Fat Phobic Personal Trainer Tells Clients to STOP Eating and STARVE! (NOT Body Positive)

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three let's see if my losses stay on this time hello youtube welcome back to the channel but if you're new my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pup and a chihuahua a pastor theater nerd on a grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one at least one person are you gonna be the lucky girl or boy today we will see by the way i know i promised a britney dawn video by now but it's about 20 minutes long and i have absolutely no motivation to edit a 20 minute video my hands man so it'll be out when i get it out just subscribe to the channel and wait okay right there do it well down there do it please of course we have manners today we are talking about a fat phobic traitor who's calling his clients fat dude put that thing away they're like children here he is promoting eating disorders and most importantly he ain't body positive which in 2021 is very popular to do so if you're not you are a bad person the post that we will be looking at was made by phil underscore viz it says dm for coaching he's got a little heart and ring next to female 1 i take it that's his wife oh and he's got his dog in his bio just gives him lots of points because my dogs are my babies and i love seeing other humans loving on their dog so mad points for that well let's see if they get taken away by this harmful diet advice that he's spreading around the internet diet facts you need to accept let's see what we have to accept do not be fat you will starve it will suck badly you will wake up starving and still have to do your cardio you will feel weak and unenthusiastic do it anyway you will wake in the middle of the night starving deal with it drink some water and go back to bed damn do not over eat greens to compensate it will just [ __ ] up your digestive tract and bloat your waistline your pumps will not be anything close to off season add extra electrolytes to your intra and push harder he means those little colorful drinks that you see people drinking during their workout add more electrolytes to that shut the freak up and keep moving no amount of complaining or tricks will change this deal with it or lose your coach knows this is going to happen to you telling him won't help it makes you look soft if he makes changes to accommodate you your coach sucks this is the reality of getting peeled deal with it or quit now this sounds just disgusting and harmful to oh wait thing is he's a bodybuilder and oh look at that looks like he trains other people who want to have their little tootsies grace the competition state hey everyone my name is phil visacaro aka phil this and i'm a national level competitive bodybuilder and contest prep coach in the fitness industry what i'm mostly known for is pushing the educational movement in the fitness industry and working with high level national competitors and pro competitors took me about five seconds to find that and like seven seconds to watch it and if you just scroll a tiny bit on the page and squint a little bit you'll see it says public service announcement to all competitors meaning people who want and made the choice to get on stage who want to look like this and this and that and are ready to go through what it takes to get to that physique but some people don't feel like reading they just feel like getting all emotional and jumping in that comment section honestly that's what happens in me actually it got posted in my workout group and i saw and i was like ew what the freak is this and then i started reading more and i was like wait a minute he just used the word peeled and that's bodybuilder linga with their weird-ass self and then i go to the page and i'm like okay well he's a bodybuilder he's most likely putting it out there for his clients you probably are having a horrible time as they get closer and closer to their comp but the comments oh yeah you know we love drama i have to read the comments we already know there's gonna be fighting in there and that's when we come in to uh read everyone fighting about a post that they could probably just scroll on past we have a few body positive type people marching in there ready to tell him how dare you promote eating disorder type behavior along with the clapbacks from this guy who honestly just looks like just reeks of his aura just says and after reading the comments that he said to people looks like he has absolutely no time to deal with body positive love yourself and who you are if you have a little bit of fat down here a little bit of fat under here it's okay accept it love yourself does this type of guy look like he's into that [Music] and that he cares [Music] and honestly it's just kind of funny to see body positive people interact with like the bodybuilder competition type crowd because the competition in bodybuilder crowd is a lot different actually complete opposite of body positivity and like fitness body positivitiness it's way different the whole all bodies are good bodies does not work in the competition community because competitions have a specific rubric that they will follow to tell you if your body is good enough or not the whole how to get a bikini body just put on a bikini doesn't fly in the competition community because if you think you can just put on a bikini and waltz on stage like this and think that judges are gonna say oh you're so brave um you're gonna get your feelings hurt in the competition world people in the body positive community are probably being told oh it's okay to eat in moderation it's okay to eat you know some of that and some of this or you don't feel like working out today it's fine you're not fat you're like bodybuilders they will call you fat when you've got like 11 body fat here's some references for you guys men this is too much fat for the competition standard and women 15 to 22 ish percent is still too much fat for the stage and they will tell you they will call you slow lazy unmotivational they're gonna tell you that if you don't get your [ __ ] together your fat ass is gonna lose because body positive mentality doesn't win competition and the point to competing for most people is to win and if you're working with a coach at least like this they will make sure to tell you that you're gonna get called fat i feel flat after reading this post i need a cheat meal you're too fat to be flat i mean see obviously this guy isn't fat or ob you probably don't even think of those words when you look at him this is unacceptable cue lemongrab unacceptable condition unacceptable perfect that's what he is when it comes to competition standard right but only apply so you go below ten percent body fat for most people i believe question mark i only discussed competition here nothing about general fitness specifically so yes this is only about being peeled ten percent is easy who's ten percent body fat here not my ass are you serious with this ass i don't think so like i said it's competition we're all ten percent in their world is easy what a lot of people have to keep in mind is that this is a very tiny community the competition community not body positive he's pretty much saying a does for the people who want to get freaky you know like really lean not our kind of freaky or maybe they want both i don't know do you all have energy for getting freaky when you're like that lean it's for the people who want that gluten hamstring separation they want the neck veins popping out they want the ground to shake when they walk in freaky type people a very small community but of course this obviously got shared just like in my group and after i got started in my group i seem to get quite a few messages of michelle look at this he's spreading this information that's gonna hurt a lot of people mentally and people are gonna think they have to starve on a diet and then they're just they're gonna have eating disorder and then they're gonna die but context definitely matters and a lot of you guys probably should read through some things before you get all pissed off encouraging people to starve themselves are you serious there's already enough people with eating disorders who in their right mind would post something telling people that if they are starving they should just push through and drink some water believe it or not if you are that starving then maybe you should freaking eat it's your body literally telling you what it needs this is so beyond healthy and destructive i can't even put it into words i honestly hope this is a joke dude i read that all in one take point and he ain't budging like i said he's gonna tell you who are you when people ask for your advice then give it until then your word means nothing to anyone reading this and you don't understand the context nor do you probably know anything about hard work and sacrifice let me get liberal feminist and my right to the liberal feminist what she could be i'm not sure i don't really get into politics but i'm sure you guys can you know fight about it in the comment section have fun um but she's most likely someone who just believes in like body positivity and all the stuff that they believe in so someone tried to like explain it to her and he goes don't bother she wouldn't understand the first thing about hard work abs suffering lol she could use some squats actually rethinking this i'm realizing how ignorant you actually are you realize this is relating to people eating six times a day their body fat is low and energy output is high so they burn through the food they aren't eating nothing educate yourself a little before you show ignorance i know all about the sport everyone who does bodybuilding especially if you get a coach it's not healthy they're very upfront about this judges have said it's not you're not going for help you're going for sick okay sick and looking good is the look that you're going for so if you know that just be like oh sorry i saw the post it knows competition thing i'll see my way out no but everybody has to be right on the internet i know all about the sport and what people do i'm actually currently getting my masters in sports nutrition and will be a dietitian very soon so i definitely know my nutrition science but it's different than competition though completely different dietitians and like nutritionists usually are going to tell you unless they're like [ __ ] up in the head that you shouldn't be starving on a diet competition coaches are going to tell you oh you're starving i don't [ __ ] care you want a trophy or not sorry if i offended you but the language you're using in this post is definitely damaging maybe specify that this is pep talk is only for people in prep faith uh right there he did psa for competitors no matter which way you look at it it's not healthy to put your body through this we know when i competed oh i knew you know and i i didn't know at first i got in it to be healthy and then found out very shortly it ain't about health it's completely about looks and that's it so shaving people for not starving their bodies enough isn't great in my books shaming there it is she's part of the body positive like warrior group shaming is like their favorite word and honestly i just gotta say like i got fat shamed into losing weight very hurtful but every time everyone complimented me i just ate a bunch of hot cheetos shaming worked for me let me know if like fat shaming worked for you or if it doesn't i know people like react to certain things different ways but it helped me i still hate those people that call me fat made fun of me but at the same time it did help me everyone who complimented me just literally said oh i look good hot cheetos changing the language we use around diets and eating in general is key so yeah definitely part of the body positive community and that's the thing not everybody is into this body positive thing especially bodybuilders it's definitely not the space to go to if you struggle with eating disorders i don't recommend it if you are someone who's super sensitive like if you even see this like on your homepage i don't even recommend the internet because i don't know how you can shield yourself from everything you're gonna see something that's gonna like trigger you a little bit on the internet there's everything on there i don't know it just seems like the body positive community wants everyone to like shift their way of speech and they have to accept what the body positive community says but the body positive community can't accept that there are people that ain't about that life and i don't think this phil guy is gonna change that now how about you eat a healthy amount of food and be happy with what you look like you can be healthy without starving yourself but that's the thing you can't just eat healthy when you compete and then expect to win most likely you're gonna lose and then they go back and forth again calls him or her a liberal and then he or she comes back and says glad you guys are attempting to look your best i was just trying to pass a positive message to those who you're calling fat show me where i called someone fat uh right there he did he said show them i'm sure they're friends but he still called them fat it's something that i hear all the time when it comes to competition i'm obese compared to these competitors don't even fight it because compared to them yes i am i better not walk my ass on stage compared to the i i just bought hot cheetos sweatpants that's where my head is right now not in the same mentality as these competitors y'all really out here with eating disorders look who's talking snowflake libby hit the treadmill don't come to my page with your depression not my fault you hate your life um okay so that's all i really needed to read it's pretty much the same thing in the comments in the back and forth someone says this isn't healthy and he says the [ __ ] off hit the treadmill but the bodybuilder world is definitely not a safe space if you follow people like test holiday they do not accept the fat they don't accept almost any fat and they will tell you that they don't accept it while telling you you're fat and to get your [ __ ] together i just think it's funny i just think it's funny that there are certain groups out here that expect everybody else to see their way and like use their language and change what they think and accept this and that but they can accept that there are other groups out there that don't want to accept that all you acceptance type groups need to start accepting that there are people that are not like you not everyone has the mentality like you not everyone believes in body positivity some people don't mind developing an eating disorder so they can get a plastic trophy and become an ifbb pro after who knows how long and spend thousands of dollars saying no to hot cheetos and finally being able to put ifbb pro next to your instagram name only to find that most people don't know what the [ __ ] that is some people want that life and that's fine it's not for me hot cheetos is my life but if other people want to do that and they know that the dangers of competing have fun more snacks for my ass not everyone does trigger warnings or change their language to follow the rubric of body positivity not everybody except stretch marks cellulite stomach fat for keeping me happy for keeping me alive thank you i'm going to continue to listen to you some people don't and if you do that's you and if you don't then that's you too you know how in like the body positive space like if you're having like a day and you don't feel like working out they're like it's fine sit down just breathe and and eat your favorite food if that makes you happy eat your favorite food and just work on your mental health for the day don't do any activity competition world would say oh you having a bad day cool did you get your workout in oh you're having a mental breakdown lift that mental breakdown out in the weight room you're tired of chicken i don't [ __ ] care now eat it and shut the hell up that's the mentality it's hard it's rough but at the same time when i did it it's almost liberating just to have that much control am i interested in doing it again ew no anyway i thought i would get on here and just tell you if you see posts like this they're mostly talking about a very tiny community and if you have a problem with posts like this and they like damage you in some way i don't really know what to tell you you need to make make it clear to yourself mentally that this is for a certain group of people and if it hurts you or like you know brings you back to those eating paths that you have i don't know how to shield yourself from that because it's you're gonna come across something that that's gonna trigger you you know you do have to learn how to be how to mentally function with this kind of stuff floating around on the internet otherwise don't be on the internet and like i said if you're someone that struggles with just binging other eating disorders i really never recommend doing competitions i was a binger i got competitions oh hell got real bad okay kids so what did mommy teach you today some people get called fat when they look like this in certain communities eating healthy does not win competition doing unhealthy and painful [ __ ] does well on me not all the time only one person can win but you know what i mean and of course get your ass on the treadmill seriously we we like um at least like movement going on we are a firm believer of getting your ass up in this channel you ain't got to take it to the extreme but move get outside you guys it's spring take your dogs for a walk go enjoy moving get on it pick it up pick it up pick it up [Music] [Music] neighborhood
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 120,044
Rating: 4.9650593 out of 5
Keywords: Fat Phobic Personal Trainer Tells Clients to STOP Eating and STARVE, body positive, persoanl trainer, fat phobic, fatphobic, fatphobic tiktok, fatphobic gym, personal trainer workout, personal trainer gym workout, fat shaming tiktok, fat shaming
Id: rYJE2GjjBJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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