More Terrible Hoi4 Focus Trees

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just when you think you've made two videos on terrible hands-firing for focus trees in the base game that possibly there couldn't be any more not a single one more can you hear the pain hey what's going on my gravy babies and welcome back to some hearts of iron for terrible focus trees and i promised a long time ago that i would cover a couple more because uh for some reason there's a very popular series and uh you guys seem to enjoy me kind of uh breaking down a few of the focus trees in this game that are not that great now also do feel like i have shown the worst of the worst in terms of focus trees in hearts of i am four i do feel like the ones we're showing today aren't so much terrible as much as they are perplexing but uh yeah anyway usual garbage i'm trying to become a youtuber again thus i am uploading quite frequently if you enjoy my uploading of frequent videos feel free to hit the like button and hit that subscribe button to keep me motivated you're happy comments make me happy i'm gonna jump off a bridge but uh you know what let's spice this up shall we let's give me some real like push me over the edge type of deal when i hit 5555 subscribers i will be doing a paradox mega campaign that's right i'll be doing it as banan artillery only face reveal subscriber make sure you hit the sub button everyone please that's a joke by the way but i might be doing another mega campaign around christmas time so our number one focus for today is we're going to start off in humilica now my favorite thing about america is the freedom aspect there's nothing that gets my blood and well pumping to the right place on my body then the ideals of the american eagle bring in a bastion of freedom across the world so today we're gonna kill that eagle so the american focus tree as you might be aware is uh well it got updated and i think was it man the guns dlc or i i they've all blended together into a giant 1499 package in my brain but one of the lesser known focus trees that is an edgy you bring back csa blah blah blah fascism is the communist side because for the most part it's actually kind of tucked away over here somewhere plus you know america communism it doesn't really sit well on the tongue when you say it alright so this whole section right here is the communist side of the american focus tree and do any of you see the problem no well hold on to that thought joke was never funny that's why it's on this channel maybe if i hover over stuff you know you might see the problem see a problem oh shucks it looks like i've made the south angry and we've got ourselves a civil war oh boy i sure am getting a major feeling of deja vu um you start to see the problem yet you know anything here tickling your brain yeah you know what partial mobilization effect yeah sounds very right right okay last time i'm gonna ask do you see the problem here [Music] do not see it i'll um i'll just point it out for you shall i uh if you do the civil war and then just simply get rid of your communist advisor after doing i think down to here this is the last one you need him in your government for uh you can also just go ahead do limited intervention which is the democratic side of the tree by simply kicking him out of your government and never actually going full communist all you need to do to get the civil war is just start this over here we don't actually have to go communist you can have both of these trees for free oh we are not done yet you know uk i'm a little bit all over the place politically at the moment so i'm gonna hold out on now on and i'll get back to you at some point oh stuck your time just uh having a quick word with the japanese on why posting cringe is not acceptable in my hearts my infor game while we wait for uh the main show ah well thank you very much uh personally in the grand scheme of things couldn't give a damn about japan so we're not really going to bother too much with what's happening in this be still there there you go that that'll do for now and now we patiently wait gotta go board waiting for the inevitable and realize i could just just find china so i'm going to kill china quickly and a real point about you know being around that bush with us so we're just gonna we can take it all and you know after successfully invading all of china and japan and i've noticed that the walls going well in germany and our ally the soviet union is not doing too well why don't we give them a hand by clicking a button that annexes them that's it we just clicked a button that annexes them that's why the game has stopped us there we go yep that's in the focus tree hey on top of that we also get all the soviet divisions well what's left of them and uh well the germans now have to go home because they they managed to get quite far in soviet union but apparently they got a radio call from moscow and the flag above it was then the united states flag they were so confused they decided to march all the way home yeah there's no downside to doing that by the way i'm not i'm not a war of germany now they don't get a focus three uh like a war goal on me sorry to declare war i just annexed the soviet union for a buddha and that was my ted talk on why the united states communist tree is a whole bunch of horseshit welcome to manchuko manchuria aka japan's little big now manchuria is very fun to play as if you actually do the path that breaks away from japan but there's also a path where you just don't now like most of the focus trees i cover in this series i haven't actually done this one before because it just seems to be a terrible idea so right why break free when you can simply break down and cry well the japanese war has kicked off with the chinese and we are pretty much useless for the most part because well we have no guns and our troops are terrible but one thing we can do is actually do the national cooperation government which i'm pretty sure if japan wins the war they will get the land to us so we can um be a bigger puppet i mean we also get uh annex mancuko that's um it's a pretty park champ moment so the biggest problem in my opinion of this uh focus three path is simply the fact you suck balls uh not only do you suck balls you have no economy you have no production no factories you have nothing and you simply well you get draft dodging too because you got no stability your entire game is based on whether or not japan will be decent on the alternative path it is pretty easy to break free and start your war with china and take them out pretty quickly at least by 1940 or 41 at the latest uh in this game well you don't do much you expand the railways uh japanese ai hasn't really started any major offensives it's just been the chinese attacking so far which worked out pretty well because we're almost at a million casualties for them and uh oh we're doing we're doing pretty nifty ourselves oh well 1941. uh i noticed japan has been a smart bunny and gone ahead and declared we're on the us when it was not even halfway into china so the japanese ai for the most part has pretty much completely given up everywhere concerning they declared war on the allies too and you know the america war and now the front line in china just where is it chinese have lost 5 million people though so it is pretty easy to push into them but the japanese ai is on holiday as such i have been meticulously microing this front pretty hardcore for a little bit uh pushing ever so closer to hopefully at least capitulating china before we give up no matter how many of them i kill they just keep coming back oh we accomplish something [ __ ] fun part about that is you don't even get the land they they still just take it all and create a puppet out of china what is the point now the last focus we can actually do is the two emperor's focus which i'm pretty sure just gives us some um yeah it gives us some freeing power freeing point power great great really [Music] this is a wasted two hours of europe sir [ __ ] fun though uh yugoslavia somehow taking out norfolk i thought i got an event after doing the two emperors but no it's just mutinies in the army so that was a really fun game let us move on to the next really fun cave wow bet you never thought this was coming that's right everyone it's generic focus tree probably one of my sleep paralysis demons is the original focus trees that the game came out with and the lack of focus trees that everyone had and we all had to rely on the generic focus tree now albeit they do actually add a bit of flexibility to playing as a minor or a secondary power for the simple fact you can go ahead and push yourself into fascist or communist and actually do a bit of conquering and get involved but um you could also not it's gonna be smart delete all my military factories so obviously in the generic focus tree you can go ahead and like i said go down an interesting path to actually have some game impact if you want to go ahead and do democratic you can also go down the interventionism focus and uh get some volunteers and or you could do neutrality and not do anything the entire games right you can quite literally be neutral and not do anything i don't know what crazy person in the world really wants to do a neutral switzerland game in hoi 4 where you don't do anything and you just watch the world burn but you could just go into spectator mode and do that but you're not going to you're going to do neutrality focus now other than the neutrality part of the focus tree um you do get some interest in stuff like extra research slots pretty easy to rush some tech as well with all the buffs you get and you get a whole bunch of industry stuff but it doesn't matter if you're just gonna sit there with your thumb up your ass that's right done so much in hoi 4 that i'm now doing neutral switzerland neutral democratic switzerland could still technically go communist or fascist but if you were gonna do that you might as well have done it through the focus tree so it's all very bizarre to me that this is ever included other than just for the ai welcome back to the isar productions channel today we're gonna be doing a speed one neutral switzerland game hope you're ready i don't think there's anything else to say really this sucks it's terrible oh we've pretty much hit the end of the road for the terrible focuses at least with all of the ones before the latest dlc um i might make another video going through the new ones i also want to check out the british ones which i haven't done because there are a couple stinkers in that one do you also want to go ahead and give the italian one its own video so if you want to see both of those videos i know it's a lot of hoy4 on the channel but i'm i'm kind of feeling hoy for at the moment i i don't know how long that's going to last for but uh if you want to see more i want to leave a like hit the subscribe button and you know what let's do some hoyt for [Music] eh [Music] oh
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 594,562
Rating: 4.9735174 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 focuses, hearts of iron 4 focus trees, hoi4 focus trees, hoi4, hoi4 isorrowproductions, isorrow, isorrow hoi4, hoi4 bad focus trees, hoi4 usa, usa hoi4, usa, paradox interactive, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron
Id: fTL8sWwj8zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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