The Toxic World of Cancel Culture | Mykie, Glam&Gore, Swoops, Blaire White

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go ahead pick it up oh who am i and what is that hello ryuka queen of death to your favorite influencers youtube channel you might know my brother ryuk judging by your laughter you've already figured out that what you have is no ordinary notebook and that's little book there is my death note cancel edition what if i told you that this book could get rid of that influencer that you didn't agree with that had a different opinion than you any influencer that pissed you off you can write them in this book and their channel social media page and any existence of them on the internet will be god cancelled all you need is the name of the channel or the name of the person imagine their face while you write them in this book and they'll be gone isn't that what you wanted pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it [Music] up this video is sponsored by me yes this is my day look and my small business if you're interested in joining my workout support group or my other business proto bakery where i sell protein donuts click the links below and don't forget to share this video leave a comment and hit the thumbs up button help me fight the youtube algorithm we've all seen it especially this year someone finds an old tweet of a popular influencer or celebrity they post it and the internet sometimes the world goes insane they try to damage control but the damage is done they are canceled as more and more influencers and celebrities get cancelled i started to wonder when are the people that i watched going to get cancelled hell when am i going to get hexed and thrown into the deep pit of cancelled youtubers and then it happened two youtubers in the same month that i religiously watch got cancelled they were exposed for lying being selfish fake and a whole bunch of other words that youtube doesn't allow us to say for some reason and though i'm a little menacing demon i'm pretty logical open-minded a fantastic listener and try to put my size six and a half demon feet into everyone's shoes so i can see where they're coming from i like to calmly make my own decisions rather than being emotional and following the masses just because a group of angry people yell at me and say hate this person do not watch their content i do the opposite and watch it and look at all the what do you humans say receipts i then take those videos and receipts and then come to my own demon conclusion with my own demon brain so today my hideous humans we are taking a deep look into cancel culture and answering the question should these influencers that i like be cancelled for their behavior are there situations when cancelled culture is a good thing should certain influencers and celebrities be cancelled stripped of all their achievements shun shadowband no one's allowed to watch their content listen to their music like their posts follow them because of a certain action or because of their past is cancel culture really as toxic as people say it is or is it needed to make people think before they speak grab your hot cheetos and your kombucha and get ready to be offended [Music] according to cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for canceling public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive many top creators have been canceled trisha paytas jenna marbles cancelled herself james charles jeffree star which brings me to the question does cancel culture actually work because jeffree star has 17.1 million subscribers and with all the exposed videos and people angry at him you would think he would be done and the man is thriving i constantly see him on the trending page so you guys aren't even canceling successfully but someone who was cancelled pretty successfully seemed to be shane dawson a lot of gross information came out about shane and not only did a chunk of his fans announce they will no longer watch his content youtube also canceled shane by making all of his videos not able to be monetized so he no longer makes money on his videos i would think this is the goal when people want someone to be canceled take away their income and make sure to show the public who they really are in an effort to hit them where it hurts take away their support i mean to be successful on youtube you need an audience you take the audience away and the influencer will magically start seeing how they were wrong let's see what are some ways that i can remember right now that i've seen people become outraged virtually and then that led to a creator getting cancelled religion different lifestyle voting for trump not voting for trump a different opinion voting for biden not voting at all being extremely conservative supporting the police not supporting the police hosting black lives matter not posting black lives matter not posting about black lives enough another way people will cancel someone is dig up old tweets posts videos and bring them back to life now it's debatable whether this is productive or not but it's how many people have gotten cancelled in royal laura lee when she used a bunch of racial slurs in her younger days and it was brought back to life cue the messy hair crying apology videos that people demand and then when they get it they're not very happy with it because people don't apologize the way that they want them to apologize and it begs the question and sparks many internet fights as well if it was old news i mean it was old news she was young dumb and had an internet connection thus made stupid comments i think everyone said something stupid when they were 16 but if dirty old tweets come up of popular influencers and past mistakes come back to life where they already apologize for it should they have to continuously address them once someone finds them and causes a virtual upward now not only can humans be cancelled but jaw professions objects shows for example people really wanted to cancel the police the show cops got cancelled actually there was a group who wanted a character from paw patrol to be cancelled because of the puppy that's a cop mothers wanted adult swim to be canceled because it wasn't safe for children even though it had the words adults in the title make it make sense let's talk about the hypocritical side of cancel culture i am so utterly confused as to why these canceled warriors haven't cancelled the happiest place on earth and everything that involves walt disney walt the man who created the happiest place on earth was known for all of these words his grandniece even said he had a great vision not so great guy so where's the outrage and the cancelling why haven't you written him in the book and why is disney plus still on my phone so to the people that got mad at me when i put steph in the name of love in my stories on instagram by r kelly even though he's a human i don't want to hear not one of you guys even i'll make a man of you i don't care if walt didn't produce it his name is still on it and everything that such a bigoted man needs to be canceled and out of everyone's life i want the same energy for everything humans keep up put them in you gotta put them in so to me many times it seems that many people just want to be outraged they want people to fail they want people to be horrible people they want an apology but then the person doesn't apologize the way they want or they just refuse to accept the apology and that person's career was over before the traditional puffy eyed messy hair youtube apology was even posted but there are times that people get cancelled and i'm just like up yup i can see why people are unfollowing you let's talk about my number one example blair white blair white is a trans woman hated by many liberals one of the main but not limited to reasons is because she is a loud trump supporter and calls out many people from the trans community i originally followed her videos because someone said i needed forehead surgery because my forehead is quite large and i got very curious because i had no idea there was such a thing i looked it up and her surgery video popped up her personality enticed me and i let the videos just roll as i worked so i could listen she was fun beautiful and seemed very level-headed and i'm not used to people from the lgbtq plus community openly shouting i love trump me someone who loves hearing all sides was very interested by this and very interested to hear her side why does she like trump and all of these people don't and i someone who hates politics and gets very bored very quickly was interested so i took it as a chance to learn well blair recently got cancelled by her haters and her fans and i have to agree she was completely in the wrong over two weeks ago blair posted a video titled trans athlete in quotes i belong in women's sports get over it with a thumbnail of a trans woman named janae marie crock as if she was the one saying the comments i watched the video and as a female demon athlete myself i get what she was saying and took all the information as fact which is completely my fault i later was checking out a weightlifting group i'm in and everyone was very angry about the video i was extremely confused why are people in the community upset well it turns out blair got information wrong you see she said in the video that janae kroc switches from male to female and competes with biological females and milk and something we don't often see is that janae actually went back post-transition and competing against men just because i guess like it was kind of like she's gone back and forth competing with men and women based on i don't know what um i mean that's just a different move no pun intended okay pun intended but i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] so i can make that pun anyway and she actually does not she actually says that in the documentary she's against competing with biological females i took it upon myself to watch the documentary i recommend it blair has said in many videos there's no excuse for misinformation and facts are important but this is going to be no problem for her all she has to do is quickly apologize take the video down and make sure to publicly apologize to janae because she publicly posted this video she's so level-headed i'm sure she will fix this well two weeks later nothing she was posting pictures about hanging out with friends at the shooting range how she was excited for the debates she even continued to promote the video and her stories with the misinformation but nothing else no apology or anything if you go to the comment section almost every single comment is making her aware of the issue janae even commented janae put her in her stories tagging her trying to get her attention because the video was hurting her career because of this misinformation so now you're saying maybe she doesn't read comments and look at stories i thought the same thing and since i am a fan i want to give the people i follow the benefit of a doubt and i sent her a message myself i don't have to show you her response i'll just show you mine because it seems that you humans whenever someone shows a private message you focus more on the person sharing a private message but not the point i just wanted to make sure that i showed that i reached out and told her just in case you didn't see all the comments and she said she's well aware and she'll mention it in the next video well then fix it quickly why are you twiddling your thumbs and chilling with your friends girl i'm rooting for you and there was no next video because she posted an apology on twitter where she basically canceled herself and she's taking a break from youtube but the damage is done two weeks of leaving a video that was a lie accident or not with no apology speaks volumes about past videos their information and how much respect you have for janae i mean how hard is it to put up a even two-minute video of saying hey guys i'm sorry i was wrong you can even private the old video and keep the money but blaire went about her life full on knowing she messed up all while jenae gets looked at as the scammy trans woman taking advantage of the system when it comes to female sports competitions blair recently achieved 1 million subscribers but it didn't stay for long because people caught wind of the misinformation and the lack of trying to make it right and now she is back under so we talked about a youtuber that i like who didn't promptly give out an apology now let's talk about a youtuber that i really enjoy who put out an apology immediately but the apology wasn't good enough this possible cancellation story involves two beauty youtubers mikey from glam and gore and swoop and we already know the beauty world is full of backstabbing jealous money hungry will write your name in the death note so that they can be at the top so let me fill you in mikey is a self-taught beauty and special effects makeup artist and youtuber she has over 4 million subscribers she also does a lot of sjw type posts i did notice a while ago she was going rampant in her stories talking about black lives matter and how you can help how we need to vote for bernie so that we can get white richmond out of the office so other people can't benefit it just seemed that she was a huge advocate for black lives matter and the lgbtq plus community i don't have screenshots but i'm sure other people can vouch for me in the comments section swoop is also a youtuber a smaller one with around 200 000 subscribers her channel consists of a variety of videos from makeup to vlogs and to most recent exposed videos these two women were bffs they collab together they spent time outside of collabing with each other they posted each other on their instagrams they really did seem like a very cute friend couple but according to swoop's recent video the relationship was anything but that swoop's video is a little over an hour and as a fan of mikey since i dabble in the sfx and use her videos for reference i did go into the video with an open mind as i usually do if someone that i like messes up i'm not so much of a stand to say no you're just a hater i want to hear what they have to say but i would be lying that i didn't go in soup's video with a little bit of bias because i've talked to mikey i liked her personality and i thought she was very sweet so even though i went in with an open mind i went in with a slight and hopeful thought that this is just someone trying to get clout making an exposed video about a popular youtuber to increase the value of the channel for views and i came out of the video very understanding and relating to the original poster of the video along with looking at mikey like whoa this is a lot she had a lot of receipts she says in the title of the video aka text messages from mikey made a lot of claim all while expressing her feeling so let's quickly go through a lot of the major claims that suit made in her video but i recommend watching the whole video not just taking my beautiful mouth's words for it i linked it below tell her a little demon sent you caddy and gossipy basically the regina george of the youtube industry talks behind other influencers back about everyone in the beauty community but then we'll work with them for example she would talk crap about james charles and jeffree star to swoop but then within a few days she would get invited on their channel and told soup that she would never have them on her channel because they're too controversial which i thought was odd wasn't everybody making hate videos about jeffree star and james charles wasn't all of you humans talking about both of them i'm not saying it's right i'm just saying most of y'all has probably said the same she has something against gay men and black people that have more subscribers and success than her to be specific james charles and jeffree star once again mikey said something among the lines that gays and blacks literally get handouts that white people have it harder than minorities and the lgbtq plus community and that our successes are handouts of all things and i don't want to speak for mikey i don't want to put words in her mouth but whenever something happens in the news and it gets a lot of traction in the media people get very emotional and then all of the sudden you you people want to share every single black influencer's work all of the sudden you don't share my videos any other time but when something happens in the news now it's all of a sudden do you want me to share your videos because you're black just wanted to put that out there but she did say it and it sounded extremely snobby she was complaining that she wasn't only trending as much as other people but she's been on trending 12 times it was basically a youtuber that has millions of subscribers complaining to a youtuber that doesn't have millions of subscribers saying that she deserves more millions like if jeff bezo was complaining that someone made more money than him you guys are both successful insensitive mikey did a makeup tutorial of rihanna's luck when she got by chris brown along with a makeup tutorial of the asian man that got dragged around at the airport and lastly microaggression r word prejudice which to make it easier i'll be calling it being an a-hole friend because i think those words get thrown around a lot and i'm not even sure if i use them all right so i'm safe if i use my own terms a whole friend basically soup would confide in mikey about certain racial issues and mikey would come back and say yeah i understand that because it's hard being white right now she used an example that hollywood only wants people of color and her white friends can't get jobs she did mention this to me several times in the past she says i think i mentioned this but peter has heard from several actor friends of his that they're being turned down repeatedly for roles because they're essentially too white there was a lot but like i said i can't confidently say she hates blacks and gays it angered a lot of people from these two communities to communities you don't want to piss off if you're a youtube personality but with that aside looking at all the text messages i can confidently say she was being a [ __ ] friend making everything about herself taking away someone's pain and circling it back to her putting people with a higher following on a higher pedestal talking crap about them and making it look like she's ungrateful for what she does have all while raking in all the benefits from their channels and saying rude things behind their back and their community all while making it look like she's an ally in her stories and i think swoop just got tired of all of it in the text shown in the video swoop does try to converse with mikey telling her you know how she feels about certain issues and how she felt with the responses that she got from mikey and mikey would get very defensive or just not respond she made a vague post where people thought she was talking about mikey and then all of a sudden mikey reaches out and asks her to disclose and tell people it's not about mike because it's making her look bad but the moment she doesn't like something i hear from her and she expects me to instantly respond and do something that she wants that's the gist of it once again watch the whole video she explains everything from her point of view so did i relate yes i have friends that i have lost to that la lifestyle it's sad they only care about money and views and i'm a nobody to them now and they only reach out when they want something so i understand what she's saying with all of this but as i understand what she was saying i did go to a school with predominantly white children and yes they all looked at me when it was black history month things can be said by uneducated people and that's when i communicate and then it's up to the person how they go forward they either change and respect me or they don't and i leave and it seems that's what happened here two friends that's goal is to be popular on youtube and get attention for what they are passionate about and one seems to be very selfish and self-centered it was brought to the attention and she never fixed it we don't know if she does this to other people in her life but she did do it to the black one and since my human form is black if i was in sweep shoes sharing certain experiences and mikey just brushed them off and made them about her and said yeah i know what racism is hollywood isn't hiring any white people i'd be like what i do think that since they were as bffs as mikey and her was saying swoop was most likely talking poop about people in the beauty industry as well and if james charles and jeffree star asked her to be on their page i think she would have jumped whether she didn't like them or not mikey did put out an apology rather quickly in her stories but it wasn't good enough for most people and she still was cancelled but the question is do i cancel two of these youtubers that i enjoyed well i stopped watching them did they just ruin my life well i have to look at the two a little differently blair messed up big time and the thing with her is she had time to fix it and save her little booty the over two week time period was not a good look and i hope she didn't do it on purpose to at least make it more genuine she should have immediately taken the video down put an apology on instagram her stories and on her main channel since over 400 000 people saw the video and unfortunately according to many youtubers blair lies or messes up on facts quite frequently according to samantha lux she lied about jk rowling's book hunter avalon made a video pointing out information blair has messed up on and not retracting her statements or leaving the video up for a while until no one watches it anymore then quietly deleting it the critiques are valid and i can see why many people are canceling her or kind of fed up with her because it seems that it is a repeated issue i personally had no clue this was going on but is she cancelled to me no y'all i'm nosy i want to see what she posts when she comes back and i really want blair to change and be the creator that i thought i was following i really want this to be a genuine mistake so she doesn't end up here now will i take her information as fact never i watched mikey for the special effects makeup the regular makeup and the dogs once i talked to her i watched her because i really liked her personality which gave off the impression that she was very humble she followed me a nobody so she gave me a sense that followers didn't matter as if she didn't put value on the person based on their followers but more based on the info and quality of their work so as i was shocked that she treated swoops in this way i wasn't surprised i'm i'm sure that makes absolutely no sense let me try to explain i don't put creators influencers artist celebrities on a pedestal in fact i try to think the worst out of them so when they do turn out good it's a perfectly splendid surprise perfectly splendid it's my toxic trait i guess and when they screw up i remember they are a human and not immune to making bad choices not immune to being selfish not immune for saying stupid not immune to being a bad friend prejudice rude emotional etc etc and looking at comments people seem to have an odd connection with celebrities and influencers people they never met or had conversations with if you're putting people you don't even know on this special little shelf and think they are perfect or have no little demons in their closet you are going to have a bad time cancel culture is a little odd sometimes i could say right now minion unfollow blaire white and mikey they're both cancelled and then because i'm emotional it's going to make my core followers very emotional as well and then they're gonna unfollow tell their friends to also unfollow along with pass along information that got mixed up in between therefore they get some information wrong and then spread some rumors and it's gonna get really stupid it's absolutely crazy how fast people will cancel and follow and just downright hate someone for something ridiculous i'll use myself for an example and we can cycle back to the cancellation of cops i wore a cop costume in a video and named the character content cop putting 90 day fiance contestants in a virtual gel for selling scam of a supplement called boombod and one little human decided to hop her self-righteous in my comment section and tell me she had a problem with this because cop costume equals what happened to george floyd and somehow i'm like mocking the situation once another person saw the comment they were like yeah i didn't think about that i'm upset and emotional now when the costume had nothing to do with the event that happened i had a bunch of people canceling me because i wore a party city cop costume as a black woman named it content cop putting d rated reality television stars in virtual jail who are selling poop tea and a pure idiot decided to morph it into the situation that happened with george floyd i don't know if she and the other people still watch me but just know i have the death note and if you're gonna cancel me for anything cancel me for saying you just because you want to cancel the police doesn't mean that i can't wear a cop costume and put people in virtual gel for selling poop tea i just really wanted to give a big middle finger to those individuals i cancel you people that make unproblematic things problematic because you want to show how supportive your is to certain communities so i'm not a part of this herd mentality it really gets on my nerves when people message me trying to get me to follow suit and say this person posted this you need to make a video saying you don't like them you said that you enjoyed this person's videos you need to publicly cancel them and you need to unfollow them too i don't need to do i'll make videos of who i want and i'll cancel who i want i don't need you humans to tell me how to do my job and quite frankly don't pull me into your demented way of thinking there's a few people that i publicly said that i like their videos and some things have changed i don't feel like i need to constantly publicly say cancel this person because i don't like their videos anymore they said something that i hate everyone cancel them but now that that's out of the way let's get to my final thoughts cancel culture can be complicated social media has made it very easy to call people out on certain issues that we couldn't call them out publicly before i barely got racism thrown at me straight to my face but i did get certain comments and when i would bring it up i was told to be silent or it's not a big deal or they didn't mean it in that way i had experiences with certain people of power treating me in a certain way and of course i would call them out but later i would find that they were continuing to do the same thing to other women in this case i'm talking about photographers or organizations such as certain bodybuilding competitions where there's people of power and think that just because i'm there to get a trophy i can be treated a certain way once i started calling out photographers and organizations out on social media publicly and the people and i caused enough noise then you would start to see a change or at least an apology i think the term cancel culture is over used by both sides people who want to cancel everything and go overboard and people who say oh cancel culture to try and make their problematic behavior not seem so problematic it's a very weird circle of legitimate outrage too just because i'm bored outraged two people communicating that these comments are not okay to nitpicking every single thing someone says to people who don't have much power exposing someone who has a lot of power and forcing these powerful people to be held accountable while making this video i discovered that i don't completely hate cancel culture when it's legitimate domestic and abuse this includes men women and children you sick freaks animal someone who really is showing they hate a specific race marginalized or not not someone that said the inward or a homophobic slur when they were 13. if the influence or desert says something you don't like you have every right to unfollow them but i do think there's a line between this person deserves to be stripped off their throne and exposed to well this person needs to learn and grow but with cancel culture it doesn't allow some people to learn from what they said not everyone has every single background or education that we have i don't know about every single culture out there and i'm sure something that i could have said could be very offensive to a certain group and if someone brought it up and then decided to cancel me when i had no idea that would be very rude and once again some people get cancelled and they still thrive hi how are you i mean you guys try so as for blair and mikey are they cancelled to me if i see a video that looks interesting i'll be watching maybe this information isn't as depressing because i expect influencers to be a certain way behind the scenes that's not to say i'm disappointed in these two women but are they canceled to me not at all i do have to say i'm more disappointed in blair because she was really affecting someone and she had the power to fix it very quickly with mikey i completely relate with swoop because i'm a black woman but mikey does great work even if you hate her you can't deny it i would be lying if i said i wouldn't watch a video that she has that could help me with my sfx makeup and i think some of the people that say i'll never watch a video again in the comment section are little fibbers will i go out of my way to hype up their channels probably not can that change in the future of course i'm sure the backlash is a very humbling experience for both of them as for castle culture i make my own decisions i'm sure some of you are upset that i'm not canceling these women and that's too bad because once again i'm my own person and you can not force me you have the same opinion as yours no matter how many virtual temper tantrums you throw so will you be writing these ladies names in the death note i can just leave this right here for you and you do with it what you will but be careful though one day your name will appear in my book [Music] [Music] neighborhood
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 338,414
Rating: 4.9013443 out of 5
Keywords: The Toxic World Of Cancel Culture, mykie swoop, mykie drama, cancel culture, cancel culture rant, cancel culture is toxic, cancel culture explained, cancel culture jubilee, cancel culture funny, exposed, exposed videos, blaire white apology, blaire white, cancel culture backfires, Cancel culture comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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