The Woman Who Got 6 Ribs REMOVED to Look Like a Cartoon

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this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group the lifetime support group that comes with a 12-week gym program two home workout programs and a lifetime facebook support group that's right getting healthier is a lifestyle so of course you need a support group that will always be open where i'm very active daily if you're interested the link is below hi guys welcome to my channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua a past theater nerd gone grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably have been at least one person so if there's anything infinity today let me know in that comment section i would love to hear it so a lot of us watch cartoons here and i know i'm not the only one who when i was younger and still now just gawk over cartoon women that have a nice set of curves with a small waist and the icing on the cake is when they have a personality to match dexter's mom thick miss bellum girl stop her curves were so just that they only focused on her lower body and had housewives shook enough that they took out her character from the show mrs proud cheeks can clap this is incredible by the way just received the outfit from amazon get ready for the cake because there's a lot down here but though it looks great in the cartoon universe that super tiny waist doesn't translate very well into real life most people aren't built like a cartoon i'm actually going to say that i think it's pretty impossible to have this tiny of a waist naturally okay nami calm down with all of that i like you but this is unrealistic which is fine because she's a cartoon it's supposed to be unrealistic but some people want this to be their reality and this is exactly what a woman named pixie wanted to make her reality so badly that she got six ribs removed removed from her body six ribs six out of twelve gone so that she could embody a cartoon let's meet her i always been inspired by cartoons all the curves and tiny ways i'm really happy with how i look now but i still see things that could be fixed i don't know if it's just the audio but it sounds like it just hurts her to even speak all the curves and tiny ways maybe because she got to work extra hard to make sure her organs aren't spilling out not sure but it just sounds like it's just hard for her to talk i'm just kidding but really how do like how did she move just from this one tiny clip it just looks like she's about to tip over getting my ribs removed i have been thinking about for a long time it's always been like a dream online holy crap her waist before was already very like compacted me and my spongebob whis could never but remember in the last video when we talked about the multiple surgeries never being enough maybe even body dysmorphia she already removed six ribs and she's saying that there's more that can be fixed how much more i think like i think you can only live without six ribs like that's the limit like you can't do anymore unless you want to die so pixie was having a very hard time finding a surgeon that would perform this surgery so that she can get her goal of a 14 inch waist it's really hard to find a surgeon almost impossible that's good that's a good thing that a lot of doctors or surgeons didn't want to perform this unfortunately she did find someone that would perform surgery in indianapolis a surgeon named barry eppley performed the six rib removal i looked him up on ig i was gonna do a little deeper dig on what this guy just was all about but y'all i'm squeamish i told you that in the last video i see whatever's going on here i'm out but y'all can go check him out maybe you want to get six ribs removed so you can have this aesthetic i don't know it's you guys can do whatever you want i ain't judging about your aesthetic goals i mean i am but you can do whatever you want i just don't think removing six ribs is needed but it's what she wanted so let's move on it's really hard to find a surgeon almost impossible the only reason why i can do it now is because doctors finally start to take me seriously because they see that i'm not a crazy person i mean you do want to get six ribs removed and ribs protect your vital organs actually according to google the ribs essentially serve two main purposes they protect your heart lungs and other organs and tissues in the upper body they also provide some protection for your liver and kidneys they provide structure and supports of the bones and muscles in your chest shoulders and back so they protect a lot of things and we have 12 for very good reasons there's nothing complex actually oh god please don't show anything gross there's nothing complex extraordinary or unduly difficult about it nothing unordinary dr barry i have never i have never seen anyone walk around like this dr barry i'm gonna go out on a whim and say it's extremely unordinary to want to get or to just get six ribs removed i don't think that's a normal thing that people are doing it's not like chestical surgery it seems that everybody has you know fake chesticles going on getting six ribs removed is very taboo it's very unordinary i don't know not one person minus this girl who i don't know in real life getting six ribs removed if this is normal in your life dr bear you've got some very tiny wasted friends it does require an extremely motivated patient and i think certainly pixie would qualify i just can't get over how tiny her waist was already i would be in the nude all the time i mean i already am but it would be amplified a motivated patient is somebody who can accept the scars that come from the procedure as well as is prepared for the discomfort in the short term that comes from taking several rips i mean i don't know it seems like he's pretty upfront with what's going on the risks the pain the um aftermath and she understands and she doesn't care she just really wants that tiny cartoon waist so i mean if that's what she wants who am i like what am i supposed to say it's not an operation which feels great afterwards but certainly she's about as motivated a person as you're going to find number two oh no we are not watching that i already saw a glimpse you guys know i'm squeamish i'm not watching that for you guys now i can never eat ribs again thanks a lot when i go to family reunions what am i gonna do just eat potato salad no they go together all right let's pass that part up it's crazy i can't believe that just happened girl it did six six out of your 12 ribs are gone ripped out of your body half half forgone so a few months after the rib removal surgery pixie appeared on the show that i never watched the doctors and they were all like this is weird girl why'd you why did you take out six ribs you need those i'm gonna be honest with you i think we're all a bit flabbergasted very difficult not only to watch that surgery but quite honestly to watch just the severe transformation [Music] i want to ask you medically what's the recovery been like after losing your ribs well actually the recovery went super super good one to two weeks later i was back on the gym really i don't know if i believe that because people will get at least at least like a lot of my friends right they all have these things going on for the new people watching if this is your first video no they are not fake they are real i have very good bras from ross that were like eight dollars but just with like getting implants in a lot of them cannot lift something above their head for a while also mini warning a lot of people are getting their boob implants removed and finding that after years of having safe surgery not for everyone but i am seeing a lot of posts of my friends who are just done with their implants anyway not the point i know it's different they are getting something put into their body she is getting something taken out but it just seems like it's like more of a intense surgery than implants getting your ribs removed and then she's back in the gym for two weeks what were you doing in the gym pixie standing there with only six ribs can you stand up real quick i mean pixie and and pixie what crap that waist is tiny she got her goal that is a tiny waist i do have to say though that she's really cute i know a lot of the comments are going to be like gross i prefer my women natural really do you you probably really don't uh prefer your women natural and thanks for cleaning that up by the way that's cool but her face is very pretty her body is just a huge shocker and it feels very unproportional but that is what she's going for i thought you were beautiful in your your pictures before you did anything i mean okay we were all thinking it i said in the beginning that her waist was already very tiny and my spongebob voice could never can i just say like i know her story is dramatic but i got this comment a lot when i was losing weight and especially when i started competing and get very very lean you looked better before cool thanks for telling me how you prefer my body i always get that kind of comment when i do like a throwback you know picture of when i competed and people like i prefer you bigger okay so the man that said that he preferred her body how it was originally said that she obviously didn't think she was beautiful before before you touched anything thank you but you obviously you didn't feel that way and she was like no no i obviously loved myself no it's actually it's not about it's not about everyone think it's because i want attention or i didn't like myself before actually i loved myself before i really did and like i said i can relate to this because i'm sure people are saying uh no you didn't then why did you change your body but i would always get these comments when i was getting very lean because it just looks so different from everyone else on stage it looks really cool because you're standing next to other people that are very lean too but in real life you kind of look like a freak of nature and people are like what's going like are you a mutant what are you doing and people will tell you that you look super human which was a compliment for me but people would always say oh so like you hated your body before no i just have a goal to compete and i guess this was her goal to she she has a goal of what she wants to look like what can i say to that i don't think it's the healthiest thing just like competing is not the healthiest thing but she knew the rest people know the risk when they get into competing what am i supposed to say so the doctors ask her her goal but but you say you're not done yet you you see you say there's still more to do yeah i mean that what's your goal again that thinking is what are you trying to do i'm super interested in what her goal is because she said that she's she can still see things that she can improve my goal is to do what makes me happy i for the first time in life i feel like i'm doing the right thing for me i'm i'm down you know i'm completely down with that what negative thing can i say that this woman wants to make herself happy with having you know paying money to get herself the way that she wants to look it affects me in absolutely no way she knows the risks no one's forcing her it makes her happy once again what like what can we say to that let the woman just be happy i'm happy for her if that like that's what she wanted that's what she got do your thing pixie i have a vision of how i want to look and i'm really close to that so so what else what else do you need to do what else i need to do i have some plans and i'm not revealing this right now you're gonna have to follow me to no look at the doctor's face they're judging so hard a life of an influencer i tell you you gotta follow her she gotta get those coins you need a following but she basically ended it with she is very close to what her end goal is but i'm close to my mission so i got curious because this was aired five years ago in 2016. so you know what time it is people where are they now instagram edition pixie fox the living cartoon former electrician who got famous for having plastic surgery dreams of becoming an actor so now the question is but can she act though we're all made for each other the way you lift me up the comfort you give me the way that you felt on my skin oh man you're just the support i need [Music] together i thought i would take over the world pixie what is this had so much fun recording the let's break up challenge video watchful video on youtube yeah i mean we could but it it just didn't really catch my eye i don't care about the let's break up challenge what did catch my eye is that she was on tosh.0 pixie fox removes six ribs to achieve her dreams that's courage her body's a work of art like if picasso were drunk and horny and i think she was pretty perfect in this one they did a barbie and ken setting tosh was plastic and so was she because she really is plastic so they wants that barbie theme which was perfect she does look like a barbie you don't take your shoes off everything's made of cheap plastic fruit oh no i just had a baby carrot on the way over i don't know if she'd get those like high profile starring roles but you can still act on things like instagram and youtube so that's good for her she's also working on a home beauty line and she's exposing plastic surgeon ooh people love exposing things in her mother's recent post she didn't expose the plastic surgeon completely or at least go into detail on exactly what happened but apparently she is recovering from a very intense surgery that was performed incorrectly and according to her the doctor is a scam y'all if you are getting a plastic surgery and morphing your body into certain things you gotta be careful so about the body though i think it evened out pretty well keep in mind she's not going for a normal body she's going for a more cartoon look i mean i really like this red bathing suit picture i notice when she adds that corset that's when it gets very like it's a lot like it's very like that shock factor i do think that she got more done probably to the face like it looks different from the last video i think she also got some things done to her hips and legs because i'm not trying to judge but i don't think pixie is in the gym dead lifting super heavy squatting super heavy doing heavy kickbacks i don't think she's doing that just gonna take a guess maybe she'll see this video and can confirm what exactly she got i'm sure she's very open about it she got six ribs removed girl ain't got nothing to hide and i'm living for it i'm so happy that she's like open about everything rather than getting six ribs removed and then saying oh buy my ab workout it's gonna make your waist so tiny like me right we all love those instagram fitness models she's extremely truthful and i like that go pixie and anyone else who was very up front about their plastic surgery uh journeys but the red bathing suit she could cosplay freaking nami anyway that was the woman who got six ribs removed so that she could look like a real life cartoon let me know your opinions in the comment sections i would love to hear it i think if that's what she wants to do then she should do it she is living her own personal dream and we all have our own personal dream if it's not hurting anyone go for it thank you so much for watching if there's more videos you want my opinion on make sure to link them below and do read the comments at least within the first hour of posting the video because i love to communicate with you guys if you guys want more of me i am on instagram along with my dogs follow them and i will see you guys next time [Music] pick it up
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 117,914
Rating: 4.9770608 out of 5
Id: 7adPuCDM9Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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