Battle of Africa 2 Semifinals | Aftermath vs Suomi

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all right everyone welcome to game number one between Finland's and aftermath Leary is in the game already and of course I put the Argentinian flag up I'm like you know what knee cops probably gonna play of course and I know you guys really like your Flags so we're gonna put the Austrian flag there for good old Leary game one in the best-of-seven battle of Africa to semi-finals on Arabia I have some things to tell you guys to throughout this I have some interesting news just just some some news through the grapevine but you guys will have to hang around with me over this whole best-of-seven to hear it alright so for Finland and they're already being lamed and Leary is stealing an elephant he's like alright sooner I steal this elephant sooner we can win this game let's go Oh actually elephant has bailed the elephant didn't want to go with leery sad times in the flank or on the flank we have zoo P playing as Ethiopians his pocket is the max max is playing as the Franks the flank is Velez Velez is playing as the Vikings up against vélez we have MBL MBL's playing as deep Vietnamese his pocket is Hara Hara is playing as the Indians and then the flank over here is Lee who we've talked about who's mine so yeah my thoughts on the civilizations were correct Vietnamese is very helpful bonus are they have a very helpful team bonus so you know where the enemy town centers are you can go out for the quick steal didn't happen for leery you know MBL's MBL he's gonna find something and NBL is gonna find two goats okay now throughout all these sets because they're sieve drafting when you use your civilization and if you win with certain civilizations is very important right here the sibs are better for a.m. just because it have the Indians pocket Indians have tremendous eco Indians have tremendous camels and it's in camel against Frank paladin and camel is better so Finland's are at a disadvantage going into this game just because of that pact right there so I think it's really important for a.m. to get this win because it's kind of their expected we're not not expected right you can never expect it these are really hard games the but they're certainly favored and then let's say Finland wins this game and they cancelled out Indians which is one of the best pocket saves in the game and they also get a win on the board so they've drafted civilizations for all these games it's very important you get your wins when you're SPO expected to in maan Hara that stressed me out now Jupe has had a tremendous tremendous tournament and I know many people were surprised to see zu P or excuse me not surprised to see boot zuki they just didn't know about zu p zu p was around back when I first started casting I remember was Nations Cup 2016 maybe 2015 something along those lines and he was he was out playing the max back then he was amazing yeah what is up with these elephants these lures are pretty bad hi Pro standards but yeah it's been great to see zu p back playing for Finland's no way of knowing how long he's gonna be able to stick around because of your life and whatnot everyone's got that to worry about but a Velez and Max they've been playing for Finland solid for years now the lessees really improved over this year too that's true Indians do get elephant archers to chat I actually have a video that's gonna be on YouTube where the new elephant archers are used whether or not it they're great or they're still kind of underwhelming we'll see but I've already recorded it I just will have battle of Africa coming up this weekend and then we'll have other things saved from the midweek maybe a certain wall or two actually there will be two people who like to wall so I'd say even starts Laoghaire weakened his eagle with the lame it's not a big deal you see a barracks right now for zoo P so this looks like it might be man-at-arms and archers what I really don't like about soupy space is this area here there's this massive hill his main Gold's there his for tile gold Sarah stone is there going back here isn't that good of an option compared that to Leary like look how good Leary's bases he doesn't have the hill to worry about hey also his Gold's on the back and actually Hera is here with all my goodness the coordination from a.m. Hera and we work together to kill the villager from zu p and there's still no okay now loom is in and hara just runs away these are the types of things you have to expect from a em they're really aggressive MBL though he's going for address into archers word rushed into fast castle then seeing em BL did this build a lot in 1v1 stew and i militia show up I don't think the less was expecting this it's very possible that Velez could lose a villager but all this is meant to do is to give NBL some momentum so we can wall his base right now this looks like dress fast castle for MDL so it's going to be on his teammates to do all the heavy damage good quick walls there from Velez he just needs to have the proper amount on wood he's actually made see this was not the part this was not part of his plan he's actually made militia defensively as part of MBL's plan was part of his bill that he was entitled so so far am looking better Leary is just sickening when he plays straight into archers I think that's all he's gonna do today and then we're obviously going to see Scouts from Hera the stables already on the way walls are already on the way again a really really nice pace doesn't even need his main goals could wall right into the edge of the map whereas max doesn't really have that luxury or at least it's going to be harder for him and he'll be sending the scouts forward to [Music] Oh Oh Hera will lose a vill oh wait a second he's gonna try and fail the quikwall that's a big deal actually more Scouts could be coming soon you could have maybe some archers from Zoo P early running through there and and Wow Velez he's running forward to tower MBL who is now on his way to fuel age guys this is not thrush Pascal super MBL this is just gonna be drush into archers kind of a weird build not the best uptime for him I don't think he's gonna be able to pull off a fast castle behind all of this here come the archers for Leary here come the archers for zoo P I like the way he's walling his base he's playing extra safe right now it's awkward but you got to do it you definitely can't take the forward rez and Max is heading Torterra Hera obviously knows the Scout is around terror will complete his walls yeah Harrah's bases amazing he'll be fully Walden a minute which really gives him a luxury to move out which otherwise he might not want to do against Frank Scouts which are higher HP MBL is building a defensive tower and he's making walls and Velez does have one archery range follow-up so it's very uncommon to see a forward and team game but I think it's working so far for Finland MBL's tower isn't range of the tower from Velez and that tower will actually be bailed on it's really not good for MBL he can't take his gold now and he's just gonna be playing tower defense for a little while you see Harrah's moving over towards oopy uzuki's aware of this and zu P has archers in here I don't think Hera can get through and then max is thinking about going towards Harrah's base here at this point is about to be fully Wald's maybe MBL's exposed but the scouts would sailed to run past here and mpls just quit vault so getting walls up really important Hera and Leary are actually working together against soupy and fletchings already in famiry good microphones oopy am really want to pressure this area max is just waiting waiting to see if Hera will think about taking that gold is here I'm gonna take that gold now okay just letting the Spears out hmm okay well I don't like MBL sir at all I think this is quite bad but then again Velez doesn't have a lot of archers so you never know max has six Scouts now and he's outside of Harrah's walls he's he's here Hera knows it but he can't get through eras sending his scouts forward I believe Zoop he's gonna come over and someone's gonna come over okay Velez now they're gonna go and try and double Hera eight Scouts from the max era could be caught in no man's land if he arrives to the enemy and enemies already Walt could hurt him a good micro there from Hera to take out the spear allez will be fully walled in the moment max is already fully Walt and then zoo bees just open on the front leer he's just gone home at this point I don't know if this hurts here that much though cuz he can still farm he can still take what he can still take hold if if pressure comes in now maybe it would be better to hit MBL I think it would have been better for Velez to stay here and have max join in oh no this is so sloppy you should never do this don't wall the TC like that when there's this many scouts around that's so bad Hara will just run right by T C's don't really hit it Scouts anyways when you when you run properly and okay Hera actually I of course know the TC doesn't hit the scouts and then boom boom boom three Scouts that of course of course curse the commentator that makes me so angry man when that happens the second after I say something I jinxed it sorry anyways um Harrogate Seville kill I'm surprised he didn't stick around though but maybe he felt the need to send things home Max is on the way to cast like guys in Hera he actually has cast elites queued behind two villagers now that is that's not good he needs to be a castle age ASAP he should cancel that ville he needs to be on the way to castle age this all stems from MBL not having a lot of military and now obviously Hera's gonna have less max is about to have scale boarding on the scouts and he can engage against Leary's archers then so Leary came to help but that Leary needs to run oh man Finland's off to a great start then it's always very dangerous this is the exact same thing we saw over at Velez's base a moment ago here a quick wall quick wall oh the scouts have armor I think it's worth it for max to just toss away the scouts against Harrah's Bill's hair is gonna lose so much here he's lost quite a few villager Oh I'm shocked that Hera didn't how small that Oh No oh and another one Harris down to 31 Vil's and Max is faster to Castle age like I don't understand they deleted the wall I assumed too so Leary could save his archers oh man that was really really bad 4 a.m. meanwhile on this side it looks like there was a really awkward fight zippy realized that was his moment to hit Leary I think he did well to force Leary into a tower only thing I'll say is that supey has not clicked up to Castle age yet he's just done so actually and at Leary's halfway so Leary he's known for going 3 ranges and carrying the team bit don't know if I'll have the archer numbers to do so especially if he loses these numbers to vélez Finland just seemed faster right now don't they normally it's a.m. who are punishing and it's the other team that's responding it's not been the case here in game 1 am probably the best team on Arabia have fallen behind here and Max is a free boom behind this this is dangerous now you do have Indians so Indians supporting is gonna be great Parra has two stable sending camels this way but Leary's in trouble many people think that Max is the best pocket in the world I would say he's certainly one of the best that's not even me just being diplomatic that's just the truth there's so many good pockets it would be disrespectful to Viper disrespectful to Hera disrespectful to yo to say that Beck's is the best pocket but 3t sees pumping out pills right now and I think they thought twice about engaging before zu P gets his upgrades and they will run back Leary will have crossbow and bodkin zu p won't have that Sevilla this is the moment now 4 a.m. to push back a little bit see the scores evening out I think MDL he's gonna have a decent chance against vélez on this side as he is quite a few units win we'll bring that up in a moment if these hills between Leary and zu p that are gonna matter a lot today I say today like the whole best-of-seven is gonna be on this map that that would be that would be a crazy best-of-seven same map same saves that wouldn't be boring at all 10 nights for max 6 camels for Hara Hara is 8 Phil's behind but Indian villagers are super cheap that's the thing so you can afford to get upgrades to create bills Laoghaire actually has less range students Velez is over here so MBL is moving out alone right now it's it's down to Finland to track that because here he goes maybe towards max it doesn't seem like the strongest army though Leary loses some numbers it's kind of awkward for both teams now but at least Finland's together all three Finnish players together on the hill they have to know that max is gonna have that eco beat so maybe there's no reason to them to push out right now maybe they need to wait until max gets to 65 70 bills and that's normally when you see a third and fourth stable come down and more nights maybe that's the point where they go for a crazy attack I just saw a signal from Velez I think he spotted MBL so they know MBL's over there and am they they do not want max to go over there because then MBL will be wiped up so hera attacking the archery range sits in the same bonus as camels do so well against buildings yes it's just stupid though you can't realistically take engagements when indian camels are here Leary's 1tc eco it's one town centre eco for him and also for Razoo P but zu P is only on 2 range production very close game now and an MBL's coming from the other side and BL is coming from the other side Velez doesn't have that much here this might be a m's chance can they take the hill there's full armor on the camels Leary should have tremendous Micro behind at MBL we'll just micro down all the crossbows just like Leary's doing after that Max will remain with Knights but what Knights yeah he has to leave great job MBO just looped all the way over here I don't think Finland we're expecting that Velez has all this military but he wasn't tracking MBL properly that's gonna hurt the max and it's gonna put more pressure on the guy who is the hope for Finland today 71 villagers that hurts big time now Blizz does have a really good economy with Vikings he is on three TCS so he is doing well enough to come over with a lot of Units to help out max but that means zu P is going to be hung out to dry now and knows he has lost a few villagers so you look at Leary he's safe again Harris safe again MPL safe again if that was just nights if it was the nights if it wasn't Indians pocket I don't see am having the potential to do what they've done to come back here just the power of Indians notice how max with more economy is just now able to afford +2 defense Harrah's had that already because his bills are so cheap it just doesn't matter he'll have the food to do whatever he wants to do max has to leave this gold [Music] and Indians at least on this patch I don't know if it was changed we're actually playing on two patches ago did a lot of damage burrs buildings so you can take out those stables pretty quickly MBL's not getting attacked unless you think that house being there is an attack to the person who's asking about that remember the less went forward so he has some buildings there [Music] how do you kill this how do you kill this this is amazing from AM does it even matter that max has 20 more bills if he can't build things if he can't fight I don't think it matters Paris on three two TCS comfortably actually it's alright I was expecting a third but yeah he's going Yolo Leary's going Yolo this has got to change at some point Sal I think they need I need to get somebody in the next stage and it's probably Velez all right soup he's like oh like zoobi really wanted to help oh no oh this is gonna be so bad because he can't quick wallet either so now all three am players are coming this way at least max gets to breathe a little bit and Velez still hasn't been hit let's see how much damage am can do things considered and it's not that bad but you can't his map is quite quite disgusting he can't take his golds comfortably Max is making more nights behind all this malaise is over here there's not a single a.m. player who has clicked up Laoghaire has how many crossbows 57 crossbows and he's about to click up to him disgusting I think it now becomes very important that Leary keeps the numbers alive because if he loses them and Velez then in the Imperial age he could be behind but I think he can hold with this many numbers what's Velez have third year that house is bothering me too though I I it's always a habit of mine to look at the mini-map and now I'm looking at a mini-map and seeing a house and going over there it's completely useless hmm well it's gonna be Velez he's losing numbers well maybe maybe Max is a lot more nights than Hara has camels now Hera has a lot of green in the middle but he doesn't have any support here and it also here comes oopy so I think Leary's gonna lose at least one batch of crossbows you would expect anyways interesting that max has gone for scorpions I think that's helping a lot maybe Harrah's arrived too late to this fight that's the second monk that is tied pit two crossbows as Leary is my curling microwave my curling my curling this is crazy what's MDL up to I'm feelin a forward castle I feel like MDL maybe it's too late now but I feel like he might go for a forward castle MBL he's actually 75% of the way to the Imperial age so the flanks for a.m. are on the way it's just Hara who's has that rough position right now after those eco losses he took early and also Hera had to all-in on to like to TCC just now added the third TC so he's looking at 93 bills and Max is 115 so I think the military options are gonna be way way stronger for a.m. and they're gonna have big waves of momentum from the flank players so if they can make that happen that's good if it drops off at all if Leary's not able to kill if MBL is not able to kill then maybe max coming into the game with paladins can hurt them but I can't I look at Zumiez Hill I just hate it this is this is the worst map you could have for Arabia they all all the other resources for leery except for maybe this one was on the back and he has ARB he is chemistry this might even be obsidian arrow territory yeah Velez is doing the right thing Velez is coming over here to help now the concern with that is that MBL is gonna be able to amass castles and maybe go for rats and archers ah [ __ ] zu p feels bad for zu p i wouldn't be one i wouldn't want to be up against Leary that's for sure but then also this map is tough now guys hair has clicked up max hasn't clicked up yet despite having more eco he's gonna stabilize he's gonna get a castle up on the gold that's all very important he's also snagging relics power of Indians with its cheap villagers I was concerned for Hara but he did a great job fighting back for his team after that loss right before castle age here's MBL and am BL will build a forward castle over here and that's all because Velez has to be on the other side to stabilize for zoo P the recognition from MBL and aftermath to pressure the left now has been huge but I just I don't know if Leary's gonna be able to continue this push on the right it seems like he's doing good enough job I'm waiting now man this is bad for Finland blaze is running away he doesn't know where to be he needs to be at home but he also needs to be here I don't know maybe max can save them maybe right I think Velez is taking too many losses now Velez has 30 military his 30 idols only 86 bills just like MBL to go into stables as vietnamese so they go it just make like that and now a forward castle for Leary it's all I max max has to choose a side I think the score is pretty deceiving the only reason the score is so so even is because Leary is on one TC eco he's just now adding a second TC but he's only a 65 votes but he's his 65 he'll swear at Zumiez is 65 bills Lee recent imp with a lot of useful army zoop easing cast late with a lot of useless army and the five toes he's actually making elephants that's hilarious he's also around in the back side with the ARBs who needs Rams when you can make elephants so much teal on the mini-map there's so much blue in the mini-map there's so much green on the mini-map poor soupy soupy and now Larry's just gonna take all the golds now the pressure will go in towards max I feel like they should just take out Max's stables they see the castle and now a castle and around Max's farms wait a second are they good at okay where they're gonna take out the castle instead of taking out the stables and it's working it's working does he have obsidian he has to have obsidian he has obsidian arrows as niqab would call them bombard are blessed one of my favorite quotes from any pro players I don't know why Mayans needed bombard are blessed this is one of my favorite quotes ever cuz it's true Mayans are already really strong max is losing his production you know it's bad when you're researching masonry because are blessed not to mention that the camels do really well and the GG is called am comeback they get a win they probably should get because Indians but guys this was not about Indians versus Franks I think this came down to how Leary played against soupy like Leary's won TC Imperial was sickening uzuki there was some unfortunate moments for him right he lost the villager in Dark Age also he had an awful map one of the worst maps I've ever seen in battle of Africa - but Leary he didn't boom he didn't wall heavily he just went full aggression and it worked MBL didn't have the best start but man did he recover MBL with a hundred and seventy pop a forward castle elephants are blessed it was all over the place and then I think Finland they did what they could but since Leary was so dominant on the side and since Hera was able to recover with Indians it's always gonna be tough I think I can't if there's any other civet pocket I think Finland win from that position but with Indians Hera was able to get enough to accompany Leary you have the boom potential to get back into the game and you have the the saved resources because bills are so cheap to get early armor it's too difficult so I bring this up there were four global bands in the sieve draft I'll show you that in just a moment I want to show you these statistics first but yes there are strong civilizations but you get to pick civilizations and banned civilizations so you can't just say all India and SIB win because Indians could have been globally banned right it was globally banned in the previous series Mac's had more of every resource wasn't a lot more but he had more of every resource still wasn't able to win the game for his team there hey here's the SIV draft right so game number two is coming up there are a few possible maps but before we talk about that I just want to show you the global bands there's some surprises here so saracens was globally banned can you guys see okay so the civil over here on the left is Malians all right you can see every other says Saracens was globally banned that's something that am have picked frequently Cummins were globally banned Britons were globally banned in camera global event but if he felt like Indians was a problem you could have either picked it first and it wasn't even picked that early or you could ban it alright so the maps that Finland picks we're African waters and grant Barroso it's likely they'll go for those however they could go for the maps I am picked Coliseum and desert slope African waters there's quite a few Boers in the middle we might see Ruben stop join in there and that map is just another map where it's about freeing up the pocket to go for a crazy boom I think max will likely have Persians there let's assume it's African waters next and let's guess civilizations so no Mayans no Vietnamese and no Indians and then no Franks no Vikings and no Ethiopians right so this is what I expect on African waters I think Finland will go Persians they don't have burgers right yeah they'll go Persians um Goths I think we'll see Goths here and then maybe [Music] Aztecs I'm not not too sure on the third pick but I think we'll see Persians and Goths on that map I think for Harrah's team will probably see Japanese Berbers Celts yeah that's my thought I think Harry will play Berbers I think we'll have MDL play Celts of Japanese and then maybe Nica verb theory I think Leary might sit out for that map that's just my guess I can break it down more when we get into the game but game number two will be starting shortly you want knee cough I'm sure kneecap will play niqab is probably worse on Arabia than Leary arguably better than MBL and theory on hybrid maps so add me couple definitely played today am urge is so stacked they're an incredibly stacked team they have four players in their team that are top ten players probably so I mean you might be able to argue one or two earn in the top ten but I think it's pretty certain that like niqab is probably top ten he's the only ones who you might ask a question of you're talking one B once guilt and then Hara Theory top five MBL top five probably maybe he's like six seven eight something around there nowadays but quality stuff oh and then you have Hart who's the best cheerleader from the bench exactly hey al-assad hey K look and hey patty thank you guys for the twitch crimes MTG shadow hello hello hey moots project Belgium has been enjoying the whole show today it's awesome pretty Sh says you ignoring me huh no I actually didn't see any of your other messages but hello hi I was not ignoring you I was casting sorry Beals no no no this is the second semi-final so yin yang and secret already played I think at this point I'm gonna ask the people are little hush-hush some results for people who want to re-watch it later we're not going to heavily enforce it but just don't be that guy to ruin someone's fun if they want to watch that later on in the day excuse me Adam says don't worry he ignores me all the time well that's intentional Adam that's cuz I know you I know you can't be trusted hello feast on my sack welcome to the channel Oh God notice me t90 hello hello Dave what a weird username sensitive slot thank you for the resub hey what's up teen ID watcher you're welcome for the show welcome back thank you for 20 I wonder why he created his twitch account do you think it was to watch Bob Ross actually if he's a good troll he'll say yes thanks thanks for the long-term support t90 watcher you keep trying to fast-forward because you've been watching pods and YouTube recently yeah you can't do that sorry YouTube's getting the live experience with the downtime in between games but again I don't know exactly what map will come if it's African waters I briefly talked through the civilizations we'll likely see but it could be any of the four maps that have been picked I mean I'm not saying Bob Ross's bag concen that's all hey sloppy Gator normally I would want Gators to stay away from me because I live in Florida but you can stick around what is better our molester plumed archers um it kind of depends like that the thing is you can't compare the stats of the unit you have to compare how you use the unit and how you get to the unit so plumed archers you need to have multiple castles which takes a lot more economy than going for our Blessed you can get to our Blessed faster than plumed archers so the answer is it depends we don't see the emo use too much but there is cool story Bob which is a global emote all people can use that now we also have t90 story which is literally my face put onto that emote it's my face with Bob Ross's hair basically but I haven't been telling many stories today looks awful really did it's funny but it's not very flattering photo of me where's Dave I think he's picking up his wife at the mall but I'm not sure you have to ask him I saw him around earlier what's one a we related non troll question you won't answer with it depends hmm I don't know that's not specific enough it depends like that's not specific enough I don't I don't know you guys have to be more specific or ask better questions it's your fault our house is worth it yes there we go oh yes they are worth it definitely this is better to be Dark Age or Imperial age at 30 minutes see I need more details because technically you could be input one like one you could be it input one villager and Dark Age with a hundred villagers and Dark Age would be better you're just testing me at this point you know what you're doing chat and don't think we'll see that in the next game if we see beach fight what will our sorry excuse me African waters we're going to see one of the finished players and I think Ruben stock might come in here bill the barracks really early makes a lot of militia and arcades to try and be annoying and I think you'll have the other flank do the same so probably Velez while max booms there's water on this map there's Hunt on this map it's really complicated and everyone's right in the middle so I'm going to get everything I can out of the way about African waters now nice try goes to the older ones guys I'm not stealing content when I say it depends it's because it's the best way to answer a lot of questions and Age of Empires it's like it's like saying that I'm stealing content by using it depends when it depends is like hmm let's see actually I can't think of an example I can't think of an example it's like saying that I am stealing content forecasting when there's another caster that's basically it yeah Dave Dave just chat just got called out and Dave said their 10 IQ feels bad I'm gonna lose the lawsuit I know I am terrified you know what I really want though is there is for there to be less delay in between games we've been waiting what like eight minutes ten minutes now I have no say but I'd really like to cast the next game you what's a view count at right now chat my hope I hope is that we could hit 10,000 this weekend it's going to be really really tough though yeah I'm really happy with viewership regardless to have over a thousand is amazing still okay six point eight we've been maintaining that cool cool well thanks for being part of it guys yeah I don't have a lot of filler content here and if I knew what the upcoming map was which I could know if they at least gave me the recorded game but I don't have it I could maybe talk about the strategies more I just feel like if I spend 10 minutes talking about all the for potential maps I'm gonna have to repeat three of them later on anyways Oh Kim - Kim - Kim - lets go hype time let's go like I said I think African waters is a good one it's one that am I can't say they struggle on it because they haven't really been shown to struggle in any of the maps but they're probably not gonna be as happy playing this is playing a map which is less messy so Finland's they might bring in Reuben stock they might release the stock and it's game 2 on state grant Barra so look I just spent six minutes talking about how it could be African waters and it's Grande bars so now I have to talk about the strategy here okay so it's all right we got the African waters out of the way I just kind of proved my point why I can't I can't talk about what's gonna happen if I don't know what the next map is and Finland's have gone for Grand Barra game number two best of seven semi-finals and Battle of Africa - it's been a long day today we've had some waiting periods we've had epic games we already know one team that's gonna be in the finals tomorrow and the best of nine we're looking to find out the next one now max is Hans pocket in the yellow all right what's not expecting to see Hans here and then we have Velez on the right side Velez is playing us in Spanish on the left side we have zu p zu P is gone for the Millay hold on I needed to show you this Scout fight between Velez and Hera okay so the reason Velez - oh that was amazing for Velez actually so he took the fight as long as he did knowing that Hera would likely send a Vil out when the villa rived he ran back but he still gets to steal the goats not bad but yeah on this side - Zoop he's playing as the malay up against leary leary is playing as the chinese then we have niqab whose pocket and he's two'd niqab Teutons that's funny okay wait a second so Byzantines to ins and Chinese fascinating I've never seen this if match up on this map before I see Leary stealing some goats right now or maybe he's maybe he's getting his goats back that might be more likely yeah I think those were originally his this is what I expect from the flag Laoghaire archers archers archers in boom that's what he did in Game one that's what he's the best at Zoo people will likely do the same with Malay Chinese against Malay pretty close with the bonuses Malay advance faster to the next stage Chinese overall just having more solid eco and and more options to transition into later from the pocket we're gonna have to Tain's against Huns Teutons do not get husbandry so that will hurt I will probably see fast castle from both players Teutons do have the cheap farms though so the Eco is great in that aspect I'd expect maxim niqab to be an interesting battle to watch throughout this one and then on the right side we'll be talking a lot about the right side because a hero could go fast castle in two crossbows or skirmish versus Byzantines where he could go for fast feudal if you really expects that Velez is gonna try and get two conquistadors Velez is gonna have to wall and maybe Hara could go for some type of a strategy to counter that or you could just let it happen and try and gain a lead there's no or sorry there's not a lot of Gold's on the outer ring so you do have to chop your way to the middle where most of the gold piles are so a strategy for Hara could be to go fast castle and try and get archers in behind here meaning Zoop he might build his castle comfortably but then he can't expand I think that's probably the play here would go for I very rarely see Hera go for aggressive few late strategies unless there's a guarantee of it working I think he's definitely a player now who's more macro oriented than ever I think the safe play is just to go FCA and boom so we'll see a lot of that I we might not even see few late archers for Leary and for zu P we might just see fast castle for both of these but no the risk is if you only go for palisade walls you don't have archers archers break down the walls and then you're kind of screwed so far from the bill that could be either it could be a few lage archers or it could be FC I think it's probably gonna be FC for leary he's sending more huh nothing about this build says FC yet we need to wait to see if he drops out food because everything he's done is something you would do if you're going straight doctors but again I'm assuming fast castle yeah yeah it is work this okay so fast castle for him and then zu p still adding more villagers is pretty common from the light I'll keep you updated chat I'll keep you updated anti ham and cheese you can't tree hop on these types of trees so the only way that you can build Palisades over trees as if they're not part of a forest and I think Bayeux Bab trees or at least this the Bay of ebb trees on this map you cannot chop and then place Palisades over as far as I'm aware as far as I'm aware I've seen it attempt it it is not work but like maybe there's one tree out there you can build a palisade over siege tower I you know what this is from a patch two months ago I don't think they could use siege towers without the game crashing I could be wrong again but it if someone uses the siege tower I think the game would actually crash not that siege towers are really a great move to go for I think it's too expensive because the siege workshop is 200 wood and the siege towers a lot of wood and gold and then you you might just arrive on the other side to not be able to do anything but yeah I I highly doubt we'll see siege towers I think that's fixed now from what I've been told that's fixed on the most recent patch but this is a patch from two months ago they wanted to use one patch throughout the entirety of the tournament and the update that came last month was unstable and while they recently did do a hotfix that was just the other day I haven't heard a lot of complaints about that hotfix though so booming booming booming booming booming booming booming booming booming fast castling pushing deer or ostrich eco all leading up towards what will be a crazy game to in the Imperial age most likely okay all right Leary lost his Scout zoo pees howls which is really bad - and what is it wait a second what it what is his build why is he an is he building a range this is a weird build for me I I don't understand what he's doing right now hmm I mean there is a build order with Millay because you advanced faster - futile right so there is a builder with Millay where you go to fuel age to get your eco tax right away and then you can still have a solid cast if I'm behind it fight okay you know what I'm wrong I think a lot of these farms replaced after horse power so this is that builds I just got confused for a moment so he's gone fast futile into a ton of horse collar farms which will last a very long time it's a bit bit awkward because you are gonna need to make archers later Leary is gonna start making art he's a bit earlier but Leary zico will not be a stable there's a stable for nikah he's going blacksmith stable and he will have the res to pick up the castle age and he will chop through here now and then he'll try and get bills out to the goal similar thing for Hera I'm sure Hera has the one range and Harrah's on the way up yeah so the reason Velez is later than everyone is because he's going for market blacksmith and because he had to send a few extra villagers to stone so he went up to feudal age later he's actually gonna Stonewall here so play that safe and then go up to castle age now think hera and niqab have to do a good job at stopping this castle from being forward if you get a few military units out it can't be forward and it has to be here instead of here to protect that gold leo know they're playing on the patch before Malay were bugs this is two months ago it was it was last month that Malay were bugged so this is a two month old patch which also means Persians are stronger than they are currently and there are a few other things too but for the most part there aren't any big changes there's not anything there's rook really important to bring up the amylase up time not bugs on this patch so now he's gonna make some archers see how the peas food count is climbing now now Leary is 60% of the way to the next age he only has one range but I'm thinking it's gonna be macro macro macro so I think instead of going for fast University into ballistics Leary's instead going to build a TC and probably the same for hera all about eco players are so good at defense nowadays it's probably one of the most important things same exact build for max only max has faster producing stables and I think has the better Knights as the game goes on yep here you have niqab okay the difference though is that niqab is building a TC oh oh my god do you see that okay me coughs quick there it wasn't even that bad of a situation it was just one scout but niqab is building his third Town Center on the gold his second PC on the wood line whereas max is building three TCS here all the players are trying to scout to see if villagers are going to run from the wood lines towards the middle uzuki just signaled to point out where Leary's chopping wood Mary just ran forward actually did not commit to going forward at all I think instead is gonna run back and now we have the Knights meeting in the middle now where's the castle going up the castles going up here I think Herod could have Ally what he didn't chop through yet actually that's either unfortunate for Hera or maybe he just wasn't focusing on where he was chopping but this is what hair would have wanted to avoid that castle is going to protect the golds and now the conquistadors will be coming out zu p later to castle age but with really good economy so he's now in castle age he'll get crossbow he actually does not have the restroom vodka just yet but i'm sure that will come in now Finland's are offering less with military right now it takes a while for conquistadors to mass but the visa doors are incredible when they are masked Wow oh man the max is going into hero's wood line oh I mean this is good for here at that killer or almost kill is nice but this is gonna annoy him he'll lose one he might lose two villagers to this probably to two villagers down and he's been distracted now he has a beautiful quick wall there oh no the click will failed so who lose that villager as well and the university's delayed so ballistics won't be as fast mayera got hit by Max in game one as well that's not the first time and now Leary could be in trouble Kazu pees here but Leary's micro like a god so far micro in with less numbers and ends up holding so we can get that TC up that's amazing alright soupy stutter steps a little bit thinking about it probably expects the TC to go up might get one pickoff and actually incredible job does he lists ixnay or what we must have ballistics oh no now he's getting ballistics okay all right well 49 villagers for max and it's 48 for knee cuff so those two are pretty close was not expecting to see Finland taking so much initiative there it's it's kind of unlike Finland's to do that why does Leary have a random villager coming this direction was she dead Leary what I don't understand oh you know what maybe his gate was locked and he tried to send a villager out and it had it passed the whole way around to go through niqab gate that's the only thing that makes sense and now here the monk goes down for niqab and hair is there with crossbows but the lens is on the move maybe Velez can make it out of here Hara gets a pickoff okay so it wasn't the end of the world there but I'm just seeing a lot more these small engagements go Finland's direction niqab has zero kills and six deaths so he's lost some of his nights lost some of his monks economically zoo p43 villagers and it's 42 forleo sir excuse me 52 for the so he's behind there but he's also had more military so like I said for 4:00 a.m. it's pretty common for them to go 40 sees and one range over going to or three ranges and no T sees on this map they prefer the economy era has eight crossbows against eight crossbows from Zoo P players can out micro ballistics nowadays hair is known for his micro and this is as even as it gets see the Knights from max are still running around and I now see O'Hara was distracted by the fight and he lost villagers there again okay so here is it 47 bills and it's actually it's 48 for Velez the guy who had to build the castles so normally the person who builds the castle is behind an economy it's not the case right now pretty close overall though think imp times are going to be huge actually zoo P only has four on food right now that's a bit of a concern is that real six on food no way it's 26 for leary we're talking imp times Leary's gonna be way faster remember zoo P was up against Leary in the previous set our previous game and did not have the best game however here oh man Lear is just not in position I like quick walls yeah wow I'm surprised you didn't lose more what's what's Leary stop it yo I'll micro so many volleys there and now niqab comes in to accompany Leary the zoo fee does have the hill and also keep in mind all God niqab just got brutalized there by the conquistadors but a good team work at least from Leary and niqab an amazing individual display from Leary how did he not lose more there it was incredible what a nerd but time and time again I'm seeing finish armies arriving to the economies from aftermath and even these Knights these Knights got in a long time ago they killed that one villager from Leary look at Nico's losses max is at 89 villagers knee coffins at 78 so this is all good stuff and they might even trap these cookies to doors but economy is better for max at least oh god see now you have to ask was it worth it was it worth it to lose all these kooky scissors which are so expensive yeah III don't know holy Mills for nikah holy mills he's starting to farm and max will probably either put his foot on the gas with more night soon or click up soon to castle production of conquistadors formal as incoming Leary's gonna have to carry again isn't he Leary is an incredible player for those that don't really know Leary is probably the least active out of all the players in battle of Africa - like all the players in the main stage or at least in the semi-finals he probably plays the game the least and still he is amazing and every single game he plays the guy probably closed dota 2 minutes before he started the semi-final and here he is and I've spoke to other pros about it and they're like well you could argue that Leary might be slightly better if he were to play aged more often as long as he's playing other games a lot as long as his mechanics are there and he has a good game since a navy to East is still gonna be tremendous and I think two years ago I wouldn't have agreed with that but nowadays I've seen Leary's consistency I think many people just wanted Leary to be number one you know and maybe you need to be more active for that but yeah nothing but praise for this guy for how he's played he played well in hitting top three played well in redbull torment and now battle of Africa - guys Hara is on the way to the Imperial age it's very cheap to do so with Byzantines it hasn't done a lot in this game except lose villagers helped out a couple times against Nika oh my god heroes not here here is not here right now oh I don't know how many monks decof is lost but probably half a dozen at this point and there's conquistadors on the other side of this theory could get trapped all right good job for niqab he uses his +2 nights to take out the mag Annelle but there's comps there's crossbows and there's Knights Leary will lose everything we will lose everything niqab has to run away Hara isn't he's gonna be in the Imperial age but he doesn't have a lot of numbers I think it's a risky move to go in with low military numbers on this map when there's so much map control to be gained with golds as niqab runs and barely running because he doesn't have husbandry he's losing nights and now you see a defensive castle for Leary who now doesn't have army and that castle is gonna be a good castle it should go up but they're still gonna lose some numbers before the castle goes up really good moment for Finland's soupy still hasn't clicked so thankfully with Millay he could bail himself out a little bit I think this is a poor decision from Hera to leave the ARBs there I think he's very much focused on the other side but Hera sent a group of arms over lost them leery lost the crossbows niqab lost a lot of Knights niqab isn't imping and Max is about to be in in okay Hera he doesn't have anything to push castles right now it's gonna hurt here he comes with our ballast it's like oh yeah we got this we got this let's go down here let's hit the gold let's use our tech advantage but then he needs to help over here and there's a castle there anyways knee cap has just clicked up to the Imperial age my hair has Gold's exposed Finland will be loving the fact that the max has had almost a free boom in this game max has 26 kills and 10 deaths just look at the KD for the a.m. players maybe this is the moment though now that they have art now it's their turn Kanika taking engagement against zu p before zu P gets his upgrades actually this isn't that bad for zu p because hair is the most dangerous player on the enemy team and they're taking hair as numbers out and now max comes in to help max is about to complete armor a max will have cavalier - but max says ok let's let's back up in the ends pretty good for Hera and pretty good for Nika I just seeing a lot of forward castles a lot of map control for am that the player I'm worried about for and I meant Finland when I said forward castles the player I'm worried about is bless and I don't know if he's gonna continue with conks it kind of seems like he is but conquistadors aren't quite as good in all situations in the Imperial age especially up against Byzantines if they could mix in them a lot of sperms with their are blessed however that's going to be fine if max has paladin he'll have paladin at 36 minutes 58 farmers you compare that to me cup who's at 54 but niqab is just now about to click Cavalier he will have Cavalier after Max's paladin who know Leary someone's gonna get hit by this I think it's gonna be Leary they're all kind of waiting to know where Finland are going to strike okay Leary notices this he fails on the castle idea I see heroes gonna prep some halvah tier that's a good move Byzantines can field a lot of military if you combine 50 árboles with 50 haves it can still be tough for Finland's but but Hera doesn't have mobility Harris on the other side now we talk a lot about the max and how beastly he is with his paladins and here it is paladin before the enemy has cavalier good luck aftermath this is sickening see the castles gonna go up but that castle will not stay up if there's two trap behind this they have nothing to take out those trebuchet if niqab wants to move out open it's a doubt castle to this castle doesn't even complete my goodness zu pees here with numbers Perez is here with numbers Max is here with numbers Annie Copps getting paladin but how much ground are they gonna lose while they wait for that and is it too little too late see if Hera contributes with halvah tier there's enough are blessed and there's enough conquistadors out here but how about your Wang even close unfortunately 4 a.m. they had a choke point which helped them but max will continue the flood looked at that queue guys max is making the seeds for the team he's getting conversions right now again students are trying to thanks te on the path hang they just have to keep on pushing now after Leary he's only at 126 pop and that means about 30 are me think he wants elite to canoe but if he wants to canoe he's not gonna be able to make those without the castles and he can't take gold this is the only goal we can take look at the yellow on the mini-map the max is playing out of his freaking mind right now and props the hair a man hair is doing everything he can to help but it's a team game right and if two out of the three teammates are behind and similar to what we saw in game number one on Arabia the good luck max wants to drop a castle there this is ridiculous but this this game started so slow there's so little happening at the start all all building towards the economies that would give them these armies niqab can't take golds so you can try and trade this is where you have a 3% chance of winning this game honestly because you can try and trade but trade takes so long to kick in and you need to have gold to make trade and yeah okay well Leary's like nope there's no way I don't have Gold's the GG is called and suomi respond one to one okay so big thing for me here Velez went for conquistadors it takes a lot to get to conquistadors you have to go FC your castle ages later and then you have to build a castle which is 650 stone before you have any military Leary went archers heroine archers niqab wet nights in theory they should have done more early damage but what happened instead max hit Hara sniped three villagers delayed Hara then Velez and Max were all Nika delayed Nika Leary got hit by Zhu P once or twice so I don't know if it was too much booming 4 a.m. should they have put their foot on the gas a little bit more or was it just Finland being creative with finding the gaps to hit I'm not sure but with this strategy that am chosen this game it did not make sense to me how they were the ones receiving damage early because they weren't going for the more expensive technologies now you'd expect Huns to be better than Teutons just because they'll have to build houses it's so flexible the stable production speeds insane not to mention that tunes are just kind of awkward to play you could say that knee cough maybe could have got more conversions but I think he felt the need to get them because they were already falling behind yeah that that's pretty much all I have to say about that but that was just amazing execution from Finland and the maxes of God the Max is a god of the game 24,000 food in a 39 minute game and 16 thousand gold collected the max had three relics on top of having paladin um you just can't let max boom like that incredible alright well score is now one to one I about African waters before Game two we're not or it's unlikely we'll see African waters because aftermath now get to pick maps and they had initially picked Coliseum in desert slope now I've been streaming for four and a half hours and I need to take a really really quick break okay so you guys could tell me what map what civilizations you think you'll see next twitch chat knows all I'll be right back you all right sorry boys Lorena wanted something if you know what I mean I'm kidding I had to go to the bathroom okay Game three now if we see Colosseum which is kind of likely this is what I expect so let's remove Byzantines from the equation let's remove Teutons from the equation and let's remove Chinese from the equation for am I expect mad giris pocket Mongols flank and hmm I'm not sure I mean you could have any other civilization really you probably want to save Berbers maybe save Malians maybe this is the area to use Burmese or Turks if you want to try and get a win while having a weaker civilization max just used hunts right and then there's no Malay and then no I'm sorry guys I can't seem to think Spanish right so if it's called the sium I've seen seen Finland's Persian douche on this map I've seen them do it Ruben stock drops TCS on people I would love to see it I think it's too risky I'd be a tremendous tremendous game but I'm thinking more so slab pocket for max and then probably Italians Aztecs Italian Portuguese flanks something along those lines I think we'll see at least slabs in Portuguese in Coliseum a Dark Age carto is not bad okay Game three will Rubin stop come in I really hope it happens however it might be too risky is it too risky to do the TC drop Reuben stuck please please tell me Reuben stocks here what is it they're not gonna do it they're not gonna do it don't get your hopes up what is it no Reuben stock right no Reuben stock and they don't have Persians either okay so as I expected I think Finland or aftermath are too good for the TC drop to work even though worked on them in the past I think they're gonna have to play this one straight up so right off the bat we're gonna see a lot of laning okay with the Mongol scouting bonus you're gonna see a em run forward already Leary's here a Leary's up against soupy again and he's stealing that goat or trying to Zoop he's playing as the Portuguese so he his Dark Age cartography was his team his pocket is Max and Max is playing in Slavs and then here we have Velez and again Velez already having to defend how fillets is actually playing incas so he might see some aggression from him we expect laning and steals from both sides MBL normally he's one to find a boar or find a rhino major boar Lehmer over here but I think Velez might actually steal rhino from him yeah yes and scouted that interesting normally MBL sticks around to try and lame but he didn't do it they're alright scores one two one is max about to steal a boar from leary I think he's just camping I think he's protecting it I look at Harrah's base a harem might have actually stolen the board because he is a weak scalp yeah this is really crazy stuff at the start oh wait it's a bill coming forward it's just a villager from zoo P and can hear oh stop this okay that's what Oh they've got to go back now that's one way to lame just use your villager okay so this is what it this is one went down Harris stole the board from zoo p zu p I keep saying poor I mean Rhino it's now stealing a rhino from Laoghaire I think Leary stole a single goats so it actually hurts Leary more he does have these goats here but he has not scouted that yeah so aggressive stuff Max is here to support max is even pushing an ostrich for his teammate zoo P is fine and then on that other side MBL he actually did not lose this rhino so I guess it was an attempted lame and then Velez failed with that yeah unless eagle is weak and he was not able to take the Rhino so MBL's gonna be fine as well now MBL's Malians Leary's the one who's Mongols so the fact that Leary doesn't have that much hunt kind of slow him down a bit having Mongols is great for the scouting bonus and then also the hunt phones to the previous game was about max against knee cough now it's about max verse Hera Hera them will be making magyar Scouts a max will be making the worst Scouts because he doesn't get the attack upgrades for free and they're not as cheap but he will have amazing farms so I think Finland are gonna try and wall this and play save so they could get max in a safe position to boom and kill everyone basically MBL making a really early barracks this is a pre-meal barracks now guys i I think this is more of a 1v1 thing and Velez's scouted it so weird to me i MBL's going for a pre mill barracks this normally means militia instead of going to feudal age this means that you're going to stay in Dark Age and there are the militia for MBL Hera he's a gentleman he's currently giving some coats to Leary as if he needs them and Leary is pushing in his ostrich so he can have a solid-fuel age time yet another game O'Leary will go to feudal age for fast archers I'm beginning to feel it now what are we four or five hours and I mean feel in a good way sorry I it takes me some time to get rolling mentally sometimes it it's just hydration I don't know but some days are rougher starts and others also casting a high-level 3v3 team game by yourself is not easy so I will have a coke a store tomorrow for the best of 9 but a brilliant I'd cast in this solo today guys I'm starting to feel it now like I feel like I have a really good grasp on everything that's happening really excited for the remainder of these games so thank you guys for being here through this now normally you'd wall that's a lot to Waldo if you're zu P and it's going to be very complicated due to the fact that Leary will be in food lage way faster but Lear is not adding Scouts and also Leary Scout is weak so it's not as if you can use his Scout to pick off a Ville might just see a wall off start now maybe one pill start to wall in here once starts wall in here very very open base here on Coliseum so I normally you go for the strategy if you feel like you don't have the res to go futile it sounds silly but you make more in dark aid so you can delay and eventually get farms and food to go futile I don't think MBL was in a position where he had to do this it's kind of weird to me he's gonna be really late to fuel age and I think fuel age momentum is gonna be the most important thing but then again Velez yeah no see Velez is in a great position he scouted that the whole way through and Velez could make archers max will know about this MBL arrives and MBL runs into the town center fire didn't take much damage that to me is a strategy that could set aftermath behind in this series maybe it was I mean I assume it was pre-planned right you're not gonna have teammates willy-nilly deciding on strategies if the other two teammates agree you go into this with a strategy and a plan you of course have to adapt like Max is adapting now with some walls and beautiful walls too biggest thing was that Velez Scout of that MBL is now on the way to fuel H his eco will be set up most likely for a few ranges behind this now this is exactly what we saw from tatto earlier when he was Mongol flank for secret and it worked really really well to send early archers with the spearmen you do this because you know you're gonna be ahead to futile eight with the archer production and you know the only way that is that isn't gonna work is if someone like the max send scouts so if you get the spearmen out one or two Scouts isn't going to be able do too much and so this is putting zu p behind from the get-go it's it's an amazing build order and you have to be aggressive with it and that's exactly what Leary is doing actually will sniper Ville doing nice I mean that's actually sick meanwhile max is still trying to deal with the militia and Max does deal with the militia but he still does not have the Scout numbers to help zu p this build is really tough to stop now it's three archers with fast fletching and spearmen now this is giving hara time to send in support hara comes in with the scouts and gets another villager and more villagers could die here another villager goes down and another villager will go down for Zhu P tremendous play for aftermath oh man Laoghaire just makes it look so freakin easy though if the build orders the times on it the production is now on to range producing it's just sick well I think that makes up for the fact that MDL would have had a slower start on the left that's for sure certainly hara being there was helpful MBL is just working on walling all the way towards hera which will take time that's it's soupy back guys that's not the first time I've seen zu p struggle in this series against Leary who wouldn't struggle now people are saying maybe best pocket in the world for max the best flank in the world for Leary I mean there's an argument to be made there Mary's a beast the hair goal will be loving this because it puts a lot more pressure on max and it puts very little pressure on him however here comes the max that he spot that he spotted that only because of the Mangal Scout bonus he would not have seen those Scouts from that distance if it wasn't for Mongols so great awareness from Leary oh oh oh oh oh oh Velez is here well they'll see that what did they do against that and now Max is gonna be hit too so both the pockets are gonna get doubled by archers and scouts oh this is not a good position for max to be in he has to make some household so we could get the tower up and here you have Hera and BL can't really help right now Hera has to decide where he places his tower does he tower of gold he's not on gold yet does he tower the wood lightens towering the wood line right now and then max are already went to stone it's like he thought three steps ahead and already has a tower on his wood and that stone so Hera might end up sending a lot of his military back here at least the new units have to stay max might be better off because of this he has more farms working right now his Slavs he just has less Scouts here right zu p is towered is gold and he's on the gold he just needs to play very very cautiously and safe against Leary and Leary will see the tower on the gold and know the wood lines exposed that's really bad for zoo P I just really like 16 times because of how crazy this game is all he's got a reposition he's got a reposition the Harrah's he's hunting now he's hunting for Velez and he's hunting for the max because he knows all this pressure could go right over Leary's base and Harris did a good job finding them and BLS here and Leary's here and Leary's here is all my goodness look at that KD for Leary and aftermath of tracking this just notice that max swept in with three Scouts and will kill an archer from MBL but I don't think that's the end of the world I think as long as Herod gets rid of the archers here the scouts from Max aren't going to be a real issue and they do that sick play from am but the big thing for me is just Leary's opening Leary's opening was incredible and left filiz scrambling or not police excuse me zoobi scrambling now I think Bella's is better off than MBL I think he might have a faster castle time just slightly he also has more military units though MBL is gonna regroup with all of his forces in the middle now so there's some real potential here and also there's at least a team wall well para no way oh this could be this is just unnecessary like max at this point he knows the team is behind so he's like here I'll try and do as much damage as possible and he actually got through man that reminds me of Game one almost not something you'd expect from Hera not the worst because I'll have a ton of scouts after this but unnecessary losses and he'll know that what was that three villagers down and now Max is okay not gonna be able to make it back in now they're still fine they're still fine I think max he's going full tower defense which is quite bad because it's a lot of wood to make the towers plus you have villager time spent on the zone so economically it's not great Hera will still have so many Scouts behind this and Hera's gonna go castle how Hera was able to have the rez to beat max to the next stage is pretty incredible I think max tossed away two mini Scouts whereas Hera kept his units alive you only has four deaths but Hera right now like dude you just need buildings there you go there you go MBL's on the way up and yeah blaze is slightly faster to castle age but Leary's gonna be in castle age is there any way back here for Finland's like I was thinking a lot of eco damage on Harrah's woodland that may be but max isn't up yet alright well that was an interesting engagement and Beals kind of stuck here now you know like I think the last thing Finland want is for Velez to have to leave that gold yeah this is worth it this is worth it if NBL stays here as long as possible it's worth it especially with the villa picks as long as he's reinforcing behind this great job ma'am here comes Lear with crossbows guys Leary has played so good today hit the right spot he knew max wouldn't be expecting him and now MBL and Hera all they should do is to stay here as long as possible you have the eco lead you'll probably be to a second and a third TC faster because of the castle age times just stay here as long as possible and be annoying make it so Velez can't run forward make him have to deal with you well hera it's completely outplayed the max from pocket here I think a lot of this stems from the uphill battle that max is always gonna have after zu B's early losses MBL is just gonna run towards the max max won't like to see that a Hera gets some revenge just using Scouts and Hera fought right after castle age came in and of course you get that extra attack with mag ours I thought Harrell would maybe dive in with those weak Scouts toss him away to get a bill or two but that was well calculated from him great value and he could still get more value from those Scouts - meanwhile Leary is so confident he just ran underneath the town centre from zu p this is towers everywhere I cannot stress this enough what MDL has done with this crossbows is the smartest play just running around with them at keeping this army inside Max's base instead of having that army run over to Hera or himself at-at oh did that a lot for team secret and will probably do so tomorrow in the finals just keep running it's keep running Leary is kind of playing whack-a-mole right now he's playing whack-a-mole Elise he's trying to hit the villagers as they hop in and out of the town and he's booming so booming and still producing crossbows now here's MBL with that next source of crossbows of course this Velez has the numbers he just doesn't have them in the right spot and now Hera already having plus two on the Knights is here to help ah dammit spoilers I'm sorry I can't help it I try my best I try my best so you need a fight to ship things back into your control if you're Finland normally that's gonna be from the crossbow players zu P that's not gonna happen Velez he's twenty-seven numbers 27 expo it's just not gonna be enough I'm still looking at Max is trying max can't even get this TC up right now the zoo he's here to defend but Hera you know he and Leary working together a heroes on both sides with Knights right now which is not easy to do good microphone BL could micro and now we have all OH Hera just signal he's like NB a look it's a TC going up here and a TC won't be denied but that just shows you how bad the situation is frivolous though they did clean that ice dancing from MBL what's MBL's economy looking like right now to town centers very much looks like an MDL base lots of crossbow production and the GG's calm anyways at GG they knew they knew it'd be over like hair is gonna be too far ahead Leary's gonna be too far ahead and MBL is even ahead and this this all stems from Leary's aggression in early feudal Mongols were picked so early - that Mongols were the second pitch so they thought about this map and having Mongols flank and that scouting bonus really early the layman was helpful I think more than anything it's just that Leary was able to get enough food to get a fast feudal with the hunt bonus and then going for that build there now only did he go for fast archers but what's different from what we saw from Leary's attempt here and then tattoes attempt was that Leary had fast fletching too so I wasn't really looking at his base because I was too busy watching zu p die but he had two archers and a spear with fletching so I think most likely instead of going for two range opening I think he went from one range in a blacksmith clicked fletching and then added the second range if he didn't have fletching it wouldn't have been near as bad but villagers died and zu p was he couldn't get any walls up in this game I feel so bad for zu P um and I would not want to be playing up against Leary yeah you see the feudal age time in this time window here Tara and Leary did so much damage and you can see the up times here if this helps you 851 against 1009 power of Mongols what do you do against that I think you have to wall right I mentioned that zoo P could wall he didn't wall maybe you have to go to futile aides thirty seconds later this is have a villager or two walling up it's hard to say it's risky of course but I think if you just leave your berries open like that Leary's always gonna have that potential yeah or you globally ban Mongols that's true yeah but then like you're gonna want Mongols Mongols is a great civilization for that map so I think when you when you do the draft and these board mints it's really important that order you pick civilizations but again we see a situation where the order of the picks is very important let me just get the scoreboard real quick so take a look at this yes the wind just came in for a.m. but if you look at the draft I think this screen will be as good as any right okay the screen will be fine Mongols was the second pick Matt Garza was the fourth pick and Malians you know whatever so in terms of important picks because Incas was pretty high that's kind of a surprise slabs is pretty high I was I was initially gonna say that I feel like am used some of their best picks some of the earliest picks and that they might drop off for them future result but now they look at it's not really the case at all it's like Incas Slavs Portuguese were in the middle then you had like one or two it's early at the beginning 4:00 a.m. and then you had Malley and so anyways scores to 1 I can speculate a lot more now though because we're gonna have Game four and it will be either on desert slope or African waters now if we get African waters I talked about it and about an hour ago and I think civilization wise we're going to see Berbers celts Japanese 4 a.m. and I think we'll see Persians [Music] umm-hmm Persians Aztecs Goths most likely actually you know what that might not be a battle and for Bulgarians maybe occurrence Bulgarian Scouts and then obviously if we see the other map which is that I say I think I said that already right desert slope now a desert slope we'll see there may exist that's just my guess if we get to Game five they pick more civilizations and they pick more maps so that draft is just for the first five games I understand it's pretty complicated but yeah that's how it works ok I missed a bunch of dough nose here octo pro games donated $5 uses thank you so much for keeping this community with your amazing casting came back after not playing for 14 years and now a lot of my old friends have returned to playing more low evil legends hey there'll be a low a low legends upload I think next week thank you for the five dollars that's great that you and your friends are playing again Jory donated 25 what and says a lovely stream lovely casting keep on going I will sorry I was forty minutes late on that I'm going through subs and donors all in between games so I can stay focused on the casting thank you a tree for 15 Thank You Barra for twitch prime read read dig deep for the twitch prime and HUD hist welcome back with which prime and JT cruel yeah I will I will choose to explain the draft if we get there all right hi if we get to game number six and seven I'll explain everything then because a few things I need to brush up on as well I don't want to miss inform you guys who do I think is the most handsome a Wii player and why Belgium honestly he's a pretty attractive guy I'm not gonna lie I mean a little bit of kappapride therefore project Belgium he's got great skills he's an attractive fellow I'm Gellin okay I like how quick people came with I like how quick people in chat were like no no no no no this person this person this person okay how do I convince my friends that I play games with that this game is fun and we'll have a blast playing some of them played Starcraft 2 but they just don't want to hop on the a we print train help hmm how do I convince them that a Wii is fun I mean you can't really do that unfortunately I I don't think you can do that I just try and get them to play a casual game against AI and then maybe they'll get hooked but if they're like my friends and they're just like now that doesn't interest me then you're kind of stuck my advice would be to find new friends um interesting question what do we have here another question I mean you have a friend in me okay you have a friend in chat we stay here for casting but question how many people sleeps at t90 officials beautiful voice okay did octo progams donated and he wants to know if you have ever fallen asleep it's one of my streams or videos type of one in the chat if you have never fallen asleep talk to one of my streams or videos type of two in the chat what's like I know people fall asleep but that many jeez man I think that's 97 percent of people here Wow um I don't know if I should take that as a compliment but thank you for watching all you guys are saying if I was a devious person is that should add more mid-roll ads on YouTube videos for the first listen 60 minute video right for the first 20 minutes no ads and then I just hit you with like 15 ads and then no ads for the remainder that would be if I was devious person that's what I would do wait till you fall asleep and then you can't skip them I won't do that okay am I wake you up actually it's like I'm talking about a game and then suddenly there's a really lad a really loud ad from Old Spice it's like Old Spice brain gets all confused you're dreaming about Age of Empires and suddenly the old space guy comes in on a horse he's a Magyar scout gets extra attack you don't know what to do sorry I'm talking about my dreams heyah donated twenty seven dollars with no message sopes yeah I'm gonna assume you said I don't fall asleep to your videos I appreciate every single second of your content you are amazing t90 Thank You Pez eeeh very kind is there an ADD button for twitch that you press I don't run ads on Twitch if you join the stream and you're not subscribed and you don't have ad block then you will see an ad and that does support me but I don't like to run mid-roll ads because I feel like first off the community is already pretty supportive of me and ads make people click away from the stream so I prefer you stay here and I make zero sense then I make point zero zero one cent from your ad actually it's probably more than that but I don't know the exact amount well Finland need to bounce back here because I think African waters is one where they should get a win as for the other map desert slope I think it's pretty even it's just funny to me how there hasn't been a game that's been really really close in post in Piett you know what I mean Game one aftermath was winning and post him game ends game two Finland was winning and in like early in Finland wins and then it was the same in the previous game we didn't even see the the Imperial age come in so I mean the series has been competitive but it doesn't seem like there's been a moment where a team could bring themselves back from the brink of defeat Age of Empires or lorena okay chat the last time someone asked me if i had to choose between my girlfriend and Age of Empires she saw that clip yeah she saw that now she wasn't upset and I explained I was like you would never give me that ultimatum so that's what I meant by that because I said Age of Empires right but stop trying to get me in trouble okay stop trying to get me in trouble add shift man thank you for the three months and thank you Valerie I mean of course I'd pick Lorena denied he would say it depends listen I would never be with someone who wouldn't want me to pursue my dreams and this is this is this is both my addiction and my dream I am addicted to this game so you guys are just you guys are just neighbors to my addiction thank you for enabling my addiction hey t90 been a big fan of yours on youtube the past couple months must have watched 200 plus hours of your content and have also fallen asleep to it hey know where he's truly welcome how many I haven't done this in a while how many other people are new here yeah feel like gagging myself anytime I say that nowadays cuz I've said that so many times over the last year but haha past a certain point I try not to repeat the same memes but oh oh what what there's new people what's welcome everyone my favorite part about this though is that people who are genuinely new are like oh hey I'm new and then the people who are subbed and have been here a long time our typing hi I'm new with emo I always wonder what that the new people were thinking but no seriously welcome new people I can see a whole list of follows here on my screen so thanks for chilling game for is actually ready so we'll hop in there you don't have to listen to me try and entertain people uh-huh uh-huh with dead air anymore okay are you guys ready for my my prediction my bold prediction Finland wins this game now granted while these are recorded games I received them a recorded game at a time I've not spoken to the players I don't know this is extremely bold and likely wrong Finland wins this game Finland wins the next game aftermath wins the game after that and then Finland's takes the victory in the set that is my extremely bold based on absolutely nothing prediction all right so this is African waters expect this to be messy and Finland are releasing the Reuben stock Reuben stock is here he is in the red he's playing as the goths now on this map there's rhinos everywhere and the strategy I've seen is to get two players and blesses Lithuanian stew get two players on early militia and try and block off the lumber and block off the gold when a.m. players are looking to build their lumber camps and mining camps and just give max a boom ok so you already see the early barracks for Velez you start with extra food with Lithuanians so he could start making militia instantly it's gonna be really really really important for Leary and for Hera and for MBL to get to wood early and wall those villagers end before they get hit in fact I think Leary is going to win earlier than he would normally do because he knows how strong this strategy is now there's also water in the corners I see Leary sending a villager to go doc there's that aspect so you can see fuel age aggression for the ponds it's a really really messy map but I guess to do the proper introductions Rubin stock here in the red playing as the goths max is playing as the Persians probably the best save for pocket on this map and then we have Velez Velez is playing Lithuanians Japanese for Leary Hara is Berbers probably the second festive certainly the best save do they had available for this map and I'll get to why and then MBL's playing Celts they the reason that I think that this save is so good is because if they make it to Castle age Knights and camels are very cheap also Vil's are really quick to so you could send a villager to the pond pretty quickly anyways here the militia and I think aftermath have prepared it's almost like aftermath have seen this before the militia are already here now Hera doesn't have loom and that villager would just go chop a straggler tree I guess now with that much on wood I think Hera is probably gonna have a village we're heading to a dock somewhere here comes Reuben stock with Malaysia and Reuben stock if you know him he likes to make the game messy he's gonna try his best to wall in this gold now flukes thank you for the gifted subs oh my goodness man there are as many militia on this map as there were gifted subs from Zeus five now six sorry you don't have to give - six might even be more than that see MBL doesn't really know what to do because he wants to go to gold eventually but he can't do that if it's walled in he wants to go to berries eventually he can't do that if it's walled in what's max up to okay pay attention to this pond because max has docked the south all max is looking to do is boom so I I mean he might go a few late for Scouts however but I've seen more frequently his double dock in the back and massive fish boom into a fast castle no info info vote aye I meant to respond to your URI sub yesterday I think you recept when I was about to take a break but info boat do you I did say that you might have a kid but I think it was because the person was named in for something thank you for the gifted subs and the reason of yesterday nice to see you so far the militia haven't done much except delay the aftermath players I've seen this strategy worked so well that villagers would die Hara just snuck by with that Ville and he's heading out to this pond Leary already has a dock so this is this is really confusing map because you should probably pay very little attention to the flags past a certain point and only pay attention to the differences between era and the Maps hey if Harris starts making Scouts but then max is halfway to castle age and has a free fish boom then there's not much you can do right I almost feel like Leary's role in this game it's again again to be really important I think Leary needs to somehow get to feudal and then get a doc down here to use fire galleys against Max's fish boom I think Leary's role will yeah I think he's gonna do that too they read needs to make sure he takes out Max's fish now here's Velez he's balding in hair his Gold's Rueben stock has already walled in the Gold's did NBL really take wood there that's kind of funny Grubin stock ways wolde MN it's a ballsy place to take wood MBL on the way to fuel age Leary on the way to fuel age Velez also on the way to fuel age and Velez as Walden goal - everywhere you look and actually at this point where can Leary take Gold's oh we found some he found gold back here okay so he's found a little bit of gold nice is making a barracks so I think he's going to go into archers which we know he likes to do this villager just continues to wall things in Harrah's on the way to fuel age I assume for scouts and Max is just double dock fish booming and also the way max is building his houses we will pretty much give him vision on if anyone comes down here to take his pond so so far as Follette all the liz is going to go here with fires I think this is the better strategy I think this is the better strategy it's gonna take Leary so long to get to archers he has to make the range than mass archers then get upgrades and then he's gonna be using wood and gold to defend his fish and if he doesn't defend it then hair is gonna take losses and they can't afford that the pressure from Finland has been unreal and even Rubin stock now who might even make more militia he's gonna be in feudal age and the max is just booming Herron now can't take his berries he can't take his gold MBL has sent villagers this way and MBL could lose a villager probably not actually but the harassment son real but that villager dies now it never lies you see the signal there from leary leary he sees the dock so he knows that pressures coming the only good thing for a HAMP right now is that MBL and leer you're making archers so if they're able to do enough with archers over the next couple minutes it can be really good I think it's gonna be a struggle though once max clicks up the castle aides look at this max is making a stable max is gonna make a blacksmith and max just needs to protect his gold I think and that's where a.m. should go they should go to the max forget about Reuben stock forget about Velez I mean you can't really forget about them but but try and put all the pressure on the max before max has the big boom and gets tonight's there he goes to cast late whereas Hera he's making nothing right now actually he's not making anything looks like he wold these units in so that's cute there's a tower here for Reuben stock which will hit Harris wood line and will also hit some of MBL's hay the water fights still going on here Hera had to contribute that there's just so much you have to do the strategy is so annoying to pace up against there's so much you have to do and then the pocket player just booms they can't really hit the fish boom they can't hit the gold right now Leary's nowhere near clicking up to the next stage there was nowhere near clicking up to the next stage and MBL's nowhere near however they do have military now so I think they need to hit max Rubin stock and delays are just distracting so max has the time max is now building a tower on the wood line which is interesting I felt like maybe he would go on the Gold's all right so he has to leave the gold Hera finds it good work from Hera but honestly all max needs is two knights and this is where things start to get really really difficult for am on the left side they've done a great job defending now the Knights are going to be coming out so instead of just a villager or two dying entire wood lines can died to these Knights see what Hera can do with the scouts maybe to keep max off of the gold max won't be booming Reuben stock Velez still defending Velez has three fires here it'll be close but I think he's not gonna take off this fish it's a great defense from a.m. now if you sense a little bit of a bias or almost like I feel like Finland's are gonna win this game this comes back to the fact that every single time I've seen this strategy the Persian player in this position have won if the fish boom was safe and they're making Knights the Persian player tends to win but I saw a em died to it before I believe so it's not as if they're not prepared so tilting oh this is why I hate acacia trees there's always holes oh there's Knights in the wood line for Hera oh god he's fighting back with villagers I I don't know about that one I mean I know I just know it's really really bad oh jeez yeah you can't kill Knights and you can't take out the fish boom they're not on Max's gold and Max can just continue to make more of them alright so maybe the best move was to fight there so you could take credit get rid of the Knights but if there's more coming it's gonna be rough and this is where you'll start to see Reuben stock move forward a little bit more because Reuben stock and Velez they're gonna use their skirm against any Spears that might come because there will be a lot of spearmint that's all a.m. can do to try and stabilize now as make the Spears I see Ruben stock is going to fish in the north so his eco actually be pretty solid if you can hold that I'm just going to look for their yellow dots and the mini-map looks like Leary just lost a villager and here comes Velez see what I mean like Velez is gonna come over here and all he's gonna do is take out Spears and VL has a lot of Spears and Beyond will defend with the Spears this puts a lot of pressure on max to do damage but now the spearmen can be a shot down not not flawless execution cuz nothing about this strategy is flawless its it's really messy and it's really risky but this is this is pretty much as good as you could hope for against aftermath of your finland's I saw the sibs I knew what strategy would come but I kind of felt like we would see Hera try and do the same thing Hera instead has gone for a lot of farms so he actually can't take gold right now that's what's funny he can't take any gold I think the walling of the resources were very important element to this strat Oh an Harris trying to make a mark kidney it's delayed where is he going for gold does he know there's gold over here he's just hoping there's gold I honestly should just take the gold that Leary's taking right now all right what's max up to Max is on to Town Center's right now so Max is the most eco in the game Andy's in castle eight booming maybe like we've seen so frequently today aftermath will have to call upon Leary who will be in castle aged only one range producing archers just not great I'm just looking all over the place as MBL and Harris scrambling for gold and Hera he could go to this gold he still hasn't found gold but he just sold some things at the market so we could go up air is at 40 bills max is at 60 so max if you're wondering why he took his foot off the gas it's because he's been he's been stabilizing his Landy co2 he's not just relying on fish and they also profit they probably don't know where the gold is all right Hera loose another Vil more nights will come in Harry needs to quick wall now Hera has the skills to quick wall but it's a lot of clicking a lot of things to do and you still won't have the very eco setup I'm impressed that AMR still alive to be completely honest I'm impressed the AMR still alive they've done a great job to survive this I think they would not be if the less would have done more with the fish I think because these guys are a bunch of nerds they're able to wall so well there were a few mistakes for MBL and a few mistake for Hera and now okay never mind now there's a mistake for Leary there's always a hole that's the acacia trees you can't this is why what I was watching our planet the other night uh I said I freaking hate those trees to my girlfriend and she was like shut up stop talking about video games but acacia trees and they AB AB trees are so difficult to wall off as leery now has gone for pikemen he has a 1 hp pikemen imagine if these nights were to find the Gold's I am are just hoping that the nights don't find the Gold's I hear a siege workshop for max whoa-oh Leary's turning this into a pike maggin l.push interesting so that's more de for defense every player will be in the castle age soon and there's decent military numbers max realizes these are just Spears he takes the fight they should win that fight but he might just have three nights remaining oh my god Rubin stalks gonna have enough stone for castle guys the goth power and and Goths if they have the food for it their HUS girls can count sir pretty much everything except for the Knights that Harry will be making [Music] insane resilience from aftermath I don't know how they're still alive max has 80 villagers he has as many villagers as Hera and Leary combined max you've just got to show that man you you've got it I know you're a boomer but you've got to make units now he's still only looking at nine military that's ridiculous nice job from max he ran in and sniped one mag Annelle oh wow attack round Leary let's go where's Ruben stocks Castle it's a nice and safe castle thank Finland just need to weather this little storm here wait for their eco to help them Hera can't seem to get through to do any damage with the Knights is still looking down here fish traps are starting to come out for max and good luck pushing a Persian town centre which has 4,100 HP with Meghan Ellis now MBL is not a player we've talked about too much in this game he had a really tough time against Reuben stock earlier he's done well and as I said earlier the difference is always going to be between the pockets right so NBL has done his job but he is one of the best players when it comes to pike magnhild pushes so after map do have that at Wow Velez gets two conversions oh he gets two conversions and then Leary with the attack round Snipes one of the monks he's like bad night and I didn't mean stick to one of the monks I meant one of the Knights obviously do they know about that castle they do Celt ET c TC has been eaten a hundred popper max he's actually creating too many pills if that's even a thing right now it is so much eco it's ridiculous a beautiful micro there from the max he'll end up losing his Maggie no anyways also max was raiding over here he wasn't reading in many other spots but oh this is nice MBL he actually has a dock in the north so if he could clear out Reuben stalks fish who knows what could happen but guys we're about to see a big fight +2 is in on these nights max actually just keeps getting popped cap that's the problem he needs houses and he'll go in to take this fight and that should be their fight MBL doesn't have that many crossbows the HUS girls are great Hera has his own nights but Hera has 23 food villagers behind this is 38 on food behind this for the max and we know how good the cops spam could be but Leary has ramps he wants to ram down Ville as is TC was very possible he could do this but I don't know if the Rams will survive after the fact because there will be so much coming from Max and Reuben stock that's still max 112 villagers he is eight nights queued up full upgrades now he I think he's just gonna let this happen which is I don't know if that's good he's gonna go directly to Hera like nope who cares about Velez I have the boom I have the economy I'll make Harrah's worse and then I'll have a non-stop flood of units 14 nights inside Harrah's base more upgrades than Hera and the Huss girls are now running and there's so many villagers too if they can just find the spots Max's nights for nights to the left four nights in the middle four nights to the Wrights this is crazy and there will be more coming too yeah more coming on the right side now now Velez is still having some struggles like I know a hair is quick I know MBL's quick you know all of AMR a bunch of nerds but they can't click while this much pressure out it's too much a hundred and fifty population for the max there is not a single player on aftermath even over a hundred right now I just saw a signal from Reuben stock I think Reuben stock spotted here his Gold's I think they're about to close in on it they will close in on it that hurts max is on the way to him this is Finland's game guys this semi final is gonna be tied up two to two yeah again Hera can quick wall and I respect it but the bills are gonna go down eventually and and their Idol so you know it's it's not like they're gonna be working right away Max is imping Max is building a castle now and has Leary continues with this crazy ramp Ike push a Reuben stock will be here to protect and the husk Arles should do pretty well against the Pyke's my goodness I'm still really impressed with the resilience from am their ability to stay in this game has been impressive but it's just one TC for Hera there's so much so many idols for him so many idols for MBL and so many idols for Leary and maybe maybe there's a chance I mean if they if there's enough pikemen from Leary that can take out cavalier from max but max is taking this fight because he knows he can it has enough nights and the Huss girls are there and this is that push back all before him gets in theory and post him Kell to be really good in this matchup to go for helps and world Raiders takes care of Goths takes care of Persians even takes careful look away nians normally go for maybe there's this little bitty time window here where Hera can take an engagement with Leary but max still has his 40 on golds 50 on food and cavalier will be on the way 160 villagers and aftermath just tap out what a strategy so obviously am expected the strategy I think that instead of leery going feudal for the archery range you have to damage the Max's fish so I mentioned it when he went fast feudal into a range I don't think that's the most important thing I think the most important thing is to get villagers down here there's nothing max could have done there's nothing Velez could have done to stop villagers from docking because max was in Dark Age and I think I actually have to see the uptime yeah so Leary definitely could have got a dock up now what happens from there I'm not sure Persian docks have double the HP maybe Velez notices and Velez helps the max out but instead of defending with fire galleys here what am needed to do was go aggressive on Max's pond and delayed him that combined with the fact that when herod chooses to go for a scout he's gonna be so far away from castle age so either have Leary played that way and then have Hera commit to going Scouts a bit earlier if you can get there it's tough or have Hera just commit to going to Castle age which is riskier but maybe in many ways safer because that's where Berber bonuses kick in with cheap camels and Knights but yeah this is just a good strat I knew it when I saw the Civ draft that we would probably see Goths and we'd see Persians and it's tough to play against it all open it plays perfectly into Finland strengths because max can boom it plays perfectly into the strengths of Persians because Persians can dock and they can they can land boom and they can go Knights all right well this means we're officially going to go to a game six at least right the score is two to two before came five but there are only three civilizations left from this draft and then after this game we'll have to do a new draft two to two I just loved those civilizations now I was a bit confused actually I'll show you this before we move along I was a bit confused by lithuanian supposedly flamey UNS have not been seen frequently on that map but dewayne Ian's aren't necessarily topped to your on the upcoming maps so it did help give them that early push with the militia they otherwise would not have been able to have yeah so there's there's the Eco that's ridiculous look look at the difference on the timeline it's amazing and I think it makes sense that Velez and Reuben stock would play instead of less and Zuki because zoo pees more of a meta player Reuben stock knows how to make the game messy so I think that suits him all right so first off the next game is going to be on the map desert slope and then these are the civilizations for that we're down to the nitty-gritty okay we saw a Japanese we saw Berbers we saw health so ab perks Koreans and Burmese and then for Finland's they just use Lithuanians that just use Persians to just use Goths so they have Bulgarians Aztecs and Italians okay I don't have a ton to say about this that okay no I lied I do have one thing to say there's no pallet in civilization in this game Burmese get fully upgraded cavalier Turks get fully upgraded cavalier vulgarians get fully upgraded cavalier and would have the strongest because of their stirrups technology wait wait a second wait a second this was two patches ago when did the Bulgarians change come in because I think at this point vulgarians still have the Paladin right okay so yeah so Bulgarians get Paladin so they have a paladin sit for max and then maybe Italians Aztecs for zu p and Velez no flags but how this maps gonna be played it's not like this is Arabia who knows my expectation here I think we're gonna have leery on archers so maybe give Leary Koreans and then give MBL Turks and then give Hera Burmese Turks Burmese and Koreans are civilizations that can all be very strong but only in certain situations bombard towers would be pretty crazy and with MBL if it goes late again we'll probably see it but guys every single game one team gets ahead and then wins we haven't really had back and forth the series is close but it's just been what strategy what initial aggression pays off and then that team wins there hasn't been any big comeback in this entire tournament or excuse me and this entire semi-final there's been plenty of comebacks and it's toward one okay so we have the max playing as the Aztecs at wait a second Max is not pocket Max is the pocket and he doesn't have a peloton soon what's okay max is playing as the Aztecs on the flank in the red his pocket is Rubens dog I'm a huge Ruben stock fanboy he's a super nice guy and I'm really excited to see how he plays from pocket vulgarians Wow and then we have fillets Halasz is playing italians on this flank maybe they felt like zu p wasn't wasn't playing well or i don't know well up against vélez this will be tough you have Hera we know how good he is in all situations in this game pocket is MBL and MBL's playing as the Burmese and then the teal we have Leary who's gone for the Koreans and actually since the elephants are in the middle on this map you sometimes will see players use your Scout or their scalp and Max is bringing an elephant to his base already now that's kind of a big deal because that one was here and so that was relatively close to Leary Illyria's gonna try and push the zebra up this hill that doesn't always work great so we'll see there's no elephants there's no boars or anything on the top of this hill a good start for the max and also with Aztecs you can heal up your eagle before you go again now Harrah's taking a different approach Hera is gonna use his Scout to block the elephant and then his villager should be fine that's really good approach from Hera Oh what to expect um okay I think that that villager will die actually Reuben Stuckey needs to block oh okay well the ostrich is going back he tried to do too much good save though I think we'll see fast castle nights for Reuben stock I think we'll see archers for Velez possibly fast castle because they tend to wall the front of their base and then chop to the outer edge Hera I kind of feel like we'll do the same it'd be very much like Hera to go fast castle into archers he definitely can't go for Janissaries because all the stones on the outer ring MBL probably FC in tonight's and then maybe Leary will go archers something along those lines I think the side that's gonna be fun to watch his very versed max all AM players have played really good today you could argue that Leary's been the best player and certainly he's been talked about a lot on the flank so I think having him against the max who's Finland's best player on the flank and then also you have a defensive saving Koreans against very offensive save and Aztecs if Aztecs were to go from among some seeds for example Koreans could go for guard tower defense this is actually a really tough match for Aztecs I think depending on how Leary plays it and if leer he's able to get to stone oh oh my god although Leary save the bill house trick House trick okay he D aggro'd it okay that was a good save he built a house directly over top where the elephant or the boar is and then you have to actually hit the house so the villager were to start building it it da grows that to boar or elephant but now he doesn't have hunts underneath his TC he blocked his own bill there hmm everyone just remember t90 official hates Korean it's not true I just hate this it I love the people hmm all right well I'm kind of getting by the end of battle of after - I want to see boards again I'm I feel really sad for the elephants they sound so upset you know like at least the boars sound angry but elephants just sound upset makes me sad but you've got to do your best to get as many elephants to your base as possible I've only once know twice seeing players go for the middle hunt I think it's too risky to do when your mom goes it's worth it and I actually saw vivvy one time make a TC out there with hoomans which was pretty funny so far it looks like we're seeing fast castle fast castle fast castle fast castle now there's a strategy you can do with Celts and there is no Celts in this game but you can chop through and then run villages around to try and wall behind the wood line of the enemy so they can't get out the Celts are good for that because they chop wood faster but I don't think that's gonna be a real talking point in this game actually if you look helpful les has used these two Lumberjacks he has used D commands q so when this tree finishes the villagers will go directly to that tree and if you look at max max has done the same thing then look at Leary for example Leary hasn't done any of that so Leary is actually a little bit further away from getting through I don't think harris than any of that either so they don't seem really concerned I feel like they're not expecting that strategy to happen because they're not up against Celts that's really smart thinking and I don't think there's any reason for Rubin stock to do it because Rubin sock guys the pocket players so he'll probably get through regardless um I don't think Mongols are that opie on this map plugs because you don't have stone accessible so it's hard to get to manga die until you chop through and then even then there's not that much stone so I think using Mongols and other maps like we saw it on Colosseum is probably more useful if this was a map where you could have free pick of civilizations and it wasn't a sieve drafts then maybe but since you can only use that one team can use models you can make your own use at one time I would say that it's probably better to use on Coliseum for the reasons I've explained already I think max is gonna send his scalp which is currently healing inside the TC and he's also going to send his villagers directly through I think Finland's strategy is to make it complicated for a.m. to get out I think at the very least if you're comparing Max and Leary if weary can't get to stone he can't make guard towers to defend from monks and siege so that's the thing that comes to mind now I remember Finland losing to Bulgarians in I think it was against RoR right and the Bulgarian player ended up getting toufool conics and conics were just shredding everything so I think the hope for Finland is to allow Rubin stock to boom take this to post him and I think they really believe that their sieve well first off their sips are more mobile I think they're sibs are definitely stronger and post him I mean I depends how you look at it right Koreans get siege on azure war wagon and how that's a death ball and a half Hermes get Erin by elephant that's a death ball and a half and then Turks well they can build bombard towers all over the place make those calves archers and and they do have a lot of options but let's not get ahead of ourselves okay max has 13 more wood the chapel on that tree and then he's through hair or leery has about 125 wood to chop through and now he's doing the commands cue fast castle on the crossbows for him MBL it's probably fast castle into a boom maybe monks it'd be like MBL that makes a monks Hara oh he's going fast castle but he's hiding the stable so he's showing the blacksmith he's showing the barracks he's hiding the stable normally flanks would go for archers so he feels like it may be better to have some ability back here Velez hiding the range he's going into crossbows Grubin stock is probably just boom right just like MBL yep no staple for him and then max is through and Max is actually okay he's sending two bills this way hmm oh it's gonna be so close there's 84 wood there but yet max is gonna full wall here he's gonna Stonewall this and then he's gonna send two bills this direction oh man can they beat the buzzer will these Lumberjacks chop through there I think max is gonna get there in time to keep Leary from chopping out on this side hair is at 90 and in now Here Come archers and here comes a lumberjack if he can get a house he could just sit the archers behind there and Hera can't do anything with the stable hair is hoping to surprise with Lightcap but if Hera doesn't get through at Turks get the free like have upgrade when they arrive to castle this could be a disaster for a.m. we're not a disaster but their strategy won't work and look at it Laoghaire can't get through over here and also I think max realized that archers would be coming towards his main base and that's why he's gone for the walls and I'll go for siege defense all right Hera 50 would know there's no way he doesn't get through he doesn't get through so the like have our waste I mean they certainly can't be used on the outer ring oh man and also he has to relocate a wood line this is really bad for am this strategy is working without Celts all because of the command queue it's such a simple little thing and every pro should do it but it's something you always expect from Finland Finland they do not excel because of their nerdiness I mean we're all nerds but it's more so the decision-making here is actually in a real pickle economically he is to rebuild a lumber camp and there'll be more crossbows behind there also max is continuing to move along here and the elves not through either and as Leary's hoping to pressure the max the max is even stonewalling behind cuz he can mine stone and he has mag and l defense I think the person who might be exposed now would be Ruben stock but Ruben stocks 3tc boom and I'm sure he's gonna know I got look at Hera he's now building a tower he has like maybe if you went four arches he could've defended from that right but he went for like have assuming he would get through Velez is even gonna gate this up the tower will go up for Hera but that's not ideal because now Hera doesn't have a second TC his eco is going to be way worse than Velez bless is already on to TCS MBL's gonna struggle to break out I think now I am need need to shift to the middle with something Leary is building a TC in the middle and I think they need the light calves and the archers and then MBL's monks to go all in on somebody and it looks like the choices max I said in the previous game how am different players are good at different things but MBL is probably the best on the team and arguably divested that we're in the world's at going monks and siege and that's what they will try to do now does anyone know if Aztecs gate guard tower because if Maps is expecting this and he can't see oh no he solved the siege workshop but if max is expecting this normally you see guard tower they do get guard tower okay alright well 50 villages for Ruben stock he is the most in the game and now we'll have some more McNeil's from facts I was about to say some maghen ELLs but no this is the second one and a TC back here so he can stay here forever MBL went for the very fast redemption upgrade means he can convert that seeds workshop and max just deletes it but now the units can run in I think max is gonna need to evacuate I think he's gonna need to evacuate it's very rare that you see max running like this and someone else booming but but max has just got to save Ruben stock do your thing boom away buddy Ruben stock is gonna show the world that he's not just a Mimar 3t sees 40 sees booming and he has that TC on stone too so he could soon go for a CREP post or two and maybe add in some conics later and the ELLs been pressured by this hair has been pressured by this what's Harris situation looking like Harris actually close to breaking out of here there's no siege for bless but he's been one TC Harris at 41 bills and Velez is at 47 it's not too bad it's actually not too bad this is the correct play from from MBL and this is the correct play from a.m. we're seeing two different strategies and Max is just gonna abandon this area this is gonna our setback max so much he can't defend with seeds because it will be converted he just got to make a run for it and continue to do his job over here now MBL also has sent a monk to help so if max tries to use magnetic n mb l can just convert it and also MBL's probably gonna have a few months at his own base this lot for mb l to do right now he's actually producing seeds out of two seed workshops and he's making monks and his monks just went down good teamwork from finland max is making some gates MBL put Leary's crossbows inside of his rams - two - here they come against the town center Hera's like hey we have to get through here we have to get through and max is just gonna build stone walls behind the stone gates make a double layer should do it fortunately for max he saved most of his wills fortunately for him he did that this is all just setting up Rubin stop to have a crazy push oh wow Velez is actually not done on this side he's getting Redemption and he's gonna add his own seed with monks because he knows hair is about to break out of there what's Rubin stocks veil come at 88-89 now and he should have crept post defensively right yup as the pressure shifts towards him he knows this has been coming he just needs to get stone walls here I think he's gonna be a fine position to build a second crap post if need be he's booming on five TCS that crap post it has seven range and should defend from all in Hmong c.push yeah is he signaling I saw a signal on an ostrich with his good using yeah I think Ruben stock he needs to build another krepo store stone walls he needs to kind of panic a little bit because like the houses will go down pretty quickly oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no ok MBL he didn't actually continue converting those houses here comes Hera with some light calves the light calves do a good job sniping the monks good work still awkward for him extremely awkward for him because there will be more coming nice shot from Hera that Velez runs away Ruben stock is on the way to the Imperial aide so now this is probably gonna go over to Velez then right and Velez will soon build a castle I think he needs to delete this house chop this tree and place the castle here that's the best spot and Max is just gonna do his best to wall Andrey boom back into the game he's at 56 bills in Harrah's at 57 for comparison so it's not the end of the world oh my god that shot was sick from Velez very dangerous but with redemption he will convert that mac and L and Harrah's TC might be denied still takes a long time to get the conex rollin you could just go straight for paladin maybe that's better I think maybe go yeah paladin's probably the safer play because you can produce them faster okay he didn't delete the house but he's placing the castle in a perfect spot and so this army has gone the whole way around the base now there's not many areas that can be hit max is currently signalling gold piles maybe telling his team that there's a lot of gold there and Cara's in big trouble over here hey I think a.m. are all in big trouble right now cuz MBL out wow he's imping never minds you know what like the concern for MBL is that he doesn't have military momentum but he could go for Audigier and cut through like imagine homage or monk and then he cuts through the wood lines that would be a great play para has +2 on the light calves and one mac inhale is converted which is kind of funny he loses some bills the Mac & L's are still there Velez wants to keep hair out all hair doesn't have any bills out here if that stone wall goes up oh it's a gate attempt yeah Hara won't be able to break through and BL will soon chop through Velez is not focused here anymore and what's the plan for Reuben stock it is going to be paladin so this was pre patch vulgarians so stirrups does not affect their their calves line or doesn't affect cavalier a paladin line nowadays they only get Cavalier but stirrups affects their cavalier here they just get normal paladin I say normal paladin as if that's a small thing Leary is now in the Imperial age still has not been able to break through he's getting closer and he'll have are now a bracer hill of chemistry and I'm waiting for Rueben stocks paladin click if this was max you'd see paladin right away and and there it is Rubin Sox getting paladin so it's taking a lot of time and now Velez is getting pushed but Velez is still playing very defensive and he's gonna keep Hera and Leary from getting to the outer ring where's-where's MBL's megan else okay he could get on a Jew right now think MBL should go how boninger monk something along those lines okay it'll take a while but I guess the Stonewall will go down no auditor yet oh boy oh boy there's a lot in the middle for leary here's a lot of this Eco here there is some goal to see if Ruben stock can carry this one for Finland's more stables we'll see more castles will people seek repose Ruben stocks got a hit eco right now he's got to hit eco and he has to split up he has to hit multiple sides so here he comes and he hits Leary here he comes he's gonna hit MBL MBL's making helps though burmese how about here's her no joke with 6 + 7 attack it does stop the production of it because MBL's barracks will not continue to be built there still no way or no strong decision from a.m. on the right side and where they're gonna go keep in mind max has just been booming max will probably go in sooner or later the hair has got to be careful now here come the cavalier Hera should quick wall this actually he'll let them in I thought he would let them in so MBO could convert them oh he tried to trap but now there's paladin now there's paladin all over leery and where is Leary able to get gold he's been taking gold he's been taking food he's been taking a lot of resources in the middle he hasn't been able to break through and some Ruben stock he's just the janitor now he's just gonna mop up everything that's in the middle like Hera also expanded to the middle that could get hit next also Finland starting to add some trade I see and I think Ruben stocks gonna send Vil's this way to make paladins on the right side just so a.m. cannot breathe whereas max is on max is all up in their business on the back he has walls here I see even Ruben stock has a stable here he has guard towers Max is just denying the Gold's Ruben stocked 180 population that town center will fall for Leary and he has arms in there and villagers and then ok here comes the push Leary sending his arms all the way back MBL's joining with the halvah dere's Finland have trade Finland have been raiding Finland's have more access to gold they certainly have more access to stone they're doing everything right just waiting for max to get into the game 115 bills he has more than hera he has more than leary he has the bills to do it but I feel like right now all he's focused on is is building towers and making life complicated he know would be cool to see from Bulgarian says maybe there two-handed swords been mixed in it's probably not worth it for pop efficiency but that or a full switch Taconic would be really nice well here comes Hera maja stars we know Hera likes his hussars he's surrounded ARBs and that's as good a fight his hair is probably gonna take a blaze is now building a castle and Harrah's here to take that down with a Palomar cannon but I think what will happen is Ruben stocks gonna cue up paladins on the right and that castle will not fall at least for a little while I don't love the fact that Ruben stock is backed up I feel like if you have the eco you have 50 on gold than 45 on through I think you have to continue to take engagements even if it's not a great engagement you have to be raiding and you have to then produce another 20 units behind it only you can only do that if you have the Eco for it that's why you see that in team games more frequently than one be once ok he found that Hera was here on the golds and here he comes and wow that's really interesting leery that's that is Sophie oh my god he just sat his orbs in the middle of the berries who knew árboles like fruit that's amazing that's the best choke point he could have asked for there guys Leary's still trying to TREB his way out and that's his still walling and Max is on the way to him he has all these little bases - he's making monks he'll make Eagles like I said I think as Hera tries to take this cast all this is gonna do is mean Reuben sucks gonna make a bunch of paladin's over here and I don't think Harrah's gonna be able to take this castle out alone and he is alone MBL his compositions just purely for defense to Talbot eared he can't clean up towers in the back of his base he also can't push too easily and Reuben stock has the defense too he keeps backing up and also raiding which i think is key hey there's a castle for hair and now that castle would help with the push but now they're running on limited stone and limited gold right now if they don't have the edge and Finland's will also have trade look at the queue for Reuben stock there's a joke to be made here alright I'm not gonna make it I'm gonna let chat makes it look Reuben stock has a lot queued up come on you already know come on say it somebody say it come on chat Kuban stock thank you thank you that was an awful joke boo him please I that that wasn't what I was gonna say boo him that's awful how dare you Hera has fully upgraded hustlers the hustlers are really good unit and he also has gold banked up I just wonder if he's going to be able to keep the bomber cannons alive I think Cuban stock should send the paladins in after the bomber cannons currently finland control the outer ring for the most part finland also have three corners if max is paying attention he probably has the upgrades to convert these bombard cannons yeah well he's paying attention to other things at the moment big fight in the middle guys that there's a clock on this 4:00 a.m. there is gold in the middle for them to take right but without trade can they push I'd really like to see max in the game now I'd like to see max at Eagles or at siege he's obviously making monks in the South here but looks like right now it's just towers and monks he's a hundred seventy pop and now I see he's getting upgrades so yeah he's getting Garland Wars so I think it will be Eagle warriors Eagle Warriors will be very very helpful here at Leary's currently fortifying the middle with keeps but I think the helps and I think the árboles become a whole lot less effective once max shows up with Eagles hair I can't do this alone hair is to be one team where's my team Oh nifty little gate that that's a gate that keeps the castle I know it doesn't keep the castle up at all right what I'm trying to say is it keeps the unit's a lot a bit longer but Rubin stuff doesn't care he's Cuban stock he has everything cute so if he loses a few units he'll have reinforcements coming everywhere in the middle from his base on the left every side he's making units so Harrah's is losing ground here [Music] more krepo snell oh and that's an awful fight for Reuben stock he actually commits to it again it's fully up created Vermes halvah dears oof that hurts man at some point I would love to see a switch in the comics if he has maybe five to six crevice and the Eco to click the elite upgrade I would love to see a switch now did stirrups apply to conics on this patch at the era has come down here to deal with max max just needs to keep bills alive okay it always has all right yeah so conics would be really really good still I think as Hera tried to clean up the buildings in the South Velez and Reuben stock are gonna push Harrah's base guys Finland's it's like they're taking the middle you see this they're taking the middle as they're giving up just a little bit of the outer ring and it's almost like it's calculated because if you only have 200 population you probably prefer to take a big hit I take a em off of gold and then continue to deny the corners for trade so you give up a little bit of ground that's not a big deal a few towers here what's that gonna do for Leary beside him taking five times of gold nothing nothing Hera what's it gonna do if he sends his population down here mvl not much max still has the res to make more Eagles and remain a threat and now Harrah's losing so much grounds he's only been making huh stars in bombard canons Rubin stock is here to take out Harrah's bombard cannons and Hera has 90 population it all stems from the chop through how they denied aftermath from getting to the outer ring crazy Hera still has 3,000 gold in the bank I'm just questioning what can he do and where can he go from this this is an awful position for him to be in certainly Reuben stocks gonna be feeling good Max is gonna be feeling good and then Velez I see a bombard tower from Hera in the middle you have to keep so it keeps that area alive I think now Reuben stock starts to make some siege and starts to push these fortifications as long as he continues to produce on the right side the team's going to be fine normally if you don't have the gold on the outer ring you're going to want to have trade in this case it is double trouble for aftermath because they don't have trade and they also don't have the goal in the outer ring Wow okay I'm surprised Leary did that Leary sniped at Reb with pathetic long swords nice quick walls and quick gates here I guess that so Hera can use his bomber cannon against the TREB but still Leary will take losses heavy losses all of the bomber cannon will go down anyways this is Gigi this is Gigi every everything's falling in the middle now 4 a.m. the sides are being broken here is trying a CAV Archer switch but it's a very costly switch to make and long-term space and long-term raises in Finland's favorite I'm really surprised that this strategy worked the way it did I think a lot of it had to do with the civilizations that AM saved for this game but I'll tell you what guys Finland had tried this before I'd seen yin yang try it before and the team that would cut to the outer edge normally with Celts would not win both flanks shift queued their villagers on the trees such a simple little thing and they made it to decides I had changed the whole game just imagine if Hera and Leary were to have been out when those villagers arrived Hera had Lightcap he would have slaughtered the Vil's he would have slaughtered the few crossbows that were there and then Leary had archers and he would have done the exact same to max the whole strategy was just Finland saying well I hope we get there because if we don't get there we're kind of screwed and I felt like a.m. just didn't expect that's with the enemy not having Celts that they would get through crazy on both sides a.m. would have won if they just chopped through such a simple thing 450 kills for Rubin stock who I think deserves our salutes every player in this game is known as a top level player but I'd say Rubin stock is not known as AI player who could carry max need players who play with him people who are in the top 100 no room stock is capable but that was still not an easy role for him to play he was hitting multiple areas he was on the left he was on the right he was in the middle he played really well you could argue it's also the easiest job to boom but it's most important to and 450 kills 194 deaths for him more food collected more gold collected than max Rubin stock and Velez had way more gold had trade and how the outer gold secured there was a period in that game where it seemed like max just said okay all I'm gonna do is be annoying with mumps and towers and Velez and Rubin stock will fight you know like his em time was 42 27 compare that to all the a.m. players if it was any other game you would think that would would have the lead but I don't think they did I was always awkward for Hera to know what to do with Turks I think Leary it was awkward it was it was just overall very awkward for all of a.m. because of the lack of options there SIVs had but also because they didn't have the space and now Finland's are one win away from making it to the finals and we have to do a sieve draft we have to do a few things here actually because all the subs from the initial draft are finished so that will be explained to me and I'll explain it to you guys here in a moment but here's a question actually actually this is gonna have spoilers okay so if you don't want spoilers on who won between yin yang and secret I need you to mute the stream for 60 seconds okay who do you think team secret wants to face do they want to face aftermath or finland's things are really weird in the Age of Empires community because I feel like Finland always do really well against secret secret always does really well against aftermath but historically aftermath does really well against Finland it's this weird little triangle okay yeah that's what I think I think that while both aftermath and Finland are very strong teams I think that if secret had to choose they'd probably choose aftermath because they've had a lot of success against them before okay can you all please say on mute no more spoilers in the twitch chat that'd be great thank you I just I just didn't want people to know who won the first semi-final okay so there's what's called a supplemental draft now they have to pick different maps after math has picked beach fight and swamy has picked canyon lake we will now see aftermath pick which map they want to play aftermath could play on beach fight which they picked what you'd expect they could also go for canyon lake here's the civilization draft for that so there's only two games so let's assume that aftermath is going to go for beach fight now what's what's different about this is you can play with civilizations you've already seen so hmm Hera and his team they have Chinese Japanese francs Vietnamese huntin Malay and then for Max & Co they have Vikings Ethiopians Mongols Teutons magyars and Berbers now a beach fight I think max is gonna have to Tain's or or someone's gonna have to Tain's maybe two ins maybe Ethiopians maybe Vikings I'm not sure but it really changes how the maps are played notice how there's for global bands as well so this is the order it's a ton of global bands and then global picks and this is after the maps were picked this is really complicated the reason a lot of civilizations are globally banned is because they don't want the enemy team to have them why no Indians because I don't think that the upcoming maps are really all that good for Indians to be honest beach fight certainly isn't and then the other map is Canyon Lake I don't think Canyon Lake is that great for Indians either yeah so I think that makes sense oh man okay ah well let me just take a moment here thank you everyone again first off this is really important in for both thank you for the one viewer host that's right info boat probably wasn't streaming went to his stream and clicked /or typed /host t90 official thank you for bringing all your viewers to the stream okay chat please say I'm you I think I think a meaningful thing of things for people know ton you thank you very much to a sob as well for the one viewer host so we are up to viewers because of this Grimm thank you rim aka pol man nice to have you here this weekend he says I'm new is this low evil legend watts thank you for the 30 months I think aftermath and Suomi will not think that's funny thank you thank you mini RS for the six months thank you profit for the three I will keep it going I don't know if you can tell but my voice is is slowly fading I'll be able to make it the next two games that's for sure profit to roam thank you oh wait no I just said thank you to you okay whatever double thank you to Scott ske tea and Thank You Jean de la physique for these seven over four months rather my brains all frazzled right now I have games on my mind this has been a great day Age of Empires two men what's up for tonics thank you for 29 big viewership people are ready right we'll were actually I'm I think we're gonna have a t90 gasp email in Jewish weeks cuz I do go a lot but yeah I'm ready I'm ready man give me Game six now do you remember my prediction do you guys remember my prediction now I'd predicted that Finland would win that game then a.m. would tie it up and then go to Game seven and Finland would win obviously I don't know obviously I don't know I would never want to cast games by new that's just my thought but I am can't lose now otherwise they're out of the event now that was my prediction after initially I had said something along the lines of I think 4 to 4 a.m. at the start of the series so it's not the most bold guess to say that this might go back and forth i I don't know when game one's gonna be given to me but we should have it soon you thanks for the thanks for which I shall thank you you were welcome for Dan thanks glad I can thank Logie says Finland number one who are people rooting for it's tough man I think that like for me I'm a fan of all these players it's the same for yin yang it's the same for secret it's hard for me to root against any team but I'm curious some people are saying Finland's some people are going the other direction with am okay yeah I mean I I always hate to see these players lose but we know their personalities so well right so they're so competitive I hate to see big teams lose I know that whoever lost the first semi-final almost boiler is probably a bit upset okay all right cool stuff now I don't think we'll do a poll Tiberius I'm just curious kind of rhymes Thank You Platon for the new sub thank you Krakow 437 at tier 2 yeah they do play with the cute mod it's pretty disgusting cool so maybe like 55% of people Suomi 45% of people am I know AMR certainly more well known as individuals right most of them have a have a stream most of them are making content and they're kind of more vocal whereas Finland they just show up to win I think max used to stream he streamed like four months ago or something it's like not about it wait a second am I still subscribed to max he isn't streamed in like five months I think I might still be one of his subscribers I haven't looked he deserves it he deserves it even though he's not streaming Max's is mule whole twenty dollar donations is a long time YouTube subscribers starting to consistently watch the stream keep it up possible thanks it's been it's been grueling today I woke up at 8:30 my time started casting at 9 a.m. it's currently 3:10 but I I hope this goes to 7 games best of 9 tomorrow I will have a co caster tomorrow I'll tell you guys all about that and a few other things depending on what happens today I know I teased you earlier Chad you're ridiculous you know you already know you already know what I'm gonna say okay wait did you this gifts subs and you're not subs cuz I'll gift you a sub oh no it looks like you're already subbed for whatever reason it would bug down my screen thank you know grim I did not join the pleb clan is that still the only clan I've been invited to join oh my god really guys am I really that unpopular these are the only clans I've been invited to join I've been I've been invited to the pleb clan and the Microsoft's fix it please clan well we haven't had many bugs today but I would just hold on to that invite I might join if I get really upset one day I might join that okay let's see freaking pleb hold Game six we got it isn't the pleb clan who's on that clan people do research on that one I feel like John slow might be on that high at least he has an e mode which is plant but I I don't know why I'm thinking emo did John so invite me to that now fat slob is not on that plan somebody asked me if that stop wasn't de he's not but he's been playing a crazy on classic alright let's make it happen oh you're on that clan Oh Graham I didn't know that okay yes so as I expected we have beach fight guys what a tremendous series seeing as one team is on the brink of elimination just in case it happens can we get some salutes out ahead of time for all the players I just said in a moment ago it it's great to watch high level Age of Empires but if you're gonna have high level Age of Empires and high level competition you're also gonna have some amazing players go out so finland's up 3-2 Here I am need a result but my respect goes out to the players for I know they've been practicing I know there's been great preparation needed and then of course amazing skill which is taken years and years and years and years to get there so props to everyone here thanks again to mem the organizer of the event and thanks to all the sponsors and all that good stuff and thanks to the viewers who would not have events of this magnitude if it wasn't for each and every one of you so you did this you did this wait Reuben suck still playing Wow okay well Reuben stock is in the yellow he's playing as the Berbers he's pocket again that's a really weird roster switch up how zu p played almost the entirety of the tournament Reuben stock would come in for one or two games and now azuki's outs and now Reuben stocks pocket again a Velez is flanked Velez is playing as two Ethiopians and then we have the max a max is playing as the Teutons I doubt we'll see elite Teutonic Knights in this game because there's no stone on the map to make castles sorry guys Hera's in the teal he's playing as two Vietnamese Vietnamese nice civilization for this you know exactly where the enemy tc's are gonna be that also helps them knowing the positions of the players to MBL has gone for pocket he's playing as the Franks and then we have Leary playing as the Chinese on the other flank so we have not seen a ton of neehoff today so normally you see quite a bit of walling in the middle pockets go fast castle in tonight's a nine times out of ten on this map that's what has gone down however this maps a bit different because a lot of these civilizations would have already been used if this was game 3 year game four they had to do a supplemental draft so maybe the metas shifts up a bit now there's goats on this quicksands terrain now you can't build here by the way but you probably see a lot of scouts out there right now and teams are just fighting over goats and you start with pre-built 290 farms and then you get poor tiles of gold players now there's hunt in the north that's very rare to see teams take that until castle 8 but there is hunt and berries in the north in the south that's not visible and then there is a gold corner on each side and the gold corners always visible so some strategies most strategies actually revolve around lasting longer than the other team keeping them out of the gold corner sometimes if you're receiving heavy pressure on land you can expand back with the TC on the gold so it's kind of tough but you can't just send two or three villagers there the lions are protecting so you have to make sure that you have military or you're able to send quite a few before you take that gold ok now I think Reuben stock will probably go fast castle into camels and knights because he's Berbers I'm because I've seen a lot of walling on this map and fast castle it would make sense that he just want to get there kind of expecting the same from MBL Hera one of the best in the world at microing one of the best in the world at playing straight into archers as he's signalling from Max so I think he's about to send this villager out to wall this o and Hera might get lucky he might get lucky max doesn't have his scout there to protect the Ville Hera should kill it oh wait max just got Lou never minds actually great job from Hera not to attack that then and it realized max was getting moved so they went to wall this way thought hare would get a veal pick it was perfectly timed for max to get loom he knew the risk now you can try and pick a strategy to be aggressive against this but one of the best strategies to go for against palisade walls is a tower and you can't tower on a map or actually I shouldn't say that because yin-yang tried it but there's no stone to collect so towering is probably unrealistic Paris scout is on its own and Rueben sock is here to help the max so now Hera will need to get out of here he's gonna try to but he's walled in now so I guess his Scouts just gonna lose HP might get some scouting Intel but that's not so good for him notice how AMR walling that's weird to me like no big attempts for team walls instead they're going for individual walls Leary has so many freaking goats it's unbelievable 14 14 goats start the Gouda Rudy sorry I've had some like I normally am known for dad jokes I've had some really bad ones today alright I'm sorry I'd like to see gates like to see a gate come on max quick quick house wall I heard a gate but the gate was over here okay well Harris scalp will survive if he hits futile age faster he's probably just gonna run around I think they're going to guess the strategies that will be coming up against them and I think it's gonna be monks and siege for max see to that or it's gonna be Knights that would make sense to have the two tanned players go for heavy monk siege well maybe pike siege something along those lines and then have Rubin stock go for Knights and then have the let's go for archers and I have so much I want to tell you guys I can't tell you anything so I will wait today might not even be the day maybe I'll bring it up tomorrow maybe this is just my elaborate plan to keep you guys here over the next 24 hours every single player is on the way to fuel age the latest will be to max someone says Rubin stock is in the north oh he's hunting interesting okay so I'll be curious to see how many stables he commits to because if he commits to two stables that means he won't be in a to go for a TC up here that's interesting how he's taking the hunt that combined with having cheap nights is nice did Harris Scout hold on a second okay so Hara did not scout the berries because if he would have scouted the berries didn't have a male on it he might have told his team to check the north that could be huge man I think that could be really helpful or they also could be extremely risky you don't need to pay much attention to it either your villagers will just continue to bring it as resources he's actually a bit light on gold Reuben stock he did one more fill on gold possibly I'm expecting a stable I'm expecting a blacksmith maybe it'll end up being okay stable and then market interesting okay so we'll probably build the blacksmith later then I think he wants to a market for free cartography so you see that the conversation right now max is probably saying all of this space is open and then Velez is pointing out the facts that Leary isn't walled yet this could be really annoying for Leary but I doubt it would be an issue because both of these Scouts are weak yeah he'll be fine it could be annoying but that's it now you can see the northern and southern corner guys you can only see the gold corners actually I'm curious if anyone scouted that now I doubt they would have asked out their castle age on the way for Hera to range archers double palisade walls something he could break through stone walls what okay so if he fully stone walls this is max then gonna wow it's a lot of stone walls what's the plan here I'm still expecting siege at this point max can't build a second TC unless he buys the stone so it makes sense that you would go for siege maybe he'll build it here there's going to be a gate there they want to funnel through the middle not seeing a whole lot of signaling from AM MBL is actually adding a few Scouts so he's definitely expecting monks and Reuben stock will be able to see this so two stable nights for MBL to archery range archers for Hera two archery range archers for Leary AM are not using their stone at all right now whereas Finland's are going for a lot of stone a lot of stone walls anyways mmm and the calm before the storm this gets to me this gets to me look at those resources for max there's gotta be villagers coming through here now ideally you build your buildings as forward as possible but this would be the spot but it's also extremely risky so he will place the siege workshop on the monastery and this will be a siege monk push Hera is sending his archers around the left side now max he isn't he's not he's not known for his game sense is he now he's known for his game since he knows so he's committing to stone walls on the left - so here I can't break through I think he needs a stone Laura house here so here I can't go through the palisade but just realizing where he's exposed this does concern me though because Hera will spot that whole era does not spot the stone walls yeah I think he's trying to get behind the wood line something that he could do partially but it also means his Army's out of position here comes MBO MVL deciding to take a fight it's a bad fight to take all three Finnish players are gonna go head towards MBO we're gonna they're gonna head towards leery I think Leary's the weakest link right now and not as a player but just the position the ranges are forward the gold is range bulb i siege and crossbows max knew about the crossbows he's telling his whole team look they're prepping double layers of walls what's the TC situation like Reuben stop whoa okay I was not expecting this he's actually booming on three T C's I thought that he would go like more aggressive with Knights he's actually going less aggressive than NBL is MBL isn't even on a second Town Center yet but if MBL's making Knights that can be converted by monks if Leary's making crossbows that can be hit by the siege I hear the vélez lost a villager and Leary's looping around I think MBL's worried right now because you see so much coming towards him para looping the whole way around a Hara could break through possibly Reuben stock paying very close attention to this it's impressive that he hasn't lost more and now MBL's off of his goals and MBL he can't comfortably take res I think he's sending these Vil's towards the corner right now for gold this is really micro intensive if any team's gonna defend from this it will be AM Leary needs to use the monks against or sir excuse me gee the crossbows against the monks and then MBL is gonna need to use the knights against the siege I'm still keeping an eye on Jerez he pokes and prods Hera's adding a second Town Center now remember since the gold corners are visible Finland will be very much aware of that situation in the right corner of MB I'll get to TC there and then Bo with the scouts what a great play he'll spike the village Ernie also sniped a mag Annelle already beautiful play from MBL and this might be it for a em they could maybe clean this right now they go in for the fight good microphone leery and good micro from MBL great teamwork all three players showed up there and what in the max max with that monk that was funny now I think this strat for Finland's is to play defensive and allow Rubin stop the boom so Rueben stock is at 50 eight villagers instead of an all-in push and amf defended now I think it's more so about giving urban stock time to carry which is pretty shocking because you would think it would be max okay now Finland's go for this strong counter-attack with all their military and their stone walls there now hair has done a good job I saw that he is sat a single crossbow here did he just shoot that farm or was it deleted yeah he's on that golden and Hera will also loop around to make siege on that side I like that move I also like how he's not committing everything there that gets enough value okay and here come and BL Leary and they want to break through into Velez's base maybe it's not possible though they still have to take out a range there's monks there's crossbows I think this is where Reuben stock starts to add more stables and tries to use that economy now guys what if Reuben stock were to get plus two Knights back to this TC MBL actually okay he's realized now but he had a few idols there I think getting Knights to that TC would be nice okay he's going this direction now the lez opened up a hole in the wall and I guess he'll deal with those crossbows might even loop the whole way around to deal with Harris each push to Leary is imping Leary is imping on 1tc if this does not work not only will aftermath lose the game aftermath or out of battle of Africa 1tc Game one it worked Game one it worked amazing amazingly well and it's probably a strategy that makes sense if they can hit before rubin stock can mask those nights and get upgrades crazy economy for rubin stock though steel out here hunting he did clear up this crossbows i talked about this is the one thing that is slightly concerning for Finland's is that Hera is sending more crossbows over and haricot also to dye the gold corner right it all depends on how Max plays at Max's imping won t see how he's just going in for monk upgrades he just wants to get block printing and illumination he will not have the food eco to get auditor I'm pretty sure this could be bad though because now AM BL is over here oh wait a second here comes Reuben stock Reuben stock is on the way to help will he have enough I mean initially he's not gonna have enough he's actually pop capped he forgot to build houses but I'd expect him to have enough in a moment yeah yeah there we go there we go that's fine I don't think that a.m. are gonna care about this too much they probably don't want Reuben stock to hit Leary ooh nice shot for max and one for one see I don't think it's a big concern it's a big concern if they lose momentum on the left and then Harrogate gets smashed by the Knights obviously but for Leary it's fine because now Leary can push forward and now we have more stone walls for Velez so he knows that he's exposed he thinks a couple steps ahead and then Reuben stock takes a big fight everything that Hera has here should die only thirteen crossbows MBL has to run away with the night because MBL is 20 villagers behind Reuben stock and Reuben stock has the cheaper nights can Leary push can he break through he already has cap Tran MBL's here with more nights to help where does am push I noticed that Leary just built a TC over here so he will have a second TC on gold only nine on food right now Herron needs to make sure he walls this oh my goodness I thought that MBL's Knights we're gonna block the house foundation and all the Knights will get through there's a hole here I'm so stressed right now chat I'm so stressed the max is getting this monk upgrades how many how much military does he have ten probably doesn't want to be anywhere near archers but if there's twenty five archers and he gets ten conversions that's decent Rubin stop continues to get howls this is a problem he's producing so much and every time I look at his point of view he's PopCap's it's a good problem to have I suppose you could you could spin it positively and say that means he's producing a lot but you've got to avoid doing that zu p not in this game Rubin stocks got all easy and MBL's base but wait this might be good for nvo oh that's great for M vo it was a trap and be a one did to happen it separated the group of knights and MBL cleans that all right so rubin talks about to click up to the Imperial Age Velez is on the way to the Imperial age about to arrive max is gonna need some big shots because this is a lot of momentum for leary leary sees it and Leary should have no problem taking out a few maggin ELLs with orbs max is so fragile right now who oh my god wait a second what when the world is Hara doing out here Hera tried to get a TC up in the other gold corner that is bold let's see if it pays off here well max he wasn't expecting that I saw the villagers but he didn't see the crossbows so Hera it works out and Max can't take gold now and Max he might need to run entirely his one TC 44 population the monks are still here but MBL's bide this oh no Finland you could see the idea behind the strategy a great recovery from MBL to get his pop up and right now Leary and MBL look unstoppable MBL's not amping but they're going to ram down all the buildings from Rubin stock and Hera will actually get a TC up over here that's amazing that is amazing now Reuben stock can make Knights but the longer they keep them away from here the better Wow okay so here we'll take some of that gold and say thank you very much how good is Leary with fast and hard it's it's ridiculous five range production stables and nights at Rubin stock continues to create are going down now Rubin stock will make it to the Imperial age this TC is his MTC in the north but Harrah's all over the CC and room is stock doesn't notice he's no villagers here now all the box is gonna drop a tea seat no way max has to get conversions on crossbows it's gonna be a an imperial aged douche Imperial HTC drop max gets to three conversions at least his TC will go up at least he has that much the level Reuben stock have can he get enough guys his ville Cal is great but he doesn't have a lot of gold now Leary also has more numbers and more upgrades than Velez does right now and Rubin stocks villagers oh man they're getting slaughtered this will give MBL time this will probably give em BL a lead - thank you for MBL you've got to decide now do I continue to create more nights or do I go to the Imperial age I think you continue to create more nights continue to spam them is this going to a game seven finland's max is resigned Max is resigned the game is over Finland tap out and after Matt oh man I thought they were dead when I saw Reuben stocks Ville count I really thought they were gonna die but guys Reuben stock couldn't get the numbers out in time he had the Eco in fact even now if you look yeah he had so much more food than MBL and they were eventually gonna shift over to that gold corner I'm sure props to hair up for taking the left side away and then props that to MBL and Leary for pushing back my goodness that was sick I feel like okay I didn't say this in game in the previous game because Rubin stock played like a beast but Rubin stock got housed a lot and I feel like max would have been a more capable pocket you know I feel like max would have been slightly better there I think he would have been in slightly better there would have not got PopCap could have boomed the same and then maybe the the monk seed roll is something that suits Rubin stock more than max I don't know well we'll know the civilizations going into Game seven and we will also know the map I'm so on edge I can't you can't do anything right now I'll quickly show you this here Leary's KD incredible MVP 4 a.m. so far in this series if you ask me 63 kills 13 units lost 74 army jeez that was a great recovery from MBL to MBL had a few moments and Hera where they recovered after falling behind I think MBL's decision to take the gold corner it's either really risky hard to do with that early because you don't know if there's any units patrolling out there or could work really well and I think it worked well for him I think that's a second or maybe even the third time we've seen Leary go one TCM and then add pcs after the fact just just goes for the are blessed power spike doesn't carry about economy all Niekro what a nerd all right so Game seven will be on Canyon Lake the map that Finland picked and these are the civilizations they will have Chinese was picked Franks was picked and then Vietnamese was picked so we have Malay Huns and Japanese her hair his team a lot of these tips were globally bad Persians is really good on this map a lot of these sales were globally banned max sorry bear with me here we had what was it what was in the previous game Berbers Teutons and was the Ethiopian sir was a Viking shad Ethiopians right I'm sorry I kind of forget I know that that Velez was playing archers which one was it does Ethiopians okay all right so they have Vikings Mongols magyars against Japanese Huns and Malay all right oh man well this is what I expected today I expected one of these semi-finals to go to game seven this is going to be a heartbreaker and a half see bipolar world's that's what I'm thinking max not being pocket is weird but max wasn't pocket in the game they won the game before so Reuben sock played really well maybe Reuben stock feels less comfortable when he's heavily under pressure it's funny saying that when Reuben stocks norm with the one dishing out a lot of awkward pressure but that's hard to say I'm not even sure if Reuben stock wouldn't have got housed that they would have done enough there maybe he could have produced a bit faster maybe you could have got units out but I still think if anything the most questionable decision in that game was max going one TC with Teutons four monk upgrades you know he didn't have a lot of seeds he didn't have a lot of monks I don't think max had a real clear game plan yes I don't think he was he was on point with his push exactly Samaras Admiral thank you he says hi I'm new thank you for 17 Thank You fantasy for gifting us up I think you did so yesterday or at some other point this week thank you for that ye d Boyd donated five he's his hippity-hoppity t90 as my stepfather to be what I didn't hear about that one yet hi son Larsa and Pokemon ik thank you for the twitch Prime and hopefully there's no other surprise babies here Ren Roo thank you for the twitch Prime well if you think about that middle fight why did a.m. win that middle fight twitch chat fallacies is saying the middle flight was so important and was able to push back but why was am able to push back because Reuben stock went for three TCS if you go for three TCS you cannot afford to go to stable nights even with Berbers with upgrades just like MBL did MBL is one TC and he defended so that's the reason behind it so it's either a a team strategy that just doesn't make any sense because you have Rueben stock booming and then Max and Velez have got obviously going to have less units or they were hoping to do a little bit more without having Reuben stock and then maybe Reuben stock would come in later yeah roach I was thinking that as well like there were a lot of nights that Reuben stock lost in MBL's base at the very least I feel like those nights could have hit the Gold's on the right right corner but there were other ways to use those nights I was expecting more of a flood from Reuben I think he struggled with production mm-hmm but hard to say hard to say we're talking about small little moments in that game I don't think the strategy was bad besides the fact that max was 40 pop with him okay guys game number seven thank you for hanging with me it will be on Canyon Lake and here we are we've seen this map before and Max is back in Pocket position is zu p back zu P is back in for Finland's again I'll say it it's been a tremendous series it's been an honour to cast these players it always is zu p is the flank on the right side he is playing as the Mongols the pocket is the max max is playing as the Magyars and then the other flank is Velez who's playing as the Vikings against Falaise we have Hara Hara is playing the Malay the pocket is knee cup who's playing as the Huns and then we have Leary so MBL takes the bench and if you remember every single time that I've seen the snap from after map me Cobb has played pocket here and he's a beast he's absolute beast so a Japanese for the right now everything I always talk about on this map is based on how you address the pawns initially if you have a flank player go for water and also a pocket player go for water that's one really good way to end water but then you might be weaker on the flank if that flank player isn't there with land units so the winning strategy I've seen is for the pocket player to go for a dock a flank player to go for a dock and then have the flank player fight for water so the pocket player can just boom and not have to worry about anything on water but I've also only seen this with Lithuanians pocket or Malians pocket or Persians pocket and based on the global bands based on the picks throughout a very long series and then the Supplemental trap we're actually not seeing those sips so I don't know how much changes boy Leary again soupy doopy maybe was having nightmares about that during the break uh he had what two games off I'm sure he'll be fine here now tsuki being Mongols is a bit different like this tells me they might go for a different strategy because you'd normally don't pick Mongols for the mid game and I think the this is all about the mid-game so maybe he wants to hunt extra quick and then he wants to be able to go forward and go for something wacky or maybe they could you pick Mongols here so you could go fast futile to win water that's an idea now check this out this is huge para he's scouting the shoreline to see if max is docking max is docking Hera got there too early Leary's also here now max did note a wall in his Ville he does and max got a little bit lucky there no loom on that bill now I'm thinking that might be the strategy to go fast futile for water control it doesn't it's not something you see too too much from Zoo P but I guess if I had to pick one player to play straight to archers it probably people s Velez is amazing Velez is like Finland's tatto where normally Strait archers and he's one of the best in the world with that yep that's exactly what we're seeing from Velez and obviously Velez is Viking so it's not like he could go for water and go for fire galleys cuz Vikings don't get fire galleys right zu p he sees that Hera and Leary are here he's making sure he gets the walls up this is actually good work from a.m. because the more they attack this the more the Dupey actually has to build this and the more delays ookies dock but shouldn't be a huge concern there's a dock for knee cough so what I expect is a 1v1 on water between Leary and between zu p Japanese are really flexible with that and their fishing ships are tanky so I my favor a.m. all depends on how quick supey can be a futile age the Japanese definitely better in the mid game Mongols get really strong if this goes super late with manga die now the idea here is to give max time to do whatever he wants to give me cough time to do whatever he once have a feeling we're gonna see Scouts from pocket but I have seen the pocket player go fast castle before also max really needs a house right now I hope he's paying attention to that actually he might just go up to feudal yeah and they just need a house okay there he goes okay make sense so max will be the first one in feudal he's actually gonna be ahead of zoo P that's pretty crazy and now Sookie is on the way up so both zu p and max faster now i don't think max is gonna go for a second doc and what I've seen typically is that the fish player just hopes that Sookie is gonna win or the flanks gonna win for them and then they add Scouts with all that food what's niqab up to niqab now on the way to feudal much later and now Leary is on the way to feudal now in the north that's gonna be pretty boring for a while but we'll see a straight Archer builds players sending a few two golds sometimes you can see the archer player be sneaky and send a few archers to the pockets so keep an eye on that and the mini-map but for now it's gonna be all about this action right here on the water it's two fishing ships out there for Zhu P it's four for max it is three for Leary and three for Nica of me cops barracks is going up so just confirm we're seeing Scouts yep we're seeing Scouts from the pockets what better way to end a series than have teams go for the same strategy different sips different pros and cons some of the small little things but and to see this is really cool actually max and Zuki are both here with their Scouts and they're in fuel age faster so they can take good fights oh there's also a Ville there okay never mind zu b took one too many hits so they will probably back away yeah I think it's I'm like oh wait me cough clicked his scout away oh my god this is so close okay there we go there we go I think I think I am are winning that to docks for zu p he's at 75% with his fire galleys and it's 70% for Leary not a big deal at all but I think the difference might be the amount have on would and how much things cost right oh oh my god Zoop he's trying to save the vill he might do so that was amazing micro from me cough and I was amazing micro from Leary all the Vil could still die unlikely but the Ville could still get picked off with another Scout comes in yeah that Ville is actually trying to wall that normally the fill is going to be needed for repairs so I always wonder in this situation if you feel like you're behind on water does it make sense to just snipe the fish from the pocket is that the whole idea is to have your pocket in a stronger position what if you just because at this point I think Sookie's falling behind depending on repairs what if he just goes for a wacky snipe on me cows fish oh this is so good for Leary there's gonna be a demo coming out though it could be huge one fishing ship has already gone down oh nice demo the crucial repairs for zoo P Y is Leary fighting with a 1 hp fire that is weird but maybe maybe it's just confidence because the scouts from Nica have come in I didn't even think about sending more Scouts that's exactly what he's done and now Leary has the demo and Leary could probably take those fish out this is a great start for a.m. this is exactly what they would want they haven't won water yet but niqabs able to do his thing he cow sending three Scouts towards the max right now okay so I look now to the north where Velez is sending archers through Hera is very much just sitting at home playing defensive as he should but it is risky too I think Hera's responsibility now is going to be to to tell his team if the archers aren't at his base because if the archers run right by and hit niqab niqab could be hit that a actually already built an outpost there yeah that gold could be ranged niqab Scouts have come on down towards you pea-soup he's already walling up soup he's already fine as ubi has not lost water he still has to continue to fight but certainly it's not going to be that max has lost some of those fishing ships haven't seen many scalps from max niqab just missed an opportunity for a bill I guess the scouts are all the way back here that's really peculiar and then the archers for Velez I think he might be worried that Hera is gonna come to him now Hera might be worried that their boat was really scared that a sneak our archer rush is gonna come so they're playing defensive it's funny Nika ended up sniping two villagers they're a sick play for him oh no Nika Nika they lose two villagers well those Scouts kind of came out of nowhere crazy Leary's played amazing he did build a barracks so we'll probably follow this up with a range and finally contribute with military lots of little defensive towers on the wood line okay now max is gonna sail eat that Hera has sent his archers back and Velez well no so Velez is probably gonna come forward instant communication instant movement I just want to know what that pocket castle use times are gonna be see bloodlines now for max is that not a little bit weird does he have more Scouts oh my god he has a ton more Scouts yeah that could be huge then niqab already has bloodlines I think the best play for Velez is probably to hide it'd be dangerous out here unless sneak ops not paying attention knee cough could get hit by that and I think Leary just signaled it to him and now Velez will probably back up whoo okay can niqab hold from this cuz niqab has has some fish he's obviously farming good eco not the best Eco balance he probably needs to buy some food the max is untouched right now that's dangerous 4 a.m. if max does damage here Holly is 42 and he's in he is in niqab has Vil's can he save them Luis is just one and he's actually bringing his Scouts back but knee cough has vines he does not have forging max can take a great fight max didn't see them niqab gets free hits all right knee cuts fine ish I love Hal harab built the outposts and the houses here so he will know when the pressures coming all hair is doing is waiting the click up to the next stage power of Millay 11 Scouts for the max who's clicked up to castle age niqab has now clicked up to Castle age as well interesting how hair is gonna take this stone does he not have oh we didn't scout that stone that's okay that's kind of weird yeah but I guess it happens right I think he lost his Scout pretty early I think that also tells us why he's been so hesitant to take engagements sometimes because he doesn't have the scalp he doesn't know so much happening between leery and does oopy Leary's making archers and dupeys about to click up and zu peed i have no clue what his plan is because zu P doesn't even have an archery range oh he's 5 on stone he wants to get 2 manga died it's extremely risky I don't know about you guys but while the flanks seem to be doing pretty good 4 a.m. so far it seems like max is out playing Nico he's delaying the stables he's forcing idle time remember that max lost his fish he cough has had some fish that's supposed to help you yeah max is being super annoying right now vélez sending his archers forward he'll be in castle age hera in castle age as well his armies still patrolling in the middle here so he's not able to protect himself initially see what I don't like about that is that hair is now gonna have to react instead of being proactive he's gonna have to react and even the blacksmith Forney cuffs at 95% the scouts have got so much value for max he already has both of his blacksmith upgrades max will probably boom behind in there here comes the TC Leary's all over the water and Lyra will also be coming in on land now it's really important for the ER to do damage I feel that flesh is backed up both players they know the stakes I think this is game 7 to right and when I say I obviously I know what's game 7 but I feel like it's game 7 strategy to play more safe even like Khafre max you see his magyars right I said he researched forging he got forging for free this is so risky for zu p if Leary hits soupy soupy is in big trouble Zoop he's gonna have to buy a castle here to get manga die this is not a good team game strategy normally it's gonna be archers still era I guess knee comes behind so he's quite worried and now here comes Velez Velez will take an engagement Hera kills 3 units though 31 for him and then 23 for Velez so now you see the benefit of playing it safe guys a.m. are looking more together as a team 58 eco for Leary that's just because he's gone crazy with fishing ships it's getting gillnitz now he Snipes a villager from zubi zubi is not looks good at all in this game he will get some manga die though like it's risky but if you get manga die masks they're deadly what's niqab Zico looking like right now he just got a hit again by the max max is all over the place even over on this side look at this max is playing out of his mind max is 48 Phil's nique of his 44th remembered knee cough still has fishing ships out there max is on to TCS a Hara I will have niqab join him in this fight on this side max is not here to help am definitely have a lead right now the micro from Velez it's dirty it's dirty it's dirty he's actually winning the fight before the Knights arrived the Knights arrived this would be a better fight for a.m. max is not in the side he needs to be at a Velez will back away to the TC now that he's able to take out these crossbows and he hops into the TC might not be too bad yeah it's not too bad that's Leary gonna do is he gonna go low you kill again or is he actually gonna add town centers so I feel like well the fish poo is great it doesn't last that long it's more so giving you food so you can create new bills out of a few new town centers I know he's confident with the 1tc approach but we see a lot of T C's for zoo pieces you P could catch up and Leary very rarely makes mistakes with his micro but if it were to happen to be a disaster for him did not have economy behind whatever attack he's going for and Max has pool upgrades on the nights where as niqab does not have +2 attack he doesn't even have +2 armor and so I think Hara could be in trouble now pink max will pull like 5 nights for the crossbows and then once the crossbows are out of the picture obviously he has more numbers shouldn't he cut be taking this fight I'll know about that max is it Nick off again must be so annoying this is really evening out a little bit yes Leary has 64 eliris going fast imp he's actually doing it the madman he's going fast imp again okay he forgot he needed his buildings so he's building a monastery he's gonna click up in guys the fish are gonna run out in about two minutes and he's gonna add fish traps instead all which could be arranged by archers but I don't think Finland will prioritize going their house walls from Hera nice good stuff max at sixty nine bills niqab at fifty four so we have a flank really far ahead and a pocket really far ahead and then two players which are very much close the two close players would be para and Velez you know what's really good to stop a fast in a forward castle or any defensive castles in general but I think you'd heat too many now if it was Ethiopians for Leary he could just get chemistry which we'll get for his archers anyways and then he could research bomber cannon Japanese can't do that so the fact that he is zero on stone means that he can't push buildings he's just hoping to hit Rico very very fragile stuff here for Leary talking mag and Ella shots anything he's put 1,000 food and 800 gold into getting em so we can upgrade these crossbows niqab has kind of fallen back over the last couple moments I think that am in general are gonna play very safe here you have Hera I say that ok Hera notices if he doesn't have support from me cops I think he needs to leave and Velez is imping a hair is close to clicking up that could be dangerous on that side as well as they're actually Rams in there he wants to go for a big push at Harrah's base all right here comes Hera or what am I talking about Leary it's eighty-three bills for the max it's 66 Forney cough what can the flanks do who will Leary hit he's got to hit the max right he has our ballast he has bracer he has chemistry on the way okay Hera will see the rams and he will tell niqab knee cup I'm gonna need Knights because he's gonna have capped Aram soon that that basically tells her that Velez is up already nap and now Velez isn't him what's crazy about this is Hera doesn't even or why do I keep confusing the two leery doesn't even think about adding a second TC it's just full production max will know he's seen this before he'll do his best there's a tower Howard is so little oh but but Hera he was losing everything he's getting the best value he can but he's losing all of his units so we could have a really weird base trade in a moment this could be and you know what it's doing it's giving zu p time and zu P is on his way to the Imperial age if su p can get to enough manga died it's still gonna take so long this could be epic can Hera defend from this is he's gonna make more ranges expecting to lose some can niqab prop him up can max stabilize he's getting vodka narrow just for his towers right now and that's a doubt tower 97% oh man you hate to see it what a beast Leary is this game is it's so weird that this game is closed you know because there's two players or very awkward positions right now but I think in at least in Max's position he might be able to receive some help I think Hera's help in theory is weaker because oh my god I just need my table because niqab doesn't Nika Nika doesn't have plus two in his Knights I'm sorry I didn't even try that that was so it's so stupid just unsubscribe right just unsub alright I will feel much better if you all unsubscribe for me great move from leery who at this point a hundred and forty pop sending everything over to Velez this will actually weaken the push that's coming in against Hera who is now a name so now if hair is able to use those arms against the arms from Velez then the Rams will be no problem Mac still has not clicked up to hip Audigier with drill for zu p what in the world he's just gonna zoom around the map zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom and he's going to hunt down the are bolused I mean obviously he's gonna make magnetite but he's going for drill Auditors alright big engagement over here see dreams already in Harrah's Maggie now won't be all that helpful but I need cobs nights good distraction and good enough to take out the Rams and bless is also really distracted right now he's all over the place Leary ISM is insane he is 73 military now he could lose all that military and he's probably not expecting the honester switch which is really peculiar niqab is imping max close to imping and here are the auditors now I think Velez will have to help with repair bills and villagers will need to come out of the TCS to help oh my word what a game and Annie cough and Hera decide to go for a big engagement here can they get it it looks like they've surrounded the Our Blessed neocons losing a lot of his Knights but at least Hera will be in a better position and then you have to worry about the max and zu p coming back now that's great that's exactly what they need because now there's still orbs over here waiting for this one auditor to save the day Leary even split up the ARBs to e is two on this side is a bunch on this side and that means Velez is plummeted down to 50 pop can manga dies save it for Finland I don't not yet not yet oh man the micro the auditor didn't work this is aftermaths game now this is after Matt's game it's their game to lose let's put it that way they made it to battle of after one finals I think many people expected them to make to the finals today but that the finals are tomorrow but you know what I mean Leary is freaking everywhere this is unreal honestly one of the best tournaments I've ever seen from Larry both the 1d ones and team games battle of Africa to what he's been able to do I say as he gets rocked by knowledge er but what he's been able to do a consistent basis his flank has been unreal for his team I see Leary sending food to niqab which is the place Oney cough can get to Paladin it just gets worse and worse and worse for Velez Max is gonna have to carry and Zoop he's gonna have to carry if there was ever a sieve Mongols would be it if there was ever a sieve to bring back a game Mongols with mass elite magnet I would do it and Leary he's actually done a great job adding eco behind this as well however I think a lot of its fish is is adding fish traps they simply don't have enough manga die or don't have enough on udders to engage against these groups of ARBs come on zippy you've got to go for it you've got to try to get a clump of them nope Annie come even leaves tonight so that's so good Max will have magyar cavalier in a moment already has the attack armor is about to complete slowly but surely the manga die are mopping up the arms from Leary and now they take this fight the honniger didn't work out over here too well look this is a fight which is not good at all for the max and Nico should have the rest for paladin knee cuffs cooking paladin now so with paladin all the way he should be in a great position and that that's just great teamwork from am to realize they need to get food over to him I think we'll see the same actually Max is about to click paladin after please Cavalier so manga died almost full upgrades and cavalier against ARBs and cavalier for now ok big thing I would say 4 a.m. is that need a strong follow-up so they need to make sure that they defeat Velez like they need to continue this pressure because they know the danger of paladin manga die so they need to gain as big a lead as possible before it gets crazy as of now there are corners kind of secure for Finland if they want to trade but villagers are getting slaughtered now I'm just thinking that am should add markets in the corners and make trade here goes do people with a big attack round but it was mic road by Leary stupid stupid micro all right well the ARBs will get mopped up finally but look at Max's base max is down actually he's at 170 pop somehow but max is losing countless units I think Leary needs to make sure I starts getting fortifications up here so like maybe a few castles to start pushing because if it ever gets to the point where it's bet one composition against the other composition manga die paladin could be two players making ARBs and one play player making Palvin so deny the trade I'll now niqab spamming so much more look at the queue for knee cop dude knee cup make a few more stables why don't you 5 stables he has over 50 paladin's queued up he needs like six more stables guys I don't think Finland can win this I don't think Finland can win this I'm just not seeing enough of a bounce back for the max soupy has the manga died that's great but he needs to get it over here now or the raids continuing Velez losing so much of his pop at this point Velez is doing nothing but surviving I think they need to win this fight they need to take this fight certainly for the position and they need to win this fight have a chance Finland's crazy thirty two paladin's against nineteen paladin's so Herod did a fantastic thing there my crowing the manga died down but the paladin's holds finland's they have the corner still for trade again there's got to be a big follow-up for Leary with siege I think to take the castle out and take the corner away there's still so much gold in the middle nikka has added more stables now and he's gonna add more staples forward to Max's zero on gold and the GG's called a.m. we'll go to the grand finals of battle of Africa - I can't say who they're against because I don't want to spoil but they made it oh man that was such a good game what in the world was that from Leary though won t see again the guy is amazing unbelievable ah I have no words for that plate he was all over zu p but first off he had to win water he won water then he hit Sookie then he hit max then he hit filete and he just continued to play the micro was insane the position was perfect era and knee cava held that northern side which is really important I thought that hair wasn't big big trouble a niqab was there to help I know niqab had a really rough time compared to max in this game but great depends from am that's probably probably the first or second game in that whole best-of-seven where one team was behind and came back I think Leary would say nah I'll be never we were never behind like nod Foofa sh-boom and 70 árboles they couldn't kill that but whatever Leary would say it felt to me like when Max was destroying niqab Zico when he got 2025 which was a head that there was potential there for Finland and then also when I saw Anna drew and when I saw manga died I felt like there was potential it's really close it was weird but one flank was behind and then the pocket was behind so you never know what's gonna be more important it always depends I think having that flank as long as your flank is gonna play like that having the flank ahead in the south was the difference-maker they look at this KD the KDS probably Wow you know what I thought it was gonna be even worse earlier because he did lose a lot of Units 76 largest army 198 kills keep in mind that he was taking fights against max allez and zu p before niqab even came into the picture with CAV more food collected for the max the gold collected was a big big issue once he got attacked by a.m. due to that pressure max wasn't able to have the gold income to make more paladins and to make more trade 141 villager max for bull sneak off and max great boom back from Nika but I think this here was huge Hera and Leary both set all their foods they're only making ARBs over to Nika so niqab could recover and get to paladin I think it was really important I wasn't really needed I guess a bless didn't have the villagers to even bring in food to send to max max research paladin on his own but had they not done that that's another way that maybe Finland could have come back with paladin's against just cavalier who so that's a heartbreaker for Finland they were an amazing team in the group of death they made it past the group of death of course the semi-finals they had to fight in the quarterfinals they are an amazing team one of my favorite teams am and secret are gonna face off in battle of Africa - just like they did two years ago and battle of that for one ah damn it I spoiled I'm so sorry I can't help it I can't I listen I'm sorry I I tried my best but I kind of have to sum it up this way alright that way people in the next YouTube video and the stream tomorrow know what's happening I'm I'm a caster I'm so sorry but I can't say was necessarily expected I can't say it was expected because of all the other strong teams in the tournament but after map definitely deserves to be there I think it's gonna be tremendous a.m. are arguably better than they were two years ago actually no they're not arguably better they are better than they were two years ago secret probably are as well even though the rosters haven't changed I think all teams have improved
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 95,896
Rating: 4.8607183 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Aftermath, aM, MbL, Nicov, Liereyy, Hera, Suomi, TheMax, Zuppi, Villese, Rubenstock, Finland
Id: 0PsUwbXyUs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 12sec (13332 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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