True crime: The Exotic Dancer who Brutally Murdered Her Husband Jay Orbin

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succubus is understood as a lilian demon in female form or supernatural entity that appears in dreams to seduce men usually through certain activity according to religious traditions repeating this activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health even death succuby can be traced back to folklore of medieval times but there are modern-day succubies that you can certainly play with [Music] hello youtube and welcome to demon month and the next episode of cosplay and crime today's tale of murder is a tale between two lovers one being an entertainer a dancer like myself she seduces her prey reels them in with her beauty and then kills them like a modern day succubus this story involves everything you humans love this lies greed a savage disgusting crime and of course a beautiful blonde woman today's story is the murder of jay orban let's start from the beginning with a woman that jay orban would soon marry a beautiful showgirl named marjorie our story takes place in arizona when marjorie was 18 years old she was told that she could never have children which was extremely important to her but since she couldn't she wanted to live life to the absolute fullest and she decided when she heard that news that she would only be responsible for herself her own life and she was going to get the absolute most out of it for herself so she danced she traveled her motto was work hard play harder and she did because by age 35 she was married about seven times marjorie was a busy gal according to marjorie she went into every relationship that she had looking for her prince charming she was really into this fairy tale of a relationship and obviously these seven guys were not giving her that fantasy that she wanted while looking for her prince charming this princess decided to get a little x rated and become a stripper and many of you who think that sex work is still a taboo type thing and just don't respect it and think it's just like trash probably think otherwise but marjorie says that she never felt disrespected she felt more empowered and that she would never do anything that she would be afraid to tell her mom and dancing was one of those things that she wasn't afraid to tell her mama marjorie worked at mini strip joints and at one of the businesses she got to know one of the regulars our boy jay orbin according to friends jay was loving had a huge heart and an all-around 26 year old nice guy he didn't have real good personality and he was funny he was definitely interested in me and was pursuing me and in my damn head that means that she didn't find him physically attractive at all because if she did she would say that but that doesn't matter to us sucky buses or suck you by whatever i'll eat your soul and your body anyway so jay was pursuing margaery and after a couple times she eventually said yes boom he asked her so many times which means that he had so many chances to run but he didn't the pair went out dancing having drinks and they had a really good romantic time did marjorie finally find her prince charming hmm not so much so jay was in love he was mesmerized by everything about marjorie but marjorie wasn't really feeling it she wanted a more glamorous life and girl was only 24 and wasn't ready to stop doing whatever she was doing but jay was a very nice guy she really didn't want to hurt his feelings she just wanted to kill him just kidding we're not there yet but we'll get there so marjorie didn't want to hurt his feelings but also wanted to get out of that specific job so she decided she would just leave she went back to florida and reconnected with the man who became her ticket to the life that she wanted excitement it was perfect his name was michael j peter a multi-millionaire who made bank sunshine state multi-millionaire michael j peters i've known him since i was 17 and then when i went back to florida i began to work for him michael had upscale clubs around the world y'all he was rich eventually they traveled all over the world and had very romantic adventures peter made margaery his star dancer and choreographer and his clubs and gave her a featured role in the movie no more dirty deals they lived together for years and eventually got engaged engagement number eight my girls racking them up but marjorie was starting to get a little jealous she even admitted that the industry is very hard to be in and someone that you love has girls climbing all over them all the time and offering him everything it's difficult to take eventually the multiple girls peter's constantly wandering eye at the multiple girls led to the couple's breakup and margie traveled back to las vegas while she was in las vegas she got a random call from a traveling salesman and that man was jay orban she hasn't seen this guy for about 10 years now how the heck did he find her well jay while he was traveling in las vegas ended up seeing a billboard with the girl that he fell in love with 10 years ago and fell in love all over again just from a billboard and side note oh girl you got a billboard you famous anyway he said that he saw her picture on the billboard and then asked if she wanted to go out and have some drinks just like old times 10 years ago and my dream agreed these two spent all night together talking having drinks snacking laughing and just having a great conversation so the next day jay ended up traveling back to phoenix but they had such a good time the relationship continued now many people were very confused about this relationship they said that marjorie and jay were complete opposite jay was more of a low-key not very attractive simple type of guy and marjorie was very showy she was a showgirl stripper so you know marjorie said that people like to paint us as polar opposites but really we are not we have the exact same ideals on everything important and she said the most important thing to her anyway was having children and jay had a hoo-ha he also wanted kid he was extremely obsessed with her and didn't have a wondering eye and since her main goal was to have children boom bam done she picked jay it was a no-brainer jay told her the only thing he had ever wanted was a wife and a child more than anything in this world and he wanted her to come to arizona he continuously said please i will do anything you want hooked lined and sinker though she accepted plus within those 10 years that jay and marjorie didn't see each other jay really improved his finances which is another thing that's important to marjorie he was now the owner of a successful native american arts business offered to pay for fertility treatments as long as marjory would marry him and move to phoenix sounds a little like weird listen i'll pay for everything you want beautiful house utility treatments clothes vacation you need to get on a plane now marry me now and be here in arizona with me in my house now so jay's mother joanne orban was not fond of this chick that her son was obsessed with she didn't trust her she didn't think that she was that pretty and she just didn't like her i couldn't believe that my son was bringing her into the house and saying he was engaged to her were you impressed by her not really ah you know they should have led with the billboard joanne i like joanne by the way she knew what was up from the get-go but she said that marjorie was beautiful but not as beautiful as she thinks she is like damn don't mess with mama joanne she'll tell you the truth but marjorie said that joanne was just jealous jealous of the extreme amount of love that her son gave to marjorie according to marjory he catered and accommodated her in every single way honestly i think if i was joanne and i had a very like sweet very kind natured son and that he was obsessed with this chick and did everything for her catered everything for her bought her everything and she you know you can kind of see that she's just not really into this relationship kind of in it for ulterior motives it's like when you have a friend and they start dating this person and they're doing everything for them going to the move making extravagant meals collecting all the infinity stones everything and the other person isn't doing the same not putting as much effort into it and you're kind of like maybe dial it back a little bit why are you doing so much for that according to minnie there was a lot of tension and even jay would notice it but let it slide he just wanted to get married and so the two eloped in a little white chapel on las vegas boulevard the day the opposite pair got married jay's brother gets a call and it's jay and he's excited he calls me up hey jake i met the sweetheart love of my life and uh we got married according to the brother jake when he visited from san diego to arizona he said that marjorie is the most perfect housewife she cleans she fixes everything in the house up make sure it's like appropriate makes all the meals and the two seemed very loving toward each other he didn't understand what the mom was talking about everything looks fine to him but we all know how like guys notice things they don't and like how women like we really notice things that's why women are succubi and men get eaten by the succubus so what about the thing that was very important to the couple the most important thing ever having little fledgling goblins you guys like to call them children the two started fertility treatments and they were really taking a toll on marjorie so much so that they were making her very sick but she wanted a baby so bad that she was willing to go through with it but i was willing to take the bad stuff with you know in hopes of having more chance of having a child she didn't care that she was getting sick and she wanted to stick with it and it paid off because eventually they got what they called a miracle baby marjorie and jay had a baby boy named noah and she said it was the most important day of her life when she held her son well it seemed that everything was going great two people that reconnected after 10 years they hit it off bay's business is doing great they get married she's a perfect housewife the fertility treatments worked they have a son everything was perfect until it wasn't september 2004 after marjorie spends 10 years in a hot phoenix sorry y'all i live there 120 degrees in the summer that's enough to kill you right there anyway after 10 years of being in arizona a tragic according to marjorie incident occurred and her life and the whole family's life changed forever thank you mommy being a mom you're welcome sweetie you like it a wife a business partner that all ended in september of 2004. it's august 26 2004 and it's noah's their son's birthday unfortunately jay had to leave and travel to florida the same day so he watched noah blow out the candles he kissed his little boy goodbye and was gone and that was the last day that noah would ever see his father again that was the last day that anyone at that party would ever see jay again except marjorie so from the start of jay's strip it was bad news bears hurricane frances was tearing everything up just effing everybody's day up and jay was like yeah i don't think i wanna mess with all of this so he just called it quits and headed on home where there was going to be another dangerous ass hurricane named marjorie orban to speed on up to september 8th joanne mama called her son while he was driving into phoenix it was his birthday and she wanted to tell her son congrats on making it to the big 45. he said he would talk to us later but we never heard from him so a week passed and joanne still didn't hear from jay she was very very frantic and marjorie kept saying that she's overreacting she's like why are you freaking about your son who said he would call you back like a week ago so marjorie was acting very shady besides the fact that she was not even bothered by not hearing from her husband for a week she also told people that jay came back to the house and left on another business trip i've seen him he's fine yet idiots calm down stop freaking out he's alive scout's honor or however you'd do that well another week passed and now friends and family were like well what's the absolute margery call the police and she finally did detective jan butcher was on the case detective butcher asked margie to provide information on the license plate of the vehicle that jay was driving and she never got back to him she keeps racking up those suspicious points but marjorie was quickly becoming a person of interest first rule at least lie about the license plate i don't know i'm not going to tell you guys how to get away with murder so butcher finally talked to marjorie when she finally picked up and you kind of get the feeling that you're really not available and willing to help us out try to locate you get that feeling huh surprise did you say that okay odd response anyway marjorie then drops a bomb on the detective and told him that the couple were actually legally divorced for tax reasons but they still live together as husband and wife okay makes sense not shifty at all just because i'm not running around crying in hysteria does not mean that i'm not concerned and not doing anything which okay i guess everyone deals with things very differently but if i wanted to find my husband i would probably pick up the phone give them the information that they were asking not avoid them you know anyway as the days go by marjorie is looking more suspicious and more suspicious she was blowing thousands of dollars in days purchased an almost twelve thousand dollar baby grand piano and rated forty five thousand dollars from jay's business account when asked why she bought a piano she replied with there were a number of things that i did that may not make sense i was in a daze i was in shock i mean i might decide to buy a grand piano if one of my family members went missing maybe that's just how she copes but it wasn't just the odd spending spree that had detective being like marjorie we're watching you they wanted to schedule a simple polygraph with marjorie and she said she wants me to take a polygraph tomorrow probably not the best thing to say but anyway during that call there was a male voice that the detective heard in the background and that male voice was larry weinsberg a production manager marjorie met at the gym while she was getting that body right i was having an affair i shouldn't have been doing that after that the investigator was like bro did you kill your husband well we're gonna find out and get a search warrant and ask the swat team to deliver it he ain't playing a round margaret this ain't no strip club no mo so the whole thing was recorded the swat team came to marjory's house broke down the door and when they broke down the door there was larry weinsberg at the house ready to fight the whole swat team who want to approach them and everything no no no larry you can't do that they taste his ass he didn't move so one swat team member taste them his body just plopped on the floor and then they continue to smash his face this ain't the gym larry the swat team don't play so it was kind of funny because marjorie said that whatever was going on with larry the teasing the popping on the floor the smashed in face she didn't care all she cared about was that she saw these men carrying guns going down the hallway near her son i was focused on is i see big huge men with things drawn heading down the hallway towards my son's room and there's a child down that hall there's a child down the hall don't scare my son so once the raid was over the investigator said there was evidence that jay did come home but he never left numerous credit cards belonging to jay orban that he always takes with him on his travels his business checkbook which is always in his briefcase and this was no longer a missing person investigation but a homicide and now they need to find his remains six weeks after jay went missing on october 23 2004 police finally found jay orbin's body or what was left of it the detective said as they walked up all they smelled was death and what he saw was horrific he had never seen anything like it police found a torso just a torso a few miles from jay and marjorie's home near tatum and dynamite boulevard the torso a single bullet were neatly packed in a rubbermaid container phoenix police say his body had been frozen after his death and an electric saw was used to cut through the remains joanne jay's mother received the call that she feared the most the body found was indeed her sons and the investigation now turned their attention to marjorie they think the murder was money motivated and marjorie was obsessed with money obsessed with getting jay's money and in order to get jay's estate she needs a death certificate so they theorized that she put the body near the house so people would find it and boom the estate is heard but marjorie heard that and said what if i was going to get rid of a body i wouldn't put it in my own backyard i'm not an idiot unfortunately marjorie could not keep her suspicious behavior at bay two weeks after finding jay's body police detained marjorie for forging his signature at a circus city store during questioning she claimed she was just replacing business computers the police had confiscated during the questioning session they told her that this is now a murder case and when police ask marjorie hey what do you think happened to your husband she said i have absolutely no idea none whatsoever don't know so detective barnes wasn't the one doing the questioning but he then comes into the room and shows her the remains of her husband the just the torso and she flips i think you know texas barnes is looking at her while she's freaking out like girl we know you killed your husband stop playing around and doing all of this theatrical tell us the truth she kept up with the story that she had no clue what happened she didn't do anything she knows absolutely nothing he said you know what you're going to jail tonight for credit card fraud and she did she was released later that night but the evidence continued to pile up against marjorie investigators found receipts for mops and cleaning products purchased one day after jay went missing she acid washed the garage floor then coated the floor with epoxy which completely erases any trace of blood but the icing on the cake of evidence came on september 10. two days after jay went missing margie was caught on camera at lowe's hardware store buying two containers with jay's american express card the exact containers that they found jace torso in boom case clothes well not according to marjorie according to marjory they have it all wrong she was framed and trusted the wrong person marjorie said she aided and abated someone that she should not have she's paying the price that person isn't and who is that person oh you probably guessed it the crazy guy that tried to fight the whole swat team larry wiseberg so now larry is also a person of interest so pretty much what the detective was thinking was that marjorie was obviously having an affair maybe larry wanted her to leave jay and she said no look we have a kid i can't leave jay we gotta keep you you know on the back burner on the side my little side piece and larry got tired of being the side guy and he took it in his own hands or they both were in it together and they both wanted the money so kill him she gets the money and so does larry police eventually search weisberg's home and vehicle and made a very intriguing discovery he had access to jay orbin's garage he had a remote his vehicle that let him in and out unfortunately it wasn't enough but they had enough on margery and on december 6th six weeks after her husband's dismembered body was discovered police arrested marjorie orban and charged her with jay's murder they handcuffed marjorie right in front of her child which she really didn't like a girl you murdered someone you don't get treated like a princess like the man that you murdered used to treat you when he wasn't just a torso so noah the son wants to go live with the brothers since his dad is now dead and his mom is now going off to jail and then listen to this the prosecution gave larry the guy that got tasered immunity so whatever he says can't be used against him in court and they did this so they can get more information out of him it's not fair i don't like that i feel like he was a very viable suspect but for some reason they wanted to only focus on margery for a very long time marjorie didn't say anything about larry because according to her larry said if she said anything he would kill her son noah a good person has unnecessarily lost his life and a coward-ass piece of is willing to let me take the fall for something that he caused so basically marjorie's saying that she has absolutely nothing to do with this and it was all larry larry's saying he has nothing to do with it it was all marjorie and the fight for marjorie's life begins because she possibly could be getting the death penalty if everything played out the way that the opposite side wanted it to marjorie's attorney even asked her if she's interested in a plea deal and she said i will never let my son hear me say that i did this to his father i'll let them kill me first well in court the defense got right to the point and said larry did it and the prosecution said nope there is nothing in this finger-pointing defense that ties larry weisberg to the murder of jay orbin and this is just another one of marjorie orban's lies all of the forensic evidence points to marjory orban larry wiseberg was just another boy toy another person to manipulate that marjorie orman used jay orban was someone she hated what does the owl say she found him disgusting and she wanted him dead and she wanted his money larry got called to the stand and called marjorie a seductress she grabbed my hand why don't we go into the bedroom and said martha was increasingly desperate after jay's body was found she said i'm scared i'm real scared i want to run away i want you to come with me and i said larry was asked does he know what happened to the body and where he responded absolutely not scout's honor he said he had absolutely no involvement but when he asked if he was a truthful man he said yeah to a certain point so that means sometimes you will be truthful and other times you will not be truthful is that correct yes and now after hearing larry on stan the lead investigator even said hold up now i got some questions for larry maybe we should look more into this guy he was kind of thinking if he's crazy enough to attack a whole swat team he could totally attack one guy in a garage who probably can't even fend for himself along with disposing a 280 pound body which marjorie most likely couldn't lift on her own maybe somebody messed up which i think they did detective barnes said evidence that may have inflicted weisberg was never tested by the phoenix crime lag where did they drop the ball with some hairs hairs that were found on the tub why why was that never tested who got paid off apparently though there was a huge amount of forensic testing done in the case and they were able to exclude anything recovered from larry's home that would tie him to this murder i know for a fact margie was involved i don't know for a fact that larry was involved is it possible i think it is possible and everything that we were allowed to test eliminated larry during the trial only one person spoke kindly of marjorie michael j peter who contacted her prior to all of this craziness like while her husband was still alive and not just a torso he described a kind gentle margaery who would never have killed jay for money a key word for money she'll kill him for other reasons he even told the jury that he offered to support her and noah if she came back to him and she said there's nothing in the world i'd rather do than be with you again michael but jay's a good man i would never take the father from the child or the child from the father so now it's marjorie's turn to take the stand but her lawyers advised her that she just shouldn't do it there was no eyewitness there was no murder weapon there was no definitive forensic evidence they thought they had it in the back there is no way that they're gonna say guilty wrong after an eight month long trial marjorie was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison we the jury do unanimously find the defendant guilty signed by the four person juror number 15. years later marjorie came out with what she calls the truth of what happened to jay orban marjorie said jay had come home early while larry was still at the house and found larry there confronting swat team jerry confronted jay he shot jay and larry disposed of the body she saw nothing never saw the body the gun nothing at all you could have done the right thing and you didn't i was afraid to i was scared i was scared for larry for one i was scared for larry i didn't want him in trouble her stories just don't add up for me or anyone else well i guess for the michael millionaire guy but nobody else one minute she knows that her husband is fine and on a business trip then the next second she doesn't know anything that happened then she did but larry said keep her mouth shut or he's going to kill her child and then in this one she says she didn't want larry to get in trouble like protecting him girl what she's just all over the place so that's the story of the stripper earned housewife turned murderer question mark do you guys think she did it or do you think larry did it or do you think they both had something to do with jay orbin's death the fact that the both of them say that they know absolutely nothing that happened is just very suspicious anyway when i was cruising the world wide web i found out that you can send letters to marjorie it just reminds me of love after lockup like those people that literally seek out people in jail to become friends with or uh lovers growing up in miami florida the sunshine and water were a big part of my life playing on the beach diving sailing horseback riding the little girl in ballet class was the start of a lifelong love of dance i enjoyed a wonderful career of dance and choreography from disney world to cruise ships to las vegas shows even dancing and music videos moltly crew girls girls girls to name one traveling all over the world i had many exciting adventures then one unforeseen incident unfortunately changed everything doing my best to be positive and productive and to create a meaningful life for myself are my goals i am healthy super fit i work teach aerobics classes and read i miss traveling the ocean good food interesting friends and romance i would love to make new friends from the real world so my lovely audience will you be margie's friend and better question will you be mine sometimes it burns [Applause] [Music] sometimes it hurts when you say my name is [Music] me [Music] oh and i don't know what to to do you're hiding to breathe
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 92,897
Rating: 4.9791589 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, The Exotic Dancer who Brutally Murdered Her Husband Jay Orbin, true crime daily, true crime stories, true crime youtubers, true crime documentary, Jay orbin, 48 Hours Mystery Diary of a Showgirl: The Murder of Jay Orbin., murder husbands scene, murder husband, crime petrol wife murder husband
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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