SIDEMEN $10,000 vs $100 MUKBANG

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Why did they felt so uncomfortable?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/anon43850 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
(upbeat music plays) (laughs) - [Harry] I'll give you 20, I'll give you 20. - Aye, yo! - Oh no. - Oh no. - Oh no. Oh, Jesus. - [KSI] Jesus Christ! (laughs) - Hello and welcome to the Sidemen $10,000 verse $100 mukbang. The teams we chose at random, right here in front of you, so you can't have a go at me, all right? - I think it's just how it's set right now. - No, no, no, no. (laughs) - 'Cause there's good or bad team. - Yeah, decide. - No, no, no, no. - All right lemme do it, let me do it. - This is good team, this is good team. First person on the good team... for $10,000... Is... (screaming) Is Simon. - Simon! - Oh my God, oh my God. - Yes! - First person on the bad team... - Oh, that's how we're doing it. - Lord have mercy on my poor little soul. - That don't count though. - No it does, look. (laughs) That's how it works bro. - What? (laughs) - Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah. (indistinct) - Get wrecked! - Alright stop don't laugh! - I'm not gonna lie I'm very scared. - That wasn't funny, no. - I am very, it is hilarious. That was hilarious. - All right, second person on the good team. - [Simon] Join me! - [Harry] Come on. - [Ethan] Do it, do it you fucking bitch. - [Simon] Join me. - [Ethan] Do it for me. - Join me. - Fuck off man! - This might be me, this might be me. - It's JJ, it's JJ. It's JJ. (gasps) - Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm eating good. - Lads I jut wanna point out, Can I just point out that, that's landed on me three times. Your wheel is broken. - Yes! - But I like it. - Yes! - Second person on the bad team, - Fucking do it, come on. this is, second person... - It's Ethan, it's Ethan, it's Ethan, it's Ethan. No, no, it's Ethan. (laughs) - [KSI] Oh, Jesus. - [Simon] Oh no! - Alright third person on the good team... - [Harry] I have faith, I can see it. This is it. My time is now. - Who is it who is it? - It's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me. It's, fuck. It's Josh. - It's Josh. - Come on. - [KSI] It's Josh. Oh my God. - Wait, wait, wait. I'm noticing there's three seats. - Yeah, so the third and final person on the bad team is this one. - So whoever it isn't is on the good team. - Yeah. - Wait, okay. Well this is for the bad team now? - Yeah. So you don't want it to and on you. - You're gonna push me away as soon as you win bro. - Oh that's Harry. Oh it's Harry. - Wait, hold up. It's Harry. - It's not. It's. (laughs) - You know what, this is ageist, this is 'cause we're young. (slams table) - [Josh] Hey, the table doesn't cost much money bro. - Welcome! Red team, red team, red team, red team, red team. - This is a setup. (other shouting drowns out talking) Easy hotel and now this! (accordion music plays) - Ai yo, these chairs and comfy. - Anyone want a, should we open a bottle of champagne, just 'cause we can? - Oh, yeah fuck it, why not? Should we just start spraying it everywhere? - You have stuff coming over. - The worst thing is, they're the worst gloaters as well. - Yeah. - They're gonna, I can see the grin from here. - Look at his grin. - Anything that happens is. Anything that happens is. - Evening sirs, I have some champagne. - Oh, thank you. - (mocking) Evening sirs, we have some champagne. (laughing) I have champagne. - You do? (laughing) - Could you please keep this on your side, that is. What is that? - That is grim. - Looks like rabbit, I think. - Wait, wait, wait, cheers. - Oh yeah, yeah. Cheers. - [Harry] Toby, you drinking that? - Toby you drinking that? - Nah, nah, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. - So what are you going to do with it then? - Just gonna let it sit there. - Toby pour one out, pour one out for them. - [Harry] Poor it out? - Have we got any plastic cups? - I got you boys. - Ai yo, what are you doing? What are you doing bro? - We've got three cups. Please sir. - Thank you, thank you good sir. - It's up to you to share it. It's up to you. - Oh sweet nectar. - It's not much. - No, no, no, no, no. - Down it, down it. - Don't cross the line, don't cross the line bro. - Ai yo, this is the rich area, you can't be here. - Who'd like a Pina Colada? - Yes please. - That is, yes please. - It's okay boys, health is wealth. - Jeez, bro it's poppin' off. - Look at this. - That's four times. - Ai yo guys, check this out. - Shut up! The wheel has done me four times. Four! - [Simon] You wanna taste it? - I can't even get by on a dinner. (laughs) - Oh my God! That's amazing. - Why do I have a sinking suspicion that we just don't get food. - Do you want a Pina Colada? - [Josh] Yeah. - And you want another one? - Oh, is that it. - [Simon] Three please, yeah three. - It's a punishment to just watch us eat? Why're you laughing? (rich group laughs) What do you want? - Um, what are those? For me and him. - Bro (indistinct) I'm gonna fucking end him. Br, what have I done to this wheel? - It's the worst combo, look at them, look at them. - What have I done, what did I do? What have I done to the wheel? What have I done to you? - Maybe that's good luck for next time though. - [Simon] This is mad. - Oh mate. - We've said that every time, next time. I wanna ring that round my neck and fucking go. - Shit, he's never even experienced the good. - This is honestly the best Pina Colada I've ever had. - Yeah, so lads, if you want to get your first course, it's over on the table for ya. - Oh we get it ourselves. The fuck is that? - It's a crab stick and a bit of bread. - What is it? - It's a fucking crab stick. Its a fucking crab stick. - What do you guys got? - It's a fucking crabstick and bread. - The bread's buttered to be fair. - I'll take it. We've got ketchup and salt and mustard. - I was about to say, do we have salt and pepper? - Yeah, we do. - I don't know what this is. - [Ethan] Might go and add some British flavouring. - This bread is nice. - Do you unwrap the crab stick? (loud crash) (laughs) - Fucking cancer. (laughs continue) - Bro this aint even a seat. - You gave me 2 plastic boxes on top of each other. - I beg we give him a proper chair. - You know what? This proves that I'm from the gutter 'cause I actually really enjoy this. - He has taken it down quite quickly. - With the seasoning, this tastes nice. - Proves I'm from the gutter 'cause I'm enjoying it. Do you wanna swap? - I've put salt and pepper on bread. - You've seasoned it. - It's not bad, is it? - It's all right. - You know what lads, fuck it. (upbeat music plays) - We have a lobster cocktail with edible flowers and caviar. Don't worry sir, there's a chicken option for you. - Ai yo, you guys all right? What are you doing? (laughs) - Fucking hell lads, look what I've found. (laughs) - He's dumpster diving. - Thank you. Bro, how do you eat this? - I don't know. You got the chicken one, right? Not gonna lie, I don't want it. - Who else wants a Pina Colada? - Yes, please. - Hey, if you don't want the chicken thing, give me the chicken thing. - Who would throw away such a lovely drink? - A full one too. - Such a fine liqueur. - Who would throw it away la alna. - We also have a vaporised apple martini. - Would anybody like any other mixers? - No, no, I'm good with the diet coke. - Hand me that diet. Diet cola. - Can I have a bit more please Vik. - Yeah, that'll do Vik. - Please, please sir. - The cup is small. - Yeah, a little bit more please sir. - Hey, we're about to have vaporised appletini. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Look at this. - [Josh] How do you eat this? Its a lobster bro. - Josh shut up. (laughs) Josh shut up. - Yeah I got the fucking arm of a lobster tail. - Hey, no, no, no, no. (laughs) - [Vik] Is it good? - It's really good. - Bro, stop this. - Bro, try that. (coughs) How have you choked on it? - Are you eating? - No. - A frozen martini, yes please. - [Server] Gotta ask permission from the boys. - Boys, could I have a frozen martini please? - No. - No? Okay, never mind. - Sit down. What do you say? - He can have it. - Under the table, shh. - If he's nice, he has to be nice though. - Yeah, no. You gotta be nice. You ain't been nice yet. - Sir, I'm so sorry sir. - You don't have to call me sir bro. Yeah, you ain't a bitch. - I really like you. - What is that? Is it lobster? - It's lobster. - He's secured it. - And caviar? - And caviar. - We have no cutlery. - You've got wooden cutlery. - You go for that, it's not a bit of me, no. - I'm looking at it and you know what? I think I've done this for you Harry. - Yeah? - But you know what? Hey, spice up the day a bit. - You can eat that you know, they're edible. - Mm, I'm not a bee. - It's like lobster cocktail. - That's what it is. - I don't like cold food. Nice. (laughs) - We'll take what we can get round here. - You want a pineapple? - I'm good thank you. - So what are we actually talking about? - Yeah, so anyway, what's going on right now, boxing? - Great segway. (laughs) - You wanna fight? Let's have a boxing fight. - No. Um. - Well we got Logan Paul. We do. Coming up. Yeah, that's happening. - As much as I like him compared to his brother, the fight doesn't make sense. - Does anyone even care? - No. _ I kinda care though. - I feel like Jake stole the show. - Yes. - I don't care about that one. - I will care on the day. - I'll watch, but I don't care. - They're making bread. - 'Cause you were like, I ain't watching it. But you surely are watching it. - I'll watch it on twitter. - You're gonna watch it. - You're watching it bro, you know you're watching it. - I'll watch it on twitter. - How would you not watch it? - On twitter. - Depends what time it is though. - In what world is he not watching it. - It depends what time it is though. - Alcoholic? - Yes please. - Yes I'll am one, yes, yes, yes, yes. - 3 Over here. Can we get 3 alcoholics over here. - You would stay up for like, any other random fight, no? - Yeah, like Canelo versus Saunders. - Oh, what a fight though. - Yeah, that was an incredible fight. I would stay up for that. You know what? 'Cause it's obvious who'd winning bro. - You know what? While we're here, in the last Sidemen mukbang, JJ, you said, - I'm gonna need one after this. - In the last Sidemen mukbang, JJ, you said pretty convincingly that Ben was gonna beat Jake. How did that age? How did that age? - You did actually say that. - Well, I didn't actually realise that Ben was shit. (laughs) No no no no but I didn't expect him to be so shit. - Bro, he moves in slow motion. - [KSI] Yeah, yeah, yeah, he was actually so bad, he was actually so bad. - It's like playing walking football against an actual footballer. - I'd say, who's the previous guy that got knocked out by Jake? - [Ethan] Nate Robinson. - I'd say Nate did better. - At least he was explosive. - Thank you. - Deji is still Jakes hardest fight. - I was gonna say if you was to rank Jake's opponents- - Yes, Deji's still- - Deji, then who? - No, Deji's got quick hands and caused him the most issues. - Would Deji beat Ben Askren? - Yes. I think so. - I wanna see that fight. - What do you mean, I don't know? Of course. - I think Deji beats Ben Askren. - I'm curious to know. - It's a fight I'd like to see. - I'd pay for that one. - I don't even think Nate beats Ben Askren. - Nate sucks. - Nah, Nate would probably beat Ben. Bro, Ben was so bad. He didn't do anything. - Bro, he's retired, he's got a new hip. - What about Joe Weller versus Ben Askren? - [Ethan] I don't know. I don't know. - What about Deji versus Nate? - That'd be fun. - I'd give that to Deji probably. - But, like JJ said, the Canelo versus Saunders fight was epic. That was really good. - Until his eye caved in. You don't get fights with that much skill on display. - I think it just shows how good Canelo is man. I still think Mayweather beats him hands down. - [Ethan] Do you reckon? - Yeah. - He ain't lost since the Mayweather fight before. - You gotta remember like, it's not like Canelo wasn't in his prime. Canelo was in his prime. - I think Canelo's better now that he was when he fought Mayweather. - But of course, he has to. Of course, he has to be, he lost to Mayweather. - No, but how many fights in was he when he fought Mayweather the first time? - Not as many that he has 'till now. - That's what I'm saying. - He's washed now, I think. - Who? - Canelo. - I thought you said Mayweather. (slams table) - Gibb verse Taylor holder, I bet a grand Gibb wins, anyone take me up on that? - You want us to bet against Gibb? - Yeah, I've got a grand on the line boys. - But who's betting against Gibb? - I don't know, hopefully someone, I'm just trying to make some money here. (laughs) - He's down bad, someone take his bet. - I did see the drama on twitter though, recently. - Yeah. - Pillow fights, they're interested in. - It's 16 ounces. It was either 16 ounce, no head guards, or 14 ounce and with head guards. I think, head guards is an L. - In Miami you can do what you want, you can kick a fucking homeless person in Miami, they don't care, but you can't fight without a head guard on. - You can shoot people there. - Well, can you? - You can. - No, no. You're not supposed to. - You're not supposed to but that doesn't stop it. (laughs) - I want to go to Miami boys, I'm upset. - [Josh] You still could, potentially. - I can't. - Boris fucked the traffic light. - No, the traffic light is fine. - It's America bro, they don't want us in. - Dirty brits. - I don't blame 'em to be honest. - The red coats, they don't want the red coats in. They won't let the red coats in, we're knocking on the door. - So you can't go at all? - No, I don't think so. - I took it out of my calendar with pain. - With great sadness. - It's still in there for me. I'm gonna hold on to hope. - As you guys know, there's a sidemen calendar However, some people like to cling onto the hope that we're doing things. - I think we might. JJ had fucking Covid's over. (laughs) - Was that last June? (all) Yes! - And every single Arsenal match after that. - He was throwing a party, like covid's having a party and everything. - Yeah well, boxing's cool I guess. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Who's Deji fighting again? - Vinnie Hacker. Who's gonna get absolutely batter. - Yeah, yeah. - You think? - I think Deji's just gonna knock him out. - He's 5'8". - He's coming back on a proper one this time. - Deji's gonna spark him, 100%. - He's gonna hit him - Isn't he 5'8"? The Vinnie Hacker guy. - and he's gonna be like fucking hell Deji's got such power. - Isn't he also a child? - I don't get the weight limits 'cause surely Vinny Hacker ain't- - He doesn't weigh Deji's weight, surely not, right? - He's just gonna get pummelling by him. - I don't think they do weight classes in- - He's getting sparked out hard. - Nah but I swear they said something about the weight in the thing. - They said within 5 pounds or something. - Bro! You can fit two Vinny Hacker's in Deji. (laughs) - Deji's not getting to Vinny Hacker's side and Vinny Hacker definitely can't get to Deji's side. - So we'll see. - They'll probably just get to the day and be like, uh just run it anyways everyone needs to get paid. - Have you seen like the sparring things they keep doing that Fousey's been uploaded and stuff? That's quite, it's fun to watch, but then again, it's also quite sad to watch. - Why's it sad to watch? - 'Cause it's not great. - [Simon] Well they did a tournament to see who- - He means it as well, he means it.(laughs) They did a tournament to see who fights on it, right? - Yes, yeah. - As one of the YouTube's. - And Taylor and all the dons and like the referees, and they're like... - I've not seen that to be fair. - I feel like Bryce Hall isn't actually as good as he thinks he is. - He's got really short arms. - Yeah, I've seen that TikTok. There's a TikTok where it's like, why are his arms up to his hips? - I can't say anything. - I mean Bryce mate yeah, fair dude, well done, but yeah, I don't know. - I can't wait for all of these predictions to be wrong. - So you're saying Bryce and Taylor win? - I'm trolling, I'm trolling. - I think Bryce will lose. - I think Bryce Hall loses, I think Taylor Holder loses with the rest of top two fights. I think Hacker loses, so at the end of the day, it's an L. - That sounds like a great night. - What about Jarvis? - You know what, there's a video of him fighting his brother, he doesn't look like shit, like he can throw a little bit. - He's got a couple hands. - [Josh] Who's he fighting? - [Vik] Brian Lee. - Oh, he's like a TikTok dancer, I think. - Josh knows all the TikTok dances. - Gibb's tweets are the best because he's right when he says, you just can't take someone that does... This on TikTok seriously, you can't do it. It's hard to. It's hard to. - But, we've all done weird shit in the past. - I can't remember, I can't recall any of us. - What about me? Look at the amount of crazy shit I've done. And I beat Logan. - They're built off of throwing it back. Like that's what they've come up on. They've come up on throwing it back. Do you understand what I mean? - I mean Logan Paul used to do Vine dances. - What I came up on was a lot more serious. - Didn't Logan and Jake Paul used to do the Vine dances, now look at them. - You can't discredit, they might be into dancing but like good feet, good balance. - No, they're throwing it back. - They got good footwork. - But they are throwing it back. - Oh okay well. Well, okay. What's the cheapest alcohol you've got up there? A bottle of wine I see. - There's a Coco Canoe up there to be fair. - It's only a South Blanc. - Aye yo, what you doing? - [Ethan] Have you got PayPal? (laughs) - What I can offer you is a Costco membership card. - That's pretty good actually. - That's not bad. (laughs) It's Cal Freezy's Costco card. - It says Rebel fc on it. - Oh hello. (gasps) Oh my God, we've got Proseco boys. - What just happened there? - Oh, shall we make our own cocktails? We've got a Malibu, diet cola, and Proseco concoction. - Ai yo, why are we giving them drinks? I may as well be in the poor side at this point. - Bro, don't come to the poor side. Chill sir Theodore. - Do you want to go to the poor side? - [KSI] Nah, I just think it's outrageous. - Anyone want a strawberry? - Yes please. (laughs) That would've been sick if it- - Wanna try again? - Yeah, one sec. - I'm really annoyed 'cause it looks like sorbet. That looks incredible. - Can I have a go with each of your strawberries, if I get any of them, we get a Pina Colada to share between the team. - All right. - [Vik] That sounds good. - 3 strawberries. - Do you want it looped? - Yeah, looped so I can track it. - Effort, effort. (laughs) - You ready? (laughs) - That's like my demon bro. - You ready? - It went and came out. - His spit is on it. Like look, His spit is on it. - It touched the back of my throat, I felt it. It's even got a bite mark, no that's from the glass. Okay, never mind. - It was a good effort, I tried. - You should've heard the noise. His spit came off it. - His spits all over it. (laughs) The microphone will have that sound. - I should've shut my mouth when it went in. - It's not a bad cocktail. - No, yeah this is a concoction. Any aspiring cocktail makers, Malibu, Sainsbury's diet cola, and... - Someones been microwaving something I think we've got beans. - Oh, beans! (laughs) - Hey, hey, at least they're warm unlike your dinner party. - We've got those beans, haven't we? - The cold beans. - Oh God. - I can see packets of crisps. - Oh you're just enjoying. - Jeez. Thank you very much. - I'm not gonna lie, this is going straight to my head already - Yeah, it's 'cause we're not eating. - That sandwich is all we had. - We've had a crab stick sandwich. - Harry. - One more strawberry, one more throw Josh. - No, no, no, don't. - Bro, that strawberry's giant. - Get that mouth open bro. - I'll trap it. I'll trap it. - Bro, bro. - JJ's throw was there. - I think underarm's your best shot. (cheers) Oh Yes! - Yes! He's done it! - Can we get one more Pina Colada please? - Yes! That was class. - Drunk 'em all? (laughs) - He knew the whole time. - We drunk 'em all? (upbeat music plays) - He goes, I got one pasta. - Ai yo, wagwan? - I've yet to see anything that makes me depressed. - We got a pasta fam. - It comes in small portions. - I think we might end up eating more volume. - If they get warm beans, I want on their team. (laughs) - We have more alcohol than we have food as well. - No, 'cause. - 'Cause then they'll swap. - Yeah, they'll take that opportunity. - You know what? It's getting better as I drink more. - Oh yes, as life does normally. (laughs) - I'm feeling quite happy right now. The giggles have come. - I buy this in Tesco's. - It's good though to be fair. - You know what this is? It's a prime example of like elders just like bullying their way through. Do you know what I mean? - They're drinking their champagne. - The young kids have been fucking pushed aside. - We're at the family dinner, were on the kids table. The family gathering and we're stuck at the kids table. - All the fun happens at the kids table, you know? What's the average age of that table? (laughs) What is it? - 27. - You know that the saddest thing is you can't work that out. - I don't know your ages. - 29, - It's 28, - 28. - 28, 28, 2-, Oh my good it's actually like 27.9 or some bullshit like. - Or some bullshit. - What if 3 of them are 28 and one's 27. - How old are you Harry? - I'm 23. - 23? Fuck off mate. (unintelligible) They're acting like we're pedos. What the hell 23. - We aint sleeping with them. - Whoa whoa whoa he said he's 23. - I said they're acting like were pedos - It doesn't, No! - Are you touching him? - No well I mean I've touched him. We've all touched him! (laughing) - I'm gonna go and get my beans. - Go get your beans. Go get your beans. - I'm gonna go and get my beans and don't look. Oh no, it's not beans. - What is it? What is it? - I don't know if I want to eat this. - Oh, it's macaroni cheese. That's not too bad. It could be worse. - We've got more pastas than you. - Let me see what you got. - We've got more pastas. You've got two pastas, I've got 16. - We actually had 3. - Fam, I had more carrot than fucking pasta. What is this? - We got extra cutlery too. - Lads, lads, don't miss out. - Oh, big shout. Big big shout. - That's a lot of salt brother. - Yeah I know, it needs it. - [Simon] You're adding salt to mac and cheese? - Yeah, hey chill. - Heart attack in a can. - Salt to mac and cheese? (Laughs) - Bro you saw that? - He poured half the thing in there. - That's gonna be spicy, spicy mac and cheese. - It's burning my fucking hand. - I can't complain here 'cause I like shit food. - From the gutter that boy, ain't he? He just knows. - From the gutter, from the gutter. - I've just seasoned it now, look. - That's, then you're not from the gutter. - If you're from the gutter you've gotta season otherwise it tastes like- - Otherwise you are eating roadkill. - Okay, I've got a topic bathtub girls. - Bathtub girls - Not again bro. - Hot tub, Hot tub streamers. Why don't we talk about the YouTube version. - There's a YouTube version? - Naked yoga. - What? - Is that a thing? - Yeah. - What? - Type naked yoga into YouTube and there's like tutorials where they're fully naked doing yoga. Apparently, allegedly. - Wow Simon. Randolph showed me. - So since it's educational, it can be done? - Yeah, it ain't educational. - Yeah, they're teaching you how to yoga. - Why are they naked? - Another Pina Colada? - And one for their team please. - Yeah. - We're sharing it all. - But don't step over the line. - No, you'll have to collect it yourself. - Yeah, so you'll have to try and reach. - Don't reach young blood. - What I can do. I can do a trick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You go, I'll hold your legs. - Hold my legs, no, just hold my hand. (screaming) One sec.Yeah.Cool. - Yes! Come on. Good work. - Give me odds Harry. - JJ, what the fuck bro? He's watching naked. - He's watching naked yoga. - You see what I'm saying? Harry give me odds of you seeing (indistinct) (laughs) - Alright for the sake of my team, I can't. - Give me odds. - Eh yo! - I'll give you 50. - Give me 20. - [Harry] I'll give you 20, I'll give you 20. - Eh yo! - All right, ready? 3, 2, 1, 14. - 19. Yes! - Bro, legit, like, - How is it educational? - That's what I'm saying, that's naked yoga. - This is on YouTube? - Yeah. - There's no censoring or nothing. - Look at his face (laughs). - You know you can watch porn? - The dicks out, the bums out and stuff? - It's women. - It's a female, it's a female. (laughs) - It looked like a man from this far away bro. - You just went straight to dick and bum. - Why'd you default to dick and bum. - I don't know. - He's like, wait, so their dick's out and everything. - [Ethan] So what, the dick and bums out? - Eh yo, why would I want to look at that? Why would I be gassed. - He was so excited, you know he might. (laughs) - So do we think it's all right? - It's not hurting anyone. - Yeah, it's not hurting anyone - I think it's all right. - But a little kiddy can go from like Minecraft and click. - Is there not like a 18 plus warning? - No. - No? - So you can go like channels, there'll be two together so you've got like your favourite Minecraft streamer and then a girl in a bath tub, half naked. - Are we setting ourselves up for another ad-pocalyse here? Are we bringing attention to it? - At least it's not on our platform. - It's on Twitch. - Well you was just on YouTube geezer. - Oh mate, that's fantastic. - It's educational though. - Yeah, that's educational. I've learned a lot. - But what is not okay, 'cause can a kid see a woman, if he goes to the beach he's gonna see it. - It's not really sexualized. - I think the reason people have a problem with it is because Twitch is a video game streaming platform. - It wasn't though. It never was. was- - I know, but they transitioned to focus on gaming. And people are saying that if this is where the like the gaming viewers are going it's unfair to gaming streamers. - I think whatever people wanna watch, let 'em watch it. - Is the actual hot tub streamers sexualized though? - You know what they're doing- - They write peoples names on their ass. - Do they? - So Viks got a little Vikkstar on a girls bum? - No, imagine (chuckles). - Vikkstar123. - If he gifts them 5 subs they write it on their body. - Can I get anything for eating all of my mac and cheese? - Yeah you can, yeah (claps) - What? Yeah, well played man. What else do you want? - You can have some pineapple if you want. - Imagine getting an award for eating. - They do, its called eating challenges. They do it in America a lot. - It just feels good to have something from the rich team 'cause I don't even like pineapple but hey, look. I've got a pineapple. Have you seen our table? We've got fucking rabbit, pipes, tin cans. - And a Pina Colada. - Damn right. - Yeah, damn straight. - Damn straight. - A hard earned Pian Colada, may I say. - It's good. I can't find that Vine anymore. - What Vine? - The Vine of me drinking drinks. - Him drinking the two drinks at 1 towers. - Well done Bog. - We always quote it as I'm drinking drinks man straight but it's I'm drinking drinks man, it's good. That's the actual quote. You're holding two drinks and two straws and goes - No, I think I said I'm drinking drinks straight too. - Oh wow that's good. - On the night you said that. - Oh my good is that good. - It's amazing. - Oh my God, it's so much better than what we've got. 'Cause it's got ice in it. - It's nice bro, it's nice. - We're drinking warm Malibu with warm Tesco's cola. - We can save the ice cube. - I don't have an ice cube. - Someone had 3. Simon (laughs). - To be fair, you've made good use of your time on this team. Which would be a great transition to this part, wouldn't it? - No. It'd be awful. - Can all 3 of you come together to pick 1 person please. - Vik. - No, out of us, out of us four. - Okay, is this good or bad? - Just pick 1 person. - Well I think we know what's happening. I'm finishing this. - Oh fuck off man. (whispering) - I think it's more likely to be something bad than good. - Do you reckon? - I think so. (laughs) - We've come to a decision. - He's done a back flip bro. - We've come to a decision. We picked Josh. - I'm safe then. - No, I knew it! - He's making it up on the fly. - So the thing is that you're now going to do a one vs one against each other. So Ethan verse Toby. - I think Josh should just go on your team. - You're doing a rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins is sitting here. - It's fine, we can still get JJ. - Just one? - Just one. Best of one. - No, and then you're playing Vik and I'm playing Harry. - You're supposed to pick like JJ thinking, oh you're off the team. Best of one. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot, yeah? - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Fuck. - Toby's saved. - I had my eyes shut. Oh my God. - All right, Vik verse JJ. Best of one. - I don't want to be here anymore. - Wait are we about to... (laughs) - I genuinely want to choke on my next meal. - It's a good next meal to be fair. - Hey Behz, you've got the VIP box seat. - Right, come on JJ. - All right, lets get it. - You can stay exactly the same. - [Simon] One, two, three, show. - Do it Vik, do it. Go king. Do it king. (cheers) Lets go! - It's time, get him gone. - Lets go Vik! - Come join us, come join us. - Well done. - Oh he's done. - You get the good seat though, to be fair, on that team. - Yeah but actually no. - Lad, I might join you in a second, I'll see ya. - Oh guys, it was a pleasure by the way. - No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, Vik's chair. Vik king, Vik king. - Hey, give him the chair. - JJ, JJ you have to sit with these guys. - Yeah, sit on your box. - Oh no! - Simon, can we do the pointing game instead? - That'd be good. On the line. - I think you look that way. - Well Minter, I think you're gonna look that way. - You're gonna look that way. - When there's stakes on this, this is painful to watch. - Simon, you are gonna look that way. - Quick one. That way. - Shit. (cheers) - JJ, these are your new, you new people. (crashing) - You don't fuck with our team. You don't come over here and start fucking with our team. Sit on your box. (laughs) You come over here and you become part of us. (Laughing) Do you like pepper? (laughs) I think our next meals up. Your next meal's there, it's your pallette. cleanser. It's your pallette cleanser. - That's the pallette cleanser, yeah. - I'll get them for him. - You're gonna get JJ's for him? - No, leave it for him. - That's what you get bitch. - What the fuck is it? - Its a Frum. - A Frum, I don't want a fucking Frum. - They didn't even get him his Frum. - You gotta get your frum bro. - Is your frum cold? Is it cold? - It's a cold Frum, yeah. - It's lovely, it's lovely. - I've never eaten a frum in my life before. - What's that? - [Toby] Pallette cleanser. - But what is it? - A sorbet. It's quite nice actually, lemon sorbet with fruit. - Remember this tough, right? - Yeah. - I feel like I'm having pudding before my main course. It doesn't feel right. - I just want the main course bro. - So what else are we eating? - There's Frum's over there lad. - Do you want this? - You've got a frum to eat. - Yeah and then? - Don't give that to him. - I'll take the Fru. - And then you get your main. - Oh my God, I missed the fucking dinner. - Next is main course. - I had three pastas, oh man. - I remember when you were laughing and screaming, that's why I had to beat you. - This is amazing. - Are you drinking it from the thing? I poured it into the cup but then it- - Poured it into a cup? - You poured frum into a cup? - It came in a cup so I thought you had to put it in a cup. - It's just so it stands up. - This is on video (laughs). - I was wondering what you were doing, swirling this tube. - I've never had a Frum. I didn't know you. - Do they not have Frum's in Guernsey? - I just never had a Frum, no. - Harry, I'm gonna let you into a trick here, if you get that frum and swap it with Toby, he'll give you that sorbet. - Is that a thing? - Yeah, 100% yeah. - [Ethan] 'Cause he don't want it, go get it. - He's trading your food bro. - Eh yo, I want it, I want it, I want it. I want it, yeah. - If he wants it, it's his. - I want a Frum, what the hell. I get no food? - It is his. - Aye yo! - Nice. - [Simon] It's his food. - It's your sorbet basically JJ. - Yeah. - Share it, share it. - No, JJ gets it. - Nah, what the fuck give me that fam. - Give me that? - You're talking to Toby bro. - I don't even want this fucking- - See? He just said he don't want it and chucked it. Harry, do the deal. - Is that yours Toby? - [Ethan] Do you want me to do it for you? - [Harry] Yeah, go on. - Should we bang a tweet? - I'll trade it for your phone. - So wait, how's that work? So I could've had. - That's your team man, that's your team, have some. (laughs) - You put the whole thing in your mouth. - He's getting a brain freeze. He has a bout 3 seconds out from brain freeze. - He's in it, there we go, he's in it. - Lads, is this even a mukbang or is it just us lot fucking about? - I'm not gonna lie if I lost, if I lost that game then I'm eating that in one go. - I'm not gonna lie, you got yourself into this mess by coming over and causing- - You were the worst person on this team. - And you glutted them as well too bro. - And then you come over here and you started tearing this synergy up. - I just knew you'd do the exact same to me. - No, we was welcoming you. - Yeah, but you lot boring, innit? - Anyway, talking of stinkers, the E boys are gone. - Oh Josh. Is that you, yeah? - That was so unnecessary. - I mean we all knew they weren't gonna last but still, that's out of order. - I think they had a good podcast. - I'm quite sad they're gone. - It's a good podcast. - You don't sound fucking sad bro. You're (unintelligible). - Yous started the sentence with, "talking of stinkers". - It's just a little segway, innit? Oh sorry, lemme try and- - No, I just felt like, well who was the biggest? Will? - Yeah, but fuck man, it's a group of friends having a fun time, making content. - It's what the Sidemen do. - Yeah but I feel like they're not ever at the time. I felt like they weren't having a good time. - I will say, if we are bitten it, we are the best. (laughs) - Our time is coming, you know? Our time is coming and then they'll dance on our graves. - When you boil it down though, like creating a YouTube group and keeping it going is hard. Think how many YouTube groups that have been, that have gone to the bins, to their deaths. - Okay, here's an interesting question. - They can't see him, he's behind two- - Why do always introduce it like John Tickle? - Here's a good question. - Lets say, a major allegation happened to one of us. Are we continuing the Sidemen? - Depends on what the allegation is. - Well okay, lets say Simon's sexually - No no... - Do you. - All right, lets say I have sexually harassed someone. Now what's up? - Well we're making videos and you're not. - But I'd still get my cut, innit? - Of what? - I think you turn into a behind the scenes donny. (laughs) - We buy your shares back off you. - Well then I wouldn't need to do Sidemen videos. - No because you've got no shares bro. - Yeah but you'd have to buy me out. - No, cut price 'cause you've- - No, but there's still a contract. - Are you planning on sexually harassing someone or what? - No, I'm just saying like, hypothetically. - The shares would be worth a lot less. - Yeah but hypothetically. - And if they're damaged shares- - Yeah but hypothetically- - We'll give you like 30 Quid and you'll be on your way. - Okay but hypothetically- (unintelligible) Hypothetically, I wouldn't have to do Sidemen videos. - No, no, you wouldn't. No one would want you to. - You wouldn't have to, you wouldn't be able to. - You'd get 30 Quid and that's it. - You're gone. - I wouldn't have to. - But he only said allegations, he don't say it's like- - Yeah, it's allegations. It's not even proven. - If it's proven, you're tapped. - If you tell us that it's not true and you're serious- - We'd take your word 'cause you're one of our boys. - So what? You'd always take my word. - If you're serious and you're saying no, it's a lie. - If you say like, I didn't do it, then we wouldn't take your word. - But if you had said, no boys, I did not do that. - We would believe you. - Vik wouldn't believe you. - Would you publicly tweet me out and be like, I support KSI. - I stand with KSI, come on. - It depends what the allegations were. If it was like, if it was a little thing, if it was a little thing, like it was an accident, but if it's like, if it's very very bait, you've done it, I can't back you on this one unfortunately. - If you have done it- - All right, just for the record, I haven't done anything. - JJ, you know if you did something wrong, we would be the first ones to call you out. - Yeah I guess. - So we might catch it before it gets out. - Yeah, you might just disappear. - It was likely an accident. - What have you been drinking, what's in that? - I'm not gonna lie, it was very tough watching you go, so he's definitely drunk a lot. - Vik's gonna kill me. - I don't know, he just said you'd disappear bro. - I didn't say that, you said that. - [Josh] Allegedly. - In the bin? I was quite enjoying the pepper and the pile of pepper. - We can keep the lobster there as decoration. - Anymore topics Josh? 'Cause we've gone off to sexual harassment. - We'll wait for our meal to arrive. - Can I tell a joke and if you laugh? Have you heard the tractor joke? - If we laugh, what do you get? - Yeah, what do I get if anyone laughs? - You can have this. - Can we get like a bottle of champagne or something? - Can we get an appletini? - No, you can try the appletini if you make us laugh. - You don't get an appletini, you don't get one by the way, you try it there. - You try the vapour ting. - You go with a straw and- - Oh, okay. How about that thing? What's that? The one that looks like sorbet. - Strawberry daiquiri? - Yeah, can we get one of those? - Yeah, we'll take a strawberry daiquiri. - You can have my glass of champagne. - No, not each, just one to split again. - What do we have to do for this? - Let's give them each a chance to make us laugh. - Yeah, but two of us have to laugh. - And you're not allowed to show your arse. - Two of us have to laugh. - No, I'm allowed to say or do a joke. - 'Cause he'll laugh to be nice to them. - I find everything funny. - I know what I can do to make them laugh. - So there was a man who really loved his tractors. All his life tractors, he had tractor poster on his wall, DVDs about tractors, he owned a load of tractors. This man loved his tractors. There was one thing he loved more in his life than his tractors, it was his lovely wife. One day she was out in the fields and she got crushed by a tractor, she was squished by the tractor, she was dying, bleeding out, he runs over, "no", tried to save her, he couldn't save her. She was killed by a tractor, okay? So this man, despite his love of tractors, he gets rid of everything, the posters he tears them down, the DVDs, throws 'em in the bin, he sells all his tractors. It takes him a while but he finally gets over the death of his wife and he goes on a date with a new woman. So their in this bougie establishment. - I'm getting really bored. - They're in this bougie establishment and they're enjoying their meal. And you know when they, like that! The smoke coming out, that was happening and all of a sudden something's gone horribly wrong with the system, we don't know what's happened here, but the room fills with smoke, okay? And she's like, "Ah!", and the guy's like, "don't worry, I've got this". So he goes (breaths in) sucks all it in, runs out the door, goes (breathes out) blows it all out, he's cleared the smoke. He comes back in and sits down, she's like, "how've you done that?" And he goes, "I'm an ex-tractor fan". - All right, Ethan, your go. (laughs) - I've heard that joke. He made it so much longer than it needed to be. - How is it so long? - I was more likely to laugh at how he was telling it than the actual joke. - That's a chuckle from Toby. I saw you moving like that, I saw you moving like that. - I'd seen two laughs at that table by the way. - We made the deal. - Is it Behz's go? - [Simon] Behz's go. - [Josh] Got anything Behz? - Don't make it that long. - Short and sweet maybe. - Hey guys, what kind of bees, shut up. - Boobies, next one. - Okay. (laughs) - Okay, all right, I've gotten a joke. - Nah nah, you get it in the bin and your team gets a drink. - Nah nah, funny it's actually hilarious, all right. - If he gets in the bin. - Get in the bin and you get us a drink. - There's a girl. - Get in the bin and you get us a fucking drink. - If you tell this joke, the offer's off. - Get in the bin and get us a drink. - You get in the bin, your team gets a drink. - Get in the bin, get in the fucking bin. Get in the fucking bin. - [Josh] Put him in the bin you get the drink anyway - No, I don't wanna go in the bin. - I did something to get the lobster, he did something to get the- - If he gets in the bin, your team get a drink. - For how long? - Like fully in it. - Get in the bin. - What could you get in the bin for us lad. - No chance. - No chance in the bin. - No chance. - JJ, please get in the bin. - I don't want to get in the bin. - 'Cause it gets a drink for all three of us. Get in the bin. - No. - How good's the joke? - This joke will bang. - The joke will bang. - And if the joke doesn't bang you have to PayPal me and him 250 pounds each. - Calm. - All right. - Oh, okay, cool. - All right, he's going. - You're having the joke. - [Harry] Yeah. - You have more faith in the joke than the bin? - [Ethan] Yes, yeah. - There was a girl - Oh no. (laughs) - I laughed at Harry. - I like how they just look at the floor (laughs). - I can't look at him, I can't look at him. - It started with there was a girl and that was it. (laughs) - This is what you'll get. - All right guys, listen. Listen. - Yeah. - Why are you looking at me man? - [Josh] Just tell the joke. - [Toby] Just tell the joke bruv. - Why do we have to look at you- - All right so, there was a girl and she's walking down the street, innit. (laughs) - Be very careful where this goes. - She's walking down the street so there's a bunch of guys (laughs) and they're like, Aye yo! - Get in the bin. - How you doing? - [Josh] If you 2 force him into the bin, you get a drink. - You're looking quite sweet. And she was like, yeah thanks. - He doesn't know what he's saying, he's making it up as he goes along. - And then she walked by and they all lived happily ever after. - You still can get in the bin for this. - All right, this is what my PayPal addresses is. Get your phone out. Get your phone out. - How much do you get Behz? How much do you get him? - That's under NDA. Undisclosed cancelling fee. - Tell me and you get a strawberry daiquiri as well. - Okay so he agreed to pay us- - Well then I'm not paying. - No you can't because you made the deal bro, you legit agreed to it. - Harry, do we pick drinks or money? I think money. - Drinks. At this point drinks, I'm thinking drinks. - Okay I'm just gonna, so we get that, yeah? - You can have this. - Okay so he agreed to pay us 250 pounds if he got no laughs, each, yes. - But now you're not paying them. - Yes. - So that's a 500 pound daiquiri. Respect, you guys are real ones. That's an expensive cocktail. That is an expensive cocktail. - JJ's not allowed to touch it. - Aye you guys are the alcoholics. - Why does it look like that bro? - They are down bad. - Is that Don Julio by the way? (laughs) Sorry. (continued laughing) - [Josh] The Sidemen clothing bro. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (laughs) - Why me? - 'Cause you were the only one to be gullible enough to turn around. Sorry bro. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry man, I'm sorry. (continued laughing) (upbeat music plays) - The next course is a black cod miso with caviar. - Brother, I feel for you. - JJ. - Oh, it looks good as well bro, it looks good, it looks good. - JJ, I don't even like black cod. - That's two people that don't like black cod. - It could be a game. - I'm gonna eat it anyway. - I'm actually getting something extra special. - So a game for one. - Was it set up then? - No, they just made it, they were ready. - [Josh] Yeah, because he was here bro. - Come on bro. Why are you getting so angry? Chill out. - What, they just had the magical non-fish dish prepared. - There's a guy, they're cooking live. - They had a magical non-fish dish ready, did they? - If IO get choke slammed through the table. - They're not getting the black cod, I'm still gonna eat it. Hold up, wait a minute. - What's that? You like fish, shut up. - I know, but what's that? - I like that more. - Eh yo, wait, if we choke slam Harry- - There's no, there's no, no, I'm eating mine. - If I get choke slammed through the table. - Through the fucking table man! - I've got three pieces of beef here. - We can get ours now anyway. - Yeah, good point. - I've got three pieces of beef, I'll give you some beef. For a choke slam. - [Harry] Oh shit, oh it's bad. It's really bad. - [Ethan] Yeah, I'm not eating it. - [Harry] It's really, really bad. It's really, really bad. - Not eating it. - Oh, it's bad. Oh it is bad. - Oh what the fuck. - What is it? - It's sardines on toast. - There's not a fucking chance that's going in my mouth. - You like sardines lad. - Is that with ketchup? - No, it's tomato sauce I think. - Oh my God. - That steak looks minty. - You wanna try some? - No I'm good. - If you've got a little bit. - Yeah, I'll try a bite. - I'm gonna go to the toilet and possibly hang myself. - Please don't do that. - Not sure about sardines everywhere bro. Bro it's so bad. I will have the bread though. - Is that good? - That is class. Oh yes, life is so good over here. - Watch out lads. - Oh no, come on man. - Fam, fam! - Lads. Harry. Look at your hands. Harry. That was just peak. Come on. - You know you said about switching things again- - Harry literally just assaulted Vik. - Harry, why me? - Bro, he was going for Toby. - To be fair, it was worth it then. - Look at us (laughs). - That was actually very worth it. - Harry. - That was so peak. - Would you offer sill stand? - Bro, we're eating out of Harry's hand. - We've just eaten out of Harry's hand. - It's peak on us. - You fingered my food but I'm still eating it. - Yeah I know you fucking are. - Did you see that dribble? - What just happened? - I ate a bone. - What can I do for you Josh? - Force him in the bin. - Get in the bin. - For what? - Just get in the bin. - For what? - You have to at this point. - Harry stole most of the food. - We've been model bad team students. - Ethan, if you and Harry force him in. - I don't think we could bro. - And, I'll get you a rum and coke. - I will literally just. - Do you reckon we could handle KSI dead weight and get him in the bin? - Two of you. - We could try. - It's literally just, what can they get off us? (unintelligible voices) (Laughing) - Fucking hell. - Can we get a rum and coke please? Would do you want Harry? Harry what do you want? From the bar. - Can we get the bottle of wine please? - A whole bottle? - Just give us a bottle. - Not after what he did to Vik. (laughs hysterically) Let 'em have one drink, one drink. (Laughs hysterically) - Do you know what's my favourite part? He laid down on the floor and he was like, they're not gonna do this. Then you started picking him up, then he started struggling. Then he realised he was actually going in the bin. - Oh my ribs. Oh my ribs. - Vik, I feel bad. How can I make up for the fact that- - No, it's fine, you've put him in the bin, that's made my day. That's made my day. - He dropped him head first bro. (continued laughing) - Harry, what actual drink do you want? - How did I get this low? - How's this happened then? Why am I moving then? - Where can we put him? - Oh, come on. No! Why! Oh Jesus! Jesus Christ! Why! I'm suffering! I'm suffering! I'm fucking suffering man. - Your drinks are there. - Yeah, so here's your Don Julio and that's your rum and coke. - Thank you very much. We did it! (claps) - This hasn't been a mukbang by the way, this has just been a shit show. - You all right? - I don't think I can get out. (lid slams closed) (laughing) - You hold that. - Here he is. - Welcome back JJ. - That's a great topic, I really enjoyed that one. - Yeah, fantastic topic. - You look like you've been in the bin. - Did you hear what our next meal is? - We have another meal? - No, ours. - They ordered three medium rare steaks and one medium. - Waigyu. - Waigyu as well, yeah. Tomorrow we're starting a new Sidemen channel, what is it? - We haven't even started Sidemen plants yet mate. - Plants! - Yeah. - Where do Sidemen plants come from? - From the Reddit post. - Sidemen baking. - Sidemen reviews. - That could be good you know, we review like food, like hotels, I mean we do that on the channel. - We don't review them, we use them. - Can we please not. - You don't want another channel? - No. We have enough. - I think this was a hypothetical situation. - Oh, this is the good rum. - It's Coho Canoe. - Why don't we do this, Sidemen Breathe. - And it's literally just us breathing. - We can just do like ten seconds of deep breaths. - Yeah. - So it's just like, on today's episode, Simon (breathes in). - Oh wait, seven days of the week, seven different blokes- - You'd have to breathe once a week. - One week. One week it's like heavy panting. - That's actually a good idea. - Sidemen ASMR. Just 10 minutes every day. - What, and JJ's episode is just him eating food? - Yeah, that's a thing. I saw there was an ASMR channel of a dog eating food. I'm like, who goes on YouTube and like- - Yeah, I swear that's bestiality. - What is wrong with this bro? - How is it bestiality? - It's a dog eating food bro. - Yeah but you're like listening to it. - Where does that come in? - Where have you had sex with an animal? - It just sounds sexual fam. - I've got a headache, I've drunk lots of alcohol. - His heads in the bin. Man said bestiality for listening to a dog eating food. - Yeah but it's like up close in your ear and everything. - So if a dog comes near your ear and starts breathing. - Come comes my ear, bro that's bestiality. - He did get you there. - Okay so if a dog is near your ear, it's breathing, yeah? He's near your ear and he's breathing, that's sexual to you? - It's kinda. - That's a you problem. - That is the road to bestiality for yourself. - Who's gonna have the first child? - Haven't we done this already? - I mean, it's Vik anyways, so we know that. (laughing) - Vik didn't say anything. - I might be. - Wait, hold up, what? Wait, what? Wait, wait, is she pregnant? - No. - Pregnant! (laughs) - Who would you say is? - I was gonna say Ethan. - I have a tendency to leave myself susceptible. - I mean, are you wearing condoms? - No. But I am in a relationship with women that takes contraception. - You're in a relationship? So everyone should stop DMing you? - No. (screams) - Did you say everyone should start DMing me? - He said stop. - I heard start, that's why I said no. Genuinely I thought you said start. - It was funny, we'll leave that in. - I thought you said start. - He'd didn't deny it ever though. What about you? - Nah mate, I'm waiting like 5 more years. - But you're impulsive though so one day you'll go, oh there's a kid. - You'll change your mind just like that. - You're waiting 5 years? - You'll have one crypto coin that goes to like 10 mil. - 27. - 27, so you want it at 32. - Maybe like 30, 31. - Okay, so not 5 years then? - That's close though, you know? - That's 3 years but you're actually really 28. - You're 28 really 'cause it's like a month. - Okay, no 32 sounds right. - My Mom had me at 26. - Does it feel right though? - So when your kid turns 18, you're gonna be 50. - Yeah but, I'll be a fit 50. - What does that mean? - You'll be a what? - I'll be good looking. (laughs) - What's gonna happen in the next 18 years then? - You just got put in the bin (laughs). - That was really good. That was really, really good. - Bro, he smoked you. He smoked you. - Because I think we should all plan to have little babies. - [KSI] At the same time? - Roughly, just so when they grow up they're the same age. - That will happen naturally there's enough of us. - I'm hoping Harry has a daughter and I have a son. - JJ, no, no, no, no. I'll leave the country. - But then it'd be gas. - No it won't be gas bro. - Every time I come round you'll be giving me eyes and I'll be like. - Do you want a drink Harry? - You'd be egging the kid on, have you seen Harry's daughter? - She's looking kinda fine though. - No! - It's a joke and it kinda. Cut it out, cut it out. - He's the weird uncle. - [KSI] I'm taking a piss. - I just think it'd be cool if they was all roughly the same age. If they was all roughly the same age that would be quite cool. - I feel like one of them would end up. - That's the risk you run. - They're brothers and sisters. - I think yeah, it'd be more of a vibe like no you don't go near. - You raise them like they're family. - He's not abiding by that rule at all bro. - This seems as if we all have girls by the way or like majority girls. - Side girls. - No we don't (unintelligible). - From childhood we're friends with them from a young kid so you never ever thought in that way. - Yeah, exactly, that's what I mean. - They must have like friends that are young girls. When you were young- - Josh, ask him if he has friends that are girls. - Are you friends with other girls. - I mean I talk to girls, kind of. - Are they your friends? - Sorry, that is my apologises. So who is your best friend that is a girl in school? - His Mum (laughs). - That was peak. - Eh yo Toby, that's not fair man. No, but bro, I didn't talk to girls anyway. I was in an all boys school. - He was right. - I was right. - I feel sorry for you man, it's fine. - I was in an all boys, you were in an all boys school. - I had friends that were girls. - I met his best friends that were girls. - Bitch, what now bitch? - I'm actually very drunk. Can we please eat that now. - Can we see that? Sir, sir. Sir, can we see it real quick? - No, you can't see anything. - Why are you saying no. I was there. I was there bro. - He couldn't hear you. He can't hear you. - How can you forget about me so quickly? I was literally there. Why is he ignoring me? - Crazy how they switch up on you. - That's how it goes bro, that's how it goes. That's life. (smooth jazz plays) - Harry, bring it over here. - Boys, you know what? It's surprisingly good. It's surprisingly good what we got here. I won't lie. We've got hot dogs, chips and burgers. It's actually all right bro. - Oh I love you Vik so much. - Oh okay. - It's a little bit sad looking. - I love you lot. - It was only Vik to be fair, wasn't it? - Nah, but you lot are great. - It's a bit depressing but it'll do, it'll do. - JJ, you want to try it? You want to try it? - Yeah go for it. Oh that is so good. - That bit of meat just slapped his hand bro. Such a foul noise. - Could've had the meat to be fair. - Hotdogs, burgers and chips. - Josh literally ignored the fact that it was me, all right? - You gain an inch on your penis but 100,000 random people die. - What? - Like random, you don't know who they are. You press a button, you gain an inch. - No. - No? - Don't need it. Yeah, I'll gain an inch. - What, you got a tiny cock? - Nah I just want a bigger dick. - Why? - [Toby] You'd kill 100,000 people for a bigger dick? - It's not enjoyable for females. - Why not? - Like, females won't want to sleep with you just because, like, it's too big. - 100,000 people. - My dick's already big, yeah I know but. - [Simon] Just one extra inch then. (giggling) You'd lose 3 inches of your height for every inch you add on your penis. - I might get in the bin. - I've been in twice, it's cool. - I'ma get in the bin. - It's actually quite comfy. - Can you pass my drinks once I go in the bin? - In you go. See you in a bit. - See you in a bit boys. - Josh, are there any games to play? - What, you want to try and get something? - All right boys, I'm in the bin. - I don't care at this point. (music plays on phone) - Sh sh sh wait sh. (Laughs) - Is he listening to prayer music? - What's this kid doing? - [Toby] He's got a drink. He's got a drink. - Oh my God! (crash) - [KSI] Oh fuck. Jesus Christ. - You shouldn't let these boys have alcohol. - Chill, chill, chill, chill. - Stop, stop, stop. - Oh shit, your glass. - His glass got shattered. - I'm so sorry lads. - My rum and coke is no longer in it. - Bro, bro. - [Harry] Which way am I going? - What'd he say? - Where am I going. - Oh okay, nice. - He thought he was being taken somewhere else. - Down the street, just leave him. - Oh my God. - Oh wait, he's got a drink in there, innit. (screams) - I swear to God, I swear to God, I swear to God, I swear to God, it's all over my- - Wait. (shouts) (laughing) - Is it in your hair? - We've still got dessert to go. - I was having a lovely time in the bin, it was quite relaxing. - All right, desserts are coming, so, want to change sides again? - Yes, please. Well, I haven't changed ever. - If there's an opportunity to yes. - So we'll do a game. I want you to think of the game. But I'm gonna nominate myself to leave for Ethan. - What? No! - No, I don't want your pity leaving. - [KSI] I'll take his pity leaving. - No you bitch, you fucking bitch. - I think he's had every bad holiday. - No, no, no, no, no, we do not do pity. - [Simon] Why don't they pick who's safe. - I'd do it. - You pick who's safe then. - I vote we say Vik stays 'cause he's been in our team at one- - We vote Vik stays. - No, I didn't vote for Vik. - There's 2 of them. (laughs) - Yeah, we vote Vik stays. - Okay, so it's the 1 v 1's again. - One v one slap game. - Simon verse JJ. - No I ain't doing the slap game again. My hand is still bruised. - Are you looking at me? I'm af bro, you wanna do that? I'll do it. American tennis style. - So what is it, first person just to pull out, To bail, yeah. - No one's bailing bro, no one's bailing. - You're gonna have to hit pretty hard bro. It's quick, quick fight is good. - I'm white, very white. - Oh mate, Ethan's - [Harry] Toby's got the flick of the wrist bro, he just swipes it. - Ethan's tensing every hit. - Ethan's going tomato bro. - Oh! That was a good one. - Jesus. - We're gonna be here all day. - Eh yo, Toby doesn't even look like he's trying. - Ah nah, it's a deal. - Toby stays! - I'm African! - Mate your hand! Bro, it's red as fuck. - I'm so white. - Eh yo, Simon? - [Simon] No. - You know what, no, Ethan, yeah, go on. Let me just take my apple juice. - Nah he doesn't want pity. - Look at his hand bro, nah he's gone through pain for it. - I'll take the pity. (laughs) - You can do it from there. - Ready? (cheers) - Denied. - You been enjoying yourself there? It's been good. - Pointing game again, let's go. - I'll go first. - Okay, okay, fair enough. - They're doing the same game again? - Redemption. - It's boring. Yeah but it was different people doing rock, paper, scissors. - Well we can do rock, paper, scissors if you want. - It's the two same people doing the same game. - We can do rock, paper, scissors. - Rock, paper, scissors. - Odds on out of 10, just going back and fourth until someone gets it. - That's also good. - Who's going first? - Simon goes first, he's on good team. - So you say, odds on you joining the bad team. - Okay, so. - All right, Miniminter, reverse of you joining the, this. - Okay, 10. - 10, all right. Three, two, one, two. - Nine. - Okay. - Okay. - Odds on joining, staying there. - Nine. - Okay, I'll give you seven. - He's taking it down, nah. - All right, three, two, one, six. - Seven. - So now you've gotta go. - Six or lower. - Odds on you joining the stinker team mate. - Five. - Five, okay. Three, two, one, two. - One. Odds on you staying there. - Four. - Three, two, one, four. - One. - Odds on you joining the mess. - Three. - Three, two, one, three. - One. - Odds on you staying there. So if I don't get this, we switch. Okay, wait. Okay. Three, two, one, two. - One. (cheers) - Welcome Harry, welcome. (upbeat music) - Desert is a chocolate boat. - Jeez, come on. - Distinguished gentleman, any chance that I can have a Don Julio shot please? Thank you, thank you. - Did you say distinguished gentleman? - Yeah. - As a team, we get through that. - This is great over here. - Is it better vibes here? - Yeah, well, it's just 'cause there's alcohol on tap. - Any way you turn is alcohol, even on the table there's alcohol. (unintelligible) - Mine's going off. - Hey guys, we did it. It disappeared. - You finished the whole Malibu? - Yes, it's gone. - And I was part of it. - This is nice. - This ice cream is mental. - I think it's a half drunk Fanta. - Just fuck off. - Oh actually. - I'm gassed. - [Harry] Thank you very much sir, I appreciate it. - Jeez. - Bro, you lot need to try this. - Chocolate Pati Falous. - You lot are laughing, this bangs. - It is actually good to be fair, quite small. - Yeah, and a flake. We also have a flake. - I feel bad for Ethan, he's not been here the whole time. - Just make a (mouths noise) noise. - Why is his mouth so wide? - No, I don't agree with it. I'd just throw up everywhere. - This panouf ice cream is genuinely my favourite ice cream I've ever eaten. - Shut the fuck up. - I'm not even joking, it's actually outrageous. - Wanna try it? - I've just had half a can of whipped cream in my mouth. - You gotta try it though. - No, I don't want it. - You do. - Thank you very much. - Wait what? Wait what? - Cunt said he's got one left. - He lied to us. - You know what, have mine. - He deserves it, the whole time he's been there. - For my bad team boy. I have a present for you. - I could cry. - I know, I know. Cry into that at least. - No, no, no ! You're a dickhead, you're a dickhead. - That is so rude. - The best part is, I listened to him, go and drink Harry's one now. He grabbed it. - That is so rude. - Our boys backed it as well. I said go steal Harry's - You don't drink that fast, ever. - Said steal Harry's and drink it. - [Vik] That is so rude. - For the record, it was pretty good. - You're a dickhead. You are a dickhead. - Like he hasn't already had 3. - Oh no. - I deserve that, you know. - [Simon] It's on the back of his head. - That's what I call a good day in the office lads. I've had fun at my table today. I am a resident of this table. I will only try things from this table. - Come try some. You'll feel better, I promise. - There is one more course. - Got another course? - What do you mean there's another course? - Oh, thank you very much. - [Toby] Is that the (unintelligible). Bro, it's so peng. - [Josh] Try it. - I don't want all of this. - Oh, oh my God. - Oh my God. - [Josh] You see why I wanted you to try it Behz? - Oh my fuck. Holy shit. - The desert's gonna take 20 minutes but apparently it's worth it. - That wasn't dessert? - This isn't desert? - There's something big coming. - All right, it's your birthday Harry, Happy Birthday mate. - Is that a condom? - So you have to bite and suck. - You say what? - [Ethan] So where do you bite? - Bite and suck. Where do you bite? - Nah, that's a condom man. - Oh shit, it's stuck to me. - That's a condom. - It's on my beard. - Is it edible? Is it edible helium? - JJ's seen that before. - Can I eat this? - Cum all over the fingers. - Oh yeah, I thought we've all had cum on our fingers. - What the fuck is that? - You go next, you go next, give it to him. - It lasts long. - Give it to Toby Jizzle. - Nice, made me happy, made me smile. - Nice. (unintelligible) (laughs) - I don't know if I was laughing more at the fucking cum on his lips. - What it does to your lips is rude. - Here we go, here we go, Vik's turn. - Oh he's sucking that. - I can't believe you've done this. - Want some big fat dick in your throat? - That's what I was waiting for. - An archive, that's one out of the archives, that is. - Harry I want to see you suck that like you've never sucked anything before. - Get in there, yam it. Oh, there we go. - Oh he smashed that. - Can I have another Don Julio please? (laughs) Wait is it, bro. (laughing) - Oh that's an image. - That is disgusting boys. For the culture, for the culture. - Oh he actually yammed. - You love big fat dick in your throat. - Fucks sake. - It hasn't changed. - It looks like a ball sack. - It does doesn't it. - Yam it. - Ew, it tastes like ass. - What ass have you been eating bro? - [Harry] Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. - [Ethan] Does it float if you like leave it. - [Josh] No. - You have to eat it like that. - The IT clown gone wrong. - Come here Georgie. - I feel like Spider man came on my hand. - Yeah, that doesn't look pretty. - You remember when Cal bought that yellow trench coat? That time when the movie came out. - Georgie. - You loved that. - Georgie. - This may be the most shit show mukbang that we've ever done in our life, you know. - I was just about to say, this might be, you could put a lot of this on second channel. - If we did that'd be hilarious. - There's so many moments. - Yam it, yam it quick! - Suck it, bite and suck it. - I'm sucking it. (laughs) - You're doing what? - I'm sucking it. - Yeah, you're doing what? - I'm sucking it. - Yeah! - I've sucked it. - Bro it looks like a condom's hanging out of his mouth. - Look at his face. - You're on your own fam. (laughing) - Aye cut. Aye cut. (laughing) - Jesus. - [Presenter] Sidemen, fight. (rap beat plays)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,207,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: UkwS_Ju3njI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 27sec (4887 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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