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- Good evening and welcome to another Sidemen Sunday, where today we will be playing what is definitely not "The Chase". (contestants laughing) - Your glasses all right, mate? - [Tobi] Mate, I'm struggling here. - They keep jumping up your nose. - What was he trying to do there? - Leave me alone. - It was getting higher and higher. (upbeat music) - I'm your host Tobi, and today, we are gonna introduce our contestants, starting from the left. - Josh. - [Voice Recording] Oh yes. (voice recording groaning) - What's your name? - Are you gonna tell them your name? - Ethan. - I'm Harry. - I'm Simon. (voice recording grunting) - And I'm JJ. I'm just gonna redo my thing. - Oh. - Oh, no. - Shut up woman! That kid is not my son! (everyone laughing) Shut up woman! That kid is not my son! - You've broken it. - You broke the speaker. So those are today's contestants, and now to introduce today's Chaser. We're all kormas and he's a vindaloo. Step in Vik. (dramatic music) (contestants laughing) Go up the stairs, mate. - You're meant to look cool. What are you doing? - [Simon] You're meant to look serious. - [JJ] Yeah, you're meant to look like a boss. (contestants laughing) - I'm liking the height. (laughs) - Vik, welcome to the show. - [Vik] Thank you. - What do you feel about your contestants for today? - I've seen them answer questions before, and wasn't great then, I don't think it'll be great now. - Hey, shut up! Don't you dare disrespect us like that. (voice recording laughing) (everyone laughing) - All right, today, first up, we are going to have Josh. Josh, if you'd like to step forward. (dramatic music) (contestants applauding) - Come on Josh, you can do it man. - What happens now? - So Josh, you're known as the dad of the group. I'm expecting you to lead by example. How do you think you're gonna do against Vik? - I go against him now? - Not yet. (Josh laughing) - Do you know the rules to this game? - I do, shut up. This is not "The Chase". You've got one minute-- - Brilliant, brilliant. - To get as many questions right as possible. - Okay. - Every question is gonna be worth £1000. - Okay, real money? - Real money. - Come on, come on bro. - [Josh] We've made money this year, we're doing this. - We need to do it. - Who's funding this? - It's going straight back to us. - Unless you get them all wrong, then you get no money. You get caught, you got no money. - Yeah, but we ain't getting caught, mate. - Look, I'm wearing Sidemen active wear. I'm gonna chase you down. - [Contestants] Whoa! - You should try that. (contestants laughing) - Josh, a minute to answer as many questions right as possible. Your time starts now. Where would someone go to get the best merch on YouTube? -, of course. - Correct, correct. (contestants clapping) Question number two, what is the discount code for this week? - Bingbong. So, B I N G B O N G. - Correct. What is the highest number on a roulette wheel? - 36. - Correct. In what year did the First World War begin? - 1914. - Correct. - Oh! - Bibliomania is the word for an obsession with what? - Books. - Correct. - Which American state has a name that ends with three vowels? - Indianapolis, that's not the right. - Incorrect. (Josh laughing) - In the 2015/16 season, Jamie Vardy broke the record for most competitive goals in consecutive games, previously held by what striker? - Alan Shearer. - Incorrect, Ruud van Nistelrooy. What word created by KSI in 2019 is said to mean you're so rich, you don't even need to look at price tags? - Whisper. - Bro, I don't even know. (contestants laughing) - Time! - Boom. - It's a bamgine. - The answer was bamgine, look, hey. - Oh, it's bamgine. You're so bamgine. - How did you forget this, bro? - Allow me, man. - You did well though. - You're supposed to cheat and help me, you know. - He couldn't, he didn't know. - A solid round Josh, a solid round. Five questions answered correctly, that's £5000 potentially in the bank. Now, it's your time to face the Chaser. (dramatic music) - [Contestant] Dun dun dun. - All right, so Vik, what options would you like to offer Josh today? - He's got 5000, which shows he was a bit of a roll there. Two of the questions were free though, so I'm not very impressed about you getting those. The other three, not bad. - You weren't impressed by - Oo! - What was that? - Oo! I want his percent. (contestants laughing) All right, so what would you like to offer him, Vik? - Yeah, he's good at general knowledge, so, I want him to risk it for the biscuit, so, I'm gonna throw down, a cool £25000-- - Jesus! - On the top. - 25000. - On the top spot. - Okay. - We're paying, hopefully, hopefully you don't get caught. - And for him to get one step away from you? - You know what, I don't want him to be boring about it, so he can have 2000. - [Tobi] 2000. - 2000 for a step away. - That's not bad though. - That's not too bad. - It's not bad. - 2000 for a step away. - Josh, if you'd like to confer with your team. - What do I do, team? - Hey, go for 25, bro, 25000. - I think we want you back here. - [Josh] I wanna be in the video actually. - Nah bro, I think you're smart enough. - I think you go for the five. - I think you stick. - Neutral ground. - 25000, you are smart. - Neutral ground, stick. - [Josh] Yeah, but I wanna be in the video. If I lose-- - Yeah, but you will still be in the video. - Actually, look, there's five of us here-- - Vik is dumb as hell. - You get five, we all take a K. - [Josh] There's four of you, though. - Yeah, plus you. - No bro, you got this. - Come on, you've got this. - Five. - Stick. - All right, Josh. - I'ma stick where I am. - Boo. - Good choice, good choice. - [Tobi] You're gonna stick with 5000? - Boo! - [Tobi] Whose team are you on? - You don't get any of it. - I'm trying to get some cash, guys, I'm sorry. - [Tobi] Okay, okay. - Well, you're losing cash if he takes money home, 'cause it's all of our money. - Yeah, but now it's split between five of us, instead of seven. - Yeah. - Josh, are you ready? - No, but yes. - Vik, the last time you chased someone, they got away with your phone. (contestants laughing) I'm hoping you're gonna do better this time. - It's 'cause he wasn't wearing Sidemen Clothing active wear. - Last time-- - Ah, - But you can't get it anymore. - But you can get other stuff on - Question number one. The Scottish play is a euphemism for which work of Shakespeare? Is it A, "Hamlet", B, "Romeo and Juliet", or C, "Macbeth"? (dramatic music) - C, "Macbeth". - Very quick, confident answer there, and it's the right one. - Yes! (contestants clapping) - Bring him home! - Yeah! - You get one step away from the chaser. ♪ It's coming home ♪ ♪ It's coming home ♪ ♪ It's coming ♪ - [Tobi] You've got one quest right, settle. - Did you say daddy's coming home? - Money. - Oh. - Oh God. - I don't care about my dad, I care about money. (contestants laughing) - He gave up on the dad a while ago. (contestants laughing) - So, Josh got the first one right, now it's time to take a look at the Chaser's answer. - I knew that, it was easy. (contestants laughing) - So, after the first question, distance remains the same. Question number two. The name of which mammal is also the British slang term for £500? Is it A, a cat, B, a monkey, C, a giraffe? Submit your answer. - Can't be giraffes, bro. - Come on, time's going, time's going, time's going. - B? - Josh has gone with B, and it's the right answer, a monkey. One step away from the Chaser, but now it's time to see what he put. - There's no way he got that. - You don't know anything about slang. - It was, it was B. - [Tobi] It was what? - It was B, a monkey. - What'd you call me? - Why's that? - So there's the saying "I put a monkey on the horses." You ever heard that? - [Josh] What'd you do that for? (laughs) - It's just a saying. - Shall we put a Josh on the horse? - It's just a saying. - Question number three. The MI in MI5 stands for what? - S to the fucking T! (contestants laughing) - Is it A, military intelligence, B, Majesty's intelligence, or C, mission impossible? (contestant singing) (dramatic music) (Josh singing) (Vik singing) (Josh and Tobi laughing) Josh, what's your answer? - A. - A. - Military intelligence, please. - Are you 100% sure about that? - Yeah, 99.9. - Not Mission Impossible? - No, I thought about it, but-- - But what? - Vik sung the song, so, put me off. - I can inform you that A is indeed the correct answer. You take one step away from the Chaser. - You can never get this. - Now it's time to see what the Chaser put. - Yeah, A. - How does he get every time? He gets it every time. - Josh, you need to get two more questions right to successfully get back to your team. - And stay in the video. - With all the money, and stay in the video. - Can you give him a hard one? These have been easy. (contestants groaning) - He doesn't rate you. - He's doing this again. - He doesn't rate you. In "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" - Oh, bloody hell. I don't play "Zelda". - How many races are there? - What, what does that mean? As in human races? Or like races, like you do races, like this? - Is it A, 5-- - What do you mean? - B, 6, or C, 7? (dramatic music) All right, you've locked in your answer, Josh. Would you like to tell everyone what you went with? - B, 6. - B. Is that just a guess? You got a little hunch or? - It's the middle, init? (Josh and Tobi laughing) - You've been on a good streak, Josh. - But? - And the streak continues, you've got it right. Fantastic, 6. Now it's time to see what the Chaser put. Please, get it wrong. - I went with the middle answer as well. (contestants groaning) I had no idea, but middle is safe. - What do the letters ASOS stand for? (contestants groaning) - [Contestant] I know it, I know it. - Is it A, all sold on site, B, as seen on screen, or C, a shop of shoes? (contestants laughing) (dramatic music) You've locked in your answer, Josh. Would you like to tell everyone what you've gone with? - B, as seen on screen. - This is a vital question. - Bring it home, come on. - Hugely important. - Come on. - Bring it home. - This secures the bag. What are you doing? - Making it come home. - Well it's working, 'cause you got it right. (contestants cheering and applauding) - I'm in the video, I'm in the video. - [Tobi] You've made it, you made it! - Well done, boy! - But you could have won 25K. - Yeah, you actually could have. - I told you bro. - You could have got 25. - I told you. - You could have. - You should have backed yourself more. - Wait, you didn't back him, so why is he gonna back him? - Of course I didn't back him, but I didn't think he could pull it off. - It doesn't matter what you put, because he's got away from you, so do a better job next time. You couldn't have done any better, really, could you? - No. - Josh, if you'd like to rejoin your team. Well done, - I'm not done with you. - You've secured £5000. - Yes! - Fantastic. - Oh no, we've got Ethan next. - Ethan, if you'd like to join me up here. Give him a round of applause please, ladies and gentlemen. - Come on, lads. - You've got this, man. - Yes! - Welcome, welcome, welcome. - You all right? (contestants and Vik laughing) - Ethan, how are you feeling today, buddy? - Not too confident. - Are you feeling challenged by this? - Yeah, I suppose so. (contestants laughing) I'm vertically challenged, mentally challenged, and dad challenged, but. - Can I set you another challenge? - Dad challenged. - [Ethan] What? - Dad. - For the rest of this video, we don't want to see you flex or talk about your weight loss, or anything. - Or your beard. - Or your beard. Just no stunting on us. - All right. - Can you do that for me? - I got that. - Are you sure? - Wakanda forever, let's go. - That was a subtle flex. (contestants laughing) That was a subtle flex. Ethan, you have one minute to get as many questions right as possible. - Yeah. - I'd prefer it if you didn't pass. - Okay. - Your time starts now. What is the capital city of Turkey? - Istanbul. - Incorrect, it's Ankara. Where is the smallest bone in the human body? - I don't know, hip. - No, ear. (laughs) Which two colours mixed together make purple? - Red and blue. - Correct. What is the name for a group of fish? - A school. - Yeah, I'll give you that, I'll give you that. - Is it a school is a fish? - [Contestant] Shoal. - Shoal, school. - All right, whatever. Zerkaa is said to be the unofficial founder of what group? - The Sidemen. - [Tobi] No FaZe Clan. - [Ethan] Oh. - Counting upwards after seven, what is the next prime number? (contestants laughing) - Oh, boy. - Nine. - (laughs) 11. On what planet was Superman born? - Uranus. (contestants laughing) - Incorrect, Krypton. The shortest day of the year is known as the winter what? - Is coming. (everyone laughing) - Solstice. How many siblings do I have? - Three. - Five! - [Simon] Come on man! - [JJ] Oh man. - [Simon] Three? - Winter is coming. - You've met them all, you've met them all, man. - I fucked that up. - I mean it wasn't, you got a few. - [Ethan] I got two. - Ethan, you've come away from that round with a solid two. That's £2000, potentially, (Simon cheering and clapping) but more unlikely, in the bank after that performance. - Right, yeah, all right. (laughs) Thanks, thank host. - Chaser, what do we think of that? - Not impressive. - [Tobi] Did you expect more? - Entertaining answers for sure, but not impressive. So, I'm gonna give you something to reach for at the top. - Bro, you'd better be putting like 100 racks down right now. Something like that, entice me. - I'll meet you halfway, 50 racks. - 50 racks bro! - 50 racks! - Oh fam, you gotta do that. - 50 racks for the top spot. - He's gonna give you 50 racks to go closer to him. - Yeah, and you're gonna give me? - And how much to run away? - One. - One what, rack or £1? - £1. - Oh, okay. - Well then. There's no point in doing that, mate. (laughs) You might as well go. - Hey guys, what should I do? - 50K. - [Ethan] You guys are just-- - We don't want you back for £1. - Essentially £1. - £1. Are you serious? - What's the point? - We don't want you back for £1. (laughs) - To be fair you're probably, let me go for the 50, because it's probably better me not being there for the 90 second thing, 'cause I'll just ruin it for you. - Mate, you know he's got a point. - Yeah, go 50. - Shall I sacrifice? - Go for 50. - I think-- - No, don't say that. - I think you got this. Yeah, I think you got this. - Just go with 50 and do well. - You don't need to hit the buzzer. What do you wanna go for? - 50 big ones. - 50 big ones. - Oi oi oi. - All right, all right. Ethan, are you ready to take on the Chaser for 50-- - Not at all. - 50 big ones? - Not at all. No, not at all, for the 50 big smackaroonies. - You need to answer, one, two, three, four, five, six questions. - You got this, you got this, you got this. - [Tobi] Correctly. - What, against him, that got every single one right last time. - Question number one. What is the most popular surname in Britain? - Smith. I've ruined the game show here. (contestants laughing) I've ruined the game show here. - It's hard up there, trust me. - [Ethan] I've ruined the game show. - Well played, man. - Do you know what, yeah, I'll give you that, because you didn't take any of the options. Let's bring him one away from the Chaser. Fuck it. (contestants cheering and applauding) - [Ethan] Is it the answer? - It's Smith. - Oh yeah! - I love that, I love that from you. - Hey, 50 big ones, hey! - No, no, you stay there, you stay at the top. - [Vik] Mate. - What, no, no, no, no, you stay there. - [Vik] What, wait, what? - Hey, he answered it with no options. - I didn't put 50 bags on the line for him to get a free pass. - It's my game show. - Hey, shh! - This is not "The Chase". I make the rules. - Shh! - Vik, I wouldn't be-- - I've been frauded. - I wouldn't be worried, you're gonna catch him. (contestants laughing) - You've frauded. Go on, answer the next one before he gives you the options, I dare you. - Doing "Fortnite" dances back. - I can take your point away. - Okay, okay, I'm sorry. - Question number two, to the nearest thousand, what is the diameter of the Earth? - (laughs) Not a chance. (laughs) - Is it A, 8000 kilometres, B, 10000 kilometres, or C, 12000 kilometres? (dramatic music) Ethan, you've locked in your answer. Would you like to tell everyone what you've chosen? - I'm gonna go with C, because it's massive. (Tobi laughing) - It's good logic, good logic. - Yeah, fair enough. - Good logic. - I can't imagine it being 8000 kilometres. - Nah, that's little. - Yeah, it's tiny, isn't it? - I've run 5K, and I'm just thinking in my head, I'm just thinking in my head like, I'm just thinking in my head like, how many 5Ks to get around the planet? - Oh my God. - It's probably like 12, right? (laughs) I've got it wrong, haven't I, Chaser? (Tobi laughing) (contestants laughing) - There's a chance, one in three. - I can reveal that, that is the wrong answer. - All right, can I try again? (everyone laughing) Is it A? (laughs) A. - The answer is indeed, A. - Ah, bum. - 8000 kilometres. Ethan, you stay where you are. Let's take a look at what the Chaser chose. - Yeah, I knew the distance to LA, and that's around, so. Actually, do I know the distance to LA? - This might be the dumbest Chaser ever. - Bro. Hey, if he doesn't know-- - Is it 7000 kilometres? - He's frauded himself here. - Is it 7000 kilometres? - Keep him up there. - [Vik] Is it 7000 kilometres? - What, to LA? - To LA? - Yeah. - You're bugging. - To LA? - Oh no, five and a half. - No, I know this, 'cause I matched a girl on Tinder, and now it said 3940 something kilometres away. - What, she ran away? (laughs) - No, no, she stayed in LA and I come back. - He's still playing "The Chase" with her. (laughs) - Definitely not "The Chase". - Well I frauded my way into that answer but-- - Well done, mate. - Yeah. - [Tobi] So the Chaser takes one step closer to you, Ethan. - Yep. Come on big boy, let's have it. - Well you'll lose your money if we do. - Question number three, Wroetoshaw had a clip go viral, after hitting his mom in the face with what object? Is it, A, an Xbox controller, B, a football, or C, a chair? (dramatic music) Ethan, you've locked in your answer. Would you like to tell us? - The football. - The football? - The football. - You're 100% certain? No doubt. - 100% certain it's the football, right? - I think so. - Yeah, yeah, I think so. - It's the football. - You think so? - I think it's the football. - You think? I can inform you that, that is the correct answer. - Hey, yes! - You take one step closer Ethan. - Yeah, I never would have guessed that. - Time to see what the Chaser put. - Perhaps the pinnacle of Harry's career, so. - (laughs) Oh! - Had to go for it. - [Tobi] You gonna take that? - I thought that was, is that an insult or a compliment? Oh, it's an insult. Oh, fuck you! (everyone laughing) - Question number four. In Monopoly, what prize is given for finishing second in a beauty contest? Is it A, $10, B, $20, or C, $50? (dramatic music) You don't look confident. (Ethan groaning) (laughs) Nice. What's your answer, Ethan? - It's gonna be, $20, B. - [Tobi] JJ's nodding his head. Are you in agreement? - Because I've seen bigger prizes, when you go, when you draw out a chest, I've seen bigger ones, and I don't think a makeup contest is that big. - Chaser, I'm gonna ask you for your answer now. - Yeah, it's gonna be A, 10. - [Tobi] A, 10. - Yeah, second place. Maybe first place will get you 20. - It's looking ropey for you, bro. - Oh no. - It's the wrong answer, it's A, $10, which means the Chaser takes a step closer. (tense music) (contestants groaning) - We're gonna lose Ethan. - You can't afford to slip up again. - But this was the plan guys, he's sacrificing himself. - Yeah, to be fair, this was always, because I'm just gonna hold you back later on, so. (contestants laughing) - Question number five. What do cows drink? (laughs) - [Ethan] (laughs) Is this a joke? - [Harry] Go on Ethan, mate. - [Ethan] Is this a joke? - You got this. - You're making a mockery of this show. - [JJ] He's not clever. - It's not "The Chase", so it doesn't matter. - Is it A, milk, B, water, or C, pina coladas? (everyone laughing) (dramatic music) You beat the Chaser to that one, well done. Now it's time to see if you got it right. What have you chosen? - A milk. - You fucking idiot! - Oh my God! - You idiot! - Oh my God. (contestants yelling) - (laughs) You're joking, you're joking. (Simon yelling) - He's actually dumb. - Oh my God! (JJ laughing) - He turned around-- - I was like surely-- - And fist bumped. - He's not gonna do it, surely not. - He turned around and fist bumped. - [JJ] Bro. (laughs) - Stop flexing! - No! (laughs) - That's a flex, Ethan. - That has to be the best way anyone has lost 50 grand in their entire life. - [Ethan] I'm finished, I'm finished. (everyone laughing) - You couldn't write this. - Do you know what the thing is as well? - Face the cameras. - I saw that on one of Yung Filly's videos, it was one of them trick questions. - Yeah, it's a classic trick question. - You say like you spilled milk. - He said it with his chest as well. - Milk, he's there like, hey! - Milk! - Milk. - Milk. (contestants laughing) - Well, see you later lads. I told ya, it's time to go. - It might be right, it might be right. - The Chaser might not have got it, you never know. - Yeah, the Chaser might have got it wrong. - Chaser might have fucked that one up. - Ethan, go away bro, just go. (contestants laughing and clapping) - All the way away. - Wow. - You're like insulted, mate. - I thought that was an easy one. Am I wrong? - I thought you were making a mockery of the show. - Wait, did the Chaser get it right? - What did the Chaser put? - While a cow could drink milk or pina coladas, they tend to drink water. - Harry, welcome to the show. Stop looking at the answers, you little shit. All right Harry, how are you feeling today? - I'm feeling confident. - Feeling confident? - Feeling confident, yes. I can't do worse than Ethan, so. (everyone laughing) - You really can't, you just can't. - Good confidence booster for the rest of the team. (JJ laughing) Of course, first up you have the quick fire questions. - Okay. - A minute to answer them, and every correct answer is £1000. Are you ready? - I'm ready. - Your timer starts. - (laughs) Look at him, he's so lost. - Where am I looking, where am I looking? - Wherever you want. - Anywhere mate. - Look at the floor, if you want. Look at the ceiling, you're fine. - Your timer starts now. How many events are there in a decathlon? - 10. - Correct. Which household spice is also the Hungarian word for pepper? - Cumin. - Incorrect, paprika. What is the capital of Poland? - Warsaw. - Correct. - Nice. - What is currently the most disliked video on YouTube? - (yells) YouTube Rewind? - Which one? - The latest one. - Correct, 2018. What is the name of the character played by KSI, in "Laid In America"? Don't look at him! Don't look at him! He doesn't know. - I don't know, Carl. - [Tobi] Duncan. (contestants laughing) - Carl. - How many teeth should a normal adult have? - 27. - No, 32. - Oh. - Who was the founder of "Playboy" magazine? - Hugh Hefner. - Correct. - In which month does spring officially begin? - April? - No, March. In summer 2018, which YouTuber released a song called "Vibranium"? - Chunkz. - Correct. What is the name of the knee length skirt traditionally worn by men as part of Scottish Highland dress? - Kilts. - Correct. In football, which country won the 2018 World Cup? - USA. Oh no, that's this year. - Incorrect. That's time. (contestants clapping) Harry, a respectable score of six. The most so far. Beaten Josh even. - We lost six bags. - It's time for you to take on the Chaser, but first, let's find out what he's willing to offer you. What do you think of his performance? - Pretty impressive actually. A slip up or two. I like the idea of putting a big prize on the line, but he's known for his fun facts. He knows a lot of random, interesting facts that could crop up in these questions, so I'm gonna put 20000 down on the top option for you. - [Harry] Okay. - And what about the bottom option? - Now, I don't wanna see you run away with this one, so we're just gonna put 2000 down the bottom. So it's not gonna do you much, if you're all the way down there. - Stick to your six. - [Harry] I'm thinking the six. - Yeah, stick with the six. - Stick with the six. - Stick with the six. - Try and secure the bag. - [Harry] All right. - Come home to the boys. - We need you back. - I'm gonna take the medium option and go with six. - Good choice. (contestants applauding) (voice recording groaning) - Oh, I've lent on that. - Your team seem happy with your decision. Now it's time to see if it's gonna pay off. Question number one. Mardi Gras festival takes place in which American city? Is it A, Miami, B, New Orleans, or C, Las Vegas? (dramatic music) You've locked in your answer. Would you like to tell everyone what you've chosen? - I'm gonna go B, I'm gonna go B. - You're going B? - I'm gonna go B. - Vik, your answer. - I also locked in B, New Orleans. French, I believe. - I can reveal that both of you have indeed got that question right, so Harry, you'll be progressing down the board, one step closer to safety. Question number two. Butter bean is another name for which type of bean? Is it A, pinto bean, B, lima bean, or C, kidney bean? (dramatic music) You've both locked in your answers. Harry, would you like to reveal your answer? - I thought it was gonna be, you know Butterbean the fighter? - Yeah, yeah, that's what I was thinking. - Yeah, I was like I got this one, I got this one. I'm just guess with A, pinto bean. - Pinto is the answer you'd like to go with? - Yeah, but I don't know. - I'm gonna go with B, lima bean. - I can reveal that the answer is indeed lima bean. Harry, you stay where you are. The Chaser takes one step closer. - [Harry] How do you know? - I know it wasn't the other two because they're Mexican. They're Mexican dishes. - Question number three. What sport is Jenson Button associated with? Is it A, motor sport, B, professional button pressing, or C, athletics? (dramatic music) - He lives down the street from me. - No he doesn't. - He does, in Guernsey. - Noway! - And he is an F1 driver, if I'm not mistaken. - So your answer is? - The A. - Motorsport. - The A, yeah. - The A. - The A. - The A. - Vik, did you go with the A? - I locked in the A. - Time to see if the A is the right answer. It is, you take one step closer. Your team are very happy with you. - Go on! - Love that from you. - In American football, a touchdown is worth how many points? A, four, B, five, or C, six. I'm gonna need your answers locked in, boys. Lock in at the same time. Harry, what you going with? - A touchdown is worth-- - You know when you lock in your answer, you're meant to already know what you're saying. - I don't, I'm just hitting them for the sake of it. I'm gonna go with (stutters) five, B, no, six, C. - So which one? - C, I'm going C. - Vik. - I also went for C, C. Four or six, I think six. - You think six? - That's what I went with. - [Tobi] Is it four or six? - I thought it could be either, but I went with six. - He's not getting any closer to you, but you are getting one step closer to your team-- - Come on! - With £6000, Harry. Another one right, I love that from you. - Thank you, man. - What colour is a Welsh poppy? Is it A, red, B, yellow, or C, blue? (dramatic music) You've locked in your answer. Would you like to tell us? - Red's too obvious, I think, that's a normal poppy. I don't know any flowers that are blue, other than bluebells, and they're kind of purple, so by process of elimination, it's B. - Logical thinker, I like it. Vik, what answer have you gone with? - Also B, the yellow poppy. - Are you sure you're just not copying him? - (laughs) I'm sure. There's another, the flower of Wales is yellow. - [Tobi] All right, lad. - Yellow poppy. - But it's a red dragon. - The flag is a red dragon, but if we're talking, we're not talking dragons here. - It's also a dragon, not a flower. (laughs) - I also like Charizard. (everyone laughing) He's pretty cool. - He is cool, to be fair. - Harry, you're two questions away from safety. If you get this right, just one more step. - Okay. - Quick maths. I can indeed reveal that you're one step closer to safety, Harry. Start stuff there. - Come on! - Six bags coming home. - One more. - I'm gonna need a difficult question, chief. - Which of these is illegal in Hawaii? - I've been Hawaii. - Nice, thank you. (contestants laughing) Is it A, billboards, B, hair spray, or C, electronic grills? Answers locked in. What've you gone with, Harry? - I'm gonna go with electronic grills, it seems like quite a thing they'd be against in Hawaii for some reason. - Why? - I don't know. - Hawaii. - I feel like they do a lot of barbecues-- - See what you did there? - There's maybe some kind of law against it, causes fires or something. - Against electronic grills. - What would you have said? - I would have said A. - Chaser. - I feel like I saw billboards. - Chaser, what have you gone with? - I'm gonna go with A. It was online, it was one of those weird things that aren't allowed in certain places. - [Tobi] Harry, you stay where you are. The Chaser gets one step closer. - Oh boy. - If I get this wrong-- - That's it. - And he gets it right, curtains. - That's it, it's over. - It's curtains. - What is the currency used in India? - [Contestant] Come on. - Mate, look who's the Chaser. - Let me hear your thoughts. - [Harry] Look who's the chaser. - It doesn't matter. If you get it right, you get away. Let me give the options. - You should know this. - Is it A, loopy, B, rupee, or C, poopy? (dramatic music) (Tobi laughing) - Yes! All right. - Tell us the answer. - I believe it's rupee. - B, you're going with B. - It's B for rupee. - Is that your final answer? I'll give you a chance to change it. - No-- - You're happy with rupee? - I'm sticking with rupee. ♪ It's coming home ♪ - [Tobi] Chaser, you look stressed out over there. What's the answer? - It's B. - It's B? It's B, Harry, you may go back to your team. - Come on! - Love it! - Yes! - £6000 in the bank. - No? (contestants laughing) - I just realised, I was chanting the whole time, and I was like, I don't get it. - Guys, you've got £11000 in the bank, and next up, Simon, take a step forward. - I love that. - Clap for him, man. What kind of teammates, come on. How are you feeling today, Simon? - Great, and you look amazing. - That's not gonna change the questions, they're already down on the sheet. A minute to answer as many questions as you possibly can. - Okay. - £1000 for each question. - Okay. - Are you ready? - Come on. - Come on, man. - Yes. Is that one? - No. (laughs) - Okay. (laughs) - All right, the time starts now. What do the initials YMCA stand for? - Your childhood mother's arsehole. - Wrong, Young Man's Christian Association. - Okay. - What is the largest ocean? - The Pacific. - Correct. In Britain, in which month does the longest day of the year occur? - June. - Correct. In which South East Asian country is the village Sideman located? - Indonesia. - Correct. - Yes! - How many years in a millennium? - 1000. - Correct. A prune is what type of fruit dried? - A date. - A plum. In the Sidemen Tinder video, Harry is said to have a minor what? - Drug addiction, or drug problem. - Correct. What is the 20th letter of the alphabet? - V. - T. In the "Simpsons", what character is allergic to milk? To regular milk. - Lisa? - Milhouse. - Oh yeah! - What is Canada's motto? - Mooses, hey? - (laughs) "From sea to sea". (groans) You've run out of time. Mooses, hey? - I don't, it's "From sea to sea"? - You're meant to be Canadian. Simon, you managed to secure yourself £5000 so far. Good performance. - Bring it home. - Round of applause, please. Come on, come on. - Bring it home. - Bring the piggies home. - All right, it's time for you to face up to the Chaser. Vik. - [Vik] Hello. - [Tobi] Looking stern up there. What'd you think of Simon's performance? - Average. - It was pretty impressive. - Average? - Average. - [Tobi] At best? - Not at best, just average. - Oo! - Ah. - Bit harsh, init? - What would you like to offer Simon to take one step closer to you? - He knows his general knowledge, so I'm gonna go with a cool, but I am annoyed that people keep making it to the bottom-- - Just give me a number. - So we're gonna go with 35000. - 35 bags. - [Vik] For the top dog spot, if you're feeling brave. - No one's had an offer this high since Ethan. And to take one step away from you and pussy out, what would you like him to choose? - Not impressive at all, 1000. - £1000. - Have that. - Confer with your team please, Simon. - Well, the 35 then. - I recon you-- - 35. - I think you do the 35. - You've just got five of those questions right. He's not catching five steps on you, I don't think. - And he's due a wrong answer as well. He's not gonna get everything right, so I think-- - He's just been copying everyone, to be fair. - Is there even proof he's getting these questions right? - I've chosen different answers to people who've then got them wrong. (laughs) - I'd say 35, mate. - 35 mate. - I'd say five, because I'm safe. - Risk it, mate. - Yeah, but I want more of us here. More tension. - We need an answer from you, Simon. - We need some more cash, bro. - Yeah, you know what, Ethan didn't bring anything home, so I think I'm gonna have to try and get a higher amount, so I'm gonna go 35. - Yes! - You're brave. - Come on! - Let's go! - More hype, come on, more hype, more hype. (contestants cheering and applauding) - You went against my answer, yeah. - What do you think of that, Chaser? Someone's stepping up to the table. - You love to see it. - Just saying, Josh got offered 5K and they all said take the five. (laughs) - It's because we've got more faith in you. - Yeah. - Oh okay. - Question number one. What two planets in the solar system are typically synonymous with men and women? Is it A, Jupiter and Saturn, B, Mercury and Pluto, or C, Venus and Mars? (dramatic music) Answers both locked in. Simon, what have you chosen? - C, Venus and Mars. - Chaser. - Also C, Venus and Mars. - I can indeed reveal that you've both got that right. Simon, you're one step closer. - Cash! - Come on! - Question number two. As of the end of 2018, who was the world's richest man? Is it A, Jeff Bezos, B, Bill Gates, or C, KSI? (Ethan laughing) (dramatic music) Answers locked in, boys. Simon. - Going with B, Bill Gates. - Yo wait, hold on. - Wait, wait. - Hold up. - I thought he got divorced and lost half his money, by the time he did that. - Wait. - It's C. - I don't know about this conferring, I think that sounds like a lot of conferring. - [Tobi] Why are we conferring? - Sorry, sorry. - You're breaking the rules. - I just wanted to make sure it wasn't KSI. - It was KSI. - It was. (Ethan laughing) Come on. - I'm gonna stick with B, I'm gonna stick with B. - You're gonna stick with B? - Yeah, his chain is fake. - You're 100% sure you're gonna stick with B? - This mother is, my chain ain't fake, bitch. - [Tobi] Chaser, you've gone with what? - A, Bezos. - I thought he got a divorce and lost half his money. - That was this year. - That was this year, end of 2018. - That was this year, fam. - That was this year? - Yes. - I still think he still might be the richest man in the world. - Bill Gates donated half of his money, didn't he? - The answer's Jeff Bezos, it's wrong. Simon, the Chaser takes one step closer to you. - Got a long way to go, with me right there. - Hey, yo, piss off, man. Stop being a prick. (Vik laughing) Yeah, I got you, bro. - Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing what? Is it A, the church bell, B, the telegraph, or C, the telephone? (dramatic music) - Not gonna lie, when you said it, I thought he was a cricketer, but C. - You're going with C, telephone. Chaser, what have you gone with? - C, the telephone. - You're annoying, just get one wrong. Get one wrong. You're both right, you're both right. It's boring. - Yeah! (contestants clapping) - Thanks guys. - The election of a new pope is announced by what colour smoke? Is it A, grey, B, black, or C, white? (dramatic music) - C, white. - [Tobi] Chaser, what have you picked? - Also C. - Init, just copies me. Tell him off. - You didn't pick C, stop lying. It says A on screen. - Wait, unless A's right. - No, no, he picked A, you picked C. - Okay. - Why you lying? - (laughs) I picked C. - No. - It says it there, to be fair. - Can everyone not see this? - I mean, I do see that, yeah. - Yeah, I can see you picked the wrong answer there, mate. - [Tobi] Shameful. - You must have pressed the wrong button. There are quite a few. - [Vik] Glitched, system glitched. - Simon, you've got that one right, one step away from the Chaser, who clearly picked A. Shameful. - He had to get sabotaged at some point. You had to do something. - Don't expose me. Don't expose me. Simon, three more questions and you're safe with £35000. - [Simon] Racks. - In poker, which of these hands ranks the highest? Is it A, flush, B, four of a kind, or C, full house? (dramatic music) - Pretty certain it's four of a kind. - Pretty certain? - Yes. - That's why you've chosen it, obviously. - Yeah. - Chaser, what have you picked? - You're gonna say I'm copying his answer, but B, four of a kind. That is the best hand of the three. - You sure you pressed the right button? - I think you picked full house. (contestants laughing) I think you're lying here. - I think you think cows drink milk. (contestants yelling) - That's that compilation again, we're in there. More Simon compilation coming soon. - The answer is indeed four of a kind. Simon, almost there, two more. Chaser hot on your tail. - I'm gonna need a difficult question, please! - You getting bored up there? All right, I've got one for you, I've got one for you, I've got one for you. - Give him a question that involves going outside. - The Sea of Tranquillity is found on which astronomical body? Is it A, Mars, B, the Moon, or C, the Sun? (dramatic music) - [Harry] Anytime, mate. - [Ethan] Oh, is he stumped? Is he stumped? - [Josh] He's still thinking. - I ain't got a clue, the Moon. Doesn't sound like it. - It doesn't sound like he went for anything right now. What did you go for? - Sounds like you ran out of time. - You went for Mars? - Mars. - Vik can't beat you. - It's a star, not a planet. And you, pipe down. - Simon, Simon, Simon, Simon. You went for the Moon. ♪ It's coming home ♪ - You reached for the moon, so that if you fall, you land on the stars. - Cheese and that. The moon. - Stop. - It's gotta have a sea in it. - Stop. Vik. - It's got a sea and cheese. - The Chaser, you went for Mars. Bro, you be tripping, bro. - [JJ] Hey. - It's the moon. (contestants cheering) It's the moon. The Chaser slips up. The Chaser slips up. I think that's the first legit slip up. - Yes, it is. I didn't know that one. - The final question, to secure 35000 bags. - [Josh] Bring back the bags. - Bouncing like Vik. What is the tallest mountain in Canada? - I ain't got a clue. - Is it A-- - C to the C. - Jake, B, Logan, or C, JJ? (dramatic music) (everyone laughing) Come on! - Fuck these questions. - Both answers have been locked in. I don't know what you pressed, bro, but what's your answer, Simon? - A. - You've gone with A, Jake. Vik, what have you gone with? - B, Mount Logan. - [Josh] I think he's got it. - Logan is bigger than Jake. - [Ethan] Oh. (Harry laughing) - You fucked up here, Simon. You fucked up. - Is it Logan? - It's Logan. (contestants groaning) - It's all right, Logan-- - Takes your another turn. - You've got two chances. You've still got two chances. - One slip up, but you can secure the bag here. With what sport would you associate Colin Montgomerie? - Yes. (dramatic music) - Is it A, cricket, B, tennis, or C, golf? (dramatic music) You've locked in your answer multiple times. He's locked in his answer now. - What's his answer? - What's your answer? - I'm gonna go with golf, C. - You've gone with golf, you've both gone with golf. - It's golf. - Simon, return to your team and take 35000 with you, bro. - Yes! - Yes! - [Tobi] 35 bags. - We've got a team now. - [Tobi] 35. - Hey, yeah. - Well done. Well done. - Step up, step up, you're ready, you're ready, bro. Step up. - This is mine here. - Come here. - You're there. - Your team don't care about you. They're not even clapping, bro. - Yeah! (contestants clapping) - It's all right. - How're you going? How're you going? - [Simon] Nice shirt, bro. - What's up, my G? You know how we do, we walking this, we walking this. Hey, it's good to meet you, mate. You prick! - You haven't meeten him yet. - You haven't meeten him yet. - You meet him next. - Yeah, well I just wanted to lock eyes on him. - [Contestant] All right, cool. - I'm about to wreck your ass. - What? - How're you doing today, Jim? - I'm good, I'm excited, I'm ready. - Thank you for letting me borrow your bandana, I appreciate it. - No worries, man. - A minute to answer as many questions right as possible. - All right. - Your team's already got 46000 in the bank. - 46000? - You can add onto that. - I can add. - You like money. - Oh I love money. - You've got money. - I've got money. - If you pay me some, I can help you out a little bit, so. - Oh, for real? - Yeah, just. - Oh, man, I'm not sure. Did you say 20 racks? - Yes. - Nah. That's a lot of money. - Don't need that, we've got 46 bags, it's fine, JJ. We're fine. - No, it's cool. - We're fine. - You know what, I don't need that. Let's go, questions. - I'm saying, I'm in-- - I'm bored, come on! - Okay, okay, okay. When the final round comes, don't say I didn't ask you. A minute. £1000 per question. Are you ready? - I am born ready. - Are you ready? - Oh baby! - Your time starts now. In the USA, in which month is Black History Month celebrated? - It's obviously. (tense music) (contestants laughing) November? - No, February. In "Lilo and Stitch" the word ohana is said to mean what? - Chickens. - No, family! How many knees does an elephant have? - Four? - No, two. A traditional chessboard is made up of how many black and white squares? - 18. - You're struggling bro. How many fingers am I holding up? - Two. - It was six before, but yeah, that one's right. What was the first YouTube channel to hit 100 million subscribers? - Bro. - Just pass. - Pewdi, no, T-Series, T-Series. - Thank you, thank you. How many sides does a dodecahedron have? - Eight. - No, 12. What is the name of the charity set up by Miniminter in 2019? (tense music) - Oh my God, no, oh my God. - Trick question, it's a non-profit. - Non-profit organisation set up by Miniminter in 2019? - [Simon] Yo it's, come on, man. - [Ethan] Bro. - I run out of time. I run out of time. I was gonna say the answer, but I ran out of time. - Do you know what-- - Did he get four? - He got two. - Okay, okay. Wait, wait, he was gonna say the answer, but he ran out of time. - Okay, what's the answer? What's the answer? - So what's the answer? - Let's go, let's continue. - All right, Simon, if you'd like to tell us the answer-- - You might as well. - And plug the charity. - It's M7 Education. - [Tobi] And what do you do? - [JJ] Ah, I knew it! - We provide school trips to schools, this is long. (laughs) - [Tobi] All right, okay, okay, cool, cool, cool. - Link in the description. - I was gonna say that. - You said M7E? - What, no. (laughs) - Did he get as many right as me? - I think he got less than you. - He got two, didn't he? Same as you. - Oh, same as you. - A solid two. That means you have the chance to secure £2000 for your team. - Okay. - You came over here talking a big game, but you're not looking so confident anymore. - [JJ] Yeah, whatever. - I thought you were gonna say he's not looking so big but. - Hey, you smell anyway, fam. (contestants laughing) - You know what-- - You've got a stupid beard. - [Josh] Hey. - Bushy, bushy eyebrows-- - All right, chill out, chill out, chill. - Wannabe Drake. (laughs) - Chill. What're you gonna go for? - He's knocked my confidence, so I'm gonna give him a huge £100,000. - That is, 100 that is. - And I know you can't resist that. - Make it 200, make it 200, come on, make it 200. - I dare you do minus 46000. - Wait, can we double check where this money's coming from, because I'm not comfortable with that. - I dare you, I dare you. - 100,000 at the top. - [Tobi] 100,000 at the top, and at the bottom? - At the bottom? - Come on. - Yeah, minus 45,000. - What? - [JJ] Boom, all right. - Okay, well what are you gonna go with? (contestants laughing) - 100 bags, please. - 100 bags, 100 bags. - I think you go safe and take the two. - Why would you ask for the minus 45 if you're not gonna do it? - Minus 45,000. (Ethan laughing) Let's go for it. - How the tables turn. - We worked so hard. We worked so hard. - Disrupting the camp. - [Harry] He ain't part of our team. - JJ, just to confirm, you've selected-- - Minus 45,000. - Minus 45, that's your final answer. - My final answer. - As a friend, I'm gonna give you the chance, no, no, as a friend, I'm gonna give you a chance to just-- - [Contestant] Are you really gonna do this? - No, minus 45,000. - You're 100% sure? - Yes! Ow. (laughs) - You don't, literally gain nothing from this. - No, I want to be back with my friends. I want to make sure. - [Vik] Oh. (laughs) - What're you making sure here? - [Vik] He doesn't care about the money-- - I want to make sure that I'm here in the final round. I don't wanna be him. (contestants laughing) - That is a fair point, no one wants to be Ethan. - All right, question number one. A white flag is used to symbolise which of these things? - Okay. - Is it A, a new Sidemen upload. - That would be sick. - B, white power. - Okay. - Or C, surrender. - Okay. - Lock in, lock in, lock in, lock in. JJ, what is your answer? - C, surrender. - [Josh] He's doing it properly, he's going for it. - Also C, surrender-- - Chaser, you're surrendering? - I'm choosing answer C. - The Chaser just chose surrender, guys. - Raise his white flag. - The answer's C. - The answer is C, surrender. You're right. - It's not looking good for you, boys. - A step closer. - Yes, guys. - [Vik] It's not looking close for you. Boys. - Yes! - Three more answers-- - Come on! - And you lose all your hard work. - Hey, shut up, man! I'm back with my friends, that's what I want. - Question number two, what material is denim made from? - (laughs) That look, he doesn't know. - Is it A, polyester, B, leather, or C, cotton? I'd advise you not to pick cotton. (contestants laughing) Why you lot laughing though? Why you laughing? - Vik pulled a funny face. - Yeah. - Yeah. (dramatic music) - A, polyester. - C, cotton. - You pick cotton? - I personally, C. (everyone laughing) - He's tryna work out what can I say here. - Cotton is the correct answer. The Chaser takes one step closer. - Bro, you advised me not to pick cotton! - Do you wanna pick cotton? - Oi, nah, I don't, obviously. God damn it. God damn it. (laughs) - Question number three. What does a spermologer collect? (contestants laughing) Is it A, whale skin, B, sperm, or C, trivia? (dramatic music) Answers locked in, what have you chosen? - B, sperm. (contestants laughing) - My chest, my chest. Chaser, what have you gone with? - C. - So you've gone with C, trivia? - With trivia. - Yeah. - Wait, what? What? Is it not sperm? It's in the word, spermologist. - It's not sperm, bro. - Then what the hell? Why would-- - I didn't make the word. - Why would they call themselves a spermologist? - I didn't make the word. - Why would you not collect sperm? That's so stupid. What a stupid name. - Bro! - It's no one's job to collect sperm. - Would you go and do it? - No, but people need sperm for babies. - Yeah, people don't go and collect it. It's not like a cow. (laughs) - The answer is trivia. The Chaser takes one step closer. - What is trivia? - What? - This, what we're doing now. - I think this is trivial. - What is trivia? - Oh, so as in like, they just collect questions. - Yeah. - Like knowledge. - Knowledge, K, the K in KSI. You're a spermologist. (laughs) - Knowledge, sperm, integrity. (everyone laughing) - (groans) Fuck. - He's got it wrong, he's got it wrong. - He's gonna end up like me. - Next question. What is the word used to describe the fear of poverty? Peniaphobia, B, emetophobia, or C, trypophobia. Lock in, boys, lock in, lock in. Stop looking at them, stop looking, hey, hey. - [Josh] We're not gonna help you. (laughs) - C. - You've gone with C, trypophobia. - Yeah. - It's not C. - No, A. - No, no, no, you've gone with C. - No, no, I meant A, I meant A, I meant A. - He said C. - No, he said C. - What did he go with? - He said C. - You said C. - He said C. - I meant A. - Yeah, but you locked in C. - I said A! - But you locked in-- - I said, I said-- - [Vik] No you didn't. - It's A, please! Please, bro, we need this, man. We need this, man, come on, bro. - Hey bro. - My G, my G. - I heard C. - Stop touching me. - Bruv! - I heard C. - Stop touching me. - I heard C. - I heard C. - I said A! - [Ethan] I heard a definite C. - I meant A! - Chaser, what have you gone with? - A. - Gone with A, peniaphobia. I can reveal that the correct answer is A, peniaphobia. (contestants applauding and laughing) Chaser takes one step closer. - I don't want to end up like him. I want to be with my friends. I want to be with my friends. - Now you've got no friends. (contestants laughing) - How many surfaces does a sphere have? You know what a sphere is, right? - [JJ] Yeah. - [Tobi] What's a sphere? - It's the circular thing, right? - (laughs) Yeah, okay, I'll give you that, I'll give you that. Is it A, infinite, B, one, or C, 11? Lock in, boys, lock in, lock in. - [Contestant] It's you, bro. - Stop looking at them. - Go on, say it. - One. - Gone with one. Chaser. - Also one. - [Tobi] One. - [Vik] B. - Yes! Yes! Yes! - You're not looking too happy over there, boys. - Yes! Yes! Yes! - It's the right answer. - Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! - Next question. In the NATO phonetic alphabet, (contestants laughing) what word represents the letter T? Is it A, turkey, B, tango, or C, tailgate? (dramatic music) Answers are locked in. - He's knows it. - [Tobi] Answers are locked in. - Tango! (Harry groaning) - Get everything-- - Tango! - He had to guess. - Tango! - You're going with tango? - Tango, tango, tango. - It's the choice, that's what we were saying. - B, tango. - Yeah. - You're going with B, tango. (Simon groaning) - I'm coming home, boys. (Ethan laughing) - Vik. - Of all that's holy, please, on the last one. - Tango is the right answer. - Yes, yes! Yes! - I beg, make this one impossible. - No man. Guys-- - No, no, no. - Guys, I wanna come home. - Next question, potentially the final question. You can go back to your team. - A winner. - No! - £45000 poorer. - No, but we're still in it. - Please a hard question, please do it, just pick the hardest one you've got. - I want you to be with your team, so I'm gonna give you an easy one. - No! - No, no! - Yes. - Even if it's an impossible question, he's got a one in three chance of fucking you guys. - Yeah, that's true. - How do you say the word orgasm in French? Is it A, la petite mort, B, orgazma, or C, l'euphoria? Lock in your answers. - [Josh] Oh, that's an obvious answer. - [Simon] Rapid. - I gave you an easy one, bro. Lock in your. You're running out of time, you're running out of time, you're running out. - B, orgazma. - [Tobi] Chaser. - A. - [Josh] La petite mort. - Please. - La petite mort? - Please. - Please. - It's gonna be, it's gonna be. - How're you feeling over there, boys? How're you feeling, how're you feeling, how're you feeling how're you feeling, how're you feeling? - Go on Vik! - I trust Vik. - I trust Vik. - I trust Vik. - [Tobi] You're backing Vik? - Go on, Vik. - I just want JJ to be gone. - Go on, Vik! - This is tense. This is super tense. - Go on. - Come on. - Are you ready to return to your team? - No. - You're not ready? - Because it's wrong, init? - Well you return anyway. (laughs) Ethan's still here. - [Josh] He's not on our team anymore though. - JJ, go back over there. I can inform you that you failed, it's la petite mort. (contestants cheering) - Come on! - La petite mort. It was an easy one, bro. - Well I didn't fucking know, I don't know French! - Your whole career's ended up going sacre bleu. - I know sacre bleu. - What does that mean? - Something to do with blue. (contestants laughing) Oh no, no, it ain't. - Your whole career is a lie. Your whole career is a lie. - You've done very well today, I'm proud of you all. A round of applause for yourselves, please, please, please. Everyone, everyone. (contestants applauding) Clap. (contestants applauding) Chaser, how'd you think they did? They took £46,000 away from you. - Yeah, they did. Wasn't actually expecting that. Good showing, good showing, but they don't have it yet. - They don't have it yet. - Maybe they're just borrowing it. - [Contestants] Oo! - Three of the boys managed to successfully complete it, and make it to the final stage, that was Josh, Harry and Simon. That means you three will be participating in the final chase. You're gonna have 90 seconds to answer as many questions correctly as possible. You're gonna start with a headstart of three, because three of you have made it to the final round successfully, and I'm gonna need you to buzz before you give me any answer. Only the person who buzzes can answer the question. - All right. - [Tobi] Guys, are you ready? - Yeah. - Yes. - Josh, Harry, and Simon, 90 seconds, and your time starts now. What is the calling code for the UK? (voice recording laughing) - Plus 44. - [Tobi] Correct. In the Bible, Jesus was also described as king of what? (voice recording laughing) - Nazareth? - [Tobi] No, the Jews. - Oh shit. - Great whites and hammerheads are what type of animal? - Sharks. - [Tobi] Correct. What was the name of King Arthur's sword? - Pass. - Oh yeah. - Excalibur. The combination of Simon, Tobi and JJ make up the collective affectionately known by what name? - Hey? - Oreo. - [Tobi] Red Team. - Team, oh my! - Shameful. - I don't know. - Pollo is the Spanish word for what? - Chicken. - Correct. In "Jack and the Beanstalk", the giant claims to smell the blood of what? - An Englishman. - [Tobi] Correct. What is the name of the world's biggest island? - [Voice Recording] Oh yeah. - Greenland. - Correct. In science, what is the name given to a particle with a positive charge? (voice recording laughing) - An electrode. - [Tobi] No, proton. (laughs) Ancient leaders of Egypt were known by what title? - Pharaoh? - [Tobi] Correct. Mortimer Mouse was the original name for which Disney character? - Oh yeah! - Mickey Mouse. - [Tobi] Correct. How many valves does a trumpet have? - [Voice Recording] Oh yeah. - Four. - [Tobi] Three. The Devil's Lettuce is more commonly known by what name? (voice recording laughing) - Well, marijuana. - Correct. (laughs) Name used to describe materials that can be broken down by nature is? (voice recording laughing) - Erosive? - Biodegradable. - Oh! - I tried telling you. - Do you know what, that was an impressive round. - Well done. - I was quite impressed by you lot there. Round of applause, please. Round of applause. - I was too scared to press the button. - Boys, well done. After that round, you managed to get eight questions right, meaning you are 11 spaces away from the chaser. Chaser, how're you feeling? - There's no way he's getting 11, surely. - That's gonna be tough, that's gonna be tough to crack. - It's gonna be tough. - There's one of me, three of them. - Chaser, you have one minute 30 seconds to catch up with 11. Are you ready, Chaser? - Yes. - Your time starts now. In Scrabble, the letters E and O are worth how many points? - One. - [Tobi] Correct. The acronym FLOTUS means what? - First Lady of the United States. - Correct. What VR set was launched in March 2016? - The Oculus Rift. - [Tobi] Correct. What is the name of Batman's butler? - Alfred. - [Tobi] Correct. - In "Phineas and Ferb", there are said to be how many days of summer vacation? - 22. - No, 104, shameful. What does the Swahili word Simba mean in English? - Lion? - Correct. In Greek mythology, who is said to have flown too close to the sun? - Icarus. - Correct. In "KSI versus the Sidemen", Tobi is distraught over the destruction of what personal item? - Whiteboard. - Correct. In Marvel, what is the name of Thanos' adopted daughter? - [Vik] Miranda. - [Tobi] Gamora. Which city has the world's largest castle complex? - London. - No, it's Prague. How many books are there in a trilogy? - Three. - Correct. What does the lithosphere refer to? - The Earth's crust. - [Tobi] Correct. In Dragon Ball Z, what two Saiyans invaded the Earth after Yoku does the first time? - Piccolo and-- - [Tobi] No, Vegeta and Nappa. How many wives did Henry VIII have? - Six. - Correct. How long is New Zealand's 90 mile beach? - 56. - 55. What do the 13 stripes on the American flag represent? - The original colonies. - [Tobi] 13, correct. - Is that it? - That's it. - Has he done it? - That's it, he's caught you. - That's it. - Impressive. Round of applause for the Chaser please, ladies and gentlemen. (contestants applauding) - [Ethan] Well done, mate. (Vik sighing) - You're sweating, bro. - Yeah, that was tough. - You get no money, and you have no friends. - A valiant effort from you guys. A round of applause for yourselves, pats on the back. Thank you guys for watching what is definitely not "The Chase", and we'll see you next time. Goodbye. ♪ I'm never learning, I'm always wrong ♪ ♪ Clock hands are turning, the time is gone ♪ ♪ He don't deserve you, no, ♪ ♪ He know he don't ♪ ♪ As long as that money comin' ♪ ♪ Then we gon' get along ♪ ♪ And he won't do it like I do it though ♪ ♪ You think you've been through it all ♪ ♪ Trust my intuition, listen I already know it so ♪ ♪ Glisten, glisten skin ♪ ♪ Poppin' you are way too bad ♪ ♪ I already knew ♪
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 24,315,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, the chase, sidemen chase, sidemen game show, if you keep reading our tags we'll chase you
Id: ciODljQwCTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 41sec (3461 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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