Women Should NOT Look Like This | You Look Like a MAN! [#REALWOMEN]

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel but if you're new here welcome my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer oh wait we're in the gym today a proud mother of a pug a past theater nerd gone grotto cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person so if there's anything offending you today let us know in that comment section tell the world what is offending you are you offended that we're not in our normal setup does change offend you i'm redoing my studio upstairs i like things to be perfect before i show you guys but it's very puggified so today i thought we would take a look of some internet bobs and gary's who are very upset that women will not take their compliment because how dare you not say thank you along with guys telling girls who don't even know who they are don't lift too heavy sweetie i like my women saw for my crusty dirty hand that are probably very similar to the tattletale strangler's hand [Music] and he got his bottom whipped by spongebob get your feet out of my eye so basically these guys have a tough guy facade on the outside but in reality they are that can't handle having their compliments thrown back in their face so let's check it out this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get a 12 week gym program a at home workout program and group zoom boot camps almost every saturday where my clients look at me like this as i constantly say we're almost done guys i promise along with staying in a very active facebook support group full of nerds with a tad bit of disney villain for life link is below please follow directions to make sure you get added to the group sometimes you guys send emails to my youtube email so make sure to follow the directions so you contact the correct email all these posts are from a page called you look like a man who frequently post screenshots of our favorite type of internet critiques critiquing mostly women who work out but then get triggered out of their mind when they get shut down it's absolutely fantastic now we all have our opinions of what is feminine what's not feminine whether or not female bodybuilders look manly or not some think that is gross some think that it is beautiful we all have our own perception of what a prime ideal body is prime me as how some of the guys that we're going to look at today would creepily describe someone's body but when a guy says something like you look like a man but he looks nothing like that there's just something a little odd your body looks like a male body and just a little confused because his body doesn't quite match up you could have gone the fast route and has surgery to look like a man instead if you believe me to look like a male how do you identify as i can't seem to find any similarities between your photo of yourself and mine [Music] so now you're saying well i mean she was a muscular woman of course she's going to get those kind of comments okay let's slide in melanie who has muscle but not copious amounts where she's walking down the street and people say hulk she's in my opinion a thin woman with an athletic flare looks like you have bullocks looks like you don't simple as that he says that she looks like she's got something going on down there and she says looks like you don't have any well melanie was cramping keith my style style and he was not having that one i love feminine women just not into bikinis with balls and muscles i apologize i offended you whatever i love real women curvy and lovely part that's nice let's see what keith looks like i can't show his picture uh let me resave that i can't show his picture of what he's doing on youtube but here's his face and i'll put everything else in my stories on instagram links below i can see why he's kind of taking out his frustration on random chicks on the internet keith i know you're trying to to make up for a very minuscule package but it's not a good look here they just put a massive amount of dms that this woman got because she posted a very just suggestive pick i'll show you the pic after let's read all the messages from some quality men some quality internet men i love how you show off that all the time kiss kiss may i see some n-u-d-e-s um no unfollow okay bye awesome hi there beautiful like the way your uterus print looks uterus print i've never heard that before gonna start using it good job the is wrong with you you have it wide open and wearing such revealing clothes cover up and respect yourself it's just poking out like that lol your lips are just there lol i mean no disrespect none at all first off never disrespectful i'm guessing she put the whole message in her stories and now he's a little bothered because now people can see what he's saying second you posted the pics you don't see your print showing can't expect respect when you posting pics like that okay let's see the picture she's just taunting these guys to comments on her uterus prank and then of course there's the guys in her inbox that will tell her hey don't lift those weights baby girl i don't like it you touch a sexy sports body that lacks you the focus of exercise on the buttocks and waist area try running as it is useful for body coordination you can do more and achieve impressive results you are strong you can do anything you believe in thanks a woman should have muscles a woman should look like a woman in confusion men who like women with muscles are either gay or bi and don't want people to know holy crap i'm so sorry some of the guys watching sorry you had to figure it out this way but you're late than ever yes women should not have muscles what's wrong with being a woman now you have to try to look like a man just be what the universe entitled you with anointed you with rose i mean he ended it with a rose so it's good intentions so then he proceeds to tag this woman in pictures of women that he thinks that she should look like so then she has a visual see like this like a woman a real woman confident without muscle or looking like a man rose or like this shapely but without muscle you didn't put a rose in this one see a woman should look like this smooth supple sensual soft feminine there's still no rose now i feel like this is just rude so they put a picture of them they censored it that's the only thing i don't like about this page is that they censor it mostly because these guys will report the picture because their feelings get hurt they obviously can't stand by what they say with their face but this is a little visual of what we're working with i was definitely expecting a rose in the mouth that's that's just disappointing now in the year of 2020 i feel women are definitely being more supportive of each other rather than catty and judgmental that's the part of body positivity i really do like some people enjoy being thin some people enjoy being a little fluffier softer curvier and some enjoy being muscular but some women just have to share their opinion on what a woman should look like and in roles internet karen i'm sorry but that's like looking at a dude with breasts it's very unattractive and i don't think women should look like men it's perverse for a woman to look like a man in my opinion i'm allowed to have an opinion which she is contrary to your opinion so you can take your opinion and stick it up your mom is but god if you even have a mother okay so she's allowed to have an opinion but uh everyone else can take hours and shove it up our mom so then internet karen goes on a little tirade now just a little warning it gets a little thuggish this message is in response to people hating on my opinion which is absolutely so wrong i have an opinion i are it i shouldn't be hated for it so the haters can go suck themselves cause i really don't care if you hate what i have to say my opinion is my opinion and until the communist flag or they islamic flag is flying over washington dc for the love of god i'm going to ask my opinion ask my opinion if you don't like it stick it in your pie hole kiko or one of the other so karen didn't care about the hater so much that she posted a video saying she didn't care i'm allowed to have an opinion but thanks to the entertainment i love sending back snarky comments and i love stirring up people to see how really perverse they are in their thinking and that these skinny little tiny lightweights are coming to the defense of a heavyweight who doesn't look good in my opinion she doesn't look like a woman i'm allowed to have an opinion so take your hating comments and here's my blocking thing and it's just a little ironic that she puts herself in the fitness community and posts a lot of lifting and fitness type posts and uses these hashtags hashtag get big hashtag muscle is sexy hashtag bigpecsrock and now i have the confusion and now for our finale of this episode which i found extremely interesting because i love when these people comment and they're very hulk and then they get called out and they become gone let me give you a very quick rundown basically there's a 16 year old girl lifting weights at an event and this guy basically said hey you're fat uh this ain't impressive because you're fat many people called him out and said um imagine making fun of someone because they're trying to better themselves by working out the 16 year old girl responded in a very classy way and he responded with uh well try doing something impressive if you don't want my comment people didn't like that they found his business page flooded it with comments contacted his wife with screenshots of what he said the wife didn't seem impressed and said that while my husband's a grown man i'm not responsible for what he does which technically she's not but if my boyfriend was a freaking idiot and people were flooding our joint business together and make fun of someone who is fat for working out i would make a public statement saying my boyfriend's a dumbass so after people start flooding his business page he begs for them to stop saying mean things to him beg the pizza take his comment down and this is when i got even more interested the owner of the you look like a man page said fine i'll take it down if you apologize apologize apologize he didn't he couldn't why would he he's a guy that has an opinion of a 16 year old plus what is all his friends going to think if he says sorry that's not an alpha thing to do that's that's a beta thing to do to apologize it's just not an option someone said he just deleted the facebook page queen boom done it wasn't these people were not having it this is unacceptable the owner of the look like the man page found him on instagram said hey anytime you want to apologize that'd be great he decided to play stupid then deleted her comments she comments again and he decides to message her i already apologized for the last time if y'all took the time to go read the post instead of blowing up my wife you'd see period that period and i already messed messed the chick and told her sorry for my behavior but yet here y'all still are attacking my wife that has nothing to do with her nor you how dare you guys hold me accountable of my actions your wife or your ex-wife it's on facebook video if you don't even know the poster video why are you attacking me you stupid person you didn't even check you're done you're a dumb girl i do know you deactivated your profile and deleted your comments screenshot the apology i can't find it can't facebook is gone and no comments were deleted by me see proof my facebook's not there nor are the comments so i never made an idiot yeah when you deactivate your profile your comments disappear you never apologize to her you're hurting your wife's business because you bullied a child make an apology here on instagram oh shoot didn't think she would bring that up your little group harassing my family doesn't make you any better than what i did just remember that so no apology tell the chick to look at her messages [Music] bro just make the public apology you made the statement publicly on a public profile publicly apologize why is it so hard to say sorry for your own actions he spoke out of his butt i'm sure we all have i know i have just say sorry and move on also anyone else notice how he's trying to make it seem that the people attacking him are the problem rather than his own actions and it's everyone else's fault for his comments anyway let's watch him squirm a little bit more why can't you just apologize publicly it's not that hard i already did you did not it's not there so no one saw it so do it now i did it was there for almost four hours before i deleted my account that was a complete lie you could just reactivate your account apologize and be done account got deleted after you decided to harass what's left of my family nah you deleted your account after you bullied a 16 year old girl and had repercussions that's fine i don't know what else to tell you already apologize on the post lie i tagged the leia lady said sorry then sent a mess message then about four hours later deactivated my account when you started harassing my ex-wife and like i told tyra i didn't even know it was her in the video at first what you didn't know the girl in the video was the girl in the video what in the stupid are you trying to convince us about i seen the vid then commented and my intentions weren't to even shame her whatsoever what exactly was your goal with that comment then sir just speaking my part i have nothing to hide deletes his whole facebook account well now he doesn't you have nothing to hide so you delete your whole account got it anyway the public apology would go a long way not some i sent her a dm nonsense it's easy make one here then turn off comments no i deleted my account to keep y'all from further damaging what's left if my family your actions damaged your family you chose to be little and harass and make fun of a child on a public page it is not surprising you're unable to grasp its concept when you also refuse to publicly apologize so there you have it you guys when you get straight up insults it's your fault apologies are very hard and if you don't accept compliments you're a [ __ ] boo you [ __ ] and remember ladies if you have a slight bit of muscle you look like a man you gotta be that delicate flower for the tattletale strangler's hands my name is michael mcdaniel i'll see you guys next episode thank you so much for watching i'm gonna go lift some weights so i can be the man in my relationship you see the dripping i'm fitting up in my car in the video [Music] pick it up pick it up you see the drippy i'm [Music] i hope they're not dirty
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 92,124
Rating: 4.9582863 out of 5
Keywords: You look like a man, women should not look like this, women that look like men, female body builders, manly women, female body builders look like men, female bodybuilders lifting, real women, you are not a woman, she looks like a man, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: OfJiw1Hap1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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