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(intro music) - Hello, and welcome to "Sidemen: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Part Two." (cheering and applauding) - It's Part Two? - [Host] If you don't know how "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" works, I'll explain it now. The contestants will take it in turns to answer questions worth more money each time, until eventually, hopefully, they hit a million pounds. Along the way, when they get to a thousand pounds, or if they get to 32,000 pounds, they are then guaranteed to win that money, no matter what happens. But also, they can walk away at any point with the money they've won so far. They'll also have the option to use a number of lifelines throughout the show. Today, we have five lifelines. Okay? - Five? - Lifeline number one is the 50:50. - Yep. - Yep. - Lifeline number two is Phone a Friend. You can ask the audience, should be good. We'll ask everyone in the room. Ask the Host is one as well. And you can also - well, if you want to eliminate a question, you can do a shot. - Oh! - You can do a shot. - Is that Malibu there as well? - How do you bring alcohol into this game? - Is that only once though? - Is that a shot glass? - Yeah. - So throughout the game, say you got three, say you are stuck on a question. If you do a shot, I take away one of the wrong answers. - Ah, one wrong answer. - Oh, wait, wait. - Whenever we want though? - Yeah. - Like if I do like 35 shots? - If you do it every question, I can eliminate every question. - Once per question? - No, you do many as you want. - Ooh! - As many as you want. - It could get messy! - So you could just do three shots and have the right answer and then go to the next question. - Is that a good idea? - Yes, yes. (laughing) Yes, it is. - Content! - All right, who wants to go first? Any takers? - What, you don't wanna reveal the teams, then? - I'll tell you who your teammate is when you tell me you're first. - Can I go first? - You can go first. - Because it might get messy and I'll need time to recover. - Your teammate is Big Brain Behzinga. - Oh yes. (clapping) Yeah, oh yes. - I swear, if I'm with KSI. - Let's go, Vik. - Oh no. - Motherfucking dumb KSI. - Welcome to the show. - Thanks, man. - Ethan and Vik. - Behz, are you gonna get on it with me? - Yeah. - All right, let's go. - What, are you gonna be drinking? - Let's go. Let's get on it, let's get on it. (coughing) - This guy. - Hello. - Let's just jump straight into it, boys. - Okay. - Are you excited? You ready to win money for charity? - For charity? - It's not for charity, I'm only joking. - [Behzinga] It's "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire!" - Okay, right. - I wanna be one. - The hundred pound question. - Okay. - For you guys. - What does the BBC stand for? Is it A, the British Broadcasting Corporation B, the British Bagpipe Club C, the British Bisexual Community or D, the Big Black Cock? (laughing) - Is it a trick question? It's a trick question. It could be all of those things, it's an acronym. - I think the most likely ones are the first one and the last one. - Yeah. - So, but I think, what'd he say, it's big black cock. - This is a genuine quiz, by the way. I'm not, I just want to warn you. - I don't think he'd make a mockery of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" Such a prestigious show. No. - No, yeah. - So yeah, we're gonna go with A. - Are you locking that in? - Yes, please. - Yeah. - Okay. - Yes, it's right. (tinkling chimes) (clapping) - Yeah! - Oh, wow! (clapping) - Imagine, if he just goes, no, it's wrong. - Yeah, that would be awful. - You guys could leave now with a hundred pounds, if you wanted. - Thinking about it. Thinking about it. - I mean. - 100 pounds, that's 50 each. - Okay. For 200 pounds. - Yes. - What type of fish is Nemo from "Finding Nemo?" - Oh. - Is he A, a clownfish? - Oh. - B, a lobster? (laughing) C, a goldfish? Or D, a koi fish? - I know this one. I know my fish. - He's the same as, same as Dax, isn't he? - What's Dax? - A clown. (crowd jeering) - Oh my God. Dax slander in 2021. - He can always get it. - Okay. - Still focused on Dax. - Ding, ding, ding! They got it right. (tinkling chimes) - How much we got now? - 200 pounds. - Wow. - Money! - Dax jokes in 2021. - Is Dax even about anymore? - I think he's probably gone back to being the janitor. - For 300 pounds, boys. - Yeah. - Where does Santa Claus live? - Oh. - Is it A, Antarctica? B, Norway? C, The North Pole? Or D, Pakistan? (laughing) - You know Harry's running the quiz when. - All right. - Well, I think, is it C, isn't it? - North Pole, no? - Yeah, yeah. - Santa lives at the North Pole, doesn't he, yeah? - It's too easy, I've made them too easy, yeah. That is correct. - Oh wow, that's 300 pounds! (tinkling chimes) (clapping) - That's correct, that's correct, that's correct. (clapping) - They're conferring on the third question. (laughing) He went, "I think it's C." - Yeah. Wait til they get to like the fifth. - I've made these way too easy. - No, we're smart! - Okay. - No, don't say that. - Okay, for 500 pounds, you don't wanna walk away with 300 right now? You're happy to keep going? - No, we'll play. - Okay. Which pair of superheroes are known as the dynamic duo? - Ooh. - Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy, Batman and Robin Rose and Fred West, Mario and Luigi? - My God. (laughing) - Do you know that? - I don't. Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy are from SpongeBob. - Yeah. - Yeah, the Dynamic Duo. - Is that what you - - Barnacle Man and the other - - Barnacle Boy. - Is that from SpongeBob? - Yeah. (laughing) - We can get rid of the last one. The last two, maybe. - It could be them. - So it's between Mermaidman, Barnacle Boy, and Batman and Robin. - I don't think I've ever heard of Batman and Robin be called the Dynamic Duo. - No, not really. - But they are, but they are a dynamic duo. - They are, but not really, Robin's just a bitch. - Actually, you know what? You're not wrong. You're not wrong. - Robin's straight up just a bitch. - Yeah. - Okay, so what are you, have you had a think about this, boys? - Oh, hell no, because what if, we can't. We can't go home. - Have we gotta start shotting? - Shot? - Can we shot it down to just the correct answer? - You can shot and eliminate one, that's what you can do. - But just one? - Just one? - If you do a shot, it eliminates one answer. One wrong answer. - Yes, so - - At random. - So then could I do three? - Yes. - Three shots. To give myself the - - Yes. - Okay, so could we split three shots between us? - Yeah, yeah, let's do it. - Yeah, sure boys, if you want. - [Vik] One of us takes two. - Huh? - Wow. - You're doing shots? - They're doing shots already, but. - Lads! How are you doing shots? - Just to be double sure. - Do you want Malibu or Baileys? - Let's do - - Baileys, please. - I'll do one Malibu. - I might just drink the whole of the Baileys, you know? - Yeah, that'll do. - Oh no! - So you match his amount. - This is two. - This is Bailey's, bro! - This is two. - This is two. - No, that's one. - This is two. - That's one of you. That's one shot, bro, that's one shot. - Cheers. - All right. Right, so what's been removed? - That was a healthy shot. - We are gonna eliminate two answers for the two shots that you did. - Can you do the thing, can you say computer? Randomly - - Yeah, the computer's eliminated two, two answers. It's got rid of Mario and Luigi and Rose and Fred West. (laughing) Oh, so we're left with Mermacle Man and Barnacle Boy. - So the computer did that at random, did it? (laughing) - Yeah. And Batman and Robin. - I'll grab this one, you grab the next. - Thank you, man, appreciate that. - Fair due, mate, fair dues. - Oh, oh, he's (laughing). (coughing) Oh no, we'll keep these. - Stick it down there, stick it down there. - Keep these here. Keep these here. - The computer will remove another wrong answer. Which is Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy. - Oh shit, we would've got that wrong. - We would've got that wrong. - They are the dynamic duo. Wait, you called Batman a bitch, Batman's - - Lads, they're from SpongeBob. - No, I called I've called Robin a bitch. Robin is a bitch. - Oh yeah, sorry, yeah. - Robin's, Robin's - - This is already hitting. - [Vik] I called Batman a bitch. - So we go through? - Yeah, we're cool. - Let's lock in. - Lock in what? - Batman and Robin. - Batman and Robin, okay, yes you got it correct, well done. (tinkling chimes) (clapping) - I can't applaud that one, I can't. - I showed JJ a picture of Rose and Fred West and he thought, he thought that was the answer. - Oh dude. Wow, 500 pounds. - What is going on? - For a thousand pounds! - Oh! - Woo! - It's your first, if you get this right, you're guaranteed a thousand pounds no matter what happens. - True. This is the safety net. - Oh, okay, nice. - [Simon] We love the safety net. - What is the rapper 6ix9ine's real name? Is it A, Carlos Sainz? B, Robert Kubica? - Jeez. - C, Daniel Hernandez? Or D, Sergio Perez? - Oh, well, three of them are F1 drivers, so. - Three of them are F1 drivers. - So, Daniel Hernandez. - He sounds like an F1 driver, doesn't he? - Daniel Hernandez, please. - We'll take C. - You were C, final answer? It's correct, boys. (tinkling chimes) They got a thousand pounds. - Safety net has been reached! - I don't know how he watches F1 and then writes questions at the same time. - For 2000 pounds, boys, here we go. - You look nervous. You look nervous. - Because you are flying through my questions like it's nothing! Which is the second most populated city in the United Kingdom? (distant considering) A, Glasgow B, Birmingham C, Manchester or D, Liverpool? - It's got - - I'm brought to Birmingham. - Birmingham or Manchester. - Cause Birmingham, industrial times and that. - I'm drawn towards it, but it would be a real shame to - - Don't look at me. - Don't look at us, bro. - [Tobi] Don't look at me, bro. - Do your thing. - You can ask the audience. You can ask the audience, you can ask the host. You can 50:50, there's loads you can do. - I wouldn't ask us. - Drink? (laughing) - You don't have to just drink. - We could though. - He just picked up the bottle! - You go, you got the first one. - Oh my god. - Just get rid get rid of the worst ones. - Jesus. - [Tobi] You to have a limit on this. There's not gonna be any left. - We're gonna run out of drink this rate - There's not gonna be any left. - Computer. - Hit us. - Computer's got rid of Liverpool. - Okay, nice, of course. I wonder why the computer went for that one. - The computer is a prick. - We have to fuck, we're gonna have to do another two. Shit. - God. - You just did it three times. It was meant like every now and then you do a shot. - The rules are the rules, the game is the game. - These shots are getting smaller each time. (laughing) (shot glass hitting the tray) - All right, so. - Right, what's the answer, then? - The computer's got rid of Manchester. - Oh yeah? - And? - Remember, we just done two. - We just done two. - Yeah, it got rid of, you just done two now? - Yes, I've just done another one. And he done one as well. - Keep up! - So you've done three in total? Oh my God. - No bullshit, yes. - All right, okay, so, well you're left with Birmingham. - Oh nice, I was right. (laughing) - I was between the two. - Yeah, we choose Birmingham, mate. - All right, it's Birmingham, it's Birmingham. They got right, they got it right. (clapping) - You got there. - I've seen into the future. We're gonna be paralytic millionaires. - We're winning, bro, hey. - You're up to 4000 pounds like that. (cheering) Okay. - 4000 pounds for a couple of Bailey's shots. - What is Wroetoshaw's favourite hot drink? - Oh, okay. (laughing) - Is it A, a pumpkin spice latte? B, a cup of tea with Guernsey milk. It is C, the blood of an infant? Or is it D, a Chai latte? - See, if he said dirty Chai latte. - Yeah? - That's what I'd go with. But I, oh, it's between the Guernsey tea or the Chai latte. - Yeah. This is problematic. - Oy, Behz! Oy, Behz! - Ask the host. - Use a lifeline! - Yeah, yeah. - You do have lifelines you can use. - To be fair, there aren't many that he - - You just told me not to tell him and then told him. - He said to, yeah. - Yeah, it is a good time to use Ask the Host. - Yeah? Can we ask the host, please? - Okay, well, it's a cup of tea with Guernsey milk. - Okay. - Okay. - Right, well, we're gonna go with, we go in a cup of tea with Guernsey milk. You got it right, boys, well done. (tinkling chimes) (clapping) - Unreal. - How much have we got now? - 8000. - Fucking hell. - Well, no, you're going for 8000. Let's take a breather, boys. - All right. - You've been flying through the questions. How are we feeling, you feeling good? - I'm on the way to a wave. - On the way to a wave? - I'm feeling awesome. - [Harry] Yeah yeah yeah. - I'm ill. I'm drinking Bailey's. - The producer in my ear is currently stressing because you are raiding through the questions. - Oh. - I mean, we have had six shots so we can't keep up this behaviour. We probably have started too early. - Who says we can't? Who says? - Okay, we'll see. - What is the only edible food which never goes bad? A, cheese. - No, I seen that mould. B. Honey C, oysters or D, pasta. - Pasta definitely goes off. - Yeah, I think honey. I think honey is known - - You think honey? - Because yeah, it sit in jars for ages. - Yeah, true. Or, but have I been to like a little rural town I've seen it with a little (clicks) jar and it will say best before. That's best before though, isn't it? - Yeah, it's definitely - - But then again, cheese, people eat mouldy cheese. So is that considered bad? - Some cheese does, like you can eat it like there some cheese that can mould forever. No, no, no, we can't. - Jesus Christ, boys. - Are you fucking serious? - No, no. - Just get rid of two. Just get rid of two, it's one each, come on. - No, cause - Get rid of one each. - Right, we're gonna get rid of two and the computer is gonna get rid of not honey and not cheese. And then we have to do a third and we are in danger zone. - That's fine with me. - No, it's not, we can't. We're on like the fourth, fifth question, we can't. We have a game to go, we could, I could be drinking for - - You don't wanna drink him out of 8000 pounds? - I'm gonna get smashed. - Like I'm not gonna do my - - You have lifelines left still. You have a 50:50, phone a friend. - Come on. - I want to just keep us intact and go for honey. And if it's wrong, it's on me and I apologise. - Let's lifeline it somehow. - Lifeline it somehow, what? - 50:50. - Okay. - You wanna look at the 50:50 on the 8000 question? - 50:50 and a shot. 50:50 and a shot. Okay, yeah. - Let's do the smart thing. - No, but you're wasting, you're doing two lifelines this early? - 50:50 and a shot, please. - Okay. All right, this the the computer has eliminated - - Oh, wait for this. - No no no, the computer It's helped you out here, I think. - Really? - It's eliminated cheese and pasta. - Oh, well there we go, it's honey, it's honey. - My man's saying for honey. - Is it A, honey? Or whatever. - B, honey. - It's correct! - Oh yeah! - I was ready to do it, I was ready to do it. I would've done it with my chance, but. - Look, a lifeline - 8000 pounds now. - Yes, secured it. If you get two more questions right, then you've got 32,000 guaranteed. - All right, two more questions, bro. I'm telling you now, these might come into play again. - Oh yeah, yeah, that's fine. But I was confident with honey. I was confident. - Okay. - Which sea creature has three hearts. - Ooh. Is it A, a sea horse? B, an octopus. C, a diplodocus or D, a sperm whale? - It's not a diplodocus. - It's not a sperm whale. A diplodocus is a dinosaur. - I know, that's what I mean. I was ruling out the dinosaur first. - Yeah, it's not a sperm whale. It's either a seahorse or a squid. Or octopus. - I think it's gonna be I think I would be tempted to say octopus but I dunno why. No, actually octopus is just their head - - For some reason in my head, I have octopus down as having two. Either way, we're doing a shot, let's be honest. I think it's my turn? - Yeah. - Yeah, all right, yeah. - This is the most degenerate - - Jesus. - You do realise that doing this shot is gonna get rid of diplodocus, by the way. - Oh. - So don't waste the shot. I know, see, I'm still here. I'm still here. - Oh yeah, I'm gone. I'm gone, I'm gone. - You shouldn't have said anything, bro why'd you say anything? - I'm gone, I'm gone. - It's my boy, it's my boy. - I would've done it and been so disappointed. - So you think octopuses have two? - I don't know. - Do you know this, audience, or not? - Yeah. - A sea horse is small, how can it have three hearts? - Sea horses are, and they just fucking Oh, oh. And they just do that all day, don't they, sea horses. - Do they need multiple hearts, three? - No, that's what I mean, whereas fucking mad tentacles. - Active. - Yeah. - Active under the sea. - That's Squidward. Does Squidward have three hearts? - Should we ask the audience? - I think we drink. (laughing) There's two questions. Two questions until we get 32 bags. I say we just do another three. - I'm already feeling it, brother. - You might get lucky with the computer. It might eliminate one that you - - Oh no, no, no, no. - Well, let's do two. - We're doing two. - Let's do two and two and see what the computer gets us. - We're gonna do... - All right, one, two, (shot glasses clink) Do you wanna do the third or do you wanna hear which one the computer's eliminated? - Let's hear what they've got rid of so far. - Let's see what happens gonna next. - All right, the computer has eliminated Diplodocus. - Wow. - Shock. - And, and sperm whale! - Oh. (laughing) Right, this one's on you. - God. - Wow. - We are violating - You're telling me that's a shot? - We are violating - They've not all been shots, you know, they're like - You're telling me that was a shot? - Doesn't matter, I'll take it. - Right, so yeah. - Another one gone? - Yeah, another one gone, sea horse is out. - Oh. An octopus. - Fuck. - Yeah, we would like to lock in octopus, please. - You lot should go with your gut more. - Yeah. - We should. - You've drunk so many for no reason at this point. - But who says - We're having a good time! - Who says we're not just celebrating? All right, all right, B, octopus is correct. It's correct, well done, well done, well done. (clapping) If you get this question right, you'll guarantee 32 grand. - Okay, this is an important one. - In the show Yu-Gi-Oh - Oh. (laughing) - We should have asked the host. - What is Seto Kaiba's favourite monster? - My God. - Is it A, the Blue Eyes White dragon? B, the Dark Magician. C, Exodia the forbidden one or is it D, Celtic Guardian? - I'm, I'm - Who are you phoning? Who are you phoning? - AnEsonGib. - Yeah? - If he picks up. - AnEsonGib. - You get a point. - Hello? Hello? You've got 30 seconds. You're on "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" Ethan wants to ask you the question, it's worth 32 grand. - Right, what's his name, Seto Kaiba? - Yeah. - Who is Seto Kaiba's favourite Yu-Gi-Oh monster? - [AnEsonGib] It's Blue Eyes White Dragon! - Okay, thank you! (laughing) Thank you, good. (laughing) Thank you, goodbye! All right, Blue Eyes White Dragon. - That is correct, that is correct. - Oh yeah! (cheering) - 16 bags! (clapping) - No, 32 bags! - No, but each. - That's big thinking from you, that was, that was good. - Boys. I'm gonna write you a check. - Okay. - For 32 grand here. - Nice. - Any point over the next few questions you can actually no, not even. - Not even. - No, it's ours. - You've won this, you'll guarantee this. This next question is for 64,000 pounds. - [Ethan] Oh my goodness gracious. - Seriously. - Ooh. - I'm feeling these, I am feeling these. - Cause you know what, he tricked us. He said they were shots, they was bigger than shots. - You pour them yourself, I didn't pour them. - We poured them and you said, no, no, that's a shot. - My first one was a was a severe lapse in judgement . - Since then we've been playing a stupid game. - Okay, how many children does Boris Johnson currently have? Now he has one on the way, which I'm not counting. - Okay. - So that doesn't exist yet. - Doesn't exist yet. - Well, depends. We're not gonna go get political here, but yeah. Okay. I'm not counting it yet. Six Three Eight or twelve? - Right. - It's stunning. - I don't think Boris is pumping out anything above three, to be honest, but. - I think three with one more on the way sounds about right. - Three with one more on the way sounds more realistic. - Sounds about right. - But then again, he's a freak, isn't it. - He's a weapon. He's a weapon. - He's a freak of a human. So who's to say he ain't got eight? - You still have Ask the Audience left and obviously shots. - Stop looking at Josh, he's not gonna know. - Oh no, he wouldn't know. - See, we've gotta drink again realistically. - But how long can we just keep just drinking? Like at what point is this - I will say I will say I'm seeing some questions coming up that I think you lot might be able to bang out. So, so I mean, I wouldn't want you I wouldn't want to see you go home here, to be honest. - Well. Do you want to hit the triple? - The triple again? - What is the point of this game? - You've gotta do two though, cause I did two last time. - This is not "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" This is who wants to drink three shots and get given the answer? - Why don't you just do two and then two will be a limit. You don't have to do three every time. - Here we go. - Here we go! - Can we actually do normal shots now, please? - The audience have said you are doing pussy shots currently. - Don't look at me. - Better fill it up. - Boom! - We'll allow that, all right? - That's solid, that's a solid one. - This is a thick glass. - [Simon] Yeah, that'll do, that'll do. - [Harry] All right. - It's more than last time. - Fuck, all of them have been like that! (jeering) - This is one and a half actually. - Cheers. - Cheers, boys. - Remove two amounts of children. - Okay. - Whoa. - The computer has removed three. - Oh, okay. We would've been out, I would've gone for three. - And the computer has removed eight. - Fucking hell. - And we're left with? - Six or twelve. - Six. - It can't be twelve. Honestly, if it's 12, I will leave this show with my head held high. - Yeah. - Knowing that I am not that much of a mess. So it's gotta be six, it can't be twelve. - We're locking, yes. - We're locking in six. - You're locking in six? - [Ethan] Yes yes, we're locking in six. - It's correct. (tinkling chimes) (clapping) It had to be, there's no way it could be twelve. - Twelve children is a lot. - That is a lot. - Dum dum dum dum! - You lot, this is for, bloody hell, 125 grand. Shit, okay. Vik will know that one, I won't ask that one. - The budget of this video, for real. - You can't just cherry pick them! - Hello, this show? - All right, for 125,000 pounds. One lifeline left, which is the ask the audience. They're looking very excited. Which country was the Titanic closest to when it sank? A, Britain B, Canada C, Greenland or D, the United States? - I wanna say C, bro, but I don't know why. - What, Greenland? - Yeah. - Ice. Ice is nice. Except for when, Titanic. - I'm thinking Greenland, bro. - It is an icy place. - Gotta be either Greenland, Greenland or England, right? Cause it went from here to here. You've got Greenland here, you've got England here. It was somewhere around here where it hit the berg. - I think it's got to be Greenland. - There's not ice near - Closest, no, closest - This is a logical answer. - Yeah, but we - Having not known it. And we've gotta take a risk at some point in our life. - Still got lifelines left, you still got shots. - We can't just drink. - [Harry] It's up to you, boys, it's up to you. - No, we can't. You can't just drink through every adversity you face. - N, you can't, that would be bad. That's bad role model sense. - I like your logic and I'm happy. You know, if we get it wrong, we walk with with 16 grand each and we we we risked it all. - Yeah, listen, Greenland's got icebergs and that, so. - Greenland. - Yeah. - So the first time you guys chose to not have a drink, to go with your gut. - Yeah, yes. - You've got it wrong. - Oh no. - Oh no. - It's B Canada. - Oh no. - Oh no. - So give them a round of applause, they're out. (clapping) - 32k - You do have 32 grand though. - Woo! - We'll take it. - Well done for winning that. - Thank you. - We should, we should have (chair clatters) (snickering) - Don't slow down, keep running. - [Harry] Nice. - We should have carried on with these. - You should have, boys, you should have. Well, there you have it. Vik and Ethan, a bit of a poor showing, to be honest. - 32 bags! - 32! - What do you mean, poor showing? - 32 grand, lads! - They could have walked away, they could have walked away with, with 68, 64, 125. Well, no, they couldn't have. They could have walked away with 64,000 pounds. But instead, they gambled and they lost. - We like to gamble. - All right, next stop. Who wants to go next? You oh, well you, yeah, you've got to Tob as your partner, which may stiff you. - Oh no! - Which may stiff you. I'm sorry. (laughing) - Looks like I'm not walking outta here. - Me and Daisy are back together again. - How's it going, boys? You all right? Welcome to the show. I will say you guys are my dark horses for this competition. - Dark horses? Because we've got two big brains over there. - That's what? No, no. - What, you saying mine wasn't big as well? - Well, no, you told me to drink every 15 seconds. - I think combined they have, of all the groups, the highest combined intelligence. - They could do it - Highest IQ. - If there,, well there's no pressure then - I feel like I'm having a dumb day today. - Yeah same. - Right, let's get it started boys. Oh, first of all, where are you from? Simon? I'm from Stratham. - Stratham. - I grew up in Stratham. - Well done. - I'm from the Ems. - From the Ems, okay cool Right. For 100 pounds. What is the name of the river which runs through Egypt? The Ganges river, the smelly stream of poverty. The Nile river, or the Pharaohs river - Jesus Christ - that wasn't on his card. That wasn't written down on his card. - Oh my - He said that Jesus he just decided to say that. - The smelly stream of poverty has caught my attention - It's, it's yeah. That one's out there. - It's pungent - Maybe it's a translation. - Hmm. This is on you. - Iron up that. What's that, Malibu? - Malibu and Bailey's - We're not doing a shot on this question. - I wanna run with the Nile, the river Nile. - The river Nile. You're go, you're locking in C? - Yes. - It's correct boys. (clapping) - Correct, correct - Nice. Correct. - Okay. For 200 pounds, What nuts are used to make marzipan? - Deez nuts (laughing) - That's one of the options. I saw the options. - A Marzinuts. B Hazelnuts. C Almond nuts or D, D, Deez nuts. (laughing) - I'm gonna be honest. - I don't know. - I don't know. - Marzi sounds like the option, but could be a trick question. - I felt like that was a made up. - I don't actually know. - I actually don't know this. - I don't know either. - You're stumped on the 200 pound question. - This is a lot harder than the first one - I thought this was all right one, sorry, boys. - It's like dynamic duo - They got stuck on that one too. - None of the others were superheroes! You threw a murderous couple - There's alcohol down there, boy. - You can eliminate some answers - Might actually have to. - One, two, three shots - Do one shot and see what one gets eliminated. - I think we can do one shot - I'll do one shot. - I'll be shocked if it eliminates Deez nuts - It's the computer, bro, it's not me (laughing) - All right - Oh, well let's see what the computer says - All right, so one I'm doing your shot. The computer has eliminated hazelnut. - Oh, okay - Okay. - One other option? - So you're left with Marzinuts, almond nuts or Deez nuts. - The thing is you you've believed Marzinuts, which has thrown me. I don't think that's a thing. (laughing) Oh, this is the second question. - I don't wanna go out on a 200 pound question. Well I don't. - I think we go almond. - We're going out. - I think we go almond. - You reckon almond? - I was stuck between almond and hazel Marzinuts isn't a thing. There is - I've never heard of Marzinuts - It's not a thing - I'm saying almond. - Yeah. - You're going with almond nuts. - Oh the Lord. Jesus. - You are correct. Well done. Well done. Marzinuts I made up - I told you! - Bro, I didn't know. I didn't know I told you I'm having a dumb day. - Which kind of cats are considered bad luck? A Tabby cats. B black cats. C bald cats or D Siamese cats. - You have a bald cat, pretty bad luck. - My cat - Yeah. - Not as bad as a mole rat. - Have you called them bald cats? Just cuz you don't know what the breed of the bald cats are - It's called a sphynx - There you go - Yeah there you go, but I don't wanna - Bald's evil - Bald cat - The siamese one - I think these are harder, these are harder questions that I gave you at the start, aren't they? Or do you? - No - No, no - This one, this one. This one black cat - Oh, okay. I thought you were determining - No no no, we were just - Correct, it is black cat - They just needed to drink more to be honest that's what I think - 500 pounds. Here we go. This is serious money now Life changing sums we've got going on here. - How long is an Olympic swimming pool? A 25 metres. B a hundred metres. C 80 metres or D 50 metres. - I dunno. - Why do we have harder questions? - Innit? These are so much harder - I don't think these, I don't think these are harder Are these harder boys? - Where was this when we were playing? - Driiink - I don't wanna make you drink. Cause I know what that feels like. - You asked me to bro. You asked me. - I asked you you to show me the way not show me the wave. - Oh, Toby drink. You never tried Baileys. In that video, did you? - You shut your mouth. (laughing) - It's quite nice. - I vowed to never drink again on the sabado - I dunno. - I don't know either. If we phone a friend, who would that be? - Well, he's drunk. (laughing) - Think I might be having a stroke. My left eye keeps like twitching. - Are you drinking? - Yeah so - How many. - I will - It's not that funny, bro It happened right over there and I thought I was glitching. - You're over tired. Have you had caffeine? - Huh? - Get caffeine. - Whoa. - He's dying - Maybe. Yeah. - But before you do the shot, can I ask you? Which, is there any ones you're like debating between maybe? - No. - You're evil - No, I want to s - He'll get rid of the one - Or I might help you. You never know at this point. Okay. Eliminated is a hundred metres. - I think it's 50. - So you've got 25, 50 or 80 - Cause I think when they do the hundred metres, they have to go there and back. - Yeah. Yeah so - A hundred metres isn't four. 80 would be weird cause it was a hundred metres They'd have to go, there. There. (laughing) - Yeah. - It's 50. It's 50. Now that I'm thinking about it, it makes sense. - I haven't eaten today. - Ah. - Drink, drink more. - I just did! I just had one. - You two! - You should. Can we lock in 50 please? - You locked in 50, can indeed. D 50 is the correct answer, well done boys. 500 pounds. Right. This next question is a big one, right? If you get this right, you're guaranteed a thousand pounds. You walk away with nothing less. - Come on. Come on, please. - If you are discombobulated, What are you? Are you A, confused? - Interesting - B missing multiple limbs. C, foreign. (laughing) D, over the moon? - What was the last one? - Over the moon. (laughing) - I wanted to be on this quiz. - Matt said, foreign. (laughing) - I believe it's confused. - I believe it's confused. - I have used it as confused. So if it's not - I've been using it wrong my whole life. We're gonna go with, we're gonna go with - Yeah - We're gonna go confused. - Straight locking. That's very rare in this game show. (laughing) - All right. A confused is indeed correct Well done, boys, well done (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Well done, guys - I dunno why I clapped. - Okay. Because you are guaranteed a thousand pounds boys - Woo! - Well done well done - Thanks guys. - Yep. - The audience don't give a shit - Yeah! - For 2000 pounds. It's gonna start getting a bit harder now. Who was the prime minister before David Cameron? - I'm out, I'm out - Was it A, Nick Clegg B, Gordon Brown C Tony Blair or D, Margaret Thacher? - I'm gonna say it wasn't D But my knowledge of prime ministers is very minimal. - What was the thing that they had? Um. Where they shared power? What was that? What's that called? - I can't, I'll, it's called a coalition. - That thing. There was a coalition. - Was, sure. - But the prime minister I believe was Mr. Brown. Not me. - Mr. Brown? - I believe it was Gordon. - All ri a run it to the viewers possibly maybe? (laughing) - Okay. - Are you looking this in? - Let's go Gordon. - He's gone for Gordon, B. They've got it right again. This is a fine performance here. - Smart. This guy smart. - That was easier than all the other questions. - Shoot, it's for 4,000 pounds boys. You're robbing me blind here. Let's go with, you've got all your lifelines left. Yeah? Yeah. Shit. - We do. - And we can drink. - Yeah. So you can drink as well. - We? - Why is this done during shabbat? - What amount is a Baker's dozen? 6, 12, 13 Or 15? - I wanna say. - You wanna say C, don't you? - 13. - I'm tempted to go with that as well. But I don't know why. You reckon Theo Baker would know the answer? - Yes. That is a shout. Th yes, let's do it. - Hello, Theo. - [Theo] Hello? - Hello. You are currently on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire You have got 30 seconds to answer Simon's question. - Hello, Theo. How much is a Baker's dozen? Is it 6, 12, 13 or 15? Oh no. Lad, you have it in your name. - [Theo] 13 - Is it a hundred percent? - A hundred percent? You're a baker. - [Theo] It's 13, Simon, it's 13 - Are you a hundred percent sure? - [Theo] It's 13 - A hundred percent? - It's him now, it's on him. It's not on us. He said it. - Aight? It's 13. - Okay. I, I think I've froze him. Is it a hundred percent? - [Theo] A baker's dozen is 13 - Well, well thank you Theo! Thank you! - somewhere, but we, we got the answer from him. (laughing) - It's 13 Simon, it's 13 - Okay. Thank you, Theo. - We're gonna go with - Yeah We trust our baker friend. Yes. And we'd like to lock in 13. - Yes, please. - Okay, 13 is correct, boys. Well done. Well done. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - (indistinct) - These questions are juicy. I like these questions. - Yeah. These questions. We would've made some money on these questions. - The baker's dozen is if they burn one, they still have a dozen. Yeah. - Simon drink! - You shut your mouth. - Can we, can we kick him out the audience? - What, because he's heckling you? - Yeah yeah yeah. - He might come in handy though for an ask the audience later. So I dunno if you wanna - Him? - Him? His wave possibly. - Hey, his, his advice would be drink. - Drink - Okay. - That time will come. That time will come. - For 8,000 pounds boys. This serious here. It's getting serious. - This is a square root question. - This is a very, this is quite a easy one. What is the large just ocean on the earth? - Why are they always geography? The Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean or the Indian Ocean? (laughing) - Aight - Nah he's had too many drinks. He's in the mud. - I wanna say it is the Pacific ocean. - Well, wait. Is there any that you're confused about? Like just whisper. Whisper it to me. - See, this is clever. We should have done this, Ethan. We always let Harry know our cards. This is clever. - Yeah if you're discombobulated about one of the answers - I'd like to drink to take one away. - Nah, no. See, look? Look at the tactic they're using. Perfect. See? They're no different from us. (laughing) No, you thought they were different. Yeah, but they haven't told me what they discussed - Harry doesn't know which one they're gonna try and eliminate. - Okay. - He's gonna give. - All right. So we've got rid of the Indian Ocean. - (beep) (laughing) - Boom boom, that was luck. - I still wanna say Pacific. - Okay. - Atlantic is between here and America, right? Transatlantic, yeah? - Like it is massive - Listen, if it's, give me, gimme, give us Pacific. - Pacific. Toby's taking the reigns on this one - The specific ocean. - Ooh. It is correct. - Oh! You are so, you're so big brained. - Come on now, I thought I was having a dumb day - For 16,000 pounds. You need two more questions, right? To be guaranteed 32 grand. - Come on. - Okay. We still got 50/50, and then a drink, and then it's guaranteed answer. - All right, cool. Which British artist is famous for his spot paintings? David Hockney, Damien Hirst, Banksy or Francis Bacon? - Can we use 50/50? - Can we use a 50/50? - 50/50 please. - You can use a 50/50. - Yeah, yeah. After fisting under the table right now. - Yeah I see that. - After fisting. I know. I know this! - I would've known this question. - I know this one. I know this question. - This is my time legit. This is my time to shine. - Literally. - He went back - He owns one - Do you own one of these? - I seen him tweet it. - It's the first question he's going, I know this one. - Eliminated are, Francis Bacon and Banksy. So you're left with David Hockney and Damien Hirst. - Yeah? - Go on - Oh so he's, yeah, yeah - It's a clever tactic, a good tactic - So you got brains. I got throat. Fuck. - Whoa - Dynamic duo! - Jesus - What the fuck? - [Harry] Talking about having head machine over there (laughing) - Carry on. - All right, so, um. David Hockney has been eliminated. So you're left with Damien Hirst, B. - I'd like to lock in Damien Hirst. - That one. - Okay. Surprisingly enough it's correct. - Well done, well done (twinkling sound) (clapping) - For 32,000 pounds. - We need this. We need this. - Okay - This is a guaranteed, I'm gonna write down a check for you now, boys, you get you're guaranteed this, if you get the question right. - Yeah. - I want this badly. - I want this. - No, but I will do three shots if we have. - No, you won't. - If, if we - Not yet, boys, you have to get the question right (laughing) Okay. - You got us. Well done. That was good. - How many inhabited island make up the channel islands? Is it A, three? B, five, C, seven, or D, 10? - Looks like this is a triple header for Simon here. (laughing) - Is Alderney an island? - Oh boy. Had you in the first half. - We can ask the host. - Mother fucker, we do. - Yeah - Mother fucker. - We would like to. Yeah? You wanna, yeah? - We would like to - ask the host. - Ooh. Okay. - That's a good one. - Um - Like the answer is in front of you. - I know, I know, yeah yeah but let me try and let me try and name the inhabited ones. You've got Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey - That was all I had. - That's the three I knew - Sark, Herm, Brecqhou, and then - You just, you did two as one - Brecqhou, and there is another one. - So seven - There's seven. That's seven - I think we got seven. - That was good. That was a good one. - It's actually five. - I'm joking. - Say 7, it's 7, it's 7. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - This is getting, that is such a good twist - That is so good - Oh so you're guaranteed 32 grand boys. You wanna have this now, or do you wanna wait til later? (clapping) - Yeah! - No wait, it's a bad omen - That's a bad omen. Yeah. Did they take it? Did you take it? - No, we took it in the end. - We'll take it now. - Remember you, you can at any point, take what you have. So say you got the next question right, you can then walk away with 64 grand. Like you, you could do that - Well that's boring. - Is it now? - You shut your mouth. You shut your mouth. - Simon, if you drink more, it feels like more money. (laughing) So like just drink drink it. It's just more zeros all of a sudden. - For 64,000 pounds, boys. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait - [Simon] Uh, what was this here? - What? - Which country invented ice cream? - Oh he's going to throw Iceland in there to throw us off - A, Pakistan. - B China, C Scotland, or D icecream land? - Ice cream land. - Can we just check that? - Can you repeat D please? - Ice cream land. (laughing) - Jesus. - It can't be that one. - But this is for 60 grand, and one of the answers is ice cream land. - Not a country. - Sounds like a - This is a mockery - We would like to, we would like to, we would like to ask the audience, right? - You guys are finally involved. Get, come on, right? - Hello audience. - Hey, big brains. - I believe you heard the question - Yeah. - Yeah. We think it's D - It's Ice Cream Land - It's Ice Cream Land - You, you think it's ice? You think it's you think it's the only one that's not a country. - Yes. - Yes. It's Ice Cream Land - It's Ice Cream Land - Vic. I'm appealing to your your inner genius, please. - I think, you know, I think Vic actually knows it. - Brother. - It's Ice Cream Land - I honestly don't have a clue. - Honestly? Okay. But can you rule any of them out? - If, if I had to guess, I'd guess for Iceland. - Iceland isn't an option - That wasn't an option. (laughing) - Oh shit. - Can we ask the camera crew? - He's barely been - We can ask the camera crew if you want, but I don't know if they'll help you either. - Camera crew - Eh, John. - No, John is a weird guy! We all know this. - John is a weird facts guy - John knows it. John knows it. Look he's smiling - It's Pakistan - Does any of the, any of the crew know it? - Yo Jay, where? (indistinct) - They're all just saying it though. - They're all trying to do - Ice Cream Land - You know that thing where you say like - Ice Cream Land - This, just as though, like on a whim - Simon there's there's a bottle under the table - Very strange that we have no idea - Ice Cream Land - I hate to see you go out so soon. - If I drink you know what he's taking away. - Oh, bother - Do two, I'll take away two and then you might, I might nice you on the ones left. We'll see - oh, so, if we do two shots, that will - Yeah! - You don't take, you don't touch Ice Cream Land, leave Ice Cream Land alone. - Okay. - What if it is Iceland? And he's just giving it a funny name. - No, no, no, no. He wouldn't do it. That he wouldn't do that. - You wouldn't do that. Right? You wouldn't ruin the integrity of this game? - The integrity of such a prestigious show - Of course not, course not, course not. - This is Who Wants to be a Millionaire. You wouldn't do that would you? - I can't laugh - Ethan I want to apologise. (laughing) - It's different when you're up there, isn't it! - I said to Josh, when I over there, by the way, they were bigger than normal shots. - I also didn't realise these were double shot glasses. So I want to apologise. - Thanks man. Me and Vic are drunk! - He said, Iceland - Join us in the shadow realm. - I too am there. - Nice. - I appreciate you bro. - All right. - Eliminated Scotland. Scotland off the cards. - Lads we said it's Ice Cream Land - If Ice Cream Land goes next, it's tears. - All right - Don't you touch Ice Cream Land. - Wait - Don't you fuckin touch Ice Cream Land - You leave them alone. You ice cream lamp. - Don't you fucking dare (laughing) - Don't you, don't you Don't you fucking dare - Do the shot do the shot Don't you dare - All right (laughing) - Did you fucking touch it, don't do it - Ice Cream Land is still in. Pakistan is gone. - You had us in the first half - What you've got left is Ice Cream Land or China - Ice Cream Land - Ice Cream Land - There is a strong cry for Ice Cream Land. - There is. As much as they seem smart, I think we go China. - They seem smart? - I was gonna say that would be a reach, especially right now. - China? - Let's go China, please. - China is, is correct. Well done boys. You got there in the end. You have a new one. You could walk away with 64 grand now, if you wanna leave. - Don't do it. You won't. - We would walk away with double. - Doubled my money - If I'd tried walking away - Couldn't have been me - Could never been me - We only pay a hundred pound though. - I'll watch the bank burn - For 125 grand boys - Ohh, this is big. - Who has the lowest IQ? Is it A, a moron B an imbecile, C an idiot and or D Behzinga (laughing) - I called it! Mark he's high cause I called it - I was like D, Behzinga - Is that the answer? - They have the numbers here of what they are - Oh really? - They actually have its defined - and you have Behzinga as well?. - Behzinga is just there for a bit of fun. I don't think he's actually part of the question. but you can click cap if you want. - Actually take that answer. - I think you free spot - Bro! Imagine getting a free answer just for you - You've got something like that. You got something like that - 125 great question - You've got them. You got diplodocus in the, the sea question. - Lad you got a dinosaur. - You shut your mouth - A lot earlier than this. - You shut your mouth - No. - Could we get the answers again? - a moron, and imbecile, or an idiot? - I feel like idiot is the like highest out of those. - Moron has more in it. - All right, look, okay. We're gonna roll play. Okay. - Okay. - Yeah. You're a moron bro. Right? - You're a idiot - New scenario, new scenario - You're a imbecile All right, new scenario new scenario You're an idiot. - I feel like idiot has to be - New scenario. You're Behzinga (laughing) Which one hurt the most, other than Behzinga? - Hey - I feel like idiot should be the lowest. - Really? - Because - You're a fucking idiot. - Now that hurts - He does use that a lot - But - Because - Is that because Behzinga doesn't know the word imbecile? - This is my thing. The terminology used for the dumbest person in a village is village idiot. - That's true. But I feel like that's because - They don't know the word imbecile. - I'm willing to take the shots, but the next question will be on you. - Can we just take the money? - Yeah, but I can shot the shots. - Let me take the money - We'd like to take some shots please. - How many shots? - Three - Why don't you just take two, just take two, one at a time. - Let him do it. Let him win. - One at a time - Let him live it up. - I'll do three shots. - Okay. Right. Well, we'll get, we'll do two. - You don't touch Behzinga. - Don't touch my guy. You don't touch - All right, all right - He's gone. - You've insulted him too much boys. He's ran off. He's ran off. - He's stomped off. After you said your Behzinga he's like that. - All right. He's back in a shot. - One down. - Removed is imbecile - Ah Behzinga can you not, don't give him permission to touch you. - He's not allowed to touch you. - He's not allowed to touch you. Tell him he's not allowed to touch you. - Who? - Harry. - You're not allowed to touch me. - Dammit - If I do one more, he's not allowed to touch you - I don't have consent and I, I will accept that - I'm confused, why was he going to touch me? - He was gonna remove your answer. They don't want him to remove your answer. - Oh, you're going again? - Yes. - You've got moron, idiot and Behzinga left. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. - Is that okay? - That's fine. - You've had enough - Yeah. (tapping table) (laughing) Yeah. - Wow. Peer pressure - Can never be me. - Yeah. Simon's on our level now. - Yeah. Here we go. - He's joined us now. - Shadow realm. - He's one of us, he's one of us - I think I've got a headache (laughing) - Removed is moron. So you're stuck with idiot or Behzinga - You were smart. No wonder, you're smart. - I was right. - We'd like to lock in idiot, please. - Idiot is correct. Well done. Well done. If you wanna know the IQs, an idiot is 0, 25 an imbecile is 26 to 50 and a moron is 51 to 70 - What's Behzinga? - What's after that? - I don't have a number, what is your IQ you reckon? A hundred, a hundred and something. - I ain't a hundred - Over a hundred, I reckon for you. - I reckon, it said - It's so big when he looks at it - I'm not a fucking moron - You could walk home with 125 grand right now. I'm gonna write you a check for it actually - You like writing checks, don't you? You feel like a big man. - He pass his handwriting. That's right. - Don't take it unless you want it. But these, this could be yours right now. If you choose to leave. Don't we get to choose after we hear the question? - You do, but I'm just, for effect. - Let me just hold it for a little bit. - You can touch it for a little bit. - Don't you have to take away the other? - Shut up. - Yeah. Get rid of that one then. - For 250 grand, what is Callum Callux McGinley's middle name? Is it A, Luke? - No - B, Emia, (laughing) C, Aaron, or D, Francis? - A a was Luke and B was Emia - Like, leukaemia (laughing) - Oh, oh my God. - Oh my gosh. - Aw that was very good, Harry well done, that was great. - That was, that was incredible. - Wait, what were they? - Luke, Emia, Aaron, Francis. - You know - Aaron? No - I think it's Francis. - My original thought was Francis, but I remember him saying Aaron and I remember going, it's a bit of a cool name for you. Cause he - You said it's a cool name for him? - Callux, having Aaron as his middle name, but I would've changed Callum to Aaron instantly. Callum Francis Airy. - No, Callum Layton Airy. - Yes. Simon's licked (laughing) - I'm licked. - I said - Simon Aaron. - I said, listen. I said, the next question is on you. I'd like to yeah. - Yeah, okay. - Ask all the responsibility onto this man. - So what happens if we get the question wrong? - If you get the question wrong, you have 32 grand. - Are you gonna write us a check for 32 grand. - You already have it. - We don't. - Oh no. If you lost it. - No, no. - I could see it right there. (laughing) - You can also walk away with 1, 2, 5, or you can send it. - Callum Aaron McGinley - What's your answer? - That sounds right. - Does that, doesn't sound right to me? C A M, he's a goalkeeper. Or barely, - No he's not. (laughing) - Ahh. - It's up to you, bro. We can either walk away with 125 bags - Which is respectable. That's respectable. - Don't walk away. - He won't, he won't - Don't walk away! - I feel that, that's pussy shit - Would you take one sip for 250,000 pounds? - No - Because Luke and Emia aren't it are they (laughing) So Toby. Fucking drink - But he choose what answer goes. He choose the answer. - Well, no, he doesn't the computer. The computer does. - The computer chooses - The computer chooses what answer - I reckon. - And the computer thinks like Harry. - Have a little sip. See what happens there. - No. You're not peer pressuring me on the sandman channel, again - Take a sip, take a sip - I'm not doing this. - Don't listen to them, don't listen to them. - Bro it's 250 thousand pounds - Last two actually - I'll have one, I'll have one - Yeah! - No, no no no. Because if I do one, he's getting rid of Emia - The computer's gonna choose it. I dunno, I didn't - Don't touch cancer. - Oh whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - I don't want you getting cancer. We don't want you getting cancer. So don't go near it. - What if it is Luke? - If take the money and run. If I - Take the money and run - You just said that was pussy shit - Nah, I'm, take the money and run - 125 is a lot of money, it is a lot of money. - If I do one, it's getting rid of Emia - Wait, do they get to keep the 250 if they get it right? - If they get it right, they can then walk away with 250 next question, yeah - Lads, it's a bit - We don't need to be greedy. We don't need to be greeny. - That's quarter of a mill. - Quarter of a milli - it's quarter of a milli - A quarter of a million pounds on the line there - You're not doing three. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. That's one. That's one. That's fine. That's fine. - All right. The truth, boys. - Cheers, cheers - What's gonna go. - Yeah. - All right. Eliminated is Luke. - You're right - Brilliant. Brilliant. = All right, so it's not Emia lads - If I do another shot, he'll get rid of Emia. - You we've we've come far, in this case. - You said that's pussy shit. - I'm saying no, no, no, no, mate. I'm saying we've come far in this game. I wanna say Francis for chest and just run it and if not - Do it, you want big chest. - These days. - We got 32k - I watched your thing yesterday. Where you working out? You got a big chest Know I got, I got the, the gym shark side man right here. - Do you? - Yeah. - You said you want to walk away, final answer? - No, it's not. - You can't say you were gonna say it with chest and say it and then not say it with chest. Say it with chest. (all bantering) - All right, run Francis. - Run Francis. (shouts) - It's incorrect. - Oh. - It's Aaron. Aaron's the answer. (clang) - (indistinct) - Simon. You could have just drunk. - He plays a (indistinct) - I was willing to - All right, so you got 32 grand boys. Well done. Well done. - There, you have all the money, I don't want it. - Boo (clapping) - You deserved it, you drank. I don't want the money. - Valiant attempts, valiant attempts - Our final contestants. Hello, welcome. - Woo! - Can you walk away with more than 32 grand Which is all the others have managed so far? - I believe in this team. I wanna see, I wanna see - Why didn't they get than - They lost it all. They lost it. - Oh shit - You gotta take, take it when you can. - Yeah. Say what you want bro. Say what, say what you want. - We were up, 125 - We livid - They stole the check. - Yeah, they stolen it. They stolen it - Okay, all right. - They're criminals - For a hundred pound. - Oh. - After the US forces withdrew who took control of Afghanistan? Was it A, Sadam Husein, B, the Taliban, C, DaBaby, or D, Colonel Gadafi (laughing) - I think it's DaBaby - DaBaby? - I, I'm feeling DaBaby. - Oh my God. - Whoa, what whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Sorry? - Whoa. - What did you just say? - Jesus - No, not like that. - Right, that's crazy. - Ey, yo, send him off. (laughing) - Can we, can we walk away? - Can you walk away with nothing? If you want, yeah. - I think it's here, still. - No, it's probably the Taliban, isn't it? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Final answer? - Yeah. We'll go with Taliban. - Let's go. Round of applause for the Taliban, boys and girls. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa - It's the correct answer, it's the correct answer - Jesus - It's the correct answer For 200 pounds. All right. What is the capital of Spain? - Oh. - Is it A, Barcelona - Nice pronunciation, - B, Benidorm, C, Madrid, or D, Valencia? - It could be Benidorm - It could be Portugal. - Valencia - Oh shit. - But, it's probably Barcelona. - Wait, was, where's, was Madrid in there? - Madrid's there as well. - I say Madrid. - Oh, I say it's Madrid. Yeah, Madrid. - Why'd you say Barcelona then? - Oh I just thought I'd be funny. - You said Portugal. - Madrid. We'll go with Madrid. - You're going Madrid, locking Madrid - Yeah, lock in Madric - You are flying through, its correct. - Yeah, yeah, that's it. Not wasting time. - For 300 pounds. - Yes. - What is the fastest land animal? - Cheetahs? We don't even need a answer - I want to hear what he has to say. - No no, it's cheetah it's cheetah - He might say something cool. He might say something cool. - Is it A, Usain Bolt, B, an ostrich, C, a Greyhound, or D, a cheetah - It's a cheetah then. - Nah, actually it might be Usain - He's faster than a cheetah? - Yeah. I have seen him run. - You ever seen a cheetah run? - It's been a while. - Did you see a cheetah? - Yeah. - When, when did you last see a cheetah run? - Well, just on like YouTube. (laughing) - You can, you've got lifelines. You got all your lifelines left. If you wanna use those. - Uh it's, it's cheetah. - Cheetah? - Yeah - Lock it in, yeah. - They've gone with D, cheetah. Boys, that is correct. Well done. Well done. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Yay. - For 500 pounds. Yes. Flying up now. Who was the first man to go to space? - Oh - Was it A, Buzz Aldrin, B, Yuri Gagarin, C, Neil Armstrong, - Yo, we got some cheating over here, bro. You hear that coughing? - He's coughing - Ohhh - I'm ill, I'm ill - Yo, can we get him out of the audience please? - A cheetah is not the fastest land, it's Vic. - It sounded pretty deliberate as well. - I'm ill. - All right, you got Buzz Aldrin, Yuri Gagarin, C, Neil Armstrong or D, Neil Armweak. - Neil Armweak? - Do Armweak (coughing) - Oh Armweak - I, I think we're 50/50, cause I have no fucking idea. - I think you drink. (laughing) - Well we had this question in a video before, and I got it wrong, I think. - Okay. So let's 50/50. - 50/50. You've got Neil Armweak and Buzz Aldrin been eliminated. - Of course you gonna do that - Yeah, fuck it now. Okay. So. - All right, drink then. - Yeah, so - Get Baileys on. Get the Baileys in. It's gonna be Yuri, but get the Baileys in - Yeah fuck that - Oh yes! (laughing) - Hard - Where's the other glass? I don't know. - Is that enough? - That? Yeah, that'll do, that'll do - Yeah - You're not meant to be trading him. - The rules today (laughing) - All right. The drink has been taken, which means Neil Armstrong has been eliminated. - Told you, see. - Well, I mean - Got it wrong last time, but I said Neil last time - Yeah, well we all know - And you all harassed me for it. - We now know. - I love my lesson already. - Yeah. We'll go for the Yuri guy. - Yuri Gagarin. That is correct, boys. Well done. Well done. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Wow. What a shock? - You shut your mouth - Well I'm surprised after you coughed an answer. - Ooh. Exciting news boys. - Oh - What? - If you get this question right you are guaranteed 1000 pounds no matter what (cheering) Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Was it A, Dave from Southend? (laughing) - No, no, no, no, no. It's fine. It's fine. We're fine. - Oh. Okay. - B, Leonardo DaVinci, C, Michelangelo, or D, Picasso? - Ethan, I I've known so many questions since we played. - Well we, they just, we drunk on Barnacle boy - I've known so many. On the round we play I just - I knew all of yours though - Okay. Fair. - Yeah. - Oh shit. - Nah, it could, Davinci, Davinci it Leonardo Davinci - Oh shit - You think it's Leonardo, are you sure? (bantering) - Are you 100% sure? - What's the point in drinking? You have to drink three times, or two times. - Good. I need it (laughing) - No, no, no. Are you intent on drinking? - Yep. - He wants to drink. He's just drinking. - Join him. - Yeah. Yeah. (shouting) - Josh's are you only drinking - He wants to. - Yeah - He said he needs it. (shouting) - I don't want the shot. - Has he just done three? - Aight. KSI, that wasn't a shot. - He done three back to back. - I've done three back to back. - Get on my level three. - Have you done three? - JJ was taught that that (laughing) - So we're getting rid of Dave from Southend, obviously. - Yeah. - DaVinci. - Oh. There we go. - Got rid of as well And, and Picasso, you got rid of as well. - It's it was worth it. - Yeah. See? Boom. We locked that in. - Michelangelo is the correct answer, boys. Well done. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - What did DaVinci do? - Huh? - What DaVinci do? - DaVinci, just paintings bro. (laughing) - Just paintings bro. - All right. For 2000 pounds now, boys. - Okay, yep. - 2000 pounds is huge here. What is the best selling video game of all time? Is it A, - Is he okay? Is everyone at home? - Is it A, Grand Theft Auto five. - Okay. - B, Wii Sports, C, Tetris, or D, Minecraft? Now that's another, hold up on the drink for a second So we can have a little discussion first. - GK five is the best selling entertainment thing of all time. Revenue, gross. But is it the best selling of all the time? Is this based on money or units? - It's based off sales. So how many units sold I think. Units sold. Units sold. - What? So you think it's GTA? - No, that was, that was, that was grossing of revenue. - Okay. - You have other lifelines left apart from the alcohol! You've got, you've still got phone a friend. You've got ask the audience, you've got ask the host. - Ask the audience - Aw screw it. - Let's just join you. Screw it. - Ask the audience, ask the audience, ask the audience. - Oh yeah! - Ask the audience! - Cheers. (laughing) - There's not much left of this. - So you're knocking out two answers. - Aight, yo, you fucked yourself, but all right. Cheers - That's too much in it. But that's fine, that's fine. - Ask the audience! - Oh my God. - Oh Jesus Christ boys. All right cool. Right. Eliminated, Grand Theft Auto Five. - Oh Wow. - And Wii Sports. - And so leaves us with Minecraft and - Tetris - Tetris bro. - Nah but Tetris could be a mad one - Box tuba, box tuba - Cheers. - Always, always joking - Gross! No! - KSI? - I'm good. - You're not gonna be good. - Trust me. Let's go. What was it? - All right. - It was Tetris after isn't it - Eliminated is Tetris. - Oh. - Minecraft. - Minecraft is the correct. Well - Yeah Minecraft. - So you've you've well done. You've won 2000 pounds - Yay. - For 4,000 pounds now boys, for 4,000 pounds. - Yes. - What is a baby goat called? - This one is harder than that one - Is it A, a calf, B, a kid, C, a foal, or D, a lamb? - It's not a lamb. - Okay. What else is it? - A calf is a baby - What he's just drinking - He just drink, yeah - Bro, take the bottle off him. - I guess you lose one answer, but don't, don't say last one - Okay. So you, you are, I I'm taking out calf. - Okay. So that's like a, a cow. - The computer took calf. - A calf is a baby cow. Wait, wait, wait. We have a foal, a foal and a kid. I think a kid is a baby goat. - Oh, really? - Ask the audience. - Is he okay? - Just ask the audience, ask audience, ask, the audience. - Hang on. So, what, you've done another one. So I'm getting rid of foal. So you've got a kid and a lamb left. - It's a kid. Put B, lock in B. Put, put - Is this bloody empty bro? - Lock in B, kid. It's not a lamb, is it? Not a baby lamb - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. You're right. You're right. - No need to drink that. - Save, save your drink. - Okay, okay. - Oh, B kid. - Kid, you're going with kid. It's correct. Well done boys, well done, well done. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Woo! - All right. You got four grand now boys. You can walk away with this now if you want, you can hear the next question, walk away. - We're not walking away. - Or we can continue. - I'm enjoying this. - You got all your life. - You're enjoying that. - All your lifelines left apart from 50/50. - Yes. - Yeah. - Okay. How many letters are in the word Hippopotamus? 12, 13, 14, or 15? - H I P P O hippo. P O T A M U S. - I'm, I'm banning you from a drink from a round - Hippo. - Really? - You can't just - Hippo pot a mus H I P P O. - I could drink. - What's the point? You know? I think 12. Here we can just do that for free. - Okay, Evan. - So you saying should we lock that in? - Don't ask the audience. - Don't drink. Don't drink. Don't drink. - Ask the audience. You're not, - Ask the audience! Ask the audience! - We'll just ask them - Okay. - Ask the audience! - How much do you say? - 12, man. - Ask, you should ask the audience. - Hippo pot a mus - No, you should definitely ask the audience. You're saying 12, ask the audience. - Picture 13. - No, if he's saying 12, ask the audience. - He's asking a friend. - Oh, they're fucked. - I dunno why. He wanted to ask a friend. - Who's he calling? - Who are you calling? - (indistinct) - He ain't gonna know anything. - Why would you call Cal (indistinct)? - Oh, you've got such a good phone book. - Hi, Cal. Aight, we got, actually do I give it to you? - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - All right, Cal. Hello? You're on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? KSI and Josh, you need your help please? Go on - All right, go on Google real quick. And just, and just spell, hippopotamus. - You've got 20 seconds. - Tell me how many - How many letters is it? - How many letters? - How many letters is it? - Is it twelve? - [Cal] 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12! - As we said, what a surprise! What a surprise - Thank you, Cal, thank you. - [Cal] Goodbye! - Lord Jesus. - What was the point? Look. - This guy wants to drink - I know, so what's your final answer? - Uh, 12. - You go with 12? All right. The answer is D, 12. Congratulations. (twinkling sound) (clapping) That's 8,000 pounds in the bank boys. - Ah yeah, yeah, well then why didn't you believe in yourself? - I did believe, I told you - Now I will say you were a bit, you were, you were - Yeah I know, with my chest. I need more confidence - More chest. - I need more bench press, man. - For 16 bags. - 16 Bags. 16 bags. - Which planet is closest to the earth? - Okay. - Is it A, Mercury? B, Mars, C, Jupiter, or D, Venus? - Many v - My very expensive - Venus and Mars are on either side of us. He's got us there. - Yep - No, no, no, but like, hang on. So it's not Mercury and it's not Jupiter. - You still have ask the audience and ask the host. - Oh Vic star, right? Do you know the actual distance between the two? - Actually I don't know. - Are you, did you ask, did I get asked or not? - You don't need to drink three times - Yo, why we not done a 50/50 first - Has he just done another one? - He's done another one for - He just done a shot for no reason. - It's fair, right? Well, Jupiter is gone. - We know it's not there, it's not Jupiter. He's gonna do Mercury next. - I know. No, it's calm. It's calm bro. - What's gone? - Mars is gone. - Okay well there we go then, it's Venus. - Actually have to tell - Yeah. Yeah. - Wow. Oy there, respect, my friend. - But the computer just does its thing. It's nice. - I'll thank the computer. - All right. Where is it? - See it's here - Okay, yeah. - Um, so left, you've got Mercury and Venus. - Yeah we'll go with Venus - Yeah, Mercury's first, then Venus. - Venus is correct. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Venus is correct - Well done lads - Success. - All right. This is big, now. This is huge. If you get this question right - You all right? - I'm fine. - You sure it isn't hitting you yet? - Yep. - If you get this question, right, you're guaranteed - I can still go though. - You're guaranteed - Yeah, oh yeah. You should probably help me out. - You're guaranteed 32 grand if you get this one right, all right boys? (laughing) - My God. - What did the ancient Romans use to dye their hair? - Okay. Yup. - We're going with it. - A Pantene, C, b-B, Clay, - B clay, yeah, hang on. Wait, wait, wait, go on. Go. No wait, stop, stop. Stop. - Jesus. - C, bird excrement, - Okay. - Or D, fish guts? - I would've said it was clay but you, you already done three shots, so, - What's he doing? - There's nothing left in the bottle he's - Josh. Josh. Josh. - Josh help him. - Josh, actually stop him. - He wants to drink, man. - Actually stop him. (laughing) - What's what's what's the answer then? - I think, I I I didn't have time to intervene there. That was just that was just done. - Um, well, Pantene is not there. - Yeah, it it's clay. - You could have just done two, because like. - It was clay, right? - Is it smart, bro. - Clay's gone. - Oh so it's bird excrement. - Yes. (twinkling sound) All right. - We have 32 K secured. - 32 K secured, you have 32 grand, well done. (clapping) - Wow. - You've got the best team mate, Josh. - Huh? - You've got the best team mate. - Yo, get on our level, bro. - For 64 grand, for 64 grand, we have a question for you. Wroetoshaw's younger brother was born in which bizarre location? A, the beach, B, on a Peruvian container ship, C, on a runway, or D, in a field of sheep. - Zerka! Have you used ask the host? - This is the time. - Yeah this is the time. - We would like to use one of our lifelines, which is to ask the host. Hopefully you'll back your own brother. - I don't actually know the answer to this one. - Oh my God (laughing) - My mum wrote this question for me. I think, I think we can eliminate the Peruvian container ship, cause I don't think my family - Yeah - has been to Peru - He's been very unhelpful. Um, the beach sounds messy. - But it could be possible. - It is possible A field full of sheep. Again, very possible I am leaning towards a runway though. - Really? - So you couldn't make it to the hospital in time. - That's, that's road though isn't it. - So maybe - that's rogue - His mum's flying back to the UK or flying from Alderney to Guernsey Yeah would you fly from Alderney to Guernsey or would you just get a boat? - You could fly from Alderney to Guernsey, yeah. Yeah. - Maybe they were flying from Alderney to Guernsey to go to that main hospital in Guernsey - Surely not. Josh wasn't pumped out on a runway, was he? - On a plane or a runway? - Ask the audience. - You want to ask the audience? - Yeah, ask the audience, why not? - You'll waste another lifeline? - Why not? - I could just tell you, he's, fuck, I know it. - You, you said you don't know - You said you don't know - Yeah for real, for a fact, yeah, but like - What, which one of those two? - It could be any of those three - A beach is possible - Yeah, but I know. - It a runway. Isn't it? That's what he said before - Yeah. What is it? - Yeah yeah yeah yeah - I wouldn't lie to you - He said it before - What is it? - It's on a runway. - Okay. Okay. - On a runway. - Let's slot that in - I'm getting memories of him saying it's a runway. - The the hospital in Alderney is not very well equipped for birthing. - So the story I said was right? - Yes. - I knew it. - That's nice. - Did they get it right? - Yeah, they got it right. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Hey, so Harry, I can, was he born in international waters then? - Nah, he was, so mum was on the plane, like in labour - Yeah. - The plane landed. The ambulance came on the runway. She got in the ambulance and just gave birth to him right there. Okay, boys. This next question is for 125,000 pounds. (cheering) Hard cash. How many bones does an adult human have? - Hey - Shit - I actually know this. Wait. - Ask the audience! - 209, when I'm in the room with you (laughing) - Isn't it two oh six? - One four six - Nope. - Three, two, four - Yes. - 1400 two oh six - Wow. Two oh six. Yep - Okay. I thought that was a harder one than it was. Did you all know that one? - Yeah. I thought it was eight, not six, but - All right. Well, well done. You got it right? (twinkling sounds) (clapping) 125. - We're moving. We're moving. We, we can walk away now. We - You could, you could take 125 and go right now if you want - Boo! - Three questions away, just go for it. - We don't, we don't wanna get booed - You're KSI bro - You still have ask the audience left as well. - Yeah, well, yeah. - I think they'll really help us. - I'm sure they'll help. - Ice Cream Land (laughing) - All right, so we get to, 250 grand here. Okay. How many points is a doubles game of table tennis played to? is it A, 21 points? This in competition Is it B, 16 points, C, 20 points, or D, 11 points? - So I wanna say 21. - And a single is 11. Where singles 21 then doubles 11. - I think singles is also 21. - What competition is this? - Just a standard table tennis competition - I think it'd just be 21. I think it's a trick question. Let's ask the audience cuz they clearly wanna. - Simon, you would know, right? - Aye - Ask the audience - We as a group decided it's four points. - Four, four? (laughing) - Was that an option? - Yeah. - All right - No, no, no no no - That was an option - No, no, it's, it's Ice Cream Land. - You have to, you have to press you like on the button, you have to press that, A, B, C, or D - Yeah. We put Ice Cream Land. - That one's not an option either. - Okay - 21, 21. We, we all believe it's 21. - Well I believe it's 21 too. But he's about to drink something. - We believe it's 21, but if it's 11, don't blame us - We played 21, don't we - He's mixing. He's mixing the Malibu - Josh, take that away from him. - Why? - Stop it. - But we're not gonna know what. - Josh just lock it in. Josh. Lock it in before it's too late. - Josh, you're gonna have to save us. - Doubles. 21, lock it in. - Doubles table tennis. - Okay. It's it's 21, right? It's competition. - I think it's 21. I think it's 21. - Why would he put this here at 250k? - Because it's a trick question. - You know what? We need to get me another question. We need it. We need - Whoa. - Does this count as a shot? - No it doesn't. No it just, just Josh that was a big one. - Hey KSI can we see that shot please? No, turn your hand. Turn your hand. KSI can we see that shot please? - Josh. Are you not badass? - Right? Are you bad? - Eliminated is 16 - Of course. Yep. - And 21. - Oh, oh. - Sorry lads. We've messed you up. - So it leaves us with 11 and 20. - Okay. Yeah. I have no idea bro. - KSI can we see that shot? - It's 11. - It might be - Why be 20? It's 11, 21. - If I have that and then a little bit of this. Does that count? All right. - If you could just have that for you could just have that. You'd be fine. - It is it's it's 11 surely. - Is that fine? - I'm counting - Just oh God. That'll do, that'll that that that (laughing) All right. Okay. Well done boys, it's only shots. 20 is gone. - So it is 11. - Wow. - We would've lost on 21 though. So that's, that's - Did you get it right? - It's 11 - Are you not going to get it right? - Eleven's correct. Eleven's correct. (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Josh, Josh, 21. - I have a check for 250 grand here, boys. You could take this - Okay. - For 500,000 pounds, which of these is worth the most money? 500,000 pounds, 3000 Litecoin, 150 million Japanese yen, or 600,000 euros. - Litecoin. How much per? - Litecoin's about a hundred. - And it was 3000, 3000 litecoin, times a hundred - It's 3000? - 3000 Litecoin, yeah - I think that's enough. - What? Are you having a fourth? - Yeah - How much yen? - 150,000,000 yen - Japanese yen - Yeah - And 600,000 euros, yeah - Euros - Well we got - Well a Euro should be more than the pound right now. - Okay. So we're getting rid of one answer here. - Yep. - It's we're gonna get rid of the 500,000 pounds. - Wow. - Euro's - Right, well, we've run out of alcohol, so - Really? - Yeah. - Is there no Malibu there? - There there's nothing left. - 3000 Litecoin - 3000 times a hundred. What's that? (laughing) - Oh my God - 30,000? 300,000? Okay. - So it it, if Litecoin's 200 per unit. - Yeah. - Then it muds up the fact to 600,000 pounds - Okay. - And we've also got 150 million Japanese yen - Do we have more alcohol? - No. No, no. (laughing) - Do we have any lifelines? - No. - Damn - We have our brains - So we're really in the, in the mud now - We either take a quarter of a million or we answer - If we take a quarter million, we win. - That's a, it's a dub - But do, but do you wanna - Boo - Do you wanna answer the question? - I don't wanna get booed. I say - We win on a technicality - I say we do the ultimate thing. It's not Litecoin, I say it's not Litecoin - Ip dip do - Ip dip do? - Ip dip do - So. We'll start off on if - So what we got rid of with the 500,000 pounds - So it's 3000 light coin, 150 million Japanese yen or 600,000 euros. - Okay. Yep. - Okay so Ip dip do, doggy done a poo - I was gonna say ip dip do, the cat's got the flu - That is the original. - Is that the original? - No you do you - What I do, ip dip do, doggy done a poo - You do you - Shit another one, out go you. What do you do? - Ip dip do, the cat's got the flu. Mommy's got the chicken pots, out goes you. - Okay. So I would do, to say there, Ip dip do. Doggie done a poo. Chicken done - What is, what is this? What is this? What is this? - Doggie done a poo, chicken done another one So out goes you. Oh God. - We'll just go with that one there on the right. - You'll go. You'll eliminate the euros. - No, no, we're going for the 600,000. - You're going for 600,000 euros. - 600,000 Euros. This is - Yeah. - You don't wanna take the money? - Fuck off - You don't want take the 250 - Nah 'cause, - You want to go with euros - That's what the chicken did - You wanna go with 600,000 euros Over 150 million yen? - Can we create another lifeline? - No. - Can we make a new coin? - Harry, lay down the law here these lot. - He's not playing a game with you. - Do you want, are you locking in the euros? - No no no no - Are you sure we, let's not - It's my phone. - No, no, no. They can't use that phone. - No, no, no, no, no, no - They can't use their phone. - No, no. - What's happening there. - He's using his phone. - Hey. - Bro they're cheating - No, no, no. (all shouting) - Huh? - Can I call him? - No, you can call no one bro. The lifelines have been used. - Aight. Could we just have - Why would you play, okay why would you play if dude if you're gonna ignore it. - Okay, okay, all right, all right - They spent three, they spent three minutes - Let's do, you know what? Fuck it You know the one I had on, we'll go for that one Okay, so I don't even care, because I put yours and he was like, you sure? So you know what - But either, either he's a scallywag - Yen fuck you. - You're eliminating yen? - No, we're gonna go for yen - You're going with yen? - I don't give a fuck now bro. - Okay. So one yen, no 1 million yen (laughing) - Like they've just seen the phone. It's 150,000,000 yen, boys. - 150,000,000 - Man. They just saw the phone. - Yeah. Yen it up. - Have they cheated it? - Yes. - I don't know, have we? - Congratulations boys, you got it right, got it right. - Ethan's texted you 30 times going, it's yen - No, no - It's just a million. Its a million! - It's fine. We'll share the money. - It's a million! - He goes, I got rid of yen, You got rid of, you got rid of Litecoin. Let's go yen. - Let's go, yen. - All right, the biggest brains in the north hemisphere. We have got the million pound question in. Is it, did we have this last time on the Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Or was it Simon first? - It's Simon first - The biggest prize ever won you could walk away with 500 K. - Whoa. - Right now, if you want to. - Holy shit - Someone send a check in. Let them see it. - Oh oh oh look, there's a check there ready for us - Ohh there is a check. - Oh my God. Hey. - Yo - This could be yours boys. This could be yours. - Give these ones back. - Can I, can I touch it? - You can touch it, but it might be bad luck. - He say it make bad luck though. - All right. Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what? - Coprastaphobia - No, no. It's Coprastastaphobia. - Sorry? - You can't say it mate. - Copra sta sta, coprastastaphobia. Coprastastaphobia - Yes. Yes. Yes. Nice. - Is the fear of what? A, being tickled, B, breaking a bone, C, being unable to pleasure a woman, or D, constipation? - Coprastastaphobia. It's funny cause I've got a huge fear of this and I have this phobia. - What? - For real? - And it's being constipated. - Wait, Josh, you have this phobia? - Wait. Oh my God. Hey, yo, no way Josh. - It's being constipated - Are you fucking kidding - He's won a million pounds (twinkling sound) (clapping) - Wait, wait. Wait wait wait Are we really just brushing past? (cheering) Well done, well done, well done Yes! Lads are we really brushing past Josh having - I would like to pause and say the reason why this answer is that is because Harry has it. Cuz he had it when he was younger. - Oh - Oh, no, so I just found it randomly on a thing, but - Yeah. (closing music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,261,051
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: wufks28CiYw
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Length: 82min 50sec (4970 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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