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- Yes! (laughs) - Oh, for God's sake. - Hello, you're gonna get done over. - Yes. - Why do you need a walking stick, you're not Josh. (group laughing) - The thing is, I can't say these words. Which word is an- - Bro, this teacher is so stupid. (group laughing) (JJ manically laughing) - Hello everybody, and welcome to "Sidemen: Are You Smarter Than a 10-year-old?" On my left, we have 10 amazing students. (JJ booing) On the right, we have not so amazing Sidemen. - Sir, he's eating. - (mumbles) I'm not, I'm not. - Did he say I'm not, I'm not? (group laughing) - I meant six amazing students. And on my right, we have six not so amazing Sidemen. (Sidemen cheering) - Woo us. - Oh. (group laughing) Wait a minute, my tool's broken. - You're having a stinker here, mate. - (laughs) Tool. - In the middle of the classroom we have a board, which spins clockwise, which has six subjects on, that you will be attempting to beat the students on. Are you guys ready? - No. - No. - No. - Are you guys ready? - [Kids] Yes! - Come on. (laughs) (Sidemen laughing) I know these six amazing students are gonna smoke you guys today, so let's get into it. Guys, you'll be split into teams today. Your teams will be as follows: KSI, your study partner will be Vikkstar123. - Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! (Sidemen laughing) Yes! Yes! Yes! - Josh. - Yes. - Your study partner for the day, will be Wroetoshaw. - Oh, I'll take that. - Yes, yes! - That's all right (laughs). - Tobi and Simon, you will be study partners as well. So, those are the teams. So, now it's time to pick our first subject. (Sidemen tapping) - Don't be maths, don't be maths, don't be maths. Not maths, not maths. Oh, please no. (Sidemen laughing) - Bro, look how gassed he got at the front when the maths came up. Look at him. (Sidemen laughing) - Which one of you guys would like to answer some maths questions? - Yo, I think we go for this. - Okay. - Yeah, go on. - Yeah. - Wait. We have Vik! - You didn't put your hand up, lad. - Bro, this guy didn't know prime numbers. - I think Tobi and Simon wanna take the maths. - [Group] Yeah, go for it. - I think getting it out of the way, innit. - Right guys, are you excited to answer some math questions? - Very. - 'Cause the first student you will be taking on, will be the fabulous Anate! (group cheering) - Let's go. - What? He's like, 10. What? - You're screwed. - Anate, how are you feeling today? - Good, I'm confident. (group cheering) - And how old are you? - He just called you idiots. - 10. - To your face! - This is 10-year-old Anate, ready? He's gonna smoke you on all these maths questions. - What, a little boy, 10? What? - So students, the first question of the day is as follows. What is 1.23 metres adding 63 centimetres. - Do we have to show our working? - Yeah, yeah, we showing our working? - I think you need to show your working. - Okay, 1.23- - I don't think you guys know how to answer it straight up. - It's easy, bro. - Yeah that's calm, that's calm. - It's not too bad. - Wait, wait, wait, 1 point what? - 23 metres. - Yeah. - Plus 63 centimetres. - [Simon] Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got this. - Yeah, yeah. - Light work. - I should hope it's light work boys, you don't be too- - That's easy. - Let me flex, let me flex (laughs). - Sideman, Sidemen, could I please. (clears throat) Could I please have your answer? - You wanna say it? - No, you say it. I wrote it, you say it. - 1.86 metres. - And Anate? - That's in metres, I've got mine in centimetres. - Same thing, innit. - Did he not ask for it in centimetres? - 186 centimetres. - And you know what? Both of you get the point. (group applauding) - Oh come on, come on. - Well played, guys. - Nice work guys, that's one point each. - You should have left him Anate, you should have left him. That would have hurt him. Question number two for the day. Write down the decimal fraction equivalent to 9/2000. - Oh my god. I'd be done at this point. - Wait, what? - I'd be done at this point! - 2000ths. - Yeah, yeah. - Sir, Can you say that again please? - Yeah. Write down the decimal fraction equivalent to 9/2000. - Nah, I'm out. - Oh, we're finished bro. We're finished. - No chance. - I'm not gonna lie, the teacher wouldn't have known this. (JJ laughing) So this one, is on you guys. - This guy's smart, you know. - Do you guys both have your answers? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yep. - Simon, I'm gonna wait for you guys to answer second. Anate, what is yours? - Mine is 0.00018. - And let's see- - What, 9/2000? - The decimal fraction equivalent to 9/2000. What is your answer? - It's completely different to his answer. (laughs) - I wanna know your answer. - We've put 9.002. - Oh, yes! - Yeah. - The answer is 9.002. (Sidemen cheering) You guys take the lead. Don't worry. You've got a chance to get them back on the next one. - When he's got a different answer I was like, oh shit. - So that's the fun bit here, 'cause you guys are gonna think you messed up. (group laughing) Righty, moving on to question number three. What is 75% of 200? - Go on then. - Go on, what is it? Write it down, write it down. What is it? - Okay, just checking. I wanna see you put. - I wanna see what JJ writes down. - 75% of 200, right? - So, you just have to do this. - You have to do something. - Can we hear his answer first? - He's done. (laughs) Right, okay. - You wrote the answer to the question out, that's good. - Yeah, so then that... (Josh laughing) So, how do you do that? (Sidemen laughing) - He write the question out, and went- - Where's the calculator? Can I use my phone real quick? - Unfortunately not, no phones in the classroom. - [JJ] Okay. - Come on, let's see it then. - I was gonna say, can we hear his answer? - I just wanna, yeah. - It's quite easy if you think about it. - No wait, so then- - Seeing as you thought you had this so- - It's a piece of cake, you just- (Sidemen laughing) - You hear that? - You just take 75 out of 100 and add it together. - You hear that? (laughs) It's a piece of cake! (Sidemen laughing) - Sir, he's bullying me. Sir, he's bullying me, man. Why did you do that to me? - Well I mean, JJ's taking a long time to answer. - Look, it doesn't matter anyway. - [Ethan] What was your answer? - 150. - There we go. - 150. - There you go, both of you get the points. JJ, I don't know what you was doing. - He don't know what he was doing. - If I had a calculator I would have got it. - [Ethan] Of course you would have. Of course you would have. - Fair play you know, fair play. - Number four! The total cost of 10 burgers is £16. How much does one burger cost? - Oh, you're kid- - £1.60. - Oh, he smoked you. Oh, he smoked you. - What? Are we not writing this down? - No, I'll take that, that's bold. That's an A star student, that is. That's an A star student. - Wait, do we still get a point? - No. You hadn't even finished writing. - [JJ] Bro, I was gonna write the question! - You put one pound! - But do you know what that is? That is intelligence. - Are we shouting out the answers now? All right, all right. (Sidemen laughing) - Oi! (Sidemen laughing) - Simon, wow. (all laughing) Guys, the classroom's gone. I've lost the classroom! - Food fight! - I can't believe this. I cannot believe what I'm witnessing. What is happening here? Righty, number five. What do we call the bottom number of a fraction? - Can I shout it out? - Yeah, do it. - Go on, shout it out. - The denominator. - You shouldn't be talking in my classroom. - What? - Anate, what is the answer? - It's what he said it is. - Well done, that's a point for you my G. (all laughing) - Eh yo, teacher! - I don't remember saying that shouting out was allowed. - I asked you, and you said yes! - Watch my answer. For him, yes. - You said, yeah go on then. - For him, yes. - He went can I shout out the answer, you went, yeah go on then. - For Anate, yes. (Sidemen laughing) - Watch yourself there, watch yourself. (Ethan laughing) - Anate, your time on the maths questions is up. We have another student for you to take on. - I thought we were done. - No. You got 10 questions to answer, fellas. Malika, would you like to answer the next set of questions? - Yeah. - Welcome up. Thank you for playing, Anate. You'll be back later on. Ah, don't leave me hanging. Boom. - He does that sometimes. - Righty, a fresh brain. You've taken on one brain, do you think you can taken on two brains? - You think I can taken on two brains? (Sidemen laughing) - Guys, guys, there's a reason I'm the teacher today. I'm just a fun teacher, okay? - Just a supply teacher. - Righty, this is the next maths question. What is the next number of the sequence? 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21. - Could you repeat that please? - Don't repeat it, don't repeat it. - Done? - Yeah. - Don't repeat it. - Don't repeat it, don't repeat it, don't repeat it! (Sidemen laughing) Don't repeat it. - Who's side are you on? - This kids, bro! (Sidemen laughing) - [Josh] They're against us! - Quiet, quiet in the classroom please. Quiet in the classroom. - What just happened? (Sidemen laughing) Let's have a look at what you've got. Nah, nah, nah, nah. Hang on. - What? - What's happening there? - Oh, they wrote teacher is a loser! - Eh, yo she's snitching! (all laughing) - Oi, watch yourself. - Whoa! - Why ain't you putting the dobber? She's dobbing! - I didn't though, because- (Sidemen laughing) - Bloody brought out a cane! - You're such a scaredy cat! (Sidemen laughing) - I'm being bullied, lads. - What's happening right now? - Right. Malika had finished the question and said done. - Oi, stop looking! - What was the- (Sidemen laughing) It's like a proper classroom, I love this. What is your answer? - 28. - Boom, we have another point. - That's what I wrote, bro. That's what I wrote. - No, you didn't. - No, look. - No, you wrote teacher is a loser, didn't you? (all laughing) - I don't think they'd have got it either, you know. - No, I don't think they would of. - I didn't hear the question. - You were too busy writing I was a loser. Righty, the next question. I don't really know how to say this, but I'm going to give it a go. (Sidemen laughing) What would 2 2/6 be converted to in an improper fraction? - What? - Done. - Done? - Yeah, we got it as well. We got it as well. - I got it. - I'll say it. - Well, I'm not gonna lie- - I'll say it! - I just watched- - 14/6. - Yeah, but I just watched him finish it after they said done. - No, but I show my working, man! That's how I was taught! - But I did, as well! - I'm not gonna lie to you, Malika's quick. - Yeah she is quick, she is. - Very quick, very quick. - I didn't even get to blink, and she already answered. - Do you wanna know the question? - Yeah, yeah, let me hear the question. What would 2 2/6 be converted to in an improper fraction. - [Simon] We've already shouted the answer out, lad. - No, no, no. - Yeah, I've got it written down. - Yeah, wait. Let's just hear what these, look. 'Cause that's doing something right now. This is doing something. - There's literally a monkey just screaming "help." (Sidemen laughing) - Can we have your answers? Both of you. 14/6. - There you go. All right, you both got a point. I'll be fair to you lads. - Oh, now you wanna be fair? - Am I still a loser, yeah? (all laughing) - It says "teacher is still a loser." (Sidemen laughing) I can't believe it. - That was sick. - I can't believe it. I'm somehow the teacher and I'm being clowned. Right, the next question is Josh bought some cheese for £3.76. - Yep. - A chicken for £5.30 and a pan for £16. How much change did he have from £50? - Making a banging meal, cheese chicken? - It sounds like a good meal, doesn't it? - Nothing else. - And put your hand up when you've finished. - Ooh! - Simon got there before her! - He snagged it, but did he get it right? Oh, he's still writing though? - He's still writing! - No, I had it in my head. - I don't like you still writing, though. - I said to write it down, but he said it, he said it. - What, is it a race now, what's going on? - Right, Simon. - You're quick. That is mad. - Simon. Could I please hear your answer? - £24.94. - And Malika? - £24.75. - Oof. - This is quite interesting. I'm on the edge of my seat. - Simon and Tobi. You'll be happy to know that you have just earned yourselves a point. It was 24.94. - [JJ] Whoa! - The scores will be on screen somewhere. 'Cause I've lost track. (laughs) I've lost the classroom. - You still wrote "teacher's a loser." You're a loser. - She just called me a loser. - All right, are we ready for the next question, students? (sparse chuckling) Can I have quiet in the classroom, please? - Sorry, he got hit in the face with something. - Okay. (Malika giggling) Okay. - Go ahead. - JJ threw it at you. - She's snitching, bro. (Sidemen laughing) - Nah, man. (JJ exclaims) - Is everything okay? - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, I'm sorry. - I can't wait for you to get your questions wrong. - Sir, I'm so sorry. - Yeah, you big dummy. - Sir, I'm sorry! - Sir? - [Ethan] Yes? - Why do you need to walking stick? You're not Josh. (group laughing) - Why do I need a walking stick? - You weren't even involved! - I love this classroom. This might be the best classroom I've ever been in. This is amazing. This is unreal. (Sidemen laughing) - Violations left and right. - Righty. The next question is- - I can throw far. - Shh! - Sorry. - How is 0.023 changed to 0.23? - Go on, yeah. - Done. - Yeah? - Yeah, we're done. - Romeo done. Right, can I please hear your answer? - You multiply by 10. - Yeah. - You just copied her. - Yeah, you could at least say it. - We literally said it. - You could hear it in the mic, times it by 10. - He literally said it straight away. - You have it written down? - Where is the work in that? - I'm just going to say, it's not on the paper. - Play it back! - It's not on the paper! You cheated, look! - It's on the paper. (all shouting) - Where's the working out? - I wrote the first one. - Yeah, but you've gotta write it down! - Write what down? - You could have guessed that one. (group chuckling) - Lads, what we thinking? (all shouting) - We should get a point! - We have it on the mic, lad! - We can give them both a point, give them both a point. - Listen, watch. Afterschool, 3:00 pm, the park here. - Saying that to the teacher? (Sidemen laughing) - You know what, just for threatening the teacher, Malika, you get the point. - You lost us a point! - He wasn't going to give it to us anyway. - He was and you threatened him! - No he wasn't! - He's a teacher! You can't threaten him. (group laughing) - Outside. - In the park. - Wait for the referee. - Righty. (laughs) I've had a lot of fun there. This is great. The next question, which of these are not equivalent to each other: 3/9 and 1/3, 6/8 and 3/4, 4/6 and 8/12, or 1/10 and 2/5? - Wait, what? - That one. - Which one of these are not equivalent to each other? - Is it 1/10? - Shush! (all laughing) - [Simon] Well, I wrote it. (all laughing) - What is your answer? - 1/10 and 2/5. - The last one. - That doesn't count. - What do you mean? (all shouting) - He better allow it, bro. - I wrote the last one! - Hey, yo, what's going on now? - You're shagging it now. You're shagging your boys. - I've got to give it to them, bro. That was epic. - Then you can give it to both of us! - Oh, okay, you can both have it. - Give 'em both a point. - Yeah, man. - I literally wrote them all out, and he was waffling. So I just wrote "last one." - The scores for the maths section of the video will be on screen right now. Thank you, my lovely students. - Well done, guys. - And thank you, Simon and Tobi. (Sidemen clapping) Ladies and gentlemen, after a great first round, the Sidemen, I think find themselves one- Watch yourself. (Sidemen laughing) Not in my classroom. I will see you at three o'clock. (Sidemen laughing) It's time to go onto the next subject. Spin that wheel! (Sidemen tapping) - [Sidemen] JJ! Send JJ! - No, no, no. - Send him off. - Spelling bee himself. - Send him off. - No! - Should we send him up alone? - [All] Send him up alone! - No, man, that's not fair! - I'll sit next to him for moral support. (group laughing) - Hey, yo, what's going on? - Hey, JJ, do you remember a certain spelling bee? - Hey, yo, that wasn't me. That was Folabi, that was Folabi. - You look awfully, awfully similar. - Am I getting it right? You're gonna let this man use all of that. - I'm going to be here. You know, no, no, I'll help out a little bit. Maybe guess a few letters here and there. (JJ laughing) - It's a little bit hollow. - Do you reckon he can spell integrity? - He has to look at his arm. - Write it down? - [Josh] Without looking at your arm. (Sidemen laughing) - Righty. You will be taking on the student by the name Jasmine at spelling. (all clapping) Here we go. Jasmine, how old are you? - 10. - 10, wow. You gonna get out spelled by 10-year-old? - No, man. - Yeah, of course you are. (laughs) Righty. - Spell "a." - A. - Nice. - She's done with you already, bro. (Sidemen laughing) - Righty. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. The first one is an anagram. (group laughing) Find the word jumbled up in these letters. D, E, M, E, I, S, N. - Can you repeat that? - Yes. Find the word jumbled up in these letters. D, E, M- - Oh! - E, I, S, N. - (laughs) Yeah! Yeah! - Get your hand up there, you got it. (Josh and JJ laughing) - See, that's an unfair question, I'd argue. - Yeah, I think it's biassed, it's biassed. - It's a loaded question. - The word was Sidemen. - Yeah! - The word was Sidemen. - Do I get a point? - You get a point. - Yes! - Reluctantly, you get a point. - Yes! - Righty. - [All] Boo. - Wait, so can I do the L dance? - No, you've got one point, mate. - You're nearly 28. 28? How old is he? - 27. - You're nearly 28. - Okay. - So, unfortunately not. How do you spell convenience? - Just start writing. Maybe write a sentence out and just start writing the word. - What was the word? - Convenience. - Oh my God. I hate this already. - Wrong. - Is that wrong? - Let me see. (group laughing) - Oh, mate, no, wait. - I'm happy you picked this one, Harry. - Oh, we're done for. - Bro, I have no idea. (Vik laughing) - He's got two written down. Do you remember when you asked me to spell eight? (Sidemen laughing) Do you remember that? - Oh no. - I could help you. - Oh. - But I'm not gonna. - It's actually karma now. - I think it'll be it's the closest wins as well. - Yeah. Righty. - I think it's this one. - Yeah? - Yeah. Okay. - No. - So that's your chosen answer. Jasmine, you all good? - You know, I'm just going to go for it. - Yeah? Okay. Here we go. - I may be stupid as well as him, but I don't think it's either of those. (group laughing) - Wait, wait, can one of us see? - Okay, so, KSI should have spelt convenience, C-O-N-V-E-N-I- A-N-C-E. - What? - And I will just let you know that he does his Ns backwards. (kids laughing) - Wait, what was the other spelling? - You don't want to know the other one. - No, it doesn't matter. - Convenience. C-O-N-V-I-E-N-C-E. - How do you write lyrics? - I don't know. - I type them. - Jasmine. (group laughing) - Auto-correct. C-O-N-V-I-N-I-E-N-C-E. - That's what I wrote, that's what I wrote! - Which is one letter off. So we're going to give the point to Jasmine. (all clapping) - That was a howler. That is absolutely outrageous. Right, the next question. The next word, even. Can you please spell necessary? - Oh, bro, that's an outrageous one to spell. - That is not fair. - I love how you're participating still. - That was really good, man. - [Josh] Darn it. - That was a nice plane. - [Josh] I hit the ceiling. - I liked that plane. - Oh my God, what? (Jasmine sounding out word) - Does anyone over there know how to spell necessary? - Yep. - Yeah. - Done it. - Yeah. (Sidemen shouting) - Okay, boffin. - It's really not that hard. - I've done an artist's impression of how most people would describe you. I'm just going to show it to you right now. - Why me? Is it 'cause I spoke up? - There it is. That's my artist's impression of how most people would describe you. - He's just drawn a penis. (crew laughing) - It's all right. It's all right, man. Hide behind my book for the rest of the video. - I won't speak up again. (laughs) (Ethan laughing) - The teacher got passed a note. I'm a cool teacher. - What's it say? - Wait, what? - Wait, what's it say? (kids laughing) - Here we go. - Ow! (kids laughing) - What happened? Why? What's happening? (kids laughing) - Hit him with a crayon. (all laughing) - Hey, yo, what's going on? - Okay, guys, we can't start fighting. No fighting in the classroom. Righty, let's get onto it. Necessary. - KSI has spelled necessary. N, E, C, E, double S, A, R, Y. - Is that it? - Jasmine has spelled it. - Have I got it? N, E, double S, E, S, A, R, Y. - The correct answer is in fact, KSI. - Yes! Yes! - Yes! - Oh for God's sake. - Oh no. - He's barely moved. - Get back down before I hit you again. And this time it will be with a crayon. - [Josh] The whole floor shook. (JJ laughing) - I can't believe you just done that. - Outrageous, outrageous. - [Tobi] That's rude, that's rude. - One C, two S. - That's how you remember it. - Yeah. - The next word. - [Josh] Two sugars in a cup. - Do you mind talking to my classroom, please? - No, I don't mind. - I actually do, yeah. - Oh, we don't mind, no, we don't mind. (kids laughing) - [Sidemen] Ooh! - The crayon! - What are you doing? - As in I don't want to, no, please. - Simon, run. - He has the crayon. - [Simon] Sir. (all laughing) - Stop talking in the classroom. Right, the next word I will be wanting you to spell is variety. - Oh, I can do that one. - Well, I should know how to spell this. - Yeah, you should. - You should know how to spell every word. - Yeah. - Yeah, I got the same. - (laughs) Yeah. - Hey, yo, I'm smart. (JJ laughing) - I really hope he spelled it wrong. - Jasmine's is written down. JJ's is written down. And I can inform you that you've both got it correct. (Sidemen clapping) There we go. A point for both. Humbling, humbling, need some humbling. - We're going to up the level a little bit now. - What do you mean, up the level? - Just a tiny bit. - This level's good, man. Let's stay at this level. - Let's go with superstitious. (all murmuring) Could you please spell superstitious? - Sir, approve of me. - Oh wow, that's really something, that is. - He approves. - Teacher's pet, bro. - That S is superstitious. - I know the way to my teacher's heart. - [Ethan] That S is superstitious. - Give me an A. - Superstitious. - Oh, I got it so wrong, Jesus Christ. There's bloody Ts and all this kind of stuff. - Oh my word. - Wait, let me see this. Oh no. Oh, Harry. - It's very phonetic, you just write how it sounds. - This is confusing. Superstitious. - Vik, you having fun, mate? - Yeah, it's great. - Vik's had a breeze. To be fair, his smile is quite cute when he gets it. (Sidemen laughing) He gets really happy. - It's quite cute. - It's quite cute. - Over on the right side, we have superstitious. S-U-P-E-R, super. Stitious, S-T-I-T-I-O-U-S. And on Jasmine's side, we have superstitious. Super, S-U-P-E-R-S-T-I-C-I-O-U-S. - That's what I put as well! (group laughing) - KSI gets the point. - Yes! - Righty. - Unlucky, unlucky. - Don't worry, next up. - No, I ain't trust you. - We've got something else for you next up. This one's a good one. Please write down three words that have a prefix of dis. (Simon laughing) - What? - [Josh] Look at the face. - What? No, hold on, what? Write down three words that have a prefix of dis. D-I-S. (Sidemen shouting) - No, Vik, no. - No, no, no, give me one. (Sidemen shounting) - Let him flounder. - Just keep going, keep going. Rack up as many as you can. - Oh, come on. - [Harry] Need some karma. - What's a prefix? - Three words. - What did we make? What are we known for? What do we produce? - Three words please. - Content. - Yeah. Yeah, exactly, yeah. So write that. - That have a prefix of D-I-S. - Do you even know what a prefix is? - Yeah, tell him. - Nah. - We learn it in year one. - [JJ] In year one? - So "pre" means before. I think you know that, right? - Okay, okay. - [Josh] And what does "fix" mean? - It means the bit that goes beforth. - Okay, so, oh, all right. Okay. - So "dis" before the rest of the word. - [Boy] JJ, like preschool. - Come on, mate. - Wait, wait, what was it? - You know what words is, right? (group laughing) - Hold me back, man. Hold me back. - Can you be here every week, please? Every week, I want you here. - Wait, what's the word? - What do you mean what's the word? - Please write down three words that have a prefix of dis. - Bro, the times up, surely, right? - [Simon] It's surely, bro. - He's run out of time and you know what? Jasmine's got the point. 'Cause she's got disappoint, disappear. - JJ, JJ. - Geez. - What's your album called? - This guy's spent the- And he's, oh no. - Okay. - Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. - He's got "disappa." - Disappa. - No, I wasn't finished! That was going to be disappoint. - Yeah, no. - Do you know who is disappointed? Ethan. - Very much so. So Jasmine, you walk away with a point on that one. (all clapping) Jasmine, thank you very much. We are now moving into some more spelling questions for Ava. - After all she's done, give her a clap. (Sidemen clapping) - Lovely stuff. - [Harry] Don't shake his hand. - Don't shake his hand. Don't do it, don't do it. Don't do it. (JJ laughing) - This man is happy that he's spelt variety. - Righty. Here we go. Ava. Welcome to the stage. How old are you? - 11. - 11 years old. We're going back to anagrams here. Who can make the most words using from Sideman? - I'll give you a minute. - Does it have to use all the letters? - I just want to know how many words you can get from the word Sidemen. - Oh, so any letters. So sand would count. So sand would count? - Vik, it would. - Yeah, so you can write sand. - Oh, okay. (Vik laughing) - And you have 10 seconds left. Nine. - He's just written "side" and "men." - Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. - And One. Boom. Okay. - We have (counting in Spanish). - Oh. - You like that? Know a bit of Spanish. - Wait, med? That's not a word. - Yeah, it is. - It is a word. - You have more though, JJ. - Yes, JJ, you have (counting in Spanish). I don't know any more from there on. - It's (counting in Spanish). - That's my guy. - Come on! - That's my guy. That's my guy. Righty. - Look at this word. - [Simon] Can we hear the words, though? - Okay, the words that JJ has come out with is side, men, sand. - [Simon] Who? - There's not an "A" in Sidemen. - No, of course there isn't, exactly. So unfortunately. - He told him to say that one. (group laughing) - [Simon] Side-man. - [Ethan] I don't really know how. - Maybe it's with maths, bro. It's with maths and science. (group laughing) - So we got sand of out somewhere. Demise, which was, that's a great one. That's a big one. - [Josh] That's a good one. - That's a big one. - Can I hear a clap? - No. - I'll give you that. - And from you guys as well? - No, I'm okay. - No! - So that would get you three minus the sand. - Okay. Then he has den. And then he has semi. (Sidemen laughing) Then he has mine. And then he has me. - So I win? - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Wow. - [Simon] I'd say you have to do more. - Over here we have side, men, die. (JJ patting chest) Send, den, med. - Whoa. - Do you know what, fair play, JJ scraped it. But the sand. The sand is outrageous. - It's minus one. There's letters not in the word, bro. - Should I minus one? - [Sidemen] No, let him have it, let him have it. - Back in the seat, please. - Can I have my pen back, please? - Go and get the pen. Go and pick the pen up. You've just L danced an 11 year old. Are you happy with yourself? (JJ laughing) - Next up, we have a suffix challenge. (Harry sputters) Okay. - Wait, can you explain what a suffix is? - It's not the prefix. (Sidemen shouting) - Just leave him to his own devices. - Let that thing work. - It's a place near Kent. - So in in one minute, (Vick and JJ laughing) could you please write down- Quiet in the classroom! Please. I'm trying to teach. - You're teaching. - In one minute, could you please write down the most words with the suffix of able? (Harry spits) - So you've got to wait a minute and then write them. - Oh, wait, so then it's- - So you have to wait a minute. It said in one minute. - Shut up. - Wait, what was the word again? - Able. - Able. - Don't listen to Vik, whatever he says. (Josh and Vick chuckling) - Vik be like, "table." - Stable. - (laughs) Table. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six. - Why are you pointing at me? - Five. - 3:00 pm. Four, three, two, one. - How are you, mate? Where's your pencil case gone? (all laughing) - See me after school. - Oh, you're getting zeroed in. - Oh no. - Look away, children. (all laughing) - Righty. The challenge is over. Ava has doable, unstoppable. - Yep. - Undoable. Is that stoppable? - Yeah. Stoppable, recordable. Is that recordable? - Reckonable and recordable. - Reckonable and recordable. - [Harry] Reckonable? - Reckonable. - Reckonable you, know. - JJ. - And would we like to hear? Would the classroom like to hear what JJ has? - Yes, please. - For the suffix of able. - Nah, read it, read it. - Read it, read it. Make him read it, read it. - KSI, could you please read your first suffix of able? - Yeah, sure, sir. - Table. - Right. - That's a no. - E-L. - Why don't you read through the rest? - Could I also have your second suffix of able? - Stable. (all luaghing) - Could I please have your third suffix of able? - Cable. (sparse laughter) - And could we have the fourth one? - Label. - And the fifth? - Abel. - He wrote A-B-E-L. (group laughing) - And what's that seventh one? - Fable. - And what's the last one? - Sable. - Right. Fuckin' A. So are you proud of yourself? - Definitely went to school. (Sidemen laughing) - We can't laugh yet, though. We can't laugh yet. - Bro, we're smoking these kids. They got no chance. - Are you sure? - Oh, that is unreal. Right. - Fair play, fair play. - He just took our answers and wrote them. - Ava, as you can tell, you did get the point there. (all clapping) - I'm not clapping, I'm not clapping. - I don't need you to. - Righty. So now I'm going to need you to spell three words for me. All right. The first word is mischievous. - Fuck. - Harry's being mischievous. - Sorry, kids. Sorry, kids. - What was that? - Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. - What was that, Harry? - Nothing, nothing. It slipped out. It slipped out, it slipped out. It was a hard word, it was a hard word.. - Mischievous. - Are you sure it's not mis-chivous? Mis-chivous? - Mis-chivous. (group laughing) - It's mischievous too, yeah? (Vik sounding out word) - Okay, yeah. Okay. - I think, I'm not certain on that one. - Mischievous. Oh, that was cold, I caught my cane. That was really cool. - I dropped it, but caught it before it hit the floor. - Well done, sir. - Well done, sir. - Hey, what are you doing? Ow! (all yelling) - That's what you get for putting "label." - [JJ] She hit me, dude. - That's what you get for putting "label." - She hit me! I'm so sad for myself. - You're so weak. - Mischievous. - KSI has M-I-S-C-H-I-E-V-I-O-U-S. - Sounds about right. - Ava has M-I-S-C-H-E-V-I-O-U-S. The correct answer goes to KSI. - Yes! Yes! (JJ laughing) - By one letter. (JJ laughing) - Why are you celebrating? - No, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. - Did you see what you'd done with the suffix? - He had it wrong and I fixed it for him. And he's celebrating. - Hey, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. - Wait, was this the one letter off, did you say? - Ava was one letter off. - Bro, you can't do that. You had it wrong. - Oh, did he? Well, did you help him get it right? - [Josh] Oh no, oh no. - They are a team, to be fair. - [Ethan] They are a team. It's a compliment. Two Sidemen's brains are just about defeating. Right. The next word I would like you to spell is pronounciation. - You're missing a letter in that one. - I'm going to need to ask you to stop writing, please. - Oh, stop writing! - No, wait, what was it? - Stop writing, please. - [Harry] Just stop writing. - Yo. - Ava has P-R-O. - He's changing it! - N-O-U-N-C-I-A-T-I-O-N. - Yeah? - Which is the correct answer. "Pronovnciation?" - No, that's a U. - Pronovnciation. - That's a U. - Is that a U? - Yeah. - Can we get a verdict, is that a U, lads? Or is that a V? - Where? - That's a V. - It doesn't matter what it is. It's wrong. - Is that a V, fellas? - It doesn't matter what it is. (sounding out word) - So, the point goes to Ava. (group clapping) - Right, the last word I would like you to spell is muscle. Like, I've used it. Ethan's got lots of muscle, right? - Yeah, yes. - Yes, sir. - (laughs) It's a nice, easy one on the way out. Congratulations. You both spelled it right. That'll do it for the spelling round. Really nice work on the suffixes. The scores will be on screen now. Thank you for being such incredible students. We appreciate you. (all clapping) How'd you feel about your performances so far? - Mate, I think I smashed it. - You did okay. - You did pretty well, to be fair. - Yeah. - Demise. - Demise was big. I liked that. - Losers! - [Ethan] It is time to spin that wheel. - You've ruined it now. (Sidemen tapping) - [Harry] Yes, geography! (Harry and Josh cheering) - Who want's smoking? - You've got no chance. You've got no chance, you've got no chance. - This is embarrassing if it goes wrong, though. - Oh yeah. - Massively embarrassing. - This is really embarrassing if you get this wrong. - No, we're getting every question right here. - Righty, Harry and Josh, you seemed very excited. - That you got geography. - We like geography. - Okay. The student that you will be taking on, first of all, is Henry. (all clapping) - Oh, Henry. - Can I sit a bit further apart from you? I don't want to catch stupid. (Sidemen yelling) - We're nice boys, I swear. - We are sick of geography, I swear to God. We'll do well here. - How many continents are there and how many can you name? - This is easy. - How many continents are there? - No, he has banged it. - And how many can you name? - He's banged it, he's banged it, he's banged it. Is that one? - Yeah, or it can be. - Oh, we're clear. We're so clear, we're so clear. - Right, I've got Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North America, and South America. - So you have six. - Antarctica! - Did you miss one? - Let's hear it. - Antarctica! - [Anate] Antarctica! - Oh, Antarctica. - [Ethan] Antarctica. (Sidemen cheering) - I knew there was seven, but I just couldn't think of it. - Also, bro, I've realised there's two fully grown men. - [Ethan] And you're celebrating like this. Are you happy with yourselves, boys? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Well, I've got another question about continents. - Uh-huh. - Okay. - If you scribble down Antarctica on there as well. Could I please now get you to put them in order of the largest, to the smallest? - Oh, we can do this. - In what term? - What do you mean? - Is it land mass, or is it surface? - Well, what could it be? - Tallest people. - Can you please put them in order of largest to smallest? Josh, could I please ask you to read out the order of the continents from largest to smallest? - We said Antarctica was the biggest. - You said Antarctica was the biggest. - I said it, I'm awfully wrong. Then we put Asia as second. - Okay, yeah, I'm going to tell you right now, this weighs a tonne. - Oh no. - Oh my God. - Henry, could I please hear yours? - I put Asia is the biggest. - Absolutely. - Oh no. - Then I put Africa as the second biggest. - That is the second biggest. - Bro, you said Africa was smaller! - Bro, what are you doing? - North America is the third. - Yep. - And then I put South America as fourth. - Yep. - And then I put Antarctica. - Yep. - And then Europe. - Yep. - Then Australia. (group clapping) - We got one right. We got one right. - Oh no. We got it so badly wrong. - Boom, let's go, Henry. - We got it so badly wrong. - In what universe or planet did you think Antarctica was the biggest continent? - Bro, I didn't say that, and he goes, no, it's huge. - Bro, isn't Antarctica getting smaller every year? (Ethan laughing) No, no, no. - This is what you're competing with, guys. This is what you're competing with. - It's in the sea, it's still part of the continent. - No, it's going into the sea. - The sea is part of the continent, lad. - Nah. - What are horizontal and vertical imaginary lines around the Earth called? - I got it. - Wait, so all of them? They've got certain name. What are horizontal and vertical imaginary lines around the Earth called? - I can't write. Oh, see, I know that. But I wouldn't have got it. - Oh! - Oh, oh. - Put your hand up if you're done. - Oh, okay. What are horizontal and vertical imaginary lines around the Earth called? - Like, for two? - There's two, there's two. - Okay, okay. - So can I please hit your answer, chaps? - Latitude and longitude. - Wait, wait, wait. - Longitude? - I originally wrote latitude and longitude, But when you said two, I also write the equation Greenwich Mean Time line thing. - Do you know what's absolutely insane? The answer is latitude and longitude, and it says the longest latitude being the equator if you want a bonus point. - Oh my God. - Hey, yo, he's doing too much. - [Ethan] No, do you know what he's doing? He's doing bonus points. Let's go. - Oh, I've done it wrong. - Has he spelt it wrong? - He put longitude. - Has he spelt it wrong? - It's not spelled right, no. - No, but I got it, I got it. - No, I can't show you that. (Sidemen laughing) - So we get two points and he gets three? - Yeah. - We'll take that. - No, you get one point for the correct answer and then a bonus point. - Oh. - So, Henry is running away with it now. - Dang. - So this one is a multiple choice answer, okay? - The feds are in town. (distant sirens) - They're coming to get you. (Sidemen laughing) - No, true, I have been really naughty after smashing you guys in spelling. - (laughs) You're really happy about that, right? - You can spell spelling, right? - Yeah, I can. Henry. (group laughing) - Righty, Henry, Josh, and Harry. Which of these best describes the atmosphere surrounding Venus? Is it A: bright and sunny, B: cold and wet, C: cold and snowy, or D: bot and poisonous. - Yeah. - Why you looking at me, bro? Do I look like I'm into Venus? (JJ laughing) - So. - A was bright and sunny, B was cold and wet. - Do you know this one? - Yeah. - C was cold and snowy, D was hot and poisonous. You have hot and poisonous. Henry, what do you have? - I put hot and poisonous 'cause it's close to the sun and filled with carbon dioxide. - Exactly. (Sidemen cheering) - And it is the correct answer. - That's what we were saying. - [Ethan] This man's a straight killer. Boom. Questions are gone. - Exactly what we were saying, Henry. - You can have a bonus point again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, hey. No, no, no, no. He's smoking it, smoking you lot. Bro, we got the right answer. - Yeah, but you had no description. - Check his spelling of poisonous. (Ethan laughing) - "Poisonas." (JJ laughing) "Poisonas?" "Poisonas." - Bro, that's an O-U. That's an O-U. - Where? - That's an O. (Josh and Harry mumbling) - I just can't write. - (laughs) Righty. The next question is which country has the largest population in the world. - [JJ] Come on, we should know this. - Or do we no this? - A hundred percent, come on, it's obvious. - No. - Done. - Can I please hear your answer? - China. - Boom. And you have China as well. This has been a closely contested. - I feel that was quite an easy question, sir, I won't lie. - Yeah. - All right. Crank it up, crack it up. - I'm looking at the Trevi Fountain, which capital city am I in? - The Trevi Fountain? - Trevi Fountain? (Simon laughing) - T-R-E-V-I. If I'm looking at the Trevi, I dunno how I should say it, really. Trevi? Yeah. Trevi Fountain. Which capital city am I in? - I want to say. - That's not a city, that's a country. Ooh, okay. - Well, I don't know why. - Bro, if you'll feel it, I wrote Pakistan. So if you'll go with that, then let's go with yours. - It's a capital, though. - I guessed, I guessed. - What did you go for? - I wrote Reykjavík. - Jesus. - You wrote for Copenhagen. You're both wrong. It was Rome, Italy. - He knew, this man knew. This man's smart. - [Ethan] Rome, Italy. - 'Cause when he said it, he put an Italian accent on it. - Did I? - You went Tree-vi, Trevi. - No, it sounded Italian. - Apparently I did that. Didn't know. Sorry, good try, good try. Righty, Henry. Your time is up, we now bring Max to the seat for some geography questions. - See you later, Henry, mate. - Do you know what, smoked you though. - Nice to meet you. - Hello. Hello, you're going to get done over. - Oh, a respectful one. - He called me old. (Ethan laughing) - Let's give you a nice handshake. - Are you happy with yourself? - Harry, are you happy with yourself? - No, I feel bad now. I feel bad. I apologise. - Wow. Righty. Let's get it cracking again. What is the longest river in the world? - Go on, what is it? - [Ethan] The longest river in the world. (JJ laughing) - I've done, I think. - [Ethan] Done? You're done? - I hope. - We have the river Nile and the river Nile. Boom. Two points. - Yes, yes. - One each. - Okay. - Okay, could I please have you name one or more of the four highest mountains in the UK? - Oh. - Yeah. That's what I've got. - One of the four? - Name one or more of the top four highest mountains in the UK. - Ben Nevis is one. - Oi, the kids are working together! The kids are working together! - Lads, how old are you, Harry? How old are you? - I'm 20. - How old? And Josh, how old are you? - 14. And you're complaining about the students working together, are you? - Well, I'm the same age as nearly Henry. - Oh, I got it all by myself. - Yeah, exactly. Exactly. - So, I'll give you- - The actual thing. - Is it called that? - Yeah. - Try and name as many as you can in the next 30 seconds - I was writing Shooter's Hill. (Sidemen laughing) - What? - Hey guys. Okay. Let's hear it. - Ben Nevis and Snowden, maybe. - You've got to it's actually that. Oh, oh Ben Nevis. Snowdonia no, evens belly. - To London. You can see what London from it. You see my belly max is walking away with 2.0, the. - New, big dummies and walking away with none. Then we get in bed. Ben. I'm not giving you bit. Yeah. - Ethan, what was your top? Four Henry. - The top four. Yeah. Ben Nevis being the tallest. Yeah. Snowden sleeve donut sleep. Yeah. Listen, pronunciation, pronunciation, Mount Snowden. - Darn it fell pike. Did you get them all? I got scaffold pike, but I'm baking my plane. - On that one. Fair enough. Next question. Run out. Pay for it. What is the largest country in the world? Oh, it's easy bro. Oh, is it? But I heard him say it. Pardon me? I'm going to cheat if you got your answer. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, cool. No, Harry, you would have been absolutely wrong. Your question was why? If what you've answered, please reveal your answer. Russia. Max Russia. Boom. All right. So here we go. The final geography question. Oh, what is colder? The north pole or the south pole. You got a 50, 50 chance. Yeah. If we got it right on it is we put south pole. I can reveal the both of you have got the answer, correct? The answer is the south pole. See? We're geniuses. Geniuses. Yeah. Yeah. Nice one. Well done. - Thank you for playing geography on we COVID. Yes. Oh, sorry. So now. - All of you guys have had to go how'd you feel that two of you can just about out muscle. The students they're smart. You know, they are I'd be helpless. Absolutely helpless. However, we are sometimes left. - To spin that wheel. - Oh wait. No. Oh, let's keep it locked up. - What's that general knowledge, knowledge. - Like general knowledge as I lose him. The embarrassing one. What should I get all the answers right now? True. Vic, JJ. Stepping back up to the hot seat. Yep. - We're a team this time. Yeah. He's playing this time. - So I just want you guys to know that if Vic's playing your emperor in for a real battle, good luck stepping up first for genuine knowledge will be Malika. Yeah. - It's to be paid. Got this bit because you've, you've been L dancing. All of them. The people not even playing the games are. - Absolutely outrageous. Right? So this is general knowledge. The first question, how many letters are in the alphabet? - Then I read your mind. Did you write it down? Down? Oh yeah. That was. - Written down. All right. You both get it right? 26. Okay. Number two. Plants. Need which gas to perform photosynthesis. Say it. Doesn't say done. Done. Done. Carbon dioxide. Plants. Need which gas to perform photosynthesis. The answer is. - Question number three, which is the largest animal on earth. Yeah. even a bonus point. If someone said KSI. - I'm giving the smoke to you, bro. Is it? - It's a race when I choose this race. - It's my classmates. Tell us next time please. No. - Where. - Is the smallest bone in the human body? - As well, 10 year. - Old. He's back in school. What is the body's biggest organ? Wait, wait, let me see what you put. What did you say? - Well, it's the skin is the skin Tobi canal. It doesn't mean squat. It means it means nothing. You're rushing too quick. Henry Henry. Don't have it. I believe. - Oh no. To work with such a mature person. See that smoke, smoke coming out. Nice. Henry. That was good. I want this round to be excited. Can. - We, can we also pension? So. - They're all going to be whoever answers first. Oh. - I was going to get the point and if you get it wrong, I will enable it to be a hand up. First. - Question fingers on it is surrounded by layers of gases. Collectively called the JJ. - No, no, no nothing. Didn't put his hand up first memories. You got 10, nine. Hey. - Fast pace. Boom. He gets the point. - I can't believe. - What just happened. And I'm lost for words, which country first used paper, money, India back out. - But I'm going to probably go for. - Italy. - That's wrong as well. It goes all over England. Nope. That's wrong? - Oh. - Stop. Stop. Stop. - I can't believe what's happening here. He's more excited when he beat Logan. Right? Remember? And up first dancer. - Which travels? Faster light or sound. - Who's went up first then. - Boom. - And that is because you run around like an idiot. - Number four. What's the fastest land animal. That was Henry again. Ostrich. - Big. Oh, lucky Henry. I'm the final general knowledge question. Ooh. - A single piece of coil DNA is called. That was Vic. Oh no, he's got it. He's gone there. What'd you say? What'd he say chromosome chromosome, but what you said quietly. Thank you very much, Henry. It's been a pleasure. - We now go on to another subject. Oh God boys. What do you want? You want history? History. I want history. Yeah. I'm lost. I don't know. Oh, history. You did them on history. You've been around for a long time. You've been around for ages. You don't want me for English, bro? They're pretty good. Pretty good. Stepping up to take Josh. Go. - Harry on Hey history will be max again. - He knows like. - Okay. Speaking about military. I'll go in which year did world war two begin and end? 1945. We knew that. Did you, do you want to do races? I don't know. What'd you want to do shots for pain by the way you want to do something with them? I might do erase some of them. Am I right? All right. Got you. That's smart. That's what I'm looking for in class. Okay. Number two. Where do many historians think the plague originated? - Which one? Wait, wait, which one? Write it now please. - Where do many historians think zipped plate originated the back plate originated. - It. It says the plate. Many plagues. Is it the locust plague of the Bible? It just says favours. - The black plague. All right. Where did the plant originate? China. China. China. Where do many historians think the plate originated? The answer is. - Look like the dummy plague. So. - Number three, who was the famous prime minister? Who led Britain through world war II. Winston Churchill. - What's it called? I wrote it down ages ago. Let us for the Falklands war. So smart. Exactly. Episode, like two days ago. - Well, the answer was Winston Churchill. You have to see. Yeah. So that's who, that's a good start, right? Right. Because you're complaining. You can both have. - I'm telling you now I never want to be a teacher. You. - Just control the class. Right? We're not going to race anymore. We're going to write that answers and then we're going to go. - Yeah. Just please. Great. - We'll make approximate. Cause if we get it wrong, we look stupid. That's funny, but you'll get it. Right? Number three. - What is the abbreviation V E day. Stand for, please write it down. What does the abbreviation V E V E I'm to say, write it down. - Let's say right now. - What's the next one. We know your daughters come in and you ask them to write down. - What's yours. Veteran's exercise day or eating day. I know it's a. - Play guys. - Number four, who was behind the gunpowder plot? All the houses of parliament in 1605. - Remember every year. - Gunpowder, treason and plot. You both get them like designer. - Clothes. They both have guy force written down. That means you both get the point. - The sky for question numbers. Four number five. Okay. What happened on the 6th of June? 1944. Josh. - Was born. I know. - What it is. I know it is. Then what happened on the 6th of June 19. He knows this because he thought the answer is you put D-Day landings and you had it is D-Day. Thank you very much, max. Next up for history. We have an, a, you got this. Which year was the battle of Hastings. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You both get the point. So if we sing the song, do we get a bonus point? - Oh, it's going to counsel you on Twitter. I can't believe right. - Please write down the answers and then we'll reveal. Yeah. All right. How many wives did Henry the eight have. And how many of those did he kill? Please write them down. I think you've read it wrong, bro. How many wives did he have and how many of these did he kill? Have you written it down? Yeah. Yeah. And you had, you had six wives. Oh, so two diets. You've got the headed. The answer is, and he'd be headed two of them. - Oh no, no. You said pool. - Number three. Why? The stone age called the stone age. I started down as best. I noticed, I notice, I notice these writes it down. He's going to write the Flintstones were about no, no, no you haven't. Because of that reason, I think so. It's that as part of that age, that's one of the processes. What do you have written? Yeah. - Just show that they used the stains. Why they did fire gas twos. And you have. - What's what we said too. I said they, they made the wheel from stone. - No, no, no. He never said that they made the wheel. So that is certainly not the answer. - It was a time when the tools were made out to shut the bronze agent. - Have you ever made with a wheel, but we made the. Hey, you could have shot him with a knife. No, we'll go. All right. Well I know you get support. Yeah. Yeah. It's a tool. next up. - Angry. What vegetable did the British credit? Their nighttime bombing success with in order to cover up their use of radar technology. But it was too shallow side memory acts. Yeah. I know this though. I've just read that out. - What did the British credit nighttime bombing success with in order to cover. - Up their use of radar technology? You read it. - Out. I'm not sure why I've. - Gone. What did you have? Oh. - Well we put Ethan at first and then we probably our actual walls. We put carrot because it has a carrot. They've called me a vegetable they're chops, but you're not a vegetable. So you're still moving. Thanks. Nice to meet. - You both get the point now. Come on. What did. - Early stone-age people use as houses? What did early stone age people use as houses? That's what I would have said. Yeah, that's not, but you sure? Yeah, bro. Are you sure it's not a wheel brother? Nah, nah. Oh yeah, for sure. Because I use them as a house. It didn't make the house. They use the other house. Yeah. Yeah. - Incorrect. Oh. - Do you have written down? thank you very much for playing on the history. Boom. Respect one. The subject left. - Next stop here. English. No need to spin the wheel or you have to get this carrot. Caves. Yeah. Each one is the vegetable stepping up first for English will be Ava. Could you please find the objectives in the sentence? The sound of JGs drill was terribly loud. What were they called, sir? As in like my music find the objectives in the sentence. - It's not terribly loud. It's just terrible. - Henry. He drops another one. He drops the number one so you can drop it. I mean he did Al dance hall with them again. I keep having to remind the. - Sound of JJs. Drill is terribly loud. Sounds JJ. Sterns. - Incredibly. No, no. Don't. - Fall for what I'm saying. It's loud. It's loud. Both a point. That's me. I see I'm confused. I don't know. What's the objective in the sentence was loud. Objective. Number two. Where was William Shakespeare born? I'm a great writer. Hotline. What are we talking? We're talking countries talking, sit here and talk and play. - For Tottenham, retail park and Ava Stratford upon Avon. Now it makes sense to pause. Shop. - Food. It's a completely different Number three. Choose the list that has been alphabetized. Alphabetized. - Alphabet, alphabet, alphabetize. - Correctly. Is it a Welsh? Irish, English. Scottish, B Irish, English Welsh. Scottish C English, Irish, Scottish Welsh or D English Welsh. Scottish. Irish. We have them written down on Simon. Yeah. So you've gone for see both of you both get a point, correct? Oh, run smart cry. Now. Now I'm going to be asking you to identify something in this next sentence. Yep. I know we struggled on that last time, but don't worry. Identify a modal verb. - In the sentence. Tobi hopes. - That he would see the goats and sheep at the farm. Identify the modal bulb in the centre. Tobi hoped that you would see the goats, bro. Righty. Can I please hit your answer? Oh, it's messed up. - W hope. - It's gotta be right. Is it not C? Is it C oh ladies and gentlemen. You've all got it wrong. You see Tobi hope that you would see the goats and sheep at the wrong time. But, but they've been a time. Can you describe it please? I want to hear I've got time. I can't describe it for you. So I don't know what to say. No. Okay. Well you're. - The teacher. I'm merely a paid actor. It's an auxiliary. - Verb. The expressions, necessity or possibility. So shall woods will, should, could. And Mike, there you go. So we got right. We said, we hope that we would, we said would. - Stop finessing number five in which Shakespeare plate. - Has the quote. The course of true love. Never did run smooth. Is it a Romeo and Juliet? B Hamlet. See a Midsummer night's dream or D Macbeth. Which answer have you gone for a Romeo and Juliet? Yeah, unfortunately wrong. It is C a Midsummer night's dream in school. You know, watch that for what school? It can't be right. Let's Google it. What's the course of true love. Never did run smooth Midsummer night's dream. Thank you very much. We now flip it over for five final questions with Jasmine. Please identify the verb in the following sentence. Ethan hurt his toe whilst playing well. That's so easy. - What is it? That if you take the sat, all right. Easy. What answers do you have? Jasmine. - And you have hurt. I'm playing. Was the. - You said exactly caught you up. - Before we sit down, let's have a question. What do you mean? All the side of a merge and I have made side events. Scissors where you can fix your hairline. Okay. Hang on. - I'm ignoring him. - I. I want to hear what he said. - We'll meet him in the edit. Okay. Why have you made all this Ottoman much? And hadn't made, haven't made a Simon scissors to fix Judy's hairline. Oh. - I write that down. Write that down the next question. Good idea. Thank you. Which word isn't odd to see? The thing is, I can't say these words. - The answers. Which word? Which word is an antonym of difficult. Whoa. Oh. - It'd be. I don't want to mess it up. Antonym. Joanne's name is, is there options by any? Yes there is. Is there two options? There is three hard, easy, impossible. Don't know how I had them written down or yeah. Easy. Easy. I'm having a nightmare. Anthony means not easy it possible because you keep tricking me. Cause you're my voice. I'm like, I'll be all right. According to the nursery rhyme, who was quite contrary? Bobby Shafto, Jill, Mary, or the farmer's wife. You sent a video recently. Just a farmer's wife's name is contrary. Not conscious. - Different words. - Cause he's running me bro. I'm embarrassed. - Pawnbrokers he's got me say he's having a breakdown. - Contrary on the contrary. Mary. Oh, you got it. Right? (contestant laughing) - This is a howler Number four.. Which word can go before ache, brush and paste to make three other words. - And the don't question in the guy smoke. - Identify the in the following sentence. Harry always arrives early. That's true. Yeah. - Well, ladies and gentlemen, you've got the questions correct. Thank you very much for playing. Oh, you smarter than a 10-year-old. Could we please put on the screen, the total scores for the day? (light music) - Not so smart are you! - You are the pinnacle of stupid so you should be ashamed of yourself! - Please. - You're a disgrace. - Sick! - I'm not here. - You said- - I'm not here. - You were terrible. (all laughing) - I love it, I love it. - Learn your geography. - Ladies and gentleman thank you very much- - I just missed that. - For tuning into, "Are You Smarter Than a 10-year-old." Goodbye. (all applauding) (groans) That was unreal. (contestants laughing) (soft music)
Channel: Sidemen
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, Are you smarter than a 10 year old, sidemen are you smarter than a 10 year old, Sidemen take exams
Id: 6ZCtuKvBYcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 3sec (4623 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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