The Worst Nation In Hearts Of Iron 4

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um it's really quite hot but you know what's harder that's right it's boyza playhoy4 hey everybody and welcome back to the kind of second part the last video which was uh kind of what i promised to do i do want to point out if you hear anything in the background that is the fan that is running halfway down the hallway um if you can hear it i'm sorry but it's the only thing keeping me alive during this recording and i i might just die anyway but how's it going my gravy babies it's me it's our productions back on the high four terrible focus tree blah blah blah yadda yadda follow me on my twitter here or my instagram here for more fun stuff like me complaining about the heat or me posting a meme follow me for more updates alright so as you know i am a big hoy4 aficionado i've pretty much covered the majority of these nations five times over but there is one nation that we haven't looked up very in-depth mamma mia that sure is a green country ah mamma mia giuseppe don't drop your spaghetti competent in warfare no it's mussolini so if you remember my russia game a few months back we talked about how the russian tree needed a lot of work as it is still the base vanilla tree that has not been changed now there is one of a nation that has a base tree that's not poland that hasn't been changed either mamma mia i wonder if you can tell whose it might be that's right it's the italian tree i think i looked it up beforehand and this is actually the smallest focus tree in the game by the actual bass tree and uh it's pretty pathetic for a quote-unquote main power i i it still obviously blows my mind but you know you just look at spain's tree yeah like a portugal's tree you know you look at look at italy shuri now this doesn't mean this isn't actually a you know a good or bad focus tree it's somewhere actually still in the middle it still gives you a whole bunch of factories a whole bunch of stuff to help you research and you can do a lot of damage with this focus tree but the only real problem with it is that it's outdated and trash uh now there are actually a few a historical path you can do uh i say paths there's like two and that's about it where instead of going with you know going down with the pack they're still joining germany you can go ahead and do uh italy first and you can get um you get bulgaria in your faction usually and spain it's pretty pretty fun all right so first things first in our game of italy we need to take down the ethiopians because we we wanna take them out and become a big colonial power so we invaded ethiopia historically the italians didn't do too well during the first invasion of ethiopia but the second time around they managed to overcome their problems with made in the country by cheating that's right mustard gas baby that's right everyone italy global power treat me with rus why are you laughing at you know what you may laugh okay you might be laughing quite a lot actually but i will show you that's right you're gonna learn the hard way and that's germany you have learned a valuable lesson on why you do not trust the italian this is a little bit gaming but you know when you gotta build an empire you kind of gotta build an empire by build it i mean steel so uh you don't even have to cool germany into a water naval invade from their promises which means you can get all the land yourself because you're in the faction germany's just gonna sit there and take it like a good boy yeah it's a bit of a you know a dick move but yeah i'm italian all right i'm working with what i've got i just gotta make sure you actually satellite the dutch east indies or else i'd have been for nothing next up so like i say you do a lot of damage as the italians but a lot of that doesn't actually come through the focus rate just the fact you can immediately join germany and they'll just kind of willingly let you well become a bit of a monster there's one thing i'm a big fan of it's starting world war italy so like i've shown many many times invading england is pretty much like playing chess against a mentally challenged chihuahua it requires no challenge whatsoever so that ended up being a bit of a weird one my new empire sure is impressive impressively disgusting yeah we ain't too done there yeah we need a few more pieces of land you see it's always a good idea to back up everything you own just in case i mean if i didn't take portugal someone else might have it is the same with the swiss you can never trust the swiss okay see i told you you invade the swiss you can't trust them they immediately create an alliance with the danish worst people in europe i just had to pop over here to north america quickly because someone is having a bright idea jokes on you though i've got an inside man that's right truman is one of my generals thank you romania thou has blessed me with many reddit karmas today unfortunately turkey your time has come to i haven't actually been paying attention to the uh the whole america oh it's going all right yeah i just had that on auto for a very long time and uh well it's doing the job nice i feel like watching the bubonic pasta sauce eclipse the world that's right i went to iraq looking for illegally funded cringe i honestly can't think of a time i've gone out of my way to invade yemen before it's probably been years since i've even mentioned yemen on this channel i honestly did that just for the simple fact look at that look how beautiful it is italy it's all across north africa though i feel like my name should be across the sea but you know i'm italy i can't do everything right you know the meme of like the italians always doing like loads of hand gestures and stuff i didn't know it also accounted to uh well our battle plans as well uh also japan declared war on me um but i'm just gonna pretend i didn't hear that that's right i've created super canada i guess i'll deal with the japanese too apparently oh my god it's like swelling roaches everywhere there's these subs there's millions of them oh yes i'm barely holding on in china you know what i'll do declare war on everyone invading japan in huizhou is either incredibly easy or the biggest brain aneurysm you will ever experience there is no in between i didn't even care about taking any land just get me out of there have it all uh sorry about this germany but i need to get back to the focus street part of the video so that's right after having your fun across the world and not even bothering to send nationalists spain any volunteers and then demand in the balearic islands because instead you didn't send volunteers and instead sent your entire army to invade them well other than all the obvious stuff like industry births and research stuff well there's not a lot to do in your focus tree until you get down to here where either you can go ahead and join the pact of steel and join germany or do italy first i don't know if you can tell but this has been a bit of a italy first type of game after i kind of killed everyone that could join my faction the only one left is venezuela and i'm still not too sure if i trust this man what's that mustache about i was gonna backstab the germans but the germans declared who are my puppet national france and backstabbed me they they didn't even have troops on my border they're invading the soviet union the ai in this game just sometimes is a blessing there are i killed all my friends apparently if stalin was in a faction he would be my mate which he should be because um he doesn't want to be my enemy with my 730 factories i would just like to note that um i don't think any of this i actually did through the focus tree just by you know right clicking and clicking justify war that's all i did now time to divide the spoils go look it's like a it's mini me it's mini version of germany it's so petite and cute there you go so with no real guidance in our focus tree we did not do any of the stuff down here that actually goes ahead and gives us war goals on these people all you have to do is be award one great power and then just kind of break the game like i usually do these world conquests quote unquote and we have created a absolutely monstrous italy it's disgusting there you go even more so you could do roman ambition too you can you can get the roman empire unless you're like 1937. it's pretty crazy i uh i got a little bit sidetracked though you know like him invading japan and america it kind of took up some time but yeah the lack of like kind of purpose in the focus tree is kind of boring like i said i didn't even have to do any of this and i got to this point simply for the fact italy starts in a very good position where they can join germany and then just naval invade someone without calling germany and giving them any of the land it's um it's pretty i guess game breaky but at the same time [Music] do i want to demand the balearic islands no but obviously if you did stick with the focus tree and you went after france at that point it's kind of pointless because you can rush france immediately by doing a justify war on them and taking them out befend japan doesn't matter anyway unless you're doing italy first and you can never invite them because they have their own faction which is pointless if you ever end up taking like great britain's colonies or italian east indies or the philippines they'll declare war on you anyway so it does not matter same kind of goes for the stuff down here where you can either befriend greece or get claims on turkey or vice versa um it again it doesn't really matter because by the time you're doing any of this you should already be at war with one of the allies there's no point waiting or rushing down to this but you could just simply right click declare war it's kind of pointless a lot of this stuff should be i know pre further up than like yugoslavia if you wanted to create a really big kind of opposite block to germany but if germany goes for starting the war then in the end you're going to end up with the allies anyway because these guys will join it it's a bit dumb it doesn't really make sense the focus 3 is very basic and kind of came out you know start the game so it's it's not very flushed out per se but um i'm really hoping both italy and the soviets get a focus free update in the next patch uh slash dlc sorry will it happen though god knows heck i mean we we got a portugal focus tree over an italian one so i can't wait for afghanistan focus street that's all right though we got the novus imperium romanum with my great boy augustus mussolini so yeah this is going to be the end of my showcase for the italian focusry or the lack of which was kind of the point of the video where it was so unimportant i didn't even have to do it or show it the entire time uh but yeah if you enjoyed this video and enjoy the weird variety of hoy4 content back on the channel at the moment leave a like hit subscribe button down below and uh i guess we'll go back to doing some little mods at some point i probably want to do a couple different videos off hoy4 just so i don't flood you with it even though i know that's what you want but uh yeah you enjoyed the video leave a like hit subscribe button down below let me know [Music] i
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 578,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, paradox interactive, hearts of iron 4 italy, hoi4 italy, italy, italian, hoi4 mod, hoi4 modding, hoi4 italian, roman empire, hoi4 roman empire
Id: y8ejv2SY808
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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