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this is it boys this is it this is so dumb all I could see is arrows that's all I can see hey I'm feedback gaming and this is something different this video is sponsored by Paradox Interactive and it is to celebrate four years of hearts of iron for believe it or not in June 2016 our turbine 4 was released and my life was changed forever this is an anniversary stream between for content creators for hearts of I'm for and for of the hearts of iron for developers the Battle of the empires who will win the British Empire or the German Empire you're about to find out this is kind of the outline going into this game right this is what you think really should they open strategy should be so we won't attack Italy for that we'll need no further appeasement and then continental intervention if they act historically they should but in my test game they sometimes just didn't do triumphs in Africa and then it's pointless so in that case we're just going after the Netherlands with these secure oil imports focus possibly around Iraq depending on the situation in the world and if you wondering who's in the game well here they are all the boys ok mr. Prime Minister can you tell me what my role is again I mean you're gonna help Russian and moderate when they request it probably handle Asia as well for now you handle the economy I think we're gonna need quite a lot of say factories at the start and then dockyards and military ones has any decisions we made it advanced war era what direction our production is going motor decides what to do with documents Russian supervises the military production good but I request that support equipment and be in at least one factory at all times because I'm gonna need those operations so you guys discuss that maybe feedback it will take air force just discuss with Russian friends because of course well you were not there he was you know yeah you did the air force yeah force it is mr. Mont Road what are you doing I'm reorganizing the fleet that I know what's building in one you are the Navy boy oh are you I am the Navy boy oh I like babies alright lads one on one is what's happening right now taurah is our prime minister all new decisions go to him Maude Road Viking has full control of the Navy crush and prince has full control of the army and I have control of the most important job building civilian factories that's all I'm gonna do in this game now I'm joking I have control of the air force Oh working on the spies here toriel wants control so we can see what Germany's up to because we have no idea what they're gonna be working on or what they're gonna be doing all we really know is from the rules guidelines is the will be going for the German Empire but that's all we really know from that point on we're really not sure all right here we go my understanding is we can't intervene in this I don't actually think we're able to intervene in this but it's gonna be interesting at this point Germany can mop up quickly or it's gonna drag out to a longer conflict but the most part the German Civil War is a breeze because of this gentleman 20% extra attack and defense ooof we're talking too much no no it's good it's okay if you talk too much I'll just edit it out all right let's go over some air wings answers merge of all these bad boys I go for 400 casts and we only have the 200 tack so we'll drop that on to 200 and then we'll drop them down to a hundred air wing sizes this looks pretty flexible because the more likely they'll be multiple theaters around the world so ideally we want to be able to split them off and put them in different areas of the world I want to train them to level 3 but my only concern is lack of fuel and right now it is dipping down the fuel is being consumed in the Navy I'll take a guess it'd be an exercise indeed production has been taken care of by Prussian Prince and we have a very heavy focus on basic weaponry I would presume we're gonna focus more on artillery once we got the research for it for the time being though we're just taking care of our reserves we want a very large army that's flexible that can take care of multiple fronts around the world that's the plan anyway is he actually possible to lose this Waller that is the real question very unlikely just a concern on a throw out that if we are going to be ticking on Italy we're gonna either need firepower on the ground or in the air are we gonna be moving towards artillery or we're gonna be spamming lots of cash so we have some we will need like 10 with Marines with sport artillery so we should try and make them but do we even start with Marines we don't so we can research Marines next so right now with a 2,000 guns behind which equates to 589 days which is lots of time because the war officially between Germany and the UK does not begin until 1938 that doesn't mean it has to start into it yeah that is just when we have the ability to declare on each other if we need to no surprises so far oh I mean what country should we go from all the choices we have what's Leo get a big space I'll be here honest with you guys I'll be totally honest with you I never make Special Forces so I always do yeah I never do right we know a little bit more about Germany now due to the Intel we've got we've got spies inside of Germany two of them but if I have series 28 males and the man we can't quite tell what they're making more of doesn't like they're stockpiling fuel though is bopping up and down like crazy not enough Intel for the army not enough Intel for the Air Force but we do have enough Intel for the Navy once again this tells us what ships they have in the style game and we already knew that but we don't know at the moment what they're taking towards what they're building more I've got to keep an eye on a 16 to 20 submarines because if that number does go up you may be going towards a full trade interdiction Germany just heads up gentlemen have just spotted that we have activity level of intelligence in our capital is medium hmm we boosted democracy okay yeah because they can only get the Kaiser back when they are at forty percent on the line okay okay yes sir potentially it won't derail them completely but it will definitely slow them down I will say though if we're max number of operatives probably hopping off it 400 whilst we're gonna be good idea because we need to flex that civilian economies which you can and get on that construction this is the current Intel we are going for invest in heaven the into intelligence got our four agents I don't think we can't get any more as it currently stands because we are the spymaster two and we are building Intel and we are boosting democracy I don't think this will have a massive impact I don't think we'll completely deny them from going down the route of the Kaiser I think the only thing it will do is will deny this focus for a period of time maybe a month or two because at the end of the day Germany has more ways of boosting they're not aligned that we have are boosting their democracy by a tiniest increment I will say it looking into the future my one concern is we're investing a little bit too much into intelligence yes this costs a lot of civilian factories we can go to free trade that's 150 now if you guys agree that's 5% more construction speed a return speed factory would endow card would buy my me think it's fine yeah I disagree totally oh my goodness and you're not even kidding that list right I would say the only concern I have with Italy is if we don't have the firepower to get through them we'll never break through do we have a plan what we're gonna phase into once our equipment deficits our sword it was like Germany sent an attache to nationalist Spain looks like they're desperately needing some experience and they are working on a specific division as you can see right well yeah what is its composition I don't know I need at least 50% to get approximate information more than likely standard tank to push into the lowlands maybe some kind of artillery 40 worth infantry maybe an ANA we'll see hello what do we have here a new division template the kaisers chosen all right we're going down the Churchill path now every man will do his duty and then we get a motion of no confidence in Neville Chamberlain all right guys this is the plan concentrate industry a little bit later we've choose to go as fast as possible down construction work on our civilian factories not forgotten about concentrated though we're going to go down that path for the extra production submarine Spitfire we're also progressing down our superior firepower doctrines and of course we are going to work in on our Navy I have a funny suspicion being the Germans lose half and their Navy in the Civil War but our Navy won't even be needed and most of the bowels are gonna be happening on the continent Nazi so I'm not holding my breath for this choice one thing I will say though is this is almost looking like a world war one situation where we're gonna completely block a Germany and if that is the case then they're gonna be limited on fuel and they will definitely be limited on rubber and in that case our air force will be a superior motion of no-confidence we have no confidence he's only just arrived guys come on you've a chance Warners percent confirm now because we had to run about 20 estimate before now were 35 to 37 they are pumping them out in numbers they only have one tech for their naval doctrines is the very first trade interdiction so makes me think they're not investing in that heavily they're taking off steady there's a motion of no confidence now we have confidence yay growing a LeMay guys my role in this is quite limited sure I'm objecting to a few bits and pieces certain decisions that are being made but this and this is my main duty apart from that I leaned back in my chair whoa this is not what I expected Japanese shoking oh okay we need planes like fighters gas and stuff I don't want to put them here right now cuz supplies 15 of 16 oh that's true we should just bomber the naval base on the air base Emmett I forgot to keep upgrading our agency that's probably a really good thing oh that's why we don't have enough intelligence army department I mean telchines cost 25 percent yeah you want to get those oh my god Tory are you had one job you have one job fire him that's it get rid of him Conover low confidence Spitfire is not the reforms Oh fires listen we love the Spitfire so much we're researching it twice okay we British okay this is the way we are right one we've got someone with cameras we have the regular Spitfire ooh camo beautiful now it'll be camouflage with the clouds and then we also have the silver Spitfire the special set fire the way you oh oh camouflage with with traditional British weather oh boy here we go they've gone for the focus of continental intervention and we get a free declaration on Germany and Italy and here we go right now just naval strike this we currently have huge supply problems oblique and now I want to move over some planes I'm just gonna move over one cast and two fires put them on air support II and close air support Russian can we move on Sicily I need that air for can only get 300 planes here I need more supply to be able to send more planes okay we've got yellow air now in Sicily okay I'm taking control of fuel because right now we're having a really hard time fuel is really taxi I'm going after prioritize fuel for the Air Force I'll do that logistics two quick suggestions war propaganda versus Italy would be excellent right now secondly I divisions at a moment lock like a lot of offensive fire because they're like in soft attack is impossible working best to let me more into artillery and here we are we have landed so the naval invasion has been taken care of the plant is successful for the most part as you can probably see right now our ability to hold seems to be limiting its cost our divisions severely lacks soft attack and lacking an artillery seems to be the big deal at the moment when I seem to be lacking a lot of coordination and getting this production just right in a really good job of controlling the Mediterranean but the problem is you're just using too much fuel prioritize our air force now we've got yellow air which is good and we're also prioritized fuel for the air forces and we're important an absolute matte and I'll feel from the United States probably seems excessive this but eventually we will just Bank it anyway and we'll use it at some point better to have it and not need it right right right can move the entire to the air force now cuz the air base is big enough we're gonna naval strike here one Air Wing on a security just to prevent as bombing this poor and trust me they're happy bombing this poor good on the AI that's actually the right thing to do and then we get full air control hopefully but most of Italy still not looking to get there we need to be pumping out more and more fires which we are currently working on guys they've sent volunteers and they've sent a biggie I'll admit guys I'm very concerned about that sub numbers it's very high now we're at 81 subs woof hundred rely to my dude I hope you're right about your little destroy a combination find out won't we I'll keep some cast and some tacticals in reserve and we need to naval strike out we'll do that now good news is we've got green air in Italy so some like a little bit of push all right so the concern we've got right now is one a land on Messina but the problem is is there some one division here so this is not going to be possible to break this is probably a 40 with artillery infantry now we've landed here and that's really good no supply which is a concern I'm gonna help out and build an emergency port might not get built but at least we're trying to hold this area which is gonna be useful guys it's working the supply in Sicily is for right now it's very very low they're having issues if you want to attack now to pen that might be a good idea my Air Force is striking the ports to sort of keeping the supply nice and low in Sicily oh no that is devastating they did reinforce quick enough so unfortunately they've all been pushed back and this is how much is this each these divisions is ten thousand ten thousand times 20 ouch you know this is gonna be very interesting the scene is about to fall last and last Dan's been activated as it reinforced he has reinforced can we hold this out oh there's no supply here well we need to push across from Messina this guy is really low org though so we can put pressure on him all the poor is just about to finish here just south of Toronto in this case these divisions will gain org and disaster will be averred two days guys two days in the post on cleansing right now 28 is down well the casualties we've lost 275,000 I would imagine most of them into the south ear and they've lost Wow 624 thousand I'd imagine most of those d org on the tip of Sicily rule okay I have a slight concern the air force for Germany is getting mighty big with estimates up to a maximum of two thousand planes what we need to do is defeat Italy before the apples make miss thing you have a hundred days just might be something to look into in the future and what I've spotted is there's a lot of losses at sea as well a lot of troops convoys that were intercepting and it looks like they're losing a lot of their divisions that see as well this is gonna be a massive concern now breaking these mountains to get into the main part of Italy more than likely another naval invasion is going to be required so we've got a choice here do we do with a naval invasion here try to get the encirclement lock them out more riskier definitely because they can move their troops a lot quicker and just interceptors and pushes back into the sea it looks like mr. push and prince is going for a little bit more of an adventurous move here a landing into the main part of Italy maybe just gonna go straight for the capitulation right Germany is doing assassinate Mussolini this will instantly make them non-aligned and gain continuous support for none aligned and it will make them join the Central Powers so we have a central powers Germany so yeah they weren't killing when this scenario is very World War one yeah very World War one we have Germany Austria Bulgaria in the Central Powers as soon as we were tell me in the comments that Italy wasn't in the Central Powers yes they were they just backstabbed every one pesky Italians Oh what do we have here what do we have here we have green air too so we're all good to go boys Rome has fallen the big fat German division in the north is being annoying he's very low auger low org reduces movement speed too so right now if this one German division gets encircled that is a big deal that's huge there's another one in the north so we have to be concerned but the German divisions surrounded and it's gone and accuracy what's the direction of the Navy these destroyers which those are and TE submarine sonar - nice oh my goodness there's a matter of time guys we currently at 87 percent towards capitulation and assassinate Mussolini how long we got 20-something days it's gonna be close no tents we're gonna either die or that's used to one of the two options yes so little boom Ethiopia has been puppeted British North Africa has been puppeted Eritrea Somalia and now we have Republican Italy we have done it just in time their focus has just ended oh I think they've canceled their focus they have they've canceled the focus rekindle Imperial sentiment this will push Austria and Hungary and Czechoslovakia towards non-aligned but they want to get them in a bigger central powers block in the center here we go this is the world right now Jim Lee is looking fairly lonely and very isolated World War one again well history repeat itself hmm so right now they're between one point six and two point six planes as I said gee I mean our security is a big concern because it is make-or-break MP well yes but we're still fighting the a I agree my German isn't ba we're gonna secure oil imports which gives us a war girl and Iran Iraq and the Netherlands they were going to be banging on Germans back door here and and there we go let's get the Air Force in get the Air Force exactly where we need them or aircrews right for that support over that area oh my goodness just lands flawlessly amazing full green air guys Chuck go nuts here we go we're done right now deciding against annexing these nations because we're gonna have to build compliance and we just don't have enough time in this MPE game to build compliance so pop it them pull the resources out of them and then hold on to them as a buffer and right now we are surrounding Germany Dutch border and now the Italian border Japan's only declared on commie China and no one else the mutual assistance block ah assisting who I don't know to China concerns guys I just want to give the heads of guys that our composition right now is pretty weak and their side to get edge on is with air and that's only our advantage that we've got so yeah we need err but you know we about rebuilt fortunes Netherlands against that has a lot of production yeah fun places well three unless you want to just abandon the Netherlands we have huge support equipment just eat heads up from you guys we're gonna be focusing more to air or are we gonna get these fire with handsome yeah I think we're definitely more air I would say the same benefits everyone so the big concern we've got right now is we're not really prioritizing strong ground forces or strong air right now looking at the Intel we can see there between one point seven and two point one and we have one point six so regardless of the estimates whether it's the high or the low they're ahead of us on planes we do have the tech adventure that we've got a Spitfire one and it looks at things they've only got the first fighter not sure how strong this Intel is this could be wrong if they do get air superiority as though that's gonna be a major major concern and the other problem running into is our best division it's pretty crappy compared to their beta division which has lots and lots of soft attack we could ask the question here do we try and go for air superiority or do we go for strong ground forces ideally both but right now we looked in to pull the trigger on that one right now Germany's declaring on Sweden they're manually justifying and I don't know how this has happened but Republican Italy is guaranteed them is that cuz they're behaving as if they're in their allies adherent how the puppets good even guarantee well we're learning new things mister Air Force man reporting to do it again they're looking to have twice as many planes in this right now and that's not a low estimate once again I repeat are we going for the really strong 40 with or are we gonna go for the air well then we need air to back it up otherwise he's gonna get squished by the foam it's okay my concern which keeps getting fallen on deaf ears is they are twice as many planes of this right now they're invested into this incredibly heavily and we are not there's only so much I can do guys if I keep telling mr. Prime Minister Torrio and he's not responding it's I don't know else to do okay once again permission to open the amount of military factories on fire - yes you can reduce from artillery I think a little bit over producing our more fighters oh I like the fighters I was gonna say I've just spotted that if you look under the civilian tab of Intel yeah she says how many military factories have been allocated on different things right now they have 26 strange says 26 bit hover over it says 27 factories are on aircraft Soviets going for one of the more important focuses move the industry to the Ural this is what happens when you turn historical off guys the AI does weird things like this yeah like that oh damn right the war has started gentlemen lend-lease a feel I accept that thank you very much Oh somebody won't be so why not right we've got full intel on them now we can see 32 military factories on their planes 27 on tanks from Lena that's a surprise haven't seen any of their tank chair comes down to their most precious division we have 52 of those but those things are fully in supply - it comes down to Navy hundred and twenty-four submarines and when it comes up the naval doctrine and they've not bothered that is a crucial error from the Air Force they have 3,000 bf 109s they've not gone for fire to the ratios sorrow 30 to a 0 37 to 338 no I mean there's Dalida bomb we could we could draw the complete a zone this is the world as we know it the Japanese Shogunate has joined the Central Powers because of that they're a war with China now so we've got China in the Allies - Germany can't push anywhere cuz they're losing a huge amount of their Air Force I don't think they're even aware this is happening right now he's officially box dude they can't go anywhere we'd have to make a massive mistake to turn this the wrong way I'm still fighting the air battle over German here and look at the ratios 31 to nothing 24 to nothing 28 to nothing 72 . they all might god this is a massacre this is brutal okay just heads up we seem to have fighter twos now so there might be able to compete a little bit better in the air 21 to 0-3 to zero 13 to 0 maybe not Japan has declared war on the Soviet Union Bulgaria has joined the war and so has Austria I imagine a player nation Germany won't accept the call to arms the problem is if pavan joins it means the Soviets might be able to steamroll all through the Balkans in Eastern Europe can we get fighter command national focus can we look towards that so I can hopefully get to watch my new alt really no you just realized I'm the air controller right now we'll do import strikes because we've just found out from Intel that these ports appear a little bit larger on the map you see compared to that one with a circle around it that means there's ships based here as soon as there are 30 ships awaiting repairs hmm I wonder why maybe it's the port strike that's are happening mm-hmm maybe the Polish have foolishly joined the call to arms and now we have a massive red blob in the center that the central powers is getting eaten by the Soviet Union how has things in the east going not a lot just a little bit of a back and forth probably not helping them versus China because now they've had to split their forces in half all right the plan was gonna use our spies to sort out a coup in austria-hungary but the stability is way too high it's gonna take way too long to bring it down though the big finale we're gonna go with is Marines doing a little naval invasion here and then we're gonna research paratroopers and do a drop with it as well more than likely from I don't know Netherlands maybe or just around the frontline who knows we definitely got the air superiority to do it though one thing I will note though is I think they've realized that keeping their planes up is a really bad idea so the plan right now is to do a wonderful power drop into northern Germany and also pushing through here and also do a naval invasion so a little bit of everything all right there we go for our control go go yeah this is it go boys this is it boys this is it this is so dumb all I could see is arrows [Laughter] directly on the top as attacked from all angles and even above this is it boys this worked out way better than expected for the most part these divisions we've dropped with a pathetic they're underwhelming but the micro push and prince which as you probably already know is amazing and my air of call which is incredibly deadly that we had to poke Torrio over and over again to get fired too because he wasn't into it but he definitely paid off bee-utiful just go around it around the maginot what an idea that'll never work preposterous areas of a Western German ass if you want to push that was the time usually these feature points cost so much but because we don't control a lot of the smaller ones careful Dresden's empty there we go there we go we currently 93 percent I feel like we're bullying right now are we the baddies no I'm just concentrating my air in the east and the west even though this is taking south and yeah we're making some little gains back the Germans here but we've got a big encirclement here and this in the south is just collapsing its Bruhl no yay no you know percent we need one VP ran out just one yeah that pushes from 98 to 99 100 and it's the end GG 1.5 9 million losses for Germany by four 7,000 for the UK it might seem like we all got along but yesterday there was a moment that Torrio said he's thirty factories on planes too much and the impression Prince were adamant that that is the right amount adamant and I'm glad we did James currently goes ad revenue has tanked locked down as totally frozen YouTube's economy if you want to help me out the best thing you do in these dire times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls probably [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 232,459
Rating: 4.9648995 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of Iron IV, HOI4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 la resistance guide, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, hearts, of, iron, feedback, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, la resistance hoi4, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hoi4 funny, cheats hoi4, hoi4 cheats, hearts of iron 4 cheats, hoi4 exploit, exploit, break, hoi4, cheat, cheats, SPONSORED, hoi4 MP, hearts of iron 4 mp, mp, multiplayer, hearts of iron iv gameplay
Id: XUlQGeHt-iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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