Legendary Nomad Game! TheViper, TheMax, Fat Dragon, and MORE!

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all right my friends this is a four before Nomad game and this map is going to be crazy we have four players we have the Viper Pike Max and believes the Viper is teaming with Finland who have provided so many good games when playing against viper in the past and then we have backed say my name the two strongest vietnamese players arguably and then paladin and fat dragon yo and lakes are actually watching this all the pros are online right now looking to play some games such as i wanted to cast all day today Nomad is a game mode where you don't start with TCS the map generation is always different so you don't know where the water bors gold stone will be I guess I should try and introduce the teams now this is gonna be rough a viper is playing as the slabs in the yellow he had a really rough game last time he lost seven what was it six villagers it was a short one his nemesis is paladin there will be some payback here max is to the left of Viper that's great to have those two safe max is playing as the Saracens right below max is Veliz Felice is playing as the Spanish and the orange and then we have Pike in the south and he's playing as the Koreans and he is right next to say my name who's on the other team and say my name says Korea next to me dadgum alright paladin is up next paladin is playing as the Mayans wolf strong Civ in the gray paladin says I kill he see so Pao Dan's gonna kill the water control I guess and then another villager 2tc this is two games in a row he's lost a VIP to a TC and back to us his teammate in the last game zoom back says rip oh my god well back his playing as the ethiopians and then fat dragons here is Beck's Ally and he's playing as the comer whew I think this Ville could die okay deville can take two more hits it's fine it's so funny because Vipers been so unlucky today I guess it's not a tournament if this was a torment game man he'd be he'd be baller he'd be good to go I imagine that was his dock Vil because there's no other reason his villa B over there yeah he docked over here so if you have a slower start on Nomad fishing is always important to come back fishing is always important regardless on nomad so not only do I need to know where the eight TCS are not only do I need to know where the military is on land but I also need to know all the doctors and the Navy's so this is definitely going to be hectic but I think that's what people like about nomad can you can you ex boars again so they're talking about signalling food location a Viper doesn't have any sheep right now he just he just seems kind of upset he's like can you please signal boars again okay thank you no sheep out a Viper's been nerfed badly paladin did ask for his allies to signal the TCS so there's something that you can do called team colors which makes it really easy to see TC in team locations so I'm gonna do that just for a moment to show you yes paladin is gonna be blue because I'm controlling him but all of his teammates are in yellow now so there's a lot of the Chinese Vietnamese team on the right hand side and then Vipers team is more towards the left hand side so there's actually more map available for Vipers team which could be really good I'm curious to see what happens between pike and between say my name on this side though because say my name is Mongols so we can hunt quickly which means he might be able to get futile fast that's important because Pike will likely tower him yeah they're Friend or Foe colors but a lot of people don't know what that is so I just wanted to explain that most players call them team colors that's what I call them [Music] and Mac says need sheep what's a little bit late Viper has the pig now max did have a sheep here when Viper was saying you had a rough start yeah Viper is just gonna be slow so this is a good position to be in if you have a rough start though the only bad thing is that I think his doc is is awful he might need to run his fish away I hope to save them and maybe dock on the back corner somewhere feudal age times are gonna be huge here this Viper turning winland in Toulouse --lens now they'll be fine they'll be fine I think we all know that once Viper gets back into the game he'll be okay it just puts a lot of pressure on the max but max is used to it now this doesn't have anything to do with Viper skill guys it doesn't have anything to do with Viper skill or rust it's just unfortunate man it's just literally unlucky he didn't have any sheep he didn't have any boars close and he ran a villain inside of TC two games in a row it just had the worst possible no med starts I can agree that he hasn't been playing as he normally would in other games but this game has nothing to do with that it's just rough start ooh paper has to be careful he lost a Vil to a pig last game okay there we go hey garrison did just to make sure oh man a little bit a little bit of PTSD I guess he needed a house towering complexes hi - now you just got here how's the stream well perfect timing man the stream is good we're probably going to see a tower rush between pike and between say my name that is if pike can get stone oh and he has it yeah Viper signals phat dragons doc and phat dragon is on the way up and paladin says I will kill pike see how cuz paladin is docked in the center and he sees pike so a pike is towel rushing he will lose his fish ah nice that could be really good for them and then he could potentially kill the Lisa's fish here as well Louise has a doc inside and outside yeah I think that fat dragons macro play is something that people never really wanted to what not that they didn't want to discuss it but they didn't notice it in the past because they would only see the initial forward from him but the reason fat dragons towers and forwards are good on Arabia maps what she only does 20% of the time anyway the reason that strong is because he is able to macro behind it because he's able to boom behind it this came obviously he didn't tower rush but fastest feudal time he's gonna need the fastest time he can get because chimera kind of rough Civ to play with in late-game they're the strongest but in mid game they're probably one of the weakest pike will beat say my name to feudal age though I don't see him investing all that much into towers I obviously he's on stone we missed a lame here that's funny yeah that villager lamed but I think Pike will build the tower or two but I don't see him committing ten villagers forward or anything ridiculous he's definitely not going on water though and he doesn't know that that paladin is docked there I believe he could have spotted paladin's fish but there's not much you could do about it unless he gets help from Lees who may or may not help fat dragon again I told you this is gonna be crazy and hard for me to follow I apologize in advance he's going for water and this is what I expected Viper's fish they needed to leave yesterday so if Viper realizes this he needs to send his fish over to where max has docks max is Sarah since and going galleys interesting well that's different normally you start off with fire galleys unless you're Vikings but saracen galleys do fire faster so maybe max has some belief in that Peggy Hill I probably wouldn't expect it anytime soon because caps rage takes so much work for them yeah there's there's absolutely no timeline on that if I knew I would tell you okay so remember that time where I said that Pike wouldn't go Yolo tower rush well he did go Yolo tower rush he has villagers killing a house but he needs to get out of here because say my name is just built a tower but and that is denying the Gold's say my name if he wants to take this cold he could paladin said he was going water remember he didn't kill pikes fish pike is still getting a little bit of food from this instead he's thinking about going towards the LEAs beliefs hasn't lost his fish yet either so I have a feeling that like the team is winning the Chinese Vietnamese team is winning but they're not killing as quickly as they possibly could on the other areas like say my name he's not doing too much except defending here and paladin hasn't killed pikes fish yet or releases fish in the center so that might come like right now love to see a back to saying that the max is on water and at max is on water does not have fletching yet that's a big upgrade and green micro from phat dragon did you see that sent the weak one back sent the full HP ones in fact dragon will be in castle age the leaves will be in castle a battle being cast like say my name will be in Castle eight okay say my name will be up way before pike then this is just so crazy it if there's any game mode where you need a co caster for V for Nomad is the one where you need a co caster because it's so wild VIPRE could fast Kasilof this he invested into farms he just was expecting max to defend him and it worked so far it worked and Max is on the way up as well to max might struggle versus vivvy once vidi gets more fire galleys out paladinous killed pikes fish and he's not killed all the leases Navy in the center but he's killed a lot of it this is wild I wonder what say my name does Castle yeah he's gonna Castle in I bet you he places a castle right here he could castle pikes TC yeah I think Pike had he docked the Outer Ring he would have been much better off but he docked to the center and since so many of his fishing ships either can't work or dead I guess the other ones were running earlier when I looked it's hurt his food eco big time whereas say my name has had safe fish here okay where's that castle there it is oh he's gonna place it even closer now Pike could actually consider a tower here I don't know if I like this position if Pike were to place a tower with fletching he'd have two towers his tower here and a tower here he could deny it but I think it's gonna be too late say my name knows that he's committing a lot to it yeah the castles at 50% now wild stuff guys a max is currently to be won by backed and by fat dragon he's about to hit castle age all vipers fish is gonna die and max could lose his Navy a meanwhile over here you could see what I mean that the towers could do something that the castle is going to go up anyway Pike has killed two bills but he might not even get to castle age most likely will but if say my name were to target the TC and make a petard or something he would kill the castle HGC what can Viper contribute now that he's in Castle age I feel like he can't contribute anything he could add town centers and try and boom up on land and then he's just hoping that max survives that's essentially it oh my god did you see that demo that was good for valise whoa boy still doesn't save them though some conquistadors might save them police's Spanish he's built a castle on the shoreline as well and he'll go conquistadors now he could get to Paladin before paladin walls his base mountain could be in trouble against this say my name is saying you have to all that he really does if they Stonewall this then it's gonna be very tough for Belize if they don't Stonewall it then that's the way back into the game for Finland and Viper okay here comes the quick walls they can't wall on this sandy terrain that's actually ice I just have no snow mod on I don't know if that's enough I don't know if that's enough guys it delays a little bit can he wall further behind there while huge eco expansion for backed huge eco expansion for fat dragon this is still looking very bad fat dragons about to have 50 villagers with nine fishing ships it's crazy okay paladin decides to wall behind them this side now the conchs are going to get through this this stone needs to be waltz and then I guess it back doesn't walled here either so that this could be problem I didn't realize how much say my name had lamed over here yeah he's also going water against Belize now this is looking bad man the only good thing for Vipers team is that the max is in a nice position but he's only at 39 Vil's how good is fat dragon though 55 filters 9 fishing ships it's ridiculous and backed has definitely been a beast as well with 50 villains 9 fishing ships but the last thing they want is for conquistadors to get into the base and back could go right or beliefs rather could go right into backs eco and I guess back to didn't realize that this was a possibility is he gonna gate or market he could build a gate like this and then maybe one here huh oh my god there's still a hole there right no we got the gate up that's so dumb oh my god I don't think police expected that I didn't expect a gate like that either I expected he would try and wall like this wow really well done there and that's gonna be enough to keep these units out and now monks are on the way for paladin aw jeez it's it's a trap it is a trap [Music] meanwhile on this side oh we have a castle from pike pike build a castle on he's made some rams both of these players on this side are extremely weak though Pike is in a worse position one conversion I guess for pike and that's it that dragon will help with monks so that conquistadors won't get in Max's trying to buy viper sometime the Viper has zero kills and 12 deaths but that's because he hasn't been making any military so I think Vipers is trying to boom get the Vil lead gets imp use the power of the Slavs and it's been kind of tough for a fat dragon to deal with max on water back to us here to help him a little while ago the fact is currently looping around to hit Max's fish area I think it's dangerous if they let max snowball units on them like this like that's that's a way they could come back I think back then fat dragon will probably be an imp faster than anyone and they'll have stronger economies but if they lose all their water control and they've been relying on this fish for a while max could go water and Viper could goal and possibly hold the comps gotta run this way because you couldn't wallet and that dragon just lost some villagers monks are really the only thing you can do here just hope to get single conversions that dragon will lose a monk and get a conversion yeah get a conversion lose two monks that's good for Belize not great but good meanwhile bike is still trying to kill this castle and it's not gonna happen but it's just so funny to see the Purple's repairing this and as manga died behind I think it's possible for Vipers team to stabilize it it's gonna be tough because backs will be in the Imperial age soon but I definitely think it's possible just because of the way the map is set up there they're all walled so it's not as if they can easily put a look vipers building a castle this was the only open area they can't easily push Viper there it's easy to stall the game out on this excuse me I'm allergic to towers Oh a transport with just a villager boo where is he going maybe over here to build a siege workshop or a tower we'll see I think fact is going water in the next stage yeah he's making fire ships he's making demos so he'll go for a fast fire I'm not even sure if Ethiopians get fast fire I should know that but you just never see them on water oh that's why they don't get fast fire they don't get heavy demo so they're garbage on water unless they go for galleons I bet you back to just realized like it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know that because I don't know that like I'm casting this game and playing this game as much as back does you just never see that's it picked oh my god that dragon just built a castle right next to the book force castle oh my god it's beautiful and the watch they're probably both making vut ARDS yeah they're both making vut ARDS vipers making petard this is the new Viper meta by the way this is what he did the other day these castles are kissing ooh oh no vivvy okay viper has a big lead he also has the hill advantage with his petard which is silly but he does and fat dragon just lost his first petard yeah I can this is possible for them what a hold from Team Viper and Finland where'd the Ville go okay the Villere docked such a hectic game I'm thinking that fat dragon will go elephants in the next stage if Viper expects that Viper is Slavs and could go for infantry and siege these conquistadors / valise are still running around - being a little bit annoying I know a tactic I know it's hard to follow but I also know it's close pike is that now the weak link no longer Vipers pike pike only has 57 population and oh that's bad say my name will be an imp before him well before him and can get access to trebuchet z' and more manga die i think that means that believes will need to help their rightful ease will maybe go for conks or paladins or something max is gonna commit full Navy I guess he's even docking here back to the castles what's Viper doing here and and how is vite for all of a sudden behind vipers trying to build gates to stop the petard from going out as fast I can been repairing this he made a list elephant he made a list elephant whoa can someone clip that right there what was that I need this segment clipped I need to review this at more detail this is so weird look the gate actually hurts Viper because he can't hit the castle sorry I wasn't watching this there's so many other things to look at I think both castles could go down but but vipers the one right now who seems to be struggling he's getting conscription he just gave up on this I guess he's building a new one jeez well here comes back with some land military remember he did have some Navy but he can't fight max on Navy on water sorry paladin he's on his way to him he'll be making plumed archers out of multiple castles so it's just double trouble for pike but I believe that the lease will have paladin so maybe police could hold verse two I I doubt it but he has to and that would call on Viper to push phat dragon and fat dragon is about to trip down Vipers next castle and he's making elephants and this is before Viper even gets to howl buddy or upgrade so still trouble provide per team have been impressed with how they've been able to hold on a lot of their current problems stem from the way this game started though I will say not not Pike's problem like Pike's problem just because he he kind of lost his 1v1 now are blessed from backed they just squeak by here and max max I guess was making Navy to stop that from happening so he's missed out on that back to table to get into Vipers Eco somehow could be good kind of tough there's TCS everywhere Vipers getting this castle trebs he's now getting this castle rams he'll save one of them I love Nomad it's it's wild it's messy it's hard to follow but I like it a sure Vipers not liking it today yeah he'll lose that castle okay remember say my name is making manga die and then we have paladin making blooms probably plumes and potentially helps so it's all on valise to hold by himself keep pike alive till pike gets to the imperial age and I'm not sure what Pike will do it in because he's still not in a strong spot but that's that's the way this is going to go viper kind of has to hold 1v2 on land because max has been going for water and Max has one water see he's taken that water control yeah you can range a lot on water in these maps that backed is going for the guard tower upgrade again I don't know if Ethiopians get keep but any bit of support there's gonna be useful back says del Kia Mik del Kia I don't know what that means diz he's trying to say delete something like delete a certain unit like delete a wall maybe he's probably speaking to I have no clue we can only speculate we can only speculate you need a translator in here we need someone who speaks multiple languages delete this yeah I figured like delete a gate or something police is on this side with paladins and viper has his halberdiers look at the way this is swung where's fat dragon now always getting a leaf battle elephant butt and then time has taken him to get to elite battle elephant the viper has masked the halberdiers amassed the trebuchet and the champions and all of a sudden this swings police still has to hold both sides which is not gonna be easy but he still has two so far so good this is all before the manga die become elite though so I guess Pike has the ideal civilization to hold against this he could build towers and on udders castles Koreans our defensive civilization they definitely need to pencil that side now remember that a big reason that the score is so high is because max has so much water a water really boost your score in this game and a lot of his water isn't accomplishing much also remember that facts will have V our Ethiopian are blessed in combination with phat dragons elephants so that combination is probably a bit stronger than polices paladin's and Vipers infantry but VIPRE kills the castle a four-word castle for say my name on this side paladin and when I say paladin I mean the gray player I think he needs Halberdier you really need help em blooms yeah okay he's getting pikemen now the manga die are elite those are Korean auditors though nine range just got it you have to keep your manga dye numbers live if you lose the TREB so be it just keep your manga debt numbers alive do not lose them if you lose the castle so be it it doesn't matter as much as your army numbers here hyper still pushing I just have a feeling it's gonna swing back I have a feeling that Viper will no longer be able to push now that back to so many herbalist ridiculous game Elite Canon galleon for max will the water approach work cuz if he gets the center he could use cannon galleons to shoot a lot of the buildings and units that are around the shoreline that castle goes down for paladin oh I love this though this is this is funny this is funny until an auditor shows up and shoots them look at the pops guys what a game this oh god oh okay look make it stop all the plumes oh geez well yeah this is this is the moment this is the moment I was waiting for now that it's are blessed and elephants versus just Viper Vipers will not be able to hold on his own I think max is going to contribute with Rams but he's not contributing with anything else on land as far as I can see he might be building up towards ma'am Luke's he's making castles on this side the valise is running in of course they just cut through the trees walls are not gonna work much longer but then again gray does have help so he'll potentially be fine fat dragons population is worrying me to see 140 population with him right now it's a worrying sign it makes sense that Pike would have a low pop Oh quick well click well click well quick wall trap they've been trapped I think isn't there a hole here there's older be a fat dragon needs to get his population up maybe the lack of food is the problem right now there's a lot of gold in the shoreline that's that are being protected by towers maybe fat dragon needs that as well it's getting attacked by the Navy there this game is ridiculous and Max is now going for a leap ma'am Luke what you so rarely see so just want to talk about the Mameluke for a second back in the age of conquerors days you'd see it all the time however nowadays they they have a delay the frame delay was upped from I think 0 to 5 which is what makes them weak they're also they also take a little bit more damage versus helps now so I'm curious to see how this plays out I think they need the mam Luke's on this side possibly max has built a lot of his castles here maybe max comes to this side and the LEAs goes to the other side flier welcome back with two months man no this is not community games this is a four before Nomad game VIPRE says I need help yeah he needs it badly this is the point of the game where Coomer are insane 320hp units will be 16 plus 7 attack and this is where the lack of max is obvious on land and he's taking a long time to get the mammal loops out so expensive to make them oh man they gained the score lead they came back into the game you know the only way this is okay is if purple is dying on the other side and say my name's not having the best time here look at this paladin is losing his halvah tears say my name is losing his manga die this could just go around in a circle I think Vipers worse off though fact is building a forward castle the treads are still killing buildings yeah vipers definitely worse off and I don't think Mameluke stirred the thing to save him I think paladin's would be the only thing the composition is just so much stronger for the Vietnamese Chinese team whew man these auditors are crazy I'm loving this but it's obvious to me now that while max is chipping away with these elite cannon galleons on the sides Viper is is dying a lot faster to the land military [Music] Elite plumed archers albs with almost full upgrades manga die verse on udders and paladin's and the hunters and paladin's are doing ok they're doing work say goodbye to that castle paladin just built that castle and oh my god those huh stars come in from say my name what a clutch play for him to arrive from behind like that little sneak attack and I think they can kill all the Pyke's amateurs yeah they should wow that was that was really well done if he once he can maybe go for the trebuchet is next house Viper doing not too hot 110 pop phat dragons population is looking healthy now 160 plus max is building castles here though there's paladins from valise there's heavy scorpions from Viper I think max is just lacking gold to make a lot of mammal Luke's that's why they've begun the trade here just a little bit of trade to start it I don't think there's any trade but there is ten trade for say my name he's trading with this market I guess and with the water control the trade positions are going to be better for Vipers team because they're controlling the sides look how max is surrounding the shoreline with water control so he's preventing the markets from being further away from each other here he's actually using cannon galleons to just take down backs Newcastle but much like the game started like this Viper is dying 116 kills 301 deaths now back has shotel warriors it's on valise in Pike now if the leaves in Pike aren't killing this side if they're not winning in the south in a big way I think the game is going to end soon what a back and forth game see I still have belief in no bonaga I mean max I know never mind never mind he's losers a lot of control in the center nice addition paladin to send a few fire ships to the ARBs are doing damage viper only 100 pop okay police is here I think it filiz leaves though if he leaves the south then he dies here and then Pike dies pike pike is just going with auditors they keep getting picked off poor sheep my brain is moving a mile a minute very high brain APM right now trying to talk about all this but I just see the team population for the Asian team it's much healthier they're gay have more map control now they obviously don't have a ton of water control but now say my name is making fire ships and these players are so good like the second they realize they have an opportunity to switch positions or switch units they do it you notice that a purple realizes oh we're kind of winning on lands now let's go water in the South because they're not they're crazy recognition of where they need to be and I think we might see a similar thing here yeah look that dragon is going for fire ships so they pushed a Viper and now that dragon realizes they need to get this water control for the trade and now the push against max so max is going land after you're winning on water now he's losing water and he might need to go back on it now I don't think this is gonna be easy for Vipers team but regardless of if they come back or not this has been a really fun game to cast I know slabs are a great sieve and one be ones put in team games they don't really fit that team game mold because ideally you'd have a paladin sieve and then a strong ranged unit viper just has a sieve that would no infantry and siege right it does make it awkward for viper if you were to get to see janitor and help then maybe but and that's the same with with Pike if Pike got to see geometry or war wagons the flanks for Vipers team have been very weak throughout this game and that's because of the starts Vipers was in Dark Age and then we had that rough start for pike in fuel age in Castle age and this is where they wanted to trade guys this is where the Vipers team was beginning to make the trade carts and know his scorpions Oh his scorpions are gonna die they weren't accomplishing all that much anyway I guess max is sending a navy around this way looking rough it's looking really rough Navy only accomplishes so much it was it was probably why they've been able to hold on in this game but Navy only accomplishes so much for max and and it has to be said that also Saracens they don't really fit that team game mold that well either Bob Patton's going Eagles now see this makes more sense they have the melee in front then they have the range behind crazy see geometers on the way from Pike I mean if they get enough scorpions and c-jun injures on this side then anything can happen the Eagles are sniping the trebs [Music] the magnet I can cite the trebs look at this man meg and I are insane look how many paladin's died before they even arrive fully upgraded paladin's police knows it's it's desperation time now so he's making some bombard towers whoa where are these hustlers coming from I guess Purple's just spamming huh stars through the castle fire it's not the first time we've seen that from him so I guess max has the north of this little area secured on water and he has this south of it so it's the central area and the northern area of the big body of water and so now it's becoming a little bit more difficult for fat dragon and for backs to push so they're just controlling it with towers [Music] teams might run out of wood here what is beginning to look really thin just like my hairline as I get older feels bad man ship right and drydock for fat dragon yes oh I think he will focus mainly on water at least that's that's what I'm gathering here and bombard canons good addition for back oh my god the scorpion sniper fight for your scorpions No oh my god they all got flattened they all got flattened oh that hurt to see so much scorpions stack on top of one another so you could kill like 20 scorpions with one shot oh my god the Vipers pop is looking good again Max's pop is looking good again man if they stole this out and I'll tell you what these bombard towers are gonna be hard to kill paladin's looking preps you also have to remember that since they have Spanish on the team Viper's team is gonna have more gold per trip with trade and while there's a lot of trade for both teams I'd say it's gonna pay off for them the Vipers making C dreams and halberdiers and this is probably recognising that fat dragon doesn't have many elephants anymore that's a lot of keeps though a Beck's needs to get the show tell how our mix-up here quickly Saracen galleons are so fast firing men okay there's hustlers in the trade I like the fact that we can see well players Sigma because Elise is just pointing that out [Music] can see John mr. paladin do it in the South I think it can if you get enough see geometry paladin's bombard towers you just can't push it as muggles and definitely not Mayans Mayans are mines is the civilization that excels and early and put in post imp it's rough fat jargon is asking for golds so let's look at the trade locations and how much gold they're getting fat dragon is getting 52 gold per trip let me just double check that yeah 52 gold per trip compare this to a trade chart from Belize he's getting 28 gold per trip but if the more they push like Pike is gonna get more Vipers getting 48 when he goes to pikes markets so the more they pushed the more space in between the markets they're gonna have and then the more gold they're gonna get and then the longer this game goes on apparently because this is not ending anytime soon this has had so many swings look at the tower's I think I think Pao didn't say my name could die to this guy's what a game what a freaking hold from Finland's and VIPRE all I see say my name is over here now that's why they're so fragile over here I was wondering where he was well he needs he needs to help quickly or at least they need to get a huge benefit from this if he goes to the north and they don't push it they're gonna lose the South like they've already lost ground in the south so they need to gain something from him shifting to the north okay the manga died are going in this this smells like a trade rate of some kinds is because they see the markets they might want to find the rest of the markets their max is losing this castle so they're definitely gaining something from this max is also losing his cannon galleons Viper will lose his helps but now paladin is losing his castles guys the trade routes are so close for both the paladin's could be into the trade on this side and the magnet I could be into the trade on this side in the space of a few minutes who's gonna get there first this is insane high-level Age of Empires 2 is something else what a game both teams have crazy population it's not as if one player is struggling anymore the lowest population for for Finland's team is Pike at 180 and then for the Asian team it would be 184 paladin ridiculous and I I think for a moment Vipers been able to hold this but now more Rams are gonna come in now now max has the Navy okay so this seems better for Vipers team in terms of the trade push it definitely seems better because I don't see a strong answer to the bombard towers the Asia has no way of stopping these bombard towers from continuing to go up there sniping Auditors every now and then but they're not pushing that back [Music] vipir and max can definitely stall this out and push back more since they have the elite cannon galleons on either side and because they have the help still spamming and now Pike is contributing with some CGI leaders look at the score you see it going back and forth if nothing else that's going to boost the confidence of the Finland's team now this is all assuming they have gold to continue to push right it seems like it because they're creating mainly gold units labour doesn't really need gold except for Rams the trade is right here guys the trade is so close and there's another castle for say my name he realizes how important it is they're gonna run out of wood on this map they're gonna run out of wood if this game goes on for another 20 minute I'm say goodbye to all the wood it's all getting chopped up really quickly but now guys I kind of feel like fat dragons elephants they won't accomplish much diversity through Xena helps I don't know if there's much else he can do I also feel like Mayans aren't like they're helping out shore with the helms and eagles and slings but also feels like paladin's civilization isn't giving him too much right now if that dragons elephants are gonna work he's only at 11 military he needs to have a lot of gold needs to have a lot more units you can't have just ten he needs to have 40 which he doesn't have the gold for right now as you can see incredible game still no response to the towers they can delay them further possibly but still no response to the towers good hold from say my name though you will build a new castle that's risky but he keeps this castle up by sniping the traps and I just said gray wasn't accomplishing much but he is sniping see janitors this is just too crazy too freakin crazy man Dave is gonna be really pissed he was busy this weekend because I know that he would have loved to have casted cats as this casted this with me because this is this is now I know I have a habit of saying everything is the best but this is one of the best snowman team games I've casted in a long time mainly because we don't see a lot of Nomad team team games nowadays so this helps get flattened by the see janitors okay there's some trips for paladin trying to kill the towers but it takes so long get used to it ladies and gents cuz both teams are holding their sides both teams have trade it's just fat dragon who's the weak one right now for Asia you see he's adding trade though that's gonna kick in for him I wonder if max could possibly justify sending Navy here probably not because there's so many towers and they would realize that it was just a thought ah ok phat dragons still trying on Navy a bit but nice defense there from Max well Max is coming down this way which means he's not protecting here but then again I think only cannon galleon is needed here look how many see janitors Pike has like has so many see damages Pike has trebs and valise has trebs and the Finland's and Viper team are about to kill a Mongol Castle if these castles die the game's over say my name needs manga die and obviously they need the trade route that's protecting the trade route he has six castles in l5 I'm I'm running out of words for this game guys it's just so good from everyone it's so impressive like how resilient these teams have been especially after the start with Viper right how good is viper van to come back like having slabs isn't the easiest thing a back just signaled that the navy's here and laughed at it vipers just been contributing with helps and with champions which is which is doing the job it's doing enough I think Maxim believes it in the MVPs though I mean I don't think there's any question Louise had to carry pike max had to carry Viper insane how max and police have played in this game and I think as a whole the Asian team has probably been more solid and consistent but they haven't liked their peak strength hasn't been as impressive as maximum police and they might just be saying now that they're running out of wood I bet you max is probably saying that to the LEAs I don't know if I press on teamspeak with them or what the Finland three are definitely on teamspeak together I know that much I guess Viper was typing to them earlier are we gonna see the Mamluks now I just I want to see him I just think they're gonna die for how expensive they are I just think they're gonna die it's not like they need a big answer to the elephant's they already have it so oh my god oh my god they're pushing back on the side the Asian team is starting to kill some towers and push back fat dragon has sent elephants this way I totally fell as though the control in the South was slowly slipping away for Asia but I'm not so sure now they finally have some seats they killed a few towers problem is Spanish that builders can build towers faster than you can kill them cheese man yeah I saw that Ram its it wasn't so much the RAM as Pike has some Idol trade charts there so even more golden come welcome in once he realizes that unreal unreal look at the amount of military man both teams are basically pop cats fat dragons coming up clutch now thirty military for him it's the strongest military you could possibly have he's also on water here this is unreal I walk away from the stream to take a shower so and can hear t9b screaming from inside the bathroom down the hall so you listen to my voice while you're in the shower huh it's a little bit a little bit spicy this is just a choke point of death good god and now paladin's joining in with the towers look where Vipers coming to chop wood research see China dirt and just chop all the enemy would you can't even cast this you can't even make any sense of what we're seeing here except for that the siege ometer this is ridiculous this mini-map looks like rainbow barf that's what it looks like that that's what someone said I wanted my very first youtube videos the game went on so long that the mini-map just looked like a rainbow bar that's exactly what this looks like this is crazy obviously you need to have the resources for constant production so if at any point players are running out of resources the game ends essentially and it was a strong pushback from from fact say my name fat dragon and paladin but but now Pike has more howls and leaves has more paladins and pikes coming out with more sea challengers meanwhile on this side max has freaking monks and he's probably going to convert elephants if they come in so maybe Viper will be able to push this I'm losing my mind I'm losing my mind police has a lot of stone by the way so as long as he has the golden come he could build war towers oh the seat onager shot did you see that say my name has the presence of mind to say ah being rushed no another one with no support if the manga died aren't there gray cannot hold alone fat dragons elephants that's nice but they're completely outnumbered some massive siege under shots these things have ten range and another one no say my name another one is this where the game ends fact is laughing at it is probably laughing at how ridiculous this game is maybe laughing at the fact that Viper has loaded up his rams with infantry to patrol into the fight this is insane guys but finland's and viper are getting so close now there's so much closer they can almost taste the victory the trade is right here the castles right here more towers are up just as many towers as before Viper will kill these keeps I think they're getting there they're getting closer for sure Finland's Maxis has to make sure he doesn't lose water to vivvy I don't think there's any risk of that cuz he has Saracens okay so the last time this happened I thought there was no way that say my name in palden could push this back I'm thinking the same this time I was wrong before I'd like to be wrong again max has used these cannon galleons to maximum effects as cleaned up Casas has cleaned up buildings that the enemy team would need let's check the wood situation for these players are they chopping wood anywhere oh they have one up here barely though they're there they're all in max has built towers here they're out of wood they're out of wood if they're not out now yeah look say my name he is gold he actually cannot get wood the wood cost is 177 gold for 100 wood they're buying it that's gotta be it yeah say my name says would please 11 no one have I mean some people have wood in the bank to send him but after that's gone nothing a gray says food send me five K and he doesn't have wood so they're sending resources they're sharing the resources throughout the team but with how many units are dying it's not gonna last very long I love how max has done everything in this game he he didn't really use the Mamluks much but he's gone for the monks he's gone for the Navy he's gone for the keeps the galleons I love how aware he is that he needed to keep his opponents off of the wood now we have back trying to get that back in under his control sorry I was unavoidable pun I love how Pike was able to stay alive from this game I like how Viper was able to rebound I was mainly do so what max was able to accomplish earlier but my god these C geometers C this is the Koreans I like I like post imp Koreans Poston Koreans is awesome sorry I didn't mean to hit my microphone like I did you could say poor my cur from say my name but he feels like he has to fight if they don't fight they die he can't compete with ten range C challengers more towers for max and a Vipers about to push again I I'm I'm expecting the gg to come in at some point soon let's see the wood over here though they chopped through two they've chopped through it as well and and gray has towered this wood line and this wood line everyone's gonna run out of wood what's the price of wood now it's a hundred ninety three goal to buy a hundred wood oh my god everyone's running out of wood so basically the elephant and paladin's it costs food and gold let's see fat dragon has food he has a decent amount of golds there's more food from leaves so I guess believes could possibly make this more long-term yeah on the t90 bingo if there's no wood left on the map it fills the spot Viper doesn't have wood like this is gonna be a woodless game say my name does have trebs and c challengers he has killed a few towers and that's a lot of eagles oh my god they're gonna clean this up again aren't they unless grey gets smashed by these siege on Azure shots I think you should be very hesitant to run in Max will go for conversions they'll get conversions they need to push back Asia needs to push back are they gonna oh oh the Eagles are going into the trade what play quick calls it and now he fires with the siege Islanders and my god my heart I'm gonna have a heart attack of 26 guys this game's gonna do it to me one day Pike quikwall then almost flattened all the Eagles what a play is it open here though oh that wall is it 600 HP I guess that's why it's going that way the Viper is definitely winning here but Vipers population is awful because he doesn't have food he is 1 TC he doesn't have food he doesn't have wood all these idol villas are sitting around look at the idols for each team it's because it will like a wood well this is where spanish become real overpowered because they have the villagers at least you can fight with the bills 218 gold per 100 wood what's going on man what is going on Viper's a 95 population but but fat dragon doesn't have anything it's like everyone's at the limit except for Belize except for say my name except for paladin I bet you pikes at the limit - I'll Pike doesn't have wood yeah he has goldie has food they're pushing back again this is unreal this is truly unreal guys like I don't know which way this game is gonna go team population is now higher for Asia slightly well compare the trade numbers for each team and I'd say you're gonna be getting a lot more gold if you're on by pristine because of the Spanish trade bonus plus Belize has 77 trade carts is it yeah so I mean the trade raid would end the game if Megan I somehow got into the trade it would end the game like maybe even a transport would be worth it he does have some transport ships here this is nuts there is wood here they're all fighting over it are their ties I have seen teams I have seen teams call ties on team islands before just say like do you guys want to save I've seen it but for the most part what happens is it comes down to how many resources players had banked up you're not gonna see anyone call a tie here that's for sure they will start passing resources around that's a lot of paladins that that's a lot of paladins the powtoons can take this fight oh my god no say my name say my name just killed his own units oh my god the trade max killed the trade I saw a moment ago back had some of his trade running this way and he just calls the gg they didn't wallet here and so the trade paths the wrong way and it it all went into the galleons no I I've no words I have no words well that was what was gonna come down to right there was less space for the Asian team because of Max's water control both on the outer edge like here he couldn't they couldn't take and this inner ring max prioritized water in feudal age and he held that throughout these this long Imperial Age game my god what a game who how do you sum that one up guys no wood left on the map 271 gold by 100 wood at the end of this one I actually want to see all the players resources cuz I'm curious to know I want to speculate on if the game would have continued if backed would've lost his trade say my name obviously no wood does have gold he had just friendly fired his own units which is really rough still think they would have been okay here though I still think he would have been okay paladin 46 trade cards for him 700 golds I think he would have been fine as well at least with the Eagle production there's no telling how like productive that would have been because he was up against paladins fat dragon he's at the limit for what of course actually want to see if he had farms queued up because that's would he put into his mill plenty of food would have had some trade sixty-three trade cards he would have had enough backed no backs has 24 trade and 92 Gold's does would would have lost it she soon enough well screw it it's a long game so it'll be a long outro let's go to Viper Viper he's at 79 population certainly didn't have the Vil Cal he wasn't really producing anything that's that's what surprised me so much Viper was less population went back to resigned but he did have good trade numbers 41 trade with Spanish is okay what about Max of course max has beastly resources of course he does 3000 gold 11000 food that he could send to any 151 military pike while Pike had good resources and I think the LEAs did too yeah I think I think this would have ended up being over after that I think even without that I preferred Viper and Finland's team's position so what a what a doozy what a doozy it was so weird to me cuz cuz Viper was in such an awkward spot in Dark Age but Max's water play just bought Viper time to boom and max just he took most of the engagements on this side until Viper hit the Imperial age I think fat dragon could have potentially done better in early him it's hard to say he invite for were in even positions at that time but maybe maybe Beck's could have done more because remember backed hit em fast and we didn't see his army push out for a while but 1300 kills for valise valise carried he carried pike I don't know how Finland and Viper survived because of how Ralph the position was for viper and pike they definitely had the Spanish trade which helped them that having the Korean sea geometry was very helpful but still I thought Pike was gonna get overrun there almost everyone was sharing resources with each other because the resources were getting so low 80,000 food for fleas and then the trade gold holy cow 64,000 gold I don't know what they feed people in Finland but Finnish players are so damn good this doesn't even matter anymore everyone was an imp before 40 minutes Max's map exploration makes sense because of the water Oh paladin had three relics that wasn't even something I really thought to discuss but that's big over a course of a long game and there's a time flying man whew what a doozy Dave the cave lad has been telling me all day put this game on YouTube put this game on YouTube well I will put this one on youtube for you man he said if this game isn't put on YouTube I'll be sad Lou Lou Lou says focusing on KD when one side is making house against elephants yeah that's a concern right Mayans didn't have a lot of high-value units near the end they're strong and early amp but pretty much all they could do was make like like halberdiers and eagles plumed archers aren't gonna be good nothing's gonna be good for Mayans against the the Korean sea challengers but the way this game panned out for those that missed it was we had paladin and him it was say my name in him and then Pike was in Castle age with I think seven evils so Veliz had to carry he had to 1 V 2 against manga die plumes and helps and he did it so I think of both sides max was the MVP and fellies was MVP for different reasons I would if I had to choose one I'd probably say police but crazy game this is gonna go to youtube so YouTube if you watch this and you'd like to stop by the stream in the future twitch link is below in the video description I'm gonna continue the cast games here on the stream I doubt we're gonna top that one but how
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 319,402
Rating: 4.9326944 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, nomad, T90Official, AoE2 Definitive Edition
Id: rYmvcq4IgVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 42sec (3942 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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