The Overpowered Nations In Victoria 2 Nobody Plays

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[Music] hey there you nerd hello everybody my little crazy baby so welcome back to more Victoria to a heart of darkness with the HP M ma I'm sure you a little clever boys I've gone ahead and read the title already so you know what is coming today after playing some hearts of I'm falling through some folks trees that nobody does I want to go ahead and play some HP ms in Victoria too and obviously kind of figure out what nations are kind of viable but also at the same time don't waste your time I wanted to say I'm sorry for the sporadic upload schedule especially on this channel there's not a lot I can really do about that concerning the global situation right now the last thing I'm forcing myself to do when I don't want to do it it's recording videos because obviously we're all going a little insane inside then I don't want to force myself to come too insane because sometimes go on this stuff is hot she bit of a pain in the butt and obviously if you're wondering what I'm doing beside a blown into this YouTube channel you've well I don't really want to ruin the matter because a lot of people don't know but a lot of people do know and your your very special little boys but let's just say I'm currently stuck between two puffs of the other sorry what you want about that guys yeah copycat screw I'm the original but if you want to go ahead and follow what I'm doing besides uploading to this channel you can go ahead and follow my Instagram which is BAM right there you can go ahead and follow that I've been posting a whole bunch of footage from when me and bone gold went to Japan [Music] a bit big but I was second but obviously aside from all that if you want to film Instagram and Twitter whatnot it all be linked in the description or you can just find it manually from my out which I put on screen but I am trying to go ahead and do something special for you guys cuz I know it's kind of hard right now in the world and you're probably very bored stuck in thor's anyway twelve minutes of intro later sorry about - it's a lot I have to update on the world but now we need to look at some countries in Victoria - that you might not have even looked up yeah in Victoria - there are a whole bunch of countries for you to play us in the world in 1836 and most of these are already gonna be emerging powers or great powers to start with of course you can't go ahead and play some secondary powers and try to get them up to great power status but the reality of the situation is there's a whole lot of countries in the world that just end up being kind of the fun or someone else's colonization now saying that there are a few countries in the game that can be a little bit more fun even if they don't start very powerful and today I'm going to be covering those because well not a lot of people and including myself have really covered them first off we're gonna be taking a trip to Columbia now a lot of people already know that Columbia is actually completely viable already and it's actually probably a pretty popular nation to players because of the decision to form Grand Columbia which you don't actually have to be a great power to do I believe you just need to puppet by Venezuela and Ecuador but you can go ahead and kind of take the advice of playing Columbia and kind of spread it across all of South America because they all are completely viable and so is any colonial nation because the fun thing about being a colonial nation that's specifically one that passes a whole load of reforms is that you get a whole bunch of immigration from Europe now obviously you do have to go ahead and compete with the Americans a whole bunch and other nations that might go ahead and do refunds but for the most part you can't go ahead and just get a whole bunch of immigrants to become a pretty powerful nation down here obviously if you want to go ahead and play Grand Columbia the things that you want to do is not necessarily actually prestige bamming to great power but simply just going ahead to focus on public both Ecuador and Venezuela as quickly as possible starting off as Columbia you're probably not gonna be doing well you're not gonna be to do well I'm gonna put it bluntly and our first thing I always do is go ahead and hold election to get the Liberals out of power so I can actually start taxing people house crow blockage gotta make puppet completely free on Venezuela and I can tax people which means we're making a whole bunch of money now take down Venezuela as quickly as possible is what I recommend and usually you can try to get some alliances you see here I've got a few and they will actually be willing to join the wall which you're probably gonna need cuz you are pretty much on equal footing and you Poe for both gonna have to mobilize oh you just want to go ahead and hide out in the mountains with your actual army if you can get some artillery go in feel free but as you can see no one really wants to sell them to my rogue state in the South America now it's not a fun war to put it bluntly but if you can just catch them in the mountains you usually can do yourself pretty well and then you just follow their army round and stomp it right so after you've gone ahead and crush their army which you can do by simply just baiting them out with one of your load troops on a mountain province and putting your actual army and you will just want to watch out for promises they're building troops in which is this little guy here just smack in his anvil now entirely sure how that goes making an army but you know what Fairplay no it's just a case of a very slowly seeding down these provinces siga have to burn down their capital they didn't even have to fully siege them the Mexicans piece them out for me which always you want to be wary for so if you do start losing the war you might want to go ahead and reload because the Mexicans could go ahead and white piece you out so just make some scummy little shave so now you should be fine now because of that war throw my troops are not looking that great so before we go on on Ecuador you might want to wait for that artillery to finally be built and then just replenish a little bit now the public casters belly is actually 10 infamy base so if you do get unlucky you should still be able to get both of them pretty easy Ecuador we're not pulling any punches just drive whatever army you got left into this mountain province with their free cake peasants and hope for the best yeah yeah that's about about all I could expect from that rail and now with both of these bad boys popping it you just want to go ahead and surround and yo teach people how to read or something like that until you can and do nationalism and imperialism a assumes America goes to war the Mexicans who stealing all of their immigration right after Venezuela Colombia last grip but I I did notice that the Peruvians are actually a war the Brazilians right now and all their troops aren't dead so we're just gonna slide right in there and establish another puppet they got 1854 you have to go ahead and prestige BAM I've completely forgot about ladies get fifty prestige which completely is by just doing the prestige events and boom Gran Colombia baby you look at it you should be completely stable enough to go ahead and do quite a bit in the world again this isn't the only country you can really have a lot of fun with in South America it does work where are you very well for Brazil and Argentina too so I recommend trying out here of these three nations for a bit of a different approach I'm playing Victoria do but Gran Colombia is just the tip of our iceberg today because there are plenty ins if you don't play for very good reason ah yes sir Cotto 1836 everything's very green unfortunately though not the not the green the matters so Cotto is a long one and a very very tough one and you are in a constant race against time to westernize before those pesky Europeans turn up and start chopping off my hands but Sokoto it's completely viable you do actually have a bunch of decisions to actually do to which incredibly well they kind of help you out a bit in the whole westernization thing and yeah unfortunately westernization is something that's gonna be a bit tough for you but my favorite thing about Sokoto is the all accepted populations you actually have quite a few and most importantly you have Bedouin Bedouin is a very good one have because there's a whole bunch of pedaling people all around you so yeah you will find a whole bunch of Bedouin population all over this part of Africa really and most importantly if you manage to do it there is a whole bunch in Egypt now obviously that's a little bit far off because we've got a lot of lot of lot of stuff to do before we get anywhere near that it's not the the least stable economy I've ever seen all right first off you want to get access to the sea and to do that you're easily gonna be able to stump any of these nations over here because you start with a pretty nice army I'll be regulars for you know why you can't choose a I'm apparently having all the luck in the world today's play Fuchs I just got this one for free and that was a conquest one so that could have been like 20-something infamy right there Oh Kelly oh my god I am getting a lucky two days that another conquest casters belly for free ah now actually I'm gonna do something a little bit unorthodox this time around and we're gonna go for the western shipyards first which seems a little crazy if you have a Western Alan hmm before but uh I can't idea we need to build a naval base now you might think that I'm crazy and you would be right again you're gonna figure out crazy but we're also gonna do foreign training methods because it gives you a research points bonus when conquering 25% which were gon need Oh shucks I really wonder where those Secotan soldiers are going Oh if you said Uruguay you'd be right so yeah taking out Uruguay pretty smart move mostly because of you Alex um oh I can enslave them to soy insulin I for I do not want to inflame but essentially you get yourself a whole fund a bunch of free research points because I think I just got like three or four K from now so uh it kind of pays off plus you get yourself a nice little stay and if you want to well power to you now ecause your westernizing you will get a whole bunch of reactionaries riser but you should be able to take them down very easy because you can go ahead and get a fat army even if they are all regulars and horsemen now usually what you want to do to go ahead and speed up your westernization is simply take the education ones but because education actually costs a lot of money if you're a primitive nation and I can't even fully fund it without going into the negative what I'm gonna do is go for land reform first which hopefully help my economy out a little bit there you go look at that green line go up oh yeah now with that in the bag I can go ahead and keep funding my my education just a little bit more my way he's just teaching a Hudson Tyrians a lesson about colonization but now taking out that one Argentinian Providence gave me a whole bunch of research points so that's that's kind of what you want to do you just want to start beating up everyone you can in South America really well so I completely forgot that you actually get a free casus belli against the guys to restore order which means once we annex them we might actually have enough research points to finish westernizing when we have 14k or free KF and we're done boom so just after 30 so years for almost 40 years of playing the game a Sokoto is a free nation one that can read well 11% of the population camp Hey look at that 1903 the day surcoat overcame the eighth great power in the world so yeah unlike many European nations this one's kind of a bit odd especially the way you go about conquering and making your well your your name on the map quite literally but nonetheless I think it's an incredibly fun game especially if you're not really aiming for just conquering the entire world to be in them want great power you can just become a kind of intermediate power that can have a lot of potential and expanding in different directions oh yeah no to Sokoto recommend ten out of ten fun as hell alright next up this one is a little bit different yeah that's right it's Austria no I'm just kidding it's Czechoslovakia now it doesn't exist on the map to start with but you can release it if you go ahead and play Austria first now the checks for the most part will be playing completely different than most countries I think we've ever covered really you see cuz you're kind of already an intermediate power one that can quickly rise to great power status by the simple fact you have a huge population that can read top of that you just so happen to be sitting on literal gold that's a whole bunch of coal and a whole bunch of iron now I'm going into too much detail on exactly how Czechoslovakia will worker than the simple fact that you should just try it but yeah I'm already on turn number 12 great power right of 12 secondary power right now almost of great powers what I'm trying to say and it's pretty much a powerful state that's all you need to know the other things I would recommend is a lying rush or a mealy any of you can't ally Russia well you're probably gonna die but just securing your great power Ally is the first thing you should do before the Austrians decide to come kick your teeth in again so yeah that's the only thing you will need to worry about after that it's just free Latin so you get great pact you'll start kicking the Austrians and the Prussians out of you know Germany so you can conquer some land or you can just sit where you are and for the rest of the game just become an economic arms dealer for Europe hey you know different ways play Victoria - it's pretty fun you get yourself a whole bunch and ass resources and it's kind of chill relaxing and a bit more RP then uh you know just playing is a great power like Great Britain or you know France Russia or one known just you know painting the map but yeah Czechoslovakia might go full playthrough on this one just you know on its own except for like you know I want to show it off but until then let's move on to the next one this one it's definitely like a good seven out of ten now our last nation or should I say nations is actually everything releasable from Great Britain Dominion wife first off we have Canada which if you do players you kind of want to do it a bit differently than what's going on right here so yeah unfortunately Canada doesn't ask you start with cos on everything at the start of the game which is a bit annoying but not the worst thing in the world so yeah to play as Canada properly what you want to do is first off get into the game and activate where and this and they go Canada is now a thing but you want to keep them under your little little puppet thing first because we've still got to give them more and and next up you just want to go ahead and activate four four three two zero and we can offer them bunch of land look at that Canada is a big boy now there we go so what else I did was release Quebec and the Maritime Union and I'm pretty sure they will get events to simply join Canada lol a a day and then once you've done that you just want a tack switch over to Canada and boom it's done stuff the play for him there you go soon as I tack switched over to them Quebec is well they're part of me now now for the most part obviously you're still a British Dominion but you are in North America which means you get a whole bunch of you know people coming out comes down a new life then Quebec I'll double this you start with your nice healthy 50% literacy rate which is great you get a whole bunch of nice resources for late-game you've even got a little bit of iron there start with and for the most part it's essentially just becoming America but kind of early on double there you can also go ahead and if you make it to great power which isn't that hard if you just go ahead and prestige spam as usual you immediately become free from Great Britain as far as I'm aware so it is really not a bad game to play it's fun it's different you kind of got a whole bunch of land have fun with you can kick America's but pretty easy again I don't think I've done a Canada playthrough on the channel but cuz when I haven't done one before I might go ahead and give it a go if you guys want to see that I've said I'm not gonna do now for you spent all day playing Sokoto so uh yeah personally I'd give them a good a out tense definitely a fun nation to players and now we moved on to our very last one that's right it may not be an unknown nation or one that people haven't played but Australia is an incredibly fun nation because once again just like Canada or any other like new world nation you get a whole bunch of immigration constantly coming towards you on top of that you get a whole bunch of gold constantly spoiling your country along with oil and I think maybe rubber all of that combined puts you in about 1880 and you pretty much have the ability to take on our pol bunch of Asian you can start going into China or even you know being Japan a little bit and we've all the money from the gold you get a whole bunch more immigrants s it's a fun game I've already covered this one on the channel though and I highly recommend you check that out so yeah that's gonna be the last one for today obviously if you want to see more about Australia in depth there was video on my channel already but I think I've show enough a few nations that you may not have thought about playing like Sokoto Grand Columbia though the grand Columbia one doesn't really count because you could do that as Brazil or Argentina and Canada of course sir go check that bad boy out and Czechoslovakia again strong nations that are kind of hidden inside other nations especially if you release them at the style of the game now this is just the very tippy top of the nations that I think are the most fun to release and play or star doesn't play there are a few more that I want to cover that aren't that simple who like you know Persia we already did Afghanistan Afghanistan would have been in there China yeah I'm gonna leave those for another day but if you guys enjoyed this video feel free to leave a like hit the subscribe button down below follow my instagram twitter and blablabla you know the drill is all in the description and you know i think i'll probably don't know one of these on victoria to because i do want to show off persia china and i want to show off korea too but that's gonna be something else alright but oh yeah don't next time guys uh I don't know stay indoors have your government mandated exercise time don't question it [Music] [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 658,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: victoria 2, victoria 2 hpm, hpm, victoria 2 modding, modding, grand strategy, paradox games, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, The Overpowered Nations In Victoria 2 Nobody Plays, victoria 2 guide, victoria 3, paradox, strategy games, victoria 2 memes, victoria 2 multiplayer, victoria 2 funny
Id: GFL3zeVh6S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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