The Most Ambitious Hearts Of Iron 4 Mod Ever Made - The New Order

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it's time - ray welcome to the new order the new order is probably one of the most unique and ambitious marks for hearts of iron for that I have been greatly requested to do for the longest time and baby I'm here so that woman with the stunk of air that's right everyone welcome to 1962 well what they did to my paper yeah Russia's just it's now looking to guts also got this guy's really horny grandpa but we're gonna get to that guy a different day now you can't tell this might be a world where Joni actually did quite well in World War two not sure if you're getting that vibe but it's kind of evident you know the world where the axis won World War two the Italians didn't get much of it and footed themselves well if no one's out you gonna give me a land in this peace deal I guess I'll just make my own apparently now as I said this is a month that is trying to build a very in-depth world with a lot of storytelling and I'm not kidding when I say they've actually put a lot of a lot of effort in specifically to the actual ongoing events so you really need to sit back and kind of not play like I'll serve I'm for it gotta get really into it now for us this part of the mod actually takes place in the scope of Africa because this is actually a demo for the full version of the mod there has been a previous one which took place over here in Russia but I feel like I want to get the most up-to-date version and that is this one where we're gonna go ahead we're gonna have some footage South Africa alright everyone get your reading glasses on back to gangster wool the Dominion of South Africa carefully swings across the narrowed tightrope of international diplomacy I see someone has a very good English degree or destined for Soros really speaking words of Liberty to Washington and whispering promises of segregation to the right battle for South Africa rages both abroad and at home the nation of the paradox and and it over the self at Dominion with no monarch the minority governing the majority prime minister to Graff who will be playing of carefully plays his opponents against each other in order to maintain the shaky stability of his party the United Party we're soon gonna learn that uh this this isn't really true it's not that United the Dominion truly does walk the tightrope cautiously appeasing all fronts of conflict to the Cape is quickly becoming an inevitability Prime Minister to graph must keep the country on the straight and narrow for a South Africa to slip from the high wire god only knows where she'd worried it'll land right in the middle of Germany by the looks of Africa right now so we we have a little to-do list here or I get I guess just what we can't do in the one we should explore the gifts expose what the de bears with a diamond mining barons foreign influence and profit as you attempt to maintain trade with the pact and sway the upcoming election in your favor all the things I'm ready to do so first thing in the game is that we do have a economy that's right everyone its tanks tied now there is one glaring issue because the first time I'm showing off this money I didn't feel right getting another month that fixes this is that um the UI now just as it is right here looking it's not that bad in fact it's it's it's alright I actually quite like the aesthetic but the problem I have as soon as we go ahead and go into production kind of burns my eyeballs a little bit it's just a bit too intense there's a lot of information that's very easily accessible when their colors aren't all the same it's very neon I'm not entirely I'm not a big designer I I but I don't a graphic are anything like that but I do know that this is really hard to distinguish anything from now last time I played this the tech was also yeah it's not the best I know they're trying to go for an aesthetic and all but I really feel like they definitely need to have another mob that just turns this off it's really just it it's not good so I don't know if you ever played this game called minecraft but boy are we in for some minecraft in today but I'm certain villas grass and I've got quite a few things going on in my country most importantly the fact that it is going to hell in every single way but my friends what I do have is a hole supplied diamonds which I can hopefully bribe the world to go ahead and you know do one now for my situation in the world down here in South Africa we are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place up being the unity pack which is a successful axis victory over Europe and well as you can see the kind of got me cornered it's it's kind of the unity packed all the see at the moment and alecour don't quote allies still exist for you know they never got America Oh baby we got ourselves Richard Nixon is what she rolling his eyes already probably just yet the fact he has to deal with so many Germans in the world am i right guys there is that's the old man yeah won't be around for too long though so we do have a mighty fine nation we got a lot of decisions coming up we do have an army not really the best army a low low lamp manpower we'll see we don't have a lot of equipment which is I wish I could tell you but I'm not too shorts actually going on in this menu so I'm just gonna we don't have much of an equipment stuck up and so we get dressed when we do have is actually a fleet which I imagine we've stolen a lot of these from the Allies in fact I can already tell you we definitely do because this one's called the SAS Rockne and only the British would cool a ship Rodney arrived so we've got a mighty fine selection of 24 diamonds right now and because I'm in the stonk market right now we definitely I definitely think I'm gonna go ahead and start doing the ones that give us a bit more diamonds per month hopefully we can get a modified selection and the packed displeasure was a 12% okay we we might have to suck off the Germans a bit now just ring you think you're done with off that Charles are going to them great I mean congratulation boys yet yeah did well yeah I've fun of them [ __ ] alright flow first thing on the horizon is that we have a empty front one that I would happily go ahead and sit him myself but unfortunately at Brett I did that should probably won't go too well with her I'm assuming the guys to the north of us all right mr. Hurtz Locke has gone ahead and had a national speech that is essentially the 1962 version of a dish track now I would go ahead and support his dissing of the monarchy but unfortunately I don't want the balls in control for the simple fact I feel like they might be a bit more to the the German side of things and also I get the feeling like you know the graph might be a great monarch himself look at his mustache she's very mediocre so we're gonna go ahead industry oh I'm in front of a judge and the defendants dark above all we want equal political rights because without them our disabilities will be permanent I know this sounds for revolutionary to the wives of this country because a majority the voters will be African this makes the white man fear democracy the man speaking these words is now cemented okay okay send him to prison all right so it is our time for a referendum on the monarchy now we actually have to go ahead and do some political campaigning to try go ahead and win people over and we do actually have some people for the monarchy at the moment but uh yeah these guys surprisingly the people who have kind of been under the foot of the motorcade of British ports and well they don't like the monarch yeah someone shy and Smith can't say probably didn't have it coming but uh yeah all of these options go ahead and give me a whole bunch of stability - I'm gonna go ahead and - the one that doesn't for the simple fact I got five Stabila I got four stability the writer one conclusion the fecund Ian's have successfully tested a nuclear device that's right no one will inherit the begun here the cat more pull it down here Oh South Africa we're having a bit of a fun time in the fact that we're getting the majority of people on board of the monarchy some people bit more stubborn than others I'm also doing the historical approach to you know a South Africa towards the ANC which if you don't I've already arrested Nelson Mandela kind of see where I'm going with this go oh so you know could be the free state of Magadan which is at war with Oberlin you know they won that war war is hell this literally could be in hell I have no idea what that is oh there they go he's gone I'm sure this won't lead to any instability within the glorious Reich at all oh I appear to have dropped spaghetti all over my last statement but here we go here's a big thing when this mod it is the German civil war who will take over Germany and we've got a lot of contenders after taps sure so yeah we've got like 50 Germany's right now the the actual capital appeals to be independent whoever wins I'm fuming will take that but we've got ourselves Goering you know the man who ate the world Hayes still alive daily I also got Heydrich I'm not sure how he survived in this scenario but yeah he's alive he's trying to be leader we got Borman down here he's a bald man yeah he's what a great guy and we've also got spear spear Albert Speer he's alive barely here a lot of these people are quite old no I'm not too sure who's gonna win the Civil War I've never actually watched it the full way through but I'm assuming maybe Goering I get the feeling he might have the most support Borman maybe I think Spears a bit too much of a you know pansy and if you can't tell by Heydrich yeah he's a he's a he's a bit of a bastard Oh that's gonna be a yeah that's gonna be an interesting one Oh glad to see in all of the chaos this has got ahead of the Seas cry there is one little place yeah after that uh well after that whole you know shooting people kind of saw this one might be coming okay Michael around the balls wasn't that much of a prompt but then the Africans well I haven't they revolted and the Germans they declared war two so we're in a bit of a pickle right it's great it's kind of gamey but we're gonna go ahead we're gonna send our motorized divisions as far into the enemy land as we can and hope for a just a just a quick surrender for them yeah we need to knock off enemies one by one here no I go this might be the messiest war I have ever had in a hearts wine for game as you can tell by the front Alliance right now we're deep behind enemy lives everywhere okay thank you the Lord we might be able to stabilize that's a bet okay from what I can tell the Germans over here I'm assuming because of their incredibly weak father state is the units I could tell you that there's a few like poor ones over here but I think we might outnumber them because I've been going ahead and spending my diamonds on the orange militias which has given me quite a few units to work with meanwhile we are doing our magical in the Americas and to hell that we're trying to get them on board a cake cuz there it was me against Germany I'd quite like some American support yeah also the whole civil war Fink well it's Borman and Goering spear yeah he didn't last too long at all it's a fierce one the bush it's definitely very harsh on earth and under the leadership of mr. Graf we are doing ourselves a very fine job of pushing back the Hun Menace but unfortunately for us even with our Americans but German civil war has actually ended we got ourselves a ball man in charge oh now mr. Uncle Sam I gotta gather myself air effect very much for this one a ceasefire now I think not for I have nothing to lose because my country is well it's in the shedder right I think we are getting them on the ropes now it has been a constant back and forward of just encircling the AI everywhere I possibly can which has been going alright for the most part I am essentially just playing chess with a machine and the Machine I'm playing chess against Fink's it's playing checkers so yeah we're doing all right now we have loads of roll options to go ahead and get a bunch of support from the Americans which is pretty much the only way I've been getting equipment that to actually survive this whole far now that I've capitulated the balls actually have a nice bit of manpower tachi work with right now got thou we really need gun you know I'm seeing a complete lack of enemy units now so I think it is time for our grand Offensive come people are tired of German the war is one above new future awaits us as we have liberated South Africa from the German Menace and put on so they are an eyeful a lie on the border that we don't have to worry about anymore that's right go suck one of course you was wondering Sally what the South Africans paid for this freedom well it was pretty much everyone in our country if you can't tell we've got no guns left we got nothing left for really do have a nice bit of land and a very stable not very stable country and that is actually it for our focus tree and the March well the demo of them art for us today we have brought South African victory under our great leader mr. Serge real grass I don't know how to actually pronounce that but mr. Graf dead well obviously and the greatest scope of the mud I'm assuming that will obviously be some sort of Kaiser Reich esque scenario where the remaining of the Allies let's try and come back and liberate Europe because I didn't notice that England actually got free again so there was quite a few things that are gonna be going on and I can't wait to see what the full product it's actually like and that because of demos were actually on different scopes so there was one armed rusher over here and there was one in South Africa I would like to think that these little conflicts would all add up to a big conflict for retaking Europe or something like that I think that's gonna be an incredibly good good do and I think laughs so much replayability because this was oh it was super intense it was a lot of micro and it was very sweaty constantly clicking buttons to get the Americans give me more guns which if you can see I used every single last one of those this is the new automata I'm pretty sure I think it might actually be releasing next month I'm not entirely sure about that one but I did hear a rumor going around that that's when it might be coming out and yeah there is so much going on there are so much more in this model loads of a story building to go on I highly recommend you check it out if you're interested in a different scenario and a bit more of a err you know a different different way to our play - very much very very very different but yes without a doubt I will be checking out the full mod at some point whenever it comes out and if you enjoyed this video feel free to leave like the subscribe button down below let me know any more weird moths that I have not checked out that you want to see on this channel until next time from me and the great union of south africa under the leadership of serge Villiers Graf well our country's pre-crack but we do have more crap now and like fifty more problems [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 525,727
Rating: 4.9592433 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 the new order, the new order, hoi4 the new order, hoi4 modding, hoi4 mods, hearts of iron mods, hearts of iron modding, the new order hoi, modding, paradox interactive, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron
Id: bl2rtI8Ieig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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