Absolute BANGER of an AoE2 Game! Saracens vs Vikings!

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what's going on guys had his t90 official and welcome to a 1v1 age vampires to game the usual well not really not really yeah you never know anymore might have a legend video might have a team game might be community game but we have a 1v1 and this yeah this is kind of the usual for pro players when they're playing regular rated matches to see a 1 B 1 on Arabia I I never actually watched this game I didn't even watch the full recorded game because I don't like to be spoiled but I heard that this one was pretty good and we have to my favorite players in the game in the community in the world here we have MBL in the blue and he's playing as the Saracens and we have Hera who's a Canadian wonder kid and he's playing as the Vikings so before I get into the maps into the SIVs when I first started casting games it was in the beginning of a rather long lull in the community when it comes to Pro play players like doubt was he wasn't active VIPRE was actually completely inactive for almost a year and so I didn't really have many players cast that were at the high level except for MDL and Hara back then they played hun wars but I think they were both in school or something I don't really remember what their life situation was like at the time but I do recall that any time I got on they would be playing they played 10 11 hours a day every day and so it was beautiful for a young commentator like myself who needed to practice because I had games all the time and it was at a pretty high level so it's exciting to see you know three years later that these guys are still playing Hera I called him a Canadian wonder kid because he was I think the youngest person to ever reach number one on the the boogly rating ladder I believe he was 14 when he did it he's 16 now 17 I don't even know he'll forever be 14 in my eyes but he is an amazing young player often times forgotten about just because he's not quite as active as players like Leary who are also very young and obviously he doesn't really have the tournament results of Leary to to have a name for himself yet but he's he's one of my favorites I think he's one of the fastest players in the game it doesn't necessarily mean better but I do you think that he's one of the fastest players in the game so anyway Saracens and Vikings you know I'm just now realizing that virtually every game that I've casted over the past couple hours here because I've been recording some YouTube stuff has had Saracens in it so apparently the Saracens civilization is the most entertaining sieve in the game guys because yeah or seeing a lot of it so get used to it so Saracens is a strong sieve and oftentimes the struggle with them is just getting through their options whereas Vikings they're pretty strong all around because they have an economy bonus where Saracens don't is hair gonna Lane here oh okay he's gonna try and block MBL's ville Oh an MDL just did the house trick to D agro the boar for a moment and he'll actually bring this born safely that was a cute little play there from MBL for those that that might be confused as to what just happened there om BL is known for lambing so he there steals boars or he blocks the bills when bills are bringing in the boar and what you do is let's say the boar is here and the villagers here is you get your scout and you run it back and forth in front of the villager to block pathing and that boar has already decided that he wants to attack the villager because the villager shot him twice so the villager then just kind of gets wedged in between the scout and the boar and the boar finishes off the bill and you lose a villager the boar goes back you have to send another one it's pretty annoying when that happens to you but what you can do is and it's not very easy to do you can place a house over top of where the boar is exactly and then if you tap that house so that means you actually have to hit it then the boar kind of bugs out I guess and he goes back to his original spot so that that was quick recognition from MBL that he was going to be lame so it's not easy to lame the lame master apparently the MBL is going for what's known as ad rush so you make a few militia and that is to harass your opponent's economy and to give yourself a little bit of time and again I said Saracens they need that time so he'll have a longer Dark Age but a stronger economy later on because of this and I'm not sure if MBL's rushing because he knows Vikings are good sifted rush with or what but hair is doing the same thing so we will have one partially league scout for both and three full HP militia and they are both running forward while M VLC hair here I'll pcs him and it's really interesting just what direction they choose to go that's not a bad start there for hair because he got the shots in on the scalp and the scalped very important in these fights yeah Hara has a lead here I'd say MBL wants to keep his Scout alive so he'll just trade as good as you can and what hair will do now is he'll use this scalp to attack and then every time I be able turns around to attack the Scout he just runs back so MBL he will be in futile age first so this is kind of a rush into Archer build I believe Archer scence Kermes but he can't do anything about this right now so Hara can get free scouting information and Hera will click up as well behind this to the fuel age just needs a little bit of food Oh drop it off either either by jumping into the TC or dropping off the berries yep and he clicks up so again the initial the reason that the drush is a thing is because it's annoying right you can see MBL's being a little bit annoyed by this so he's probably down I don't know two three four gold from what he would normally be at if that malicious Scout wasn't there and again I said hair is a very quick player right so he's able to be annoying and just get out before he loses his units and I'm BL could actually lose his villager ones hair hits futile H because his scout his Scout will be a bit faster now I like the gold position for MBL I liked the gold position for Hera I didn't get too much time to talk about the maps but gold positions very safe for what they're trying to do here MBL has a lot of back resources he has back stone gold wood and there his archery ranges which he is building before hare will build his and so I kind of like MBL's position just because he'll have that military sooner or but you have to keep in mind that Hera will have free wheel barrel which is the one big thing about Vikings and where will he place his range is there so his economy will be stronger in fuel age I love the scouting from both players this is really these are a lot of small things that that end up going a long way you see the scouting from Hera he's even letting mdl know that he knows their archery ranges are there so he needs to look for pressure points so now he's seeing ok my opponent doesn't have a lot on gold so he's definitely not going for two range archers oh but he's going back in for the Vil I think he'll kill the villager here Wow he kills the Vil and he gets on the live with his scout so Hera ran in he was clicking the villa HP he realized which one was the weak one and now I can scout and I was just gonna say he hadn't seen this woodland but now I can see it so great job from Heron he's walling up at home I'm not streaming this one but if I was I'd tell everyone to get the t90 walls in the chat and oh you know what this is a slower than normal rush fast castle built so Hera is not going for two ranges he's just going for walls and he wants to get to castle age faster so he will have to defend verse MVL and BL was expecting the archers so he made straits Kermes that's what I was going to get to because NBL didn't have the gold bills and this is a smart decision however skirmishers they won't break through the walls they won't for all that much to MBL besides a bit of harassment and Hera will be in Castle age soon so he'll have the the crossbows available and vodka narrow siege workshops extra TC is all that so MBL we'll find out in a moment's time this is holy Wald and he probably expects that so what you could do if you're MBL is to get behind the wood line and just make villagers relocate if Hera had to have all of his Lumberjacks on the right side of the lumber camp that'd be inefficient so you could go for that but also you have to be very careful that hair doesn't sneak army out because you need to be you know you're in futile age at home right sure you'll have your own walls but you can't have cross boats at your base it's still open they could fire overtop the walls so you really need to keep an eye on the archery ranges because what Hera wants to do now is he wants to sneak out with a group of about five or six and he wants to get to MBL's base so when you go for this rush fast castle build with Vikings it's really strong because oftentimes it's a weak build because you don't have the wheelbarrow upgrade but he already has that and so he can't afford to research bodkin arrow and crossbow which is really tough to do when you advance to castle age so quickly off ad rush and MBL he doesn't have watching he doesn't have any armor so sure he has skirmishers but he'll be out ranged and he'll be it he'll be out masked as well so you see him sending more skirmishers forward now you know you eat did maybe a smart thing with being late on the upgrades because he has so many resources now and one small bonus that the Saracens do have is their market so we might see him use the market to gets cast late soon but he's going to need to micro and he's not in an ideal situation now he has more numbers but you can't close in and Harrah's micro is so good Hera's gotten three kills already so just how many units will have to sacrifice to get in close here and now he's killing a few Buzzbee you can see just how weak these skirmishes are birds versus amount of crossbows he has no armor upgrade so the Josh fast castle built from Hera working extremely well you can see his his fighting has been much better than MBL's 18 kills and six deaths were fortunately MBL's walls will buy him a bit of time he's still going to be going with skirmishers in fact three ranges but MBL needs something and he's gonna Stonewall so he's walling with five villagers he's like and his economy isn't as good so this is gonna be a real uphill battle for MBL good thing is that Hera has not scouted that there stone walls behind I think hair would have probably left here would have looped around if he knew the stone walls were going up he's just now finding out wonder if it's worth it to attack the lumber camp they're probably not so you want to loop around and she will kind of go right where MBL once it Sam Bo gets to this wood line which is quite inefficient because it's there's a ton of Lumberjacks for just one lumber camp but and be able have the hill and I think he's gonna have the time he might need to relocate a villa or two cuz the farmers could be too close to the crossbows yeah okay yeah a perfect example here and he relocates the farmer but he will have a lead scar soon 7dl really needs an engagement now and Hera's using this crossbow to scout he doesn't know what MBL is going for for sure so k now he sees it will be skirm now it's hera so he might fight this until the upgrade comes in and OMB else splits here look at the little splits oh he's avoiding the crossbow fiber elites cam takes a long time to complete but a Hara he's taking advantage of that I still don't like the fight though I mean I guess he's killed quite a few skirmishes as cadiz looking pretty strong but he has just given MDL an opportunity to push out yeah I think it might have been better hold on he's forgotten about his crossbows think it might have been better for Hera to run this way make MBL chase him and then send in another group around to this he'll just keep MBL on the run a little bit because when you lose that many units that means MBL will no longer be surprised and MBL can make it comfortable push forward it makes it have an easy decision for him to know what to do MBL is building his second Town Center and he really needs to because he's behind six villagers already and it is three TCS for Hara so if hair is producing out of all Town Center's and he is my hair's gonna have quite a big lead and not only do you get free wheel when you're in fuel ages Vikings you get free hand carts so these are some huge economic upgrades that you need so it's definitely up to MDL now to push back he's also about to be on three Town Center's but that will only maintain his tender lizard disadvantage it won't get any worse but it will not get any better can only get better if he attacks now and I love this each workshop from Harry great decision a MCing lr2 will kill all the skirmishers and all the micro now is so good from here look at the dodges here and it might not be ideal but he gets a good shot at the mag Annelle I think I think Hera who takes fights that are so unnecessary at times here like he's having fun with the micro but he's kind of playing into MBL's hands cuz MBL's skirmisher army was a dead army walking there and I'm Bo got a few more trades first across but but anyway Harris still cleans it up still maintaining a positive KD and he will get ballistics here in a moment I think so he will not miss with his shots and MBL can't dodge what's MBO gonna do why you can see his abusing the market but now he's getting wheel right so you know his economy is is just now catching up I love the Saracen civilization I do because they have so many strong options in late-game they have strong infantry they have their range units they have their camels they have their siege they have four strong it directions they can go there's really not a lot they can't do they can't get cavalier but they still get heavy camel they still get Huss are their tech tree is just amazing and then you think about water it's even strong on water as well there's one thing I know about MBL he has an amazing ability at coming back in games and he's certainly behind now he prepared for those crossbows he knew that Hera would go back there and so he'll send another Mac and I'll there I guess to see loops around just keeping himself safe but what's interesting guys is he's not attacking he is not going on the offensive he is this is what we call a farm TC it's very rare that you see farm tc's to the high level it's not ideal you normally want to be next to water gold I guess you didn't know that was there otherwise you would have placed it there but you know he's not doing anything offensive and Harris on the way up to the next stage so just like mdl needed to do in feudal age he needs to buy himself time when he was in feudal he bought himself time while hair wasn't castle and ala he's in castle Age MBL and he needs to buy himself time while hair will be in the Imperial age I believe it will be a similar situation where he'll have squirms because Mac and Isles are not very helpful now Magon ELLs die pretty quickly to Danny are blessed and that's exactly what hair is going for you know the the downside of this early in push from era is that he will not have any access to traps if you want to stone earlier so we could have a castle that his Imperial age would have been later so in these situations a great way to protect yourself is to build a castle at home and I see MBL abusing the market but really is just building buying stone 40 seats she's owned one two three four five TCS and he just traded a maganet one full one there so MBL is catching up in the bill count he is [Music] and yeah you can see I'm using the market now I mean he's using his civilization strength and he will click up to M so I don't remember the exact time difference actually I can show you I think what was the exact time difference so there was yeah quite a significant difference a four-minute difference to castle age that will not be as extreme but it's close as the 3-minute difference now to the imperial age there's a pretty big time window now for Hera he's getting his upgrades now to push forward MBL could go for elite skirmisher long term but that does get questionable now that hair is going to stone he could always make this circus to count to the elites Kermes I don't know what MBL's plan will be we'll just besiege maybe he sees his opponent has our Palace now he's making a few Macan ELLs this is not gonna be easy for him these are bless are extremely strong it's pretty pretty big score elite goodness pretty big score lead for Hera he is ahead by 40 population Hera needs to push now but it should be in a quite a comfortable position to do so a one situation r1 good situation for embryologist the hills so that means his Mac and Ellis would do a little bit more damage and the are blessum a canals from Hera will do a little bit less damage and there's two good engagements for MBL look at that he kills Mac and le kills a battering ram he's buying himself time guys he has a siege workshop on this hill and on this hill and I believe he wants to go for the auditor and hare is here he's just kind of RAM everything down you should go for the archery range as I think anything you take out here is nice but you want to avoid the houses because of MBL smackin else MBL has lots of resources remember he really had the map for this because he had the resources in the back and he's researching on adjourn now even with Omniture with Harrah's Micro Hara might not have any issues with killing the ARBs with the problem or sorry with killing the auditors with his are blessed but the issue at that risky micro is you could easily lose all your momentum in one with one mistake and MBL is extremely good at using the attack rounds hotkey in these situations oh my god this is Harris point of view Hara does not know there's a siege work ship on this hill now he does a Mac and I was on the way out this is just as auditors gonna complete and there's one attack round from MBL he misses oh my goodness MBL needs to come out now this is this is one and only opportunity I think ok he thinks twice about it I guess but he is here parish should see this oh my god oh my god what is here doing oh my god I was not expecting that many artists to go down a Herod didn't even attack I guess Hera was worried about his economy or something else but Harris says lol and that proves my point with the auditors guys that proves my point he's sure Hera could have Mike wrote it down he really could have with a couple splits he could have killed all the auditors this could be game over but also he could lose all of his army and that's what auditors can do for you look at the score now this is a game again and Hera is probably not pleased despite saying lol and what he will do is he will make sense stable so not ideal as Vikings to be going for Jeb but I think that's a good decision because MBL doesn't really have anything to protect from melee so going with like CAV would be a nice decision to pick off these auditors it's still a game that Hera is winning he's built his castle now the sphere is gold he's he has the extra gold here or she just showed you a moment ago there's got to be another gold out here somewhere it doesn't see that but it's not like MBL's on it yet and MBL is going for like tab as well by the way so you can see him getting upgrades at the top right and wow hair is actually going for cavalier I'm gonna be honest I mean that is quite an investment cavalier is still much stronger than like cabinets it's just a matter of cost here for him and long-term you are playing against Saracens as well so it's not like it gets any easier when your opponent can make camels but you see how MBL isn't very concerned with pushing out he's just soaking up all the resources and why not he has him all back here he still needs more time for Saracens to be better than Vikings so why nots and he must see this gold here he also sees the outpost from Harris of both players doing the same thing they want to pressure this castle met Hill would be huge for either player and Hera where is he placed at Castle okay it's gonna place a casted offensively which is still a good decision they're doing all the weight game stuff now getting as many relics as possible getting as many gold piles as possible and Hera does have mobility is very good with mobility and so he comes in now and he should kill MBL's villagers and he might be able to take control this gold for a little while see now he sees that his opponent has a mess of light path and on udders look at that force this is what I'm talking about with seriously guys what a crazy number of units and now MBL will go not only liked everybody will go heavy camels so I'm a mix in the camels this is after seeing his opponents gone Cavaliers so I'd say the Cavalier have worked so far because their mobility has worked they could pick off the homage errs but I just wonder if going like calves would have done the same you know I'll tell you what be good here illipe desert with full upgrades elite berserks the one thing that really kill all those camels in like heaven of course it could be us are but then again it it takes a while to close in to those units right and MBL has a lot of seats on the ticket and we already saw what he can do diversity are blessed earlier I'm sure he could do the same percent melee units that come forward he has a lot of upgrades guys he will have full upgrades on his camels and light calf I have I have coerced him just leaving out the unique upgrade that Saracens get for their the camels but we'll see if he gets there he's gonna build a castle now just purchased the stone for it he's scouting around with his like keV and that scouting is gonna end there because he knows Harris still has more map control Hara is building a castle on this hill you will secure this gold and be all still possibly not at the point where he can push this and this is giving Harrison time 192 population for Hara 171 population for mde oh my god these officers that's so many like how do you even approach this it's so tough if you were a civilization that had bombard cannon you could go bomb our cannon and hope to pick off the auditors from range but this is a lot of numbers from MBL this is pretty insane and he must see to his opponents building stables here Oh Annie sees his opponents building a castle so he's going to build his own he needs to protect his flanks Sahara can trade him because Herod does have more map control which really puts him in the position to hit from the sides this side is already protected it's this side that needs to be protected next oh my god he's gonna build two castles here all right well-well-well one relic for both harris still needs to get upgrades on his irks their elite but he needs to get all the defense upgrades he's doing that now and this is as mdl gets dell'utri so that means the heavy camels will have more HP and maybe Mameluke s-- i mean i've been saying for the past year that Mameluke just aren't very strong in the competitive scene nowadays but this could possibly be a situation to mix in a few if the zerk start coming out because you definitely don't want to fight Dirk's fight with I'm sorry I can't talk you definitely do not want to engage for zerks if you have heavy cameras despite their HP but Wow these camels will destroy the cavalier care what it's running to pick off the treads we'll see if that decision pays off here is lief the Turks are here it's really just all about positioning and you have to give the edge to MBL here shows mb owns more castles any small numbers he does not have as many trebuchet it's actually two to two Oh God Oh Harris just patrol forward but loses vocalist who loses are blessed oh my god the camels are holding no it's just a lack of upgrades for Hera zerks and he's of course running underneath the castle fire as well Hera will not kill mpls castles he will lose his castle he'll lose his trebuchet on top of his árboles this is obviously not the best game ever for Hera look at MBL's KD a hundred fifty one kills eighty eight gets and now I think he'll switch into some Our Blessed zone it seems like it anyway which is there's just blue units everywhere the hair is really struggling to keep up with this yeah you got camels ready golds and now that Hera needs to dress this side and defend on this side he could easily lose on the right side as he's not prioritizing but he's not able to decide on where to pressure right now oh my god the arbiters from MDL do you see that the headshots on desserts what did I say MDL is a beast when it comes to using these auditors his search for fully upgraded owl I think they might lack the Chieftains upgrade which would help them more of her scandal but cheese boom headshot MDL sexually filling his own camels here to spend a bunny you can see the bodies but not a big deal when he kills so many enemy units and now he's building yet another castle here this will be the fourth Calcifer MDL this game he has the opportunity to get this relic which will give him gold he has the opportunity to take this relic now and we're 15 minutes into this game finally Hera is making what I believed to be the the correct unit but it's really tough for him to engage with so many auditors life he needs to send in just a few of these irks to pick off the amateurs and bl now he's caught out of position here so for the first time in a long time MDL gets caught on the position with these amateurs he should lose all of them definitely using the attack rounds either but yeah they go down and and now perhaps MBL is a bit less threatening to Hera the big problem for Hera though is he doesn't have he doesn't have positioning and he also doesn't really have the mobility I know jerks are pretty fast but they're not as fast as something like like a birdhouse or camels so if MBL doesn't want to be in a fight you can just run away if he wants to catch up to his opponent he can easily catch up and I think we're really going to see this here when MBL starts to raid in a moment because he'll keep hair on his toes all game at this rate send send the hustlers into the back of his opponent's economy and would you slowly start to unravel his opponent now let's also keep in mind the NBL can sell resources and get a lot of gold from it with the Saracen market so he shouldn't really have a concern when it comes to gold I feel badly again I didn't know exactly what went down in this game I didn't have someone to tell me to check it out but I have feel bad for Herriman because obviously this doesn't happen to him every day but look what the Chieftains officer did their hair takes the score lead just talking about hair illusion units well look at that look at MBL losing all his expensive camels this is what I'm talking about and MBL actually dozen trade with the like Navi uses like have to pick off the tribes but he loses most of them he only gets one trebuchet and now we have hand cannons from MBL so this has been a beautiful game of counters first Hera made the zerks to counter the auditors then the camels and then MDL he mixes in the Gunpowder this is not something that search ferment fight so what he's Hera Duke he adds elite skirm this is an amazing amazing sorry Age of Empires two games feels like it's slightly better for MDL he runs in he takes off the treads he runs out and the L will lose this cat oh my goodness that went down to 115 HP yeah he will lose the castle mal and Joey loses trebuchet and two loses trebuchet what a match this is so if your hair you have to be quite careful with your berserks because they're not sheep they also heal up because you got the search for game so that's nice and you have to mass skirmishers on skirmishers get tons of them even research on into earlier so you could go for amateur now and one surprise me TCM BL makes in a few bombard canons so just how many units are you gonna see this game I'm telling you guys we need to have a whole tournament that just Saracens Wars because it's like the new hum war there's so many options I'm just kidding don't don't take that comment seriously but I love Saracen this is so cool 174 population versus 177 this is not a tournament this is just a regular rated game between two of the best players and this has been a treat man this has been a treat yep and now we have bombard cannons from MBL so with bombard cannons he will have range and he can then also maneuver which is nice maybe snipe these trebuchet hit accomplished firms Sam BL needs to chew up all the infantry and once the infantry shoot up his light cap can kill these skirmishers an old God with one another shot para no oh here are my crews this like a like a madman look at the splits this is such a risky game to play he's going for the bomber kin and he's splitting away this is impressive micro all around for both players para will kill both the ballmart canons and he should kill the onager any soul closer he's so close to killing that castle what a freaking display of skill from both players I can can't really tell you who came out on top there they're both down the 160 population the balls of this kid to micro that day like I'm thinking he's gonna lose everything and he ends up trading pretty evenly there and still because of Harrah's large massive unity R & B Ella hasn't been in the position where he can raid you know I said how he could hit the economy but he hasn't been in that position he needs all of his numbers here super cool stuff here but with all the expensive units out on the field you could easily lose the game in one swing as we've said many times here and this is a risky game you play if you have this many skirts not accompanied by a nice urks and he runs forward and now he will run back which is understandable [Music] okay MDL is hitting the economy now so of course as I said MDL hasn't had the chance to do it maybe he thinks now is the time oh that Palmer cannon shot was huge era oh my god that's another big bummer cannon shot but Hara will kill the Palmer cannon and you can see how hair is not pushing forward anymore because he has to deal with all this this could this could change the entire game you know with the auditors with the bomber cannons with the hand cannons he's taken a good fight he's still keeping his castle up can he kill this trebuchet with the final shot should be able to an old cut he's gonna kill the auditor he's gonna kill the elites curves he's killed the trebuchet he's repairing the FOB Arcana there's so many small things going on here and look at him in Harrah's economy era probably getting frustrated now he doesn't have a lot of gold to keep making these B's irks and these trebuchet is especially he continues to lose them because of MBL's brilliance and look at this MBO will not only kill the trip but he'll kill the homage er era now at 160 population is 175 for MBL and positionally it is much better for MDL because he's able to raid so freely super cool stuff MBL is Sarah since we can sell what he's just done so so we can get some gold get some more upgrades and look at the damage that's being done here you know forty idols for Hera certainly not ideal to have that many idol villagers and he's lost some as well and it's so hard to track I'm so very difficult to track this seems obvious to me that whoever wins this area will win the game this has been the most important area over the last couple minutes oh god oh god oh I thought for a moment cuz those scrubs were pumped up that they would all die but they might died to the like hmmm y'all engages eyes actually going after the trebuchet just whittling down those gold units as long as he has the food to make more like tab that's not the worst decision in the world is it does boost Harrah's confidence a little bit I'm sure but okay this won't and it's about time that MDL focuses on this side or the trebuchet or two [Music] Hera's population is stronger than MBL's now well both at 55 ish military they're just throwing drips at each other now and MBL is able to kill those like cap and keep his tribe alive will this come down to the lack of mobility of vikings in this situation will this come down to the lack of Blomberg cannon possibly so I really think that's been the difference in the Imperial is the fact that MBL's have a song barks ants but he does make a mistake he loses that one and it don't tell me he's gonna lose his trebuchet he loses the trebuchet as well this game is just insanity and now Hera needs to focus on this side just a little bit more and MBL is sending a lot of units as well so MBL has his own skirmishers think it's about time that he does that's good decision and he's gonna kill this isn't English of course he is he keeps his counsel alive still kills another trebuchet this Army's a bit weak though I mean with the light kept out in the field all skirmishers will not affair all that well but it's something it's something ranged it's something that can in numbers can still kill units that they don't directly counter MBL holds on here and he kills this castle he will kill a dozen villagers and this will kind of open up the floodgates this will give him an entryway into the rest of Harrah's economy how pissed would you be if your heritage well as so many trevor yusei's mad MBL as i said is a very stubborn player but let's give credit to both of them for making this game so entertaining just wonder one NBL is going to research house on his two relics bringing in golds I guess he continues to make trips in bomber cannons so he doesn't want to use the gold for the house or upgrade but I think that'd be helpful when a three population for Hera he slowly losing that control and I'm yells at 197 and oh my goodness it seems like he wants to finish this one off he's putting seven more stables yep yep look at this he's hitting the farmers this is what he needs to do and hair is running kind of low on resources guys he doesn't have a lot of food and all God this could be it this could be it if MBL has four different groups of life cows hair will slowly lose his bills and Hera needs to defend he needs to defend this castle don't tell me it's gonna end with a gigantic bomb Lord cannon shot on these skirmishers that would almost be a fitting end but a cruel end as well for Hera Hera really needs to fight this now he's fighting with his own like calves which are weaker than Saracen like half and his Vil count is plummeting now and BL even mixing in a few Mameluke says wondering we're gonna see them this game and MBL will take down this castle at this rate so he'll take out the castle he could then take out the trebuchet 'he's MBL has been so damn stubborn with keeping everything to life and just look at the flood looked at the flood now the game's gonna end there Hera realized even those population was pretty strong he was gonna lose so many villagers and as you can see villagers is going down left and right MBL would have flooded the center it was an amazing game though sure I think we could chalk this up as a bit of a throw from Hera it's never ideal is never good and it's never part of the plan to lose I don't know was it 40 are blessed I think it was around 40 are blessed yeah that's not good that's not good but well was good was this game MBL's hold was pretty brilliant how he held to the hills and early Imperial was very patient with walls and the eunich compositions from both are pretty good honestly I do think that Hera just lost this because of the fights positionally it was good for him he got the extra golds he did prioritize this area I mean I wouldn't expect him to have the stone to build three castles but he prioritized it was there and fighting for it but Saracens are probably always gonna be better late game than Vikings and that's because of the fact that they have better upgrades on their horses they have that mobility they still have the ranged upgrades they have the hand cannons they have the bomber cannon sciama turrets they just have so much so I think for Hera he just had to take better fights and we talk so much about I think unit I talk a lot about how units play out first each other but there's also different time windows associated with that so I think that maybe early and it had Herod on better he wins this game because MBL did not have any of these options or most of these options at that stage awesome game I I didn't want to say so during the game MBL's like hey you should check out this match and so I decided to cast it I didn't want to be spoiled because I don't like that I like to try and learn along with the game and think about what the players might be thinking about and look at for what they might be looking for and that was a good one that was I was one of the best Raby games I've seen in a long time 531 kills for MBL you know looking at the economy guys look at the gold difference that is not a lot normally there's a couple thousand different there's not look at the stone collected now Hera had a lot more food and a lot more wood but he just couldn't put it to good use look at the technology stats hair actually had more researches the map exploration was pretty amazing as well 94% for Harun 92 for MDL the relic gold was even similar this was a sick game this was a sick game from two amazing players so I'm gonna be casting some more Age of Empires to stuff and a couple days of my livestream we have community games every Thursday we have the hidden Cup coming up which there's a video about all the infos in that video description I definitely would love to see you guys on the livestream if you guys have the time I know time zones and whatnot complicates things but I will be streaming Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday and there will be some amazing stuff check out as always I will continue with more YouTube only content all the best highlights from those streams will go to YouTube most of you know the drill by now thank you guys for watching the video if you enjoyed make sure to leave a thumbs up please and I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 208,192
Rating: 4.9163556 out of 5
Keywords: towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, Wolf Nothing, Expert Game, 1v1, TeamGame, Viper, Daut, Tatoh, RTS Games, Throwback, Nostalgia game, Towers, Mastapiece, Tutorial, Disgusting, Fatslob, Hairy Davis, Snippy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 3sec (2703 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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