So You Want To Play Japanese | Aoe2

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japanese today obviously this means that we're going to take a look at the tech tree first see how we're going to play in theory uh and then you know see what the sieve is good at what the sieves bad at and then i'm going to show you guys a pro game in the ranked ladder and show uh how i would play it in practice and just compare the two and how it's playing theory and how it's played practice uh with the goal is just to make it that if you want to play this if you want to pick it up this will show you how to do it and what to look for so let's hop right into this one guys and let's take a look at what japanese have to offer today all right it's very nice so we have the technology tree here let me get a better overlay for us uh there it is cam up top this is what i like to do these days all right very good so uh japanese let's take a look in theory once again we'll start with the tech tree japanese is described as an infantry civilization their bonuses are fishing ships two times hit points uh and plus two armor so they have tanky fishing ships that also work faster as the game goes on 20 imperial age and five percent dark edge staggered throughout uh mill lumber mining camp cost minus 50 percent that's a really good uh echo bonus in the early game specifically however it does stretch throughout the entire game of course uh it basically makes it so all your uh eco buildings costs only 50 wood instead of 100 wood so again it's a lot of savings especially in the early game where you're making like one to two lumber camps one mill and one mining camp pretty much every time you're saving like 200 wood uh off every starts and then you have infantry attacking 33 faster starting at feudal age this means that any minute arm aggression will be actually much stronger with the japanese because you are attacking faster and also this gives their helps in late game um you know just the ability to absolutely shred nights and also gives you some unique options with their champions and samurai which are actually a lot stronger due to this bonus so this is actually quite a strong one uh unique unit is samurai sorry about that we'll take a look at that guy later uh unique tech is the sama their towers shoot extra arrows and katapurudo which makes their trebuchets fire and pack faster um which is a very good attack for your trebuchet's late game uh it makes it very easy to snipe castles and such uh their team bonus is that galleys are plus 50 or half plus 50 line of sight only useful on water maps so again as you can see from this uh just from their bonuses we can see that japanese are half uh half water sieve half lansiv and their strength is kind of like their good eco bonus early on and their infantry throughout the game let's take a look at what uh techs they have available of course though uh starting here with uh with the archery range so it looks like they have a fully textile archer range including heavy ca with party tactics and hand cannon here they have quite a bit of quite a bit of options from the uh from the range that's why you see a lot of pro players going for like crossbowmen and castleage for japanese because it sets you up with your range and it really gets you a nice late game that you can go for our blast or hand cannon to open up and then you can maybe transition to some of the strong halves moving on to the barracks here we can see that they have a full barracks minus of course the eagle getting the supply upgrade getting champion and help very strong again they're um their infantry is one of their specialties so i think that you know keeping this in mind and going for their barrack options in mid to late game is a very good option uh they're stable now they're stable is where they start to drop off some of their tech they have only cavalier and light cap available however i would want to say recently because it's been a few years but in one of the expansions after the original game they were given bloodlines and that made their their knight play quite strong in castle age quite viable because you get fully upgraded knights and castle age getting husbandry and bloodlines the problem is it kind of plateaus at imp because you're lacking uh obviously the late game upgrades and you're lacking plus for armor in the blacks with a little peak there ahead uh so knights or light cav in late game is only really useful if you need to snipe siege and get some ratings then it's not going to be the best unit against like archery units and and stuff like that um okay the siege workshop it's pretty uh pretty mediocre again japanese are not really known for their siege but they have some nice options to trickle in and mix in with their army so cap ram monitor and heavy scorpion um the one thing they have to note though japanese do not get bombed cannon that's one of the weaknesses so if you're playing japanese vs ethiopians for example come late game lack of bomber cannon can actually make you struggle quite a bit so i recommend you try to make use of your strong cast age with you know bloodline knights uh to gain control of the map and don't let your opponents you know get a clean imperial age so they can set up our blessed bomber cannon because you don't really have a good response to that until you have uh you know a big ball of art bless yourself and maybe caterpillar traps takes a while to get to blacksmith full upgrades except the plate biting armor this makes her cab like i said quite weak in the late game but nothing wrong with them in castle edge their their navy is quite good actually they have everything except the heavy demo ships and they also get fishing ship uh bonus and the galilean side bonus so japanese is quite a solid water map sieve but it's even a better in my opinion hybrid maps if because it combines the um you know the good texture on the water plus the fishing ship bonus plus the feudal mining camp or the i guess the early game ecotec bonus plus the infantry attack because you might do some meta arms on like a hybrid map or something like that so on a map like four lakes japanese are definitely very very strong university pretty standard one thing to note no bomber towers they do get siege engineers though so onagers can be a pretty good option and their trebs are pretty legit they get keep with the asamba which gives their towers extra arrows and no bomber tower of course okay there's samurai so the samurai is 60 foot and 30 gold the piece um i'll go for the regular one for your stats however i will say regular samurai not that great however elite samurai are actually quite strong because they get a big attack boost with the four extra attack they actually create really fast so these are quite viable in the late game their speciality they get an attack bonus versus unique units so if you ever like samurai up against let's say i don't know teutonic knights for example that champions will get completely shredded well all of a sudden elite samurai is your option if you can't go for arabs for example you can go elite samurai and absolutely shred the dark knights they're good against eagles as well they attack fast so they're just a really strong infant unit in general so samurai quite strong if you have a lot of castles to distinguish between this and champions you have a lot of castles go samurai if you have a lot of barracks and don't not too many castles go uh to go champion so that's basically what i would say um monastery full texture except heresy so quite nice for monk rushing uh and then eco upgrades not much to say they have pretty good upgrades missing competition and guild's not too crazy though all right so very nice um so that was the theory part of japanese just to quickly recap i would suggest you play them as an aggressive early game civ because you get those eco bonuses in the early game and you get the faster attacking infantry they just become a powerhouse in the early game they can then transition into a pretty heavy castle age as well because you have bloodlines on your calves and the opportunity to have a lot of massed up range units from the feudal age so quite a strong early game sieve there's nothing wrong with going scout to japanese as an opening but i would advise you to go men of arms to them to make use of their infantry um attacking faster so they have a lot of options but some stronger than others and then in the late game you want to kind of transition into are blessed as your main unit to open up with usually although heavy cav archer can be an option as well and then transition into something like helps can be really good if you're up against cavs or maybe some tower spam and get yasama if you're up against archer sips just to secure the map light cap is always an option however it's not the best unit since you're missing the armor but still something that's a bit viable without further ado let's just hop right into the queue and see who we can find today on this fine evening and i'm gonna also pass it on to twitch chat who can give your q a i'm gonna answer every question on japanese that i can get to if any questions related to japanese ask them right now and i'm gonna go ahead and answer them while we're in the queue all right is there any japanese arabia meta meta arms into archers or drush into archer skirm is really strong um how does the mining excess lumber camp's minus 50 bonus affect early builders usually you can go meta arms with three or with four on wood with japanese you can do it with three on wood so that's kind of like the strength of it you can also go instead of 22 pop metal arms you can go somewhere like 21 or 20 minute arms so that's how you change the builder guys put more on food early and less on wood cucumbers japanese man arm is not that effective right yeah it's definitely not very effective because they attack really fast and especially with the wall change the walls don't have any armor unless they're fully built what sims do they tend to struggle against they tend to struggle against strong archers in late game i think something like ethiopians with bomber cannon comes to mind mines as well comes to mind britain's as well comes to mind i think japanese have weakness to strong archer subs they do really well with cavs tips of course because they have the hal but you're attacking all that stuff how if i was making a second lumber camp and still do yeah in the early foreign what you can do is get a lumber camp obviously on one on one wood do two villagers and a lumber cap and another while that is efficient i found that it's probably better to go three on woods and only do one lumber camp and use the wood bonus to get a faster rush going uh yolo boys so i think it's better to get a faster rush than to do an efficient lumber camp start with japanese that's my opinion i'll take the extra aggression over a little bit of efficiency japanese mush should be quite good why don't people do it with japanese very often there's simply better options however smush is um a good one to keep in your back pocket it's used on arena quite a bit though in what situation would you go for you stand up your sama towers if you want to take away space in the late game versus some of you know some sieves going for a tower rush and getting a sama is a really good strategy for that how should you play with gods against japanese that's a bad match for goths because samurai should shred everything what you should try to do is make the game messy in the early game and try to beat japanese um probably in the castle age or some sort of huskle spam to rate them before they can get the samurai how do you counter japanese men arm rush with spanish for bulgarians very specific question but um spanish football games should probably go for some fast archers well bulgarians can easily go for something like mana arms because they get the free attack themselves and then they can go into skirms since you don't want to play uh be playing archers with them and spanish can go with some fast archers just to counter the meta arms and then transition into something like scouts later on or skirmishers in team game what is the best strategy going against japanese on the flank or just go mena armor or whatever into archers into crossbows standard stuff in the pockets you can try to do some crazy pike forward or just try to do one stable knights boom and then transition to like halbs and imp or samurai and imp and do for a fast rush rush to the other pocket or you can play heavy cab archer as well if especially if you're on the flank the late game you can play heavy cab archer are samurai only good if opponents using unique unit no samurai are just a good infinity unit they're good against a lot of other they kind of replace the champion in the late game samurai are better than champion for the most part if you have castles up and running they just cost a little bit of gold so you have to be careful about that what pop would you suggest for 44 games as a sieve on the edge with mongols that's not a japanese question i need questions on japanese but it's a good step that goes together with japanese and 2v2 generally a cavs something like frank's can go really well with japanese when would you go see it with japanese if you need a lot of mobility late game and you have a good boom to support support basically or if you want mobility and cascades that's another reason the japanese have the best helps yeah i think they do um they definitely have the most useful bonus that to you know to the albujir in my opinion are japanese a good choice for water maps yep not the best choice because vikings portuguese and italians those three kind of dominates the water maps at the moment but japanese is kind of a fourth or fifth best civ there maybe byzantines are up and running in the air as well um [Music] do you think the japanese eco bonus is good i think it's kind of b c tier i always actually say it's really really good not quite as good as viking you could was like real about hand cart but you're you are saving the wood really early in the game which lets you get some sick uh rushes in so it is it does have its use i would say and it is very strong is the wood bonus better than malians that's a very good question it's better in the early game but it's worse than the late game um so it depends on what you value i personally prefer the malians when overall better though when you're going to mental arm and not fc expo if you want to put a lot of pressure in feudal age or if you have forward goals you cannot afford to fast cast onto expo for example or forward woodlands you have to open better arms so you don't you know die to feudal pressure that's when it's a good time to do it what do japanese do late game against mobile opponents you can tower up your base or tower up your opponent space to take away their space and kind of force them to defend instead of raiding you and you can also patrol habadirs in your economy to defend against his star raids or any other mobile option how what does samurai do against upper tier cavalry i think cavalry should win but samurai but like you shouldn't be using samurai against aperture cavalry you should use alba deer but i would say the cavalry should win that samurai would do like as well as a champion in that case the japanese men are rush is good or even better than celts i would actually say it's better than celts however the celts moving faster can actually can actually get you a lot of potential aggression because um you can outrun the meta arms so you can constantly attack with them so it's different but i would say overall japanese is better with the japanese do we get sprints that's one of the hard matchups like i said you you should try to win early most likely go meta arms maybe to some skirmishers try to pressure them and then in castles maybe switch to some knights to play knights and skirmishers to try and counter their archers and do some damage but it is a really hard matchup so if you lose that one don't feel too bad according to the bonus going fast ass was more effective that's not exactly how you should look at it because if you go fast castle you miss out on their men arm bonus all together so you might get more out of their um you know out of their early game eco bonus but you get less out of the minor arm bonus so it really depends on your map if you have a good map for a fast castle go for it if not then go for minute arms don't try to force one or the other how do you beat lithuanians is japanese um pretty much how you'd be any other capsule if you play a lot of halbs in late game and if they go like skirmishers and and and knights um you know skirm have mixed you can just spam a lot of helps and maybe mix in some samurai to take care of the skirmishes as well also play a full infantry spam and if they go hand cannon you can go are blessed or skirmisher behind this i will say though against lithuanians you should play a heavy castle to take away the relics and not let them get four relics don't you think japanese struggle for not having the last ramen manganal upgrade it definitely makes them a bit weaker but it doesn't make them struggle out i don't think you can easily go around that are japanese bad at any stage of the game super late game is probably their worst points however they're not too bad in that one either super late game they lack heavy siege they lack the plus four armor on the cap the lack of star upgrade so heavy you know late late imp and the 1v1 they could struggle against like constant star rates plus like uh i don't know some other like really strong units let's say maggie die and they struggle against huge in general yeah i would say if they're up against like like monitors and siegers that that's where they can struggle the most why is rolex band isn't isn't a good map for them oh i didn't consider the maps too much i'm just gonna play on arabia um but you can play other maps if you want to all right so we got arabia here let's go ahead and kill up with japanese and see what we can do do japanese builders change because the cheap bonus yep we go less on wood early so japanese indians this is a really good matchup for japanese i'm very confident to win this very nice thanks for the subs guys thank you uh jitch uh tv for the tier one for two months man ta trix for the content no problem my pleasure guys um so yeah i'm just gonna quickly patrol around the sheep to get my scouting going very standard start obviously so in the dark age i like to consider what the matchup is gonna look like and what i can do versus what my opponent can do i'm gonna just do a quick deal here i don't recommend you guys do this on your own games if uh if you don't have quite the multitasking i do um but since i was right there i decided i might as well pull it in it's a nice boosted early game eco but it's by no means necessary they don't feel like you have to push this in i'm gonna go ahead and push it just to give myself a small ecoboost uh but no more only one isn't is needed now i should prioritize scouting as usual let's take this front wood line here it's just the closest seems like the most natural option um and yeah um so japanese vs indians indians don't have cav but they do have pretty good light cab and uh and camels so maybe pikes or halves in late game would be very needed very much needed uh but in the early game i think just going simply joshua c or um or minute arms into archers should be a really good opening for me as japanese so i'm gonna try and simply go for that i see no reason not to uh indians might go for some sort of scout rush they might also try and go for something like meta arms and two archers themselves and then maybe try and play skirmish crossbow and castleage and then late game they'll transition to something like hassar that could be a way indians are played as well all right let's quickly grab that borno okay we're playing in that board let's get our house and berries going on top there as well very good another cool trick you can do with the boar bring that in nice and easy with the dc like that uh once again don't recommend you guys do that if you're uh uh if you guys are just starting out if you guys are beginners and not really sure how to load the boris with like like so uh probably best to avoid it but there's some cool tricks you can pull out if you're feeling uh if you're feeling on game all right so my map i've got a side goal which is quite nice i've got two wood lines i got three woodlands my map is pretty average so nothing crazy i don't think it's a good map for drift fast castle though because i've got a long distance to wall and i have four berries that can get easily harassed though so for that reason i'm gonna go men at arms like i said you can go scouts if you want but i like to make use of the minute arm bonus and of the infantry attacking faster so meta arms makes a lot more sense for me and as you can see 300 wood enough the standard four for the strategy um big difference of course and only possible because we're japanese all right so because we have only three on wood instead of four we're actually able to put more more villagers on food early on which lets us click up faster so um that's definitely something to keep in mind very nice they're in that second bore and it looks like he's already walling up so that's something to consider if he's fully walled i might have to adapt my strategy and go for a dress fast castle myself or maybe just a straight fast castle as well make a house here while i think about it and explore a bit more now it looks like he's not going to be fully walled there's still some space at the front so i'd say we just commit to the the minute arms here i don't want to run to the town center though that's not good did a decent job avoiding that actually those will go straight there and there's the barracks down as well very nice so we're gonna go 21 pop meta arms very aggressive builds and it's wood lands in the other back there another option against a fully walled opponent is to go for minute arms and add in some towers um not because you get any particular good bonus for towers just because your meta arms are able to shred the the wall so fast so just making towers to your opponent can't wall behind a very good strategy okay and again look at the amount of food i'm getting here and kind of disturbed his walls let's go right away with my mana arms and honestly if he's trying to wall here i can easily i can easily just completely kill this guy before i even get a range of uh but let's see my main arms could do that could do the job if i'm able to get in here and if not well oh well i'm not really losing much for doing them anyway it's just a small early game rush it has a high ceiling all right so again i'm just going to keep him open i don't want to show him a minute arm rush just yet in fact now he does see it anyway he's not happy about that uh yo chris thanks to the host we're actually doing an educational uh commentary right now we got japanese a soy want to play so it's a pretty nice game here we have indians for my opponent me as japanese and i'm just getting my minute arm rush inside of space so it's a good opening i'm gonna follow it up with some sort of archer rush uh which is again pretty standard for japanese looks like he wants 3 minute arms as well locking in those two bills again japanese better arms are stronger so i do have that going for me and what i could do is just hit this while i well i see if there's any other place to attack and we're not going to be able to kill that guy let's just ignore it okay get the eco upgrade pick up the minute arms now and already forcing some idle time it's really really good damage and just look at how much stronger my early game is look i have so many more resources to play with and he's doing the exact same strategy as me i just do it better so that's a big mistake from him he cannot ever attack me even if he gets the better arm upgrade i have faster attacking than arms so first then go over the range i'm gonna go for my standard minute arm builder if you guys on youtube want to learn how to do these builders i have them all available to my twitch subscribers uh inside my discord and i'll leave a link to both of those medias in the description below so scroll down now or after the video and i have to take a look if you guys are interested in that and right now i'm just idling his base so i'm not really in any rush if you almost attack i'm never gonna fight him i'm never gonna fight him and the reason i don't have to fight here is because i'm the one doing damage to him he's the guy that wants to fight at the moment i personally just want to continue idling his bills and i'll take the good fights like for example in the skirmish by itself but he won't give me those so let's go for our standard one range one blacksmith builder with these archers and now we can take this fight now um okay he wants to back up the reason i want to take that fight is because i want to fight before any archers come in from him but hey i'll back up instead and i'll just bring in my archers and that should be fine still i remember i had the fasteners acumen arms and i have an extra scout advantage so it should be very easy it should be very easy to win these kind of fights adding in another minute arm but it's not good enough i have the arches behind as well yeah that's just it's just too strong it's taking a lot of damage now to lose that as well and i haven't really idled my tc too much so i'm not really giving up too much for this rush anyway and what i like to do here is actually add in more metal arms right i have a lot of reaches to spend and i can get in so i'll add in more metal arms to counter his skirmishers another cool thing to do with japanese is because the mid arms are so good you can pick up armor in the feudal age and you can absolutely pressure your opponent super hard here i'm gonna go for a tower but i can easily just you know loop around that i don't or i can go back and attack somewhere else now let's loop around it that tower only protects his gold so i could easily go around that one and at home just constantly walling up with one bill is really good as well so let's go with some armor this is something like i said i like to do with japanese because because their meta arms are so strong you add in more and i only do this if i can get damage done if not then then i don't bother with it but if i can get damaged then i go for it and okay i don't want to run into his base like this but i do want to continue the pressure again just keeping my eco running at home it will take a lot of practice to to do this build to this to this level here um you know but this is the pretty basic idea right to pressure the meta arms follow the archers and really make use of your strong late uh strong early game sorry and then follow it up with good eco behind it and maybe some fast you know faster casters than him crossbows all right well that's attack i got armor you don't need attack it's for futile i'm gonna say no i'm not going full futile i think that full fuel implies that i'm not planning to go castles but that's wrong i am planning to go castleage all right let's keep these archers at home just in case he wants to throw a counter attack i have enough attacking him i don't need to reinforce right now all right this villager will go to gold and yeah now with the uh with the armor on the meta arms he really can't do much against this and he would just get shredded he couldn't micro back but if your micro's back he'll lose his bills so i really just forced him in a position where there's nothing he can really do that's exactly where you want him obviously and this is just desperation yeah this is pretty much his desperation sacrifice my army for villagers now yeah just sacrifice for villagers and then behind us we'll go for some crossbows oh you guys love that guy very nice all right okay we're gonna get cleaned up here but you see how much damage you did behind this will go castleage how much damage you did with the early game that's exactly what you want to see with your japanese that's exactly what you want to see a lot of good damage early game i'm faster to cast lage and i didn't kill him i i didn't kill him he's not resigning but he's pretty much he's pretty much lost this game because he just he took so much damage uh from those mana arms and now i just simply have to stick you know stick stay back i don't have to move out at all i'll just wait so my cassette sticks in i'm going to be for sure faster because i killed like literally like 10 villagers so to stay back to castle get crossbow and just win from there so again that's just how powerful their mentor you know their the japanese minor arm rush can be and this is obviously at a pro level but keep in mind that i'm playing against a player who's also close to my level at you know sitting at 2k rating here so sure i might have executed this brush pretty pretty pretty well but at the same time my opponent you know had the tools to defend it rating wise it has a lot of skirmishers here i could fight this on the hill so i'm going to just go there yeah he's going to run away i'm not going to chase i don't care that's a mistake i don't care to fight him i just want to defend so yeah oh this weights and again notice i'm not reseeding farms again a part of the build that i keep mentioning is when your farmers run out definitely should send them over to wood because you don't you're not you don't need more food now you just need um you know more wood for town centers you have enough food for crossbow bodkin and boso and that's what you need in the early game so again no more farms for a little bit i have still enough and we're gonna prioritize town centers and now with the crossbows we can go ahead and attack again notice i waited till crossbow i didn't move out randomly because that would be very risky i'd lose my army before i upgrade them i don't want that yeah talent center there simply going to go up and then wind with crossbows here and if he if he does something silly like full stone wall to not die right now then i could just simply out boom him and beat him and imperial legs so there's literally nothing he can do from this this position very good okay now we can enter a tower is not scary tower is not scary at this point i'm just trying to spend my resources anything that makes sense i'm just gonna run right through the tower it doesn't matter towers don't matter even if he goes one two crossbows he still will lose his army this is villagers again just forcing idle time forcing these trades now one tc on the wood one tc on the gold that's how you want to set this up and now you want to just spend your resources on anything that makes sense basically um let's keep flooding with our crossbows keep putting the pressure the villagers make sense equip grids army upgrades ballistics thumb ring comes to mind maybe plus two armor i may even get this upgrade anything that makes sense don't make like an infantry switch now that that doesn't make sense you know what i mean don't get infant armor obviously you don't have any infantry that wouldn't make sense right now okay so just harassed him he's up to castle age i have three tc not really much can go wrong at this point i i've gotten such a big lead in my early game that the game is just one from here okay i see he's got skirmishers let's run away with my crossbows and now let's make a switch into well you guessed it we're gonna go for some knights first going to get some houses down we're gonna go for nights we'll make use of the fact that we have uh bloodlines and we're just gonna go for a stable night transition here and that should be very strong against the skirmishers and it's not to say we have to stop making crossbows we can still continue making them because our blast is going to be my main imperial age units but i'll just make a few a few nights here just to counter his skirmishers and that would be good enough okay we have to go back here and again these are feudal feudal scrims i can easily trade with them you can split if you want but there's no there's no point to do any of that they'll just win with with our with our mind rather than our hands basically okay go back with those guys make the knights now i keep getting housed though not a fan of that we just have a bunch of houses and yeah let's get those nights going all right i get a question in the chat here what about a cab washer switch i don't recommend you go for a cabbage switch because it's much better um it's actually much better to go for our bless than heavy cava train in the early imp and i don't really need heavy cab archer here it's maybe a more powerful unit in the super late game but i'm planning to end this way earlier and our bless is much better against indians anyways because it doesn't give them a chance to go campbell so heavy cave archer now or cowards in general is a mistake continue masking crossbows and then you can easily just switch into uh or go for our blessed him no need to switch don't do any switcher of course and now i have a couple nights i'm gonna attack him once again notice that this game went from like me attacking to me defending to me attacking to me defending again it wasn't just you know everything forward or everything defense you really gotta mix that up and know when to attack and when to uh just stay back right and again i'm just gonna run into his base if he's full turtle up like this maybe it's best to not go too deep and just stay on the outskirts all right let's pick up bloodlines i'm now making a big switch to cav because i do see that he's got a lot of towers that's one option another option is just for me to go up to imp i i like the cab option here i think it keeps him honest it makes it that's impossible for me to throw because i'm gonna go for a lot of cab right now yeah another good option i like to go for this position is just a siege workshop forward i have full map control let's pick up you know let's pick up the hill we don't need to do anything crazy i'm not gonna go all in and go like oh i have to kill him now but i'll just make use of the map before siege workshop you know gather up that hill and yeah now we can just go ahead and uh move in but we can find we might have a town center here yeah there it is i'll see if i can take out the tower actually that might be possible all right trying to go full nights now at this point he should just resign like really realistically um but if he wants to play it on we'll just continue playing it on us ourselves yeah this is probably not the most efficient thing to do i'm just wasting at this point so let's back up every siege push going we need these buildings to go up to imp anyway so might as well do it forward if you can afford it and uh yeah doing this and by the way like i didn't have to even make the night transition um he had just skirms he didn't have a lead scream so i didn't even really need knights at any point this game all right we'll make some rams i'm going to go all in castle it's just a decision it's just an option and again i want to showcase that japanese are just so flexible with what they can do another option is just for me to go imp and go r blast and end it like that another option is to go with forward guard towers set up for some uh you know yasama kind of gameplay there's really a lot of options here don't want to give him any conversion because there's no re no real reason to do given any conversion here we'll continue spending our resources handcart comes to mind oh plus to attack yeah i might as well i'm going all in castle so i might as well commit to all of those upgrades and that's a good upgrade for late game helps anyway so again just logical very logical decisions right now you guys are ever unsure what to do just pause take a look at the tech tree take a look at what you're missing and then you know find you know just take a minute and or maybe you don't have to pause just think yourself out loud you know what could i what could i get that can increase my my advantage basically and just pick those things up [Music] all right anyway i'm just i'm not really giving it any chance to come back okay this is the time to attack him now that castle should not go up and that's the times attack and then back home i can just click up the imperial age uh so that's there and continue spamming the knights maybe make more arbor lust again you're super flexible in castle agent uh he's just gonna go ahead and call it here gg is called um so again i just continued my advantage menu arms gave me a big advantage in the early game i was super aggressive with them because i have the fast attacking better arms and the better eco bonus i have better military better eco and i just make you know make use of both of those to just completely destroy my opponent in the early game and then i followed up with some clean play with some crossbows maybe some night transition if needed and then pick up your university and uh siege workshops last monastery whatever you need to click up the imp and then go for your imperial age another option is guard tower aggression uh and the japanese are just so flexible in the mid game so they start to fall off maybe in the late game with their siege and and maybe their bomber cans or the lack thereof but in the castle they're just so smooth and such a good sieve eg hard matching for my opponents and just you know just japanese are too strong in the early game so it ends up going downfall from here and that's gonna be it for this episode of sorry i want to play uh make sure you know come back next week next saturday and vote on the poll of which civ you want to uh to see featured on this uh on the series uh on the youtube poll that i put
Channel: Hera - Age of Empires 2
Views: 35,141
Rating: 4.9559364 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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