The WORST Botched Hips! | The Dangers of Fillers!

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warning for youtube's human review system this is your girl's fourth time uploading this video and y'all just keep demonetizing the video i had no clue why but now i have seen the light and understand that the word uh the well i can't say it but this word is unacceptable so i took it out of my title took the pictures out of my thumbnail censored that horrible word throughout my whole video okay can can y'all just chill please i know jeffree star and h3h3 have publicly said that they have youtube backup to help fix the issue with your system i ain't got that type of pool so can you just once just this once please help a poor peasant girl out and actually check my video instead of immediately demonetizing it that would be great thank you and enjoy the video hello welcome to my channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua a past theater nerd got a grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person so if there's anything offending you guys today tell me tell yoshi tell butters tell the comment section what is offending you go ahead vent it out we're friends it's a safe place here okay so i have always been fascinated and disgusted by plastic surgery and i say disgusted because if you are a regular on this channel you know that i have a deep fear of everything surgery me just knowing i'm gonna get a shot will turn me into a hysteric screaming and pretty violent woman seriously when i was a little minion i punched doctors i had to be strapped down that's why i built so much muscle because now i can really fight them off i'm just kidding don't don't punch your doctor but just to make it clear my squeamish level is off camera i just can't do surgery so plastic surgery is surgery and it still grosses me out because you're cutting and putting things in and shifting the body right it's just i can't stomach it okay but i think if you want to get plastic surgery you do you girl or boy i don't care and i know what you're thinking aren't uh aren't those fake no no no they are not if i took off my bra right now and started bouncing around i would have no eyes i've got a very sturdy and strong bra on today okay but for the most part i've always been fascinated with the fact that if you have enough money and you're not scared of it like me you can morph yourself into whatever you want a lizard a cat creature a zebra man some people's goals are a little bit more normal and a lot less animalistic and it comes out as what i would say is very acceptable to most of the population a little bit of lip fillers to help even out the face maybe a small nose job implants of the chest and some just go overboard almost an addiction and seems to get as much plastic surgery or to go as big as possible or to try and stay as young as possible because they can't accept the fact that people age and they just end up looking very blown up this person wants to make himself look exactly like a human kindle okay scratch that humankind doll is transitioning into a woman this chick removed her ribs to get that tiny anime waist all right never mind correction six ribs to look like a cartoon she removes six ribs goodness girl there is just some whoa just some craziness that you can do with plastic surgery but something that is very popular in the plastic surgery realm something that i got made fun of when i was younger but is now on the rise people are paying a lot of money to get this certain look is a fat we've seen it in many celebrities and that look trickle down to a lot of influencers and even in regular people in general and surprisingly many black women even though many of us not all i have to say that not all but many and you'll see it in today's video have the genetics where we hold a lot of our fat and weight in the bottom area anyway but to many women it's just not enough for them i have gorgeous black and latina friends in lay and miami who are curvilicious tiny waist lower body able to take those cheeks and just whiplash it in the face okay and it's not enough it's never enough they need it to be exaggerated it's a look it's a very popular look in certain social groups and we're gonna see it today in someone called miss miami let's meet her as soon as i got my butt injections i was miss miami so miss miami is actually going to go through the process where they are going to remove all the injections that are in her i'm ready for the next chapter removing the injections for me is total transformation okay so it's going to be a very big difference once she gets all of those whatever type of injection they use out of her glutes after the surgery miss miami is meeting up with a very bullish trainer who is going to build her body with weights so miss miami is meeting her because she said that nothing nothing no type of exercise at all was helping her get a very exaggerated or just in general a bigger butt than what she had previously and that's the reason why she got the injections in the first place my whole life is in this bag my new life isn't this bad i got my injections because i could not get my booty bigger just by exercising it gave her that result or shall i say that immediate result that she was probably looking for most likely something happened i feel like a comment got said and she was on you know like she was just in the zone of getting that look so that she could impress the people around her plastic surgery and injection specifically all my friends in miami seem to have injections it's wild i don't know why they need it but i guess they really want it but it's just very normal so keep that in mind after i got my injections oh man oh my gosh that's just i know people are very focused on the look of this and so am i obviously it's very exaggerated but at the same time i look at it as like that must be very uncomfortable to walk with having all that weight right there in the lumbar part of your spine like near the lumbar part of your spine i can only imagine the back issues she had i'm not saying she did i just say i can imagine also you sit on your and i think about that past video i did where that girl said that she was like leaking out liquid out of her like i said i'm all for people doing whatever they want to their body but between you and me i'm very happy that she's getting it out but i think this is going to be a happy ending hopefully it feels good to have a big i still love who i am but how i feel about how my butt looks that has changed also i do want to point out i don't know how it is in other communities but in the black community most people not just men but a lot of men praise the correction praise the big boo it's like a whole religion and the bigger the better they want it flapping in their face i'm pretty sure all of my friends in the hip-hop community the rappers tell them bigger bigger bigger and they do it because they like the attention so everybody's on board the rappers will even pay for the injection or the surgery so that they can fulfill their flapping desires but they don't care when they have issues or complications from the process to get them to the end goal so somebody to think about if some gentleman is saying hey did you ever think get injections for your make it super big so it can flap in my face hey i'll i'll pay for it you might want to just think it out do a little research or at least watch the rest of this video because it gets pretty nasty and not in a good way if i don't remove the injections now while i'm young and fairly healthy it could cost me my life the surgery to remove the blood injections is so complicated and i have a few things i need so i got my new hands told you now she gotta sit on another fake it's basically the one that i saw hank hill wear for his narrow urethra i don't know what they injected into my butt this happened so much it's so common my friends will tell me oh i just went to this this place i don't know what they put in it i just need it bigger you you mean to tell me you didn't at least ask what kind of concoction is going to be injected into your gluteus maximus i'd be having the most annoying questions for whoever's about to inject my be overprotective of your body people there are risks with removing the injections i have been looking for a doctor for over five years now this is a very dangerous surgery i can eat some blood transfusions i just feel like i'm ready for the next chapter of my life so three months later after the surgery after she is ready to work out probably slowly probably can't like hop right into the weights right after that but she meets up with the trainer the girl that's like super bootylicious the first time i seen her i didn't think what i seen was real i'm going to see the end result of her operations i'm kind of nervous because i don't really know what to expect and we get to see the end results the recovery has been an emotional rollercoaster i'll say that my body has changed drastically that looks so much better and she still has still has a she saw his curve i lost about 12 inches off my hip almost 30 pounds of scar tissue and fat for my so my butt and my hips are not as extreme as they were i don't feel like i'm like really curvy anymore i completely thought that she would say something like that i think many of these people have something called body dysmorphia body dysmorphia disorder is a mental health disorder in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived effect or flaw in your appearance a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others actually very prevalent in the bodybuilding world muscle dysmorphia believes that one's body is not sufficiently muscular and large enough and many people who have bdd may try to fix their flaws with plastic surgery so like miss miami we see a curvy woman but to her at least at this point in time in the video she doesn't see that at all she probably sees someone that's like super just like flat and like super thin but she said that she had this for 15 years so it's gonna take some time to get used to so i'm trying to wrap my mind around my new changes my transformation i'm a little up and down right now so like i said she's gonna start working with this trainer i need rocky to help me get these extra curves okay honey something that i did when i say though is whenever you work with someone that's really into plastic surgery or getting injections or getting things that give you that instant look when they come to a personal trainer asking to do it naturally through weight lifting they usually lose their motivation because it takes a lot of time to gain muscle mass if you're a woman it takes even more time than a man and it takes a lot of pain every single week you have to constantly lift weights you have to be sore it's like nothing isn't working out how how it's just a really hard process and a lot of people especially the ones that do plastic surgery will give up because they're used to plastic surgery they can have it with just a session or a few sessions rather than a year's worth of work now that we got you warmed up it's time for the arm cruncher this squirrel's trying to kill me and then even after a year you're not going to look like that different girl i won't be able to have sat in this chair if i had my own see you want your butt that big you ain't gonna be able to sit in normal-sized chairs i feel like i look so sexy and close you didn't see a girl like me well like the old me just walking around on any average day another thing i noticed that a lot of these people like that have these just exaggerated you know looks is that they like that shock factor of when they go into a room because obviously if that if this walks into the room my head's gonna turn my head's gonna be all up in that i'm gonna be looking that's a big and now she probably feels she doesn't get that because she doesn't have that extreme okay so let's get to the workout girl i'm ready girl save this girl please so basically the workout was straight leg kick back to warm up bent leg kickbacks bridges and flutter kicks which i do all of those except for the flutter kicks which looks like a great like finisher just like a warm-up to really just warm up your b but i do all of them with very heavy weights i expect that she couldn't do weights because she had that huge surgery and she's pretty new to working out the miss miami seemed to really enjoy the workout rocky has definitely given me new motivation oh my gosh i feel like i've been working out for a week my booty tight the trainer basically said what i said that a lot of women have a lot of stress and pressure to just look a certain way i think the pressure to look a certain way for women which leads them to getting body modifications and stuff is very very real your social circle also has a lot to do with this as well my friends loved their looks and never stressed out about their until they moved to miami or la and saw the extreme big girls were winning so they felt like they needed to do it too that's what's important stay away from that you don't want to be like me and had to go get 10 surgeries girl i didn't even go get 10 rounds butt shots and i had to get 10 surgeries to remove it and we will end on those very wise words she didn't even have to get 10 shots she had to get 10 surgeries very crazy surgeries to fix the issue so i always like to finish these off with the where are they now and started tapping into my detective skill and found her on instagram so she looks like she's doing it very well i don't see that she went back to the injection she looks curvy in my opinion seems like she's still getting attention she also wrote an autobiography called i am not my body but i wanted a bigger behind where she warns other young girls about the dangers of getting the shot i also went to her link tree and it says watch me get my removed i don't think so i don't need to see all that like i said in the beginning very squeamish i'm not sure if it's like the actual surgery where you see them like removing everything or if it's the episode where she appeared on both the show on e i'm not clicking to find out this episode gives me a little bit more insight and proves my point from the beginning that at least in the hip hop community or the adult industry slash dancer community this exaggerated look is it you get a lot of attention and according to courtney she had her first risky filler injected when she was just 22 and working as a dancer in a club she says when i was in college i got a job dancing at a club the first night after really not making any money on stage there was a dancer who walked up to me and she told me that i needed some more if i wanted to make some more money this is basically what happens to a lot of my friends someone will say well if you want to you know be successful in this industry you really need to change your shape you need to have this type of shape normally huge but tiny upper body super tiny waist big knockers that's when i found out about the injections that gave me my big boots problem so i made the appointment and she showed up at my hotel room oh good lord oh god i don't know how many like horrible butt injection stories i've read where the injector the doctor comes says that oh i'll just meet you at your hotel room sketch she told me she worked for a cosmetic surgeon and that's how she was able to get her hands on what she needed i asked her why she was doing it outside of the office and that's when she told me the procedure was illegal it's foolish definitely but all i wanted was a big booty i told you they will do anything to get that instant look that they need and i mean i don't know if i can say i understand but i can see very insecure people who also want to make money and they're in an industry where there's other girls who will do anything you know they'll do whatever to make their money so you gotta keep up after a year and three rounds of injections courtney says she noticed an improvement in her appearance but she wanted more it was during her fourth round that her problem started she said this time i showed up at her house to have my injections but after leaving my injections were beginning to leak out of my butt the old leaky butt syndrome i've heard it many times you couldn't pay me to get anything injected into my glutes so with that main video that we were just reacting to they didn't go into detail about what exactly they did to the to the book to like get it smaller but apparently according to the article that i read from bosch her was just so bad like they did a such a bad job with these injections and it is just like torn up that they need to amputate her butt they have to amputate her whole scary not worth it what the heck i don't know it's not worth it to me if you want to get it done that's fine but i just want to say maybe just embrace your small but some people have big books some people have you know that's small are cute i think they're cute and if you don't want to embrace the tiny boot and you don't want to get injections just in case you know your butt might leak when you sit on it or just walk or just leak because it's going to leak lift weights it will save you a leaky but anyway thank you so much for watching let me know would you get butt injections have you gotten injections do you want them tell me in the comment section i want to know we don't shame plastic surgery over here i say go for it but you also probably should know the risk remember if you haven't checked out my second channel we talk a lot of poop it's like gossiping and chatting with a friend come come on over eat hot cheetos with me let's talk some together and you yes you right there your beautiful face oh yeah i kissed your forehead you have a wonderful day and i'll see you either on my second channel and in my next video on this channel bye guys [Music] pick it up
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 176,078
Rating: 4.9882197 out of 5
Keywords: the dangers of lip fillers, michelle, mcdaniel
Id: yliqgW-Ae60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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