The Return Of Endsieg - Hearts Of Iron 4

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you know you guys are probably asking yourself like but he sure is playing a lot of hearts fine for he he must be really enjoying it again maybe he'll start making videos on it regularly no no no no no i am essentially though trying to run through all of these mods so that i can do a few different type of videos and a few different nostalgic type of videos that we haven't really got to yet but uh the the list of hearts volume four mods because obviously i did it for two years on this channel oh my god it's long so i'm trying to blast through the importer one uh you know before we get into today's model let's give a big shout out today sponsor me go buy my hoodie look how warm it is i hundreds of you have bought it so far so it must be pretty damn good come on you know you don't want to get cold from santa this year you've been a good boy you've been playing loads and loads of the hospital for and hitting the sub and like button so you get yourself a good history boy hurdy front santa that you do have to buy or you can get your mom to buy it go ask mom right now i'll wait we'll wait everyone just wait for this guy to go get his mom's credit card your mom's dead okay let's move on alright so today's mod is the nc mod for hearts of iron four we've did a quite a few videos on this in the past and uh today i'm hoping i actually i have played this before pretty recently i do know that a few new scenarios have been added so if you don't know what the nc mod is it essentially adds a few more scenarios that are a bit more difficult than the ones that you start with in the base game so obviously if you're a bit of a mad boy you can try to go ahead and actually save germany in 1945 but i don't know if you've seen germany in 1945 but personally if it ever loads um yeah germany joey sir jeremy's not looking too good uh now i do know that you can actually win these scenarios uh you can do a few little tips and tricks a little glitchy witchy but uh realistically it's not that fun it's not gonna be that fun for you guys to watch but i will be trying out quite a few of them so just for a quick look at exactly why the germany 1945 start date isn't that nice to you and it's uh pretty difficult you know um just start off immediately by just you know that's a lot of dead people uh yeah so uh if you look on the front lines uh that german equipment yeah it's it's it doesn't exist does it there's um there's basically we got a few kids on the front line with a couple of sticks and half of them don't even have sticks now soviets on the other hand uh they look like they got more than sticks so the tables really have turned quite hard here yes i think it realistically it's probably at this point uh mr schmidler probably regrets invading all of those countries at the same time don't worry guys this is how we can still win the war we just have to wait until everybody dies of i think i just lost the war well oh actually that's not that bad that's quite a bit of land actually well you know what i may have gotten flipped to a communist puppet of the ussr but who's the real winner here that looks like a great great germany to me oh i am looks like they uh they've got to take out mr goebbels just uh we'll get we'll give it another shot shall we oh that's a little awkward they maybe we did get away quite free where where'd you go schmidt are you hiding down here buddy uh you know i don't think i'm gonna keep playing this because uh it does appear that the soviets immediately just started world war three though and uh you know i i don't know if that couldn't be bothered to deal with that well i just got caught into a piece still did they win the war why why do i get a say in this i'm a puppet oh my god i can i can actually take stuff okay sure okay why not i i always thought the german empire should probably rebuild in the pal always made sense to me there you go that's that just makes no goddamn sense in the world does it oh that just give me a whole bunch of convoys too which means if i can go ahead it just essentially immediately break free but i need to be able to send lemley so can you start a war please mr stalin ah little did stalin know his little incursion into turkey means i'm about to break free um you know i don't want to say you should have seen this one coming but uh yeah realistically probably should have seen this one coming oh you know look at that just in time for someone to nuke japan you know i like how i do the expand the dockyard focus uh both of the uh well all four of those naval dockyards end up in italy which uh no one seems to question why i owned okay i went afk for a while i came back and what's that we're holding a national referendum to bring back a certain political party oh my god he's back how how'd that happen now of course this isn't actually how you play nc you know i just i just thought let's say you know what can we do it and yeah apparently we can't do it there you go i'm doing i'm doing promises of peace uh also just fine on austria oh yeah that's um what's going on over here again i have no idea why i'm still playing i i i'm invading austria now so we're just giving it a go all right we're gonna end this quickly we're gonna go we're gonna we're gonna create the axis round two hit the boogaloo and uh we're gonna declare on the soviets and just see what happened how exactly my hopes are right now are pretty small but you know what the soviets only have 540 to 700 hold on a second actually they don't have that much on my uh my thing here i reckon i could actually push here that's uh let's see let's get some air over this place and uh a lot of greens a lot of green that's uh that's a lot of green oh my um well that's a lot of troops in denmark oh my god i can actually force attack across what the hell is going on uh so note to self ai don't ever over stack a province this badly because all it takes is just 11 under equipped german they're not even trained guys to push you all the way back to copenhagen uh so just share the casualties and uh if you're wondering how many men i just stack wiped out there that was around 1.2 million uh that is definitely without a doubt some sort of war crime uh you know considering the massive imbalance that was going on at the start i have gone ahead and killed 5.4 million soviets which is pretty impressive considering i currently have zero manpower and absolutely no guns whatsoever but i'm assuming probably because the soviets just kept grinding on me and then they got wiped out in copenhagen they also have no equipment and i can just walk over them now question is can i can i manage to capitulate them before i also run out of manpower completely uh i just want to reiterate for the fifth time though this is not how you play nc i don't know why i'm still playing i'm just having too much fun oh considering where we went from and where we are now uh you know the fact we are about new stalingrad is uh well [Music] interesting well you know what it's kind of one way to win the uh seated landing ground isn't it oh yeah the option for a scripted piece deal which i'm gonna do just to see how it ends up if it's terrible i guess we'll just uh reload and do it the normal way uh well that is um yeah that's kind of terrible i'm pretty sure that's the pre-war border right all right there you go uh it finally kicked in uh you know it's not that bad um but it's also not that great let's try doing normal there you go not the prettiest borders but that will do we beat nc by losing anyway on to the next one so one of the interesting scenarios in nc because it actually has a world war one scenario too which a lot of people actually play nowadays over the actual world war one mod so i'm gonna go ahead and give it a go i'm also to try out the uk and uh well that's just rude i just got in the game all right who the hell's the dervish oh my god i'm gonna have to enable him mr trudeau um the best part is i can't actually naval invade them because i've yet to discover the rowing boat oh okay i got a little bit bored and walked away from the computer for a second but don't worry didn't miss me oh oh oh god okay no i'm awake i i didn't fall asleep i did not fall asleep now we could go ahead and stay neutral but i almost fell asleep already so probably not gonna do that one so obviously being british the first priority is to steal as much of germany's colonies as possible and then we'll deal with whatever the hell this is at some point maybe we'll just see how many french people die first oh well it looks like mr ottoman schmatterman's has picked the wrong side the war so i'm gonna have to punish them the only way the british can too and that's by stealing a couple ship you know i just realized that british flags upside down oh uh i stole those ships and i think turkey just capitulated somehow i don't even what how that happened i didn't i didn't even push that far in but you know i guess that's that's the front down uh eventually now we're not gonna help i've also ran out of places to build new factories so i'm just gonna tactically uh just annex egypt there and we now now we should be able to yep well well you know it's still a bit of slave labor that's right boys you help me win the war in the middle east now it's time to get get in the sweatshops uh at some point uh the british remembered that there was a war going on and we found out we're actually pretty ready good at it beautiful if you drop like a couple million troops uh against an enemy that uh has lost how many i want one million one million men uh on the front line it actually does quite a bit of damage this whole war business is it's a whole lot of good sports isn't it there might be a second one of these great wars at some point uh yeah at some point by the way uh these damn turkish people have come back and uh i i don't know why and i i don't know why armenia is just getting bigger and bigger on the map but you know what it just is what it is by the way uh turkish people please don't hate me uh it's just yeah it's part of the game i didn't set it up if you want to hate anyone go hate your bank account and buy a history boy hoodie and go change history oh uh gonna be real you turkey i think it's uh he's a little bit too late for that at this point uh so yeah i know i'm pretty sure at this point i have probably won this war but we are going to see it all the way through to the end and i was kind of hoping that the russians might have died a little so we could have seen the soviet union but um no oh wait did we just win we just won uh we're uh we're still at all of austria though and uh you know every every part i'm looking at where we could possibly invade them from doesn't look too fun oh there you go just just when i fought by really aids invasion of austria could get any worse the irish are acting up too now isn't that just beautiful unfortunately for them though uh i did kind of see it coming i think once again old chapters having a fun time in in the russians now we've gone ahead and got ourselves quite quite a big sport i i hate this so much what's wrong with british people oh though that is that is actually quite a juicy encirclement i think we uh we might have an easier time pushing into austria now oh there we go i think we just won the war there wasn't even a peace conference uh austria just exploded into a billion different countries um kind of like it did in real life now think about it you know i'm gonna be real of you i don't even think i can justify armenia being this big uh but yeah that's world war one uh surprisingly easy as usual but uh a good thing about nc is that you can technically actually carry on into the actual world war two era um how exactly that'll work i have no goddamn idea but i might keep going just for a little bit just to see if anything happens also i got no idea what this bazinga treaty of versailles ended up being because uh for some reason germany has the republic of poland as a puppet and they never lost their colonies down here which is uh that's the whole reason i got in the war for okay yeah i i i didn't think that was a piece that was gonna last you know i just noticed that uh ukraine just exists down here led by uh this guy and his really cool hat oh i'd um i'd love to hear about you know portugal's new flavor of the week leader but uh unfortunately you know i just can't do it there's a giant picture of him in the way um excuse me germany i thought we just ended this war are you starting it up again oh that's a it's a bit weird it's two portugals now um i don't know why all right so i know what's really happening because 1919 we'd have to wait a hell of a long time for uh to see this inner war thing happen but um anyway i think we've seen all we need to see of nc for today uh we've gone ahead we've had fun in world war one which i have to say was indeed a much better world war one scenario than the world war one mod but then again they have stopped developing that one for a very long time but yeah anyway i hope you enjoy the video i hope you enjoyed this another nostalgia filled look at the nc mod for hearts of iron four and i'm promising yeah we'll get past all this high for stuff one day there's like five or so more mods i need to do and then we're free so uh if you leave leave a like hit the subscribe button and uh give yourself a history boy chad link in the description [Music] [Music] you
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 977,588
Rating: 4.90833 out of 5
Keywords: isorrow, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 funny, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 modding, hoi4 modding, hoi4 mods, paradox interactive, italy, italian, funny montage, funny moments, isp, Fuhrerreich, hoi4 germany, hoi iv, modern day, millenium dawn, endsieg, endsieg hoi4
Id: 2QJvVbIaJrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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