Best Noob Game I've Seen in a LONG TIME!

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three two one boom go low elo legends two since against bulgarians uh boweryspark848 and uh what's this fella's name uh blue tango angry okay playing as the blue as well quite the coincidence how pissed must he get when he's on even colors he has to get red or yellow or something dude that's why he's in the 700s he's actually a decent player just every time he doesn't get blue resigns immediately he's building a mill pog but now he's not building a mill but he is building a mill okay so low e the legend build order he wants as much food as possible and instead of building a lumber camp a mill and i assume chop the straggler trees uh what meanwhile red is gonna make three houses all right so that's a little fourth four houses and he's spacing them out okay dude it's a cr he he must have been hurt bad on acropolis before because this looks like the beginnings of a wall or like scouting for raids or something all along the edge yeah yeah true and he's also killed he's been hurt by goats as well because he's murdered three of them so far i always feel like the whole decay thing is one thing that most people have just never picked up on obviously nowadays people have streams and videos but i bet you for years people didn't pick up on the fact that if you eat multiple goats that you're not gonna get 100 food like you look at the numbers it looks like you're eating it all dude he's gonna do the same thing so we went from 850 elo to 750 elo for this game and already we're seeing a huge difference these players really don't know standard build orders but i like it it's fun oh man just the mill positions for both of them it's like pick the worst corner while still being attached to the berries and i don't think we could have done worse i really don't maybe red could have done slightly worse yeah you know one thing that blue might have been thinking is he wants to use the mill as part of a wall i see a lot of millwalling yeah that's a dangerous idea very okay well um so far despite their awkward builds both players have uh 11 villagers and they're producing they're doing a good job with production exactly so blue at this point should have gone and taken the boars i don't know if he hasn't remembered and he's still on those straggler trees too yep i think maybe now we'll have the wood to build a lumber camp oh we need the house now and okay that's a good oh there's the lumber camp okay it's always tough on acropolis right you always want to try and get them between those two pieces of wood yeah but like not too far from your tc i think he had clicked to build a house and then selected that villager to build the lumber camp so we forgot all right so now what would normally happen is the player would get oh god oh god he's gonna panic with everything no he's sending them all to the berries that he's not going to take his boards at all wait is that what he's about to do though oh oh okay okay okay well a little bit unorthodox but uh he's gonna make it work what about red okay they both researched loom red finishes goats yeah this is this is better um won't be perfect but it is slightly better than blues and of course he didn't get pop capped because he built early houses like i wouldn't suggest floating that one villager to build four houses at the start to any player he's trying to prep another bore oh and now the town bell oh jeez oh tom bell for the scout he almost nuked that scout wow there's a lot happening right now oh my word how much you want to vet like see this looks all calm and peaceful on our end but i bet you this red player bowery is sweating right now yeah his hands are shaking he's like oh that could have gone so much worse immediately after that he he forgot to create villagers for a bit so he's probably oh you know what he's probably trying to find his scalp which i think was on auto scout yeah to come chase blue down yeah he did manage to lure in two boars without losing a villager and he almost killed blue scout so all things considered i mean a pretty good turn of events for him yep he didn't he didn't get uh pop capped like blue did when blue got popcap like that he essentially fell behind by two to three villagers he's now making a barracks and one thing we haven't talked about the sieve bonuses and bulgarians get the man at arms upgrade for free i just don't think he's gonna have the eco to go futile certainly not yet and oh my god he's gonna try and wall this whole hill poof dave look at blue scouting for a second and tell me what you think uh you should scout your own base before you go to your enemy i think yeah maybe that that would might be the plan especially if you want a wall like this i mean a commendable for finding every single resource that his enemy has that's true that's that's a thing that a lot of players at a low elo don't do but he forgot to um you know find the rest of his did he find all of his sheep nope there's some deer in the back he hasn't found there's two sheep over there to the right he hasn't found yeah yeah he just didn't do himself any favor so he just had got the order wrong find your resources then find your enemy instead of trying to find your enemy quick unless you want to be a lamer if you want to get forward early and steal their sheep that's a risk you take now he's just unfortunate and he really needs that food red is on the way to feudal age so red's in a much better position and red is gonna build a better fairies is struggling with food and that mill placement is not helping him out when the villagers bring back the resources it's gonna be maybe a hair late with the barracks but overall fairly decent timing this is a common thing um sorry but yeah this is a common thing for low evo where they'll arrive to feudal and then i'm not really sure what they're planning on doing in feudal uh maybe just eco upgrades because so many times players forget horse car and double bit x so getting that's good i'm watching the barracks he did go to gold with three so normally if you were gonna go with like a men at arms thing you would have a couple go to gold on the way to feudal age right um yeah we'll see if he starts making anything he doesn't have the food right now he likes the end mining camps and mills he got immediate wheelbarrow yeah this is the common i don't have a build order strategy but i'm still really surprised that the last game was 850 and now we're looking at 750 and they're we've gone from easton structure at 850 to not a lot of structure at all at 750 you know so two archer ranges for red i mean at least you know what at least red has an idea of what he wants yeah yeah blue blue hasn't even committed to that wall like he he's made it partially around his base but if you're gonna make that much you might as well send you know three or four villagers to complete the whole thing by the time you're in feudal age rather than sometime in castle age when this is eventually going to be yep 100 to quote you commit to it if you're going to wall commit yeah if you're not going to get the whole wall down then don't even wall at all because the enemy army is going to get in so uh oh he's going to go oh he's taking advantage of the free bulgarian man at arms upgrade and because he's being active with that scout he knows that red is chopping wood and he's sending those units right to where the lumber is you know this this eco might be good soon for red uh as he's eventually gonna go to these farms but he's not gonna have any military to deal with this well he's got a barracks an archer range and a stable does he build a blacksmith in this line next maybe a market on the other side that's true one of everything maybe a dock over in that lake yeah i know uh blue from the previous game would probably dock there and take the shore fish with the ville i don't think two men at arms is enough not if red fights back with villagers yeah a lot of times though two men at arms will push all of these bills away right off the resource if red gets nervous maybe the town bell will be wrong i mean i this is a good game because i like the fact and there's your answer red's going to build the market in the back i like the fact that red has wheel hands cart and bit axe and he has a lot of farms but what i don't like is that he doesn't have military right now and blue sending more yeah i need some houses too it's got some at the back there but uh it's gonna be a bit too late yeah this map is extremely punishing uh if you're someone who does not like open maps then i would suggest putting this in your ban list um it's not a map where you can easily wall and it's a map worse if like bulgarians with the three-minute arms upgrade can be amazing and dave blue's just he's just spending his resources he's less on food but he's spending all of it five minute arms can do some serious damage you might be able to fight two with villagers and if he gets five-minute arms into that uh wood line that is trouble and he's still streaming he's still got he's got six of them now is he going to be able to control them like will he pay attention to them or will red ring the pill and then blue dude lose everything what happened blue fine blue has six men in arms he's going for the archer follow-up he's got two ranges as well dude look at that look at this hot dude look at the way points he set with the man at arms so he can sneak around here look at this i mean the better move is just to attack here oh and red reacts to this that's a great reaction wow okay blue are you going to attack back though quick wall the villager and watch that would be amazing oh this is the worst down bell ever oh and red wants to go castle age you can tell he's saving for castle so he doesn't want to spend his food oh this is such an amazing rush i i when i first started playing rm when i made this switch from from custom scenarios i did this all the time all the time where i figured if i got to castle age i could do damage and then i would get hit in feudal age and i would do this i would just stall out because i didn't want to spend my resources i wanted to be up to the castle age i didn't want to spend them on military but i couldn't get up to the castle age because i couldn't access my res and at the end of the day um there's two things you could do either get better build orders and make military early to defend or send all your villagers to gold and build a market well um red reacted by towering in an area he thought was safest but doesn't really protect his woodline blue moved around though as attacking the mining camp and i feel like with the stable out there and being tootons it is still possible for bowery spark to make a few nights when he gets to the next stage and clear up commanded arms so yep but excellent pressure yeah really excellent pressure i'd love to see him loop back around to that wood line but i mean he's still he is denying him off gold yep which is pretty valuable to red and castle each yeah now the difference between a 750 elo player going for men at arms rush and a 1 000 elo player is at the 1000 elo player even though they might have a a similar time which was quite late uh they have macro behind it here you look at blue's base he's got 800 wood in the bit in the bank uh and he should have been adding more farms he still has hundreds of food with berries there he just hasn't been able to get his food count high enough archers so yeah he's got he has a bunch of them queued up still no fletching on those so you really want to see that before he heads across the map and he certainly has the wood to build a okay blacksmith if i were in red's position what i would have done is i would have saved all my gold and i would have made knights he thinks well what counters man that arms is archers so he's gonna make cartridges but he doesn't have upgrades so that in my opinion is going to do less damage than knights might have done but this is what blue's pressure does it makes red think and freak out a little bit pressure makes you panic and there yeah there's no reason to keep making these archers right here especially students yep go with the knights cancel the archers cancel the scouts get some nights like three nights can clear up everything that blue has on the field two nights one night can clear up everything he's gone on field okay well after building the tower red went to stone he's now building a second town center now eventually on acropolis you want to not be on the hill with some of your eco because there's not much wood up there but that's not a bad location for now and maybe he could just gain an eco lead and even the scouts with the extra melee armor pushing the man at arms away blue has the archers he hasn't sent them out blue still has not even clicked up the castle so i like red's position more doesn't even have fletching [Music] there's a market now now if he had fletching i feel like he could fight everything that red has currently uh red's just gonna boom dave three tc's so this is the good thing for blue is that he's not gonna be killed by red right now the bad thing for blue is that red's probably going to gain an economy lead uh something that tutans are very good at so i think blue's just got to get look up to castle age oh god he's making a lot of spears but yeah click up to castle age where his resources going he just queued up he just queued up eight skirmishers and he's cute he queued up five spearmen as well oh my god all the food that he had he does have a market so he can balance it immediately if he sells all his wood and buys food but like we were we were lauding him for having good military production earlier in the game now that he's not doing anything with the military this is bad yeah you use like using your res in the wrong way yeah i mean the this is where game sense comes in and he just might not have the amount of games um like the second he sees that tc from red he should know to cancel the at least the food units you can continue to make archers because you have the gold you have the wood but yeah the second you see red is already in the castle age don't make any wait a second bulgarians don't get crossbow right they don't get crossbow so it's actually a mistake to make a lot of archers yeah oof yeah i don't know if he picked bulgarians or if he got it random um oh no oh he's housed and he's clicked the castle age upgrade but it's behind three villagers oh wait he's canceled it all okay there he goes he's noticed now he's up still archers with you know fletching vodka and maybe you can get some damage done do they get do they get thumb ring that would be a sick joke if they got thumb rings dude i um they do get them right do they actually oh yeah for their cat their cab archers can benefit from that too okay yeah i guess so it's funny um do you remember the player on voobly uh kutazowa that used to go spanish archers yes his name is destroy people because no one so what he calls himself now is song song and he's back oh he's song song really yeah okay he's back he started playing the last few days i saw him kill huang with spanish archers it was incredible so i thought that was pretty cool and uh i'll try and get some if he ends up doing that again i'll try and get some of that stuff to youtube for people god so many people asking who the co-caster is i haven't been away that long have i apparently that would have been like a once every third stream in the old days geez you got you got too many new people here dude who's new yeah we got a few no no questions every now and then no there's no there's no new people here dude blue even though he's behind by 10 bills if he spends those resources he could more than do this but i don't think he's making the right units right now um so if he were to upgrade to elite skirmish pikeman and add siege that would be pretty cool i mean he's it's good that he transferred into skirmishers later although it delayed his castle each time at least it's a unit he can upgrade yeah and can do some damage with and now he's oh he's putting down a blacksmith nice okay so i i kind of feel like i don't know if this is calculated from red or what but he's at the point now where he has better eco but he's fallen and normally high level players they calculated so they get better eco and transition that in the more military which he's making and then defensive castles and he has 640 stone so i mean if he gets a castle up on the hill and starts using that eco to make military it could be whoa how did blue hit the stone for casserole i think dude i think he used his market to be honest i'm gonna check the i'm gonna check the uh yeah stone buy is at 188 gold right now he definitely used this market and it's not even on the hill it's at the bottom of the hill one villager it's not even in a great position like it's okay i guess and look at red all right counter castle did he see that castle from blue you can see it yeah if he has the doubt mod he could just see delt peeking out and you know what i don't think red's gonna do anything about that castle from blue because he he assumes blue has more protecting it to be honest though i think with that many pikemen and that little hill uh might be a mistake for red to try and stop it you could just go imp though just idle your tc's here if you're bowery and just go imp and make some trebuchets i don't know what blues follow-up is here i guess the moral of the story as i think more about how this game has played out is if you're going to be an aggro player that's great you've got to make sure that you can do that with a bit more eco behind it because the difference in getting to castle age was huge here for red is blue oh my oh my look what red's making in his castle dave but you know what's funny though i think blue because they actually got fletching is going to be able to range red's castle but red won't be able to arrange his and also blue before his castle goes up is researching murder holes which will actually be very helpful here oh my god oh my god he's just going to be able to arrange it yup you called it dude oh man i can feel this stuff in my bones you called it all right 51 villagers for 62. and he's also going to hear his hair and everything yeah dude and these petars like as long as he didn't click that oh no he clicked oh no we didn't click the castle clever clever boy yeah that's true you never want to ride the castle yeah then if he un-garrisons the turrets it won't attack those it'll keep attacking the castle so just make sure it's on auto red's like well this is a great idea meanwhile he's getting armor for the archers he's sending into his castle so i think he should instead get the range and i do like how blue is moving out to the right here with his military he knows red is occupied by that castle um so try and do something along the sides lit up your army a little bit okay fletching now on the way it takes um eight patards to destroy a castle uh so red is being patient but what's funny is how many units can you fit inside a castle 20 okay so here's space i was just worried that they would eject well might as well get vodka in here guys might as well get like masonry too yeah just get all the text you know what i like about red's uh house placement on the right is that when blue ran past there since he has town watch redness yeah he's able to see it's like having an outpost village and blue's being extra sneaky about it too so he did this with the men at arms too true yeah i'm loving this game man both have murdered really great it's good yeah this is too really evenly balanced oh here comes red and blue did click the castle but the batarangs didn't all come out the right side what did blue eject his units to defend from yep yep oh my gosh didn't all come out from the uh that side some of them came out from the back so ruin the rush oh my god and now here comes blue now he has way less hp but he's going to have two rams rams is a bad idea for students councils do decent dps against brands uh there's two more platards as well three more more oh more this time dave no he didn't yes he did meanwhile uh blue's getting mopped up i don't think they paid attention to that at all i think blue just realized what was happening there all right it's hard for the place so far in this castle off but uh blue does have more villagers somehow yeah he did drop that second tc on the left and he did make a few more t90 farms in his base so he's been he's been producing throughout this whole thing i think red has been kind of distracted and red's eco isn't that efficient to be honest i mean red could just go imperial those resources yeah oh konic i don't know about that one man this is why castle drops for o.p at this level i guess because okay here's a trivia question for you can you garrison dismounted comics and rams yes okay i i don't even know the answer to that so i'm i'm i i don't know the answer i've never seen it happen before but they are classified as an infantry unit so i say yes okay hey you're right the rams don't do that much because you rams against murder holes in the castle age like just regular batting ramps aren't very great because the castle does like a decent amount of damage you have a raid from blue is blue about to turn this around the dow bell from red everything's going to be idle yep whoa even if red clicks up right now still do it like yeah it's still gonna be pretty rough for him i think so as well that ram did help out here blue is actually winning the castle war though all of red's villagers are inside holding right now he's using some to distract so we can get the petards in what where the oh no he said i don't understand what happened there where did he set the gather point why are they going around they ran around round two is coming up next oh you know what happened he clicked the villagers back to chop the wood and i think the pitards went back with them but he still still has them though that's the thing so you could garrison them and on garrison dude if red loses this castle it's going to be a crime because he'll be an imp they can't make trebs blue with connoisseurs on the right and now iconic on the left oh my god red with a mass exodus yeah red's going to go for another castle there he did have enough for that blue's still streaming in rams at a certain point rams they're not effective you're just wasting resources by making them and i think reddit might actually take this castle so close 41 just attack with your own castle 41 hp and there's no villagers here for blue and the next castle will go up red and that might mean that red will have done it if he can deal with this castle before blue repairs it but there is another castle going up with one villager again from blue on the right hand side and is red gonna lose his castle oh my god red's gonna lose the one on the right before blue loses the 41 hp oh the rams were so weak dude oh my word they both had like one hp ballistics now for blue and uh i mean i've just been thinking about a tread board this whole time look at red's economy if red wins this game dude he's gonna be so they've been sitting there they've been ever since he rang that town belt that was like four minutes ago they've just been idle everything has been vital [Music] and now we've got two villagers chopping wood blue will repair all right so blue is repairing the castle blue wins easy does he though because what will blue not freak out when he loses his castle to the trip you're assuming a lot i am going to be coming out here i think he's just going to be more petarts m for morphitar's the biggest waste ever oh jeez and look red's gonna send all these villagers back to the end to the corner but there's gonna be the conic just waiting here oh he can see it too the monk the monk the only thing that could save these bills dude let's hope it doesn't see them oh he just he avoided the danger oh balloon just set way points with it dude he's microing that 13 hp conic wow see blue is winning this game but this is a mistake from him to keep pressuring with the rams like he could have gone up to amp so long ago and if he just had some trebs with the conics along with it he'd be in such a bit oh and also he's clicking i believe he's right clicking these buildings to shoot them down and again oh my god the fedora hit the conic i think the final pitard hit the conic because i don't think it did any additional damage and now blue will keep the castle up again do you want to bet do you want to bet that red's going to make more epitards instead of traps oh no it's making something worse teutonic knights and a trap oh there's the trap okay finally stirrups now stirrups is expensive i've the last i checked that will affect the attack speed of the comics all cowboy i like how chat's spamming the elite teutonic knight emote as if these are ever gonna be elite they're just too tonic they're not gonna have any upgrades here oh man i think stir is stirrups all cavalry um it's comics and it's i don't think it applies no no it is all cap yeah because it does hustlers uh they're cavalier and also they're comics yeah ooh i like this loop loop-de-doop that blue did on the right-hand side trying to avoid that the pikeman from pikeman army from bowery and he's gonna get into this eco imagine if no armor though imagine in arabia if blue would just go fast feudal for full stonewall and then be huns and go like cav archer raid like full china style from 2014. yeah he'd be sneaky enough to do it that's for sure all right it'll take out that monastery imagine if he had armor though if he had plus two he could just run into this eco and not even care about the tc's yeah he only upgraded his castle or his archers i guess he's coming with more rams and red is making petards again guys just just stick with the trebs i mean on the bright side the pikeman and the teutonic knights might be able to protect the treb you can't use the sound for blue don't use the guitars there and blue loses the castle red takes the score lead blues trying to micro so we can take out the trip and he will fail another ram couple don't resign blue might be tempted to resign here but he's way ahead economically yep wow why keep making rams this is like the 20th ram he's made he's desperate i think and he's so desperate i think if he loses the comics he might feel like there's no way i can come back still got them though well red's gonna have big trouble getting rid of those conics because once they once the horsemen die right yeah and you have a unit that counters your pikeman so oh boy and red ring the bell again no well here's another 17 minutes of idle time coming up maybe he'll unring it this time because blue oh no blue's still gonna run around okay look at all the waypoints he sets looks like he i guess does something else while he sets these waypoints in zigzaggity coming with more rams now dude if he i hope he gets frustrated dude i hate there's nothing i hate more than castle age ram pushes against the castle like because the thing is people don't commit to them yeah that's true you need like eight grams you need like a ridiculous amount of rams you need to know that you're gonna kill it with one push because if you keep trickling them in suddenly you're going to be really slow to the imperial age and it turns out that instead of trickling in 10 ramps to kill a castle it would have been better overall just to go up to imperial age yeah exactly red will lose his treb to a knight both of these players have got to be sweating right now they're both tunnel vision they're not transitioning they're not able to think clearly because of how hectic this is red's like blue keeps going back into raid to find that red still has not unrung the bell yeah um but yeah blue's got a lot of gold out here that he could take red's making another castle red needs to start making more villagers so he i think he's still got one tc garrison from that bell blues eco management has been has been much better to be honest yeah well i mean in terms of creating villagers you look at the tc on the left yeah yeah i'm talking about just making sure you're always creating villages all kids that are standards yeah also doesn't have a horse collar which is concerning hopefully is going around again with sonic's okay now he's looping back okay dave look at the left corner for blue and you see the villagers walking around there he is trying to send yeah he's trying to send villagers to the wood line where the other tc is and so they have to walk the whole way around they're walking past wood they could chop i guess he's not able to focus on that if only blue went for another sneak attack on the left side instead of the right side if he got into that wood line from red oh boy that would be devastating well dude i've got to give props to red because after getting like securing the castles he's uh adding eco again um it's concerning because he's not sending the voters to a resource that happens to the best of us but he's got the castles he's making more trips i think i'd like to see him pick a unit upgrade it and create it you know stop doing this trickle thing that both players have been doing at least blue committed to conics a little bit yeah blue still didn't get any upgrades for his car no none and here i build three blacksmiths it'd be hilarious if blue takes out that blacksmith though because then red would need to build a new one um blue can't afford to lose this oh that's where all his res is okay i was wondering where where blue's imperial res was he has 11 comics queued up in that one castle and he's probably i might not lose it though he's got a big army dude if he had armor if he just had armor here ah i mean he can take out the trap so yep downhill he'll be able to take it the problem is he's clicked the trap and only the trap so a lot of his units are running into the castle fire he'll be fine oh god and now he's grouped up the dismounted comics with the mountain with a converted teutonic knight it looks like no no i think it's just the mountains yeah like that was probably worth it for red you can just make a new trap that would probably make batards these guys are going to have nightmares about castles this is ridiculous i'm sure they already have nightmares about casting that's why they make muscle drop at this level is just so prevalent this is like the 20th time we've seen the bell from red hey props to these two are sticking with it man like these guys really have mentality to keep fighting i love that right um i guess blue could take that fight i mean i i don't like it not not against the uh extra melee armor that the knights get conics are really expensive okay blue go in luke just go imperial stop it with this whole comic thing go in make conics and i guess the question is what does he gain from imp if he's not gonna get blacksmith upgrade so maybe then it's trebs what would mbl say dude he just go up to limp he just queued up four comics it's so annoying ah somebody can link the clip in the chat like i'm really glad that this castle is gonna go down actually that's true it might give you so much rest watch his res right now oh my god and then he goes today he's going up oh my god man you can't make it up it's a blessing in disguise let's go baby the second the second that he lost the castle dude that was frame perfect right [Laughter] oh my god dude loila legends today has made me cry three times oh and now he's gonna make another castle with one villager at home uh but at least that's safe and he's also going to try and raid again um attacking the market now now dude get blacksmith upgrades red get blacksmith upgrades come on guys go in from the other side do something you know it's something different you just know if you look at this guy's profile i bet you he plays bulgarians all the time i bet you he loves to raid this is not a new thing for him i don't think he's a random zip guy this this strikes me as a guy who takes advantage of the three-man arm upgrade and then goes into comics he plays the sieve as he feels it should be played he's housed for a long time ever since that castle went down yep i guess we'll just wait for the next castle to go up is he making more ram oh god he's got six rams cued he has a lot of stone to take on the map uh red has not done a good job expanding to the right um or even pushing the middle but as i say that here come the teutonic knights blacksmith upgrades for blue though at one hour that's pog dude all of them every single one just got queued up on that well i'll show viewers right after i show the raid a blue how does it feel buddy you're getting raided now i think this is might be another blessing in disguise letting him know that he should refresh his woodline somewhere else yeah true oh now he rings the bell okay his turn all the eco goes idle oh and the castle's not being built now because he rang the bell ah here comes a ramp that's right folks you heard me correctly oh ram here it comes that's new all right um oh my holy stone mining batman 19 on stone 19 on three tiles of stone to be exact all right his also he's not patrolling in the mid with his onyx where is he going i think he wants to raid there's also a villager in there who might make it dude if he gets that wood line he's still in the wood line castle castle the wood line oh my god the ville no no no no no not cray posts the woodline and then krepo somewhere else the ville's making it and also blue oh never mind blue still has not unwrung his bell so he does not have a castle this so like we talk about the townville a lot this is why you need to get out of the habit of doing it if you're a town del ringer because this eco should never have been idle the same thing's happened forever just bought himself another one dude dude he's he's been absolutely brutalizing that market oh my word man and that's strong though that's a strong castle yep and if he gets even a single units to the left uh red will be down 18 villages i don't know who's going to win this this is going to send them right in that's fine he was going to rush it oh oh i i wouldn't you've shown blue that brett is making a lot of pikemen which i think are very good here the thing about conics though is that like i said before you killed a mounted unit and then you're fine against the pikeman right yeah another blessing in disguise rhett killed the siege workshop that was producing rams for blue so once again blue fortunate enough that his enemy is uh taking care of all his weaknesses look at blue with taking the gold now yep he's gonna take his oh and now he's sending conics over there he did spot it nice and he spotted this gold two he's going to take that gold because he has blues more villagers going to the right gold which he doesn't realize uh has a tc on it yet and he might use the rams there so he actually has two castles forget about his main base at this point no one cares about that is red is red actually taking any resources that blue isn't simultaneously taking i mean his farms get the gold he's idle in the in his face there's like gold over on the ground red's got trips with teutonic knights and pikemen and i think that could hold pog he could come back what is this game look at the idols man they both have so many idol villagers it's both 80 it's 85 pop for both still in the dc no he's been there ever since the previous town bell ring and now as he tries to save this new castle he's not going to he will not get both traps i am sure of it actually i'm not so sure of it dude he's all in on stone right now and he's rushing this tc too from red wait a second dude do you have sappers no what are you doing with your villagers just wait for the rams you finally have a situation where you can use the rams effectively and then you toss away villagers instead oh my god at blue rams do you think blue has just lost hope after losing that castle or do you think the one castle remaining is enough for him no he's got one castle there and he's got another one in his face he can finish i think he's like he's fine dude dude i don't know like i have no clue how red squirt is that much higher than blues i i think is it all kd it must all be kd well eco upgrades too like there's no wheel no horse collar for blue whereas there's uh hand cart and the second pharma upgrade for red i don't know it's got to be kd as well blue just needs to like unring your belt you've got zero on food zero on wood right now 28 on gold and 15 on stone like unring your bell his mind is officially broke oh you called it he just realized so now he has more on food but he's losing all the villagers on gold that god he must he must have come back to his eco and felt like such an idiot seeing that tc yeah it's true it's true oh man this is amazing i mean he's gonna drop another castle i bet you right on the other side of the hill oh my god let's go let's go the problem is he can't kill red's army that's the problem and he's actually gonna make two-handed swordsmen right now which are actually pretty epic here he does have a treb he does have a ram and we know how dangerous the ram can be reds knights uh we're in the right spot now blue dude this is where you have to stop committing you have to learn when it's time to cut your losses you get a wall in a ville oh no he said wait what nope that might actually be it right there dave i don't know how i still feel like blue could come back if he starts to boom but i don't have faith that he's going killing this one castle for the trap yeah yeah red's got all that military in the south he's just got a point oh no oh oh red you pulled the knights away and blue is sending more villagers oh my god okay and and blue's now packing up the trap it's like it was all planned [Laughter] oh my god say what you want about low e low legends but when people say how can that be fun some of these games are genuinely amazing ah okay red i want to say he is more working eco but he has 60 bills and 20 idols whereas it's 30 bills for blue not too many of them are idle uh wow would be such a difference let's say that we had to write a synopsis of this game for like a reddit thread right and then the players themselves that was sick though that was sick oh my god anyways continue so let's say we had to write a synopsis like a brief overview of this game and then the players had the right overview there would be such a difference in the tone yep like what they identified as the main struggles in this game as blue goes for another another castle and if red that's a dope castle actually that's super dope is is constantly inside of his tc's because of the bell and blue takes out the treb this i it's going to swing again i think blue's got a stable eco at home kind of maybe no no one would know what i would no is no eco man no one no one would be buying soon well he's been buying but he also there's a ton of stone and gold for him to mine he's still mining gold something that red can't say it's not good i'd love to see him send that conic over to the right okay here it goes to stone villagers that's very good that's good but he's still he's still going to lose his castles i think because he still can't take out that treb i don't know where red's going to go economically but he does have resources banked at least um hold on a moment oh my god the micro from blue though to drag him away and then he's gonna go in for it it's not gonna be enough i don't think oh he might get one close oh that's so unfortunate it'd be really big if you could get that yeah now he's not taking eco damage dave he is 32 villagers red has 49 and if you could only see my screen to see how idle their economies are right now oh my word dude i i can't believe blue has spent the last 30 minutes without anyone on wood and oh my god that tc from red oh geez at the right [Music] what on you need resources so you build that tc i don't know what's going on dude he's checked out look at his res bank though it's crazy i know i guess that's what happens when you have one on wooden eight farms versus deer on wood in two farms yeah blue glutes run out of steam can he buy another castle that's my question like he really realistically should buy wood and build a tc and then buy food and create villagers you know that's a good question but it would it would take like 1200 gold to buy a castle okay that's that's what i'm curious because like he seems to like that game plan he does have one ram so i'm surprised he hasn't made any crepos yeah that's true our posts would be good and they're cheaper as well you also like the comics so maybe if he optimizes this build a bit come on blue don't give up start collecting your goats you're back in dark age you got barry still [Music] he called it you checked to see which player it was right i did because i was thinking that maybe red would be tempted to understand so bad for him oh my word what a game dude that was like that was peak low eagle legends um we had murder holes we had castle wars we had raids we had defense we had trebs we had castle drops we had everything we had the steve harvey meme of attacking and not paying attention to your eco at all yep that was the entire game for blue basically yeah i mean at every stage um ten thousand score on the dot for red who gets the win you rarely see that oh yeah yeah um one of the best slow elo legend games i've cast man i i feel like both of these guys if they end up seeing this they're probably going to be laughing at themselves and kicking themselves because there's so many obvious things hopefully some people who are watching i could learn a bit what what ended up deciding this because you look at the kd red has more kills he kept it red kept it by the trebs and then blue just couldn't couldn't deal with that big mass yeah so every time that uh blue made like a castle he didn't have any army to support it he would have like four or five units at a time and red would have the 30. yeah like these halberdiers stayed alive from the middle of castle age all the way to the the end of the game if red wasn't tootins i think he really struggles there because the the free armor that the uh infantry and cav got in this game helped him having teutonic knights is good in that situation because i think they have five melee armor without any upgrades um red collected a little bit more food he collected a little bit more wood he had way less stone and way less gold only 8 900 gold for red who failed to expand much and blue had 15 000 golds but he didn't have the food eco he didn't have the um units to back it up man i look at the imp times like the castle times and the imp times everything's so different 2158 castle time for red and blue 2906 a 43-27 m versus an hour and 51 seconds you look at the timeline and you think that they had 125 bills with 60 to 80 army like a pro game but that's not the case at all like blue if you watch this like red don't leave your villagers in your tc's after ringing the bell for 10 minutes blue make some extra tc's on the side dude like just make make a few you know expand your eco a little bit he was all in on that wood line and then it got cleared up and uh he never relocated he never made more villagers he never did anything it was just the the same thing for the last 30 minutes right castle drop connick yeah or just just take a deep breath like he he wanted to raid but he didn't really need that much urgency just take a deep breath and spend some time like red had eight farms so just just add 10 you're good um wow okay so the highest world population was at one hour and that was 214 uh considering players could hit 200 population themselves that's not too high very yolo game
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 308,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Best, Noob, Game, I've, Seen, in a, LONG, Time, Low Elo Legends, Acropolis, AoE2, aoe2de, age of empires, age of empires 2, Definitive Edition, Casting, Tutorial, Noobs, Funny, Lol, Lmao, how, T90, T90Official, T90 and Dave
Id: i4Q48BIo4fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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