I would not rule out your summit hours either by Max that's definitely something he would do yeah sounds like it and it'd be it'd be important to get some towers or castles on this gold area on the left-hand side players do have three golds there's always a neutral gold in the corner so you'll see that on the mini-map for both of them and then there's a ton of gold in the center so it could be a mistake to just boom and go to imp without some form of map control both players will need to make more military and be more aggressive look at max here I mean he knows as well that he's safe Hara is trying to do some damage to him but he can't so his crossbows are just turning around and 18-time xs-1 skirm on the top right who has been making sure that this is open yeah now there's nine nice from max come in straight to the woodland it's gonna pick up a monk and it's gonna go Hera with a quick whoa oh that's nice oh yeah oh wow really Wow all right well here it gets conversion he will lose a villager and so many other lives yes well it's still very good value for a form X and again Hera those crossbows they keep going back and forth and not doing anything yeah well that was that was some high-level stuff for max there to use to skirmisher to make sure that was open yeah that kills me it was dog accounting information yeah that helps guide his decisions and that summers was counting is meant to do yep and now he's getting elite skirm tonight and the lead scar very strong against just drink crossbow now I is doing a really good job though he's village account is keeping up and getting its a little bit to mix I really wonder if max will da I don't know if you have a strong opinion on this because obviously we've haven't seen many cup games to know what the meta is or if it's worth investing into more docks and fires and stuff but I really feel like now would be the time to play something on the left side I got a dock for some fires just to keep era from doing that max is going forward and dropping a range in between the goals yeah like I said I think if he wants the dock is going to be on the left side the right side yeah and really matter much except some map control on the front left side is where all the gold is so that is where it would make sense to actually dr. he wants to do that max is also looking closer to Imperial age so I guess he will just do a safety purely chef time here and then stuck through pressure from the top left side yeah makes sense it's such a max thing he has ranges no TC just range it's in the center so we also did some nice pickup with some nights on the water in the Sahara here of course now it's running straight across boats not as good yeah but those nights aren't useful anymore he's not gonna make more nights those are just like kind of throwaway units - yeah I'm damaged but he can I'll gives her a bit of an opportunity right because he's getting ballistics and he has quite a few crossbows still very difficult for max to deal with that you're living my serums yes seven lace comes now in the middle space and all those bulges idle that's 30 i delicious just like that yeah because Hera is completely open you compare the basis there's no entry to Max's base whatsoever yep well it's just fully open yeah Hera has to send crossbows back his offensive option has to come home to deal with units that counter him so been the story of this game as well those crossbows keep going forward to see if they can do damage but they always have to come back yeah and despite all this I've been really impressed with Harrah's boom though because he has not been in a good position and yet his Ville counts still close to max and he's almost way too amped as well so it's it really hasn't been bad but it's been really solid play for Max and there are the docks now docks in the center on the island that's huge yeah Max is playing there safe while Hera is playing I don't know how to say weird I'm not weird his thing he's recovering I would say yeah he's always on the back of his head exactly reacting well Max's things safe Hera is doing him without mining camp now on the left side that oh man that's rough he can't take that whole sided stone max will probably deny that anyway he's building an outpost there and might even send out some some Navy or I wouldn't surprise me and see towers as you said earlier Viper mm-hmm I'm very confident actually that next will do you some towers then to control the middle the water and the center it's like I really I don't see I mean I would probably myself as well yeah I also think max is more likely to do it than me so I do expect to see that coming up do you build the castle first so you can get conscription to make trebs and then build towers or do you just go towers now it seems like he's saving for the castle you probably want to cast that first though yeah that you might consider adding towers there I don't like her ass move now he knows he doesn't know that my second beam but imagine there will be a demo as well around here so risky maybe he knows that Hera and that max has curves as well also being out here imagine there is ten squirms now popping up from the right you're completely trapped you're gonna lose all your army yeah I think here has enough units here to fight that max were to release now but yeah there's only a few skirts but max is getting razor so at least hair is getting out of here but that should not happen I think if max is able to make some some Navy it should not happen Hera's lucky he's getting out of their hair they pick off Max's monk on the relic on it I saw that yeah so that was cute and just saying some scrubs to scout on the bottom so we see those Knights are still useful they're not a big part of the army anymore but they're gonna be annoying on that right side okay there's a goals there wittle max which max sees and Hera's just he seed so maybe he uses the Knights there it's gonna be awesome with Howard later yeah probably max is doing a castle on that gold area now so slow and steady slow and steady max is pretty much playing when you're ahead good further ahead yeah yeah extremely safe I was obviously hoping to snag the relics not making as many mistakes as you did in the previous game that's for sure he came back from behind in the previous game then a game where we thought he was dead but now he seems always it's always felt like he was in control even though Hera has the similar similar population numbers and even though Hera's playing well his position is definitely worse it will be a very tough task for him to take down these towers there you go viper there's the first tower like you see Harrah's always adding to Townsend's now towards the bottom like that's too mean that's building Townsend is towards the enemy which is a little strange to me like one tower and then carb-less maybe a ram and suddenly that could be like 2030 villages that are dead pretty much yeah maybe the thought process is since he won't have the gold in the center he's trying to to get more bills and maybe sell wood and I don't know but could be right it's such a such an easy area to hit if you're max I mean max as well like I mean look at the position now yes controlled all those that extra ball in the middle yeah and that's gonna be so hard for her to actually take back ever now there is a gold more tour okay max has a villager in the north VIPRE you just know he's gonna build a range or a stable or something that's amazing but there is a gold there for Hera there's also a gold on the left for max which which max is gonna have to defend actually because the are blessed for Hera finally arrived to do something mmm about time always trying to save the monk run it's good as well I mean max had the two nights like as well in the right side of Harris equal their like the town center was to garrison for 1 minute so tonight's actually still made made use really max like most players will build buildings at home and then raid with their military but max loves for buildings yes it's like every game and I had never picked up on this before a hidden cup because max doesn't play a lot of 1/b ones as not he just doesn't play a lot unless it's team games yeah but every time he plays one be once now he's doing this yeah O'Hara's running into the town center what that what are you doing with árboles what is this did he think it was open I think you tried to click the town center just miss click oh god yeah it probably that's a disaster 28:30 ugh let's just wasting like that Wow yeah yeah he's gonna lose them all and now Hera has gone for fast fire [ __ ] but max has his own fast fire ships the towers are now guard towers they're gonna be keep they're gonna have arrows this is gonna have your sama it's gonna be beautiful yeah and there's a towers on the right side ossama that man yeah that's he's got style I like this yeah well I think what Hara needs is some siege he needs some trebuchet because there's nothing for max I can kill it Rebs easily so maybe you start trapping back at the center and defending on the right-hand side yeah on that point as well you made with the four buildings something max does really well if you remember the last game as well whenever max was starting to make a push somewhere there was like three four barracks to three our range popped on that in that area immediately yeah reinforce a sub he's really good and the like the follow-up to keep adding production to keep the pressure going yeah he's producing at all times man it was so much fun just talking to the max yeah last week it was such a good time it's so much more fun like casting people once you've met them in real life as well like once you have an idea of what the personalities like yeah well max is doing scale man armor it's feel like maybe a Japanese samurai switch on the table well put quite a few skirmishers out in the mouth for Hera not a lot else except for Navy so maybe samurai and Navy I don't like Max's population but it's because Hera has boomed up to 150 bills so it's kind of what I expected when he didn't have the gold in the center to just add more VLEs sell would sell food for gold he's doing all right in the center he's trapping back a few towers I hear you laughing now yeah I love it not sure why keep up with his income you guys begin the floor together that's expensive stuff right awesome I'm not sure if he has the what's it called he did he did Aarohi the cheated shot he did shot he's really struggling against the fire ships yeah Japanese actually don't have that upgrade so it makes sense yeah okay well I mean just in general it feels like he might have had the positioning with his buildings but he hasn't had the production maybe overextending a little bit he does have military to the right side of Harris base he will probably continue to deny res there I think Hara is doing a big mistake now this happens when you're under just pressure and not really sure what to do yeah okay let's village account it's almost 1 in 16 yes too much is going to be struggling on armies like to produce and compete yeah on every angle like max has perfect amount of it'll just 130 yeah room for 70 military someone left side on the right side under the middle well hair up pretty much will only have enough units for once but yeah he has 40 idols he'd be better off just deleting some yeah max just threw a treble way by accident yeah and so this might be Harris opportunity in the center to get his shrubs forward yeah I was this coming in he's still making some samurai in the background I assume he will want to make elite samurai eventually but he only has one castles yeah even make sense to do not ok and hair is making his castle on the right side which will clean up some of the towers and stop max from pushing in but I think it he really needs a castle in the center like in me center kill the castle place your own he needs a big push back he is making a move now with but like the so where does look there's no military is just for trips to rams yeah and some fire ships it's like no military there so this can either go terribly wrong or amazingly way and Max's range in the north is it's making stuff now is-3 skirmishers rating he'll make another range there I guess he doesn't see Harrah's on the gold I love it so much man yeah it's really good ship right ok thank you like that's the thing Lexus take a long-term yeah you know it's gonna make a lot of wall units so ship ride makes a lot of sense yeah and he's ramming down a Harris castle on the right cap dreams will work unless hair uses his filters make some samurai what she's doing fill that heap I don't understand why is a delaying keep how much does that cost five hundred two hundred fifty demos come in Hera will loses trips well those trips are about to go down for her as well max is just the stolid cementing his position like securing his position again yeah I really like the castle on the max it's not like in the front line where tribes could trim it down easily it's good all the exact so pretty much to get to that castle you have to like take complete control of the whole area there yeah Hera has to go to - hmmm an awkward position on the Nivea strain a Hera has created quite a few fire galleries in the center and they can't pass so these fire galleries are useless even even the war galaxy has a useless and Max is making towers the one really good job I must say uh who's that sorry Hera is doing a really good job yeah considering the position is in yeah I agree with you and I like the ranges on the left hand side ranged on the left for a bit of rating and all a castle there could make things really interesting that would take the gold away from the max question is how fast Oh max reacted immediately she sees the castle go up yeah mmm this castle might just be like a castle that will stay for a couple of minutes gone again and he doesn't get Michelle yeah max could always send shrubs over right yeah woofs curbs and fires next to Harrah's trebs Harrah's outnumbered here he does have gold he just can't produce in the right spots those trebs will eventually die unless he packs them up right now it doesn't seem like he'll be able to do so t I don't waste a demo on that and look at the cast on the left side there's enough skirm stare by maximum that cast might not even go up Wow and he's rating in the north with more skirmishers does Hara not no Hara knows there's one range there he doesn't know about the other one in the corner that is the ultimate sneak archery range it's the max you know there that I wouldn't have to like think about it you know there there yeah I think the new meta when playing max is just build outposts in the corners at the start of the guess is do it in dark rage Wow well great reaction from max once Harris started building this castle he sent army here he denied it he's building his own castle to protect that area though I honestly feel like the castle should have been right next to her his castle though yeah but the things he didn't know for sure that was gonna deny it right yes we want it started the castle before that at this point obviously if he knew he would have dropped the catheter immediately yeah yeah yeah it's a really tough map to finish off games on because there's so many points you can pressure there there's a pause for me is it the same for you yes the same for me okay yes I mean you have armies on the right obviously Navy and some units in the center and then you have the lettuce as well but Max's seems like he's in control even though the population doesn't say that and the main thing we can look at now is how much gold this hair have access to just like 1200 in the middle of ways like on the middle on the right side yeah and then there's like a 1500 on the top side which max is constantly rating so gold look at what max has access to just sending another 20 villagers to the middle yeah yes sorry buy fur and he has and he has one relic and and should be able to get more and again I guess Hera has two he could snag the one underneath that castle but yeah but the relic difference is not gonna come to play it for another hour half hour yeah yeah knock on wood you don't want that to happen again if you look at Max's last three castles now he's making more and more samurai I create sure he's gonna switch into full elite samurais yeah and the question then is I mean Hera who is out of gold what answer do you have to lead samurai at that point yeah he doesn't really have an answer he doesn't have the defensive towers and Max has he he can't afford our blessed and there you go a viper elite samurai on the way to castles to produce from is actually enough with Japanese because samurai produced so quickly oh yes yes three castles whole bottom between left side Sheb is not enough merit he's trying to out repair samurai nope once max not like max again he's been playing the sort of what's called the long game late-game long a mere but like when you just train them out of resources you just starve them starve them to death that's starting gold and now he's like starting to use his gold yeah cuz he hara is doing scale Balian burning armor i think he really likes those hussar I mean he needs something to raid with right now but to get past as many towers and castles Max's base is so so solid defensively everywhere you look he has towers or castles yeah and those days well when I play the gaming as Max not too long ago like it was always making towers in his base even like preemptively like it'll be a tower there for 30 minutes doing nothing but it come came into effect in late-game yeah nice and suddenly those towers are super useful and super powerful kind of reminds me of that of last game where that that weird castle on the right-hand side came into play twenty minutes later it was still kind of weird because the the hill was up against the edge of the map but it it was very weird yeah yeah well as long as max gets his samurai in the right spot I think I think this game is probably over I'm like Harry's doing his best to trip down this castle on the right side but the same ride could easily snipe that TREB and then if max uses the samurai in the center now with his galleons with his fires he will probably kill these trebuchet as well and he's still trying to make skirmishers and raid where he can yeah max is now up to 35 samurai and Hera again like now it's gonna be this is the moment where Hera is gonna be like oh [ __ ] yeah do I actually do here yeah because he doesn't have gold to make árboles he doesn't have a goal to make any counter to samurais yep I think this is mole's where it's gonna realize that okay it's not really many when conditions from here and I don't think this game will last too much longer yeah it's either GG right now or he'll try a bit longer and then he'll have to tap out once max packs up these trebuchet x' and sends them forward against this castle is that that is one thing that has kept Harris safe in this area of his farming eco is a castle but the samurai will one right in because there's no way for Hera to stop the trebs there's the buildings dying everywhere yeah max is gonna take the wind Piper and you know what really giris Hera's invested a lot of gold in those two fire ships as well max doesn't care he asked all didn't send the samurais to kill those as well yeah and they die really fast as hemorrhoid - so like Mexico Samurai pretty much to counter every single unit Hera has at the moment yeah and they're also gonna counter the light cut he's about to make yeah really strong play from max he lost the first game I didn't have the best map but he had an amazing comeback all this demo at the game okay good yeah now there's two more relics up for grabs for max today Koopa should take and yes important max did deny the gold on top side completely from error so it doesn't even have those difficulties versus yeah Hera has military but it's not the right military he does not have resources and he has his villagers that will all die thank ya he might be a bit tilted to be honest I I don't know I think Hera's gotten better with it but here comes max with more towers a hera through game two and now a game three max has played really really well that takes a toll on you mentally this played super solid and like yeah he's not taking any risk he's just grabbed damn it they can take taking whatever damage to finds and like that's all he needs he just needs a little bit of damage to be honest he does everything right otherwise he puts himself in a position where you can win long-term yeah that's pretty much when people have asked me actually in my chat hey why is Viper so good I'm like because he makes the right decisions because he's solid he he's always in the right area at the right time he obviously like your micro is incredible which I think separates you from the other players which which can make those decisions well but like the reality is it's a strategy game and you have to execute and hit the right areas and that's exactly what max is done and the Hera taps out it calls to gg you can see also the way max used his samurai not just now like he had gold earlier yeah he didn't make any memory earlier like barely a few because he knew yeah okay I don't need samurai yet I just need to keep draining hero of gold and then my samurai switch is gonna come later yeah I am pretty sure max already thought about the samurai after as soon as he took controller all the five six calls in the middle he thought okay long-term memory yeah you know you could you could think back to how Hera played with Goths in game number two there were a few instances where he was sending in just one or two husk girls at a time yeah and he wasn't using them at the right time in the right spot max used those same ride perfectly here exactly so it's best that I take a quick break I'm just gonna grab some water as well so I'll be I'll be right back yeah do your thing man no worries just mute me on your stream because otherwise it might be a bit weird all right all right so the score is now two to one everyone this is actually perfect timing because when I have a co caster I don't want to talk to chat and thank people for subs and don't owes and gifts and all that because it's just you know it's awkward I want to be respectful but three and a half thousand people here for a 24 hour stream we are okay there should be a countdown somewhere but I don't see it but we're we're not even close to finishing um max and Hera have a lot of games left in store for us but max with a bit of a comeback which is good stuff now here's a look to the achievements if you want to see the achievements 500 kills for max I think it was always going to be the economy for him more food or stone and more gold 98% of the map was explored great stuff and and now I think possibly one of Hera's weakest maps and a water map that's what we'll see next and Viper said he thinks it might be Vikings Vikings Italians possibly dream there's a lot of water sip still remaining you or you owe us 48 hours buddy boy no I don't buddy boy sorry Thank You box man I'll go through a few names here owl man Frank Doritos for the new sub urban thank you for the five you said love the production value on these alerts thank you yes there's a special video that will be played they'll give you guys an idea of where that came from 72 hour stream odo has been here for 23 months pax romana gripes gingervitus III genuinely cannot go through all these names because there's so many but how many subs we have and haven't left since thanks for all you do you guys have to keep track for me because I have to gift I'm gifting 10 subscribers or subscriptions sorry for every hundred subs during the stream so I think I need to gift 20 subs now I don't know but if you're considering subscribing all new subs are half off till the 24th thank you but face ICU if you're waiting for the Age of Empires to definitive edition giveaway that will come after this mess of seven G's please please please please please give chat the challenges ahead of time so people who want to know can see and enjoy really killed the last challenge for me alright so Vipers not here yet guys will hop into the next game this is just a look at the settings if you for those that were curious what maps were upcoming and such yeah it's it's been great I'm really appreciative of Viper because I knew I knew that he was six I mean I'm sick as well but I think he's a little bit more under the weather so Viper was correct I'm pretty sure I stuff it is Vikings for the max 24 hours and now Hera is playing as the Italians yeah this is this is crazy like I almost subs I would prefer a chicken sandwich the support has been so good today it almost his like non youtube worthy in the sense that there's many alerts but I appreciate you all thank you and the alerts look good you like the alerts yeah I like the alerts as well just just promise me you'll stick around for the next couple hours because you won't want to miss the Age of Empires two definitive edition giveaway so you don't want to miss that and you don't want to miss something else I have in store as well I mean the whole stream is gonna be jam-packed so I would cancel all your plans but I'm not you hairs in the North we're playing as the Italians all your back nice I am back hello and you were right max shows Vikings and hair has gone italians oh boy all right interesting ooh max is actually using a scout to lure the boar why don't you get some big fella - max is nothing to do a landing of any sort yeah could hurt him as well if Hara does end up on his islands yeah for sure the Scout is really important and yeah I think Hera is using a scout yeah hair is not okay well I was messaging both the players I was the one I didn't organize his per se but I was the one who was in contact with the players and Hera said something about islands I forget but I said don't worry Landing is the new meta that's what I said so he said yeah no he said he said fax that's a hair thing to say fact yeah so he was always in the ecl oh oh yeah he's just chilling when he was like doing well yeah just feeling fast Shawn Vikings chillin I'm I'm only eight years older than Hera and yet I feel so out of touch yeah he's chill in facts you know it's I'm old man I'm even older man so you're why you're older than me you're 27 I'm 27 yeah yeah one yeah okay not bad dog back dog yeah tell us about that Viper it's in the back oh that was such a doubt answer yes I know so hair is going for front oh my singin for back dog it makes sense cuz Harris Italians will most likely open with fire ships yeah why galleys which is the dominant unit in loan numbers but max is going for the back docks he's gonna probably do a competition ship their addiction 5 minutes pretty quick max okay and yeah it's gonna transition to galleys from the back the question here the problem here though rather is when you play like this you leave your front completely exposed and you're very vulnerable for landing yeah and the board so yeah the question is if Hara is gonna try to win what straight up water with Italians which is not impossible it tells us great water service but yeah or if you will try to do some sort of cheeky landing now during ECL if you remember that the islands map there the big difference there is why we kind of changed our playstyle there is that there was only one stone on the island so we want to always try and land and tower that stone yeah we're always really difficult to defend because you'd simply don't have access to stone this map however there are two stones so landing is not going to be as dominant I would say yes yeah and the map you played an ECL but yeah it's just gonna be how Hara so it decides to play this and the other landing is what it would be more comfortable with but we'll see yeah there's a lot of luck involved as well because you never know if you'll if you'll be controlling a resource it will be decent if he arrives on the front but the stones are certainly accessible for max and I think max will probably choose to take this gold which is nearest to his town center so felt like hare will deny that I also think because the island is so compact max will likely spot that rather early or at least he would hope so that's very important as long as he keeps his Scout acting towards the front he should be alright in my nawat yeah and Vikings are such a good economy that if you like even if you get landed you should always be able to like sort of react in a proper way yep you have to get really caught off guard if you want to actually like if you're gonna actually lose straight up from just a simple landing so do you think max goes for a second doc on the back then and and starts making like fletching galleys yeah he's already got a villager in the corner that cuz he never sent a villager back he's always been sticking around to make the second and probably third doc as well yeah I was expecting the third doctor come or even second doctor come to the bottom right though I'm not sure I mean they decided to go towards the left which is fine as well but like a doc on the bottom right would have been really butyl there's so much fish too as well yeah might be slightly safer for your fish slightly further away hair is actually scouting with his fishing ships now this is a strategy you'll see so he knows exactly where to go breaching futile age nice and quick with Italians and this smells like a transport to meet Viper because the Scout was hanging around there but nothing yet from Hera yeah I mean the fishing ship scouting is to me that seems like he wants to play water because he wants to find out where the fish is ASAP yeah the thing is scared of now is max just fast casting into long boats that's why I think he is scouting with the fishing ship because he wants to find out where it fishes immediately but max is not going up see it's going safe back docks fuel age galleys and I honestly think that math strategy is gonna look at the moment it seems like a pure blind counter to what he was doing yeah there was really good only doing three efficient ship as well so his economy is not gonna be great behind this either okay so finally Hera finds the dock but max he's pumping out those galleys and an early blacksmith could come up fast fletching could come out demo strip is there as well he has one more fix misshape I mean he has two more fish because the fourth of Hera is not really working yeah yeah I would say at the moment it's looking like Max has a very good approach this game compared it was something that oh my god did you see harris fishing ship blocking is something that you called as well in the previous game you mentioned that he think vikings is still very good probably if they have a bit of time in futile age and that's exactly what max has had its nicely mistake her though is queuing up two gals in one dock and not in the other so live it up max is not huge i guess there's still so many pro players who play it like it's uh like it's single queue yeah you know like multi cuties more so for late game for them yeah but multi queue as well it's not really their small to queue and there's smart multi cute yeah what do you think you later multi queue is too smart multi cue yet i don't think it recognizes where you have the most production because you see again he has two gals in one and the others are about to be empty so I think is purely multi cueing I see what you mean actually checking the docks I see which means oh yeah so like a dock with 90% cute might get a second gallery while the other one has a 10% cute right yeah I wasn't sure what she meant at first I thought that you were saying that max was was using multi cue at the wrong time or something I think I I think I think it is the the smart cue though VIPRE you sure about that I say I think so yeah and it doesn't make sense that it got queued up like that for him I mean unless it was single cue like he's toggling through I'm not sure like I've never yeah that's not a term I think said VIPRE just made it up like this smart well seek you know that's a term is that the actual is it is it okay picture this a turn alright I think it's all just smart cute gotcha well I'm not sure I'm sure someone in the chat will know I I always ask other people Harrah's landed Harrell landed right next to Max's Scout but he just escaped division there and Noorie working in this completely and Max had a really sick demo shot there as well there's a lot of weak fires for Hera and Max Nell has fletching and his fish have been safe I love the docks on the left-hand side oh no way oh I found it okay can hear a wall the villain it doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter just finding it is the big deal yeah exactly oh my god oh my god to the corner I have had this happen from you so he needs to click he needs to go to left Oh disaster and yeah that's a moment might get you Oh max found the transfer ship if he's yeah he's going for tall my god good Wow get out of there again six kills zero deaths for max he kills the transport ship seven kills hey is way more eco because he's had the fish he's walled up he denied the sneak max is looking really good now game is looking at this is this is the dream you want good Vikings he also has he added more efficient ship as well so he has six fish and ships yeah he's pretty much living the dream he's chillin chillin oh my god meanwhile Hera what would he say I don't know but oh yeah this is exactly what you would want you would expect that max will hit castle age faster get get to the war galley upgrade faster and it's almost so bad because Hera he's tried everything he tried to go for the water control quickly with the fires that didn't work so he figured okay I need to land and then Max denied that as well now only just denied it but but stopped the range entirely killed the villager killed the transport yeah so everything has added up against Hera and so it's not not as if he can go forward now going forward now wouldn't help him think maybe building the market as he is doing and getting to castle age to fight on water is probably the best approach yeah I mean it's finger is like Hera can only play water now like yeah try landing again it's not gonna work max is full of Walled everything like that he's losing his fish now yeah max don't let me cast lage like there's not a single point in from now on where Hera's gonna have an advantage in water either yeah I was like this is a really upper battle here we'll have to oh the forgers are there as well yeah I know it's a good thing oh that was shot oh really good shot again as well um honestly I think Hera maybe the best choice is just 3tc boom tried to take it to him I don't can catch up any other way yeah cuz certainly old water he's not gonna have it he doesn't have the fishing ship numbers good micro-firm matters no that's all right but he needs to get his fishing ships out with it well it might be best to leave the fish on your help yes and they don't die that fast it fires anymore so yeah yeah it's looking really really good for max I wonder if he will make a switch to long bows from here if he's just gonna stick with war galley what would you do would you would you go long boats no probably just do war galley and then see what Hera's making if I was taken with two fires I would add like I wouldn't make more gas from this point on Max is already adding fish he's having a 5th talk as well with better fish I would add TCS maybe ballistics and war galley and yeah I mean Hera is adding some galas as well so it seems like he might making a switch but he doesn't even have fetching so yeah not really sure what his plan is like yeah I think longboats is a reaction now to see more fires I think 2 pcs is the way to go now for max just economy approach yeah well and and as we've touched on a few times he always goes for that safe approach I kind of like his strengths definitely matched this build as well right a safe back dog play defensive and there's the second TC like you said getting all those upgrades he outnumbers Hera pretty heavily 19 or to make that 21 to 12 Andy has 3 wheelbarrow and and the fish it's it's wild hanging cartoon oh yeah hand turned out and even like you can see as well he didn't you know he killed Harris fish so no point thing to go forward his army he just stayed at home protecting his own face yeah sure he lost a fishing ship but that's fine he's already he's chillin so it's fine yeah I really do think up I really think that Harris struggles verse the really safe defensive like solid players that makes sense like he struggles versus MBL a lot as well and eminence to play and then vivvy who's the exact opposite yell is gonna bring that up yeah that's true vivy definitely would not have gone back doc fish boom into ya into galleys but let's go be a lot of stone taking a lot of towers already yeah it's like hidden Cup three we see someone pick Spanish vivid like Chinese it's like yo Tim vivvy pretty much yeah he's gonna try the TC approach as you said that's what hair is doing max did add a few long boats already I think it's just like safe just to have two three in case some fires show up but yeah on the wrong side at the moment it's the right side is where the fish get is gonna get actually yep so he notices this do you think it was intentional to have just a few fishing ships on the right because they're kind of spread out at the moment intentional I mean there was better fish stories keep it yeah I knew fish I don't think he expected her to invest into all this fire galius I think that's the surprise here okay I mean I did make a lot of fire ships actually coming in from right now sniping some fish not not too bad he's kind of it means I hadn't village account as well yeah yes a farm eco well next to zero land economy max foodie who is completely on water so it's actually really good for Hera um yeah I think Harris gonna enter this game having better economy from now on max has to start farming knows his food eco is gonna struggle yet to find balance right you you obviously have the fish for the early game but as the game goes on fish become less and less yeah strong I guess and he has eight of them oh and there's crossbow I like this in transfers ship on front as well Archie arranged he also doesn't have gill nets at the moment so the fish not even that good honestly if you look at this game right now not like just from now on like the score obviously this huge difference yeah not bad as it seems I think it should the problem for Hera is that the the Navy that max has if he gets enough of it can range a lot of this economy so Hera probably as you said VIPRE needs to make more fire ships and make more Navy and keep this area and if he defends from this if he gets it surrounded on these galleys he could also prevent the transport which would be really nice hmm surprised Harrell didn't do the armor like careening in training yes aliens so he gets that period for free so that helps a lot and one extra pierce armor this is a real good surround still yeah great positioning it's so it's so awkward to cast water it really is cuz that's a great fight for Hera but it's just so so boring like oh another ship sank you know I mean if the game is closer I guess is more exciting right now it's too much in favor of max at the moment well I mean still relying completely on fishing is now adding form the first farms care relying on fishing ship the whole game and I feel like Harrow should get to imperil age before him if you get some fast fires out and then manage the transition from there this game is definite not over yeah maybe maybe fast fires a quick transport to this little Peninsula where max has the outpost and then maybe some condos for clique early land attack the center islands are always very important not in early amp but in the middle of the game and we're starting at middle of them getting castles and docks they are always huge one of those middle legs islands are kind of bug though there's only two Coulson's a stone stair this thing is supposed to be more yeah I think that's good as well it means means it doesn't get that decisive yeah yeah what's right between them so will be important and now hair is getting bodkin for the war galleys he does have max has ballistics right yet max has ballistics or galleys and he has the longboats I still understand if Hera has ship right there he wins this fight do you mean Carini's right that korean queen yep and big mistake by her he sent the Gorgas in front and the fire ships came from behind so we lost three four more guys for nothing yeah and and now max will run away and regroup a bit as he sends the crossbows in to Harrah's eco this will do so much damage it will force a lot of idle time could kill villagers if max stops that is I think that angle is coming in from it's not gonna do too much because Herod just needs to send one to war galas and wall off Oh is calling gg okay that's alright very surprising honestly yeah I felt like he still could've he could have fallen back with his navy he could have clicked up but I guess he felt like he didn't have anything to defend from the crossbows already you know what the score possibly they assault so yeah of course it's very like the score can be very I can look at this going bit okay oh well whatever yeah but I mean here's almost 10 more villagers of course just fishing ships here as well so he's not had an economy so to say but he definitely has a fighting chance but I guess still Vikings post-imperial water map as well it's not a very favorable match in for Italians so yeah well Hara is in a situation you were in hidden Cup two finals only this is just the show match because I believe ya max was up 3-1 verse 2 I forget to order the games but Hera started off the day getting a win and Max is looking really solid now some I'm hoping for Haris sake that he can maybe take a couple minutes take a deep breath and realize that he still has the skill to come back I think the next map is his next home map which I actually forget what that is but I'll let everyone know once I find out but there's a quick look at the achievements think I mean Arriba it's fifty to fifty maybe slightly favoring Hera even yeah so if he managed to grab his whole map no yeah then also pick up Max's home up afterwards he's gonna enter Arabia feeling super confident and I think is gonna be in a very good position and of course that's still quite a ways away from him yeah yet you probably have to look at it like one game at a time though right just just deal with each game as it comes okay so 90 seconds so the next game starts the vibra hope I'm gonna answer a few questions to my chat real quick if it's okay because I'm doing a 24 hour so I I'm giving away over 10 Age of Empires to definitive edition pre-order keys today so people are asking about one that's going to be after this best-of-seven concludes is when all that's going to happen here in my streams for people who are asking those questions sorry I haven't been able to get to answering them well I was on the fence two days ago about canceling this stream because I was probably about as sick as you are right now Viper but I think I'll be a huh sorry come on I was just saying that I fortunately a healing up a bit because a few days ago I was thinking about canceling the stream because I was feeling pretty sick I think I might be okay oh it's Eldorado I forgot oh yeah Dorado [Music] this is the Eldorado version we had to fix after the qualifiers that drama with Doge out to when he ducked he made a dock on cancel the fish right yeah he did he was up he was up 3-1 in the qualifier and he felt like he needed to do that it still pisses me off alright so welcome everyone to game number 4 the score is oh sorry I have to update the scoreboard score is currently three to one Max's up a winner of this gets seven hundred and fifty dollars loser gets 250 so a pretty big payday for both of them regardless this map is El Dorado this is the remaining home map for Hera and they both have the same sieve because this civilization is is probably the one that reigned supreme on this map VIPRE you've played El Dorado before you you had an excellent game I think as Chinese verse Incas against vivianne hidden Cup yeah that was that was a sick game could you briefly talk us through what the focus is on this map well obviously yeah get a super quick opening I mean you have instant access to food with Chinese so you're always going to end up that 2/3 village elite over pretty much every other civilization so that's what Chinese is super favored in this map yeah the matter in general is to open men arms I know some people like to open Scout but I feel like my arms just gave you away more presence in the early opening okay interesting question arrow is I mean you need to like this side where your focus is gonna be are you gonna go for economy are gonna go from that control considering that all the goal is in the center yeah just like you have to make those decisions throughout the game which makes this game really interesting in many ways at this map so against Vivi I went for the economy approach I did give him very much too much control and said yeah but I did pull ahead quite a lot in economy and it's against ego saves is really dangerous because they don't need much food to produce Eagles yeah I just need that old income so but here we have a Chinese war so going for that economy approach versus middle approach here I think economy is always gonna come out on top okay I mean you can always try to do like a mix sort of like some economy focus on military still try to raid try to control the middle at the same time it's like you need to kind of already make up your mind early which kind of direction you want to go on this map because it's really difficult if you try to like do a little bit of everything that might also super backfire in the end well one thing that if you're seeing the map for the first time you might not pick up on is that you you can't farm around your TC so eventually you run out of that early food and then securing your base becomes a problem so we'll see players try and wall between the wood lines and find a safe area kind of sucks for Hera that his berries are blocked off by the wood they're annoying yeah especially Chinese you need that food but anyways Viper who do you predict is gonna win this MMX okay I think it's probably a safe bet because it's not Arabia and Max is looking very good but you've been let's see we missed it once and you've been good whatever guys what about the network right this well yeah I'm sure I'm an honest guy I wouldn't lie about this yeah okay well Mack yeah max is looking really good and he's walling up nice and early so yeah this this tells us he might go for more of the economic approach instead of the aggressive approach the thing is as well what you can do with this is waters have completely up so you're not able to be damaged and then you go all in for a second control yeah so you're like you have safe safe fish economy in the back and then just full focuses on control in the middle another thing I like about Max's situation is it's more open in the back a players do get two tiles of stone and two tiles of gold in their base so he's gold safe and that's a great area for farming definitely it looks really good like his map is quite a perfect other one of course it could a little bit easier walling but yeah I mean he sees he's making making it work so that the space for farming is super nice yeah I was surprised when you said that you think man-at-arms is better is that change with but even a Chinese work because I feel like mezzo stems are very popular on this map and you see Mantid arms with them obviously but I think if I recall most players in the hidden cup to like did you go Scouts or men-at-arms when you played China I minded arms okay well I just forgot that no I I would say most people are going to arms and on this map even with Chinese okay yes okay okay especially if you're against a massive yeah then it makes sense to go my arms okay Harris about to break into the wall all Max's max well this all really close oh and you as well or really good opening for max it looks like max is going for a scout approach zone oh my god he's getting some good hits here and Harris my arms opening seems for now to do absolutely nothing unless there's a hole which there isn't on the bright side for hair he will be in futile age faster so he will get the extra attacking speed so max will need to run back and stay back poor Devi he said poor Devi yeah in this case I guess my I mean since my Lawrence is the meta yeah Oh excellent for range okay I think max predicted mine arms opening as well therefore he decided okay I'm gonna wall up in minute three to make sure he's safe from the Menards and they can play however whatever opening he wants I'm never surprised by the range of window because he's not on goal that means he's gonna go scams maybe one Archer and then the rest curves or do you save do you save the gold for fletchings to me it looks like just economy approach right now oh there's an opening this opening once the race to the house it's not walled there's an opening back house in a tree this can be disastrous for max did he just read oh he doesn't know is there a hole there I can't check I'm pretty sure there's an opening there if you're if you're using the main game you can hold shift yeah I know flares okay Club castor whoa yeah I mean I don't a little bit dude he doesn't hair your hair doesn't realize either no it's so open then go ahead hola I need to check for my stream let's see so you sit to the left of the house yeah between the house and the tree uh no I don't think so I'm pretty sure it isn't opening who's the pleb caster now right and the pictures just chillin out there okay um this is good for Hera III think the walling is is very ambitious on the front for him but just the fact that he's gotten in now and and max wasn't expecting oh my god who as well on this wood line nice as a whole as well what this holes everywhere oh he's pulling it or is he no wait what are we talking about Wood Lane over here oh oh ok you said max as a whole as well as they wait what oh sorry sorry Harrison sorry but it's hard it's hard to pick up one all on everything and talk about it at the same time yeah struggles of a top-25 caster really nice tower but max is gonna take the woodland and that's switching wood lines on this map is really painful because you're already so stretched thin when it comes to wood when it comes to farming oh my god max just lost a bill yep Hera's doing some real damage here Hera has a three villager lead all because of the whole harris lee arches like i think max made a big mistake here so he invested in the horse collar as well really early in the game but he only has two farms i guess the whole kind of set everything apart but yeah if you're investing that early into the horse collar you probably should add farms as well more furniture yeah well I guess if he has horsepower than the build difference isn't that huge quick walls quick walls whoa gate okay this one it works yeah he's got it now there's another weak villager on the stone though a Hera spots him he's dead wow that herded so much yeah Oh hair accidentally walked his two of his archers into the Tower of Max as well so you lost two arches for nothing that's so painful as well sloppy well I'll stop it but there's a lot of things going on in this game it's understandable that things happen like this well keep in mind everyone that the middle is always visible so if max sends anything forward Hera should see it if it's in the center and that will be where Hera needs to be and where max needs to be in an early castle age because they only have two tiles of gold a good work for max oh Viper picked off another Archer and will just run right on through this really good frame as well like those scones should serve now as Scouts he wants to find out how many for mr. Serra have what's his economy situation yeah just so we can compare pretty much but it's decided to stay with arrange this was a tower on the range as well maybe even take it out hey could tower maybe to the north of the villagers will take some time to kill that with the bills but he also has since he has the scrums on the other side it's not like Hera can hop out to stop that yeah Hera was dropping him stable no spoilers adding mining Cameron stone okay I was just about to say I don't understand why he was making more archers and he made if they canceled all she was making okay cuz that also would not have made sense they will just been waste too much I really feel like max should be using those terms as you said Viper has a scout yeah that's stale if he saw the stable then I think the correct approach would be to go to gold at home and start making some archers or at least sent some spearmen forward Hera has a huge decision to make now if you look at his resources yeah he is almost ready to quit castle age it guesses on making towers to defend and all that gas leash a good idea yeah nice job okay again he doesn't have the grace to call me still he doesn't have enough arms he probably needs to market to buy some food yeah and then from that point on he could start transitioning to college yeah so he has more resources right now but if he doesn't do enough to secure himself the resources will be very short-lived so that's the decision you're referring to it could go up but it's risky exactly yeah to the middle of the map to drop a tower so he's beginning that to focus on the middle guys who stole the technicals well I mean long term of course Hera only has five hundred gold left on his own his main goal and if he makes forget to buy resources he doesn't have that big accessible to spend that way man if he had just built that market a little bit earlier yeah he would have been up faster and like now max oh wait max is getting wheelbarrow now I thought he had it anyways so so max he'll have a little bit more time to secure the center the problem here for Hera is I mean if max just plays you can even play a big field later he's still adding spearmen like you can make four five thousand in the base he's still safe at home for this for the world oh my god is he gonna wall the entire set yeah I mean Hera has to pretty much away for her to regain mass control her it's a caster drop yeah and that's still a long time away from here yeah Hera has one stable so he could make a few nights but as it stands the Knights will not kill anything that Max has because Max is stonewalling up the center and he has enough spearmint I think the whole at least against one night against two or three then it's more complicated i I think max is gonna do armor upgrades in such a fresh spearmint as well I don't think he's gonna I think it's just gonna go fully investing on like map control and keep tossing yeah oh look at top right side the villagers trying to sneak in between the forest for some reason yes miss my bad passing there yeah it's it's just just max things yeah his villagers do it without even being prompted they just try and sneak into the girl yet max needs armor for sure he needs more spears and he needs some upgrade as well yeah he just now started to take gold so he's thinking about castle age as well but I think once he sees the up time from Hera I think it's gonna make sure I mean it still has a hole in his base there's a gap still between the house and the tree oh yes Baxter has to be plugged yeah um but he has to like figure out how he's gonna deal with this I'm sure he's expecting that he took out the range someone sure he's expecting nights to come yeah she hasn't seen a stable yet but that's the only thing that makes sense right now yeah well he also liked the way he has his units positioned skirmisher on the right-hand side tower outpost outpost tower he should see any of the pressure as it's coming in but he needs to click up he needs to wall this up and he needs to be walled at home because of Walt if he doesn't plug that hole Hera could easily win the game with these Knights a Heron tassel drop as well yeah look at his situation right now the gold is about to run out the stone has run out he has 694 stone yeah yes 14 idle villages now that needs to do something they are they only have one mission right now that is to make the castle in the middle question is how it's gonna cope with this the towers are counter forcing the castle will be a little bit away from the middle so max will always have resources sort of safe yeah and he can sort of deny the resources for Harris still with towers but I don't think max can stop the castle the castle is gonna be going up and oh this is a ballsy castle well that's a ballsy actually bought all nice buy a nice buy a max there to block it he's staying in the area exactly where heroines the bills he's blocking and buying time there oh that's a good fight - Parris replacing the cast let's think about oh okay there we go foundation is up not enough speed up yet for max sure and it's just open oh nice Sam in the middle there it was the night was about to get in the media Allison time well how Mac suddenly has a decision to make how does he want to cope with this to see I'm not stoned forecast himself no he does not looks like guard tower defense right he'll lose yeah I mean two of these towers but you could always shift to the left still has his base secured at home can maybe make a few nights it'll be complicated though I think it will play pikemen pikemen siege monastery even but like he can still tower as well on the right side to deny that goal from Hera and yeah that's good job as well get some Magnus out there yeah this this game is all about the middle now I don't think economy is gonna be ready much at home this is all about the center control this is a really good El Dorado game too often the game just ends when one person gets castle and and places a castle but this game is really good because max is still in it Hera has a slight advantage I would say just because of the castle position and the fact that he could make chiku knew which will help against the Pyke's but we'll see there we go viper pikemen and bodkin arrow for max maybe at universities yeah there we go of course and I think that tower from max that max making now is gonna be in reach of the gold - of Hera yeah at least like men yeah so like max has all the counter tools he needs right now is Hera Hera needs C's rishabha not sure why it's not investing the suitable shop it's so important for him right now she gonna do it ECE or what I mean he doesn't have stolen bases here we go three minutes too late but is there yeah Carter but the thing is now now max this car tower then manga knows aren't as effective anymore yeah and another tower coming up from X this is looking great for max again I think yeah you're right if the Macan ELLs would have been out now it would have maybe denied that Tower or at least stopped this tower from going up the siege workshop is just a couple minutes too late I think max will get this guard tower up and it will range the gold which Hera needs to stay alive in this game thank heaven for RAM that's a big Mis play in my opinion I mean as long as it keeps an army lead like this it should be alright but that's a decent fight for Hera okay that's good he's killed all the pikes yeah I think max needs ballistics rounds as well it would be super important for him you think max could have I guess it's tough for max to justify as I would see to workshop because yeah because there's nights out but I think he almost needs its own mac and L behind his walls another Ram I think the RAM will work out at least for now fibrin and Hera has a villain Maxie's calls the GG wow I didn't expect that yeah well a population difference was still pretty huge I just felt like max could have done a little bit more with his position there yeah I think I think honestly when they when max hit Castle it's like if I look at this game I think I want to be max yeah so a little bit strange to me how look he also had zero upgrades on his pikemen still so I guess upgrade investment was a little bit off he went bought Kiner I mean look at his resources yes yeah this was in could have done a lot he could have done upwards on the pikemen he could have made more Packman could have made a manga no I still think if he just didn't okay talk us through it VIPRE Thomas yes so I think the biggest issue there for max was he wanted to take her off called way too soon yeah what I could have done was to upgrades make more pikemen okay let's see turbo shop get a manga no and then continue the pitar push Harold didn't have an answer to that he didn't have the answer to like ass creep of too few more towers yeah yeah if there is a manual out there if just more pikemen but max just wanted to take him off immediately and that ended up being the game losing decision pretty much it was almost the race to this each workshop in a sense a Eddy if he had the siege and the towers to back it up I think Maggie Nell and pikemen would have killed Harold in early castle age or at least in sorry just just killed the Knights and they took who knew that he had so we were talking about Harrah's siege workshop but max really needed one as well but you're right maybe not build the towers as early maybe go up to castle age faster and build the later honestly I think everything max needed there he didn't need like he could've just stayed in the in the middle yeah and made one two mangu knows this Hera was going for RAM right as long as your guard tower man Green is not gonna work out if you have men Cannell yourself Rams are not gonna work out either yeah sure everything here max neither was one man you know and then keep making pikemen do some upgrades and then pretty much take it from there I realize I just started the next game and I'm not even out of this game oh man you know what it's like to be a caster now man I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me you really you really got into like an analyzing groove there that was great well because there's like two media like I get annoyed when or not annoyed frustrated yeah when I see I see this position yeah because like it's such a I mean in this spot it's obviously okay I'm it's super tempting to get a tower of immediately taking off goal right yeah but it would be such a cool move if he was able to be to stay calm and like think it through because if you manage to do that then that's a really impressive read of the situation pretty much if you manage to actually make the decision yeah okay I know his lone gold I had guard towers in the middle if I just make one tree Mangano's there's no way he's gonna break that yeah so like I love it when I see like thought-out decisions like that that's really cool to me yeah but it's crazy how it can switch because we thought Max's position was so good he had denied that wood line he'd done pretty good I really think I took a quick glance of the achievements after that game I think his macro was off just because the whole because he was behind in every resource except for gold and yeah so that that's a sign that his eco wasn't there but but anyways we have a crop list this is a slab war Max is in the blue again Harrah's in the red they're playing for $1000 the winner of this best-of-seven will get 750 bucks and the loser will get 250 so this is an aggressive snap I would expect to see maybe some man-at-arms or towers or just some out-and-out Scouts with Slavs a viper what are your thoughts on Acropolis because I know that a lot of pros feel like it's a very hard map to balance honestly with like the wood line and the cold positions yeah so I mean all you need to do at the moment is Harrison became is great yeah well done is fantastic but look at the Maxis map yeah does have this corner wood line which is okay but if you look around his map otherwise just like to get wood for him is so far away from his town centers yeah well Harold just had to go straight down the hill and he was there it yeah so though that can obviously feel unfair as a player but usually that is not the game deciding factor in this game in this map okay yeah it's something you need to focus on because most of your resources are going to be off of your hill so you do have a main goal in the main stone up there you do have somewhat to live with but as the game goes on it's all about expanding which is why it's an aggressive map Hara Hara has one two maybe three solid wood line options max has one that's solid and as already walling himself off from that woman yeah yeah so yeah well we'll see what he ends up going for but this could be good for her I think he has a slightly better map he won the previous game by the way you got it wrong oh yeah so you have to do you have to guess here as well but we could easily see Hera win this game and take it to a game number seven on Arabia which hare would prefer yeah I think Hera is gonna win this game oh okay Hera this time I want to see the seventh game there's no oil castor yeah yeah we want more games I be casting with five hours I'm dead tired he wants having games yeah well that's that's why we get excited when we cast your games because it never goes to seven sorry for you guys have you ever you did like that what that you're doing it to save us time exactly yeah well I mean it guys get tired I know casting is hard it's hard work man yeah I mean if you think about Hiddink up to numbers my stream would have never hit 17,000 if it didn't go to game seven like welcome it so thank you for the comeback thank you for not losing yeah because I think at Game four in that series it was at 13,000 so it spiked up four thousand just because of your your comeback so yeah thank you might get exciting you're welcome you know it is it is triggering for me as a caster though when someone's like all Viper was just trying to make it interesting like all Piper you we're gonna have such better wood on the bottom yeah it might come back and bite you in the butt a little bit yeah of course if you if he manages to do a lot of damage on Hera cuz Harris down on the floor so to say yeah then of course it might be worth it but long-term if you get away with it definitely better being in the on the low ground yeah so that's what will come down to a max is investing in so many walls which is protecting an area he won't want to be at for a long period of time at least when it comes to lumber of course yeah well Hera he has his barracks up he'll place is stable max will most likely be doing the same he did Scout Harrah's Basie also sees where that lumber camp is now it's not easy to do when Scouts are out and about but if Scout numbers are low for Hera maybe max considers to send a few villagers forward in tower that's very common on this map to die the excuse me the wood lines yeah mmm I'm sure what I mean Hera he should know by now Max's walk full of wall early on every single game yeah so I'm not sure what Terra is gonna I mean Harrah's in the position them to have to make the decision okay how much armor to actually make cuz I need enough to defend myself yeah I can't I don't think I can do damage to him right especially with Scouts which can't teleport past walls most of the time so question then is how does Hera approach this knowing that he's pretty much just gonna defend this wooden for now yeah I think this could be to like wall in his world line altogether like just in a little bit of circle and then have a gate in there that could work I think there's apps like this I would just refuse I hate those little walls around I hate that yeah but I mean if you look at this like he could wall from the house to stable stable to house yeah just around isn't that's gonna circle them I mean if you look at max it's not as big as that circle so yeah that's a good investment yeah good point max has his starting scout outside of his walls it probably needs a Spearman yep there's a Spearman and another Scout will come out max also did learn all the deer before he went up so his economy is slightly better early on here okay yeah some good hits from here are those so his scalp opening so far is definitely in favor of Hera yeah and good micro I expect oh okay I'm going to be too fancy there yeah he's still in a nice spot but yeah he tried his best to distract his spear and pick off the scalp but that's that's a sign of confidence right I feel like if hair is doing that kind of stuff it's it's that he has a big mouth yeah yeah he feels like he's playing well so he's trying to do those things I mean [ __ ] heroes bass he's always a big farm setup he pretty much just needs like two bills on gold now and then he can go to Castle age see slabs yeah and if you look at Max's base he's just got like six seven farms up so I think really good for Hera honestly with the way the economies are set up nice yeah then again Hera didn't have the the 600 food from the deer but you know long-term right he has the better wood location he also has more farms so long-term they'll be much better off very good usage of the Scouts were from Hera always keeping track of Max's Scouts he was staying on that's not too good though I thinks that oh wow like well say he was like patrolling their top site because he expected max to come in there yeah it was right in so yeah good luck game since in that regard I feel like a bit of walling there would be good from the edge of the map to the TC or to the house in front of the TC that would be really useful because then all the pressure comes in towards the wood line it's so much easier to protect there's no point at all leaving that cold that hair has taken now so exposed zero reason to that okay so a lot of spearmen now for the max setting them forward and his Scouts are looping around now Hera is hoping to catch these are out Oh Harris little bit lucky here he has no skeleton spear unless they sending one now but Max's Scouts we're on the left side they could have been in Grover there yeah that's what I mean like Hera knows he can't do damage to max so his whole game right now is just okay I need to defend with the minimum amount of investment yeah much then so it's important any tracks what max is doing at all times exactly this would be better for Hera but good hit from max really needs more spearmen here but Harrah's trying to catch him off with his own two Spears so so far this has been perfect for Hera yeah I think it's looking really good friend not a hit there nicely and look at his resources yeah yeah 600 food he's gonna click up to Casa de systems wheelbarrow finishes and Max is at 175 huge difference it's crazy yeah Hera is averaging more wood and more food income right now a capture rate says 250 what a minute for Hera and 350 food it's just 190 would form ax + 3 now it's around 350 for max with food Hera didn't have his blacksmith ready so unfortunately his catholics time was a little bit delayed but still yeah I'm still gonna have like a two-minute lead on max here max just moved to cold as well so iconic economically Hera is definitely on a way better job here compared to Mexico next on a wheelbarrow yet yeah max doesn't have wheel but max does have more Scouts so this would be the moment Hera didn't wall which I still don't understand yeah well how well and then he couldn't show up the quick boss yeah that's true this is this is a lot of scouts man he still has one more at home he's getting bloodlines max needs to make this count he needs to go in soon but not now oh he thinks he's lucky man forging is on the way as well for her I love the forging addition because forging helps the Spears it also helps his Scouts and the Knights will be creating huh he already did it true yeah max is doing it as well nice yeah max is heavily community futile a share still under 100 food in his bank so Hera just wall in your resources man when you see this blood lines you see forging you need to make sure oh my god if he if he loses these fills it obviously loses series that is you should we find her but it just makes life so much more difficult so much more stressful sure he had a minute earlier where he could have just spent a couple of seconds holding these guys in yeah oh the scouts will now go to the right where there's some farmers but I think here is that a really nice job he has more kills he might lose a villager or two but he's in castle age now what does Baxter response I mean max still is untouched right he still has untouched economy yep so the my office is not the end of the world for him and he's also moved to the woodland in the left corner now so he'll needs to try and find out a way to do damage of course he only lost one villager he's fine he didn't lose much oh yeah doing a very good position but he needs to like okay you're in Castle age earlier what are you gonna use this for T C's needs to come up the economy spike have to kick him yeah well there we go there's the TC for hera on the wood line and a TC on the gold as well it's interesting I think it's a good decision also it means that Leslie less economy's invested on top Plateau so to say ah good point is on the top suddenly you have twice the population there are villagers yeah and that's what resources run out so I like the decision to me it feels like max might also play pikemen Aries adding more spearmen it's gonna play Knights I think like a knight pikemen play can be really interesting with in a stab war I think if he's just waiting for Knights Hera is so much more time to mask them so whereas you can make spearmen and upgrade them to pike once you hit Castle age yeah say now is can here I'll do any counter damage anywhere I don't think he will be able to get into anywhere max is super safe everywhere he can just run in quick the world yeah and whenever Knights come so Hera needs to use this minute to like pull ahead an economy on the right side yeah cheeky move from max indeed now of Harris Scouts that corner he could possibly micro down a few villagers there's quite a few Spears but he sees the lumber camp that's big great scouting from Hera I love that yeah but it's also a thing and do you really want to run into eight spearmen everyone no I don't what your head up yeah I also would upgrade so I don't think Hera can justify attacking this especially max pikemen which i guess he will do because yes Orson so max is gonna fall behind economically he he's not in cat well sorry he is in castle age but he's not on 3t C's so do you think he almost needs to go forward with this each workshop like maybe Pike Munk siege or do you think that he could just fall to a second and third TC himself I think if it keeps making pikemen like he is right now yeah then I think it makes sense to like follow up a villager siege maybe monasteries okay but I mean again his hair is already doing handcart he's gonna be have a super strong economy and max he like the thing here as well since max was late to Calais late she doesn't have any map control he's kind of forced to make T C's in places he doesn't really want to right yeah like this it like you said earlier that the good thing about building T C's in the center is that you have less villagers on the hill and Max is gonna have that problem potentially but 3t C's for him yeah a lot of pikemen a lot of knights should Hara go you think you can just go Knights and monks to defend from pikes and knights or do you think you should maybe consider something else oh nice willness quick boss from earlier [Music] yeah I think Knights I said oh this is so honest fair why leave this gap open it's so easy wall up that decision I will never understand no matter what it's weird yeah I think for the time being of course the thing that monk is fine for him but he will have to see if Pike if the pikemen siege monk push comes in yeah he might have to change his been a little bit but yeah he's still looking an amazing spot right now he lost two villagers he lost two villagers and had idle time that was totally avoidable yeah I also feel like his eco is very gold heavy he does not need that many villagers on gold it is gold in the center and gold at home so your apps if Max's eco balance is better and max could could shift that into something really strong era also picked up two relics already which is a really good move so yeah long-term he also sees two more relics does not see the final relic maybe is already carrying it because I don't see it either I hope yeah but is about it the monks about to die I mean Harrah's he's been spot on here he's done a really good job or the game economically it's been really good all fast versions yeah now he's starting to wall off the top side which he should have done 20 minutes ago yeah but he's also picking up all the relics so he's looking in prime position to bring this into post-imperial in like being an amazing position in post-imperial as well so do you go do you go faster two input three TCS and not go to stone or do you start going to stone at this stage to like secure your map a bit with a castle if I was Hara and house shoes I would probably go to stone because yeah be able to do a defensive castle and gets to get pushed yeah the Hara is now doing monk upgrades as well max is doing chainmail armor and his sent villages forward so the monk siege pikemen push is looking very likely to happen now yeah if you compare farm accounts max actually has more farmers so food wise yeah yes looking like max is balancing his equal slightly better at this point yeah that that TC on the gold that was the only reason it confused me was because I know from experience adding a second TC on gold when I already have a bunch of gold miners means that I won't have the wood in the food I might need you know if I pray it's one of the big takeaways I got from watching your tournament games is when you go to stone like you you would have gone to stone already inherits position because you know you have a lead and right when it gets dicey right when max snowballs a push against you you build a castle and then you go in so main at arms that's really interesting but the thing is mine arms as well if max sees micro at some point yeah arms can suddenly prove to be like super wasted missed me not to mention that max still has some nights here as well so proper Mike that'd be okay this is quite a few nights from Hara though good first shot yeah this is I mean village account as well it's only five different i'm access to a river job to come like into this game again yeah i can all the right moves to be able to like stay in the game and apply pressure good job eight by Hera here but Tara's gonna have ten idle villagers in that TCA the rest of again no pretty much yeah well let's see if you can get it uphill shot will he delete this manga no no not those clothes what oh the target fire me I mean he got it again anyway yeah how are they target par there sometimes actually my crane can't hurt you yeah it's a problem sometimes doubts out there like uh-huh for monks though this can be huge mega no again once 100k do we well still want one not a barracks I mean the thing here is max already has all the infantry upgrades he can just easily switch into the monsters himself yeah I mean once as soon as he sees the long swords would not surprise me at max also immediately answers himself and look at the left side for max 11 villagers going to couple discounts in the middle really unfortunate for max how far the woodlands are in the center yeah it's doing a really good job so far where's Hera going I feel like this okay so here is plan is to defend with monks and long swords and and counter-attack with Knights it's actually not a bad plan it's risky but I think it's it's possibly the game-winning move if he gets in and does damage yeah for sure I mean this that's 1679 state they can do so much damage oh wow the TC will go off from access it might just let him let him know is that the Knights are coming in yeah yeah that's really good good if he sees this that's really important I'm accidentally more goes forward I think he wants to a castle go up as well now he knows yeah the Knights are there no that's unfortunate for her Arizona with employee did bounces he come economy a lot he has over 40 farms now so economy-wise harris looking very sharp again when that castle it's not a very confident castle placement is it yeah so very strange that's a castle if you make if you're ahead yeah casts to make if you were behind it's a good point nájera continues to go in despite max seeing him a nice walling for max i think this is okay just the fact that he got that TC up was good he's sending all of his pikes back if he wants to gate this off on uh nevermind Hera will probably get away anyway when it's lesser ridiculous the good old army is made and he's only got 27 farmers it's up to him as well it's insane how farming works so scale mail now for Hera more barracks so he is going towards champion wouldn't at all surprise me to see him still go for cavalier cavalier and even the armor upgrade shut up on the front sorry I was too busy focusing I thought you were like pulling the the t90 move and making a big deal about a female villager dying so it was six monks in a line and and it was heading for them would have been 60 but yeah well for relics for Hera and he probably won't snag the fifth but he's still in a great position he wins this we go to game seven yeah nice woven max so far Billy good another one don't fit not I mean I like charismatic control outside of the channel and like the tunnel in the center right yeah it's got Scouts this pyramid on top keeping some sort of vision he just needs to find out what's his army composition gonna be I don't know if if max knows yet it's gonna be longsword I mean he sees barracks now I don't think he might have an idea I don't think that is all sorts at all yeah I saw making go yards if he's making Bowyer's he he's probably expecting it but scalise corpse hmm few scorpions okay I like the move well if you works like if you I'll use a few and those teach workshops well I think I think how Hal banned scorpions can be like straight two-handed swordsmen for sure yes agreed first max needs to deal with the threat of 28 nights on his door door yeah looks fine so far he does have enough fight me to deal with it where did Hera build his castle what do you think of that castle spot his castles is kind of away from his army not a huge fan of that castle spot I would have liked to have seen him build it where his two-handed swords but are right now and then Trev from the same position but here he comes CJ I'm on the way to hand swordsman in the bow are coming out I think that cast list reminds me of a the cast of a Maximo Asus game yeah a little bit strange but it might do us some work eventually nice learning is what I mean the pikemen had positioned some nicer coming into support as well this cast little definitely should go down yeah question is now what max has to answer otherwise yes like 25 pikemen standing on the bottom side as well I was wood line so that's a lot of scorpions that is a lot of scorpion scorpion spikes see Bowyer's aren't all that good against the Knights yeah and he was going he's doing the upgrade over to passing upgrade as well for horses which is he wanted to go more boyars yeah he only had one cast them passes don't know well the scorpion just didn't work against the two-handed swordsman there so see Hera does have seed RAM in here but but where's Hera zarmeeneh and those those corpse are new somewhere Wow now Harrah's is going for some more monk upgrades so maybe he'll convert some of those but he kills the castle the Rams will go down the two hands sorts and have to back up good play for max I think but Harrah's position still is much stronger he has the relics I couldn't even grab the fifth Herald us not have mercy no no zero no he doesn't it's too expensive again now remember there was a game in this series where Hera had the relics and he had a really good position in composition and he threw that game verse max so I know it's good does he actually have the composition right now well that's that's what I was gonna say like at the moment he needs to find that composition but let's see I think I think auditor I think auditor champions fine but I think the worrying thing is it looks like Max is gonna start raiding yeah and it will put hair on the back foot big time I love Max's movement adding those stables and just like he's playing the long game always he's like yeah okay sure the it sustainment now in the middle not much it's gonna happen there so what what's the next step just start raining spread your cavalry everywhere you have slabs farmers you can make 100 tusser with ten farms so you're fine he's on the gold now doing a lot of damage this is some still has to militarily obviously I'm sure it's gonna be hard for me to deal with I assume he will add on just himself oh my god yeah this is I'm getting déjà vu at the moment like that because because Hera has two castles in the same spot he could have used a castle where he's getting raided right now this is a big problem for him and and he has all these relics but we know how good max can be without gold and and in these late-game scenarios and Max is also dropping monasteries he's gonna start converting those oranges as well yeah so max is making like Hera puts himself in a great spot a couple these games but then he just like struggles to figure out how to end the game like yeah or me to make what what exactly should he do that like it's sort of like he like it's like he doesn't know right guys like like in the experience maybe it's just needs to play these sips more yeah if it's Maps more and these things well do you think it's it's he wants to finish off the game in one fight whereas he should be looking at it for and like like it's a mini engagement every time like take small victories adds up towards the wind instead of one big fight with seed ramps and champions like that's all I think I mean that push he made in the middle was obviously just too clear to castle in yeah that control there yeah look again how he made these two castles both of mine the same spot do yeah same job pretty much that castle could have been on the hill would attribute standing right now for example it could have been a castle on the top oh my God look at his look at his lumber eco look at his lumber eco full disaster yes what big one no I was just gonna say he's making house but max is just running all around max might control the wood to win this game yeah he's all over the wood like this Harrah's economy's complete shambles right now wow that's the thing max he recognizes when he has time to do these other things right yeah recognize okay I'm not in the threat through the center right now I can hold like this so he spreads his focus elsewhere and he thinks got it earlier yeah max has shown this game after game now wherever it goes to privilege he's just ready for that transition way sooner and way better than horizon oh my god the two monitors he's shooting the traps now oh wow push the center and another conversion another conversion the scorpion killed an autogyro the tools to hold in the center and he's using the mobility to lay down sides yeah Harris behind his villagers it has to reboot constantly keep making more mills yeah and yeah I think Harris still struggling to actually figure out what the armored company wants yeah he doesn't even have full upgrades on his infantry yeah he hasn't there was a period in time where he had the lead he had the relics but he didn't think ahead he just thought about like one big fight in the center I love how max has has been able to show us how to play the game despite being at a disadvantage at least like when I say disadvantage at least with the relics and the gold control and such because there's a lot more gold under Harris control at the moment I mean he wasn't behind an economy as well or the games yeah yeah for sure I mean he's like it's he's making the right moves to slowly climb back and grabbing he's grabbing whatever he can wherever he can it's also waiting in the bottom now ring on top race everywhere this is crazy and now drew Xena's all the way for max Wow Jerzy 'no for pikemen are you kidding me alright let's go crazy I mean just look at the farm max has 48 50 farmers Hera I mean it's a lot of Idol Sarah he needs to sort it out but again there's life cab coming in constantly I love getting the time I love the max's post in play man stables in the south spamming now he's making stables or sorry barracks actually in the north and look at the bottom corner yes three wheels chilling there oh my god well the scorpions have been protecting the center area they will continue to do so the Hera will have no luck rating he he's spending a lot of time cleaning up the raids in his own base I think that's why the military population is so deceiving at the moment VIPRE because Hera has twenty thirty units just protected on farms and wood lines nothing is pushing I like Hera like honestly if max just makes champion now on top if it makes twenty third champion there with arson you can just completely yeah white Harris base there as well I don't think it's gonna spend the golden that I think will keep the gold for other things but yeah I mean I like the I liked Harris army camp or the castes with a champion but he needs to like figure out not what's the follower what's next candlestick but just helps and champions yeah I feel like the second that Hera decides to push max in the center with with this with infantry and siege max will just send more population to raid again yeah and max is how something stable is now in the bottom of course oh my god I would die if he chops that one tree and this would mind so we could run through would be amazing I mean look at the farm counter Max's have so many more working farmers yeah as long as he managed to play yes is 1300 food coming in every minute it's only 600 for Hera Sahara Zico balance is way off in comparison max just just sent like four champions walking slowly towards Harris tribes and he just took out a tribe and a half just for the wrong random I was wondering why you're making noises so is this coffee I'm trying to mute whenever I have to cough but uh yeah I know it's I feel a bit bad because this has been such a long series I figured it would we'd be in and out and you could rest so no but if max finishes it off right near man Matt he's getting he's getting champion upgrades max hair is now getting her Xena but Hera hasn't been fighting with his infantry in crucial areas he's just defending exactly I mean the score is very deceiving here Harris have one kiss goalie but that's because he's defending he's the one who's killing all the units yeah Max is completely dictating the game at the moment Wow and I think Maxwell he build a castle or did he run all the way over here with these villagers for would think it's just four would honestly okay the bottom part is not that secure so it makes sense to move that forward sees workshop from Hera though any champions the parent bests a lot of his champions now to the top side he's taking a good fight in the middle as well yeah house of rats aren't really there anymore Harris stole a I mean with four relics that should be five brothers yes point yep like at some point mice is gonna be out of gold and champions are just gonna dominate everything yeah like is the Eco paying off now for hair cuz max couldn't push fast enough he is castling the north but Hara will still have wood and he'll have the gold as you said maybe if that food eco stabilizes a bit he'll he'll be in a better position i max his only getting two-handed swordsman now I mean I'm I'm liking her house position more and more now that it's a she stabilized it was looking very messy there for a second but he has actually stabilized very well now and as soon as like the gold gold is completely out of the map I think max has zero golden come right now he shouldn't have any because he doesn't yeah zero yeah so like Max he's on a timer now he has to kill heroin in the next couple of minutes really heaven era has 70 military it's only 50 for the max and much of Max's military scorpions which are really slow so he can't push with them easily if he tries to push with them a he'll get pushed cuz he won't have defense and he's getting he's losing a lot of buildings in the bottom side lots of talented in their discussions are just moving through the center of the map they're not contributing at all the cast list looking lights going down on the top so he's looking very good for Hera and honestly looks like we have a Game seven of our hands yeah and I think the frustration comes in for me anyway is because we could see where Hera became unraveled I use in a winning position but we could see so clearly how he almost threw the position but so good now 30 population lead twenty military lead he also has the better composition at least for the moments yeah I think Hera as well I mean this is I think even just these two games is huge a huge learning experience for Hera yeah at the Gulf Gaming is inca I'm sure he's gonna think about that a lot yeah and realize what he did wrong and this game as well I'm sure is gonna think about it I wonder like why did this game and the being so close yes in the early game and this is like you need to play these types of games even if you lose them like the Gotham Inca it's such a good learning experience yeah I feel like Harrah's definitely like definitely one of the best when it comes to Dark Age fuel age even like early Castle age but it's the transition from Castle age to imp that gets him sometimes and we saw that here today you know scorp numbers of max as well has been shortened now to like just 11s corpse yeah he's getting cleaned on the bottom side the sneaky stables are gonna be gone Tory's losing the topside this is just looking better and better for Hera with every passing second yeah he's producing more that the key in in these situations is having the rams and axes and making rams and oh man the auditor will flatten all the scorpions ever gonna die anyway that's always fun to see time mr. max right g-gee okay it didn't work yeah it won't be as dramatic now yeah well I mean considering how he won that Inca against golf game it's understandable that he doesn't give up that's that's a good point yeah it's a good point well he actually cut through now with Olinger of the woods so he can't sneak into the top I mean it was open anyway but no cute yeah 150 puppy now funny enough he's making huh SARS but he can't really get in and I think if Hera would just build a castle maybe in the center or maybe more towards the north that would prevent some of those raids but max isn't in control now he's not in a position to send any of his population in the Harrah's Maisie he has to defend and you can't defend from champions and helps with just hustle it's looking I mean he's losing on every single front now yeah max is the top side is gonna be cleaned that his idol I all this for me Quinn the top of the plateau his idol trying to move down to the bottom side again now he's trying to make a lumber camp but the Rams are coming right away to shut that down again he's trying to wait but Harold did place a nice cast now on the top so yeah Herod did a good job securing his base after those early shenanigans oh you mean this the castle on his Hill yeah yeah I like the castle it's like where the hustle wants to run through yeah yeah now if we look at the food per minute Hera is at 1,400 food per minute max is at 800 and I think what Hera needs to do is just clean up the north he's already cleaned up the south and then it will be one big fight in the center which you will always win yeah Matt sure why max isn't resigning to be honest because he doesn't have a single relic it feels very much over but and he's struggling to pass 150 publication yeah assist me to stay over 150 yeah I think if he were to dip at least for me if I maybe he's an auto pilot and not thinking about it but if I ever get below like one 120 130 that's when I start to think is this for sure over I think it's gonna realize many losses the topside yeah it's trying to make stables to the map at the bottom when this is topside now the ramps are gonna clean that all the Bears are gone it's gonna be a lot of dead villagers yeah that's I'm not gonna realize like okay there's no coming back to me it's about to dip below 100 villages as well yeah it's just a minute I'm ready to the center yeah exactly this max has no answers here anymore so Arabia let's let's talk about game seven because it's for sure coming at this point Arabia and they can obviously play with any civilization they've not used in the best-of-seven I'm Elysia Hara Hara Mayans and Mexico oh my god oh my god I was thinking Frank's possibly for Hara they prompt the Lions maybe but it's it's a bit risky against mezzo yeah you're likely to run into miles either way here yeah I 95 percent 95 percent of the players are gonna pick mines in that situation yeah so question then is do you actually have a sim that you can compete with mines with only one that comes to mind is Franks and even then it's iffy right if players are really playing cutthroat with meso sibs it that could be better than Frank's for sure yeah I like I think - is a safe safe bet I think max is gonna go mines for sure Hara I'm I think he like loves mines as well I think yeah it has to be mines were okay and see on any other since competing all right well 507 kills for Hara it was dicey for a second but man was his fuel age good he didn't make life easy on himself with the lack of walls but he played really good so he'll go into Game seven feeling confident he was three one down I think this is a big take away with hair recently he falls behind in sets and Hera two years ago might get tilted might get frustrated and then let that ruin the rest of the set for him but he came back impressive stuff yeah it's definitely matured a lot of player um trying to think what others to see and think hums could be an option but then again if you can choose between hunts against any save against mines you would like to have mines your self pretty much yeah maybe a sticks there's not really too many options there so yeah I think we're in for - war but again I would never like Frank's greats if they can always compete a little bit on this there are good save still but - yeah the top of that yeah I I think I think as well I think the only saves that we'll see here would be mines or maybe four like maybe but like Slavs is gone Aztecs is gone yeah we'll see VIPRE if it's cool with you if I could just meet my cell phone discord for a few minutes I'll be right back when the game starts sure thing all right yep uh if I can find the mute ear perfect all right so chat the score is three to three this is a best-of-seven and it is going to game number seven this is exactly what we would have hoped for when this series eventually ends just remember I will be giving away some Age of Empires to definitive edition keys so exciting stuff also be be doing some other things and then we'll get right into community games so thank you for hanging out tons of people here I also owe you all gifted subs because I'm gifting 10 subs for every 100 subs that we get during the stream today I think I know maybe 20 to 30 subs but we really need someone to keep track that's what we need ducks that's all on you men but thank you so very much for the five gifted subs I'll just go through the names that I can while I have the time this is shaping up to be the craziest stream that I've had actually with almost a thousand subs already but thank you integrity thank you anonymous as her century again and I know there was some big baby sharks I want to go to those people thank you majestic 36 minutes to go for that there was another one as well just collective collective muah okay that was gross collective salutes goes out to you guys thanks the schedule for the whole 24 hour stream is on the left we've obviously cut into community game time but after some community games my brother will stop by and I will play him then we'll have more giveaways then the co-op challenge will begin between tatto or with tatto myself dave against sucks a savior long verse metal playing a Big Show match later on tonight more community games it really doesn't feel like that's 24 hours work but it is also I know that there's people who are here who are new because I promoted a bit on YouTube and I see some new faces so thank you guys for being here and again at the moment because I have a co cast or Viper I can't say hello and really spend all the time I like buttons thank you yes everyone's new perfect stream hike how far are we into this thing by the way like how much how much more time why am I going to this screen what am I even doing why am I going to this screen I don't know how much more time okay where don't look at the time that's the rule alright let me unmute myself so I could talk to Viper about the final game in this show match alright so I imagine I'm you did on Vipers end but you know he'll come in when he gets the chance this is game number 7 and his Big Show match here today max is in the blue he's playing us Mayans and Harris also playing as the Mayans expect a lot of laning expect a lot of aggression and everyone still has a restart so if there is Lamy make it always go for that yeah hashtag September indeed half off guys type of feeling Vipers there and listening to me nah I don't I don't know but yet again I think Mac's away oh hey what's up I knew there okay so hidden cup - Arabia Mayans war surprise surprise yes and Hera getting the better map yet again let's have a look here I think so anyway I mean stone and a Mayans where I don't know if stone is is quite as important if it's like Aztecs vs. Mayans but but certainly to have the stone in the back is nice and I think the wood line options are better what it's max tuned with these villagers look I'm mostly looking for wood he's probably already started I think this is a resurface yeah I would expect map well absolutely terrible yep yeah the woman's are so far yeah my sis already out in the games I think we can just go back okay cool yeah so I think it's one restart for both of them wouldn't surprise me to see Hera call one if he has a rough map next time around but you know game seven all comes down to this he really should call restart yeah no point taking a risk at this point you come so far yeah he was three one up as well yep that's I'm saying hair should enter this map and feeling super confident now I mean although last game I think if I played a game like that I probably wouldn't care but like if you if you let your opponent get into the game like that again yeah quite elite it doesn't do something to you I mean I think max could arguably be more confident even though he he led a 3-1 lead slip just because he had no relics and almost came back but it depends on how the person's using every mind is different agreed yeah so this is essentially one game for $500 right because the loser gets 250 when I get 750 but I think more than anything these guys just won like the prestige of it all pretty much if I fur and I could share some some news about Age of Empires 2 definition we would guys totally you sound so enthusiastic I tried to explain like its it's some of the Age of Empires pros like I tried to explain the way their personality works compared to mine like I've never seen you like roll on the floor laughing like full-on laugh for more than like 5 seconds but I could tell like when I get a giggle out of you that's like compared to myself is very different yeah I really like burst out laughing yeah a lot more all the time left myself a little bit like like small insight yeah yeah yeah I rarely like burst into laughter I wonder what else is that in our region thing I don't know I mean the regions in general are very like we're not very I'll call the people in general we're we don't like strangers no offense that's right no I don't know I think I think it's probably just just how you guys grew up you know sort of in a way yeah I've never had I've never had that I know a lot of people like look at Jordan for example if he laughs he would be like you can't control himself and it's it's very it's very aggressive to like very very loud yeah it's true so it can't be a German thing right it has nothing to do with you moving to Germany of course yeah sure Jordan and Jordan the max he had the 10-second I little time in his TC before I started lune Bailey and saying hair I had the same that's weird I guess they did houses and scouting first and then yeah do you do loom and then house house scout well anyways uh maps look a little bit more balanced I think max will be happy to see the wood lines but the hill could be certainly be a problematic area for him I think max is not gonna be happy days got forward berries which is always tough against men at our builds whereas Hera has like the back berries right I think just the this hill in general is going to give him the problems because of the stone and the gold yeah would not surprise me to see Mexico forward here like his map is just too it's like if you don't have control of the front space you lose access to three of your main resources yeah cause he has a back gold but that's that's about it president the second stone is even closer to her than himself pretty much it's also a bit unlucky because he's running forward to Harrah's base Harrah's found all of his sheep whoever might find his bore and he does never restart always sees it he sees it this could be huge always going for it he might know max hasn't scouted his own board though yeah I don't think he wants to take da his because he's thinking about it okay it seems pretty far so he's gonna go for it him okay fight for what's your watcher wait hold on a second back straight no they could just boar swap but ideally max could block that and kill the eagle no okay okay I want to see a repeat I want to see a repeat of what happened to you an MDL just passing oh it is trading it was trading it's good I think it's good for the game at least that became seven that known as extra boar yeah well that was that was a funny moment max hadn't even scouted his boar so this is almost easier for him yeah but what do you can I get your brief opinion on laning cuz because what I hate for example is one person losing a boar having a slightly worse map and then they have then that's the end of the game you know I hate that do you think that because I know that the who is number two event had some restrictions on Lamy do you think there should be restrictions on naming or like at least in 1b ones possibly I think there shouldn't be a restriction still aiming but I think I need to do a better job at making things more fair in general yeah yeah like blaming I'm fine with layman's part of the game but again like it's just completely luck place today yeah exactly going into four of your enemies sheep and a boar that's not skill that's you Center eagle right forward the right way good yeah right exactly yeah I'm kind of torn on it as well yeah thanks for looking for example sorry to interrupt as these Eagles are fighting this is huge this is really close I think Oh heroin's I think max is in big trouble he barely a scouting of Harris base yeah yeah this is already looking very very good for her yeah and tara has as the kind of the better map as well but anyways like it's so hard especial with arabia's to find a map that's gonna be balanced all the time a guy think hidden cup - arabia is definitely the worst map and hidden cup because it can be very inconsistent at times even though I had like lots of players testing it and stuff prior to to the event so it's it's it's a hard thing it's like the beauty of Age of Empires is that it's so random and so different all the times but also that can kind of lead into some rough situations for players yeah I mean I love the randomness of age for sure like every map is different every game is different but of course no one likes to lose the game stare up just because of luck yes exactly like I like that part to be in there but I wish it was a little bit less turned out yeah yeah but it's it's tough to balance right like what do you do put boars and sheep closer to tc's to prevent laning then it's ants like fast castle all the time you know it's like the whole green Arabia so I think if they could just make it in the way where okay both players have exact same distance of their boars on the gold or their stone it can be different angles different position different this different depth yeah everything was in the same distance of both players okay makes sense I was just curious to see your opinion on it because I didn't think you've ever been outspoken against removing laning or or stopping people from doing that but I know that there's always gonna be some imbalances which can can be rough at times yeah I like I like I mean I don't like leaming I don't like lemming yeah I don't I prefer to play against without aiming because I feel those are more skillful but of course they mean it's a part of the game yeah okay there's ways to stop and deal with lambing as well you just have to take precaution they take two boards earlier Scout better there are always ways to deal with things right yep well and then like I don't like claiming for sure well speaking of scouting Harrah's is using that week scout and he's in the process of rolling up his base pretty clean build for him everything looks normal sometimes we miss yeah the first person to go forward can oftentimes benefit because they have a little bit more time at home I think max needs that but he can't run past that wood line without being hit O'Hara added a fourth Oh great start for Hera Hera also out of the fourth militia max is going on before three semanko feellike is gonna add a range very fast I think they should cancel my arms but these max should well I did a good job picking up one doll good job in max for sure the range should go up now use the wall on that villager as well yeah still committing with the middle arms I guess it's alright since he did manage to pick off one of them mine arms yeah I like what he's done with the right side of this wood line not investing into too aggressive walls yeah just the safe walls same on the gold he should with a gate keep hair out from the wood line it might even tempt her to run in so he can shoot him with the TC Wow okay that always makes me feel so good but when my opponent garrisons RT C for that long and they don't get any shots yeah both them adding an auction range meters as well I wonder if Hera will go with the same range blacksmith approach yeah in a second well yeah that's what Hera did in Game one he's so good at it he does it with with non mezzo saves as well max added another minute arm they almost sent it into the into his death I guess so far so I mean close game so far of course but Hera has he's taking the initiative hair is safe at home Hera can take the deer right so I think this is exactly like Game one Max had a rougher start and it's up to her now to take small advantages from his position both of them are going blacksmith as well range blacksmith and Harris already got fetching on the way yeah Max is dropping a blacksmith now it's on the way there is a time window here where hurricane micro with his fetching archers so yeah it's gotta mean he has to be very careful here now max what do you think about him attacking that villager do you think that will kill that you gonna kill this one shot oh man the villager goes down I think it's worth it for Hera to have douve in there nice trap but there are yeah now the archers are there right so so now it's all about Archer numbers and Hera picks off the archer now we'll hold micro all day this is looking really bad for the max he'll lose a villager as well he doesn't have gold touching it oh man he had an eagle as well two eagles actually in this yeah I like that choice actually now getting scale males so maybe a change of plans she's not gonna do flexing at all it's gonna go full Eagles okay I like it's interesting I don't think it's the best choice but considering the opening yeah it's like maybe it's better because if he's trying to go straight archers he'll be behind in that so yeah and also he has four men arms alive still that will benefit from the upgrade as well yeah and we seen a few skirts to support it I like it I like it maybe flexion would have been a better opening investment yeah cuz if hereplease this correctly he'll never get hit yeah exactly he's my crowing like a man with confidence at the moment isn't he yeah is this really good work from here a while oh yeah I think max missed a limiter you should leave a minute I should have been there as well and you again from here as well that's with a good addition for sure very very tricky for my I was refreshing now okay will he have the skirm numbers is three there's like these are the toughest fights new to umpires because yeah just two three four units one mistake losses you the game yeah these battles are really hard to play and I think that it made a huge difference a max losses so many scurbs just one eagle and he's four villages behind five villagers behind right now yeah I've been really good for Hera yeah and here is fully bald he's unconscious oh yeah this that was really well played from Hera like the whole transition everything about it was so clean yeah the faster fleshing definitely caught max completely off corner yeah and Harris economy at home was looking super nice as well it's about he's closing in the castle age as well he's gonna do wheelbarrow and then he's gonna be a pretty straight to pick up while max is just scraping together whatever he has and or hit trying to survive so yeah I don't want to call it too soon it's yeah but it's not very good for max event but how many times have we said that we've said that almost every game and then in some hockey is about in some of the games were max is one he's come back so Hera just needs to see this through Manny's he's done everything right 16 kills 10 deaths better eco he just needs to see this through and win the best-of-seven a little bit of shame though that the last it comes down to the last game and then Max's map is just yeah I know trash yep the same yeah I'm with you there for sure there was especially after calling the REE right yeah of course yeah but that's the way he could have done better he could have done better with that or the push from her as well though O'Hare now the low bid X so he definitely cut some corner there yeah but I think I think there's a very clear difference between these two in those mini micro engagements like Harris seems to be so much better in those situations so I think obviously that the the hill on the front is gonna hurt max but I think the micro-firm hair is always going to give him a small lead especially if he gets the faster Fletcher like that yeah her has definitely been my comparison max throughout the whole the whole stairs really yeah that's alright since that myself is avoiding those types of fights he doesn't want to fight five artists against five arches yeah it always tries to play safe and only fight when he feels like he can take a good engage no matter what move well I think max is gonna need a bit of help now Hera nice throw away numbers and and then some because Hera soon be in Castle age Max is just now researching wheelbarrow so clinical from Hera yeah he also has those five arches from top six arches and they're gonna be crossbows as well and yeah gonna break through the pass that really fast and he's I mean yes Devine in every single aspect again yeah yeah Max's equivalence is way off as well it's like he wanted to go Eagles so he sent more to gold he's now making one Derek Eagles and I was on stone to stone he's more towers to safe I feel like the Eagle play honestly was a panic reaction to the pressure yeah probably it makes sense yeah if he was thinking about meeting these towers earlier it would have been wise to go to stone it just now he doesn't have the stone for a tower and Hera will just micro all over and yeah this honestly this looks like it might be GG right yeah feels like getting from both sides everything is trapped honestly can even just run in on the tower there's nothing max can do except loose units yep yeah max still hasn't looked up to castle age and Max a calls the GG Hera comes back from three one down and wins the best-of-seven two very quick arabia games in this set and three very very long non arabia games but we finally got there right where it was it was really competitive really close I was definitely very close I mean very bad luck for maxed over to both arrayed against this map was for sure so much worse both the ready games but of course Hera played those games with well as well and I mean max short as well during that and the Inka goth were that's pretty much over there classic so they both have shown really high level of gameplay today well I don't know if you had anything else to say man but it was a pleasure having you cast with me for hours was it yeah the four hours for us whoa well I I appreciate it man I know you're sick and it was a great time having you here and everyone in the chat really loved your insight I'm never gonna become a customer never ok foof my job is safe
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 180,544
Rating: 4.8741183 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Themax, Hera, Showmatch, TheViper, Cocast, AoE2, $1000, Best of 7
Id: wU1lehD6q8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 37sec (13177 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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